javaz : night
AdLib : Yep, closing up the Vox Populi bar for the night! Cheers!
javaz : Are you leaving? If so – have a good night and sweet dreams
AdLib : Not at all, javaz! See you soon!
javaz : I so appreciate your warm welcome, as I was thinking that you didn’t want me here anymore
javaz : We have Saudi Arabia and we’re friends with them, plus we have the whole ant- woman thing –
AdLib : So nice seeing you javaz! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : javaz – Not really, haven’t had a Black Plague or a Hitler again.
AdLib : I may survive but my car may not make it through the weekend!
javaz : History always repeats itself.
Khirad : Hopefully we’ll all be here after Carmageddon. Night!
AdLib : Well, looks to be around that time to bring this edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks so much everybody for making it such a fun and enlightening night! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next Friday, same time and place!
AdLib : Night Invient! Have a great weekend and nice to see you at Vox tonight!
AdLib : Yes but that was 90 years ago and though Fox News has exercised influence and power, it hasn’t risen yet to the power Hearst had. He was to the US what Murdoch was to the UK.
invient : I’m out… good night all.
javaz : Randolph Scott Hearst- been there done that, and we’ll do it again
AdLib : And what happens in the aftermath is, as happened in the US after Watergate, many laws that close up many of the avenues that were used to corrupt a democracy.
AdLib : javaz – Well…it takes an architect like Murdoch to take over a nation’s political system all by himself. That’s why it’s more important to hobble News Corp because of how they were wired in. Yes, corps in the US have much power and collaborate but it’s not the same as having an evil emperor masterminding it all.
javaz : We might be able to disassemble Murdoch, but there’s someone waiting in the wings
Khirad : There’s just something hilarious about marsupials, what can I say.
javaz : Ad Lib – you know this as much as I do, but there’s always someone waiting in the wings.
AdLib : I’m prejudiced, I like the Rupert Pesci graphic I created for my article.
Khirad : I’ve seen the French Red. I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.
invient : lol
Khirad : Speaking of Murdoch, I almost lost it with those cheap Australian stereotypes. This is what had me almost fall out of the chair – Koala me back! «link»
javaz : B’ito! Did you see RED? With Helen Mirran and Bruce Willis and John Malkovich?
AdLib : javaz – Rupert doesn’t need to go to prison, life as a disgraced and fallen king will be a prison for him. I just want to make sure News Corp is permanently hobbled from ever rising to this level again.
Khirad : Oh wow, I’ve seen it, but not for ages. And yes, for her age, I think she’s still rockin’.
bito : Helen Mirren is still young!
javaz : To go back to your original thing about Murdoch – he’ll never serve a day in prison, nor will the powerful people associated with him – but NewsCorp and FOX – it’s over.
AdLib : Khirad – No doubt you’ve seen Helen Mirren in Excalibur? She’s still young then too.
AdLib : javaz – So true and unfortunately, that 25% or so of the voting population are beyond reason, nothing will change their minds. If we can instead focus on the Indie voters, we can forge a stronger and longer lasting majority.
Khirad : That’s the mental image I had right there, AdLib!
AdLib : Helen Mirren was a wild thing in her youth, hard to imagine The Queen like that but it’s true.
javaz : Sadly, not everyone thinks as we do and far too many people vote Tea Party and far too many people vote against their best interest.
AdLib : Really enjoyed Satyricon, Fellini made some remarkable films.
Khirad : And Peter O’Toole and Helen Mirren, ouch. I thought Satyricon covered hedonism quite well already, anyway.
AdLib : javaz – Yep, they are so extreme, Republicans have become cartoons. Making a post about that should be as amusing as it is enlightening.
AdLib : Night Patsy! Stay local this weekend!
invient : later Patsy
PatsyT : I will think on that AdLib… I have to sign out too Good Night All Great to see you all!
ADONAI : I’ve seen that movie Al. It. is. AWESOME! Nite folks!
AdLib : Night AD, have a great weekend!
javaz : Republicans are cartoons – my God – is this what our country is reduced to?
AdLib : Bob Guccione who owned Penthouse Magazine financed a Caligula movie starring Malcolm McDowell back in the 70’s, it is a disaster and an artifact.
Khirad : Hah. Nit AD.
invient : nite Adonai
ADONAI : Well kids, I’m out. Hold down the fort. Good night folks. Peace be with you. «link»
ADONAI : Fish eggs and an insane emperor of Ancient Rome
AdLib : I’m going to assemble all our cartoon Republicans into a post so if you think of any others, please add them. This is quite a hilarious bunch!
javaz : Caligula – Isn’t that fish eggs?
PatsyT : HA Khirad A PT Crusier
ADONAI : The only dick in Canada
AdLib : Khirad! Literally laughed out loud!
ADONAI : HA! I thought about that one too but never got around to it
Khirad : Scott Walker «link»
ADONAI : That’s the way I view it too Al. And I can’t help but think more than a few Republican voters are not down with the Paul Ryan plan or the shenanigans attached to it.
PatsyT : Rich White people pay other people to have their problems
AdLib : AD – I think there will be a real enthusiasm gap for the GOP, who will be excited about more of what has been happening in The House, in WI, OH, MN, etc. The energy will be on the Dem side, they are the ones on defense and that’s usually the more motivated side.
ADONAI : Rich people don’t have problems. Especially rich white people. What they think are problems are actually very insulting to every other person on Earth
invient : nite tex
Khirad : Yeah, Caligula, I’m thinking King Herod there is more Michele Bachmann’s husband.
invient : OMG its like hedonism bot became real! wow
AdLib : Night Tex! Have a nice weekend!
ADONAI : Nite tex
javaz : Anyway, the husband told me how he made a half-million last year, and then he told me the upkeep – they need a pool boy, and they need a landscaper, and it takes 4 maids 3 hours to clean their home, and I guess somehow I’m supposed to feel sorry for them. They are super-duper rich and they truly are, but I made it clear to them, that we’re happy with what we have, OMG – you had to be there to get it – I really dislike rich people,.
texliberal : Nite all. Work tomorrow. Good luck with that Carmeggedon thing
ADONAI : Good stuff Khirad. hadn’t seen that. Hedonismbot is definitely Caligula as well.
ADONAI : I agree Al. I watched a bunch of interviews with republican primary voters on C-SPAN and they did not sound excited at all
invient : how about gary on southpark… if you do not know what he is, ill tell you
AdLib : AD – I just can’t see this GOP being empowered or any of these terribly flawed candidates being chosen to run the country, no matter how much money the Kochs spend.
ADONAI : Rick Santorum reminds me of Davey from Davey and Goliath or Moral Orel
invient : …. well I would say ace ventura talking out of his butt… but he is not a cartoon.
Khirad : Hedonism Bot a clear homage to this «link»
PatsyT : I got nothing
AdLib : Now we need a Rick Santorum. Any suggestions for a vacant eyed character?
ADONAI : No. They can maybe challenge Obama but they can’t beat him. They have nothign to run on.
AdLib : Straight up, even with the economy still ailing, can ROmney, Perry or Bachmann beat Obama?
texliberal : I’ll take the Fat guy/gal. That Mormon stuff is out there but of course ALL religion is out there
Khirad : That’s so much better than Dudley Do-Right. That’s all I could come up with.
ADONAI : This guy is kinda my hero «link»
PatsyT : Mitt in his theater days
ADONAI : Hooray!!!
AdLib : Mitt Romney (thanks to AD’s suggestion): «link»
invient : that is true… fat sort of just screams at you through the tele
javaz : Oops
javaz : Last Thanksgiving, we went to my husband’s youngest sister’s house and they are RICH, and I mean RICH. They made it a point to tell me that, me! I mean, why was is it me they told that and not my husband.
Khirad : You can play down the Mormon thing.
invient : is being mormon worse or better than being fat in terms of electibility?
Khirad : Fat guy nowadays? Yes. Unelectable.
PatsyT : Howard Taft would have loved a Hoverround
ADONAI : A Jazzy? Cheap Korean crap! I buy American!
AdLib : Haley Barbour: «link»
ADONAI : Howard Taft says no
PatsyT : AD What not a Jazzy?
invient : is there really a problem with a fat guy as president?
Khirad : Nailed it, that’s what made me think of The Penguin, AL.
ADONAI : I’d just buy a Rascal
invient : definantly chief wiggum… I like herman cain as homer
Khirad : Chief Wiggum is perfect.
PatsyT : ADONAI, They really have to be in kinda good shape to keep up with all the appearences … so they would have to go on detox of donuts or primerib or whatever they use to stuff their fat a*** so they canlook camera friendly
Khirad : We all know that javaz, but now the Conservatives are remarking on it.
ADONAI : No, I like Chief Wiggum
AdLib : How about Haley Barbour as Chief Wiggum?
bito : Khirad is right on voter suppression. it only takes 1-2% to change the electoral outcome. Kennedy won with one vote per precinct and so did W. ONE VOTE!
Khirad : I guess only ’cause Boss Hogg doesn’t qualify as a cartoon, AD.
javaz : LOL Khirad! She’s never been a liberal, she’s an opportunist.
AdLib : Khirad – Image of Christie at a news conference being asked if his kids go to public school: «link»
ADONAI : I can still do that
texliberal : invient, the last blimp that flew over New Jersey crashed and burned, the Hindenburg. So will Christie
invient : AD, but it sure is nice to have a conversation where all you have to do is nod and say “yup… yeah…. sounds great… wow…. ah huh…”
Khirad : You know what was funny? During that horrid new Five roundtable show on FOX they were discussing how little liberals trust Arianna. It’s now an open secret.
ADONAI : So Haley Barber is Homer Simpson?
PatsyT : Haley Barber couldn’t say no to the donuts
ADONAI : HA! the Penguin. good one.
AdLib : Khirad
– Christie as the Penguin!!!
PatsyT : invient, that would mean he would have to lay off the donuts
Khirad : Chris Christie – The Penguin, of course.
