AdLib : If only I had your legs!
KQuark : Ah AdLib if I only had your eternal optimism mon ami.
AdLib : 2013 is when the ACA really kicks in with state exchanges. Then, Obama will look like FDR.
KQuark : Yup that’s what I think too.
AdLib : KQ – In the long run, I think Obama would have suffered more from taking Rahms advice.
KQuark : Good night AdLib and Sally.
KQuark : The sad part is it kinda proved that playing cynical politics wins in this country. Obama could have listened to Rahm allot more and gotten allot less done and perhaps done better at the polls. But like Obama I’m the long term strategist type and think if you do what you think is best for the people it will eventually pay off.
AdLib : Looks like it’s about that time to call it a night, here at the Vox Populi Bar and Grill. Have a great weekend KQ and Sally! Thanks to all for making it another great edition! See you next week!
AdLib : Night Chris! Take care!
AdLib : KQ – I truly couldn’t believe that less than 2 years after the Repubs and Bush blew up our economy and got us into a massive unnecessary war…people were open to putting them back into power! It did confirm that Americans are emotional voters with very short term memories.
KQuark : Take care Chris.
KQuark : There is a point when OWS is going to have to make a choice at least every individual in OWS will have to make their individual choice.
ChrisR266 : Well, must sign off, folks. Good to read and converse with you tonight. May the force be with you all.
KQuark : Oh I agree with that 100% AdLib that’s my point and add short memories.
SallyT : The OWS is not too fond of either party but they know that between the two the Dems come closest to their way of thinking. But, they will expect the Dems to perform if they get them there.
ChrisR266 : Exactly, KQ. Kind of like the perfect storm. I found myself thinking metaphorically of Stephen King’s The Stand the other day. This situation seems similar to me.
KQuark : Yeah but you would of thunk eight years of Bush was lesson enough that’s all I’m saying. We are on our third marriage using that analogy now.
AdLib : KQ – In general, Americans vote with their emotions, not their brains. In 2010, they were upset that Obama hadn’t waved a magic wand and fixed decades of destruction to our economy in a year and a half. This year, they seem pissed off that Congress won’t help them and that the wealthy are getting everything while they keep losing. The anger now is not at Dems but at Repubs and the wealthy. So, for right now, the wind seems to be at our back and people’s concerns seem to be more realistic for a change.
ChrisR266 : Exactly, K
KQuark : I know what you mean Chris. I’m also aware that the GOP does not have something to use like the debt ceiling to black mail Dems either. It’s really a convergence of events.
SallyT : Yah, KQ, I was stupid the first time I married but that didn’t mean I was going to be the next time. People do wise up but sometimes it takes a cold bucket of water to the face.
ChrisR266 : KQ: Well, You have a point. But we could argue for a few hours about Dems showing more “backbone.” What OWS is doing is great because it does not and cannot worry about governing. The Democratic Party has always worried about governing, and doing it well (i.e. in the best interest of all our nation’s citizens). That “eff’s” with the notion of backbone, bigtime. Frankly, I’m tired of people whining about Dems not having backbone. I’m a bleeding heart liberal and a proud Democrat because I don’t let my backbone get in the way of doing what must be done to help the most people I can. How’s that?
KQuark : Yeah but Sally people were still stupid enough to have teabaggers take over the House. I know there is buyers remorse now but face it people let it happen.
AdLib : KQ – Agreed, consider that after the 2010 election, the agenda was what the Kochs wanted, only on cutting the deficit. Now, emboldened by OWS, Obama and the Dems are standing tough on taxing the wealthy instead. A huge debt is already owed to OWS for changing the sensibilities in DC from being in a Beltway Bubble to reflecting how real people feel.
SallyT : AdLib, I think that will happen and in fact is happening. People aren’t as stupid as they appeared to be back before the internet. They know that it is just a few banks, corporations, and rich that control the world economy. They are no way as big as the mass of the people world wide.
AdLib : Chris – Yes, I’ve been saying this from the start. OWS doesn’t need to be aligned with Dems politically, they are however naturally aligned with the sensibilities of Dems and 99% of the nation though. And their energizing that awareness helps the Dems.
KQuark : Put it this way OWS has changed the national conversation and put the ball in the Dems court again. Now we’ll see if the Dems hold serve.
ChrisR266 : Sally: Yep. As Long as they stay out front and as vocal as the law and militia will allow, We have a chance.
AdLib : Sally – That is an important point about OWS, it is global. The wealthy have inordinate power all over the world and the people seem to be rising up independently against it. Now just imagine…what if the majority came together around the world?
KQuark : That’s what I’m saying too Chris. But there is a relationship with the Dems being able to show more backbone and OWS bringing up traditionally liberal causes.
SallyT : All over the world the little guy is getting kicked to the curb and social needs elimated while the rich get richer. OWS isn’t just on Wall Street. It is on Main Streets all over the world and people are fed up with it.
KQuark : Absolutely sally.
ChrisR266 : AdLib and KQ: I don’t think OWS has to be on any side at this point–they must, though, keep people’s attention focused on the problem, and by inference the reality that one Political party and ideology is only contributing to the problem. The GOP/TEA look like a bunch of boozy clowns when the persist in pursuing policies like they did this week. It is a travesty of errors of the highest order. I don’t know how the hell they recover from this.
SallyT : Another thing is the world economy and the rich is seen all over as the source to the evil. The banks have destroyed countries. So, there is an awakening all over, not just here.
KQuark : And OWS did a great job of forcing Dems to stick to their own principles as well. It really has become synergy as detached as they are.
AdLib : Chris – It’s so cartoonishly exaggerated now, the Repub position on destroying SS and Medicare, taxing the poor, slashing food programs for children while campaigning for bigger tax cuts for the wealthy…it seems so absurd to me that anyone except the that 25% of voters who are lockstep Repubs and the top 1% could support the GOP anymore.
KQuark : I’m not underestimating it at all AdLib. I’m just saying when they were on the sidelines there was no vehicle to show they were de facto on the same side as Dem policies whether they say they are with Dems or not.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I wholly agree. Thank the force for OWS. It has helped people understand exactly WHAT was wrong. It gave it voice and phrased it in a way that people understand.
SallyT : Just because they might be disappointed in Obama on somethings, they will still be there to vote for him and all the other Dems we need in the house and senate. They know that dems there will push Obama more in the directions they want. They will vote for him.
AdLib : OWS should never be underestimated for the energy and agenda it’s generating, even though the Repubs are doing so. Add OWS to the Repub Circus and Obama fighting for taxing the wealthy to pay for the 99% to have a better standard of living…is it really a tough call for indie voters?
ChrisR266 : It has taken 30 years and very much pain, but the GOP ideology of “piss on you American Dream” has been fully exposed for the intellectual and pragmatic fraud that it always was. And, so has the larger ideological “unbridled free market” usurpation of governance been exposed as well.
KQuark : As long as they are doing something positive I don’t care if they get on board with Dems or not. It was the constant sitting on the sidelines and just complaining that was so destructive.
AdLib : KQ – If things go as we hope and as they’re shaping up, I think the emoprogs will join the Baggers in the dustbin of history.
KQuark : That’s why OWS is so good too. Every time I had someone work for me or was on my team that was the squeaky wheel type I would give them something they said they wanted to do. Of course it still had to be something worth while but as long as they were occupied they were happy.
AdLib : Chris, I think you’re right. The death of the GOP under Bush led to Night of the Living Dead GOP which came to eat our brains but now that they’re exposed as zombies, they may very well have run out of options as a legit opposition party
KQuark : No matter how much “disappointing ” in Obama the emoprogs try to build up the real base of the Democratic party loves Obama. He’s outpacing donations from individuals this time.
ChrisR266 : All: We have been waiting for the GOP to implode, and we are watching it happen right now. They cannot and will not be able to mount a ground game to win this election that even the base can’t get focused about. The feds will be all over any state that even smelled like it was not kosher in 2004. They’re going down, hopefully for a very long time.
KQuark : I agree AdLib the two scenarios now for the GOP are a base candidate, Newt who’s got little independent appeal and Romney who is hated by the base. You could not ask for two better scenarios.
AdLib : KQ – Agreed but it only proves Mitt is unlikely to win that the majority of Repubs STILL won’t support him when all the alternatives are knocked down…in fact, they’ll return to the first guy that was knocked down and give him another try rather than support Romney. I don’t think Romney can attract a majority of Repubs!
KQuark : BTW we don’t talk about it much but I love Obama pivoting to Asia and away from the Mideast. That’s where the future foreign policy concerns lie and Obama is two steps ahead.
ChrisR266 : KQ: And, he still doesn’t have a chance, no way no how. But if that rabid republican base want to hitch to his wagon, let em! Let him suck them in hook line and sinker. He knows he will never, ever, be President.
SallyT : Notto take anything away from Newt being the biggest dork but I think Obama had nothing to worry about going up against any of those the GOP have to choose from.
KQuark : I really did not see Newt having a chance just a little over two weeks ago.
