bito : I could say yes
no it was a tweet. Pretty clever for 140 characters!
AdLib : Very nice! Yours?
bito : There once was a party called tea, who preached an oligarchy.They bitched & moaned calling the U.S. their own; while destroying the GOP
AdLib : Thanks Bito!
bito : Oopps I was away looking for the bill, Yes, goodnight all it’s been fun. If I find the bill I’ll post it on TOOT.
AdLib : Patsy – Get out of my mind!!! :;-): Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Well, it’s been a long if not record long edition of Vox Populi. Thanks all for making it quite a remarkable night!
PatsyT : Hey I must shut it down over here… Have a great evening!
AdLib : Like it, AutoHate. So are the Firebaggers.
PatsyT : Of course they don’t know what is in the bill ( I mean the repubs) They just are on Auto Hate
AdLib : I haven’t found it anywhere yet.
bito : I just put a tweet out asking if the bill is posted and where. I’m not getting any replies, but people are bitching about it. Have they read it? Why do those pesky facts bug me so much?
AdLib : Heh, been a long time since I thought of Superchicken!
PatsyT : AdLib Oh yeah I need that before bed!
AdLib : Whoops, here you go: «link»
AdLib : Patsy – So true, Obama stands up like a man, Firebaggers and Teabaggers huddle like tribes of Gollums. BTW, here’s a music clip for you…”you knew the job was dangerous when you took it”…«link» w.youtube.com/wa tch?v=FKss2pBYQ6 Y
PatsyT : Our President really IS they only Adult in the room!
AdLib : The hatred at FDL is as uniform as on Redstate and Blaze. Miserable, miserable people.
PatsyT : Ah yes I think I need better music «link»
AdLib : Patsy, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
AdLib : Bito – I see no difference between what they post, the Firebaggers and Teabaggers.
PatsyT : Uggg Troll city on J Boehner fb page… I should know better
bito : AdLib, that was what I was thinking , the Firebaggers are the same as the blaze.
AdLib : As for the Purists on FDL: “msmolly: I almost would prefer the Dems draw a line in the sand and let the government shut down, rather than kowtow to these bastards.” Missouri Mule: “Agreed.”
AdLib : Patsy – Just as they cleaved to the Baggers, Repubs leap headlong into the arms of whoever they think can help them grab all they can right now…never thinking about whose arms they are becoming intertwined with. Same thing happened with the Religious Right and their takeover of the party. History keeps repeating itself in the GOP.
PatsyT : AdLib, you would think that after Regan shooting they might have toned it down
bito : Night, k’es!
PatsyT : Kes… you get a great night of rest and he will still be orange in the AM
AdLib : Night Kes! Sleep well!!!
kesmarn : Hooo-boy, 2 a.m. here. No matter how much fun it is to see the Orange Man writhing, I have to give it up so that I can get to work later today. Have to remind myself, there’s always more in the pipeline! Good night, dear friends!
AdLib : Cool Bito, you are really building an amazing Twitter group for The Planet!
PatsyT : I think I have read too many of Marions stuff on ratfucking… You know it works in reverse
bito : GottaLaff at that site has given Planetpov some H/T’s on her posts.
AdLib : Whoa…wonder if Boehner and Repubs in Congress might regret all their pro-gun votes: “Guy Michaels – Hmm, anyone care to see Palin “take aim” or “take out” Boehner now?? Wheres a good bullseye when you need one…”
PatsyT : I meant Bito opps
PatsyT : Good question AdLib
kesmarn : I know, AdLib. This is like the total essence of schadenfreude. The definition of it. And you saw it coming a long time ago.
PatsyT : Hey I am not alone over there…
AdLib : That WAS my foot.
bito : What are the Firebaggers saying about Obama, though? Any body look at FDL?
kesmarn : b’ito I got a cramp in my foot (not to mention a pain in the A) just looking at that one!
AdLib : Kes – This is the built-in land mine the GOP has through its relationship with the Baggers. They are absolutists and ignorant, they insist on getting rainbow colored unicorns and to get their votes, the Repubs promised they would. Even though the day would come when they wouldn’t be able to do so. Then the Baggers turn on them for their betrayal. We should turn this into a reality show, this is too entertaining!
bito : Chart: GOP budget to America: F.U…. «link»
kesmarn : So it WAS Ralph then…
PatsyT : I did not do the Rand Paul one… but that is golden!
bito : I’ll bet Ralph posted that comment
kesmarn : “was” not “what” I really need to go to bed!
kesmarn : HAHAHA…I am slow tonight! That FB comment what authored by you, Patsy?
bito : Did you type that to his FB Patsy?
Khirad : Don’t spoil the surprise, bito.
PatsyT : Sorry
kesmarn : What did you — or are you going to — do, Miss Patsy???
bito : Should some one tell him that Rand is in the Senate?
kesmarn : It’s just amazing that a very conservative ego-maniac like Boehner is actually perceived as too liberal by these people.
PatsyT : I feel a little bit naughty..
AdLib : Patsy…Boehner may be having a drink about now, don’t you think? :;-):
Khirad : That nailed it Patsy
PatsyT : from FB “Time for a new Speaker. Is Rand Paul busy?”
kesmarn : How do they envision society with no provision whatsoever for the common good? What would that country look like? Massive corporations despoiling the land and enslaving the populace? That’s their vaunted “patriotism”?
AdLib : Kes , indeed!
kesmarn : I thought that, too, b’ito. You want to ask what health and human services and education and energy ever did to him that he’s so focused on ridding the country of them?
bito : “WOW”, seems to be my word of the week.
There sure has been a bunch of for me.
kesmarn : Becky’s a lot like Honey Badger when it comes to other people’s opinions, AdLib.
bito : “we still have the ability to jettison education, energy, health and human resources, and several other departments.” Then what and how will that help the country? Wow
AdLib : Kes – I saw that on Blaze and was tempted to answer with a Charlie Sheen joke but…you can’t reply to posts there! What a lame site!
kesmarn : Their little self-created reality is starting to fray around the edges.
bito : Woder if they have read any of the polls this week? Nah.
Khirad : That guy from the blaze has some real tiger blood.
kesmarn : That guy makes Charlie Sheen look mellow, doesn’t he, Patsy!
PatsyT : Hey Kes, Was that Charlie Sheen?
bito : I’ll have to tweet her when she in on the air.
kesmarn : This is from the Blaze: “Boehner may have given away restricting PP funding (I don’t know yet), but we still have the ability to jettison education, energy, health and human resources, and several other departments. Budget POWER is invested in the House (Tea Party Power Seat). odumbo blinked (he’s basically a coward) and his numbers are dropping. Ryan’s budget will be the real test (along with raising the debt limit) and the dems are retreating (soon they will be in full retreat). Prosser looks like he will retain his seat in Wisconsin, unions are becoming irrelevant (it will take time – the progressives are very entrenched, and we are just beginning – but we are WINNING!” WOW…feel the burn…of anger!
PatsyT : All that built in hate really comes in handy on a night like this
AdLib : Nice Bito!!!
bito : everyone is reading the RW sites” lol
PatsyT : Hey this is better then watching the hail and lightening !
PatsyT : Way Cool Bito!
bito : This is cool: Nicole Sandler is now following us she has her own radio show and subs for Rani Rhodes. neat!
bito : k’es that was SOME statement!
PatsyT : This guy is tasty.. Bob McCreary Congratulations. .. you’ve gone from suck to blow….
kesmarn : Oh the Blaze, Patsy! I might have to check that one out!
PatsyT : Wow -Liberal trolls on crack- Hey I bet the Blaze is blazing and that Tucker Carlson hack site must be busy
kesmarn : That one was on his FB page, Khirad, from some obviously Beck-influenced guy.
AdLib : Kes – That one you posted really captures the fanaticism and delusions of these nutjobs. Can you imagine anyone on this site having such a reaction to Obama signing a bill they opposed? There are some human beings I simply can’t connect to in any way.
Khirad : Wow, was that comment from Beck? I doubt they could even define hyperbole. They really think they’re fighting some sort of epic once-in-a-lifeti me Crusade.
kesmarn : Bernanke (flaming lib that he is) has said that if they refuse to raise the debt ceiling, the results could be catastrophic.
