AdLib : Night John Bito!
bito : Good night, JonBoy.
PatsyT : Nighty night All ….
AdLib : Well, looks like a good time to wrap tonight’s edition of Vox Populi. Thanks Patsy, Bito, Cher and everyone else for making it another great discussion. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you here next Friday night!
bito : Got. Patsy! thanks.
bito : Night, Cher.
PatsyT : My brother is Buzzyquip
PatsyT : Bito .. @buzzyquipsis
AdLib : Night Cher! Sleep well!
bito : What’s your @ Patsy?
AdLib : Night Funk!
AdLib : we shall fight on the Twitters, we shall fight on the Facebook pages, we shall fight in the YouTubes and in the Googles, we shall fight in the blogs; we shall never surrender
Chernynkaya : Thanks a million Patsy. Well, I’m saying goodnight too! See you tomorrow.
bito : Night, funk, Take care.
PatsyT : Happy cleaning funk… you are a good one!
PatsyT : Cher tweet me and I can help you out there …
funksands : Gotta go folks. Wife will be home soon from her gals night out. Still haven’t cleaned the kitchen. Ugh. Goodnight all, Ad, thanks for hosting and Bito thanks for the thankless Twitter slogging that you do.
bito : AdLib, yes, most people don’t watch those shows, but they generate the headlines and soundbites,
Chernynkaya : I’ll have to find the time to figure FB out.
PatsyT : Cher, FB can also be a great tool…
bito : If people post a link in a comment, I try to tweet it. I don’t catch everyone, but I try to.
funksands : Facebook will also have plenty of complicit foreign members that would be more than happy to assist the Dems to get their message out.
Chernynkaya : PAtsy–I think you should write a short post about Twitter. And BTW, I know nothing about FB and am thinking about joining.
AdLib : Bito – Saw you post that link on the Sunday shows. No surprise they’ve become a corporate RW echo chamber…and who watches those shows anyway. Maybe they’re just playing to their viewers anyway. Most people don’t watch those shows.
funksands : I think Facebook is the place to go. 91% of voters under 30 did not vote in the midterms. If even a third of them show up, this thing is over.
Chernynkaya : AL–totally agree. I’m seeing so many videos already. The main challenge will be the media–besides paid ads, the media ignores Dems.
AdLib : Patsy – Hope all of our members think of that, if anything happens and you need to get word out to people, tweet our Planet page.
bito : Funk, I see their pressers on C-span daily, but just like the Sunday gabbers at a ratio of 4-1 how do they get the news out?
AdLib : The MSM won’t be able to silence the message that the Repubs are corrupt pawns of corps as the GE goes on. In debates, campaign commercials, etc., we will see Obama and lots of candidates pounding on this same message. The comeuppance is a coming up.
PatsyT : Just a thought but in case of emergency … cell phones will probably not work but twitter should- It helped in the ME
Chernynkaya : With Twitter, it’s just one of those things you have to DO to learn. And if you saw how many idiots mastered it–well, trust me–it’s easy.
funksands : Like the Jerry Lewis telethon. “And let’s add that zero to the big board….”
PatsyT : Bito, maybe not so much the how to but – why
AdLib : Funk and Patsy – That would make a great Facebook page!
Chernynkaya : Funk– I see those dems on MSNBC all the time saying that–but it reaches maybe 500,000 viewers–maybe 1 million. Peanuts.
PatsyT : Funk .. great Idea! That could also be a facebook page
bito : I would have a hard time explaining a how to. I read some some info, but just doing it worked for me best.
AdLib : Cher – Then we’re on the same page on this re Moore. It is a bit pompous to pass such moral superiority over a nation, as if his opinion is the only one a moral person could have. I do like him and enjoy his films but he can get a bit full of himself at times.
funksands : I think a Dem with some balls could run a really brutal ongoing ad campaign. Every time the GOP passes yet another absurd bill (ie anti-gay marraige in DC)a Dem needs to hold a press conference congratulating the GOP on passing their bill and that it “created or saved” zero jobs.
PatsyT : Or maybe call it a Twitter ‘Why To’
Chernynkaya : AL–That’s what we disagreed about. MM and I.
AdLib : Bito – I see the traffic on our Twitter page, the re-tweets of your posts and every day there is a constant flow of new people signing onto our page. You have already created a real success for The Planet and lots of folks out there who enjoy reading our tweets. Well done!
Chernynkaya : AL–Pelosi does that–she lists the meaning of the bills and then posts: No jobs bill here.
PatsyT : Bito I mean No Way that you are wasting you time
PatsyT : Bito NO WAY ! You have done so much with twitter! Maybe we should have a Twitter how to post
bito : Yes, Patsy, but it does link to some good articles, no?
Chernynkaya : Bito–I don’t think it’s a waste at all! Most people don’t do twitter and they get in from here–very valuable, and if you didn’t do it I would suggest it.
AdLib : I appreciate Moore but he has spun off into the self-righteous orbit lately, what with insisting the nation has become twisted for accepting Bin Laden being killed.
funksands : I think Twitter would be very useful for me. I’m not really sure how to best utilize it.
AdLib : Cher – What would be effective is to list all the main aspects of bills the Repubs have voted for (ignoring the BS titles they give them) and then note, “Where are the jobs you promised?”
PatsyT : funk… Bito and Cher are well versed with the twitter … It has it’s strengths
bito : Just wondering, I sometimes feel I’m wasting my time.
Chernynkaya : Can I brag on something? Micheal Moore tweeted me! But just to disagree. I didn’t care though.
funksands : Bito, I have a twitter log-in. That’s the extent of my twitter experience. I need a twitter coach.
PatsyT : Bito Yes, I do and I check on my Twitter at times
AdLib : Cher – Modesty will get you everywhere.
Chernynkaya : Bito– I do sometimes but I am on Twitter a lot, so I see them there.
PatsyT : Hey funk, If Hitler showed up tomorrow he would have a following with the RW
AdLib : Bito – I read the tweets there. Does anyone else?
Chernynkaya : i SAY THIS SINCERELY aDLIB– Not in your league aT ALL!
bito : Does anyone read the tweets on our sidebar?
AdLib : Hitler/Gingrich 2012!
funksands : Patsy, I don’t think Hitler can win the nomination.
AdLib : CL – I’d have to add a number of folks here to the list of great sloganeers, so many folks here crack me up! This is quite a brain trust. Sleep well CL!
PatsyT : Yes funk … Hitler
Chernynkaya : AL–plus–and Pelosi Tweets this daily: WHERE ARE THE JOBS, BOEHNER???
funksands : One thing I DO know, an angry, broke, disillusioned electorate is capable of just about anything…
bito : G’night C’Lady! rest well.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Choice…
Chernynkaya : HAve a good rest, my dear!
AdLib : CL – I think you’re right that the public keeps waiting for the GOP to do something to really help but they are becoming more discouraged with each passing stunt of the GOPs. Is the public though still so optimistic after the Kill Medicare budget? I don’t think so. By 2012, I think the GOP will have cemented its rep as having nothing to offer to the people and only benefits for the wealthy.
choicelady : Well all, now it’s my turn to sign off. It’s been very energizing and very informative. Cher and AdLib – let’s see a workup of campaign slogans this coming week? Stuff FOR Obama and stuff against the GOP. We have faith in your many talents, both of you! So to bed – g’night everyone!
bito : Ok, Funk.
PatsyT : It’s hard to be exiting to all the little people if you are really screwing them into oblivion
Chernynkaya : And thank you, CL!
Chernynkaya : Now if only someone would hire me!
Chernynkaya : AL– that’s another good point about the economy– the corp tax rates and big oil. The Reeps are looking bad to the majority on that.
bito : I don’t think so Funk. I’ll have to check.
funksands : No check that. Harding. He ran as James Cox’s VP candidate.
choicelady : Oh Cher – that’s a GREAT slogan! See? You HAVE to begin messaging for the Dems or at least some smart and with-it 527 campaign! You and AdLib are SUCH great wordsmiths!
funksands : 1920? Didn’t he run against Hoover in ’20?
Chernynkaya : Bito– I send it tomorrow!
AdLib : Cher –
Nailed it!
bito : That’s a good tweet, Cher!
AdLib : Bito – The meme is that Obama can be beat on the economy. The disagreement I have with that is that the Repub won’t have solutions…othe r than giving tax cuts to the wealthy and cutting Medicare and SS. How is that a winner for Repubs? See, the MSM is trying to re-run 2010 but in 2012, it will be a choice between two paths and two people. When one of them represents only the interests of the wealthy and attacking the people, it’s not so easy to win.
PatsyT : Cher Thats the ticket!!
choicelady : Cher – I LIKE rominex as a sleeping tablet! He has that impact on me!
Chernynkaya : Oooh–PAtsy–I’ ve got it: Take Rominex tonite and get Pawlenty sleep.
choicelady : Patsy – WE know they’re a fraud, but it’s not yet sunk in with even the “outside the beltway” media and too many voters. They still keep thinking there’s something THERE to offer us as a counterbalance to those “profilgate” Dems, those “tax and spend liberals”. They can’t say WHAT, but they know there has to be something better than the Dems. So we can’t count them down and out.
bito : When was FDR a VP candidate?
PatsyT : Cher !! Rominex tonight and Pawlenty in the AM
funksands : Bito, FDR did.
AdLib : Patsy – Because they have billions of dollars from fraudulent corps who will give them a decent showing.
bito : Obama can be beat on the economy.
