AdLib : Night Bito and thanks!
bitohistory : Night, peace and thanks to everyone for their tthoughts.
AdLib : And Bito, I’ll leave you with this: Pelosi says tax cut vote possible before election (AP) «link»
bitohistory : Well let me leave you with this last one:O’Donnell On Creationism: ‘Too Many People Are Blindly Accepting Evolution As Fact’
PatsyT : Nighty Night All ….Have a wonderful evening
AdLib : Well, why don’t we wrap tonight’s edition of Vox Populi before the plague of boiled frogs rain down on us. Another great chat and it’s led to another great project that can help make a real difference. Thanks Patsy, Bito, Questinia and everyone else who joined us here tonight. Have a great weekend and on Monday, let’s get to work on our Tea Party Plagues…er…p ledges!
PatsyT : Be fruitful and multiply
PatsyT : The New York cabbies use that don’t they?
AdLib : I reupholstered my favorite recliner in boiled frog. Talk about good for the butt!
Questinia : Are boiled frogs good for the butt? In that case YES!
bitohistory : Would boiled frogs on you arse be better ,Q?
AdLib : Maybe…”The Witches of Beastwick”?
AdLib : Maybe we could convince Christine O’Donnell to preside over the plagues if after enlisting Satan to cause them at a bloody altar, we take her to a movie?
AdLib : Butt…butt…
PatsyT : It’s a rare condition
Questinia : I’ve come back to boils and frogs on the BUTT?
bitohistory : Gawd, Patsy, you are on a roll Frogs on your butt.
AdLib : As for plagues, aren’t they more like locusts?
AdLib : No exact hits, that is.
AdLib : BTW, I just Googled for “quotes Tea Party” and got no hits, I wonder if this has been done by anyone else to any degree? Doesn’t seem like it.
PatsyT : Frogs on you butt are worse
bitohistory : Boils! especially on your butt!
AdLib : It would be cool to format it as a professional document, like the GOPs actual Pledge document…only professional.
bitohistory : WTS!!! Great idea.
AdLib : We do want to add some humor to the document too! Hey, maybe WTS could illustrate the cover of it!
PatsyT : Those Boils are a killer
bitohistory : Slaying of the First Born!! Is that u-tubable?
PatsyT : They fail every time
AdLib : Have you tried nail clippers?
PatsyT : I have my handy Haggadah by my side at all times
AdLib : Heh! Patsy, you are so ON tonight!!! The GOP Plague (crossed out) Pledge to America.
bitohistory : Republican Tea Party Pledge On America?
PatsyT : The Ten Plagues … Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Murrain, Boils Hail, Locusts, Darkness, Slaying of the First Born
AdLib : The Official Unofficial GOP and Tea Party Pledge On America!
bitohistory : Republican Tea Party Platform?
PatsyT : u-tubable
AdLib : The Tea Party’s Purge…Pledge On America!
AdLib : Clips from the TP candidates and those associated with it in the video and those and other quotes from print put together into a document.
AdLib : Bito – Yes, we’re discussing doing both a YouTube video of the Tea Party Pledge along with a document.
AdLib : Patsy, you’ve shared a number with me, we can post it on our Planet Facebook Page but also email to many of the groups and even candidates we know of.
bitohistory : Will it be “u-tubable”?
PatsyT : Gosh there are so many groups
bitohistory : enough manure does make good compost, Patsy
AdLib : We can send links of the docs to other groups like the Coffee Party to share and email to others. Try to get this stuff as viral out there as possible to energize Dems.
PatsyT : Just trying to be Green
PatsyT : We might get some good soil out of it
AdLib : PATSY!!! ROFL!!!!
PatsyT : A Comp Post
AdLib : Bito – Yes, I think that just having a post under which folks can add comments with video clips and quotes/pledges from TPs and GOPers would work fine. Then, we collate the quotes, edit the videos together and spread out around the internet to share the links.
kesmarn : Wheeeee. Better than counting sheep vs goats…Googles vs Bings….sleepy. ..getting sleeepy….
bitohistory : Good night k’es, don’t eat any more plums.
