kesmarn : Seriously, Kalima has been amazing. MB is as much a part of my morning as coffee and the daily paper!
kesmarn : More than 10?
(I don’t think I’m gonna win that contest…?)
bitohistory : In a years time, can you possibly guess the number of articles and pics Kalima has graced us with? astounding!
kesmarn : Kalima, thanks for a year’s faithful attention to the MB — lots of amazing stories and pics to start the say with.
kesmarn : Oh boy, it’s Monday sidebar time! I’m looking forward to the Saturday contest, Kalima! I soooo wanna win a mug!
Kalima : Darn and blast it, that was “your” chance. Sorry, Morning Fog.
Kalima : In case you haven’t read MB today, you might just want to read the first paragraph and you chance to win a MB mug on the 1st anniversary next Saturday. See you there.
PatsyT : You’re as welcome as can be M-I-C ….
Questinia : Is EVERYBODY HAPPY?!
AdLib : Ho there!
Questinia : Hey there, Hi there!
AdLib : Hi to you!
Questinia : Hi Patsy!
PatsyT : Hey Q!
Questinia : Peek-a-boo!
PatsyT : Slowly
AdLib : I think I’ll have Fettuccine Alfredo tonight…oh Alfredo, can you bring that blunt instrument into the kitchen please?
PatsyT : Wake up Johanna
PatsyT : I hope you have plenty of sauce
AdLib : Sweeney Todd, you’ve done it again!
AdLib : I’m going back to eating vegetarians.
PatsyT : I am going back to being a vegetarian
AdLib : They’re finger lickin’ good!
PatsyT : Tasty!
AdLib : Mmm…Vienna Sweeneys! Man, are they good! Man!
PatsyT : Not to far off that theory… have you seen Sweeney Todd?…… «link»
AdLib : I believe they’re made from the parts of animals no one else will use in their food products. It’s just a theory…
PatsyT : Do Tell
AdLib : I like dogs too much to feed them Vienna Sausages.
PatsyT : My doggy will help you there
AdLib : Night!
AdLib : Does anyone want the last Vienna Sausage?
PatsyT : Hey I got that Bush book to read………. ok thats done …..now I am sleepy…. All the best to you all!
Khirad : Nighty night!
AdLib : Well, the clock keeps a tickin’, looks like it’s time to wrap tonight’s edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to everyone who made it such a fun and lively chat, Khirad and Patsy, have a great weekend and thanks for all ya brought!
Khirad : Absolutely. And it’s why the throw the bums out and term limits memes irritate me to no end.
PatsyT : Kes you have a wonderful weekend nighty night
AdLib : Night Kes! Thanks for the laughs and the wonderful conversations tonight! Sleep well!
AdLib : Patsy – Very cool. From the brief opportunities I had to speak with him and to hear him speak, I think he is a very genuine and great all around guy. You have to keep him (and others) in mind when people generalize about all Dems being spineless or unprincipled, there are some solid Dems out there representing us.
kesmarn : That’s cool, that we all took the same test! And we all came up with Dennis! Whew…my body-clock sez it’s 1 a.m., kids. And my spunk has gone the way of Boehnercare…I ‘m afraid it’s time to say g’nite. Patsy — not sure of what part of town Dennis was from, but I remember what a kid he was!
PatsyT : Hey Kes correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t he from the west side?
Khirad : Michelle is great but what a first lady he would have had too!
Khirad : Kes, same with me! I took the same test!
PatsyT : I am glad he is still in the House and they do put him on the air from time to time
AdLib : Kes – Same here, in fact, the final tally of that poll showed Dennis the most in tune with Progressives, far more than any other candidate. But…he just isn’t the guy who can get elected as President which is too bad.
PatsyT : He had some serious spunk!
kesmarn : He was a youngster like you back then, Patsy.
PatsyT : AdLib I grew up with Dennis as the mayor of Cleveland!
kesmarn : There was a “Which Candidate Represents Your Views” quiz online back when and my son and I both came up with Kucinich!
Khirad : Politically I match up with Kucinich most, but I knew he was a longshot.
AdLib : Patsy – I hate name dropping so I won’t but there was a well known person hosting the first one and another hosting the second, they were a lot of fun and Dennis is exactly where I am on nearly every issue. I felt he should be supported to voice his stands, which most Progressives are aligned with.
kesmarn : It’s hard to tell how that one will play out, AdLib. I think that when they see all those Repubs dipping into the earmarks trough and similar behavior, there’s going to be a parting of the ways. Whether it’s peaceful or not remains to be seen!
PatsyT : AHa AdLib so you might be a ET?
AdLib : Kes – It will be interesting to see how the TPs react to being patronized and betrayed just as the Moral Majority was used by the GOP (both groups share a similar membership). Will they turn on the GOP or just swallow their protests and rationalize that at least Obama has lost power? Will be interesting!
kesmarn : He;s not very good at tooting his own horn, and not too many people seem to be inclined to toot it for him, Patsy.
PatsyT : I thought Hillary won those debates and she would know how to combat the onslaught that was going to come… she did have some mighty great skills… but I Love our President Obama and not enough people know what a gem they have in him
kesmarn : I don’t think there will be a come-together kumbaya moment for the GOP vs the TP fanatics, AdLib.
AdLib : Patsy – I never thought Kucinich could win but we supported him and even attended fundraisers…he remembered my name at the second fundraiser too which stunned me.
kesmarn : Kucinich really gives righties a rash, but he’s probably a little too out of the mainstream to make it.
AdLib : Obama and Hillary had such a bruising fight, it was affirming to have them come together in this admin. Now, imagine how brutal the GOP primary will be with Tea Party fanatics stomping heads and the candidates trying to out-racist each other!
kesmarn : Moore is probably too Quixotic (almost literally) to be Pres, but I’d love to see him shake things up in DC somehow.
PatsyT : My hubby was the one for Obama during the primaries I was for Hillary when Edwards dropped out I did love Denis K from OH
kesmarn : I was for Hillary, too, Patsy. Liked ’em both, but thought that she would also be an historic first and would be too old to run later, while Obama would not have been. Nevertheless, I stand for Obama.
AdLib : Same here, I’ll be campaigning just as hard as 2008 for Obama!
AdLib : Would be fun if Moore ran but as much as I like him, I wouldn’t want him as President. An advisor, sure, but I don’t think he would want the job either.
PatsyT : I am proud to be be for Obama!
AdLib : Nader is so over. His last election he got less than half a percent. He’s tainted himself and he is not viewed as a viable option.
PatsyT : Hey I was for Hillary during the primaries
PatsyT : As it stands today I am for Obama
kesmarn : Wow. If Michael Moore decided to run…which I don’t think he will…? Hmmmm.