Chernynkaya : CL–
PatsyT : Why are we giving the GOP any cred… they are the fraud party
Chernynkaya : “Take Rominex tonite and sleep…safe and restful sleep, sleep sleep.”
choicelady : Cher – people would think that had something to do with sex. It might energize the base too much.
funksands : “Do not take GOP if you are driving or operating heavy machinery”.
AdLib : It’s bedtime in America – Romney/Pawlenty 2012…y-a-a-w-n …goodnight!
bito : Rubio–name a losing VP ever becoming president.
Chernynkaya : GOP– We’re soporific!
AdLib : Funk – A possibility but consider this. Obama is clearly going to be tough to beat. If you were Rubio or anyone else in the GOP who wanted that one shot at the presidency, would you go up against Obama in 2012 or hold off looking for a weaker candidate in 2016?
choicelady : bito – RomneyPwlenty sounds like a sleeping aid – like Ovaltine – if ever I saw one. “Take a cup of your RomneyPawlenty before bedtime and get a good night’s rest!” People would drift off and forget to vote.
Chernynkaya : Oh, I am sure that Rubio will run someday. It’s demographically imperative.
bito : Funk, I agree, as it stands now it will be a sacrificial challenge, and Daniels is a good pick.
funksands :
Chernynkaya : Oooh–adlib!
PatsyT : She sleeps with them open… good for the open trail
funksands : Ad, I COULD see Rubio as a VP candidate. A great set-up for 2016 after they re-package and shine him up.
Chernynkaya : Patsy! She’s got that runaway bride crazy eyes!
AdLib : Heh, Patsy – Good N’ Pawlenty!
AdLib : I was just joking about Romney/Bachmann. The VP won’t be as pivotal in 2012 IMO as in 2008. This time, it will be a terribly flawed candidate in center stage and the stunt casting of a Palin-type VP won’t work as well a second time…and it led to defeat the first time.
choicelady : Cher – I think overall you’re right that Sarah has killed herself off, but I never completely write off someone with her chutzpah. Out of this melee, she MIGHT seem refreshing, especially if she kills the snark and goes back to the “you betcha” persona. She still has a certain appeal to a lot of people.
Chernynkaya : ROM-PAW!
PatsyT : It has been three weeks now and Bachman has not shut her eyes
funksands : Bito, that’s a reasonable ticket and as good as guess as any.
bito : Rommney-Pawlenty
funksands : I think it is very telling that GOP Governors after their historic ass-whupping of the Dems are not lining up to take their shot at Obama. They DO NOT smell blood in the water.
Chernynkaya : Bito–what is hilarious is that he is so blah we all forgot about him!
PatsyT : Poor Pawlenty too bad he is just a candy
AdLib : Pawlenty? Who’s that?
choicelady : ADLib – that MIGHT work, but I’m not sure Bachmann would lower herself to run with a Mormon? All anyone has to do is loop Michelle’s comments from the 2008 campaign when she demanded the Congress be investigated for un-Americanism, and she’s toast. She was as wild eyed conspiracy theorizing as I’ve EVER seen. She will not be able to live that down.
bito : No mention of Pawlenty from anyone?
AdLib : CL – I would be THRILLED if Palin won the nom. The negatives out there for Palin. From Reuters: “Nearly 60 percent of Americans would never support a Republican presidential bid by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin or real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump, according to a new poll Wednesday.”
Chernynkaya : CL–I think Sarah is over. I really do.
Chernynkaya : I think if Bachmann ran with Mitt her base would be mad.
AdLib : Romney/Bachmann 2012!
Chernynkaya : bito–excellent point–if a Mormon runs, he needs a professional Christian running mate!
choicelady : bito – I think it’s pretty clear we have NO IDEA who will be the R’s candidate. We can’t find a clear frontrunner. That, I am terrified to say, means MAYBE Sarah can make a comeback! She’s been lying pretty low since her “blood libel” screed – a few speeches here and there, but trying to clean up her image I suspect. Undo the overexposure of her incompetence. So she might rev up in 2012 and simply look good compared to the others. LOVED Tina Fey’s snark during the phony debate: “I just hope the lamestream press won’t try to make me look stupid by quoting me verbatim.” That IS our Sarah!
funksands : It’s Daniels. The sacrificial lamb for 2012. He’s the only one that isn’t a lunatic or a Mormon.
bito : Huckabee ? What as VP? A “Christian” and a Mormon?
AdLib : Funk – Agreed, Newt is just doing it for self-promotion, just as Palin would be if she ran.
PatsyT : Funk LOL !
AdLib : Funk –
Chernynkaya : FUNK! Great!!
funksands : How is the Tea Party like meth for the GOP? A quick rush of energy, followed by paranoia, followed by loss of teeth.
Chernynkaya : I gotta go with Ronmey–who do you think, bito?
bito : funk, that isn’t news, he has “run”every cycle for his fund raising.
AdLib : Bito – Told you my predictions. Huckabee or Romney.
PatsyT : Newt latest book title.. Milking idiots for my profit
AdLib : Funk – I love that Ron Paul will be in the race because he’ll carve out even more extremist paths like these so the others will think they’re “moderate” by being almost-as-extrem ist loons. Then when they hit the GE, they’ll sink like a stone.
Chernynkaya : CL– I never considered that–yep–kill ’em off and take a younger one. There goes the women’s vote.
bito : I will ask again. Who WILL be the R’s nominee?
choicelady : funk – I think Paul has to hold out for “meth and Jim Crow”. That’s the new designer drug for the South.
funksands : I still Rachel is right. Newt is simply using this to leverage more book and award sales. He won’t put a dime into his candidacy.
AdLib : Newt hasn’t got a prayer, it’s a joke that Newt doesn’t get. Around 50% of Americans have said in a poll that they would NEVER vote for him. That leaves a fraction of 50% who would. As someone on MSNBC said, it’s like Nixon trying to make a comeback after Watergate. Ridiculous.
Chernynkaya : Bito–Rachel also had a segment about that tonight. I think CL is right–write letters and boycott–at least NBC!!
choicelady : Cher – good slogan for that wife dropping slimebag. Now I see a glimmer of why he opposes health care reform: if his wives can’t get health care, they die, no alimony. It all fits.
AdLib : Cher –
funksands : I think Ron Paul’s “Heroin and Jim Crow” platform could do really well in rural areas…
bito : 4-1 ratio on the sunday gabbers, I posted the line up on TOOT.
choicelady : Patsy – all the men will envy Newt but all the women will be sharpening their carving knives and pondering his jugular. He’s scum, and I cannot see very many “values voters” giving him a pass. He may think God “forgave” him – but no one has GOD’s word for that! It’s not Newt’s call.
AdLib : Let’s not forget one thing about the GOP primary, money does make a difference and Romney has a lot of money to spend. He could indeed win thanks to that…and using it to spread nasty accusations and lies about his competitors.
Chernynkaya : I heard this slogan for Newt: “He loves America. Until it gets cancer.”
AdLib : If Cher’s right and Huckabee doesn’t run…I guess maybe Romney pulls it out but he’ll be badly damaged. Otherwise, I think Huckabee has the Baggers and can win some of the not-so-extremist s.
bito : If Newt is elected, he will swap his presidency in for a newer country.
Chernynkaya : CL–for the second week in a row–99% on the Sunday shows will be Reeps.
funksands : Can you imagine how bat-shit crazy the GOP candidates are going to have to be to win Iowa? It gives me creepy endorphine shivers just thinking about it…
choicelady : AdLib – I think he’s been right to be calm and non-combative as president, but I want my fiesty candidate back! That IS where it’s appropriate! I will say that I think my eternal nagging about confronting the media is important – talk about weenies! They give time and space to the conservatives but not the liberals, and we need to DEMAND it with whatever it takes including advertiser boycotts.
PatsyT : Choice we are so lucky that we have wife swapper upper Newt to help us out on how to think I, like you, am grateful.
bito : Who will be the R’s nominee?
AdLib : Cher – Rubio won’t lie about his extremism or he can’t win the nom, those are the reasons he needs people in the GOP to know to vote for him. He can’t throw it out there big time then pretend he never said it. Nope, what Repubs have to say to win the nom will cripple them in a GE.
Chernynkaya : AL–no doubt about that–he’s in the mode.
Chernynkaya : Exactly, CL! He’s really Elian Gonzales.
Chernynkaya : AL–ya got me with facts! I conceded. For now.
Seriously, if the Dems highlight that over and over, it would make a difference.
choicelady : Patsy – well how would I cope if the GOP and Newt did not tell me hourly how and what to think????
AdLib : CL – I think his speech in TX on immigration was the beginning of going after the Repubs. A campaign is different from governing, as a Pres he has tried diplomacy with Repubs but as a campaigner, he went strong after Bush and McCain. I see him moving in that direction already.
bito : ‘xactly AdLib, 32% on the R side of the social issues. What do they have left?
choicelady : Cher – is the Latinian Candidate the contemporary version of the Machurian Candidate?
Chernynkaya : Yikes Funk! You’re right! He’s the Latinian Candidate.
choicelady : AdLib – wouldn’t that be Mitch Daniels as “dumbest”?
AdLib : Bito – “Young voters and moderate voters overwhelming support funding for Planned Parenthood. In the Quinnipiac poll, 50 percent of voters identifying as “Independent,” 66 percent of voters ages 18 to 34, and 60 percent of “moderate” voters — opposed “cutting off federal government funding to Planned Parenthood.” Another poll, by NBC and the Wall Street Journal also released today found that 53 percent of Americans consider it “mostly or totally unacceptable” to “eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood for family planning and preventive health services.” In the NBC/WSJ poll, among women overall, 56 percent found it “mostly or totally unacceptable” to “eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood for family planning and preventive health services.” Sixty (60) percent of women ages 18 to 49 found it “mostly or totally unacceptable” to “eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood for family planning and preventive health services.”