KQuark : 100% agree there Chris
KQuark : It all depends on the environment before the election and allot of that environment is out of the US’s control. I think the biggest thing now is to wait and see what happens with Europe. They still are our biggest customer.
ChrisR266 : KQ: Yep. Clinton is just damn ecstatic right now. Actually, so am I. We couldn’t have asked for a better scenario.
AdLib : There is always the unpredictable but unless something comes out that knocks Gingrich off in the few weeks left before IA, Romney has to sweep up everything quickly or I don’t see how he wins.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I do not think a full control sweep in 2012 is out of the question. I think it is quite probable, especially given that only a GOP fool would step in and try to save this mess.
AdLib : The old saying is that it’s always darkest before the dawn, maybe all of this horrible corporate domination of our wealth and government will drive the majority to embrace real change and a rejection of them.
KQuark : Yeah he does. Clinton is probably rooting for Gingrich the most now.
ChrisR266 : KQ: And, Clinton will do it. He LOVES that shit. He is a master, and he doesn’t mind getting dirty. The last of a dying breed, I hope not.
KQuark : Add the good parts of the ACA kicking in and well … one election at a time. 2012 is still going to be very tough because something else can happen in the world.
AdLib : Chris – Perfect, I absolutely do!
AdLib : You know…if Obama and the Dems win control in 2012 and the Senate controls the filibuster, the Dems would be in a position to accelerate a recovery and as under FDR, Americans would regard the Dems as the party that rescued America and sideline the Repubs for a very long time.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Remember this one? “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am… stuck in the middle with you.”
KQuark : I think you are right Chris. Clinton can do allot of the dirty work so Obama does not have to.
ChrisR266 : KQ: I’d half think about it, too. He’s just about the best at connecting with people I’ve ever seen. He’s the best.
KQuark : Yup there is a huge schism in the GOP that the media just won’t talk about. Far bigger than the so called split in 2008 in the Democratic party.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I meant Bill Clinton. He is the ace in the hole for Obama, because he knows Newt better than any other. He’s already been out there setting up the big fall. Talking about what he admires in Newt and all? Just the ointment before he slams down the hamnmer.
AdLib : Chris – And the big picture thing is, if the GOP is seen by most Americans as a clown show of extremists and nutjobs, how can that not color the Congressional races in favor of Dems where possible?
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Even the most intransigent of independent and moderate republican voters know that they are looking at crap and sewage on the GOPTEA ticket. Nothing makes any of it smell any better.
KQuark : Actually AdLib I think both too.
KQuark : Chris great point. If I was Obama I might pick BC as my running mate. jk jk
AdLib : Chris – Bill Clinton? You mean Obama? And I totally agree. I think Newt is best positioned to win now and that will make Obama’s re-election a landslide.
KQuark : I agree 100% Chris. Not being able to run on his record is just a right wing talking point.
AdLib : Sally, that’s surprisingly pleasant news to hear from Bloomberg TV. It gives me more confidence that the national sensibility will be there as well in 2012 and instead of the doom and gloom many predicted for Obama and the Dems this summer, I think we could have a big win.
ChrisR266 : KQ: I am quite happy with Newt looking like the insurgent for as along as he and the GOPTEA wants him to be the candy boy. He will never, ever be president. Bill Clinton will DESTROY him.
KQuark :
I read that what a joke. Obama is the best Dem campaigner since JFK. Even Clinton did not have his mojo to poll so well in bad times.
KQuark : The environment is bad for Romney over there too. He’s seen as the establishment because he’s been running for prez for six years. While ironically the ultimate Washington insider Newt looks like the insurgent.
AdLib : KQ – This morning on MSNBC’s “Propaganda Corner” one RW puppet claimed that Obama was like Romney, neither were good “retail” campaigners. HUH? Obama is no good on the stump? WTF? The BS just oozes out of MSNBC as it does at the other propaganda channels in the first half of the day.
ChrisR266 : KQ: When it is time, Obama, will be able to run on his record. It is quite impressive. And, it is substantial to quite a few voters.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: You betcha! We’re riding that win for all its worth, LMAO!
SallyT : Okay, just so AdLib won’t think they just had lead lining thinking on there tonight, they also said that the unemploy hadn’t gotten worst and that was really something considering everything. They said that the “lead” was the GOP and not letting Obama get anything done.
KQuark : Yup and that’s why Romney repeating her mistakes is political malpractice.
AdLib : Chris – Wow! That’s been a long Issue 2 celebration!
ChrisR266 : FYI: Sherrod Brown has been under heavy attack here in Ohio, all the courtesy of the United States Chamber of Commerce. They’re proud enough to own their own ads here.
KQuark : I always laugh when they say Obama can’t run off his record. What and the GOP can run off their record the last four years. Their record of doing nothing but obstruct.
AdLib : KQ – Or how about Obama running against Hillary and winning because she supported and voted for the Iraq War but when running, said she opposed it? Just think, had Hillary not voted for the Iraq War, there might not have been an opening for Obama and she would probably have been president
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Sally. I’ve been drinking and carousing, and haven’t watched a lick of news today for the first time in weeks.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Agreed. The biggest pile of BS piled on early in the GOPTEA campaign season. It’s crap.
SallyT : Oh, I was watching Bloomberg News and Political Capital.
KQuark : Actually where I’ve seen the Kerry example is all over conservative blogs.
No thine enemy.
AdLib : Chris and Sally – When the meme being shouted out of all pundits’ mouths this year was, “If unemployment isn’t below 7%, Obama can’t win,” always pissed me off because it was a BS meme. The number is irrelevant if the public thinks Obama is doing the best job possible under the circumstances. Would a majority of voters think Newt would do better? That’s the question, the number thing was the “insight” of empty minds.
ChrisR266 : Hi Sally: I saw you just fine. I was just wondering where/what you were referring to re the discussion and what you were referencing–I missed it when I read up.
KQuark : A better example would be trying to nominate a Dem that approved Gitmo or torture.
SallyT : I am here Chris. You couldn’t find me? I do blend into the woodwork sometimes.
KQuark : Adlib absolutely and the base was behind Kerry in 2004 much more than the GOP base in 2012 with Romney.
KQuark : It would help a hellofallot if it was under 8% even if it’s only a number
ChrisR266 : Sally: Where were you?
AdLib : KQ – I think it’s worse than Kerry and Bush, Romneycare was THE model for the ACA! They’re interconnected! How can he escape that?
SallyT : I don’t think they were finding a lead lining. They were pretty much for the Dems tonight. They also said tht they don’t thinki the unemploy rate will affect Obama being reelected. They pretty much think it is his.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I think you are right about the unemployment numbers not being decisive in the upcoming election. It ain’t about the unemployment number, it’s always about jobs, and being able to make your own way.
AdLib : That’s 120,000 last month. Around 3 million jobs have been added under Obama.
KQuark : Yup good example AdLib.
AdLib : Sally – That’s all true but the economy also added 120,000 jobs so though they would like to find a lead lining to every cloud, the employment front is indeed improving.
AdLib : KQ – Add to that people who are starting up their own business, working as consultants or finding an out of the box way to earn money. None of this is necessarily bringing in enough income for them but many people are figuring out other ways to squeak by.
KQuark : It was like Kerry trying to attack Bush on the Iraq War in 2004.
SallyT : AdLib, I am just quoting Bloom here but they say the unemploy went down also because of those dropping off and more taking early retirment.
KQuark : Exactly AdLib. Romney simply can’t attack Obama on the thing they hate most Obamacare.
AdLib : Consider all the front runners in the GOP, they have all been “mavericks” who are fraudulently “mavericky” to the far right. That’s Newt, the perfect maverick fraud. Romney’s just a fraud.
KQuark : I just wish people would remember all the reasons people are no longer looking for work. Since allot of workers are public sector workers losing their jobs they are taking the option of early retirement. Not to mention the baby boomers are just turning 65 now.
AdLib : KQ – Agreed. And keep in mind what the Baggers want most in a candidate, someone who will be their surrogate to pour the hatred on Obama for them. And that’s not Romney.
AdLib : Chris – So true! Sants must be a Dem!
KQuark : Biggest thing to keep in mind AdLib is what the GOP base will forgive and won’t AdLib. Adultery, corruption, hypocrisy are all fine. Even flip floping in public are fine. But not being conservative in office is a fatal flaw.
AdLib : Sally – That could be correct though it is at 8.6% now and we haven’t even gotten fully into the holiday hiring period. Even so, though jobs will be a big issue for voters, I don’t think the unemployment numbers will be decisive. Obama has a jobs plan, all the Repubs have are tax cuts for the wealthy. So even in an election about high unemployment, I think Obama does better than his GOP opponent on that issue.
ChrisR266 : I assume you all ran through how this is the best Christmas gift a liberal over 40 could have ever hoped for…
SallyT : They are calling the GOP is a reality show for FOX news.
KQuark :
ours too Chris
AdLib : I’ll incorporate this into my article next week but I think that the states needed to win the nom slant towards the more extreme right and southern candidate. Romney is at a disadvantage if he can’t wrap it up quickly.
