javaz : or witches and warlocks
javaz : my husband and I say that we are ONLY voting for withes!
PatsyT : Good night Grand Pa
AdLib : Night Patsy, night Bito, night Khirad, night John Boy.
PatsyT : Night guys it’s been a blast!
bitohistory : Yes, It has been a great chat, Good night to all peace
AdLib : It’s after 10 pm, a good time to cap this edition of Vox Populi. What a great and wide ranging conversation tonight! Thanks to all for another great night! Sleep well and have a great weekend!
PatsyT : Kes you will identify
Khirad : Yes, night, kes!
bitohistory : Night k’es the secret stays with me. lol
kesmarn : I never saw the Hayley Mills vids, Patsy! I’ll have to check ’em out. G’Night again!
AdLib : Bito – The Planet keeps on a’ growin’! Thanks to all the fantastic people that make up The Planet!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes … hope your weekend is wonderful !
AdLib : Kes, so nice chatting with you tonight. Have a good night’s sleep and a great weekend!
bitohistory : May be another big day for PPOV! ?
PatsyT : Kes I loved those movies with Haley Mills «link» ..Where Angels Go Trouble Follows .. «link»
kesmarn :
That’s a great comment for me to make my exit on, Khirad. It’s after 1 a.m. here, so I’d better call it a day.
AdLib : Well…my National Organization For Marriage ad parody is still the top one, over 76,000 views.
Khirad : Many of us did understand, and yet W had access to experts at his disposal. I can never forgive him for that.
kesmarn : 30,000 hits on the Python vid is wonderful. Yay!
Khirad : Kes
Too perfect.
bitohistory : Khirad I think many knew about that division before W. He just didn’t understand, he was just a CEO and Cheney didn’t care.
AdLib : As I mentioned, the more one is exposed and educated about the beliefs of other religions, the patterns become clear which then make literal interpretation seem less “true”.
kesmarn : Khirad, maybe it was a little more like: “Our God isn’t a guy with a fragile ego. You can learn and explore and it won’t piss him off. Really.”
Khirad : 30,000? Maybe Python can bring up the numbers on your other vids on your channel?
Khirad : I think in public school, everyone has to tiptoe around it and in Catholic school, it’s just like – We’re right, you know that. Now, here’s what others believe. They come close-ish.
AdLib : I am not a viable candidate. I’m screwed.
bitohistory : Cincinnati?
AdLib : Khirad – That study was surprising that most Catholics don’t really know about the sacrament.
Khirad : Number one searched story on Yahoo – Mexican Pirates. I could riff off this. Isn’t it weird pirates were one of Obama’s first tests, and now there’s this little international incident in addition to those scary three Mexicans we use on all our GOP ads?
kesmarn : Right, Khirad. I knew my Sunnis from my Shi’ites long before Dubya ever figured it out. If he ever did…
bitohistory : You have to admit, She really confronted the issues with that ad. “I’m You”
PatsyT : You must not make fun of Cleveland ….
kesmarn : Heh. That was supposed to be “Christian” not “Christina” (Freudian?)
Khirad : Of all the religious educations I’ve encountered, it was ironically those who had a parish education that knew the most about other religions.
AdLib : I am you. You are a bus driver in Cleveland.
PatsyT : AdLib Wooo Hooo !!!!
AdLib : 30,100 views of my Python witch video at YouTube!
kesmarn : The Catholics schools that I attended were strong on critical thinking, defying authority when there was a moral imperative. tolerating other faiths and advocating for peoples’ civil rights. In short, they taught us to be Christina commie-pinko socialist bleeding hearts.
PatsyT : Who are you?
PatsyT : Oppps I thought I was me
AdLib : What do you do with a broom? 1. Sweep? 2. Ride? 3. Dance? If you answered 2, you are a witch. Which means, you’re me.
Khirad : One of those accidental gems, it is quite humorous, too. This is why I support teaching world religions in school, as well.
PatsyT : That was a great movie
PatsyT : Do ducks weigh?
AdLib : Khirad – Very cool. That first section, saying that a religious education can be good if it turns you away from certainty, is right on the money. It is certainty that is the enemy of truth and peace.
kesmarn : Depends on whether there’s a bell and a book with that candle, Patsy…
PatsyT : I do like ducks ….
bitohistory : And do you weigh the same as a duck?
PatsyT : Hmmm I have a candle burning what does that tell you
Khirad : I came across this by accident and was coincidentally reading it earlier in this chat «link»
AdLib : Test to see if you’re a witch. 1. Do you have eye of newt in your kitchen? 2. Do you burn like wood? 3. Are you running as a Republican for public office in Delaware?
kesmarn : Thanks, Sue!
PatsyT : Adlib those tend to be the ones that want your money
SueInCa : Kes, I left you info on the book and Orwell in OT
Khirad : I missed the question about the First Great Awakening, that was it.
AdLib : I do think that the more you learn about religion, the more you recognize the similarities in all of them and come to the conclusion that the specifics are not as important as what the substance is. The problem people to me are the ones hung up on the specifics of their religion needing to be true and others needing to be false.
PatsyT : …driving test …
PatsyT : I took a driving and they told me I am not a witch
SueInCa : oops only 7% of the population. and Bito ewwwwwwwwwwwww!! !!!!!!!! Night everyone
kesmarn : Looking forward to it, Sue! Have a great night!
bitohistory : Please visit more, Sue!! Good night sleep light and don’t let…
SueInCa : I took the test Adlib and I scored 93%, only 75 of the population knows more………… and yes choicelady is more the UCC type, that i can handle that is why I say probably more agnostic
Khirad : That poll was so not a surprise to me. After all, we generally know more about other religions. Actually, what got to me was how many Catholics didn’t know about transubstantiati on.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sue great to see you !
AdLib : Sue, wonderful to see you and looking forward to seeing more of you around! Have a great weekend!
Khirad : Night Sue!
SueInCa : Well guys it was good to see everyone tonight. I will be back more often. I still owe Kes that article about the credit card frauds. You won’t believe some of the stories Kes.
Khirad : Well, considering they didn’t even bother running anyone against Jim McDermott in Seattle, they probably said – hey, and crazy nut want this?
AdLib : Sue – Did you see the study out recently that atheists know much more about religion than those who belong to a religion? At the same time, there are religious people like Choicelady and the group she works with that are what Christianity is truly about.
bitohistory : How many Baggers will win their GE?
kesmarn : Khirad, good to know Art is lagging that far back. Still — the mere fact that he is THE candidate… What does that say about “them”?
SueInCa : Kes I love adult swim. Hank is the only conservative I will talk to now
Khirad : Oh, you see, I never knew what it was a parody of.
AdLib : I’ve seen it, a parody of the old Christian show, Davey and Goliath.
SueInCa : I think I have officially become an atheist. The more I read about religion, the more I think it. Maybe an agnostic? I believe in a higher power, just not the fairytale one who terrorizes everyone
Khirad : Moral Orel sample «link»
SueInCa : Jim and Tasmmy Faye
bitohistory : He’s Me? Like o’donnell?
AdLib : Ac/Dc
PatsyT : Ted Nugent
AdLib : Eddie Long. Ted Haggard.
PatsyT : Meet the Baggers
Khirad : Oh, just in case you don’t know, there is absolutely nothing to worry about in the Art Robinson race. No friggin’ way he wins Eugene!
He’s behind like 30 points. Still, this is the kind of crazy hiding in the cracks, this IS your teabagger.
kesmarn : “Jerry Falwell.” He did fall well, I must admit.
SueInCa : Kes stop it, ORal gives me the creeps. has ever since I first heard of the freak
PatsyT : ewe
PatsyT : Oooo Kes now that you put them together
bitohistory : That’s Newt!! lol
kesmarn : Ever notice how the names kinda fit: “Jimmy Swaggart,” “Creslo Dollar,” “Oral Roberts” ?
SueInCa : I have got to start hangin out here more. I am losing touch with all the religious crazies out there. Thanks Khirad
PatsyT : Did you now ?
AdLib : “She turned me into a mouse with a human brain! I got better.”