ADONAI : I think the one sense I could do without is hearing. cause women are soft and pretty and thy smell good. But GOD they talk way too much
AdLib : I provided a link earlier to FDL’s traffic on Alexa, it’s tanking. Adam Green has just been trashed. Arianna looks like the opportunist piece of work she is. Who’s left who isn’t on their way down?
invient : they seem credible, but then again so did Huntsman at first.
invient : Anyone think there is chance Chris Christie or the Governor of Virginia joining in on the Repub race
PatsyT : They may want to think about voting for the SCOTUS Do they really want Bachman or Perry incarge of that?
Khirad : Let’s hope they come to those senses.
AdLib : I don’t think the firebagger voter suppression will do anything this year, people see what happened last time with the Repubs now in the House. And if they aren’t thrilled about voting for Obama, they will be motivated by voting against Romney/Perry/Bac hmann.
ADONAI : 2015, I’m gonna start my “Shut the Fuck Up America!” bus tour. My bus will be so much nicer than Palin’s.
PatsyT : Scarecrow ! true that!
javaz : Stranger things have happened, such as Bush winning 2 terms.
Khirad : Rachel talked a lot about Republican voter suppression. Her next segment should be on Firebagger voter suppression.
ADONAI : javaz, Of course not. They’re focused on 2016.
javaz : Bachmann! LMFAO and rolling on the floor!
bito : The biggest problem are the purists and people sitting out the election-not voting, no matter who Obama runs against.
javaz : He’s their best choice, but he’ll never win it.
AdLib : Well…is it going to be Romney, Bachmann or Perry…or someone else?
ADONAI : javaz, I didn’t say he WOULD get elected. Just that he is electable. More so than any other republican.
PatsyT : HA HA Merv! Tex ! former presidential candidate and aren’t they all … he was reading into the future and talking about todays GOP!
texliberal : Oh sorry not a cartoon but it’s gotta be Paul in black face
javaz : Really? Adonai? He’s quite the waffler, plus he’s a Morman – no offense to Mormans.
ADONAI : oops
ADONAI : instantrimshot.c om
invient : If you tried to map them to the Wizard of OZ characters they would all be the scarecrow.
texliberal : «link»
ADONAI : Romney has the best chance. He’s electable.
PatsyT : Oh Ron Paul , the pink one
ADONAI : Mitt Romney is obviously the asshole character from every Disney movie ever made.
javaz : Do you think Romney has a chance?
AdLib : Patsy – I thought it was obvious which one was Ron Paul…the one coming out of the space ship.
Khirad : I actually do love Natasha, how about Michele as «link»
PatsyT : Yep he blows the big one!
AdLib : Patsy – He’s the Huntsman and he blows!
invient : Ad, lol
PatsyT : Which one is which?
javaz : I do get that, whereby I think that it’s wrong to point out gaydom, and I really do that get, but the gay people that I know, they get a big kick out of it.
AdLib : Here’s Ron Paul and Mitt Romney: «link»
ADONAI : Pawlenty and Huntsman are Tamox and Xamot. the evil twins from G.I. Joe who no one can tell apart and barely get noticed anyways.
AdLib : Khirad – Hilarious!!!
PatsyT : Whoooaa Khirad, you can be married and still have a lot of meat! HA !!
ADONAI : Ron Paul is Gargamel from the Smurfs only instead of eating the smurf he wants them to adopt libertarian policies and legalize weed
Khirad : And this is for Michele’s husband «link»
PatsyT : AdLib, blowing into that horn, isn’t that kinda gay?
ADONAI : Newt Gingrich is obviously the Panda from Shirt Tales
javaz : I mean, even gay people, and my brother is gay as our best friend, but their gaydar is off the charts when it comes to Marcus Bachmann.
AdLib : Patsy – Love Natasha!
ADONAI : Michele Bachmann is, of course, Gollum
texliberal : INVIENT or get none
AdLib : And of course, Huntsman: «link»
Khirad : T-Paw, Quick Draw McGraw
invient : tex – because they are bad at it.
ADONAI : I think “gay-dar” is an accepted term. But yeah, a lot of people who are VERY homophobic are ususally hiding something.
PatsyT : Bachman Natasha «link»
texliberal : Why do evangelicals HATE sex?
javaz : We’re only supposed to have sex to procreate, unless you’re a Republican and tapping toes in an airport bathroom. And no offense to anyone, but has anyone heard Michelle Bachmann’a husband? No offense, but my gaydar is all over the place with him – and I apologize for disrespecting gay people! LMFAO
AdLib : Bachmann – Morticia Addams
invient : lol
ADONAI : John McCain is Mumra from the Thundercats
invient : T-Paw*
invient : T-Par – Droopy
ADONAI : Mike Huckabee is Barney Rubble
Khirad : I always though Speaker Foley looked like Sam the Eagle.
AdLib : Okay, Vox Pop challenge. Match up the GOP candidates with their cartoon counterparts.
ADONAI : They want to outlaw birth control because they think it creates more pregnancies. Airtight logic. But, the numbers disprove that. So, again, religious zealotry.
AdLib : Saw Markos Moulitsas on KO who explained that he’s not been permitted on MSNBC for over a year because Joe was upset by criticism and demanded an apology before Markos would be allowed on again. He never apologized and hasn’t been on MSNBC since.
ADONAI : john Kerry is a pretty good Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show. And he’s very boring.
PatsyT : Tex, don’t they all
javaz : Well, they want to also outlaw birth control
texliberal : Patsy, Al’s OK but he’s got skeletons.
ADONAI : Teen pregnancies are down. Abortions have long ago plateaued. There’s no way you cant say it’s purely religious zealotry fighting against this.
PatsyT : Night Night Emerald Great to see you tonioght
AdLib : Why is it that all the GOP candidates match up perfectly with cartoon characters?
texliberal : Remember when JOE got b-slapped by Rachel?
PatsyT : I want to see Cain one on one with Rev Al Sharpton
texliberal : Nite Emerald
ADONAI : HA! Morning Joke. I see what you did there.
invient : lol
texliberal : Hermann’s next stop will be sitting alongside Michael Steele on Morning JOKE
AdLib : Night Emerald, great to have you here tonight!
Khirad : Ha! Win AdLib.
ADONAI : Nite emerald
invient : Night Emerald, been fun!
javaz : Teabaggers are all for less government, but when it comes to my uterus, they want full control.
Emerald1943 : OMG, it’s almost 1am here. I’ve got to put my body in a horizontal position until daylight! I cannot tell you all how much fun this has been. I love it! A very pleasant good night to you all…see ya’ tomorrow!
invient : The thing about abortion is, even if it is illegal, desperate women will use desperate measures that have a higher mortality rate for the both of them… so to say you are protecting life by banning abortions is just stupid policy… its like abstinence, it does not work.
ADONAI : Again,go back further. Abortion has always been this way. For thousands of years. A secret thing. A private thing. Drawing immense persecution. There is no polite society
AdLib : Khirad – Have you seen this short Herman Cain documentary? «link»
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes…
javaz : LMAO – can you tell that I am so very much into women’s rights?
AdLib : Night Kes!
javaz : Good night Kes! It was great to see you again
Emerald1943 : Kes, it’s been a pleasure! See you later, my friend!
texliberal : Nite Kes
texliberal : Sorry 1863
ADONAI : Nite kes!
javaz : Look how hard they’ve made it to get an abortion, and in the south, it’s already illegal. Abortion is only for the rich.
texliberal : AD couldn’t agree more. We’ll consider today July 4 1861 and Pickett is lining up to charge
invient : by Kes!
kesmarn : Well, friends, work later today, so I must get a bit of sleep. Have a great weekend, everyone!
invient : okay maybe like 1300-1950… I mean in viking area 600-860 it seemed like anyone could be a slave.
Emerald1943 : Javaz, they would take us back to the 1800’s if they had their way. Michelle Bachmann is one of those who believes that she must “submit” to the rule of her husband as taught in the bible. I think this point needs to be brought up in her campaign. Who would really run the White House with a President Bachmann?
Khirad : Kes, he’s very real. «link»
ADONAI : javaz, it is always darkest before the dawn. Too many times man has to stare at the abyss before he pulls back. It’s just our nature
javaz : Look how many states have made laws that are anti-abortion.
ADONAI : Way, WAAAAYYYYY before 1650. You think Medieval Europe were the only slavers?
Emerald1943 : Yes, Tex…I do think that. The ruckus in Wisconsin has been front and center to a lot of people since Walker came in with his union stripping bill. People are watching the erosion of their rights.
invient : ….maybe… its … not … google…. its …. FOX!
kesmarn : Khirad, is that guy the King of the Put-on, or is he for real?
javaz : They’re closing Planned Parenthood right and left, and then poor women who cannot get pre-natal care, when they lose babies, they are going to imprison them? And blame them for the miscarriage or death of their babies? Forget Murdoch, and I so love that his crap is going down, but women are losing rights – I mean, we have to prove that we’ve fought hard enough against rape – women’s rights – we’re losing
invient : I think there is a region in time where it is not safe for black people… 1650-1950…
ADONAI : HA! good point emerald
Khirad : Exactly, AdLib, that guy’s a piece of work.
texliberal : Anybody else get the feeling Bagger Gov’s and State Legislatures might have screwed the pooch? They are a pain in the ass now but they might actually be doing us a favor
Emerald1943 : They are there right now!
PatsyT : They want us all to + them … they are after facebook
ADONAI : Seriously though. If we ever invented a time machine, only white people could use it to go back to the past.
Emerald1943 : What do they want, Patsy?
PatsyT : Google is trying to hang with the cool kids
AdLib : Khirad – What a video…reminds me of the character in the Boondocks, Uncle Ruckus.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I saw that Google crawl thing earlier. What are they doing? Just hanging out to find out what we’re talking about?
Khirad : Oh my, now if only we can get Cain to sing Dixie.
invient : Khirad, now that is funny!
ADONAI : I bet they do tex. I know some people with “co-ed” homes and the cats call the shots
texliberal : Hey AD, I’ve also got about 13 lbs worth on cats and they rule the roost
kesmarn : AdLib, don’t we have a crawling Bing, too? Poor Mr. Crosby. What did you do to him?