AdLib : Kes – Yep, that’s what I’m saying. Didn’t they just come out with a study showing that Dems had an evolved element in their brain that makes them attracted to being Dems? We’re evolving, they’re still smashing everything with clubs and one day, if evolution is legit, they will be extinct.
kesmarn : That was my feeling, too, guys ‘n’ gals. I think it will undoubtedly be Obama in 2012.
Khirad : So the next question is: does another Nader rise like in 2000 to peel away significant votes from the left?
PatsyT : Khirad you had some very funny sweets in your past
AdLib : Kes – Excellent question! My answer is no, unless the Dems truly want a repeat of a Carter one term presidency, there will not be a challenge. And the key thing is, there is no Dem who can out-campaign or out-charisma Obama or any Dem that I could imagine being foolish enough to incur the wrath of so many Dems from trying to take out our historic President. They could never win, they could only wound him and at the same time, validate the failure of Dems as presidents. Nope, can’t see it happening.
kesmarn : Hmmmmm. There’s a prescription pad in the desk at work, b’ito… No. That would be wrong.
Khirad : Maybe a fringe challenge, but no way – and god no – we do not need another Teddy Kennedy moment. But, I think the more interesting speculation was to hear Gates answer that question about Hillary taking over as secretary of defense?
PatsyT : I don’t know kes… I think that is foolish just because they have the best right there in Obama if they just get behind him
kesmarn : Are you sayin’ there was a fork in our American family tree of evolution and they done took the wrong branch, AdLib? I think yer right!
Khirad : Funny, bowls of mint ice cream use to be the code word to my dealer.
bitohistory : However:A shop in Santa Cruz, Calif., opened in September selling ice cream infused with extract of marijuana. Customers with “medical marijuana” prescriptions can buy Creme De Canna, Bananabis Foster or Straw-Mari Cheesecake, at $15 a half-pint (with one bite supposedly equal to five puffs of “really good” weed, according to the proprietor). [San Jose Mercury News, 9-15-10]
AdLib : Kes – The Repubs are the political Neanderthals in the evolution of our society, they are not on the right evolutionary track (which may be why they don’t believe in evolution). Their path leads to self-destruction , which is why we can’t let them have control.
kesmarn : Can I sneak in one last question here? Do y’all think that any Dem will want to challenge Obama’s candidacy in 2012?
PatsyT : Awww jeesee Nancy should have been the one to cry with what she faced… this dip wad can’t finish a sentence with out a blubber.. come on johny put your big boy pants on! Man Up !
kesmarn : AdLib — yes, Repubs are not quite in a the same category with American citizens in general. Or possibly even humans.
Khirad : He needs to man-up.
AdLib : Patsy – But he often pronounces it as “MerLOT”…jus t before he’s about to cry.
Khirad : Stuffing Turkeys with bourbon sounds more like Martha Stewart.
PatsyT : Bito … nighty night and all the best to you!
AdLib : Thanks bito, sleep well!
PatsyT : Oooo I forgot he LIKES Merlot
kesmarn : Good night, b’ito. And you’re right. Palin is DUMB.
bitohistory : Well friends, I have to make my good nights, I thank you all for another fun and thought filled night. G’nite, peace
PatsyT : Total sucking the wild turkey that one
AdLib : Kes – Not so weird. A majority of Repubs think Obama is a Muslim and the Antichrist. A majority of the public doesn’t.
kesmarn : Patsy,
Boehner must have been stuffed with Wild Turkey the night he wept through his speech.
Khirad : Maine? WTF?
kesmarn : That’s amazing AdLib– that she is quite intensely disliked, but still leads the other potential candidates. Weird.
Khirad : Yes, Romney. I have Boehner on the brain.
AdLib : So…we may have the most despised candidate running for the GOP! There’s a chance!
kesmarn : Did you mean Romney, Khirad?
PatsyT : Hey Boehner where are the jobs… lay off the wild turkey and get me a job!
Khirad : Boehner is dead in the water for his Health Care thing, never mind the LDS thing.
AdLib : From today’s NY Times (and keep in mind, these are Repubs being polled): ” PPP’s newest batch of 2012 Republican primary polls conducted right before last week’s election finds Mitt Romney ahead in the critical early state of Florida, Tim Pawlenty surprisingly weak in his home state of Minnesota, and Sarah Palin posting leads in Texas, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Maine. All of her leads are relatively slim, but the fact that she’s ahead of Huckabee in Texas and West Virginia is notable, and her leads in Maine (by 23 percent to Romney’s 18 percent and Huckabee’s 16 percent) and Wisconsin (with 18 percent to Huckabee’s 15 percent and Gingrich’s 14 percent) suggest that a Palin candidacy might have a wider geographic appeal than earlier polls had implied. “
kesmarn : Khirad,
kesmarn : It’s hard to see the religious right voting for a Mormon…Romney would have a problem there, I think.
Khirad : «link»
kesmarn : That’ll send a tingle up her leg, Patsy.
PatsyT : Tan all over
PatsyT : A very tan bohner
AdLib : Look at the GOP Candidates In Waiting…Romney , Pawlenty, Barber, Newt, Huckabee, Palin…each one is weak and will drive indies to Obama, maybe not voting for him but against them.
kesmarn : Patsy, maybe a lawn boy and a pool boy would keep the old cougar too distracted to run. Or we could send her a Boehner.
bitohistory : All the R’s running for Pres-except Romney- are on fox. Will it be a Fox /Murdoch puppet?
kesmarn : Every week I say it, AdLib: from your lips to God’s ear. And the Big Guy does seem to listen to you! I hope you’re right.
PatsyT : Opppps she has one or two
PatsyT : Lets send Palin a Lazy Boy
kesmarn : You’re right. Ralph is smart enough not to get up off of the la-z-boy.
AdLib : Kes – To quote that article again: “The number of Americans viewing Sarah Palin, a top Republican leader, unfavorably has hit the highest point of 52 per cent, since she burst onto the national stage over two years ago, according to a new poll.” For every 4 people she charms, she alienates 5. That is a formula for losing.
PatsyT : Well Ralph has a few facts up on that
bitohistory : Ralph is smarter. she doesen’t even know the price of groceries!
PatsyT : Ralph can not get up off the lazy boy to be bothered
kesmarn : One of the few reason left to vote RW in 2012 would be racism.
PatsyT : Bito I have not missed that at all….
