- Moist Robot : nih!
AdLib : Always look on the bright side of life.
Moist Robot : Adlib, first. Find me a SHRUBBERY! Or else you’ll get….THE COMFY CUSHIONS!!
Moist Robot : WTF?
AdLib : Moist – No one expects the Planet Inquisition!
Moist Robot : Moist Robot: The Doctor Is In.
Moist Robot : Jeez, I can’t even go stealth as Moist Robot!
kesmarn : Add me to the coffee drinkers, too. If it weren’tfor coffee and Ibuprofen, I would be in an institution somewhere…”Sh ady Grove Home for the Addled.”
kesmarn : Oh, hey, I just noticed the side dialog “feature”! Hi all, good morning!
Questinia : CoffeePartyUnite !
PatsyT : «link»
PatsyT : I am having coffee too and watching this…….http: //www.youtube.co m/watch?v=3pZ10d gUq-k
Questinia : I’m drinkin’ my coffee and reading ’bout witchcraft. I hope Khirad doesn’t put another spell on me!
PatsyT : Good Morning Questina!
Questinia : Now it’s Patsy. Hi Patsy and three guests crawling the site!
Questinia : Hi Kesmarn and three guests crawling the site!
Questinia : I have seen the light and it is Khirad.
PatsyT : This is a sign!
Questinia : Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! KHIRAD is marching on.
Questinia : Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of Khirad He is trampling out Q’s av where her grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.
Khirad : Father Guido Sarducci asked for a sign as to the true religion, I believe this may have been it.
AdLib : BTW, I’ve tried some Gravatar caching software to speed up the site which seems to have caused this bug. I’ve disabled it now so this doesn’t happen in the future. However, it does put a crimp in my all star charity song I’m recording, “We Are the Khirad”.
AdLib : Quick, get a Voxorcist!
Questinia : Someone tell Khirad to give me back my av!
Questinia : How about beer?
AdLib : As we are all Khirad, let us all order pizzas and tellthem to charge it to Khirad.
Questinia : SEE?!
Questinia : Everything starts and ends with Khirad. I soon, too, will turn into Khirad, my friends.
Questinia : Where do I send my money?
Questinia : Just as I thought. Khirad is all and one. I am now a devout Khiradian.
Questinia : OMG! We’re all KHIRAD AGAIN!
Questinia : Nite Kalima!
Kalima : Goodnight all.
Kalima :
Kalima : That was hilarious. Everyone was Khirad!
Khirad : Really? I thought only I was seeing that!
PatsyT : Wow I AM you Khirad !
Questinia : Why does everyone look like Khirad?
PatsyT : Oh Bito thank you !
bitohistory : G’nite Patsy, and thanks for all your knowledge.
PatsyT : Goodnight Bito and Kes…. True Americans!
bitohistory : Well then, let’s call it a night for VoxPop, Good night and peace
PatsyT : FANCY Pagent walking!
bitohistory : And a “little “Pageant Walking” ?
PatsyT : Bito, Yes, maybe after a hearty discussion of fine footware we should all be tired and call it a night …. untill then…. Make it Work!
PatsyT : Oh Yes the finest in footware for these slaves to fashion… for limbat the higher the mighty-er!… Palin is already going to be in her come F me pumps so go for Black and for Rove…. the Wedge
bitohistory : What do you think, Patsy? Should we close up shop?
kesmarn : I will try to think of puppies and kittens as I go to sleep. Good night again!
PatsyT : You know Bito… I think they should push back strong on that… It is the terorist that picked this time to try to send a message not Obama
kesmarn :
Okay, Patsy!! Now you have sent me off to bed with a large laugh out loud! That is hilarious. Let’s what all do we have them garbed in? Pasties? Push up bras? Thongs? Did we mention thigh high boots, with spike heels?
bitohistory : Good nite, k’es, and think of something else while falling asleep.
PatsyT : Pasties all around.. you kow they would feel liberated and free like they never had know freedom before and isn’t it much eaiser to bend over and grad the ankles in this kind of garb
bitohistory : The question for the day: Has anyone accused O for pulling an Oct. surprise about the bombs, yet?
kesmarn : And in the cranium, too. Gosh, kids, it’s after 12:30 here. I might have to take my Limbaugh/Rove/Pa lin fantasies and go home. It’s been fun. Have a great night, all!