Khirad : That’s why I love the name of the spoof show Moral Orel.
bitohistory : Or witch mice with human brains?
SueInCa : Khirad – more than likely you can. or liberty or oral roberts. i always thought his name was kind of like inbreeding lol. O R A L Roberts, sounds like incest or something.
PatsyT : Hey those mice are the ones that answer the Rasmusen polls
AdLib : Bito – Nailed it!
SueInCa : I have sworn off tv news, maybe I will let Rachel back in. I am just sick of all the fawning over republicans.
bitohistory : What about mice with human brains, AdLib? Have we tried them yet?
kesmarn : Well — it’s some consolation that the RW is pouring loads of money into Art’s campaign. Right down the old sewer with Biff and Buffy’s cash… swirllll… That is IF he loses. Please, God!
Khirad : I SO want to trace that racist curriculum back to Bob Jones U.
PatsyT : Khirad I love it all
Khirad : I never took you for the sort, Patsy.
SueInCa : Khirad he is the number one person for home schooled ciriculum. See why i fear the religious right so much?
AdLib : Well, we’ve tried sane people running this country and things aren’t better yet, why don’t we try insane people? And if that doesn’t work, we’ve tried humans, let’s try chimpanzees! Uh-uh, G.W., you’re termed out, back in your cage.
PatsyT : Whoo I forgot how much I love M Mason!!!
Khirad : DeFazio has a great site on him «link»
bitohistory : What a guy for Congress, regular man of the people! Art Robinson, Oregon GOP Candidate For Congress, Sells Book Comparing Africans To Retarded Children
kesmarn : Khirad, I saw Art’s “Platform.” I especially enjoyed the fact that he thinks we should store nuclear waste in peoples’ basements.
Khirad : The Manson, wasn’t sure if you wanted this or the other «link»
AdLib : Rachel did a follow up today on her interview with that maniac. BTW, Khirad, love the opening paragraph of that article: “Running against Democrat Peter DeFazio for a congressional seat in Oregon’s 4th District, Art Robinson is one of the most influential leading Global Warming denialists in America and has proposed dumping radioactive waste and crude oil waste at sea.”
Khirad : Last night and the recap today, bito.
kesmarn : You are on FIRE tonight, Sue!
SueInCa : ok maybe europe but it has to be sunny
PatsyT : Sue you and me both !
bitohistory : That was qute the Show last night, Khirad
SueInCa : Limpballs is not going anywhere. I hope he does go there, I will hunt him down and stalk the fat fuck
PatsyT : Khird I would love to see that !
AdLib : Costa Rica sounds good but Baja’s getting a bit dangerous.
Khirad : Here we go: «link»
PatsyT : Sue he like that costa rica too but so does R limbat
AdLib : Patsy – We can be neighbors, Provence is so lovely.
bitohistory : Patsy, I agree, I want a ring side seat to watch Sue!
SueInCa : Roatan, Costa Rica maybe Baja for us.
Khirad : Marilyn Manson did a pretty good cover of I Put a Spell on You. I think this is the actual extent to any “dabbling” Christine ever did.
AdLib : It’s not a probability in my mind but if it looked likely, I’ll be polishing up on my French. “Bonsoir, ou est la Freedom Fries?”
PatsyT : Hey Sue my hubby is looking at properties in the France!
bitohistory : I have no idea what that means, k’es, Ijust thought the headline was funny. maybe Huff should run it.
SueInCa : ZPatsy you would all be behind the two way mirror
Khirad : By the way, have we talked about Mr. Art Robinson’s home school curricula as covered on Rachel?
SueInCa : I tell you I am already preparing. My husband takes a long time to get moving LOL he is a homebody, I am a wanderer
kesmarn : Patsy!
“I Put a Spell on You”
AdLib : Sue – I think the public is unhinged and emotionally grabbing for whatever quick fix is advertised to them. As the economy recovers, that desperation will likely calm down and there will be a bit more sanity. Otherwise, if the Repubs gain the Presidency in 2012, I would start pricing out real estate in Jamaica.
PatsyT : Sue I would pay major $$$ to see that
SueInCa : Yeah that might work adlib, but I want the real thing. Just one hour with each of them. I can give that stern mother look as well as anyone.
kesmarn : Gosh, b’ito, the Mexican cuisine around here is pretty tangible. Both before and after consumption.
PatsyT : «link»
Khirad : Why is O’Donnell not cool with Yale but conceited herself to be from the hallowed halls of Princeton and Oxford?
bitohistory : This just in from GlobalVoices: “Mexican Cuisine Declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO”
SueInCa : I agree with you adlib it is too bad our country will have to endure whtever they bring in the process. Does anyone believe we are coming to some kind of a reckoning?
AdLib : Tape
AdLib : Sue – Here’s a Tea Bagger simulator you can create yourself. Tale record yourself yelling, “Yeah but Obama’s a marxist and a muslim and he wants to destroy our country!” and then just play it back after each question you ask. It’s just like the real thing!
PatsyT : She put a spell on you
kesmarn : Christine is remarkably clean-shaven and wart-free for a witch.
Khirad : Hmm, doing research, and apparently this Alaskan band has the one black person in Alaska.
PatsyT : Kes no facial hair here – I am not a witch
AdLib : This whole Tea Party lunacy is so short term advantage with long term destruction for the GOP. They are lying about what they can and will do to make everything peachy, when their supporters realize it was BS and grow disappointed, support evaporates and strands the GOP high and dry on the loony right wing rocks. AND…all polls still show greater dissatisfaction with Repub Congresspeople than Dems. So take away their outsider mantle and let them prove their BS is just that, they’ll be far worse off in the long run than they were after Obama won.
SueInCa : I would just love to have a sit down with these people but I am afraid I would come out as batshitcrazy as them. I would have a ball in the process
kesmarn : Yale? Wow, he does a great Redneck impersonation.
PatsyT : I don’t know the spelling of the drugs I guess that a good thing
kesmarn : Facial Nair, Patsy.
PatsyT : He needs – Beard be Gone
bitohistory : Miller is Yale Educated Hippo-Critter
SueInCa : More like he has to be on prozac
kesmarn : Does he have a disabled shaving hand?
PatsyT : I thought he was on Ambian
AdLib : Bito – Yes! And Angle is on government health care with her husband!
Khirad : I saw his wife was on unconstitutional unemployment too, after he had to let her go nonetheless.
SueInCa : I don’t hink O’donnell is afraid of a little ole excorcism, she is originally roman catholic, now she is charasmatic lol
PatsyT : I’ll do what you do … yippee she is going to clean my House!
kesmarn : Do we know where O’Donnell was born? Maybe she’s something that scampered out of Palin during that exorcism…
bitohistory : Speaking of AK, did anyone see that Joe Miller was on Medicaid?
AdLib : I am not a stupid bitch. I’m you.
Khirad : Palin does know witch hunters, after all.
PatsyT : I am still not a witch
SueInCa : Kes – Freaking whore?
AdLib : Maybe O’Donnell is bothered by Palin’s exorcism?
SueInCa : Like O’Donnell is any judge. That is like dumb talking about dumber
kesmarn : Uh-oh. Christine’s going to get a nasty email from Todd Palin.”Endorsem ent is a two way street, you $%$&@#%!!!”
Khirad : Sorry, I’ve been in and out, have we already covered Todd’s grammar? Like, he did make it through Junior High, right?
PatsyT : Bito it’s like the guy in prison … he will have to make nice with them
AdLib : Neithe O’Donnell or Joe Miller in AK will say they think Palin would make a good president. And she endorsed both! What does that say about how toxic Palin is?
PatsyT : Whooo they are eating their own
SueInCa : Patsy I am just glad he is out of DC
bitohistory : He hasn’t made friends with the Unions in Chi with his “fuck the UAW”
Khirad : I tried looking them up but I was convinced it was a Christian “Xtreme Faith” BS band, too.
PatsyT : Chicago is one tough city I would not worry about it Daly has done a great job in many areas
AdLib : Too funny!
AdLib : WHAT???