ChrisR266 : Hi KQ and AdLib. Hope you are both well. I see we’re talking about NEWt. My favorite subject as of late.
KQuark : I think Newt can lock down SC and FL relatively easy but he’s got to show well in either IA or NH.
SallyT : Rich Miller says the unemploy rate a year from now should be 8.4. He is on Bloomberg
KQuark : Romney at this point has to do well in IA.
AdLib : Hey Chris!
AdLib : Damn! One more time, if Romney doesn’t win NH in a big way and Newt wins FL too as he would be likely to, he would have far more delegates than Romney and the whole South ready to come his way. When you look at the state-by-state of it instead of national polls, you can see how Newt could indeed win.
KQuark : hi Chis welcome
ChrisR266 : Hello all, I’m arriving late, but wanted to stop by and see how y’all are.
AdLib : Whoops…I was saying, if Romney doesn
KQuark : NRO is still in the tank for Romney too but again I would rather have Murdoch on my side in the GOP.
AdLib : Sally – Ron Paul is going after Newt but I don’t think anyone who’s not already supporting Paul will care about his attacks. Again, Baggers ignore anything that conflicts with what they want. They’ll ignore Paul as they have, I’ll bet, and Newt will be a good bet to win IA and SC. If Romney doesn
KQuark : Good point AdLib he does not need a Palin. He can get the base to love him if he acts like it’s 1994. Believe me allot of conservatives would like to forget the Bush years.
AdLib : Not at all, Murph. Thanks for the link.
SallyT : These guys on Bloomberg Political Captial are saying they still think it will be Romney,.
KQuark : Nah Paul really does not have that much influence on the average GOP primary voter. Like AdLib said it’s almost a badge of courage for the strong defense GOP.
AdLib : KQ – That is interesting. Though Newt is McCain and Palin rolled into one.
MurphTheSurf3 : I know I do this a lot….but forgot to leave something I promised. Good article on Occupy Congress. «link»
SallyT : No, no, AdLib, they are saying he will have an impact on Newt.
AdLib : Sally, don’t believe it. Ron Paul will never win a plurality of Repubs. He’s anti-war and pro-drugs. These pundits just like to have something different to say, I doubt many of them even believe the stuff they write about.
KQuark : I’m pretty sure he’s quitting I was half being snarky.
AdLib : KQ – Yep and I agree with Sally that he won’t make a decision based on what his wife wants. Still, what’s the point of continuing when all it means is reminding people of what a jerk he is. And that’s got to be hurting his “career” anyway. He was thrilled by a possible role at Fox News, big book sales and speaking fees…now, disgraced and looking like a loser, he’d be best to get out of the spotlight for a while and resurface later.
KQuark : It’s pretty funny how Newt’s campaign this year is almost exactly mirroring McCain’s in 2008. Both were broke. Their staffs quit. etc…
SallyT : Oh, AdLib, Bloomberg tonight are talking about don’t count out Ron Paul.
KQuark : Yup Perry by himself and the help of Rove is sunk. Bachmann never had a chance either. Huntsman worked for Obama.
SallyT : Yes, AdLib, and he still has Christmas sales for his book either way.
AdLib : And the truth is, now that he has lost his 15 minutes and Newt has taken his place, he has no chance anymore.
KQuark : The only reason Cain won’t quit now is because NBC said he was going to quit. I mean how can the guy be “meeting” his wife for the first time when this scandals been going on so long.
SallyT : He doesn’t care about his family at all if you ask me. So, do they really have any pull????
AdLib : I can’t imagine how humiliated his wife must be but it seems clear that in actuality, he doesn’t really care so much about her.
SallyT : I really think his family have let him run out there without them because they know him. But, now that it is coming back on them because of his ego, they might just have a saying that he might have to listen to.
KQuark : Sorry had to do something real quick.
AdLib : I saw someone post that David Gregory was saying he had a source that said Cain will drop out but I don’t know, Cain’s ego is so huge, would he really voluntarily drop out of this big spotlight?
SallyT : I think he wants to keep himself in but I don’t know if his family will having anything to say for him not to.
SallyT : You know, AdLib, I don’t know. He can go either way.
AdLib : In a futile attempt to recapture popularity.
AdLib : So, what do you think, is Herman Cain’s big announcement tomorrow going to be him dropping out or just a stunt to say, “I’m in it to win it!”
SallyT : Night Murph and will see you on here tomorrow.
AdLib : Thanks Murph and thanks for the good work you’re doing. Night!
AdLib : It does seem like the stars are lining up for the Dems and Obama.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well all…I began the night feeling a bit lousy….tough week….but you have done your good deed….fell uplifted by your energy….wishin g you all a very good night….
SallyT : Night Kes. see you later.
AdLib : Night Kes!
AdLib : Murph – Didn’t hear about the Mike Check, fantastic!
kesmarn : G’night, Patsy! I think I’ll have to call it a day, too. Midnight in the Kingdom of K-Sick. Have a great weekend, all!
SallyT : Night Patsy.
MurphTheSurf3 : HUGE “RECALL” signs….Mic Check announcing that the Capitol’s was the people’s place and he could not charge them to be there….and then as he went to push the lighting button, half the crowd turned their backs on him….Excedrin Headache brought to you by Occupy and Recall.
AdLib : Night Patsy/Oatsy/POTU Sy!
kesmarn : Oh, that’s even better than a “mic check.” I’m proud of ’em!
PatsyT : Holy Cow I have got to pack it in. You all have a great weekend.
AdLib : Kes – As Murph referred to, they turned their backs on him and just stood silently. It was enormously cool!
AdLib : KQ – I predict that Walker will be recalled as will at least one more Repub state legislator early next year and along with a huge sigh of relief, momentum for restoring sanity to our government will grow…and many Baggers and Repubs will go down in Nov.
kesmarn : I hope they did a nice “mic check” on him. (Walker)
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…all that Walker will need very soon is a little mustache and a swoop of black hair to complete the picture very shortly. He got Occupied at the lighting of the Capitol Christmas Tree….wonderfu l.
kesmarn : Well done, Murph. Isn’t it a shame it took that to get the bank to come to the table?
KQuark : Those kind of hard line tactics only backfire AdLib as you know.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…we had a bank official and deputy show up. Our occupy took the form of a half dozen demonstrators, a lawyer, and a banker from a credit union. We had a reporter there. When the bank official saw the lay of the land, he gave his card to the homeowner and asked if she (the mother of four) would come to the bank “to work something out”. The attorney stepped in and said that he and she would be happy to come by but that the occupiers would be camping out in the back yard….just in case. Symbolic but a first step.
KQuark : Yeah I noticed since the DOJ announced it was going to look into police brutality the evictions have been much more peaceful but then again I don’t think that’s what some OWS wanted.
AdLib : What about Walker trying to decree that anyone who wants to protest on the public property of the Capitol have to pay for police and put deposits down? When you’re being recalled, is that really the smartest time to make tyrannical decrees preventing anyone but those with money the right to protest? This is actually great for the recall.
SallyT : Right, AdLib. The original TP is very different from the fake. That is why OWS doesn’t want to be infilitated and lets hope that aren’t.
kesmarn : Patsy, Cher posted about it on TO/OT this evening. Wants them to pay for police and clean up. Meanwhile FOX in NYC gets police protection that taxpayers pay $500,000/yr for!
PatsyT : Kes, Thats a new one to me!
KQuark : Sure OWS moving to main street gives them less visibility but it’s also doing more direct good.
AdLib : Sally – That’s because OWS is a real grassroots movement that is very widespread…and had the “good luck” to have police brutality force the MSM to start covering them. They’ve been successful despite the MSM, not because of them, unlike the fabricated Tea Party.
kesmarn : Murph, did sheriff’s deputies or anyone show up? Any confrontation/
MurphTheSurf3 : Took part in my first Occupy Foreclosure experience this week. Not very dramatic, but it made the point to the bank involved. This is a strange movement, but the people are VERY, VERY good.
SallyT : AdLib, OWS doesn’t watch FOX and they are getting a lot of notice and even from the original TP not the Koch/Fox TP.
kesmarn : Patsy, did you see that Walker wants to charge protesters for demonstrations at the capitol?
AdLib : KQ – That’s right, TPV.
KQuark : They are shaking in their boots at RS about WI including the upcoming Senate race.
KQuark : Wait I do remember reading it on people’s view.
kesmarn : Lots of buyer’s remorse in Ohio, Sally. I just hope they remember to vote next time. For the right people1
AdLib : Sally – So true! However, Fox does have enormous sway over GOP voters and inordinate sway in primaries so I do think that their championing Newt gives him an advantage that “Trumps” Romney’s organization and money. Fox gives Newt all of that AND opinion makers.
KQuark : Dang I don’t remember AdLib but it was one of them.
PatsyT : Is is just me or do Walkers eyes look like they are staring into the abyss?
SallyT : Yes, they have Kes, but as sad as it is they have maybe made people think a little before voting next time. One can hope anyway.