PatsyT : Fight Fire with Satire
AdLib : Night Kes, have sweet dreams of sugar plum wine dancing through your head!
bitohistory : Patsy:
PatsyT : Kes… Nighty night
kesmarn : Whoa…midnight here. I think I’d better take my leave, dear friends.
AdLib : Who supplies the pomegranate martinis?
bitohistory : Not really AdLib, but we need a collection post, eh
kesmarn : Bing supplies the White House and Google supplies Colbert with AdLib authored material.
PatsyT : They should really lay off the sauce
bitohistory : Night Q, thanks for everything!!
AdLib : Hey, Bing and Google are crawling…catfi ght!
AdLib : Bito – We can absolutely do that, do we need to?
bitohistory : Should we post them on a “secret-members only” place AdLib?
kesmarn : Good night, Q! I’m going to read your article ASAP! Sleep well.
AdLib : Night Questinia! Thanks for posting that article – left you a comment!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Q!
AdLib : Patsy –
Questinia : G’nite compatriots!
PatsyT : «link»
AdLib : I liked Colbert’s joke about how many of the wealthy are suffering so bad, they’re vacation-homeles s.
kesmarn : The guy who wrote it said that he had encountered a “virtual lynch mob” after that. No kidding? Talk about out of touch!
bitohistory : That one was ‘rich’ k’es!! it got pulled-404ed “real quick like” but too late for it to not be all over the web
kesmarn : Fuuny, b’ito, how the major banks all wanted some of that Fed govt “drug” when they got themselves into a world of pain. All forgotten now.
PatsyT : Yes Both!
AdLib : Patsy – How about both? I can edit the video together but as with the TP “Pledge”, will need an assist from members to find clips to get it out in a timely way next week.
kesmarn : Then there’s the laaw professor guy who was trying to blog about how hard it was to make it on $450,000/year and complaining about Obama wanting to raise his taxes.
bitohistory : Pawlenty Likens Federal Government To A Drug Dealer, Implies Minnesota Towns, Businesses Are Addicts
PatsyT : Or AdLib a youtube vid?
AdLib : If we compiled the “Greatest Hits” of the TP and the GOP Congress…it would be a pretty killer document.
bitohistory : Miller Now Wants To ‘Maintain’ Unemployment Benefits, Despite Previously Claiming They’re Unconstitutional
AdLib : How about adding in Joe Barton, apologizing to BP and Mitch McJowels saying that the wealthy were the hardest hit by the economic crash…which they profited from and caused!
kesmarn : That explains Bristol Palin, AdLib!
bitohistory :
AdLib : They’re too dumb to learn how to dance.
bitohistory : Joe Miller: Social Security Is Something The Federal Government ‘Shouldn’t Have Gotten Into’
AdLib : Why do Tea Party-brained mice have such small balls?
kesmarn : Rev.Mr.Mouse will lead them to victory, though, right after he burns a very teeny Qu’ran.
PatsyT : and they love those spinning wheels
PatsyT : This would explain why they are caught in a maze
kesmarn : Tiny pointed hoods, Patsy, and tiny crosses made –conveniently– of match sticks.
AdLib : “Even we wouldn’t follow those Tea Party loons!”
PatsyT : Kes, I can see it now they had hoods right?
AdLib : The TPs traded their brains to mice after being refused such a deal by lemmings who told them, “Even we wouldn
bitohistory : If I may suggest–
Got to Think Progress and use their word cloud to start, they have ooodles of TP quotes with many links
kesmarn : That IS one huge ego he’s got going there, AdLib.
kesmarn : Patsy, suddenly the white mice started feeling very superior.
PatsyT : The truth will set you free
AdLib : Kes – No, I think Bill O is feeling screwed. He doesn’t matter anymore, he’s old school, old news and Beck is the king of Fox and the leader of a party. Bill O of course has a massive ego, this has got to be killing him!
kesmarn : And we won’t even have to do a Breitbart slice ‘n’ dice on the vids to make them look ridiculous. They do that all by themselves.