PatsyT : Limbat has the junk in the trunk
kesmarn : Only if we add pasties to the Limbaugh/Rove costumes, perhaps?
bitohistory : Is Q going to join us?
kesmarn : But…please…n o thongs! Nightmares!
bitohistory : Patsy,
kesmarn : One push up for his chest, Patsy. One more for his belly. And last but not least… one for his………
PatsyT : How about a push up bra for the Limbat boy he has some stuff to push
kesmarn : You, b’ito, may have OXY (no mere NSAID) AND SS disability because you are just the American citizen that they were really truly meant for! Now Ralph, on the other hand….
PatsyT : I can see Rove with the fake nails and no, not the kind that you drive into a two by four
kesmarn : Oh, yes. Drag is a given with those two, Patsy.
bitohistory : May I have a NSAID, nurse? :lol;
PatsyT : Happy Birthday to you Boomer !!!!
PatsyT : Ok Kes only if we can dress up Limbat and Rove in drag!
bitohistory : Happy B’Day, boomer
kesmarn : Rove, Limbaugh and Palin in a threesome. Slap-fest, I mean. That would be a thing of beauty.
PatsyT : The more slapping of Limbat the better!
kesmarn : That reminds me, boomer said she’d be here tonight! Boomer, girl, stop celebrating and get over here!
bitohistory : 2012!
PatsyT : Kes hello kitties …. like the vid that Boomer posted! a few pages back on the OT
bitohistory : If, the big IF, the MSM does their job, I say bring on Palin in 2020.
kesmarn : Aren’t Rove and Limbaugh involved in some sort of slap-fest, too? Is their united front fracturing?
kesmarn : They are two of a kind — whether they realize it or not. Just like Levi and Sarah. They’re really identical in personality. No wonder they hate each other!
bitohistory : Rove is calling her a dunce and she is saying “oh Yeah, and also too”!!
PatsyT : I think Rove is feeling a wee bit threatened … and she is having fun toying with her prey…. what a joke!
kesmarn : I missed that one, Patsy! What are the two Hello Kitties (Rove and Palin) clawing each other about?
PatsyT : Bito that is ljust ike the Deepwater Horizon ….
bitohistory : I saw her On C-Span not long ago. O has her on some investigative commission.
kesmarn : That was Ray-gun’s mess, wasn’t it, b’ito? The S&L debacle? And we thought THAT was bad.
PatsyT : Carl Rove is getting his big boy pants handed to him by Palin…. and he is shovling the crap right back at her
bitohistory : When the S&L thing blew up, a friend told me it was not a lack of regulations, they just never had any regulators check his books. Same as Bush W.
kesmarn : And it’s turns out that a lot of the girls — like Marcy Kaptur and Elizabeth Warren and Sheila Baer — knew their stuff!
PatsyT : Someone good not like entertainment tonight
PatsyT : Bito I wish someone could do an interview on her now
PatsyT : It would be nice to think you could go to the other party like trying a different restaurant once in a while but that other establishment is toxic to your health
bitohistory : She was ignored by the “men”. She is just a silly girl
kesmarn : Of course a lot of Wall Street boys saw it coming, too, but kept it to themselves. Exchanged snickering emails about “when this all blows up, IBGYBG.” (I’ll be gone. You’ll be gone.)
PatsyT : You know Bito that was back in the day …When some of them had a conscience
kesmarn : Oooh, I’ll bet Bush regrets doing that one thing right.
bitohistory : Yes, Patsy. I think she was a Bush 1 appointee.
PatsyT : Brooksly a Republician? Bito?
kesmarn : Brookly Born…yeah… it’s coming back to me now. ‘Course, we wouldn’t want to regulate the “achiever class.” They might not trickle on us if we did!
bitohistory : She is my favorite R. Smart as a whip!
PatsyT : That one should work and there are many more docs. worth watching on their site I am such a documantary nerd!
kesmarn : I know, b’ito. I actually had a wave of nausea when I read that. Of course, the homeless shelters are run by churches and such, so it’s a way to fob off the duties of the state onto other shoulders. Anything to save a nickel for the likes of Lloyd Blankfein.
bitohistory : Brooksly Born was ignored by the Bush Admin.
