AdLib : Night Chris. Seems like time to bring this edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks all for a rousing evening! Have a great weekend!
ChrisR266 : I’m out too, friends. Been a stimulus to the mind and warmth to the sould
AdLib : Chris – Indeed. The right has tried desperately and was succeeding to a degree to push the image of Obama to the fringe as a socialist, Muslim, Kenyan, wimp, elitist, etc. Now, they have been disarmed.
ChrisR266 : Good night, Tex. Enjoy the socializing.
ChrisR266 : It is perfectly clear now to all of the electorate who the fringe are, now.
ChrisR266 : AL: I think you ask and answer this one. The act just isn’t flying with the portion of the electorate that actually puts a candidate in office. The fringe is always off set in an election by the know-betters and the independents who just won’t go for fringe IF they can identify fringe.
AdLib : Night Tex, I’ll be crying in my Corona for the Lakers.
AdLib : The GOP has once again screwed themselves. They needed to pander to racism and ignorance to rally their party back to contention, going after the racist and belligerent vote. They created a Golem by financing this bogus Tea Party which became a monster and has turned on its creator. Now, they must satisfy it with offerings of extremist candidates or be destroyed by it. And without the public pissed off as they were in 2010, they have no case to make to the middle. Sounds good to me.
texliberal : Goodnite all, headed down to Bullwinkle’s a 50’s something bar down the street to celebrate a Mavs victory. It’s been a pleasure as usual.
AdLib : Night Patsy!!!
AdLib : Nigh Choicelady, take care of that neck! Dr. Adlib recommends rest and 1000 mg of Ibuprofin. And a Cosmopolitan couldn’t hurt. Have a great weekend!
PatsyT : Hey I can’t stay… I’ll catch you all later… Have a great night
texliberal : Goodnite C
choicelady : Chris – define “kinks”… LOL!!!
AdLib : Chris – I know how absurd it’s gotten but when the GOP has gone to the wall on plutocracy, the reach back to being populists and reflective of the majority has to rely on showmanship instead of substance. The only way Bush won is through an act. Now, the acts have had to get more and more extreme to reflect the remaining extremist base. I mean, the idea that Trump could be at the top of the polls just for being racist…that’s a real political party in America? Fraid so but it’s not positioned to remain more than a fringe party if the Dems can turn things around DESPITE the Repubs.
ChrisR266 : Good night, Choice. I hope the kinks work out easily.
choicelady : OK everyone, I too am heading out. I have a massive crick in my neck from being on the computer all day. Enjoying this all together, but my physical self needs a break. Have a lovely weekend everyone! Talk with you next week I hope!
texliberal : Mavs 98 Lakers 92. And all is right in the world.
PatsyT : Nighty night Kes and ADONAI !
choicelady : Chris – merely dyslexia of the fingers. Happens to us all.
AdLib : Night Kes!!!
AdLib : CL – That’s so true. There is such a glaring disconnect between being a politician in representational democracy and trying to win office to help the few take from the many so the reality gap eventually gets so big, it has to be covered up with more preposterous stretches of imagination.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams kes.
PatsyT : Oh – Ron Paul there is a hero in heroin or – Ron Paul the hero of Heroin .. any one do that yet?
ChrisR266 : Choice: Yeah, I do. Finger fart.
kesmarn : Good night, all!
choicelady : ‘Night Adonai!
kesmarn : After midnight here, too, kids. Time to call it a day.
kesmarn : G’night AD
choicelady : Chris – do you mean the RNC????
ChrisR266 : Good night Adonai:”
KillgoreTrout : Later Adonai!
choicelady : Patsy – everyone is making up campaign slogans for Ron Paul based on his drug legalization mantra. It may be the one thing I somewhat agree with him about, but it does leave him wide open for funny slogans!
AdLib : Night AD!
AdLib : Patsy – We’re coming up with campaign slogans for Paul to promote legalized heroin.
ChrisR266 : AL: See? That’s what I mean. Things have devolved into the theatre of the absurd.
KillgoreTrout : A Syringe In Every Pot
ADONAI : Well kids, it’s that time. Good night folks. Peace be with you. “RON PAUL: “NO STEMS. NO SEEDS. PURE FUNK.”
AdLib : Ron Paul 2012 – Aim high! Shoot up!
choicelady : AdLib – there has been a streak of foolish dumbness in the GOP for decades. Remember Ev Dirksen? The party just seems to attract that. If your philosophy is only “keep the rich richer” then it tends to undermine serious thought and thus serious people.
PatsyT : So whats with all the Ron Paul talk?
kesmarn : As in “I hit de Lotto.”
ChrisR266 : AL: Wouldn’t you think that the shadow DNC (rove et al) and the puppet DNC (*the guy from Wisconsin and the visible committee) would be having apoplexy at this stage of the process?
kesmarn : AdLib, the street name for Dilaudid around here is “De Lotto.”
AdLib : Kes and AD –
ADONAI : Wow. L.A. is handing it to them.
choicelady : Hey Patsy! Welcome! How are you?
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
AdLib : Hey Patsy!!!
AdLib : Chris – Yes, the GOP, in light of the Palin phenomena, has charted the course of extremism “entertainers” as their ideal. This has painted them into a corner, especially against someone with Obama’s gravitas.
KillgoreTrout : Good evening Patsy!
ADONAI : Doing fine Patsy thank you. hope you are likewise
ChrisR266 : Hi Patsy
choicelady : AdLib! You are ON A ROLL tonight! Ron Paul best look out – you’ll smother him!
PatsyT : Hi Guys! Hope you are all well tonight
kesmarn : “Belladonna! You Know You Wanna!”
choicelady : tex – we don’t treat the “in betweens” much better either! But so long as you can produce value for an employer they will give grudging assistance. Grudging being the operative word. I think slave owners fed slave ONLY because, like oxen and mules, without food they’d be useless and die. Cuts into the work output some…
ADONAI : Ron Paul: “There’s a METH-od to His Madness!”
ChrisR266 : Whatever happened to the campaign slogan: Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t?
kesmarn : “Legal Drugs? Demerol For You”
ChrisR266 : AL: Wow, wholly scary thought: the more mainstream nuts? We now acknowledge that they’re all nuts, only some are more telegenic nuts than others? LMFAO. But I know you are right.
AdLib : Ron Paul Slogan: “Standing Up For Mainline America!”
ADONAI : very true choice. Excellent point.
kesmarn : tex, you are so right. Just check out the wages that day care workers and nurses aides at nursing homes get. Shows what our priorities are.
choicelady : Adonai – does not hurt that they have a national health system that is looking for good ways to keep patients comfortable. No profit there.