PatsyT : Hey, wait a minute a spokesperson from the Newt campaign said that personality will not matter this time around… isn’t it nice that they let us know how to think
Chernynkaya : The thing is, AL, I don’t think voters know that about Rubio–and the Dems will bring it up but he could lie–they all seem to get away with it. Especially because he’s mostly new and unknown and has laid low.
choicelady : AdLib – the GOP is so wrong on so much, it looks like a very fertile field of issues upon which the Dems can win. Need strong and good messages. During the 2008 campaign, Obama had a strategy – every rotten thing McCain said, he had INSTANT response. He’s not doing that as president, but he sure better as candidate for second term. The tables have turned – he’s shown he’s powerful, and all the extremist BS has been done in. So he needs to be the aggressor. And SOON.
funksands : Ad:
funksands : I think Marco Rubio IS Elian Gonzalez. Marco is just his stage name.
bito : AdLib, Those issues cover 32%, what about the other 67% of the voters, ?
AdLib : Brawndo has electrolytes.
AdLib : Patsy – Oh yeah, as Cher said, that was JEFF Daniels in “Dumb and Dumber”! Mitch is just dumb.
Chernynkaya : Funk! That reminds me–isn’t Elian Gonzales old enought to run by now? Now there would be some candidate!
AdLib : Cher – Don’t count out the social issues as making a difference in 2012. The Repubs are on a rampage to outlaw and prevent abortion, unions, gay marriage, welfare benefits without passing drug tests, killing Medicare, privatizing SS, etc. And if an extremist like Rubio or Huckabee is the nom, you bet they’ll be pounding the social issues to GOTV.
Chernynkaya : Yes, AdLib– he was. He just called himeself Jeff then.
funksands : Maybe the GOP will run Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.
choicelady : funk — that’s just GREAT! What a campaign slogan!
Chernynkaya : Bito–I meant to explain that–that’s why he looks so p-whipped!
PatsyT : Adlib which one was Daniels?
Chernynkaya : CL–:lol: That’s a job I’d love!
funksands : “In a world gone mad, only one man can save us all, and its not that p-whipped weenie Mitch Daniels.”
Chernynkaya : AL–that’s why the Dems keep insisting the deficit must be dealt with. I don’t like that, but I get it. Do you think abortion will be the deciding thing in thios economy? I don’t–but I still think O will ultimately win–baring the unknown.
AdLib : Wasn’t Mitch Daniels in that movie with Jim Carrey, “Dumb and Dumber”?
choicelady : AdLib – well, knock me over. I never knew they were so strong on some of these social issues! Wow!
bito : Cher, His first wife and his second wife are the same wife.
choicelady : Cher – you need to become the message person for the Dems. That is too funny! Don’t Vote for Daniels – do you want a P-whipped weenie for President?
Chernynkaya : OK, Funk I see your point.
funksands : Cher, “p-whipped weenie”? LOL
choicelady : Cher – the baggers begged for mercy on Medicare NOT because they’d seen the error of their ways but because legions of blue haired ladies have started hitting them with their umbrellas. They want it both ways – vote to kill and hide the vote.
AdLib : CL – From Poll Watch Daily: “But among independents, Libertarians, who strongly side with Republicans on the importance of reducing the deficit and in citing it as the issue they worry about most, say abortion should be legal in most or all cases by a solid majority (58 percent). “
Chernynkaya : Daniels looks like a weakling–a p-whipped weenie. No go, IMO. He first wife left him with the kids and his current is the boss. Not what the Baggers are looking for, nor inspiring.
funksands : Daniels is the Bush family / money pick, he seems so reasonable, is from the midwest and doesn’t have the luggage some of the other candidates have. Other than being Bush’s budget director.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not familiar with the indie profile so that is VERY encouraging news! I’d figured them for pretty conservative on social values though not extremists, and really OK with most of what Rubio has done. Your insights are a big help. Thanks!
AdLib : Daniels killed Planned Parenthood and the majority of indie women will not vote for him. He might be able to win the primary but women will go big time for Obama if Daniels is the pick.
funksands : Cher, exactly.
funksands : I still think Mitch Daniels will ride to the rescue, to play the Dukakis to Obama’s Bush I.
Chernynkaya : Funk–in general I agree, but the freshman baggers are ideologues. HArd to say. On the other hand–they begged for mercy about Medicare…
AdLib : Night KT!
AdLib : CL – I disagree with you on this one, I don’t see anything that indies are looking for in Rubio outside of the hollow “deficit reduction” BS. And consider this, by 2012, the GOP will have not delivered on their promises and will have had to compromise again on the budget. Baggers are already upset at the compromises,. Indies are mostly pro-choice, favor stem cell, gay rights, against killing Medicare…major disagreements here.
choicelady : Night KT – sweet dreams to you, maybe of major earth-shaking love making in days of yore. Not everyone can have such cherished memories!
funksands : Cher, they may be nihlists, but like all bullies, they are also pussies.
PatsyT : Nighty Night KT All the best
Chernynkaya : Have a great weekend, Kilgore!
funksands : Night KT.
KillgoreTrout : Well, I must bid you all good night. Long may you run!
Chernynkaya : Nihilists will do anything. But the old time GOPers will raise the ceiling. They can’t keep the caucus together on that.
choicelady : AdLib – Rubio’s “resume” would be good for liberals to oppose, but doesn’t that make him OK with indies? They don’t give a fig about social issues, and they’re still not comfy with health care reform yet. I’m not seeing a lot here that could turn indies against him.
KillgoreTrout : choice, I have no idea. This is the first I’ve heard of it.
AdLib : Hey funk!
funksands : AdLib. No. Not a chance in hell.
Chernynkaya : Thanks CL– that makes sense.
AdLib : Cher – I think most seemed to feel that Boehner’s just making a desperate play with this threat and that in the end, his corporate bosses wouldn’t allow it to happen nor would he want the GOP to be the official party of The New Recession. Anyone think the Repubs would refuse to raise the debt ceiling as they threaten?
PatsyT : AdLib ,,,, I will never swing for Rubio I just put it out there as a thought- If you really love your country and their people you would never be a Republican
KillgoreTrout : Someone should tell his wife!
Chernynkaya : Rubio sounds like the prefect Reptilian then. But unless he moderates his positions, you have a point–he is extreme–if anyine pays attention.
choicelady : KT – Tom Sellek is GAY????
choicelady : Cher – back to the debt ceiling. I do not think Obama will give much. He does not have to. Wall street is doing the job FOR him. They are lambasting the GOP for pushing things this far. Another case of the pack turning on their own, I hope. I think all he has to do is exercise cool, wait, and just say – do it or own the consequences. Americans are not stupid – they will see what you’ve done to them. Turns out there are internally competing interests among the GOPBaggers. It will bring them DOWN.
PatsyT : The mustache gives it away
funksands : Cher? Tom Selleck gay? My god….perfect fit for the GOP then.
AdLib : Marco Rubio on the issues: No right to privacy, that resulted in the Roe v. Wade. (Feb 2010) Require ultrasounds before performing abortions. (Feb 2010) Voted against funding stem cell research. (Apr 2006) Opposes both federal abortion funding & judicial activism. (Aug 2010) Supports prohibiting human embryonic stem cell research. (Aug 2010) Supports giving legal protection to unborn children. (Sep 2010) Oppose Obama stimulus package; it’s bad for America. (Mar 2010) Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Aug 2010) Opposes Employment Non-Discriminati on Act (ENDA). (Sep 2010) Eliminate taxes on capital gains; lower corporate tax rates. (Feb 2010) Cap-and-trade scheme destroys jobs. (Feb 2010) Explore ANWR & outer continental shelf. (Feb 2010) Provide alternatives to employer-based insurance system. (Mar 2010) Launch a marketplace of affordable health insurance. (Nov 2006) Opposes government-run healthcare. (Aug 2010) Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market. (Jul 2010) Repeal any federal health care takeover. (Jul 2010)
Chernynkaya : Oh–HI FUNK!
KillgoreTrout : Hey funk! I think Selleck may be joking.
Chernynkaya : He’s Gay!
PatsyT : Tom Selleck ?? his voice is too high
Chernynkaya : And did you know that the birthers have declined by half in one year? I mean, people who claim O was not born in US has declined.
funksands : Tom Selleck…Sure, he is a registered Independent, but he fancies himself a Libertarian. Plus, he is big on gun rights and plays a character with the last name of Reagan on his current CBS show Blue Bloods.
choicelady : AdLib – wow, I’d not thought about how significant it is that Obama has taken out the worst of the worst in terrorism! You are correct – now they have NOTHING to use against him! They shot their wad. Birth certificate, OBL – and he supports Medicare that they are desperately backpeddling to pretend they weren’t killing off!
Chernynkaya : Can we recap the debt ceiling for a sec? What did we decide? Is Boehner bluffing? Will O give something away and what? Sorry–I am really absorbed by that.
KillgoreTrout : Carpe Diem! That’s what it was!
AdLib : Even if Rubio was to run and compete for the Latino vote, he is way too far right for indies.
choicelady : KT – no reason to be ashamed. That’s just funny! Carpe diem!
funksands : Ad, I think the GOP is a bit lost right now. They are awaiting further orders.
