AdLib : Consider writing an article as an on-ramp for the uninitiated and as I mentioned, it could be a valuable and ongoing recruiting tool which you can update as you wish.
PatsyT : Ok I have an idea and I will send you the info I have gathered so far
AdLib : Assume that there are indeed those out there who might be activated if they understood the danger but that they may not know much about it. A primer type video could be a great tool for recruiting folks.
AdLib : Well, I could never hate you but I may have some words with your links!
If you have a link to a video that gives a good overview to those less familiar with what’s at stake and why, that would be great to embed in your article.
PatsyT : Too much information
AdLib : Why?
PatsyT : If I sent you my links you would hate me.
AdLib : That’s another thing that would be good, is there a video that is a bit longer than this that explains more? You could add that into your article.
PatsyT : Decommissioning creates more jobs What could be bad? Ahhh Darrin has a new post @ «link» Thanks Darrin
AdLib : Hmm…well, wouldn’t having it shut down work out well for them too?
PatsyT : This is complicated … some folks want this to be brushed aside because they do not want their home values effected.
AdLib : Patsy – Having so much in common with Japan as CA does, it sure should wake people up. Americans seem to want to wait until after a disaster to change things, that’s just crazy.
PatsyT : AdLib That is a good question, I have heard that some of the folks that work there, have asked us “Have you ever toured the facility?” and no … not yet … but that may be in the future. Fukushima has changed everything for me.
AdLib : BTW, for years I assumed all kids glowed in the dark.
AdLib : Patsy – We see what happened in Japan and after 9/11, those that were the first responders were devastated. Have you ever been inside San Onofre? Do they allow the public in? When I was very young, my father who was in the engineering field took me in there (not the reactor of course). I remember seeing dials and him telling me how important and good it was…guess it didn’t stick. But it is a memory, being in there.
PatsyT : Lots to think about … Thanks for all of your support It really means a lot to me.
AdLib : Right. Just thinking that since this is an ongoing campaign, it’s great to have material that can be utilized on and on.
PatsyT : This one hits me hard, some of the folks that work at that plant live in our community and I would hate to see them have to be the one to volunteer to walk in to a suicide mission.
PatsyT : Well Yes, You know sometimes you can be so close to an issue you can’t see the bigger picture
AdLib : That way, you can tweet or Facebook or email it again and again. You could add the details of this protests as a comment below it and then add new protest dates and times as comments along the way.
PatsyT : Hmmm That is a good angle
AdLib : That’s good stuff. Think of it as writing an evergreen article, one that you can link to again and again in the future.
PatsyT : You can not move away from it. You can not toss it away to some waste facility. You have to face that this toxic radioactive waste is here to stay. If King Tut had Nuke Plant on the Nile the waste he put in the storage would be just as dangerous as the day they put it into to “Storage”
PatsyT : You know shutting down the Nuclear Waste industry is not something you do in your spare time
PatsyT : Oh yes, that would help. This is just the start of what we want to do
AdLib : What I mentioned below about writing an article to promote the protest.
AdLib : My money’s on Sweepea!
PatsyT : The one in the email?
AdLib : Patsy – What do you think about the article?
PatsyT : The mice
AdLib : Hey, Bing AND Google are crawling the site, who’s gonna win that race?
AdLib : Night KQ! Have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : Nighty Night KQ … All the Best To You
KQuark : OK I’m our as well. I’ve got to email a reply to a friend,
AdLib : Patsy – I find that when I am trying to moderate coming across as being too alarmist, to journalistically present facts and figures and historical info. Then, wrapping up an article with the more powerful and urgent meaning of what this could cause for us to deal with, drives the point home. Cap it with the details and people can then take action.
AdLib : KQ – You are an excellent political strategist! I agree, Perry will tap on Romney’s Mormonism indirectly but he knows that’s a big weakness of Romney’s. And consider how damaged either of them will be after bashing each other. Perry has lost his “TX Miracle” glow and Romney has cemented what a two face he is (as my graphic shows!). Put either battered candidate against Obama and they will look far worse than him, even with the economic issues.
PatsyT : Hmmm Every time I think I can put this in writing, it changes, to the more tragic and more dangerous… What a challenge, Maybe that is the thing that I need to put up front … the fluid nature of this entire issue juxtaposed with the absolute truth of the insanity of the whole industry.
AdLib : KQ – Yes and the more offensive things Perry says that will doom him in the GE will help him in the primaries.
KQuark : I bet you will see some underground or code word campaigning from the Perry camp about Romney’s Mormonism. Even though Perry is fighting with Rove he learned from the school of Rove.
KQuark : Ironically this Perry associate saying Mormonism is a “cult” can help him in the primaries not hurt him.
AdLib : KQ – I’d guess that only the indie voters in those states have regrets and I don’t know if they’ll be voting in the primaries. Yes, Perry will have a challenge in AZ and NM but they do like Texans there more than NE one-time “liberals”. Romney’s having a 24% ceiling in the primary gives me pause at how he will do with others out of the race.
AdLib : Patsy – What about drafting an article about what is being protested as a “Take Action” post with the details then included? We can then tweet and Facebook it.
KQuark : OH and WI are probably bagger buyer’s remorse now so IDK how much Perry can do their but Appalachia and states like KS and MI Perry is a lock. Unfortunately Perry’s one sane stance on immigration could hurt him in AZ and NM.
AdLib : KQ – Also, don’t forget the many Repubs in the RR who won’t vote for Romney because he’s Mormon, add them to the Baggers who want a radical and Perry may have more support than it would seem now.
PatsyT : AdLib, I am just looking for any and all ways to get this message out. Like the banks, the structure of the NRC and and the Nuclear Industry have no risk but have such a devastating weapon in their hand unlike anything that a bank can do.
AdLib : Well, give Romney the NE and some of the Midwest. The West has a lot of Baggers, especially NV and OK and Perry will of course win TX. The South will go to Perry. If Perry has enough money to last out Romney through the south and looks like a juggernaut, he could indeed win enough of the west away from Romney to win.
KQuark : I dunno don’t see a path for either without FL. You figure Romney is a lock in the West and NE and the midwest will split. I think Perry has to run the table in the South including FL.
AdLib : Patsy – Just read it, how can I help?
PatsyT : That blogger one can wait … she is amazing but this San Onofre thing is monumental
AdLib : KQ – Not so sure about that. Imagine that Perry wins IA which helps him with a stronger showing in NV and NH. Romney will likely win NH but if he wins FL too, Perry will have enough money to contest in the southern states where he should wallop Romney. STrategy wise, Perry could turn the tables on Romney even with a loss in FL.
KQuark : It’s funny the professional left are trying to paint the OWS as anti-Obama when the truth is if they do stay active through the election it gives Obama the best chance to gain a second term.
KQuark : The best thing Perry can do is get on the trail and stay out of debates. I’m really surprised you don’t see him or Romney flat out campaign more.
AdLib : Patsy – Gotcha, I was talking about the one about the blogger. Will read and respond swiftly on both, sorry for the delay!
KQuark : The way the GOP primary works who ever wins FL I think wins the nomination because of their winner take all system.
AdLib : I think Perry is in a good position for a comeback. Romney is back in the lead and will take the most heat in the campaign now, Perry has raised far more money and the votes that will be in play with Cain, Bachmann, Paul and Santorum out will likely go mostly to Perry as the more Bagger of the two. Don’t count him out.
PatsyT : This one is about San Onofre
PatsyT : Thanks AdLib
KQuark : The best thing for Perry would be for Bachmann and Cain to bow out earlier than not. But I think Bachmann is so delusional she’ll stay in even if the right is seeing how wacky she is now.
AdLib : Patsy – I read it and got buried by an avalanche just after, will definitely get back to you on it quickly!
AdLib : KQ – Well, I am a bit less sure about that but…will Cain’s voters got to Romney or Perry when he’s finally dropped out?
PatsyT : Hey Adlib you have mail … I would love your input
KQuark : For some reason I still think he’s got a good shot.
AdLib : KQ – For the sake of winning power, the GOP claims up is down, good is bad and rich is poor. And enough fools out there believe it to make the 2012 elections appear to be a horse race. But in light of the OWS movement, I am thinking it may not be much of a competition after all!
KQuark : So AdLib is Perry still gonna win?
KQuark : This is getting to be like Agatha’s and then there were none sans the original title.
AdLib : Night Choicelady! Looking forward to hooking up in December!
KQuark : Sweet dreams CL!.
KQuark : meant to say “fix everything”.
KQuark : AdLib great minds think alike. I was thinking about the stimulus for some reason, I guess because all conservatives and some progressives even say it didn’t work because it did not fix anything when it helped, helped allot to avoid GD II. Could you imagine if states had to fire workers in those first two years. Right now it’s Repugs again hurting the economy.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Choice Alll the Best
choicelady : Well everyone, with Google crawling the site which always creeps me out, I think I also am bidding a fond good evening. It’s been a hellish week, I do NOT get Indigenous People’s Day off (aka Columbus Day) so I’m hitting the sheets for a good night’s sleep. Take care and be well- talk with you all next week I hope!
KQuark : I think AD’s view of the UN maybe even a majority American view these days. I blame the GOP and especially the media for buying their crap. The UN is only as good as it’s members and the US is a big part of the membership so if we help it succeed it can do better but again with the GOP any organized political body is bad no matter what.