KQuark : FOX still has the biggest megaphone. Of course they failed pushing Romney but again Newt is just not that hated by the base as Romney was. Also like AdLib said the teabaggers were never independent of Fox or the Republican party they are not grass roots and have been co-opted for a long time.
SallyT : Not KnockOut but KQ
kesmarn : Unfortunately they’ve managed to do a lot of damage in the time they had, Sally. The FOX puppets I mean.
AdLib : KQ – Was it Angry Black Lady or People’s View that proposed doing this weeks ago? Occupying foreclosed homes? I thought it was a great idea and it’s very cool that it’s happening. As you say, spreading out across America and helping people keep their homes instead of gathering in a group where they can be beaten and gassed makes the protest more powerful.
SallyT : They have been forcusing on that for awhile here in Portland, KO.
SallyT : Yes, but FOXs guys that got elected are in a lot of trouble now.
KQuark : Exactly AdLib.
SallyT : Yes, but FOX
KQuark : I like that OWS has taken allot of their campaign off of Wall Street and into Main Street to help people who are getting foreclosed.
AdLib : Murph – Love it!
kesmarn : Yes, as much as you can sink your teeth into butter.
PatsyT : The Occupy movement has the world at their doorstep if they play it right
AdLib : Referring to Newt as that one more, that is.
MurphTheSurf3 : January 17…Occupy Congress….new date.
AdLib : KQ – What folks should remember is that Fox made the Tea Party a powerful force in this nation. If they could do that with a bunch of ignorant white racist men…what’s one more?
KQuark : The other think going for Newt is right wing radio was against Newt but I think they can sink their teeth into Newt. Oh terrible optics.
kesmarn : I’m hoping that after the winter, a new, invigorated Occupy will emerge.
PatsyT : Nighty Night to you AB
MurphTheSurf3 : I am back had to take a OCCUPY call.
AdLib : Night AB. You and Kes were hilarious tonight!
AdLib : Ron Paul has come in 1st and 2nd in straw polls but the Repub elite and Fox never spotlight that. He is seen as a fringe candidate that has no chance of winning. Whether that would have been the case otherwise, Fox has hammered into Repubs that he is to be disregarded.
kesmarn : G’night AB. Thanks for the giggles!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sabreen
KQuark : sleep well sabreen
AlphaBitch : I’m with you Sabreen. Fading fast. Can’t even read much less type. Night to all.
kesmarn : G’night, Sabreen! Sleepwell.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
KQuark : Plus I’ll take the Murdoch machine verses any single candidate in the GOP no matter what following they had. Look what Rove did to Perry. He can’t get out of 5th place now.
PatsyT : It could not be
Sabreen60 : Well good people, it’s time….Good Night All and stay safe.
SallyT : Don’t get me wrong, I think Obama will take Newt to the mat. Just not so sure he has the ticket, yet.
PatsyT : Kes, I could not be much more then that. I feel like this is a Republican Pageant and everyone is going to get a trophy.
kesmarn : Sally, every now and then Paul says something intelligent, like: “torture is wrong and we shouldn’t do it.” Not that I would vote for him…
KQuark : Oh I know his following is the most passionate on the right Sally but just saying in the primaries his voters will never amount to more than 5%.
AdLib : Sally – I think that Newt being attacked will only strengthen him. As Ron Paul and others attack him, he will naturally attack them back and look stronger and more vicious. Newt wins by being attacked, IMO.
kesmarn : Patsy, I think I only remember about three.
SallyT : Yes, Ron is batty but he does have a following and the indepents like to hear the stuff he says because it is not like the other politicans.
KQuark : And like we said earlier AdLib Fox News is in the tank for Newt now. That’s a big deal because they were holding Romney’s water before.
PatsyT : How many debates did they have for the last Democratic Ticket?
KQuark : Most of the Republican base sees Ron Paul as batshitcrazy like we do.
AdLib : KQ – Exactly. The mechanics of this week are pivotal. Cain is out, one way or another. Newt rises and attracts Cain’s voters. Mitt blows his cool and is a prick and a liar on Fox and in the eyes of many Repubs who watch Fox. Yes, Mitt could get some breaks and win but as of this week, Newt is in a stronger position to win and grow support and momentum. Romney has no momentum, just 20% of Repubs week in and week out.
KQuark : Exactly AdLib but you have to admit that was a stupid strategy. It’s not playing to win. It’s playing not to lose which is a bad strategy in any sport including political sport.
kesmarn : Yes, the Cain vote would go to Newt over Romney.
KQuark : Add Newt is getting the Cain vote at the right time too.
AdLib : KQ – Romney’s strategy was basically hiding from view and hoping everyone else blew up on their own. It was a good strategy until Newt came back, now, if Newt stays strong, Mitt is hamstrung by being nothing to anyone.
SallyT : The others haven’t piled on Newt, yet. I think Ron Paul will go after him hard. Not that Ron is a threat but he does have listeners.
Sabreen60 : I’ve from the so-called Professional Left that the “White House” really wants Newt to be the nominee. I don’t know how credible that is.
kesmarn : NPR reporter referred to Mitt as “brittle” today. That fits.
KQuark : Mitts negatives are skyrocketing and he could never get much higher than 25% anyway.
SallyT : I think Romney is still in the race and they will fight it out between them.
AdLib : Sally – It could be Mitt but I like to go with my gut and I don’t think Mitt can win any of the Southern states so I don’t see how he wins.
KQuark : Yup AB Republican Jesus does.
KQuark : I don’t think he’s a shoe in either but it’s his to lose now Sally.
AlphaBitch : KQ: Goes with the Jesus loves the little hypocrites thing, right?
kesmarn : Sally, what do you think? Romney?
Sabreen60 : I’m with you Sally. I think Romney will be the nominee.
KQuark : Oh yeah Kes but remember being a hypocrite is a plus in the GOP.
SallyT : You guys are all right about Newt but I still don’t think he is a shoe in for the nom. I will be the only hold out. There has to be atleast one of us, okay?
KQuark : What I realized is how dumb Romney’s strategy is. He really copied Clinton’s failed inevitability strategy of 2008. He never gave the republican voter something to vote for, besides the stupid electability argument.
kesmarn : I hear you, AdLib, and maybe a little bit of self loathing there, too. His poor mom! Ouch.
AdLib : Kes – Newt lies and flips on issues as much as Mitt so finding hypocrisy in him is like finding hay in a haystack.
KQuark : But the past two years have proved PPP is the best polling outfit to poll the whole populous.
AdLib : Murph – I agree with that article, this is where I am on Newt as well. He isn’t a flash in the pan, he’s the ONLY alternative left to Mitt and now that Fox has made it clear that they don’t like Mitt, Newt has a lot of firepower behind him.
kesmarn : KQ, interesting hostility toward welfare queens on Newt’s part, when he is the son of a 16 year old single mom.
KQuark : Sullivan always put them into perspective if you want a good poll on old white men they are the most reliable pollster out there.
AdLib : KQ – This is the only time I appreciate the corrupt and slanted Rasmussen poll. By showing that Newt beats Obama in their poll, they have taken away the only argument Mitt had for him over Newt. Love it!
KQuark : Newt has one serious thing Romney and the other other than Romney candidates do not have. A “good” conservative record on the national scene. Conservatives have not forgotten he ended the welfare queens in their eyes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Took me three tries to get this right…Duuuuuhh hhh….GREAT ESSAY ON NEWT AS POSTER BOY FOR THE TP FAIL….”Newt Gingrich is only the latest improbable Republican frontrunner, and unlike those who preceded him — Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain — he has a decent chance of sticking around. That’s partly due to necessity. Just a month from the Iowa caucuses, conservatives don’t have time to anoint a new savior. It’s also because, despite his copious shortcomings, he seems immune to what felled the others. An able debater, he won’t flop like Perry and Cain. He’s not a full-on nut like Trump. And his legislative record eclipses Bachmann’s, which barely exists.” «link»
AdLib : KQ – Exactly! And what these ignorant Baggers are, is ignorant Baggers. Easily manipulated from starting a Tea Party to allegedly oppose bailouts to banks…then being manipulated into protecting tax breaks (handouts) to banks. They are idiots, powered by their hatred and racism against Obama and a lying sack of manure like Newt is the perfect Music Man to get them marching behind him.
KQuark : The GOP was looking for someone else who polled well against Obama besides Romney and so far that’s Newt of course according to bias Rassmussen (sp) polls
PatsyT : The Mormon Guys are just to nice «link»
SallyT : Newt is saying anything now. But, they have tapes after tapes of him saying different.
kesmarn : I suspect the Koch’s would be fine with Newt.
SallyT : Who do the Koch brothers like?
KQuark : Newt knows all the buttons to push with conservatives like Reagan’s people did. He’s sending out dog whistles with this whole poor kids need to work as janitors garbage. It’s classic welfare queens with Cadillacs nonsense.
AdLib : Murph – You recognized my Gravatar from “Brazil”? Yep, what a brilliant film.
