Chernynkaya : Night, AL–I’ll let you know and thanks again.
AdLib : Yep, looks like it’s time to close the Vox Populi bar! Have a great weekend Cher and let me know if that software works out! Night!
Chernynkaya : Thanks–I’ll need it for the link. UGH.
Chernynkaya : Night, CL. I guess that about closes us down, huh, AL?
AdLib : Cher, much as I hate to ever link to them, here’s the link to their BS article: «link»
Chernynkaya : AL–Seriously? I will have to tweet about that tomorrow.That is –well, fuck them. Fuck Ariana.
AdLib : Night CL! Check your email for HOPE related emails.
choicelady : Well late as I am, I’m also departing. I cleaned out the garage today, and I’ve not stopped sneezing ever since. That’s what happens when you don’t do it for years on end. So until next week, sweet dreams all!
AdLib : Night Chris!
Chernynkaya : I bet there are at least 10% of us–me included–whose ONE thought is winning the lottery. I think about it with laser focus. So far tho…
AdLib : BTW – HP is spreading propaganda about the credit downgrade, not ONE word about the mentions of revenues or the GOP’s tactics being involved as S&P stated, just that there weren’t enough cuts.
choicelady : “Night Chris!
Chernynkaya : Have another!
choicelady : Cher – oh, yum. Good cookie. Good Cher.
choicelady : Khirad – they would LOVE an auto-da-fe (sorry – no accent grave) they think. They believe they are gearing up for WAR and cannot wait. Man are they in for a surprise – it’s NOT “cleansing” but horrible. What I fear is they will START it.
Chernynkaya : Take care, Chris!
Chernynkaya : OK, CL–I’ll have to read that and think on it. Maybe if I see the study.
choicelady : It never ceases to amaze me the slavering fetishism these RW people make out of something very ordinary being in fact possessed by the divvil. They have waaay too much time on their hands. I say we need full employment in no small measure to get these people OFF THE STREETS.
Chernynkaya : That’s what get me AL!! The freakin PROJECTION from the Right. It never ends! I tell people if you want to know what they would do if they could just listen to what they say WE are up to.
ChrisR266 : Thanks for all the wonderful conversation and thoughtful ideas tonight, See you next week.
Chernynkaya : Sure! I have a giant Costco box of Oreos. Here…
Khirad : Yes, that’s the one! The one that said Oprah is the Harlot of Babylon.
choicelady : Cher –if you get a cookie can we have one too?
AdLib : What’s funny is that the loon he says Oprah is a demon or whatever, is saying that the ones who will betray mankind are those who come to you like they’re here to help you. Anyone ever hold up a mirror in these sermons?
Khirad : The Demons are in the woods… same mindset. Only a matter of time before they get all happy playing with matches and kindling. Ain’t nothin’ like an old fashioned auto-da-fé.
choicelady : ‘Night Patsy – I’m not far behind you!
Chernynkaya : Hang on–I need a coolkie…
choicelady : Cher – even evangelicals have different ideas. It’s not a body of ideas but a single idea. Get rid of Mubarak. Form the United States. A purposeful goal or action. Very few of us have anythng that focused.
Chernynkaya : Fuckity pigdouchnozzles.
Chernynkaya : Sleep tight, Patsy!
choicelady : AdLib – yes, I knew that about the Statue of Libery AND I remember Pat Robertson told us that the Federal Reserve and other banks were run by DEMONS. Apparently we are surrounded and are just too stupid to notice. On the other hand, all our problems seem to start when the DOMINIONISTS enter the scene, so…
AdLib : Cher – And they have followers who just swallow everything they say. Scary.
Khirad : Fuck like bunnies AND want to cut birth control “for (white Christian) civilization”
Chernynkaya : I saw that, AL! Stunningly moronic.
Khirad : It ain’t this Willard.
AdLib : Night Patsy! Have a great weekend and thanks for the great work with WI!!!
Chernynkaya : CL–I can really see how that 10% could be influential if they are active, but wouldn’t that mean that we’d all be evangelicals or something?
AdLib : Thanks CL, it’s a keeper!
PatsyT : I have to say Good Night to you all … All The Best
choicelady : AdLib – feel free to use it. You don’t even have to give me footnotes. In fact, given my job, I’d prefer it! I try to keep my anti-Dominionist snark to my friends!
AdLib : If you want to see a parade of the craziest rants from Perry’s guests at HateStock, check out Al Sharpton’s show tomorrow from today, he did a worst hits. You know that the Statue of Liberty is a demon idol, right?
Emerald1943 : Thanks everybody! Wish I could stick around, but I can’t see to type anymore! A most pleasant evening to you all!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Em you have a great one
Chernynkaya : Romney, first name is Willard.
choicelady : Em – I’m sometimes up around 2 am. I’ll log in. “Night!
Chernynkaya : Night, Em!
ChrisR266 : Golden slumbers, Em.
Chernynkaya : That’s right up there with Frank Gaffney advising Bachmann on foreign affairs.
choicelady : Khirad – Fischer is so wrong. It’s fundie Christians who fuck like bunnies.
ChrisR266 : K: Who is this dude and where do I find his rants?!?
AdLib : Night Emerald! Kalima’s usually around in the early AM and a couple of other members too.
choicelady : Cher – Willard???? Lost that thread – who he?
ChrisR266 : choice: Amen, LOL. you and I see eye to I on this one. I have come to understand the Force as much more amenable to human progress.
choicelady : Cher – it’s not the numbers of people, it’s the numbers who believe ONE THING without reservation. Liberals tend to be too open minded!!! And we NEVER get organized!
AdLib : CL – That is a great quote!
Emerald1943 : Okay, all you lovely folks! It’s 1am here and I can’t keep my eyes open any longer! It’s been great! I just wish some of you guys on the West Coast would get up earlier in the morning so I will have somebody to talk to. It’s lonely around the Planaet at 5am Eastern time!
Chernynkaya : CL–You may have a point.
choicelady : Cher – porn is closer to love than they are to Christianity.
Khirad : Someone, if you get a chance find me a compilation of Bryan Fischer’s craziest moments. All of a sudden I’m remembering more – he’s the same guy that said the Medal of Honor is being awarded to pussies, that Obama isn’t really black, welfare recipients rut like rabbits, that no more mosques should be built, and worse. And as pointed out, he is not on the fringes of this prayer rally, he is right in the thick of it. «link»
Chernynkaya : Me too! I so want Perry to be the niminee. Alas, it’ll be Willard.
ChrisR266 : And here is another thing that rubs me raw: They work with rabidness to shut down public education because they know with certainty that increased education correlates positively with an increase in liberal thought. And by liberal, I mean more humane and expanded consideration and world view.
choicelady : Chris – I agree. They aren’t Christians. They are Old Testamentarians because stoning people is so much more fun than forgiving them. For them Jesus is just the “get out of jail free” card they play. The teachings mean NOTHING.
AdLib : The one thing I still want though to follow Perry’s Hate-a-Thon is his announcement that he’s running for President. I so want Obama vs. Perry!
Chernynkaya : CL-I think it might depend on where that 10% is situated. There are more than 10% pure Liberals. Even socialists, I bet.
AdLib : Choice – My 10%er suggestions: A new WPA. Taxing the wealthy solves most of our deficit crisis (if not all). Trickle down is a corporate-create d fraud. Dems will rebuild America’s streets and put people to work.
choicelady : Cher – I thought the study was odd, too. But they say that’s the tipping point. It was just interesting. I’m not making book on it!
ChrisR266 : Cher: agreed.
Chernynkaya : They are to Christianity what pornography is to love.
choicelady : Patsy – they don’t believe in charity. They don’t believe in helping the poor. They believe – and I am serious – that the beatitudes that direct this whole new way of looking at the world and its people with love – all that is OFF. They claim there’s a code in the Bible that puts all that aside to prepare for the Second Coming. And Cantor’s only in for now – he will have to convert or die. He should beware of his bedfellows. They want ISRAEL – not HIM. Or ANY unconverted Jews.
PatsyT : Cher they are not walking the walk
Chernynkaya : No, Khirad, Missed that.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Oh, come on. You know these folks don’t really think the jesus is the answer. Jesus is only the answer as long as the Jesus is bringing the prosperity their way. The Protestant Rhetorical Vision got warped a long time ago.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Perry has really been taking some heat for making this into a “christian” thing. Leaves a lot of other folks out, I guess. Can’t wait to hear what Hagee has to say. This could really shoot Perry in the foot.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, why do you think they’re Christians?!
Khirad : It’s this Fisher (Fischer?) guy that I find unfigginbelievab le. Did you see Perkins squirming today on the tube?
AdLib : Night Funk!
Chernynkaya : CL–I don’t for a minute believe that study.
AdLib : Funk – But historically, as in 2008, when people are really suffering, no amount of propaganda can convince them they’re not and who has caused it. It happened with Bush, though surprisingly 46% of America’s voted for finishing the destruction Bush started. It is astounding.
choicelady : Cher – I don’t think it’s over the top to equate Hagee et al. with Nazis. I agree that they have that mindset.
PatsyT : Don’t these folks have some charity they can go and help? Maybe do some good you know like Christ told them to do
ChrisR266 : Em: exactly. You see it. He doesn’t give a damn and he takes no prisoners.
Chernynkaya : Cantor will never be President if Hagee has any say.
choicelady : AdLib – we’d have to go beyond just our conviction about the party. We’d have to agree – 10% or more – on a policy. Maybe single payer? Don’t know.
Khirad : They’re like in a crazy hate triangle with the Holocaust deniers.
Emerald1943 : I agree about Cantor! He truly scares me. I think he has delusions of grandeur that he’ll someday be President. When Boehner speaks to the press, usually Cantor is right there behind him. You can see the look on Cantor’s face…he would knife the Boner in the back so fast. A cold, cold man!
Chernynkaya : CL–I am NOT laughing. Nazis are always dangerous.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Funk …
choicelady : ‘Night funk!
ChrisR266 : Choice: Exactly.
Chernynkaya : Take care funk!
AdLib : …Perry’s HaterFest 2011.
ChrisR266 : Good evening, Funk. Thanks for the Oysters. I hope they don’t kill me. Have a great weekend with the family.
AdLib : EM – I’m really looking forward to the head count from Perry’
choicelady : Chris – Cantor sure has ONE conviction: Cantor should rule. That’s pretty worrisome.
AdLib : CL – That’s a good point, if Dems could come together with the message that they are the only reasonable party that can solve our problems…
funksands : Folks have a great night. Heading to bed early.
