ChrisR266 : Best of rest to you, Patsy.
PatsyT : Well Chris you and I are closing the place down… See you soon Thanks for your great ideas and hope your weekend goes well.
ChrisR266 : A parking place and a hot tub. Yep. Just my retirement fantasy.
PatsyT : It really does smell like “New” money..
PatsyT : Must be all those new billionaires buying up those fixer upers
ChrisR266 : Patsy: did you hear that? A thousand euros to put in a CLOSET?
ChrisR266 : I agree. And, as they are doing here, they all “must have bigger bedrooms” because of all the family who are sure to come visit them. Yeah, right. Like they can afford the $900.00 and up air fare to just flit over there.
PatsyT : I would hate the plane rides back and forth to the states, I have kids here and I don’t want to be a huge plane ride away or several
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I know! Funny thing is, my husband is Irish, and we have much family in Ireland, England and Europe. They’re not destitute by any means, but for the life of us we can’t figure out how anyone buys any property anywhere over there! Weird.
chazmania : Thanks Chris..Patsy.Hop e to se you all again soon…keep up the fight battle rants noise…sway the mass’s so they follow with their ass’s
PatsyT : Nighty Night Chaz, all the best to you
PatsyT : Crack Hunters International !
ChrisR266 : Sending you some love, Chaz. Thanks for such a fun and stimulating evening. Ideas aren’t shabby, either.
chazmania : OK Gotta GO all too….Peace and love to all of you…….This was fun stimulating informative. silly…and glad ta be in on it….Cheers..Bu rp
chazmania : Night patsy…..We wont make you send us to our rooms …promise!
ChrisR266 : Patsy: HH International is like crack in our house, LOL> We have major discussions about this one. It’s our go to show!
chazmania : CHirs ..love the Nat..
ChrisR266 : Chaz and Abby: seems appropriate. I recall a lovely song from the past: “Rambling Rose, Rambling Rose. Why you ramble, no one knows…” Nat King Cole?
PatsyT : Argggh Chris, my husband has that on in the other room, ding dong!
chazmania : Abby….I would not care if you rambled incoherently…a lways warms my keys to see ya…..
ChrisR266 : Couldn’t take any more earthquake coverage, had to go to House Hunters. It’s international time. Who does this? Really? Know anyone who has an extra 450,000 Euros to drop on a 450 year old fixer upper?
PatsyT : I hope your weekend is a good one Chris.
chazmania : Night Choice
PatsyT : Well Thank You Chris, although I did have that map to distract me, oh look a Squirrel!
Abbyrose86 : Tex….I’ve BEEN to Texas..and that brisquit thing…IS SO delightful. Texas brisuit is the BEST thing about Texas…It’s been years since I’ve been there…and I still salivate about the brisquit….good night!
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Patsy, you were a fine moderator. Enjoyed your presence.
PatsyT : Pleasure to meet you Smedley, hope to see you again soon, Nighty Night
ChrisR266 : Marinate away, Tex. Take care.
Smedley Butler : G”nite all I’ll try and stop by a bit earlier next time
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady..EXAC TLY! I’m thinking it’s our regional past time! (being drunk that is!
PatsyT : Tex… sounds delicious.. Nighty Night
PatsyT : Well Friends, This is seems to be a good time to call it a night for me also and Thank you everyone for making this a wonderful Vox Populi! (now if you are very good you can chat amongst yourself for a bit but only if you are very well behaved)
texliberal : I’m off. Marinating a brisket and some baby backs to mesquite smoke tomorrow. One of the few advantages of living in TEXAS.
Abbyrose86 : Chris…understo od. :})
ChrisR266 : I can smell that, Abby. Wow. I shall try that my next strike evening.
ChrisR266 : Golden Slumbers, Choice. Always a pleasure, and stimulating to engage with you.
Abbyrose86 : Any way…I shot of each of the folliwng: Tauca, Grand Marnier, and Kahlua…coupled with a shot of caramel liquer whipped cream and coffee..all I can say is NEVER even attempt to drive after 1 of these drinks!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Choice
choicelady : Abby being from Buffalo IS being drunk!
PatsyT : No big waves here
Smedley Butler : Nite CL
PatsyT : Abby say no more, Buffalo will do
choicelady : OK everybody, I’ve had it. Trundling off to bed. Have a good weekend. Patsy – the fact you’re in OC and not awash makes me happy! Talk to y’all soon!
ChrisR266 : No apologies necessary, Abby: I’m doing the same, and staying up until I can’t see the keyboard anymore. Read way too many papers and exams this week. I’m on strike until Sunday.
texliberal : There are myths, legends and even some facts that can never be proved or disproved in our own minds. But it is alawys best when people question and pursue them.
PatsyT : But yes Chas, dudes with massive trucks (what are they compensating for) they like the sticker that says “I’ll cling to my guns and my faith you can keep the change”
ChrisR266 : Patsy: I think I would cry at the sight of Sarah stickers. In my neck of the woods, people only get bold enough to lob out the occasional Paul for President ’08 sign in their side yards. And they all hate that I still have Obama/Biden sticker on my mailbox.
Abbyrose86 : Ok friends…I’m sorry I haven’t replied well tonight…I decided to SPLURGE tonight( I was so MAD about the damage from the Roof problem..or I think it’s the roof
, I decided to make some SERIOUS alcoholic beverages! ( seriously…I’m not a drunk…I’m just from Buffalo!
choicelady : tex – READ the book. THEN explain the evidence. Hearing him interviewed is not sufficient.
texliberal : I’ve seen him interviewed. People have made lots of money with books on the topic. I’m sorry can’t buy it.
PatsyT : Chaz, Worse, Moms in giant SUVs with one little kid to transport and some have the Sarah sticker still on.
choicelady : Smedley – or should I say, you certainly LOOK like yourself!
choicelady : Smedley – well, you certainly LOOK like him!
Abbyrose86 : OK friends…sorry
choicelady : tex – read the book. Then tell us what you think.
chazmania : Patsy…AHHH should i apologize? Dudes with trucks everywhere with Rush stickers?
Smedley Butler : LOL I like to think I’m still original SL
texliberal : Choice I was not there, I was a Freshman in Spanish class at a Catholic high school in St Louis. I’ve read just about everything and know people who WERE on duty that day. It was truly Oswald on his own accord
chazmania : Smeddly …you mean you leaped into traffic..causing horn toots and finger salutes?
PatsyT : Oh hey Chaz, you are in LA ? … me Orange County!
choicelady : Smedly! We were just talking about you, sort of. The original anyway.
Smedley Butler : Abby You said the leak occurred after remodeling your bathrooms, the first place I would look is at the plumbing vents on the roof.
chazmania : Patsy…LA LA LAND
ChrisR266 : Hey, Smedley. Evening!
PatsyT : Hello Smedley!
Smedley Butler : If I may take this opportunity to quit lurking on the on ramp to the information superhighway…
PatsyT : Chaz that sounds cool, what town?
choicelady : tex – read DAvid Lifton’s book, “Best Evidence” and then let us know what you think. Being in Dallas in a sense was the best wayNOT to see outside. And you’re too young to have been there! I do NOT think the Dallas police had anything to do with it. NOTHING. But read that and see what you think then?
Abbyrose86 : Chris…yes I am a tad annoyed…and was SO looking forward to my new kitchen…BUT… I still have a roof over my head…’sort of’…I suppose it could be worse…[sigh[
ChrisR266 : Abby: is it a flashing problem or are you pulling up the whole damned thing and replacing plywood to shingle?
chazmania : My 100 year old Machine shop now Loft has an old sink propped up with a 2×4.. A vintage stove being powered by propane tank..Pot belly stove in the bedroom and a view of downtown that would knock your socks off….
texliberal : Chaz, Nova did a program on the murder in the 80’s narrated by Cronkite. If you can find it, it’s good. Oliver Stone’s movie was make believe.
Abbyrose86 : ON the plus side…I still have home!
choicelady : Yup, Patsy – they do…It’s very scary that this could happen again. Once Obama pulled out of Iraq and suspended the permanent bases Bush was going to have, I got the cold chills. He is also NOT wading into Libya. Now WE all get how good this is – they hate him for it. They think we could conquer Libya and have all their oil. All Iraq’s oil was to be ours. So what are they willing to do – even though we, the people, are thinking this OUT LOUD – how arrogant ARE they, and will they find some schnook Muslim kid to set up for the murder?
Abbyrose86 : ChoiceLady…no doubt it totally IS a Buffalo story! I am so pissed. I’ve been in a foul mood for days…after I saw the damage! My NEW bath rooms!…I waited SO long for them..and to see the water damage and realize my new kitchen went bye bye…does not make for a happy camper!
texliberal : Sorry Choice I have to disagree. The JFK murder was LHO in the school book depository with the Carcano rifle. A terrible fluke with consequences we still feel today. By the way I am a retired Dallas cop 1979-2004. Knew many who were on duty that day a knew Jack Ruby. They said he was a flake.
chazmania : Anyone that studies the evidence on JFK finds a mountain of circumstantial evidence alone….Why a mountain?
choicelady : Oh Abby – that is SUCH a Buffalo story! I have to say that after 16 years in my house, I – knock on wood – never had a roof leak. I’m so sorry that’s happening to you!!!!! And especially sorry it ruined your redecorating. Will insurance cover it? I sure hope so! THEN you can redo the kitchen. We will keep our fingers crossed you come out of this made whole again. With a GOOD roof!