Chernynkaya : But AL–do you think Rubio is at all appealing to the indies–if he smooth talks?
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, those guys are really going to need healthcare.
AdLib : Patsy – Rubio is far right, he’d never switch parties, he is an extremist.
choicelady : Cher – don’t worry, you’re important to us, and this is REAL. Glad you’re OK, and hope Zorro is, too.
KillgoreTrout : I should be ashamed of myself! (but I’m not)
AdLib : Still, imagine how nasty Newt and Mitt will get as they see the nom slipping away. Whoever comes out of the primary will be so beaten and so far to the right, it will be fascinating to watch how they try to compete with Obama. Don’t think the “pallin’ around with terrorists” bit will work this time…since he’s proven that he kills them.
Chernynkaya : Thanks all–didn’t mean to highjack the convo.
choicelady : KT – I like your earthquake story even better!
PatsyT : If Rubio really wanted to make a difference he would switch parties parties.
KillgoreTrout : cher, great name for a dog!
choicelady : Cher – sorry about Zorro but glad you are otherwise OK. Patsy, thanks for the earthquake link. That’s a great site.
choicelady : AdLib – is it possible that they will tear themselves apart just trying to get the nomination done? Wow.
Chernynkaya : What I worry about Rubio is the Latino vote. And he can talk outta both sides of his mouth.
KillgoreTrout : That’s funny choice. I can see it happening. Especially if he was a real deep sleeper.
PatsyT : Cher, our doggies know more then we do
Chernynkaya : AL–Love that scenario!
AdLib : So…since the Baggers are driving the agenda of Repubs in DC, if the proposition is that they will drive the selection of candidates…who would that be? CHer, you suggested Rubio might jump in but he could hardly position himself as a moderate. If it’s not Huckabee…who else would the Baggers be content with?
Chernynkaya : Thanks PAtsy–you ARe FAST! 2.5 and this was near epicenter.
choicelady : KT- LOL!!!! My husband was staying in LA during Northridge and SLEPT through the quake! He was so surprised there was no water in the hotel nor elevator service.
KillgoreTrout : Excellent point AdLib. That is exactly what is taking place.
PatsyT : USGS earthquake «link»
Chernynkaya : Oh, thanks–I’m fine. Zorro may have bruised me tho! LOL!
Chernynkaya : I am not at all complacent but so far, I think we’re good–election-w ise.
KillgoreTrout :
AdLib : This is why the Repub primary looks to be a lot of fun. The most competitive candidate can’t win, if you have to veer so hard right to get the baggers on board, there’s no way to come back far enough to the middle without losing them and displaying dishonesty.
PatsyT : No earthquake here but my dogs are barking
Chernynkaya : Bad Boy, KT!
choicelady : Cher – are you OK?????
KillgoreTrout : When I was in SoCal, one night I was making love with my sweetie and we had an earthquake. She asked me Oh so sweetly, “Honey, did the earth just move?” Being the sleaze that I was, I took full credit!
choicelady : AdLib – I think you are right about the energy from the Baggers, but they are also the kiss of death for the indies and undecideds. I think their agenda has HORRIFIED their followers.
Chernynkaya : Bigg fast BOOM here, AL.
Chernynkaya : Adlib–then that’s great! The BAggers are becoming more and more unpopular, so let them run one of their loonies. Buh Bye!
AdLib : Cher – I didn’t feel the earthquake!
AdLib : The MSM has been pumping up Jon Huntsman but he is the antithesis of what Baggers would support. The bottom line is that the Baggers are the ones who give the GOP any energy or enthusiasm. I don’t see them getting behind any candidate that doesn’t reflect what they demand. If the GOP nominates a moderate, they won’t be revved up to vote.
choicelady : AdLib- I did notknow that about Jeb. That’s too bad. That stuff counts, especially with the Right.
Chernynkaya : Are we all still here?
KillgoreTrout : Jeb wouldn’t have a chance in 012. Many righties are waking up to the damage that W did. They are a slow bunch.
Chernynkaya : I mean, we just had a small earthquake and the 95 lb dog jumoped in my lap!
Chernynkaya : But can I go back a sec? Are we agreed that the Reeps are blu earthquake@
AdLib : If you put another Bush on the ticket, he’ll have to run against both Obama and George W. Not a viable thing this time around.
PatsyT : Oh thank you AdLib, Bad spelling of his name I had… I loved him!
Chernynkaya : CL I alos wouldn’t cut Jeb out, but his daughter is a druggie.
KillgoreTrout : Huckabee wants to replace the constitution with the bible.
AdLib : Heh! I remember Paul Tsongas. Sort of the Kucinich of his day.
KillgoreTrout : HAHA! I love it. There is a slight resemblance.
AdLib : Cher – Well, that works for me, I wouldn’t want Huckabee anywhere near the nomination, he is very dangerous.
Chernynkaya : KT–yep–Big Pussy!
KillgoreTrout : Never underestimate the enemy.
Chernynkaya : And right now, what–60%? say Obama deserves a 2nd term.
PatsyT : Anyone remember Paul Songes (is that the spelling)
AdLib : I think we need to take whoever the GOP nominee is as a serious contender and take nothing for granted but I disagree that any of those who have or haven’t declared can go toe to toe with Obama. Obama killed America’s greatest enemy and not one of them has any experience on defense. Also, the GOP candidate will have to run as the leader of the party of killing Medicare and giving tax breaks to billionaires. I don’t see the huge threat.
choicelady : ADLib – but if they don’t run Jeb NOW, he’ll be too old. He’s older than W who is now 65. I hope you’re right, but it creeps me to think he looks GOOD compared to the others. Eeeuuuuwuwuw.
Chernynkaya : AL–I think he knows he is too religious, deep down. And the fact that he’s announcing on Fox–which aside from all its crap has been pretty strict about forbidding candidates on their network–pretty much telegraphs it. Plus, his backers say he would have told them if he was running and he hasn’t.
KillgoreTrout : I seriously think Christie has ties to the mob. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. He has certain wise guy mannerisms.
choicelady : Everyone – because Barbour, the MOST likely candidate, is suddenly not running, I’m thinking there is something afoot we are not seeing. Someone – lots of someones – running quietly to each candidate and threatening to out said candidate with some really smarmy issue or scandal. I guess Newt thinks it’s all on the table, but I betcha there is more. Did you know his second wife got dumped when she got MS? He’s got TWO examples of wife dumping upon illness. I think there are other hidden ladies out there who will be used by rivals to bring Newt to heel.
AdLib : Cher – Huck is going to announce shortly (this weekend?). I think he will definitely run, he is a front runner in Iowa and SC, why wouldn’t he?
Chernynkaya : Nice, KT! I do think if Chritie runs he’ll be formidable. I listen to him and he’s got the rap down and he’s likeable. (If you don’t understand him.)
AdLib : CL – I just can’t see the GOP running ANOTHER Bush just a few years after the last one destroyed the country. The public isn’t going to go for that. Maybe in 2016 but not this soon.
KillgoreTrout : choosing a rep frontrunner now is like choosing between several bowls of shit. They just have to pick the one that smells the least.
PatsyT : Of course when you have a manipulation machine you do have some options and that is what they have to depend on.
Chernynkaya : AL–Huck won’t run. The others are losers too in the general and I can’t imagine the bosses will let them run. Rubio will go right. At this time in the 91 election, no one had heard of Clinton. Just my guess.
choicelady : ADLib – I realize the last post was entirely internally contradictory – upset about Jeb to happiness at the pack. Oh, well. It’s late. Sigh.
AdLib : And Christie has no popularity or even name recognition outside of NJ where he’s very disliked. Only inside the beltway types like him, most folks don’t know him and what he has to offer wouldn’t stand out from the pack that’s already there.
PatsyT : Oh Boy AdLib, they are out of gas aren’t they… but their only hope is to split the left or hope for a tragedy or worse.
choicelady : ADLib – seriously what terrifies me about this pack of Dawgs is that it opens the possibility for Jeb. I recall years ago a Mother Jones expose of all the Bush brothers’ and their illegal acts. Jeb was in a Medicare fraud scam. We need to go back, do our research, and get everything we can out on the table about ALL these people! Newt can lose on the values – but he spins it nicely. We need to remind people he was censured and fined $800K for his crooked politics. All of them have very weak spots – so I’m not sure who will rise to the top when they all have problems. That is why this makes me sooooo happy!
AdLib : Cher – COuld be but the RW is so crowded, how does Rubio take away the hard right from Huckabee, Bachmann, ROn Paul, etc.?
KillgoreTrout : I look forward to it choice. I have sort of a Taoist view about this. Being, “trust in the way things are.” By that I mean, that these types of people and their convoluted ideas will not last. And we should certainly do all we can to see that they don’t.
Chernynkaya : Great Patsy–thanks!!
PatsyT : Cher, I plan on sharing that! That is very inspiring!
Chernynkaya : CL–Please do that! I can’t wait!
choicelady : AdLib – I want The Donald!!! A friend sent me an email with his photo and the slogan, “We Shall Overcomb!” Now how could I want ANYONE else?
Chernynkaya : Marco Rubio. Unless they convince Chris Christie–who would lose his own state in the election.
choicelady : KT – I think there are far too many people in denial. Dems in Congress and people on the streets. I cannot tell you how many people just think all we have to do is hold hands and sing kumbayah and all will be well with the religious right. Be AFRAID but don’t be paralyzed – they CAN be defeated. The exposure of C Street by Jeff Sharlet and Rachel Maddow is HUGE. We need to keep that going. Teach yourselves about them. I will do a post with links soon – a webinar you can do that will give you the tools to fight them. They are sneaky bastards. We have to pay attention all the time!