Khirad : Yeah, I hate to wish for the pain of the government shutdown, but I’m praying these simpletons shoot themselves in the foot. They can’t conceive how many people that affects, because they only have a conception of “shadowy faceless lazy bureaucrats” and not their next door neighbor, or mail, etc.
kesmarn : They manage to take hysteria to new heights: “WHY? Why did you buckle to their pressure??? WHY! Don’t you dare do this to the people of this Great Nation. This is America! We The People WILL BACK YOU TO THE CROSS, TO THE HILL! If you are HONEST with us, WE WILL LAY DOWN OUR SACRED HONOR. Do not dare turn your back on us, this country is BLEEDING. Be the medic on the battlefield. We’re bleeding out Speaker, patch us up before it’s too late and Liberty DIES.”
AdLib : Such Nihilism can often be found in those who feel left behind in their ignorance by the world around them.
AdLib : I meant, “Some people who have nothing…”
AdLib : People who have nothing would feel better if others had nothing.
AdLib : Khirad – They do still need to vote in The House…what if the furious TP’s get enough Repubs to back off and not vote for it? The end of the Repubs in 2012.
PatsyT : I don’t think I should get in the way of the enemy destroying themselves…
kesmarn : Where does this come from…??
Khirad : They are nihilists.
kesmarn : c’lady was right. These folks want anarchy and nothing short of it will content ’em. Zounds, they are nuts.
Khirad : I love how clueless they are. Like they thought this was even the fight to get the cuts they want. Like THIS was the time to shut it down. I kinda wish they had for a few days. Because, they can still (can they?) play the shutdown card again. Some real strategery.
AdLib : Bito! Love it!!! Here’s another gem: “Juan Motie Boehner are you popeye pelosi’s puppy and pinky reids pet? If not why don’t you stand up for conservative principles and stop crying on TV? I am so mad at you I can hardly see straight right now. Why don’t you turn over the speakers gavel to Michelle Bachmann and resign immediately from the house of representatives. “
PatsyT : Bito you are naughty! I like it!
kesmarn : You little dickens!
bito : I tweeted his page
kesmarn : Wow. If he had a brain, those zombies would be sauteeing it in clarified butter.
bito : The tweets and links I looked at are not as bad as his FB page, wow he has some pissed off fans.
PatsyT : I need some inspiration…. it’s moving fast that one
AdLib : Here’s a fun one: “Donna Marie Bogue John, the 39 BIL was NOT the campaign promise that was made last fall! I am going to take this as a start, but I can tell you that there better be a LOT more to come. If not, you will be seen as a WEAK person and will have disappointed ALL of us! WHAT part of WE DON”T GIVE A SHIT IF THE GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN do you NOT understand???”
kesmarn : Oh do, Patsy!
PatsyT : I liked his page… I could leave him a little note….
AdLib : And following that: Joseph Rohmfeld Hes so done. And he has to know it now. Bill Ritchie Yep and Mitch McConnell right along with him.
kesmarn : OMG, they’ve really turned on him. This reminds me of that old Bela Lugosi movie…where the creatures he “owned” rose up and did him in. Forgot the name, but Boehner had that look on his face…
PatsyT : OK I had to look!!! Train Wrecks are hypnotizing ! Gee I kinda feel sorry for him…. NOT!
Khirad : From FB page: “Mr Speaker. We will accept your resignation as Speaker and as Congressman immediately. You don’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting re-elected after caving tonight!”
AdLib : Whoops, here it is: «link»
AdLib : Here’s Boehner’s FB page, check out the freak out!
Khirad : Who said rum isn’t a breakfast item?
AdLib : Rum…yes, now it all comes together! Rum and bacon, yum and bacon!
Khirad : Redstate being pissed off… isn’t that their natural state? I can only imagine Freepers.
kesmarn : Oh yeah! I forgot to mention the rum. It’s like Saturday night and Sunday morning all rolled into one killer food item.
Khirad : It always returns to bacon.
Khirad : 5 egg yolks isn’t the unusual part in that recipe, but cool beans, I was looking for one that involved spiking it with rum, too.
PatsyT : Whoaaa I step away and this desends into talk of Bacon!
AdLib : Bacon and eggs and sugar and cream, sounds like breakfast to me!
AdLib : One comment says Boehner is getting ripped on his FB page, gotta check that out!
kesmarn : That ice cream has bacon, cream and 5 EGG YOLKS in it. I’ll have job security on the step-down coronary unit!
AdLib : Redstate.com is pissed off!
kesmarn : Oh, do, b’ito!
Khirad : Breakfast ice cream!!! You know, you’ve just tempted the devil. I’m actually saving that one.
bito : The one that is following us right now, be right back.
AdLib : Bito – Yes, which one did you have in mind?
bito : should I look at a bagger site for fun?
kesmarn : That seems logical to me, Khirad.
AdLib : Candied Bacon Ice Cream: «link»
kesmarn : I am still not fluent in twitter, b’ito. I can see how it can be useful, but it doesn’t feel quite “familiar” yet.
Khirad : If bacon can go on a doughnut, I see no reason I can’t mix it in with some caramel-type ice cream.
AdLib : I feel like I’m channeling a Tea Bagger…”I WANT ICE CREAM NOW!” Oh wait, that’s my daughter.
bito : k’es, the roll call was up on twitter. I just took a look
AdLib : Kes – Yep, it’s a standard thing, the party lets members vote against bills that are assured of passage.
kesmarn : Ry-Krisp and peas! Mmmmmmm! Deep fried with cheese sauce on top.
AdLib : Kes – No Snickers…just Ry-Krisp.
kesmarn : That’s what I was thinking, AdLib. Easy to “make a statement” when it’s not even close.
bito : k’es, it looks like the “wings” all voted no to me.
kesmarn : AdLib… possibility: frozen peas in the blender with a Snicker’s Bar? Served with bacon?
AdLib : Kes – It’s the “bill is going to pass so we’re free to vote against it to help our re-election” thing.
kesmarn : Wow, that was a quick link on the roll call vote, b’ito. I don’t know how you do it! I see Kucinich, Rangel and Wiener voted no on it. Strange bedfellows. With Bachmann. Ewwwwww.
AdLib : Boehner looks so lost! Just watching the video of him speaking after agreement.
bito : Night Chis, that 22% fat make you sleepy?
AdLib : Mmm…me want ice cream…only have frozen peas…
Khirad : By the way, I got an ice cream maker from my grandma a few weeks back. I christened it with a small batch of vanilla, then Mexican ice cream (threw a little Tabasco in there in addition to the cayenne). What next?
bito : Here is the roll call vote tally «link»
kesmarn : Chris, good night…ooooh that 22% butterfat sounds delectable. Dangerous. But delectable!
AdLib : Kes – You said it!
AdLib : Night Chris, sleep well!
kesmarn : AdLib
That’s a great analogy. Talk about someone who doesn’t belong in the driver’s seat!
ChrisR266 : Good night all. Time to take the body to slumber. Peaceful sleep I wish for all of you.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: just partook of some 22% butterfat natural vanilla from Graeter’s (Have you had it yet, Kes?). Butterfat rules.
AdLib : Kes – Boehner and his big gavel reminded me of giving a toddler your keys to play with.
kesmarn : b’ito — and Boehner looked SO cocky (pun intended) when he was holding that gigantic oversized gavel when he was sworn it. Sic transit gloria…
bito : And there’s no rapids in Ceder Rapids
kesmarn : Michelle will be crushed to hear that, Khirad. She had reservations.
bito : Boehner has looked and acted stressed this week, the Prez calm and collected.
kesmarn : Patsy, Buckeye ice cream here, please.
Khirad : Kes, Omaha isn’t on the coast, jeeze.
Khirad : Speaking of French, what’s with all those Frenchy names in Iowa? Isn’t that real un-Murrikan?
AdLib : They’re running Obama’s speech tonight, he looks damn good, the opposite of Boehner!
AdLib : Patsy, I’ll have Tutti Frutti.
Khirad : Yes, we transcend blue humor on a post-modern plane.
AdLib : Bachmann already has a campaign song for her presidential run: “Don’t know much about history, don’t know much biology. Don’t know much about a science book, don’t know much about the French I took…
PatsyT : Gotta run out for Ice Cream… BRB if you guys are still here…
kesmarn : She probably thinks it’s a place with a Sandals Resort, KT.