AdLib : As I mentioned about judo, if Obama concedes to the Repubs on issues and the economy still isn’t booming in 2012…which most economists say it won’t, Obama can say he worked with them and their agenda failed. And what reason would the public have to vote GOP if their agenda is implemented and fails?
kesmarn : The public worships DUMB at the moment, b’ito. I dunno why, but they do. Now is the time for Ralph to run!
Khirad : They could have had a firmer grasp.
bitohistory : Are we missing something? She is DUMB!
PatsyT : Khirad… they could have gone deeper with that
kesmarn : With all due respect, AdLib, she does have charm with a segment of the population. Palin wannabe white women, and con males…
AdLib : Kes – Absolutely. Vicious and cunning and selfish and ignorant. A female Bush indeed but without the “charm” Bush had with the public so she can’t overcome her negs.
Khirad : How dummies show off their Boehner. «link»
kesmarn : Was that a “hell no” b’ito?
bitohistory : Patsy, NO
kesmarn : That’s a great point, AdLib. A sort of dilution of responsibility.
PatsyT : Oooo Bito do explain
Khirad : Darn, you’re right AdLib. And besides, the GOP has a while before that to fracture yet.
kesmarn : Actually, you make a point, Patsy. Will the guys who want to vote for her because she’s hot, stick with her through menopause — which is right about the corner!
AdLib : bito – Though the economy will likely be a big issue no matter what, it won’t be the hammer it was this year because the GOP is now part of the government. It is unlikely that we will have a big upswing by then so the voters will have a decision between two individuals, Obama and the Repub nominee, both of whom will have responsibility for whatever isn’t good about the economy.
bitohistory : Patsy, no! But have seen some closing time queens the next morning! :LOL:
Khirad : Nailed it kes.
PatsyT : Lipliner
kesmarn : She has the political instincts of a Dubya Bush, I think. Stupid, but incredibly cunning. A consummate survivor and opportunist.
PatsyT : Take that make up off and get that bump it out of her hair and what are we looking at? Do we ever see her without the makeup?
bitohistory : Stating the obvious, it the economy. Where will it be in 2012?
AdLib : She would be far easier to beat than even Huckabee.
AdLib : Khirad – No way she runs third party, she wants to have the power of the GOP. Remember, right after the TP started, she courted them and encouraged them to support GOP candidates. Now, she may act as if she was a TP all the time but she just ran to the front of the march and grabbed the flag out of others’ hands.
bitohistory : This would be a national election not a district election
kesmarn : The voters could possibly be THAT dumb, b’ito!
PatsyT : They are
PatsyT : Yes
bitohistory : It is frightening, k’es. are the voter THAT dumb?
Khirad : Well, here’s where the theory goes. So, she loses the primary. Depending on who wins, does she get behind him, or does her hard core supporters draft her to run third party and split the vote? That’s my far flung fantasy, minus her being the GOP candidate herself, that is.
kesmarn : AdLib, I did indeed predict she’d run, but I said on a third party ticket. Might have been wrong on that one — or not?
AdLib : She absolutely will run because she has everything to gain and nothing to lose. She will be a bigger celebrity, her power in the GOP will be enhanced, there are plenty of idiots out there to finance her, what’s the downside?
bitohistory : LOOK
bitohistory : Loo what she did on the cookie and Fed thing.
kesmarn : But the public is allergic to studying, too. And addicted to prayer warriors and tweeting. This worries me…
PatsyT : She is going to milk this for all the $$$$$ that she can get! Run or or no run… but she will make more $$ not running and teasing all the way!
AdLib : Kes – You predicted that she’d run? I think you are absolutely right.
Khirad : She’s proved time and time again allergic to studying. She prefers prayer warriors and tweeting instead.
AdLib : As to Palin’s viability, I am not aware of any private citizen who was so despised before starting a run for presidency. And your numbers only go down as you’re attacked. Think of how vicious she was and how much she got away with, getting racist against Obama in the GE. Then, she was new and it was just strange to see this woman being so vicious, was it her or the campaign making her say and do these things. The next time around, she won’t get any benefit of the doubt, her nastiness will doom her.
kesmarn : I could play my “told-you-so” card on her running, but I’m too modest… Or not?
Khirad : McKinnon says Palin’s star has definitely dropped, but, I don’t think he’s too clued into the Tea Party side of the party.
PatsyT : Ohhh you guys like a little gambling I get it … I know it …a bit of a game and Ha Ha that is how she feels too!
bitohistory : She can and is so easily exposed on her intelligence, I don’t care how much studying she does.
Khirad : Had you asked me six months ago if she was running I still would have told you she was more into making money. How wrong I was. She’s totally running.
kesmarn : The country is already pretty crazy. What happens if it gets EVEN CRAZIER??? They might vote for her in numbers.
PatsyT : She sucks on all levels
AdLib : Kes – I am confident that Palin could no more win the presidency than O’Donnell could win a Senate seat.
Khirad : I still have enough faith she couldn’t win. I just want her to survive long enough to have a chance of making it in Iowa.
PatsyT : Gest let me at her!
AdLib : The Mama Wolves will tear that grizzly apart!
kesmarn : We do want Palin…and yet…and yet…the terror that lurks in the basement…What if she WON?
PatsyT : Ahhh no the wolves do not want Palin and I am A Mama Wolf!
Khirad : Careful mixing that with Boehnercare.
Khirad : That’s true, like in NH she picked the front-runner establishment figure, just as she did with McCain.
bitohistory : Then she couldn’t be on fux, khirad.
Khirad : Totally AdLib, that’s the difference, but, it’s still annoying. I wish she would just form her exploratory committee already.
bitohistory : How many open seats and front runners did she pick?
AdLib : In 2010, anyone picking GOP candidates would come out looking like a winner.
AdLib : Kes – If I threw darts at a map of the US and chose Repubs running for office, I’d probably have as good or better of a record.
PatsyT : Yes I would love to have a beer with that deer!
Khirad : 32 won 17 lost better than I though, but, she still lost them the Senate.
AdLib : Patsy – I would vote for that deer for Senator because it looks like a deer I could have a beer with.
AdLib : Khirad – Palin’s not a politician so she can’t be blamed for anything while Obama of course, is President and everything can be blamed on him. However, in an election, that would all change and Palin would lose the gentle treatment from the MSM because THAT would get more viewers.
PatsyT : Man up means crap up…
Khirad : Yet even with her negative numbers she still has a path.
kesmarn : On Palin endorsement record, WaPo says 32 won and 17 lost.
PatsyT : Do people really want this sort of thing running things .. «link»
Khirad : Way more people despise her than Obama, and yet she’s such a media darling and he gets rammed every day…
AdLib : Patsy – SHould Palin grow a Joe Miller beard? Might that help as a way for her to “man up”?