AdLib : When it comes to the UN or the Stimulus or many other things, there is a frustration that people can have because some solutions aren’t complete or holistic and then even the attempts that are made that help but don’t permanently solve, are criticized. The word “better” needs to be appreciated. The world is better off with all the UN has done. The US is better off because of the stimulus. All or None thinking is misguided.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: exactly.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Thanks for the affirmation. I do believe that one of our weaknesses as humans and nations is the need to be validated, valued, and legitimized by others, especially those who we perceive we need. That Iraq is still at it with the UN speaks volumes about motive and ends.
choicelady : AD – not at all. Your questions and concerns are worthy, and YOU are much beloved by us all.
AdLib : Chris and KQ – Indeed, by its very nature of being a world forum, nations can be pressured when seeking membership or status in the UN in a way they couldn’t be if it didn’t exist.
ADONAI : Thanks choice. That is far kinder than I deserve. I’ll figure it all out one day
KQuark : That is a big problem with the UN Chris their entry standards are pretty low. But it’s double edged because you would rather have them in than out because you have more influence over them as well.
AdLib : Night AD! May you have good’UN!
ChrisR266 : Good evening, AD. You know I’m one of your biggest fans.
choicelady : Good night, AD – sweet dreams! May visions of healthier children dance in your head. You are WORTH taking time to discuss these things!
AdLib : Chris – Good point! That’s why I referred to it as a relief valve. Because there is a forum which nations and peoples can come to that COULD help in a terrible situation, it mitigates deadly conflicts that could otherwise result or be far worse. It’s not a complete solution but it can help in some cases.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: And, that’s ok! That is just enough to keep the wolves at bay. And ultimately, if countries know they have to play to the UN, they play with the UN. Even Iran wants to be legitimated in international “eyes”. The still feel the need to get the nations of the UN to “accept” them.
KQuark : Take care AD and be hard on the UN you should be. They need to be much more effective.
ADONAI : Well folks, I leave you with a new appreciation for the U.N. and that is surprising. Good night folks. Thank you for your patience and peace be with you
AdLib : Ad – Appreciate your comment! Yes, the UN is more of a support system to address existing wrongs that enough members are willing to support. So, it isn’t designed to be a supremely powerful body, stopping whatever is most heinous in the world. They try but yes, for political reasons, they can only act in certain situations.
choicelady : AD – it’s critical that even the thugs be at the table. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is a good adage. With rogue states that deprive people of their human rights AT THE TABLE, all natins have an infinitely better chance of finding means to control them and end the abuses. What goes on in hidden ways is always far more uncontrollable than that which is slapped on the table and called OUT. We have backed many a tyrant down at the UN.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Jacquie Kennedy said something in those just out interviews that is worth considering. “We’ve been through hard times before.” Caroline echoed it is framing her Mother’s interviews. They are words memorable. Hard times are always about hegemony: which hierarchy will survive the struggle and rise to oppressive omniscience? The UN is necessary in our time because it rides herd on the struggle.
KQuark : AD that’s all we are saying is that it helps and of course you have nations that abuse any international political body. Stalin abused agreements with his western allies.
ADONAI : And I see your point with that link Al. The U.N. isn’t an authoritative body, it’s a mediating body. It doesn’t control, it helps. If I look at ti that way, my criticisms do seem misplaced. But China, Saudi Arabia, all the other gangsters they have. It’s hard to take that seriously.
choicelady : AD – starting Monday the UN will be tackling a major human rights issue – ending the ‘death to gays’ laws our US religious right have promulgated in Africa and other nations. I am an advisor – can’t be there for a number of reasons – but am providing help so that the UN can and will END this dreadful practice. I am also working with US officials to end the use of non profit status to make foreign policy and political acts overseas. This is not just talk – the UN has the capacity to abolish this horrific set of laws that are costing LGBT people their freedom and their lives. THAT is significant.
AdLib : AD – Did you follow the link to the list of the UN’s accomplishments? You see, it is factually inaccurate to claim they haven’t done anything?
PatsyT : Hey this administration takes criticism and is willing to adapt more then any other
KQuark : AD the UN acts through member countries. Do you know how the UN works?
KQuark : And again without the UN hunger and disease would be worse around the world not nearly perfect but worse.
AdLib : KQ – Check out this link at the UN’s site, it’s a long list of their accomplishments: «link»
ADONAI : Got out Gaddafi? Pretty sure France did that and would have regardless. Ended the African civil wars? Please tell that to the thousands starving and dying. And you may have me on the Yugoslavia thing. I’d have to google that.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: LOL!
AdLib : Patsy – Just do what I do, read every other line!
KQuark : Cheers AdLib my memory is far shorter than yous.
PatsyT : Why did I drop out of speed reading
AdLib : PS. Sorry for the length of my comment!
KQuark : Wow AD, the UN helped get rid of Qaddafi most recently, stabilized the old Yugoslavian region, help end the African civil wars, etc… Like CL said you seem to be thinking in absolutes like if the UN is not perfect it does nothing.
AdLib : Here’s a “small” sample of the UN’s accomplishments as appear at the link in my previous comment: Maintaining peace and security – By having deployed a total of 54 peace-keeping forces and observer missions as of September 2001, the United Nations has been able to restore calm to allow the negotiating process to go forward while saving millions of people from becoming casualties of conflicts. There are presently 15 active peace-keeping forces in operation. Making peace – Since 1945, the United Nations has been credited with negotiating many peaceful settlements that have ended regional conflicts. Recent cases include an end to the Iran-Iraq war, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, and an end to the civil war in El Salvador. The United Nations has used quiet diplomacy to avert imminent wars. Promoting democracy – The United Nations has enabled people in many countries to participate in free and fair elections, including those held in Cambodia, Namibia, El Salvador, Eritrea, Mozambique, Nicaragua, South Africa, Kosovo and East Timor. It has provided electoral advice, assistance, and monitoring of results. Promoting development – The UN system has devoted more attention and resources to the promotion of the development of human skills and potentials than any other external assistance effort. The system’s annual disbursements, including loans and grants, amount to more than $10 billion. The UN Development Programme (UNDP), in close cooperation with over 170 Member States and other UN agencies, designs and implements projects for agriculture, industry, education, and the environment. It supports more than 5,000 projects with a budget of $1.3 billion. It is the largest multilateral source of grant development assistance. The World Bank, at the forefront in mobilizing support for developing countries worldwide, has alone loaned $333 billion for development projects since 1946. In addition, UNICEF spends more than $800 million a year, primarily on immunization, health care, nutrition and basic education in 138 countries. Promoting human rights – Since adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the United Nations has helped enact dozens of comprehensive agreements on political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights. By investigating individual complaints of human rights abuses, the UN Human Rights Commission has focused world attention on cases of torture, disappearance, and arbitrary detention and has generated international pressure to be brought on governments to improve their human rights records.
choicelady : AD – you are a man of absolutes I think. Peace and justice are total or non-existent. Those are strong and admirable traits, but we who have hung around for a time know that we measure humanity’s gains by INCHES. And we see SO MUCH DIFFERENCE between now and the 60s – between now and four years ago! Humanity has rarely if ever changed massively overnight – we are all just slouching our way to Bethlehem. But we ARE moving. Compare our world to the rapacious colonialism of a century ago. MASSIVE difference!
AdLib : AD – Check out this link: «link»
PatsyT : Thats what I like about you ADONAI you are very Open
KQuark : AD exceptions don’t make rules but there were many UN sanctions against Afghanistan when the Taliban controlled it.
ADONAI : I;m ready to agree with you. But you gotta convince me.
ADONAI : Again, what have they done?
AdLib : AD – That’s just plain wrong to say the UN does nothing, factually incorrect.
ADONAI : It’s bad and it does nothing.
choicelady : ADLib – I like the image of pig stuff flying through the air! Bristles and things. Good image for dealing with the GOP!
ChrisR266 : Hmmm. The U.N. might be the single most effective world default valve we have now. We need the UN. We’re not at federation level, yet
ADONAI : Who invited us to Afghanistan? Iraq? No one ever made that clear.
KQuark : Exactly good analogy AdLib the UN is a last resort organization and like any human organization is flawed but saying it bad or does nothing is just wrong.
ADONAI : Yes, what is stopping them from killing each other hand over fist? certainly not the U.N. No sir. Get enough money and they’ll put you on a council. Never mind that you throw girls into burning buildings. Here’s a Human Rights chair. Pathetic.
AdLib : Patsy – Whoops…”big stuff”…pig stiff is something very different!
choicelady : Chris – thank you!
KQuark : Exactly CL it’s a different mindset that shows up in less people being killed by war. It does not mean war is gone but for goodness sake the world is allot better now than WWII and before that. The UN has to get some credit for that.
PatsyT : ADONAI, may have prevented but may not save use from that same technology devouring us
AdLib : AD – The UN is a relief valve and it has done some meaningful work but it is a dysfunctional world family that can’t operate as efficiently as would be desired. You don’t turn off a lower pressure firehose during a fire just because it can’t put out the fires in all the homes, you use it to help where it can.
choicelady : AD – the wars began under the last Cold War imperialist president. We are not intervening where we are NOT invited. We are relying on the UN for cooperative actions. That is totally different from the rest of my life’s experience.
ChrisR266 : Choice, Well said, darling.
KQuark : AD they still fight wars with AK-47’s around most of the world what is stopping that? You think of the technology in richer nations but not the rest of the world.