AdLib :
Check out this headline from yesterday: Even Christine O’Donnell Won’t Say that Sarah Palin is qualified to Be President
kesmarn : I wonder if Rahm and Chicago might not be a good fit.
SueInCa : I think he will, he seems to have a rapport with the people. And he will be close to Daley in his running of the city
bitohistory : Never mind, Sue
AdLib : Is Rahm going to win his run for Mayor? As long as he’s out of DC, I’m happy but I’d feel sorry for Chicago.
kesmarn : He will sound like Mother Teresa in Chicago.
SueInCa : Ok bito now I am lost………… ……
PatsyT : AdLib Hey now Rahm is free to do that bit
bitohistory : Even the Fascist Ford realized that,Sue. After a few strikes!
SueInCa : Oh adlib i think it would be great fun
AdLib : Rahm was brought up thinking George Carlin’s “Seven Words You Can’t Say on TV” was a vocabulary builder.
kesmarn : Yes, Khirad. To hear Palin talk, you’d think they were still doing minstrel shows up there.
SueInCa : If Bristol is in it, it is not a real band it is a xtian band
SueInCa : Khirad
PatsyT : Now thats what I liked about him
SueInCa : Bito they want to sell us off piece by piece, the last laugh will be on them when no one can buy anymore
AdLib : Sue – That’s why I say, please run Palin! Win the GOP primary and get hammered in the GE!
Khirad : When I heard about Bristol being in a band’s video, I was like, Alaska has bands? I sorta thought that’s why Jewel left.
kesmarn : You’re right, Patsy. Rahm is more like it. Did you see in his farewell message, he commented that he had taught people new words and new combinations of old words…?
AdLib : Palin’s favorable’s are 22%! A whopping 64 percent of respondents think she would not make an effective president. And that’s been steady since she was running with McCain.
bitohistory : Why does the Chamber of Commerce hate America? That was left on a C of C blog.
SueInCa : Jesus, Adlib she is dumber than I thought
kesmarn : That would be “this is a big fucking deal” Biden.
PatsyT : That was a little Rahm
SueInCa : Patsy, what did I start? You are the sailor lol
kesmarn : You were just briefly possessed. By the spirit of Biden…
AdLib : Patsy – You yam what you yam and that’s all what you yam! You’re Patsy the Sailor, man!
PatsyT : I am not a witch
kesmarn : Whooohooo, Patsy! Feel all better?
PatsyT : I am a sailor!
AdLib : Go Patsy, go!
PatsyT : Screw fuck piss shit whore – sorry meg whitmann- dickface yes I’m talking to your newt – more shit and such there that will do me for a month
AdLib : Here’s a WaPo article: Palin will run in 2012 if you want her to Taking time out from bashing out-of-touch elites, Sarah Palin went to West Palm Beach on Wednesday to tape a webcast for newsmax.com and made a laughable pronouncement. According to Jose Lambiet’s “Page 2 Live” blog at The Palm Beach Post, the former half-term governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee said that she would run in 2012 if “the American people” want her to. Earth to Palin: they don’t. Now, this might difficult for Palin or her legions of fans and admirers to accept, but “the American people” have consistently said they don’t think she is qualified or should be president. You will recall that last month I said Sarah Palin is everywhere — and going nowhere. A CBS News poll released on Oct. 6 shows nothing has changed. Her overall favorable rating rests at 22 percent. Among Independents — the folks who decide elections — she is liked by just 21 percent. Meanwhile, 48 percent of those polled have an unfavorable view of her. An additional 29 percent said they don’ t know her or are undecided about her. Ultimately, a whopping 64 percent of respondents think she would not make an effective president. The same number of Independents hold that view, as do 45 percent of Republicans.
kesmarn : I’m thinking about a bowl of cereal now…
SueInCa : coke break and not the straw kind
bitohistory : batshitcrazy, k;es I thought Shelly had that trademarked as her first name, lol
SueInCa : Adlib I will have to tie my hubby to a chair, he will come unglued. He is a faithful Obama supporter.
AdLib : Kes – As Sue says, she is an ideal demagogue but way too flawed to run the country. They love her for what she’s doing now and that’s it.
kesmarn : Yes. Those debates will not even need SNL. They will parody themselves. There will be endless entertainment.
PatsyT : Oh Kes and back at you with the chocolate LOL very funny!
SueInCa : Thanks Kes I can always count on you to not make me feel like a loner LOL
kesmarn : batshitcrazy is the only word that really expresses it, though, Sue. Goddammit!
AdLib : Sue – I can’t wait for the Repub Presidential Debates! Yes, they will bash Obama and lie…but they will turn on each other because they want to win…and it will be great fun!
SueInCa : Kes she is their crazy aunt
kesmarn : Why do they not distance themselves from her AdLib? What purpose does she serve for the Repubs?
SueInCa : I really have to clean up my mouth. My mom says I talk like a sailor lol. Republicans and baggers are to blame
AdLib : Kes – I am very confident about this. Palin’s negatives have been high for years. She has no answers, no one wants her answering the White House phone at 3 AM, not even Repubs!
PatsyT : Bito «link»
SueInCa : Time will tell but those debates are going to be entertaining. they will have another year to perfect the batshitcrazy personalities
kesmarn : Please be right AdLib! Please, please!
AdLib : We’ll keep your beer cold, Bito!
bitohistory : Break time!
AdLib : Kes – Yes, there are states where such loons can win this year but that is not the majority of states.
kesmarn : That’s about where chocolate does tend to hit, Patsy. In the rear, below the belt.
SueInCa : Adlib, they are the antichrist they always talk about.
PatsyT : Oooo Kes Hollow chocolate Easter Bunny Now that is hitting below the belt
AdLib : Sue – As you wrote about, those Dominionists and RW Christians see all other religions as the enemy. They’re on a mission to make America a Christian nation (their version of Christianity) with no tolerance for unbelievers.
kesmarn : But if O’Donnell ran in KY, I think she’d have an excellent chance, much as it pains me to say it.
SueInCa : Patsy i know. i just have this bad feelinf about her like she is a chamelon and could pull a fast one. she is fake and she can change to get what she wants. she might run as a second again. The debates will be good. Get out the crackers and asparagus/spinac h dip
PatsyT : Governing ?-? Hard Dancing with the Stars ?-? Easy
AdLib : Yes, there are states like AK and NV where right wing wackjobs can win but the demographics of the nation don’t support that. If a radical loon like O’Donnell was running in CA for Senate of Gov, she’d be creamed.
kesmarn : Sue, the fundies are saying “yoga is ungodly” now as well. Next, we’ll be excommunicated for eating curry.
PatsyT : Sue, she may run I don’t know but I see plenty of rough waters for her if she takes it on and It might get harder to get on Dancing with the Stars with a bruised up reputation.
bitohistory : Yes, Sue. I don’t think I could hold a match to you. What you know about religion and all the entanglements amazes me.
AdLib : Here’s my proposition, a radical right Repub can’t win against Obama. The votes aren’t there.
kesmarn : Palin does indeed have no center. She’s like the hollow chocolate Easter bunny — all air inside.
SueInCa : Do you know that now the religious right is talking about ch’i being a bad thing? My grandson told me so I had to explain to him all about ch’i. he heard it at his christian school
AdLib : Patsy – You’ve put your finger on it, once these bullshitters have to govern, once they have to compromise or fail, they will lose their support. Based on their performance, the worst thing to happen to the Baggers could be getting elected and showing what loons and sellouts they are.
kesmarn : Kingmaker Rush doesn’t like centrists. He’s pushing all the most extreme RW candidates. There’s another one who has more influence than he should!
SueInCa : Bito? Did you see my answer to you?
AdLib : Kes – Yep, it is historically the only way candidates win. The Repub and Dem primary winners always move to the center in the GE. Palin can’t do that, she has no center.
kesmarn : Patsy, and her kids show it.
bitohistory : Moving back to the center seems to be getting many bagger in trouble, lately. Bennet tore into Buck last night–with facts and past statements
PatsyT : She is the Stay away from Home Mom!
SueInCa : OK guys, I concede(not really lol) but I will keep hope alive that America is not that dumb.
