choicelady : Hi everybody – just got home from Oakland and wanted to drop in for a nightcap with you all. Hope everyone is OK?
kesmarn : Much later…whoo-hoo ! Marcy Kaptur and I have a mandate once more!
bitohistory : Bye, k’es.
kesmarn : They want us to be both, boomer! Okay…I really will stop being O/T and get on the road now!
boomer1949 : Your a nurse for God’s sake, not an Administrative Assistant!
boomer1949 : He has such character…
kesmarn : The other mistake I make is putting patient care ahead of paperwork. Bad…!
kesmarn : I will pass that on, b’ito!!
boomer1949 : bito, heck no it’s rarely mentioned, but it’s a fact.
kesmarn : Thanks, boomer. I have mentioned the word “union” too many times at work to get a sterling eval!
PatsyT : I think what really drove them off the cliff was the marketing of this……….. «link»
bitohistory : Tell her I said you need a large raise! Bito SAYS!
boomer1949 : You betha’ — good luck!
bitohistory : That can’t be ignored, boomer, but ti rarely mentioned.
kesmarn : Wish I could watch the whole presser, but I have to go in to get my performance appraisal from a boss who is a lot like Sarah Palin. Wish me luck.
boomer1949 : But the ijits who put the REublicans back in office don’t care about the details. They just see a black family living in the White House
PatsyT : Oh my, must be that Ohio connection…
boomer1949 : Yep I hear you…
bitohistory : There has been better job growth under Obama than the 8 years of Bush tax cuts!
kesmarn : Jinx, Patsy!
kesmarn : I’m beginning to believe his “mission” WAS to tank the economy, boomer!…So…
PatsyT : Boomer his ‘mission’ was accomplished – his buddies got very very very rich
kesmarn : They should say the whole sentence: “The Prez sets the agenda and we obstruct it — 100% of the time.”
boomer1949 : Yeah kes, but he also said Mission Accomplished…
bitohistory : The new theme by the R’s now is “the Preident sets the agenda.” Meaning we won’t do anything or it is his fault
kesmarn : Geez…in his ghost-written book, even BUSH said he felt like the “captain of a sinking ship” when the economy collapsed!
boomer1949 : The shoes are on the other feet now — they have to wear them…assholes. ..
kesmarn : They’d rather kiss the derriere of a spoiled drunken white frat boy than accept the leadership of a Nobel prize winning black man.
PatsyT : I give Obama major props for not throwing a shoe at them
boomer1949 : Because they can’t even be mad at the people who screwed this country for 8 years. All a bunch of freakin’ bigots.
bitohistory : Saying the same thin, k’es
kesmarn : These reporters seem to all be graduates of the Huffington School of Journalism.
bitohistory : ever hear of a filibuster, fool?
kesmarn : Why aren’t people mad at the right people over DADT?
bitohistory : How can AZ be right next to Cal, and be going the other way?
kesmarn : Once again, Patsy, Cali leads the nation. I have never felt more backwoods than I do today.
PatsyT : Kes I think we may have a bright light in CA with Jerry Brown and now they got rid of the 2/3 rule for the state budgets so no more gridlock. They defeated prop 23 so green energy will remain a priority. Maybe the rest of the country will have to see how things are done out here…. I hope
kesmarn : Isn’t that amazing, b’ito? And of course, then they’re “bitter’ because “everybody else” is rich and I’M NOT!
bitohistory : 72% of the people think that the tax cuts for the rich should expire.
bitohistory : People believe that 20% of people make over 250,000, when the fact is it less than 5%.
kesmarn : Saw part of the Boner weepy-speech. He HAD to be drunk.
boomer1949 : He’ll be losing a lot of sleep — the Repubs on the other hand could give a rat’s ass…
kesmarn : Don’t know the reporter, but he gave a great answer: “Feels BAD!”
bitohistory : Not “What’s in it for ME?”
PatsyT : What a stupid question… who is that reporter?
kesmarn : Guess what I’m saying is: people seem to have lost their ability to see the bigger down-the-road picture.
kesmarn : When average folks look at the energy bill, they say (somewhat selfishly) “What diff does it make if we have electric cars? There’s no way I can buy one. No matter how green the energy is, I can’t pay the heating bill.”
bitohistory : That also means 1 out of 2 thought it was the right thing to do! HA!!
boomer1949 : Where the hell is the speech we wrote?
boomer1949 : VETO, VETO, VETO!!!
bitohistory : He sounds like he did two years ago. “We will work with them.” They won’t work with him!
bitohistory : Earmarks are a piddle in the budget.
Khirad : Boehner and McConnell were asked a few times what they planned to cut. They said they’d work on it in the months to come. I’m glad the MSM is on this – if a day late.
boomer1949 : bito…if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
bitohistory : Probably. it is on C-Span
boomer1949 : Hi guys, I’m at work is this on CNN.com?
bitohistory : Savanna’s not getting it
bitohistory : I don’t think the R’s will change a bit. They will only get worse. Their objective is to destroy Obama.
kesmarn : Obama looks very weary in this live address…
bitohistory : Night all peace
PatsyT : Nighty night Kes
kesmarn : Good night, dear friends!
PatsyT : Bito I hope Gabby pulls it out
kesmarn : Good night, AdLib! I really need to turn in, too. Gotta meet with the boss at 3 PM and try to be coherent!
bitohistory : Night AdLib, I will be leaving soon also.
PatsyT : been
PatsyT : Nighty night All This has ben fun…..
AdLib : Been a long day and night, going to catch a little shuteye now, content in that we held the Senate, beat some of the worst Tea Baggers, Reid beat Rove’s machine, Boxer won and Jerry Brown will be my governor. Could have been worse! Catch you all tomorrow! Night!
kesmarn : She’s the old bat in the belfry of the fundamentalist church on Main St.
PatsyT : Toys in the attic that one
bitohistory : The Main Street Attic?
PatsyT : Hey Kes … maybe that main street Haunted House
kesmarn : My son’s watching with me and he said she represents Main St. “only if there’s a crazy house on Main St.” :lol”
AdLib : She lies about the money to hide what it would have bought.
PatsyT : Ahhh hey Sharon what dose that money want ?
AdLib : Psycho!
AdLib : Everything she says is BS! She lost, with less votes than Reid and yet THEY are the majority?
PatsyT : I can’t wait for there to be a investigation on the money Is it Pro America or anti American?
kesmarn : Jinx, b’tio! She oughta just say: “Thanks Koch brothers!”
bitohistory : Jinx. k’es
AdLib : Most of her money came from Rove and PACs, lying sack of shit.
kesmarn : Sharon Angle’s on now, actually bragging about how much $$$ flowed into her campaign from out of state!
bitohistory : She is bragging about her donations are from out of state? That’s a switch
PatsyT : Ohhh Booo Hooo
AdLib : I expect she too will be delusional and demand Reid do what she wants.
AdLib : Angle conceding now!!!
bitohistory : But remember we still have our 2nd amendment.
kesmarn : Patsy! Nightmares! nightmares!
bitohistory : He makes Palin look smart and moderate.
kesmarn : uh-boy…
PatsyT : That does look sucky for Bill…. and get this… Heritage Foundation called for Ken Calvert to be removed. sorry for the nightmare images…. «link»
bitohistory : He got his GED in the Jarienes.
kesmarn : Seriously, b’ito? Her opponent is a HS drop-out? What are people thinking?
kesmarn : Boehner and Aryana are kindred spirits at heart.
bitohistory : My Gabby might lose to a HS drop-out.