ADONAI : Also nuclear weapons. Those are the ONLY things that prevented another World War. Not the U.N. Still may have one.
choicelady : AD – the drumbeat toward white northern imperialism has DEFINITELY slowed thanks to the UN. It is the arena that gives small, poor, and resource-rich states a voice. An imperfect voice (land grabs by PRIVATE concerns still occur) but a voice and a legitimacy they never had. I used to teach the “world and the imperialist west” – it’s night and day from the pre-WW II ways we dealt with smaller nations. NOT entirely good, but vastly better. And this nation, thanks to Obama, is backing away from intervening in very foreign hiccup. We now go where we are invited, and we are not rushing to embrace tyrants just because they are conservative or RW. That is a huge, huge difference.
ADONAI : And as I explained earlier, that has NOTHING to do with the U.N. And it is all about how we fight wars. The U.N. has not influenced that a single bit. They didn’t make our armies, decide our battle plans. that’s ridiculous. O.K. I’ve never been attacked by bears since I found this rock. Must be the rock. And A LOT of people died in Vietnam. The last “grunt war”. Now tech rules.
AdLib : Chris and KQ – For Repubs, exceptionalism is like kids playing soccer all get a trophy because they’re “all so good!” It is indeed about an attitude for Repubs, one of delusion and used to manipulate voters through it. In reality, at least for me, the greatness of a country is only in its present and future. Greatness in the past is history, which should be appreciated and valued but it does not make the current society exceptional, that is not something that can be inherited and framed on the wall.
KQuark : AD ALLOT less people killed in war with ALLOT more people on the planet.
KQuark : I guess it’s just my opinion I don’t value exceptional intent only exceptional actions.
ADONAI : KQ, what facts? What have they done?
PatsyT : Pig stiff?
choicelady : KQ – Reagan’s genius lay in giving everyone burned out by the struggles of the 60s and early 70s the right to be selfish. THAT is where we broke down. Even the Left morphed into self indulgence. He made narcissism and selfishness OK. And while we were finding our chakras, they were robbing us blind.
ChrisR266 : KQuark: Hmmmm. I don’t know about that. Exceptionalism has always been about attitude, not deed.
KQuark : AD again the facts just tell a different story since the UN has come into existence. Again no one is saying it’s perfect but it has helped.
ADONAI : I can agree with that choice. I can absolutely agree on that.
AdLib : Chris – I’ve taken to setting up a chickenwire fence in front of the TV when I watch the news channels, it keeps the pig stiff from getting through…like when I’m eating watermelon.
KQuark : We aren’t exceptional unless we do exceptional things AdLib and since Reagan we have not done much.
ADONAI : People are dying in Africa by the hundreds. It’s more than Egypt. Where;s the U.N.? China drowns their daughters in rivers and they enjoy privilege in the U.N. It’s a sad joke.
PatsyT : Haha, my big brother says that same thing
choicelady : AD – what once was a strong charateristic – taking care of one another that we did so well from the New Deal through the early 70s, the factor that abetted our civil rights movement – all is under attack again. The fact that we wax and wane on whether we are a society of all people or a society of hierarchies and indifference probaly will come and go as long as the nation exists. That does not make the Constitution and all our values meaningless – it DOES mean we have to stop standing down when we accomplish something. We are good at fighting for rights and lousy at maintaining them.
AdLib : Patsy – You can tune a tv but you can’t tuna fish.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one who throws things at the television. I’ve been doing it for 25 years.
KQuark : AD it includes civil wars in places like Africa where technology is not a factor unless you include the internet making the fall of the Egyptian and Tunisian government more peaceful.
AdLib : I don’t believe in exceptionalism. Have you ever been around people who say they’re in Mensa? They are typically the most clueless people I have ever met. Yes, there are nations that are remarkable in many ways but Greece was pretty exceptional in it’s heyday and now it’s on the verge of being plowed over so a giant Walmart can be built on it. Exceptionalism is like winning a trophy when you’re 16 and going the rest of your life thinking you’re Number One. You have to keep proving who and what you are each and every day because a person or a nation is only in the present what its present actions and choices are.
PatsyT : AdLib, Flying Fish?
KQuark : American Exceptionalism for the GOP has morphed into we can do bad and unlawful things because we are exceptional.
ADONAI : Fewer and fewer people are dying in wars because of technology. We don’t dig trenches and fight it out inch by inch. We are a mechanized Army. Smaller urban conflicts, more bombings and drones.
choicelady : KQ – THAT is well said – being exceptional is not the same as American Exceptionalism. The problem is – that term has morphed so often, no one really understands it anymore. The RW means we’re a Christian theocracy and have the White Man’s Burden. The rest of us mean we’re a pretty cool experiment in democratic republican government among highly diverse populations that – until this moment -has worked pretty well.
ADONAI : Freedom? For who? Freedom is subjective. I seem to be free. Yo may be free. Many aren’t. We prospered because our competition was flattened. Mostly by us. We stand on hollow accomplishments and mediocre achievements. Quick to bring up the success of our predecessors as though it applied to us, and quicker to pass the blame to those that follow.
PatsyT : If you got it you don’t need to label it
KQuark : See this graph AD this is what the UN does. We talk about unending war allot in this country but fewer and fewer people are dying in wars since the UN was formed.
PatsyT : KQ I get the feeling that those that like to use that phrase are not all that exceptional
AdLib : Patsy – This is why I have messed up my tv screen from throwing my lunch at it repeatedly when Matthews or some other pundit goes on and on about what today’s polls mean. “Hey Chris, you know what they mean???” [launches tuna sandwich at the tv which sticks and covers Chris matthews’ face].
ADONAI : Yes, I’m sure people sleeping under bridges are super excited about men on the moon. Maybe a warm fire, but also the moon. What does the U.N. do again. Besides pass meaningless resolutions? Who asked us to police them?
KQuark : Hell what western country would ever vote a minority as president.
KQuark : Being exceptional is not the same as the concept of America Exceptionalism.
choicelady : “night sabreen!
choicelady : AD America is the only place where many of the Constitutional freedoms we enjoy do flourish. We are a nation of immigrants who have, by hook or crook, banded together into a coherent society. Hugely imperfect, but basically more workable than if you now toss immigrants and new ideas into any European nation. We ARE different. The only problem – Canada actually lives UP to our standards better than we do!
KQuark : AD what other country put men on the moon, sponsors the UN and took on the worlds security etc…?
PatsyT : Wonderful Night to you Sabreen!
ChrisR266 : Good evening, Sabreen. Love your name, just in case I haven’t told you before, :-0
ADONAI : Nite sabreen!
AdLib : Sleep well Sabreen!
ChrisR266 : Restful weekend, Kes.
PatsyT : AdLib YES ! thats what I’m talking about ! This will do it and they are not buying the RW BS from Cantor or Newt!
Sabreen60 : I’ve enjoyed as always. But I’ve got to go. Take care everyone.
KQuark : All the things we are know to be great for like our rule of law, money for foreign aid, scientific achievement the GOP is against just because Dems are for it.
ChrisR266 : ADONAI: About Afghanistan we completely agree.
choicelady : kes – sorry I’m not there to enjoy Fall. It’s not quite here yet. We had a taste, but not the full thing, and we never get the glory of the trees. So I shall live vicariously through you! Enjoy!
AdLib : Sleep well Kes and have a delightful weekend!
ADONAI : When was American ever exceptional? That’s the myth that needs to die. “Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants”
ChrisR266 : Kes: it really was an offensive speech. If I had been a handler (or speech writer), I would have yanked whole passages from the speech. The type of denigration in which they engaged was both unnecessary and subversive.
AdLib : Patsy – I think it is not being overly optimistic to think that the OWS movement could push the 2012 elections strongly back to the Dems in Congress and the WH. The Dems should capitalize on it by putting out a list of laws they will pass if put back in power…and keep their word!
KQuark : Exactly CL well said!
KQuark : Sleep well Kes.
choicelady : When did we last hear about “American Exceptionalism” before now? It’s as dead as the dodo as a concept. We ARE exceptional – in all the ways that the GOP are trying to kill off!!!!
PatsyT : Nighty Night to you Kes…
ADONAI : Nite kes!
kesmarn : Well, friends, sleep deprivation is catching up with me. Hafta call it a day. Enjoy the beautiful autumn.
choicelady : Sabreen – I know. It would have been fun. But he’d never have lived it down. I DID love it in the discussion around health care when the Rethugs said they thought it was unfair the Dems got so much time to talk because of Obama. He said, once, “I’m the president.” They do NOT want to see him that way.
AdLib : KQ – They will try but playing the racist “he’s not one of us” card against Obama is played out. He’s been president for almost 3 years and he hasn’t issued one executive order yet requiring the beheading of all non-Muslims.
ADONAI : Get on a plane and fly home?
KQuark : But what’s their exit strategy?
PatsyT : I prefer the new Occupy movement.
ADONAI : Well, the last time an empire left Afghanistan in “the mess they created”, it eventually became a democratic republic. The absolute best thing we can do is leave.
choicelady : The ONLY reason any of the GOP could win would be if Americans are as brain dead as they were in 2010.
KQuark : That’s the GOP playing the he’s not one of us card Kes which is completely delusional even to moderate Repugs now.
AdLib : Sabreen – Yep, another stale cliche, hitting Dems with being anti-exceptional ist. That’s not going to work with Obama for exactly why you describe it won’t.