ChrisR266 : Cantor makes the others look like lightweights. They have the courage of their convictions. Cantor HAS NO convictions.
Khirad : Цeр?
Chernynkaya : Em, did you see that segment on O’Donnell about Hagee? Saying God sent Hitler so the Jews would go back to Zion? Unfuckingbelieve able. Perry is DOA.
funksands : Ad, they are effectively anethesized
choicelady : Em – the humor of a low turnout is offset for me by the folks on the roster including someone I tangled with personally who is very dangerous. This is to RW religion what the Adirondack Summit was to the mob. It’s funny ONLY if you don’t see their power! Perry has united people who claim they disagree – and he’s brought in the really creepy extremists such as Hagee. This is serious stuff.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: But Bachmann, Kyl, King are really easy. They’re powder puffs, like sitting ducks in the pond. Cantor, on the other hand, is an entirely different beast.
AdLib : Cher – I feel the same, how can other human beings have no instinct for survival? Mole rats do but not Republicans?
funksands : Ad, the GOP wraps itself in the bible and the flag, and plays the jingoism card to great effect. This is all very powerful for a vast swath of the country.
Chernynkaya : I got lucky in that there are no other Chernynkayas. But I do have a few followers in Cyrillic.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I would take one. It puts off the new academic year one more week, ha.
AdLib : Chris – But so many Repubs are soulless like Cantor including Bachmann, Kyl, King, etc. They are all scary being in power.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that thing Perry is doing in Texas is going to be fun to watch. As I understand it, he booked that huge stadium that seats 71,000 but only 8,000 have registered to attend his “prayer and fasting”. Like I said, somebody please save these poor deluded people from themselves!
choicelady : AdLib – I was just reading some science thing about how if 10% of the population totally believes something, it becomes mainstream. Given the prevalence of the Dominionist Baggers, that’s freaking scary! Now – if Progressives could all agree on ONE THING…
PatsyT : No one wants an extra Monday.
Chernynkaya : AL–it is really an amazing thing. It is so beyond my life experience or imagination. It’s as if they were another sub-species. Like Neanderthals, or aliens.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Cantor scares me more than any of them. He has no center, no compass. He’ll do anything, go anywhere.
AdLib : CL – Which day did you lose? I found an extra Monday under the couch cushions and I’m not going to use it.
choicelady : funk – no, but that sounds tres cool. If she’s a choicelady, then she’s welcome to the handle!
ChrisR266 : Choice: In the best of worlds, tweeting would be an immensely pleasurable thing,
choicelady : Oh that’s right – it’s choicelady320. For whatever reason, choicelady alone was taken. Someone has their nerve!
Chernynkaya : My pleasure!
funksands : Are you a handsome black woman from Michigan by any chance?
AdLib : We’re all familiar with suicide cults so we know that people will even go along with killing themselves if their leader tells them it’s what they need to do. That is what it sounds like to be a Repub nowadays, such unquestioned allegiance to the ones wanting to destroy you…I understand it but it’s hard to imagine so many millions of people being controlled so completely. However, as mentioned, their politics are like a religion to them and if Cantor leads them over a cliff, they figure, “It’s for our own good!”
choicelady : Cher – I have not even LOOKED yet! Thank you for it though!
choicelady : funk – choicelady of course – I can’t handle more than one assumed identity!
Emerald1943 : CL, you sound like all the rest of us. Glad you made it!
PatsyT : Choice I want to follow you too Please?
choicelady : Em – I’d say I missed you, too, but I totally forgot it’s Friday!!!! I keep thinking I have more days left on vacation. Think that says something?
Chernynkaya : CL–Did you jump when I Tweeted you?
funksands : Choice what’s your handle good buddy?
Chernynkaya : Funk–what what?
choicelady : Cher – YES!!!! I decided to bite the bullet. Thanks for doing whatever it’s called to Tweet me! Which sounds vaguely uncomfortable…
ChrisR266 : Geeze, these folks are seeing their world view crumble! It’s coming apart at the seams. No wonder the TEA is as unmanageable as it is.
funksands : Cher what?
Emerald1943 : Choice!!! Glad you’re here! We’ve missed you!
Chernynkaya : Choice Lady! Hi! I am your first Twitter follower–yay!
choicelady : Hey AdLib – lost a whole day here. Apparently I don’t want vacation to end?
ChrisR266 : Funk: Ah, there’s the rub. The pros aren’t running the asylum anymore.
Chernynkaya : AL–but they won’t accept that the R’s are responsible. That’s one reason why the R’s spout their outright and blatant lies–to give the cretins something–anyth ing–to hang their hats on. These people send their hard earned dollars to televangelists, for gods sake!
PatsyT : Hey Choice!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, they will listen intently to every word from the preacher and from Rush! After all, they’ve always trusted them and see no reason to doubt. The rethugs will come out with a propaganda campaign to blame the problems on everyone else (Obama, the Dems, Socialism,etc.) and they will buy into it with their last dime!
choicelady : Hi Chris – sorry I’m late!
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
ChrisR266 : Well, Hi Choice!
funksands : Chris, I completely agree that matters for some of them. The pros like McConnell couldn’t care less.
choicelady : Hi all – I totally forgot it’s FRIDAY. That’s what vacations will do to you. Picking up the thread – yes, any liberal would be eviscerated. The Ayn Rand Christians (that IS a joke but true anyway) are determined to seize all power forever.
ChrisR266 : Funk: I have to disagree. It does matter to them that the President isn’t a white guy. It matters immensely. This is the challenge to their world view that they cannot erase, escape. It effs them up royally.
funksands : Again, they would have to be aware of the danger to even consider it. They aren’t.
PatsyT : You know if it was President that was there to rescue them from a burning building they would the fire
Chernynkaya : HAH–“Whitey Mayo.” I called one Votey McVoterson, once.
AdLib : Funk – I appreciate the cognitive dissonance these people can rationalize away but when something so simple and basic as someone taking all your money away happens…I am bewildered by how people can watch their family and survival disintegrate and cheer on the people who are solely responsible for it.
funksands : Cher, I agree. I wouldn’t matter if the President was white guy named whitey mayo, they wouldn’t be doing anything differently.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, I think that’s true for some, but they only hate him with more intensity. They hate Deems and Libs almost as much. Clinton was brutalized.
funksands : I don’t know about that. I think that is too simple. And they would have to be aware that destruction was facing them to consider it.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: some, like Sam Keene, argue that it’s not just mindless lemmings behavior, but an unwillingness to confront the violation of the tidy world view they’ve built for themselves.
PatsyT : Funk and AdLib some of them just hate that Black man in the whitehouse so much they would give up all to rid themselves of that image.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, there is always going to be that 20-27% of the population in this country that have totally immutable minds. They have rethug party affiliation because if it was good enough for their daddy…! They go to church every single Sunday and listen intently to everything the preacher says. They believe…they truly believe. All their friends are rethugs and agree with them. Their entire political philosophy is a done deal by the time they reach puberty and it is reinforced every day of their little lives. They are the base of the republican party and nothing or no one can change their minds. Damn the facts!
Chernynkaya : AL–yes, basically. They are not thinking, they were raised to believe that, and facts make them defensive. You know that a great many are unreachable–whi ch means, facts don;t matter. Otherwise, why would anyone other than the rich vote R?
AdLib : Funk – Agree with your point about Hitler but many may have accepted the horrible as a price for future wealth and glory. Many Repubs may have been the same but when it becomes clear that there’s only destruction ahead, why would they continue down that path? Just mindless lemmings?
funksands : Ad, I know you know Chris Hedges and have some issues with him, but his book American Fascists lays out how the diametrically opposed thoughts peacefully coexist in the conservative/eva ngelical mind.
PatsyT : Oh Khirad it took me a minute to get that I only have daughters
ChrisR266 : Funk and Ad: too much documentation tells us that those millions did have a sneaking suspicion and chose to ignore it, because it served their interests or because they were too afraid for their own lives to speak up.
Khirad : Definitely a guy thing. I admit it, nutshots provide hours of entertainment for me.
funksands : Ad, sure. History is full of it. You telling me that millions of Germans didn’t have a sneaking suspicion that Hitler was full of shit?
Chernynkaya : K–my husband would be rolling on the floor at that video. I don’t get it, but there you have it.
Khirad : Real Freudian issues, no?
AdLib : Funk – And they just follow anyway?
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Ovaries works better. Less difficult for the mind to fathom, and so much less fearful than the Vagina. The vagina scares the living hell out of them.
Chernynkaya : Khirad, I guess I was projecting.
funksands : I think a lot of them do. Just like they know their pastor is a blowhard and a dipshit. It doesn’t matter.
Khirad : Now that my mind is fully in the gutter, I leave it to the Japanese, god bless ’em – I have a new idea for Congressional negotiations «link»
AdLib : Funk – Do you mean the public knows the GOP is corrupt and lying to them?
Emerald1943 : Funk, I think you’re giving them too much credit! They just think nobody’s watching them play their games, but this time, it was out there for all to see. And the People WERE watching!
ChrisR266 : Funk: Agreed.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Damned straight.
Khirad : I’m sure that would surprise her too.
funksands : Ad, most of the public knows that something is up. They can feel the rot, smell it, this creates fear. The GOP has perfected the art of what to be afraid of and who to blame.
AdLib : Chris – Then it’s about time Muad’Dib showed up.
ChrisR266 : Funk: I so love you. If you didn’t have a cool wifey type, I would mark you as mine.
PatsyT : That takes a lot of vaginas to run for President
Chernynkaya : Khirad–I just re-read your quip. I actually read it wrong the 1st time. I thought you wrote, “A man behind a woman surprises her.” I really did.
Emerald1943 : Chris, that’s good! And the good Lord knows, they have some little minds over on that side of the aisle1
ChrisR266 : And we know that the real fear being stoked is still the fear of someone in the White House who doesn’t look like them.
PatsyT : But could you hear folks going around saying “hey they really have vaginas to say that.”
funksands : Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
AdLib : Funk and Emerald – I don’t doubt that many will continue to vote against their best interests…but voting for people who literally take away all the money you’re living on…how does that work?
ChrisR266 : Funk: You speaketh truth.
funksands : I’ve always liked: Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: There is a little line in the Dune trilogy (really six books) Fear is the little mind killer.
PatsyT : Hey That was on a FB friend that made that her status!!
Chernynkaya : Khirad–love that.
So true.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Fear.
Khirad : Excellent funk!