PatsyT : invient !! Very Funny LOL
ADONAI : yeah,I said “to” instead of “too”. you wanna fight about it?
Emerald1943 : Did you hear Herman Cain’s recording of religious songs? OOOoo boy! It’s getting deep in here!
ADONAI : javaz, Don’t feel to bad. No one really has rights. It’s just a list of suggestions that can be changed anytime.
AdLib : Kes – After I broke Google’s kneecaps for crawling the site last time, all it can do now is crawl.
Khirad : Speaking of Herman Cain «link»
javaz : The politics when it comes to women – not the rich as the rich have no laws – but the laws taking place in this country are taking away my RIGHTS over my body and that’s very scary.
invient : the math gets complicated if you nominate a half-white half-black person to the bench
kesmarn : I always have to remind myself that “Google is crawling the site”, Em!
ADONAI : So she asked, “do you drink?” And I said, “No, I absorb liquids though my skin.”
AdLib : Khirad – Yep, folks like that seem so clueless about how their lying about racism makes them look. How about the marriage vow extremists who essentially said black children were better off when their parents were slaves because they were together (my history said parents were often separated).
Emerald1943 : Kes, not inappropriate at all! Funniest line of the night!
PatsyT : Hey you guys get your racist math right and I do mean RIGHT
javaz : Adonai – that’s what I’m talking about
Emerald1943 : Javaz, women have long had to prove they fought off a rapist, or that they didn’t deserve to be raped. The courts have never been fair to rape victims.
kesmarn : Khirad
ADONAI : javaz,i think that happened last week actually
javaz : Since when did cells and the fetus get more rights than women?\
kesmarn : Sorry, Em!
(Hope I didn’t go inappropriate there. It’s getting really late!)
ADONAI : I think Bill Clinton enjoyed his second term more than any President in modern times.
Khirad : Of course, as any revisionist will tell you, it was the North that was racist. The South wanted them to count as full persons – without any of the rights, of course.
javaz : Oops, changed the subject – but when did it become law in the USA that women have to prove they lost a baby naturally, or when it did it become a law that women must prove that they fought a rapist, and when did it become a law that a woman must die when giving birth.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I am actually laughing OUT LOUD!!!!!
AdLib : Khirad – Maybe there won’t be a smoking gun on Fox but having an FBI investigation might just turn one up…and that’s begun.
ADONAI : HA! racist fractions.
invient : … I guess I did… woops
Emerald1943 : Adonai, I like that!
kesmarn : Oh yeah, that’s right Em. I flunked racist fractions in high school.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I thought it was only 3/5 of a person but I could be wrong.
ADONAI : Really? you missed the irony I was going for there?
PatsyT : Kes LOL!
Emerald1943 : Kes…LMAO
kesmarn : Wouldn’t Mr. Thomas himself be only 2/3 of a person, if we go back far enough, javaz?
ADONAI : I think that too emerald. the second term is the “fuck you” term.
invient : …ok
ADONAI : invient, the Bible tells me to refrain from public prayer or viewing it’s exhibition. So, no.
Khirad : Iraq has a lot of sand too you know…
Emerald1943 : I hope that, in his second term, we will hear a little more advocacy from President Obama. He has had to keep it close to the vest so far, but the in the second term, he can let it all out without fear.
ADONAI : 160? I have almost that in one dog. good luck to you sir
javaz : Well, you know tex, that the Supreme Court judges – Scalia, Alito and Thomas all believe that there is nothing in the Constitution that grants women equal rights.
invient : anyone going to watch the Rick Perry prayer event just to get a good laugh… I might watch a few minutes of it just to see how crazy it gets.
kesmarn : Oh, Em, if only he’d fallen in a sand trap. Quick sand, that is.
texliberal : Excuse me a moment, I have 160 lbs worth of dogs waiting to go out
ADONAI : Again, this is why it would be so great if just one President would say I’m totally for abortion. Or, I’m totally for gay marriage. Just tell people the party is over. We’ve all had our fun hating and killing people what think different but it’s time to move on. This shit’s getting old. Again!
Khirad : I’m hoping it’s likely. It seems far-fetched that an international cult like that would be so differently organized by the Pond. But, that doesn’t mean there will be a smoking gun, either.
Emerald1943 : Kes,Kasick is a sick b*stard! I cannot believe that the Boner invited him to play golf with the President. I would have loved to hear some of their conversations.
texliberal : Javaz, there’s not ONE signature of a female on the Declaration Of Independence. Hell some of these fools would try to repeal the 19th Amendment.
AdLib : invient – Ailes will go down if any link to Fox and hacking is shown. And I think it’s very likely.
kesmarn : As of today in Ohio, no abortion after 20 weeks, even for rape, incest or the mother’s mental health. Thank you, Mr. Kasich!
Khirad : Now, now javaz, everyone knows it’s librulz being sexist for attacking poor old Sarah and Michele.
AdLib : Em – Sounds right. And Walker will be stopped then and recalled in 2012. Then Wisconsin will be the model for undoing Repub damage. It will be an exciting time to be a Wisconsonite!
Emerald1943 : Javaz, yes! That is the most sick thing I’ve ever heard! There will be a reckoning!
javaz : LOL Adonai!
ADONAI : Whoa, Whoa! Rights for women folk? Let’s not get carried away here.
Khirad : He and Hitchens = epic. Entertaining you’ve gotta admit.
invient : I actually do not care if Rupert gets taken down, I would much rather see Roger Ailes get dragged across the mud and in to the abyss! If that happens, I am going to pinch myself till I bleed.
javaz : Have you all already talked about the war on women? You all must’ve talked about us women losing control over our uterus’s. We must now prove our innocence if we miscarry, or birth a still born or birth a baby that dies shortly after birth, There are 44 cases in the south, and one case in Mississippi that a 15 year old faces life in prison for birthing a baby that died within hours, and the state is charging her with murder because she used cocaine.
Emerald1943 : Quite right, Adlib. The union forces are stronger than the rethugs think, a bad mistake on their part. I believe the Wisconsin recall elections will be an eye-opener for the entire country. Aren’t they scheduled for August 8th or 9th?
texliberal : Remember him and Hitchens going at it
AdLib : Consider this, as of today, there are multiple investigations into News Corp on three continents. They’re not getting away this time!
Khirad : Yup, he’s an Iranian apologist.
texliberal : IRANIAN TV???
ADONAI : Yeah but I want a crazy person going after them. i want Murdoch constantly wondering just what tha fuck is going on. Or Vincent Bugliosi. The man as far as putting cases together against people who could probably get acquitted.
Khirad : And, no, Galloway is now employed by Iranian television. But yes, he’s had his moments.
texliberal : Sorry our NUTTER
invient : Khirad, yup, it is awesome to see Obama set them up for the GOP to kick in… just so amusing how restrained the GOP has made themselves with all their pledges.
AdLib : Em – I’m hopeful about there being a big sea change, it sure feels like it. If Choicelady was here tonight, she’d affirm how the pro union and pro fairness movements are growing in all the key states Repub Govs are assaulting. This could be a big wave by the time 2012 rolls around.
texliberal : Yea Khirad, but he can be out nutter for a day
Emerald1943 : I like “Kochroach TV”! That’s the best!
Khirad : Galloway, unfortunately, is a nutter.
invient : lol
ADONAI : If you wanna go with the actual pronunciation you could say FOX viewers have new “Koch dealers”
Khirad : ooops – to use Rachel’s analogy, what’s happening now are own goals.
texliberal : Is George Galloway still in Parliament in the UK? He’d be the one I’d want to examine the Murdochs
AdLib : Patsy – I think that before there is a tell-all book, there will be convicted journalists from NOTW that roll over on James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks…and maybe Rupert! Then the tell-all will come out.
Khirad : I think what’s happening now, to use Rache;
invient :
Emerald1943 : Invient…LMAO!! !
javaz : There’s something going all right – and bringing Murdoch down is just the beginning
ADONAI : Maybe emerald. But the Dems can still screw it up. I have faith in their sterling track record of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
AdLib : Invient –
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad! “…journalists should not allow personal interests to undermine accuracy, fairness and independence.” Now there’s a concept.
AdLib : javaz – Great point, Fox went savagely after Assange for lacking journalistic responsibility.. .and now…
Emerald1943 : Is there something new in the air? The Dems actually winning this debt ceiling fight, rethug recalls in Wisconsin, Murdoch going down, Fox News under suspicion…are we about to see a sea change here?
PatsyT : OK who is writing the first tell all book?
invient : Ad, my sentiment exactly… if you ruin the brand, they sell it to Koch, then you KochRoach News
javaz : Hiay Khirad and B’ito!
javaz : And to think that FOX was all against Assange, now lookie, lookie
PatsyT : Hey Khirad
ADONAI : My world is shattered…… hello khirad
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
AdLib : Em – I don’t think Fox News would be taken out, just spun off. It would all depend who bought it but I’m afreaid the Kochs would be very happy to step in and buy them up.
javaz : We hack, you decide
kesmarn : I know, I know. And they report an we decide. But — kid — they’re crooked. There’s no other way to put it.
texliberal : Guess Peter King finally found some real terrorists or he’s doing his best Joe Valachi to cover his butt
Khirad : Why not look to where it all began? «link»
ADONAI : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! !!!!!!!! But they’re fair AND, in addition to, balanced!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, just as long as the slide takes out FUX News. I cannot tell you the contempt I feel for that outfit! I know I’m not alone.
kesmarn : AD.,..steady, boy…sorry I had to be the one to break it to you. But…yeah… FOX…unethical.
javaz : The thing with Murdoch is that it’s already crossed the pond, and I could look for the link, but there’s already allegations from Brad Pitt and Angelina here in the states, so we all knew that FOX people were hacks, but we now we’re finding out that FOX hacks – wire-tapping – and that’s against the law – Murdoch is going down
ADONAI : Peter King is an insane person. Seriously. Like, literally insane.
texliberal : EM
PatsyT : Hey how about the jump shipers and their tell all books … they have to do something to survive – who is going to hire them after Fox and NewsCorp… oh yeah Arianna
invient : bito, ah… I thought it may be more sinister than that
AdLib : Em – Agreed – I find it hard to believe that their hacking stopped at the British shore. If it’s found that they hacked into 9/11 families phones? It’s over for News Corp in the US.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. WSJ was kinda the original CNBC, which really creeps me out. I suppose if both of them went away, things would only get better. I suppose there were a few decent reporters as the WSJ, though. Too bad for them.
bito : King is looking out for his reelection and the NY 9/11 vote.