PatsyT : AdLib avi is from the film Brazil
AdLib : We’ve heard it endlessly, the Baggers want a nominee who will best attack Obama. They hate Obama and want a crude hater. That simply isn’t Mitt and never will be. Newt fits the part.
SallyT : I know, KQ, but I just can’t believe that they will go with Newt. I can’t believe that they are all that nuts! Okay, I have friends that are Republ, okay.
AlphaBitch : So do you think mocking the base will embarrass off indies?
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib..bet you like “Brazil” as well….a totalitarian insane asylum.
KQuark : Make no mistake AdLib it’s not baggers pushing Newt it’s the GOP establishment who decided Romney can’t win the nomination without the base destroying him.
AdLib : AB – :LOL: Newtmares!
AlphaBitch : Newt is a bully, and those GOP/TP folks are not the bravest in my mind. having to wear a gun at a rally. Puh-leae.
AdLib : Murph – Mars Attacks is one of my guilty pleasures films, have seen it a number of times.
Sabreen60 : Seems like folks love having their picture taken with Ariana. I saw one of her with Cornell West, Tavis Smilely and Dana Milbank. Then I saw another with Ariana and Michael Dyson. Birds of a feather…..
KQuark : Sally Newt is one big gaffe away from oblivion but he’s not Cain,Perry or Bachmann.
PatsyT : HA AB Newtmares! Thats the ticket!
AdLib : Newt winning the Nom would be exactly what we expected before the race began, that the Baggers would push for the most extreme candidate who couldn’t possibly win in a GE.
AlphaBitch : Oh geez Patsy. Now I’ll have newtmares.
KQuark : Did you see the quote I posted about Newt under Cher’s update it’s good fodder.
SallyT : I think a Obama vs Newt would be wonderful. I’m just not so sure, yet, that it is going to be Newt.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib….Oh my dear lord….the link is even funner than I recall…Martin Short is perfect.
PatsyT : AB thats the trouble with Newt how can you hate a guy that looks that good in a speedo?
AlphaBitch : Afraid of harpooning, he’d be.
kesmarn : How could he possibly sink, AB?
AdLib : KQ – That’s an article I was going to write this week but will next week. Newt IS the perfect GOP candidate.
KQuark : what doh
AlphaBitch : And you know Newt just had to look so good in his bathing suit. Snorkeling with Newt??
KQuark : Nope AdLib that should be fun and really Newt represents would the REAL GOP is now anyway.
AdLib : Newt’s dislikes are enormous and as vicious as he’ll get in a campaign, they’ll only grow. This would be fantastic!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….if there were a Olympic event for link posting…..you would go for the gold….love that link.
kesmarn : Patsy, that little photo of Aryana and Newtie on the cruise was prophetic,no?
AdLib : Could it get any better than Obama vs. Newt???
KQuark : Aryanna and Newt are BFFs
AdLib : Murph – At your suggestion, I just posted the video of Mars Attacks: «link»
KQuark : Well it does seem like he won the Murdoch primary and that’s all that matters.
PatsyT : Have you guys talked about the Huffpoo Newt connection … that huffpoo guy on MSNBC today was very kind to the Newt
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib from your lips to the ecodeities ears!!!!
AlphaBitch : So what’s your Newtie Patootie bumper sticker gonna read?
AdLib : KQ – I mentioned this earlier but I am thinking Newt has the advantage on winning the nom now.
kesmarn : Sabreen, that is excellent!
MurphTheSurf3 : Callista Mrs. Newt (the newtest one of the three) remind anyone of Burtons blonde alien from Mars Attacks! The one who sneaks into the White House and tries to Fry the Prez (Jack Nicholson)…sor ta makes sense. That’s her at the WH
Sabreen60 : Good Night Funk and Hello Quark!
AdLib : Murph – Europe is a big worry but after seeing what happened this week, in the end, I think the lessons from what happened in the US in 2008 has convinced world banks that they can’t let major banks and countries fail. As for the buying boom here, it’s real. More people are employed, more jobs are out there, I know it’s hard to have optimism after so much disappointment but I think we will continue to improve economically though probably much slower than this month.
KQuark : Like Maddow said last night it’s all about Fox News pushing for Newt now.
Sabreen60 : I posted this earlier,, but for those who didn’t read it, give it a look see. According to this article in Forbes Single Payer is on the way. Maybe the whiners will whine a little less and maybe trust a little bit in the President. «link»
PatsyT : She is from outta space!
SallyT : Night, Funk!
KQuark : Hope I didn’t miss all the Newtmentum talk.
AlphaBitch : Calista at the WH. Perfect!
kesmarn : Hah, love the Callista @ the WH vid!
AdLib : Seeya Funk!
KQuark : What did I say, night funk.
AlphaBitch : Oh – I thought Patsy wrote “naughty night”. Need glasses….
KQuark : As long as Dems can get extension of payroll tax holiday passed, unemployment benefits extended and most of all Europe doesn’t collapse the US economy is stronger than most.
MurphTheSurf3 : 18 Percent is the real unemployment rate but I will take any good new news….the issue right now is Europe which could implode at any moment….our housing foreclosures which are imploding….and the Christmas buying bubble which I fear is more desperation than confidence….DO OM AND GLOOM, I KNOW.
AdLib : Calista visiting the White House (H/T to Murph): «link»
kesmarn : G’night, funk!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Funk!
AlphaBitch : Bye Funkadoodle!
funksands : Gotta go folks! Hope to see you around. Keep your Ham Head Hate alive for the GOP!
kesmarn : Hey, KQ!
SallyT : AdLib, it shrunk last year too but back up after the holidays. I won’t hold my breath on that.
PatsyT : Sup KQ !
PatsyT : Ha So if newt ever gets caught without a fancy dinner engagement he can always snack on his wifes hair
AdLib : Hey KQ!! Sup back?
AlphaBitch : KQ!
AdLib : And what about this week for Obama? The stock market shoots up and unemployment shrinks to 8.6%. Repubs have to be shaking in their boots between that and what’s going on with OWS and their Presidential noms. Do folks here think the economy will continue to improve? If it does…what will the Repubs have to run on???
KQuark : Sup Planet?
AlphaBitch : Michelle O. can take down Cotton Candy Callista in a beat.
SallyT : Okay, you guys were so right, Rove hates Perry. Says he s/b charged with treason. Anyway, I looked Rove us and he is not for anyone according to his convers with Hannity. He says he not so sure RonPaul might have a good showing in Iowa. He said its Romney or Newt right now but he is waiting to see Iowa. So, he doesn’t have a guy for now.
funksands : Murph, you nailed it.
funksands : She looks like an extra from Star Trek the original series
PatsyT : I told them It’s ok It is just a left over Steve Jobs prototype I Head
AlphaBitch : Patsy: We once talked about doing a seg on White Trash Radio in Telluride on “how much is enough?” and talking about hair spray. I think Callista has the hairspray addiction.
MurphTheSurf3 : Mrs. Newt (the newtest one of the three) remind anyone of Burtons blonde alien from Mars Attacks! The one who sneaks into the White House…sorta makes sense.
kesmarn : Patsy reassure them: that will never happen to them unless they vote Republican!
AlphaBitch : Seriously they should.
PatsyT : Seriously my kids have fear of that stuff on her head.
kesmarn : AdLib
AlphaBitch : AdLib: OOOOHHHH! MST3000
AdLib : Patsy – Calista’s mother was a cotton candy machine.
kesmarn : Patsy, we were talking about Mrs. Newt’s coif earlier. Homage to Cindy McCain?
AdLib : Kes and AB – You are both on a roll!!!
kesmarn : {{Takes bow}}}
AdLib : Newt discovered black holes. In fact, he keeps several on him.
AlphaBitch : Amen to dat, Funk.
PatsyT : OK My kids can not figure out the wife of newt and her hair
funksands : Kes, no one can pull off a particle physics joke like you.
kesmarn : I plead typo, AB.
AdLib : Murph – Of course the GOP elite will back whoever is the nom, they live in a bubble and think that their money can make America by a crap sandwich and call it delicious. But they are so wrong.
AlphaBitch : No no Kes – that’s Piggs Bacon.
kesmarn : Newt has discovered the Higgs boson. Or was that the Higgs bacon?
funksands : 1% Hitler moustache
Sabreen60 : Good night Sue, take care.
funksands : 57% Sewage….
AlphaBitch : Bacon! I love bacon!
funksands : Newt is 42% Bacon
AdLib : Newt discovered that the Earth was flat.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….your point may be the truth of it….they really had no one….so given that would the GOP puppetmasters (who have been waylaid by the TP) be backing anyone at the top?
AlphaBitch : Funk: ASKING for it? FROM NEWT?
PatsyT : Newt Invented Bacon!
AdLib : AB – Ouch!
kesmarn : AB, you are on fire tonight!
funksands : The logs were asking for it.
AlphaBitch : Date palm rape?
AdLib : AB – The logs were consenting.
kesmarn : Patsy, Newt says he looks great in stilettos, wearing bacon.
funksands : Newt gave Reagan all of his best ideas
AlphaBitch : AdLib: After he laid the logs?
