AdLib : Same here!!!
PatsyT : All the Best …
AdLib : Okay, sleep well, Patsy! Great chatting with you tonight!
PatsyT : OK well maybe I have had enough laughing for the night.. So great to chat Thanks !
PatsyT : Sounds Good !
AdLib : Night Bito, great idea!
AdLib : Actually…what about an “Election 2010” page that includes state and national news on the elections?
bitohistory : OK, we will work on it. Nightty nite again.
AdLib : Bito – We could keep a post dedicated to it on the Front Page.
PatsyT : Bito Love It Yes !!
AdLib : “The Double Downer”!
PatsyT : Yes they will need some new names… the Blue Streak … The Blue Steak ??
AdLib : Hey bito! That sounds like a great idea!
bitohistory : See, I can’t stay away! just a thought. Should we have a post up for state election news form around the country? anybody’s thoughts?
PatsyT : AdLib in Ohio it was very eye opening
AdLib : Patsy – Plus sized rides…”The Donut Maker”
kesmarn : Email me! G’night…….. …!
AdLib : Okay, thanks for staying up Kes! Sleep well!!!
PatsyT : Kes I will not talk to you any more
AdLib : Patsy – Demo seats? That’s not a bad idea. At theme parks you can really see the average phisique of tourists from across the US and it is astounding.
PatsyT : Kes, They are going to have to invent all new rides for the generously sized crowd
kesmarn : Oh gosh, I really should go! It’s 12:20 here! Good night one more time. Too much fun!!
kesmarn : We were just talking about Cedar Point, Patsy! They have weight limits, too!
AdLib : True story, on my flight out of LA I’m in the last row, chat with the women beside me, slowly realize that it is a female marshal taking a female prisoner in handcuffs to jail in TX. Yet, we were both in the same confinement on the way there.
PatsyT : Kes We stoppped at Cedar Point and at the rides they had demo seats that you had to fit into or you could not go on the ride
kesmarn : Pretty soon even anorexics will have to pay for 2 seats.
PatsyT : We had a bad flight out of Chicago The guy next to my husband was heavily sedated
AdLib : I flew on one of Continental’s new planes, the seats are now so narrow that even an average person is wedged in.
kesmarn : I dunno about steamships, AdLib. Think of what those sadists could do with steerage…
AdLib : “Fly Marquis De Sade Airlines and leave the torture to us!”
kesmarn : No problem with snoring seat mates. Who could possibly fall asleep?
PatsyT : Sick – they already give all the passengers deep leg thrombosis on the seats they have now
AdLib : I think the steamship will see a rebirth.
kesmarn : There are times — not many of them — when it is good to be five feet tall.
AdLib : WHo wouldn’t want to sit on a saddle for a six hour flight?
AdLib : It hurts me just to look at it.
kesmarn : Looks wonderful…for bilateral amputees…
PatsyT : O lets talk about that seat on the plane
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes All the best to you
AdLib : Night Kes!
AdLib : Okay, as we’re winding down, have you seen this new assault on people by corporations? “Think your seat in coach is cramped? Take a look at the SkyRider. The new airplane seat, to be unveiled next week at the Aircraft Interiors Expo Americas conference in Long Beach, would give passengers an experience akin to riding horseback. They’d sit at an angle with no more than 23 inches between their perch and the seat in front of them — a design that could appeal to low-cost airlines that have floated the idea of offering passengers standing-room tickets on short flights.” «link»
kesmarn : Good night, all!
kesmarn : Urrrppp! Now I really must take a Pepcid and call it a day, dear friends!
AdLib : My wife and I joke when we pass the Carl’s Jr. which has a burger with…wait for it…a Philly Cheesesteak ontop!
kesmarn : Deep-fried bacon with cheese and eggs on a croissant butttered with lard.
AdLib : Patsy – That makes it a tie for 1st Place! Here’s your pony: «link»
PatsyT : Bacon all day long Eater
kesmarn : Awwwwwwwww! Just my size, too.
AdLib : Kes – Here ya go! «link»
kesmarn : Nightmares!
kesmarn : OWWWWW! Patsy!
PatsyT : Buz Saw Rider
kesmarn : Multiple jeopardy.
AdLib : Texting and driving while eating a Double Down…that’s a winner.
kesmarn : I will await my pony.
AdLib : Kes – You win!
kesmarn : Catcher Drinking Rye?
AdLib : “Axe Catcher”
kesmarn : And last but not least (from me) “Texts-While-Dr iving-and-Eating -Double-Down.”