KillgoreTrout : kes, that she wasn’t there?
ParadisePlacebo74 : Bachmann as the candidate for the tea party is about as close as the right will get to the truth — crazy + crazy = crazy.
kesmarn : What would Bachmann have to “teach” us all about Omaha Beach, I wonder?
ChrisR266 : Aw, Khirad: Let’s think of it as you and I being at a level other mere humans have not yet reached.
kesmarn : Patsy!
and likewise, Chris!
PatsyT : And they will believe her!
PatsyT : Battle of the Bulge
kesmarn : PUDNUT! Tonight has been the up-ending of the PUDNUTS! Wow, that sounds disgusting…
Khirad : I wonder what Revolutionary War battle she’ll ascribe to Iowa.
AdLib : Patsy – Great idea! Unisex Republican Hair included!
Khirad : Ha-hah Chris, now you’re down to my level.
bito : PUDNUT! k’es.lol
PatsyT : She is from everywhere!
Khirad : She is from Iowa, too.
ChrisR266 : Kes: she’s playing these TPers like a mouth harp–oops! that may not be the best analogy, tee-hee!
PatsyT : AdLib, Do they come with interchangeable hair?
bito : One thing to remember is that R primaries are “winner take all” Bachmann could start out strong.
kesmarn : Pundit just said: “For Boehner — death by 1000 tweets.”
ChrisR266 : Kes: She
AdLib : Bachmann/Trump 2012!
kesmarn : With forked tongues from each mouth.
AdLib : Please GOP…nominate Bachmann!!!
AdLib : Bachmann has had plastic surgery to add another side of her face so she can talk out of both at the same time.
PatsyT : Hooch from the Toilet?? Help!
bito : wow, Boehner didn’t gavel the vote! woosy!
Khirad : Oh come on, I’m missing Lockup? I can’t wait for learning new pointers on making a better shiv out of a plastic fork or hooch from my toilet.
kesmarn : Is it starting already? Bachmann is bitching about this tonight!
PatsyT : Boehner is staring in Crocked Up
AdLib : Boehner is starring in Lock Up.
AdLib : Chris – Indeed, this will be the first “betrayal” the baggers will see from the status quo Repubs who have been using them. They will be pissed off…then when the debt ceiling is raised, they will be insane and trying to primary half the party! Sit back and watch the fireworks!
bito : Khirad, Where is our Lock-Up? It’s not on!
kesmarn : I’d go with that, Patsy.
PatsyT : Maybe its time for a boycott of the CNN advertisers
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Nothing like watching a ship capsize. Frightening yet amazing all at the same time.
AdLib : Chris – Yep, CNN made this arrangement with the Baggers when they were getting so much positive attention…they ‘re stuck now with these wackos that 78% of the nation don’t like. Very funny!
ParadisePlacebo74 : Khirad — He looks like a bourbon guy to me…
bito : I want to see who the no votes are.
ChrisR266 : All: What people are not figuring on is how ugly this could really get next week. The TPers are too stupid to understand the strategy of it all, and Pelosi is way too smart to give Boehner a pass.
Khirad : With smelling salts nearby for hours later.
kesmarn : OMG! Thanks for the CNN/T-Bag link, AdLib. Whatever credibility they once had with me is now officially gone!
PatsyT : Scotch Salts
Khirad : What scent of bath salts do you think he uses?
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I think he’s probably barricaded himself into a room and is taking a bath in it right now.
Khirad : And during Labor Day week of all times! Oh the irony!
AdLib : Hey…maybe we should get Progressives to pitch in and send packages of Kleenex to Boehner because of all the crying the Baggers will make him do because of this vote.
kesmarn : Tonight on a local purportedly “Christian” radio station some guy was bleating about their latest scheme to try to get every state to pass a law that no presidential candidate’s name can appear on the ballot if they have not provided the “long form” of their birth certificate. They’re convinced this will keep Obama off the ballots.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: OMG. Seriously? Wow.
AdLib : Bito – Thanks!
PatsyT : ChrisR, President Obama should invite him over to the White House and feed him the sauce all weekend … keep him drunk and away from those pesky Tbaggers
AdLib : Kes – Here’s a link to the story…CNN is BOASTING about it in their article! «link»
bito : The extension, earlier when I said it had passed was because it had the 218.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: on the 7 day extension.
ChrisR266 : Khirad: I try to stay classy.
AdLib : Bito – What is that vote on?
kesmarn : Oh, details, AdLib! GOP debate under what circumstances? Tea-bag candidates included? Mud wrestling? Stomping?
Khirad : Used Kleenex is so much kinder than the imagery I’d have opted for.
bito : Right now: 42 dems and 28 r” are nay
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Palin’s done. Tossed away like a used Kleenex.
AdLib : Kes – Don’t forget, CNN is teaming up with the Tea Party for a GOP debate. THAT will be hilarious!!!
PatsyT : AdLib Those true colors are coming out! I could not believe that about the Bristol! How dare she agree to that!
ChrisR266 : All: This is playing out to be high drama. You think Boehner was sweating this week? Wait until Tuesday. Things will go ballistic and by Thursday or Friday we ought to see chaos.
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, and so this looks like a big loss for Palin. Read an article about how she seems to be over. Her FB entries no longer appearing as news, Bachmann getting more of the nutter focus now, I think Palin is pretty much over. Especially after her daughter grabbing a quarter million from Candies’ “charity” that only gave $25k to the cause they’re all about.
Khirad : But who really cares? Isn’t that great? We can bring up Palin like the curiosity she is without feeding into her celebrity? Trump is the right’s new Palin now.
PatsyT : Hey Palin … Shut It Up!
kesmarn : I wouldn’t dream of accusing you of tingling ChrisR! You have far too much gravitas for that!
bito : Patsy, you are right, Palin said SHUT IT DOWN.
PatsyT : HA HA ChrisR266 !!
AdLib : Patsy – That is good to know, MSM talkers were shying away from Obama around election time, when he was less popular. As you say, their feeling more comfortable to support him reflects well upon Obama’s perception in the media.
ParadisePlacebo74 : AL — GOD I HOPE SO!! If they split before the primaries, then they’re toast come next November.
ChrisR266 : Kes: I hope you’re referring to Chris M. I do not tingle
kesmarn : Yes, CNN is really obnoxious of late. The T-Bag vs Repub conflict is going to be delightful to watch.
PatsyT : Did I hear is right that Princess Palin said they should hold out to defund Planed Parenthood on FB or Twitter? and shut it down.
ChrisR266 : We: notice no one is crowing about details. This week is going to be rocking!
AdLib : Kes – Good to know. CNN is pretty conservative nowadays, it’s not surprising but I think the MSM will be most attracted to the conflict in any story and that will now be between Repubs and Baggers.
kesmarn : Patsy, when Chris tingles, people listen.
bito : Both the purists and the baggers don’t like it. So I think the Prez will look good. I want to see exactly where /what was cut.
PatsyT : Adib, Chris Mathews has really been in his corner big time lately that is kinda the bell weather to me. CM has been going all gooey for the President.. I think that tingle is back
AdLib : The meme can’t be anything other than the Repubs didn’t stand their ground and compromised.
kesmarn : I was hearing the pundits implying that on CNN, AdLib.
AdLib : Kes – You mean the MSM or Purists on blogs, calling Obama detached?
ParadisePlacebo74 : That depends on whether the beltway media gives him any credit. I doubt they will.
AdLib : Thanks for the update Bito! Good news for 800k Americans, the recovery and the Dems chances in 2012.
kesmarn : I hope so, AdLib. I hope they don’t spin him as “aloof and detached.” They seemed to be going in that direction somewhat this evening.
bito : Extension just passed in the House.
AdLib : Does anyone think that this budget deal won’t make Obama look stronger as a leader? I mean, he was the one who kept bringing both leaders together to settle this, won’t he get some credit for that?
bito : I don’t care, I just need to know.;-)
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad! I’m okay with Sat night music.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad!
AdLib : Thanks for suggesting it, Killgore!
AdLib : Cool, thanks all for your input on the music thread, we can try it out this way next week!
kesmarn : Did I see Khirad here briefly? My ‘puter is being disruptive tonight.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I’d be up for the threads on different nights.