PatsyT : Governing is hard and your poll numbers will go down makes it harder to -ghost write – and sell books !
kesmarn : As a Repub, AdLib?
AdLib : The whole deal with Palin endorsing is to get obligations from those she endorses to support her campaign for president. I will bet she runs.
kesmarn : I voted for Hillary in the primary, admire Obama (and voted for him, of course), but I would be sorry to see him dump Biden for Hillary. I like Biden.
SueInCa : Bito I want to sit down with Palin and ask her all about her religious ties. I bet she would be gone in a flash. No one has questioned her about her prayer warriors
AdLib : Patsy – Agreed! Palin will never win a general election because candidates have to move back to the center to do so and her center is everyone else’s far right.
kesmarn :
That, too, Patsy!
SueInCa : Obama was being groomed from the 2004 convention
AdLib : Obama was about 25 points behind Hillary in Dec. 2007.
PatsyT : She underestimates US at her peril!
PatsyT : Anyone know Obama’s numbers some 4 years ago?
kesmarn : Palin’s role now as kingmaker is telling. The woman has clout. I think we underestimate her at our peril.
AdLib : Sue – The party out of power almost always picks up seats in the off year so it’s not so unexpected, especially in the midst of a huge recession.
SueInCa : She and Toad are very dangerous people. I am not afraid of her I am more afraid of how low the electorate is becoming.
bitohistory : Who do want to have a beer with? Newtie, S’arah, or Mitt
There’s your winner.
boomer1949 : Sue – I must agree. Flannel shirts, pickup trucks, gun racks, and helicopters to hunt. She’s every huntin’ man’s dream. She should not be written off.
SueInCa : I did not think Dems would lose the house either Adlib. I guess I don;t have faith in the American intellect any more.
AdLib : However, that doesn’t mean she can’t win the GOP primary! Yeah!
kesmarn : This administration was brought to you by the number 6. Bush’s IQ.
AdLib : War Room Friday, Oct 8, 2010 11:36 ET According to a new CBS poll, America really doesn’t care for Sarah Palin. She is viewed favorably by 22% of Americans, and unfavorably by 48%. Those are not great numbers for a potential 2012 candidate.
AdLib : Kes – I stand corrected. Heh-heh-heh!
SueInCa : But we can see right now, intellect does not count for much with alot of Americans. They don’t want someone they cannot understand or compare themselves to.
kesmarn : I was gonna say Bush was the first double digit IQ in the WH, but then I recalled — single digit for him.
AdLib : Don’t worry about that, Sue. According to Salon today: Americans hate Sarah Palin A new poll find that almost half of the nation doesn’t care for the queen of the tea parties. War Room Friday, Oct 8, 2010 11:36 ET Americans hate Sarah Palin A new poll find that almost half of the nation doesn’t care for the queen of the tea parties By Alex Pareene * Americans hate Sarah Palin AP Sarah Palin According to a new CBS poll, America really doesn’t care for Sarah Palin. She is viewed favorably by 22% of Americans, and unfavorably by 48%. Those are not great numbers for a potential 2012 candidate.
bitohistory : Would you like to see Crist in the Senate?
PatsyT : Well she better round up the ghost and witches she will need them all with her thin intellect
SueInCa : I think, unfortunately, Obama has to drop Biden and take on Hillary.
kesmarn : Patsy, Palin would probably enjoy being the first female Prez ….to abdicate and (ghost) “write” a tell-all book.
SueInCa : Adlib and all – Don’t sell Palin short. She is the pick of those crazy dominionists who are 7 mountains people. If she should make it, I am outta here and will watch the theocracy from a distant land.
AdLib : Jeb Bush!
Khirad : Ah yeas, how could I forget the Paw man.
PatsyT : I hope puny newt runs I would love to see other repubs fry his marriage records
AdLib : Pawlenty is as boring as watching grass grow.
boomer1949 : kes, “hey Mr. Tangerine man play a song for me…”
AdLib : I think Palin runs, she has nothing to lose. Greater fame, power and celebrity if she loses and if she wins…the dream of being the first double digit IQ in the White House!
SueInCa : Kes get irt right, it is batshitcrazy. Crazy is for a Bush
Khirad : I’ve actually heard Thune dropped. Thune. Hey, if they want to go the charisma-deficie nt route, I say let them.
PatsyT : Well Palin always has the help of Todd!!
kesmarn : Newt has a lotta baggage, too. Professionally and personally.
boomer1949 : You know, bottom line, it’s going to be someone as crazy as those who will be voting. Sister Sarah (Lord help us) will be the chosen one and explains why she ditched her office in Alaska.
bitohistory : What has Newt ever done but be a backbecher and bomb thrower? Even when he was speaker.
SueInCa : Patsy – Because the Dominionists have been grooming her. They have the court now, and she is their religious puppet
AdLib : Boehner? I doubt he’ll even stay as Speaker. DeMint is trying to usurp him because Boehner isn’t very popular.
kesmarn : The Tangerine Man is a definite possibility, Sue. Has all the qualifications: shallow, greedy, bought off, and –last but not least — crazy.
PatsyT : I am not so sure about Palin — I am getting the feeling that she just likes to play politics – you know kinda like a barbie doll — and the actual work would make her glaze over — She is a quitter you know– and she seems to really LIKE the money — why give up the easy make money life?
AdLib : The Tea Party IS the GOP, they’re not a third party, they’re the far right wing of it. Consider that most Baggers have run as Repubs in Repub primaries.
SueInCa : How about Agent Orange?
AdLib : IMO, Romney is not Tea Bagger enough to win the primary. Newt is like Palin, the nuts love them causing trouble for Dems but don’t want them to be president.
kesmarn : I see Palin as a Tea Party candidate, AdLib.
bitohistory : I agree, k’es it will be someone that is not running now.
boomer1949 : kes, i worked at Macy’s for 4 1/2 years. Fitting rooms beyond gross. The stories I could tell.
AdLib : Kes – Don’t think so, Palin wants the power of the GOP and Tea Party behind her. I sure hope she runs.
bitohistory : NEWT?
SueInCa : Romney is a no go, too Mormon. Huckabee has the WASH police killer on his resume. Palin or Newt – see batshitcrazy
boomer1949 : Romney.
kesmarn : I think the Repub candidate might be someone we don’t know very well yet. But I’m betting Palin will run 3rd party.
AdLib : Huckabee…the guy who paroled a murderer? Tough to win the GOP primary on that, his competitors will hammer him on that.
SueInCa : Patsy I always rinse and dry clothes before I wear them, I worked at JCP and saw their storage rooms LOL
boomer1949 : btw everyone — the Planet is the only place I speak my mind, vent, or give my opinion. Unless, of course, it’s Farmville
Only to keep peace in the family. Are you convinced?
PatsyT : Sue LOL Ding Ding winner!
bitohistory : Huckabee!
AdLib : How far right will the GOP candidate have to be in 2012? I used to think Romney was a shoe in but not anymore.
SueInCa : Adlib, whoever it is will be batshitcrazy
PatsyT : Ahhh Sue it’s that crap from China!!
SueInCa : They have traced bedbugs to items coming from overseas.
PatsyT : Say what are the links you can use there and by way I have posted on many a page like Madow- David Corn – and such – asking them why is AH banning this site from her -“Progressive Site” – when she has a standing link to Drudge?
boomer1949 : Thank you sir.
AdLib : You’re a gem, Boomer!
boomer1949 : AdLib, I’m one of the “guilty” but forever a loyalist.
bitohistory : I saw it on metacrawler, 3 months ago?
AdLib : Boomer – The end of last year. But we have many members that read and don’t post often.
boomer1949 : nuh, uh. How long ago?
bitohistory : He posted Planetpov on huffpoo, just wondered if he was still there. He bragged on the site,
boomer1949 : Tyler-Durden before my time. Why bito?
AdLib : He had a good idea to set up a site that discerned BS Dems from true Progressive Dems. And Yes, Tyler Durden was the Brad Pitt character in Fight Club.
PatsyT : Why do you ask Bito?
kesmarn : Does the name Tyler Durden come from the movie “Fight Club”?