ADONAI : They were never really wars though. Just occupations. Always have been.
kesmarn : Heard reports of the Romney speech and he reportedly said: “The president doesn’t want America to be the strongest nation in the world.” If China announced the goal of becoming “the strongest nation in the world” everyone who be horrified and yet somehow we’re supposed to be proud to run around saying jingoistic stuff like that? Maybe morally strongest… but simply throwing the most $$$ at the military. No…
Sabreen60 : CL: Yep. And the militant in me wished Pres Obama had stepped down from the podium and gone over to Wilson and beetch slapped him.
choicelady : KQ – I think yes. It’s over in Iraq. We had troops in Japan for YEARS while things stabilized. It’s good policy NOT to cut out on the mess you have made.
KQuark : I thought so too but can’t for the life of me remember who.
ADONAI : I do have to agree Al. It’s a rather stark contrast.
AdLib : KQ – I know we have at least one other Planeteer in GA.
choicelady : Sabreen – remember Joe “You Lie” Wilson? They started from the git go.
KQuark : Can we call the Iraq war over if we leave 3,000 troops or less their already! Sorry just a pet peeve the war has been over for a while. War and presence are just not the same thing.
AdLib : KQ and AD – Romney and the rest think that just saying Obama is terrible and the cause of all our troubles will be enough to get elected. But when it becomes clear to the public that they have no plans or ideas other than cutting taxes for billionaires and letting corps pollute our water, land and air…not to mention letting Wall Street rob us more and killing all of our social safety nets…how the hell can the race be close?
choicelady : AdLib – I’m all for December!
choicelady : KQ – why did I think you were in North Carolina? I knew you were stuck down south, but not GA.
Sabreen60 : Oh and I don’t like it when candidates or Congresscritters disrespect the sitting President. They didn’t do it Bush, but have no problem doing it to Pres Obama.
ADONAI : Romney was lying. Obama never cut defense. Defense spending has increased under Obama. So that’s another factual inaccuracy too.
ChrisR266 : AdLib and KQ: This Romney speech was beyond the pale, I thought. Wholly offensive, and especially disrespectful to the President. I was aghast at a few moments.
KQuark : I think I’m the only one crazy enough to stay in GA.
choicelady : KQ – if Obama cut defense BUT we are making progress in Afghanistan, stablizing things in Iraq, holding extremists at bay, stopping terrorists before they get here AND getting bin Laden – then that was a good exercise in stewardship that did not harm defense and saved taxpayers money. Now – let’ see Romney chew on THAT one!
Sabreen60 : Romney also said that the President doesn’t think this country is “exceptional”. I guess that’s why the President always says that only in America could be have become President.
AdLib : CL – I’m all for planning an LA hookup in December for Planeteers in the vicinity. Maybe Planeteers elsewhere could do the same? And we could blog a little drunkenly with each other?
KQuark : It just seems like terrible campaign strategy AdLib but face it Romney has ZERO answers for the economy.
ADONAI : Yeah i don’t get the attack on foreign policy. He ordered and accepted the responsibilities for the killing of Bin Laden. And our foreign policy is pretty much “kill that crazy guy in the desert” so he’s doing good.
AdLib : KQ – I thought it was hilariously absurd, Romney looked so uncomfortable and out of his element…and attacking Obama on defense? How many Bin Laden’s did you kill, Willard?
choicelady : AdLib – awwww that was nice! Sorry to miss it!
KQuark : It’s amazing he has to lie just to make a point saying Obama cut defense. I wish he would cut defense more.
kesmarn : At one drink apiece, you must have been feeling pretty merry by about 8.
ADONAI : But then did you make a toast for me afterwards?
choicelady : KQ – no, I missed Romney’s speech on foreign policy. I fell asleep thinking about it!
PatsyT : KQ you mean his foreign spleach.. . it may as well have been dribble
KQuark : Ah cheers to you as well.
AdLib : We toasted to all of our Planet friends!
KQuark : I hope he keeps on trying to hit Obama on defense because that’s where his record is strongest.
ADONAI : HA! But we should definitely get drunk first.
choicelady : KQ -I knew what you meant. And everyone – AdLib is as marvelous in person as on the Planet. I’m delighted to have met him twice. Patsy – we have to get together SOON! That’s twice we’ve missed each other!
KQuark : Did anyone see Romney’s foreign policy speach. ZZZZZZZZ
ChrisR266 : ok, AD: lets go out to the alley. I’ll solve this one, LOL.
Sabreen60 : Nite Sue
ADONAI : I’m funk’s biggest fan. Do you have his ’98 Japanese import? Didn’t think so.
KQuark : GN funk sleep well.
Sabreen60 : Nite Funk
PatsyT : Ha Ha Funk.. The ladies should all know funk is a very tall mysterious hunk of wit and wisdom…
AdLib : Pamlib
KQuark :
added an extra Dem
kesmarn : funk, good night, and I guess we’ll have to change that to Anne Lib from now on.
choicelady : funk – I’m sorry I could not be there, too – it would have been SO cool to meet you! Hope to do so soon.
AdLib : Funk – It was a real pleasure meeting you this week and a joy seeing Patsy again! Good luck with that peg leg and I love the handlebar mustache! Sleep well!
ChrisR266 : Good night, Funk. I’m your biggest fan.
KQuark : Exactly CL and like you imply Dems we can persuade Dems to do something about it unlike the Repugs that only work for the moneyed interests.
ADONAI : Nite funk.
choicelady : Night Sue – talk with you soon!
PatsyT : Oh Sue nighty night to you
choicelady : AdLib – remember when Bush said, “Make the pie higher!” He was right – the higher it was the more the rich got. So here’s Cain’s pizza pie – higher and more loaded for the rich, and yeah – you get the bill.
AdLib : Kes – Hey, Sue’s my BFF!
KQuark : Like I said on a post Cain success has more to due with the brilliance of Mario Puzo books and the Godfather movies that the quality of his product.
funksands : I have to go. I did want to say that I really enjoyed getting a chance to meet AdLib and Patsy this week. They are indeed as engaging and brilliant as they appear to be online. While I didn’t expect Ad to be a 25 year old woman, I got over my surprise quickly. Love to do it again sometime.
AdLib : Chris – Yes, a wide ranging convo tonight, a great turnout!
choicelady : KQ – of course the Dems are complicit, but the Rethugs have held sway since the early 90s and were the ones who brought lobbyists INTO THE CONGRESS to write the laws. Not advocate for them – write them! I do a little of that, but I go hat in hand to a legislator to support it and then have to lobby it all around. My role is NO different than would be yours or any other citizen with a good idea. I never get asked to write laws in general and certainly NOT INSIDE THE CAPITOL!
kesmarn : Good night, BFF! Have a great weekend!
ADONAI : Nite sue!
Sabreen60 : Patsy, Cain had the right to make the choice he made. But if he thinks he can run for President and be asked all manner of questions then he hasn’t been paying attention. Pres. Obama was harassed into showing his long form birth certificate for goodness sake. And Cain was one of those on that bandwagon. Wonder what he’ll do when they ask to see his?
ChrisR266 : Enjoy the slumber and the weekend, Sue.
AdLib : Night Sue! Have a great weekend!
ADONAI : The new emotion chips they installed in Lawrence O’Donell are far better than the old ones. The other night some panelists were joking and I swear to GOD I saw something resembling a smile come onto his face.
SueInCa : Well all I have to go it has been a good night, sleep well all.
AdLib : The Herman Cain pizza is cut into one slice and goes to the wealthy, all you get is the empty box and the bill.
ChrisR266 : So, I’ve been reading up on your chatting tonight. Ranging wide, ‘eh?
kesmarn : Mine’s all downhill after tonight, Chris. Working weekend.
KQuark : Heya Chis
SueInCa : Evening Chris
ChrisR266 : Hello everybody! Hope your weekend is beginning as good as mine.
KQuark : See I have no delusions Dems and Repubs are to blame but being practical I assign that the vast majority of blame to the Repugs. Other people just can’t see it that way it’s black and white like a binary switch to them.
choicelady : Chris! Welcome!
ChrisR266 : Kes: You got that right!
kesmarn : Hey, Chris! At long last we have a picture-perfect fall!
funksands : Evening Chris
choicelady : ADLib – A large Sleeze Pizza please?
PatsyT : Hi Chriss!
Sabreen60 : Hey Chris!
AdLib : Hey Chris!
PatsyT : Sabreen Lawrence really got him there
ADONAI : Evenin’ chris!
funksands : KQ, I have a soft spot in my heart for Phil Taylor. He is after all the energy of the future.
ChrisR266 : Good evening, all POVers
ADONAI : But what about bread sticks?
AdLib : I’ll have a Herman Cain with extra sleaze!
SueInCa : KQ a true flavor of the month R’s don’t have a good selection
choicelady : KQ – not going there, KQ. Not going there at ALL…
kesmarn : Very frustrating, KQ…
Sabreen60 : Funk, I thought it was very good. Personally, I didn’t have a problem with Lawrence asking Cain why he didn’t participate in the civil rights movement, especially since Cain had lied and said he was too young and in high school, when in fact he was in college at Morehouse, MLK’s alma mater. So on this one point I disagreed with Melissa.
AdLib : KQ – You’re right, the angriest are probably on the streets now but as OWS continues to grow, more and more Progressives will be adding to their numbers and will naturally represent the majority of the movement…which I bet they do right now anyway.
funksands : Herman Cain will drown us in pizza metaphor.
KQuark : IDK Cain seems like a two minute man to me CL.
choicelady : Patsy T – since Cain was CEO of “Godfather’s Pizza” can we use that by implying he has a Domino’s fetish: Cain will Deliver – in 30 Minutes or your Money Back!!!
AdLib : Night KT!
