ghostrider : That’s too bad, this was the first week I remembered to check this out
choicelady : HI Guest – appears you and I did not get the message – Vox Populi is on vacation this week. NEXT week for sure.
RasputinsLiver : Henry’s a brilliant iconoclast of the first order.
RasputinsLiver : Morning, folks. Anyone here ever listen to Henry Rollins? Not necessarily his music but instead his “spoken word” cds or see him when he’s merely doing that on-stage?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Woops. Sorry Adlib, had a request for video drivers. Have a good night.
chillfactor : You, too..and thank you for all of your help in getting me connected to POV….
AdLib : Thanks Chill, hoping to get back to more normal hours around here soon. Take care!
chillfactor : Ad lib…thank you…you too..have a restful weekend..sounds like you put in some long hours here…
AdLib : Chill – Sorry about that, I’ve got an urgent communication into our web host to get this fixed fast or we’re headed back to our previous web host. Thanks for your patience with all of this, one way or another, we’ll get things worked out very swiftly. Have a great weekend!
chillfactor : Thank you Ad Lib…I tried the link at the top of the page earlier but could not get in.
AdLib : Actually, it’s a bit late and has been a long evening here at Vox Populi. Time to call this edition to an end. Chill, hope you’ll join us next Friday but you can scroll down to see tonight’s chat (there were a few outages so you’ll find a few breaks. Thanks to all for being so understanding and patient with tonight’s glitches, hope to have them fixed by next week’s Vox. Take care and have a wonderful weekend!
AdLib : Chil – The main page is Vox Populi, under Live Events at the top but here’s the direct link: «link»
chillfactor : How do you open this window?
AdLib : Some of that goes over their head, especially if you balance it out as a parent with teaching that materialism is not a career goal.
2ndClassCitizenPun : need a few minutes here. brb
2ndClassCitizenPun : Funny
2ndClassCitizenPun : Almost all of our elementary education is geared like that.
AdLib :
AdLib : If Suzy had real friends, they’d be giving her apples.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Suzy has 45 cents. Suzy want to give all of her friends 1 1/2 apples each. Apples are 3 for 5 cents, how many friends does Suzy have?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Ouch
AdLib : Dad is The Deprograminator.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Because if she is in elementary school, her math classes will be overloading her with consumerism.
AdLib : Seven.
2ndClassCitizenPun : How old is your daughter, AdLib?
AdLib : Night Chris, thanks for hanging in there tonight!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Chris
ChrisR266 : Time for me to hit the pillow, too.
ChrisR266 : I wish all you good people west of me a peaceful evening and good sleep.
AdLib : I have taught my daughter not to believe commercials. She likes some things that are popular with her friends but rarely the things advertised a lot. I’m pleased about that.
ChrisR266 : AL and 2CCP: Benjamin Barber warned as much in 1992 (Jihad vs. McWorld) and his newer book, Consumed. Pretty interesting takes on what the free market paradigm wrought as it moves to win the most turf in globalization.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I’m surprised that Macy’s isn’t sponsoring episodes of Dora the Explorer going to the mall.
2ndClassCitizenPun : We teach the kids consumerism from the get-go. by the time they hit preschool, they have been indoctrinated.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Of course Twiter refuses to do anything about that, it might decrease traffic.
AdLib : 2CCP – Well… Facebook and Twitter are credited for helping people rise up in Egypt. I don’t blame them for the apathy out there, I blame Americans falling for the BS they see in the MSM and finding pacification in consuming.
kesmarn : G’night, Patsy. Give Ralph a kiss for us!
2ndClassCitizenPun : I was on Twitter the other day. The top trend? a fake “issue” created by a bunch of mass-marketing bots.
2ndClassCitizenPun : It’s not their recliners we need to get them away from, it’s their Fakebook accounts and text messaging.
ChrisR266 : Sleep blissfully, Patsy.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Patsy
kesmarn : Better days are ahead, AdLib!
ChrisR266 : Sleep well, Kes. Almost 2 for me, too. Got some antique shopping to do tomorrow. Gotta prop up the economy.
PatsyT : Hey Kes me too I have to say Nighty Night to all … You all have a wonderful night
AdLib : Night Kes, thanks for hanging in there tonight!
2ndClassCitizenPun : All we need is Issa to do a Joe McCarthy moment. And watch him disappear!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Kes
kesmarn : It’s amazing how much it takes to actually get Americans out of their recliners, but the Repubs seem to be figuring it out. ‘Fraid I’ll have to say goodnight now. Almost 2 a.m. here! Thanks to all.
ChrisR266 : I harbor the hope that should Issa be so foolish enough to go where I think he will go, that his malicious intent will seal the deal.
2ndClassCitizenPun : facts are only facts if they reinforce the GOP position. Otherwise, it’s bias.
PatsyT : Oh Yes That Issa is so busy creating Jobs!
ChrisR266 : AL: and again, we find Americans placed themselves in the situation of getting their asses kicked and eyes blackened before they’ll crawl out of their corners and actually do something good for themselves.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Youa re forgetting. For the GOP, facts are up for debate.
2ndClassCitizenPun : You mean like how Sheehan woke up Bush on the war?
2ndClassCitizenPun : The only jobs I see being created by all of this is volunteer activist positions – unpaid.
PatsyT : Yes ChrisR All that high and mighty crap delivered by smug men.. and when the gal (forget name) got up and told a personal story HA! Like you all live in such a perfect world well how about some reality.
AdLib : I think we will see a cascade of galvanizing situations like WI and the Repub House’s awful proposals. The people NEVER supported them, they were just brats who were mad at Obama and the Dems for not making everything better in a year and a half. The Repubs instead have been acting that the majority supports their extremist Corporatist agenda. We’ve got a lot of this kind of outrage for average Americans to build up before the 2012 elections. Just wait for the Issa witch hunts, guess how thrilled most Americans are going to be to see how much time is going to be devoted to those.
ChrisR266 : AL: It is ironic to me that the GOP has been relying on magical thinking for the last year when it comes to the master narrative and the base. Magical thinking of course all falls apart when one realizes she’s being marched to the death chamber.
PatsyT : I think these protests will keep running strong for the unions.. They are fighting for their jobs and life.. The Tp’ers are not sure what they are fighting for.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: nothing like handing moderate and liberal women to the Democrats on a platter, huh? It was almost a wow moment.
kesmarn : When folks actually stop getting their SS checks, the Repubs will have hit the third rail and all hell will break loose.
PatsyT : ChrisR debacle is the word
kesmarn : C. Matthews says that he doesn’t think Boehner is up for the confrontation on the budget. Felt that Obama had out-witted Boner and allowed him to paint himself into a corner, along with his T-bag allies. Will be interesting to watch.
PatsyT : And how many Jobs will they be creating with this?
2ndClassCitizenPun : No prob.
kesmarn : 2CCP, Thanks for posting that link!
ChrisR266 : The GOP hasn’t helped its cause this week in the House of Representatives, either. The Planned Parenthood debacle of yesterday will galvanize particular segments of the voting block to the detriment of the Republicans trying to gouge the budget.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Warrent Tribune estimates about 3,000
AdLib : Chris – But so many people across the country voted in Repub Govs and legislatures with some kind of magical thinking, because they were voting against Dems, everything would be better. It’s insane and look at just the beginning of what this has caused. As you say, cleaning up will be a nasty job.