PatsyT : Showers with Hairdryer
AdLib : “Taker of Baths With Electric Lamp”.
kesmarn : “Holds-Golf-Clu b-Aloft-During-T hunderstorm.”
AdLib : “Teaser of Pit Bulls”.
AdLib : “Licks Electrical Sockets”.
PatsyT : Marches with Matches
kesmarn : “Holds-Firecrac ker-In-Hand.”
AdLib : “Dances Naked Near Electric Fans”.
PatsyT : Dances with Scissors
kesmarn : Good night, b’ito! Rest well.
AdLib : “Plays with Matches”.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Bito !
kesmarn : “Runs-With-Pops icle-Stick-In-Mo uth”?
AdLib : Night Bito!!!
bitohistory : peace
bitohistory : OK, I think I am going to have sign off, kids. As always a great time. Thanks.
AdLib : “He Who Pokes Sharp Things In His Ears”.
AdLib : Patsy – “Crucifixion? Out the door, one cross each, line on the left.”
kesmarn : We should have cult names. “She-Who-Carrie s-Scissors-With- Points-Up”?
PatsyT : OK thanks for the clarification … I feel so much better When do I get the Kool Aid?
AdLib : Yep, allowing KBR to electrocute our soldiers, that was planned.
AdLib : Patsy- If we’re burning our bras and underwear before we take them off…”I’ve got blisters on me ______ers!” Fill in the appropriate item.
PatsyT : The MIC
PatsyT : What have they done that was not a mistake?
AdLib : Do you think it was a mistake that they made draft cards out of a petroleum product?
kesmarn : It was easier to get into a dance club without a bra, though.
PatsyT : You have blisters on What?
bitohistory : You needed your draft card to cash a check-get in a dance club.
kesmarn : Add some Ohio prayers to that, too, b’ito!
AdLib : Bito – We’re going to be here for you then, pal!
PatsyT : Ohh Bito I will pray for You … you may be surprised though..
AdLib : “I’ve got blisters on my _____ers!”
bitohistory : Patsy, I have an “appointment” next week. If everything is cool, iam going to try and do some work for her. Even the dreaded phone bank!
kesmarn : I see us as backup for Prince Poppycock.
PatsyT : Oooo so we burn them while wearing them… now that is a big youtube moment
AdLib : “We shall call our cult,’The Runners With Sharp Sticks'”.
kesmarn : Fanatic cults are fun until someone gets hurt.
AdLib : “Minion Bito – We shall burn our bras and underwear. Then, we will take them off!”
PatsyT : Now AdLib that may put someones eye out
kesmarn : I never burned a bra either. Those things are expensive!
bitohistory : Can we burn bras and draft cards? will that work again? (I never burned my draft card)
PatsyT : Redneck aren’t billionaires are they? Bito I feel for your struggle Is she doing calling drives?
kesmarn : One small consolation here: there are many, many Muslims and also many Mexicans in this area. Somehow, I just can’t quite see them voting R…going out on a limb here
bitohistory : Patsy, I don’t know, she needs to really get the Tucson vote out. her district is a tough district. lots of rednecks
AdLib : “Minion Patsy – We shall light our Tiki Torches using the Torah and let the kids use sparklers to ignite all of the Amendments! Then…fireworks and popcorn for the kiddies!”
PatsyT : Kes I would think – that is the message that they should be listening to
kesmarn : Gauging from the most recent photos of Murdoch I think someone beat us to it on the wedgie plan.
PatsyT : Sell your Gold NOW !!
AdLib : “Listen my minions! Sell all your worldly possessions and PayPal the proceeds to me. In the Cayman Islands account. We will then march through the doors of power, right into Rupert Murdoch’s office and give him a wedgie he will never ever forget!”
PatsyT : AdLib you left out the Torah
kesmarn : Patsy, I was thinking the same thing. Can Gabby just say: billionaires are funding my opponent. What does that tell you, voters?
kesmarn : I don’t think I want to part with my Kroger’s Preferred Customer card just yet, though, master…
PatsyT : Can we rid the world of HOA’s ?
PatsyT : Bito I love your Gabby, Can she run as the David vs the Golith?
AdLib : “We must destroy the evil followers of every group, religion and organization! And that includes Costco membership cards! Heh-heh-heh!”
kesmarn : Master…we…fo llow…wherever. ..you…lead… even to the jaws of FOX itself…
bitohistory : AFP, a Koch front group is running ads against her. I need to email the DNCC and get her some money.NOW!!!
PatsyT : Only if your burn the girl scout law.. then I can be Free!