AdLib : bito – She is a cult leader. Not a nationally accepted person. She may have a sizable following but what non-politician has ever had such negative numbers? Just imagine if she was running and the other Repub challengers tear into her? And Dems and Obama if she runs against him? Way more people really despise her than Obama.
Khirad : What was Palin’s final endorsement record in the midterms?
bitohistory : AdLib, you need to get a job with the DNC!
kesmarn : Khirad,
! The tart did it all for the cookie!
bitohistory : How many were watching to see if she said something outrageous?
PatsyT : How about BrainUp?
AdLib : Khirad – I think that any Dems hit with the “Man Up” BS in 2012 should respond, “Are we in high school or are we trying to compete to be a Senator of the U.S.? Grow up!”
PatsyT : AdLib facial hair
bitohistory : She raises money,and crowds.
kesmarn : Only in the mind of the MSM was the election about her and her T-Party buddies, AdLib.
Khirad : Yes kes, she did it all for the cookie. «link»
bitohistory : “Thank” You Mr. McCain!
AdLib : Okay, so how does Palin’s worst numbers in a poll square with the election being about support for her and her Tea Party buddies?
Khirad : Yeah, bito, that man-up thing was totally for the consumption of conservative men who measure everything by testosterone. It greatly irritated me. Can they imagine how they would feel if I told them to lady-up?
AdLib : Here is an article that appeared today: 11/13/2010 52 per cent Americans oppose Sarah Palin: poll Lalit K Jha Washington, Nov 13 (PTI) The number of Americans viewing Sarah Palin, a top Republican leader, unfavorably has hit the highest point of 52 per cent, since she burst onto the national stage over two years ago, according to a new poll. A new survey by Gallup suggests more than half of Americans hold a negative view of the former Alaska governor, the highest unfavorable rating Palin has ever registered since John McCain tapped her as the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee. Her 40 per cent favorable rating, meanwhile, ties her lowest score in Gallup history, registered in the fall of 2009 shortly after the glamorous politician quit her post as governor. The latest results come from a November 4-7 Gallup poll, conducted shortly after the mid-term elections delivered some big wins as well as losses for Tea Party movement candidates, for whom Palin had actively campaigned for.”
kesmarn : I think she wants it. Did you see her “cookie speech”? She preceded it by asking the little boy who sang at the event if he would “like to sing at an inauguration”. She had the gleam in her eye.
bitohistory : How old is Bllomberg now 70?
bitohistory : That was complete fantasy, AdLib, Yet it got covered.
Khirad : I think the Bloomberg theory is a tangent of that. Quite frankly, he doesn’t need to be involved. She could win Iowa, and definitely South Carolina.
kesmarn : Yes, his demeanor only make her look worse, Patsy.
AdLib : Oops, sorry Khirad, right, in the Primary she does have a path. That would be so sweet!
PatsyT : Coons was so cool he never really showed her up,,,he just let her show herself up
bitohistory : Khirad ther is a path in the primaries. A very good path. The RR is big in Iowa and NH.
AdLib : Khirad – Was that the BS about Bloomberg running and siphoning off votes so she’s elected? I don’t think that makes much sense for Bloomberg.
kesmarn : Coons vs O’Donnell reminded me of Biden vs. Palin. God, he was such a gentleman in managing not to fall down laughing at her.
bitohistory : Why did the R women use that “man-up” thing? Women are less?
AdLib : If Palin runs, it will be Coons vs. O’Donnell on a national stage.
kesmarn : When it comes to smarts, she goes commando.
Khirad : Scary thing is, is that there is actually a path for it now. I was watching a thing on Thune last night. Total snooze fest that one.
PatsyT : Hey Palin put on your smart girl pants!
kesmarn : You might say Palin and Fey collaborated on making a complete idiot of Palin. Best comedy team since Laurel and Hardy.
Khirad : Upon seeing Boehnercare, Palin said, man-up.
bitohistory : I so do hope she runs!!
AdLib : So…is Palin going to be the nominee in 2012?
AdLib : Kes – I don’t know that anyone undermined Palin more than Palin but Fey’s work was great and only helped.
PatsyT : Move on nothing to see here
bitohistory : I saw the clip, Khirad.
kesmarn : Boehnercare under the microscope as public excitement wanes.
kesmarn : Tina may well have been the single human most responsible for saving us from a horror show of a presidency. She deserves a Nobel.
Khirad : That she did. Anyone see the Tea Party spoof on 30 Rock?
PatsyT : Much much smaller from what I can see
bitohistory : O/T. I didn’t know Tina Fey won the Mark Twin Award. WOW
AdLib : “Sen. Boehner announced that Boehnercare will be just like Obamacare only much smaller.”
kesmarn : Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Pill
AdLib : “I’m not a Boehner. I’m you.”
PatsyT : Oh sure big boy give me all that bs and I will stomp on it
bitohistory : Boner is really Shrinkage- Care
AdLib : “Responding to the failure of Boehnercare, Sen. Boehner explained that this has never happened to him before and that if the public would just wait for a little while, he will try again.”
PatsyT : Not to worry tanning is still covered!
Khirad : Boehnercare got all wet.
bitohistory : Shrinkage, k’es?
kesmarn : Boehner care leads to deflation.
PatsyT : Not enough support for it
AdLib : “Support for Boehnercare has softened.”
PatsyT : Well we are saving some coin on that kes… it was 4 hours
AdLib : “Congress is debating whether they should extend Boehnercare.”
kesmarn : Boehners lasting longer than 2 years can cause permanent damage.
AdLib : “Stand up to support Boehnercare!”
PatsyT : They want their boehner care!
kesmarn : Sistah Sold Ya Sarah sez no, the Fed is eeeevil.
Khirad :
PatsyT : OK all my dogs are looking at me
AdLib : Khirad – Riffing off yours, “Strokes will not be covered under Boehnercare.”
Khirad : Call your local Dem if your Boehner lasts longer than two years.
bitohistory : O/T The Fed did the right thing, finally
kesmarn : And you sure can’t join it.
Khirad : OK, that literally made me shriek.
AdLib : “Boehnercare… you can’t beat it.”
bitohistory : Where’ my job, Boner?
Khirad : Side effects include screwing the Middle Class hard and an orange discoloration.
kesmarn : Hell, no-care!
AdLib : Khirad –
Everyone is cracking me up tonight! “Boehnercare” works in every way!
bitohistory : Boner-care is No-care
Khirad : It was a ‘stroke’ of genius, I thought.
kesmarn : And refer to the economy as the Bonerconomy.
Khirad : Someone had a great idea. Not only do we begin to “Pelosi” Boehner, but I though stealing one of their portmanteaus was better: call everything “Boehnercare”.