PatsyT : 2CCP It is good to read this in that link ~”Ohio’s tea party movement is among the nation’s strongest – but tea party supporters were fewer by far than union protesters on Thursday.”
kesmarn : So sorry, friends. I lost you for a while. Patsy, to answer your question: large numbers of protesters showing up in Columbus to fight Kasich’s union busting bill. Godspeed to ’em!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Chase
AdLib : Night Chase and a very Happy B-Day!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Ohio protests: «link»
PatsyT : Night Night Chase…
2ndClassCitizenPun : oops.
ChrisR266 : Golden slumbers, birthday girl.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Ohio protests:
chasethis : Once again, good night. And let’s keep that server serving.
ChrisR266 : Kes: as we are living this, I know you speak truth. OH-IO is so effed up right now, we will be a long time in cleaning up this mess. 2012 is going to be sweet.
chasethis : I must say, you all are putting the pop in populi. Ready to go to bed, but stepped outside for a moment and could hear the pop pop pop of comments popping. I thought it was the icemaker.
ChrisR266 : 2CCP: I agree with you. He’s seeing the FUBAR all over this, especially since it’s become obvious that Boehner can’t control the newbies.
AdLib : Kes – Thanks for remembering. Indeed, I thought this election cycle was a poison pill for the Repubs. In order to win, they had to support the Baggers/Corporat ions’ platforms…whic h, once the majority of voters saw them in practice, would oppose them. What they did to win makes them unqualified to lead and that is becoming clear in states like WI as well as the US House. This battle over the budget will start to grind Repubs down with the public but if they give in, they’ll lose their only motivated base, baggers.
2ndClassCitizenPun : That is odd behavior from Rove. Usually he would be in the mix really screwing things.
PatsyT : Kes What are you hearing about the protest in Ohio?
ChrisR266 : 2CCP: Yep. And now Rove is out there very visibly hedging the bet. Notice he’s not pressing, he’s saving face. He sees the loss looming large and is in salvage mode.
2ndClassCitizenPun : The state governors and legislatures are the new robosigners.
kesmarn : AdLib, you said quite a while ago that winning elections and governing were two entirely different things. It’s looking like Ohio Repubs/T-partier s are beginning to alienate a fair amount of their base in Ohio. Your predictions are playing out in real time.
ChrisR266 : They played a hand here that has risky odds. If Wisconsin is any indication, they’ve bet the house and the house is howling on their asses.
2ndClassCitizenPun : We were targeted by the GOP operatives, and they still failed in lots of ways.
2ndClassCitizenPun : And the GOP knows that. I was with America Coming Together with SIEU in 2004.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Ticking off the unions is not how you marginalize the unions.
AdLib : Chris – In the end, I think that will be the case but their back up plan has been to control Congress. And that will be a tough battle in 2012.
ChrisR266 : Their last best hope is to take out the Democratic Party’s best base: Unions
2ndClassCitizenPun : The rhetoric is hijacking the narrative, so that everything is in Bizarro world.
ChrisR266 : Ah, that was good. Now, what fascinates me about all this is that the GOP just might be parsing itself into an absolutely no win situation. The base they’ve been beating into a frenzy with this narrative cannot win them back the White House. In fact, when that base shows up to vote in primaries, they will cause a whole lot of more hurt.
2ndClassCitizenPun : But kes, all of those stimulus and bail-out measures are being blamed for further recession, sans proof.
PatsyT : Whoa Black Babies ! «link»
AdLib : Kes – That story has to be repeated over and over. The propaganda of the GOP has the entire MSM, Obama has a hard time being heard over that unless he hammers it over and over.
AdLib : 2CCP – I appreciate that, sorry about that. Just wish this could be solved once and for all, whatever the expense.
kesmarn : The ironic thing, in this area, is that many white, male GOP voters worked/work in the auto industry. And the ones who still have jobs owe those jobs to that black man in the Whitehouse.
AdLib : 2CCP – The whole, “Be afraid of non-white babies!” does fit in the theme of Obama as the scary black man that “we want our country back” from. But I do agree with Chris that all of this is part of a very cynical plan to get the white male GOP voters agitated and activated so they can win elections.
2ndClassCitizenPun : AL, I was freaking out when the server froze each time I tried to preview the new article I was working on.
2ndClassCitizenPun : OK Chris
2ndClassCitizenPun : Woman from foreign country (Kenya) comes to US to have baby (Obama), takes baby home (Indochina) to be trained as terrorist.
ChrisR266 : Smoke break, back in flash.
AdLib : MySquirrl!
AdLib : Chris – Exactly, the Iron Law you were describing.
kesmarn : Look! My Squirrel! Oh, no, that was only MySql, Patsy… Nevermind.
AdLib : threw
ChrisR266 : AL: I agree re the terror baby thing. It just feeds into the master narrative.
AdLib : Pierre’s Wordspew is this chat system and it has operated fine for over a year on our previous server. It just happened to be running when the server through another fit. It does take up a bit of memory but we had a far bigger turnout last week and no crashes.
chasethis : Thanks, kesmarn.
PatsyT : MySql I know exactly what you are talking about – My Sharona «link»
2ndClassCitizenPun : I just flashed on teh “terror baby” thing when a HP poster was alluding to the Soetoro scam from 2009.
ChrisR266 : Beach, sand, sun, beer. The Force’s remedy for most all ailments.
chasethis : AdLib, talk all the nerdy stuff you want. Speaking for myself, I’m perfectly patient for whatever it takes to make the planet rotate smoothly.
kesmarn : AdLib, I think it has something to do with Pierre’s word. I have no idea what that means, but it was in the warning and I wanted to sound nerdy.
AdLib : 2CCP – I think the terror baby thing is more about the whipping up of white racism and terror for the GOP (Corporate America’s) behalf, less about Obama than that.
kesmarn : Room service, hot showers and indoor pools. I love roughing it. Btw, happy birthday, Chase!
ChrisR266 : AL: WordPress is the Debil!~
2ndClassCitizenPun : Hmm. Bug report to WP?
AdLib : Sorry about the nerd talk here everyone…2CCP – Yep, somehow WP is sending a large number of PHP requests to MySql, all pretty small and holding onto memory for a while. What and why, I am still trying to figure out!
2ndClassCitizenPun : I have a question. Does anyone else notice that the “terror baby” flap could be a backhanded birther attack on Obama?
chasethis : kesmarn, room service indeed.
ChrisR266 : Good, Chase. I’m doing the same for my break. I haven’t done one in the week we have between winter and spring terms in over 20 years, but this old girl needs some sun and a beach.
kesmarn : Days of sleeping in the car and living on Ramen noodles…road trips of our youth…ahhh! On second thought, give me room service.
2ndClassCitizenPun : A memory problem between two pieces of software? That does not make sense.
ChrisR266 : 2CCP–yeah, they do lose their gleam when you’re not 22, in college, and skipping classes anymore, LOL.