Emerald1943 : Adlib …but, but if GOD told them it was OK, then it must be! Somebody please save these deluded people from themselves!
funksands : Ad, the human mind can rationalize anything. The GOP would physically have to show up and take their wallet off of the nightstand for it to sink in.
Khirad : Here’s another twitter gem: behind every great man, is a surprised woman.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Thus why I have deep girl love for Pelosi. She has brass ovaries. Much tougher that balls.
Chernynkaya : Funk–Patsy posted it!
Chernynkaya : AL Right, huh? Patsy and I saw that on Twitter and it’s true!
AdLib : EM – I just don’t understand how the human mind can rationalize supporting people who literally take away your rent, food and clothes from you. It’s literally insane.
PatsyT : Yes Cher That will keep me laughing for a long time!
Khirad : That vagina thing is true, as Jason Jones’ ‘piece’ attested to.
Chernynkaya : Patsy–tehy don’t watch news. Only Jerry Springer at break time and Fox at home.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, not sure about that bible-thumpin’ base of theirs, but I do believe we are going to see many more independent voters swing over to Obama.
funksands : Cher, there is no way you are going to top that. You better sign off.
Chernynkaya : Al–Oh yes. The reachable ones, definitely.
AdLib : Patsy and Cher –
PatsyT : Cher seriously Union at Boeing Fox Nation after all that is happing in the midwest?
Chernynkaya : Patsy, for my money, that quote you wrote yesterday was spot on. Stop saying tough people have balls. Balls are soft and sensitive. Y’all need vaginas cuz they can take a pounding. I mean, that just makes sense!
funksands : Em, they are dipped in gold. That’s why.
AdLib : Cher – But even being absolute idiots, if someone takes money out of your pocket, you usually don’t thank them. Don’t you think all of this will peel off some Repub voters, just out of desperation to buy food and pay rent?
Emerald1943 : Funk, Cantor says the millionaires have SHINY balls!
Khirad : I know, right funk?! It’s priceless alright.
funksands : ‘never leave without your balls…ballburg lers gonna steal em’. LOL!!
texliberal : Thats music
Chernynkaya : Here’s the thing , and those in red states can bear this out. Hubby is a union guy at Boeing. The are all retards. They are Fox Nation. Because, as I said, they are s stupid bunch.
PatsyT : Hey Thanks Khirad I need a little night music
funksands : Khirad, that is priceless!!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, cognitive dissonance! Must be a bitch for them!
PatsyT : AdLib thats a hard one for them I bet that would b e like a Jay Leno on the street kind of thing
Chernynkaya : Yeah, Khirad. That’s Cantor’s favorite band, right?
ChrisR266 : BRB: No oysters, Ice cream, sex, burritos, gotta go smoke.
AdLib : I mean, when Repubs who are unemployed get cut off because Repubs have cut them off…they blame Obama or Repubs?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, yep…that pretty well sums it up! After all, their buddies (other rethugs) all have lots of money. So it only stands to reason that just the Dems are on the dole!
Khirad : Cantor is just down with Insidiöus Törment? «link»
funksands : Ad, the GOP has a deep suspicion of anyone that still has to work for a living.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Wyh yes, I think they do.
PatsyT : I am nowhere near the Nile
Chernynkaya : AL–it’s a puzzlement. He’s one Bagger who DOES want to be re-elected. He must live in an insane district.
funksands : Not me. I only visit. And only when I have to. Em is in North Carolina and Patsy lives in denial.
ChrisR266 : Text: Bwwwahahahahaha! Oh wow!
Emerald1943 : No Cher, you didn’t mis-hear! It was priceless!
AdLib : SO I have a question, do Cantor and the Repubs think that only Dems are unemployed and living on UI?
ChrisR266 : Does everyone live in California but Meeeeee?
Chernynkaya : Em, now that you mention it–I remember! I thought I misheard it!
texliberal : Chris, I used to say that a lot when the female officers had an accidental discharge and it came through the wall into our locker room. ALL OF YOU TURDS SUCK. My EXACT words
AdLib : Cher – I’ve heard the legend!
PatsyT : Cher, down here in the OC it’s Pedros
funksands : Subtle.
Chernynkaya : I curse you.
ChrisR266 : Funk: Well yeah, they do hear that, um, sometimes. Although I tend to tell ’em to bite me more often.
Emerald1943 : Cher, the chocolate cake is MINE, ALL MINE!!! hahahahah!
Chernynkaya : AL–Tito’s has a long line 24/7. In Culver City, so a bit far but worth it.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, on Lawrence O’s show last nite.
ChrisR266 : That Chocolate cake wasn’t mine, and I still don’t have my oysters, so I’m a bit testy….
AdLib : Cher – Will try Tito’s. Small local place though has authentic style, very good too.
PatsyT : No Chris it was a burito
funksands : Chris something tells me that your students hear that all the time.
Emerald1943 : Cher, Lawrence O’Donnell played the soundbite last night several times. I cracked up every time! I’m sure Cantor meant to say “shiny objects” but he actually said “shiny balls”!
ChrisR266 : And Google, go away!
Chernynkaya : Chris–and you eating the chocolate cake without us!
ChrisR266 : Ok, all of you suck big turds.
PatsyT : Em Where was that quote from?
Chernynkaya : The bast burritos in L.A. and the best tacos are at Tito’s on Sepulveda. Just sayin.
AdLib : Cheese and machaca…mmm…
ChrisR266 : Gyros? Burritos? I might have to crack open some Ben and Jerry’s
PatsyT : Hey I just had a burrito
ChrisR266 : Enchiladas? damn.
funksands : Gyros here.
Chernynkaya : Em, missed that but the quote they’re replaying was that “the promises we made to seniors won’t be there.”
ChrisR266 : Em: I didn’t hear anyone else gripping that one.
AdLib : Eating enchiladas, BRB…
Emerald1943 : Did anybody else hear Cantor’s little quip about how “the President loves to talk about the shiny balls of millionaires and billionaires”?? I was hoping that somebody else besides Lawrence O’Donnell would pick it up!
Chernynkaya : Heh! On ice.
funksands : iced? Hmmmm
ChrisR266 : Cher: The force is with me and my oysters.
Chernynkaya : Funk, in this weather, they’d better be iced.
ChrisR266 : Funk: I love you, I’ll suck ’em down. You made my evening.
Chernynkaya : «link»
funksands : Chris I got you two dozen oysters on the half shell. I boxed them up and shipped them to you today.
Emerald1943 : Chris, me too! She is absolutely fantastic!
funksands : Cher, my wife emailed it to me. Unreal.
Emerald1943 : Chris, and they do love a fight! I like to watch Howard Kurtz on Sunday morning with his show “Reliable Sources”. I do find him about as fair and balanced (pardon the expression) as anyone on any cable news channel.
ChrisR266 : Funk: did you buy me something? Sparkly?
PatsyT : Ha Funk but only a dozen people can afford them
ChrisR266 : Em: I have serious girl love for Nancy.
Chernynkaya : Gawd, funk. Dija see that front page piece in the NYT?
Chernynkaya : AL, right. It’s about being proactive with the Dems in Congress and then, after everyone is one the same page, hammer out a deal with the R’s. Obama doesn’t write legislation of course, but he can lead them. They want and NEED him to.
ChrisR266 : Em: That’s right. They do it because it gets them ratings. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the democratic process in government, all they care about is clicks and eyes. Who the hell came up with “super congress?” It wasn’t the politicians.
funksands : On a good note, sales of luxury goods are up 11%.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, he can’t control the House…not until we get Nancy back as Speaker!! Won’t that be a really great day!
ChrisR266 : Cher: I agree, and this debt ceiling stuff was the first time he really called them out. And, It worked to his advantage. He’s got to be relentless about this.
AdLib : Tex, generally I disagree with your proposition that Obama can control Congress but I do agree that Obama could set the specific goals in 2013 for Dems in Congress…after hammering them out with them.
funksands : Long week, but good.
ChrisR266 : Hi Funk, how are you, darlin?
PatsyT : Hey Funk
ChrisR266 : I’m serious, AdLib! My plumber, who is 5’2″, is a very good plumber, but damned misinformed and convinced that the nation is peeing on him;
Emerald1943 : Chris, OK…I’ll give you that one. But the thugs run to the closest microphone and the MSM laps it up.
Chernynkaya : Hi funk!
Chernynkaya : Chris he doies have to negotiate, but most people don;t see him as a good negotiator, even though he really is. My point is, he has to negotiate AND call them out –it can be done.
funksands : Thanks Em. Good to see you too.
Emerald1943 : FUNK! Glad to see you here!
texliberal : E1943, he needs to say this is the starting point on what I want
ChrisR266 : Em: The GOP doesn’t control the message, the media controls the message. Do not be misled about that, by a long shot.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
Chernynkaya : tex, I agree.
funksands : Hey all!
Emerald1943 : Tex, he has to MAKE Congress do its job! After all, they are the ones who are supposed to come up with all these plans.
AdLib : Chris – Careful about using the word “crack” and plumber in the same sentence! There are a lot of uninformed people out there who see it as possibly viable. Need to push the poorly informed (most Americans) off the fence.
Chernynkaya : Em to your point, Ray LaHood was terrific!
ChrisR266 : Cher: He has to negotiate! He must negotiate. It is the only sure ethos he can carry into the election. He has to have that.
PatsyT : If we want a stronger President Obama We have to make a weaker enemy the Tpgop
texliberal : Cher, Obama outsources too much to Congress
Chernynkaya : I meant a battle in Sept!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I agree about the Trickle Down thing. and he needs to have someone else other than Geitner to explain it to people. In fact, it would be good for his entire cabinet to be out there on every Sunday talk show until the election. I get so mad about the thugs controlling the message which they do all the time!
AdLib : EM – He did do that for his first term and I agree, he should do so for his second term but in concert with Dems in Congress so we can throw out these Baggers and get Dems calling the shots again.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: People KNOW trickle down is really pissed on. They know it. My plumber knows it, but they link it to government a la Reagan rhetorical dogma. This is a hard nut to crack, because there is a significant minority of the population (about 26-30%) who will always be convinced that they’re being shit on by government, and it is only worse because that black man is now president.
Chernynkaya : The thing is, and here’s why I get so frustrated, Obama has a budget battle coming up in dec. He won’t go on the offensive while he still tries negotiating. which he seems to be constantly doing. He will go on the offensive later, but for many it will just get on their last nerve.