PatsyT : Choice, all scary stuff, and they all fit.
ChrisR266 : Oh Abby, I am sorry to hear that. Damn. Five years? Seriously? I am, after 20 years, finally getting my kitchen this spring. We’re doing a bunch of the work ourselves (cabinets and countertops that aren’t formica cost a bitch!) but I am willing to suffer almost any indignity for cabinets that close and countertops that are cool to touch and clean up.
chazmania : CLady….about JFK..I AM CONVINCED there is a group…
choicelady : Patsy – if you triangulate Jeff Sharlet’s “The Family” about the C Street folks with JOhn Perkins’ “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” – he was a covert CIA operative doing economic destabilization, with ARcher’s “The Plot to Seize the White House” about the attempted coup against FDR, then add in DAvid Lifton’s book, “Best Evidence” about the massively inconsistent evidence concerning JFK’s murder – you become pretty damned clear that there is a group, a small but powerful group, behind most of these things, and you CAN piece together names and their links to key major corporations and to one another and the rogue part of the CIA.
chazmania : Abby…OOOHHH back east winter..10 years NYC….I shudder the thought. ..As i drive my classic convertible in the sun today :>P
PatsyT : Ouch Abby You need a break from that hot mess!
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Oh, but for wishes I could! I’ll be vacuuming up dog hair and scrubbing toilets while reading papers and prepping exams. I do know many of my
chazmania : Thanks Chris and Choice…I am lucky…Have struggled hard though so i know humility…Wish the same good fortune on you all..Its still ruff but im not ducking bullets in an oil war.
Abbyrose86 : CHRIS…I had to put the cabinets on hold….we had a winter storm…and I found out the hard way..that we need a new roof or to fix our roof. MY new bathroom got damage…due to melting snow. I had put a new roof on 5 years ago…at a substantial cost…and AFTER I got the new roof,I had my bathrooms redone…WELL after the snow/rain and other acts of nature…I leaked. I am SO friggin mad..because I have to hire a NEW roofer to look at the roof as I’m leaking. SO instead of getting a new kitchen…I’m looking at replacing the ROOF again…AND the company I got the roof from 5 years ago…is no longer in business. I’m NOT a happy camper! MY new upstairs bathroom walls and ceiling are ruined! I SO wanted to re-do the kitchen.. {sigh}
ChrisR266 : Chaz: I’m so glad to hear you’re doing something that jacks you up so. Nothing better.
PatsyT : Say, We are going to be winding up soon but before we close up shop, Is anyone planing anything special this weekend like driving to Madison Wisconsin in a Tractor?
ChrisR266 : Choice: You have a point about the notion of forces we don’t see. I have wondered that myself. We look back at that time and still cannot be sure of all the actors driven by which force. And, I think that some of these forces are so institutionalize d that they have become invisible. Intrigue.
chazmania : CHoice Lady…..My technical skills gives me a Unique ability in audio analysts and i can tell you the Zuputer film coupled with the dictabelt recording???? two shooters
texliberal : I grew up Catholic and remember my dad punched a guy who said if JFK were elected the Pope would run the country. My Dad was a Catholic, Irish, Teamster who always told me to be sure to keep bond money in my sock
PatsyT : Eisenhower was right
choicelady : chaz – if you love what you do, it does not get any better. If you have a great boss, it doubles the pleasure! Good for you!
PatsyT : Wow Choice that is truly scary! It fits.
choicelady : tex – JFK? Possibly because he was charming, and that matters these days. Politically – maybe. War hero and all plus a good speaker. I see a lot that is similar between him and Obama. The question is – would we kill him again? The answer is YES because WHY he died – he was pulling us out of Vietnam – is why Obama is at such risk for NOT staying in Iraq and setting up permanent bases for the oil guys. I truly fear for this president looking back at 1963. Same forces, same anger, same sneering contempt for the president. Possibly even the same people.
PatsyT : Well Tex, That will just have to be a mystery but it makes you wonder.
ChrisR266 : Tex: I don’t know. What about him and those priests…?
chazmania : Clady …My Job Now is in the creative field..I am a support engineer for a top Movie composer.. But i always thought i would make a great teacher… Maybe some day…For now this is more FUN!!!! And my Boss is a hoot!
texliberal : Patsy, Catholic with ties to some seedy characters and mistresses. I wonder.
PatsyT : Tex, War hero and he wanted to cut taxes?
choicelady : Well it might not be the way you make money, but it might be the way you fulfill your self – tutor independently. Write stuff for people even self published – you can sell ANYTHING via Amazon. Think outside the structured ways of teaching – you might find a lot of opportunities. Depending on grade level, adults, whatever – you can teach in afterschool programs, in adult ed. and you can hang notices in colleges about tutoring or discussion groups to lead. Not any money in it – but it’s teaching, OK.
ChrisR266 : Chaz and Choice: Choice is right about organization not being the all and end. What matters is goal and outcome. Do you know what you want your students to be knowing, thinking, doing, and can you find a way to get them to that point. I fly by the seat of my jeans every day. But I know where I want to end up, and I keep that in my sight always. And at the level I’m teaching, College Seniors, I have to be ready to abandon the plan and find another way at any time. It’s taken me a long time to learn, but I have finally found the joy in letting go of the control.
PatsyT : Tex that is a very interesting question
PatsyT : Wow that site made my computer funky…
chazmania : CLady….I just figure i would But right up hard against the Higher ups in about two seconds and start being “HONEST”
texliberal : I’ve been following you for awhile this evening Choice. Good stuff. You think JFK would have been elected in say 2008 with all of the media?
choicelady : chaz – if disorganization rules, yeah, being a teacher might not be your thing. But you know – it kind of depends on the setting. MAybe NOT in a formal structure but in one more hands on or as a tutor? Not every teacher needs a lesson plan and reports. Think of interesting ways to go about it without the red tape that wears you down.
ChrisR266 : No worry, Tex. Respecting the words is sex neutral.
chazmania : Clady…I hope he has a real master plan…
chazmania : Clady..as to Obama….Like i said i hope to hell IM WRONG….
texliberal : Sorry Chris, hey Patsy
choicelady : Hey Tex!
choicelady : PAtsy and funk – AMAZING site – I bookmarked it!
choicelady : chaz – confidence is impressive and cool. Ego is small and petty. I can see the difference! It lies in selfishness – wanting everything YOUR way or NO way. Wanting all the money, the power, the decision making – that’s ego. Confidence in one’s own ideas should not lead to abusive dismissal of others’ thoughts on the issues. Ego never listens. So it’s likely that confidence is scary to egotists and you would be charged with that – but that’s back to my points about Obama – confidence does not need to berate. It listens. And then stays the course that gets the most for the most people. THAT os confidence, not ego.
ChrisR266 : Hey, Tex. Hope you are well this evening. FYI, I’m a woman. Not to worry, no one ever thinks so. I love that quotation, too.
chazmania : Texlib…yeah really shocking…My friend hear at work is Japanese and said he is worried….his family OK but he is part of a very big family
ChrisR266 : Cripes, Patsy, this is awesome! I may never sleep again.
texliberal : Still can’t get over those pictures from Japan
chazmania : CHis…teach? always wanted to..think i would be good.. but cant organize a piss up in a brewery…
PatsyT : Hey Tex, How is it going?
chazmania : CLady…i think some times also people mistake confidence for EGO…i have had that one leveled on me before..
texliberal : Chris my man one of the few good things about growing old is not caring what most people think of you. There’s a quote from a book about the NFL, North Dallas Forty, “Seeing through the game is not the same as playing the game.”
chazmania : CLADY…HA i bet you do have to grind the teeth..i find almost all hierarchical situations inevitably get sick.. Maybe CHris is right human nature….Peter principle anyone
PatsyT : Sorry Chris.. funk left this link «link»
choicelady : chaz – I don’t think all egotists lack ethics, far from it. But when they DO – look out! I will call that out! Pesonal ethics – lying, deception, etc. – well, I try to judge on a case by case basis. But I DO NOT DO THOSE THINGS! Being an honorable person matters to me, but I really try to put the mission ahead of the person unless I have clear reason NOT to. I do a lot of teeth gritting…
ChrisR266 : Hey, Funk. Sorry for not saying the hello sooner. What the hell is Patsy all ga ga about?
ChrisR266 : Choice and Chaz: I am sure I like who I am and what I do, too. And I am long past caring about what anyone thinks of me. I couldn’t teach college students if I did, if you get my drift.
PatsyT : Now if Bito was here he would understand my fascination with that site because it is a map.
PatsyT : Oh look… proof …. I see President Obama starting another earthquake! Oh I hope fox is getting this
chazmania : C Lady…i dont think its not connected…we live on one world with an interactive environment…pe ople want to be in denial..its scary for them
choicelady : Chris – I kinda like being who I am and what I do, and I know the folks here are the BEST. Whatever the Right thinks of us matters as much as the gunk on the bottom of my shoe.