AdLib : Thanks 2CCP. It’s somewhere between WordPress and MySql/PHP and no one can seem to figure it out.
PatsyT : Kes it will come back to you I think that happened to me to tonight I can’t remember darn that memory thing
chasethis : ChrisR266–I’m planning a road trip, but first I have work! Which means I’ll be able to afford my road trip. Spring break!
2ndClassCitizenPun : As someone who just did a roadtrip from Palm Springs to Vancouver WA, no they are not.
ChrisR266 : Chase: give yourself the gift of a road trip. My students do it. Remember how much fun they were?
2ndClassCitizenPun : I will consult with my server guy. Not sure he can diagnose anything, but he might have a few suggestions.
AdLib : I can’t remember now, Patsy.
kesmarn : Patsy!
I made two of the most brilliant comments in the history of the Planet, but they’re locked in the server.
chasethis : Don’t make me come down there.:roll:
ChrisR266 : Well, the power and speed you will certainly need. But this lock up bug should not be what you’re getting for the money.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Ouch.
PatsyT : What did you say I forgot
AdLib : It’s a memory issue.
2ndClassCitizenPun : They won’t even say what the issue is? Bandwidth, maybe?
AdLib : They’re nice guys but so far, nothing they’ve tried has worked. We were far more stable at our last host but this one offered more power and speed.
ChrisR266 : AL: yeah, I’m feeling that stability issue thing.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I understand that. What do the techs say?
AdLib : We switched servers going on 3 weeks now and it’s been quite a trial. Hate to go through the process of switching again but stability is a big issue.
ChrisR266 : Thanks, AL. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic without y’all.
AdLib : Sorry, the server locked up again.
ChrisR266 : Am I really alone?
chasethis : This is crazy fun. Goodnight, sweet planet people.
kesmarn : Patsy! That’s the one!! She’s fighting for her right to decide for herself that diabetes is a great lifestyle!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Cher. My firefox is working fine, I hope yours gets better.
2ndClassCitizenPun : PW agreed with me that marketing professors teach students that all consumers are idiots.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Cher… All the Best
AdLib : Cher – if you need to go, have a wonderful night’s sleep. Otherwise, you probably just need to clear your cache and open a new VP window.
boomer1949 : See you tomorrow Cher? Anon…
kesmarn : Goodnight, Cher! Just when thing start working fine for me, the gremlins start attacking you. Out, damned sun spots!
ChrisR266 : Kes: there is a pretty pronounced negative correlation between education level and susceptibility to base (less cognitive dependent) persuasive appeals. That’s why they do it.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Cher
PatsyT : Kes yes we have that gal pushing a shopping cart… Uggh! Give up lady that is not food!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Chris, I remember that. wasn’t that late 80’s? 1988 according to Wiki
Chernynkaya : Folk– having trouble refreshing the page–I am pretty sure it’s Firefox. So I’ll bid you all adieu!
AdLib : Chris – The repeated application of this is known to anyone who understands history. It is one of the levers of the wealthy minority to create insecurity in the masses then use that to get them to stampede against those who are weaker and meanwhile, the wealthy minority robs everyone of power and treasure.
boomer1949 : Not to change the subject, ’cause I’m not in charge, but what does everyone think about Elizabeth Warren hiring Wall St. geeks to the commission?
PatsyT : Ohhh Chase they are good too will they strip?
kesmarn : The manipulative techniques are endless, aren’t they? Do you all have those commercials in your areas about getting people to fight against taxes on soft drinks… “in the name of freedom from big government!!” Gimme a break.
ChrisR266 : All: do you remember in the early 1990s, one of the most popular pre-teen board games was “Mall Madness?”
2ndClassCitizenPun : chase, my partners thank you for that.
chasethis : PatsyT: Thank you. I don’t need strippers. I have chefs!
Chernynkaya : @CCP– there are almost identical.
boomer1949 : Chris, but why do they do it?
ChrisR266 : Exactly, Kes. That’s exactly what we watched happen during the health care debate.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, the bullshit version of capitalism they indoctrinate kids with prepares them to be so oblivious about how they are being preyed upon. They should start off kids telling them about why Mommy and Daddy lost their home and jobs and Wall Street was bailed out for doing that to Mommy and Daddy.
chasethis : 2ndClassCitizenP un–Okay, I’ll make this one exception. Take it off. Take it all off.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Or turning social issues into religious ones.
boomer1949 : kes, remember Jim Jones? If the kool-aid is sweet enough…
texliberal : In the south it’s the sharecropper mentality
Chernynkaya : It’s shocking and frightening, kes. and it’s all done with religious social wedge issues.
ChrisR266 : Yep, Boomer. And I am wholly appalled that so many people dance around this harsh reality.
PatsyT : Chase I hope it will be a great day even if you don’t have strippers
kesmarn : Chris, isn’t it amazing how huge numbers of people can be manipulated to vote against their own interests?
2ndClassCitizenPun : We need less rhetoric, not more.
boomer1949 : I was watching PBS this evening and the program was all about desegregation in Boston and Atlanta back in the 70s. Amazing how then is a mirror image of now. Only now, everyone is upset that an African American is the POTUS.
ChrisR266 : 2CCP: yes. But Burke realized that the individual psychological process could be perverted to impress whole populations to move in certain directions. Rhetorically moving the population that way could be strategic.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Aw, chase. I jsut got out my fireman uniform.
kesmarn : AdLib…yes, we have heard that song once or twice, haven’t we?
chasethis : boomer and AdLib-Thank you! No strippers, please.
AdLib : Chris – Excellent reference! Iron Law of History it is. The pattern is so clear.
2ndClassCitizenPun : LOL Kes. I mentioned that in one of the novels I am working on.
kesmarn : Chris! Well said!
AdLib : Happy B-Day Chase!
2ndClassCitizenPun : It’s called scapegoating, Chris. Been going on for millenia
kesmarn : Cher, it’s amazing how young they are when the indoctrination to capitalism starts. Read your article on Edumacation, and was thinking how much of today’s schooling is geared toward producing good capitalists/cons umers.
AdLib : Kes – Bingo! It’s actually a sick strategy that works. Oppress the majority then whenh they are fearful about their lives and futures, point at the minorities. Hmm…that sounds familiar for some reason…
Chernynkaya : Chris– yep. scapegoating has a looooong tradition.
ChrisR266 : Kes: Kenneth Burke called it the Iron Law of History–a uniquely human tendency to feel guilt, transfer it to a population we can objectify and dehumanize, and then purge ourselves of the guilt. We find some odd sort of redemption that way.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night funk and junior
boomer1949 : chase – good for you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! AAhould we sing or send a stripper?
PatsyT : Nighty Night Funksands enjoy that tooth fairy get up
Chernynkaya : Kes–spot on! Afraid to question long-held myths.
AdLib : Night FS!
chasethis : Sweet dreams, funksands.
Chernynkaya : ‘goodnight, FS.
kesmarn : Goodnight, Funksands! Smart tooth fairy. Money might be spent on taffy…then more lost teeth!
chasethis : boomer, tomorrow is my birthday. I can do anything I want. And I will. Oh, yes. I will.
boomer1949 : Night ToohFairy!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Funk. Make it one he’ll remember.