AdLib : Kes –
AdLib : Chris – The loons have taken over the GOP and having these sideshow attractions as viable candidates alongside the rest of the Repubs will send them all onto the Crazytown Express. It will get a bit less nutty when the more mainstream nuts get into the race but comparing that circus called the GOP to Obama The Terrorist Killer will be very entertaining for us.
choicelady : AdLib and kes – you really need to be writing campaign slogans for the Dems! Beats anything they’ve come up with!
texliberal : Kes the way we treat the very young and very old in this country is a national disgrace
KillgoreTrout : choice, that’s true. If you are in great pain, opiates don’t make you high. The just ease the pain.
ADONAI : choice, I wonder how those countries who do those things got past the greedy people looking to keep an expanding and highly profitable prison system.
ChrisR266 : Choice: Understood, but as I heard it, it definitely was not a factor in the lines of logic I heard out of the candidates to be. Wholly weird.
kesmarn : Ron Paul: “Give Him a Crack at the White House”
choicelady : kes – yes, unless you’re born into privilege, your warranty runs out at birth.
kesmarn : Life belongs only to the unborn, c’lady! After that, the quicker and cheaper you make your exit the happier the T-Bags are!
ADONAI : BOOM! AdLib hits again and it’s a staggering blow! Excellent pun. And I hate puns.
KillgoreTrout : chase, whoever it is, we should make it ecclectic this time.
choicelady : Adonai – in the UK they give terminal cancer patients heroin because it leaves the mind clear. As one hospice nurse noted, the pain “eats” the heroin, so people do not get addicted. But we can’t have THAT in the US of A! Medicine done correctly is still immoral to too many people.
ChrisR266 : AL: What exactly was this whack shit, anyhow? I was gobsmacked by this whole section in that thing they called a debate.
KillgoreTrout : Good one AdLib.
AdLib : Night Chase!
AdLib : The Ron Paul 2012 Legal Heroin Campaign slogan, “Talking Smack!”
chasethis : One more thing–who’s in charge of music on mother’s day weekend?
KillgoreTrout : chris, I’d love to see such a garden
choicelady : kes – suffering, like taxes, is for the poor. Builds character. Even when you’re dying.
ADONAI : chris – I hear ya. By the time I go to the last part the grass was almost to my knees. And the stuff I cut before is ready to be cut again!
kesmarn : G’night chase and funk!
ChrisR266 : Night, Chase. Malbec is nectar for the soul. Golden slumbers to you.
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, I used to say that exact thing, and still agree with it. Anything that makes you feel that good is bad.
ADONAI : peace chase
chasethis : Okay, I’m not making that much sense and my English and editing skills are horrible after a few glasses of malbec. Peace, love and understanding, kids. Swee’dreams.
ChrisR266 : AD: I ran around like a freak with a 4.0 hsp motor last evening trying to cut what I could before it started raining again. My lawn looks like an LSD inspired topiary garden. Some parts are so swamped I dare not cut it lest I destroy it.
ADONAI : peace funk
kesmarn : True, c’lady. Suffering is so much more edifying than pain relief. It builds character. Except somehow none of them wants to suffer — as in paying taxes.
AdLib : Night Funk (and good choice of book!),
ADONAI : The problem with heroin is that it’s too good. And anything that good is incredibly bad for you. That’s just science.
kesmarn : Chris, the 5 day forecast on the local news had those little rainy-cloudy icons for all 5 days…. Ever see that old movie Rain where the heroine went nuts?
choicelady : funk – LOVE Wrinkle in Time. Enjoy! G’night!
ADONAI : chris – it took me a week to mow my lawn, about an acre and a half, because of the rain. Now I gotta start again this weekend!
ChrisR266 : Funk: what a great book! My daughter’s favorite of all.
chasethis : It hasn’t rained here in freakin’ YEARS here Chris. We need heroin.
AdLib : Hey, ya beat me Tex!
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, he was certainly aware of the possibilities of that.
choicelady : kes – I don’t think the Victorians in the Teaparty WANT you to be put at ease, not even to NOT care! You’re MEANT to suffer, you know. If you were RICH then God would have meant you to have health care. Otherwise, suck it up, cupcake.
AdLib : And now, an interview with Ron Pat Paul(son): «link»
texliberal : «link» Check out this Paulsen from 1968
funksands : Gotta go put the kiddos to bed. Reading A Wrinkle In Time with the 6 year old. Not a bad book. You all keep it real.
ChrisR266 : It’s g*damned raining here again. I’m ready to drown myself in my lawn.
ADONAI : KT,Indeed. I was last reading his thoughts on aristocracy and the legal barriers to it in America but I wonder if he foresaw us willingly tearing those barriers down for them.
chasethis : Shoot. I miss the “edit” feature. AdLib! Thank you for the “you already checked this” box.
choicelady : AdLib – no you won’t get heroin even if you’re terminal with painful cancer. Can’t go making people NOT suffer as God intended. Unless you’re the Coke brothers, of course.
kesmarn : AdLib, the vouchers are good for heroin because then you stop caring whether you ever have the open heart surgery. So much cheaper that way.
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, I’d love to see what he has to say about America today.
AdLib : Hang in there Chase! Just have fun, don’t worry, be happy.
chasethis : funk–why have goals if we can’t claim accomplish them? I have friends in low places.
texliberal : Hey funk, Harriet’s from Dallas too.
ADONAI : KT,thanks for the recommendation.I ;m really enjoying it. he has quite a perspective. And I like hearing about America from people coming in from the outside.
AdLib : The real question is whether we’ll be able to buy legalized heroin with Medicare vouchers.
chasethis : Hi, kes. Don’t know how long I can keep up.
funksands : Chase I like you because of your lofty goals.
funksands : “Ugh” of the day: Harriet Meiers, who handed Bush the “bin Ladne determined” memo, now lobbying for the Pakistani govt. to make sure their cash doesn’t get turned off. Slimebags…..
chasethis : Okay, I completely misunderstood. Chris has heroin. Buddy’s off the hook.
ADONAI : I call him toke-ville. cause that sounds funny to me
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, I posted to you earlier, kudos on reading him.
AdLib : Tex – I think you’ve got something there about Paul and Paulsen!
chasethis : funk–my goal is accomplished.
ADONAI : chase, No. I’m reading Tocqueville right now.
ADONAI : I like Ron Paul. That’s right!
chasethis : Hi, god. Did you read any Robert Benchley?
funksands : Chase, you said it so now it is.
kesmarn : Hey, chase!
KillgoreTrout : tex, similar. Pat was much funnier though.
