AdLib : Sorry Khirad, I wrote a comment last night, there was a hiccup at the beginning of VP that showed a blank screen until the window was refreshed. A quirk from updating the software, it’s fixed now. Sorry!
bitohistory : I don’t know Khirad we were here and going strong. Good time was had by all.
Khirad : I’m still surprised that it ever got going. I was here at 9 pacific and nobody else was…
bitohistory : Gotta love it when VoxPop ends with the line “Silly Rabbit”
AdLib : Silly rabbit!
PatsyT : O put a rabbit in there
PatsyT : Silly kids trick are for kids
AdLib : And a hummina-hummina to you too!
kesmarn : Back atcha, Patsy and AdLib! shjkfya vfne afbab s fbhah!
AdLib : Night Patsy!!! Sleep well!
AdLib : Kes, that gibberish was just as advertised. Thanks, it was VerGooman!
PatsyT : Hugs to all !
kesmarn : Likewise, b’ito. I think I too will call it a day. I promised gibberish and I have delivered in full, I believe. Good night all, and thanks for your good wishes in so many areas of my “interesting” life!
AdLib : Guess we should wrap Vox for the night. Thanks Bito, Patsy and Kesmarn and everyone else who’s already headed out for a fun and invigorating evening! Sleep well and have a great weekend!
AdLib : Night Bito, great to have you here tonight! Have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : Love you Bito !!
bitohistory : peace
AdLib : Mo goo gai zon
bitohistory : wellpers! it is that time to be late for me. nighty-nite all. Keep in touch with yourselves.
kesmarn : Latter Day BandWidth Sellers
PatsyT : Gogonazola
AdLib : VerMorGoo
kesmarn : Goomonzon.
PatsyT : Church of the googly zon
AdLib : Gorgonzo
kesmarn : VergleMor?
PatsyT : Gooizon
kesmarn : Along with “no” to a 12 pack.
AdLib : VerMoogle.
AdLib : “Nuclear” is something Bush can’t say too.
kesmarn : The Mormons, Google and Verizon are in a vast conspiracy…
AdLib : But the Mormon’s have your relatives social security numbers, they’ll track you down, you special interest, you.
bitohistory : did anyone read that there were “only”26 Americans killed abroad by terrorists ? Something Bush could never say.
kesmarn : Fortunately Google was not crawling the site when I made those most unprofessional comments…
PatsyT : Will Sarah have any more ?
kesmarn : I would be deeeeelighted to be Sarah’s nurse. Heh-heh-heh… “Why yes, Mrs. Palin…this is what the doctor ordered…”
AdLib : bito – you’re landlocked by a sea of red? Well, you know what color you need to turn red to orange.
AdLib : Kes – Could I convince you to tell those same jokes to Sarah Palin?
bitohistory : I’m afraid to leave Tucson, the little blue island.
kesmarn : It was probably the fact that my jokes were so BAD, they took the only way out… Tragic, really.
AdLib : Kes – You have made a patient laugh so hard they died? Ooh, tell me the joke, I’ve got a defibrillator on my desk.
kesmarn : b’ito’s right. The drugs do make everything funnier.
PatsyT : Kes, What a way to go !
AdLib : bito – AZ has some serious Repub infestation, horrible candidates winning in every direction. In ten nor twenty years, when the white people are in the minority, we’ll see how much they like majority rule.
kesmarn : I’ve had many a complaint lodged against me for terminal laughination.
bitohistory : But they have drugs k’es. that’s why we luv’em
PatsyT : Ha those evil nurses making those patients laugh to death
kesmarn : Nurses! They’re the worst! Whiny things! And they have a tendency to verbally abuse their patients, I’m told!
AdLib : Michael Moore claims in Capitalism, A Love Story that the middle class was born from the Sit Down Strike in MI that begat strong unions. Makes sense to me. So, all these middle class Repubs attacking unions wouldn’t be middle class if not for them. Ingrates.
PatsyT : Hayworth is the epitome of botox
PatsyT : Teachers and Nurses ! Ha !
bitohistory : The thing is , he does the same flip-flop every election cycle. this time it is really bad because of teabagger Hayworth running against him. But he will still get fucking elected.
kesmarn : Them and those trouble-making, rabble-rousing teachers!
AdLib : Wanting jobs! They’re spoiled!
PatsyT : Unions built the middle class
AdLib : Damn special interests! Working people!
kesmarn : I’ll bet that was what they were referring to, AdLib. Thanks for doing instant research. Go Union!
AdLib : I found this article in the LA TIMES: “Several thousand union members rallied Friday on the south lawn at Los Angeles City Hall, calling on state and federal leaders to do more to address the state’s 12.3% unemployment rate. But what was billed as a jobs rally was laced with heavy criticism for the Republicans running for governor and senator, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina. During an event organized by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, union leaders showered U.S. Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer with praise while casting Fiorina and Whitman as a “job destruction duo.””
kesmarn : It was a crawl on TV, but I can’t remember which cable channel…
PatsyT : Bito I love old hippies ?-? some are my family!
AdLib : Kes – No, what did you hear about that?
bitohistory : I don’t know were that came from Patsy. Old hippie thing.
AdLib : I wonder if he will claim to be a Maverick again and explain that only a true Maverick would deny his Maverickosity during a campaign where being a Maverick would be a bad thing.
kesmarn : O/T But did anyone hear anything about a large rally in Los Angeles for jobs?
bitohistory : They were in Tucson, she drew a bigger crowd
kesmarn : And doing whatever it takes to get there.
AdLib : And think how weakened McCain will be as a Senator, he stands for nothing now but getting re-elected.
kesmarn : “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach.” Only true in McC’s case.
AdLib : I do get some satisfaction from McCain needing Palin to stump for him, what a perfect comeuppance, humiliated like that.
bitohistory : And then they made him an instructor!
PatsyT : Bito is that a doors song?
bitohistory : Nite HITO stay strange but not a stranger.
kesmarn : I wonder if he’s destroyed more govt equipment than the amount of salary he’s “earned” through the years…
AdLib : Night HITO!!!