PatsyT : Those poor mice!
AdLib : Kes – Yep, by using direct quotes from TP candidates and those allied with it, they can’t dispute it, just whine about being attacked.
AdLib : Patsy – They had fully functioning human brains but they functioned very slowly. They traded them to the mice for what turned out to be pictures of cheese.
kesmarn : Or maybe Billo is smart enough to jump the ship before it hits the ice berg…
AdLib : Bito – Right! Wonder what poor Bill O is thinking, having been upstaged by Beck and Palin and O’Donnell and others crazier than him. I think he’s losing it, he’s laying into many of his own kind!
kesmarn : I guess that is the TP’s latest lame defense, isn’t it AdLib? Better to catch them in their own words, preferable in video format.
PatsyT : The Tea Partiers had fully functioning brains??
bitohistory : AdLib I do have that one posted. That was with Bill Oh, Really?
AdLib : Kes – That was a pretty encompassing and convincing video. But you know what the TPs say, those were liberals pretending to be TPs to give them a bad name.
AdLib : Scientists Have Created Mice With fully functioning Human Brains…and the Tea Partiers would like them returned.
kesmarn : Patsy, was it you who linked to the vid of all the horrible T-Bag racist signs? That was very telling in itself.
PatsyT : All lof you
AdLib : Bito –
kesmarn : b’ito
AdLib : Imagine if we culled together all the insanity that O’Donnell, Rand Paul, Sharron Angle and all the rest of the TPs have spouted! It would be a killer! BTW, we need to have links to every quote too so it can be sourced.
bitohistory : “moment of Hope Foundation? I belonged to them many anight at closing time.
kesmarn : Bill Maher should be a major source on O’Donnell. I gather he has something like 22 appearances by her, each one stupider than the next.
PatsyT : One of the latest from Our lady of Delaware
PatsyT : “Monkeys are evolving into humans”
AdLib : Just fixed your link!
PatsyT : Oh You found it too….
PatsyT : «link»
AdLib : «link»
AdLib : Patsy – This link should work: http: //www.youtube.co m/watch?v=f8Uur5 8Idcw
PatsyT : I will try again
PatsyT : Here is a little bit of a start……http: //www.youtube.co m/watch?v=f8Uur5 8Idcw&feature=pl ayer_embedded
AdLib : Here’s the link: «link»
kesmarn : Whatta woman!
kesmarn : Seriously? She has it on the Planet already?
AdLib : Excellent!
bitohistory : Q, just posted her article.
kesmarn : You must B# to have figured that out, bito.
bitohistory : her voice? F#
bitohistory : 3,000,000,000,00 0,000 vuvuzelas!
kesmarn : B flat.
kesmarn : Palin is a human vuvuzela.
PatsyT : Kes… yes the vuvuzelas
kesmarn : Her voice. I would rather listen to 3,000,000,000,00 0,000 vuvuzelas!
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, if we could all fan out and post as comments all the wacked out statements and pledges by TPs, we could make a formidable document! Then, we should post links to it at every Progressive blog site.
bitohistory : I’ll hear her voice!
bitohistory : NOOOOOO! I don’t want to see that pic Day after day!!!lol
PatsyT : Visionary, those cave people
kesmarn : Barbarian-ella! Wolf Slayer!
AdLib : Patsy – I didn’t know they had crosses back then…before Jesus!
PatsyT : Yes… AdLib… Is this a hunter & gather mission?
PatsyT : Hey I didn’t know they could make glasses back then…
AdLib : Thanks Kes. Patsy, you were saying you could pitch in too?
kesmarn : AdLib, yes, I could def help collect crazy statements/claim s!