PatsyT : Cher …playing it now…
Chernynkaya : Great little video there–I want everyone to see it.
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : If this doesn’t get us on the street I givfe up:
PatsyT : Paul and Sons Pizza
KillgoreTrout : cher, Think Globally, Act Locally!
Chernynkaya : God, CL-now I’m officially spooked. But the good news is, the Dems and the left got wise (hope not too late) and realize that state and local is where it focus too.
choicelady : Cher – to add: both action on the streets AND in the legislature and DC are essential. Can divide up with others, but you cannot divide the concern. There is no ‘good or bad’ about it – they need to be done, consciously, together.
PatsyT : Paul – not from the good book
Chernynkaya : And AL–I know you’re holding back on the OBL porn stash.
choicelady : Cher – there are not a lot of Dominionst/Bagge rs – but they are in very serious positions of power. While the Left snickered at them, they started with school boards and moved up. We knew it in the 80s with the Christian Coalition, and when they got in trouble we though they were over. They aren’t over. You don’t need a majority or even significant minority if you are willing to be violent or illegal in what you do. Witness how Hitler got to be Chancellor – it was in SPITE of German law and his lack of popular support. That’s why I such a maniac about paying attention to legislators. It is there you can see everything live or die.
Chernynkaya : AdLIb–oh boy–you;re off and running!
Chernynkaya : Me too, KT–“TILT”
AdLib : Ron Paul – Let Your Grow Light Shine
KillgoreTrout : choice, I think I just blew a circuit!
AdLib : KT – Like many self-centered and ignorant people, the Baggers take for granted all they get from the common good (remember, “Keep your government hands off my Medicare!”?) and live in a delusional world where everything will be lollypops and unicorns if not for those damn people who don’t think like us being able to make laws!
PatsyT : It’s official – Pushers for Paul
Chernynkaya : Ron PAul is never going to be Prez. In fact, none of this crop will be. But I’ll say it again and heed me: Rubio will run. I know–unthinkabl e. Just wait.
choicelady : KT – I think you’re on to something. People think Manson was a leftwing hippie but in fact he was more in league with the Nazi lowriders and skinheads. A man ahead of his time (cough). That is precisely what some – many? – of the Baggers have bought into. You should SEE some of the videos of the religious right and how they portray our society in a SHOOTING war with “evil” which is pretty much all of us. They want government to fall so they can gain total power. It would be Argentina/Chile/ Greek junta/Franco/apa rtheid, all with mandated religion swirled on top.
KillgoreTrout : Very true AdLib. They have no idea what is meant by, “For the common welfare.” They don’t know what the social compact is.
AdLib : Hey, are we getting back to Ron Paul campaign slogans? “ROn Paul is the Opium of the Masses!”
Chernynkaya : CL–the big question is how many of them are there? If they are only 20%–fuck em. If not, we’re over.
AdLib : Patsy – Oh, the Baggers are thrilled with Ron Paul and hoping he means their meth labs should be legal too. Seriously, they like the idea of no laws because they’re like children who want no school and no rules. They have no concept of how deadly a society is without communal good.
PatsyT : Cher! HA HA You are so naughty!! It is alive!
Chernynkaya : KT–great point. Nihilism.
choicelady : Patsy – I think Paul is DOA because of the drug legalization. He just signed his political death warrant.
KillgoreTrout : choice, that is so Manson like. Helter Skelter.
PatsyT : Let’s just call him – Pusher Paul
AdLib : CL – We’re on the same page. The ignorant will dig deeper into denial, even if they bury themselves in the process, then face that which they’ve been made afraid of. The inability of theirs for critical thinking and questioning what they’re told is a trap from which not many can escape.
Chernynkaya :
Patsy did you see how high that middle steel band around him is! “Oh sweet mystery of life at last i found you!”
ChrisR266 : Agreed, KT. This TP bunch should have scared the hell out of them from the get go.
PatsyT : AdLib, How will baggers wrap themselves around “Heroin Pusher” Ron Paul?
choicelady : KT – the religious right, from the get go, were on the side of giant capital. They believe wealth is evidence of one’s favor in God’s eyes. The Baggers believe the same, ARE a lot of them Dominionist Christians BUT they are more in love with Grover Norquist than with Wall Street. They WANT the government to fail – they delight in the notion – because they are sure when THEY pick up the pieces and put it back, they will embed inequality, white supremacy, nativism, anti-feminism and anti civil rights AND a theocracy. Proves my point that you should never let children run for public office.
KillgoreTrout : I think they got more than they bargained for, with the TPers.
KillgoreTrout : Hadn’t thought of that way AdLib, but it does make sense. They would probably rather not vote before voting Dem.
PatsyT : Lets see if this works «link»
Chernynkaya : Bad linky, Patsy.
AdLib : KT – Actually, the Baggers ARE the old Religious Right with some additions. And in both cases they did take over the GOP against the plans of the GOP status quo.
PatsyT : Choice … they only wanted to know what it feels like to be God ….«link» outube.com/watch ?v=rSCBvu_kijo
choicelady : AdLib – in the range of why people in desperation don’t or won’t act, I do think it’s ignorance and it’s also fear of being allied with people who advocate things they are SO uncomfortable about: unions, GLBT stuff, choice, etc. They might actually understand the liberal position on economics, but they are terrified to be associated with us.
AdLib : KT – SO true, deprogramming Repubs who vote against their best interests is quite hard. Only the crushing reality of the policies they support could do that, along with seeing the hypocrisy of the party and people they vote for. However, I’d suggest that what’s won is not getting them to vote against the Repubs but their choosing not to vote at all.
KillgoreTrout : choice, I think the big backers of the TPers thought they would be as easily manipulated as the religious fundies. They were wrong.
Chernynkaya : Well, CL–there is that–schadenfre ud. And cold comfort.
choicelady : Cher – I agree that the GOP funders are frantic. They are the REAL Dr. Frankenstein – they bought the Tea Party, and it’s turning on them. They are absolutely in a panic that the GOP won’t RAISE the debt ceiling. Well, Wall Street – ya gets what ya pays for.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I raise a glass to that!
Chernynkaya : L’Chaim!
AdLib : KT – Very kind of you to say that. As I mentioned, I too have become much smarter than I deserve to be thanks to the caliber of minds and conversations at The Planet. Cheers to all, you make one hell of an amazing community!
ChrisR266 : Some of the Reeps are bluffing,some are not. That will shake out shortly.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, it’s very difficult to unwash a brain.
choicelady : kes – g’night! Sweet dreams!
Chernynkaya : But CL–what stumps me is that the GOP’s funding comes from corps who are adamant about raising the ceiling. Are the Reeps totally bluffing?
choicelady : Cher – yes, there are Christians, mostly women, who have been brainwashed to believe they are inferior. But there are thousands waiting for the End next week, too. You cannot do anything about willing subservience.
ChrisR266 : Choice: I tend to agree with your assertion about Obama’s front room and back room behavior. I sure the hell hope you are.
KillgoreTrout : Say HI to the Sandman.
AdLib : Chris – I’ve said before, for most Americans to change the status quo, they have to be suffering so much they can’t bear it. Why can’t they just look at the big picture and avoid suffering so badly? I don’t know. Laziness? Ignorance? Selfishness? In any case, yes, I think many will have to suffer terribly before being able to change their minds.
Chernynkaya : KT–yes he was.
choicelady : I think Obama is one of those people who adminsters harsh dressings down behind closed doors. I suspect he will say with the same steely resolve he showed over OBL that “if you do not raise the debt ceiling, I will crush you with the responsibility. You will get nothing that harms American people, and I will toss you a bone for looks. But you put this country in a depression, you will pay, and pay and pay – and you damned. well. know. I. can. do. that. to. you.
Chernynkaya : CL–thank you for reminding me–LETTERS, OP-eds!!
PatsyT : Nighty night Kes, have a wonderful weekend
Chernynkaya : Sleep well and peacefully, kes!
ChrisR266 : Sleep well, Kes.
KillgoreTrout : cher, Nietzsche was more correct than we sometimes fail to give him credit for.
kesmarn : Dear friends, I’m crashing here. Long day behind me. So I’ll say good night and have a wonderful weekend!
ChrisR266 : AL: You may be right, and I hope you are, but what you ask is not at all what many people of whom you speak are able to cognitively connect. The anti-intellectua l movement has done its worst damage here.
PatsyT : AdLib, I like it! Undercover bagger!
Chernynkaya : Oh, CL–I know and all but the most twisted religious will understand that. However, in certain pockets–small ones I hope–there are those who are born serfs. And believe it is God’s will too–that it is their fault.
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I would really like to do street interviews with Baggers on the Medicare slashing they’re voting for. Let’s do it! Probably will need to go later this summer to rallies for GOP candidates to find them, the Baggers have otherwise seemed to disappear.
choicelady : ADLib – I really think WE have to do that pounding in letters and Op Eds. We have to give the Dems both a spine and cover their backs. But yeah – who has the REAL “death panels”? Jan Brewer for one. The Sac Bee has made front page news out of the man who died for a lack of a transplant, and that discussion DID make it in. And the Bee is not very liberal these days.
AdLib : Cher – You’re right, the public is clueless what it means not to raise the debt ceiling. When it’s explained, that it would destroy global confidence in the dollar and the debt held by other nations, leading to a worldwide depression…I think they might change their lesser-informed minds.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, since being here, I have learned more in just a few months than I did in five years at HP.