AdLib : Tyler-Durden was an active blogger here for a little while.
Khirad : See, that’s my defense of MSNBC, too. Just drop the act already, FOX, what will you lose by it? And CNN? I’d call them center-right most of the time.
PatsyT : I remember that poster
SueInCa : I habe heard the name
AdLib : Arianna, Fiorina and Whitman are all giving the oldest profession a bad name.
kesmarn : Arianna and Whitman. Twins separated at birth.
bitohistory : OT, does the name Tyler-Durden mean anything to anyone?
boomer1949 : The baysitters must be on strike.
SueInCa : Khirad and the religious right
AdLib : Sue – I’m not surprised about CNN doing that, their news is just as deceptively labeled “Fair and Balanced” as Fox. At least MSNBC never promotes in that direction.
Khirad : Well, we already knew the Mecca of porn was Utah, right?
PatsyT : Huffington Poll Porn!
SueInCa : The best thing is I saw an ad there for “junk financing” and AH is trying to save 3rd world america? she is a hoe
AdLib : Huff…huff…hu ffington!
boomer1949 : AdLib–so much for Family Values, eh?
PatsyT : It’s Huffington Porn!
kesmarn : Ahhhh…young ones at HuffyPo…you have learned your lesson well. You have mastered Fox News technique and wisdom…cleavag e and butts will always sell product…you are getting verrry sleepy…
SueInCa : You all know CNN helped skew polls one year and were outside poling places giving wrong info on purpose. Orwell rolls in his grave watch it.
Khirad : Oh lord, I thought that story had finally died. First the Sherrod one last night now this again? Pulling out the greatest hits Mr. Fineman?
AdLib : Patsy – Everyone who truly cares about America. Then…there are the Repubs and Corporations…
AdLib : Khirad – They’re probably getting truckloads of cash from the RW to flood their results around the MSM.
boomer1949 : Patsy, Pa Tiberi is (R) and a conservative yahoo. He’s been hanging around like a chad n FL. I continually wrote to him during the primaries and campaign, and even since the election. No offense to anyone, but he is a typical Italian, Catholic. Sorry folks, the computer is beyond slow tonight.
bitohistory : I wonder if Nate is using the same methodology, now that he has hit the big times?
PatsyT : Shouldn’t EVERYONE be against the $$$ coming from foreign corps- via Chamber of Commerce – like the ones in the middle east flooding the election ??
Khirad : I’m getting really ticked off with the carpetbombing of Rassie, FOX and SurveyUSA polls all the time. They make up like 3/4ths of the polling data.
SueInCa : Ok someone answer this, is there really inbreeding going on? How did they get these freaks? I think it is the church
AdLib : OT but to those who have attacked HuffPo as sleazy and exploitive, I dare you to click on this link to their front page and look at the graphic of their top story: «link»
kesmarn : Sue, in the case of O’Donnell, the broom would have the same IQ as the candidate anyway, so, no matter…
PatsyT : I hope they have not bought out Nate
SueInCa : Khirad, don’t torture yourself. The October surprise is righ around the corner
Khirad : Hey bito, I’m distracted on Nate’s depressing site right now.
SueInCa : chit kes, they will still not get it, they will wonder broom? or person?
kesmarn : Or,perhaps, Ronald McConnell?
bitohistory : You wnt fries with that?
AdLib : Kes – Why not take it all the way, the picture for the Repubs is McDonalds french fries.
bitohistory : Where did my fellow AZ, Khirad, go?
PatsyT : Those baggers better get used to saying – My Leige!
AdLib : When Tea Baggers come out of the voting booth, they finish zipping up their flies.
kesmarn : It won’t be long before they have pictures on the ballot, Sue. Just click next to the pretty lady with the pointy hat and broomstick.
boomer1949 : AdLib – I hope not. Aren’t they mental to begin with?
PatsyT : You know what I want to see on one of thes (NSNBC) news station – A political talk show hosted by the homeless…
SueInCa : adlib teabaggers use crayon to vote, it is awonder they can read.
kesmarn : b’ito, I totally would believe the homeless got “walking around money” and free tee shirts with Portman’s name on them.
PatsyT : Yes! Go Boomer! Is your congress rep runing?
SueInCa : You know I never used to have anegative opinion of them, then came the “I want my country back” freaks and that all changed
AdLib : Mentally Absentee
AdLib : Is there a Mental Absentee ballot for those voting Tea Party?
boomer1949 : kes, for sure!
AdLib : Sue – Well played!
boomer1949 : OHIO – I voted Absentee by mail all Dem.
AdLib : Then that is the division. The wealthy behind the Tea Bagger fraud are the Super Dupers and those who buy into it are the Pooper Scoopers.
SueInCa : Crashbox? No that is just my charming personality when it comes to the right adlib
kesmarn : We Buckeyes understand each other. After all, what is a buckeye but a kind of nut?
bitohistory : It wold be interesting if any of the homeless got some “walking around money”,
boomer1949 : kes, senior moment…thank god for another Buckeye to decipher my code.
SueInCa : I lready voted. my hubby applied for mail late last week and got his ballot today
AdLib : Someone else watches Crashbox with their kids?
PatsyT : LOL Sue you beat me to it !
kesmarn : With their Pooper-scoopers, for all that BS they sling.
SueInCa : pooper scoopers
AdLib : Super Dupers.
kesmarn : Dupes and “Dupees” I guess.
boomer1949 : kes…
kesmarn : That’s what I thought. You were just saying that it’s late to be able to pull up the names of movies from the ole mental Rolodex, right, boomer?
AdLib : Kes – The Lexus drivers are the ones who dupe and the street people are the dupes.
PatsyT : Gee AdLib that comes in handy for keeping the Lexus clean
SueInCa : Well then, welcome Boomer LOL
boomer1949 : bito dear…I’m here for the duration. Come hell-or-high-wat er. Not you guys, I’m still here.
kesmarn : boomer! You’re not leaving are you? It’s early in the evening!
SueInCa : night boomer patsy i could not find one on the spanish channel univison?
AdLib : Night Boomer!
kesmarn : When I went to the pre-debate rally this past week, the T-Bag people seemed to be divided into two sectors. Lexus drivers and street people. Are they paying these people to demo for them and run up the numbers for the media?
PatsyT : Boomer all the best to your and yours!
boomer1949 : Fiorina is a corporate hoe. Even I know that and I’m Ohia’.
bitohistory : boomer, Good night young lady!
PatsyT : anyone
SueInCa : You are welcome boomer, I could see his face redrum redrum lol
PatsyT : I missed those debates between brown and mega illegals and one have a link?
SueInCa : Boxer will win too. Fiorina is a pimp too
boomer1949 : Sue-thanks! I’m on EDT and it’s waaaay past my bedtime. Hoever, kes is a much better woman than I.
AdLib : Brown and Boxer!
SueInCa : Brown is going to win and I am taking that as my consolation prize. He will be great for Ca again
AdLib : The “whore” thing is BS. Brown didn’t say it. Unlike Whitman who did hire an illegal immigrant then try to sweep her under the rug…or hire another illegal immigrant to do the sweeping.
SueInCa : The Shining
SueInCa : I have not heard much backlash. people like brown
boomer1949 : Actually, they remind me of Nicholson in what the heck is the name of the movie?
kesmarn : It came out that Lou Dobbs hired illegals, too! Hahahaha!
Khirad : Same question as bito.
SueInCa : Whitless is the Tiger Woods of 2010 another ex employee came out today or yesterday – a nanny
kesmarn : What else can you call someone who sells her favors to folks with money? Whitman is what she is!
boomer1949 : kes, twinkie!
SueInCa : bito, we all agreed
AdLib : Sue – Good work!
bitohistory : What was the reaction about Brown;s aide callig Whitman a a whore in CA
kesmarn : Jinx, boomer!
SueInCa : Adlib I sent a real nasty email to her preacher
kesmarn : Yup, Sue. The inmates have taken over the asylum. And who knows when/if cooler heads will ever prevail.
boomer1949 : Sue, the baggers have taken over the asylum, you’re giving them way too much credit.