AdLib : Newt built the log cabin he was born in.
MurphTheSurf3 : funk….Newt’s dirty laundry may be out but it is flying at a distance….wait til they the Dem spinmeisters invite him to step back into those dirty undershorts.
AdLib : Night Sue!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sue!
AlphaBitch : Night night Sue!
kesmarn : G’night, BFF! Safe travels!
funksands : Night Sue!
funksands : Murph, I know that Rove hates Perry, I think he’s a Romney guy?
PatsyT : Newt says- I look great in stilettos
SueInCa : Night everyone gotta go pick up my daughter
AdLib : Murph – The reality is that the GOP has degraded into a shell of a party and there are no good candidates out there. Who would be strong? Mitch Daniels? Weaker than tea. Chistie? He’s a fat obnoxious pug like Newt, would excite the base but gain now indies. Jeb Bush? We want another Bush? Nope. The GOP only has extremists and liars left. This was no plot, this is all the GOP has to offer anymore.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….who is Rove backing? I think he is favoring the ongoing takeover from the bottom up- state legislatures, governors houses, the House and the Senate……I do not think he is backing any of the Prez folks.
kesmarn : Newt parted the Red Sea, wrote the Declaration of Independence, and defeated Hitler.
funksands : AB «link»
AlphaBitch : Newt gave birth to Baby Jesus
AlphaBitch : …and then he married her.
PatsyT : Newt invented the light bulb
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T…Rove has despised Perry every since he was Bush’s Lt. Gov.
kesmarn : Patsy!
Is there anyone Rove doesn’t hate?
funksands : Ad, Newt Gingrich is the holy grail.
SallyT : Okay, I thought he said if he had to go with someone it wouldn’t be Newt, Romney or Cain and that left Perry. Anyway, he doesn’t care who runs has Prez he is going for everything else.
AdLib : Any guesses what other claims Newt will be making? Inventing the light bulb? Responsible for the Louisiana Purchase? Taught Steve Jobs everything he knew?
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib….I just do not see the kingmakers having made much of an effort to put forth a strong stable….and they failed to back those who did put a toe in the water who might have stood tall against Obama…you are probably right about the long term strategy not being as well worked as I am proposing….sti ll.
PatsyT : In Tijuana, it’s a dry Ham Head Hate
AlphaBitch : Not to be confused with Spam Head Hate (Newt)
funksands : I had a bad case of that once. Caught it in Tijuana
PatsyT : Ham Head Hate!
funksands : Yeasty?
AdLib : Sally – No, Rove despised Perry. Bush and Perry were adversaries.
AlphaBitch : Sally: Rove never backed Perry. Hates him with his intense ham head hate.
funksands : Newt’s biggest advantage is that his skeletons have been out of the closet for a long time. He’s more damaged by 10 seconds in an environmental ad with Nancy Pelosi than by his past.
SueInCa : Murph and Sally Rove cannot stand Perry
PatsyT : Funk all the ways that you can explain dough work well for Newt
SallyT : Exactly, Murph, Rove was backing Perry but now he doesn’t care.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t think there was any predetermination by the GOP elite that they wouldn’t make a serious run for the presidency. They have been drooling over making Obama a one-termer since he won. I never attribute strategy to bad turns of event. For all intents, this summer, they probably thought they could run a sweater against Obama in 2012 and win because of how low his approval was and the economy was declining. Nope, I think they are now focusing on Congress because things aren’t going so great for Pres.
kesmarn : Murph, who is Rove backing?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T….Rove does not believe Romney can win AND he hates Gingrich for many reasons.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: so a “watch my right hand” kind of thing?
funksands : Patsy, he wasn’t always squishy, but he’s always been slimy
Sabreen60 : Sally that’s exactly what I think. As I said we’re focusing on the clown show, but the Repub powers-that-be must be looking at the Senate and the House.
PatsyT : Funk bounced checks? Is that because he is so squishy ?
SallyT : AdLib, I think it will be “on the take” money wise. Won’t hurt him Gop wise but indepents.
kesmarn : Sue, that guy calls Michelle B. “gaffe-proof”? ?? Has he ever listened to her?
AlphaBitch : Kes: THANK YOU! DICKipedia. Of course.
funksands : Remember all of his bounced checks while he was in the House?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T….there is so much on Newt that is out but not fully disseminate or understood that it is amazing that he is running at all….except that few can appreciate how enormous this narcissist’s ego is.
funksands : Newt also got taken to court by wife number two, because he would help her pay her bills after her cancer fight.
SueInCa : And ask God for a little miracle this year. Ask Him to give us Michele. WND «link»
AdLib : Sally – Look at Cain, even after it was proven that women had been given settlements for claiming sexual harassment by Cain, he stayed at the top of the polls. Baggers are stubborn little reptiles, they don’t care how bad someone is as long as they’re hateful enough.
SallyT : Murph, I read somewhere that Rove said just that. That they were putting most of their money behind Senate and House races along with Governors.
kesmarn : Gingrich was born in 1943 to Newton Searles McPherson and Kathleen Daugherty, two people who, though young in age, clearly got their names from the 1800s. At his birth, Gingrich’s father and mother were only 19 and 16, respectively. Considering this fact, it is fortunate that the nickname “Newt” Gingrich stuck rather than the more cumbersome, yet more accurate sobriquet Newton “Statutory Rape” Gingrich. With his father mostly out of the picture, Gingrich’s mother raised him on her own until she married Robert Gingrich, meaning that technically, since his birth, Gingrich has consistently been a burden to single mothers.
kesmarn : Dickipedia has this unkind but funny explanation for the name Newt:
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I sure hope you’re right. After all, how many more abortion bills can the House pass?
PatsyT : Oh yes I really twist the knife into our dear friend Newt with the serial wife thing… My conservative friends will not have any answer to that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….given who is NOT running from the GOP pack…and given who did run….do you think the GOP kingmakers believed a successful bid for the WH was possible? Why spend your real ammo on a hardened target when you shoot for other goals?
AdLib : Funk – Sounds delicious!
SallyT : AdLib, you think everything about Newt has come out? I don’t necessarily think so. I think something is going to drop hard on him real soon.
funksands : AB, had the “Kitchen Sink” pizza last night. chicken, sausage, pepperoni, green pepper, onion, olive, garlic
AlphaBitch : Let’s call him Leroy.
AdLib : Sabreen – As for The House, I think a lot of Baggers are going to be sent packing and Dems will replace them. I am more optimistic right now than I have been that the Dems can really have a big sweep.
Sabreen60 : A NEWT is an aquatic amphibian of the family Salamandridae, although not all aquatic salamanders are considered newts. So I thought he was named after a salamander.
AlphaBitch : just wiki’ed it myself.
AlphaBitch : Funk – just wiki
funksands : Newton Leroy Gingrich
AdLib : Sabreen – I’ve looked at the Senate races and though some may be tight, it is making a huge difference that Warren is running against Brown in MA. I think she’ll win that seat in liberal MA and it makes a Repub takeover much less likely.
kesmarn : Lemme google…
AlphaBitch : Kes – we gotta find out. Our own trivia quiz.
AlphaBitch : Patsy: Urp. Had pizza for dinner tonight.
SallyT : 999
kesmarn : Sir Isaac Newt?
PatsyT : AdLib Make that 9 day old pizza
AlphaBitch : OK, this was brought up earlier – but seriously, where did the name Newt come from?????
kesmarn : Potentatsy!
AdLib : Patsy, the Cain act was getting as stale as a day old pizza. I’m fine that he’s gone and thrilled at Newt jumping to the top of the polls. We would crush him and right now, I see him as being able to win the nom!
AlphaBitch : Patsy the Potentate?
Sabreen60 : Hey Patsy!
AlphaBitch : I want as many aliases (aliasi?) as Patsy/Oatsy/Past y.
PatsyT : Potensey
kesmarn : Good one, AB!
AlphaBitch : Funk: Is that President Of All That U See?
AdLib : Hey Patsy/Oatsy!
funksands : POATUS!!
AdLib : Funk – This is what I’m saying. Newt worked for Fox, Mitt didn’t. Newt is the hater that Fox is and Mitt isn’t. With Fox and Limbaugh pulling for Newt, I do think he can win with less money and organization.
AlphaBitch : Pasty.
PatsyT : Hey AB !
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy/Oatsy!
AlphaBitch : Patsy!!!!!!
kesmarn : OOps, funk. And i just commented on Brown’s hotness.
funksands : Sally he already swears like a sailor *sigh*
PatsyT : Hey Guy, Are you all super bummed about the Cain Train coming to the end?
AlphaBitch : We are Murdoch free AdLib
SallyT : Oh, gee, Funk, I will have to watch my language.
AdLib : AB – We call roaches “Murdochs” in our house.
SallyT : Oh, gee, G
funksands : Rachel had a great bit on the “Murdoch Primary” She makes a compelling point that Newt has already won that.
kesmarn : I hope so too, AB. They even doctored a photo of him to make him look….ahhh …as Sabreen just said: unshaven. Make him look hot!