Khirad : And yes, Weekend Music Thread sounds about right to me.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Khirad — that would be awesome.
PatsyT : No AdLib, but some Tbaggers are the shape of a snuggie
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
ParadisePlacebo74 : I don’t usually participate in the music thread, so I’m not gonna vote.
Khirad : PP74, I’ll have some updates on Saudi Arabia up shortly – and that one is of interest to me, I need to go check it out.
bito : I sent that link out about the riders and some one retweeted it this way
“”Holy Fuckballz. Check THIS out. RT @PlanetPOV: Is this a budget bill or a policy bill? «link»
AdLib : Patsy – Do they make Snuggies in the shape of tea bags?
KillgoreTrout : AL, I think Patsy has a good idea. Just call it the weekend music thread.
PatsyT : AdLib, or maybe that nice woolen coffin Cher has in the Daily Palent
AdLib : Patsy – That sounds interesting, Weekend Music Thread. Thoughts folks?
AdLib : Live by the Bag, die by the Bag. Then get carried out in a Bag.
PatsyT : Maybe call it a Weekend music thread?
KillgoreTrout : Good point Patsy.
AdLib : Killgore – Maybe…let’s take a flash poll now, how many here would like Vox Populi on a different night than the Music Thread, VP on Friday night as usual and Music Thread moved to Saturday night?
KillgoreTrout : AL, the GOPers are going to rue the day they offered support for the TPers.
PatsyT : KT Sometimes I think of the Music thread as the weekend music thread
kesmarn : b’ito, I haven’t taken that HUAC performance off my bucket list yet!
KillgoreTrout : AL, I always get torn between Vox Populi and the music thread. Maybe have them on separate nights? Music on Saturday?
ParadisePlacebo74 : The only good thing in that whole list of riders was the banning of foreign aid to Saudi Arabia — I wonder how that one fared in the negotiations?
AdLib : Killgore – Boehner and the Repubs in Congress are going to get an “Afternoon Tea Bagging Special”. They will be steeped in hot water until 2012, creamed and no sugar.
bito : k’es, your pushing for a Michelle HUAC invitation!
PatsyT : Bito !!
AdLib : Bito…you really rock! Thanks for that link!
KillgoreTrout : Of course not kes.
ChrisR266 : Bito: Thanks for posting the riders link. Read them yesterday and was agog. That’s pretty astounded, even for me.
kesmarn : Or a Saturday Night Special, KT? Hey, I didn’t say that…1
bito : Patsy
What timing!
ChrisR266 : KT: I think he thinks he already did. The waters are roiling and no one seems to have a clue.
KillgoreTrout : AL, the GOPers need a little, “After School Special.”
kesmarn : Patsy! And b’ito just proved your point by posting a link to the riders. You yourself are the QUEEN of great links!
AdLib : Bito – Thanks for the info on that…it’s kind of unbelievable, under Dems that fresh food would be killed.
PatsyT : Que Bito On time !!!
AdLib : Killgore –
bito : PP here are all the riders «link»
PatsyT : Kes, that is one of the best things about the Planet.. If you don’t know about something someone else does and they have links!
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Agreed. This is so not over. By a long shot. I am popping the corn and icing down the beer now. They’re going to have to own this hook, line and sinker.
AdLib : Patsy – Right, the real impact is the black eye this gives the Repubs with Indies AND the heightened internal conflict in the GOP that the angry baggers will bring. GOP Presidential nominee Michele Bachmann anyone?
kesmarn : PP74, I meant “we all,” not “we are”…getting verrrry tired!
ChrisR266 : Paradise: Dork is the last step to geek. You can be there, LOL.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Thanks, Bito!
KillgoreTrout : chris, Boehner will just pass it into law, all by himself, since GOPers seem to think the Senate and POTUS don’t matter any more.
PatsyT : Chris, I don’t think there is enough Whisky in Ireland to help out the Boehner this week
kesmarn : PP74, I think we are have areas where we wish we knew more. I’m really ignorant on the ins and outs of procedures in Congress. So confusing to me!
ChrisR266 : Kes: Me, too. Raised some liberal progeny. And she’s voted since she could do so legally. Hasn’t missed one yet.
AdLib : I let my daughter cast our votes for Obama, she’s joined us at rallies, marches and protests. And I don’t let her touch a teabag.
bito : the fresh vege thing is “sec 19 and it was passed last year. this is the rider:Prohibits funding for carrying out section 19 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act. Sec. 1284
PatsyT : AdLib, I think the firebaggers may think this is great for repubs but I guess what counts is that the Tbaggers are livid and foaming at the bit for some revenge
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I cannot wait for this week. If Boehner thinks he had it tough in these negotiations, just wait until he has to get the House to pass it this week.
ParadisePlacebo74 : I think of myself more as a political dork — kinda nerdy, but not as well informed
kesmarn : When my kids were little I used to take them into the voting booth. I would point to the levers I wanted ’em to pull and let them do it. They loved it! (Prior to electronic machines.)
PatsyT : Chris, I confess to being a geek for politics… And proud of it!
kesmarn : Same here, Chris. My folks took us with ’em when they voted (even when we were tiny kids), always stayed informed and involved from local to national politics. I thank ’em for that.
ChrisR266 : All: Watching the House trying to get its chit together now.
ChrisR266 : Kes: Indeed, cool. Thank goodness my parents raised me to believe that politics were cool, and that politics mattered.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Sorry — I was referring to the fruits and veggies rider.
ChrisR266 : Bito: and just look where that has got you, here? LMAO.
AdLib : PP – I haven’t seen the rider, it specifically cuts fresh food for school kids?
KillgoreTrout : PP, no fresh food rider? Really?
bito : Chris, I’ve hated politics sine 1958.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Well, maybe. No Oxy here, just codeine–Oral surgery this week, so doctor’s permission,
kesmarn : Chris,I think we are all just a weeeee bit geeky here! (But still cool…)
AdLib : Anyone feel that this budget agreement *isn’t* a loss for Repubs?
ParadisePlacebo74 : I wonder who sponsored the “no fresh food” rider? Anyone have any thoughts on that?
KillgoreTrout : AL, bite your tongue.
ChrisR266 : All: I just love politics! It’s just too much fun for color TV. Am I the only geek here?
PatsyT : Chris, if you are Rush you may want that Oxy part
kesmarn : b’ito…yes! Some of these kids would only get fruits/veggies at school. Now what? And the farmers that supply ’em? Forget them, too, say the T-Bags.
AdLib : Killgore – When the Repubs are done cutting school buses and bringing back child labor, we’ll easily conquer childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Oldie, but very goodie,
KillgoreTrout : Too funny Patsy, I hadn’t considered that. “Boehners Violent Torpedo Of Truth.” That is perfect.
PatsyT : Chris you can leave out the Oxy part
KillgoreTrout : AL, one problem is that far too many kids today live sedintary lives.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Oxymoron!
AdLib : Bito – But the dollar figure is just $2 billion more, $39 billion instead of $100 billion…how do you spin that to belligerent fanatics with teabags hanging from their hats?
kesmarn : Stomping! Yes, Patsy. I love the fact that you always are ready for a good stomping. I tend to forget about that option.
bito : K’es did you see that about fruits or veggies? amazing! Not just for the kids but for small farms.
PatsyT : KT.. LOL!! Violent Torpedo and Boner in the same line!!!
ChrisR266 : Did anyone see Pelosi’s statement? Boehner has got to be shatting his pants right now. If the TPers decide to give him a problem, he is all done in because Nancy has made it clear that the vote mid week is not a done deal.
kesmarn : It does motivate the little urchins, AdLib.
AdLib : Kes – That’s it! “We took a big step fighting childhood obesity…by starving kids.”
PatsyT : Can we include stomping?
kesmarn : AdLib, and then drawn and quartered! Bring back drawing and quartering!!
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, I can just see Boehner’s “Violent Torpedo of Truth,” show.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: It’s too long of a story for here, but it is pretty funny. Suffice it to say that we were the fill-in couple for a no-show, who got called at 7:30 ET when people had been drinking since 6:30. Way behind, and just didn’t try to catch up.
AdLib : Patsy –
bito : Boner will spin it with the dollar figures
kesmarn : Boehner can point with pride to the fact that kids will no longer have fruits or veggies in their school lunches…and claimed that they’ve reduced the calories to help prevent obesity.