Chernynkaya : I think some of the Dems are still spooked unreasonably by the BAggers–but they are recovering and finding their voices but not the Dems in red districts. But as far as the debt ceiling–I just realized that because of the economic repercussions, there is no way Obama will not allow it NOT to be raised. And I believe he knows it’s suicide to touch Medicare. So–what will he bend on?
choicelady : Cher – God helps those who help themselves. And that means ALL of us helping one another. I have a 20-page list of Bible verses about our mandate to uphold one another and protect those in need. The list is VERY useful with GOP legislators I’ve found. BTW – God helps those who help themselves is from Poor Richard’s Almanack, not the Bible.
AdLib : CL – Thanks, I’m the same way )as is The Planet). Instead of asking, “How wonderful is Obama and how awful are the Repubs?”, the more we ask the tough questions of ourselves, the smarter we get through discussing them. Can’t tell you how much smarter everyone here makes me throughout the week!
PatsyT : “I don’t want no death panels from that Black President but if it’s from my white governor – that is ok by me.” Tparty.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, you could watch interviews with Sarah Palin fans, at book signings. They are a riot. (if they weren’t so pathetic)
ChrisR266 : All: What is so sad is that so many are suffering and will suffer until the next two years come to pass. I do have faith that people will finally get who is advocating what is in their best interest, but there will be so much pain along the way.
AdLib : CL – WHat is obscene is that the Repubs campaigned against HCR with “Death Panels” and yet, literally, the state legislators of some southern states and AZ HAVE acted as death panels to deny lifesaving medical care. WHy isn’t that being pounded harder by the Dema?
KillgoreTrout : cher, I understand completely! Some folks just need the proverbial ball bat across the noggin before they wake up.
Chernynkaya : Oh–great to know, CL.
Chernynkaya : AL–God will provide. (heh)
choicelady : Cher – 60 MInutes etc. have been doing some smashingly good stories on those states that have lost Medicaid. There will be more – it is a horror.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, the time for flag waving and overtly patriotic country songs is just about over. The rednecks are experiencing the same as “we lazy libs.”
PatsyT : AdLib, That would be like those in the streets interviews that Jay Leno does … I would love to see that… Can we make that a project?
Chernynkaya : KT–Sorry to say it, but I’m glad.
choicelady : Patsy – that is the CA plan (which, BTW, will cover lawfully present immigrants NOT here 5 years – HAH!) but versions of same are occurring elsewhere. I think you can put money on that NOT including GOP-dominated states though.
Chernynkaya : CL–that is excellent news! But I really think the media–such as it is–must highlight the horrors od losing Medicaid, although I sincerely wonder if enough Americans still have a soul.
AdLib : And the nasty fact is that the majority of GOP voters are not wealthy nor even very well off. Their lives would be devastated by the very policies they are supporting. The ignorance is stunning. Do they think Exxon is going to pay for their medical needs and rent when they’re senior citizens? How do they think they’ll survive? I would really like to interview some of these Repubs.
choicelady : ADLIb – I know why you ask the questions. I love it because I do get asked the same – you sharpen my ability to reply!!! I do a better job because you ask us uncomfy questions to mull over! Beats asking if we think Ashton what’s his name will catch on over at Two and Half Men…
PatsyT : Choice is that just CA?
KillgoreTrout : I’ve talked with a few righties lately that have lost their jobs, and their unemployment is running out, and they also have family members on disability and SS…etc. They are starting to sing a different tune. Poverty is a great motivator.
Chernynkaya : Here’s what I don’t understand: The polls show that the public does NOT want the ceiling raised, because they don’t understand it at all. BUT–the corps are insistent that it be raised; voters are telling Congress do not touch medicare–so, what leverage do the Reps really have? If the don’t raise the debt ceiling, Great Depression II. I really hope the pres and Dems stand as tough as nails.
choicelady : Cher – went to a review of health reform yesterday. The new plan will offer a Basic Health Plan for people 133-200% of the federal poverty level. It will pay doctors MORE than Medicaid does now – and the projections are that Medicaid will grow STRONGER because of the uplift of the BHP. Quickly there will be a sliding together of a number of plans, all solidly funded and affordable, and that will benefit the poor. You are quite right though that in the meantime, those of us who care, MUST speak out in support of Medicaid funding (Medi-Cal here in CA and different names elsewhere) since it’s now GONE in a couple of southern states and is what got cut back in AZ so you could no longer get a transplant with it. It’s more at risk at the STATE levels than federal, but these horror stories are really catching people’s interest and defense of the programs.
PatsyT : Cher so much of the middle class is just a pay check away from needing medicare.
kesmarn : Yes, Cher, you can’t do long term diabetes care or chemo from the emergency room. People will die. They don’t care!
Chernynkaya : Yes, kes–And die quickly form controllable condidtions.
KillgoreTrout : Choice, true. But when they start getting pangs of hunger and no available medical care, and have their parents move in with them, maybe that will make them see the light.
AdLib : CL – Hope you understand that I posed that question because it’s legit, not because I believe it will happen. I don’t think Dems will cave on Medicare cuts or on giving up raising taxes on the oil corps and wealthy. But, it is valid opinion for some to have that the Dems won’t stand firm on this. And I think Obama will not sign any bill, after being stabbed in the back by Repubs on allowing the 2 year Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy, that gives them what they want.
kesmarn : Cher, I’m afraid the poor are just going to end up going to emergency rooms and then walking away from the bill. What option will they have?
PatsyT : Kes.. they all suck so much ….They might have starred in one of the films they found in Bin Laden Lair
Chernynkaya : I am more concerned about Medicaid. That’s where they may have a shot. No one is paying attention to that, and the poor have no one to watch out for them. The middle class will fight for medicare, but not medicaid, I fear.
choicelady : KT – I agree that lower income GOP supporters definitely DO use Medicare – and Medicaid, welfare, disability – all the programs. But they’ve already swallowed the Kool Aid. They hate government but don’t want to give up entitlements. They DO want them taken away from us and people of color though – they don’t DESERVE those programs!
kesmarn : Patsy,and Gingrich is not far behind Ensign.
KillgoreTrout : AREN’t THERE YET
kesmarn : c’lady, that is appalling that the truth is not heard. People will believe idiocy from the mouths of Beck and Palin,but not actual experts!
KillgoreTrout : Without a doubt AdLib. I sometimes believe that the GOP thinks they can win, with campaign money only. We are there yet, thankfully.
PatsyT : The perfect example of egotistical, out of touch republician elitists is that Sen Ensign!
AdLib : CL – That would be sweet and the timing is so right for Obama to push the GOP off the cliff it put itself on. And yes, the whining letter from House Repubs, the same ones who howled at HCR killing granny and turning America socialist are now whimpering about being attacked legitimately for trying to kill Medicare? Love it! Hope the voters are putting 2 and 2 together on these spineless frauds.
choicelady : Everyone – I got an email today from the New America foundation in which the writer asserted that CA is in budget trouble over public worker pensions. So, since I have a friend in the Treasurer’s office, I asked him was it not true that not one penny of tax money PAYS pensions? He said not only was it true, but that he’s been in high level conferences where NO ONE WOULD LISTEN TO HIM – the Treasurer’s right hand guy! NO ONE. Even the Left is picking up the meme – and IT IS NOT TRUE.
kesmarn : Chris, I’m sorry you had to acquire that knowledge in such difficult circumstances, but it is an apt image!
ChrisR266 : Quick break, BRB.
KillgoreTrout : choice, but I bet their “lower class,” supporters do. Millions of righties using those programs. The GOPers must think that there are no poor righties. They would be wrong.
ChrisR266 : Kes: I know about C-S because of two nurses in my family and because of dear ones who I watched pass. I am eternally grateful that there is a name for what I know is a progression to death.
AdLib : Killgore – This is the sweet part of watching the Repubs in power. Ryan took the killing of Medicare bill from the RW think tanks that are 100% out of touch with the American People. They believe that they can BS the idiots that are beneath them and get what they want every time…because it’s worked so frequently. Iraq was a perfect example of that. Yet, some things are so evil and destructive, they can’t just BS their way into getting it passed. And they’re clueless about that. Just as the attacks on unions have rallied so many across the country. Thank goodness they are such egotistical, out of touch elitists. If they weren’t, they’d be much more effective.
choicelady : kes – wasn’t that heartbreaking, watching those six young idjits whine and mewl about how AWFUL it is that the DEMS are calling them out on their OWN votes????? Dems are just big meanies. I watched that press conference with my jaw dropping. I could NOT believe what they were saying!
ChrisR266 : LMAO, Kes! Very good.
kesmarn : Chris! You know about Cheyne-Stokes! Cool. In their case,maybe Cheney-Strokes?
ChrisR266 : AL: Apt metaphor. I agree, actually. It results in what I’m observing.
choicelady : KT – I never thought about that. The GOP folks think the rich white people don’t use Medicare. Might be right about that – if you CAN keep your private insurance, then they probably do, at record setting prices! So maybe they don’t draw on Medicare?
kesmarn : c’lady, your one comment below… I did see the House RW freshmen begging Obama to make the meanie stop pounding them for their votes on the Ryan budget. Soooo sad.
PatsyT : AdLib, The GOP is nothing but a HOAX they only rep the top 1% and fool the rest!
ChrisR266 : All: I do believe we are witnessing the Cheyne-Stokes of the GOP. Major systems are failing, and it is just a matter of months now. I don’t even feel sorry for (or about) watching this once great party gag on its last breath.