AdLib : “My loyal Planet Minions! On 9/12 I will burn Bibles, Qurans, The Constitution of the United States, The Magna Carta, this week’s TV Guide and The Louisiana Purchase! And make smores from the fire! Heh-heh-heh! Are you with me?!”
PatsyT : Bito I can only hope there will be a backlash to that…
PatsyT : AdLib, as your advisor, I recommend lots of satire and now.
kesmarn : They call it the “Koch-topus” for good reason.
bitohistory : I am worried about my rep. Gabby Gifords. The guy she is running against is geting large national money
AdLib : So the Teabaggers are a white fundamentalist Christian movement and the billionaires that run their party are Godless, unChristian greedy bastards.
kesmarn : We Planeteers will be your loyal minions and all you need to do is something outrageous and the world will be at our feet!
kesmarn : I think you are ON TO SOMETHING, AdLib!
PatsyT : Kes that is the Billion Dollar Question
kesmarn : Will the fundies ever figure out that they’ve been completely manipulated by cynical billionaires?
AdLib : Kes – The FL Preacher did some serious damage to whatever remains of the MSM credibility. Hey, he has only 50 followers! That means, if I decided to do something crazy, I’d have more supporters at The Planet than he has and I could be have world leaders condemn me! Sounds good to me, what should I do?
PatsyT : But No …
PatsyT : Hey remember the old days when the AIDS stuff first started? Then I thought that the conservatives might like it that the gays settle down and all of that …
kesmarn : I have a feeling the RR is whiplashing on all sorts of things these days. That FL preacher did some serious damage to their image, too.
AdLib : Your guest is as good as mine. Ouch!
bitohistory : Wonder what the 2 guests are thinking, reading this? LOL
AdLib : Which reminds me, what about the GOP about face on gay marriage? That’s kind of sudden, wonder if the Religious Right has gotten whiplash?
kesmarn : He is a true original and really very talented, Patsy. OK, I’ll get back on topic now!
PatsyT : That prince is sticking it to the homophobe man !!! Go Prince!
kesmarn : I can’t answer. I’m speechless watching Prince P and his back-up singers/dancers. ..
PatsyT : Will Do! Ahrnold is helping with that
bitohistory : You run the Senate, er House?
AdLib : Patsy – You keep an eye on Russia from Alaska and maintain your Facebook page.
PatsyT : Bito the road isn’t big enough for us!
bitohistory : Recess appointment?
PatsyT : OK I go for VP But what do you do? You know I like to be busy..
kesmarn : Patsy…Oh…My. ..God!!
AdLib : @kesmarn hi!
PatsyT : Prince Poppycock gets Patriotic …. ……………H E IS IN THE FINALS «link»
bitohistory : I think I will just watch you three and laugh. Have you guys thought about going on the road?
AdLib : Private message for @@@???:??
AdLib : bito – Obama has the power to appoint Warren without Senate approval, I think she would not need approval for two years, AFTER she has set up the structure and functionality of the Consumer Protection entity. By then, too late for the GOP and corps to undermine her and it!
kesmarn : There’s that @ again! What is up with that?
kesmarn : Vote for Patsy! The Hot VP Who Can Read, Too! Good slogan@
kesmarn : Powered by her own hot air…the Balloonington Post.
AdLib : Patsy for VP!
bitohistory : I saw her a t net roots and dozen’s of times on c=span!! she is great. she should be appointed. does she want to be a sacrificial appointment? The R’s will block every vote on her.
AdLib : ED SCHULTZ: “Tonight we have Arianna Huffington as a guest, she’s running a bit late, she’s flying in…inside a runaway balloon! And there’s a megaphone on it, she’s going to answer questions as the balloon flies aimlessly through the sky! SHe has christened it, ‘The Balloonington Post!'”
kesmarn : Hey…whatever happened to Prince Poppycock?
PatsyT : Hey I am way hotter then Palin – thats all I have to say Oh and I can talk and I do Read!
kesmarn : Patsy, you can try Dancing With the Stars! You’ll only have to compete with another Palin narcissist on that show…that is, unless Sarah grabs her hula hoop and hogs the camera time, too.
AdLib : Bito – Sorry about that, I agree with you, Warren’s appointment will get a strong approval from the Left but won’t change the enthusiasm level. AH is clinically an idjit.
PatsyT : AH next time try the ballon….
bitohistory : And if Obama does not choose Warren, AH, FDL, will screw him to the wall.
AdLib : “Zat gawdamm Bahloon Boy! I hayte heem so mooch!!!”
PatsyT : Well I got really mad too when hula hoop girl got my spot on Americas got some Talent !
kesmarn : That was actually b’ito’s observation, AdLib, but I think he read the situation accurately.