PatsyT : AdLib, Boeher should consult Charlie Sheen on Winning
KillgoreTrout : AL, Boehner will bring out the water works. Tears in beers.
AdLib : Kes – That woman needs to be recalled…then fired…then impeached.
bito : Not Panic Pinochle?
kesmarn : Ooooooh, I hope they put those pitchforks to good use in WI, b’ito. That woman needs to be fired and then prosecuted!
AdLib : So, how does Boehner spin this into a “win” for Repubs and Baggers?
AdLib : Emergency Euchre…that is the first time I’ve seen those two words together!
ChrisR266 : Hey Kes, bring it on! From heat to air conditioning in 48 hours! LMAO
PatsyT : PP74 Never get downwind of that
bito : The last thing I heard about WI, k’es, was they had sold out of pitchforks
ChrisR266 : Had to play some emergency Euchre with friends tonight. The husband and I were the only sober people in the room. What an evening.
ParadisePlacebo74 : I wonder if it smells like a honey badger — carrion, musk, and turds…
kesmarn : Hey, Chris! 80 degrees in Ohio by Sunday!
PatsyT : Hey Chris!
AdLib : Hey Chris! Nice to see ya!
kesmarn : I’ve been re-tweeting my heart out, b’ito!
AdLib : Trump/Beck 2012!
PatsyT : OK Bito, will do with pleasure!
ChrisR266 : Evening, all!
kesmarn : Patsy — they’re both “just nasty!”
bito : Patsy, k’es the best thing you can do for our account is retweet our tweets.
kesmarn : PP74
ParadisePlacebo74 : Kesmarn — Hahahahahaha!!!!
PatsyT : KES ! And just liek, Trump, that Honey Badger don’t care!
AdLib : Anyone else get the feeling that Trump always wanted to play Davy Crockett when he was a kid but never got to?
kesmarn : Has anyone heard any more about the election situation in WI with the lovely Kathy Nickolaus and her magic computer? So sorry about O/T but I’ve missed all the news tonight.
PatsyT : Bito I have noticed that fine twitter work you are doing… I just started to mess around with it again.. my brother had me set it up in 09! hardly used it at all .. but it is great for election return nights!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think I could ever sit in the same room with trump, without getting a very strong urge to bitch slap him.
ParadisePlacebo74 : AdLib — Neither — it was cultivated on top of a big pile of shit.
bito : I’m not after quantity, thats easy, we have some quality followers1
kesmarn : I think that’s a Honey Badger sitting on Trumps head.
AdLib : Patsy – Get that car in the garage!
KillgoreTrout : Paradise, and it’s place of manufacture. Too funny.
kesmarn : I don’t think Beck would have a prayer.
PatsyT : PP, Was it born or hatched?
AdLib : I keep waiting for someone to say, “Donald Trump is throwing his hair in the ring.”
ParadisePlacebo74 : Patsy — It’s gonna have to show its birth certificate before it can get in the race.
bito : Patsy, beck running was just what I read on the RR site. I think it would be a huge joke if he did.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, I would love to see a campaign ad with just Trumps hair.
AdLib : Bito – Thanks to you, pal! I noticed a big leap in Twitter followers too! 200 ain’t so far away now! You are a wizard!
PatsyT : Big Hail down here in the south OC!
kesmarn : I doubt it, b’ito. There are gonna be consequences to these cuts, no doubt. At some point we have to get serious about TAXING THE RICH.
KillgoreTrout : AL, I was literally laughing out loud.
PatsyT : Can we just have Trumps hair run ?
AdLib : Killgore – Yes, loved Jon’s farewell to Beck!
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, but they seem to like it so.
bito : k’es, I knew would would get the ’37 reference, but does any one in congress understand that ?
AdLib : Hey Paradise! I think the strength for the Dems is their weakness. They have already caved on so much, there’s only bone left to cut into and they just can’t allow that so by default, they become resolved. And as for the debt ceiling, that’s not changeable by future budget cuts so the Repubs have to approve it or plunge our economy and the world’s into a tail spin.
PatsyT : KT, Yes, that was Stewert at his best!
KillgoreTrout : Same here AL. I have yet to write an article, partly because I’m not computer savvy enough yet.
PatsyT : AdLib, Bito.. Do you think that is why Beck is stepping away (fired)? To run?
bito : That rr Twitter site now follows us.;-)
KillgoreTrout : Did anyone see John Stewart’s impersonation of Beck’s farewll show? Emmy winning performance.
PatsyT : KT they already have plenty of that
AdLib : Killgore – Right with you on that, I’ve been well educated by so many here and try to offer what I can in return.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, steaming heaps of bull shit.
ParadisePlacebo74 : AdLib — I’m not worried about the baggers caving on the debt ceiling, I’m worried about the Dems will go for to try and stop them. This “compromising with those that can’t” thing has me very worried for the short term.
ParadisePlacebo74 : .
PatsyT : KT, I guess we will have to throw some food down to them in their pit o doom Hmmm What do Baggers like to snack on besides brains?
KillgoreTrout : AL, this site reminds me of shooting pool. When you play with the best, your game gets better.
AdLib : Bito –
Beck quit to run for president?! Love it! PLEASE RUN BECKY!
kesmarn : b’ito that thought crossed my mind today! That Beck would run for Prez. God. The horror!
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito. We’re about to have a re-visit to 1937 in Ohio.
AdLib : foodchain, so kind of you to say but we see the folks here as part of the same community and that includes you!
bito : I was reading a RR twitter site for a sec, and the rumor is that Beck quit so he run for Prez LOL
KillgoreTrout : Thanks kes. I always get torn between Vox Populi and the music thread.
PatsyT : Hey foodchain, all levels of thoughts are welcome even the ones about Honey Badger
kesmarn : Hey, foodchain! What a wonderful comment! We owe so much to AdLib and the founding members of the site.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, eventually, truth becomes self evident. It can be masked for only so long.
AdLib : Hey Bito! With Palin, Beck and the Tea Party tanking in popularity and the economy recovering…and …heh-heh…Tru mp the second most popular name for the GOP primary…Obama ‘s and Dem re-elections are already looking better and better.
bito : I wonder if anyone remembers the cuts in 1937 and what they did? Idiots.
kesmarn : Welcome back, KT.
foodchain : I only want to say as a newbie, this site is great, you people are really great. I can’t contribute long thoughts but I hope my short thoughts are of some merit. I am so impressed by this site and the commitment to thought and the high energy here. I dont’ have the time to provide the depth but I love that so many do.
PatsyT : AdLib, those TBaggers have boxed them selves into a bottomless pit of no return.
KillgoreTrout : I’m back again. Had to go to the music thread to play Edie Brickell, before I forgot. I have to act quick when a thought hits me.
kesmarn : Owwwie, Patsy! Michelle Bachmann would look even scarier!
PatsyT : or eyes
kesmarn : Hmmm. ‘Fraid that is part of the job description, Patsy. If they eat my branez I’ll try to make sure they’re carrying those needles points up, toward their noses…
AdLib : As I mentioned below, this loss may make the Baggers in Congress more resolved against raising the debt ceiling. What do folks here think, will they block it or fold again and further anger the rank and file baggers?
PatsyT : Bito and Palin is so last month
PatsyT : Oooo kes, will they have to hold sharp objects like needles ?
AdLib : Sounds good CL, looking forward to it! Have a restful weekend!
kesmarn : Patsy, they’ll have to empty all the bedpans for me. Bwa-hahahaha!
PatsyT : CL all the best to you …
choicelady : Thanks, AdLib. Talk to you Wed or thereabouts when I get back from Board meetings etc.!
bito : Night C’Lady!!
PatsyT : After they eat my brain they will have to drive the carpools and do the laundry… have fun bagger
bito : “PatsyT : TParty is so last year” — You are right the last polls have them stinking, er, sinking fast.
AdLib : Night CL, I know how exhausted you are, thanks for taking time out to join us tonight! Sleep well!
choicelady : Sorry – hit the shift too soon – wanted to wish all a good evening and weekend. Hope to see you next week!
kesmarn : G’night, c’lady. Take good care of your branez. We need ’em!