AdLib : We could use this graphic for the cover of the TP Pledge: «link»
bitohistory : Not just their statements but also their retractions. I like it a whole bunch!!
kesmarn : Mark Shields tonight made a powerful point. He said the if we don’t go back to the earlier tax rates for the wealthy, we will have to BORROW FROM CHINA to cover the losses! I hadn’t thought of that, but that is true!
PatsyT : Yes I like Action
AdLib : Kes – Would need fellow Planeteers to help in assembling all the various claims and statements.
PatsyT : Debbie Wasserman Shultz
bitohistory : Help! What is the name of the Florida Congress Woman _____Shultz_____ _? She is a great spokeswoman for the dems!!!
kesmarn : That’s a good idea, AdLib. Do a parallel “Pledge” and let people see what they would be in for.
kesmarn : I caught a brief glimpse of Palin pretending to be oh-so-pleased about her daughter’s dancing “career.” There’s another one who will eventually wear out her welcome with voters.
AdLib : Very funny Patsy! Very clever too! Last week in VP we discussed maybe putting up a post to list all the extremist statements by Tea Party candidates and officials (including Palin and Beck), if we did that next week we could format it as a document, call it the Tea Party pledge and try to spread it around the internet. Anyone up for doing that?
kesmarn : Grand Old Bigot they are!
AdLib : The best campaign for the Dems is to represent a few big things they will do over the next two years if in power and what Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle and Rand Paul will do if the GOP wins.
PatsyT : Opps «link»
PatsyT : There is a new Tea Party Group…….and this one stinks………. ..«link» farty.com/
bitohistory : I like the use of GOB instead of GOP. Grand Old Bigots.
AdLib : Kes – It is very cool to get over 25,000 with it. Next time I have to use original material, using Python’s material, I can’t participate in their program that shares revenue.
kesmarn : I think that’s smart, b’ito, for Biden to yoke the Repubs to the loonies.
kesmarn : Did we lose ya again, Questinia?
bitohistory : Biden has been using the phrase “the Republican Tea Party”
kesmarn : AdLib, they should get that check in the mail. Your YouTube vid has something like 25,000 hits now, though!
kesmarn : And as close as the Repubs and the TP appear to be, I think the Repubs will find they’ve really created a monster here.
PatsyT : AdLib they are fighting now … The Tea Party Patriots are fighting the The Tea Party Express
AdLib : Kes – Yep, Colbert “borrowed” my video concept, I posted the clip in a comment on that post, even the still shows the image from the witch scene in Holy Grail. Where’s my Comedy Central money?!!
AdLib : Also consider this, nothing turns people against each other than having money or power. Imagine the power struggles within the GOP for leadership and control of the agenda if they win! The TP, the Kochs, Fox, Wall Street, their could be multiple teams fighting for control. It could destroy the party to gain power.
kesmarn : Seriously, AdLib?? Did he show the witch Python vid?
AdLib : Kes – If Colbert doesn’t steal them first! That bastard stole my Holy Grail video! Which I stole from Python!
kesmarn : Agreed, AdLib. And hang themselves they will. Of that there is not doubt.
bitohistory : Another scenario. If the house is close to even with the dems only ahead by a couple, will the new speaker be a blue dog?
AdLib : Kes – My point is, the best long term situation, for retainging the presidency and having big majorities in Congress in 2012…might be for the Repubs to have enough power to hang themselves.
kesmarn : The Prez will be speaking your words tomorrow, AdLib. (He may be wondering what pasties have to do with the economy,though.)
PatsyT : You know AdLib… It would put a real focus on their shallowness
kesmarn : Hope for the best; prepare for the worst? I think that’s wise.
AdLib : “Must crawl on brains!”
PatsyT : That was a Zinger!
kesmarn : Zing!
AdLib : ZomBings!
AdLib : So…though we work and root for the Dems to hold Congress…maybe we shouldn’t be too upset if the Repubs win the House?
PatsyT : True Love
kesmarn : Zombie Bing! I think it’s dreaming of a white (T-Bag white) Christmas!
bitohistory : Do we get 50 bucks every time we say BING like Colbert?
kesmarn : Right, Patsy. They can be very seductive (meds); gotta know when to say no. And right now so many people are hurting in so many ways. But anger can be a motivator. Don’t always want to make it go away.