AlphaBitch : AdLib – “their” guys are already in the WH. Called roaches.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- Fox wants to bring Obama low and a hit man like Newt will provide the set up for the GOP in its bid to keep the House and take the Senate (where I think they will fail).
funksands :
My seven-year old has been reading the posts out loud to me while I get his brother ready for bed. Hilarious!
Sabreen60 : Kes, I read where they photo-shopped a picture of Sherrod as unshaven and unkempt. He’s fighting the ad.
AlphaBitch : Kes me too. Hopefully the people will rally round him.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, Fox has been pounding on Romney, gave him that interview that hurt him then followed up trashing Mitt for complaining afterwards. And Newt was a Fox consultant before running. Fox would LOVE “their” guy in the WH.
kesmarn : AB, it’s a little hard to tell just yet. Brown is VERY liberal and I think it makes him a bit vulnerable. I love him.
AlphaBitch : Kes: Maybe Roger Ailes wants a head to match his body size. hence Newt.
SallyT : Fox isn’t in love with Newt, they just hate Romney.
kesmarn : Murph, that’s interesting. So FOX is in love with Newt?
AlphaBitch : Kes: how are people reacting?
SueInCa : Fox will fall in line like good gestapo with whoever R’s have running
kesmarn : They have wicked anti-Sherrod Brown ads going on the air in Ohio now.They want him out of the Senate. Yesterday.
AdLib : AB – Exactly, Newt and Fox reach that 25% of loon voters and not the indies.
SallyT : They claim OWS are for Ron Paul.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….compare how Fox treated Mitt and how they treated Newt in interviews in the last 48 hours. BBQ, slow roast, for Mitt; ticker tape parade for Newt.
SallyT : Okay, I read an article last night that swares Ron Paul will be the nominee.
AdLib : Whether it’s Mitt or Newt, both are now proven to be abject liars so whoever goes up against Obama, it will be the liar and fraud against the honest man. Who are indies going to like more? BTW, both Mitt and Newt have high dislikes in the polls and Obama is still doing pretty well, better than them.
AlphaBitch : Right Sabreen. The presidency is small fish to them right now. I’m encouraged Warren and Casey are doing so well.
SueInCa : Nothing Sabreen, I hope the American public is smarter than that
Sabreen60 : I also think that while we’re focusing on the Primary, the Repub establishment is looking at the Senate and holding the House. If they get a majority in the Senate and hold the House, & President Obama is re-elected, I don’t know how much he’ll get done.
kesmarn : Is FOX backing Newt now? I don’t have cable anymore so I can’t check in on them. But my IQ has gone up 5 points…
AlphaBitch : Does FOX reach anyone BUT a GOP voting audience? Therein lies the question and the election.
AdLib : Funk – Disagree on this one, Fox reaches a huge GOP voting audience and add that to Facebook, Twitter and all those Evangelical churches preaching the Book of Newt to their parishioners, you’ve got a huge impact and reach.
AlphaBitch : Ha, Funk! Good one.
funksands : HA! David Corn from Mother Jones just called Rick Perry a sissy. I like that guy!
funksands : AB, or the world’s worst law firm
AlphaBitch : Good points, Murph and Funk. (Geez – that sounds like a band or a dish at Red Lobster)
kesmarn : Right, AB, and it helps to have no moral standards whatsoever, too.
SueInCa : Yeah baggers won’t need to hold their nose for Newt, RR will
AlphaBitch : Kes, if you are gonna live in the past, then Poot and Uncle Rico are the pair for you!
AdLib : Sue – I really don’t think so. The GOP is a corrupt cult now, the Baggers are a separate section of it and want a hater. They have proven in The House that they don’t care about the ramifications of their actions, they just want what they want. I strongly doubt they will abandon Newt for Romney.
funksands : I agree Murph, they’d be plenty happy with Congress and the Governorships, as well as the courts.
AlphaBitch : Never got Pedro anyways. Where was his birth cert?
SueInCa : Funk fox dropped in the ratings last month
kesmarn : AB, perfect! Rico for Prez!
funksands : Ad, I don’t that reaches as many people as you think. I think that reaches people already engaged. That’s why the network news still clobbers cable.
AlphaBitch : I nominate Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite.
SueInCa : AB I bet, you would be great at it I bet too
MurphTheSurf3 : Let’s all recall how much many in the GOP’s establishment heart detest, loathe, despise Newt…..But again I am holding to the idea that the GOP is not planning on winning. They enjoy the Obamapinata.
AlphaBitch : Now Sue – don’t go insulting Barbie! I once was an MC for an all gal western band, and I was a cowgirl from the Bar-B Ranch.
AdLib : Funk – I don’t know about that. This is our first full bore Social Network Presidential election and when it comes to reaching the core voters in the GOP, going on Fox News, Facebook and Tweeting is the best way to get them. Don’t need big organizations for that.
Sabreen60 : Romney
SueInCa : AL you don’t think the r;s would hold their nose and vote mitt
funksands : Murph, you are probably right.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, that blasted religious right can be the make-break demographic.
SueInCa : AB check out the link I added here, she is a barbie for sure
AlphaBitch : Sue: I hear Venus is all booked up and can’t take Mrs. Newt.
AdLib : Kes – Consider the South, Newt is from GA and is killing Romney in FL and elsewhere. Mitt can’t win without some Southern states and I don’t see how he beats Newt there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….the convention is too late to anoint….these have become exercises in kibbuki dance….while the real campaign runs simultaneously.
funksands : Gingrich has no money and no staff. He’ll need those things to maintain any momentum.
SueInCa : It will be either Newt or Romney if Newt has another meltdown/greek isles trip or hair appt for Callista
AlphaBitch : AdLib – the prob w/ Newt and his ilk is they lie like dogs. People will actually buy his BS. It’s the people I fear.
kesmarn : Romney has totally blown it this past week, but there’s time for him to recover. On the other hand the religious right is starting to go for Gingrich. Too early to tell.
AdLib : Donald Trump jumps in at the last minute?
funksands : I could totally see a Convention putsch. It could happen.
SueInCa : Sarah Palin
AdLib : I am starting to think Newt.
SueInCa : Ladies and Gents, if you want to puke, check Gingrich on Greek Isle «link»
AlphaBitch : Christie.
MurphTheSurf3 : romney by default
funksands : Romney
AdLib : Quick poll: Who do you think will be the GOP nom for President?
funksands : Is it true that you can’t use Siri in Mississippi?
AlphaBitch : Sorry, not our job anymore.
AdLib : Mississippi XP did have some bugs in it, waiting for an update that will fix them.
kesmarn : The German author of the article on the GOP said — I think in the very last sentence — that he feared a resurrection of — wait for it — Palin!
funksands : Sue, we’ve got some Aussie friends that are simply horrified by what’s going on here. They’ve stopped asking political questions. They think we’re doomed and we are going to take everyone else down when we go. Seriously
funksands : Hi Ad!
AlphaBitch : And I seem to be blind and unable to type.
funksands : Oh, jeez. I am tired sorry to be so slow on the uptake.
AlphaBitch : MicoSoft.
funksands : Sorry AB, what is “MS”?
AlphaBitch : Ha ha. Tell my boyfriend Bill Gates that.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
funksands : Mississippi?
AlphaBitch : Oops. no – to 1996.
AlphaBitch : Funk: the Blov worked for MS from 1983 to 1992.
SueInCa : Funk my friend from New Zealand said the same thing
kesmarn : Oops, nevermind.
AlphaBitch : Thanks. Answered BEFORE asked!
MurphTheSurf3 : I have been suggesting for awhile that those who had a real chance of beating Obama have bowed out of the race expecting him to win….AND wanting to go for the Senate while holding on to the ObamaPinata.
kesmarn : What country are they from, funk?
AlphaBitch : Funk: Where are they from?
funksands : German friends. Sorry
funksands : Kes, we have some good friends that are in the US for the next couple years working for Microsoft. They literally can’t believe nor understand our political circus.
Sabreen60 : Whoa Sally
kesmarn : Yes, Sue. The German observer knows “them” better than they know themselves.
AdLib : Here’s the great 2-for-1 about Newt. He will be the nastiest campaigner for President we’ve seen in modern times (if he wins) and will thrill the 25% of voters who want that. Unfortunately, in a GE, you need 51% and indies will be disgusted by Newt and all he represents. It will be a cakewalk for Obama if it’s Newt.
AlphaBitch : Or Callewt.
kesmarn : If Newt and Callista had a child would it be “Newtista”?
SueInCa : Kes that article was great
AlphaBitch : Toad and Salamander?
funksands : Mitt is all they have. They’ll circle the wagons, coach him up, and grudgingly run him out there to get slaughtered.
SallyT : AB, Ken dolls don’t need vasoline.
SueInCa : Ab Newts parents lol
kesmarn : funk, as the German article you posted said, they don’t really have anyone who IS electable. To a rational human, that is.
AlphaBitch : Hey Funk. It woud take a lot of vaseline on the lens to even cover Newt. And who names their child “Newt”???