PatsyT : Kes! Flaming Lib Bagger! LOL
AdLib : This is just Act One though folks, next comes authorizing the raising of the debt ceiling which many Baggers who are in the Congress promised they wouldn’t do. So…do they try to make up for this loss (compromise to the rest of us) by refusing to raise the debt ceiling and plunging the US and world into economic turmoil or do they have to swallow another loss?
choicelady : Oh dear friends – after several solid days of writing a very complicated grant and then discovering at 5:45 that two of my allies wanted to change things, I think MY branze just got et by zombies. Early as it is, I am packing it in.
kesmarn : Well, if you are what you eat, after they eat my brain, they will be flaming libs.
PatsyT : CL Totally!
AdLib : CL – Exactly!
choicelady : Oooo, Patsy – that’s why they’re after us. Zombies need brains, and we’re the only ones with them!!!!
PatsyT : OK if you mispell it they will eat it!
PatsyT : TParty is so last year
choicelady : kes – I work closely with Catholics. All the nuns I know are OK with abortion (not loving it but OK with women who make that difficult decision) AND GLBT rights. I am trusted to keep the silence. I told someone this once, and then told him, “Don’t Ask. I Won’t Tell!” Whole new meaning of the issue!
kesmarn : Well, if they have to cut something, maybe Defense is not the worst place to start…
bito : k’es, from what I read, may be rumor, they did end up geeting some cuts from Defense. The prez looks presidential!
PatsyT : Hey wait maybe Zombies are not the word for TPs – Zombies like to eat brains and there are no brains left in the repub party
choicelady : bito – I think they set Title X aside for sometime in the future, not linked to the debt ceiling, but what I read was pretty sketchy.
choicelady : EVeryone – look I hate these cuts. My organization used to get calls 2-3 times a year for energy assistance (which we did not give but DID sign people up for LIHEAP etc.) That is ALL gone, and now I get 2-3 calls a WEEK for help. I hate that LIHEAP was cut. It’s devastating.
AdLib : The Repubs are at a loss for words like the losers in a competition are sometimes. They lost, they caused all of this hysteria and insisted they would be uncompromising and the Baggers insisted that they not compromise…and any way you look at this, they did. That is a major defeat for them and even bigger for the Baggers. They will see this as losing and will be furious.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady. Just came from a gathering of Mercy religious. They are soooo pro-birth control. Have to keep a low profile, but they’re there.
PatsyT : Choice… Zombies! Look out GOP you gonna get from the ZOMBIE
bito : Will PP and all the social policy cuts come up on passing the debt ceiling? «link»
choicelady : Oh Patsy – BEST thing could EVER happen – the GOP turns on its own!!!!
kesmarn : Hey, b’ito! All things considered not bad for the Prez?
PatsyT : Ha Ha TParty dummies are taking the bait!!!! they are going for the primary of the boner!
bito : Just ppassed in the Senate by a UC.
choicelady : AdLib – I was trying for sarcasm on the “moderate” thing…
AdLib : CL – I wouldn’t say “moderate”, just “less extremist” Repubs. Yes, I saw the zealous calls by Baggers for shutting down the government. That will taint them. AND now they are going to turn on the Repub leadership for not following their demands. Get the popcorn popped, the next few weeks is going to be very entertaining as the Baggers have at the GOP.
KillgoreTrout : Good point choice. But they just can’t have it both ways. They shouldn’t have it either way.
choicelady : kes – most Catholics are pro birth control. The Church gives you the right to deeply evaluate the teachings then follow your conscience. The Church is not nearly so rigid as the ueber Christians who are Pentacostal etc. They are rule bound beyond belief – for YOU, not themselves.
PatsyT : I wonder if Pres Obama has been inviting them in and saying… here sit down have a glass of this fine merlot … Much nicer then what they hear from the TP party
kesmarn : Patsy, they are blithering aren’t they? Maybe someone slipped a little Valium into the bean soup in the congressional cafeteria to get this deal done?
PatsyT : Kes his words are messy like the weeper of the house… has someone been giving the guys some nice merlot?
choicelady : ADLib and all – the baggers last night were chanting “Shut it down! Shut it down!” They are furious that the more “moderate” GOP (can you believe we’re saying that of Boehner?) saved the union. They WANT anarchy because they think – and since they have the House they are right – that they can rebuild the nation with a new Constitution that embeds their dominance.
AdLib : Killgore – The Dems couldn’t give up on PP or that would have been the end of Progressive support for the Dems. They had to hold and the GOP knew it. In this game of chicken, the GOP had to lose.
kesmarn : McConnell’s trying to save face right now. He looks deflated.
PatsyT : AdLib, This makes the Repubs look like themselves total AssHats!
kesmarn : This is were I’m an outlaw Catholic, c’lady. I am totally PRO birth control. God gave us brains for a reason1
PatsyT : Choice, yep Boehner is gonna get himself a nice recall campaign and they had a nice dem candidate last election in his district … No Riders!
choicelady : kes and Killgore – you have to understand that birth control is JUST as much anathema to the religious right as abortion. They believe in the sactity of the sperm and egg. The only birth control that’s OK is no sex. They really MEAN that – for you…
AdLib : I say that the Repubs look bad now, holding out and putting so many people at risk then folding. And as CL reports, the Tea Party has got to be fuming!
KillgoreTrout : AL, if the dems caved on PP, it would make them look bad, especially in women’s eyes.
choicelady : AdLib – it’s GREAT for the Dems – it held the line AND preserved PP funding!!!
kesmarn : Seriously, c’lady?? Wow!
choicelady : WaPo says: $39 billion and NO cuts to Planned Parenthood!!!!! Obama WINS!!!!!!!!!!! NYTimes says the Tea baggers are mustering a RECALL on Boehner!!!!
PatsyT : Reid speaking now
KillgoreTrout : absolutely kes. I believe that’s why PP was formed in the first place. RT Lifers aren’t known for their smarts.
KillgoreTrout : choice, Kurt was a real humanist and most likely made comments about women scientists, just appear curmugedly.
AdLib : CL – President Barack Obama congressional leaders reached a last-minute budget deal on Friday, averting a government shutdown, Republican lawmakers said. With a midnight deadline looming for a government closure, the compromise between Obama’s Democrats and opposition Republicans requires lawmakers to approve stopgap funding to keep federal agencies running into next week until the budget agreement can be formally enacted. Republican Congressman Devin Nunes told Reuters that “the deal” — a plan for $39 billion in spending cuts — was presented to House Republicans at a closed-door meeting and that most members would vote for it. There was no immediate comment from the White House or congressional Democrats.
PatsyT : From the twitters … Leaders agree to separate votes on federal funding for Title X Planned Parenthood centers at a later time.
kesmarn : Yes, KT. More birth control = fewer abortions, one would think?
KillgoreTrout : I’ll never understand anti abortionists being against Planned parenthood.
choicelady : KT – I’m sure he did, but how could he have known enough female scientists to make that observation? They’re scattered all over the world. It’s just silly.
kesmarn : c’lady — some kind of compromise was reached, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out the details. Anyone else?
PatsyT : I think the riders are out of the picture
KillgoreTrout : choice, he came from a pre-women’s lib culture. He did know quite a few scientists.
choicelady : OK – I’m supposed to be a policy wonk. Can someone tell me what happened on the federal budget????? I’m derelict in my duty! And I’m NOT leaving here – much more fun.
AdLib : Seeya Tex!
kesmarn :
choicelady : tex – give her a hug from all of us. RNs ROCK!
KillgoreTrout : choice, you nailed Vonnegut. He loved to sneer at the world. And he did it masterly.
choicelady : Killgore – did not know that about Vonnegut and his notions about women. Which are pretty silly if you think about it. How many women scientists could he have known?
PatsyT : President Obama on now in the Blue Room
kesmarn : The Prez speaks…
kesmarn : Ouch! Double shifts are killers, tex! Enjoy the dinner!
choicelady : kes – Killgore’s avatar is indeed Vonnegut, but it’s that photo that makes him look as if he’s sneering at the world. Always makes me do a double take.
PatsyT : Have a wonderful evening Tex
kesmarn :
texliberal : Gotta go, my wife just got off a double shift promised her a late dinner. As always it was my pleasure, love Fridays with ya’ll. Take care
KillgoreTrout : kes, yes it is. I don’t really look all that old and wrinkly.
choicelady : tex – we’ve always had “limousine liberals” in the Dem party, but they DID have principles. Time to remind them that you can get moolah from the GOP – but ya gotta swallow Jayzuz with it. And I say that as the Churchlady who is just about FED UP with the religious right!!!