PatsyT : Bito not everyone can go and wreck fighter planes
kesmarn : My pleasure, HITO.
bitohistory : He was swaddled in Government nappies, he has had gov ernment HC all his life!! but he is against it for everybody else
HITO : Back soon. Damn, I’ve got to stop with the hitting return function. And Kes, thanks for the adding the “V”. I am now an official youtube poster here. Be well kids.
kesmarn : I hear you, HITO. Have a good night! Thanks for being here!
PatsyT : HITO, all the best and get great rest!
HITO : Love you guys. Thanks for a great night.
HITO : Kids, I’ve got to hit the hay. HITO’s been up since 5am EST and it’s almost 1am EST.
AdLib : bito – yes, that’s what I understand, so a jerk like her doesn’t appeal to every single judge on the court, they say “Okay, we’ll look at it. Denied. Now get lost!”
PatsyT : Anchors Away
bitohistory : it was already denied by Thomas and your right AdLib the second judge always refers it to the court.
kesmarn : Hahahahahaha!
HITO : Panama Canal. Daddy was in the DOD.
AdLib : McCain was born in Panama. He is an anchor baby.
HITO : Well I’d like it unstandardized. I’d like to see her get a volume or two of law precedent throw at her with the full force of reality.
kesmarn : Was McCain born in the U.S.?
AdLib : She’s very upset about it and has had to pay legal fees no doubt to get to the SCOTUS, probably will cost her 100k all in.
AdLib : This is standard process just before the court tosses the appeal.
HITO : $20K? That’s all. Damn.
AdLib : “A request to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito by “birther” attorney Orly Taitz asking that $20,000 in sanctions against her be reversed was referred on Tuesday to the entire court.” Read more: «link»
PatsyT : WFP
kesmarn : Maybe — Oh God, We’re Fucked Pumps
PatsyT : All of the Above or below
AdLib : Or maybe “Fuck U.S. Pumps”.
HITO : Oh you clever man…BP FMPs.
PatsyT : AdLib I think that is Fuck You Pumps
kesmarn : Whee! I hadn’t heard that. Orly, it’s time to pay up and shut up…at long last.
AdLib : I hear BP makes “Fuck Me Pumps”.
HITO : I’d like to see Oily contribute $100K to our deficit, $200K would be even better.
PatsyT : Well she is loaded ?-?loaded with BS
bitohistory : yeah it is hard to believe that half the r’s don’t believe he was born in the US and a bunch think he is a Muslim
AdLib : Well, Orly Taitz is being slamdunked by the SCOTUS and will have to pay fines for her campaign in the courts over Obama’s citizenship, that’s cool!
PatsyT : Well I will be busy then
HITO : In my day they were “Fuck Me Pumps” I think…I’m old
kesmarn : Patsy!
CFM Pumps!
AdLib : Patsy – Once you’ve done all that, I’d suggest wrapping yourself up in the Confederate flag and holding a noose in your non-written on hand.
HITO : Kes, fuck em all. BTW, I saw a “GLOBE” edition at the supermarket today I refused to pick up. Told stories about how O is not a citizen, and retold his African history before he was planted here to take control. Assholes.
PatsyT : Oooo kes Red Stilleto Heels Or as we used to say – Come fuck me pumps
kesmarn : Some stilleto heels, Patsy and lots of tea bags on the 10 gallon hat.
AdLib : bito – That is what it means to have a man of principle as president. Even though he knows the RW would use this against him and the Dems as coddling terrorists, he does the right thing. And the Purist Dems want a President Romney in 2012? DO they think Romney would have said that?
kesmarn : YAY for our Prez! But “they” will say: “Of course, he would say that. He’s a Muslim.” On the other hand: who cares what they say!!
HITO : Patsy, I’m a smoker, now stop it. I’m laughing too hard and it hurts!
PatsyT : OK so my wardrobe will consist of White Sheet, Ten Gallon Hat, Oh the background smoldering crosses, bad spelling on my hand… hmm what am I missing?
AdLib : Even so, my God can beat your God up.
bitohistory : did anyone see The Pres. today on the Mosque topic? <blockquote> OBAMA: Let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. </blockquote>
HITO : Crazy kids part deux. I’ve been lapsed out of so many religions…but the best part was that I know if there is a god, it’s the god of all, no matter what stupid human attributes everyone tries to ascribe to it. It laughs it’s ass off at the mere thought.
AdLib : HITO – The reality is, these types will dispute everything that doesn’t agree with their BS. You provide a link, they attack the site as biased. Provide a fact, they’ll claim it’s not a fact. They aren’t interested in a legit debate, it’s just about shouting as loudly as they can that they’re right.
HITO : Adlib, if you’re ever over in the other world and see “barkrudedog” go there. Bastard argued with Seek and I and another epic poster named “soitgoes” for hours about the need for back up links. We were shmucks to have engaged that long, but the environment dictated we do so. Sigh
AdLib : Patsy – One more hint: The scent of burned cross is their favorite perfume.
kesmarn : That will all be settled out at the big WWF GOD MATCH,
AdLib : But I’ve heard that Christian God is stronger than Islamic God.
PatsyT : AdLib my desk is right next to the linen closet and I have scissors at the ready !
kesmarn : I think their little, tiny mouse shaped god might have. Allah told me he didn’t have a thing to do with it, though, AdLib.
AdLib : HITO – That should tell you all you need to know. “Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!”
HITO : Nah, God’s on our side, Adlib. Don’t cha know?
AdLib : Kes – Maybe God made it disappear?
HITO : THey refuse to post links. They refuse to offer justification for their reasonings. LOL. You can’t make them do it. Kinda the big picture, you know.
kesmarn : They did seem to be slow readers HITO. Maybe it took ’em 4 days to get through 3 sentences.
AdLib : HITO – When you’re in a fight with Zombies, hard to win with logic.
HITO : Kes, LMAO!….sat in pending for four days. Somethings way wrong with that.
kesmarn : I posted at the SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America) site that Islam was a religion of peace and that moderate Muslims were our brothers and sisters. Sat in “pending” for 4 days. Then vanished.
HITO : Thrillseeker, my ass. We went in, we got bashed (to see how the other side lives) and thank god, anastasiabeaverh ousen came in with two others to bash back for a bit. Seek’s nuts, he wants to got back…not me. I was scared. They jumped us real good.
PatsyT : That is a plan kes I am sharpening my sharpie now
AdLib : Clean Coal = Non-Radioactive Nuclear energy.