Emerald1943 : Tex, let’s hope they have to wait a long, long time!
ADONAI : FOX?! UNETHICAL?! I don’t believe it!
texliberal : EM, my kids have already eyed it upon my passing
AdLib : Patsy – Yep, no emperor if Rupert goes but there are plenty of corporate power-mad greedy bastards who would be happy to fill his shoes.
PatsyT : Tex, Everything new is old again or hey, reverse that.
ADONAI : Murdcoch is like any wealthy person. Most of what he is worth is tied into what he owns and the stock price. He’ll take a good hit.
invient : I say he was directed by Roger Ailes
invient : What is odd for me is that Peter King called for investigations first… why would a republican do that?
Emerald1943 : Tex, hang on to your furniture! There’s very little of it left that was actually made in North Carolina any more.
AdLib : Kes – I was never crazy about the WSJ as it was and is too much of a megaphone for corporate manipulation but I was upset when Murdoch bought it. Maybe one bright spot is that it and other papers may be sold off?
kesmarn : FOX News?
ADONAI : American journalists acting unethically?!! I’d love to see one example!
javaz : Murdoch, in my very humble opinion, will not suffer financially, but Murdoch is going down and not in a good way
invient : Hey Bito
texliberal : Hey Patsy, can ya take North Carolina made furniture circa 1973 to the antiques road show?
bito : Hey! I usually lurking.
invient : javaz, I like your idea… we can hope, and possibly help the snowball keep rolling!
Emerald1943 : Just how many think that the hacking problem is only in Great Britain? This thing is HUGE and I cannot believe that their hands are clean here in the US.
AdLib : javaz – Would love that! Fox News, brought to you by Al Gore.
PatsyT : Hmm Adlib that leaves a empire without a ruler
texliberal : Lots of layed-off journalists in the UK waiting to sell their story and write a book
AdLib : Hey Bito – You just said in a few words what I did in a boatload. Man, do I feel like a dope! Well said!
ADONAI : Hello bito
ADONAI : People are quitting News Corp.left and right. His stock will take a HUGE hit. Money is all he cars about anyways so I’m sure he’ll be sufficiently miserable. I don’t think they’ll ever trace it back to him so we’ll have to settle with watching him lose TONS of money. Money he loves so much. I wonder if he’ll cry. Staring at the stock ticker. Wondering who blew it all and how he would kill them.
kesmarn : Long-time reporters at the WSJ are really sick about this. They knew when Murdoch bought them that they would likely be tainted, but many convinced themselves that it was two separate divisions. Now they know that he’s deeply affected their lives/careers, too. Negatively.
javaz : B’ito!!!
AdLib : Patsy – I had heard the same thing about Murdoch’s daughter but I’d wager that all Murdochs will need to be purged from News Corp if it’s to have any credibility. As more insider info comes out, I think James will go down and with him, all the other Murdochs like dominoes.
Emerald1943 : Hi bito…I didn’t see you here before. Glad you’re on board.
Emerald1943 : Javaz, let’s start a movement…Al Gore to buy out News Corp.!!! That’s great!
bito : I think if James is implicated and charged it may cause a major breakup of his empire.
javaz : The Australia PM is opening an investigation, too
AdLib : It’s become clear that News Corp owned Scotland Yard and the Tory party until a few weeks ago. That’s just incredible to imagine that it may have been what happened in the US if this wasn’t uncovered.
texliberal : Next time I’m in St Louis I’m going to Carol House where I bought my furniture in ’73 to see where they get their stock today
ADONAI : It’s funny. When you start moving back, layer by layer, away from society and “look in”, you can’t help but think about, if even for a moment, how stupid it all really is. But that doe4sn’t matter. Cause it does exist and we have to try to make it work. It just REALLY pisses me off sometimes. On occasion. Frequently. Often. O.K. it constantly pisses me off. Happy?
javaz : What I am hoping for, AdLib – and Hi btw – but what I am hoping for is that stock in NewsCorp falls so low that Al Gore’s station can buy them – wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass?
PatsyT : Hey I heard that Murdochs daughter was more progressive or liberal- Is that true and might she have to take over?
Emerald1943 : Tex, it was reported that we have lost over 58,000 manufacturing plants in this country. I don’t know how we’ll ever re-establish it.
texliberal : It’s a shame what has been done to our once proud manufacturing base.
Emerald1943 : Invient, it’s like that with everything now. I saw something last year about some clothing company in Guatemala or some place down there where they actually sewed “Made in America” tags into shirts that were made there.
texliberal : Patsy, Broyhill, I had to find the label
PatsyT : Gee they do means testing for medicaid -they make people with a few thousand in the bank spend down.
invient : Emerald, American Furniture Warehouse is a colorado company that likes to say it supports american jobs, but if you look through their inventory everything is made in China… their equipment is all made in America but their product is not… to me that feels like false advertising…
ADONAI : You’re probably right Al. The SCOTUS goes by the Constitution and precedent far more often than people give them credit for, but big issues like this are a coin toss. Everything is political. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turned around one day and declared the debt ceiling unconstitutional though.
Emerald1943 : Javaz, heard about that gun incident. What’s up with that? I don’t understand the point.
javaz : I know that reporter, and he’s Hispanic, and the most soft spoken person ever, and he’s not making a big deal out of it, but jeepers –
invient : javaz, I heard about that… somehow I think she controlled that interview.
invient : AD, I kind of relate to that… I was riding a bicycle near boulder and accidently went through a wind farm testing area, they made me turn around… woops
Emerald1943 : Tex, my hometown is High Point, what used to be the furniture capitol of the world..but no more. Many of the companies have closed down sending their jobs overseas. My little corner of the world has been badly hurt by outsourcing.
javaz : Did you all hear about one of our state legislature person pointing a loaded gun at a reporter?
PatsyT : Tex would any of that be Haywood Wakefield?
ADONAI : That is the thing that pisses me off. Year after year Republicans voted to raise the debt ceiling” no problem. How do people not push them enough on the pure unfiltered, concentrate hypocrisy of all this?
texliberal : North Carolina is a beautiful state. Much of my furniture came from there, of course it’s 38 years old
Emerald1943 : Kes, we have no haboobs…just boobs! LOL
AdLib : AD – I’m with you on that, I don’t see how the Debt Ceiling law trumps the 14th Amendment (though it doesn’t explicitly say we must pay our bills, just that our debts should never be questioned) and the 1974 law that mandates Congress to pay bills. In the end, if the SCOTUS wasn’t filled with RW puppets, I’d agree. However, with the current RW ideologues, who knows.
javaz : Republicans used to be so against means-testing, as that is a very liberal idea, but now suddenly Repukes are for it – go figure
Emerald1943 : If you are up this way, be sure to stop by!
ADONAI : Speaking of Rachel Maddow. What’s up with that new MSNBC commercial with her and the wind farm? Just trotting down the road looking around like a confused teenager? What tha Hell is she looking at?!
Emerald1943 : Yes, Tex…you’ll get no argument from me about the Carolina Panthers…pathe tic!
PatsyT : Em I love those mountains too, I would love to go back and see them again
kesmarn : I wanna go to the Blue Ridge Mountains where there are no haboobs and no humid heat.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, I am in the Boone area at about 4,000 feet elevation and it’s absolutely wonderful! Love Black Mountain! I used to go to summer camp at Ridgecrest before I became an atheist!
javaz : Kes! We’ve had rain, but that didn’t stop the haboob thing from bringing horrendous dust our way, but we actually got off easy compared to the rest of the valley.
invient : AD, I agree with you there, Maddow had a segment (I think it was her) where she said in the 80’s they went without a debt ceiling… then republicans reintroduced it to get political leverage… and what are they doing now? Oh history, how you repeat yourself!
AdLib : Tex – I don’t even know that the baggers at HP are real. That aside, there is no one less informed about truth and reality than Repub trolls. And they’re proud of it, they don’t care, their job is just to spread disinformation.
PatsyT : EM, my Aunt used to live in Black Mountain, I loved visiting her there.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that’s confusing…too much chocolate cake tonight!
texliberal : EM and the Carolina Panthers still stink, Cam Newton and all
javaz : Okay, so here’s the deal – the left seems to be very angry about President Obama dealing with the Right and the Medicare means-testing – you do all know that means testing already exists for that, right?
ADONAI : So, even though the Constitution in the 14th Amendment, that everyone is going on about, says we are PROHIBITED from doing ANYTHING that makes us look like bums, yet we can make a law to arbitrarily raise the amount of debt we owe? It’s like it doesn’t even matter. Do you see what I;m trying to say? The “debt ceiling” argument is ridiculous in so many levels, yet our entire economy seems to be tied to it and that makes it infinitely more ridiculous.
AdLib : EM – Well…the Repubs would NOT want the SCOTUS to rule that Obama can’t pay our bills because then they would be back in the hot seat. It would be a rare occasion where the 5 rodents in the SCOTUS would hurt them.
Emerald1943 : I hate to tell all you folks scorching in the southwest…it’ s 57 degrees right now in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina!
texliberal : AL, I was over at HuffPuff earlier in the day. Trolls and baggers have no concept of who really owns most of our debt
kesmarn : Are you staying cool there in AZ, javaz?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I hope the SCOTUS doesn’t have to be involved…we know how they would rule.
javaz : Hi Kes and hi to everyone else!
AdLib : Hi invient!
PatsyT : Opps sorry new keyboard… invient
AdLib : AD – The Debt Ceiling exists because a law was passed creating it. So, it is the law. However, there are also laws about government paying its bills. So there is a conflict of laws.
kesmarn : Hey, invient!
javaz : Hi Patsy!