KillgoreTrout : choice, to be honest, Vonnegut thought women made lousy scientists. I don’t always agree with Kurt.
kesmarn : Isn’t your av Kurt Vonnegut, Kt?
AdLib : CL – Yes, we can’t let the easily forgetful public forget about the GOP attacking women’s health, Medicare, etc.
choicelady : DWS is smart, not afraid to speak her mind, and not afraid of being LIBERAL! She calls it OUT. She has a fine mind, and she knows what needs saying. She will NOT be reticent.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady. And you know — if you have no real sense of …what…self-r espect? It’s an easy — almost tempting — cop out to say that you’ll serve Daddy and Daddy will take care of you and all will be well. Creepy…
choicelady : Killgore – I do fear with that avatar, I would have lept to the judgment you were sexist. Even though your avatar was not. There’s a look on its face…
PatsyT : Choice DWS was a awesome choice for the DNC …. I think she will help with women, seniors, and FLA
choicelady : kes and Patsy – there have always been women like that. Remember that’s how I was raised (not by my mother but by society) to be dim, subservient, and interested in domestic bliss. Some of them bought it. It is security – corporate hubby, parties, servants, new cars, pretty house – and no real responsibilities .
KillgoreTrout : kes, HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Very much the case.
texliberal : I like DWS she’s got more balls than Tiny Tim Kaine
KillgoreTrout : choice, I like her, She seems like she doesn’t tolerate bull dung.
kesmarn : Hey, KT! Truth is truth!
choicelady : Killgore – yes, there may be a HUGE change soon. Debbie Wasserman Schultz just got named head of the DNC. She kicks BUTT!
KillgoreTrout : kes, better said by you than by me. I may have been perceived to be a misogynist.
PatsyT : Hey Tparty twitters are saying they will primary Boehner.. They are like a rabid animal
texliberal : KT too many Dem’s have their bread buttered with the banks, corporations and Wall St too.
choicelady : ADLib – yes, the independents are moving fast away from the GOP. I think it’s up to all of us to keep up that pressure and remind them over and over that these guys want to take AWAY their Medicare, make them be entirely on their own, but tax all of US to keep cuts for the rich. Over and over and over.
KillgoreTrout : It’s amazing, the dems have sooooooo much ammunition against the GOP, if they’d only use it.
texliberal : CL AGREED. The first time my mom and I had to bail my father out of jail after someone crossed a teamster picket line, I was 10 yrs old.
kesmarn : KT — and yet so many of those RW women are singularly and stupidly mouthy, KT. It’s weird.
choicelady : hey all – what’s up with the budget? I do agree that Boehner is probably suited up and headin’ for the bar!
AdLib : It’s always the independents that decide elections. How can there be many independents applauding the Repubs? Wouldn’t most of them fall into one of the categories I listed of people the GOP is attacking?
KillgoreTrout : Right wing women are to be seen and not heard. At least that’s what their husbands must tell them.
choicelady : tex – I agree, but you can turn the media by doing what the Right did and never give up DEMANDING they pay attention to you. Editorial visits over and over. Pickets. Boycotts of their advertisers. The RW did it, and so can we. Labor knows how – we need to be present to help.
PatsyT : That was quick… now he is back to the bar
kesmarn : Boehner’s comments were totally lacking in info as usual.
KillgoreTrout : tex, right wing women tend to be a little too self depricating.
texliberal : Depends on the media CL.
choicelady : tex- the women who vote for GOP are those who largely work in money-making professions (being an RN would NOT qualify) by which I mean businesses that make money, OR are not employed and depend on their well heeled husbands’ income. Or they are the religious right.
PatsyT : AdLib, We have our work cut out for us to get the message across …. Boehner on now …
KillgoreTrout : I hope boehner cries again. It’s been a while!;(
kesmarn : The only people I’ve talked to recently who are going to vote Tea-Pub come hell or high water are RW fundies — even the women.
texliberal : You’re probaly right KT
choicelady : I think yes, if we can keep the momentum and the heat on the CUTS – end MEDICARE for crying out loud? – then the anger can persist. But we need to KEEP the heat on!
KillgoreTrout : tex, it should be, how many SELF RESPECTING females…
texliberal : My wife’s an RN and I know many female medical professionals they loathe the tea-party. How can any woman vote GOP now?
choicelady : We have a “liberal” assembly member who does things like author bills on breast feeding, safe tattoo artists, etc. She gets awards from feminist groups – even though she is the author of the SINGLE BIGGEST TAX GIVEAWAY TO MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS IN THE STATE’S HISTORY.
KillgoreTrout : Forgive me folks, I am bouncing between the music thread and here.
PatsyT : Oh goody, they say that Boehner will be speaking soon … just a few more shots and he should be good to go
kesmarn : So…Anderson Cooper says budget deal reached.
choicelady : tex – I agree with Maher on that, but unfortunately, he is one of the poster kids for that!
PatsyT : Choice thats the best explanation I have heard!
kesmarn : Tex, I hate to admit it but what else can explain it? C’lady, well said!
choicelady : kes – the Dems have to start believing they are right. They have to point out the extremism instead of being so polite. I don’t care if Obama remains civil, but we need the Congress etc. to blast the GOP and Baggers as unAmerican!
texliberal : CL spot on
texliberal : kesmarn, Maher is right about ONE thing, we’ve become a nation of uninformed idiots
choicelady : tex – you peddle high interest loans on street corners, you’re a crook. You peddle ’em behind a desk, you’re a financier. You run numbers, you’re a crook. You do it in a Casino you’re The Donald. You trash neighborhoods you’re a street gang. You abandon repossessed houses, you’re a bank. I say the clear and obvious solution – everyone has to have a desk, a blotter, a tie.
kesmarn : c’lady did Rachel give any more info than that? How can the Repubs pull it off YET AGAIN? Rhetorical question. How can they spin everything to be Obama’s fault?
choicelady : tex – I knew Wipisinger a little (IAM) who said much the same. One Hoffa; 1500 crooked bankers.
PatsyT : Oh I guess they have to stop the countdown clock on MSNBC
texliberal : CL I grew up in the 50’s with a teamster father, he used to say Hoffa may be a crook but he’s our crook. Management has thousands of their own.
choicelady : kes – RAchel said something was going to happen, but it made me so queasy I came here for stability. I cannot stand it. No matter what happens, the Dems are likely to be blamed.
KillgoreTrout : Ad Lib, it is mostly Maher’s smugness that eventually turned me off. I think he’s bit too in love with himself.
AdLib : Breaking News: Congress in short-term deal to avert shutdown
choicelady : Shhhh AdLib – I know liberals who eat meat! Don’t tell…
kesmarn : I was out all evening, till just now. Any new word on the shutdown situation?
AdLib : CL – You nailed it! Maher and the other actual elitist liberals, who represent such a tiny fraction of real liberals are the cause of so many people’s negative perceptions of liberals…who are mostly not intolerant vegans.
choicelady : tex – yes, the anger and labor efforts are GROWING. The coast-to-coast rallies last Monday were amazing. There were a couple of thousand in just Sacramento. We see the handwriting on the wall. I am thinking this WI judicial election – which is being investigated, BTW – is just another nail in the GOP coffin.
PatsyT : My hubby has on Bill Mahar downstairs and I have the Ed show on up here.. I m getting confused
kesmarn : Ralph’s sleeping it off, Patsy?
KillgoreTrout : Goooood EEEvening Patsy.
PatsyT : Hey Kes Hey Choice all is well and quiet
KillgoreTrout : Ad Lib, some protest songs are definitely need. But some of the old ones are timeless. (thinking bob dylan)
kesmarn : I have C-SPAN on now with Fed Govt Workers Rally.
choicelady : Patsy! Hi! How ARE you?
choicelady : AdLib – I think of Maher as the Son of Santa Cruz – the self-involved smug liberal totally missing the point.
AdLib : Hey Patsy and Kes!!!
texliberal : Does anyone think the anger and pro union sentiment will Last?