AdLib : I don’t know, I think AH will find it more appealing to keep piling on how weak Obama is for not standing up to Boehner. Any bets?
bitohistory : Looks bad for Hendricks, Patsy
AdLib : I check the LA Times site. Dems ran the table except for AG. Prop 19 lost but so did 23 (oil company polluting more). «link»
PatsyT : Will she roast him alive like she has tried to do to Pres Obama?
PatsyT : Hey will AH put John Bohner in her sites ?
kesmarn : I can only chalk it up to senility, AdLib. I have to say that almost ALL of them watch FUX when they’re in the hospital. It’s right up there with Lawrence Welk.
PatsyT : AdLib, Have you gotten any updates on CA races?
AdLib : MSNBC: The biggest group wanting HCR repealed…senio rs! Scared, ignorant and selfish seniors! 58% want it repealed! Do they really believe the Death Panels? Or are they just greedy, believing that Medicare will be cut to pay for HCR? Whatever the case, it is outrageous. Just for that, we’re not coming for Thanksgiving!
kesmarn : Oh yeah, Rove did say some negative stuff about Palin, didn’t he? I forgot. Limbo scolded him for that, too, I think.
bitohistory : Chafee is a nice and good guy. His dad was too
AdLib : Wait until Palin becomes the Repub nominee in 2012, Rove will look like he swallowed his own BS.
kesmarn : Patsy!
AdLib : Lincoln Chafee wins Gov of RI. He’s a great guy!
PatsyT : They are gonna take it out of his white pasty balding ass!
kesmarn : Rove’s face — along with Cheney’s and Rumsfeld’s — can really get a visceral reaction from me, still!
bitohistory : But Karl said they would take the Senate. Wonder how much his group spent?
AdLib : Meg conceding! Oh, your tears are so delicious!
PatsyT : Man Up Karl Rove go get some transplants!
kesmarn : Wow…that IS close, b’ito!
kesmarn : In a fit of masochism, I turned to FUX earlier. Karl Rove was on, looking appallingly smug. Grrr. I had to leave after about 30 seconds.
bitohistory : Bennet is down by less than 1/2%
PatsyT : Go Ozzy !… «link»
kesmarn : Hey, Mr. Tangerine Man…
AdLib : Cry-cry-ka-boo-h oo, Mrs. Boehnerson!
bitohistory : Is there a song called “Crazy Eyes” for Shelly?e
kesmarn : Coo coo ka choo!
AdLib : Here’s to you Mrs. Boehnerson…
kesmarn : We’ll save crazy train for O’Donnell…and Bachmann.
AdLib : Seconded! Great pick Patsy!
PatsyT : Hey it beats crazy train
kesmarn : Good choice of music, Patsy!
AdLib : Agreed Bito, holding the Senate, not losing as many seats there as predicted, big victories that the Dmes had better trumpet tomorrow to counter the Repubs claim of a mandate. Remember when the Dems won in 2006? The Repubs sure didn’t accept that and it was a real mandate!
kesmarn : One of the guys at work tonight was saying that he wrote in himself as a candidate for governor in Ohio. If Strickland had to lose, I wish that guy had won instead of Kasich…
PatsyT : AdLib I am with you on that … I have an all new found respect for Reid so I just have to «link»
AdLib : Keeping O’Donnell and Angle out were profound victories.
bitohistory : That and them not losing the Senate, AdLib. The senate can do alot of good/damage.
kesmarn : I agree, AdLib. The thought of “Senator Angle”…words fail me…
AdLib : Overall, I have to say that the biggest victory of the night was on the Dem side, denying Sharron Angle a seat in the Senate for 6 years. Of all the things that could have happened today, that would have been the worst for me.
PatsyT : Bito had she not run she would be flush with cash…. more then any tax break
bitohistory : That is a handy site, Patsy, thanks
bitohistory : Does this mean Meg won’t get her tax-break? WAH.
PatsyT : That newseum site comes in handy
kesmarn : Ah Patsy, if only billionaires DID get tired of screwing the middle class..!
AdLib : They can’t repeal HCR but they can refuse to pass a budget financing provisions of it.
bitohistory : No, they can’t override a veto. But the TP’s will demand it.
AdLib : Bravo Patsy! Well done!!!
PatsyT : I did a lot of posting on the CA newspapers sites slamming carly and meg for their obvious flaws and I got a lot of great reaction to comments…. One was… These Billionaires have got to find better hobbies … this screwing the middleclass into oblivion stuff is getting old
AdLib : Yet Fiorina was neck and neck. And she’s anti-choice! How could someone be close in CA to being a Senator with such views and a past?
kesmarn : Do y’all think there’s any realistic possibility that HCR will be repealed?
bitohistory : So.AZ is getting scary. Pretty close.
kesmarn : Carly outsourced 30,000 jobs at HP, b’ito. How patriotic!
kesmarn : Maybe an exorcism would be in order, AdLib.
AdLib : Okey dokey! Get that computer a Tylenol!
bitohistory : My biggest thing was what she did HP. That was a fantastic company to work for , before her.
kesmarn : My computer seems to be possessed on and off by evil spirits, so if I vanish suddenly, don’t be surprised. Worried? Maybe, but not surprised…!
PatsyT : Seriously some gals I know never got over that…. and of course I did not let them
AdLib : I contributed to Boxer after these attacks.
kesmarn : I have to admit that hair comment got on my nerves, too. It was so petty.
AdLib : Yep, the A team was let go for the night.
AdLib : Fiorina was petty and small minded in her ads and attacks. I mean, the clip of Boxer telling the Military guy to call her “Senator” is pro-woman yet she was attacked? For not being submissive enough to a man?
PatsyT : Have they let Chris and KO go to bed?
PatsyT : I have some female friends that did not like that Carly comment about Boxers hair… Who is the arrogant one there?
AdLib : Barbara is the best!
PatsyT : I love Barbara she is like butter
PatsyT : It’s gotta be about Jobs and if these dick wads are caught doing anything else a pox on their house!
bitohistory : Yeah! BBox
AdLib : Heh! Paladino looks a bit like a gargoyle now that you mention it. A crazy, sleazy gargoyle. And isn’t it amusing that these two who lost by bigger percentages than most Dems did this year, give speeches threatening the big winners that they better do as the loser says because the loser represents the will of the people. These people are nuts.
AdLib : Consider this, the public dislikes Repubs at least as much as Dems. Now that they’re the incumbents in the House, what do you think will happen in 2012 if there isn’t a booming economy?
PatsyT : Here is what I think is the message for the Neanderthal billionaires …. Do not run for office yourself just outsource it to these duffesses
kesmarn : Palladino always reminds me of a Dore illustration from Dante’s Inferno…some corrupt Cardinal in the depths of hell.
AdLib : Bito, they seemed cut from the same delusional cloth. I’d have to say that O’Donnell’s obliviousness to reality was outdone by Pladino’s violent threat.
bitohistory : Who’s non-concession speech was weirder? Paladino or O’Donnell? Both were out of touch with reality.
kesmarn : And Patsy, wasn’t it you who posted the reference about how corporations are suddenly realizing that they have to budget large sums for buying elections and that’s a business expense they’re starting to resent?