AdLib : Two messages, a Dem Contract With America and exposing Trickle Down as a fraud…because that’s the only platform Repubs can run on. Saw out the foundations of their only platform and down they go.
Emerald1943 : It would be a really good idea for the President to put out a list of his priorities for the first year of his next term. I don’t think he’s ever done anything like that.
AdLib : Also, in very simple terms and facts, Obama and the Dems should explode Trickle Down. The numbers prove it is a lie, just present the simple numbers that show tax cuts lead only to debt and budget cuts lead to economic malaise or decline.
Chernynkaya : Agree em!
ChrisR266 : I have always believed that an incumbent can fight a bad economy, if they have the organs to lay out the vision in detail and commit to it. Put these GOPTEA congresspersons in a defensive position.
AdLib : Cher – We’re on the same page. I think the best way to do this is with specifics, drafting bills that will be blocked by Repubs but campaigned on as being passed if Dems take power back.
Chernynkaya : Chris, yes. I don’t want to hear another tepid plan–the only one that will actually have a chance. I want that “vision thing” and to let people know what they could expect if the dems win.
Emerald1943 : Cher, the White House did not take full advantage of the Lame Duck session. I hope that the President will look at this runup to the election and use Harry Reid to push through the agenda. Never mind that most of it will get shot down…let the people see it just in time to vote!
AdLib : Chris – Exactly. I’ve been saying for a little while, why do only the Repubs have “Contracts With (on) America? The Dems have NEVER done this and now they should. Declare specifically what laws would be passed in the first 100 days to help on jobs and the economy. Then the public can vote for solutions…or destruction via the GOP.
ChrisR266 : Cher: Do you mean why it’s not possible NOW? What needs to be in place for these good things to happen?
Chernynkaya : AL–exactly. I wrote about that yesterday. I want Obama and they dems to put out the jobs plan they WOULD do if in charge–forget about pragmatic for now. Just tell us what you WANT to do, and why it’s not possible.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think that just might be what the White House is thinking for campaign strategy. I remember being so excited by him on the campaign trail. It is nice to hear him picking up steam again.
ChrisR266 : Work for the people, not against the House.
ChrisR266 : eek! work F
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Agreed. Offense time. Work F
ChrisR266 : Remember the Daisy commercial from ’64? “These are the stakes…”? That’s the tack they must take from the first day of January, 2012.
AdLib : Cher – That’s easily addressed. Obama should now work with Dems in Congress on jobs bills an d revenue bills, let the GOP block them then take their case to the American people that passing these is the first thing they will do in Jan 2013 if they regain control of The House and keep the Senate and WH.
Chernynkaya : Well, sure. But he has to show they are NOT for the voters by calling them out.
Emerald1943 : Chris, did Axlerod leave the team?
ChrisR266 : Cher: I hope the apparatus is smart enough to reposition this re-election. The President needs to be running for the American people, instead of against these wackos. He can run against these wackos in the debates. But he must CHAMPION the voters.
Emerald1943 : Chris, maybe the rethugs thought that EVERYBODY watched FUX news. They have “misunderestima ted” us! They must have believed all the FUX news polls and their own propaganda!
AdLib : What this all comes down to is focused messaging from the Dems. They have the ammunition on their side, the Repubs have only propaganda but no realities. This could be a big Dem sweep if they FOCUS!
Chernynkaya : AL–that’s why I worry. Obama is running against Congress and DC, including the Dems. Not against the TP.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I know what you are speaking. My parents are, fortunately, saving hundreds of dollars this year.
Emerald1943 : Chris, it is ludicrous! My son’s wife has her father in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s and he is in very bad shape. The private-pay cost is about $6,000 per MONTH! Now just who could possibly afford that? Fortunately he was able to get on Medicaid with some careful maneuvering of finances by his poor wife…and thank God for it!
AdLib : Chris – That’s reflective of the majority of voters, there is the biggest segment of voters at 40 and up and these are people who are either on Medicare or think about it being there for them. The Dems, as long as they don’t miss the boat on hammering the GOP on this, should get much broader support.
ChrisR266 : oops! Finger fart: WE’RE NOT. And you better believe my mom, dad, my daughter, and millions of others just like them aren’t idiots, either. They don’t have enough of a non thinking base to pull this thing off.
PatsyT : Speaking of Seniors -Healthcare law has saved seniors $460M on drugs, HHS says «link»
ChrisR266 : AdLib: And this is exactly where the GOP finds itself on life support–They really do think we’re all idiots. We
AdLib : EM – I think it all goes back to their faith in being able to deceive America. They create policies taht are toxic then say, “Okay, now let’s put lipstick on this human-eating pig!”
ChrisR266 : AdLib: correct. I’m 54, the husband is 56, almost 57. How do you think that one’s playing in OUR house? LMAO! It’s ridiculous. It’s so counterintuitive it’s laughable. I just don’t know where these guys get their balls.
Chernynkaya : Yes, Patsy, I read it and yesterday posted an even better and shorter piece from Drum. Considering it’s MoJo, that says a lot.
Emerald1943 : Chris and Adlib, who did the rethugs think was going to pay the bills for Mom and Dad if Medicare/SS was wiped out? Who was going to pay thousands per month for nursing home care? Who was going to buy all those very expensive perscriptions for their meds? What were we supposed to do with our parents…throw them out into the streets? This was NOT well thought-out!
AdLib : Chris – The whole Ryan plan ignorance, thinking that assuring seniors their benefits won’t be touched but their kids and grandkids will lose Medicare is ridiculous. They think parents and grandparents would be peachy about their relatives’ retirement being destroyed?
PatsyT : I’ll read it later Cher .. Have you run across this nice PR for the Pres from Kevin Drum «link»
Chernynkaya : Chris, it’s a long way to the election, but still…
Chernynkaya : Wait–it’s too long to read now. Hello? Anyone here?
ChrisR266 : Cher: At both brain and gut levels, I think you’re right. The GOPTEA has not provided ONE reason to the electorate why they can our should be trusted. The S/P debacle this evening just reinforces that.
Chernynkaya : eek???
Chernynkaya : when you get a chance, read this:«link» eek.com/bullpen/ column/217982/th e-summer-of-obam as-discontent/4
Chernynkaya : Honestly, I don’t know how the election will play out and nobody really does. I think end of the day, more people trust Obama, regardless of the economy. And it helps tremendously that the Reeps truly suck.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: It is huge. And, it’s just not them, it’s their kids (like me), too. Who wants Grandma and Grandpa moving in with them? It is really serious and deep in middle class land.
ChrisR266 : Cher: you have 140 characters, sheesh! LOL
AdLib : Chris – I think that is a HUGE element in the 2012 election. Seniors have been reliably voting Repub but with the Ryan Kill Medicare plan and hobble SS, if that block even splits evenly with Dems, Obama and Dems are looking good.
Chernynkaya : I’m too lazy to do that–lol
ChrisR266 : Cher: that’s ok, just add a few words about your take on it.
Chernynkaya : Chris 98% are re-Tweets of news.
Chernynkaya : That’s what I’m hoping too, AL. If not, HTML.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sabeen Great to see you.
ChrisR266 : Cher: Just Tweet the stuff that raises your blood pressure. Always works.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
Chernynkaya : Will miss you Sabreen, but have a great sleep.
PatsyT : You go Cher!
AdLib : Cher – Ok, then use the first download of Windows Live I linked to. Hope it works well for you!
ChrisR266 : Good night, Sabreen, good to read/see you!
Chernynkaya : And gee, not to brag but I just realized I have over 600 followers on twit. And I don’t even know what I’m doing!
Sabreen60 : Well, I’m gonna say Good Night. Have to get up early. It’s been informative as usual. It’s really great to read comments from sane people
ChrisR266 : All: I have learned over the past two weeks that the one steadfast voting block of the GOP is really lost to them now. The effed with Mom and Dad’s SS and Medicare. That’s burn in hell stuff.
Chernynkaya : Oh! AdLb, sorry to inject this here, but just checked my email: I do have windows 7 home version. I’ll get it checked out Sunday. Thanks!
ChrisR266 : Enjoy it, Kes.
kesmarn : Have fun, Chris! (I know you will.) And g’night AD. Now I really am leaving!
PatsyT : Ahhh great memories ..you get you well deserved rest! Night Kes.
ChrisR266 : Evening, ADONAI.
PatsyT : Nighty Night ADONAI!
Chernynkaya : Chris–spot on, but what a thought.
kesmarn : Last word to Patsy– not Cedar Point this time. Put-In-Bay and Kelley’s Island. Fun.
ChrisR266 : Aw, Kes, good evening, and I so wish I was on the north coast with you. We’re coming up next weekend. Staying on the back causeway at Cedar Point with some friends (who own a fantastic condo on the lagoon).
PatsyT : But even more sick Chris, he likes it and would not have it any other way.
AdLib : Night Kes! Have a pleasant evening on your way ogg to Dreamland!
Chernynkaya : Peace, AD.
Chernynkaya : Don’t nod ogg on line, Kes. Sleep well!
AdLib : The good thing, if Dems take the elections in WI, is that it will become clearer to Repubs that their time is limited. Maybe…out of desperation…so me in the House who aren’t Baggers will fear for their re-election (the only thing they really care about) and re-consider their opposition to fixing the economy. If Baggers are clearly toxic, they shouldn’t be as concerned about being primaried by Baggers for supporting jobs bills.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I think the same. Like the kid who has been bent over so often that his eyes glaze over and he just says “yes, sir, what do you want me to do now?” His look horrifies me.
Chernynkaya : Chris, they said that’s waht was the most important thing–defeating the black man..er, they meant, Obama.
ADONAI : nite kes!
PatsyT : Hey Kes Ceder Point?
ADONAI : Well kids, I’m out. Try to find the will to go on without me. Good night folks. Peace be with you.
kesmarn : Boy ‘n’ girls, I’ve been chasing a 10 year old around the Lake Erie Isles for 2 days, and I think I’ve just hit the wall. Gonna have to sign “ogg” for tonight, I’m afraid. Have a fine weekend.
PatsyT : That Walker looks like the store manager that has to make his quota or lose his job and worse… he will stop at nothing .. Those masters own him
Chernynkaya : AD right. It means they might not get re-elected but they did their job–they fucked up the country for a while.
ChrisR266 : I’ve been convinced over the last year that the GOP knows that its on its last gasp. They’ve thrown all in, hoping to beat down the nation so badly that they won’t win, but Obama will lose.
PatsyT : Cher HA !