PatsyT : I remember that Chase.. the Doobies come in right here «link»
ChrisR266 : Cher–I do agree with you about that. More and more we’re conditioned to it. Much like what Postman wrote about in “amusing ourselves to death”
funksands : To all the beautiful people: Goodnight! I have to buy a toy for my son to put under his pillow. (tooth fairy don’t do money in my house). Sigh.
boomer1949 : chase – depends where you are and whtether you can sleep all day tomorrow.
kesmarn : I think Americans tend to try to blame things on “easier” targets: immigrants, minorities, even themselves, before they will take the scary step of looking at the system itself. Could the sacred “Capitalism” (Capital “C”) be flawed??? They’re afraid to go there. Heresy.
chasethis : PatsyT–Patio was MINE! Someone(s) co-opted it.
Chernynkaya : Yes, Chris. But I also think we are too exhausted/distra cted and not used to participatory democracy. We are spectators too often. About everything.
chasethis : So, if I drink a bunch of coffee and drink a bunch of wine (that’s a given) and mainline nicotine, you think this cocktail will work for vox populi? Where do the doobies come in?
AdLib : When Egyptians were stressed out with their society, they revolted. When Americans are, they binge eat Ben and Jerrys.
ChrisR266 : Cher–I think that at a visceral level, most Americans understand the Social Contract. And also feel helpless while they’re hanging onto their own turf by their fingertips.
funksands : Cher, I agree. Mules come to mind.
PatsyT : PATIO that reminds me of HP
boomer1949 : AL, I do this for a living but I’d never know it.
AdLib : Chris – I completely agree. The combination of fear, helplessness and denial immobilizes people and instead of doing something…they eat more pizza.
boomer1949 : It’s the darn habit of hitting the “enter” key. sorry.
Chernynkaya : Chrisw– agreed. except for that guilt part. I don;t see that.
boomer1949 : AdLib,
chasethis : 2ndClassCitizenP un: PATIO!!!!!
AdLib : I recommend an Oxycontin/electr oshock cocktail. BZZZZT!!! Oh yeah…that hits the spot!
ChrisR266 : Americans are fundamentally torn between struggling mightily to cling to their slice of the pie and watching with horror while it is slipping out of everyone’s fingers. We get stunned and insular, and at the same time guilty because we’re not fighting this.
boomer1949 : AL,
PatsyT : I am on my 5th pot of coffee I’ll be up all weekend
boomer1949 : I’ve suffered. Not as much as most, but I have. It’s not a pleasant experience. Remeber the movie <i>Pay It Forward</i>? Exactly what I’m trying to do now. Thus the subscription, blah, blah, blah.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Red Bull is for human consumption now? What will they think of next?
funksands : AdLib: I couldn’t agree more. Americans are so flexible, so adaptive, so able to change to meet their environment. That is one of our greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses. Creeping normalcy just makes us change rather than get angry.
chasethis : kesmarn:
kesmarn : People often say that initially, Chase, but with enough caffeine, you’ll have flying fingers, too!
AdLib : Boomer?
AdLib : Chase – the first time on VP is like drinking a bucket of Red Bull, just roll with it tonight and next time you’ll be surprised how acclimated you are.
2ndClassCitizenPun : chase, I should be so lucky. I will be self-administeri ng nicotine for several minutes outside.
PatsyT : Thats it Kes you can get your whole hand bit off
kesmarn : Chase,
chasethis : I’m going to need more self medication for vox populi.
boomer1949 : SdLib,
kesmarn :
Patsy! Do not get between an American pushing a Ram 2500-sized shopping cart and the free samples table!
funksands : Boy if there has ever been time to re-read some Howard Zinn, now would be it.
boomer1949 : Oh kes, do you have a pandemic at the hospital? As for the influx at The P — I feel like the March Hare.
AdLib : FS – I think Americans need to be REALLY suffering before they step up, it’s too bad, a lot of suffering could be avoided if people understood that a little effort ahead of time is worth a huge amount when things are dire.
Chernynkaya : well, of course not a revoluton. ZBut civil rights workers were fire hosed. And killed.Kent State students were shot. Thousands protested and stopped the war! seriously– people effing rioted!
funksands : Chase: Fantastic! I’m really proud of you!!
PatsyT : Oh and they notice the free samples at the Sams Club or Costco
boomer1949 : I do kes, as I’m sure you do as well. However, the rest of the state has developed short term memory loss.
kesmarn : 2CCP, it was indeed a revolution!
funksands : PT, it sure does.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Technically, yes, I was born in 65. But was that really a revolution?
kesmarn : boomer, battling the respiratory plague @ work and on the homefront! And trying to keep up with the sudden influx of brilliance on the Planet!
PatsyT : 2CCP they notice FREE BEER
chasethis : funksands–what rash? I licked it clean weeks ago.
Chernynkaya : 2CCP–were you around in the 60’s???
2ndClassCitizenPun : I’m trying to remember when the American people have actually risen up about anything.
boomer1949 : kes,where the heck have you been anyway?
kesmarn : boomer, in Ohio, does anyone recall that Kasich refused the $400,000,000 Race to the Top $$ for education that the state won fair and square? Wonder why the schools are broke now…?
PatsyT : funksands That is what Wisconsin is looking like
funksands : AdLib: Americans are great once their backs are up against the wall or everything is broken. Until then, business as usual.
boomer1949 : Sorry Sheriff…nothin g below the instructions. All gray space.
ChrisR266 : AL: I don’t think the revolutions will necessarily inspire any Americans. But unbridled greed and bald attacks (like in Wisconsin) will push them over the edge to what they should have been doing a few years ago.
kesmarn : Schlusser would say that we’re all savages who can only be governed by a Mubarak/Bush/Che ney type!
Chernynkaya : AL– As I worte earlier, that is the most interesting aspect of these uprisings for me right now.I think they have something to do with WI large numbers. That and the recent media attention.
AdLib : Here’s the link to the full VP page: «link»
PatsyT : AdLib they will have to send Aid to assist in fair elections
boomer1949 : Patsy, The new Gov. called a cop an idiot. Then mentioned it and caught on tape. He used to be my Congressional Rep. and was good. However, he drank the kool-aid and has joined the other side. Oh, and he sends his kids to private school.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Wisconsin gives me hope, AdLib. I really want to go over the river to Portland and see what the atmosphere is like over there.
kesmarn : Cher, it does seem better now. I couldn’t log on at all for a while there.
funksands : Boomer/Chase, if you go all the way to the bottom of the feed, you’ll see a “link” that will take you to the full page.
AdLib : So, will the revolutions inspire lazy Americans or will ME countries soon be looking at us and saying, “I guess they’re just not ready for democracy”?
Chernynkaya : Hey, kes! It’s been working for a while now.
kesmarn : Night, Redemption! I’m popping (literally) in when I can. But things are intermittent here with the site. Sorry!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Redemption S2
Chernynkaya : Bye, redemption!
AdLib : Night Redemption!
chasethis : Boomer, HELP!
PatsyT : Boomer I know – Ohio next
ChrisR266 : Good sleep, R.
boomer1949 : Chase, I’m right there with you.