KQuark : Buh bye KT. good dreams
PatsyT : You have a great evening KT Nighty Night
AdLib : KQ – Yes, that is a great situation, Romney has a small fraction of Repubs who will willingly support him which means, if he wins, he will have very weak support and enthusiasm. Good stuff!
KQuark : AdLib you are right but let’s face it the people taking it too the streets are filled with the angriest people like the Carolabs and Philip Taylor types who drone on about Obama.
SueInCa : Night KT
ADONAI : Peace KT!
kesmarn : Good night, KT!
funksands : Night KT
PatsyT : Yes Yes great minds ….
KillgoreTrout : My how the time flys. Good night good people!
choicelady : Sabreen – I saw both. I thought the interviews with Sharpton, Harris-Perry, and Taylor was one of the most thoughtful and sophisticated analyses I’ve heard in years. They were amazing!
funksands : Great minds, Patsy…great minds….
PatsyT : Jinx Funksands!
kesmarn : Or your vote back. Compliments of Diebold.
PatsyT : Or it’s free
funksands : Or your money back
kesmarn : In less than 30 minutes, Patsy.
ADONAI : Yeah but the delivery charge is ridiculous.
KQuark :
funksands : Sabreen, that WAS an interesting exchange wasn’t it?
PatsyT : Cain will Deliver !
SueInCa : Ad I will tell you the story on the threads next week.
Sabreen60 : I caught Cain’s interview on Lawrence’s show last night. Tonight I saw Melissa Harris-Perry, Rev Al and Goldie Taylor discuss that interview. If you get a chance try to see Lawrence’s show.
choicelady : kes and Patsy – I’m rooting for Cain!
AdLib : Sabreen – The Professional Left will try to use any opportunity to hammer Obama, including cherry picking OWS protesters to “prove” they don’t like Obama. However, if their whole movement is against the wealthy and corporations…a re they voting for Romney or Perry who will hand over the rest of America to them? No way!
ADONAI : HA! You are a true fan Sue.
kesmarn : In that case, C’lady, let ’em run Cain.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Patsy! Cain will never get the nom. He’s just not the right color for the GOP. They’re just using him as a mouthpiece to spout their bullshit.
PatsyT : Choice !! LOL!
funksands : There is no candidate other than Perry that will drive turnout for the GOP. That is my impression. Romney may win the nomination, but conservative turnout will be way down.
KQuark : This is going on for a long time though AdLib. Romney just can’t gain any support over 25-27% it seems
SueInCa : I burned his rookie card Adonai
choicelady : Patsy and all – the idea of two Black men running for president would have one major good outcome. All the Baggers and covert racist Dominionists would have heart attacks and die.
ADONAI : Loved Ozzie. Most definitely the Wizard.
SueInCa : Cain reminds me of a hip hop producer
SueInCa : AD as long as Ozzie Smith is not playing I am okay with it
PatsyT : If they by chance wind up with Cain… Some Repubs will just stay home
choicelady : KQ – if the GOP lifted up a goat wearing a cross, it, too would leap to the front in straw polls. Then it would eat the straw…
funksands : Kes, I would suspect that a majority would vote for Obama, a lot for third parties and almost none for Republicans. I think that shows a deep distrust of the duality of the parties rather than a disgust with Obama
ADONAI : Sue, good pitching though. But St. Louis fought hard. They deserve the series.
AdLib : KQ – Cain has little money and his support is shallow, he’s just a way for Baggers to hate on Perry and Romney but they don’t want him to win. It’s great for Obama to have Cain get so much attention, he’s as big a hater as the Repubs have.
PatsyT : KQ I would love to see that… what a conundrum !
choicelady : SAbreen – those are the kinds of idiotic know nothing statements that I keep hearing. I have NO idea if they represent the main threads of the OSW movement or not. Here in Sacramento,most of the messaging is being handled by the REPORTERS, not the participants, so it’s pretty weird, too.
KillgoreTrout : I think it’s a little too convenient for the RW to imply that those in the OWS movement are anti-Obama. They may not be happy with him, but they sure as hell aren’t going to vote republican.
ADONAI : If the polls keep rising , maybe Cain could win. How hilarious would that be?! Best debates ever. Plus, just to be purely historic here, seeing two black men on stage vying to be the leader of the free world would be a great sight. Then Obama crushes him.
kesmarn : KQ, I don’t think Cain can win the nom. Too bad, in a way…
funksands : KQ, not a chance.
SueInCa : Adonai the Giants beat the Phillies, they are just another team. espn talks too much about them tries to build them up to more than they are
kesmarn : Sabreen, i would like to ask them whom they DO plan to vote for, then. That would reveal a lot.
ADONAI : Phillies lost?! wow. How did they beat Holladay? to ESPN I go!
KQuark : So does anyone really believe Cain can win the GOP nomination with where some polls have him out front. I just think it shows how much they hate Romney.
SueInCa : you are welcome adlib
Sabreen60 : The media seems to interviewing folks from OuccupyWallStree t who are not supporters of the President. I saw Laura Flanders and she made it point to say that the protesters were not fans of the President. She even mentioned one who said he wouldn’t vote for the President because he didn’t put on his marching shoes and go to Wisconsin. I have no idea if OWS are firebaggers who hate the President or not.
SueInCa : Phillies lost again too bad, not
ADONAI : That’s what I figured. When he got his MSNBC show I heard a bunch of stuff about “closet republican” and “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. He wants to use liberal methods to further conservative ideas and stuff like that. I tried hsi show but it was to “Chris Matthews-y” for me.
AdLib : Thanks for the H/T Sue!
kesmarn : I can’t take credit for that one, Funk.
KQuark : Exactly AdLib he’s like a double agent.
SueInCa : here here I agree totally
funksands : Poutrage. I like that.
kesmarn : He learned well from his years on CNBC.
AdLib : Hey, I’ve been calling him Ratagain for a while!
PatsyT : Yep Kes, that rat doesn’t go over very well for dinner
SueInCa : Adlib
KillgoreTrout : Over at HP {spit} I remember people criticizing Stewart and Colbert’s rally attendees for being slobs and not picking up after themselves. I thought Wow, is that all your side has going for it, “tidiness?”
AdLib : Ratigan is a fraud, his ranting about the wealthy controlling politics is an act. He is a Wall Streeter and a Republican in Dems clothing. He kisses up to all kinds of Wall Street and wealthy types like T. Boone Pickens on his show. His “Get the money out of Politics” petition, if it was law, would only allow wealthy people to run for office. He us a fraud.
SueInCa : Patsy, what Kes said lol
ADONAI : HA! Rat Again. I see what you did there
kesmarn : Beats cooked Rat Again, Patsy.
PatsyT : Sue when Dylan comes on that when I switch to cooking show… My family loves the dinners!
SueInCa : AL I know one but he is against gay people so not totally a nice guy
kesmarn : Nope, AdLib. It’s mostly poutrage and racism that they deny they harbor deep inside.
ADONAI : Not all republicans are racist. But all racists are Republican.
KillgoreTrout : Funny, Cantor never referred to th TP as “mobs.” What a dunce.
KQuark : KT with the Tea Party they really had a chance to go populist but then the right wing just took it over completely.
AdLib : Maybe we should do a group scientific study. Talk with the Republicans you know in your family or who are friends and ask indirect questions to see if they feel persecuted (“White people have it rough!”) or are angry in life. This isn’t scientific but I can’t think of one Republican I know who doesn’t have a tinge of racism or feelings of persecution and/or anger. What about you? Know any happy, racially positive Repubs?
SueInCa : I stopped watching Ratigan about a year ago.
Sabreen60 : Quark, yes he is.
ADONAI : Patsy, I think Dylan’s intentions may be genuine but the election process has to be completely remodeled in my opinion. Just cranking down how much you can spend won’t really do much. Except guarantee you will only be choosing between the wealthy and career politicians. Not that we don’t now, but still.
kesmarn : KQ can you explain what you mean about OWS showing GOP colors?
KQuark : Ratigan is a complete poser.
KillgoreTrout : KQ, the RW media and the GOP are coninually showing their ass and aren’t even aware of it. They don’t undertand the word “populist!”
Sabreen60 : Cl: Unless we get a Congress who will pass an amendment to Citizens, I don’t know what will happen. I had thought that even with folks spending billionaires, there still is one vote, one person. But with voter suppression and tampering with Diebold machines, I don’t know.
PatsyT : KQ I was so glad to hear Eric Cantor call them mobs .. it means they won’t try to co-op them!
SueInCa : Cl Palin would never believe or even go to a shrink
choicelady : Sue – I love South Carolina, too, and it has THE most interesting racial politics I’ve ever seen. We’ll talk soon.
KQuark : True Kes and CL on Palin
PatsyT : ADONAI Dylan Ratigan is turning his show into a Get the Money Out telethon… I am not sure if you can trust him
KQuark : I’ll tell you one thing OWS is really showing the GOP colors. They have lost any populists they had before.
choicelady : kes – any good shrink would call out Palin’s projection. If she is capable of doing evil things, then of course EVERYONE does them.
SueInCa : Palin was so easy to make fun of, but dangerous as all hell
kesmarn : I think it was genuine projection with Palin. She really believed everyone was capable of the back-stabbing she routinely did.
KillgoreTrout : I agree CL. The right just loves to call anyone from Hollywood or an ivy league school, “librul eeleet!” Very anti-intellectua l and anti-artist!
choicelady : Sabreen – we have been dealt some VERY nasty SCOTUS rulings that hurt public financing of elections seriously. That and Citzens United – we have some BIG trouble.