KillgoreTrout : chris, I think certain repubs have utterly convinced themselves that Dems are the only ones who use these programs. They are so smug in their “bootstrap mentality,” that they are starting to believe their own propaganda.
choicelady : ADLib and all – clarification: Obama will make the GOP assert why the wasteful private stuff is good. I LOVE seeing GOP tongues tied up as pretzels!
AdLib : Chris – Nice comparison, Boehner with Faust. Actually, I see the whole GOP as Dr. Frankenstein and the Tea Party as the monster it created that it can no longer control and will in the end destroy them. It’s already happening.
choicelady : ADLib – every time we thought the Dems would cave, they did not. They seem honestly to know the difference between a decent compromise and capitulation. Clinton would have killed the program then come begging to get kicked again. Obama? Nope. He will cut the privatized waste and hand that to them demanding them to explain why that is GOOD. They will try – and the only issue left is that we, patients, are “greedy” in wanting our health care covered. Sorry – that will NOT play in Peoria!
kesmarn : AdLib, I’m with you. Obama ought to do a: “Bring it on!!”
AdLib : CL – I fully agree. There is absolutely no benefit to Dems to agree to more cuts on their constituency, especially the neediest, while the Repubs spin fairy tales about how rich people and corporations should never be taxed.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, can you imagine the GOPers getting blamed for a world wide financial meltdown? (it would actually be the second time)
ChrisR266 : KT: Some GOPers do see it, and are shatting their pants over the possibility. What I don’t think many are taking into account is the stealthy degeneration of what elected office does to people and their so called ideological mores.
kesmarn : c’lady I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that my notion “may be in the works” YAAAY!
AdLib : Kes – But they ARE pounding still at how Medicare cuts are needed. The Repubs will continue to push for them and threaten, hoping the Dems will compromise and then the Dems will have the stain of Medicare attacks on them too. The Dems are in a strong position and IMO, they should let the Repubs play chicken on the debt ceiling, they will veer off at the last second as they did with the govt shutdown.
KillgoreTrout : choice, Ashcroft would need his own sheet factory for covering all the statues in ancient Rome or Greece.
choicelady : kes – I think, actually, that may be in the works. I got a post right before leaving work so did not read, about RATE control on insurance related to Medicare. I will catch up Monday. I do agree that Obama is ready to push – the GOP is ready to topple. Anyone see the mewling Congress people who want the Big Bad Dems to stop calling them out on their vote to KILL Medicare? They are appealing to “bipartisanship ” in covering up their VOTES!
kesmarn : Yes, KT. It really is the proverbial 3rd rail. Touch it and die.
kesmarn : c’lady, I’ve been beating this drum for a while now, but I would love to see caps on CEO compensation for ANY company that gets Medicare/Medicai d $$. REAL savings there, that won’t harm patient care.
KillgoreTrout : kes, it amazes me that that the GOPers can’t see that going after Medicare and SS is political suicide. There are far too many righties that depend on those programs.
AdLib : Cher – That is very reassuring news to hear. Obama has the wind at his back right now, he should face down the GOP as he faced down Al Qaeda and not back down.
choicelady : KT – maybe it was his sheets, dyed black, he used to cover up the naked statue’s torso? I’m sure he’s had them bleached since then.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Interesting question. Just my opinion, but Boehner’s “all in” strategy smells and smacks of desperation. He’s in a corner and he can’t get out backwards or forwards. Sucks to be him. Reminds me of poor Dr. Faustus.
choicelady : AdLib – The Dems have always wanted to cut Medicare, but what they want to cut is the privatized waste. I do not believe that they will cave and cut services or change the payment method. The things Obama has “given” the GOP have all been very minor compated to what he’s gotten. I feel reasonably confident that we will not see Medicare harmed. I see NO interest in the Dems to do that – why would they when 80% of Americans want it intact? With Debbie W. Schultz in the DNC, I also think we will now see REAL pushback from the party instead of the resounding silence of these past two years. Congress and the party folks MUST be the ones to speak out.
kesmarn : AdLib, after seeing the public reaction to the Ryan budget, it’s hard to imagine Boehner pushing too hard for Medicare cuts.
Chernynkaya : OH–dang! Phone call I must take. BBL!
KillgoreTrout : choice, that doesn’t surprise me. I wouldn’t doubt that Ashcroft had his on tailored sheets laying about somewhere.
Chernynkaya : AL– Sherrod Brown had lunch with O (Among others.) Ther is NO WAY teh prez will let medicare cuts happen. Brown said he totally gets it!
kesmarn : KT
Chernynkaya : Damn straight, Chris!
KillgoreTrout : Klan Kookies……… ..Vanilla Wafers only!
kesmarn : Hey, if they keep those little hoods on, Ashcroft will never be the wiser, c’lady. It’s serve him right!
choicelady : Trout and Patsy – but it was consistent with the general rule of no sales on gov’t property. The ONLY exception ever made is the KKK, and that was Ashcroft’s call.
Chernynkaya : Chris–It is cronyism and money has a lot to do with it, but I agree with CL that it’s mostly about Dominionism.
ChrisR266 : Everybody better not think about F*cking with my Samoas. Seriously.
PatsyT : KT Jinx
choicelady : kes – you KNOW Girl Scouts just cannot pass as white supremacists. Especially when the girls are Black.
PatsyT : Choice, No girl scout cookies? So UnAmerican!
KillgoreTrout : choice, banning Girl Scout cookies is absolutely unAmerican.
kesmarn : Those girl scout should have put on white robes and pointy hats and sold their little hearts out.
choicelady : Cher – I saw the post. It was excellent timing. These guys are like zombies and never die.
Chernynkaya : I don’t thnk so CL, but I’ll check my post. I know he’s got a bigger title, but the article was unclear.
choicelady : Patsy – you should be frightened and so should Auntie Em. When he was governor in MO, he bypassed Missouri laws forbidding sales of anything on government property. He banned Girl Scout cookies – but let the KKK sell their stuff on the Capitol lawn.
ChrisR266 : Cher and Choice: the shameless and blatent cronyism is utterly offensive to me. I guess money allows many people to sleep better than they should at night.
Chernynkaya : CL–The other day, I posted about the DeVoses. WOW. And Gog/Magog works perfectly, no?
choicelady : Cher – I thought he was now head of Xe entirely, not JUST ethics.
PatsyT : I’m frightened Auntie Em I’m frightened Make John Ashcroft Stop!
KillgoreTrout : I could never express how glad I am that those creeps are not in power any longer.
kesmarn : “We eat him who fell.Sweet.” HEHEHEHEHEEE!
choicelady : Cher – Eric Prince, founder of Blackwater, is a ferocious Christian Dominionist. Ashcroft is a deacon in the Assembly of God, has given aid and comfort to the Army of God (abortion provider killers) before he was Attorney General. So several of us called him the AOG-AOG-AG. It’s corny but it works. Eric Prince married a DeVos woman; they are the family of Amway, stinking rich wacko Christians who use Amway to recruit people to Dominionism. All in the family.
ChrisR266 : Bwaaaahahaha, AdLib!
AdLib : Ashcroft sings Let The Eagle Soar backwards: «link»
Chernynkaya : CL–he’s still in “ethics.”
ChrisR266 : Patsy and Cher: I’m serious, that song haunts my daydreams in a wholly unproductive way!
kesmarn : And he was the one who put drapery on the statues at Justice. Is he going to put drapery on the Xe guys as they’re drinking vodka out of odd places?
Chernynkaya : Patsy!!!
PatsyT : Poor Eagle, so soar.
Chernynkaya : Chris– I was about to post that! Hilarious! I think he and Xe are both those supposed “Christians.”
choicelady : Cher – I once had a very long conversation with three women from disparate parts of the US working on ultra-right takeovers and criminal acts. Although we’d never before met, every single thing we had to talk about came back to Ashcroft. Every single thing. He began with Blackwater as – don’t barf – head of “ethics”. So it was only a matter of time before he rose to the top. Scum does that you know…
KillgoreTrout : Very funny kes! And true.
kesmarn : That’s like Glenn Beck being someone’s mental health advisor.
ChrisR266 : Cher: Holy chit. I wonder if he’s still singing that absolutely inane “let the eagle soar. Soar like it’s never sorn before…” I laugh until I cry every time I think about it.
Chernynkaya : CL
ChrisR266 : That is it, Choice. Bring it, and use it.
kesmarn : Hey, the bad guys have no problem with stealth and deception..
Chernynkaya : Way, Chris–he’s their “ethics” officer!
choicelady : Cher – if your Dad would have liked it, now I AM REALLY proud of it!
AdLib : Cher – Yep, I saw that about Ashcroft and XE. I guess evil attracts.
ChrisR266 : Cher: no way! Although I should not be surprised.
choicelady : Thank you, thank you. I was quite proud of that. My basic lobbying philosophy is if you cannot do something directly, stealth and deception implemented in the name of justice work just fine.
KillgoreTrout : Hey choice! Glad you are here. What’s the basic topic of discussion
AdLib : CL – I have a number of horrific first hand stories from Katrina, I flew out of NO the day before it hit.
Chernynkaya : Did Y’all hear that John Ashcroft is now working for Blackwater?
ChrisR266 : Congratulations Choice. One beats narrow minds by appealing to narrow interest. I mean that in the best strategic sense.
choicelady : Hey Kilgore! Nice to have you here.
choicelady : ADLib – I understand the white supremacy full court press. I’ve heard a lot of supremacists marched in and did huge damage to people and their property. Mostly unreported. And wasn’t Blackwater there doing “security”? Heard a lot of stuff about that, too. Horrible.