ChrisR266 : Aw, Chaz, now don’t go dragging ETHICS into this, LMAO!
PatsyT : Chas, I love Choicelady for that optimism too!
choicelady : funk – I’m thinking the Rim of Fire is freaking ON fire. VEry worrisome! They say (you know, THEY who cannot be named) that there is no link among NZ, the volcano on Hawaii, Japan, and this, but….
ChrisR266 : Hey Abby: what the heck did you decide about your kitchen cabinets?
chazmania : CHoice…i find those same ego driving people also have ethics issues.. and that is my point..lack of ethics especially personal ethics
PatsyT : Wow funk, It is hard to take your eyes off that thing…. oh look clean up in aisle 7 … oh look out for that applesauce.
ChrisR266 : Choice: exactly! Now why can’t everybody else figure that out? It’s not so hard, and it’s also not so offensive as the absolutist moralists might claim it to be.
choicelady : chz – oh I’m fine with idiosyncratic folks with good hearts. I am trying to be accepting of smart people whose personal standards suck a wad. Those two thing go hand in hand on the Left often – good politics, LOUSY personal behavior. I’m not unfamiliar with nasty, ego-driven selfish
chazmania : CHoiceLady…I do love your optimism……
choicelady : Abby – you are absolutely correct. We’ve been playing ‘reaction politics’ for YEARS. Now, all of a sudden, with unions and working people leading the show, it’s become authentic, the messages are authentic, and we are ACTING, not REACTING! New show,new game, new message and most of all – NEW LEADERSHIP. You see the DNC anywhere in Madison or Ohio or anywhere? Nope – see some Dem elected folks but NOT the party. They are suddenly irrelevant! Hooooo-eeee! New day!
ChrisR266 : Choice: I know! It sucks to be us, LOL.
chazmania : Abby….WE dont listen to our smart people just who can spout the things people want to hear.
funksands : Yunnan Province in China just had a 5.8 earthquake today.
ChrisR266 : I am one of the original geeks and sci fi fanatic from way back. Late last night, before I turned on CNN and got sucked into the horror of the roiling waters in Japan, I caught a re-run of Star Trek II on Sci Fi Channel (the II movie is my favorite). Spock has a saying: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. I am liberal in my politics because I make my choices in life based on that simple phrase and its implications. I try to behave in ways that benefit me and those who I must by hook or crook, live with.
choicelady : Chris – I think I understand. For me there are clear distinctions about corruption of the person (lots of that) and corruption as a process or goal (unacceptable). I can more or less deal with the former if the latter is NOT corrupt. I always said you can be a tight ass tyrant if you’re REALLY good at what you do. Or you can be incompetent or at least not so hot IF you’re a really nice person. But you damned well better NOT be an incompetent tyrant – that is NOT acceptable!
PatsyT : Hey Funk, I can see my house, phew… all is ok.. for now… I think I will stare at this all night long…. just to be sure
chazmania : CLADY….I find I like peoples Idosyncratics… .As long as they come from a good hart…
funksands : PatsyT: Told ya. Oh look Traffic accident in Kiev.
choicelady : Chris – yes, an organization with 1.5 million members that has been around for 98 years. We ROCK. When it comes to social justice, we can’t be beat. When it comes to getting respect from other activists, well…not so much.
Abbyrose86 : In my opinion, our society has a serious problem. WE allow those with limited ability and a selfish agenda, to dictate to US the way things ‘should be’ because THEY are able to manipulate things for their own gain. Fuck that..I think we have to constantly call those people out…and play the game they play, BUT with a more noble agenda. I’m so tired of THAT game. I think we need to change the GAME…and play it differently.
choicelady : chaz – accepting corruption is NOT the same thing as tolerating idiosyncratic personalities. It’s not the same thing as honoring differences. I have called out people on the left who are corrupt – shut one leader DOWN for exploiting people to benefit herself. But it is usually NOT what divides us. What divides us is envy, greed, and ego. Most people on the Left are pretty honorable. Not ALL but most. And we still cannot work together. The Right put envy, greed, and ego aside and work to have all the corruption for themselves!!! Maybe it’s easier – always said the people who screw up the world are paid billions, and we all volunteer to fix it. No wonder we’re tired!
ChrisR266 : Choice: you get my drift, I see. I shall not elaborate, but you are following me, as I am with you on this.
chazmania : Patsy…i get the jurney thing But people MAKE jurneys into hardships by actualy causing so much strife to prove a freekin point..everyone wants to prove a point…..
PatsyT : Hey Funk that is a awesome web page!
ChrisR266 : “My organization”.. . oh, very good!
chazmania : C LADY…AHHH the MALE way or the FEMALE way…another great divide i have tried to cross only to be lost in the fridged waste lands of gender BIAS
Abbyrose86 : Hi Chris!
choicelady : chaz – it’s not black and white, all or nothing. I have a choice of just going my own way, too. But I do think we have obligations on the Left NOT to undermine what other people do. My organization is bigger than his (and what a fucking MALE statement that is!) but I don’t have to destroy him, even if I could, IF I see that he gets good things done. Chris may be onto something – I don’t have to like the guy or hang with him or even work with him IF I can do what I need AND just leave him to his own devices. There are many shades of gray about how we work. The Right knows that. We have to learn it.
chazmania : CHris….I actually think the acceptance of that idea is EXACTLY what the problem is..I could go on a long rant as to why i am convinced that human dishonesty with each other SI the dividing and destroying mental illness that is keeping us from advancing as a species…Its the very IDEA that its an accepted norm that IS the problem..Human nature? NO choice..Human choice and what we are doing to ourselves because of it…
PatsyT : Chaz, It will always be a struggle, it is a journey not a destination. We have to always work at it. Kinda like a marriage, it will never be perfect but if we work at it we can always make things better. you know that phrase ” A more perfect Union”
choicelady : chaz – when what benefits the whole of humanity, it’s the “general welfare” or “common good”. You are spot on!
funksands : Ready for your new favorite website? «link»
ChrisR266 : And Choice, I agree with you. It’s the economy, stupid. Hmmm. Who said that? LOL>
choicelady : chaz – you and AbbyRose have some of the same issues here – we DO live in a culture that elevates, or at least whitewashes, corruption and pandering as fine arts. But look at what’s happening in the Midwest (home of the LAST Progressive uprising) and see that we’re taking back not just politics but humand DECENCY.
chazmania : C LADY…see the problem…Your meeting with people that may be democrats but can you follow things you know to be wrong just so we are not divided….Its a complicated issue
PatsyT : Chaz, I have seen the promised land, I may not get there but we as a people will get there.
ChrisR266 : Ok Chaz, I’m going to stick my neck out and then go have a smoke, so you can get ready to eviscerate me when I come back: corruption is not a moral issue to me. I see corruption as a natural part of the conduct of human societies. Corruption is problematic when it pits the healthy maintenance of society against the interests of privledge and individuals. I think you can have corrupt politics and still have a good, healthy society that functions for the benefit of every person in it. I try not to get hung up on that corruption thing.
chazmania : Patsy…..I will support whats right.. and whats right benefits the human condition as a whole..
choicelady : PAtsy _ i agree. We have to stop divvying our strength. I”m about to walk into a meeting with an egomaniac about building (another) progressive group in CA – and it’s a crock since all he wants is to be the leader. I am trying to go in celebrating what he’s done well and not wishing in my heart to cut his out. He’s abusive and petty as a person. Now – can I get beyond that? We will see.
PatsyT : Abby It is their M’O’ from way back.
chazmania : ABBY….and the motivation to SELL something (nd to lie to do it)
PatsyT : Hey Abby!
PatsyT : Chaz the RW want it that way … at least the dems can be pushed away from it. We have to provide the push!
ChrisR266 : Hi Abby.
choicelady : Chris – “What’s the Matter with Kansas” noted that when any party abandons the issues of economic well being – and the Dems DID do that for working people – then voters will vote “values”. But Obama is restoring economic strength in his mending manufacturing work while the Reeps and TPs are shoveling money OUT of granny’s pocket and into their own. That WILL be a VERY good talking point come 2012! Even if Obama doesn’t stress it, we still have the independent expenditure campaigns, and they WILL. We can and will point out that we, the people, have been screwed by them, the corporations. People won’t forget this year’s debacles!
Abbyrose86 : IS it just ME…or is the fact that MANY media pundits have NO education or are college drop outs but say things to ‘incite’ people to bad behavior, a problem in our society?
chazmania : C LADY CHIS A society and culture that has embraced these mentality’s is SICK…our society is SICK….
PatsyT : Well Chaz, one of the things that they will depend on is division on the left, so I try not to buy into it.