AdLib : Khirad – Absolutely. However, there have been and are a number of wack jobs in the Senate. Ol’ Ted “Tubes” Stevens?
SueInCa : Kes – They are all droids. The real conservative is an outcast these days. The baggers have taken over the institution. It is One flew over the cookcoos nest eveyday with pubs now
boomer1949 : kes, all of them…it’s an “eye thing”. Angle, Bachman, O’Donnell, even Boehner. Seriously, look at their eyes.
AdLib : I wonder if Angle’s preacher friend declaring Mormonism a “cult” will be enough to hurt her.
Khirad : AdLib, I’ve thought that too about the reelection tool. The thing is, some House seats going back to the GOP don’t bother me, but some of these crazy people running for Senate could wreak some havoc and be stirring it up for six years, not two.
kesmarn : This is hardly “deep,” but there is something about Angle’s perpetual grin that creeps me out. She’s Stepford Wife-ish.
SueInCa : I lived in NV, I know there are some yahoos there but my god, they want to go back to the days of Moses with that Angle. I did not know alot of religious people there either
bitohistory : Sorry about the double music thread, Patsy. crossed wires?
AdLib : Khirad – If disillusioned Dems and Indies vote “None of the Above”, those are votes Angle’s losing, not Reid.
Khirad : I saw on the New York Times tracker that the “none of the above option” favors Reid. But, how can they be so sure?
AdLib : It’s fucked up but a Repub House would probably be the best Obama re-election tool.
SueInCa : I know adlib. it is a conundrum(sic). I am really just disappointed in how the dems have acted. I want fire
PatsyT : Yep driving duties are done for the day
boomer1949 : Hi Patsy!
kesmarn : Welcome back, Patsy!
Khirad : Hi all, hi Patsy.
AdLib : Hey Patsy, you’re back!
PatsyT : Hi folks
AdLib : Sue – That’s the dilemma I find myself in, when I hear Reid is tied or down in NV I have to catch myself because if he loses, Angle will wreak havoc in the Senate. If she wins but the Dems keep The Senate, it would mean that we’d likely have someone way more capable and way less spineless as Majority Leader.
SueInCa : Evening Khirad
boomer1949 : bito, I’ll post in OT over the weekend. Not a pretty picture.
kesmarn : I got a link to that site, too, b’ito. I put it up on my fb page, and my daughter was using it, too.
SueInCa : Tim Kaine is a pimp, sorry he is the sorriest excuse for a leader. I am pretty bold these days sorry
Khirad : I looked up the zip, and saw Qantas. One of my friends did indeed lose her job about two years back.
boomer1949 : Hey Kirhad!
boomer1949 : bito, just did. I’m embarrassed by the companies in my state and the way they are conducting business. Very sad, very sad.
SueInCa : Bito – I opened it and will bookmark it. you know I will research it lol
kesmarn : Does anyone know anything about this purported “deal” made between Reid and McConnell over the interim appointments situation? It’s all very hush-hush.
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
AdLib : Bito – Great site and stats! WIll bookmark it. Too bad the Vidjits (Voter Idjits) don’t care about facts.
kesmarn : Hi, Khirad!
SueInCa : adlib i guess that is what i was getting at. pelosi pissed me off with the bailout thing and we all watched the market crash, but then she goes silent. seriously? i cannot stand reid, he is a milquetoast. not a fighting bone in his body
Khirad : Tim Kaine is still acting like Governor of Virginia. And bito, ironic, but my flagfox says that site’s IP is in Canada!
kesmarn : Howard Dean has spunk. I feel for Obama. Not only does he have to govern. He has to do all the campaigning, too! When does he get to sleep??
bitohistory : and post your results sometime?
AdLib : Now…if the Repubs win the House and bring the nation to a grinding halt…I don’t think there will be an enthusiasm gap in 2012 with Dems.
bitohistory : Can every one take a look at this «link»
SueInCa : no i want the capitol. i want them to have to look at my signs every effing day
kesmarn : I am lost on the Farmville scene. I don’t even want to start. Do I not already have enough people, plants and cats who are meowing to be fed (well, not the plants)?
AdLib : Here’s one of my biggest complaints, why have the Dems laid around like lox for the past year instead of putting together a combative strategy to redefine the election. The GOP has run the show all the way with little coordinated efforts from the Dems. They made this election about the failure of Obama and Obama, being way too modest, hasn’t punched back all year until the last few weeks. Tim Kaine is a total failure, Howard Dean wouldn’t have let things fall apart like this when he ran the DNC.
SueInCa : nope i go there get messages say a few words and leave. thinking of setting up a Pitchforks page though
kesmarn : Or do a Cindy Sheehan and camp out in front of Boehner’s tanning parlor.
boomer1949 : God Bless you Sue…I held out for a long, long time and then was coerced (sad to say)). Now I own a dog, a bakery, a tractor, seeder, and combine. Pretty scary, but my kid is a happy camper.
SueInCa : I would love to go to WA and be that little old lady who sits in front of Capitol hill with my protest sign. dress all ugly and accost them with my sign.
bitohistory : How about Cafe, Sue?
kesmarn : They’ll try to eat Obama’s lunch, too, AdLib. They’ve tried everything else.
SueInCa : I still haven’t played that one farmville
AdLib : lynch mob
AdLib : Let’s not forget the witch hunt and lunch mob the Repubs will be in the House to try and bring Obama down.
boomer1949 : Sheeple — they need to go play Farmville.
SueInCa : We are talking about the fox news crowd
AdLib : Second Sue’s props Kes, well said!
kesmarn : Sue, it’s gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion!
boomer1949 : Well, yeah Sue, but I guess I’m giving people the benefit of the doubt. ‘Course I often forget what we’re dealing with here.
SueInCa : kes you have a way witrh words lol
AdLib : Boomer – They say repeal but it’s BS. They can’t repeal, they’re lying and promising unicorns. All they can do is refuse to include financing in their budget…but the Senate, if it remains Dem will include it so there will be no budget without their compromise.
kesmarn :
bitohistory : Invritro-brats
kesmarn : I think the Repubs are cool with a gridlocked government. It gets the speed bump out of the way on the highway to corporate domination.
SueInCa : boomer their sheeple are not going to bother finding out for themselves, they are to lazy so the lie stands
boomer1949 : kes, invertebrates
SueInCa : Because it sounds better Boomer
AdLib : Again, if the Repubs refuse to fund HCR, the Dems need to stand united and force the Repubs to shut down government.
kesmarn : Quite a number of them are invertebrates.
boomer1949 : AdLib, why do they say “repeal” then?
bitohistory : If Pelosi stays as leader, she will let them shut down, Steny…..????
kesmarn : Yes. That funding question is what I was thinking of. I shouldn’t have said “repeal” (although they say that), but they can strangle it at birth.
SueInCa : If I walked by him on the street, I would trip him
boomer1949 : Have a friend who traveled to China frequently, not so much these days, but he was ALWAYS on the “watch”.
AdLib : McClintock is awful.
AdLib : They can’t repeal HCR, Obama would have to sign off on that. They can refuse to fund it…and Dems should face off with them then and dare them to shut down government over this.
kesmarn : I know a couple of people in China now, b’ito. They have to be extremely careful of what they say. Even in private emails. Lovely environment…
bitohistory : No, k’es, but it has to be funded.
boomer1949 : kes, OMG I certainly hope not. But then again, there is Crispy Critter.
SueInCa : I don’t worry about Boxer, but my congress is Tom “carpetbagger” McClintock
kesmarn : Does anyone think there’s the slightest chance that they actually will be able to repeal “Obamacare”?
SueInCa : someone is trying to force crossroads to fess up i saw it somewhere
AdLib : Sue – That’s why we have to push back. There are a number of Dems with backbones. We’ll need them to step up in the next two years more than ever.
bitohistory : Just reading today about the Chinese Government censoring the words “Nobel Prize” from the internet there. So ain’t this fun?
boomer1949 : AdLib, oh, oh, I heard something on NPR this morning, must’ve been Morning Edition, about Rove; might havce been yesterday, but certainly this week. All about funding political ads and where the monies were coming from.
kesmarn : Well put, AdLib. It’s through the looking glass. Up is down, war is peace… Rational thought is powerless against such “logic.”