ADONAI : Hello chase!
AdLib : I was a little off at the ending time for school in Chicago but they start an hour later than in other big cities. Here in LA, my daughter starts school at 8 am. In Chicago, shcool starts at 9 am and ends at 2:45 p.m.
chasethis : Buddy has heroin? I saw it on the internet. It must be true.
kesmarn : Totally.Only Paulson made a better candidate.
funksands : Ad, that whole charade was sponsored by the University of Phoenix
texliberal : Anyone else think Ron Paul looks and soumds like Pat Paulsen from the old Smothers Brothers Hour?
ADONAI : I hope Dallas turns around and wins this. I’d like to see new teams in the Finals.
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, it would be hilarious.
ADONAI : KT, The thought of Palin with a kick me sign on is great.
ChrisR266 : Back in 5…
KillgoreTrout : “He fixes her cable?”–the Dude
AdLib : Chris – Yes, Rahm did an interview today and came up with lame ideas on how to improve their school system which has abnormally short days.
ChrisR266 : AD: LMAO! You have made my whole evening!
texliberal : Had to turn down the sound, got tired of those HOMER LAKER announcers on ESPN
choicelady : ADLib – I went to suburban Chicago schools: in at 7:30 out at 3:00. Freaking LONG days. I suspect ALL schools will cut back to short days or shorter years. CA is looking at dumping the last 3-4 WEEKS due to budget issues.
KillgoreTrout : “I suppose you can guess what happens next.”–Maude
ADONAI : Soooooo… chris, buddy. I hear you have heroin.
kesmarn : Chris — Persuasion. There’s actually a course on it? WOW. How do we persuade folks to vote!?
KillgoreTrout : “I suppose you can guess what happens next.”–Maude
funksands : Chris, that is really impressive.
ChrisR266 : AL: serious?
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, it’s like wearing a sign that says “Kick Me!”
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Kes: Actually, my specialization is in Rhetoric, but I teach Persuasion, Advanced Public Speaking, Rehtorical theory and a capstone course that focuses on communication topics in the 21st century.
AdLib : Watch the beverage, man!
choicelady : Chris – you are my heroine! MULTIPLE SOURCES and some in PRINT??? Wow. Teaching critical thinking went out about 1977 when the power that be determined they NEVER wanted a smart population again. Thank you for bringing it BACK!!!!
ADONAI : KT, No doubt. And Palin should never criticize someone for follow through. That’s picking low hanging fruit. Too easy!
AdLib : Great work Chris! We need and support our teachers and professors out there more than ever! Today I learned that Chicago has the shortest school days of any major city, kids get out around 1 pm or 1:30?
kesmarn : Chris! Cool. You sound like you’re doing an amazing job. Did you say you teach journalism?
texliberal : Guess I’ll have to try me some In and Out
ADONAI : The peace process in the Middle East, admittedly, is a big boost to Obama too. He isn’t catching anywhere near as much flack for Libya as Repubs hoped. The more countries that cast down their own regimes, somehow the better Obama looks. I don’t get it but that’s America.
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, I thought it was quite funny. Stewart’s been pretty hot this week.
choicelady : KT – missed that Jon Stewart dig. She keeps opening her mouth…
AdLib : KT – Saw Stewart’s take down of Palin and MSNBC played it repeatedly. Nailed-it!
KillgoreTrout : “They have good burgers!” “Shut the fuck up Donnie.”
choicelady : tex – In and Out Burger is very good but in a really old fashioned way. It DOES taste homemade. No additives. Just a HAMBURGER, well cooked, fresh, nice bun (I get the “protein wrap” in lettuce because I am wheat intolerant) and quite good fries. Nothing battered, sugared, spiced, or fooled with. It actually takes some getting used to – like 3-4 bites – because it’s SO well done! Enjoy!
kesmarn : KT, only Palin would view that as “not following through”! She just loves blood and gore! Wolf-slayer.
ChrisR266 : Kes: No, they don’t. In fact, they are fairly competent and frequent readers. They read non fiction in hardcopy. They read news and opinion on line. So,it is critical that they consider carefully source. I have my students compare rhetorical style of sources so we can explore implications. Also,so I can be assuree that they are getting news from multiple sources. My small duty to the nation.
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, very true. They’re just blowing their vuvuzealas.
AdLib : Tex – You’ll love In and Out, our fave. Don’t forget to order your Double Double with grilled onions.
funksands : Al Queda is more Danny McGrath than Carlos the Jackal these days.
AdLib : KT – Al Qaeda’s threats sound more like bluster and nervousness, trying to assert they aren’t disintegrating into tiny operations which they may be. They are still a dangerous threat but I think this and the revolutions in the ME are crushing their hopes of ever being as big as they were.
KillgoreTrout : Stewart got a good one in on Palin last night. She said Obama is not following through with the mission by not publishing the photos of OBL’s body. Stewart said something to the effect, “That’s rich, comming from someone who couldn’t follow through 4 years as governor!.
ADONAI : funk, yeah. But then I would miss the joy of laughter from something I created.
choicelady : funk – Millennials. Can’t spell it ALL the time!
funksands : Ah, never mind got it.
texliberal : On a lighter note, we in Dallas are expecting our first In an Out Burger joints next month. Are they good?
ADONAI : KT, When hasn’t Al Qaeda been threatening to attack? Have you been to their website? How can you possibly tell if they’re “ramping things up”? Those motherfuckers are CONSTANTLY ramped up. Always “streets of blood” this and “death to the Great Satan” that. We get it fellas. You’re angry. But the bombings aren’t helping.
funksands : Choice, the “M”‘s??
ChrisR266 : And, the Millennials don’t take hostages or prisoners. As Crosby, Nash, et.al. would say we have taught our children well.
choicelady : Chris – any feedback from the Ms about the killing of bin Laden?
AdLib : Chris – Very valuable insights, thanks! Gives me even greater faith that the youth vote will come out even bigger in 2012 for Obama.
kesmarn : Chris, the Gen Y kids, do they rely almost solely on social media to be informed about current events and ideas? Just curious.
funksands : Adonai, I wish I had writers to make me sound funnier…
ADONAI : funk, That one was hilarious as well. A real stand out.
KillgoreTrout : Al Qaida is now making threats, because of bin Laden’s death, but think they have pretty much been hamstrung. I’m sure they are still capable of minor damage, but they’ll never get another 9/11.
ChrisR266 : Everybody: From what I have learned through research and experience teaching the Millennials (Gen Y), they don’t like bullshit, grandstanding, or false humility. They assign blame, but they do so via a well of evidence gathered alone and shared via social media.
funksands : Adonai, I missed that. Hilarious though. I liked the one about air-dropping the photo of bin Laden into a wealthy suburb of Islamabad, thereby ensuring it will never be seen again.