AdLib : Patsy, exactly. Imagine how many teacher’s salaries that could pay for. How many meals, books, etc. What a disgusting waste of money on the egos of these people.
PatsyT : AdLib a school district could do a lot with all that cash
AdLib : I was thinking the same thing, when KY suffers, they have themselves to blame.
AdLib : Hmm…of all the millionaire Baggers and Repubs, how much did losers spend vs. winners? Thanks to Meg, Carly and Linda, the losers have to outweigh the spending by winners by a huge margin!
kesmarn : I can hardly wait to see what Paul is going to do to KY. They so deserve him.
AdLib : Paladino threatened to beat Cuomo with a baseball bat if he didn’t follow Paladino’s platform. What a fucking loon!
kesmarn : One of them (bats) escaped from his belfry.
kesmarn : He’s too close for comfort, Patsy! (But he, too, is a million poorer…for nothing!! Hahahaha!
PatsyT : A man and his bat
AdLib : The host on MSNBC said $140m but it’s $160m. Ah, what’s $20 million here or there?
PatsyT : Beware of the nazi nearby
bitohistory : this is a link to look at tomorrow: VIDEO: Carl Paladino’s must-see, almost psychotic non-concession concession speech «link» #NAT2010
kesmarn : I just checked on b’ito’s map and I can’t believe Nazi-Boy Iott got 41% of the vote. I am frightened!!
PatsyT : 160,000,000 is that right Ad
AdLib : Yep, a real victory for democracy and a defeat for buying elections.
kesmarn : And I am enjoying the fact that Meg Whitman wasted $140,000,000!!!
AdLib : Me too, what a REAL person, not a BSer!
PatsyT : I am enjoying Jerry Brown
AdLib : ok
kesmarn : Kids, let me log off for just a sec. The Fedora (Linux) side of my ‘puter is having a little trouble. Gonna switch to Windows.
PatsyT : Kes those t pers will have a long hangover on that one
kesmarn : Strickland was a man of honor and actually very fiscally competent. Murdoch’s FUX campaign against him really took a toll.
PatsyT : Kes I am super bummed about Strickland…. I liked him
AdLib : Bito, I can’t be too upset by that map. Three elections in a row, the incumbents in the House are voted out. Two years from now, the Repubs have that many more seats to lose.
kesmarn : Argh! Oh, thanks for the link, b’ito!
AdLib : Yep Kes, he lost by 2% or so.
bitohistory : He lost a squeaker, k’es
kesmarn : Even Gov. Strickland lost in Ohio, AdLib? He’s such a good guy…
bitohistory : «link»
kesmarn : The thought of Speaker Boner makes me a little ill.
AdLib : OH went Republican.
bitohistory : The TPM map for the house is really ugly
AdLib : Headline for the LA Times: “Democrats prevail in California races as they lose U.S. House”
kesmarn : Anyone heard anything about Ohio? (Even though I’m the one who lives here and oughta know)?
PatsyT : Reid … you think I would know that
PatsyT : «link» … You Go Harry Ried!
AdLib : Looks like Bennett may well win CO but too close to call. And Murray still up by 2% in WA.
bitohistory : Both dems in So.AZ look like they will win. Raul is up by 11%, Gabby by 4%
kesmarn : It was so frustrating being stuck @ work and too busy to even see what was going on1
AdLib : Er…please no catcalls about Harry wanting his wife.
PatsyT : Kes that seems like the real stuff
AdLib : Reid winning undercuts the whole GOP claim that the voters reject the Dem agenda and party.
kesmarn : I think he really likes her!
PatsyT : OK I kinda like Harry Reid talking about his wife… that is sweet
kesmarn : Oh boy! Great! Reid is talking now on MSNBC.
AdLib : Right, Rand Paul out of the top four Palin Baggers is the only one that’s won.
AdLib : O’Donnell lost by 17%, Angle lost to Reid, Fiorina lost to Boxer…
kesmarn : So it looks like only Rand Paul won?
AdLib : Kes, I wrote this earlier: Consider who the top, high profile Palin TPs were: Angle, Miller, Rand Paul and Christine O’Donnell. She’s already lost 2 of 4 and will likely lose with Miller to Murkowski. That’s not so impressive for the TP or her.
kesmarn : That’s good, AdLib. What happened with O’Donnell?
AdLib : Not as much, Kes. The Repubs did win big in the House but The Dems have had some good wins in the Senate, blunting the Repubs’ claim to a sweep. In a sweep, they would have won the Senate.
kesmarn : Tell! tell!
PatsyT : Not so fast Kes… AdLib and Bito have some nice Palin Scores for the night
kesmarn : Oh, THERE you are, you guys! Hola! Just got home from work…looks a little depressing?
bitohistory : Come and join us k’es
PatsyT : Hey that IS a good question
AdLib : CM: “Have you ever seen her read something?” Other than her hand?
PatsyT : Ha AdLib… yes I remember it’s like he gets punchy
PatsyT : Ask them something we ALL don’t know.
AdLib : Once he gets tired, Matthews becomes so annoying. Rachel was trying to make a point and he just blabbers and interrupts her.
PatsyT : Would she look like a imbecile on Jeopardy ?
bitohistory : The complaint relates to an e-mail exchange between an unnamed Reid campaign staffer and the casino chain Harrah’s, which was reported in a story published by the National Review. The National Review reported that the e-mails showed that “Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign.”
PatsyT : OMG Chris Mathews lay off the Palin questions… you know the answers
bitohistory : E’cat! Vote again!!
AdLib : Indeed!
PatsyT : Hey shout out to ecat… I hope this sticks!
bitohistory : That would put Bennett well ahead.
AdLib : That would put him maybe 4%-5% up!
bitohistory : That’s is bunch
AdLib : 30k – 40k votes!
bitohistory : 50,000 or 5,000? AdLib
bitohistory : close to
bitohistory : TPM has clole to 2,000 precincts still out in CO.?
AdLib : Just reporting on MSNBC, AP reporting that 50k votes may have wrongly been counted for Buck instead of Bennett, which would launch Bennett back into a big lead.
PatsyT : Bennet has news
AdLib : Children could have been taught how democracy works and that it shouldn’t be bought.
PatsyT : Whooo what up Buck?
PatsyT : Just think of what the schools could have done with that money…
bitohistory : She can move to AZ-Phoenix!
PatsyT : Bye bye meg
AdLib : CA deported Meg tonight.
PatsyT : Are we really going to have a crying leader of the House?
bitohistory : Like getting deported? Thanks Meg!
PatsyT : Bito her housekeeper has better things to do
AdLib : The Progressive caucus then is a greater percentage of the Dems in Congress. It will become bigger and stronger in 2012.
bitohistory : Her housekeeper?
PatsyT : If meg did not have all that cash who would hang out with her?
bitohistory : 25 Blue Dogs have lost, 4 from progressive caucus. But I hear progressive movement is destroyed for some reason #NAT2010
PatsyT : Meg was really a drippidy do da…. so dead pan
bitohistory : Here’s a weird tweet, remember the progressive caucus has 83 members.
AdLib : Yes, Palin did support Fiorina, not sure about Meg but the poster children for the Tea Party was really were those four. It is satisfying though that Fiorina and Whitman were “let go” by the people of CA.