ADONAI : Hello invient
javaz : Hi invient
Emerald1943 : Hi invient! Glad you’re here!
PatsyT : Hi Innient!
ADONAI : Al, And I’m saying a deal will be made. A shitty deal, but a deal. Then the world doesn’t have to end.
invient : Hi!
Emerald1943 : And another good note, javaz…the recall elections are going just great in Wisconsin! Now there is a bunch of crooks if there ever were any! I can’t wait for the governor’s recall in January!
javaz : I love Al Sharpton – never told the story why – but I love him
ADONAI : The “debt ceiling” doesn’t have anything to do with the Constitution though. Or really anything we should be about. It’s an arbitrary thing we made up cause we’re America and we’re fucking awesome like that. That makes me love it though. It’s totally American! That “aw, fuck it” attitude.
AdLib : AD – What you have to understand is that Moody’s and Wall Street won’t wait for Aug. 2 to make their moves. The economy will start taking a hit at least a week before if not two weeks before if there is uncertainty about the debt ceiling being raised. That is why a decision needs to be made next week, one way or another. Watch and see…
PatsyT : Hey Javez, Russell P recalled ? Thats great news!
javaz : Oh, how the mighty are falling – Murdoch and FOX snooze are going down, and I do not mean in a good way – and Sheriff Joe, and better yet, Russell Pearce has been recalled – things are looking up
Emerald1943 : I actually like Rev. Al although I wasn’t too sure at first. Where is Cenk? Is he on vacation? That’s his time slot.
AdLib : Tex – I would also love to hear the calls from Wall Street to the Teabaggers in the House, “You SOB! Vote to raise the ceiling!” “No way, just like you brainwashed me, the Deficit Ceiling can’t be raised! When we’re brainwashed, we stay brainwashed!”
PatsyT : Rev Al Has been a breath of fresh air on MSNBC !
javaz : LMAO Emerald!
ADONAI : So, this Sheriff Joe guy. Hasn’t anyone considered just beating the shit out of him? That usually breaks’em in.
ADONAI : Al, We’ll see. I think August 3rd will be just another day.
Emerald1943 : Javaz, Sheriff Joe was on with Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC a few nights ago where Rev. Al gave him hell for costing the state millions in law suits. Rev. Al said the amount was $50 MILLION, but Sheriff Joe corrected him…it was only $22 MILLION! Now that made me feel better!
AdLib : AD – Don’t think so, a deal is very unlikely though McConnell’s Coward’s Way Out bill may be their “deal”.
texliberal : AL, how’d ya like to be a fly on the wall when the debt ceiling is raised and Mitch and Crazy Rand have their next meeting
javaz : The so-called Toughest Sheriff in the west and the biggest racist in Arizona and he’s proud of it
kesmarn : He’s a mean, racist Arizona Sheriff, AD, who thrives on publicity and on humiliating Hispanic folks.
AdLib : Em – I agree, I think Obama is ready to use the 14th Amendment and that 1974 law that requires Congress to pay all bills. The only question is whether the GOP tries to save a little face with some deal or McConnell’s bill.
ADONAI : Sheriff Joe. I feel like I should recognize that name
kesmarn : javaz, we haven’t been following Sheriff Joe too closely, lately. Only know he’s been selling his pink underwear…
AdLib : Night Cher! Have a great Carmegeddon weekend!
kesmarn : G’night, Cher! Have a wonderful weekend.
Emerald1943 : Oh funk…sorry to see you go! Hurry back!
javaz : well darn, I come in here and everyone goes to bed
ADONAI : Nite Cher and to a lesser extent funk
PatsyT : Nighty Night Cher!
AdLib : Tex – Very well put! And electing pet alligators is even worse.
texliberal : See ya Cher
funksands : Night all. Talk to you soon.
Chernynkaya : Sorry, guys, I must leave you. Have fun!
texliberal : see ya Funk
ADONAI : A “deal” will be made, everyone will make a big deal about it, “Oooo this is historic!” “Oh, big news from Washington!’ blah blah blah. Then we find out a week later that the deal was struck a month ago. The alpha males just needed to strut a bit.
Emerald1943 : I maintain the President has this thing covered. He still has his Constitution tucked into his jacket pocket, just in case, but he is forcing Congress to do their jobs! He has not agreed to ANY CUTS and knows if he continues to insist on revenues, he won’t have to.
funksands : Ad, nope. He just tells the Treasury to start cutting checks. Done and done.
kesmarn : Happy Anniversary, funk!
PatsyT : Nighty night funksands
texliberal : AL, I think corporate GOPers are finding out what a hassle it is keeping a pet alligator (Baggers).
javaz : May I ask if b’ito is still here? and then I promise to get right back into politics and ask if anyone’s been covering Sheriff Joe?
AdLib : Funk – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Funk – So Obama invokes the 14th Amendment to toss out the Ceiling?
funksands : On that note I must depart. My anniversary tomorrow, and I still have a little prep left.
ADONAI : Reagan would win the Republican primary because he’s Reagan. He’s all these motherfucker’s hero. But they say you never wanna meet your hero. I believe it applies here. They would turn on him. A definite one-termer if he got that far.
funksands : Obama pays the nation’s bills. Anticlimatic end, Congress howls, everyone secretly relieved.
Emerald1943 : They would throw Ronnie out of the party now, for raising taxes ELEVEN times, and increasing the debt ceiling…oh, I don’t know how many times.
funksands : Reagan is like the Elvis of the Right, Or Tupac.
javaz : If Raygun was alive today, he’d be thought as a liberal and never stand a chance
javaz : LMAO
Emerald1943 : No, javaz…just Ronnie Raygun and the fact that most of the baggers don’t believe he is dead.
funksands : Right up your alley.
ADONAI : Très bon mon ami. Je vois votre français est, comment dire, terrible
javaz : What’s the topic? I sure as hell hope it’s the downfall of Murdoch!
texliberal : I heard they rolled away the stone of Raygun’s crypt and found it empty.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sabreen
javaz : Mucho gracia and tres bien! Monsewer! LOL
kesmarn : Hey, javaz!
funksands : Night Sabreen.
ADONAI : Funk I have not.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, sorry to see you leave…we must do this again.
AdLib : Sabreen, so nice seeing you! Have a great weekend!
ADONAI : Nite sabreen
Emerald1943 : Hi javaz! Long time, no see! Glad you’re here!
funksands : Adonai, I love that bit. Did you ever see the movie “Fido”?
kesmarn : Good night, Sabreen!
ADONAI : Hola javez ¿Cómo está usted
PatsyT : ADONAI HA he looks the same!
Sabreen60 : Well folks it’s been enlightening as usual. But I’m sleepy for some reason – so I’ll say good night.
funksands : Kes, I have always envisioned him captured somewhere in a bagger’s house in velvet with a crown of thorns.
AdLib : Javaz! Long time no see!
Emerald1943 : Adonai…ROTFLMA O
AdLib : Big Daddy is too powerful to be taken by Death, he’d kick Death in the balls and knock his head off. He may not be on this world but somewhere out there, Big Daddy Reagan is fighting the Commies!
javaz : Hola! Bon Soir! Howdy!
ADONAI : Reagan isn’t dead. i have frightening news «link»
kesmarn : That makes it even better, Em. The dead part. He won’t change. They’re afraid of change.
funksands : Ad, its hard being a liberal. That’s why there are so few of us. And no I didn’t mean that to sound as conceited as it did.
Emerald1943 : But..but…but.. Reagan is dead! Haven’t they figured that out yet???
AdLib : Very funny, AD.
kesmarn : SO true, AdLib. Nailed it!
ADONAI : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce: Harry’s most frightening adventure yet.
funksands : EM, so true.
AdLib : Em and Kes – Yes, the Reagan appeal was being “The Big Daddy”. Look at the way Repubs fawn over him like children. They want Big Daddy to protect them and tell them how they should think about things, just like children. With Dems, it’s generally about being adults and thinking for yourself. That isn’t what the adult “kids” are looking for.
Emerald1943 : Funk, somebody put up a picture of him next to Voldemort the other night…I swear he looks just like him!!
funksands : Adonai, at least its a dry racism.
ADONAI : Arizona: Come for the weather, stay for the blatant racism
funksands : Count Scottula does not need your support. He just needs you to hold still so he can drain you.
ADONAI : Or is that Arizona?
Emerald1943 : Excellent, Adlib! Also of note, the Florida voters seem to have some bad buyers’ remorse over their governor, Rick Scott who has a favorable rating of only 29%!
ADONAI : I’m sure you do. But isn’t it a dry heat?
funksands : It’s not bad here if you are a salamander.
texliberal : I scoff at 92
ADONAI : That’s terrible funk! It was only 92 here today
funksands : Adonai, I’m hating the weather. Another scorcher today. 63 degrees. F-ing weather.
AdLib : One more section on the Tea Party and a crucial swing state, FL, which you may find uplifting: “Beware, Florida Republicans: The tea party movement that swept you into office in 2010 could cost you the next election. That’s the takeaway message from Republican pollster and consultant Alex Patton, who conducted a recent survey showing that, by 2-1, registered Florida voters said the tea party movement did not represent their views. The sentiment against the tea party is significantly higher among self-described independent voters, who swing elections in Florida and who looked unfavorably on the tea party by 3-1, the poll showed. Only Republican voters favored the tea party movement, with 68 percent in support and less than 20 percent opposed. “There’s a real danger to Republican candidates,” said Patton, a founder of the Gainesville-base d War Room Logistics polling firm.”
kesmarn : Thanks for the clarification, funk.
texliberal : hey AD
kesmarn : Hey, AD.
Emerald1943 : Hello Adonai!
ADONAI : So, what are we hating tonight?
Sabreen60 : Hi Adonai.
PatsyT : Hey ADONAI!
texliberal : Hey, I’m 62, pasty white and male. My short term can get a little weak but my long term is just fine. Despite all you heard about the 60’s and early 70’s a lot of this stuff was always there right below the surface
kesmarn : The creepy thing is the blurring of the lines between religious zealotry and patriotism. There are authoritarian figures in both arenas telling them the SAME THING. “Protect wealthy capitalists with your life’s blood!”