PatsyT : That is it in a nut shell Make the fact nice and crunchy!
AdLib : Bito – You’re on a roll! I’ll second that, “Baco-Facts – Chew on these!”
kesmarn : Don’t forget to dip them in our melted logic/cheese for extra truthiness
AdLib : “MMM! The truth never tasted so good!” “Who knew that facts could be so crunchy?”
bitohistory : Baco-Facts! Chew on these!
kesmarn : The little messages in fortune cookies? We could put facts in rolled up bacon, deep fry and serve…
PatsyT : Ouch
AdLib : Baco-Bytes?
PatsyT : Or Bacon Bits
AdLib : Bito –
! Love it! Bacofacts!!!
kesmarn : Deep-fried, golden brown, crispy truths! Get ’em while they’re hot!1
PatsyT : My Doggies would love a hunt for the boner wrapped in bacon!
bitohistory : Baco-facts!
AdLib : Mmm…delicious bacon wrapped truths! You’ve got it Patsy! That’s how to get our messages to Americans! Wrap them in tasty bacon!
kesmarn : Patsy, can we wrap Boehner in bacon and sic your dogs on him?
bitohistory : Good point AdLib.
PatsyT : Well I guess we have to wrap the truth in bacon
AdLib : My dog loves bacon…and all other non-bacon related foods. And tennis balls.
PatsyT : My dogs really like bacon!
AdLib : Reagan and Clinton didn’t have the same corporate MSM or internet as we have today. It’s become so sophisticated and slanted, it’s a very different game for Obama.
bitohistory : Exactly, Patsy, That is what I’m trying to figure out. How do the Dems get their story known?
kesmarn : b’ito, I read, long before he was inaugurated, that the right’s plan was to make him another Carter. A “weak-kneed idealist” who didn’t have the guts to play hard-ball with the big boys.
PatsyT : OK I like bacon
AdLib : Patsy – You got it! You can be our PlanetPOV Double Down!
PatsyT : Bito the truth would be boring
bitohistory : Obama’s approval polling is the same as Clinton’s and Rayguns, but all we hear is he is a one termer, why?
AdLib : Bito – Yep, that is a disappointing truth. Too many people vest themselves in beliefs. They choose them like an ice cream scoop at Baskin Robbins then connect their identity to that flavor. And you can’t use reason or logic to convince someone that vanilla isn’t as good as chocolate.
kesmarn : To me, swing voters have always seemed like mercenaries. They will join up with whatever side they think will pay off for them personally. The hell with everyone else.
PatsyT : And how about wrapping me in Bacon!
bitohistory : AdLib, I keep thinking about that post you did (with the link) on once a person’s mind is made up, facts don’t cahnge their mind.
kesmarn : I think I get what you mean, Patsy…as in, “if you had ever bothered to treat me like a human being, maybe we could talk”?
AdLib : Khirad – Swing Voters are dumbells, wrapped in a delusion, smothered in emotion on a bed of ignorance. With a garnish of vegetables.
kesmarn : b’ito– you mean they didn’t pick Christine 1st Amendmen O’Donnell???
PatsyT : Kes what I am going for there is that this destruction of Obama crap they push has it’s affects
kesmarn : You nailed it, AdLib!! There’s a total double standard. “We” are expected to behave like civilized adults while “they” can tantrum and fling poo and get away with it!
bitohistory : Hannity is a guest lecturer for the new house R’s on constitutional law!! ;LOL:
Khirad : It’s sad, but true AdLib. Dems just can’t get away with being vicious like Repubs.
kesmarn : Patsy, going back to your “pancake moment”…Obama could say that, you’re right. Although it gives me a rash to think of him saying he would ever entertain the thought of tax breaks for the rich under any circumstances…
Khirad : Swing Voters are like stupid wrapped in an enigma.
AdLib : Kes – The lesson Grayson learned is that only Repubs are allowed to be that vicious in tv ads.
Khirad : Sorry, but Grayson was in a swing district and I have no clue what the fuck he though he was doing with that. It was way out of context, too. That’s what did him in. When all you have to do is play the next 15 seconds to rebut it it backfires… unless you’re Hannity.
AdLib : bito – I don’t think the Swing Voters, who threw this election to the Repubs, have any interest in facts. They vote on emotion. They’re angry, they vote against whoever is in power. They’re content, they’ll re-elect them. Idiots. How do you get through to idiots? Not with reason but with emotion. Fear and hatred work great…unless those trying to use it (the GOP) are already hated by them. Remember this, the approval ratings for Repubs is as low if not lower than Dems so these SVs can swing back to the Dems if they start to dislike the Repubs again.
bitohistory : The “apology is what is being coverd. It is the “news” whether it is true or not
kesmarn : And yet, the push back against the Repubs has to be vigorous without “crossing the line,” apparently! Grayson got killed in FL after that Taliban Dan commercial. He was leading up until then!
bitohistory : Read a web site and see the jobs from the stimulus, or hear “it didn’t save a singe job?”
Khirad : How does it get heard when corporate MSNBC will subvert it?
AdLib : Kes – I agree. The path of cowed compromise is not a winning path for 2012. Dems will be more discouraged than ever. What Dems need is to see their reps fighting hard for our principles and Dem voters getting angrier each day at the Repub machine blocking progress. Then, they’ll be raring to vote in 2012. If Dem voters just see one apology after another by Dems as they conform to what the GOP wants, Dems will lose the enthusiasm game again in 2012.
bitohistory : How does the “message” get heard? The Dems had the facts, the R’s the slogans. Who is gong to cover the facts?
Khirad : “If you don’t know you’re already in a war, you’ve lost.” Damn straight.
Khirad : Or we need a Republican diversion day at Tumacácori or something.
PatsyT : Just a thought I had today while making pancakes… When they were giving Obama the third degree about the tax cuts this morning …… How about he answer them with this… Well If I had the cooperation of at least some of the republicans we might be talking about a different economic outlook then we have now. We might have been able to extend those cuts to the top 2% if we had different field of play.
bitohistory : The voters turned out at 80% to vote, a must place to campaign.
kesmarn : Obama/the Dems is/are rapidly approaching the point at which there will be very little to lose by going aggressive.
AdLib : Thanks. It’s all about semantics. The Repubs and Corporate America trot out the “class warfare” attack on Dems and Obama every time there’s an effort to slow it down, why not take the position of saying that it has been ongoing from their side and we need to end it? They may be afraid of being labeled as unfriendly to business but 99% of small businesses are with us in being hammered by the wealthy’s class warfare. As the old saying goes, “If you don’t know you’re already in a war, you’ve lost.”