AdLib : CL – It would be great if more socially conscious music could grow as a genre right now, So much to write about and listen to.
kesmarn : Good Friday night, friends. Hey, Patsy!
choicelady : tex – yes, “don’t think twice” was very cool. Still is.
PatsyT : Hi Guys and Gals
KillgoreTrout : Pretty cool choice.
choicelady : AdLib – remember a couple of weeks ago we had new LABOR songs? We’re definitely moving that direction!
KillgoreTrout : tex, i rarely use cologne…but when I do…………..
choicelady : Killgore – we used to give my Dad “Rooster ties” – they were done to appear hand woven. He liked those, and we had pretty cool taste, so he did not have to pretend they were OK and change ’em on the train.
AdLib : CL – That’s exactly what I’m thinking about, The petty squabbling among the self-involved “liberals” who would rather fight with those who share most of their positions than those who oppose most of them.
texliberal : Peter Paul and Mary doing a Dylan song Don’t Think Twice my favorite
choicelady : Killgore – my brother and I also gave him Hai Karate LIME. He wore that, too. He’d use it VERY sparingly so it did not stink. He was smart, was my dad. AdLib – bet your Dad loved your gift. Fathers are remarkably patient that way.
KillgoreTrout : Ad Lib, yeah, cologne was always a great Dad’s day gift. Better than ties at least.
AdLib : Killgore – Seriously, a new version of folk music might really hit the spot right now, the way things are in this country.
texliberal : Go old school trout, I’m still an aqua velva man
KillgoreTrout : choice, he must have really loved you! I remember that cologne. And Jade East.
choicelady : AdLib – I left Santa Cruz for back east in ’81. I had gone to Grad school there. By the time I left I was ready to scream – the BIG ISSUE was the vegans vs. vegetarians. And this with Reagan elected. Gimme a break!
AdLib : Killgore – Yes, that was my first cologne and my dad received a sum total of gallons of it as presents over my childhood.
texliberal : Oh yea Dem’s can be smug
KillgoreTrout : Truly AdLib. I’ll always be greatful to my ex for turning me onto her, so many moons ago.
choicelady : Killgore – that’s my fave among scents men wear. Used to give my Dad Hai Karate when I was a kid. He wore it, too, even though he was a deeply unpretentious man. He did it for me.
AdLib : CL – How annoying that Dems like that give the rest of us an elitist name.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah it’s the one with that little ship on the bottle!
choicelady : AdLib – never been to Berkeley? As a liberal allow me to say the heretical thing: you’ve not missed much. Three cities – Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Davis – all smug, overpriced, and annoying.
AdLib : Joni Mitchell was amazing.
AdLib : Kilgore, your cologne gave youu away.
KillgoreTrout : I was caught up in Joni Mitchell’s music. What a great song writer and performer.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s fine. I like Sacramento because it reminds me of “back east”. I’m very much more attracted to four seasons, even snow, and to the history and surroundings of everything from Illinois east. It’s just my comfort zone. But Sacramento isn’t bad! Until it’s 112. Then it’s BAD.
AdLib : I’m embarassed to say as both a Californian and a liberal, I’ve never been to Berkley…but I’ve heard it’s quite nice up there.
KillgoreTrout : Damn, I thought I was well hidden!!
texliberal : LA huh, my dad grew up in Long Beach, and I have a bother who lives in Berkley
AdLib : CL – Some evenings, people do mosey in a little late, let’s chat a few more minutes then we’ll begin.
choicelady : Hey Killgore – we see you in the loft. C’mon down!
choicelady : tex – I’m in Sacramento. Flat, dry, hot – but lots of trees in the city, views of the coastal mountains to the west and Sierras to the east. Grew up in the Midwest, so the mountains are really spectacular.
AdLib : Tex – I’m in L.A.
texliberal : I’m game CL what ya got?
choicelady : Hey AdLib – do we want to change up to the topic? May be only three of us, but others will come in, I’m sure. Up to you.
texliberal : Ad Lib,CL where do you reside?
choicelady : tex – oh good! Trees do make a difference. Culturally diverse even more so!
texliberal : Flat, but nothing like west Texas. I live in the older part of town big trees and very culturally diverse
choicelady : tex – perfectly good reason. I freely admit, having driven through the pan handle ONCE and seeing “Hud” and “Last Picture Show” I have a horribly distorted view of what Texas looks like. Flat, hot, dry, ugly. Tell me what Plano looks like?
texliberal : Lived here for 26 years, I’m retired but my wife is an RN and has a really good job in a hospital she loves. Plus my three sons and families live here.
choicelady : tex, AdLib – I also can’t type anymore. Ran out of grammar doing the grant this afternoon. Please be patient. I’m barely alive…
choicelady : tex – so WHY do you live there? As opposed to Austin or something? I had friend who were in Waco – Baylor U. So is there a reason you’re suffering so?
texliberal : You’d hate where I live in Texas CL, Plano, Collin County just north of Dallas.
choicelady : AdLib and tex – I am a lobbyist. I count votes. I do this for a living. I cannot watch this debacle in DC. It makes me queasy, and I came here for stability, good talk, good people.
texliberal : Posturing Thugs make me ill
choicelady : AdLib – Rachel was saying they fluffed the American flags in front of the GOP press podium, so perhaps yes, there’s a deal. We shall see.
choicelady : tex – The Donald apparently isn’t going to run after all. As with his last foray, he promptly put BOTH feet in his mouth all at once. Poor baby = he continues to believe he has as many brains as hair. Oh. Wait. That’s true. No hair, no brains.
texliberal : Will a deal be reached on the budget tonite?
AdLib : Remember, Maher supported Bush’s invasion of Iraq and has been a constant attack dog against Obama. He’s low.
texliberal : Yep the Donald Trump of the center left
choicelady : AdLib – then Maher is the perfect sycophant for Arianna who is stale and snide to the bone.
AdLib : And such a phony, a total sell out.
AdLib : Tex – After Maher bowed at Arianna’s feet, I was really put off. He’s so stale and snide now.
choicelady : tex – that’s what I figured. LBJ’s brother, Sam Houston, was about as RW as they get. He was a comrade in arms with the religious right, too.
texliberal : CL feel the same way about Maher
texliberal : Most LBJ dems were Dixiecrats you know where they went.
choicelady : tex – no. Can’t stand Maher.
choicelady : AdLib – you mean there could be another topic????
choicelady : tex – what happened to the LBJ Dems? Where is the appeal of the Repubs when they rob everyone who works?
AdLib : CL – You’re red hot!
texliberal : Anyone watch Maher anymore?
texliberal : Statewide it’s about 3-2, but the big cities about 2-2 if you include the burbs
AdLib : Tex – What’s the Dem-Repub ratio like in TX nowadays?
choicelady : AdLib – hijacking democracy?
AdLib : You’re getting warm, CL, not vote theft exactly but it’s part of the mix.
choicelady : tex – yes indeedy. Have a friend who hailed from Springfield, home of the KKK, the skinheads, the Assembly of God, and most everything else to the right of Attila.
texliberal : Ad Lib that’ll be a few more years down the road.
texliberal : St louis is liberal very pro union the rest of the state is strictly southern fried
AdLib : Tex – Looking forward to the day when the Hispanic population tips TX into the Dem column.
choicelady : tex – for whatever reason, 6th street most anywhere seems to be a liberal paradise. How odd.
choicelady : AdLib – the first topic? Vote theft?
texliberal : 6th street in Austin is a liberal paradise
choicelady : Well then – I think you’re more and more like most Texans. NOT born and bred, tex. How do you compare the two – MO and TX?
AdLib : I bet everyone will be able to guess the first topic of the night!
texliberal : I’m from St louis but been here since ’79
choicelady : Isn’t that your littoral side, AdLib? In book publishing that would be your Verso.
choicelady : Hey tex – glad you did not find such a wanton stereotype a bad thing. I have a friend in Austin – I always say “howdy” to her and she to me. Her husband is a cameraman for “Austin City Limits” so she’s certifiably a Texan.
AdLib : CL – I am somewhat literal, especially on my left side.
AdLib : Hey CL and Tex!
texliberal : hey CL
choicelady : May I say “howdy” to you, tex? Seems appropriate, somehow.
choicelady : Hi when you arrive! I am VERY literal tonight as most Fridays. How are YOU?
AdLib : And don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT, hope to see you then!
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