PatsyT : «link»
PatsyT : Hmmm I have to check that link
kesmarn : Oooh, I’m curious, Patsy, but I can’t get the link to work. I think I remember the “Dark Markets” phrase, though.
bitohistory : Why are EU countries showing growth in their economies and still have social safety nets? Take you friggen kids to a homeless center? That is sick!!! And who supports the centers?
PatsyT : Brooksly Born was on to something when she warned about “Dark Markets”.. you think some of the white population would have gotten worried……… ……..«link» ww.npr.org/templ ates/story/story .php?storyId=130 833741
kesmarn : Maybe someone will buy me a glass sea gull for Christmas?
kesmarn : Yes. SS really does keep people alive. There was a heart-breaking article about the cutbacks in Indiana for handicapped kids. When parents called to complain, they were told: “So drop your kid off at a homeless shelter.” Compassionate conservatism.
bitohistory : Glass-Seagull?
Little SP
PatsyT : Bito… my husbands parents would have died on the street if they di not have social security and medicare .. That they paid into!
kesmarn : Phil Gramm (Republican!!) pushed that Glass-Steagall repeal through.
bitohistory : I kow people that would be DEAD without SS disability. Talk about your death panels.
PatsyT : Thats the one kes…
kesmarn : You mean with the Glass-Steagall repeal thing, Patsy? As if Clinton could have stopped that. They’d have overridden his veto.
PatsyT : And Sick they did get!
PatsyT : Well there are some who finger Bill… but he just said ok go ahead and eat that entire truck of ice cream … sure you will get fulll but you might just get a little sick later..
kesmarn : Yes, bito. And I know someone who’s on SS Disability and wants to vote TBag. HUH????? That’s what both of us mean, I think, when we say “low info”.
kesmarn : Patsy, you mean some people have actually managed to make the Wall St. collapse CLINTON’s fault?? Now that requires a real contortionist!
bitohistory : I hear a T-bag Candidate saying that SS Disability, should end. It’s is the biggest scam in the US!
kesmarn : b’ito, Oxy is a beautiful med for the folks who need it. I’m glad they invented it. I’m not glad somebody invented Rush Limbaugh, though.
PatsyT : Oh kes… well I know some folks hold it against him about the wall street thing … but I think he just let floks find out for themselves kinda like dorothy had to find things out for herself
kesmarn : Gubmint money for “throwed out” backs is the only kind whut ain’t Socialist money.
bitohistory : OOOOH, Oxcy, how it makes me feel so much younger. Damn, abusers has given it such a bad name,
kesmarn : I am totally, hopelessly and madly in love with the Big Dog Clinton, Patsy. But it is completely unrequited. Alas.
PatsyT : Gubmint kinda like the mint where they make all the dough!
PatsyT : Kes… Corpedos ! That is it!.. Clinton has been on the trail countering that Palin bs on the hopey changy thing … and asking how is that trickle down thing working out for you?
kesmarn : AND Oxycontin!! Crawl that, Google!
kesmarn : If I know Ralph — and I think I do — I smell…D I S A B I L I T Y!!! Gummint checks a comin’, Ralphie Boy!
PatsyT : Oh hey I heard from Ralph … he threw his hairy back out and can not type… Doctors Orders!
kesmarn : I think it depends on just how bad it gets, bito. If the Repubs trickle down just enough jobs to quell the fury, they may get away with it. Again!
bitohistory : Will two years of gridlock change people’s mindset? Or do the Corps hav it sewn up?
PatsyT : Kes, I am wondering what they would have uncovered if the had subpoena power?
kesmarn : Yup Ralph, er, Patsy! They invest in education, bullet trains, green energy… while we slide back into the Middle Ages…and witchcraft?