AdLib : Hey AD!
Emerald1943 : That would explain their great love for Reagan who they saw as a hard-riding cowboy, shooting off his six guns, standing up to the dirty commies. They confused his movie roles with his real life persona.
ADONAI : Hello
funksands : Kes, with drugs and hypnosis. Mostly fictional I am told.
funksands : Ad, that kind of sucks.
AdLib : Funk – Yep, the only way to override the program in their heads is with a more emotionally powerful program. Such people typically have a need to have authority figures in their lives to whom they can get “guidance”. So that’s another complication. The GOP is all about having absolutist figures that fit the bill for such folks, the Dems are not as authoritarian so are naturally less appealing to them.
kesmarn : I gather it’s something about re-programming a memory?
Emerald1943 : What is Azrael Block?
kesmarn : Azrael block… I’d like to hear more about that. I haven’t heard the term before.
funksands : Ad, so the only way to de-program a bagger is to give them a more compelling program?
Emerald1943 : Those are good numbers, Adlib! I hope they will have run their course by the next election.
AdLib : Kes and Funk – The only possible way to get someone to move off of an emotional decision is through a strong or stronger emotion. Greater fear or insecurity. But, belief systems are like pillars of people’s lives, they fear that taking that pillar away would cause them to completely collapse so the more anyone tugs at it, the stronger they hold on.
texliberal : Funk, when the last of the old Dixie-Crats died off
Sabreen60 : Scared? Really? Black folks make up about 12% of the population and are having fewer babies. I’m not sure about Latinos. I guess I don’t understand because I don’t have the same frame of reference. I’ve never been scared of being a minority. Just pissed at not having equal rights and/or being accepted as a true American.
funksands : Tex, when did he start to rot?
funksands : Kes, Azrael Block. That’s what I was trying to remember.
Emerald1943 : We can all sit here all night and trash the tea baggers, but we know in our hearts full-well what the problem is…he’s black! I honestly believe that racism is the root of the problem with them. It’s not cool to admit it, so they come up with “Taxed Enough Already” and other crap.
AdLib : Tex (in my Johnny Carson impression) I did not know that.
texliberal : FUNK REALLY
funksands : Tex, GTFO! Really?
AdLib : More on the Tea Party: “A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Wednesday shows the tea party movement at a high point of unpopularity. The survey found 47 percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the small-government , anti-tax movement – a 21-point rise in unfavorability since January 2010. Other polls, including one by the Washington Post, show similar results.”
texliberal : How many knew Rick Perry was a Democrat and Gore’s campaign manager in Texas during the ’88 primaries?
funksands : Great point Ad. I know all of my emotional decisions have ALWAYS worked out, but maybe not for everyone.
kesmarn : I wonder what can, then, AL.
AdLib : Kes and Funk – That’s when one has to accept that their political belief system comes from an emotional place. My motto on this is, “If someone didn’t use reason to come to a decision, you can’t use reason to convince them out of it.” These people have an emotional need to believe the dogma of the GOP and no logical argument can penetrate that.
funksands : Ad, oddly enough teabaggers are also 34% more likely to drive a Miata….weird.
kesmarn : It’s almost more than a religion with them, funk. It somehow defines them.
texliberal : YEP, changing demographics
Emerald1943 : Yep Tex! That black guy is coming after their guns!!!
funksands : Kes, good visual. Too often true.
texliberal : Emerald, they’re scared
Emerald1943 : Leave it to Adlib to give us the goods! Interesting stats…sadly true. What is wrong with these people??
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy.
kesmarn : Same experience here with the high blank wall, funk. It’s as if they were to change their views, they’d be stabbing both their parents right through the heart with the proverbial silver stake.
texliberal : If ya didn’t see Maher tonight give it a watch. It was actually pretty good except for MARK CUBAN
AdLib : Patsy – Glad to hear it!
PatsyT : Life has been busy but that is a good thing..
AdLib : Here are some TP stats: “Tea Party supporters are likely to be older, white and male. Forty percent are age 55 and over, compared with 32 percent of all poll respondents; just 22 percent are under the age of 35, 79 percent are white, and 61 percent are men. Many are also Christian fundamentalists, with 44 percent identifying themselves as “born-again,” compared with 33 percent of all respondents.” «link» aljournal.com/ar ticle/289821#ixz z1SEcSdsHl
Sabreen60 : I can understand ill informed 20, 30 or even 40 somethings believing that “their day will come”. I mean people play the lottery everyday with the belief that “today” will be the day they strike it rich. However, even they know deep down how slim their chances are. If only 2% of the entire population make over $250,000 a year, they’ve got to know that their chances of entering that realm are slim.
Emerald1943 : OMG, don’t get me started on that sick pervert Limp-balls!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Haven’t seen you around much, hope you’re having fun with the family!
Emerald1943 : Hi Patsy! Glad to see you!
funksands : Hi Patsy!
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
kesmarn : Yes, Em, if you don’t immediately concede that they’re right about everything, they give you the Limbaugh workover on steroids.
funksands : Ad, I’ve got some really good friends that are VERY conservative. I’ve even gotten them to have a non-emotional conversation or two, where we’ve peeled back the layers of their belief system. Every time, we eventually reach a high, blank white wall that cannot be scaled.
Emerald1943 : Tex, I think Lawrence O’Donnell is one of the smartest on TV. He worked for years as a Congressional staffer and has some inside knowledge that helps his analysis so much.
PatsyT : Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well tonight
texliberal : AL you suggesting Logan’s Run kinda deal????
Emerald1943 : You got it, kes! There were a bunch of them staying at our hotel and we had to take the elevator with them. They are so obnoxious and self-righteous!
texliberal : Emerald, ya know I think Lawrence O and MSNBC is starting to bring it on. He’s a pretty savy guy
AdLib : Tex – I know they’re all up and down the age range, I was just talking about the average age. Ignorance is not age-discriminato ry.
funksands : Mmmmmm, having my favorite beer EVER tonight. Yum.
kesmarn : They are extremely unpleasant, aren’t they, Em? Very bellicose and in-your-face about their proselytizing.
AdLib : Funk – Very well said. They are holding two separate sets of beliefs. The country is in trouble, I’m a Republican and support everything they do…even though they presided over the nation when it went downhill. They need to believe the latter so they are self-destructive because of their insecurity.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I cannot bring myself to watch FUX News, but MSNBC covered their non-coverage tonight.
Emerald1943 : I ran into some Baggers in DC while there for a march in support of the Public Option. They had to be some of the most ignorant, fat, smarmy people I’ve ever seen…you know the kind! Thumpin’ them bibles and carrying those vile signs!
texliberal : AL you’ve never been to Texas. There are plenty of 40,50,60 and 70 something baggers but there are also lots of 20 and 30 something too.
kesmarn : I know one T-Bag sympathizer who’s had his wages cut from $16/hr, to $12 and most recently $9/hr, and he STILL defends the company he works for!
AdLib : Anyone see the ridiculous attempt on Fox to obscure the News Corp crime Family stories with hacking at the Pentagon? Total fail!
funksands : Ad, I think the typcial teabagger knows that deep down something is seriously wrong structurally with the country and just can’t face that it could be their most entrenched beliefs that are to blame. They’ll deny that to their dying breath.
kesmarn : Cheerios, Cher! and throw a bag o’ Cheetos their way.
AdLib : Sabreen – I think the average Bagger age is around 50. Lots of time left for their fantasy to come true. Still, studies have shown that people, especially conservatives, petrify their political beliefs when they’re young so it’s almost like a religion to them, nothing can make them change and challenging their beliefs with facts only makes them cling to them harder.
Chernynkaya : I need to feed some family for a minute–Be back soon.
Emerald1943 : OMG Chern! What a friend you are! LOL
kesmarn : That’s a good point, Sabreen. Not much time for a 78 year old Betsy Ross to get rich and enjoy those low taxes she’s battling for.
Chernynkaya : Em–while you were caking, I made that prayer for you.
texliberal :
Chernynkaya : Sabreen, because they want to believe it. And then there are the mega churches that preach it.
kesmarn : But, tex, we all make the internet brilliant!
Emerald1943 : I’m back…great chocolate cake!! Murdoch is taking it on the chin and I am soooo pleased to see it! Please, if there is a God above, let him take down FUX News!
Sabreen60 : But AdLib, a lot of the baggers are seniors. If they’re not rich NOW, why would they believe that “one day” they’ll be in the top 2%?
Chernynkaya : AL–thanks–that certainly explains it.
texliberal : Cable television and the internet Kes
AdLib : Cher – The Repubs have the corner on the wealthiest minority which boosts their overall wealth but they also have the most uneducated and poorest. Consider, statistically, there are more poor whites than minorities. The minorities vote Dem in general, the whites vote Repub in general. Thus, more poor and uneducated (in rural areas) in the GOP.
kesmarn : tex and AL — ignorance abounds, doesn’t it? WHAT happened?
Chernynkaya : Hinton–CEO of the WSJ/Dow Jones resigned. So that’s good. There aren;t many others whose names aren’t Mordor (er Murdock) who still hold positions of power there.
kesmarn : Finally Murdoch has been frightened. For him to apologize to that poor little girls family in person…he had to be terrified that a few of his precious nickels would get away.
texliberal : The sad part about debt ceiling debate is the ignorance on the part of our citizens on how it and our govt ACTUALLY work
AdLib : Kes – It seems like a mismatch but it makes a lot of sense. The wealthy, educated minority use their superior education to manipulate those who are the least educated and unskilled at critical thinking, to think what’s best for the wealthy is best for them. “See, one day you’ll be a millionaire just like us and if you help lower taxes now, they’ll be low for you when you’re a millionaire!” It takes a village idiot.
Chernynkaya : NewsCorp! Oh please, oh please God–let this be the end!
Chernynkaya : AL– I think I actually saw a demographic from some reputable source that showed Reeps are richer by a little than Dems.
