Even Faux noticed? Doesn’t starting war with Iran count?
ZerlinaMaxwell Zerlina Maxwell
.@FoxNewsLive commenting on how no one in the Republican field has any plans on the economy. Only one who did was Herman Cain. #iowadebate
TrueRonPaul Ron Paul
@ronpaultips @ElderDbruce Ron Paul is racist as hell. He just keeps it quiet. ronpaulexposed.wordpress.com moronpaul.tumblr.com/post/140687313…
Bito, that is so true but the old fart was the only one I could find a few things to agree with tonight. Damn him! I wouldn’t vote for him because I know all the other stuff. I hope those young people do too.
Bito, Murph, and AdLib you can watch FOX give their opinions of how the debate went. I have to go over to Rachel. Sorry guys but that is all of FOX I can take!
How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?
A tad late, but I posted this on MB yesterday morning.
Michael Tomasky on Ron Paul.
Ron Paul: Batty Old Reactionary for President
Dec 14, 2011 6:11 PM EST
However delightful it would be for Ron Paul to whip Newt and Mitt in Iowa, Paul’s hipster supporters need to realize just how far right he really is.
BTW I heard Perry pulled the Tebow card. I told everyone he’s the poster child for the Christainists.
Yes he did, KQ.
Glad I watched football instead of this debacle. Falcons win 41-14.
Even Faux noticed? Doesn’t starting war with Iran count?
ZerlinaMaxwell Zerlina Maxwell
.@FoxNewsLive commenting on how no one in the Republican field has any plans on the economy. Only one who did was Herman Cain. #iowadebate
Huntsman fail: These debates will inspire more trust in us candidates.
What a load of BS, can he read a poll?
I saw some idiot “progressive” say he likes Huntsman because he will go against the banks unlike Obama. 🙄
TrueRonPaul Ron Paul
@ronpaultips @ElderDbruce Ron Paul is racist as hell. He just keeps it quiet. ronpaulexposed.wordpress.com moronpaul.tumblr.com/post/140687313…
Bito, that is so true but the old fart was the only one I could find a few things to agree with tonight. Damn him! I wouldn’t vote for him because I know all the other stuff. I hope those young people do too.
Bito, Murph, and AdLib you can watch FOX give their opinions of how the debate went. I have to go over to Rachel. Sorry guys but that is all of FOX I can take!
I have no desire to stay with Fox unless I have to….so I am over at MSNBC with Big Ed.
Murph, you are right, it is Ed not Rachel. Those Repubnuts got me confused more than usual.
What a joke! Fox asks all these question to diss the candidates they don’t want then ask, “Why are you breaking the Reagan 11th commandment?”
IOW, can’t we all just agree with the GOP Elite and make Romney our nom so he doesn’t get so beat up?”
That debate was total BS, worst one so far IMHO
With you there, Bito!
Agreed, worst of these debates to date.
Hey, Bachmann Sparkle face, we are better off under 4 years of Obama than 8 years of Bush!
1 in 2 Americans are poor. The Legacy of GOP economy policy (with assists from corporatist Dems)…that’s what Obama is living with.
AHHHH, AdLib, did you see the halo appear over Gingrich head when he answered how nice he is to everyone except Obama.
Don’t speak bad about your fellow repub because we don’t know which one of you jokers is going to be the nom. And, you are on tape!
Michele Bachmann’s face, courtesy of Spackle Magic.
Bachmann: My facts are correct in my own head.