PatsyT : Kes how else do you actullly meet the need of the population? We ae getting our butts kicked on Education because other countries OTHER SOCIALIST countries investing in education!
kesmarn : Gotta love capitalism. Our local paper’s headline today was about Halliburton and BP BOTH being aware that the equipment in the Gulf was substandard, but ?-? what the hell — go ahead and use it anyway.
bitohistory : There’s that word again , Ralph. Socialism!
kesmarn : Patsy, the European version of Socialism looks mighty good right about now!
bitohistory : Opps, I didn’t leave this link:«link» npr.org/template s/story/story.ph p?storyId=130891 396
kesmarn : …And they’re very dodgy about ALEC, b’ito. They claim it is “purely educational” and as you noted NON-PROFIT (haha) and they don’t write the bills, they just teach people how to do it. Baloney.
bitohistory : Do a search on them, way under the radar, “non profit-Education al and Tax deductible. Yet they write the RW laws.
PatsyT : Not that socialism is bad I really like the Bernie Sanders version of it and and all for this country at least giving it a try … How else do you manage such a HUGE country?
kesmarn : Glad you liked that one!
There was a scandal a couple years ago about a judge sending minors to a privately owned juvie facility. He was getting kick backs from the company that ran it. He would sentence kids to loooong terms for things like truancy!
bitohistory : This is today’s story on NPR. ALEC is a out of a nightmare.
PatsyT : Ha and they think they are afraid of socialism …. just wait …. there are much worse things!
PatsyT : Corporados !! LOL ! Corpedos incoming… look out … take cover!
kesmarn : Between the Citizens United decision and these corporados writing our legislation, democracy is on the ropes!
PatsyT : That three strikes laws was very popular with the prison lobbist crowd.
PatsyT : Bito I have been out all day driving children to and fro I will have to catch up later… but word round here is that this should be a HUGE story
kesmarn : I can just see cases “pending” for years — even decades — while illegals are cut off from contact with family and their home nations. They could be laboring for some manufacturer indefinitely.
bitohistory : NPR did another story on it today, Patsy. Unfuckingbeleiva ble!
PatsyT : Here in CA It is a major struggle between the prison lobbist and education funding … I feel that if you just take education seriously you would have a lesser need for the prisons.
PatsyT : Bito is thisi tthe one? «link»
kesmarn : I wrote out my nightmare scenario of business cooperating with corrupt sheriffs to get a slave prison labor pool. I think it could happen..
bitohistory : Did you blieve that article On private prisons and SB1070 I posted today?
kesmarn : b’ito posted that earlier today. That is terrifying!
PatsyT : Hey did you guys catch the info on the Private Prison Lobby backing and WRITING the SB1070?
kesmarn : Wouldn’t an upset victory for Coussoule be magnificent? There are few pols I despise more than Boner.
PatsyT : I mean older pols
PatsyT : The only polls I see on Justin Cousoule are from old…
kesmarn : I have a “NO SB 1070” bumper sticker on my car, but unfortunately almost no one around here has a clue as to what that means.
kesmarn : How I wish I could vote for Coussoule!!! He looks so…so..not jaundiced.
bitohistory : Headless Brewer was in the dumpster, but the SB 1070 made her unbeatable.
kesmarn : Unfortunately, I think the Orange Boner is going to be re-elected because he hails from the Land O’ Yokels… But we can dream, can’t we?
PatsyT : «link»
PatsyT : This is Justin C running against the tan man…
kesmarn : Lee Fisher (D) is so far behind Portman (in race for Voinovich’s Senate seat here) that he gave his last campaign $$ to the Dem State Committee to get out the vote.
bitohistory : How is the Boner’s race doing? I heard it is tightening, but I can’t find any polls.
PatsyT : Maybe that line from the latest Quintin Teritino Film about Killin nazis sticks in peoples minds
kesmarn : b’ito, and I gather Brewer has it sewn up at this point? Rats!
bitohistory : Word is both the progressive and my blue dog (not really) are in a very tight race.
PatsyT : Whooo Hooo the 0 !!
kesmarn : Rich (Id) Iott is GOIN’ DOWN, Patsy. Nate Silver gives him a 0% chance of winning. Hahahahaha! But Boehner’s coming into town to campaign for him this weekend. So…. can we go into neg numbers here?
bitohistory : I voted by mail this week.
kesmarn : It may be b’ito. I’ve seen it often around here. When I lived in CT, they laughed like crazy at my terms like “rubber band” (elastic!) and “pop” (soda!).