Chernynkaya : Kes, I heard nothing.
AdLib : Cher – Like it!
Chernynkaya : About those votes, Paul Begala coined a great phrase: Banana Republicans.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: You’re right about Wisconsin.
ADONAI : Cher, they do seem to just not care. Like somehow they’re just gonna force us to accept it. Look at the bullshit they put us through on the debt ceiling. I know Obama had to be pissed. THIS is the piece of legislation you put his desk knowing he basically HAS to sign it? It was bullshit.
AdLib : Well, it is to our benefit if the GOP doubles and triples down on policies the majority gets more and more enraged by.
ChrisR266 : Cher: You are correct about the shock doctrine thing. They are all in. They think the nation can be smashed into submission.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, they two are not incompatible.
kesmarn : Cher, yes. Have we heard any more about the LAST election fraud in WI?
kesmarn : AdLib, the Afghanistan comparison is right on the mark.
Chernynkaya : Chris–well said!
Chernynkaya : Kes, why didn’t that already blow up?
ChrisR266 : Kes: You’re right, but it won’t happen. Not this time. The state is a powderkeg right now.
AdLib : Kes – That is my concern, that the WI vote looks like Afghanistan re-electing Karzai. That will spark a real revolution in WI.
PatsyT : Cher, I think it’s is just one of their layers They Have to deliver results to their owners
Chernynkaya : AD–that’s what I mean. They double down on things the public hates. They can read poll numbers. It’s not about anything but their mission: shock doctrine chaos.
ChrisR266 : ALL: Nothing the GOPTEA does make sense. The sad part of it all is that the GOP has gone all in with the TEA. Boehner cannot back out now. He knows that. He sold his soul. And to think he could have spent his golden years passing out checks on the House floor.
PatsyT : I will be making calls for Wisconsin I hope if you guys have some time you do too.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, that’s a very scary thought.
kesmarn : I swear, if the day after the election in WI, they find a laptop in some chick’s basement with 44,567,983 T-Bag votes on it, somethings gonna blow…
AdLib : Tex – Haven’t seen that doc yet but I do know a bit about Atwater (and that Rove was his student). They do have enormous confidence in their ability to fool Americans but as in 2008, it doesn’t work when they’ve been exposed.
Chernynkaya : And tex, even that’s mild and out of date compared to what they have in place now. Bit the polls show it ain’t working.
ADONAI : I hear the Repubs are gonna start pushing the Paul Ryan budget again. does that even make sense?
PatsyT : Sometimes I think that they get the media all ginned up for the Tparty crap so that when they DO mess with the votes the public won’t question to much.
kesmarn : I’m there, Em!
Chernynkaya : Look how they doubled down on everything the public hates? Medicare, taxing the rich, nope, they have another agenda and it’s not about getting re-elcted.
Emerald1943 : Now, chocolate cake…are you coming, Kes? Or are you just going to sit there blogging?
AdLib : The thing is, their belief that they can lie their way out of everything will help defeat them, so that’s not a terrible thing.
PatsyT : Lets see how Wisconsin goes I am thinking it will be a great night for the deems unless they have tampered with the machines
texliberal : «link»
texliberal : AL if ya haven’t already seen it be sure to view this DOC. They have every confidence in their propaganda machine.
AdLib : Em –
AdLib : Patsy – Even once it’s crystal clear that they are being hated more and more for it? And could lose the House?
kesmarn : They’ll spin it that we were downgraded because Obama thwarted their efforts at austerity. Lies, as always.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, you always do this to me. Just when I’m about to leave, you throw out some meaty thing! I think it might soften SOME of the thugs, but there is that element in the House that see this as an almost religious mission to bring down the government. They will not be swayed.
PatsyT : We have to vote out the TPGOP !
Chernynkaya : AL–I hope they stay on their fail trajectory. But the old school reps might try to reign them in, causing another rift. (heehe) The Baggers are not gonna change.
PatsyT : AdLib they will not give up on their crap… they have been sent to do a mission and their task masters will take no quarter
AdLib : Cher – Yes, a very short article but it still pleases me that on the heels of the downgrade, S&P’s legitimacy is questioned.
kesmarn : Hey! Smokes? Chocolate cake? Does anybody have a hall pass here???
AdLib : So, does anyone here think that this downgrade may weaken the GOP’s resolve against taxes and blocking help for the economy? Or do they have supreme confidence in their propaganda machinery?
Emerald1943 : Okay guys…time for chocolate cake..BRB!
texliberal : Cher, the Italians NO KIDDING
Chernynkaya : Just read that. It’s hard to know what’s up. Italy doesn’t have a stellar rep either.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I try!
kesmarn : Oooooooooooh, naughty Em!
Emerald1943 : Kes, it ain’t whatcha’ got, it’s how fast you can move it!!
ChrisR266 : BRB, smoke break, friends
kesmarn : Kalima is beyond amazing. Always ahead of the curve.
Chernynkaya : Thanks.
Emerald1943 : Chris, he’s really sleazy lookin’ to me!
AdLib : Link to the article Kalima posted on S&P and Moody’s: «link»
ADONAI : NO ONE needs that many pairs of shoes
Chernynkaya : Kes–yer on a roll! Amen!
ChrisR266 : No, all three times we stayed south of Bridgetown.
kesmarn : But quality and quantity together are good. We ladies know these things.
ADONAI : O.K. but I swear if he takes 5 minutes to say hello I;m bailing.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, we have to know more about this S&P thing. That’s interesting.
Chernynkaya : AL–Wow! I must read that.
PatsyT : Give that interview a chance ADONAI He nails it.
ChrisR266 : Em: Walker is got some crazy thing going on. His eyes!
ADONAI : Meh. I prefer quality over quantity.
Chernynkaya : Chris and Em, I must disagree. They are loose cannons to me and border on firebaggers. I agree with their positions, just not their methods. They are disgruntalists and often unrealistic.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I really like him too. He got such a raw deal in that lousy election! He did a great job in this interview!!!
ChrisR266 : Kes: Hmmm. I don’t know. If you can get a chattel house, I suppose so.
kesmarn : You must lengthen your attention span, Grasshopper…
AdLib : Kalima posted this: “S&P’s and Moody’s face Italian raids The Italian offices of Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s have been raided by local authorities over allegations that the ratings agencies were involved in “anomalous” movements in domestic share prices.”
ADONAI : I know he’s smart and brave. He’s also incredibly long winded.
Sabreen60 : Chris: LOL Have you been to Tamarind Cove? We didn’t stay there, but we had connections and swam in their private beach.
kesmarn : Kerry is amazingly smart and brave, AD. Don’t let anyone kid you.
Emerald1943 : Cher, we need a few of those on our side sometimes!
ChrisR266 : Cher: Dennis K. is like that one wild ass kid in your group who you just don’t know if he’s suitable to intro to your parents. But he has principles and sticks to them. He also happens to have a loud mouth at the right time. Weird, this is also my six degrees night: I was his ex-wife’s Master’s advisor, LOL.
kesmarn : Or above, as the case may be.
Chernynkaya : Oh, thanks, Patsy. I missed it before.
ADONAI : John Kerry? A man who can take a 5 minute speech and turn it into a 30 minute lecture.
PatsyT : Here Cher «link»
kesmarn : Patsy posted a link to it, Cher, below.
Chernynkaya : Where was the Kerry interview?
Emerald1943 : Kes, Kerry’s interview was spot on! Watch it if you can!
kesmarn : Patsy, I’ll try to catch the Kerry thing tonight or in the a.m. Call me a fool, but I’ve always liked him.
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: the beaches on the west side of the island are an orgasm, agreed. I love the place.
Emerald1943 : Chris, love me some Russ Feingold!!! And as for Walker, he is about the smarmiest little twit I’ve ever seen, second only to Eric Cantor. Pale, sweaty…yuck!!
Chernynkaya : Living on an island is expensive.
AdLib : Chris – Last polls I saw showed Darling neck and neck and then it came out that she was engaged in illegal political shenanigans. That’s possible!
kesmarn : Barbados, hm? Can I live cheap THERE?
PatsyT : Guys don’t miss that John Kerry thing its a little long 15 minutes but a must watch
Chernynkaya : Frankly, I’m not a fan of Feingold. He’s like Kuchinich to me.
ChrisR266 : Em: Indeed. She is very impressive. I’d vote for her, for sure. I hope she can hang in there.
ADONAI : Polar bears cover their nose when they hunt so it won’t stand out.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: If Alberta Darling goes down, it will be all the way in Wisconsin. Walker will be recalled in Jan. and we’ll see Feingold rise like the Phoenix…
Emerald1943 : Thanks, Cher and Adlib! Bev Purdue is great! She is fighting hard but up against some real pr*cks!
Sabreen60 : Chris: We’ve been 3 times, also! Barbados certainly has the best infrastructure of any other island I’ve been to and the people are great. And the beaches ahhhhhhhh!
AdLib : The Dems will still win in WI next week and energize Dems around the country that we can take back our government from these terrorists.
Chernynkaya : Em, it’s been on the MSNBC shows too.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I think it was bito who posted something about that yesterday on PPOV.
kesmarn : Yes Cher and there are gift cards for people who sign up anti-abortion likely voters.
AdLib : EM – You do have a wonderful governor there!
Chernynkaya : Em, your governor rocks!
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Patsy, I will. Just marked it.
Chernynkaya : In WI there is proof that they also have been bribing voters again.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I’m so glad to hear it! I have been watching that battle out there…I’m from North Carolina where we have our own problems with a rethug state legislature but a strong Dem. lady governor!
AdLib : I think we’re finally in for some good news out of WI next week as Dems take the Legislature back! Recent polls are looking good for Dems and I’ll bet Dem turnout will be huge.
kesmarn : Em, they’re beyond despicable.
ChrisR266 : Kes: they are.
Chernynkaya : I have a signed Groening Life in Hell poster that I got when he was a starving cartoonist at the LA Weekly.
PatsyT : Kerry talks about the media needing to have accuracy
ChrisR266 : EM: they won’t. People in Wisconsin drink a lot, but they have EXCELLENT memories.
Emerald1943 : Kes, a lot of those fake absentee ballots were aimed at seniors too. Despicable! They are totally shameless!
PatsyT : OK John Kerry was great on Morning Joe today, Make Sure To Check this Out Later! «link»
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: been to Barbados three times. It is my favorite, hands down.
kesmarn : Yes, THE make-or-break election. 2012.Literally.