AdLib : Oh Lydia, Oh Lydia, that encyclo-pedia…
choicelady : Chris – I do remember Bush’s enduring if not endearing traits. So did most Americans! Someone once noted about later generations that each seems more flaccid than the previous. Chalked it up as “the fruit of tired loins”. That would be W. His brothers are just as bad.
kesmarn : I hope so, AdLib. They were a fair part of the reason we ended up with people like Kasich and Walker.
ADONAI : Did anyone see that joke on the Daily Show a few weeks back when they talked about the Republican’s health care plan being a giant robot who beats sick and poor people to death with a copy of The Fountainhead?
funksands : Adddddd
AdLib : BTW – Hi Funk!
ADONAI : Thank you choice
AdLib : Kes – I’ll bet on that, the kids reflected by the turnout after Bin Laden’s death being announced, are just the tip of the iceberg.
kesmarn : I’ll have to try to catch that one online, tex.
choicelady : Adonai – that is just a GREAT line! Well said!
texliberal : Kes, great Doc. Gives one a much better understanding of Mexico and our constant meddling there
ChrisR266 : Choice: Yeah, contrary to what the GOP wants to think, people don’t forget that shit. Remember Bush the elder. No one who heard it forgot that one, either.
choicelady : Well funk, thank you. I’m pretty prompt where compliments are concerned. I WILL remind you! Thanks in advance!
funksands : Going to be a lot of very pissed off GOP freshman next week.
kesmarn : tex, didn’t catch the documentary on Mexico. Good one?
choicelady : ADLib – oh lordy – that’s right! Clarke did say that! Wow – they are SO screwed!
AdLib : Chris – Yep. This week the GOP and Fox and the Bushies reminded me of that old children’s fairy tale line, “All the King’s Horses and All the King’s men, couldn’t put GOP together again.”
ChrisR266 : Kes: Yes, it can, and it was. What the sam hill was Fox thinking? Talk about running a broadcast that in sum trivialized the entire GOP race before it ever gets off the ground.
KillgoreTrout : choice, it is pretty cool. Love to see Groucho sing it.
ADONAI : choice, The Medicare issue has come back to bite them hard. I haven’t seen this much back peddling since I ran into that alligator on my paddle boat.
funksands : Choice, I have a nice compliment to pay you sometime. Don’t let me forget.
choicelady : Hi funk!
funksands : Good evening Lord
funksands : KT, just got back from one too many Coronas…feelin g sleepy…
choicelady : KT – Lydia the Tattooed Lady is my FAVE song!
kesmarn : Can something be irritating and boring at the same time, Chris? That debate was it.
choicelady : Adonai – they have tried to weasel out of killing Medicare (buried it under the May 1 events) but it will be held against them along with NO jobs plans, NO alternative health plan, NO economic plan, and now NO defense plan. All they have is Donald’s hair.
ADONAI : Hola funk
AdLib : CL – Add to that Richard Clarke confirming that right after the 9/11 attack that Bush and company ordered him to find a connection to Iraq. Invading Iraq was already mapped out by the neocon group that many in the Bush Admin belonged to before he was elected.
funksands : Chris, good to see you here.
texliberal : Anyone else see the Doc the other night PBS ran, The Storm That Swept Mexico? About the ongoing revolution that has been Mexico since the 1870’s
ADONAI : I hate Sean Hannity. No point to that. I just really hate Sean Hannity. I wanna punch him on the face and I don’t even know the guy.
KillgoreTrout : Sup funk?
ChrisR266 : Hi funk.
ChrisR266 : Kes: It was below pathetic, ha! I’m looking for the word…
kesmarn : Hey, funk!
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, teach her to sing Lydia The Tatooed Lady!
funksands : What up Planet?
kesmarn : Chris, that Repub debate was pathetic, wasn’t it?
choicelady : AdLib – does she want a career in show biz? Sounds like a natural!
ADONAI : Adlib – that is so true. I heard someone say on CNN the other day that Democrats will be running on defense and Republicans will be running on the economy. A total reverse of the last decade. And if the economy keep sticking up, the Repubs have nothing.
AdLib : CL – Love it!!! I can still convince my daughter to walk like Groucho. She did a Bugs Bunny impression recently, watching a lot of Bugs lately, so cute!
ChrisR266 : AL: And, judging from what the Broadcast media is reporting this week, they have decided not to let Obama lose, at this juncture. Even Fox has backed the truck up, so to speak. And, given the dismal substance of the NC debate hosted by FOX this week, the GOP is sucking some big dry teet.
choicelady : Chris – I don’t think most of us would DISagree with you. Paul O’Neill, Bush’s Sec’y of the Treasury, said that Bush announced his intent to invade Iraq and kill SH at the first Cabinet meeing in Jan. 2001. He just needed an excuse – and bin Laden-supplies-I raq-WMD-SH-suppl ies OBL – all was a way to keep us OK about the Iraq war. SH was a patsy. Evil as hell, but in this instance, a set up and cut out for Bush’s REAL intentions of a permanent US presence in Iraq.
kesmarn : I truly hope the kids do vote in 2012. They were no-shows in 2010 to some degree.
AdLib : AD – Things can definitely change between now and Nov 2012 but it will be a choice between a RW Repub with NO Commander in Chief experience and a kill-Medicare party behind him. The weird and funny thing is that it would be a black, Dem named Barack Hussein Obama that Americans will be most confident about protecting Americans as president and even another terrorist attack won’t change that.
KillgoreTrout : I really had no pity for either of them. I didn’t do a victory dance, but was just glad they were gone.
ADONAI : chris, you won’t get an argument from me. I am conflicted on him. he did some pretty terrible things but a lot of it was during war and we have done some pretty bad stuff during wars too. I think that’s why I could feel sorry for him to some degree and not Bin Laden. There is a difference. Another level.
KillgoreTrout : choice, that’s hilarious.
AdLib : CL – Right with you on this. People just can’t go back to disrespecting Obama’s strength and mind. All the GOP has got is praying for a double dip recession.
choicelady : tex – oh, OK I see what you’re saying. Very different point of view. I can see that. I also know they did not – save for those loved ones caught up in the events of 9/11. I still think they were celebrating in joy of ending one part of the fear they’ve carried most of their lives.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, only among thinking people. But, it really was an historic moment. Something to talk with your grandchildren about.
kesmarn : I think the birth certificate announcement signifies, too. The comment: “We don’t have time for this silliness.” Seen in light of what followed, establishes him as the grown up in the scenario.