PatsyT : Ok I am irked about the SoS website!
bitohistory : Didn’t sh also pick Meg and Fiorna
AdLib : Patsy! Brilliant and funny!
bitohistory : Patsy LOL
AdLib : Consider who the top, high profile Palin TPs were: Angle, Miller, Rand Paul and Christine O’Donnell. She’s already lost 2 of 4 and will likely lose with Miller to Murkowski. That’s not so impressive for the TP or her.
PatsyT : AdLib… I amost wanted to go whisper in Murkowskis ear … make an ad and show how you write your name on you hand….
bitohistory : Not a pleasant image ,Q
Questinia : bito_ in her thong!
bitohistory : Palin is peeing in her bloomers.
AdLib : Yep Patsy, looks like Murkowski is ahead.
bitohistory : 35-24 AK
PatsyT : Write in votes ahead in Alaska
Questinia :
bitohistory : Saw that! lol
Questinia : I’m looking at HP
AdLib : Jinx, bito!
bitohistory : Q, I don’t have any results from AK. Do you?
AdLib : Don’t know that there’s enough info on AK yet, Q.
PatsyT : How about they take their hoverrounds back
AdLib : The TPs will take their votes back.
bitohistory : You mean the TP’ers wont just walk in a take their country back?
AdLib : First, the internal struggle for the Repubs and TPs in the House, over power and agenda. Then, the pandering will need to happen, birther bills and impeachment investigations.. .then the doofus voters who put them in power might realize their mistake.
Questinia : And is Miller winning in Alaska?! WTF!?
bitohistory : I’ll bet Khirad is at the Giffords HQ
Questinia : I see in Ct, the gov race is neck and neck.
AdLib : Yay, the sane people in AZ need representation too (we’ve got a number here at The Planet!).
PatsyT : Jobs will just have to wait ..
bitohistory : AZ has lost 3 house Dems. The two dems in Tucson are winning. The sea of sanity?
AdLib : You heard McConnell, their #1 job is to make Obama a 1 term president. With all the racists and birthers in the TP, how can they not try to remove this Marxist, Socialist, Kenyan?
bitohistory : If he/they impeach Obama with 9.6% unemployment, they will get run out of DC.
AdLib : Issa will provide many jobs for paralegals as he investigates how to impeach Obama.
PatsyT : Hey Issa, what about Jobs?
AdLib : IN CA: Dems ran the table except AG so far. We’ve finally got a Dem Governor again and it’s Jerry Brown. Gavin Newsom as Lt. Gov. The marijuana initiative was successfully sandbagged by bogus Rand Corp study but looks like we may have won the important prop that changes a 2/3 vote to pass a budget to a simple majority. The TX oil assholes who tried to trash our pollution laws look to be losing too.
bitohistory : But remember what Issa said earlier: Issa, on conference call, pledges to tackle the issue of “Unconfirmed czars” — Elizabeth Warren #NAT2010 Does that sound like cooperation from the R’s?
PatsyT : Well he won me over…
PatsyT : That sounds Great “Reid Won!”
bitohistory : Good ‘un, Sen Kerry.
AdLib : Heh! Sen. Kerry just emailed, “Reid won, Huffington Post was wrong!”
bitohistory : Waiting for exit poll info on how many GOP voters today say Obama born abroad and world only 6000 years old. @NAT2010
AdLib : Here’s the talking point I want to hear from the Dems tomorrow, “The American people have voted for a Republican House and a Democratic Senate. They want both parties to work together to solve the nation’s problem. The Democratic Party will do that and we hope the Republicans respect the will of the people as well.”
bitohistory : Great factoid of the night: Jerry Brown, youngest Calif governor ever, will now also be oldest (at time of swearing in). #NAT2010
bitohistory : And this just in my mail: Tanzania: Zanzibar has a new president, suspense in mainland.
AdLib : This is instructive for 2012. There are areas in the nation where extremist TP people can win but nationally, not so much. If Palin runs and gets the nomination, she could do great in very select areas then be slammed nationally. I hope she runs.
PepeLepew : Reid wins!
AdLib : Indeed, the Dems stood strong against the mindless anti-incumbent mob mentality out there. And Bennett looks in good shape to win in CO and Murray in WA. The Senate majority could be far better for the Dems than the MSM predicted.
bitohistory : With the economy as bad as it is, it looks like the Dems did a good job on GOTV to make so many races close.
AdLib : Pelosi was fantastic as leader and is loved in SF!
bitohistory : Pelosi in a squeaker, she only got 74+
AdLib : The polls everywhere seemed to overestimate Repub leads!
bitohistory : Polls there really sucked!
AdLib : This is a big win because it takes the mandate against the Dems away from the Repubs! And the Corps, Rove and CoC poured in an immense amount into this race.
AdLib : MSNBC projects Reid wins!
bitohistory : MSNBC- REID!
bitohistory : I will beg off, and say it will be situational.
AdLib : So…will Obama become more or less inclined to bend to Repub demands? Will he buy the spin that this was a mandate for Repubs or just a response to the bad economy?
bitohistory : I said yesterday, I felt that many races would come down to 10+- votes per precinct.
PepeLepew : O’Donnell: “We won by getting more than 40 percent of the vote.”
bitohistory : Patty Murry is ahead by a squeak. Ron Wyden won big.
AdLib : This is not the sweep the MSM called for. Even some of the losses like Sestak, Strickland and Giannoulias are all only by 2% or so.
AdLib : O’Donnell is delusional? I’m surprised.
Questinia : Good for Manchin!
Questinia : If Reid wins, I’ll be “satisfied”
bitohistory : AdLib, O’Donnell said “WE WON”
Questinia : Linda signs all around my neighborhood. They just said “Linda”.
AdLib : In WV Manchin won and Reid s ahead so far against Angle!
AdLib : Q – In CA: Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer won. In CT, McMahon went down for the count, Paladino was pummeled, O’Donnell was burned at the stake.
Questinia : CT and NY. Yay!
Questinia : Is there any good news? I’m just back from work.
AdLib : Well, we beat the Repubs in a number of states, CA, CT, NY, WV, it was a tough year but it the Repubs didn’t get the sweep of both Houses they predicted just a few months ago. And in a year, there will be huge regrets from many who voted for them. 2012, we’re going to come back big, baby!
PepeLepew : Woo, hoo, Jerry Brown wins!
bitohistory : Bye Patsy, see you later
bitohistory : Issa, on conference call, pledges to tackle the issue of “Unconfirmed czars” — Elizabeth Warren #NAT2010
PatsyT : I am running out to do some driving… Maybe when I get back There will be some stuff on Alaska !!
bitohistory : Republican Kasich Knocks Off Dem Strickland In OH-GOV —
Questinia : I can’t focus.
AdLib : Actually Patsy, I’m on the SoS site now, just very busy.
bitohistory : AFL-CIO: Sen. Barbara Boxer defeated former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina because, reports the Times, Boxer was able to turn “Fiorina’s record at the company against her, accusing the former CEO of outsourcing jobs and laying off 30,000 workers.” It certainly is about but jobs.
AdLib : Your tax dollars at waste.