Khirad : Voted 80+ for what? I just want to make sure…
bitohistory : Khirad, Green Vally voted 80+% !!
Khirad : And, they have their tentacles in the other, as well. Time to purge them or tell them to shut up and sit in the back seat.
kesmarn : Corporate America already owns its own party and its own network.
Khirad : Seriously, send that off to a WH speechwriter. They seriously need to stop tiptoeing around this. He needs to have a “race speech” where he confronts the uncomfortable realities of Citizens United and the seizure of our democracy from the moneyed classes. – only, make it sound socialisticly – not like they won’t say it is anyway!
bitohistory : That is good AdLib, I like it.
Khirad : Great line there, AdLib.
AdLib : What Obama and the Dems needed and need to do is not declare class warfare but declare that it’s time we stopped it.
kesmarn : That is a good page, Patsy. I hope other folk besides “our people” are reading it.
AdLib : Kes – To someone with a modicum of reason, it seems so simple. Who caused the economic crash that has devastated the nation, jobs, home ownership, etc.? Obama? And who does the hiring? Obama? I just don’t understand why Obama and the Dems wouldn’t get this message out and take on the corps! Well, I do understand,but they are so wrong, Corporate America already owns its own party.
bitohistory : I’m hung up on numbers I don’t understand at the Monkey Cage. «link»
Khirad : I saw that page Patsy and it actually gets past mods. About frakking time somebody tapped into satirizing the whiny purist libs.
kesmarn : OOoops!
Khirad : I do like Working Families Party too.
bitohistory : What, k’es. I sent it to you! :lol;
kesmarn : I hope so, AdLib. I often ask myself: how much worse does it have to get for them to figure it out?? It seems pretty bloody bad to me right now!
AdLib : How about The Rachel Maddow Party?
Khirad : The person I have in mind is a reincarnation of Eugene Debs, actually. I guess getting thrown in jail for “sedition” is pretty polarizing though.
kesmarn : I’ll try to post a link, b’ito.
AdLib : Kes – When the Repubs vote against Unemployment extensions, all the universally liked provisions of HCR, loosening regulations on oil companies and Wall Street…will they get it?
PatsyT : How about a …Pelosi is your BFF ….kinda like this page that was put out for Obama «link»
bitohistory : The “Working Families Party” sounds interesting, k’es.
Khirad : Obama needs to get a little Ross Perot – and by that I only mean with the utilization graphs. Show the American people in plain pictures how much richer the rich have gotten off the backs of the Middle Class since Reagan. It’s so easy to definitely show that there is Class Warfare and that they started it. Sigh, what would it take to just tell the Wall Street folks to eff off like Teddy Roosevelt. I mean, since they’re already bucking him and everything already I say Barack says, “fine, and fuck you too.”
AdLib : Bito – Yes but I think it is BS. It’s like guys being interviewed saying that they find most attractive in a girl her sense of humor. That’s what you tell a pollster. In the case of voters, they say they want bipartisanship but what they really want is someone who kicks ass and takes names. Did they vote for bipartisanship this time or against the Dems for not getting done what they wanted?
kesmarn : Do you have a person in mind, Khirad?
kesmarn : Yes! Wobblies! There is a growing faction in NY– “Working Families Party.” I’m looking into them.
Khirad : I think there needs to be a Left party without a really polarizing figure. By that, I mean someone who can tap into populist Middle Class and Working Class concerns. You’d think that would be a natural constituency to work to, but they’ve been distracted with wedge issues.
kesmarn : I’ve mentioned that unemployment argument, too, AdLib. People voted for the very people who are quite content to cut them off and let them starve. “They’ll probably be okay…”
AdLib : Khirad – I fully agree. There IS class warfare going on in this nation, all slanted against 98% of Americans. The statistics clearly show the rich at war on the rest of Americans and bleeding them dry. The greatest transfer of wealth happened after the Bush tax cuts! Obama and the Dems need to come out tough and strong and fight for the middle class or there won’t be one to elect them again.
bitohistory : Wobblies unite!
bitohistory : Labor Party!!! WWW!!
kesmarn : I’d love to see what the response would be to a real lefty party. I honestly don’t know. I love personalities like Grayson, Weiner and Michael Moore, but they’re really polarizing…
Khirad : Cool, I’ll just leave it on PBS until she comes on. What’s the deal with MSNBC on Friday? Pisses me off. Like, you do know that reruns aren’t actual people, and they can still start their weekend, right?
bitohistory : AdLib, the “getting along” sthick polls really high. is that why Obama does it? Clintonesque?
AdLib : Kes – Not to mention all of the cuts in government programs the Repubs want. What’s going to happen when it comes time to renew Unemployment extensions. The Repubs that moronic unemployed people voted for will deny them subsistence!
Khirad : I think Obama gets overanalyzed for being too cool for school. But, by god, now would be the time to pull something out – something visceral – a great speech à la William Jennings Bryan or FDR – I’m tired of this “there is no class consciousness” Jedi crap from those whose lives the rest of us can’t even conceive. OF COURSE they don’t want to talk about class. WE OUTNUMBER THEM. I get sick of the socialist trolls for not being pragmatic, but as someone who is at heart a socialist, I definitely know they’re they’re coming from when they talk about getting ourselves a real Left party – especially if the Dems won’t fight back. I fear that the MSNBCs via their sponsors, have in effect, co-opted the Democratic Party, or are at least in the process thereof.
bitohistory : Khirad, Gabby is on PBS toight.
kesmarn : I think what will really damage the Repubs in this area is the fact that they’re turning away programs like the high-speed rail and the Race to the Top money that would have made/saved jobs and improved life. When the high unemployment continues and schools go into the crapper, that might wake them up.
AdLib : bito – If Pelosi stays in charge in the House, that’s a good sign. Compared to these Repubs, her leadership will look better and better. And hopefully, she will keep Dems fighting the good fight. I’m glad Angle lost but with Reid in the Senate, I foresee more bending to the GOP’s will to get bad legislation passed.
bitohistory : I think the latter, AdLib. They (R’s) are already having family fights
bitohistory : That’s just it! What we see may be nothing what is really going on. how many dems get interviewed on the telly?
AdLib : Two years of Darryl Issa witch hunts, hypocrisy on all their campaign promises (they are already flipping on earmarks…now that they are in charge, they’re good!), not being able to accomplish HCR repeal or cut the defecit…will their BS and blaming Dems for everything make it all okay with voters or will voters eventually throw in the towel on them?
kesmarn : AdLib, what I’ve seen so far is a lot of bowing to the Repubs, and I hate to say it, but I see very little indication that that is about to change anytime soon.