ChrisR266 : Chaz and Choice: I empathize with what you’re both saying. But, if we’re being practical, we know that voters pitch their chips to the player who has their best interests in mind. And voter behavior studies tell us that best interest is always, at base, the pocketbook–not the social issues.
choicelady : chaz – remember almost none of us here is a ‘liberal’ and I betcha I’m further left than YOU since my main cause is taking over corporations for and by working people. I am NOT a Socialist since I detest corporatism in all forms. Absentee managers are bad no matter the source. But I want BACK to community and workplace democracy. And I’ve already done that – fought Henry Kravis once and WON for the working people in my city. Don’t lump any of us into that diffident “liberal” category – we are all way stronger than that.
chazmania : Patsy…I get the sense that you have a twisted sense of Humor…I LIKE IT…
PatsyT : Chaz all will be needed for this next election far left, mid far left, middle left, confused left, left behind left, where did I leave my keys left, new left, old left, and anyone who want to be a temp left.
chazmania : Chris…I dont think may people realize the level of despicable corposhills D or R that skulk around Washington vomiting duplicity every where they go. Its turned into some kind of MONEY CULT.
choicelady : Chris – they will never be gone for good. But we CAN transform the American psyche by reminding people what they lose when these guys win. Problem is – we did it in the 60s and 70s, then quit working at it. If we DO succeed in regaining the nation and its hearts and minds, we cannot sit back as we did before. And I’m freaking getting too old for this – I don’t want to fight for rights I already WON, and I damned sure don’t have 40 more years to do it a third time. Younger people have to keep their hand in. My mantra (sorry all) – Democracy is NOT a spectator sport.
ChrisR266 : Ok, Patsy, this grotesque I now have in my head and which will keep me from ever getting a decent night’s sleep is because you couldn’t resist photoshopping a few photos?
PatsyT : Chris.. That the spirt!
chazmania : CLady….I hear ya….Im just so far left most people i cant see without binoculars theses days…Most “liberals” to me seem far to center for my taste.. I mean being right is a BAD position being close to that is crap.. Its like saying AH im just halve covered in shit.kiss this side but hold your nose
ChrisR266 : Chaz: Put your hopes and money on the last gasp. You didn’t think these Good Old Pri*cks were going to go gentle into that good night, did you? They’re dying, committing hari kari and they don’t give a damn if the rest of the country goes down with them. I do. And I’m going to fight to make sure we win this final battle and they are dead for good.
choicelady : Chris – Patsy started it!!! LOL!!! Between that photoshopped pix of PAlin in a bikini with a gun and Huckabee with 6-pack abs, can’t you see them writhing around in a snake pit – uh mud pit? They were meant for each other. In this capacity and this capacity ALONE. I don’t have to look!
PatsyT : How much more “exceptionalism ” can they take out of America
PatsyT : They are loving their country to death!
choicelady : Patsy – “lovin’ my country so much” – PERFECT. You have that DOWN, girfriend!
ChrisR266 : Ok now, choice: I DID NOT need that picture in my head. Good god!
chazmania : CHris…OH i cried…Im crying now for the state of this country its been a fucking roller coaster ride of weeping these days
choicelady : Patsy – the vision of Huckabee and Palin “mixing it up” brings up mud wrestling images which are SUCH bad visuals! Eeeuuuuw!
choicelady : chaz – I think Obama is the LEAST BS president we may EVER have had! He told us election night this was up to US, and I think we finally see that it is. I don’t want or need the president to be my drinking buddy, a fist pounder, or my Big Daddy – but I want someone principled which I think Obama IS who can draw the center BACK to the center as he is doing. He states the RW position, then pulls it back in. He emphasizes the importance of working families, middle class (I don’t object to the word) and to stablitiy via manufacturing and good education going hand in hand. I’m starving for that vision.
chazmania : PAtsy….are you channeling PALIN FACE
ChrisR266 : WE had to get out from under the GOP. They cannot govern. They don’t care to govern. They just want to win.
PatsyT : Chris, You know I was loving my country so much the other day I just had to wrap the flag all over myself and gosh I did not see that lady with the stroller but the vehicular manslaughter charge will be lifted from my record because God is a forgiving God .. He knew I was just loving my country a little to much that day.
ChrisR266 : Chaz: You know, I remember crying on election night for a whole lot of reasons, but most of all because I felt like we had a chance again. Things had gotten so bad, and the future looked so bleak, that I (and my husband, too) weren’t sure we wanted to stay in the U.S. if this was all we faced. We got a fighting chance now, and all in all, it’s a hell of a lot more hopeful chance than had the GOP prevailed.
chazmania : C Lady i get your point..he is a target and dont give them the Amo….WE can do the pissin for him…”>)
chazmania : C lady…I do hope the charm and the calm are the poker face..I REALLY DO…
choicelady : Chris and Patsy – does Newt NEED an excuse to get his rocks off? Who has money on his having ANOTHER sideline affair? I saw his wife and,not knowing that, wondered what he was doing with Cindy McCain? She’s a skinny one – isn’t he drawn to women who are bit more plush?
chazmania : C lady…I am watching closely..My BS detector has gone off a lot these days but im going to keep open minded. I like the hope i felt but i wont be fooled by that drug again.
PatsyT : Or maybe I have Huckabee and Palin mixed up
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Indeed, and they shouldn’t be doing the nasty and making babies because that brings the fall of civilization and the four horsemen (is it four?).
choicelady : chaz – but let it be the PEOPLE’s anger! That they cannot deflect. If this gets drawn back to Obama, it focuses the baggers again. Now we have the Kochs and corporatists on the run, and with that advantage, the best thing Obama can do is remain out of the firing range, both literally and figuratively. One of the reasons the TP is so quiet is that this is from US, not from HIM.
PatsyT : Huckabee will say that those Japanese needed their second amendment rights to fight off the Tsunami.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: LMAO! Yeah, and he was busy banging chicks because he was so stressed out serving the country.
chazmania : C Lady….I like Statesmen NOT salesmen….:>)
PatsyT : Newt will give a speech on how President should not give apologies to the Japanesse because shit happens
choicelady : PAtsy – LOL! I would not be surprised if Ms. P. did that! Maybe she’ll bring back her witch hunter friend to cast the demons out of the White House!
chazmania : C Lady CHis……This idea we have in the US that anger means bad…some time anger is appropriate when it has good cause
PatsyT : Choice.. One of them will find a way to put it on him… Lets see… Palin will say it was his Hawaii Mao Mao evil spirt
choicelady : chaz – I don’t see him as siding with bankers at ALL. I seem him as a statesman more than a politician. I just think pushback draws fire to him and away from the work WE are doing to call out the corruption. I NEED him to be less than the flashpoint!
ChrisR266 : Just like deep water oil drilling, we’ve had no big disasters in recent memory, so there has been no push to goad industry to change the way they do things.
chazmania : C lady…I really do hope you are right About OBwan…I have big doubts
ChrisR266 : Chaz and Choice: There’s a way to be much more solid rhetorically, and you are right, he does come off like he’s being handled. That’s irritating, because it smacks of dis ingenuousness. When people perceive that, they get suspicious of motive.
choicelady : Patsy – just saw your comment about aftershocks being blamed by the Right as Obama’s fault????? I believe you!
choicelady : chaz – no, I think this preternatural calm IS Obama. I really like it. He takes away push back. Clinton NEVER did anything but cave, so any perception of anger was a fraud. He gave the Right everything it wanted. I think – hope – Obama can stand fast. Today he said he had budget items he woudl NOT yield, and I never heard Clinton say that. He caved on EVERYTHING which is part of why we are in this mess today.
chazmania : Chis…The fact that they are so vulnerable seems kindas crazy to me..not self contained and so easily disrupted and the potential devastating i find insane
PatsyT : Can you imaging the destruction if they did not have that “big” government to enforce all the building codes and construct the warning system?
chazmania : CL n CHris….It makes him look like he sides with the Bankers and Industrialists over the people his tepid response to everything
choicelady : PAtsy – I finally realized I should go to Morning Blog and did find out they were OK. Thank goodness! But life must be in chaos over there. Wow.
PatsyT : Chaz no shit! That is very scary, I live near one of those things myself.
ChrisR266 : Chaz–me too. Remember when we used to make good movies about stuff like that? China Syndrome, for ex. SNL bits. Things have been calm for too long.
choicelady : Chris – sorry I called you “choice” since that’s me. I guess I’m tired… I don’t need Obama to come out swinging. His “walk softly, big stick” seems to get things DONE, and I think given the rage on the right he’s correct to be calm, ever calm. Now the rage is WITH the right, and he does not wish to pull it back toward him. I think that’s really wise.
chazmania : PT…what really bothers me is the NUKE plants…
PatsyT : I cannot believe all the aftershocks and additional quakes… but of course the RW were quick to point the finger at President Obama.
choicelady : RS – I just wanted to tell you about the health bill – it took a LOT of input from the CA single payer. It’s not perfect but IS a really good start. Now – to keep it going…
ChrisR266 : I agree–and it is apparent that he is letting himself BE handled. That is what is frying people’s burgers!
PatsyT : Choice so far the word is that Kalima and WTS are safe
chazmania : Chris….The thing is i dont think he is in a position..I think he is very much “handled”…my personal opinion
choicelady : Hi Patsy, chaz, choice – everything is what it is after a day with a Tsunami! Trying to see if our members are OK has been worrisome. Otherwise, fine. How are all of you?
ChrisR266 : Evening of rest to you, RS.