ADONAI : Does anyone have a better plan than “we need to get money out of politics”?
KQuark : Yup AdLib and Palin was the Queen of the persecution complex but the truth was she was one of the most corrupt people to ever enter politics.
SueInCa : KT that is where ,y dad is from, I loved North and South Carolina
Sabreen60 : Well Obama doesn’t fall in that category. However, he and everyone else running for national office sure needs a ton of money. I think until we can get finance reform we’ll this problem. However, baggers weren’t all rich and look how that turned out.
ADONAI : How many people get out of limos and are escorted by highly trained security to podiums where they call someone elitist?
choicelady : KT – I don’t get the “liburl eleet” when we have blue collar union folks and MN is the farmer-labor party. We need to sneer right back and say we’re the AMERICAN party!
SueInCa : Ad I ran into a guy literally in a bar and he told me No problem, darlin. I cracked up
KillgoreTrout : I lived in NC for three years, and met some very nice people.
AdLib : Hey KQ! Nice to seeya!
AdLib : The persecution complexes seem to be very inspired by the GOP’s psych game. Turn the masses against each other, make them blame each other for their desperate situations and without unity, the corps and wealthy who are the real villains can continue oppressing them and gaining power and wealth.
PatsyT : Hey KQ!
ADONAI : I’m with ya Sue.
We’ve made a lot of mistakes.
choicelady : Hi KQ!
kesmarn : Hey, KQ!
KillgoreTrout : Hey KQ!
SueInCa : Hey KQ and AD I loved the south just not their politics
choicelady : Sue – yeah. We want them to stop taking over America, and they are sooooo persecuted in their religion.
funksands : Sabreen, do you think its because we have (in effect) been electing the aristocracy to run our country?
SueInCa : DM added nothing of value to MNF Al
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I think you’re right. I think he was very bitter about not making it in Hollywood. Hence his constant harping on “librul eeleets.”
ADONAI : I know all about that Sue. So many hardcore Republicans back home. I don’t know that it has ever gone Democratic. But then many are just Republicans. Good people, voted Dem from time to time. It’s interesting politics there. Never really thought of it that way til now.
KQuark : What’s up planet?
SueInCa : CL Christians the same, they talk their persecution but what they really mean is your persecution
AdLib : KT – That was Miller’s excuse but he was clearly embittered by losing his place on MNF because fans hated him and nearly at the same time, having his HBO show cancelled. And becoming a RW Republican came naturally to someone who’s hateful towards most people.
kesmarn : Don’t bullies always play the victim card, c’lady. OJ said Nicole attacked him.
Sabreen60 : Funk – I hear you! It’s the club mentality. I think if you become a Senator or Congressperson you have “arrived” into that very special sanctuary. Dems really are more genteel than Repubs although they seldom call each mofos in public.
KillgoreTrout : Kes, they sure do. And machismo for being a man.
kesmarn : KT, and they take belligerence for strength, no?
choicelady : kes – it goes along with the RW “we’re oppressed” and “Obama is taking our freedoms” while they’re packing heat, standing on sidewalks outside clinics harassing women, and have more talk show outlets than does God. Persecuted? You’re walking around, taking all our money, living large, and you’re PERSECUTED?????
SueInCa : AD I hear you. My dad’s twin was a virulent repub
KillgoreTrout : kes, too many people take kindness for weakness. It’s a real shame.
AdLib : Funk – Personally, I think many Dems are by nature timid animals that fear conflict and seek quiet meadows to hide themselves in between elections.
SueInCa : AL I have not known very many nice republicans. except sometimes to your face.
ADONAI : Sue, Papaw is more of a “best option we have” kind of person. He’s just absolutely convinced Republicans want all his retirement money to give to Wall Street. I can’t really argue that. But he holds Dems feet to the fire to. He wants them to earn his vote. Not just expect it. I got a lot of my views from him but I think I may be a bit more extreme. Often times unnecessarily.
kesmarn : It’s disgusting when the choice boils down to being civil and perceived as weak or getting down and rolling in the mud with the Repubs. Somehow they always manage to do that.
choicelady : funk – I think the gloves are coming off the Dems now. They tried – and I’m glad they did – but hoo boy – NO WAY are these people anything but thugs. Call it out Dems!
SueInCa : Funk I hate that you know they are lying
AdLib : It’s not necessary to be hateful and bitter to be a Republican…but it helps.
KillgoreTrout : I think 9/11 scared Miller so bad he turned color over night.
funksands : Are nationally-elect ed Dems too genteel to start calling the cesspool of GOP around them what they really are? Are we really doomed to hear “my friends across the aisle” forever?
kesmarn : c’lady
Great visual!
AdLib : CL – Don’t trouble yourself, I’ll go back to the thread and find it.
SueInCa : AD yeah my dad was a militant liberal, he talked to Nixon on the tv, rather yelled at him lol.
choicelady : kes – LOL!!!! CAn you see that being sung by a whole lot of white people in seersucker suits and fancy dresses with twirly umbrellas!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, Beck has a new show for kids where they are going to learn History, and Science! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa. I guess Bachman and Plain will be the teachers!
AdLib : KT – Dennis Miller was instructive. He was a Dem until he was fired by MNF and HBO at the same time, became bitter and hateful and the next thing you know…he’s a no-longer funny Republican!
choicelady : AdLib – I’m going to have to look it up and it may be at work. I will find it though and pass it on to you.
kesmarn : And then we have Glenda Becky, Sabreen… (gag)
SueInCa : Sabreen Always
ADONAI : Sue, I come from a rare Democratic family in eastern Kentucky. Never ever have they cast a Republican vote. Papaw hates them.
funksands : I didn’t make that up, but I thought it was pretty funny
KillgoreTrout : I agree SUE. No grey matter left.
Sabreen60 : Hank ONLY said the President was Hitler. Who is the guy that said President Obama has been more disastrous to this country than 9/11? Are they vying for the most vile?
AdLib : Funk –
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, it seems all the has been actors go right. The GOP is the only ones who will still hire them FOX too.
kesmarn : Right c’lady. Talk about a new spin on “Let My People Go.” Seriously. Let ’em GO!
AdLib : CL – Whoops, I did miss that! Could you briefly recap what the DoJ is doing on voter suppression?
ADONAI : Naw, we need the South. Someone has to die in our wars.
funksands : Hank Williams is going to star on the new sitcom “Shit My Dad Says on Meth”
SueInCa : Adonai you are prob closer than you think, except for my dad, he was a def liberal from the south
choicelady : AD – I keep saying the biggest mistake the U.S, made was not letting the South go.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady a white cane and helper dog to go along with those sunglasses and he may find his way to 3 or 4 voting places.
ADONAI : If the South woulda won!…… We’d probably be bankrupt and owned by France and Mexico.
AdLib : Kes – Yep, the Dems have the majority and the Repubs have a no-talent racist and anti-semetic hack. Sounds about fair.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you missed my reply – the DoJ IS looking at voter supression in many states! Your wish has become fact!
SueInCa : Hank left his mind in a bag of Meth
KillgoreTrout : Hey, All My Rowdy Friends Are Here Tonight!
Oh BTW, screw you Hank!
SueInCa : The Justice Dept is paying attention
ADONAI : So you’re admitting they had good ideas.
choicelady : kes – is Hank Willimas, Jr. given more than one vote? I’m surprised he can find his way to the polling site…
AdLib : CL – Absolutely, only by carving out enough of the majority do Repubs think they have a chance at winning. Which is why I believe strongly the DoJ needs to fight all of these voter suppression laws.
funksands : Ad, all of their good ideas have been coopted by the Dems, all of the bad ones exposed and discredited. When you have no ideas of your own left you either go extinct or start rigging the voting process
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Sue. I intend to.
choicelady : funk – yes, you did say SOME. And they are worth paying attention to. Can be scary!
SueInCa : KT keep writing it was a good conversation
kesmarn : AdLib, the Repubs hate all those people, but they still have Hank Williams, Jr…
ADONAI : They way they win almost every election Al. Find the hidden bigots and content Americans and scare the shit out of them. Tell them they may have to be slightly inconvenienced. That’ll get them to the polls.
choicelady : ADLib – they hate the majorty. Hence – voter supression.
funksands : CL, for sure. I did say “some”.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks funk, I appreciate it. I don’t write very many. Lack of self confidence!
SueInCa : KT Kes has remember her republican friend?
choicelady : funk – they are all different. Some good, some awful, most in between like most people. They are not rabid like the Dominionists who KNOW they are the chosen. A restaurant I frequent has a lot of funny signs, one of which I like: Jesus loves you, but I’m his favorite. It cracks me up. But DOMINIONISTS BELIEVE IT!
funksands : Sue, just give it time.
AdLib : Hi Sabreen!
KillgoreTrout : I think Cain was the horse’s patoot that said some people are “poor by design!” Personally I’ve never met one.
ADONAI : I also think most Democrats don’t really care about religious matters one way or another. They would probably prefer it be left out entirely.
AdLib : Okay, the GOP hates: Blacks, latinos, gays and lesbians, Muslims, those who live on the West and East Coast, 9/11 responders, young people, seniors, schoolchildren, teachers, firemen, policemen, the unemployed, the poor…I know I’m leaving out some folks…and they expect to win a national election? How? They hate towards the majority of voters!
SueInCa : Funk I don’t know very many at all. Strange, huh?
funksands : Hi KT, I really enjoyed your post.
kesmarn : Must admit you nailed it, c’lady.