ChrisR266 : AD: She is a very cool chick. She chucked school and moved to CA to work with Johnathan Winters they year we got married. She’s done her time and has made a marvelous career of it. It is poetic justice that Groening and her are both from the Dayton area–she was a kettering grad.
Chernynkaya : Yes kes, in WI. The Kochs.
Emerald1943 : Kes, yes they did that. It was a Koch sponsored group.
Sabreen60 : I am more concerned about the 2012 election than any other election during my lifetime.
AdLib : Thanks Ad and Cher!
kesmarn : I hear that Repub front groups in some areas are sending out absentee ballot forms to Dems with instructions to return the ballots AFTER the date of the election.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I’m very interested in the Wisconsin recalls. I want to see that creep Walker recalled in January! Hope people’s memory does not give up.
Chernynkaya : kes!
Sabreen60 : My husband and I have seriously considered moving to Barbados when he retires. I love Barbados and would move there “yesterday” if I could.
Chernynkaya : AL–He needs to hire you and fire Axelrod.
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: No voter ID in Ohio. Husted actually has a moral and ethical compass. I’m most anxious for Wisconsin. If Wisconsin goes blue, the whole nation will.
AdLib : Patsy – But the media forces behind the Purism and Obama bashing ARE Republicans in Dem or Indie clothing so they won’t stop. People need to turn these people off.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, good point, especially in light of the voter suppression that they are trying to do all over the country.
ADONAI : Really chris? That’s cool. Next time you see her tell her I love her work. One of my favorite voice over artists.
Chernynkaya : Sabreen–VOTER SUPPRESSION! Yes! The DOJ better stop this. But I don’t know if there’s enough time.
kesmarn : Ogg with their heads.
ChrisR266 : ADONAI: Nancy Cartwright is a good friend of my husband and I. We went to school together at OU.
Chernynkaya : Kes, raising axes is right!
PatsyT : If progressives would quit with the Pres Bashing and work on Voter Regs and Voter Education and aiming their critical talk at the real criminals we could get many of these TP ers out of office
ADONAI : Damn AL. That is brilliant.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I’m not sure, but I can tell you that place is amazing! I truly loved it there. Visit was too short to learn very much about cost of living, etc.
Chernynkaya : CFhris, I don’t like HHI when they move to the tropics. I like when they move to Morocco.
Sabreen60 : Chris, Yep. I saw those numbers. I sure hope they translate into voting. I’m also worried about voter suppression that happening across the country. There are a lot of law suits out there, but Repubs are really trying and in some cases have passed laws to make it harder for people to vote.
kesmarn : I’m all about raising axes on the wealthy. But I’ll deny I ever said it.
ADONAI : I’m watching The Simpsons
AdLib : AD – All Obama needs to do is say that he will let the Bush Tax Cuts expire and before they do, submit a bill to Congress to retain tax cuts for 98% of Americans. If they refuse, the Republicans will raise your taxes.
ChrisR266 : Text: After a week of intense news, I opted for House Hunters international tonight. Got to have some palm trees and beaches, ‘eh?
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : AL–I am cautiously optimistic. I also read on Monkey Cage some data about not really needing Indies to win.
kesmarn : Thanks for the tip, Em! Can you live cheap there?
ADONAI : taxes. But I do condone raising axes against them too.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I highly recommend St. Maarten in the islands…paradi se on earth!
ADONAI : Raising axes on the wealthy. Good. But not enough. It’d be a great symbolic victory, I get that, but that’s all it would be. Permanent tax increase on the wealthy. Temporary increase on the middle class. How temporary? That depends on hwo serious we are about “fixing” this place.
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: Most polling is showing that the Democratic left and middle has not deserted the party or Obama at all. In fact, they show pretty strongly in support of both the debt ceiling deal and of the Party and President. Especially this week.
Chernynkaya : I have and will work for OFA.
texliberal : Just finished watching Maher’s New Rules. Hilarious, and I know,I know it’s Maher but be sure to watch it.
AdLib : Cher – But voters used baggers as a vehicle for their anger at Obama and Dems for not making their lives better. Now that they see how much worse the baggers have made their lives, they won’t be re-electing them. That will be the big story in 2012, the death of the Bagger movement.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I intend to work for the Prez. I hope lots of you guys will do the same. We MUST get out the vote! We simply CANNOT LOSE this election!
Chernynkaya : Sabreen– ditto!
kesmarn : Sabreen, that’s what my son says. If a Repug gets elected, he’s moving to Canada.
Chernynkaya : Yees, by a large margins, people know that taxes–especiall y in the rich–MUST be raised.
Sabreen60 : Em, If Dems don’t get off their butts and vote then I think we’re up a creek without a paddle. Seriously, update your passport.
ChrisR266 : Where’s Howard Dean when we need him? Time to put him back in charge of the DNC. At least by January of next year.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, that is a very good point. He does tend to look way down the road to the long-term picture.
kesmarn : Really, Chris! Check out her pic in that article. I thought it was Minnie at first.
Chernynkaya : AL they do believe it–they got elected and told the voters exactly what they would do.
AdLib : AD – FDR ran on raising taxes and won. Obama will to, all polls show most Americans want taxes raised on the wealthy.
ChrisR266 : Kes, LMAO, Minnie Pearl!
Chernynkaya : Sabreen, that’s true about the effects of the Obama era–especially ACA.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, the President has to come out for reversing the Bush tax cuts and promising to put through a middle class cut just as soon as we take back the House, another incentive to get the Dems off the couch to vote.
AdLib : Cher – I agree with that, Baggers are like suicide bombers and don’t care as much about public opinion as long as they can blow up government. I would add though that they appear fully deluded that “the people” are behind them and the “Lamestream Media” is just lying.
kesmarn : Minnie Pearl! That’s who it was.
Chernynkaya : Chris, I mean their legislation or blocking of such, especially in the states. Nit their political shennanies.
jkkFL : ??
Sabreen60 : Cher, I read an article that said the exact same thing about the Prez. Wish I could remember where I read it. But the gist was that what the Prez has put in place may not be fully acknowledged or the benefits known for a few years.
kesmarn : Chris, yes Schlaffly seems to be immortal. And she’s starting to look like that country singer — what was her name — who used to wear the hat with the price tag still attached?
ChrisR266 : Phyllis Schafley!
ChrisR266 : Cher: I think the effects of their actions cannot be undone. They will spell the demise of the GOP.
ADONAI : How can Dems win the tax battle? How many elections have been won on “I’m gonna raise your taxes”?
jkkFL : who Chris??
Emerald1943 : Cher, we MUST take back the House and hold the Senate so that some of this stuff can be overturned.
PatsyT : Hey Kes Love The Christian Left!
Chernynkaya : kes–I saw that and it’s worth keeping.
ChrisR266 : Kes: Why won’t that woman DIE?! She’s been hounding me since I’ve been on this planet, LOL.
bito : G’night Caru and my best to the Emerald Isle.
Chernynkaya : Bye, Caru.
jkkFL : sweet dreams Caru
Emerald1943 : Adlib, AMEN, AMEN! The Dems play too nice! Time to take off the gloves!
Chernynkaya : See, I don’t think the baggers care about getting re-elected. Theya re on a mission and so far, they been fairly successful. It won;t last, but they have changed the conversation to the right. And maybe put in place stuff it’ll take years to undo.
kesmarn : ‘Night, Caru!
Sabreen60 : Good night, Caru!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Caru
ChrisR266 : Bito: Italy is sucking canal water right now, and as everyone knows, the canal water in Florence, ain’t so good.
kesmarn : For later: an article on the 20 most dangerous conservatives and their organizations. Surprise 19 of them are white guys and the 20th is P. Schlaffly, who might as well be. «link»
jkkFL : Damn! My reply vanished- I want to see something negative against the GOP
AdLib : Night Caru!
ADONAI : Peace caru
Emerald1943 : Good night, Caru! Hope to see you later!
AdLib : EM – This is a huge club that Dems should be pummeling the Repubs and their “no tax” pledge on. Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted in the deal…this is their deal and their threats that preceded it. Hammer these bastards relentlessly now, Dems!
ChrisR266 : Sleep well, Caru.
ADONAI : The GOP is the largest collection of car dealers, casino owners, crooked businessmen, and mimes you’ve ever seen. Pure evil. An itchy evil. An evil that just digs in and annoys you to no end.
Emerald1943 : bito, haven’t followed Italy but I hear they’re in bad shape.
Caru : Ah, sorry. I’ve to go. The sandman has finally found me.
Chernynkaya : Jkk-who?
jkkFL : So far I’m not seeing it..
bito : Kalima had this link in MB, seems the Italians think that S&P is crooked too. «link»
ChrisR266 : Cher: These guys are playing. They’re like the Dukes from Trading Places. The landscape will survive without them, and they’re too full of themselves to know it.
jkkFL : I want to see Someone saying Something negative about the GOP..
Emerald1943 : Chris, yep they have been quiet, now that you mention it.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, good point. And you know about that sunshine thingy…maybe this is what it will take to get rid of them.
ChrisR266 : Em: The chamber has been awfully quiet lately. I think they were watching and waiting. Looks like they bought a goose.
AdLib : The Repubs have been sabotaging the economy out of the headlines before, now, the spotlight will be on them for every terrorist attack they make on our economy.
ADONAI : The hardest thing to do in politics is get a read on the American people. Don’t care how many polls you read or town halls you attend. But that’s not why they’re there. It’s not to win popularity contest but do what you believe to be the right thing for everyone.
Chernynkaya : Well, I know a few giant businessmen who do: Kochs, Mellons, Scaife etc.
Emerald1943 : Chris, how about pressure from the US Chamber of Commerce too? They were down on the baggers as time ran out.
ChrisR266 : ADONAI: There shall be no yanking here, sir!
ChrisR266 : Can you really imagine any serious mega-businessmen who want those GOPTEA dastards in charge in 2013? Seriously? Even they can see the writing on this wall.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I think you’re right. They have shot themselves in the foot with this one.
jkkFL : AD- you volunteering??
Emerald1943 : Adonai, TMI!
Chernynkaya : Chris–I like that take on it. We all were wondering why the market overlords were so silent.
ChrisR266 : Em: I think it’s Obama’s/Dems, if they’re listening. Obama went for the grand bargain which included both cuts and revenues. Boehner walked out. People are familiar with it and will remember that.
Caru : No, Cher. Be really nice about it and simultaneously stuff ’em. The best of both worlds.
ADONAI : What?! I’ve been known to do some yanking. Just sayin’.