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Cher.
funksands : Chase, has leaving HP cleared up your rash? Just curious.
Redemption Song II : Vox Populi is excellent–learn ing lots–will join again soon. Wishing all well.
boomer1949 : Patsy…you know one of my kids is a Kindergarten teacher in a low income school district. OH-IO is going to try to follow Wisconsin’s lead. Makes me want to throw up.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, Piggly-Wiggly running out of pork rinds is a sign of the anti-christ to them.
Chernynkaya : I know what you meant anyway, Chris!
ChrisR266 : As much as we curse them in our cushy homes as the eff up, new comm technologies are changing people’s attitudes about challenging oppressive government. It’s the “see? They did it…” that inspires.
chasethis : Stop the world. I want to get off!
funksands : Boomer, if you go all the way to the bottom of the feed, you’ll see a “link” that will take you to the full page.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Apologies. I meant Quadaffi (however we are spelling that today) in Libya.
chasethis : Hello, my name is chasethis or chasethat. It’s been many days since I invested time at HP. I’ve become accustomed to a slower pace.
Chernynkaya : Patsy–that nothing–Fox is comparing it to the antichrist coming.
funksands : Algeria is the Myanmar of Africa
PatsyT : I can’t believe that Paul Ryan compared Wisconsin to Egypt … today (daytime) on MSNBC when they said protest in Wisconsin they said RIOTS and Protests
ChrisR266 : Restful slumber, Dim.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night dim
Redemption Song II : Sweet dreams, dimplasm.
boomer1949 : Sheriff…fyi… can only get the live feed on the side. Clicking on VOX at the top gives me the instructions, but not the convos. Makes focusing a not.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Can I haz betting pool?
Chernynkaya : ‘Night, dim
funksands : AdLib:Same issues in Egypt. 99% of the populace is one ethnicity and religion. Makes it much easier to keep things from devolving into chaos or sectarian demonstrations like in Bahrain.
Redemption Song II : Tunisia seems esp. repressive…and Egypt’s democracy has yet to be seen. (Egypt won’t go on the attack internationally (the military won’t risk funding from the US), but as far as internal reform, what and to what extent remains to be seen.) (IMHO)
ChrisR266 : I do love how companies are finding ways to let people get messages out despite hardware shutdowns (like in Egypt).
dimplasm : I’m out for the night. See y’all later.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Dunno. Algeria has been on the brink for years. I wouldn’t mind of Moamar got the wake up call.
Chernynkaya : Chris I love that aspect of these uprisings too.
AdLib : Algeria has suffered for a long time, makes a lot of sense.
funksands : AdLib: Algeria seems to be the next most likely candidate.
ChrisR266 : The one good thing that lightning fast comm technologies have wrought is the inability of Governments to hide violence against their own people.
Redemption Song II : Mmmm…girl scout cookies…thin mints = a little piece of heaven.
2ndClassCitizenPun : The Kocj Borhters and karl Rove
Chernynkaya : Libya, Tunesia, Jordan–could be any. I think it’s too early to tell. but confession here: as happy as these all make me, I really can’t focus on it much. There is so much going on HERE that I sometimes feel it’s just a distraction. OTOH–maybe it can inspire us as it might have in WI.
chasethis : A few years ago I worked for a big warehouse company owned by my brother. (More on that another time.) It was the central delivery point for Girl Scout cookies in northeastern Oklahoma. Once a year we had GS cookies on 10 X 10 pallets from floor to ceiling. The aroma was AWESOME!!!
AdLib : 2CCP – Who is this “USA” you speak of and who are their dictators?
Redemption Song II : 2nd class citizen, I think the people are zapped by television–no revolution to be had…well, WI maybe.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I can send you all some cold rain from Vancouver WA
PatsyT : They have set up a pattern with this shutting down the internet thing.
AdLib : Boomer – It’s raining here in LA like a tropical storm and Patsy said down in OC too!
ChrisR266 : Damn, AL, I worry so much for the people of Iran. They will be exterminated before that government gives it up.
boomer1949 : Cher, really? I pinched my fingers in my grammas flour drawer, yes, flour drawer.
Redemption Song II : Oh, jeez–too funny (& I hope not painful)!! (ref. stuck tongue.)
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, I’d prefer if it were the nation formerly known as United States of America that was next.
boomer1949 : AL – forgot you need to be in Oh-IO and not in LA.
Chernynkaya : Boomer, i once got my tongue stuck to my grandma’s freezer.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Hey, funksands junior! Your Dad is cool!
boomer1949 : AL – be careful it’s cold enough you might get your tongue stuck to the damn flagpole.
funksands : My son is reading these posts over my shoulder…
Redemption Song II : Funks, snaggle-toothed kids are the greatest.
ChrisR266 : He// Chase, it’s what gets me through the day! A few drinks at night help, too.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Yay, funksands!
boomer1949 : chase, did you really have to remind me that the Dads I work with will be bringing in those order forms? I had to order a million boxes of cookies (none of which the cats can eat) just so I don’t appear to be playing favorites. Always gain 15 pounds this time of year.
chasethis : Chris, you’re mighty optimistic.
2ndClassCitizenPun : No, I have no recipes that call for progeny. Kroger’s is always out of it anyway.
funksands : Hey, my awesome 6-year old just lost his second tooth!! Woo-hoo!
Redemption Song II : Aw…yes, Chris, he’s a dear!!
ChrisR266 : 2nd: I was a bluebird, sheesh! You’re eating my progeny?
Chernynkaya : Ther is a subject. it’s coming in 5,4,3,2…
2ndClassCitizenPun : No subject other than mass hysteria followed unconsciousness.
Redemption Song II : Hey, Booms, I’m doing well. (Is there a subject or is it stream of whatever one happens to think?) (I can’t spell!
) (And this may go through twice…)
ChrisR266 : Chase, you’re doing just fine. Let ‘er rip.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I always add a little Bluebird Girl to my Girl Scout Cookies for texture.
AdLib : Boomer – You have been fantastic! I think I need to get our server to meet me by the flagpole so I can beat the crap out of it.
chasethis : Boy, howdy, this is a challenge. Maybe I should study up and dive in next week.
Chernynkaya : AL–
chasethis : Funksands, are your Girl Scout cookies made of real Girl Scout?
boomer1949 : AL, do I need to up my contribution?
AdLib : Redemption – Because my Ronco Home Electro-Shock system is being repaired.
2ndClassCitizenPun : To be honest, he might need drugs to cope with the fact that we are all here.
funksands : OT: Anyone here read “The Imperial Cruise” by James Bradley?
PatsyT : Stop calling me Shirley
Redemption Song II : Poor AdLib…why needeth thou drugs?
ChrisR266 : Evening, RSII–Loved that Pecan brown. I can see that. Lovely.
boomer1949 : Hey Redemption. how the heck are you? Everyone, I posted a Charlie Rose, AH, & Alphabet guy thing in OT – only because I couldn’t remember how to do the link thing in real time. Made me want to…spit!
2ndClassCitizenPun : I picked a bad week to give up sex. Oh, wait, I didn’t!