AdLib : bito – You were watching Netroots, did you see Warren speak?
AdLib : Kes – You are right about that. The Left will applaud strongly with Warren appointed but that’s not going to change anything about their lack of enthusiasm for the Dems.
kesmarn : Oh yeah…I forgot she was furious with balloon boy and family for usurping her airtime!
bitohistory : I like Warren, she is the best choice, but she has become the purists test. There are some other very qualified people that Krugman listed.
AdLib : I commented on this but HP has run an AH “story” every day, desperately trying to twist each of her press appearances into a news item. Today, the breaking news was that AH compares Terry Jones (Quran burner) to Balloon Boy. Hilarious, she’s still steaming about Balloon Boy preempting her appearance on the Ed Show.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, we know her and love her, but AH saying that her appointment will swing the election for the Dems…a little too unrealistic, maybe.
bitohistory : If it’s just r’s Ok.
AdLib : The core Dems know Warren and are wild for her. At Netroots, she got the biggest and most enthusiastic greeting.
kesmarn : You don’t like the Nurse’s Motto, b’ito? It only applies to Repubs…
PatsyT : Repubs need an good anti neurotic
kesmarn : b’ito, you’re right! Most people don’t have a clue who Warren is.
AdLib : bito – Ah has become a parody of a Dem talking head…even though she’s not really a Dem. Which is why I enjoyed Jon Stewart tagging her as a parody.
bitohistory : Whoa!!! k’es!!! I don’t know if i like that motto!!
PatsyT : Bito she has been dragging her **** around all week selling her ‘book’
kesmarn : AdLib, I myself find that I have a very “gut” response to Anthony Weiner and Alan Grayson when they get fired up!
AdLib : Kes – That’s what I always say about my hams. What cannot be cured, must be killed.
bitohistory : AH, says he just needs to appoint Ms. Warren and the dems will vote for him! She is an idiot.
AdLib : kes – As Patsy says, considering what Repubs are always up to, giving them penicillin could be a benefit.
PatsyT : That is a good Motto !
kesmarn : Patsy, what can’t be cured must be killed. The nurse’s motto.
PatsyT : Kes are you trying to cure them of kill’em?
AdLib : Kes – When you think about it, the huge problem the Dems have is a discouraged base. THAT is what should be addressed directly by Obama from his bully pulpit. And at the same time, call out the Repubs for the cynical power hungry bastards they are.
kesmarn : They could give groceries to Repubs, too, AdLib…! Just “different groceries”… the tomatoes that were just a leetle too ripe and the cheese with the penicillin growing on it…?
PatsyT : WMMS the Album Oriented Rock Station in Cleveland ~ The station I grew up on !…………… ….. «link»
AdLib : Run on a platform of Bagels, Burgers and Brownies!
kesmarn : Obama’s not ashamed to admit it when he makes a mistep, AdLib. Might work.
AdLib : kes – Vote Biting.
bitohistory : Picnics and cookouts are great ideas.
AdLib : Obama should “run” on issues that he details to the Dems and Progressives that a Dem Congress will allow him to accomplish. And admit, in this indirect way, that he was wrong for courting the Repubs and “we” were right. Nothing diffuses resentment like admitting you’re wrong.
kesmarn : I supposed that might be considered “vote-buying” mightn’t it, b’ito??
kesmarn : Embarrassed to admit that I don’t think so, Patsy…? What is it?
bitohistory : I like the food idea, k’es, but I’m afraid that became illegal right after Daily died.
AdLib : A little off this issue, I was talking to a friend today and the thought came to me…what Obama really needs to say to his base, The Progressives that got him elected, is, “I tried it my way, now I’m going to try it your way. Just give me the Congress I need to make things happen and this is what I’ll do in my 100 days after the election.”
PatsyT : Kes do you get WMMS in Toledo?
kesmarn : The Repubs seem to have a one-note answer when the wealth question is raised: George Soros.
PatsyT : Maybe they need the after the campaign ads
AdLib : Patsy – Takes me back!
PatsyT : Love Ian Hunter !
AdLib : Patsy – Playin it in the background now!
AdLib : Kes – Wish we could push that meme after Whitman and Fiorina lose. They pushed that “Year of the Billionaire Woman” when they bought their primaries, who here doubts the MSM will push the “Money Can’t Buy Office” meme when they lose?
PatsyT : bad linky… «link»
kesmarn : Cali does cover a lot of square mileage, AdLib! They’d need very large pancakes, I suppose…
PatsyT : AdLib Once Bitten Twice Shy…«link» .youtube.com/wat ch?v=C1D2urwyFd0
kesmarn : The electorate are starting to get a pretty negative opinion of rich people in general. Maybe overspending on campaigns is not going to impress many people.