AdLib : Patsy – You might try wearing a white hood at RW sites, I hear that really turns them on.
bitohistory : well right AdLib Fossil fuels esp. all that Clean Coal
HITO : Adlib, thanks for the 60 minutes link, bookmarked, damn it’s going to be a 3 cupper of darjeeling in the morning. merci.
AdLib : HITO – You are a thrillseeker! Tucker’s site is a garbage dump for RWs.
kesmarn : Yes, Patsy, they respond to little symbolic things like that. You might try winking a lot and writing messages on the palm of your hand, too.
HITO : Kids, I blogged over at Tucker Carlsons site. Yikes! Batshitcrazy they are and nasty.
AdLib : What woudl Jesus do…to heat water without using fossil fuels!
PatsyT : Next time I am blogging at a bagger site I will wear a hat
AdLib : Bito – our water heaters out in Cali are mostly NG heaters so solar would definitely be better but it wouldn’t reduce oil usage.
HITO : Kes, and he was a patient carpenter. Still is.
kesmarn : AdLib, thank gods we have an administration that won’t actively try to bury this technology to protect big oil/energy.
kesmarn : I love poor carpenters! Starting with one who was in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago!
AdLib : HITO and anyone else who hasn’t seen it, here is a link to the 60 Minutes piece on the Bloom Box. If it all works out, we could solve our energy and CO2 issues in a year! «link»
bitohistory : the savings in money and oil would be tremendous with 1/3 of all homes have solar hot water heaters!! and you could hire a poor carpenter to help build it.
HITO : Aw, you crazy kids. I didn’t know BDM hasn’t been on here, or I would have said something sappy to her. I’m good at sappy. She was funny as shit and took no hostages, but you knew that about her already. And I will re-direct her accordingly, should I have the pleasure again. Haven’t seen her over there in 6 months, easy.
kesmarn : Patsy, the fact that he’s wearing a cowboy hat might get their attention. Briefly.
PatsyT : Do you think any of those tea bagging haywagons might listen to this guy? «link»
kesmarn : Better for the planet. Cheaper for the consumer. Win-win.
HITO : I bookmarked that Adlib. Thanks. But not before noticing how close two of the graphics of demarcation are to me. Sigh.
AdLib : kes – I think the figure is around 80% of energy is lost as it’s transmitted through the grid. Imagine if you had a generator in your backyard, like a water heater and directly powered your own home. We could eliminate that 80% loss by using a grid and our energy needs would evaporate massively.
kesmarn : You hit the nail on the head, HITO. First Energy (power company here) is fighting this tooth and nail, too. They’re being sued by a Consumer’s group now for obstructing these types of initiatives.
HITO : Kes, a couple of folks I know did just that. Are putting power back in the grid, but it was a hard long fight after spending alot of money. And they pretty much had to threaten my local energy carrier to get their paltry reimbursement. Keep telling myself it will start slow, but when enough people do it, we’ll be empowered.
AdLib : HITO – Here’s a link to their site. It’s an amazing documentary and a must see on this topic. It opened my eyes to what NG extraction through fracking means and how it is destroying our nation’s ground water and poisoning people and our land. «link»
PatsyT : HITO yes BDM I love her doggies
PatsyT : Power to the People !
bitohistory : HITO, next time you see BDM, tell her to stop by, she is missed!
kesmarn : AdLib, think of the difference having your own little power station would make in people’s lives!
HITO : Awwww, you’ll get sick of me. I’m warning ya!
PatsyT : HITO Awesome
AdLib : We love you too, HITO! SO nice to have you joining us tonight!
kesmarn : The feeling’s mutual, HITO.
HITO : No I haven’t seen that Adlib. I’ve only come out of my 22 year cave in the last 9 months. Gasland? Do tell, please. Jesus you guys are so smart, have I told you how much I love you today? I do.
PatsyT : Kes, That him in the flesh!
AdLib : Kes – If they took a fraction of the billions we get from letting the Bush taxcuts expire, this could actually happen.
kesmarn : Patsy, Mitch = aged Cabbage Patch Doll
bitohistory : patsy,I hope she can win in Nov, we have a very mixed district- blue Tucson-Red the rest.
kesmarn : Ah, but the country can’t afford those tax credits, AdLib! Not if we’re gonna keep those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
AdLib : HITO – Have you seen Gasland? It is pretty scary but well illustrates how destructive and wasteful…and booming the business of fracking is.
PatsyT : Mitch M looks like a wax dummy
AdLib : Here goes Adlib again…if the Bloom Box passes its tour of duty with the major corps and a residential sized one is manufactured, Obama and a Dem Congress could change the whole energy and pollution dynamic by using tax credits or some co-financing to put them in many homes across the country. Swift and huge reduction of CO2 and energy needs.
PatsyT : Bito I love that rep of yours
bitohistory : that’s a good one! Clean air act. SIGNED into law by NIXON!! Whre are the r;s now? Teabaggin in the cloak room?
kesmarn : Everything is blocked in the Senate… except the flow of yuck from Mitch McConnell…
HITO : Please excuse HITO’s bad typing…meant “Thank God” as far as Maurice Hinchey goes…and he may go soon, the Right hates him and the dems in my area are lazy.
kesmarn : Maybe we could arrange a little space walk for ’em in that case…
HITO : Oh Adlib. That’s just scary, more scary than the info I’ve read in this in my local newspaper. That god my man Hinchey is on it. He’s not having that Frack crap without EPA/DEC approvals…only problem is, like those agencies have any power anymore. Still Bushlike in those arenas. O’s got to empower those agencies the way Clinton did. Can you say “Clean Air Act”…I have a good memory.
AdLib : Patsy – The Repubs would take off their own spacesuit helmet in space if they thought keeping it on would help Obama.
bitohistory : Gabby Giffords, my rep, wrote a good solar bill in the house and it passed. blocked in the Senate.
kesmarn : More things Obama never got credit for, AdLib…. sigh…
AdLib : kes – The Cash for Clunkers program was hugely successful. And the weather proofing houses bit created jobs and saves energy.
PatsyT : Bito, Isn’t AZ like the Saudi Arabia of Solar ? Why don’t they want to rule the world?