AdLib : Surely you’re joking?
chasethis : We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
Chernynkaya : You sure did, AL– And all that coughing ruined the server! it’s got your virus!
Redemption Song II : Hi, Chris. Happiness is blogging on the Planet, so we’re all good!
funksands : Striker, you land this plane yet? We’re all counting on you.
ChrisR266 : Hope I’m finding you all well this evening.
AdLib : I picked a bad week to give up oxycontin.
Chernynkaya : I’m here Chris!
Redemption Song II : Thanks, Cher.
Redemption Song II : Hi, low-flying Booms!
funksands : Yes, wholeheartedly.
ChrisR266 : You too, Chase. Ugh.
Chernynkaya : You’re doing great, Redemption!
2ndClassCitizenPun : funksands, you are supporting capitalization of our children and child labor?
ChrisR266 : Hey Cher, you’re here.
AdLib : Chase – This is it. It’s been disrupted by server issues so we’re just chatting a bit. I will start an issue after finishing up some tech checks…
Redemption Song II : Hey, Cher…I’m tryin’ to keep up with this thread!! lol
PatsyT : I see you Chase you are here
funksands : I’m on my 9th Thin Mint and I’m starting to twitch…
Chernynkaya : What’s ya do, FS?
chasethis : How the hell do I get to the thread that is vox populi?
AdLib : Thanks Cher!
funksands : Whoa, sorry.
Redemption Song II : Ooo…another Planet feature I haven’t tried…
funksands : Segueeeeeeeeeee
Chernynkaya : I 2nd that @CCP.
AdLib : 2CCP – You are very kind!
PatsyT : Nighty night ADONAI
boomer1949 : I’m here, but flying under the radar.
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, there is not enough money in the world to pay you what you are worth.
ADONAI : Well kids, this is getting far too stupid. Even for me. Good night folks. Peace be with you.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I think we should stop before the innuendo floods the server room with unmentionables.
AdLib : Underarmed?
ADONAI : Underworn? Hmmmmm….. I’ll allow it!
AdLib : I am underdogged?
PatsyT : My dogs are overfed
AdLib : I am underworn?
ADONAI : I am underwear!
AdLib : I an underpaid.
PatsyT : I am underestimated
Chernynkaya : 2CCP– I like that!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Wait. What mean people, and what are their IP addresses?
AdLib : 2CCP – Actually, I think I could be classified right now as polyunstaurated.
ADONAI : As I was saying, mean people suck.
PatsyT : LOL Cher !
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adlib, you are polyamory?
Chernynkaya : No wonder your avi shows yur head on fire!
AdLib : I have two computers in front of me and needed a 3rd.
2ndClassCitizenPun : No! There’s just empty calories in keyboards! You need something with fiber!
AdLib : Hey Cher and thanks all for bearing with this. Maybe we can consider cans and string as an alterniative?
Chernynkaya : AdLib–you need more arms than Shiva.
AdLib : now
AdLib : I will no practice typing while chewing my keyboard
Chernynkaya : Now, where were we?
Chernynkaya : {{{{Appaluse!}}} }
AdLib : That was easy.
AdLib : Damn!!!!
Chernynkaya : Lemme check your freshness date, KB…. Nope, you’re still good.
ADONAI : I’ve always felt that if the internet disappeared tomorrow, society would have 1 week before it collapsed from utter boredom.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I’m not here at all. mwahahaha
boomer1949 : Oh please, what a crock. Does Charlie really believe this crap?
KB723 : have I expired?
Chernynkaya : Khirad, where is that hilarious vid you put up about “please stay tuned?”
Khirad : “No one online” … this came as a great surprise to ME! Oh noes, what does it all mean?!
ADONAI : I saw Naked Gun before Airplane. Was always a fan of Leslie.
AdLib : Sorry folks, working on this now!
jdmn17 : They filmed Airport at MSP airport and had to make snow because we were snow free most of that winter. Still love Leslie Nielson in the spoof of it
ADONAI : Surely you can’t serious.
funksands : Is this where Ted Striker lands the airplane?
KB723 : “Is there Anybody… Ooout There????”
Chernynkaya : Bye, Boomer
ADONAI : peace boomer!
jdmn17 : Khirad, there is a lot going on over there and it’s being swept under the rug
boomer1949 : Pop in, pop out just to say hey all. Made a snack run and got lost in the wine aisle. Besides, y’all type much fast than me. See everyone tomorrow!
PatsyT : Wow Is this the work of the tea party
kesmarn : Khirad, my connection has been very glitchy — combo of solar flare/full moon/pierre’s word (which must be merde) — but I hope you write a new ME article soon. We need one desperately!
ADONAI : I wasn’t worried til you said “don’t worry”!
Chernynkaya : Are we back?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Database error alert!
AdLib : Don’t worry about that message above!
jdmn17 : My message says no one online?
ADONAI : Djibouti
ADONAI : Djibouti
ADONAI : The capital of Djibouti?
PatsyT : I’m here
ADONAI : Warning: mysql_fetch_arra y(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/planet23/p ublic_html/wp-co ntent/plugins/pi erres-wordspew/u sersonline.php
Khirad : Well, while sun flares have been affecting us, I’ve been trying to catch up with ME news and holy crap! I better get back to writing my next article fast! Where won’t this thing spread? «link»
ADONAI : Hooray!!!
jdmn17 : I have a very evil looking error message
Chernynkaya : It’s that dang “pierres-wordsp ew”! I knew it!
ADONAI : Herro!
Hay Zeus Boodah : present
Chernynkaya : Adonai– now I understand what you are saying.
ChrisR266 : Evening, all.
SueInCa : Are we still live or not?
ADONAI : Democracy requires eternal vigilance. Agreed. But people who equate corporate tax cuts with the fall of the republic are not helping. At all.
Chernynkaya : Testing…1.2.4
KB723 : Awww, Man. I think everyone’s having problems??? I had to google to get back here.
KB723 : k’es, I would have never noticed LOL…
SueInCa : Kes there are two of alot of us up there?
PatsyT : Two Bitos !!
kesmarn : b’ito, the roll call at the top has two of you. Have you finally succeeded in cloning yourself.
SueInCa : Uh oh sounds like this is a subject I get very wound up about. The haves and the have nots? Or the 2% and the 98%?
jdmn17 : Patsy, I’m not a blogger, I follow good tho
ADONAI : Hello Sue!
PatsyT : I will put one up tomorrow.. but there can be more then one
AdLib : AD – Right with you. When one has a conscience, their personal possessions, whether many or few is irrelevant. The issue for me is that those who are wealthy give their money to Wall Street, banks and corporations to make money who then those greedy, unprincipled entities destroy lives and societies “doing their job” to make money for their clients. Imagine how upset some union pension funds are if some of their money is in stock fro Brawny towels, financing the Kochs who are working to destroy them?
Chernynkaya : No, not unique–but are you saying then that we should all be sanguine? Are you saying this is no biggie? If so, I disagree completely. democracy must ALWAYS be guarded.
KB723 : ADONAI, AGREED!!!! Man I was feeling way out over here. Waiting for a life preserver…
jdmn17 : PatsyT, yes, there were several posts today but I don’t recall seeing an actual thread of its own. My brain fart?