AdLib : Kes – For House Reps, what’s better than a picnic or pancake breakfast to win over folks? For state office in a state as large as CA, that would be hard to cover enough territory.
AdLib : Patsy – Let’s “learn” ’em that lesson. We all know how much Repubs are in love with their money, if they begin to think they’ll only lose their true love, maybe they’ll think twice about trying to buy an office.
kesmarn : I was thinking last week that candidates might do better to hand out sacks of groceries from all their campaign offices. Spend the money that way!
AdLib : Kes – Exactly. If you spend $50 million and can blanket the state enough to get your message across…what does another $50 million accomplish?
PatsyT : AdLib I can only hope that they will get it through there greedy heads … run for office .. lose your Money ..
kesmarn : AdLib, I think you have a point. After a point all the money in the world doesn’t make a difference.
AdLib : Nate Silver’s column today says: “G.O.P. Has 2-in-3 Chance of Taking House, Model Forecasts”. Though those are good odds, they are probably the best odds they’ll have as the election approaches and people become more engaged.
TheRarestPatriot : Thanks all….Patsy, K, …Adlib…great talking with you
AdLib : Nite TRP! Will email you!
kesmarn : Good night, TRP!
bitohistory : I really like Boxer, I would hate to see her lose.
kesmarn : Marcy Kaptur has always been an extremely frugal campaigner. That’s why it’s a joke when her opponent says she got earmarks in return for campaign $$. Hah. She doesn’t spend any money!
PatsyT : All the best to you Rare Pat !
AdLib : What’s happening with Whitman could be a great sign for Nov. She spent $100 million and got little for it. Even with $400 million to spend, what can the Repubs say to change the minds of voters if the $100 million the unions spend is enough to get the message across that the Middle Class will continue to be destroyed by the GOP? After all, doesn’t it make sense that there is a threshold where additional spending just doesn’t change anything?
TheRarestPatriot : My wifi connection is closing. G’nite all….better days,,,,
TheRarestPatriot : Indeed, Patsy
kesmarn :
PatsyT : Kes that would make a great ad…
PatsyT : Oooo bito that is astounding !!
kesmarn : And when you think: what does that buy? Nothing but air!! Think of what could be done with that money!
AdLib : Imagine spending $100 million to win a job that pays $206,000. And here’s a bit from today’s LAT article: “By Labor Day, Whitman, a former Goldman Sachs board member, had lent to her campaign coffers and spent more than $100 million, much of it lavished on gorgeous, uber-cool, content-free TV ads that have blanketed the state for months. (I defy anyone to watch one of Whitman’s feel-good TV spots, and be able to articulate her position on… well, any top issue.) “
bitohistory : AFL-CIO is going to spen 100 mill on the mid terms!!! Corporations are planing on spending 400+ mill.
PatsyT : OK … CarlyforCash
kesmarn : AdLib, I forgot, you’re God’s mouthpiece, so you’re pretty close to that ear thingy.
PatsyT : Or .. opps
PatsyT : Rare Patriot … If only that was being spent on Job creation of Education …..
AdLib : Patsy – MegaMillions and Carlyfornicator.
kesmarn : b’ito, yes, Voinovich did the right thing. I wish he’d done that more often earlier on, though.
TheRarestPatriot : Oh, K, …I totally agree.
kesmarn : TRP, I really wish we could limit the length of campaigns here. That would impact the power of corporations, too.
PatsyT : I hope Meg a millions get whopped big time that might send a message out to other billionaires that want to buy election … YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY !
bitohistory : Voinevich did this week what I thought he was going to do when he announced his retirement, k’es
AdLib : Kes – I can get to God’s ear, remember?
kesmarn : From your lips to God’s ear.
AdLib : bito – I think Brown will win, Boxer will win and the Billionaire Be-atch Club will disband.
TheRarestPatriot : It nearly makes me physically sick to see the amounts of money spent on campaigns anymore….How can reality play into their platforms?
kesmarn : “Facade candidates” is the perfect term for them, AdLib.
PatsyT : AdLib That is a paragraph for sore eyes! long or not!
AdLib : Bush and Reagan were the ideal facade candidates, elected by the emotion of voters, not their stands on issues. And how did that work out for America and the Middle Class?
kesmarn : Patsy, I’m glad to hear that. I have a Kaptur bumper sticker on my car. But Rich Iott (that really should read Rich IdIott) has totally spammed the landscape around here.
bitohistory : “Democrat Jerry Brown had raised $24.3 million as of June 30 and spent just $519,000,”
And he is basically tied??? gotta luv it!