AdLib : HITO – Exactly. Obama was too intent on being a good guy when he got into office and trying to be bipartisan. Having Rahm by his side tamping down his more ambitious ideas didn’t help either.
kesmarn : And it’s money spent that would SAVE us money in the long run, AdLib. Like replacing clunkers with more efficient cars, weather-proofing houses and getting more energy-efficient appliances into homes.
PatsyT : The repubs would block legislation to cure cancer … some show said that today
bitohistory : NY has more solar power than AZ with its 362 days of sunshine!!! God AZ!
AdLib : HITO – Check out this article I wrote on NG and fracking: «link»
HITO : Adlib, just like Kennedy got us going with PeaceCorps. Obama should have orchestrated a “save the planet” movement. True that…I’m very disappointed with him that regard.
HITO : Kes, let it go. It feels good. Trust me.
AdLib : Before Obama was elected, I imagined how he could launch a “going-to-the-m oon” type aggressive program to get us deep into developing a renewable energy industry. That would bring back manufacturing, high paid jobs and the world as customers. He has done some of that through the stimulus but the bullshit from Repubs on how we can’t spend into deficits (only Bush and Reagan were allowed to do so) has blocked the robust spending there should have been.
PatsyT : Bito I know they are going hog wild on the coal fired plants but Yes tI think they will see the economic advantage of this before our sorry asses
kesmarn : HITO, AdLib had an article on fracking a while back. I was unaware until I read that how damaging this fucking freaking fracking is to the environment.
HITO : Bito: NO way! WTF? China is beating us in solar panels? Oh, now I have to go get more wine. Shit.
bitohistory : patsy,60% of solar panels are now made in China, #1 in wind energy. Yes they have a lot of pollution , but it seems they are making an effort
HITO : Kids big news in my area of NY is the movement against “fracking” by energy companies to get natural gas. They drill, insert heinous chemicals that EPA has NOT approved and get their little bit of gas at a price no one wants to pay.
kesmarn : I am being fucking restrained tonight, for a change.
PatsyT : HITO just don’t go NAACP on us
AdLib : HITO – Fuck yeah!
kesmarn : b’ito, I made the mistake of clicking on a further link on that page — to a story on a teacher who beat an 11 year old student to death and threw her out a 4th floor window. Argh.
PatsyT : Big Phama strikes again !
HITO : Oh, if they beat us to it, that’s just fucked up. That was O’s stance on fixing alot…unemploym ent, environment. If China beats us to it, then we are certainly fucked. (Adlib is it ok that I’m F-bombing so much?)
AdLib : We will save energy by reverting from electricity powered computers to manual computers. The abacus industry is braced for a resurgence.
kesmarn : But according to “them,” not only is there no global climate change, BP also did virtually no damage to the environment. All that oil has just disappeared. Denial is the world’s best drug.
bitohistory : k’s that was like looking a snuff film. Hard to watch!and just think he was making 50 cents an hour, no saftey anything . GAH
PatsyT : HITO they will embrace green energy
HITO : GOP endorses going to back to fat rendered candles.
HITO : Patsy, in what regard? (will they come to their senses)
AdLib : The Chinese, not for environmental but economic reasons, are building a renewable energy industry in a huge way. Meanwhile, thanks to the GOP, we’ve passed tax breaks to explore a return to horseless carriages.
PatsyT : Bito, I have a feeling that the Chinese will come to their senses before we will
kesmarn : These landslides are a tragedy and the flooding…good Lord. b’ito, those photos of the oil spill clean up workers were heart-breaking.
AdLib : bito – Yes, I added a section about that in a comment in my Flood of Fires post. Terrible and looks like it is only going to continue in the coming years.
HITO : I did. Terrible stuff going on over there. Asia is in deep shit.
AdLib : Well, everyone needs a role model. For Palin, it was Damien.
bitohistory : Did anyone see my post yesterday that there was another landslide in China?
HITO : Patsy: Yes you are.
PatsyT : HITO Perfect !
HITO : Damn, that scared me Adlib. I was expecting a plain face, but got satan. Wait…..you’re right!
PatsyT : Thanks God for Botox !
kesmarn : Post exorcism is even worse.
AdLib : That was pre-exorcism.
HITO : Kes, EXACTLY! Two fan whores going at it. Brixton, or whatever the hell her name is, just picked her mom as her suitor.
kesmarn : Nightmares tonight!!! AAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
PatsyT : LOLOL ADLIb !!!
kesmarn : That’s it, HITO. They hate each other because they are exactly alike. Superficial attention-whores .
HITO : When we people get it…we need accountable, committed people to do the right thing when it comes to governance.
AdLib : If you haven’t seen Sarah Palin without makeup: «link»
HITO : If Levi wins, then he will slam her face with reality that she was a sham, because so is he. How sad is that?
kesmarn : OMG, b’ito! That is brilliant!
HITO : Drink crazy Sarah shit? Hell no, but I’ve had a bit too much Pinot tonight. I could drink a case and still hate the SP thing though.
PatsyT : Levi for Mayor!
kesmarn : I do believe she may have met her match in Levi.
bitohistory : «link»
bitohistory : John McCain’s 44 Flip-Flops
PatsyT : YES AdLib !
kesmarn : YES!! AdLib, you renew my faith in dudes!
AdLib : Palin is not sexy. She is nasty, most guys I know feel the same way.
HITO : But meanwhile, back in crazy reality town, Fiorina and Whitman continue their races with major capital input. $99Million isn’t enough!
kesmarn : It’s such a relief to hear you guys have not drunk the Sexy Sarah kool aid!!
bitohistory : No thank you not without her paying me big bucks
kesmarn : We were logging the number of McCain flip-flops this evening. Impressive. At one point 10 in 2 weeks.
HITO : Kes, all political walks want to fuck her. And don’t think she doesn’t know that and capitalize on it. I loved when her photos of her without the makeup hit…not that I’ve seen them, but heard many gasps.
AdLib : HITO – That’s really not true, most messed up Republican men may want to fuck her but I know many non-GOP men and I don’t know of one who would want to be in the same room with her…without a custard pie in hand to throw at her.
kesmarn : I think you are definitely on to something there, HITO!
bitohistory : That’s right HITO, but he changed his mind?-?-again!
HITO : Kes, she is so inept, it defies words. But how she got where she is, well I’ll assume it’s because most men just want to fuck her. There. I’ve said it. Sorry Adlib.