Redemption Song : Chaz, these are definitely cussing times…and people do so with certain frequency. ;0)
PatsyT : Nighty Night RS all the Best!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Choice.
chazmania : HI..CL
PatsyT : Hey Choice! How is your evening?
ChrisR266 : I don’t think it’s humor he lacks, he’s quite witty, very warm and immediate in that way that makes you feel like he connects with you. I think it’s more of the “getting fed up and coming out swinging” that people need to see. It was what Clinton was so good at, letting you know in no uncertain terms he was pissed, why he was pissed, and that he was acting on it.
Redemption Song : All, I’m a wimp: my eyes are drowsy. I think I’d like to polish off “A Fish Called Wonda” and call it a day. Pleasant dreams to all, and “Don’t let the heeby-geebies (aka Republicans) get you down!!” :0)
choicelady : Hi evereybody – sorry I’m late.
PatsyT : Well I won’t underestimate him, and I don’t think the RW’s are taking any chances, hence the toxic attacks of all forms.
chazmania : PT.RS…I wish he would CUSS….OK thats just ME :>)
chazmania : RS…im am so on your side
Redemption Song : Ah–no problem chaz…I’ve made a dozen or more typo’s this evening. (As for Obama, I’m not a not a happy camper…I was devastated by big pharma’s input on the health care bill, lack of single payer and public option; I was devastated by the increased hot hostilities into Afghanistan and bombings in Pakistan; and I’m generally unhappy with the pussy-footing around Republicans.)
chazmania : PT…yeah. he does have it tough but maybe thats just how to handle it…I have mixed feelings about him..
PatsyT : Chris so maybe more humor would help
ChrisR266 : But I do think that some of the frustration with Obama is warranted. No one on the left votes for a martyr. His willingness to stand there and take the continual pokes and body blows, to try to remain above the fray, is at times terribly frustrating.
PatsyT : I feel like President should be doing the Rodney Dangerfield routine… I can’t get no respect
chazmania : RS..yeah i like the grin…my girl says i do the same thing…im all pleased with myself when i zing a good one.
chazmania : RS.. Bush funny .. NO humanity…this is moving way fast! my typing is week and my speling sucks
PatsyT : RS yes, he gets a good one in every now and then
Redemption Song : Patsy, I like his impish grin after he’s made a wry comment. V. charming.
chazmania : KT. i am fairly off Obama but i still did my part..
PatsyT : It is understated
PatsyT : I like President Obama’s humor
Redemption Song : I’m sorry, Chaz, I didn’t understand the last part of your coment…
chazmania : RS. true…Obama redeems himself a bit when he does cut up…its a sign of humanity to me…Maybe that show Bushy got over though and i question his
ChrisR266 : If the GOP REALLY wanted what GWB left, they wouldn’t have ran McCain, and he would not have been allowed to tap Palin. No win ticket for them.
Redemption Song : KT, I’m sure a lot of people are angry with themselves, as well. (For not voting or for voting Republican.)
PatsyT : Hey Kes… you have a wonderful night
Redemption Song : Good-night, kez.
Redemption Song : Good-night Cher.
PatsyT : RS, I often think of what they left him.. It is like a minefield
chazmania : KT,,,yeah that was what was funny and funny about Bush…you got it two ways
KillgoreTrout : I really am pissed at those people who stayed home during the midterm elections. They are beginning to see what they have helped sow.
ChrisR266 : Sleep better, Kes.
ChrisR266 : Good sleep your way, Cher.
kesmarn : G’night, Cher. I think I’m gonna have to bow out, too. Not much sleep last night. Have a great weekend, all.
chazmania : CHER…ha OK…Night!
PatsyT : Hey Cher… Nighty night
Redemption Song : Chaz, I can’t imagine filling Obama’s shoes…he inherited an absolute mess (the country was facing a depression when he was sworn in), and he and his family have received an exponential number of death threats. Difficult position to be in to make a good joke. :/
KillgoreTrout : The thing about bush was that he was really funny when he wasn’t trying to be.
PatsyT : Voter registration Everything that the right is attacking fight back harder
chazmania : Hi PatsyT…nice to see ya!
Chernynkaya : Hey, CHaz! I was just about to say goodnight–Don’ t take it personally!
So–‘Night all!
chazmania : RS,,I like the visual
KillgoreTrout : caz, Obama’s humor is more subtle, and those on the right just don’t get subtlety.
kesmarn : Even people who don’t demonstrate can still vote, though, Cher. We need to focus on that, too.
chazmania : RS…i feel sorry for the man…
PatsyT : Hey Chazmaia!
Chernynkaya : Than I don’t know how to combat that.
chazmania : KT….BUSH..He was..Obama has some sense of humor BUT…Too stiff…
kesmarn : Basically, yes, Cher.
Redemption Song : Patsy, That’s a surprise to find at Foxdotcom.
Chernynkaya : Thanks kes. So, busyness and demoralization.
KillgoreTrout : cher, probably not.
PatsyT : Sorry RS I was in the C&P room
kesmarn : Cher — I think the apathy has several causes: fear of reprisal, the need to keep going to work (not travel to demos), the conviction that demonstrations are ineffective.
Chernynkaya : KT, maybe there is no universal theory.
PatsyT : The RW “Fox” media must be down to a few hundred billionaire viewers… A pro Union post on Fox «link»
Redemption Song : (Patsy…are you still here?)
KillgoreTrout : cher, you got me there. Complacency syndrome?
chazmania : KES…Dont Misunderestimate me so did I
Redemption Song : Chaz, I just have a mental flash of Geo. dancing and beating a drum somewhere in Africa. (He was beloved, by the way. Go figure.)
KillgoreTrout : bush was a comedy gold mine.
Chernynkaya : KT–But I mean the ones who do understand.
kesmarn : Well — let’s put it this way, chaz. People laughed at Bush.
KillgoreTrout : cher, because it hasn’t dawned on them that they too ARE involved, if the right get’s it’s way.
chazmania : RS, At least Bush was funny! even if he didnt meen it..
Chernynkaya : Kes–good point. Bill C said as much and was right.
Chernynkaya : ALL; Why do you think people who see what’s happening don’t get involved? I don’t understand.
KillgoreTrout : cher, LOL! But there needs to be a media revolution.
Redemption Song : (That said, Bush’s mental and verbal challenges were simply an embarrassment.)
kesmarn : I think people are almost hard-wired to chose aggressive leaders when they’re terrified. We need to separate aggression and leadership. They’re not the same.
Chernynkaya : KT–Don;t get me started!
Redemption Song : Hell: I sometimes wish Obama were more like Bush on the attitude front.
Chernynkaya : RS! Yes, but people STILL admire Bush for just that.
KillgoreTrout : cher, the media really has stopped being our last line of defense against tyranny. They need to protested against also. Big time.
Redemption Song : “bodes well”
kesmarn : Walker as the Cobra on Valium.
Redemption Song : Balls without brains are just…balls. (And that hardly ever boes well.
Chernynkaya : Patsy! YES! the cobra is perfect!
Chernynkaya : KT– 99% if media is RW.
Redemption Song : Yes!! All Democrats and liberals and progressives should have a badger attitude!!
kesmarn : And if the T-Bags want their mascot to be the “Don’t Tread on Me” snake, those UNION Honey Badgers will know what to do. Go badass on ’em.
Chernynkaya : I think that most of this country admires balls more than anythin–more than brains. the stronger we appear, the more will join.
KillgoreTrout : We need to wage war on all the right wing media too. They are just as bad as the GOP. They’re in cahoots.
PatsyT : Ok Cher you do have a great point there … how about Walker as the corbra?
Redemption Song : (I should say, I wasn’t around during the 60’s/early 70’s…I’m just going by what I’ve read and heard. I.e., I admit a degree of ignorance.)
Chernynkaya : I want the UNIONS ot be Honey BAdger.
KillgoreTrout : What gets me is there is really damaging video and e-mails about Walker, and it seems the news agencies don’t really care.
kesmarn : “‘K
Chernynkaya : Patsy– that demean HOney Badger and elevates Walker.
Redemption Song : Cher, I’m with you–I hope so, too. One problem (sometimes) for students is that they lose momentum right before finals, and they physically disperse during spring and summer.
ChrisR266 : Break. back in a few.
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, KT. The boomer generation (lefties anyway) have been in the Repub crosshairs for decades.
KillgoreTrout : chris, I surely would. Then I would tell him why.
PatsyT : Can we put a pic of Scott Walkers face on a honey badger?
Chernynkaya : RS– that’s true. But sometimes one issue unites and energizes many factions–like this union thing. I hope the coalition holds.
kesmarn : Chris — perfect description of Kasich.
PatsyT : I think they need major comedy& theater in the form of demonstrations and visual signs. Lots of Youtube moments!
KillgoreTrout : kes, yeah that’s true. One is a slow death and other was a quick one.
ChrisR266 : KT: Bwaaaahahaha! If you ever really met him, you would say the same thing to his face. He is an arrogant, haughty, brusk and malicious man.