PatsyT : Kes Awesome HIGH FIVE !!
PatsyT : So Kes how is the nazi dressup thing working for The Richy Iott boy?
bitohistory : O/T is the use of “nite” midwestern? I use it.
SueInCa : Night all
kesmarn : I voted today, Patsy! Along with a LOT of other people.
PatsyT : Hey Sue … you have a great one nice to see you if only for a moment
kesmarn : G’Nite, Sue!
bitohistory : Good night Sue. Thanks for your thoughts.
PatsyT : So Is everyone ready to vote?
kesmarn : Awwww. Sue! We were gonna discuss the future of the country!!
SueInCa : See what you did Patsy? Just kidding
PatsyT : Bito… you are too sweet!
kesmarn : You and I have the Silent Majority entourage, b’ito. Just look at all the guests!
SueInCa : I am sorry, I just looked at the clock. I have to leave……..
kesmarn : Mostly the upcoming election and various takes on how it will go, Patsy.
bitohistory : You saying I don’t have one, k’es?
PatsyT : Hi I haven’t looked at what has been discused …
kesmarn : Did you bring your entourage, Patsy?
SueInCa : How about the future of the country? I fear for it now
bitohistory : Now we may get some people, Patsy is here.
kesmarn : What do you think, Patsy, do we need a topic?
kesmarn : Hey! Patsy! Good to see you.
PatsyT : Hi Guys!
bitohistory : I have not posted a topic. do we need one?
kesmarn : I like Jon, too, but it’s precisely because he’s so smart that he can do so much damage when he turns that “Wit Ray of Death” on someone. I think he made O look flat-footed, and that doesn’t happen very often!
SueInCa : they act so outraged when you out them too. i am making enemies
bitohistory : AH, has NO idea what a progressive even is. She is poisen
SueInCa : He should never have gone on there. i like jon but not presidential approved
kesmarn : I feel for O. That interview on Stewart wasn’t too helpful, either.
SueInCa : i jsut hope o can hold off the facists
SueInCa : hairyanna has her new trolls pretending to be progressives who will never vbote O again, it is disgusting
kesmarn : That’s what my friend said today, Sue. Apparently — amazingly!– things have to get even worse before they figure it out!
kesmarn : “marbles”–unl ess some of them really have lost their marbles. Which makes sense.
SueInCa : I thnk the country needs to suffer to get it thru their heads r’s are not good.
kesmarn : b’ito, yes. According to Nate Silver, he’s toast. You should see the charts. The lines crossed like scissors. He was way ahead and went to way behind –quickly.
kesmarn : Yes. Instant gratification, or else. I pick up my marble and go home.
bitohistory : Is Grayson in trouble?
SueInCa : No and the country will suffer but maybe that is what needs to happen once and for all
SueInCa : we hav the microwave generation on our side. too many personalities and no lock step
kesmarn : Suffering through 2 years of total gridlock won’t be pretty, though, Sue.
kesmarn : Right, Sue. I hear a lot of talk about how we should really get tough and push back and Obama’s too “nice,” but when someone does get tough….everyon e scatters.
SueInCa : brit side they will govern so badly Obama will win in a landslide
SueInCa : Grayson gives rep a run for their money. this whole elctn is bad
kesmarn : I mean he was way ahead until then…
kesmarn : One thing that really creeped me out was what happened to Alan Grayson’s numbers in FL, after he was very direct about confronting Taliban Dan. They tanked! What happened there?
SueInCa : I am always pluggin it on hp
bitohistory : The number of “guests” that visit the site is quite amazing.
SueInCa : the incumbant thing was dreamed up by republicans and everyone got on the bandwagon. u notice theirs are polling well?
kesmarn : Even people who you would think would know better seem to be defying reason and voting against their own interests.
SueInCa : ah too bad Kes
SueInCa : you rlly see it on hp
kesmarn : We have guests just about every week, Sue. They usually don’t participate, which is okay. Sometimes Google and Bing crawl the site, too.
bitohistory : I sad earlier, I have never seen such a low information election in my life, and I have seen a few.