AdLib : And News Corp had more than a little to do with manipulating our democracy as well!
kesmarn : AL, what a weird set of bedfellows. Poorly educated low income folks and the ultra-wealthy. Politics!
AdLib : Kes – So true and unbelievable today…that Gore and Kerry won and the political corruption in our country put the crown on Bush anyway.
Chernynkaya : Oh, that’s right–I forgot. But is was too close. and then there was Nader–and I’m not going to argue about that again.
AdLib : Hey Tex, just preparing for Carmegeddon here. Meaning…much ado about nothing.
texliberal : Heard it was 115 in MINNESOTA
AdLib : Kes – They probably will end up living with their parents. The demo on Repubs is lower income and lower levels of completed education (which are connected). That’s why Repub dogma seems smart to them…and why their not bright enough not to vote against their own interests.
Chernynkaya : Hi, tex! Soory about the heat! I was just saying to my husband to put on a sweatshirt, it’s so chilly here.
kesmarn : tex…OMG…you have my sympathy. I hate hot weather.
kesmarn : Gore and Kerry won. The electoral system lost?
texliberal : It’s been 104 degrees here for 17 straight days, I live in Texas and deal with idiots all day. Other than that good evening and how is everyone?
Chernynkaya : Why DID Bush win, anyway? Gore was not that terrible? Musta been the Kochs.
AdLib : EM – I’ll have a slice!
kesmarn : I feel better about my Cheese Puffs, Em.
AdLib : Funk – Actually, that’s not the case. Bush took office in times of peace and prosperity as did Eisenhower. They’re the ones who trash peace and prosperity in most cases (though Eisenhower wasn’t like that).
Emerald1943 : Gotta’ take a break for chocolate cake…back in a minute!
kesmarn : Yes, AL, some of these “kill SS/Medicare” 30 somethings deserve to have Mom and Dad move in with ’em, complete with Viagra and Depends.
AdLib : Kes – I was talking about the folly of pitting the over 55 against their kids and grandkids but I have no doubt that there are plenty of GOP faithful who will goosestep behind anything the Repubs want including killing Medicare. Kind of makes me wish they could indeed secede and run their country the way they want to so we could watch them suffer for their lack of independent thinking while we prospered. Then again, they’d just hop the fence and we’d have them on the other side of the illegal immigrant issue.
Emerald1943 : Yep, it’s a proven fact that fear-mongering means rethugs win.
kesmarn : Merci, ma cher!
Chernynkaya : Kes: DING DING DING!
kesmarn : When folks are terrified they chose the meanest to lead. They confuse aggression with leadership.
Emerald1943 : Funk, I have never understood this.
funksands : The ultra-right ALWAYS rises in times of great economic and social unrest. They never take power in times of plenty and peace.
kesmarn : That would be Ohio, Em!
Emerald1943 : Kes, where are you? Sounds like Ohio…
kesmarn : AL, you must know some 30 somethings that are more rational than the ones in my area. And I’m encouraged by that. But you’d be amazed at the number here who are aiming that gun right at their own feet and ready to pull the Ryan trigger.
Chernynkaya : AL–WOW– I’m gonna tweet that link and make my followers happy!
funksands : I asked my seven year old if he remembered who George Bush was. (blank stare. I wept)
AdLib : Kes – I disagree on that, the Ryan plan was intended to pit over 55 against under 55 but what they overlooked was…the under 55 are the children and grandchildren of the over 55 and they don’t support hurting their family.
Emerald1943 : Speaking of the Shrub, anybody see that little twit at the Betty Ford funeral? He escorted Nancy Reagan to her seat, but still was able to manage that stupid smirk of his!
Chernynkaya : Funk, that is absolutely true. I wrote that if the president was an actual socialist, the FBaggers would become fascists.
funksands : They were just waiting for an excuse. Maddow said it several times shortly after Obama got elected. “Now we’ll see if our united front against Bush can stay united as the Globetrotters rather than the Generals.” (paraphrase)
Chernynkaya : AL– maybe I underestimate the American public, but no one ever got poor doing that. Oh wait–I am poor! We’ll see.
Emerald1943 : Oh funk…how we ALL miss Bush!
AdLib : A link to the Alexa graph for Firedoglake…go ing down and down: «link»
kesmarn : Isn’t Eric Cantor good enough for ’em, funk?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I totally agree with you. I don’t believe he will cut benefits. Means testing would be a good thing down the road.
funksands : Ad, I’ve got theory about the firebaggers. It’s not a new one. They have to have an enemy. They miss Bush. They have to have an antagonist to feel they are relevant.
Chernynkaya : Funk–we’re on the same page about that.
kesmarn : The Ryan plan cleverly pits over 55 people against under 55 people, too. I’ve always tried to vote in ways that benefit the country as a whole, not just my own demographic. But younger Repubs are voting to deny themselves SS/Medicare. It’s sometimes hard to care about them, when they don’t seem to care about themselves!
AdLib : Cher – I disagree on that point, if Obama lays out a plan for Medicare that preserves benefits but means tests to keep it offering all those benefits for 99% of Americans…then people compare that with the Ryan kill-Medicare plan, they will go for Obama.
Emerald1943 : Thanks, Adlib. I have not kept track of Hamsher…I guess there’s no reason to if she is going to act like that.
Chernynkaya : EM– We don;t know anything yet, but he mentioned the COLA rates.
funksands : 40% of the country is one paycheck away from ruin. They don’t even want to HEAR the words “SS or Medicare” out of anyone’s mouth right now.
Chernynkaya : AL– that ALEXA news warms my heart!!
Emerald1943 : Chern…I still maintain that he has no intentions of cutting BENEFITS! He only wants to seem to, and this has the rethugs going nuts!
AdLib : Em – Hamsher is one of those who attack Obama for everything because he hasn’t done everything they want. They’re called Purists and Firebaggers because they’re as crazed and extremist as Tea Baggers but (allegedly) Dems.
Chernynkaya : AL– Obama f=does want to do something about SS/MC– and he said today it might involve some tinkering and even cuts to SS. But his intent is to preserve it–really r[preserve it.I think that’s a mistake. Not because of what the actuality will be–as you know, we’ve discussed this and people are too freaked and he woin’t get heard. It also disarms us vis a vis Paul Ryan–perception -wise.
funksands : Sabreen, I sure hope he’s right.
AdLib : I checked the Alexa traffic for Hamsher’s FDL site…it’s way down and declining. She is becoming irrelevant along with many firebaggers. Dems don’t want what’s happening in the House to become law, they support Dems. Hamsher is meaningless.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, Jane Hamsher said that??? Why?
Sabreen60 : Yep, I did Funk. He’s been good all week. I’d say he’s one of the few that understood how Pres. Obama was playing the GOP.
funksands : Got it. Stupid gmail.
Emerald1943 : Funk, I would not miss Lawrence’s opener. He is one of the most astute “heads” on TV. His years working in Congress give him special insight.
Sabreen60 : Jane Hamhser called Obama supporters stupid mofos.
funksands : Ad, nope. I’ll check again.
funksands : Did anyone see O’Donnell’s opener tonight? Really good.
AdLib : Funk – I emailed you back, did you get my reply today?
AdLib : What’s funny to me is that the firebaggers went ape when Obama said he would put Medicare and SS on the table, ran around with their hair on fire about the end of the world then when it became clear it was nothing that was going to happen, they look like the lunatics they are…with their hair still on fire. Green has been marginalized and it’s amusing to see.
funksands : Ad, did you get my last couple emails? I’m not sure they went through.
Emerald1943 : What’s new is the Dems actually WINNING A FIGHT!
Chernynkaya : Hey. The Funkster!
kesmarn : Hey, funk!
funksands : Hey everyone. What’s new?
Sabreen60 : Hi Funk.
Emerald1943 : Hi funk! Glad to see you!
Chernynkaya : One of the problems for the DOJ–they have no lawyers! The Senate hasn’t confirmed any.
funksands : Ad, its controlled by about 5 guys.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
AdLib : Kes – The GOP is controlled by people who wear tea bags and have the first name of Grover? What a farce of a party.
Sabreen60 : Em: Firebaggers are having meltdowns just in case the Prez does something they don’t like.
Chernynkaya : Adam Green got a huge backlash–same as Hamshire. I think they shot themselves in the feet and marginalized themselves somewhat.
funksands : Howdy y’all.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I agree about the DOJ. I have been really disappointed in Eric HOlder. He has done less than NOTHING!
AdLib : Em – Where’s the DoJ in attacking this limiting of Constitutional rights? I mean, what has the DoJ done in all of Obama’s Admin? I hear nothing about them.
Sabreen60 : What did Prez Clinton say about the voter suppression going on? I think he compared it to Jim Crow.
Emerald1943 : What’s Adam Green’s big deal? Why is he so upset?
Chernynkaya : I think you may be right, AL. I was listening to Charlie Cook–whom I dislike but he has a good track record. He was saying that voters will throw the Pubs out, but mostly because they are the Party in power in the House. His point was that people vote for who the feel is listening to them, more than they do regarding what is happening. As long as people believe Obama is listening–and he is–he and others like him will be safe.
Emerald1943 : What’s Adam Green
kesmarn : Yes, AL, and goofy old Grover Norquist was on Piers Morgan the other night and blamed Obama “100% responsible” for the poor economy. Morgan said: “How can you seriously look me in the eye and speak that hogwash”?
AdLib : It amuses me too that just after this, that asshat Adam Green had his massive 12 person protest and trumped up petition of allegedly 200k (don’t believe it) signatures saying they won’t donate to or support Obama if he doesn’t bring them a pony. What an in-your-face to that firebagger.
Emerald1943 : This voting rights thing is really serious. Forty out of fifty states trying to suppress Democrats from voting by one way or another! This is something we need to get behind to stop!
AdLib : I have to say, the small minded art of punditry, comparing Obama and the current situation to the past is just plain dumb. The pundits claim that Obama’s re-election is tied to the unemployment rate or economic growth…they are clueless. As the polls show, only 27% or so hold Obama responsible for the economy and now that they’ve seen what the Repubs have to offer, they will re-elect Obama whatever the economy rather than lose Medicare and have a President Bush III (Perry).