Redemption Song : Cher, yest, that certainly was a lot of it, but from accounts I’ve read, there was also an identy beyond merely being against the draft…there was a politicized youth culture that, like most things, wasn’t black and white but various shades of grey–it included feminism, anti-racism, (perhaps less in the fore) a rising gay/lesbian movement, and general anti-establishme nt. That sort of “us/them” doesn’t really exist as far as I can tell…and I say this without jugment regarding whether that’s desirable.
Chernynkaya : What worries me is loss of momentum. Once the battle is over (the WI bill signed), they get apathetic or move on. I see that with some people even here, who protested once, then lost the battle and then sit out the war.
kesmarn : KT, the reason for the 60’s demos and the current demos– for boomers — would be the same. Basically: “They are freaking trying to kill us all.”
PatsyT : Well Cher, they were smart enough to take the “budget” thing out of the picture … I hope they are really sizing up the other side for what they are>
KillgoreTrout : I got an e-mail from kasich today and replied, GO SCREW YOURSELF!
kesmarn : Chris, grad students @ Bowling Green State Univ in Ohio staged a walk-out over the Kasich union-busting bill.
KillgoreTrout : RS, and the fact that when they turned 18, the would be forced to face life or death in Vietnam.
Chernynkaya : Patsy– the unions will fight for their lives but who knows how smart they are.
kesmarn : Cher, good to hear that the young ‘uns were out in numbers.
Redemption Song : Bacon, sausage, cheese…and eventually a kiss or two. ;0)
ChrisR266 : Lots of young ones at the OH-IO state house. Many of my recently graduated students are working in state government or for non-profits. They were absolutely outraged by Kasich and company’s moves.
Chernynkaya : RS– in the 60’s they were being drafted.
PatsyT : Cher, so you think that the union folks and their supporters are really hip to this?
KillgoreTrout : Union Bacon!
Redemption Song : Kes, many graduate students are part of organized labor (as teachers/TAs/GAs )…so from that perspective, yes; if you mean the way it was in the 60s and 70s, then I would doubt it. During those times there was an identifyable politicized youth culture which was due in no small part to their high ratio of the general population.
kesmarn : Bacon AND Sausage AND cheeeese…
PatsyT : Bacon!
KillgoreTrout : Later, omnipotent one!
ADONAI : Kes, A round of sausage links for everyone!
Chernynkaya : LOTS of young people were there and at the union protest in LA too! a good mix. And the students at the Cal State sytem walked out over tuition too.
ChrisR266 : Good dreams, Adonai.
PatsyT : Nighty Night AD or maybe IHOP?
PatsyT : RS Yes, it’s as if the Repubs are thinking “if we just torture them long enough, they will scream and fight and we can get that on film!”
kesmarn : G’Night AD. Breakfast @ Bob Evans?
Redemption Song : Goodnight, AD.
KillgoreTrout : Just like to shout out to the Wisconites, keep on keepin on!
Chernynkaya : Kes– not nurses, or cops or fire.
kesmarn : Cher, do you think young people are engaged in this struggle? Did you see them at the Koch thing? No agenda here….just asking.
ADONAI : Well kids,I’m out. Got an early morning. Good night folks. Peace be with you.
Chernynkaya : Patsy–agree. We must stay disciplined.
Chernynkaya : Guys–check out US Uncut, and MoveOn–they are holding protests. We can’t just tear our hair out. The protests are in MANY cities.
Redemption Song : Patsy, I think that “the other side” really is that evil…the very idea that workers should not be allowed fair process in negotiating the terms of their employment is simply beyond the pale. There is no way to justify or rationalize it.
kesmarn : General strike, that is.
KillgoreTrout : A great film to see about coal miner’s unions is Mattewan.
kesmarn : I would do it myself, but I would have ethical issues with leaving patients to the tender mercies of management… argh.
ADONAI : KT, I agree. He took care of his boys.
PatsyT : I see this behavior of the repub govs to be more then just about getting their way and we know they could give a f**k about the budget, I think they are just trying to provoke union members to get violent so they can get it on film and run attack ads
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, but he sure did strengthen the AFL-CIO.
ChrisR266 : People forget the history of the birth of unions. Pissed off people will risk life and limb, for how ever long it takes. These folks will grow in numbers, especially when Walker and Christie and that bald dude in Florida start laying off thousands and thousands of teachers, police, firefighters, and municipal workers. Everybody get ready to pick up all the trash.
Chernynkaya : I really REALLY want a general strike of non emergency workers. I want a damn revolution.
KillgoreTrout : I’m with ya kes. A nation wide civil disobedience.
ADONAI : GOD bless Hoffa. His only mistake was dicking over the mafia. Well, that and insane corruption.
Chernynkaya : Apropos of the 9/11 analogy, Heard Chris Matthews today ask why it took the Unions so long to get people outraged. But were they supposed to have seen this?
Redemption Song : Chris, I hope you’re right. It just that so many institutional changes have occurred so rapidly–and in concert the erode the power of citizens qua citizens to be politically effective. Wisconsin is a case in point.
kesmarn : A general strike would be a beautiful thing.
KillgoreTrout : I think we need to go all Jimmy Hoffa on Walker and his ilk!
Chernynkaya : PAtsy–EXACTLY like 9/11. The plan is via the courts to overturn, and recall. And hten 2012. keep it in the news.
ADONAI : The unions will hit back in court. And I believe they will hit hard.
kesmarn : KT, was gonna respond, but -+- ding! -+- new topic!
ChrisR266 : AD: it’s not difficult–you just have to have the balls or audacity to do it. Gingrich and company had it in the 90s. If they thought for one moment the public would stand for it, they’d try it now, too.
Redemption Song : Adonai, I don’t know…the powerful in this country seem to be above the law, don’t they?
Chernynkaya : Well, “we” may get the government “we” deserve, but inclde me out!
Redemption Song : Killgore, no doubt, retribution vis-a-vis reuplicans would be a beautiful (and just) thing.
KillgoreTrout : kes, lust at first sight?
ChrisR266 : RS: I get what you’re saying, but I think it does matter–Swift boating doesn’t sway me, or any other right minded democrat or independent I know. We outnumber the folks who are knocked over by that crap.
Chernynkaya : {{{bowing}}}
KillgoreTrout : Cher, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA! Good one.
kesmarn : Yes, KT, and there are guys who are real sweethearts who are with really bitchy women. What’s up with that “opposites attract” thing?
Redemption Song : Cher: I can’t disagree.
KillgoreTrout : RS, and placed in the general population of prison. A little prison justice is just what they deserve.
ADONAI : RS, I’ve often wondered why no charges were pursued against Bush & Co. Is it really so difficult to charge a head of state with treasonous crimes here? We seem to do it quite easily in other countries. Isn’t all the uproar worth it to see justice done?
Redemption Song : Chris, I don’t know if having a grip on reality matters given that corporation, domestic and foreign, have been given the green light to buy and sell politicians.
ChrisR266 : AD: it sure is, now you just got to shop those credentials at a place where they ladies you would like to like hang and refresh themselves.
Chernynkaya : KT–those women date like repubs vote.
KillgoreTrout : I have seen some women go for bad guy after bad guy and wonder why they can’t find a good man.
kesmarn : And/or massive doses of IV profanol.
Redemption Song : Given the crimes they’ve committed (Dr. Death, Cheney, etc.), quite a few should literally be behind bars.
KillgoreTrout : kes, and a butt load of thorazine!
Chernynkaya : Redempt. I am at the point where “all that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.” Fuck them too.
kesmarn : Many of them fully qualify for a padded cell, KT.
ADONAI : Right now I’m finding that a steady job is the biggest turn on with the ladies. It’s like the 50’s again only the pay is much much much worse.
Redemption Song : Cher, there are decent people around…I just wish they had more guts.
KillgoreTrout : Actually, I would love to see the GOP locked up, with or without burgers.
Chernynkaya : AD– then you really need a puppy. I’m tellin ya.
ChrisR266 : Well, The GOP has again proven that they can win elections, but are not fit to nor deserve to be trusted with governing. Do you think that the Democratic and Independent electorate have finally gripped that reality?
PatsyT : AD Kes has a plan for the “interesting type of girl” Honey Badger and a corbra
Chernynkaya : I often hate this country. Or it’s people anyway. I love the Rockies, the G. Canyon, the Pacific…
Redemption Song : …what more could a woman ask for than a man with a badger?
kesmarn : That’s what I’m talking about. A Harley and a Honey Badger and AD is good to go.
ADONAI : Cher, I agree but I’m past the bad boy phase. It only attracts crazy women.
KillgoreTrout : Honey Badger don’t care.
Chernynkaya : Nothing says badass like Honey Bager, AD. Girls like bad boys.
PatsyT : Kes, you have a point there.
ADONAI : Republicans screw their base over every year. Yet they use division to keep power. Simple hate and prejudice to keep them coming back.
kesmarn : Aaawwww, Patsy! You’re no fun. Honey Badger would attract the most interesting girls.
Redemption Song : …and a muzzle. (Otherwise the badger will eat the prospective prospects.)
PatsyT : Cher Yes on the puppy Kes NO on the Honey Badger!
Chernynkaya : Patsy–good point. WHY don’t the baggers understand that they worship at the feet of those who worship at the feet of Mamon.