PatsyT : HITO OBL is hanging out in one of mccains empty vacation homes
AdLib : All McCain can cough up now are the last vestiges of his soul…and a watercress sandwich.
kesmarn : I guess I think of her religious fundamentalist extremism, HITO, and her lack of understanding of how democracy and free speech work and she looks pretty Taliban-ish to me.
HITO : I keep waiting for McCain to cough up where Osama Bin Laden is. (wow I actually typed that, and not the usual OBL) Mac knew where he was…waiting for it.
PatsyT : HITO it was on HP but I love Shannyn Moore «link»
AdLib : Hey…what if that exorcism didn’t work on Palin? Maybe we should promote the meme that she is still possessed by demons!
bitohistory : I herd some one say if she had been smacking bubble gum she could have played a valley girl. To steal KO’s line “she is an Idiot”
AdLib : bito – Log Cabin Republicans…ju st an S&M club, getting beaten and abused by their “colleagues” in the GOP on a daily basis and they keep coming back for more.
HITO : I don’t know, calling her a Taliban is a bit much. Don’t get me wrong, if I had a chance, I’d bitch slap her moronic crap.
kesmarn : Daddy must be so proud…. or not…
bitohistory : Her father was a teacher and her brother is one now.
kesmarn : That is the perfect name for her, b’ito. American Taliban if ever I saw one!
HITO : NOT A TEACHER!!!!!! Yikes.
AdLib : Teechurs? Wee hayte skool!
PatsyT : Love it Bito !
HITO : LOL, I missed that whole bunch of nonsense from Palin. But I’m delighting with your info.
bitohistory : Osarah Bin Palin?
kesmarn : Not too much respect for the teaching profession in general from the Palin clan.
PatsyT : Oh that pause
HITO : Adlib: Back at you.
AdLib : Kes – “The response from Palin and her daughter to their question of what the woman did, she said, “I’m a teacher” and there was an uncomfortable pause from the Palin Klan, then, as if she had said she eats babies, they chimed in sync, “Oh.”
dildenusa : I know Adlib. legal immigrants want to close the door on anyone who might take away what they have
bitohistory : AdLib I do not understand that at all . Same with log cabin R’s.
HITO : My daughter’s guidance counselor pushed the shit out of her and gave her reality based motives. Then got her an award from my county’s executive for her community service. Sigh. Sometimes all that arguing seems worthwhile.
PatsyT : Kes, Yes That was very special Kinda of told the whole story
kesmarn : Patsy, did you see the Sarah Palin vid of the confrontation with the teacher in Alaska?
AdLib : Hito –
bitohistory :
PatsyT : My Grad’s AP Teacher had a very special interest – GETTING MY CHILD INTO THE COLLAGE OF HER CHOICE !
HITO : Esquise you or Esquire you? Would if I could.
kesmarn : Biff and Buffy may want to broaden the gene pool, b’ito.
AdLib : Esquise me?
dildenusa : just some psychobabble. but children of the wealthy have very high expectations when it comes to working and middle class people
bitohistory : Too much interbreeding, k’es?
HITO : Adlib, strangely enough both his sons were esquires….hmmm m?
AdLib : bito – That is messed up. But look at the black and Latino Republicans, they may have benefited from Dem policies yet they have dedicated themselves to taking away such benefits for people just like them.
kesmarn : Could the ultra-wealth suffer from a form of autism? They seem to be unable to relate to human emotion. Only objects. Well — one object. MONEY.
dildenusa : I hear you Adlib. it’s called status anxiety.
PatsyT : My daughters kindergarten teacher has a very special interest – MY CHILD !
AdLib : HITO – I’ve seen the sons of self-made people ignore contractual obligations out of mere resentment, just because they want everything and don’t think anyone should have what they want.
kesmarn : I’ve seen that, too, b’ito. The VERY people who benefited from the union in their youth will turn on it. Good luck to ’em!
HITO : Bito: Talk about heresy.
bitohistory : Greedy children. I have seen it it people whose folks were Union, Union HC, Union wages sent them to college, and now they are anti union. Talk about ungrateful.
HITO : Adlib, I saw that in his sons, circa 1988. They had been protocol son types, and they intended to maintain that status quo. There was no work ethic in them, something their dad had worked his ass off for. BTW, my boss was a major Dem contributor, at least that made me happy.
PatsyT : Dilden there is so much to be positive about! Did anyone catch the Rachel M show about the rundown of the Obama accomplishments ?
kesmarn : Yes, d, if we could only learn to be a bit more humble and grateful. There’s too much of this “Please, sir, I want some more” when it comes to gruel…
AdLib : What about the Repubs calling the state assistance bill that just passed, “a payoff to special interests”…wh en it pays for teachers, firemen, police…working people! Yet, their tax cut for the wealthiest 1%, that’s helping the “real” Americans?
dildenusa : well Kes they do but only if we do their bidding. you know. get back to work you lazy ……..
PatsyT : If I hear one more reporter on the cabals say – There is a lot of anger out there – I am going to have to go and do something rash like buy kool aid
kesmarn : dilden, wouldn’t it be nice if they actually DID give a rat’s patoot about the working/middle class?
AdLib : HITO – The sense of entitlement that the children of the wealthy have can make them more unprincipled and crooked than their parents. They are bred to be sociopathic because, as corporations are now “people”, the people who run them have the values of corporations.
bitohistory : Hey d, you post some good thoughts and links on debt-financial thingys thanks….
dildenusa : I’m trying to keep positive about things.
PatsyT : HITO
kesmarn : Sorry again. Country, not county. Typo Queen tonight.
kesmarn : There seems to be a real load of anger building in the county at large. I wonder where this will lead… And Hi to dildenusa!!
HITO : true that, dildenusa
AdLib : Hey dildenusa!
PatsyT : Hi Dildenusa
dildenusa : Hello everyone! the repubs, in their heart of hearts really believe they are helping the working and middle class by giving away billions to 1% of the population.
AdLib : Greed has no limits, it feeds on itself. How much more could you eat or do with $100 million more when you have $100 million?
PatsyT : The repubs need to twist in the wind about the hypocrisy of wanting to reduce the deficit but at the same time keeping the bush tax cuts!