AdLib : Patsy – CM is hit and miss. He gets ideas in his head and doesn’t listen. Soemtimes that’s a good thing, other times he is a hostile fool.
kesmarn : Spitzer interviewed Rand Paul and really nailed him on his commitment to cut every part of Medicare except MD reimbursements.. .especially EYE DOCTOR reimbursements!!
AdLib : So, will Obama and the Dems, who hold 2/3 of government, bow to the minority Repubs as if they speak for the public?
PatsyT : CM can really dissect a person I just wish he pointed his sharp instruments in correct direction
Khirad : Yup, bito it’s why I was late here.
bitohistory : Did you finish the interview, Khirad?
Khirad : Absolutely kes, he fits it to a T.
AdLib : Here’s one of my beefs with the Dems, why can’t all of them (some do) act appropriately after the results of an election which they say was about jobs and yet they are acting as if it was about support of the GOP. They should be fighting for the middle class and jobs instead of thinking that conceding to Repubs is what the people want.
kesmarn : Ayn Rand Paul is a neo-Confederate if ever there were one, Khirad.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad… Yes my mom was a great reader and she paid attention
bitohistory : The R’s seem to have a huge noise machine, will they get caught having to actually govern , or will they pass crap knowing that it will be stopped in the Senate?
Khirad : Hi all. Random fun fact I learned today. In Kentucky there are 61 Civil War monuments. All but 7 are Confederate. Now, think about Rand Paul, his stance on the Civil Rights Act and voilà.
kesmarn : sorry “when you” not “when to”
Khirad : Hey AdLib, I think we’re saying the same thing again.
kesmarn : And when to shine the blame light on Wall Street and the wealthy, they call it class warfare.
AdLib : Hey Khirad, nice to see you!
AdLib : And why are the Dems okay with always letting the Repubs and Fox frame the issues? WHy can’t they take on corporate America and Wall Street as the threat they are? Wall Street is giving out record bonuses while people have run out of unemployment and yet they are only angry at Obama! This is obscene.
kesmarn : I state the obvious, but he interrupts constantly…CM, that is.
bitohistory : Witch, Which. Small joke, Patsy. Very small
Khirad : Your mom was spot on. This has been my opinion of C Matthews for some time. He still has his occasional good moments, but he can be a crotchety horse’s ass.
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad! Good to see you.
kesmarn : I don’t get it. They buy voo-doo economics unquestioningly. I think the minute all these T-Partiers and Repubs get sworn in we need to start asking: “OK where are the jobs?” On a daily basis.
PatsyT : Bito 40%
bitohistory : That is the quiz, AdLib, why were so many willing to believe so many lies?
Khirad : Cash for Clunkers and the auto bailout worked. How come Dems and so-called progressives run away from this. The right pounded away at their meme and we just acquiesced. Why do we let THEM define US?
PatsyT : Before there wwas a Rachel or Keith I remember my Mom watching C Mathews and asking her things like … Why are you mad at him ? You liked him yesterday? She would say … Sometimes he is just a horses ASS! My mom had his number back then!
AdLib : What’s insidious is that the wealthy were hated for destroying our economy when Obama took office but they and their GOP cronies have no blamed everything solely on the Dems and sadly, the Dems accepted that argument instead of redirecting Americans back at the wealthy. And this election, they’ve voted in hedge fund managers, Wall Street execs and cronies of all those who put them out of work and made them lose their homes. It is nauseating! The Dems didn’t cause it and the Dems can’t solve it, only the wealthy who actually hire can. Why are people so easily manipulated?
bitohistory : which figure, Patsy?
kesmarn : That was the story in Ohio, AdLib. People voted against Dems out of anger (not that it made any sense). The county I’m in bucked the trend and went blue because Obama saved our hides when he saved the auto industry. Another thing he never gets credit for.
PatsyT : Thank you for that Witch figure AdLib!
bitohistory : Tweety is all over the place. He is a strange bird.
kesmarn : I hear you, Patsy! And, of course, there’s rich and then there’s CRAZY rich. And the later are what we need to go after.
PatsyT : Gated community … sounds like the days of yore
AdLib : Matthews is such an ass, he spends each show pounding in, “Okay, you Dems have the Left Coast and the East Coast but you’re in big trouble in the rest of the country!” The Dems won huge in the two previous elections and he thinks there’s been a sudden political realignment in the nation? WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A RECESSION AND PEOPLE WERE SO MAD AT THE DEMS, 40% EVEN VOTED FOR A WITCH!
bitohistory : Taxes under Rayguns, as part of GDP, was much higher than it is now. A whole bunch!
kesmarn : Extreme inequalities in wealth distribution are bad for the whole country. We don’t need to be a banana republic.
PatsyT : I used to like rich people….. now not so much
kesmarn : Exactly, Patsy! The country was the most prosperous overall when tax rates on the uber-rich were much higher than they are now.
PatsyT : How about this that that top 1% and up their percentage by 3 or 4%… How did they do it after WWII? The rates on that top percent was way above that
bitohistory : Look at that poll I posted, the dems need to stand up strong!
kesmarn : Why is there so little anger at that top 1%? Even some of my friends on the left say it’s not worth fighting over…the issue of taxing them. I think it is worth it!
bitohistory : I think it puts them at odds with most of the voters. It may be a smart move by the WH.
PatsyT : Bito what I mean is how would the repubs argue against that?
kesmarn : I wonder if voters have really moved to the right or if they are just frantically pushing buttons in the voting booth like angry chimpanzees…
PatsyT : Bito that last number … how can they defend that?
bitohistory : Who know, k’es, news seems to be 90% speculation and rumor any more
AdLib : MSNBC thinks that the election showed voters had moved to the right so they are moving to the right and attacking Obama and the Dems to follow their lead.
PatsyT : It is like they are reflecting Huff poo
kesmarn : I hope that’s the plan, b’ito. I heard “temporary extension,” but then — I missed all the news when I was at work.
PatsyT : I see it Adlib
AdLib : Again, I had been writing about the rightward shift of MSNBC before the KO donation incident, I think it is unmistakeable now.
kesmarn : With friends like MSNBC…well, you know the rest…
bitohistory : Last “compromise I heard was extend all tax cuts for under 500,00. let the R’ defend the top 1%
AdLib : MSNBC Schedule: 12:00pm – Cenk beats up on Obama. 1:00pm – Ratigan beats up on Obama. 2:00pm Matthews beats up on the Dems not listening to voters. 3:00pm – Ed beats up on Obama. 4:00pm – Matthews repeat beat up on Dems in Congress. Then KO and Rachel. Progressive network?