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, Rachel did a good segment on the voting rights problems in Rethug controlled states. There are voting restrictive bills in 40 states, making it harder for people to vote.
Sabreen60 : Obama got 260,000 NEW donors. Now, that’s impressive.
Chernynkaya : The %86 mill was all fundraising so far–last week was in the high $500 thousands.
Emerald1943 : Kes, it was $86 million!! Outstanding!
Sabreen60 : Em: As a senior myself, believe me I can relate. I hope people will look at WI, MI, FL, TN, NJ, NH, TX and see what Repub Governors and legislatures are doing to the people in those states.
Chernynkaya : AL–I don’t understand Reid. He is too old school or something.
kesmarn : Isn’t he weird, Em?
Chernynkaya : Yes, Em! It was among small donors. I think it’s time to redefine “the base.”
Emerald1943 : McCotter is just plain creepy!!!
AdLib : Cher – Has Reid learned nothing from Obama’s first 2 years? I would just find it hard to believe that he’d want to go through that torture all over again.
kesmarn : Em, I heard $86,000,000!
kesmarn : Anyone think that guitar-slingin’ Thad McCotter has a chance?
Emerald1943 : Did you all make note of the President’s amazing fund raising this past week? Incredible for a base that has been so disappointed.
kesmarn : Indeed. I can’t see long-term loyalty from to Kochs to anyone or any thing, except their $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $
AdLib : Em – We did luck out that the Repubs have such lightweights running for Pres.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen…I knew that! LOL I was just having a “senior moment”! Thanks!
AdLib : Kes – I saw that Koch/Bachmann story but it’s just hype, they contribute to all the Tea Party people, they’ll back whoever looks strongest against Obama in the end.
Chernynkaya : AL, I agree. I just don;t know if the weak-kneed Dem majority will go along.
Emerald1943 : God knows, that’s got to be the weakest field for the rethugs! Bachmann is in the process of shooting herself in the foot with her homophobic hubby and Perry is going to pray with all the loony religious nuts in a couple of weeks. I can’t believe that any sane American would vote for either of them.
AdLib : Bottom line, if Dems win back full control of Congress there MUST be limits to the filibuster usage so we can get things done.
kesmarn : I hear the Kochs are throwing their weight behind Bachmann, but I don’t think even their money will be able to do it.
Sabreen60 : EM: It’s requiring 60 votes to stop a filibuster. Since Obama, the Repubs have used it more than any Congress ever.
Chernynkaya : I am still praying for Bachmann, even tho I know it’ll never happen.
AdLib : At this point, with the GOP having demonstrated the dire future they would chart for America and with a Romney, Perry or Bachmann at the head of their ticket, how strong of a chance could they have in 2012?
Emerald1943 : Correct, Adlib! We seniors are a HUGE voting bloc and none of us are happy about the proposed SS/Medicare stuff!
Chernynkaya : Sabreen, I will never understand why Reid refused to do something about that. I guess he knew he didn’t have the votes–and that we might lose the Senate next year.
kesmarn : That is so consoling, Cher. I’m sure an organic chemist would be aghast at the ingredient list… KQ?
AdLib : Em – So true, the Dems will still have the Ryan plan to kill Medicare as a massive tool to pull otherwise Repub-voting seniors to the Dem side. If they make clear a Repub Congress and President will pass it, Seniors should flock to Dems as they did in NY.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, remind me…what is rule 22?
Chernynkaya : Kes– cheetos are my very favorite guilty food pleasure.
Sabreen60 : Cherm: If only there was something we could do about Rule 22 – but not have a modification effect negatively on the Dems. This whole cloture thing is past crazy.
Chernynkaya : AL. Sure hope so! It’s just that there are so many Dem seats up this time around. But as a presidential election, htat may help.
Emerald1943 : I don’t think we will lose the Senate and I believe these is a good possibility that we can take the House back. Remember that special election in New York state a month or two ago? A very, very red district went BLUE!
AdLib : Kes – We call that a Cheetoboard.
AdLib : Em – Head of steam
kesmarn : I have Cheese Puff orange on my keyboard. I’m so ashamed. What got into me? I never eat those things.
Chernynkaya : EM==priceless!
It;’s like an engine!
AdLib : Cher – The Senate will be a challenge but I think the popularity of the Dem ticket with Obama at the top will help bring in the Senate and House.
Chernynkaya : Oh, yes. I forgot about the fire-from nares syndrome.
Emerald1943 : But Chern…if I build up a good head of steam, I can actually type faster, long nails or short!
Chernynkaya : I am pretty sure we will take back the House. But the Senate will be incredibly tough to keep.
kesmarn : Well,we still have nostrils, Cher… But the earplug do up the pressure levels.
Chernynkaya : EM and AL– you cannot use earplugs–ask kes, the RN. The steam must escape!
Emerald1943 : They must be having to change their Depends right now. The rethugs know that the American people are not with them on this. They will pay the price in the next election, I believe.
AdLib : EM – Asbestos earplugs, I swear by them. Literally.
AdLib : Em – All the polls show you are absolutely right. And as I’ve mentioned, the GOP has proven themselves unfit to hold power. Given a choice between non-stop crises and getting things done with a Dem Congress, what are people going to choose in 2012?
Sabreen60 : You know, we’ve said all along that the GOP doesn’t care a wit about deficits. Given the opportunity to do something about the debt and deficits they run scare. Mainly because they are unwilling to tax oil/gas and the uber rich. Prez said no revenue no deal. The sane (?) Repubs know they have to raise the debt ceiling they just can’t figure out how to control the baggers.
Emerald1943 : Now, if we can figure out a way to stop those sparks coming from my ears……..
Chernynkaya : See how different this is that {{spit}} PuffHo? Then I would sharpen my nails.
Emerald1943 : Friday nite nail cutting…now that’s the ticket! LMAO
Chernynkaya : That’s it AL! Remember–my last laptop’s letters were all gone form my keyboard. Just blanks at the end there.
Emerald1943 : There will always be that 27% who cannot be shaken from their misquided faith in the GOP. Otherwise, I think the country is definitely on the President’s side.
AdLib : Cher – Heh, trimming one’s nails to limit the amount of sparks flying from one’s keyboard on VP?
AdLib : Sabreen – The Repubs look so much like little children, little bullies who are running in panic when the kid they’re picking on isn’t scared of them. How can the GOP have any respect from reasonable people today?
Chernynkaya : Em, sometimes the feedback is TOO instant–and too fast–for me. I just cut my nails so I could try to type faster. It’s a Fri. nite routine now (nail cutting that is.)
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, this is what I have been talking about all week. Lawrence O’Donnell made me see the light. He provide an excellent analysis of the situation.
kesmarn : It gets really fast and crazy with more people, Em!
Emerald1943 : Cool! I can’t believe I have missed this in the past. I like having the instant feed-back.
Sabreen60 : AdLib: It was unbelievable how KO, Rachel, Ed, and the firebaggers had meltdowns all week and Obama hasn’t given up a thing. He told the GOP okay lets get this done – lets do this – and they said “we were just playing” – “we didn’t mean it”.
AdLib : Emerald – Just chatting right now as the folks gather, we will “oficially start in a few but everything and anything is up for discussion in the “pre-show”.
Chernynkaya : AL– I knew that was coming–and yet I still laughed!
Emerald1943 : What’s the topic? Punking the GOP?? Nothing would please me more!
AdLib : Here we go mo fo!
AdLib : Em – Cool!!!
AdLib : Sabreen – That is another topic, Obama outsmarting the GOP or as the Purists claim, betraying the base by talking Medicare and SS cuts.
Emerald1943 : Thanks, Adlib! I am having fun already!
Chernynkaya : I meant “go” Kes, we are ONE!
kesmarn : I’m fo kes, too. No one else is…
Chernynkaya : Here’s we fo kes!
kesmarn :
How many times have we jinxed, Cher?
Emerald1943 : Oooo kes! That sounds great!
AdLib : Hey Emerald! Great to see you at VP!
Chernynkaya : We’ll be gentle, Em!
kesmarn : We’ll be gentle, Em.
Emerald1943 : Hi everyone! This is my first time…I’m a Vox Pop virgin! LOL
Chernynkaya : Oh, no prob, AL. It wasn;t the same w/o ya though.
Sabreen60 : AdLib: Oh, I’m gamed for whatever. However, I have listened to Lawrence O’Donnell’s analysis of how Obama punked the GOP.
AdLib : Hey Kes!
AdLib : Hey Cher! Thank you so much for hosting last week! You’re the best!
kesmarn : Hi and bye, Kalima! That last earthquake was too close to Tokyo for comfort! Stay safe! And hi, all!
Chernynkaya : DAmmit, is Kalima leaving?@!
Chernynkaya : Well, howdy, Friends!
Kalima : You’d better! Bye 4 now.
AdLib : Sabreen – Murdoch/News Corp or Debt Ceiling or GOP Civil War or Medicare/SS Cuts or Carmegeddon?
AdLib : Have a wonderful day, Kalima! We’ll miss ya!
Kalima : Have a great chat everyone, I’m off to do my Saturday morning duties. Stay safe.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! No kidding, we sure have our pick of topics tonight!
Sabreen60 : Hi Everyone. Politically, it’s been quite a week.
AdLib : I read about the earthquake, how terrible that such big earthquakes are so common right now. I know that they’re anything but common!
Kalima : I linked to it in MB this morning. Stay home.
Kalima : And I’d rather be somewhere in it that is cool. Another earthquake last night. A longish one.
AdLib : We’ve got Carmageddon this weekend, taking it easy and staying around the house mostly.
AdLib : Oh, what a world!
Kalima : It’s my morning and I’m melting like the wicked witch.
AdLib : Hey Kalima! How are you this evening?
Kalima : Hi!
Kalima : No one has said Hi, so I will before I say goodbye.
AdLib : Vox Populi starts shortly, don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive. And a huge thanks and congrats to Cher for doing such a wonderful job hosting VP last week!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT on our Vox Populi page, located under Live Events or you can participate in the widget on any page. Hope to see you then!
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