HITO : I’ve worked for a couple of millionaires. They don’t get it. Well, one did, son of a tailor in PA. Owned 1/4 of Time Warner when it was just Warner. Frugal, but his crazy ass wife, daughter of a CBS Paley, loved to loot the bank accounts. Wealthy people…90% of them, just want to keep what they have and could give a shit about the “right thing to do”.
kesmarn : AdLib, thanks for the WAPO numbers.
kesmarn : The concept of “ENOUGH” is lost upon them.
bitohistory : That is a gift of 125,000 apiece for those making a million dollars.
AdLib : From the WAPO: “A Republican plan to extend tax cuts for the rich would add more than $36 billion to the federal deficit next year — and transfer the bulk of that cash into the pockets of the nation’s millionaires, according to a congressional analysis released Wednesday. “
HITO : Patsy: I LOVE YOU! Girl, you crack me up real good!
kesmarn : And they claim to be all about fiscal responsibility. What a joke.
PatsyT : HITO they do not have enough empty vacation homes
HITO : Jesus Christ! $38BILLION for those wealthy bastards tax cuts? Incredible.
kesmarn : HITO very smart. And looking out for kids. Good.
PatsyT : HITO you are smart !
AdLib : Just as the wealthy and corporations didn’t care what would happen to the world as they stole trillions of money through derivatives, they don’t care that grabbing as much as they can now from the majority and sending the middle class sinking down into the lower class, the economic engine that drives our economy, consumer spending, is destroyed. Then what?
kesmarn : HITO, I saw a figure that it would add $38 Billion to the deficit. So your numbers are not too high…I don’t think.
HITO : Kes, I wrote in my oldest college funding into the separation agreement whose language will survive when we divorce in one year. HITO smart!
kesmarn : Wow, HITO, you have one in college. That in itself is expensive. And keeping a household of 2 going is not cheap…even living frugally. I wish you well.
HITO : Adlib, I saw numbers this week that predicted if the Bush wealthy tax cuts stood, we were looking at $8Bil over 10 years. I know it sounds too high, but I assume it took other “trickle” down factors.
PatsyT : The book -Two Years Before the Mast- tells the story of R H Dana and they have the ship there at the Ocean Institute – beautiful place
kesmarn : It’s so much displaced/mispla ced anger. The poor are not to blame for the way things are, but they’re getting the brunt of it.
AdLib : HITO – Appreciate that. WHich is why I can’t understand, the Repubs block unemployment pay and money to help ill 9/11 workers, block HCR, Financial reform yet want the top 1% of the country to get billions. How can people want them to be in a position to do this?
HITO : Kes, my oldest is dorming at state university starting next week. It’s just me and my son, for the next five years.
bitohistory : Did you catch Newtie calling unemployment insurance “welfare? and it wasn’t a slip he did it more than once. ARSE!
HITO : Kes, I’m getting $2K/mo. childsupport/ali mony which fades over the next five years. I’ve been a part time admin for 6 years, but will need to supplement by either getting another part time gig (probable) or full time gig (impossible).
kesmarn : Patsy, that’s very cool! Dana Point…
kesmarn : HITO, that’s ah huge adjustment in income for your family!
AdLib : It is a bit scary that so many Americans are so willing to “get even” with the party in power that they will blindly accept any alternative including racists, corporate tools and the very people who were in power just one and a half years ago who destroyed the world’s economy and this nation’s stability. How stupid are these people?
HITO : And that “working class” is disappearing everyday.
PatsyT : Kes, I live near Dana Point CA and they have the «link» I have been on a few field trips for the 4th graders and that is the part that gets them all!
bitohistory : There are a few graph/chart nerds here. I don’t know how many i have seen on where the weallth is but is sure isn’t in the working class.
kesmarn : An insult to elephants everywhere…
HITO : Adlib, I’d be happy making $25k/year for now. My X made +$100K. But right now, it’s about getting by, not living the high life. And anyone that wants that high life, pay your taxes and shut up.
AdLib : kes – And that’s giving the worst part of the deal to the elephant.
kesmarn : AdLib…which brings us right back to Newt’s face!
HITO : Need to raise the SS cap to $250K or more for 4-6 years.
kesmarn :
Patsy! I didn’t know that about steerage hygiene!
AdLib : Kes – I thought of an elephant’s but.
AdLib : bito – I checked the actual figures and they’re more dismal than you think. The top 1% of the nation earns $100k or more…so 99% of the nation’s households earn less. It’s really the top half of a percent who are wealthy in this nation. The American dream is bullshit, everyone’s odds are 99.5% against ever becoming a millionaire.
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito, or telling someone: “Do not think of an elephant.” Of course, you’re going to think of nothing but!
PatsyT : Steerage ! They all used the same ‘rope’ to wipe themselves ahh the good old days «link»
kesmarn : Patsy, yes, who can buy anything when there’s no longer a middle class. Then they have the gall to want to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
bitohistory : k’es, like the judge telling the jury to ignore certain info.
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito. Middle class is a dying entity…
HITO : The middle class are extinct. The repubs wanted it that way. Don’t have a clue how to get their numbers back. Not in our current situation. But, the middle class built this nations prosperity in the 50s.
PatsyT : Kes works every time
kesmarn : I think Laura’s “apology” was cynical, too, AdLib. Just CYA to keep her job after she’d gotten her real “message” out there.
PatsyT : Hito sounds cool
bitohistory : middle class? 10% owns 90% of the wealth and 90% owns 10%. Worst it has been since pre depression
PatsyT : Kes, YES with out a middle class Look at what we have ….oh booo hooo no consumers Hey where did they all go?
HITO : Patsy, I’m sorry I just realized, that it was BigDogMom that shared that thread the other day with me. Sovereigns who are closer to anarchists.
AdLib : The thing is, I don’t see anything genuine about anything the Repubs say, it’s all done to win elections. Are the Repubs in Congress all really as racist as they portray themselves? Or are they just cynically pandering to the racist Baggers for votes? They have no principles, I think it’s just saying what works. DO Palin and Boehner and Bachman all really believe what they say or are they just baiting their rabid followers and treating them like fools?
kesmarn : I would contribute $ for his boat trip over there…steerage .
PatsyT : I would love to see – Beck in Somalia with nothing but a dime
kesmarn : Exactly, b’ito! And it might help if they finally woke up and realized that having a middle class is a GOOD thing.