PatsyT : MSNBC has lead stories in the morning Andrea Mitchell and the others all with this bash Obama retoric
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, this was the first week when I felt my heart sink. The compromise on the Bush tax cuts and those dreadful recommendations coming from the economic panel. Ugh.
bitohistory : MSNBC, had a thing about “Obama losing his MOJO because of the trade pact, AFL-CIO was all over it (and Ford) praising him for rejecting the trade pacts
PatsyT : Cenk can drive a few runs home but sometimes you have to wonder where his heart is
kesmarn : I’ve seen very little of Cenk…actually not enough to be able to make a judgement.
AdLib : What about our Dem Party? Caving in immediately to the Repubs on tax cuts for the wealthy. Hate to say it but might we need a new party too?
PatsyT : A new Network a new Web Post paper a new everything….
AdLib : What do folks here think about Cenk? He’s been hosting at noon PST, very similar in tone it seems to Ratigan.
kesmarn : That would be the first popsicle ever that was not 0% fat.
AdLib : Patsy – So true, we need a REAL Progressive network, MSNBC is a poser.
PatsyT : Ewww but who would eat it?
bitohistory : Patsy, you are right!
AdLib : My lawyer told me it’s legal to make a Popsicle out of Rush.
PatsyT : AdLib we a new network!
kesmarn : The white male GOP is geriatric.
kesmarn : I think Obama should find a lawyer who’ll tell him it’s legal to dissolve Congress and rule by edict. I bet John Yoo would do it for enough $$$.
AdLib : MSNBC is getting so annoying, saw a section today pitting Obama against a generic Repub in 2012 and fairing poorly. It’s meaningless! If it’s Palin or Huckabee, people will be voting against them so what does “generic” prove? nothing. But at least we can agree that the white male GOP is generic.
kesmarn : Make sure you take yer 2d Amendment rights to Fox Town, Adlib!
PatsyT : Hey wait a minute… those feather will get in the way of proper tanning!
AdLib : Kes – Excellent! Who needs judgment when you have lawyers?! I’m of to Fox Town to bag me a Beck!
bitohistory : I liked her take on the Fed, complaining about inflation going up on food, Yeah, 0.06%, lowest in 3 years. what a dunce!
kesmarn : You betcha, Patsy! Don’t need no certifyin’ board! We kin dang well certify ourselves!
AdLib : Let’s all find crappy lawyers who will give us permission to do whatever we want! Dropped a barrel of tar then feathers on John Boehner? My lawyers said it was legal! The Bush Defense!
PatsyT : Hey kes you and Randy paul made in ameruca!
kesmarn : Hold on a sec, while I print out my law degree here, AdLib. There ya go. Tile away!
PatsyT : YES !!!
AdLib : “What makes waterboarding legal and not torture?” “My lawyers.” Shit, I’m going to hire the crappiest lawyers I can find who will advise me that it’s legal to recycle Glenn Beck into pavement tiles.
kesmarn : Haven’t seen the promo, AdLib, but that yawning bear thing is pretty nauseating.
kesmarn : “A lawyer told me it was legal,” says Dubya. Pay no attention to the fact that torture is not exactly what Jesus would do, Mr. BornAgain!!
PatsyT : AdLib I like my cooking so I turned it off when that BS came on the tube
PatsyT : Ahhh but he can legally torture !
AdLib : Anyone else throw up in their mouths when the promo for Sarah Palin’s Alaska comes on?
kesmarn : As soon as I run out of Palin Rogue firewood this winter, I plan to hit the clearance sales on the Bush tome. I hope it’s thicker than My Pet Goat.
AdLib : Patsy – Not just ghost writers but actual lifts from other Bush Admin people’s books! He can’t even legally write a book!
bitohistory : Bush: The ignorance and arrogance tour
PatsyT : I understand there are many ghost writers
kesmarn : b’ito all kidding aside. You wouldn’t believe the double-triple checks we have to do for transfusions…a nd the non-stop monitoring. Hard when you have other patients.
AdLib : Actually, I was in the Borders and thought I had stepped in dog droppings…turn ed out I was next to the display for Bush’s book.
bitohistory : I bought two copies, one to start the fire with to burn the other one.
kesmarn : Shoot, AdLib…I knew I forgot to check something! I guess it was the label on that bottle. Well, the guy was happy anyway…
PatsyT : So did everyone run out and buy the Bush Book?
bitohistory : Transfusions freak me out!
AdLib : Kes – Glad he’s okay but that’s a drag! Maybe you should have used blood instead of tequila?
kesmarn : Heh, AdLib, the funny thing is, I did have to transfuse a guy tonight– and you might know he had a reaction — hardly ever happens. He’s okay though. I saved him…
AdLib : It’s a Day After Veteran’s Day Miracle!
PatsyT : Yipee Kes!
kesmarn : Hey! Patsy! b’ito lit a candle and got me off work tonight. It was a miracle! halleluiah!
AdLib : New blood came in? So it was a transfusion?
bitohistory : Some changed my clocks, it’s 8:00
kesmarn : b’ito, I got sprung from ICU step-down at 8 (or 2000 as we say). New blood came in and allowed me to leave. Yay!
AdLib : Hey Bito! Hey Patsy!
AdLib : Kes –
Maybe Bushlands?
PatsyT : Hey everybody!
kesmarn : Ah my trailer…what will be the 21st century equivalent of Hooverville? CheneyBurg? BlankfeinLand?
bitohistory : How long is your pass from the hospital, k’es
AdLib : Nope, he balked at Paris Hilton, booked at the Paris Hotel.
AdLib : And yes, there is only one rope to learn in the 21st century. The one that you tow your trailer with.
kesmarn : Alex is learning fast. He always did seem like a clever boy. Booked at Paris Hilton, you say?
AdLib : He booked a room at Paris.
AdLib : He said he wanted to see what the line was for The Fall of America. He also said he likes Manny “Pacman” Paquaio to win.
kesmarn : How do you get him back to Paree, once he’s been on the farm…or the Chicken Ranch?
AdLib : Unfortunately, Alexis (Don’t call him “Al”, it pisses him off) rented a car to drive up to Las Vegas. I don’t know if he will ever be coming back.
kesmarn : …with Boehner’s name on it?
kesmarn : Apparently there is only one “rope” ??
kesmarn : Do you have Monsieur de Tocqueville with you, learning the rope of 21st century blogging?
AdLib : Turkey Day is on the way!
AdLib : Happy Friday night to you Kes!
kesmarn : Happy Friday night, all!
AdLib : Vox Populi is starting soon, don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00 PST right here. Hope to see you then!
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