ChrisR266 : AD: I don’t want to start a fight, so I will just say that SH, although he garnered no pity from me, was a lightweight, one who the US government propped up not so many years before. I was much more offended by the underhanded and dastardly way that the administration sold his hide to the People of the USA.
AdLib : Chris – Agreed. And consider how the youth will turn out in 2012 for the man who killed their lifelong Boogy Man.
choicelady : ADLib – those are life skills you’re giving your daughter! When my nephew was about 2 he could walk like Groucho. It was a hoot! He won’t do it at 30, but he did do it then!
AdLib : KT – I am not a pie in the sky guy but the real anchor tied to Obama was his “unAmerican” tag and being perceived as a distant, weak elitist. With those gone, he looks different. When he speaks to the country or in debates, I think the voice of the man who announced Bin Laden’s death will ring out with plenty of gravitas each time.
texliberal : Death smells, Choice, I’m glad he’s dead but the thing I always remember about violent death are the smells.
ADONAI : AdLib, Of course things could change very suddenly. The primaries are still almost a full year away then the real election cycle and so on. Right now though, when ti comes time to show the American people what you got, Obama has the better hand. People may casually forget but they can be reminded.
choicelady : AdLib – I think it will have staying power beyond just the event itself. I think it made clear what a strong man this president is. His calm suddenly gets seen as leadership not wimpiness. I think I’d not go into budget talks thinking he’s a pushover! America just found its most reliable leader. He made us all feel safer.
ChrisR266 : AL: I trend on the side of resonance. The feelings of frustration during the years after 9/11/2001 were cumulative.
AdLib : Thanks CL, a very flattering compliment! I’ve even taught my daughter the Groucho eye roll and eyebrow wag.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, considering America’s attention span, I’m not so sure.
ADONAI : It was handled so much better than Saddam Hussein though. I actually felt sorry for Saddam at the end(though that faded). I know he is just as heinous and ruthless as Bin Laden when he wanted to be, which was often, but if we’re gonna do it by the book let’s do it by the book. Everything about that stunk from day one.
choicelady : tex – not sure what your experiences would be to interpret the events of May 1? I did not see it as the aftermath of a football win at ALL. No violence, no burning cars, no broken windows – just sheer joy and relief and pride in this president. The absence of rowdiness was nothing short of amazing.
kesmarn : Chris — sounds as though that was meant to be. They were very fortunate to have you!
AdLib : Back to the topic’s question, do you think this week will fade away as a high point that the nation moved on from or do you think it will be resonant, possibly the week that made Obama unbeatable for re-election?
kesmarn : tex, I think you and I reacted based on our career backgrounds. We’ve seen death up close. Many times. Very sobering.
choicelady : AdLib – I do know the line (forgot it was Duck Soup), but you wrote it in Groucheese! Nicely done.
ChrisR266 : Kes: Yes, specifically in Westerville. Confluence of a close neighborhood, lots of kids concentrated in a few blocks, and I happened to be on sabbatical doing research at home that day. The daughter knew I would be there. She brought every kid home with her who would have gone home to an empty house (they dismissed school early). She’s a wonderful kid, and I was on day 2 of sabbatical. Intersection of the highest mysterious orderr
KillgoreTrout : That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heayed of!”
AdLib : CL – It’s from Duck Soup, he did sing it!
kesmarn : tex, I had different feelings about it, but the fact that the celebrators were very young and that it wasn’t nationwide, nor did it go on for days helped.
texliberal : My feelings Choice are based on empirical experience. A year in Viet Nam and 30 years as a street cop, 25 in a big city, tempered my enthusiasm
ADONAI : I would have paraded his body around like the ancient Romans but I’m slightly amoral. Part of it is just human nature. we shouldn’t hate it or fear it but understand it.
choicelady : AdLib – I can hear Groucho SAYING those lines! How’d you do that?
AdLib : The Groucho Marxist Platform: The last guy nearly ruined this place, he didn’t know what to do with it. If you think this place is bad off now, just wait till I get through with it.
choicelady : Tex – I think the fact it was ONE NIGHT, that the President cautioned that we don’t ‘have to spike the ball in the end zone’ and that his care and caution have set a good tone all means that the brief outpouring in DC and NY were not significant other than to those who were there.
ADONAI : tex, I was cool with it. Bin Laden deserves no sympathy. If anyone’s death is to be applauded, celebrated even, it is his.
kesmarn : Chris, you did a real kindness for those kids. Were you in Columbus then? How did you happen to become the “safe house”?
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, touche! I am a life long Groucho Marxist!
ChrisR266 : Aw, I would join, AL. If you had beer.
AdLib : I would like to join the Groucho Marxist Party but I’d never join a club that would have someone like me as a member.
ChrisR266 : TL: I didn’t, honestly. I had thirteen of those kids dropped off at my house by a bus that was ferrying them hope early from middle school in 1991. Twelve of them would have gone home to empty houses, where they would have sat alone trying to figure out what was going on. This did indeed rock their world. It was a horrible moment for them.
KillgoreTrout : tex, it was understandable, yet I think we should learn to control such emotions.
choicelady : tex – we’ve had a very long, long discussion with chazz about that. My feeling is that since most of it was from people who, first of all are young, live in the two cities most gravely hit that it was their version of V-E and V-J day – the freedom from fear and worry about what might happen next. It was not national but in those two benighted cities where most of the cheering occurred. I saw it as relief that a chapter of anguish and fear was DONE.
kesmarn : Whooo,tex, you’re opening up a can o’ worms there — on the reaction question!
ADONAI : KT, Amen brother!
AdLib : Thanks all!!!
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, this country really needs more Groucho Marxists!
AdLib : And with Bush and company trying to take credit, all the clips of Bush being a nervous jerk saying he didn’t think about Bin Laden further impresses on the public what a weasel he was. This is totally backfiring, with Bush in mind for the 2012 election, the GOP is in big trouble.
texliberal : Who felt a little uneasy about all the cheering and street celebrations about the killing of OBL?
choicelady : ADLib – I also think he’s lazy.
ChrisR266 : AL: I tend to agree. He left with his tail between his legs, so to speak. Not articulate enough to talk his own way into a legacy he could live with
kesmarn : AdLib —
One sentence!
ADONAI : Groucho Marx. Talk about a guy generations ahead of his time.
choicelady : AdLib – nicely said about Bush! Spot ON, I think!
ADONAI : Good one AdLib. Very Groucho Marx.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, nicely put!
choicelady : AdLib – I hope you’re right. I fear the more this president does well, the more danger he is in.
kesmarn : KT — that resonates. He would look the fool at the site where he vowed retribution.