SueInCa : Hey jdmn and Adonai
ADONAI : KB, this is democracy. When the majority is neglected and they fail to address it, they get what they deserve. I don’t weep for this country. I don’t waste my time pretending we’re victims. We’ll be alright. This country has seen worse than this. These aren’t extraordinary times. We are not a unique generation.
jdmn17 : Sueinca we are all here as long as the sunspots leave us alone
PatsyT : jd Are you talking about Wisconsin?
KB723 : jdmn, That’s Not at all what I was gettin’ At…
SueInCa : Hey Cher and Kes
SueInCa : Uh huh Adlib, my cable guy tried to tell me a satellite was blocked by the sun causing a 6 hour outage LOL
Chernynkaya : Hi Sue! Just chimed in myself.
jdmn17 : Ad et al. Is anyone writing a blog about this?
PatsyT : Hi Again Kes
AdLib : Hey Sue! Not at all, got interrupted by a sunspot hitting the server but all is well now, nice to see ya!
kesmarn : Hi, Sue! I’ve been in and out — not voluntarily!
The Planet keeps escaping my computer.
SueInCa : Hey Patsy!
PatsyT : Hi Sue!
SueInCa : Is VOX almost over? Hi everyone.
Chernynkaya : OOPs–meant “I got it.”
ADONAI : AdLib, Life is short and many think only of themselves. I’ve always been a proponent of being happy myself, but never at the expense of others. You can find the balance very easily if people just tried.
Chernynkaya : Got I jdmn– thanks for the clarification!
KB723 : ADONAI. I have been smokin’ the same thing. They said it wouldn’t Hurt me???
jdmn17 : Cher and KB I think I am the confusion here. I meant chosen being the TP, corporatists and KOCH among others. They seem to think laws should be made for them
AdLib : There is a kind of religion that the business of the wealthy getting wealthy is, where the only sin is not taking more money from wherever you can. There is no social conscience, no sense of fairness, no sense of fairness, community or humanity. And it is celebrated! Having no ethics and just being wealthy. Destroying everything around them but ending up on a pile of money, that is called success. How? How is destroying the world around you out of greed, any kind of success?
ADONAI : If this country does fall; If we do lose our way and disappear in time; We have NO ONE to blame but ourselves. We have been given EVERY opportunity to succeed. And every opportunity to fail. If we chose failure, it’s our own fault.
KB723 : Cher I have seen NO chosen ones.
Chernynkaya : KB– are you saying The chosen People?
KB723 : Cher I cannot say, But there are some who wish to subscribe to such a name.
jdmn17 : KB, the chosen own “We” but those of We they own think they have a shot at being chosen, that’s the only think I can think makes them vote for them over and over
ADONAI : KB, the people ALWAYS have shit to say and do. They just chose not to. Just because people say this isn’t a democracy doesn’t make it true.
PatsyT : AD You said it perfect..
KB723 : ADONAI, You say this as if “We The People” have Shit to say or Do these Days…
ADONAI : Indeed AdLib
AdLib : AD – The statistics and numbers say it all. The wealthy, in general, have been stealing the wealth of the majority. The shift of wealth is undisputed. So, I’m with you, wealth in itself is not evil nor makes one evil but an accumulation of wealth only has loyalty to uts own interests.
Chernynkaya : KB– who are the Chosen?
jdmn17 : The one thing you don’t want to do is piss off cheeseheads, esp if you go after their dairy supports
KB723 : jdmn. That makes NO sense! The Chosen have become the owners of “WE”
ADONAI : You;re seeing it in Wisconsin right now KB. Succeed or fail, this is real democracy.
KB723 : ADONAI, I am NOT seing it Happening.
AdLib : jdmn – You’re right and that’s their game. Get the seals flapping their flippers over social issues and throw them populist fish while they’re robbed blind.
jdmn17 : KB maybe something like this will remind people they are the “WE” not the chosen
ADONAI : AdLib. My problem has never been with the wealth. I don;t really care. Being rich is fine with me. But the way many go about it and the way they use it to exploit others is the real issue with me.
KB723 : AdLib…. “WE” gets smaller day by day.
AdLib : Didn’t Bohner say he doesn’t care if jobs are lost?
jdmn17 : Ad, and yet their minions continue to vote against themselves
PatsyT : All this fighting and still no Jobs – Boher
ADONAI : Don’t need her KB. The people have proven they can carry their message just fine.
AdLib : It’s defense FROM the class warfare that’s been underway for decades BY corporations. The numbers tell it all, the wealthy have had their wealth grow by 20 times and the average worker has seen negative growth. Fuck them, who cares what they say, we know what time it is.
KB723 : ADONAI, We need to throw a really Big Punch, But sadly Pelosi has left the speaker’s seat.
jdmn17 : One of our local MN newsies claimed they thought as many as 100K TP will be there tomorrow
ADONAI : Totally agree AdLib. It’s about time the other side threw a punch.
KB723 : AdLib. Agreed!!!!
AdLib : What galls me is that the corporations are in the midst of horrendous class warfare and whenever the people try and reverse it, they scream, “CLASS WARFARE!” Fuck them, you bet your ass it is and it’s time we started counting up some winning battles!
KB723 : AdLib, I am sure… Sheesh thi is the first time I was able to enjoy the Vox. Many Thanks, I am sure All will be Well….
PatsyT : I think they will pull it off.. Why are the local “tea partiers” there no sight of them how come? They have to ship them in on Koch Bros Luxury Busses
ADONAI : The people have already won. Regardless of the outcome,politics there is bound to change.
AdLib : Yep KB, a bit more tweaking to do! But it will get done!
KB723 : Yayy I am Back. Still some small glitches AdLib.
AdLib : So will the people win this one?
AdLib : Let the rain pour and the wind howl, The Planet will always be here!
PatsyT : Hmmm gremlins
jdmn17 : We still worried about WI when our poor site flickers like a candle in the wind?
ADONAI : AdLib. It’s cool. I;m just glad it wasn’t only me.
AdLib : Patsy – That would be fantastic as a post!
AdLib : Sorry folks!!! Guess there’s still a little work left to to on this server from hell!
PatsyT : AdLib I will try to do an post on the correlation of the two… This is De Ja Vu for me and we just went through this last spring!
KB723 : PatsyT, Big Ed is seemingly the last and Only Voice for the working folk…
jdmn17 : Hey KB, hang in there, it’s a wild ride
jdmn17 : What is happening here is interesting since WI, like MN, went red. They are assaulting part of their own voting bloc and not off topic but Sara Palin pissed all over milk prices being too high, these people are starting to forget who loves em
AdLib : Patsy – That is so heartening!
kesmarn : Welcome, KB!
PatsyT : Hey KB Nice to see you here
Plutocrats really : ADONAI, that has been a problem for a long time at least where I live. Teachers get paid very little.
KB723 : Wow Folks This is the first time for me and Vox.