PatsyT : California… it looks like Sos is still down .. very curious
PatsyT : «link» Californis SoS link
AdLib : Luke Russert is not very bright. He asks the Chief Deputy Whip of the Repubs, “What did you tap into to bring such a massive victory for the GOP tonight?” Could he have asked a dumber, softball question if he tried? What a doofus.
bitohistory : There’s your mandate, AdLIb.
bitohistory : New MSNBC chart: Tea Party candidates have won 35, lost 54. #NAT2010 1 minute ago via web
AdLib : Consider that thanks to the TP, they lost DE Senator and may lose NV. Thank you TP!
bitohistory : TPM has him losing big. It’s early though
PatsyT : Bito I don’t know Yet
bitohistory : Patsy, is the SoS still down? I am getting 0-)0 results on Hendrick
bitohistory : He called for a boycott and it may be hurting him. That was the negative ads on him were about.
bitohistory : Raul Grijalva (co chair of the progressive caucus) is in a close race. Another big target.
AdLib : Patsy, may be best for us to send them messages to MSNBC independently, it will have more of an effect that way I think.
AdLib : Reid’s ahead by 8 with 57% in but rural areas yet to be counted. They should go strongly for Angle but the 8% lead is strong.
PatsyT : AdLib if you made a action post on that maybe we could have many letters going there
bitohistory : Thanks AdLib.
bitohistory : Boehner: “Washington not listening.” He’s been there since 1991. Should resign, not become Speaker. @NAT2010
PatsyT : Harry Reid Ahead …. Will Ed be able to stand the suspense?
AdLib : To send a message to MSNBC: «link»
bitohistory : I don’t know their main email. Anyone?
PatsyT : AC We could save so much time and money if we just ask them who they want in office!
AuntieChrist : all Aryana did when she was on Chris Matthews was to try and figure out where the camera was.
AdLib : I turned off when AH came on. We need to email MSNBC to keep that woman off the air, she is on every day! And I turn off MSNBC whenever she appears.
PatsyT : That face on AH can only stand those lights for so long then it melts….
bitohistory : McGramps has lost ALL credibility. Sad.
AdLib : Now, after McCain nastily attacked Boxer, I’d love to see when she runs into him in The Senate.
AuntieChrist : Once again, the Supreme Court decided this election: this time with the Citizen’s United decision.
bitohistory : MSNBC, sure didn’t tolerate AH long!
AdLib : Boxer 52% to Fiorina 44% with 20% in.
AdLib : Boxer now projected winner by MSNBC too!
AuntieChrist : I thought that maybe you were summoning Cthulu.
PatsyT : Typo
AuntieChrist : Bpoth?
PatsyT : Both !
PatsyT : Bpoth!
bitohistory : Drunk AGAIN or STILL?
PatsyT : Opps he better watch that crying his tan will smear!
AuntieChrist : …and they call liberals ‘whiners”
AdLib : WTF is with all the crying?! Man up indeed!
AuntieChrist : he’s a republican, they’re all crybabys.
PatsyT : Boehner can cry me a river!
AdLib : Cry baby!
AdLib : He’s crying!!!! AGAIN!!!
AuntieChrist : I HATE Boehner.
AdLib : Boehner giving a speech and in a loop, repeating the same phrases again and again.
AuntieChrist : Nice play on words.
AuntieChrist : LOL! I hadn’t thought of it that way, Patsy.
PatsyT : AC those posts are best strong and long!
AuntieChrist : sorry for the length of that…
AdLib : Boxer projected to win a fourth term: «link»
AuntieChrist : not allowed on HP: [setting 2008: A couple of conservative billionaire brothers are dismayed at recent events] They figure that they need a Dίck Army who will propose to conservatives, “we want you to sυck those Kοchs, then bεnd over.” Willing Tea Baggers turn out by the thousands, doing things which they would honestly say that their holy writ forbids. Two years later: Frenzied and always fearful, they take to the polls with lυstful glee even to the point of stepping on heads as they take a once great nation back to darker times. – American History XXX
PatsyT : From the Bill Hedrick Campaign …. Waiting for results to be posted in Riverside County and the Sec of State’s website is crashed. This could be a looooong night…. What is up with the SoS website being crashed ?
bitohistory : Angle Files Voter Intimidation Complaint With DOJ Over Reid E-Mails —
PatsyT : «link» KPCC Radio in So Cal
bitohistory : 800,000+ votes in Boxer is now behind by 2
PatsyT : LA Times predicts Jerry Brown
bitohistory : TPM: Boxer 47-46
bitohistory : Gabby, the blue dog (?) is winning.
AdLib : I do think Palin’s success encouraged them but I’d bet without Palin, they’d have all run anyway because the mentality for them was more about how they could buy the office. These are greedy people who only wanted more.
bitohistory : More AZ numbers in: looking much better
PatsyT : AdLib I can just see what those women had in mind… They saw Palin and thought WOW if she can do that with her piddly brain just think of what I could do
bitohistory : Just think of the email list he has now. So many people to offend so little time.
AdLib : I spent my 37 bucks from Meg on a donation to Boxer (Brown already had it in the bag. Thanks Meg!
AdLib : The MSM called this The Year of the Woman because of Whitman, Carlyfornication , McMahon and O’Donnell. So, will the apology be publicly offered?
PatsyT : Now Carl can go back to emailing
bitohistory : McMann Spent 37 bucks a vote and lost?
PatsyT : So Meg spent how much???
PatsyT : Paladino !!
bitohistory : First votes from AZ look REALLY bad
PatsyT : MSNBC has to have a commercial
bitohistory : Fox calls Calif for Jerry Brown, MSNBC not yet. #NAT2010
bitohistory : No argument from me AdLib.
AdLib : Here is the truth, there is no simple pattern to this election that fits into the bite-size MSM brains. Yes, a majority is anti-incumbent.. .but that doesn’t mean they support the GOP. In some areas, the TP has had a lot of support and influence, in other areas, not at all. What is true is that Dems have more seats so anti-incumbency cuts against them strongest. But aside from this election being an emotional backhand because people are upset at the demolition of our economy and how it’s impacted them, there is no specific course endorsed. I mean, these morons want government to both do less and create more jobs. America has way too many voting age morons.
bitohistory : Surprised that Quinn-D is winning the Gov. race?
AuntieChrist : @Adlib:MSNBC: Current count for Palin endorsees: 2 Won – 5 Lost with 32 outstanding. TP: 14 won – 21 lost with 115 outstanding. So…where’s the landslide? LOL! Thanx AdLib – the GOP/MSM and their agenda.
PatsyT : Refresh that link and the results change !!!
bitohistory : 150 years after Civil War: no African-American s in U.S. Senate next year. #NAT2010
PatsyT : «link» link to WBEZ in Chicago
AdLib : Don’t have that info Bito but it would seem to be a small percentage.
bitohistory : And how many lost in the primaries, AdLib?
PatsyT : Thats funny, KO trying to make nice for Bachman
bitohistory : He’ll get the votes in CHI!
AdLib : MSNBC: Current count for Palin endorsees: 2 Won – 5 Lost with 32 outstanding. TP: 14 won – 21 lost with 115 outstanding. So…where’s the landslide?
bitohistory : TPM: Alexis Giannoulias has been ahead all night in Illinois. But Mark Kirk just slipped ahead. Only about 5,000 votes. This one’s going to come down to which areas of reported … Actually over the course of the time I’ve been writing this post his margin has moved to about 16,000.