AdLib : My take on Bush not showing up. He was afraid of being showed up.
choicelady : Chris – welcome back. OK everyone, we have to pretend we’re smart again. Chris is Baaa-aackk.
KillgoreTrout : choice, it’s really great. Only 9 bucks a month and many, many good films and docs for free.
kesmarn : Chris, I need caffeine!
ADONAI : Kes, I heard at first that he didn’t want to go because it was really about Obama. he didn’t want to be a distraction. Then someone said he didn’t go because he felt slighted for not being given enough credit. I think it’s somewhere in between.
choicelady : KT – don’t have a Netflix membership. Good reason to join. Thank you!
kesmarn : Did his handlers advise against it? Repubs thought he’d embarrass them?
ChrisR266 : Every body smart back up! I breaked quick!
KillgoreTrout : kes, I don’t think bush wanted to be embarrassed. It was there, where he vowed to get bin Laden.
AdLib : CL – I won’t say it can’t happen but Obama killed America’s greatest enemy, at least in the minds of most Americans. That’s a teflon coating that may not shone as bright in 2012 but it will always be there.
choicelady : kes – it is my working hypothesis that 1. Bush knew he’d have been booed, and 2. he’s lazy.
choicelady : Tex – there is NO progressive like a Texas progressive. Make you laugh AND learn all in the same breath. I do trainings for people on how to advocate, and I follow their lead talking about the CA legislature – if people can laugh at something, they can conquer it.
kesmarn : Speaking of Dubya: what was behind his non-appearance at Ground Zero? His idea? Not? Why?
KillgoreTrout : choice, it’s on netflix in the watch instantly section. that means it’s free, if you are a member
AdLib : CL – As I said about Condi and the Bushies, the wealthy and powerful are deluded and think they literally are more powerful than others. Hence Trump’s delusion that his stare or presence had any power. Wrong again, Einstein.
ADONAI : If the Republicans invoke Bush to battle Obama’s foreign policy credentials they will fail. They’ve been trying to avoid Bush for years. They can’t think bringing him back will help/
kesmarn : They were a great pair, tex. Full of fun and with Texas-sized hearts.
choicelady : tex and all – never have seen “Fog of War”. I’ll make a note of it. Is it “out there” for rent/purchase?
texliberal : Kes, Molly and Ann Richards were tough Texas gals and sared the hell out of the Good ‘Ole Boys
ADONAI : KT, So true. he was not enjoying Seth’s jokes.
choicelady : tex – oh WOW. She was my all time favorite! I met Hightower – he’s No. 2 on my hit parade. Lucky you!!! You, of course, are one of the people who makes Texas worthwhile. Good folks live there – along with the snakes. You carry the legacy well.
AdLib : Tex – Fog of War is an excellent film!
AdLib : CL – Love Molly Ivins and that line!
kesmarn : tex, what was Molly like? Ah jes luvved that womman!
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, yes. But then Myers came out and really embarrassed Trump. He was not happy.
choicelady : Chris – DUMB DOWN everybody. Chris has left the forum.
texliberal : Choice, I met Molly once here in Dallas. Also Jim Hightower
choicelady : AdLib – I hope you’re right, but if there is any truth in the hypothesis that JFK was assassinated because he was pulling out of Vietnam, then…
kesmarn : I will be super stupid, Chris.
ChrisR266 : Break time–don’t anyone say anything too brilliant in the next five minutes…
ADONAI : choice,It seemed like about halfway through Obama’s routine, trump maybe acknowledged defeat. I actually saw him chuckle a few times and even crack a smile. I think he knew that was Obama’s night. I give him points for even showing up.
kesmarn : How is it that bullies always end up looking comical when they’re finally outed?
choicelady : kes – yes, McNamara did finally admit he was absolutely wrong. Too little, too late. WAY too late.
AdLib : CL – I don’t underestimate the evil of The Family and their ilk. I will remain concerned about Obama’s safety as the campaign continues but I do think the killing of Bin Laden changes things a bit, even for the devout followers.
choicelady : Adonai – I believe The Donald thought his laser stare would actually do harm! He’s convinced of his own power. NOW he thinks he’s got X-ray vision. Must have come as quite a surprise when The President did not vaporize under The Donald’s piercing gaze! The man defines “delusional”.
ChrisR266 : This few minutes Saturday evening gave me real and wonderful feelings of settling in after a time of rudderlessness. This President is finding his footing more surely and daring to step out there first, now.
kesmarn : At least McNamara did publicly admit that he screwed up, though,didn’t he tex? If I remember correctly.
ADONAI : Fog of War was a great documentary. Convenient for McNamara to develop a conscience decades after it mattered though.
KillgoreTrout : tex, as well he should have been.
texliberal : I believe every cabinet member of every administration should view Morris’ Fog Of War and the interviews with Robert McNamara. That man was haunted until the end of his life.
ADONAI : KT, The look on Trump’s face was priceless.
choicelady : KT – that WAS a great line!
KillgoreTrout : And the coup de gras by Myers, “Trump is running as a republican…I thought he was running as a joke!”
choicelady : AdLib – I think you need to remember one of Molly Ivins’ best lines: “deep down he’s shallow”. Forget about whom she spoke, but it applies to ALL the Bushies!
ADONAI : chris,Indeed
ADONAI : choice, he’s fantastic! Just naturally funny. His delivery and timing are impeccable.
ChrisR266 : AD: Massively gorgeous rhetorical moment here, agreed. This was not just speech writers. This WAS Obama, to be sure. No speechwriter would have the raw gonads to say this in public.
choicelady : Adonai – was that not wonderful???? He drew such a great parallel with the problems presidents REALLY face to show what a fatuous gassbag The Donald really is.
ADONAI : “But all kidding aside, obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. For example—no, seriously, just recently, in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team cooking did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil’ Jon or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well handled, sir. Well handled.” ~President Barack “Do Not Fuck With Me” Obama
choicelady : kes – I missed the bags of candy line. Thanks – that’s funny!
AdLib : Condi is delusional as many neocons are but that doesn’t mean that deep down, she doesn’t know what failures they all were. I mean, the country did collapse under their administration.
ChrisR266 : Ad: Agreed 100%. Fist bump you if I could. Magnificent and blast ass wicked cool moment.
kesmarn : He can joke at himself (and Michelle) too. “I gave out little bags of candy to the kids at the easter egg hunt and Michelle took them away.”
choicelady : tex – I think you’re right. She now BELIEVES she mitigated the damages. She did NOT, but she has made herself believe it.