Sabreen60 : The polls already show that the public blame the Repubs for the debt ceiling mess. I don’t think this will hurt the Prez. I think the Repubs will feel the heat, especially if the Dems nail them on this.
AdLib : Chris, I think that’s very possible.
jkkFL : Caru-Yep! It’s all garbage!
bito : Chris, good point. The baggers need some learning
Emerald1943 : AD said YANK! LMAO
Chernynkaya : As I said, we could really capitalize on this if we stop playing nice.
Emerald1943 : Chris, that sounds feasible. I was wondering about this. Whose political agenda is being served here?
ADONAI : I don’t doubt that Chris. I’m sure they yank chains here and there.
Caru : I know, jk. It really shows just how arbitrary these things are.
kesmarn : I’m so pre-dick-table, Cher.
Chernynkaya : em, we do what we can.
ChrisR266 : Em: Bwwwahaahaha!
AdLib : Cher – But the Dems and Obama can point out, “Congress became broken enough to destroy our credit rating only after Repubs owned the House with Baggers in control.
ChrisR266 : ADONAI: I really think that this S/P downgrade was orchestrated by the business overlords who need to yank the chains of the GOPTEA. At least the yokes of the GOP leadership who sold their souls.
Emerald1943 : Cher, as I see it, our responsibility for the next election is to remind them long and loudly!!
jkkFL : It’s an artificial level, Caru..
Chernynkaya : Kes said snippet! HAHAHAHA
Chernynkaya : I think the S&P thing will hurt the Gop more. It’s just that all I hear on EVERY news outlet it that “Congress” or Washington” is broken. Not that it’s the Goopers! And it utterly enrages me.
Caru : Anyway, AA+ still sounds pretty good to me.
kesmarn : Chris, thanks for that little snippet of info!!
Emerald1943 : Chris, she’ll have to take along a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers!!
jkkFL : Em- I think his stuff is so buried he can’t even find it.
ADONAI : We’re still the best bet in the world by far. All these people know China is heading for an economic crisis on par with ours. And if the new style government doesn’t get moving they won’t be ready for it. I don’t know a lot about S&Ps or credit ratings but I do know we still make more money than the rest of the world combined, we have the most lucrative and profitable economic system in the world, so I don’t think we’re ever getting torpedoed. We are too big to fail.
ChrisR266 : Ah, HA! she WAS from VA. I bet she’s still there. we can sick her on Cantor.
AdLib : Cher – I disagree, it shows Obama prescient and correct. To say that S&P did this because they needed Obama to say what we could all see, won’t work for the GOP.
Emerald1943 : I just want to see Cantor nailed! Somebody please…dig up the dirt! He is such a pompous little twit!
bito : Japan is the largest creditor nation and they have a AA+ rating from S&P while the US is the largest debtor nation. No money to be made in Japan?
PatsyT : peenie? LOL!
ChrisR266 : I’m going to look that up.
ChrisR266 : Or, VA?
jkkFL : Caru- OK I’ll take That one!!
ChrisR266 : Cantor has a peenie. I hope he has it well protected. Wasn’t Lorena Bobbit from NC?
Chernynkaya : Yes, the math was wrong, S&P was a humongous FAIL for rating the banks, but the much more interesting point is they said what Obama said, “We may not lose our AAA rating but we don’t have a AAA political system.” Those words could hurt him. But he was right!
jkkFL : kes- no shit! see: Cantor
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito shaky math. They’re assuming the Bush tax cuts will stay.
Caru : No, we don’t have a debt ceiling and even if we did our system is parliamentary, making the situation that the US is in almost impossible here.
Sabreen60 : On Twitter they are all over Boehner like a cheap suit. However, the media according to those on Twitter is blaming the Prez. Surprise. Surprise.
ChrisR266 : Of course there is, Kes. That’s the name of the game.
kesmarn : S&P is saying all the right things about the Repubs being at fault, but I still think there’s money being made on short-selling the U.S.
ChrisR266 : Cher: this one won’t work. These GOPTEAers are owning this one, look how the s and p statement was worded. Being spanked in public is not pretty.
jkkFL : Caru- do you have this kind of crap in your gov’t?
Caru : These ratings don’t mean all that much when it comes to the private market. You can buy a rating if you wanted.
bito : The WH is fighting back on the math that S&P used–off by trillions!
AdLib : According to S&P’s report, the only way to upgrade is to raise revenues. That hurts the GOP big time.
Chernynkaya : Right, AL, I saw that. But now Boner and Turtle are saying “1st Downgrade in history on Obama’s watch! HArrunph!” I don’t think it’ll work IF and it’s a big IF the Dems capitalize on it.
ChrisR266 : Bito: oops! S&P can skuc my peenie if I had one, LOL.
Emerald1943 : Bito, how could anyone give them any credibility after all that?
ChrisR266 : bito:
jkkFL : AD- you nailed it!!
Emerald1943 : Hello Chris! Glad to see you!
bito : These are the same people that rated the junk AAA+ during the housing debacle.
ADONAI : few people or groups ever really suffer politically. We bonk on the nose like a bad dog, send them to the doghouse for a few years and then they get to come back inside after our new dog raises our taxes
AdLib : Cher – Quotes from the S&P report on why it downgraded: “The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America’s governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed. The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy. […]It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. […]The act contains no measures to raise taxes or otherwise enhance revenues, though the committee could recommend them. […]Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.
Emerald1943 : Kes, you’ve got me actually laughing sohard I can’t type! LMAO
ChrisR266 : Good to read so many of you here, hope you’re enjoying the fine evening. Kes: yep!
kesmarn : Well, you’d better step on it, Em!!
Chernynkaya : Flounder! Great!
Caru : Hi, Chris.
Emerald1943 : I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to bring FLOUNDER! HAHAHAHA!
Sabreen60 : Hi Chris
Caru : I really hate betting as a form of money-making. I really don’t like it.
kesmarn : Hey, Chris! Warm and muggy in Columbus, too?
jkkFL : AD- Got it!!
Chernynkaya : Heya Chris!
PatsyT : Hey ChrisR!
AdLib : Hey Chris!
ADONAI : Hello Chris
Chernynkaya : AL–so you beleive that teh R’s will suffer politically ?
ChrisR266 : Top of the evening to you, all.
jkkFL : Cantor has his money in Failure of the US
ADONAI : jkk – Next Tuesday. Bring a side dish and a first aid kit
AdLib : Bito – I think they and Goldman Sachs are making a fortune on this downgrade.
Emerald1943 : Bito, I was asking the same about Cantor! I really really really want his little short-sell scheme in the spotlight!
Caru : That sounds like fun, AD. I’ll bring a pot.
kesmarn : I’ll bet Cantor had money bet on this downgrade, too.
PatsyT : Thats the ticket Bito follow the money .. How much did they make the last time around?
ADONAI : 400 – 500 million?
Chernynkaya : My Q about the S&P crap is what does it mean for the Reeps?
AdLib : This surely smashes McConnell’s threat to hold the debt ceiling hostage each year.
jkkFL : AD- when??
bito : How much money will S&P make off of selling/rating the down rated bonds?
ADONAI : I;m having a Death Metal Chili Cook Off
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Ooookay!
Caru : I’m loving this new trend of referring to everything as a “music category something”.
AdLib : Em – Ogg was my typo of “off”.
ADONAI : a typo
PatsyT : I hope we can go Wisconsin on them and get this bunch of racist t party terrorist out of office and most of the gop with them
kesmarn : Ogg with their T-Bags!!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, sorry but what’s ogg?
Chernynkaya : HAH!
AdLib : Ogg off, baggers!
kesmarn : Right, b’ito. Refusing to increase the debt limit is like making an announcement that you’re going to stop paying bills you’ve already run up.
ADONAI : Seemed like more of a Jazz BBQ or Contemporary Adult
Chernynkaya : I love ogg! “Fuck ogg!”
jkkFL : k?
AdLib : off
Caru : A Hip Hop BBQ? That sounds like work to me.
bito : No jkk, it’s paying the bills you already have spent on your credit card.
AdLib : jkk – Actually, it’s like giving IOUs to people after you’ve maxed out your credit line and used those services and received those goods, then raising your credit limit to pay ogg your IOUs.
Emerald1943 : Oh Cher! That’s WONDERFUL! I love it!
PatsyT : Cher, He forgot the watermelons!
Chernynkaya : And Dave Weigel translates Fox Nation’s Obama “Hip Hop BBQ” headline: “Uppity Blacks Eat Soul Food and Laugh While You Hunt for A Job You Can’t Get Because of Welfare Queens, Affirmative Action, and Carjackers.”
Emerald1943 : Adonai, you are so right! And did you hear McConnell’s threat? He promised a fight every time it needs to be raised again in the future. I would bet if there is a rethug in the White House, he wouldn’t get much of a rise out of McConnell.
Chernynkaya : I see you already dealt with Hip Hop BBQ But I just want to share this:
jkkFL : Caru- basically it boils down to maxing out your credit card- then trying to borrow to extend your credit..
Chernynkaya : Did I say that? Well, good on me!
AdLib : Sabreen – Heh! I’m honored, indeed!
kesmarn : Hey, Cher!
Sabreen60 : Hi Cher
Emerald1943 : CHER!! Good to see you!
ADONAI : Having a debt ceiling is ridiculous. #1. It doesn’t control our spending. we always raise the ceiling AFTER we’ve gone over. #2. It leads to silly political squabbles like the one we just saw
AdLib : Hey Cher, we’ve talked a bit about your foresight at seeing S&P as acting politically by downgrading the US.
Emerald1943 : Caru, that is pretty much what was happening. The money we needed to borrow had already been spent by Congress.
jkkFL : Cher! now we have 2 brains!!
Sabreen60 : AdLib did I steal this from you? What I might compare this situation to is a baseball team that’s booed by its fans whenever its not winning. It doesn’t matter to those fans that they’ve won other games or that their booing is discouraging their team from coming back and beating the team they’re playing right now, all that matters to such fans is that their team is winning the game right now or they suck. And any fans who would cheer them on when they’re not winning are mindless and suck too. That doesn’t reflect loyalty or vision, just a shallow need for immediate gratification, that what one wants now is all that exists, past and future are irrelevant to influencing one’s perspective and actions. As Ben Franklin once said, “We must hang together…else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.”
kesmarn : Sabreen…the Prez “a LITTLE bit smarter than his critics”? More like a LOT.
Caru : Hi, Cher!