TheRarestPatriot : Understood Bito…it’s not like it was. But people aren’t of the same character as they were then. What they saw as hardship, we see as fury….I just fear the carpet they are laying….
kesmarn : Agreed, b’ito. They definitely had it worse. But I think the risk of electing a histrionic showman type is present here in the U.S. A Palin or Beck type of anger-channeler.
AdLib : TRP – Heh! Wish we could use paragraph breaks. Still, aside from the eyesores, this is great news. CA could go very Blue in Nov.
PatsyT : Kes I saw lots of Kaptur signs on our way to Oberlin !!
bitohistory : Please, don’t get carried away on the Germany/Hitler thing. People we actually starving then!! 90% of the people are working here!
kesmarn : A question for the ages, TRP. Stuff that seems REALLY obvious to us. Zoooom. Over their heads.
TheRarestPatriot : Oh my eyes…..LOL
AdLib : As for CA governor, this was in the LA TImes today: “Meg Whitman’s Plan to Buy California Governorship Is Faltering Friday September 10, 2010 Former corporate chieftain Meg Whitman’s campaign to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as another “moderate” Republican California governor is in trouble, despite polls in September giving her a slight edge over Democrat Jerry Brown. Whitman’s stalled drive to outright buy the governorship is fortunate for the most populous state in the union, as the very last thing economically-ail ing California needs is another extremely wealthy political neophyte who fervently believes that, despite her total lack of political experience, that she has all the answers to manage what would be, on a stand-alone basis, the eighth largest economy in the world. Brown ran his first TV ad over Labor Day weekend, and had spent no more than $1 million on his frugal campaign efforts. Brown’s characteristic tendencies toward slight annoying (to liberals) fiscal conservatism haven’t changed over his three decades of public service: “Democrat Jerry Brown had raised $24.3 million as of June 30 and spent just $519,000,” per the Orange County Register. Despite outspending Brown by a ratio of more than 100-to-1, Whitman has mustered only a 1.5 point lead, per RealClearPolitic s.com poll averages, which is well within the margin of error. Whitman’s early big spending has failed to either define herself as a viable leader, or to preemptively eliminate Jerry Brown from competition.
TheRarestPatriot : So, why do we see the history lesson and those that need to don’t. What’s wrong with them? Seriously…..
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito. Right after Labor Day, Marcy Kaptur got down to business. Really went after her opponent on solid grounds, too!
PatsyT : Kes, you are a such a sweetie! I’ll email you….
kesmarn : TRP, you are right on that history lesson!
kesmarn : Rasmussen is SO bought by the Repub party. They should be ashamed.
TheRarestPatriot : I hope so, K…Yet, I see the T-Bag infection spreading. A false sense of patriotism. Plus with the economy tanking…it’s like Germany 1936, all over again….Hitler used unemployment and blind patriotism to fuel his fire, ya’ know?
bitohistory : Kids go back to school, vacations are over, the silly season ends and real election work begins after Labor Day.
AdLib : CNN/Time has Boxer by 4 and she has just started advertising. Rasmussen, the GOP pollster has Fiorina by 1 which confirms the CNN poll in my mind.
kesmarn : Patsy, O/T but we’re not that far from Cleveland, if your daughter ever needs anything..
kesmarn : This is the governor’s race we’re talking about, in Ohio. Just to clarify.
kesmarn : Patsy, yes, Strickland is finally getting his ads out. They’re good. Point out Kasich’s Wall Street connections!
bitohistory : How is BBox doing AdLib, Patsy?
AdLib : Bito – Indeed, GOTV is what will change the whole anti-Dem meme. It would be thrilling to see the Dems overperform expectations and the MSM scratch their head at all their polls and talking head predictions. This election really began this week.
PatsyT : Kes I saw on of the Strickland ads when in Ohio last week Loved it!
kesmarn : TRP, it’s just a matter of time…
kesmarn : Patsy, sounds as though good things are happening out your way!
TheRarestPatriot : I’m beyond belief when it comes to these T-Baggers…I fear for the nation when these people gain office. My only hope is that they will step too far over the line and piss off the Independents.
PatsyT : Our guy for congress in the 44th Bill Hedrick has opened a office in San Clemente FIRST TIME IN SAN CLEMENTE A DEM OPENING A OFFICE !!! «link»
kesmarn : Hey. b’ito! Yes, Democrat Strickland is currently down double digits in the polls. He’s a good guy, but not a fighter. (Former Methodist minister!)