PatsyT : Get back in the grave Bing -no crooning around here!
AdLib : When Bing crawls, it sounds instead like this “B-i-i-n-g-a-h! “
PatsyT : I know kes… they gave them to me after a auto accident and I could tell then and there Big Trouble….. Must avoid
bitohistory : Bing is crawling? EWWW
AdLib : Here in CA, Brown is ahead even though WHitman has spent more than anyone in the history of our Democracy to buy the governorship and Boxer’s lead is growing. Patty Murray’s building a bigger lead up north…the tide feels like it’s turning.
bitohistory : Yes, AdLib, many trend lines are changing. Obama and Biden out onthe stump has helped.
kesmarn :
Lemon Pledge!
kesmarn : Those meds have their place, but it sure is easy to get into trouble with them.
PatsyT : It was a Lemon Pledge
kesmarn : There was very little positive reaction to the Repub Pledge thingy, AdLib. That’s encouraging.
PatsyT : They had my mom on that stuff..
AdLib : Does anyone else hear feel the tide turning, recent events stirring up Dems to vote?
kesmarn : Patsy! So true! You’re a mind-reader. Had a patient in just that situation. In her 50s mind you!
Questinia : Lemme go get it….
PatsyT : Kes but they do need to wear depends cause they don’t know when they have to go or when they are going..
AdLib : Q – Absolutely, please do post it!
Questinia : Thanks kes. I will!
Questinia : Should I Adlib. Shhould I?
kesmarn : I love your articles! Please do!
Questinia : I should repost thag story i wrote for FRT about the town hall meeting.
AdLib : Small town politics can get very vicious.
kesmarn : People on Xanax never form unions and they never start revolutions…
Questinia : No, kes. But I know those meetings. I was part of many a one.
PatsyT : Or maybe that is their plan! Get them all very very angry and then sell them the newest drug
AdLib : Can we get Boehner on Xanax?
Questinia : Xanax is dangerous.
AdLib : It is a bit of a victory and maybe a sign of the tide turning that the MSM pretty much portrayed the “Pledge” as a fialure.
bitohistory : Floride?
kesmarn : I have my own little conspiracy theory, Patsy, on the anger pill. I think Xanax is one of the cheapest meds available for a reason….! Cue spooky music…
Questinia : Hi dose Prozac, Lithium, Zyprexa…
PatsyT : Hey how come Big Pharma hasn’t come up with an Anger Pill?
kesmarn : I missed the Clinton comments, b’ito. Was he on MSNBC?
Questinia : It’s the Master Plan of the Final Solution
kesmarn : Q.did you happen to catch the vid Khirad posted today of the city council mtg in Vancouver? Talk about anger1!
bitohistory : Bill Clinton did a good job defining the tp’s today, the people don’t know that they are fight the corporatists fight, not new to us, but it was nice to see it on the MSM
PatsyT : I thought the Michael Moore film Capitalism would have more of an impact
Questinia : Although I agree with you Patsy
Questinia : Nobody cares what direction anger is. It has an absolute value.
kesmarn : Their pledge is basically: “we’re gonna undo everything that’s been done over the last 20 months, and we’ll let you know later what we plan to replace it all with.”
PatsyT : Any Idiot can get up there and shout out that they are angry…and they do…but they are angry in the wrong direction
Questinia : Oy, I’m a typing wereck
Questinia : Anger wins! It’s sronger than any plan
kesmarn : And the interviewer (was her name O’Donnell) really highlighted their total lack of a plan.
Questinia : Need a
Questinia : They are just vitriol. they don’t a plan. A plan comes “later”
PatsyT : Kes… Yes they have no answers no plan!
kesmarn : Patsy, that one vid you posted of the MSNBC interview with the Texas repub was great! We need to get more of that stuff out there.