AdLib : Chris M called Bachmann “moronic” and KO tried to walk it back and cover for him. I do love the chemistry of these four, with Chris as the dorky friend who says the wrong thing from time to time and has to be covered for.
PatsyT : AdLib, if the newly elected TP leaders do not do as the TP says they always have their second amendment remedies…
AdLib : So, how long will it take these mush head indie voters to realize they’ve been had? Obama had a very short honeymoon, will the swift betrayals of the TPs, such as the passing of raising the Fed Debt ceiling, get them riled up? My prediction, the majority of the TPs are hard right repubs so no matter what the repubs do to expose their fraud, their support will always be there. Because the TP is a fraud too.
PatsyT : Maybe..
PatsyT : May they will follow their leader and quit halfway thru their term
PatsyT : Is Chris M throwing spit balls at her?
PatsyT : Ha Bito 9 months ! Then lets see that baby they are carrying
bitohistory : GAWD!!! NOT her!!
PatsyT : 1600 votes separate the votes in Illinois for Senator
bitohistory : I’ll give them 9 months. No more!
PatsyT : Well since the t Party is so smart and they have all the answers they should be able to have this all cleaned up by next summer….
bitohistory : Just wait until they start all their cuts, will they be the saviors then?
AuntieChrist : That’s a grest Patsy
bitohistory : Looks like a recount to me: Sestak lead down to 4000. #NAT2010
PatsyT : So should we start a countdown clock on the tea party give them a few months to fix everything?
AuntieChrist : representaive democracy in ‘christian’ amurica
bitohistory : Laws only get made and passed with compromise and if they can’t understand that, it will be a sad future.
AuntieChrist : they vote for who THEY are.
PatsyT : Feingold was one of the most honest Senators and yet they vote for Vitter?
AuntieChrist : America, once again proving that democracy is capitalism’s bitch.
AdLib : The war within the Repub ranks will begin tomorrow. And it ain’t going to be pretty. Then, bit by bit as the Repubs vague BS has to give way to actual legislation, the Tea Party will become MORE disillousioned than Purist Dems were this year with Obama.
bitohistory : Another corporate money target. He was probably the cleanest senator.
bitohistory : Feingold lost. FUCK
bitohistory : Hey Patsy.
PatsyT : Hi Guys How is it going?
bitohistory : TPM:So in PA, it’s like 80% of the vote in, it’s a 51-49 race. Alleghany county, which is Pittsburgh, is almost totally in. Philly has about 92% reported. Basically what that means is that the Democratic bastions are about all tapped out. But Sestak isn’t that far from the finish line. It’s going to be really, really close.
bitohistory : Ilario Pantano, House hopeful who killed 2 unarmed prisoners in Iraq, has lost «link» A sign of intelligence?
bitohistory : Bachmann like all the other GOPers highlight don’t raise taxes–that’s real reason for GOP wins, not job loss. What a bunch of lackeys for the rich. Useful idiots. “Cut taxes for me, while I off shore your job”
AdLib : Russ is way down…unlikely but still rooting for him.
bitohistory : It doesn’t look good for Russ. Hope his area (Madison) comes in big.
AdLib : Woo Hoo, IL is sounding good! There is a great spin story here if the Dems do better in the Senate than expected. If they’re smart, they’ll argue that their unanticipated wins show that they have the public on their side too.
bitohistory : 9:49: In West Virginia, Rep. Nick Joe Rahall (D), a strong mine safety advocate who the coal industry—includi ng Massey Energy, owner of the Upper Big Branch cola mine where 29 miners were killed—lined up against with big money for his opponent, won re-election.
PepeLepew : Hockey was DULL.
bitohistory : Will the t-party people give the R’s only 20 months to “fix” everything?
bitohistory : Giannoulias Leads In IL-SEN Eric Lach Tue. 10:02 PM EDT — With 6,056 of 11,209 precincts reporting, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias leads Republican Mark Kirk in the Illinois Senate race 52.90%-44.10%
bitohistory : Karl Rove, who predicted Senate takeover, now spinning pickup of a few seats a big deal. #NAT2010
PepeLepew : Fuck NZ, just bring them to Lethbridge.
Haruko Haruhara : I know, AC, I just want to bring every teabagger to NZ for a month and tell them, “see, socialism isn’t so evil…”
AuntieChrist : LOL.. Thanx… so fucking upset about the stupidity in people I meet.
Haruko Haruhara : In all honesty, the hockey game was pretty boring. If it isn’t the Avalanche, it isn’t hockey. If you don’t know who Chris Stewart is, learn that name quick.
AdLib : AC – Free speech here, no worries. Fuck yeah!
bitohistory : No, SHIT, is right!
AuntieChrist : sorry for my language… i’ll clean it up.
PepeLepew : I liked Grayson. He still has a future. Somewhere.
bitohistory : Hockey over?
AdLib : Grayson like Reid were at the top of the corporate hit list.
AuntieChrist : shit
bitohistory : Grayson lost Large. Huge corporate money spent against him.
PepeLepew : I think Grayson went down.
bitohistory : I am old enough to remember when Unions were 30-35% of the workforce. Life was nice.
Haruko Haruhara : Seriously, we all have black and white makeup on. It’s a big deal in some cultures.
AuntieChrist : is it true about grayson?
bitohistory : Looks like Tancredo is going down –large
AuntieChrist : Then I’m Shaun of the Dead, and I want my bat.
AdLib : Day of the Brain Dead, looking at the candidates the Repubs have gotten elected.
AuntieChrist : Unions are what we need – AFTER we’ve taxed the hell out of the rich.
Haruko Haruhara : Today is also Day of the Dead, so we are all wearing death masks. How appropriate.
AuntieChrist : Sauerkraut was called ‘liberty cabbage’
AdLib : Unions brought us the 5 day work week, vacations and the middle class. No wonder Republicorps oppose them.
AuntieChrist : WWI broke out and the union leaders spoke against it?
AuntieChrist : mosdef, weekends.
AdLib : bito – The fact that Deval’s race was not as close as predicted gives me hope for other seats that are supposedly close.
AuntieChrist : they’d become part of the companies OWN “unions”
bitohistory : Don’t forget: WEEKENDS!
AuntieChrist : no sooner had they been won, the people would forget and want nothing to do with the rabble rousing unions.
AuntieChrist : bito, in the book I mentioned about Unions, there are examples of how the unions were able to obtain better hours, wages, and conditions…
bitohistory : MSNBC ups GOP edge in projected House to 240-195. #NAT2010. SHIT!
bitohistory : AdLib, that wasn’t as close as everyone guessed. Not at all
AdLib : AC and Bito – I have an article in mind that essentially explains the Obama election as well as symptomatic of emotional,not intellectual voting. Feelings over smarts.
AdLib : Deval Patrick wins in MA!
bitohistory : AuntieChrist : fucking Americans are fucking idiots! BINGO!!!
AuntieChrist : I’ll have to watch that AdLib. I can’t stand O’Donnell (unbelievable that they cloned Palin)
bitohistory : All the blogs on O’Donnell are saying WTF? about her speech.
AuntieChrist : good book to read: There is Power in a Union – by Philip Dray
AdLib : Bito – I don’t know why I would have expected Christine O’Donnell to do anything other than be a (fill in your own insult here). That was the most selfish and deluded “concession” speech I’ve seen.