AdLib : Bito – If the Repubs in the House refuse to fund things the Dems insist on, the government shuts down. How did that work last time for the Repubs when Newt did it?
SueInCa : @adlib, exactly my point, stand up and be counted.
bitohistory : Little done may be fine, regression and tying up the funds is not.
AdLib : Kes – That’s from the Rove playbook. When the Dems try to stop the class warfare the Repubs are engaging in, accuse them of class warfare. When the Dems protest GOP racism, accuse them of playing the race card. The problem is that Dems don’t just stand their ground, they back down and let the GOP define the situation. Stand up Dems!
boomer1949 : bito. on a scale of “worst disasters”, I think Hungary tops Haiti. Then again, how does one compare that to Katrina or the Oil debacle?
SueInCa : I have a link to it, most enlightening doc i have seen about the media and how we are being manipulated. i believe nothing now lol i will put a link on OT for you, you will get fired up
AdLib : Bito – Either way, with a thin Dem majority or a Repub majority in the House, little will get done over the next two years. It will be a very unpleasant time and the division in the nation will only get worse.
kesmarn : No, Sue. Haven’t even heard about it. Tell!
SueInCa : Anyone here seen Orwell Rolls in His Grave? I understand this whole process much better as a result of that documentary
kesmarn : AdLib, yes, it’s much more overt now…the racism. And when there’s an objection WE are accused of playing the race card.
boomer1949 : Sue-many have become Lemmings.
bitohistory : boomer, I saw that! it was ONLY 3% of the pond that spilled!!
SueInCa : It all just makes me want to go back to the days of Peoples Park and Sproul Plaza. I babysat for two Berkeley students and they introduced me to protest. where has the fire gone?
boomer1949 : As I said before, I saw a bumper sticker in the grocery store parking lot today…”We the People are Coming in November” and it was on a BMW SUV no less.
AdLib : Kes – So true, this rebirth of open racism, all the races being run on racism and prejudice. When Obama was elected, I thought we had crossed over this period. I find the MSM a reprehensible collaborator on legitimizing racism, they highlight it for the exploitation factor and have brought it all mainstream. Remember 2008 when George Allen lost for aying “Macaca”? In 2010, people would just chuckle at that.
kesmarn : Whoa. Hadn’t seen those Danube pics. When we Hungarians do a disaster we are unbeatable!! Everything on a grand scale for us Magyars.
boomer1949 : AdLib dear, the idjits have always been idjits. The only difference now is that they’re being seduced by the Wizard — you know the manipulator behind the curtain. It’s truly disgusting that so many Amercins can’t think for themselves.
bitohistory : Gridlock is fine, but not regression
kesmarn : Pics are heart-breaking, boomer. It’s gonna be years… It’s their BP disaster. Poor Mother Earth.
AdLib : Here are some photos of the Danube spill…bastards are trying to one up us on the BP spill! We’re number 1! «link»
bitohistory : AdLib, I do not want to see leadership in the house to change hands, we will have Burton out there shooting pumpkins, and Issa doing god Knows what. I am too old and in need of social services.
kesmarn : And then we can never overlook the racism factor, either, AdLib. The worse the economy is, the more people resent successful minority people.
boomer1949 : @kes…absolutel y. Have you looked at the pictures?
kesmarn : Isn’t that scary? 3%!
AdLib : The problem with idjit voters is, as we’ve discussed, their short term memories and their binary thinking. If things are not good, they flip the switch and want “the other party”…with no thought about how they hated that party a year and a half ago. So, we’ll all have to suffer for the next two years so these idjits can flip the switch again in 2012 after things don’t get better with The Party of No running the House.
boomer1949 : Sorry… 3%
boomer1949 : Bito posted earlier today that only 3 of the reservoir from the plant broke out of the levee? Look at what it did.
kesmarn : b’ito, On the Kerry election. I’m sure you know about all the voting machine shenanigans here in Ohio with Blackwell as Sec of State. Total corruption.
kesmarn : Please do leave the name of the book, Sue. I am eternally fascinated by this phenom. It affects all of us!
SueInCa : chit, be back
SueInCa : I just dont know kes. I just read a really good book. I will leave the name in Ot for you. I got it at the dollar store.
kesmarn : I suppose it might be the Purple Danube now. Blue Danube plus Toxic Red = Purple.
boomer1949 : Kes, I’m Hungarian, Swiss, & Pennsylvania Dutch. Had a Prof in college from Hungary. I’m sure she is devistated.
AdLib : Sue – Many Dems are spineless but there are many who are not. I couldn’t believe the cowardice in not voting on the tax cuts before the election!
bitohistory : True, AdLib, but with the 9votes per, he may have won. (
SueInCa : ok boomer, it is a date. i love to travel
kesmarn : I have a couple relatives that are RW fundie, Sue. Talk about lights under bushels. What happened to their brains?
SueInCa : see adlib, dems are sometimes wimps. fight for it like you want it
boomer1949 : Sue, we can all gather in Cannes. Sounds like a plan to me!
AdLib : Isn’t that a song, “The Red Danube”?
AdLib : Bito – The GOP stole votes in OH, Kerry likely won OH and the election but like Gore, didn’t want to look like a bad loser…even though they were both probable winners.
SueInCa : They are trying to make women cover their heads and not speak in the sanctuary.
kesmarn : There might be some bargain real estate in Hungary soon. (I can joke because I’m 1/2 Hungarian.)
boomer1949 : Oh AdLib, I’ll send you the link. Cool place. Never been there, but on my list.
SueInCa : Well then I will take Southern Italy and meet up with you all
kesmarn : More likely Baptist, Sue. But these days it’s hard to tell a RW fundie from the Taliban.
AdLib : Boomer – That’s my dream, a getaway in the south of France.
SueInCa : that was at Kes
bitohistory : In that vid I posted by the Ohio dems about GOTV. Kerry lost Ohio by 9 votes per precinct.
SueInCa : is she muslim or Baptist?
boomer1949 : AdLib – I’d give my right arm for the south of France. Found a cozy Chateau I’d love to stay at for at least 6 months.
AdLib : Bito – The reality is that the House is likely to change hands. We can and should fight for all the Dems we can but we should be prepared for what we need to do in the next two years to deal with probable GOP control of the House.
SueInCa : kes, i would but too damn expensive
kesmarn : Did Mrs. Kasich wear a burqa, too, boomer? Wow. They really want it to be 1955 again, don’t they?
SueInCa : adlib, oh yeah, but way over my budget
AdLib : Kauai is cozy.
bitohistory : Politically, yes it may be just fun, but there are many people hurting out here right now.
AdLib : For two years, we’re screwed anyway, thanks to the moronic instant-gratific ation people out there.
SueInCa : I am thinking Honduras/Roatan – Costa Rica. I am a tropical kind of gal
boomer1949 : @kes, because Westerville OH is his stomping ground, and OH is traditionally a Red state. An article recently ran in the Dispatch about his lovely wife (10 yrs. his junior btw) and how she was a dedicated, stay-at-home mom.
kesmarn : Sue, my son is talking Canada.
SueInCa : We will go back to being the laughingstock of the world. sigh
AdLib : Sue – The south of France is lovely.
AdLib : Bito – I know but when you subtract the Blue Dogs from the Dems in the House, I don’t know that even a slim majority would allow them to pass anything that the Repubs don’t want.
kesmarn : Behind those deer-in-headligh ts eyes is a scheming con man. McConnell, that is.
SueInCa : Id some of these looneys win, the baggers will get what they asked for, problem is so will we. i never really contemplated becoming an expat but it is crossing my mind more and more lately
boomer1949 : kes, Mitch McConnell reminds me of an abused spouse.
kesmarn : I think it was Lehman, boomer. Def a Wall Street boy. How can people be naive enough to trust him?
boomer1949 : kes, John was a good guy, unencumbered, not bought & paid for. Since he left office, he’s been a player — Lehman Bros. I think? Correct me if I’m wrong — someone?
kesmarn : sorry, “they’re” not “there”
AdLib : We’ve got to hold onto the Senate but if the Repubs get the House…it will be great entertainment to see the civil war for control with the Teabaggers…and the Repubs will have to take all the hits for the lunacy of their Bagger Repubs.