SueInCa : i don’t trust any of the msm anymore
SueInCa : i don’t believe it for a minute, especilly with cooper
kesmarn : I’m such a naive doof, I thought that resignation really was spontaneous! I’m glad he’s out, though.
SueInCa : who are the guests and why do they not talk?
SueInCa : supposedly mking him resign on tv, what a staged event for cooper
bitohistory : What did CNN do?
SueInCa : really bito, tht wil not stop them
kesmarn : I would suggest taking great-grandad’s sickle to the polls, but that might get you some unwanted attention, b’ito!
SueInCa : yes and the stunt CNN pulled?
bitohistory : But I’m a crip!! My ole Union confrontation days are past. Shit!
kesmarn : Those RW religious nuts are creepy. Did you see those awful comments that Arkansas school board member made on facebook? In the name of Christianity?
SueInCa : Does Prez need to have the talk?
SueInCa : Joes terrritory too, Maricopa
kesmarn : Right b’ito! Stay away from anyone who looks like a stomper!
SueInCa : Kes, that was the article that pushed me to send her an email
bitohistory : I think they will be in Tucson,(marshall s)
SueInCa : Be careful Bito we know they are not above violence
kesmarn : That article CL posted was really chilling. The one where she explained the real danger she is in. I worry about her.
SueInCa : the big screen is not working for me. it is hard to keep up with the small one…………A DLIB!!!!! LOl
bitohistory : I think my brother has a video camera. If I go I will see if there at the polls
SueInCa : I am excited to do something good for the left
kesmarn :
And — just noticed your comment about working with CL. That is great!
SueInCa : I offered last week and they are thrilled to have the hlp
SueInCa : baggers will prob go to a strip joint thinking that is pole watching
bitohistory : Sue, I thought you guys might hook-up. You two are fantastic on the RW.
kesmarn : b’ito, I saw that the TBags are “in training” to be poll watchers. Sounds like potential intimidation to me.
SueInCa : And Bito I am not surprised. US Marshalls will be in AZ
SueInCa : I am hoping as well Kes
kesmarn : Was talking to a friend today and she said she’s hoping for a Truman/Dewey moment (although she’s too young to know about them, she studies history — imagine that!!) in the election.
bitohistory : I voted by mail also, but if I can I might go and look at some polling stations. T-bags are threatening to intimidate the Hispanics.
SueInCa : I may be working with CL soon, on a volunteer basis
kesmarn : Oh, good, Sue. I’ll get to it in a bit then. Thanks!
SueInCa : Yep, Kes it is a really uplifting piece. I posted it here in OT
kesmarn : Like a lot of us?
kesmarn : How do they define the new Silent Majority, Sue? People who don’t make a lot of noise but do vote?
SueInCa : I voted by mail but am going to stroll over to our poll Tuesday
bitohistory : Will do, Sue!
SueInCa : Read the New Silent Majority on Kos, it is a good piece
kesmarn : I sooo hope so, b’ito. As I mentioned earlier, when I voted today, things looked good. LOTS of people voting and African-American s energized!
SueInCa : MSM fails all the time, no reason why not now
bitohistory : On Rachel tonight, they were saying that early voting is not showing the “lack of enthusiasm” is showing up. Did the MSM fail their Corp. leaders?
kesmarn : She has a teacher who’s really encouraging her this year. Makes a big difference. Last year…bad year…
SueInCa : union thugs, same ole same ole
SueInCa : Good fo her, raise a strong young woman
kesmarn : Sue, what are the trolls saying about the McVoter intimidation?
SueInCa : my grandson is in 5th grade, he does not like mcdoodoo’s
kesmarn : Oh, yes, Sue. She just got her report card and got a lotta A’s. Look out now! There’ll be no stopping her in the confidence department.
SueInCa : i will go and check it. ph is crawling with em right now
bitohistory : The AFL-CIO blog will have tomorrow, I’d bet.
SueInCa : wait til 5th grade lol
kesmarn : The older she gets, the more she thinks I am a “moran,” b’ito. The days when I was a genius are def over!
SueInCa : So Bito what do the “union thugs” say about McDooDoo’s/ u know the tr0lls are all ove r it on ph
bitohistory : Have your “favorite fourth grader” show you, k’es
kesmarn : There we go!