AuntieChrist : hey adlib… sorry, eating pizza.
AdLib : Hey AC!
AuntieChrist : …or am i too being fooled by the media?
AuntieChrist : fucking Americans are fucking idiots!
bitohistory : evanmc_s via twitter Tue. 09:39 PM EDT — Christine O’Donnell’s speech b’cast in NRCC HQ. No one here claps, few turn their heads. Press, however, is rapt #midterms
bitohistory : I’m posting for guests!
bitohistory : O’Donnell just got the crap beaten out of her and she is telling Coons what to do? She has a problem with reality.
bitohistory : Bennet in CO and Sestak are off to great starts. on TPM
bitohistory : Nate Silver giving Sestak great chance in PA–would be an upset. @NAT2010
bitohistory : This nation and the world!!!!
AdLib : Paul can vote against it without stopping it but if he mounted a filibuster…it could be a quick payback to all of those bonehead voters who mindlessly supported the Tea Party…and outrageous that one man could have that kind of power over all of us and this nation.
bitohistory : Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal won the state’s U.S. Senate race defeating multimillionaire former wrestling executive Linda McMahon 51-46 percent. She said Congress should consider lowering the minimum wage. Union members went for Blumenthal by 60 percent and the union’s mobilization included 491,209 total voter contacts before final GOTV push.
bitohistory : That Debt ceiling discussion is both interesting and frightening.
bitohistory : Rand Paul: “Gov’t does not create jobs.” Tell that to the Pentagon and defense contractors. #NAT2010
AdLib : Fingers crossed for Russ! Yes, Rand Paul will be a saboteur but the public will get tired of that after a while.
bitohistory : Rand Paul is going to be a back bencher/bomb-thr ower. That is all.
bitohistory : Good sign: Feingold race “too close to call.” Also: PA, ILL.
AdLib : That’s the maximum, could be up to 13 less. But still…
bitohistory : 80 fucking seats???
bitohistory : From the AFL-CIO: 8:41: Union members made the difference in the West Virginia Senate vote: * Among non-union households, Democrat Joe Manchin lost 47-50; among union households Manchin won 65-31. * There are 189,492 members in West Virginia, approximately 28 percent of the vote.
bitohistory : BY +13? Is that what they are projecting?
AdLib : MSNBC: Repubs have won the House.
bitohistory : TPM.is showing OK went blue for GOV.!?!?
AdLib : 2 Senate seats to Repubs but Dems won W. VA so they’ll keep The Senate!
bitohistory : +2, Kalima
Kalima : Repus seats so far.
AdLib : Corporate money and Bill Clinton fighting for the status quo.
bitohistory : Blackburn is an idiot. spews nothing but “the Lines”
bitohistory : She was damn lucky to win her primary. If she hadn’t had corporate money for then, she would have lost.
AdLib : O’Donnell on MSNBC just poured all the blame for Lincoln losing on Halter AND all Progressives who supported a primary challenge. So, Tea partiers are brilliant for challenging incumbents but Progressives are idiots? And the Repub wave had nothing to do with it? WTF?! O’Donnell, who I usually like, is such a status quo/incumbent guy.
bitohistory : the Nation:Blanche Lincoln loses. Remember when moderates hit liberal Halter as sure loser to the GOP? She has already blamed her loss on him.
bitohistory : TPM has Coons at 65 and O’Donell 32
AdLib : Where would the Dems be without the unions? No wonder the Repubs are always trying to weaken the unions.
bitohistory : The AFL-CIO has been hard on the W.Va race. From their live blog:8:34: Go, Joe! West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin wins over bazillionaire and part-time Florida resident John Raese.
AdLib : Boxer ain’t losing! We’ve got her back!
bitohistory : BIG one: MSNBC calls W. Va for Manchin. No way GOP can take Senate now (unless Boxer loses). It’s up to you and Patsy now AdLib!
AdLib : WOO HOO! Joe Manchin won! No Senate takeover for Repubs!
bitohistory : MSNBC: Manchin WINS in W.VA!!
AdLib : Missed the birther ad but didn’t miss my keyboard *wipe*
bitohistory : The Nation blog says that they have been playing a birther ad? I haven’t seen it. As long as you didn’t get it on your keyboard, AdLib.:-D
AdLib : Lincoln was a virtual Repub so I don’t really count that as a loss though it is for Dems in the Senate. She was corporate bought and sold.
bitohistory : Blanche Lincoln lost. +2 R’s
AdLib : MSNBC just ran a commercial for TLC’s series, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”. Hope that excuses my throwing up in my mouth.
bitohistory : So far so good on the Senate races.
AdLib : The Dems are holding the Senate seats they were expected to hold. Bodes well out here in CA and in WA as well.
AdLib : Bito – You were called by a Repub? Way to go!
bitohistory : Body-slam: MSNBC calls Blumenthal winner in CT.
bitohistory : BOO! Nate Silver ups GOP gains to 57 House seats due to Dem setbacks in Va, Fla, Ind.
bitohistory : Hey! I just got to cuss out a RNC phone caller. It felt GOOD!!
AdLib : Thanks for the updates bito! So now, the Repubs need 40 and not 39 seats anymore. Every bit helps.
bitohistory : CNN calls Dem PICKUP seat in Delaware, thanks to Tea Party. @NAT2010 No, “witch” in the Senate?
bitohistory : 7:52 PM: AP calls it for Yarmouth (D) in Kentucky. No call yet on Chandler (D) but he seems to have a steady if pretty narrow lead. The Chandler race seems to be a bellweather race for many “experts”
bitohistory : boomer, I am still seeing the streaming.
bitohistory : That is for k’es
bitohistory : Iott, Nazi cross-dresser, loses «link» #NAT2010 About 3 minutes ago
boomer1949 : Uh oh, webcast is over and out until 10 p.m. EDT. I knew it was too good to be true.
boomer1949 : Racial profiling or Fox fanning the flames?
boomer1949 : Oh bito, I hope so.
bitohistory : Local Fox affiliate finds New Black Panther Party dude outside polling place in Philly. Turns out he’s a certified poll watcher doing nothing illegal — other than “wearing a pin that indicated his party affiliation, along with a black hat, sunglasses and leather coat,” as Fox put it.
bitohistory : Senator Brown says Kasich is going down! Hope so.
boomer1949 : John Kasich was a fantastic Congressman. His downfall was when he went to bed with Lehman Bros.
boomer1949 : Grayson? Bummer.
boomer1949 : RE: my comment about “closer to the river”…there are some seriously neglected counties in Southeast Ohio; lots of poverty. Not a pretty picture.
bitohistory : Alan Grayson losing LARGE
boomer1949 : I swore I was going to treat this election much the same as I do Buckeye football. Ignore it and see what’s in the headlines in the morning paper. Oh, a Public Radio chick from OH on the Newshour…I’m cuter than her/she?. Except I’m not blonde
bitohistory : 7:40 Rachel slams Indiana Tea Party people claiming anti-feds but electing Indiana guys who are lifetime Wash insiders
bitohistory : Same as Indiana. I went to school there.
boomer1949 : bito, as far as OH-IO…worsens the closer one gets to the river.
boomer1949 : KY — only 3 hours South of me. They sell Everclear…
bitohistory : boomer, a lot like So.Ind. and Ohio!
boomer1949 : @AdLib, I know. We’re talking KY, flannel shirts, pick ups, gun racks, and bigotry. Plus there’s a lot of hills in the state.
boomer1949 : I remember when this “projection crap” was more news than opining. Uncle Walter, blck & white Television, he’d remove his glasses and REPORT what was happening. Never once, that I can remember, did he interject his OPINION regarding a possible outcome.