ADONAI : chris, when he said “where are Biggie and Tupac” I couldn’t stop laughing. This is my President! The coolest motherfucker on the planet!
AdLib : CL – I think Condi NEEDS to believe that outwardly but deep down, she knows she will go down in history as possibly the worst SoS in history.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, Deconstructing Donald?
choicelady : AdLib – in “the Family” Jeff Sharlet lays out a horrifying scenario of the religious right’s ties to the CIA etc. They practice foreign policy without the right to do so, manipulate the CIA under cover of private corporations (“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”) and have the capacity to do damage – HUGE damage – and make it appear to be Obama’s fault.
ChrisR266 : AD: Thanks, it was worth repeating.
texliberal : Choice, I think Condi believes she mitigated the influence of Cheney, Rumsfeld and the other neo-cons.
ADONAI : “Donald Trump is here tonight! Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald. And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter—like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?” ~President Barack “Bitchslap” Obama
AdLib : CL – I researched a lot about that and Smedley was an amazing hero. They are still plotting like that but by buying politicians, they succeed where staging a coup failed.
choicelady : kes – I think its OWNER turned on its owner! Nothing like his own stupidity bringing The Donald down!
ChrisR266 : So funny! Saturday evening made me think of “scream” [the song by Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson]. Trump had to feel just that way.
kesmarn : KT, it does seem to have a life and personality of its own. Maybe better than his?
choicelady : AdLib – I am not convinced she thinks she or they were wrong so much as she was provoked by LO’s pursuit of her on her lies. “No man is a villain in his own life story.” Pertains to women, too.
AdLib : KT – I do still delight in Obama setting Trump up then nailing him, that night and then all this week. Pwned!
KillgoreTrout : Good one kes. They probably had to shoot it with a tranquilizer dart first.
kesmarn : If only it would turn on its owner, c’lady.
AdLib : CL – Condi is intentionally lying, her discomfort on LO was a clear signal of how she knows it’s just a game to claim they did the right thing. The story on Condi is that she has never and will never admit she was wrong. Wish LO cornered her on that and asked if she could name one thing she did as SoS that was wrong.
choicelady : kes – See? We all SAID his hair was really the honey badger. It has to have a straight jacket or it will KILL!
ADONAI : SNL’s good for that. Even when the show isn’t great overall, their political satire is still usually great.
kesmarn : It was hilarious.
ChrisR266 : Bwaaaahaha, Kes.
KillgoreTrout : Yep. Trump was reduced to the pissant he is.
kesmarn : I saw a graphic of Trump with his hair in a mini strait jacket.
choicelady : Everyone – I think the Prez and SNL did a huge social good on The Donald. He’s looked peaky ever since. Nothing calls out a buffoon like satire.
ADONAI : HA! Smedley.
ChrisR266 : KT: I agree about the broadside to Trump’s head. I watched that Saturday evening bash and just grinned from ear to ear. Obama put the knife in and our wonderful SNL keynote turned the blade with panache!
choicelady : AdLib – I know they happen. The attempt on FDR was real, and it was led by the top corporate people in America. If Smedley Butler had been a different kind of person, it MIGHT have succeeded. Then we’d have been on Germany’s side in WW II.
AdLib : Hey Bito!
kesmarn : b’ito that one got past me! De-fund NLRB??
AdLib : CL – I’m not big on conspiracy theories. A terrorist attack may instead cause the nation to rally around Obama as he steps up and says, “I will track you down as I did Bin Laden! We will get you for this and serve justice on you!” Still, I doubt that would ever happen.
ADONAI : Good call bito. They keep digging a hole. I don’t get it. What mandate did they ever receive to even think about trying this?
KillgoreTrout : I’m still laughing on the inside about Obama bitch slapping Trump! I thought Donnie’s head was going to explode. (no offense AdLib)
ChrisR266 : I think Choice is right about this. The mind is a wondrous and terrible thing. It can perform miracles without nary a physical twitch.
choicelady : Chris – I am totally in agreement. It still makes it kind! We need to rise above the fray and hold people accountable for how they think of us!
bito : «link»
bito : Not just Medicare, how about the NLRB?
ADONAI : choice, that’d be the only way! But we both know they don’t have the balls.
kesmarn : Chris, Plato’s caves is right. Ohioans are going to look like the Abominable Snowmen/women at the beaches this year.
choicelady : AdLib – I don’t think Condi believes it’s BS. She has rewritten it all in her head. She now believes they did “the right thing” and conveniently changes reality.
ChrisR266 : CHOICE: Well, if we don’t call ourselves so, should we expect that anyone else would perceive us that way?
choicelady : Adonai – conspiracy theory 101. They will set up a “terrorist attack” and blame Obama for being soft on terrorism. They have the resources for that – or worse.
AdLib : Though we know the Bushies are all loyal soldiers going out in the media to put lipstick on a pig, doesn’t it seem like they know it’s BS?
KillgoreTrout : Pretty good. I’m still above ground.
ADONAI : Obama will be re-elected. The Republicans can’t run on defense now. Their only hoe is that the economy tanks again and that doesn’t look likely. Half the country is pissed at them now for wanting to take away Medicare. How exactly do they propose to win?
ChrisR266 : LMAO, Kes: Same thing down here–I had to stand in the sun before a meeting at 4:50 just to feel the warmth again — I felt like I was emerging from Plato’s caves, LMAO.
choicelady : Hi KT – I’m well, how are you?
choicelady : Chris – Ladies? How kind of you!
KillgoreTrout : Evening choice. How’s my fellow Harry fan?
kesmarn : Chris, a few showers today and then this strange looking golden orb appeared in the sky. I forget what it’s called.
choicelady : And I just lost the thread but YES Condi should be held accountable along with everyone else for torture!
ChrisR266 : I see all the ladies have arrived!
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
ChrisR266 : Hi Choice.
ADONAI : spacebar
choicelady : Evening everyone!
ChrisR266 : Hi Kes: Dry up there?
ADONAI : Hellokes!
kesmarn : Hey, KT! Happy Friday!
ChrisR266 : TL: You better believe she doesn’t teach many classes. She’s cachet and big name draw.
AdLib : Hey Kes!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Hey kes!
AdLib : Well, we’re getting into the first topic for the evening. It has been the greatest week for Obama in his presidency. The Birthers and Trump were destroyed then Bin Laden was killed. The GOP won’t be able to run on “pallin’ around with terrorists” or Obama being weak. Will we look back to this week as being the week when Obama sealed his advantage in 2012?
kesmarn : Good evening, all. I was watching John Yoo on Eliot Spitzer’s show. Spitzer could not contain his contempt.