AdLib : Has anyone heard a single concrete plan by TPs as to how they will balance the budget they’ve promised to balance?
Questinia : Tx Lib
Questinia : Ugh! That Senator who said one has to have a dialog with the TP!
bitohistory : I fully understand your thought, AdLib, but I would hate to see some of the crazies get entrenched. They could do harm
AdLib : Q: Clear your cache then don’t reload the page but click on the Vox Populi link under Live Events at the top of the page. All should be well then.
kesmarn : Oh yes, Q! This area is crawling with them. I don’t know what got it started, but they’re all white, angry and watching Fox night and day.
Questinia : Now I’m good. Thanks guys!
Questinia : I lost the entire middle of the thread. I went right back to pasties.
AdLib : The thing about telling the public a story though is that it has to be very simple this time around or it won’t have a chance to beat the simple, “Throw the bums out and everything will be better!” mentality. It has to be about what they will do over the next two years in brief specifics…and what the GOP will do instead if they win. They need to change this from a referendum on the economy to what the next 2 years should be.
PatsyT : I see you Q
kesmarn : I can still see the conversation, Q. Did you lose your connection?
Questinia : You run into TP’S, kes?
Questinia : What happened to the thread?
bitohistory : I’ll talk to you later. «link»
kesmarn : When I run into the T-Bag proselytizers (and they’re every where) I just tell them they have 18 months to fix everything perfectly. Same amount of time they gave Obama.
Questinia : I’m lost in pasties land
PatsyT : Questina YES and all they have to do is tell a True Story
PatsyT : Bito… not yet where do I find it?
AdLib : Bito – Here’s my question though. If the House has a 5 seat majority for the Dems and the Senate has a 3 seat majority for the Dems, in light of their performance with far greater majorities over the last two years…do you think they would be able to get anything meaningful done anyway?
bitohistory : Patsy., did you see my thing on StudentNation to you?
Questinia : Obama and Biden need to be the prime story-tellers They need to brand the TP and GOP. Brand them with an unforgettable logo.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, even at my father’s eye doctor’s appt this week, the tech had to start spouting political nonsense — and in a kind of belligerent way, too. Could she just let a guy in his 80’s alone?
PatsyT : I had to go over the river and thru the bridge
bitohistory : Hey Patsy!!!
AdLib : PATSY!!! You made it!
AdLib : It is very hard to get through the stupefying anger in many voters’ heads to get them to actually think. In polls, they rank Repub congresspeople worse than Dems, they hate Bush…but out of anger they’re willing to vote in Bush policies again?
PatsyT : Hi Questina….
kesmarn : Yaaay! Patsy’s here! I’m going to have to watch my typing because we’ve been talking about “pasties” too.
Questinia : Hi Patsy!
bitohistory : If the lives of the working middle class were better, I wouldn’t care if they passed craziness, but right now things DO need to get done.
PatsyT : Oh Boy I think this is working..
kesmarn : I’m liberated to shop! By my Sri Lankan maids and Biff’s money. Republican feminism is simply wonderful, right, Sarah?
kesmarn : Let me speak with Biff on that, dear. Good Christian that I am, I leave all the decision-making to him, and he leaves all the shopping to me.
bitohistory : That’s what I need –STAFF. hey Buffy can I borrow a few?
AdLib : Bito – But if the Senate remains Dem, the Repubs can’t pass craziness. And Obama won’t sign crazy bills into law. Either way, whether Dems or Repubs win, there’s likely to be gridlock for the next 2 years. If the Repubs own the House though, they lose the ability to claim innocence.
kesmarn : Q, yes, the Dems should be hammering the Koch-topus horror story. People should be aware of the puppet masters.
bitohistory : They can have the house not the Senate IMO
bitohistory : Leadership controls ALL the bill coming to the house floor
AdLib : Kes – The trick is, The Daily Show folk are sharp folks who use clipping services to pursue their assumptions. Many of us would have assumed that this “Pledge” was recycled BS from before. They do a search and find what they assume is out there. What an incredible staff and show!