SueInCa : yep. hit it and it will run
kesmarn : Sue, I have one that says: Clear recent history. I’ll bet that’s it.
kesmarn : I found tools, b’ito, and got to options…after that I am in a strange new world where I recognize nothing…ahhhh. ..I am in TeaBag land….neverthe less, my ‘puter is working well, so maybe I shouldn’t push any strange buttons…
SueInCa : mine said delete browsing history
SueInCa : i figured out my cache, cleared it
bitohistory : do you see “File”- Edit”- “View”? “Tools” will be there.
kesmarn : I see “Start Up” “Downloads” and “Add ons”…?
bitohistory : Click “options” and you should see “clear cache”.
SueInCa : my husband is in charge of the fridge
kesmarn : Gotcha, b’ito… Options…?
kesmarn : I feel better about my baseboards now, Sue. There’s also stuff at the back of the freezer that… why am I confessing all this stuff??
bitohistory : Go to “tools”, click, and at the bottom you will see “options”,
SueInCa : I already snt letr to corp
SueInCa : Disgusting, simply disgusting
kesmarn : B’ito — yes — Firefox.
kesmarn : Haven’t eaten at McD’s in a while, Sue. Did you see the voter intimidation thing they did?
bitohistory : k’es, are you using FireFox?
SueInCa : I just cleaned my baseboards 1rst time in 3 years owning the place LOL and I don’t know where my cash is either
kesmarn : Sue, I can see your comments. I know AdLib always recommends “claring your cache” and starting over. I’ve always been too embarrassed to admit that I have no idea how to clear my cache. But then, I have dusty baseboards around the house, too..
SueInCa : Amyone eaten at McDonalds lately?
SueInCa : I second that Kes
bitohistory : I am not seeing them, Sue
SueInCa : I am having tech problems. cn’t tell if I am getting through or not.
kesmarn : AdLib: at whatever point you read this — a big thank you for the beautiful new design of the site. And much appreciation for all you do — from the TIPA initiative, to your brilliant articles, to the nuts ‘n’ bolts of running and improving the site. We are grateful!
kesmarn : Hey, Sue! The “Are my posts…” one just did! Good to see you!
kesmarn : You bet! Even without a union to fight back, though, you have to wonder if that is legal. ‘Course they put in their little “disclaimer”.. . to cover their Big Mcbacksides…
SueInCa : Are my posts not showing?
bitohistory : Good scare tactics on someone making min. wage,eh? I would love to see them try that at a union site!
kesmarn : Might just do that! On other note: how about that note the McDonald’s owner sent his employees?
bitohistory : Door to door stuff is pretty much out around me. Go to see Biden and take the kids!!! Never to young.
kesmarn : At least we have 5 guests, b’ito…
kesmarn : I’m really torn about what to do Sunday night. Got an invite to Joe Biden’s visit to the local union hall, but also want to see the kiddies in their costumes! Maybe take ’em to see Joe? Here’s a real “treat” kids!
bitohistory : Where did everyone go? Did I scare them away?
bitohistory : It’s there, k’es
kesmarn : There! Done. The kids are tricken and treatin’ here Sunday night, b’ito. That’s apparently how we are “honoring the Sabbath” this year! I’m okay with it, though…
bitohistory : Are the kids “tricken an treaten” there tonight, k’es?
kesmarn : Oh boy! I tried sliding over there and posting a note in O/T, but I dunno if it posted. Maybe I’ll try again…
bitohistory : Yes, k’es, Good idea.
kesmarn : b’ito, d’you suppose we should post a note “over there” on the discussion boards to let ’em know we’re here?
kesmarn : Well…you know what they say: “In Case of Emergency Break Glass.”
bitohistory : Hey, k’es. Looks like it’s BYOB to night, or we could just break the glass!
kesmarn : Hola…now let’s see…where did his put the key to the liquor cabinet when he re-decorated? I can’t find anything…
bitohistory : VoxPop is on the air. Please sign in and say hello.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Guest hosting tonight will be Bitohistory, to be joined in hosting later by PatsyT. Thanks so much Bito and Patsy! Have a great time tonight everyone, I’ll see you next week! And stay out of the liquor cabinet!
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