AdLib : Hey, hey Bito!!!
AdLib : Kes – Absolutely! Hey, if the idjit voters out there have already forgotten after only a year and a half what Repubs did to this nation, they will just as easily forget an ad in June by Repubs in favor of an ad today by Dems.
bitohistory : GOTV!!!!
bitohistory : The trend line this week went to almost tied 8 points in one week!! the enthusiasm trend though is still heavy R.
kesmarn : Locally, things changed after Labor Day. The Dem ad very suddenly just got much edgier…tended to fight back more aggressively. I think they were doing the rope-a-dope. Letting the Repubs waste money on ads and signs that would be old news next week. Gotta love ADD.
AdLib : TRP – That will sink the GOP on 2012, winning this year will harm their chances then. And after folks have a chance to see how crazy their elected Tea Party nutjobs are in Congress, the pendulum will likely swing in the other direction and the Tea Party will evaporate.
kesmarn : This NPR analyst would totally agree, AdLib.
AdLib : Patsy – Can’t make it but as fundraiser’s go, for $50, sounds great. And of course, for a very good cause.
AdLib : Kes – I am very prepared for things to turn out better for the Dems than the MSM machine is announcing. As the election approaches and the reality of GOP control becomes real, I think folks will get motivated to vote.
PatsyT : I have not checked that out yet… sounds fun … Are you?
TheRarestPatriot : Totally agreed, Adlib. I really think we’re in for 2yrs of GOP investigations, witch hunts, etc….meanwhile , China grows, our GDP shrinks and the middle class burns….
AdLib : Patsy – Are you going to her Kenny Loggins/Firework s fundraiser?
kesmarn : One analyst on NPR today said that he thought people were telling pollsters they were going to vote Repub (out of frustration) but when they got in the voting booth, they would vote Dem.
PatsyT : Still no good news being reported !… Just to my north in Irvine….check out this hot candidate for CA assembly.. Melissa Fox «link» and this Item from the New York Times «link»
AdLib : Kes – And the thing is, the best way to increase support for Obama is for the public to see him trying to govern and the GOP trying to lynch him.
AdLib : TRP – Who says Obama will need to veto anything? If the Dems are in the minority, they can filibuster just as the Repubs did or if they retain the House, no GOP bills will get passed. The morons out there think voting for the GOP is a solution to the Dems not turning around a monster recession? Instead, they’ll get gridlock and no help if they vote in Repubs.
kesmarn : Exactly, AdLib. I sense the same feeling of frustration in Obama that was almost palpable when Clinton dealt with the madness. They (the R’s) could make Mother Teresa curse, they’re so infuriating.
TheRarestPatriot : Agreed
AdLib : Kes – If the GOP wins at least The House, it will be gridlock for two years and an unending pursuit to impeach/lynch Obama. And we all remember how much that helped the GOP last time with Clinton.
kesmarn : Patsy, I assume you mean the Florida whacko? Nothing would surprise me, but I think he might just be genuinely nutz.
TheRarestPatriot : But then again, any vetoes Obama issues will lessen HIS 2012 presence…it’s a weird situation. I only wish Dems had really stood solid this last year and a half.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, I don’t think he’s even pro-kitten.
AdLib : Patsy – Who is on the take?
AdLib : Boehner doesn’t like 9/11 firemen, unemployed people, senior citizens, Muslims, The Founders, not a bad group to be in.
PatsyT : Hey, who here thinks that passedtor is on the take from the GOP – I would not put anything past them
kesmarn : TRP, the misery they could inflict in 2 years, though…ouch.
AdLib : TRP – Indeed, The GOP winning at least one house of Congress this year takes away their excuse of blaming the Dems for everything in 2012.
kesmarn : I think Boehner and Obama are two people who very profoundly do not like each other!
AdLib : Patsy – He is finally going after Boehner and the GOP for blocking help for the middle class. But this needs to be much more intense or it will be drowned out by Ground Zero mosques and Quran burning.
TheRarestPatriot : It’s weird. I think he knows if the GOP gets power, they will have no answers to anything, lessening their 2012 presence.
kesmarn : I only saw part of it, too, Patsy. I thought it went well, but I like reasoned, thoughtful comments. You know… the boring, non-inflammatory stuff!
AdLib : Obama needs to turn up the intensity on what the GOP taking over will mean.
PatsyT : Kes I didn’t see the whole presser How did it go?
TheRarestPatriot : Or he chokes on his own vomit…..lmao
AdLib : TRP – Yep, the only question is whether the dial stays on 5 or goes to 11.
kesmarn : Hi Patsy!!
kesmarn : Anyway, on to Obama’s conference. Yes. He’s fired up again!