Caru : Thanks, AL.
jkkFL : Patsy- and White!
ADONAI : Caru – Way back in the day the COngress figured it would be an awesome way to keep track of their spending but it just wound up being a symbolic gesture that, until this year, always received majority support
PatsyT : Hi Cher
Caru : I’ve realised that the debt ceiling could result in a situation where Congress could tell the President to spend on such and such and then refuse to allow him to borrow money to do so.
Chernynkaya : Hi all! let me read and catch up.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, good one!!!
AdLib : Caru – America has a debt ceiling for political circus reasons. It was instituted to allow Congresspeople to vote against paying bills for meals they already have eaten and claiming they’re opposed to deficits. It is legislative hypocrisy.
PatsyT : Em every time they remind me that he is Black, I remember they are desperate
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that was a little confusing to me if they have some RW agenda. As I said, I need to think about this some more…and consult Kes!
texliberal : Adonai, many may not be tied to it voluntarily if they are fortunate enough to have a pension.
Sabreen60 : Oops I forgot the link: «link»
Emerald1943 : Patsy, now that hip hop crap REALLY raised my blood pressure! No racism here… of course not!
PatsyT : Opps I should add
jkkFL : Caru- who the hell knows???!
Sabreen60 : Obama is smarter than critics.
AdLib : EM – According to S&P, we do have a revenue problem.
kesmarn : AD, when unions were killed off, workers were forced into 401(k) and 403(b) programs for retirement. We’re yoked to the stock market whether we like it or not. Pensions were much better, but they’re “socialism.”
Caru : Can I ask? Why does America have a debt ceiling?
jkkFL : Whew- that pissed me off!!
Emerald1943 : Jkk, it always raises my blood pressure when I hear Cantor or the Boner come out with the usual lies…”we don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.” They would completely bankrupt us if they could.
ADONAI : Hello Caru
PatsyT : jkkFL the problem is that hip hop barbecue pres and his hip hop pals.
Caru : Lol, jk.
Caru : 03:30, KM
AdLib : Hi Caru!
Sabreen60 : Hi Caru!
jkkFL : Caru!! Now we have a brain
AdLib : Kes – Nailed it, maybe 2 trillion in wars were hidden off the books by Bush and replaced by Obama.
ADONAI : Why do we panic when the stock market crashes? Why would so much of our country even be tied up in a public shell game privately run by bankers?
kesmarn : Hey, Caru! What time is it in Ireland?
Emerald1943 : Hi Caru! Glad you’re here!
Caru : Hi all – It’s the insomniac here.
Emerald1943 : Kes, she is one smart lady!
AdLib : Kes – That Cher has a keen eye!
PatsyT : A few days? I think it’s been longer then that.
Emerald1943 : Tex, not sure I would have approved. Bush was spending like a drunken sailor for his “shock and awe” games. It really is apples and oranges.
jkkFL : Debt ceiling has been raised 70 some times since the seventies- what’s the big deal now- Revenue is the problem..
kesmarn : The debt ceiling in 2005 was totally fraudulent to start with since the whole Iraq war was done “off the books.”
AdLib : Tex – I don’t think anyone here would approve of the debt deal whenever it took place because it’s so slanted against most Americans.
kesmarn : Em and Ad Lib, I think Cher has been mentioning the possibility that S&P is up to no good for a few days now.
Emerald1943 : jkk, sure I do! You’re always welcome! (This is my nightly regimen.)
texliberal : Let me play Devil’s Advocate for a minute, if the debt ceiling deal we have came down in say 2005 would all of ya approved? I know apples and oranges since the debt ceiling was always raised without a fuss in the Bush years, but I think it’s a good question.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I still am asking is there some devious political agenda here? I’m not all that good at thinking through all the convolutions, but it has to be something like that.
AdLib : Senior Obama officials calls it “Amateur Hour” at S&P. Even though they admitted their report omitted $2 trillion in savings/revenue, they went ahead with the downgrade. This is 100% political,
jkkFL : Em- got a spare piece??
jkkFL : AD- See ya in Oct!
Emerald1943 : jkk, I know! I have the same problem, especially when it’s time for me to get some chocolate cake. I lose my place!
kesmarn : Heh… S&P “a bunch of incompetents,”. ..”Nobody more wrong than they were…” Go, Barney.
AdLib : NYT Business Reporter on Maddow just spouted propaganda, left out completely the Greek and Euro situation for stocks falling around the world this week, blamed the Debt debate and deal for all of it.
jkkFL : Hi Em- I usually can’t keep up! tonight may be no exception!!
ADONAI : Spaceship was my first LEGO creation
Then a dinosaur
Emerald1943 : Adonai, yep until they can get that nasty bad ol’ government in the bathtub and leave the water running!
Emerald1943 : jkk, I missed you!
ADONAI : So are we just gonna keep cutting spending and never raising taxes?
Sabreen60 : Hi Adonai
Emerald1943 : Adonai, glad you are here!
jkkFL : AD- my lego bud!
PatsyT : Hey ADONAI!
kesmarn : OOps, I’ll scroll. Sorry, I missed that.
Emerald1943 : Kes, he blasted them on Rachel’s show. It was great! He didn’t pull any punches!
AdLib : Hi AD!
AdLib : Kes – Scroll down, I quoted some of what he said.
kesmarn : Hey, AD!
ADONAI : Hello
kesmarn : What did Barney say, Em? I’ve been out of town for 2 days.
jkkFL : Actually I thought Moody would..
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, in the end, this is big ammunition to let the Bush Cuts expire or reform the tax code so revenue is gained. In the end, the Repubs are to blame by S&P and raising taxes is the solution.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, they are a smarmy bunch! I liked Barney Frank’s comments about them tonight.
AdLib : The very companies that defrauded the world and enabled the destruction of our economy because of how corrupt they are…should dictate our next steps? Why not ask a serial killer to drive you home?
PatsyT : AdLib wait a minute if they site those bush tax cuts as part of the decision to downgrade then isn’t that all the more reason to let them disappear.
kesmarn : That’s hilarious, Patsy. For S& P time stopped in 2008. I guess it did for my 403(b) too, thanks to them.
jkkFL : AdLib- put tex back in time out!!
Emerald1943 : I was a little pissed when the three credit rating agencies appeared at that hearing, demanding that we cut monies. I thought that was out of line. They should stick to doing ratings…we can do our own policy.
AdLib : S&P has concluded that the Bush Tax Cuts will be renewed? That is just a guess with no basis in fact. That’s how ratings are determine, by unfounded guesses?
texliberal : «link»
jkkFL : pffft- tex! K- bring it on!
PatsyT : Standard and Poor’s timeline…. They opened a office in Dubai in 2008 then no further info on the timeline «link»
kesmarn : Right, Em, Sabreen and AdLib. We showed ’em that the Tea Party was grabbing the wheel and — oddly —
they wanted out!!
AdLib : I do agree with Barney Frank that this downgrade and report are highly political and trying to control political decisions.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, good analogy
jkkFL : Hey Sabreen!
AdLib : Kes – Exactly! We’ve just seen that we have lunatics with a hand on the wheel who are happy to steer us off a cliff. Is that a car you’d be willing to finance?
texliberal : jkkFL have a link for ya that is if you’ve already had supper.
Emerald1943 : Kes, the rest of the world was laughing their asses off at all this! Embarrassing…k inda’ like when Bush was in office. But they were laughing at CONGRESS, not the Prez.
jkkFL : tex should be in time out!!
Sabreen60 : Hi Tex and Jkk
kesmarn : Riiight…doesn ‘t have a thing to do with the fact that we demonstrated our craziness to the whole world.
Emerald1943 : Tex, glad you’re here!
AdLib : Hi JkkFL!
AdLib : Hey Tex!
Sabreen60 : Hi Kes: We know folks on FOX can’t read. S&P clearly said having no revenue is a big problem along with Repubs acting like 2 year olds.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Check out the quote below from S&P, it focuses quite a bit on the GOP and their refusal of revenue increases. This is not good for them.
jkkFL : hmm.. financial advisors always told me to follow S&P- not Dow
texliberal : Good evening. Kes everyone is gonna have a spin on this, same old food fight
Emerald1943 : Hey KES! Yeah, that’s what they’ve been saying. The President just is not serious about deficit reduction. The Boner said that during the talks.
PatsyT : Hi back at ya!
kesmarn : Hey,Patsy and everyone! Just caught the local FOX news report of the AA+ downgrade and according to them, it’s all because we aren’t “getting serious” about our debt problem.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, so glad you are here!!!
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy !
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, yep…I heard that too. Also, there is that sticky little thing about Eric Cantor’s investments. Haven’t heard anything else about his selling short on his bonds. Anyone else?
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
PatsyT : Hey Everyone
AdLib : I’ll bet Goldman Sacks is leveraged into profiting off of S&P’s change. Barney Frank just said, “This is a political judgment by a group of incompetents.” and “Pay no attention to these people whether they are rating mortgages, bonds…nobody I’m aware of has been more wrong than them.”
Sabreen60 : Em, I posted earlier that Barney Frank said that S&P has a history of under valuing public debt and over valuing private debt. They also gave Lehman Bros. and toxic mortgages a AAA rating. In addition, Obama Admin saids S&P made a $2 Trillion math mistake.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I have to give this some more thought. What do you guys think? Are they playing into the thugs’ games to starve the beast? This could cost us a lot more in interest payments.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, is that a smoke-screen to cover up a RW agenda?
texliberal : Wouldn’t ya know it the ONE time S&P posts truth.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I just wonder WHO is involved in making this decision! If Moody’s and Fitch are hanging with us, what’s up with S&P?
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I like from S&P the statement about the intransigence of the Repubs.
AdLib : Don’t know if you saw the quotes from the S&P report downgrading US credit but this one in particular was interesting: “Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.”
Emerald1943 : Thanks Adlib! Oh noooo! We’ve been down-graded!!! Ouch! Bernie Sanders is blistering S&P!
AdLib : Hey Em! Nice to see you and Sabreen this evening!
Emerald1943 : Bito, are you lurking?
Sabreen60 : Hi Em: Yep I think it was spot on.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I really like that! Too funny!
Emerald1943 : Well hi there, everyone! Lovely to see you!
AdLib : Heh! I like that, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Hi Everyone – hope all is well. Someone tweeted this and I thought it was pretty cool: “Voters gave keys back to GOP, Tea Party drove us back into ditch & we can’t call a tow truck because they got our AAA canceled.”
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins right here tonight at 7 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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