ADONAI : Hello Sabreen!
funksands : I know many many many many Mormons. Humble is a very thin veneer over a whole lot of superiority for some of them
choicelady : Hi SAbreen!
ADONAI : Indeed choice. good point
SueInCa : Sabreen hiya
choicelady : kes – Cain would dodge the question. On the older people he’d say they planned badly. On the kids – take them away from their parents and put them in orphanages.
KillgoreTrout : Good to see ya Sabreen!
funksands : Sue, I am dandy. Thanks for asking!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
KillgoreTrout : Wow funk, that’s pretty eeleetist don’t cha think?
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers – hope all is well!
choicelady : AD – 23% of Dems would not nominate a Catholic either. Depends on who they are. Remember we blame the Mormons for the defeat of No on 8 – protection of same sex marriage – when many churches and one bishop I know well REFUSED to read the church’s letter urging a YES on 8 vote. Mormons are a very mixed group of people.
SueInCa : Hey Funk how’s it?
funksands : KT, EVERY Priesthood holder in good standing gets their own planet after they die
ADONAI : You can lose your job for sucking at it. Many do. But if it’s due to “cutbacks” beyond your control, it’s hardly your fault.
kesmarn : Let’s just say we need a UNION very badly, funk!
KillgoreTrout : Hey funk! What’s shakin?
funksands : Hi Kes, work treating you okay?
KillgoreTrout : That’s the planet Kolub, isn’t it?
kesmarn : Have to wonder what Cain’s take would be on poor people who happen to be 87 years old…or 4 years old, for that matter. And Hi Funk!
funksands : Hi Ad!
funksands : Romney gets his own planet after he dies, why would he care about the presidency?
ADONAI : Paul as Pokey…… I like it!
AdLib : Hey Funk!
ADONAI : Speaking of Mormons. CNN was talking about Romney’s Citadel speech. I had missed it. So I stopped there. Then they got into his religion. And they quoted an interesting poll number. 16% of Republicans would not nominate a Mormon. 23% of Democrats would not nominate a Mormon. Found that interesting.
AdLib : CL – I’m not upset by Cain and Cantor and Romney bashing OWS, they’re really bashing 99% of Americans and they don’t realize it. In their quest to win the GOP nom, they are attacking those who decide the GE. Keep it up, boys!
choicelady : funk – I do not think romney would renounce his religion. But tonight one of Perry’s pastors claimed Mormonism is NOT Christian. That was OVER THE TOP – and he freaking claimed NO Christian believed Mormonism was. WRONG!
KillgoreTrout : CL, Cain is just spouting the same old GOPTP rhetoric about poor people being lazy. He doen’t know he’s being used buy the GOP to parrot their bullshit.
kesmarn : Kinda makes me hope he’s their candidate…for many reasons.
choicelady : Oh kes – that’s priceless! Let’s have bumper stickers!
kesmarn : Thanks, Chief.
AdLib : Kes –
SueInCa : Paul is Pokey
choicelady : AdLib – I thought Cain’s statement on ‘it’s YOUR fault’ was beyond belief. Does he REALLY think that in this downturn and smashed out economy? NOT THE BANKS’ FAULT????
ADONAI : HA! lover
funksands : We shall see….
ADONAI : Hola funk! No, I think that’s where he draws the line. So almost anything
SueInCa : Ron Paul
KillgoreTrout : That’s so great great Sue. I think the Arab Spring has turned into the America Autumn!
SueInCa : Adonai
choicelady : AD – if that is true, it’s disgusting. It is not just about using the bathroom but their TRASHING the bathrooms. Small store owners are NOT big capital to be disdained. One thing that we owe is respect to those who are trying to make a living in a corporate world gone nuts. Their disdain is based in faulty politics equating these small store owners with Wall Street. They are NOT and don’t deserve this kind of disrespect.
ADONAI : Then who is Pokey?
funksands : Adonai, would he renounce Mormonism to win the nomination?
kesmarn : Cain is not Able.
SueInCa : Romney is gumby
AdLib : How about Cain saying that if people are out of work, it’s their own fault?
ADONAI : Romney is pretty much a moderate Republican. But, like McCain, he’ll say anything to get elected President.
SueInCa : The Whole World is Watching just like we watched the mideast
kesmarn : Have a good friend (lib of course) who lives in NY State and she’s extremely disappointed in Cuomo.
choicelady : ADLib – I know he’s more conservative – or shall we say opportunistic – than his father whom to this day I adore. He is, unfortunately, showing his true colors.
SueInCa : Bloomberg could fix that with porta potties
kesmarn : Cantor. If there were a tornado ten feet away, he would be “starting to be concerned.”
ADONAI : Loved this story on the Daily Show last night. Store owners in New York are getting mad about protestors using their bathrooms without buying anything.
AdLib : CL – I heard people along the way, running up to the election mention that Cuomo is far more conservative on a number of issues than people realize. His embrace of Wall Street right now leaves a stink on him in my opinion. Siding with the 1%ers over the 99% he represents? Just because they bring in mo0re revenues and campaign contributions to him? That’s messed up.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I couldn’t believe he said that. Not the sharpest pencil in the box, that’s for sure!
SueInCa : Remember Bachmann this is our last chance for HC, they are afraid
choicelady : kes – yup the anti-abortion folks ruined their own chances of sympathy with the Kneeling Head Butt. Did NOT make friends with the police!
choicelady : KT – Sputter and laugh YES!!!! Is Cantor only NOW getting it!!! That must explain the tiny frown on his otherwise botoxed face…
SueInCa : No BFF I am not that interested just glad to see different teams get in
ADONAI : Don’t worry kes, it’s just baseball
kesmarn : Sue… hahaha… I wasn’t scolding…just displaying my ignorance of what sport season it is!
ADONAI : Money rules everything. Money is the reason they are assembling. For it or against it.
choicelady : ADLib – I’m actually shocked that Cuomo has been a bastard in this. Who’s hurting the CEOs anyway? They come and go in their limos – it’s not as if anyone has actually GASP interefered with their money making routines!
KillgoreTrout : It’s quite funny, today Cantor said he was “becoming concerned,” about the OWS movement. I thought to myself, Well, that’s the whole point dumbass.
SueInCa : The Kochs and Dick ArmeY, dirty Money
AdLib : CL – Love it!!! I nominate you as Chant Leader for OWS!
kesmarn : c’lady!
That’s a whole new twist on passive-aggressi ve! The Kneeling Head Butt!
SueInCa : No BFF just a quick aside.
ADONAI : Yeah i do agree with that. I don;t know how this is any different than the Tea Party
kesmarn : Sue…laugh if you must, BFF, but are we talking baseball here? (So out of the sports loop.)
choicelady : kes – I wound up having some superb conversations with cops and sheriffs. They were quite fine once they realized we were NOT a bunch of goons and thugs. Did not hurt that the other side, when arrested, would kneel in front of the cops and bash their privates with the backs of their heads. Tends to take the sparkle off any burgeoning friendly feelings…
AdLib : Hi AD!
AdLib : It kind of amazes me though it shouldn’t, that the paltry numbers of Baggers and their offensive, racist behavior made them a grass roots movement but peaceful, well spoken people who don’t misspell their signs are “mobs” and “dangerous”. Mike Bloomberg should have a picket line put all around him, the Wall Street slimeball. And Andrew Cuomo hasn’t been anything but Wall Street’s friend in this. Can’t trust politicians to act outside their campaign contributor’s interests.
SueInCa : rooted for detroit too
ADONAI : I;m just glad the Yankees lost. Hate that team
KillgoreTrout : I love it CL. Munch munch munch!
SueInCa : just a little aside here, Milwaukee beat Arizona, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
choicelady : Hi AD!
kesmarn : c’lady, that is hilarious!
SueInCa : Hi Ad
KillgoreTrout : Kes, I hope so.
choicelady : ADLib – the HUMOR of our side during the two week siege is what won over the cops and even a few of the more moderate protesters. We had the Lambs of Christ and created a chant – “Lamb for dinner. Lamb for lunch. Cross that line and munch,munch, munch.” The police were on the ground laughing. When they brought “Jesus is King” signs, our folks yelled, “No – ELVIS is King” and even religious cops fell out. Humor is a marvelous way to defuse almost anything.
kesmarn : Hey, AD!
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, i agree I think we can rightly call this a movement now. So many American cities are getting involved!
SueInCa : Yep. kill them with kindness. Pretty hard to call this violent since there has been virtually no violence
kesmarn : KT, well that girl can thank you for her successful career then.
ADONAI : Hello
AdLib : Sue – That’s what CL was saying too, I fully agree with both of you. They want conflict, they want violence, they want to disqualify this movement…which I feel comfortable calling a movement now!
KillgoreTrout : I was terrible in high school. I conned the girl next to me into doing most of my work! Shame on me!
choicelady : KT – the women had waaaay too much money to be as marginal as they pretended. Fancy super vans, money out the wazoo for whatever they wanted – we’re not born yesterday.
kesmarn : c’lady, yes, Rush is still a real influence. Why? I will never know. He’s done more than enough to discredit himself.
SueInCa : The thing to do is welcome the anarchists or trolls, be seen taking care of them, you know the right is doing all it can to stop 2012 from going Barack’s way
AdLib : CL – You are amazing and I love that story! It’s a great template for how OWS could blunt the infiltrator attempts!
choicelady : KT – Your brain is fine! Chalk it up to arthritis of the fingers. WE know your mind is sharp as a tack!