ADONAI : I can’t take Honey Badger out with me. He doesn’t give a shit.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, true true. But you know the right. It’s only elitism if it’s a liberal.
kesmarn : Or a Honey Badger on a leash…?
Redemption Song : …or a puppy riding a baby.
ADONAI : What about a baby riding a puppy?
PatsyT : KT how much more elite can you get then the KOCH bros?
Redemption Song : (I’m gonna vote “yes” on the puppy, but “no” on the baby.)
kesmarn : Ask Khirad how good we are at running people’s lives.
ADONAI : O.K. that’s enough about my dating. I feel like I have 5 mothers now
KillgoreTrout : Adonai, because the GOP thinks brown mustard is too elitist.
ChrisR266 : Ah, there’s possibility there, Patsy. Got that AD? And Cher, you are right on about the puppy. Or even better, a baby~! Chicks love babies.
Redemption Song : Hear, hear: Cholestrol would serve ’em right!!
Chernynkaya : Patsy NOW yer talkin. And he must get a puppy. That’ sure-fire babe magnet.
ADONAI : HA! Because brown mustard is terrible on burgers.
KillgoreTrout : I wish the GOP could be locked in a roomful of hamburgers, with no condiment other than brown mustard!
ADONAI : Chris – Women like Michelle are miles out of my league!
Redemption Song : I think they met in Chicago…she was over him in some capacity…(Shou ld we send Adonai to do volunteer work–say Habitat for Humanity or some such? It would be a great way to meet peope.)
PatsyT : Chris, maybe if AD gets involved in local voter drive at the collages and malls… What do you think?
Chernynkaya : Chris– no good. I think they met at Harvard or someplace like that.
PatsyT : AD maybe that is what is coursing through their veins
ChrisR266 : AD: hey, wait a minute? Where did he pick up Michelle? That’s where you need to start hanging. Just saying.
KillgoreTrout : adonai, and when he wears those dark shades, he looks like a super spy! Too cool for the righties.
Redemption Song : Ha!! I have to admit, I like Obama most because of who he married…Michel le is no joke–warm, but tough and super bright.
Chernynkaya : AD HAH! I can see that many others feel the same–but they’re not kidding.
kesmarn : I hate to think of them adding to their ammo stockpile by pissing, though. Couldn’t they just piss ball bearings or something?
ChrisR266 : AD: jealousy does not become you…
ADONAI : Outside of his policies, which I have some disagreements, i hate Obama because he looks like a male model and his wife is super hot. And now he’s President. Fuck that guy
Redemption Song : Cher, not lame–I was only wondering what evil thing you were after.
KillgoreTrout : chris, I would think so.
PatsyT : Chris true, a shame
ChrisR266 : KT: Got to hurt at least as much as kidney stones, don’t you think?
Redemption Song : Chris, I like your way with words! :0)
PatsyT : AD and much smarter then they want to admit
ChrisR266 : Nice thought, AD, but Kennedy couldn’t stop thinking with his second brain. It was always trying to escape, LOL>
KillgoreTrout : chris, it makes me smile to think of the GOP, “pissing bullets.” Yowser.
Chernynkaya : Kes and redem– The Exorcist movie. Lame R us.
ADONAI : Patsy, Now I think he’s a much better politician than people gave him credit for.
Redemption Song : I have to say, Adonai, that I support Obama, but I’m one of the progressives that’s not been entirely happy…to say the least.
ChrisR266 : RS: we think the same, just express it differently.
Chernynkaya : The Repubs!
kesmarn : Bell, book and candle, Cher?
PatsyT : AD and then?
KillgoreTrout : Palin, once again played the victim card when she heard about the upcoming film “Game Change,” with Julianne Moore playing the part of Palin.
ADONAI : Cher – “The power of Christ compels you!”
Redemption Song : Cher, who doth thou wish to expell?
ADONAI : At one point I thought that Obama was Kennedy without the great ideas.
PatsyT : KT, I love that our President is a shining light for that. He gives them nothing to go at, so they just make up crap… that is what they are reduced to
ChrisR266 : KT: He’s so squeaky clean they are pissing bullets trying to dirty him up. They know he is unscathable that way, so they just go for low and dirty (and racist).
Chernynkaya : “In the name of Christ I deplore you!” (Is that right, Exorcist?)
Redemption Song : Chris, it’s not so much that Obama is beneath them, but that he’s so much above them that galls: he’s intelligent, he’s accomplished, he’s good looking, he’s well-spoken and he makes better jokes at a party. They want him “back in his place”.
Chernynkaya : I
KillgoreTrout : chris, I am sure it really galls the right when the see that Obama is a great example for family values.
kesmarn : “My beautiful eeeeeeevillllll. ….”
Redemption Song : Seriously, Patsy, you’re correct: Palin really doesn’t give a -+–. (…and what’s amazing is that she’s so incredibly stupid.)
Chernynkaya : Agrree AD!
PatsyT : Kes… melting?
ADONAI : Cher – I agree. I want to push back now, not wait til our backs are against the wall. But this country has a poor track record when ti comes o these sorts of things. We kinda just wait around for someone to fix it.
Chernynkaya : Excellent kes!
ChrisR266 : As for the President, they think he’s beneath them, on some number of offensive levels.
KillgoreTrout : hey chris.
PatsyT : RS yep Palin was the original Honey Badger
kesmarn : Patsy, I think the only medical term would be the third degree burn you get when you throw Clinton/Obama holy water on the devil.
ChrisR266 : The Right hates the Clintons because they KNOW that W.J. and Hillary are soooo much smarter and fundamentally shrewd than they are. They can’t abide getting beat by smarter people at all.
ADONAI : King is a mentally disturbed person. And that is all that really needs to be said about him. He is a joke and his “hearings” are a farce that flies in the face of this country’s core values. Just another McCarthy.
KillgoreTrout : kes, Stewart and Colbert are national treasures.
Chernynkaya : AD the problem of letting things get worse is that when they start to get better we are at a much firthur right place. That’s what Obama and all of us are dealing with now. We can’t let it get worse becasue it takes ages to get back to even here.
Redemption Song : Patsy, I think the current hyperbolic meaness is worse than during Clinton’s time. It started with the Republican convention…Pal ine set the tone, and it was nasty.
KillgoreTrout : RS, I thought you did. I am part Irish and can sympathize somewhat with the IRA.
kesmarn : I think King is a tool of the RW religious fundies. They are taught in their (tax exempt) churches to hate Muslims.
PatsyT : Hey kes, if they hated the Clintons, What do you call this stuff they hurl at the President. Is there a medical term for this?
ADONAI : Cher – Honestly, I think at the end of the day, democracy will win. The bill in Wisconsin will be defeated in court and that will turn the tide against the Republicans. Or it could be the beginning of much worse things. But things do tend to get worse before they get better.
Redemption Song : Killgore, I understood that…and agree that King’s a hypocrite (and an overall twerp).
Chernynkaya : Frankly I think the King stuff is a distraction.
KillgoreTrout : True kes. Look at all the good Bill is doing in the world, then look at W. Very embarrassing for the right.
kesmarn : KT, I heard about the Stewart thing, but haven’t seen it yet! Stewart is amazing.
KillgoreTrout : RS, it’s just the hypocrisy of King’s argument. Both groups have killed innocent people.
PatsyT : Chris, I voted for her in the primary, I thought she won those debates! But I liked Obama too
Redemption Song : Pelosi is my hero.
Chernynkaya : Are we discussing KIng or the Right?I’m getting cornfused.
ChrisR266 : RS: the Oz fat man behind the curtain… Could it be Rove?
KillgoreTrout : kes, King said that Muslims were terrorists and he couldn’t support any people who bomb other people. The Stewart Showed a clip of King supporting the IRA in Ireland.
kesmarn : Both the Clintons, KT…they both raise the RW’s blood pressure. Those two just have too much fun doing good stuff and it annoys the Limbaughs of the country.
Chernynkaya : AD– many do see it. But enough? and do enough realize the seriousness of their perfidy?
Redemption Song : Hi, Killgore. I saw Nana’s post of Stewart on the O/T. I agree that he’s a hypocrite and I agree that the military wing of the IRA were terrorists…but the C.Irish were subjegated by the British.
ChrisR266 : I have deep love for Hillary. That chick has big, brass Ovaries, just like Nancy Pelosi.
ADONAI : Everything bad that will happen to this country will happen right in front of our faces. But will people know enough to care?
PatsyT : You can clearly see now how all of these puzzles pieces have fit together. I feel like there is a evil guy in some lair saying “this all going according to plan”
Chernynkaya : I think we are literally at a crossroads for the soul and future of the country. I really feel a revolution is called for. It almost makes slavery pale by comparison.
KillgoreTrout : kes, the right is thoroughly pissed about Hillary still being in government. I think it’s funny as hell. Go Hillary!
kesmarn : Was it Ellison? The guy who wept during his speech in defense of Muslim-Americans …really made King look like the brute he is.
ChrisR266 : I still don’t quite get what King was/is thinking. Is there a logic to what he’s doing? Has he just stepped off the curb and fully into the traffic?
ChrisR266 : Hey, KT.