HITO : Wingers hate FDR. They’ll never see that reality.
HITO : Oh Patsy, We were supposed to send the sovereigns to Somalia!
PatsyT : Great point Bito !
bitohistory : ask any winger where capitalism would have been if not for FDR. He saved it.
PatsyT : They need a trip to Somalia
HITO : Adlib, Beck referenced “Planet of the Apes”. Jesus Christ, you should have seen the trolls in denial. “What, he was just making a comparison to a governing change.” Bullshit.
kesmarn : The big hero of the right, now, is Calvin Coolidge and FDR is Satan in a wheelchair. They are deranged!
HITO : OMG, Kes. WE ARE distorting history? WTF? He’s an assclown. (And yes, I have the beautiful graphic Adlib made awhile back right up above my desk.)
AdLib : HITO – Laura said the “n” word. Beck said Obama hates white people”. And “libs” are delusional about racism?
HITO : Bito: Denial is great. And fucking scary. No way to show a mirror to them.
kesmarn : That Rove technique is appalling, AdLib. Caught a few minutes of Beck today and he is saying that the LEFT is erasing/distorti ng history to suit their agenda! That would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating.
AdLib : That’s what the whole attack on the NAACP is about. Right after they called on the Baggers to reject the racists among them, they spun around in Rove mode and attacked the NAACP as being racist against poor oppressed white people.
bitohistory : HITO, that is because they are racists, so they don’t recognize it when they see it.
HITO : Patsy…so true: “It’s just there under the surface”
AdLib : Kes – Yes, this is the Karl Rove approach to being racist. Accuse your opponent of what you are or what you are doing. So, say racist things and when anyone calls you a racist, you brand them as the real racist. This was what Breitbart was trying to do too.
PatsyT : HITO they talk in codes
HITO : All the trolls over on HP say libs are delusional with their rants about racist. Are we? I don’t think so. I think we see this subliminal shit and it makes the hair stand up on the back of our necks, appropriately so.
AdLib : HITO – There is nothing for any fair minded person to love about this woman. She is hateful, racist and spews the venom every day that now passes for political opinion of Repubs. It is interesting that as bad as people feel about the Dems, they STILL disapprove of the Repubs more than the Dems. That’s quite a feat for the Repubs to accomplish.
HITO : Adlib: Separate but equal drinking fountains…LMFA O! Feel like I’m back in SC circa 1964.
PatsyT : AdLib it is always just there under the surface
kesmarn : It’s aggravating, too, that when a person of color objects to blatant racism, THAT’s called “playing the race card”! As if Beck didn’t when he called Obama racist!
bitohistory : I’m afraid to answer your question AdLib, because I’m afraid that the answer is yes.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, in the name of “free enterprise.” I’ve actually heard the argument: Business owners should be able to serve whomever they like..”
HITO : Seek has a new sock, and I’m trying to find it for fun. So I was looking at newbies over at HP all day. One nubie who seemed ok, espoused it’s love of this woman. And how we don’t know how wonderful she is. It’s from CA, read through it’s comments, seemed OK, but this situation just made me say, “you’re an idiot”.
AdLib : Kes – She was blatantly racist. What does this mean, for racism to now be socially acceptable and a valued GOP campaign theme?
PatsyT : She told the truth – That is how she really feels
bitohistory : Here are her taped words with a transcript. «link»
kesmarn : Also, she plays “dumb,” as in “I’m confused here,” but she is not a stupid woman.
AdLib : Patsy – I was just going to comment on that too…”you people”. I’m waiting for Sharron Angle and Rand Paul to announce their support of separate but equal drinking fountains.
PatsyT : Can a boycott of her advertisers help?
kesmarn : Those may not be the precise words, HITO, but that was the gist of it.
HITO : It’s OK to be racist because it’s just bashing the POTUS, which is acceptable. Just an extension.
PatsyT : YOU PEOPLE ???
HITO : “You people have your president”. Well that just makes me very angry.
AdLib : kes – Laura also said “If you can’t handle it, don’t marry out of your race” and “Don’t NAACP me!” She is a blatant racist and pays no price for it?
kesmarn : Exactly, Patsy! She is a mean-spirited woman.
PatsyT : Hey, she showed her true colors by saying don’t NAACP me!
bitohistory : I heard it was all Obama’s fault for all the talk. he brings it up all the time.?-?well he was a winger.
AdLib : Don Imus, Howard Cosell, on and on, there are many who lost their jobs for racism or perceived racism (the rap against Cosell was unfair). Nowadays, you can say the “N” word on radio and all you have to do is give a dishonest apology.
kesmarn : The worst thing Laura said, IMO, was, in effect: “You people have your President. There can’t be any more prejudice now. Get over it.” Vicious and false.
PatsyT : Sorry OT this is quick . . . Oh thanks bito and this is a link to the new meet the mormon ad campaign «link»
HITO : We have a black president. (and half black apparently counts as black). This is why all this bullshit comes up. They hid it well, but now can’t help themselves to rant.
kesmarn : A quick thank you to b’ito. I missed that link!
bitohistory : While patsy and k’es are here I left you a link in last weeks music thread on Dione and Burt.
HITO : See, now I always thought Newt would make a good door stop. Keeping the door closed to any concepts that may eradicate ignorance.
kesmarn : I think Newt would make a great Mormon. He seems prone to polygamy.
PatsyT : It is a secret spa
kesmarn : I confess to making a mean paprikas, but few of my friends/family find me rational.
kesmarn : I vote YES, b’ito! Hey, we’re back on baptism again!
HITO : Kes, bet you are an excellent cook. And an excellent rationalist.
bitohistory : Can we do it to Newt and not pull him up from the holy water?
kesmarn : Oh, yeah, HITO. All German on one side and all Hungarian on the other. Half rational and efficient. Half schizophrenic but prone to dancing the czardas.
kesmarn : I wonder how many people one person can be a proxy for? I mean you could get dunked dozens of times a day…think of what that would do to your skin…
HITO : Oh, Kes. Thank you. My dad was a son of two Hungarian parents, both who passed through Ellis Island circa 1901. YIKES!
HITO : I’ve read former articles about how the Mormon church is tracking all family lineages…perha ps to make sure their’s is pure?
kesmarn : It doesn’t get better than ballsy Hungarian, HITO. I have one of those, too.