TheRarestPatriot : Hi Patsy
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
PatsyT : Hi Guys How is everyone?
AdLib : The Ghost of Twitter! @planetpov
TheRarestPatriot : Saw the speech earlier in the week, Adlib. I;ll tell ya’, the boss can still bring it.
kesmarn : Heh. Don’t know where that @ came from!
TheRarestPatriot : Indeed, K.
kesmarn : I’m not much on paying attention to H-wood gossip. I almost feel sorry for the people whose privacy is lost when stardom happens. Crystal Bowersox, American Idol runner-up is from here and even her State records were hacked. Not much stays private when you make it big@
AdLib : Hey, did anyone else see Obama’s speech today? Or the one earlier in the week? Looks like he’s gotten the message, to toughen up.
TheRarestPatriot : She thought it was the best thing ever….Gwen grabbed the phone away from me and demanded to talk to her…she really is a decent person despite what others say….
kesmarn : Wow. That’s something to tell the other kids about at school!
TheRarestPatriot : Love my girls…very lucky dad…enjoyed every minute…they are crazy about my small film roles…Gwenyth called my youngest on her B-day…we worked a 15hr day that day…thought that was mighty cool of her…my daughter thought that was the coolest thing….
kesmarn : TRP, glad you got to see your girls. Important to keep those ties unbroken.
TheRarestPatriot : Let’s see…Van Halen 1984, ..Ratt…Motley Crue…etc…Bos ton,….loads to think about
AdLib : TRP – Wow, sounds very cool. They don’t build enough Parthenons nowadays, don’t know why.
kesmarn : She will LOVE it, AdLib. Better than Disney World, IMHO!
AdLib : kes – Haven’t been there but when I tell my daughter, I have a feeling that it may be in our travel plans soon.
TheRarestPatriot : Had my girls up for a week. Did the Nashville Parthenon thing. Pretty neat thing gotta’ say…Full scale Parthenon. Percy jackson was filmed there….they loved it….I melted…LOL
kesmarn : My daughter went there…the one near Chicago. She really had fun. Have never been to Six Flags. But I’m spoiled. Live near Cedar Point — world’s best coaster park.
AdLib : TRP – Let me think of who else I was listening to back in high school…Bad Company, Jimi, Grateful Dead, The Who…
AdLib : Kes – That’s the best, my 7 year old loves just going to the park, picnics, hiking, simple stuff. But we also hit the museums and of course Six Flags (with the 2-for-1 Coke cans!). We did 21 rides there last week (including multiples). I’m still dizzy.
kesmarn : Only slightly better than bikinis in January.
TheRarestPatriot : God, we were melting…direct or came out and apologized….li ke that helped…lol
AdLib : TRP – Wearing parkas in the middle of summer ain’t fun.
TheRarestPatriot : …err….right. ..me too. We forget too soon how music was such a huge part of our youth….
kesmarn : Lots of simple get-togethers at the lake. Picnics, birthday parties. Little expense, but high quality.
TheRarestPatriot : Adlib,
TheRarestPatriot : Oy, ..the summer was hot…then the reshoots for Paltow’s film…we had to pretend it was winter…all the while melting in the scorching heat…morons… LOL
AdLib : Kes – What did you do this Summer with the family?
AdLib : Cheers TRP! Hard to pick through my high school memories of music, so many but…er…hard to remember all of those “hazy” days.
kesmarn : As hot as it was, the summer flew by…good memories for the family, though.
TheRarestPatriot : Gotta’ say, Adlib, loved the music posts…..brough t back come serious memories….
AdLib : LA City delayed the start of school to save money so my daughter doesn’t start until next week, it’s been a long but fun Summer. A whole lot of work pilin’ up though!
kesmarn : Fall is my favorite season. In the midwest everything is at its best: gorgeous colors, apples, pumpkins, crazy voters…
TheRarestPatriot : It’s been So hot here too….Nice to have a break in the heat wave..!
AdLib : It was a real snap here in LA, all of a sudden it’s Labor Day and it’s cool Fall weather!
kesmarn : The heat wave has finally snapped here. Good thing, because I was about to!
TheRarestPatriot : Hello Kesmarn…been awhile
kesmarn : Hello, TRP!
kesmarn : Healthy and happy — for the most part– too!
AdLib : Thanks Kes! A bouncing baby Planet!
kesmarn : Good evening, Mr. Founder of the 1 year old Planet!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT! All members are welcome! Hope to see you here!
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