Chernynkaya : CL–that’s fantastic! (My dad would’ve approved.)
kesmarn : c’lady you are a FLIPPIN GENIUS!
Chernynkaya : Yes indeed Chris.
choicelady : AdLib – oh, now I understand. Yes – there are still roughly 10,000 displaced people from New Orleans living in CA. I got a great bill passed giving medical care to people without documents by pinning it to Katrina victims. We snuck it by the Guv who signed it in sympathy for them. We meant it to be for ALL undocumented people. The ruse worked GREAT. Still and all – those 10,000 people were very real, too.
AdLib : Hey Killgore!
KillgoreTrout : Hi Ya cher.
ChrisR266 : Randy Newman has his own well honed composing chops. A successful 40 year career, with some downright excellent songs in the discography
AdLib : Hey Bito!
Chernynkaya : Hiya, KT!
AdLib : CL – The murder of that man was absolute racism. When Katrina happened, some white racists down there got the anarchy they’ve always wanted to justify their hatred.
KillgoreTrout : Evening Patsy!
Chernynkaya : Yes, kes.
PatsyT : Hi Kilgore!
kesmarn : Didn’t Alfred Neuman do movie music, Cher?
Chernynkaya : CL–Those cops–the feds stepped in and they’re in jail–finally.
KillgoreTrout : Hey chris and kes!
PatsyT : Hey Bito, That song is beautiful
Chernynkaya : Did you know his dad (I think his dad) is the composer Alfred Newman? (NOT from MAD Mag.)
ChrisR266 : Hi KT
kesmarn : Hey, KT!
choicelady : Hey bito – OK I finally figured out you’re NOT in Chicago anymore? You’re in AZ? I get to the Phoenix area from time to time. We need to talk. However, I’m not sure the Frances Perkins hat works in AZ. At least NOT in summer!
KillgoreTrout : Greetings and salutations, Planeteers!
kesmarn : Hey,b’ito and thanks for the link. I’m listening now.
AdLib : CL – The 9th IS poor. The wealthy whites and corps want to raze the 9th ward and make it a commercial area, for shipping and industrial.
Chernynkaya : I love Randy. And HE “Loves LA.”!
choicelady : AdLib – can someone PLEASE explain to me why that Black man was gunned down by the NOPD during the aftermath? What the HELL was going ON down there?
bito : Randy Newman and the floods of ’27. «link»
Chernynkaya : My son was just there for the Jazz Fest. he said the 9th still looks bad.
choicelady : AdLib – I thought the 9th was exclusively poor? I keep hearing about the people with elegant property being OK, those in shotgun houses dying and displaced. Obviously I need to get out more.
Chernynkaya : Adlib!
AdLib : Hey Cher!!!
Chernynkaya : My pleasure, CL! The vacation was so short, I didn’t need to recuperate. It was fun.
choicelady : Hey Cher – here you are after recuperating from your vacation and all the magnificent work you’ve done catching us all up on The News. Thank you for all you do!
AdLib : CL – Actually, the 9th ward was and is highly desirable real estate by commercial entities and the wealthy whites in the city. They were in the way so sadly, many were pleased by the people being flooded out.
kesmarn : Hey Patsy, before I forget–thanks for the link to National Jukebox. Now I will never get out of this recliner again.
choicelady : Oh Patsy – I’m SO glad you met Rochelle! She does not know my Planet moniker, so she’d be befuddled to know you know me. I will write to her. Did you get to talk with her? I like her a LOT!
Chernynkaya : Hi kes dear.
kesmarn : Hey, Cher!
Chernynkaya : Miss PatsyT!
kesmarn : Right, AdLib, I think she agreed that it wasn’t the case with Katrina, but had happened before.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree that the flooding of the 9th Ward was not a deliberate rich/poor configuration, but placing the poor in areas LIKELY to get inundated was.
PatsyT : Hey Cher!
Chernynkaya : Evening, Planeteers.
AdLib : Kes – Yep, I don’t think this is the first time the poor in LA have been flooded to save the well off. Katrina was not such a case but I wouldn’t doubt it’s happened before.
choicelady : kes – there you go: ghost post indeed!
choicelady : Hi AdLib – yes, it has been my assumption that the poor will get flooded. Though some of the land is rich farm land. One guy said he would not even need flood insurance coverage because his corn prices were so high, he was fine.
kesmarn : Ghost Post, c’lady?
PatsyT : Hey ChoiceLady! I saw Rochelle Becker give a speech last Thursday, she is awesome!
ChrisR266 : This is going to be one crazy summer for the farmers.
choicelady : kes – I replied that your sense of “after” for Mr. R. was very appropriate – hit the enter, and it disappeared! Must have gone to set the stage for his scab work, doncha think?
kesmarn : I had a friend from NOLA who was convinced that on more than one occasion the levies were blown up to flood the poor areas and spare the affluent ones.
kesmarn : Wow. Chris, I hadn’t heard that stat about the plowed land, although I totally believe it. Sad.
AdLib : Did you see that they’ve decided to flood the Cajuns in LA to protect Baton Rouge and New Orleans? WHat a surprise, the poor are the ones who have to be flooded out of their homes.
kesmarn : c’lady, I’m hoping that’s Paul Ryan’s assignment in the afterlife: Scab Ghost
choicelady : Evening kes, Chris. Happy to see you here.
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Choice.
ChrisR266 : Aw, Kes, it’s looking awfully gloomy for the farmers. They had seed in by the end of April last year. 70% of land is yet to be plowed in OH-IO. This could be one dismal year.
choicelady : kes – Scab ghosts? What a rotten afterlife!
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady!
choicelady : Hi everybody! Glad to “see” you all.
kesmarn : The rain has started up again. These poor farmers might get their crops in by the end of June, right Chris?
AdLib : Patsy – You left out that ghosts can only be seen in green nightvision when the camera’s shaking. They’re sneaky bastards!
ChrisR266 : Hi Patsy.
ChrisR266 : Evening, AdLib.
PatsyT : Hey Chris!
ChrisR266 : Hi Kes.
AdLib : Hey Chris!
kesmarn : Hey, Chris!
PatsyT : Those Ghost Hunters ghosts only can be seen at night in a locked room at an abandoned building
ChrisR266 : Evening, everyone.
kesmarn : Only the Socialist ghosts have unions and contracts. Scab ghosts pick up the odd hours.
PatsyT : Hey, where do the ghosts go during the day.. What do they have time off? .. Is it in their union contract to only come out at night?
AdLib : I happen to know for a fact that true ghost hunters wear ascots, beatnik goatees and bring along big goofy dogs who can speak English with a doggy lisp.
kesmarn : Mr. Chicken? Diane Sawyer is another one who’s losing cred fast.
PatsyT : That guy is way to buff …. If ghosts were really following him around I think he would look more like Don Knotts
AdLib : I think so. I didn’t watch much of it, Bashir feigning fear of ghosts was so pathetic.
kesmarn : I haven’t seen the Ghost Hunters show (or whatever it’s called) but my daughter watches it for the laughs. Were those the guys they had on?
AdLib : I can’t believe in the shovel-head hairstyle of that one guy and I’m going to take his opinion on ghosts?
PatsyT : Awesome! Those Ghosts guys?? The “Dude Run” guys? They are so lame
kesmarn : The Reepubs seem to be honing their ghost-creating skills with all their policies.
AdLib : Patsy, yes, I cut a video, going to upload it shortly.
AdLib : MSNBC…a supposed news station spent a segment discussing how ghosts are real. Guess it fits in with HCR killing Granny.
PatsyT : Sucks AdLib! Did you get any pictures? Teachers are very creative with the signs!
kesmarn : I totally forgot it was Friday the 13th. Was at a school activity for the Fave. Martin Bashir…what happened????
AdLib : Patsy – I know!!! But with this messed up 2/3 vote to raise taxes in CA, we can’t do anything BUT cut.
AdLib : Anyone spooked by it being Friday the 13th? It’s ridiculous how the news shows pander to this now, Martin Bashir had the hosts of a ghost show on and all confirmed that ghosts are real. And they can follow you home. And go through you and you can feel it. Yep…
PatsyT : Hey AdLib, Fire Teachers and close State Parks – California Please Wake Up
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Nice to see ya!
kesmarn : Hey Patsy!
kesmarn : Yes. This is the real thing. This guy was so on fire. Said the wealthy are trying to destroy the middle class. He got it.
PatsyT : Hey folks! How is everyone tonight?
AdLib : That’s great news! I do think the REAL populist movement is rising up now and the Baggers are trembling.
kesmarn : I’m so encouraged. More and more I’m hearing push back from people against what Kasich is doing here. And the TeaBaggers are verrrrry quiet all of a sudden.
kesmarn : Had a long talk with a bus driver at the Fave’s school today and he and his comrades are working hard to get the union busting law here repealed. Collecting signatures.
AdLib : How are you doing?
AdLib : Yes, a lot of folks dressed in pink, the protest color!
kesmarn : Excellent! Was there a good turnout?
AdLib : Am cutting a video together.
AdLib : Spent the afternoon at a rally at my daughter’s school, it was citywide, protesting education cuts, cutting teachers and raising class sizes.
AdLib : Hey Kes!
kesmarn : Hey AdLib,how’s your Friday going?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!”
AdLib : Vox Populi begins shortly at 7:00pm tonight! Hope to see you then!
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