Sabreen60 : AB, I don’t know how long my back will hold up, but I sure will give it the old college try. I can’t believe Newt is in this thing.
AdLib : Murph – That’s the key, the core of the GOP base are passionate loons and Mitt will never appeal to them. I do think, as suicidal as it is, Newt is looking strong right now.
SallyT : I want to see Newt’s BC. I heard he was found under a rock.
funksands : I’m sorry. Mitt is all the GOP has. They can indulge in all of the Elizabeth Taylor lens-softening they want, Newt is un-electable.
kesmarn : The GOP is disturbingly good at amnesia, Sabreen. Unless it comes to birth certificates.
SallyT : Newt will come off as the tough guy and the GOP like that. He won’t come off the smart one but the GOP don’t like those.
AlphaBitch : Come on Sabreen – let’s go dig it up!
Sabreen60 : So you think Repubs will bury the body (Newt’s baggage) and forget where they buried it?
SueInCa : AB he will try, Obama has a technique of chuckling, he destroyed McShame with that
AdLib : AB – Watching some of the interview with the woman who had the affair with Cain, all I could think is, “She had sex with Herman…ack!”
kesmarn : I heard an anaylsis on NPR today that said the same thing, AdLib. Romney is unelectable the pundit (forgot name) felt.
AlphaBitch : Will Newt do well in debates w/ O-man?
SallyT : Well, lets see who the Donald endorses.
SueInCa : My new avatar says Occupy All Streets
AlphaBitch : Sorry, Sue.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…bottom line…..politic s is personal….and very few people seem to like Mitt.
SueInCa : Ewwww AB
kesmarn : Good point, Sue.
SueInCa : Callista Flockhart’s parents
AdLib : Murph – Right now, I would give the edge to Newt over Mitt. Mitt really damaged himself at the wrong time, just as Newt was rising…so more folks got to Newt. And with Cain imploding and either dropping out or becoming trivial, Newt gets all of those voters too. Mitt is in big trouble.
AlphaBitch : Sue – I think perhaps it’s the stiffest thing in her house. Newt is all doughy and stuff.
kesmarn : Who would name a kid Callista?
SallyT : You got it.
SueInCa : AB I want hair you can cut cheese with. I want hair that’s an unnatural color that you can’t look away from. I wish I had Callista Gingrich’s hair. …
kesmarn : Sally!
anatomically incorrect?
AlphaBitch : What Sal? Genital free since 1963?
SallyT : Bet he is build like a ken doll, too.
AlphaBitch : Can you imagine carrying the Pootster? Back breaking work for sure
MurphTheSurf3 : Is Romney dead…or does his $$$$$$, organization, connections, and backing by the GOP establishment keep him afloat….esp. given Newt’s lack of same?
AdLib : Newt: “If you look at the polls, it shows I’m likely to be the nominee. And considering that I stopped communism, thought up Supply Side, invented the automobile, coined the phrase, “Cool” and won the most medals of anyone in the history of the Olympics, I think it’s all but over.”
kesmarn : Forget school buses, Sal.They can carry each other to school. Just like Boy’s Town.Builds character.
AlphaBitch : HA Sue!
SueInCa : AB someone called her barbie and newt the ugly ken
AlphaBitch : That or too much Aquanet.
SallyT : Newt says, just like those kids in Boys Town.. He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!
kesmarn : Ya think?
AlphaBitch : Kes!
kesmarn : Cindy McCain’s stylist?
AlphaBitch : And what the heck is up w/ Mrs. Newt’s hair? Can we talk?
Sabreen60 : Mocking Newt? None better.
AlphaBitch : ooohhhh
kesmarn : Newt loves the word “master,” Sal. Almost as much as he loves the word “slave.”
AdLib : AB – I stole that line from HP.
AlphaBitch : Wow AdLib – so generous! Spoken like a Dem.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen, we’re just mocking Newt here.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
SallyT : No, Kes, there are the “Master” Janitors. Isn’t is amazing he used the word “Master”…..
AdLib : “And here’s a shiny penny for you, to learn what it means to work like a slave for nothing.”
MurphTheSurf3 : The best article on the Tiffany special accounts for the Nute. «link»
kesmarn : Gloves? Junior, you don’t need no gloves! Just dive in there and get that watch. Have a little work ethic, kid.
AlphaBitch : Hello Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Hello Good Folks!
AlphaBitch : “And I left you a little something in there as a thanks.”
AdLib : “Hey! Junior! I dropped my watch in the toilet just after going! Be a good little 8 year old and get it, will you? I
kesmarn : Satan’s agenda, AdLib.
SallyT : Too lazy, too fat.
AdLib : Torture, polluters and Wall Street can do whatever they want, drilling for oil and gas everywhere, more nuclear plants…
SallyT : Newt wouldn’t last a day as a Janitor!
kesmarn : Yes, any 9 year old can fix a boiler that has broken down.
AlphaBitch : Have NOT learned
SallyT : Seems like that is all the GOP talking points, Adlib.
AlphaBitch : Newt: “You’re only a janitor because you have learned a work ethic.”
kesmarn : Don’t forget torture, AdLib. RWers love torture.
AdLib : What a platform. End Medicare and SS, end child labor laws, force poor kids to work as janitors, raise taxes on the 99% and cut them on the 1%. How could her lose?
AlphaBitch : So it’s hard to take him seriously. I giggle like a third grader when I see him.
kesmarn : So typical of the GOP to run someone who is in favor of child labor.
kesmarn : Yes, AB. Without a doubt, the 3rd grade Honor Roll (3rd level) kid who farted.
AlphaBitch : Newt the Poot for president.
AlphaBitch : Yep, Sally.
AlphaBitch : I don’t think I posted it but I passed it out to everyone I knew.
SallyT : Yes, AB, and he pointed to the kid with glasses.
AdLib : Kes – Sure, now that Newt is at the top of the Psychopolls they want to come back to him. We couldn’t have a better opponent in 2012 than Newt!
kesmarn : Were you the one who posted the vid of the Man Cold, AB? Too funny.
AlphaBitch : OK, think about it. Newt is the kid from third grade who farted in class. Am I right?
AlphaBitch : Hey AdLib! Hey Kes! We are good. I’m recovering from the “man cold” and now the Pup is suffering. No worries for the Blov – too wicked to weaken.
kesmarn : Hey, AB! How are you, the Pup and the Blov?
AdLib : Hey AB!
kesmarn : I think the Tiffany account has been shut down, Sal. They probably got a look at his alimony bills and lowered his credit rating.
AlphaBitch : So it’s all about Newt, is it?
AlphaBitch : Hey my peeps!
kesmarn : I hadn’t heard that they had tried to come crawling back to the Newt, though, AdLib. That’s hilarious.
SallyT : Kes, he probably promised them a present from Tiffany’s for Christmas. If the account still has room on it.
AdLib : Yes. Newt’s staff quit when Newt went on his Greek Cruise shortly after announcing and before the IA straw poll.
kesmarn : No, no, don’t worry, Sue… I believe you. Nothing surprises me any more with the GOP!
SueInCa : I will try to find it and post it here
kesmarn : His staff did, Sue? Seriously? I hadn’t heard that!
SueInCa : Kes they all tried to come back
AdLib : Romney really crashed and burned this week and Obama had his first great week since Bin Laden’s killing.
kesmarn : I can hardly believe that Newt is actually being taken seriously at this point. I mean his entire staff quit this summer!
SallyT : For now, I’m with you, AdLib.
SueInCa : Bryan Fischer actually said Obama has more morals than Cain or Newt
AdLib : I’m so thrilled about Newt being ahead! He’s the perfect candidate for the GOP. I’m betting on him now!
SallyT : Okay, I’m not really high but I am on the top floor.
kesmarn : High Sally, and hi, everyone else who is not high –or Sally!
SallyT : We can only hope! But, I am sure we will.
AdLib : Guess we’re going to have a better evening tonight than Herman Cain will.
SueInCa : I tweeted koch link to bito
AdLib : Hey Sue!
SueInCa : hi all
AdLib : High Sally!
SueInCa : Koch brothers are getting irritated lol «link»
SallyT : I’m high!
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi AdLib
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive.
AdLib : Hey all!
SueInCa : welcome jmcaninch68
SueInCa : did you hear about that gal Cher???????
SallyT : “Don’t talk about me while I’m gone.” Old song, Cher. But, I’m going to talk about you all night!
Chernynkaya : We are going out tonight, so I won’t be here. But I’ll read it all tomorrow, so don’t think you can talk about me.
Chernynkaya : Hey jmcaninch68 –You made it! Hi!
MurphTheSurf3 : I will be here too. Busy, bitter, week. Need some holiday cheer. See ya in 25.
kesmarn : Welcome, jmcanin68! Vox Populi starts in about 25 minutes. Stick around and join in the chat!
jmcaninch68 : Have been following on Twitter and just registered on the site. Many thanks to Chernynkaya, my old friend from HP days, for the reminder on Twitter to check in.
AdLib : We’re back from our holiday hiatus tonight! Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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