AdLib : Hate to say it but Rand Paul has led most of the way. KY voters are Tea Party fans, polls said half of voters like the Tea Party.
boomer1949 : Rob Portman for retiring Voinovich’s OH spot in the Senate.
bitohistory : I should have bloodied Evan Bayh’s nose when I was a kid when i had the chance.
boomer1949 : Polls close in 12 minutes in Ohio.
boomer1949 : Rand Paul is in – damn it.
bitohistory : 7:10 Lexington, KY elects openly gay mayor AND Rand Paul?
boomer1949 : @bito…you’re certainly brave. It’s enough to make your head spin.
bitohistory : I’m trying to watch 2 newscasts and four live blogs. I am sick!
bitohistory : 6:55 Leaked exit polls on key Senate races–take them with grain of salt–show Dems keeping Senate due to wins by Murray, Manchin, Blumenthal. Reid race tossup. Win for Boxer. Losses for Feingold, Crist, Sestak.
boomer1949 : Uh Oh, what happened?
boomer1949 : I was listening to NPR on my drive home, and it all boils down to impatience. No one in this country has the patience for anything anymore. So, most just keep flip flopping back and forth hoping one group will get it right — eventually. In the mean time? Everyone suffers.
bitohistory : Exit poll Question: “Thirty-five percent of voters in early exit polls pin the blame on Wall Street. The next name on the list: former President Bush – 29 percent point their fingers in his direction. President Obama follows, at 24 percent.” Yet they vote for the Corporate R’s?
boomer1949 : Rand Paul? I can’t believe it!
boomer1949 : Just checking
AdLib : Yes, it’s streaming for everyone right now on our Live Events page: «link»
boomer1949 : The Newshour is streaming on USTREAM. Can any of you West of the Mississippi see it?
boomer1949 : I can’t stand David Brooks, ewwww!!!!
AdLib : Thanks boomer!
boomer1949 : Newshour is on in Ohia…
AdLib : Well…that’s way too much specificity for HP’s journalistic policies.
bitohistory : Whatever that means?
bitohistory : 6:45 Puff-Ho claims early exit polls show good news for Dems in tight contests.
bitohistory : 6:25 Well, networks haven’t called it for Paul and Coats yet, so that’s a plus…. need more ballots at San Diego State U due to fervor over Prop 19 and po
AdLib : Thanks Bito! Such small samples so far but at least the results are beginning.
bitohistory : Early votes are up on TPM «link»
Haruko Haruhara : We’re going out! Not on.
AdLib : Haruko, of course. Have a nice evening!
bitohistory : Bye, have a nice time.
AdLib : Bito – As I said, dumb as mud. Imagine putting the person with the worst vision in the driver’s seat of the car! That’s where we are, the meek haven’t inherited the Earth, the Moronic have inherited it.
Haruko Haruhara : Thanks for the advice, Adlib.
Haruko Haruhara : Hookay, we’re going on.
AdLib : Pepe – I saw some stat on this today, something like 18% of voters are these moronic swing voters who, three years in a row, have just voted against whichever party is in power. How can any long term progress be made in this country with that many shallow voters firing who they just hired last time around? And in our democracy, they have the power? The morons who can’t figure out what makes sense? That’s a hard one to swallow.
bitohistory : I “spoke” to one of those voters today, actually I listened. His hobbies consist of going to the gun range and playing X-box gun games. Oh and he get’s his “news from Fux. He knows shit about politics, and he is voting because “Obama is going to take my guns” Gawd!!
PepeLepew : I’ve become more and more cynical about “undecided” voters. I mean, one thing I can respect about some Republican voters is that they at least know what they believe in and stand for, even if I vehemently disagree with them. I can’t figure out people who can’t make up their minds or think the two parties are “exactly the same.” I think a lot of them are dread “low information voters.”
AdLib : Pepe – Same here! Two years ago all these ignorant swing voters KNEW that the Repub/Corporate economic system was corrupt and destroyed our economy. Now? Everything didn’t get better in two years so let’s put the arsonists back in charge of putting out fires. What fucking idiots!
Haruko Haruhara : That’s good. The main thing we care about here is the sheriff and the constitutional convention.
AdLib : Don’t blame you at all, Haruko. I’m prepared for bad news but here in CA it looks like we will be kicking Repub ass in all the major races, so I look forward to that.
PepeLepew : The MSM will call it a huge win for Republicans no matter what. I am convinced of that.
PepeLepew : I’m just incredulous that it appears so many voters seem to have forgotten how worthless Republicans are. I swear this entire country has ADD.
bitohistory : TPM has their election scoreboard up. Fist polls close a 6 EDT «link»
Haruko Haruhara : We still care, though!
Haruko Haruhara : I hate to admit this, but we’re actually going out to the “hockey restaurant” this evening to watch some hockey, partly because we can only handle so much bad news!
AdLib : Not only that but a small margin will be perceived as a win by Dems. A win for Repubs has been established as a huge sweep. If that doesn’t happens, they didn’t win and have no mandate (though they and Fox will still say they do).
bitohistory : If the R’s do win, I hope it is by small margins. How will they control the baggers, when they need every vote?
bitohistory : They had to get Ole Pat on didn’t they
AdLib : bito – That’s great news about Philly! I hate to be a wishful thinker but wouldn’t it be cool for the results to really undercut the “common wisdom” of huge majorities of elected Repubs. Then, even if they won the House, the meme would be that they don’t have a mandate.
Haruko Haruhara : Hookay, I’ll think about it.
AdLib : Haruko – That would get them worrying big time.
bitohistory : Ed Rendell: Philly turn out high. Would help Sestak.
AdLib : Haruko, even if you don’t pursue any other action, you should go back there with a pad of paper and just ask them for their names and write them down, telling them when you’re done that making comments or jokes based on race about voters may be funny to them but you doubt it would be funny to election officials.
Haruko Haruhara : They were making a joke. They were making fun of my accent.
AdLib : Haruko…that makes me very angry! You should get the name of whoever said that and report them to the SoS.
bitohistory : Were they serious, Haruko? Did you feel intimidated?
bitohistory : 5:20 CNN reports poll: John Boehner: Favorable 25% / Unfavorable 26% / Never heard of 30% / No opinion 19% … Exit polls embargoed until 5:30, dam may burst then….
PepeLepew : Bloomin’ wankers. Sod off!
Haruko Haruhara : When I voted today, they asked me “are you SURE you’re an American citizen?” Hmmph! Bloody drongos!
bitohistory : Polls close in 65 minutes in KY and Rand Paul likely to be declared winner pronto. This is NOT a pick-up for the R’s
bitohistory : 4:25: ABC finally and completely boots Breitbart from election coverage tonight. Surprise: Will not be replaced by Michael Savage
bitohistory : No, Pepe! It’s not working
PepeLepew : Allo? Is this working?
bitohistory : 4:25: ABC finally and completely boots Breitbart from election coverage tonight. Surprise: Will not be replaced by Michael Savage
boomer1949 : I hope I can stay awake!
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