Redemption Song : (Hello, everyone.) Patsy, yes: can you imagine if, say, a So. Am. country’s judiciary elected the brother of the state in which Nat. Am. votes were tossed? It was unbelievable…a nd it garnered no serious analysis in the “news”.
KillgoreTrout : King was exposed for his hypocrisy conecerning his attack on Muslims in America.
ChrisR266 : You are correct, Kes. You can feel that hate and vitriol. It blazes from their eyes.
kesmarn : The right totally despised/despise s Hillary. It’s really visceral.
Redemption Song : Hillary C was unique (with the exception of E Roosevelt) in asserting her intelligence and independence…f or that she was greatly hated.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Patsy!
kesmarn : Hey, KT!
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Adonai?
PatsyT : Hey KT!
ChrisR266 : Remember, the 90s were the training ground for the Gingrich and Kasich of 2011. And, they made some fairly substantial war back then.
PatsyT : I actually used to think that republicans just had different ideas and they still loved their country. When they read the Supreme court decision Bush v Gore That is when I cried and thought man o man there really is something going on!
Chernynkaya : (I think I need to trim my nails b4 I type.)
KillgoreTrout : Jon Stewart did another ecellent job last night, skewering King.
kesmarn : RS, your deduction is right. Hills was commenting on the attacks on Bill. If anything I think she understated, but she was treated as though she were a paranoid schiz.
Redemption Song : Although HClinton was/is correct, I don’t think there’s been this much concentrated mean-spiritness and corruption.
Chernynkaya : N/P, Kas.
Chernynkaya : However, to put it in perspective (Pres Clintn v Obama) they accused Bill of MURDER (Vince Foster. And Ken Starr was all about proving that.)
kesmarn : Hey Cher, I’ve been meaning to say thank you for your thank you, but that earthquake interrupted.
Redemption Song : Hills was definitely on to something…I don’t remember it all, but I take it she was responding to the attempted crucifixion of Bill?
ChrisR266 : I think it WAS that destructive then. People just didn’t believe that such malice might be real.
Chernynkaya : Hi kes!
ADONAI : I dunno if we can call it a conspiracy though. Anyone with an interest in politics should have seen this coming!
Chernynkaya : Pasty–I had NO idea it would be this horrific. Honestly? Facists.
kesmarn : Patsy, it snowed last night! The Winter That Will Not Die!!
PatsyT : Hey Kes! Is it snowing?
ChrisR266 : Interesting questions, Patsy.
kesmarn : And bacon! Hi, RS and Chris!
Redemption Song : (Hi, Kes. :0)
ChrisR266 : Hi Kes.
Chernynkaya : So, the gorgeous 20 y/o daughter just came out wearing a patent leather corset and micro mini and asks, “Does this skirt look good with this?” Where to start?
Redemption Song : Grits with eggs over easy: heaven!!
kesmarn : Waffle House. Grits. Happy Friday, all.
Redemption Song : (Silence from me…I’m sports illiterate.)
ChrisR266 : hey A, what happened in the KY game?
Redemption Song : Oh, goodness, I was actually steering away from “pick up” and tending toward, “find someone intelligent to hang with”.
Redemption Song : This might sound dorky, but there are lectures at art museums and there are often fundraisers (wine/beer tasteing (sp?) and the like)…
ChrisR266 : I like Bob Evans’ too, FOR EGGS AND SAUSAGE.
Chernynkaya : The only chain I regularly go to is Denny’s. At 3am.
ADONAI : RS, I’m through talking about picking up chics. I just like Bob Evans!
Chernynkaya : Anyone who posts there now should seriously rethink that.
Redemption Song : Isn’t it difficult to strike up a conversation over pancakes? I mean, BE is the sort of place people go to with their kids and grandmothers, no meaness intended…perha ps a place where people congregate with the intention to talk with one another. (I acknw that the US is bereft of such places…)
ADONAI : Breitbart?! HA! Good for them.
ChrisR266 : LMAO, RS. How about Cracker Barrel?
PatsyT : CHER ! Why am I not surprized
Chernynkaya : OT but Biznesschick just said that Breitbart is blogging at HP now.
ADONAI : RS, a pub sounds nice. All the pubs here are downtown though and I hate downtown. But I do love Bob Evans.
ChrisR266 : Hmmmm. Bookstores? They just drink chai, coffee and frappichinos at those places. Not quite what he’s looking for, I think.
Redemption Song : …and political groups, talks, that sort of thing…
Redemption Song : Gosh, Chris, not even “Country Kettle”?? (…tongue planted firmly in cheek.)
ChrisR266 : You must expand your palate. And no, Bob Evans is not the direction I’m thinking.
Redemption Song : Pub, Adoni?
PatsyT : Most of the chains kinda give me the creeps.. I like the local establishments
ADONAI : Something in “between book” store and “places where people of loose morals congregate”.
ChrisR266 : I like beer and wings, too, A. In fact, I consider myself a wings connoisseur. But I sure the hell don’t go to Applebees to get them.
PatsyT : I have only been there once in Ohio in Elyria! Let me tell you how huge the bench seats were
Redemption Song : Target’s out, now Olive Garden…my world is shrinking.
Chernynkaya : Hi AD, and all!
Chernynkaya : Patsy–I don’t eat there anymore.
PatsyT : Chris, what do you think? Book Stores?
Chernynkaya : But OG is really RIGHT. Oh well–who isn’t? can’t just eat Ice cream (Ben/jerry)
ADONAI : Hello Cher!
ADONAI : chris, They have great prices on beer and wings!
Redemption Song : Oh: that’s good to hear, Adonai. (Maybe she’s worth a second try after a bit of time?)
PatsyT : Wow Cher now my bubble is burst about the Olive Garden.
ChrisR266 : Just caught up on the conversation. Adonai, you got to start hanging out in better places. Sheesh!
Redemption Song : Oh…hmmm…I mean, all three are coporate…
ADONAI : RS, she was much nicer than that. That was just my way of summing it up
Chernynkaya : RS– Olive Garden contributes to RW scum. Sorry to tell you!
PatsyT : Hey Cher!
Redemption Song : (I’m not sure what advice to give when someone says, “Nah.” That seemed a bit harsh.)
ChrisR266 : Feeling is mutual, Patsy.
ADONAI : Probably Olive Garden for me too
Chernynkaya : Yikes. Lost track of the time. Hi!
PatsyT : Hi Chris, great to see you
Redemption Song : Oh. Are we voting for faves? If so, Olive Garden for me!
Redemption Song : Libya is wild…Q is mental.
PatsyT : Hi RS, We will get started on a topic shortly. Although discussing the difference between Olive Garden, TGIF and Applebees is on many peoples minds these days.
ADONAI : evenin’ Chris
Redemption Song : Howdy, Chris.
ADONAI : Wisconsin, Japan, some crazy shit in Libya.
ChrisR266 : Evening, all.
Redemption Song : “A week like this”…meaning Wisconsin and Japan?
PatsyT : Gee every time I think we have had a busy news week, we get a week like this.
Redemption Song : Hi, Patsy. How is moderating going?
ADONAI : That’s true. I feel like I would put the work in if I really wanted it. But, yeah, I’d be more inclined to find her at Olive Garden.
PatsyT : AD when you meet someone you really like that work doesn’t feel like work…
PatsyT : or the Olive Garden… but you seem more like a book store kind of guy.
ADONAI : That sounds like a lot of work. And I am very lazy. I think I’ll just call this a loss and move on to the next battlefield. And “HA!” to the TGIF comment. So true.
PatsyT : Maybe you need to try the TGIF
PatsyT : Also AD girls like when a guy is persistent but respectful and kind and all that gooey stuff- letters and poetry are good
ADONAI : That’s fine. I just wonder why.
ADONAI : I have no idea. Our entire relationship consists of me asking for her phone number and her saying, “nah”.
PatsyT : Does Becky like working at the Applebees?
PatsyT : Hmmm well, link to the book that is for the girls «link» there needs to be one of these books for the guys.
ADONAI : I don’t think I’ve read that one. The only rule I was taught was keep asking out every girl you see til someone says yes.
PatsyT : Don’t give up if you really like her, you know most young ladies are instructed to play hard to get you remember that book “The Rules”
ADONAI : Not so much girl advice as Becky at Applebee’s advice.
ADONAI : Thank you Patsy. I figured it would get some good conversations going and I’ve always enjoyed poetry
PatsyT : Oh you need some girl advice? You have come to the right place
ADONAI : O.K., First Topic: Why won’t Becky from the Applebee’s give me her number? She totally laughed at my last joke. I feel like that was a sign to get some digits.(do they still say that? getting digits?)
PatsyT : That was a great idea to have a poetry post ADNOAI this week
PatsyT : Yes sir, I just don’t have an flames coming out of my head.
ADONAI : his
PatsyT : Ok folks just say his when you get here
ADONAI : Hello Patsy! I see you’re filling in for Lib tonight.
PatsyT : Hey ADNOAI!
ADONAI : Did it do things yet?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins at 7:00pm PST tonight. Filling in for me tonight as moderator is the lovely PatsyT! Thanks so much Patsy! Will read tonight’s edition later so no jumping on the couches or breaking into the liquor cabinet! Have fun!
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