Questinia : Why is there no Dem narrative linking it all?
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. Nothing like sunshine. I think there’s even been a decrease in the amount of anti-Muslim rhetoric since that guy in FL made such an idiot of himself.
Questinia : Do NOT get me started with the Coke Bros.
Questinia : … and kill the GOP as well.
bitohistory : The new logo for the GOB = Koch Industries a sub of Forbes
kesmarn : Stewart’s people are fantastic when it comes to digging up footage that nail it when he need to make a point.
AdLib : Kes and Q – Agreed, I think the only way to expose them and disarm them so that they don’t have ultimate control in DC is for them to win the House. I’m not rooting against the Dems, I will be fighting as hard as I can for the Dems to win but putting these Know-Nothings in Congress where they too are exposed as useless and frauds, could kill the Tea Party quickly.
Questinia : … and flinging the almonds toward the open mouth of Lieberman in pasties… kasha pasties.
kesmarn : Absolutely, and he should be carrying a bag of almonds.
bitohistory : Short answer-maybe, long answer maybe.
Questinia :
kes! Worn by Tan-man.
AdLib : The Daily Show segment I posted totally lays bare their bullshit, as Bito said, the last part with Boehner Past and Present saying the identical words is HILARIOUS! I laughed out loud when I saw it.
kesmarn : Logo? Stiletto clown shoes superimposed on a cracked Libery Bell?
Questinia : I think the new GOP should be on stage. As much as possible.
kesmarn : And Angle can only make even more of a fool of herself in Congress.
AdLib : I mean, Sharon Angle winning in NV would be nasty…but the silver lining is that the spineless Harry Redi would be replaced, likely by a much stronger leader like Durbin or Schumer.
Questinia : I love there new logo. What is it again?
kesmarn : I think there’s something to that, AdLib. The one thing that’s clear many times over is thay have NOTHING. No plan whatsoever. It’ll be a disaster. But for so many of us– how much worse can it get?
Questinia : Adlib. Yes. The GOP needs to show how dissipated they are.
Questinia : Glogg rocks
bitohistory : My family was Swede, I’m ‘merican. glugg is a killer drink.
kesmarn : My friend’s mom from Poland made “Cherry Bounce” at the holidays. It was pretty bouncy.
Questinia : Adlib. Yeesh!
Questinia : Kes
Questinia : I drank it with my mother once and she and I just started dancing the polka
kesmarn : Our Party slogan: We know our left from our right?
Questinia : Glogg is something my mom makes every year.
bitohistory : Q, I don’t remember what they called it, but I do remember the “glug”. MMMMMM
Questinia : Pasties Party!
kesmarn : Panties Party, you say?
Questinia : What would be out platform?
Questinia : I want to form the Paties Party.
kesmarn : It was delicious, Q. I’m going to order the noodly thingy next time, though. Lotsa good places to dine in NY state, too!
Questinia : likker pasties.
Questinia : Are you Swedish bito?
Questinia : Bito: what was the name of it?
kesmarn : Ah am plum silly all the time even without the fancy likker, bless mah heart!
Questinia : How was it. It sounds heavenly kes
AdLib : So Kes, are you plum drunk?
kesmarn : You could get plenty of Christmas spirit from the plums alone, I’d bet, bito!
kesmarn : Crab and cucumber salad w ginger dressing and shrimp/avocado sushi. Son had a noodly thing that looked great.
bitohistory : A holiday drink some Swedes would make is to take plums and put them in vodka for about 6 weeks, my mothe not be much of a drinker only ate the plums.
Questinia : What did you eat, kes?
Questinia : And I have Newt pasties for when I work the dungeon
kesmarn : Q, it was served by the glass in a Japanese restaurant, so it could have been Sumo brand for all I knew…!
Questinia : My pasties have pictures of Obama on ’em
AdLib : Mmm…plum wine and pasties!