ChrisR266 : AL and KT: I watched LO and Rice last evening, as well. If her words are genuine symbolism of what transpired, then we’re all lucky as hell we survived that presidency.
texliberal : Saw tnat Condi interview with Lawrenc O, and to think she actually teaches at STANFORD
KillgoreTrout : I think just being a part of the Bush administration would be embarrassing.
ADONAI : If the Bush crew were brought to trial for war crimes, should Rice be a part of that group? Should she also be liable for the death penalty?
KillgoreTrout : chris, sure has. OBL killed, and the media circus that followed.
AdLib : KT – If you saw Rice on O’Donnell you would have seen it in hi profile. She was twisted into a double pretzel trying to justify the horrible job she did as SoS under Bush. What a tool!
ChrisR266 : It’s been quite a week, yes?
ChrisR266 : Hi AL: hope all is well with you.
ADONAI : 2 World Wars, a true depression, the death of a President, man walking on the moon, some of the greatest social upheaval in the history of America. Quite a lot of stuff happened in that 100 years.
AdLib : Hi Chris, welcome!
ChrisR266 : Hi KT: off of a fine dinner and some good wine, decided to stop by.
texliberal : AdLib, GOPers are incapable of shame or embarrassment
KillgoreTrout : Hey chris, glad you stopped by.
texliberal : Evening Chris
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I think most repubs have a hard time with self criticism.
ChrisR266 : Good Friday evening, all.
texliberal : KT, 1911-2011, think of the changes
KillgoreTrout : tex, 100 years! Wow. I bet she’s seen a lot in her time.
texliberal : Was in Southeastern Missouri last week in Ste Genevieve right on the Mississippi for my mother-in-law’s 100 birthday. They’ve had 22 innches of rain in two weeks. AMAZING
ADONAI : I really liked Gross Point Blank so I;ll have to check it out.
AdLib : Tex – It does seem bewildering that folks can love Perry for his anti-Fed mentality but not be ashamed of his begging Feds for money. That kind of disconnect isn’t unusual among Repubs but don’t they get to feeling a bit silly after a while?
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, it’s a slightly bizzare parody about war as big business. Plot line similar to Gross Point Blank.
ADONAI : KT, I haven’t seen that one. Always mean to but I just keep forgetting about it. Think I’ll throw it in my Netflix queue
KillgoreTrout : Hey Adonai! Sounds interesting. Did you see his film War Inc.? Great paradoy of our actions in Iraq.
texliberal : Perry asked for Fed Funds after th fires in West Texas destroyed a bunch of vacation homes and the Feds denied them. And as long as he carries a gun while jogging and periodically talks secesstion Texans LOVE him
ADONAI : Evenin’ all!
AdLib : You still there Tex?
AdLib : Hey AD!
ADONAI : Speaking of John Cusak, you gotta see “Grace is Gone” if you haven’t already. I almost cried at the end. It’s a great movie about families dealing with losing loved ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.
AdLib : Yes though I remember production was difficult because Penn wasn’t happy with Allen’s way of directing and there were many conflicts.
KillgoreTrout : Sean Penn was good in that film. Fainting at the sight of Django.
AdLib : Are Texans getting a bit embarrassed about Perry?
AdLib : Tex – How are things down your way with Perry pleading for the government he hates to give him more money?
KillgoreTrout : I also forgot Mighty Aphrodite. Very good. Mira Sorveno. And loved the Greek Chorus.
AdLib : KT – Yes, liked that. And Sweet and Lowdown was a wonderful film. His last really funny film, IMO, was Small Time Crooks.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, that was a great plot twist. “Olive, Olive, charmed, charmed!”
AdLib : KT – Also enjoyed the concept that he took out Jennifer Tilly…because she was a bad actress.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I forgot Deconstructing Harry. Great flim. He was painfully honest about himself in that one.
AdLib : Tex – I think it was more fitting that Fox put up the circus tent instead and let the clowns ride their unicycles in there. I mean, how could you parody the GOP field, they are a de facto parody of candidates.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I agree. Even in the final scene of the play, after he gets shot, he is still doing rewrites. Very funny.
texliberal : Yep AdLib, heard the wanted Ft Sumter as a venue but the Park Service said no. Oh those Feds
AdLib : KT – Cusack was good. Chaz was perfect and the whole concept of the artist gangster was brilliant.
AdLib : Tex – I’m a Lakers fan but I always root for the Clippers.
texliberal : AdLib, Lakers? I thought we were playing the Clippers
AdLib : Tex – I especially liked when they all got out of the same small car but throwing the heroin laced pies in each other’s faces was entertaining too.
KillgoreTrout : LOL! My daughter and I joke about ‘Don’t speak, don’t speak.” Pretty funny. I thought Cusack was pretty good in his part.
AdLib : It’s not looking great for the Lakers.
texliberal : What did ya think of that Vaudeville production from South Carolina last night?
AdLib : Really enjoyed Bullets but in that film and Celebrity, when the leads are doing impressions of Woody it’s a bit distracting. “Don’t speak! Don’t speak!”
KillgoreTrout : Evenin tex!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, same here. I laughed my ass off at Zelig.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, very true. In his comedy Bullets Over Broadway, there is a scene with a small group of artists having coffee, and one of them says, “An artist should create his own moral universe.” I agree, to an extent.
AdLib : Hey Tex! Welcome, pardner!
AdLib : My favorite “sleeper” films of his, that seem less mentioned are Broadway Danny Rose, The Purple Rose of Cairo and Zelig.
texliberal : Good evening, hope my Dallas Mavericks aren’t making things too intolerable in LA
AdLib : I ended up seeing most of his early films in the theater when I was younger but Annie Hall made a big impact.
AdLib : You can go back to his older “funny” films and see many references to younger girls which are funny in their own context but seem ironic post Sun Yi.
KillgoreTrout : Wow, there are quite a few. Definitely Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes and Misdemeanors, the early comedies like, Sleeper and Take the Money and Run, Bananas, his latter stuff like Match Point…..etc. There have been very few that I didn’t like.
AdLib : I was disappointed but I always see the artist and his work apart from the person.
KillgoreTrout : A lot of people were turned off by the whole Sun Yi thing, but i always thought it was really none of our business.
AdLib : I am as well. Your favorites?
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, yeah, I think it’s pretty funny. I’m a pretty big Woody Allen fan.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I’m OK. How about you?
AdLib : BTW, enjoyed the Annie Hall clip you posted today.
AdLib : Hey Killgore! Still early, just chatting right now. But, I could say it has been one interesting week. How are you this Friday evening?
KillgoreTrout : Hi! What’s the topic for discussion now?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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