SueInCa : I hear you Adlib. my thinking is the same. maybe they will fuck it up so bad, they will all be impeached. the prob is republicans cannot look at anything with logic and Obama will still get the shaft
kesmarn : Joe Miller and Mitch (Cabbage Patch) McConnell are saying there going to shut DC down.
bitohistory : Will they take responsibility for cutting funding?
bitohistory : My problem with the house leadership changing is they can tie the purse strings on all efforts and accomplishments
boomer1949 : AdLi, if Pat Tiberi is reelected, I think I’ll puke. He’s about as useful as a we wash cloth.
SueInCa : I don’t want to see our country go backward, but talking to one on the other side is like talking to a broken record. they cannot even articulate why they are voting for whom
kesmarn : What was the good side of Kasich, boomer? I’m not liking what I’m seeing these days…
AdLib : Sue – When you think about it, if the Dems retained both houses of Congress, 2012 could be even worse. They would have small majorities and nothing would get passed anyway. Giving the Repubs 2 years of the gridlock they want could bury them in 2012.
boomer1949 : Hey Patsy!
boomer1949 : Kasich was my Congreesman a long time ago. Loved, loved, loved him then. But now? He’s all about makin’ money.
SueInCa : Frankly, I am with you Adlib, let them take the hit for the misery they caused.
bitohistory : Now to get the media to realize it.
kesmarn : Patsy! Hurry back!
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
PatsyT : Hey everyone I hope all is well… I’ll be able to join you all in a little while Have Fun!
AdLib : I’m kind of torn. If the Repubs get The House, they will lose the Outsider label and have to take the hits for the troubled economy. Also, the fools who voted for them will soon find they can’t deliver on any of their BS. In 2012, they’d be in bigger trouble. Yet, we would have gridlock for 2 years.
bitohistory : Thee are a lot of polls swinging back to Dems, I think Obama has done great out on the stump
kesmarn : boomer, did you see that Fox’s R. Murdoch gave $1 million to Kasich’s campaign?
SueInCa : Kes, you are right. with bush you could go to jail and some did
boomer1949 : Where has the Common Sense gone?
SueInCa : I know Adlib. That is the short attention span part. I am quite frankly stupified at the ignorance in this country
kesmarn : My own personal latest theory. I think people are getting mad at the person they can “safely” get mad at. Obama. Because he’s sane. People like Bush/Cheney put you in Gitmo and waterboard you if you get mad at them.
AdLib : Sue – But they’ve lived through the punishment that such foolishness has caused. They bought into Bush’s simplicity and in 2008, realized it was BS. Now, it’s like the movie Memento, they’ve lost all those memories.
boomer1949 : @ke…I saw a bumper sticker in the Kroger parking lot today ” “We the People are Coming in November” along with a Kasich bumper sticker. Yuck!
SueInCa : Did you say Palin is used up on ebay?
kesmarn : Sarah P. has a used jet on EBay I hear…
SueInCa : yes, kes. we want it now and not later. we have never had to really face adversity
AdLib : Bito – I’m holding out for the PlanetPOV private jet.
kesmarn : Drive-thru Democracy Sue?
boomer1949 : bito…a raise? Does that mean I have to contribute to his success? Jeeze!
SueInCa : People have alot on their minds and look for the quick way. Someone referred to it as the microwave crowd, no patience
AdLib : Seriously, I see signs of PTSD in the thinking of some of these voters.
kesmarn : I can only speak for Ohio, but it looks mixed. Nate Silver predicts a win for Dem Marcy Kaptur, although she has well-funded T-Bag opposition. Strickland is closing the gap a bit. And Dem Fisher appears to be toast. Repub Portland will probably be Senator.
boomer1949 : Personally? I think they’ve been seduced into believing all the wrong ills of the country, and into believing Pres. Obama is the cause. Not!
AdLib : I mean, look at the clinically insane people a majority are voting for in some states…have they lost it short term or long term?
bitohistory : NO! First we have to sing praises to your post and give you a raise so you can get that limo service that you have been whining about. lol
SueInCa : IMHO I have never seen it this bad and I think alot of Americans have very short attention spans.
boomer1949 : Yep!
SueInCa : hit it
boomer1949 : bito…I’m always up north…
AdLib : Hey bito!
kesmarn : They’re unusual in AZ aren’t they? Tornadoes?
bitohistory : I think they were all up north, k’es.
boomer1949 : @kes
SueInCa : Thanks bito, most fridays i have my grandson
boomer1949 : @bito, all of the above, but serious. The title of the piece gives it all away.
bitohistory : Great to see you Sue, You have been missed
kesmarn : Meltdown. Smack down? Hoe down? Something like that, boomer.
SueInCa : hey bito, good to see you. doing well?
bitohistory : I listened and left a link, boomer. He is good and quick witted
boomer1949 : kes, I think it’s called MELTDOWN!!
kesmarn : Hola, b’ito! Say–were those tornadoes anywhere near where j’avaz lives?
SueInCa : i hear that Kes
boomer1949 : bito, did you listen? Amazing guy, and I do believe Teri is smitten, don’t you?
SueInCa : boomer fall in NCa, wonderful
bitohistory : Agree, boomer!!!
boomer1949 : @ Sue — fair to midland. Fall in Ohio, what more can I say?
kesmarn : Sometimes, by the time Friday night rolls around, the typing skills hit the skids…along with many others, in my case.
SueInCa : Will do
boomer1949 : Okay, before we get serious here, if you haven’t heard Teri Gross’ interview with Jon Stewart, you must go to NPR/Fresh Air and do a listen.
SueInCa : got it, i just cannot type tonite
SueInCa : Yeah, it worked fine boomer and you?
AdLib : Here’s the link to the Vox Populi page: «link»
boomer1949 : Sue, sorry, how the heck are you?
kesmarn : Sue I get full screen by going to the top pull down menu “Live Events” and clicking Vox.
SueInCa : Atlanta is going down
AdLib : All of the above. So glad to see Sue too!
kesmarn : Indeed!
SueInCa : can i go to a full screen?
boomer1949 : Missed?
boomer1949 : It’s so nice to be wanted!
AdLib : Hey!
kesmarn : Boomer! YAY!
AdLib : BOOMER!!!!
SueInCa : Hey Boomer
AdLib : I understand the strategy, “You have to head off this witch thing and get people to see you as just like them!” But she did it so literally, it’s crazy.
boomer1949 : Don’t faint, have a stroke or heart attack, but I’m here too!
kesmarn : You have been brilliant in the parody dept. AdLib! But you’re right. A target rich environment.
SueInCa : CO is a piece of work, I cannot believe the audacity of republican/bagge rs
kesmarn : Was watching Parker and Spitzer and Parker said it was the weirdest thing she’d ever seen. And she’s a Repub. That’s saying a lot.
AdLib : I should have created a parody of it but too many parodies on my plate.
kesmarn : There have been so many parodies of that commercial. A classic!
AdLib : I don’t tell the truth. I’m you.
AdLib : I’m not rational. I’m you.
AdLib : Ok…
kesmarn : I wish she’d say: I’m not running for office. I’m you.
SueInCa : back in a few
AdLib : I’m not an amphibian. I’m you.
SueInCa : The original Salem Witch?
AdLib : I am not a troglodyte. I’m you.
kesmarn : Sue, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Christine O’Donnell. I hope she’s on the topic menu tonight!
SueInCa : both of u as well, i am doing great. involved in some jewelry mking business with a friend
AdLib : SUE!!! How are you?!
kesmarn : Hi AdLib and Sue. It’s so good to see you!
SueInCa : Hey Adlib – I am here on and off tonite
AdLib : Vox Populi is starting shortly, don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT! Hope to see you then!
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