Questinia : Plum wine! Slivovitz or maneschevitz
kesmarn : OOOPS! I didn’t realize I typed “lunch lines” instead of “punch lines”
Curse you, Plum Wine!
AdLib : Sometimes you don’t. Ither times you wear a hat with tea bags hanging from it.
Questinia : Sometimes you feel like a nut?
AdLib : A: They’re both fucking nuts.
Questinia : Lunch lines!
AdLib : Q: What do Tea Party Candidates have in common with someone who’s in love with an almond?
bitohistory : I always think “Soylent Green is people!!!”
Questinia : Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s pasties.
AdLib : I prefer fresh pasties.
kesmarn : Now we’re waiting for 2 lunch lines…almonds and Heston…the suspense is too much!
Questinia : and pasties
Questinia : Moses
kesmarn : “…my cold, dead hands…”?
bitohistory : If I say Charlton Heston, what is the first thing that pops in your mind?
kesmarn : On a pastry pasty.
Questinia : Whipped cream is the only pasty I believe in!
kesmarn : Whipped cream?
bitohistory : gravy or ketchup?
AdLib : Hey Bito! FYI, tonight it’s complete silliness until we begin. Then, who knows?
kesmarn : Would Scottish pasties be plaid?
bitohistory : beat me to it k’es, and they are de-lish
kesmarn : More than a mouthful…
Questinia : Cortnish pasties OMG
kesmarn : See below, B’ito!
bitohistory : Cornish Pasties?
Questinia : !!
kesmarn : Which are actually also delicious little meat pies in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Pasties, that is.
AdLib : “Bombs away!”
kesmarn : Incoming! Pasties!
Questinia : Tassel propeller pasties designed by Patsy.
AdLib : “I’m coming in for a landing!”
bitohistory : Didn’t Beck tell you that no costumes except for him?
kesmarn : Uplifting!!
kesmarn : ;lol:
Questinia : Pasty propellers!!
AdLib : The bra has propellers.
Questinia : kes:
kesmarn : Stiletto clown shoes!
Questinia : Clown shoes and a push up bra!
kesmarn : Please tell us it has a propellor on top!
AdLib : I am also wearing clown shoes and a beanie.
kesmarn : I think so. What’s that other French word deshabille or something?
Questinia : Sorry it was kes who said that.
Questinia : Adlib: I nerver thought of that! Does that mean one neglects proper clothing?
kesmarn : Maggie! You should be in the little flannel jammies with feet in ’em.
AdLib : I’m in a bra and panties but I’m only imaginary.
Questinia : I’m in a bra and panties. But i’m only four so it doesn’t matter.
kesmarn : State of neglect?
AdLib : Actually, let me rework that joke. What do Tea Party Candidates have in common with someone who’s in love with an almond?
Questinia : Teddy?
kesmarn : …:lol: Or something, Q!
Questinia : Kes in a negligee!
Questinia : Yup. I live near Chappaqua and I brought over some baked goods…
kesmarn : Just had to slip into something more comfortable there. I’m back.
AdLib : So…looks like Bill Clinton and Pres Obama are taking your advice lately.
Questinia : What’s the punch line?
Questinia : Thank you most kindly.
AdLib : Hey Q! Welcome!
Questinia : “hi” as per Adlib’s request.
AdLib : What’s the difference between a Tea Party candidate and a basket of almonds?
AdLib : Okay, see you in a little!
kesmarn : Bear with me. I had some computer work done. I have a dual boot system and I think I need to switch over to the Linux side. I’ll be right back!
AdLib : Very welcome. Seems like it’s been an entire Summer since I had one.
kesmarn : Free weekends! A rarity, but welcome, no?
AdLib : Mmm! Sounds delicious. All well here, nice to have a weekend with no commitments.
kesmarn : Doing well. Went to dinner with my son — sushi and plum wine! How about you?
AdLib : Evening Kes! How are you?
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, buddies.
AdLib : When you arrive, don’t forget to say “hi”!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins shortly at 7:00 pm PDT, hope to see you then!
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