PatsyT : The Wisconsin Dems need to get the facts to the press and news networks _ Love him or not Ed has been helping them a great deal
PocketWatch : BTW, the 3B deficit numbers are total BS. It’s acually less than 150M
ADONAI : Pretty big group of people there. The problem is that, I believe, it only really affects teachers and no one gives a shit abut them. Either way, people shouldn’t be so surprised to see their democracy working.
jdmn17 : They are holed up just across the IL border at a place I’ve known for years. State cops know they are there but can’t cross state lines
PatsyT : AdLib- they have to hang tough.. We busted the School Board here in South Orange County! We had a recall election got those Union Busting Board Members out and reasonable folks elected
kesmarn : The motivational power of recliner-removal …wish I’d thought of that.
KB723 : AdLib. LOL!!!!
Plutocrats really : The coverage on fox news about the protest was sickening.
AdLib : Kes – I guess when you are trying to use a budget to steal their recliners away, people get up out of them to protest.
jdmn17 : I notice they haven’t been clear at all about what impact the reduction will bring to the deficit, if it even exists
PocketWatch : The day to watch, BTW, is Monday. That is a state-mandated furlough day for all gov employees for WI. The demonstrators will DOUBLE and more.
AdLib : jdmn – They should do what the TX Dems did, take a vacation in another state, nothing that the WI Repubs can do about that.
BigDogMom : I think public opinion in WI is on the side of the Union, the Gov may need to back down
kesmarn : The same sort of thing is going on in Columbus, Ohio, AdLib. Large demonstrations of angry public service sector workers. A while back you asked the question: What will it take to get people out of their recliners?….
Plutocrats really : BDM,I want to slap Scarboro every time I see him.
AdLib : So does anyone think this element of the budget can be beaten back?
jdmn17 : They showed the state trooper and some clown trying to find the minority leader today.
BigDogMom : Adlib-Not sure, hubby has Ed on right now, will have to look it up, all schools were closed today
AdLib : PW – Didn’t Tom Delay call in the National Guard or such to track down the Dems…and violate federal law doing so?
jdmn17 : This is true in MN and WI, small counties here have as many as 80% gov employees and they went red last Nov
BigDogMom : Wanted to slap Morning Joe Scarboro this morning, what frat boy, made no mention of the small clause about busting the union in the bill
AdLib : BDM – Can they hold this bill open this long? Won’t they have to take it off the calendar after a while?
Plutocrats really : PW, I just got that.
PocketWatch : OnTopic: This strategy was used in Texas not long ago by… you guessed it, Republicans. They poofed for 42 days to avoid some vote or another. I find it funny THAt is never mentioned. I think WI is a very different place. Many counties are very small inpopulation, and the main source of jobs IS the government, local, county or state. This is turning many hard-core righties off BIG TIME.
BigDogMom : WI session ends June 30th, they don’t need to get the budget approved until then
AdLib : When does the WI session end? How long would the Dems have to keep it up, has anyone heard?
Plutocrats really : Adlib, it’s old fashioned union busting IMO.
BigDogMom : hey KB
BigDogMom : Pluto – Conman with loosing ratings
AdLib : KB – Finally!!! Great to see you!
BigDogMom : Going for Public Op on this one, the more in the news, the more the truth will come out
KB723 : AdLib… WOW I get to participate. May need to wait for the next question.
Plutocrats really : BigDogMom, I’m not sure if Glenn is just a conman or crazy. I’m thinking conman.
PocketWatch : BDM, oh dear Dag!
BigDogMom : Oh, and Glenn says that the President is the Anti-Christ, he had an Anti Christ expert on, didn’t know that there were experts in that field
PatsyT : opps
PatsyT : G
PatsyT : Pluto Super
Plutocrats really : PatsyT, that’s it.
kesmarn : Hey, BDM! Hey! Patsy and Ralph!
PatsyT : LOL BDM Yes they are the straw
PatsyT : Hi Kes !!
BigDogMom : Hey kes!
kesmarn : The back door was locked, so I’m gonna try climbing in this window here… Happy Friday, all!
PocketWatch : PSG…. is that like PMS?
BigDogMom : Patsy-LOL! they may break the camels back!
PatsyT : Pluto Super G
BigDogMom : PW-Yep, they want to show everyone how bad the “Unions” are
Plutocrats really : Joe the plumber is not a plumber apparently. So in that case you can all call me Pluto the super genius.
PatsyT : The tea baggers will be on Camels
PocketWatch : I worry about agent provocateures making trouble, and all the cameras will show the demonstrators as violent thugs. I think the cons WANT a confrontation with fire hoses and military.
AdLib : BDM – In the case of baggers, I think we should start requiring IQ tests for crossing state lines.
BigDogMom : Or needs money…because god forbid he gets a real job, you know work for a living
PatsyT : Hide you Wife and Child
BigDogMom : Adlib-He must be writing another one of his books
AdLib : Patsy – I can see Palin on a broom from my back yard!
PatsyT : With a hack saw
BigDogMom : GOP operatives are sending in the clowns, oops, I mean Tea Partiers
AdLib : Joe the Plumber is still around? How does that hack make a living?
PocketWatch : AdLib – best time of year. In 6 weeks its 100 and 100%…
PatsyT : I just saw the wicked witch of the west fly by.. I thought Palin always flew first class?
AdLib : BDM – It’s like a mini-laptop, very portable.
AdLib : PW – Nice! This can be a nice time of year in Houston!
BigDogMom : Just would like to let all of you know, Joe, the idiot, plumber will be making a trip to Madison, WI…what for, who knows…
Jenuwin : thanks BDM! I usually stay in the background!
AdLib : Patsy! Same here, batten down the hatches!
BigDogMom : Adlib-what’s a web book?
PocketWatch : Gorgeous day here in the Houston area, partly cloudy, in the 70’s…
PatsyT : We have a monsoon going on here in the OC
ADONAI : I’ve been sick for the last few days. Still a little congested.
AdLib : Seems pretty fast to me, BDM and I’m on my web book!
BigDogMom : Dark and windy here in CT
BigDogMom : Are we a little slow tonight, or is it my c’puter
AdLib : How is everyone doing on this very rainy evening in LA?
ADONAI : Well played AdLib. Well played.
BigDogMom : Adonai-NO
AdLib : ADONAI – For the right price…heh-heh!
PocketWatch : Oh God! LOL
BigDogMom : Jenuwin, we haven’t met yet, welcome to the Planet!
ADONAI : Can I pick the first topic?
AdLib : Heh, you beat me BDM!
AdLib : Evening PW and BDM! Have some popcorn?
PocketWatch : LOL Mom!
BigDogMom : PW, I was making popcorn…want some?
PocketWatch : I was wondering why my machine was “popping!”
AdLib : Nice to see ya, Jenuwin!
BigDogMom : Evening all!
PocketWatch : Completely forgot about this!
Jenuwin : Good evening!
AdLib : Whoops! Forgot to unlock the doors! Doors are now open to Vox Populi, refresh your browsers and come on in and grab a drink!
AdLib : Remember, as Moderator, I’ll present the topic for discussion IN ALL CAPS to call attention to the topic, please stay with the current topic so the conversation can be at it’s best. And…don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins in a few minutes, at 7:00 pm PST. You can participate in the sidebar of on the VP page by clicking here: «link» Don’t forget to refresh your screen to be able to see the text entry box. Hope to see you then!

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