KillgoreTrout : That’s the way to deal with them CL. Well done.
kesmarn : KT, and I never took a typing class. (College bound kids don’t need typing….hahaha haha.)
choicelady : Cher – hope you’re well and that things are OK. Please know we think of you and you’re in our hearts. Your wonderful husband, too! Love to you both!
AdLib : Cher, get some rest and recharge, so nice to have you back!
KillgoreTrout : kes, my spelling usually suffers greatly on VOX POPULI! Too fast for this old brain.
choicelady : kes – Karl Rove IS the biggest danger – though I’d not dismiss the impact of EVEN BIGGER Limbaugh. Rove organizes, but Limbaugh brainwashes. Hard to say who does more damage.
AdLib : No question, the same Koch and Rove money that pays for Trolls to sabotage voting and blogs will of course pay for trolls to discredit OWS, it’s a foregone conclusion in my mind. Which is why I say we have to steamroller over those stories with the “corporate greed” message. They will do all they can to get us off message.
kesmarn : “It” not “I”
KillgoreTrout : I did love love Stewart showing old clips talking favorably about the TP yet denouncing the OWS for almost the same things. That’s what I love about TDS and Colbert. They really know how to expose those Hippo-Critters!
choicelady : AdLib – infiltrators are worrisome. In the 1992 Spring of Life anti-abortion siege of Buffalo, NY, we had a group, NWROC (National Workers Rights Organizing Committee OR National Women’s Rights OC) that we pretty sure were exactly the provocateurs KT worries about. Older women who brought a bevvy of young teens to create uproar. Well – we turned the tables. We took the kids under our wings, made them laugh, and took care of them with food and water and kindness – and the whole thing fizzled. We did learn later that one of them was an Operation Rescue infiltrator, but we think the women were provocateurs,too . This was the latter days of the GHW Bush admin. Stands to reason the CIA geek would do that.
kesmarn : Rest up a bit, Cher. You deserve it. I was so good seeing you again.
SueInCa : Cher good thoughts for you and yours
Chernynkaya : Guys, I must go but just wanted to be among my buddies for a minute and say Hi. Let you know I am thinking of you and expect to be back next week. That martini (well, to be honest, two) is kicking my butt. I love you all. Keep strong!
SueInCa : CL you know you are welcome any time of the day or night. Civilized land, if you are a leftie lol
AdLib : HiBye Patsy!
kesmarn : The biggest danger to civilized society is Karl Rove, c’lady.
AdLib : CL – Yes, Jon Stewart’s coverage of OWS has been a bit dismissive and negative though he did do a strong piece on them this week amidst the negative ones.
kesmarn : Patsy! Hi and bye?
KillgoreTrout : Sorry to hear about that CL. I guess it’s that 10% we always hear about who screw things up for the other 90%.
choicelady : kes – well, I guess I’m a dangerous anarchist. From what I could see, civilized society was in no danger.
Chernynkaya : I fully expect the RW to send in disruption.
PatsyT : Hey Guys I’ll be back in a few… Hope you are all well
choicelady : Sue – getting back to REAL California will be marvelous. But beware – I may come down for fresh air when it gets hot. You DO have the right to say no… LOL!!!
SueInCa : they did put out a manifest yesterday or the day before. Bito posted it here I think, so did I for KT
AdLib : Hey CL!
Chernynkaya : Right. The Baggers were real Americans, but we are a circus.
choicelady : Kt – most of the protesters, yes. I was quite shocked at the Daily Show though – they outed the demonstraters who were barging into store restrooms and even yanked the sink off the wall in one place. Can’t know for sure who’s telling the truth, but it was an odd piece. More an O’Reilly kind of thing, to tell you the truth.
AdLib : I don’t think it’s realistic to think there won’t be some people, maybe even paid Repub Trolls, that attend the OWS protests and do something messed up. We can’t act surprised or shocked or let that stop the momentum. The Baggers are outright racists, spit on a black Congressman, claim Obama is a Kenyan socialist…they ‘re looking for revenge but we must not give weight, aid or comfort to their attacks on OWS because the core of it is non-violent and pro-American.
SueInCa : Cher
kesmarn : Welcome, c’lady! Yeah, the right is definitely spinning this as “Dangerous Anarchists and Outside Agitators Attempt to Dismantle Civilized Society.”
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL, thanks for a great debate today. You made many very good points.
SueInCa : CL See I can’t wait to get away from this republican land lol. You have been my comprade here
Chernynkaya : And I love that there really is no particular statement–just anger at the injustice of income inequality in general.
choicelady : Hi All – and I caught up a bit, so yes, KT – civil is the name of the game! Thank you! kes – the Sacramento Bee is thumbs down for me – headline this morning: ARRESTS START AT DEMONSTRATION!! Well the STORY was that people challenging this city’s no public sleeping law got arrested and PLANNED to be so. The Bee implied violence and ugliness were visiting our fair city. It all happened quietly around midnight. We all slept through it. That is Yellow Dog journalism at its worst.
Chernynkaya : That’s great!
KillgoreTrout : I think the protesters learned from many of our mistakes in the 6os. They sure are going about this thing very intelligently.
SueInCa : Cher yes and the OWS people in Oakland let them know they are behind them in solidarity. Berkeley too.
Chernynkaya : The LA City Council is in full support. The cops will behave here.
SueInCa : Cher
KillgoreTrout : I think those in the movement have truly learned from some of us oldies, and added much of their own wisdom.
Chernynkaya : Sue, there is one in Oakland? Did you hear about the crap in SF?
AdLib : KT – That’s our first topic for tonight, the OWS protesters, what is happening and what do people here think will happen.
SueInCa : Cher my sister and i are going to Oakland next weekend
kesmarn : KT, aren’t they amazing? Missed all the news today, but I believe they’ve managed to keep it non-violent all the way.
KillgoreTrout : I am truly encouraged by this movement and all the great people involved.
Chernynkaya : I’m hoping to be able to join the OWS in LA this weekend. My whole family wants to go.
SueInCa : Oh Kes, it has. We converted FIB in 1997
KillgoreTrout : Well hey, what about those great folks in OWS?
kesmarn :
Sue, I didn’t realize that had been a 15 year search!
AdLib : Sue – That’s the thing I’m most blown away by, the people who make up the community here, pretty much without exception, put the pursuit of truth above “being right”. That is uncommon and remarkable to find in a group so large.
Chernynkaya : Civility and the ability to disagree among compatriots is so rare. I’ve been only able to Tweet because of me cell phone, and even I criticized a writer a Kos, but he responded like a real mensch. I apologized. I think people are finally tired of the4 crap.
SueInCa : But aAL you did not find Imelda May who has been lost to me since the mid 90’s
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I appreciate it very much. I have never found such quality on any other sight.
kesmarn : BFF? Benevolent Furry Feline?
SueInCa : Adlib even tho we sometimes disagree I can say I always learn something
AdLib : Hey, I thought I was everyone’s BFF!
AdLib : Killgore – It really pleases me to see so many people set such a wonderful example of how people can talk to each other like fellow human beings, even when they strongly disagree.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I can certainly believe it.
Chernynkaya : Kes. I’ll take it. Better than the alternative.
SueInCa : Aw Kess/BFF I know. Good to see you though
kesmarn : Sometimes stable is the best thing possible in a tipsy world, Cher.
Chernynkaya : That’s the Planet for you. No other place like it in the known universe.
SueInCa : KT It sure does, makes it easy to express opinions
kesmarn : Awwwwwwww….BFF ! You will always be my BFF!
KillgoreTrout : We’ve had a few lively debates lately, and the Planateers came across with flying colors. No nastiness at all. Says a lot about the planet and it’s members.
Chernynkaya : Hi Kes. Stable.
AdLib : Hey Kes!
SueInCa : Well BFF I am just hurt LOL
SueInCa : Yes Cher, just glad to see you.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening to all — and especially to Cher! Hope things are stable in your world.
Chernynkaya : Here ya go, buddy:«link» stylishvegan.com /wp-content/uplo ads/2007/08/mart ini1.jpg
AdLib : Cher, not necessary, last thing any here would want is for you to add another responsibility on your plate when you’re taking care of so much.
KillgoreTrout : No apologies needed.
SueInCa : Adlib you too
SueInCa : KT you too
SueInCa : been packing, I am so glad to leave this part of CA
Chernynkaya : I should have checked in with info, but long story. I’m very sorry.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sue, good to see ya.
AdLib : Hey Sue!
Chernynkaya : Hi Sue!
KillgoreTrout : Cher, I almost made an inquiry about you yesterday on TO/OT.
AdLib : Pass one over, Cher.
SueInCa : Hey Cher, good to see you
Chernynkaya : That’s what a martini will do.
Chernynkaya : Opps=Adlib.
Chernynkaya : I’ve missed you guys more than you know.
KillgoreTrout : I’m sorry to hear that cher.
KillgoreTrout : Good to see you AdLib!
AdLib : You’ve been very missed, Cher.
Chernynkaya : Unfortunately not. My Brother-in-law is very ill. We’ve been helping out.
AdLib : Hi Killgore!!!
AdLib : HEY CHER!!!
KillgoreTrout : Taking a break is something we all could use from time to time. I hope your family is OK.
Chernynkaya : Hiya KT! I’ve had some family illness and had to be away for a while but took a break.
KillgoreTrout : Glad to see you cher! I was wondering where you escaped to. I hope all is well with you?
Chernynkaya : Hi my friends. I have missed you all! I should warn you I’ve had 2 martinis and feel no pain but wanted to join you for a few.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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