AdLib : “They say that those who are dead retain their identity and free will and therefore can either accept or reject the rites performed for them. A hands-on proxy baptism ceremony, called an ordinance, takes place in a Mormon temple, and includes full immersion to wash away sins and commence church membership. It is supposedly performed, commentators say, for people who had believed in Christ, but had not had a chance to be baptized.”
bitohistory : I have heard of stealing deceased childrens numbers. Just read that recently. Tha tway they start out with a clean credit score
HITO : If the Mormons tried to baptize my grandmother, well I wish them luck. She was one ballsy gypsy hungarian and would kick their sorry asses. I get my “spunk” from her.
kesmarn : Heh. We have the same info, AdLib. Must be true!
PatsyT : I live less then a half a mile from a Mormon Church
AdLib : Just found this from «link» The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as the LDS or Mormons) has spent millions of dollars microfilming, indexing and cataloging nearly every document known to man from every country on earth — including millions of Jewish records. Church members are encouraged to find the names of ancestors to baptize by proxy, which they believe gives the dead the opportunity to embrace the faith in the afterli
kesmarn : Saved. Sorry. Tired.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. That’s why they were at the university. They do a “baptism by proxy” thing, if I’m not mistaken to make sure all their ancestors are “save”?
HITO : No, only passed on people. My aunt, my uncle, my grandparents, but my aunt only passed in 2003. I have to yell at someone in the near future. Didn’t mean to monopolize the thread with this. Sorry.
PatsyT : Well I can’t wait to die then
AdLib : You do know that the Mormon Church baptizes dead people?.
kesmarn : Is it possible to take out a credit card in a deceased person’s name?
bitohistory : HITO I knew that you could get deceased SS numbers, if it has bee over 20 years, but living?
HITO : It was quite an awakening about what you can get on the internet. Just by googling a loved one’s name. In this case, it brought up my grandfather’s name and SS no., since my dad’s name is the same.
AdLib : HITO – Indeed, that is outrageous. I can’t believe they haven’t been sued for it yet.
PatsyT : LDS and SS numbers?? What are they up to?
kesmarn : Too many years ago, I worked in a university record dept. and they had old county birth records. The Mormons were microfilming them right and left.
HITO : But Adlib, divulging former SS nos. is only good for criminal intent..”Please do use these numbers”, no?
TakeInAPlay : HITO, that is truly scary.
AdLib : HITO – The Mormon Church owns Ancestry.com, you’ve probably seen the ads for it. They are intent on culling identities.
PatsyT : Bito, you are looking good
kesmarn : I sense that there is a b’ito in the room….please join hands around the table…..
HITO : Serious as a heart attack, got my grandparents SS nos., my aunt’s and uncles and a whole bunch of my family tree branches. Again, WTF?
TakeInAPlay : Love it Ad! You’re so green. Of course that could be from drinking old shampoo.
AdLib : BITO! Hola, amigo!
kesmarn : HITO, seriously?
AdLib : Very cool, TIAP! I am drinking beer from a bottle made of recycled bath mats. Urp! There is an odd scent of strawberry conditioner to it but otherwise…
bitohistory : I don’t show up being on line. is this some sort of sign? I feel pretty good. Do I still exist?
test: Hello all.
TakeInAPlay : I don’t know how they did it but it really is soft and stain resistant. A plus when you have a cat.
kesmarn : Cool. Fiber Glass?
TakeInAPlay : I’m so LA!!!!
TakeInAPlay : It’s really soft and it doesn’t leak.
HITO : Well, here’s a little ditty I learned today googling my dad’s name (my sister is not talking to me and I’m waiting for him to pass, so I’ve taken to googling his name every day to see if he shows up in the obits) Well it seems the Church of Latter Day Saints has listings of all deceased people and THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY NOS. What the fuck?
TakeInAPlay : I stopped at Costco and bought a throw rug made from recycled bottles.
kesmarn : Just watched a local PBS interview with the guy who’s running against wonderful Marcy here. He’s even dumber than he looks. HI TIAP!!
AdLib : Hey TIAP!!!
TakeInAPlay : Hey all! Sorry I’m late. Had to run some errands on the way home.
PatsyT : chat chat chatty chat chatty chat
AdLib : Still waiting for a few folks, so feel free to chat.
HITO : Patsy….LOL!!!! !!!!!
kesmarn :
PatsyT : Because there is no end to those pricks
kesmarn : Patsy…tell…
AdLib : Thanks Kes!!!
AdLib : When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.
kesmarn : But, AdLib, you actually DO get respect…
PatsyT : -Why is it that you can’t circumcise tea baggers?
AdLib : Here’s some Rodney Dangerfield: I looked up my family tree and found out I was the sap.
kesmarn : Go for it, AdLib…
AdLib : Henny Youngman, anyone?
HITO : Adlib, bring that schtick on…I could use it tonight!
kesmarn : Does Questinia live in NY state, too? I miss her. Q. where are you?
AdLib : Schtick!
AdLib : Ah, Catskills! Time for my ol’
HITO : Mid Hudson Valley, Catskills, yup. City girl goes country slash mountain girl…lol. Won’t leave the house without full makeup and blown out hair.
kesmarn : You really ARE in the Catskills,huh, HITO?
HITO : Kes: Ah. I got nervous. Thought maybe I’ve passed you at the gas station in town.
PatsyT : Hito, sometimes Kes is beyond funny (I secretly think she may be a comedy pro)
kesmarn : Not really HITO. Patsy suspects I moonlight there, doing stand-up.
HITO : Serious shit, Kes. Do you live in the Catskills?
kesmarn : Patsy, you are always so gracious about my dumb jokes…love ya.
HITO : Had to poof my gmail…Look to the Left long story. THis is my old one for Mrs. Gustav over there, also poofed.
kesmarn : Hi HITO! Sleeping noobs over there?
PatsyT : Hey Hito, love that Avi!
HITO : Kes lives in the Catskills?
PatsyT : I am going to call you Kes of the Catskills !
HITO : Hi kids, sorry I’m late. Had to wake a nubie up over on the other side.
kesmarn : Have the ceiling fan and a standing floor fan on simultaneously. More fans than I have at HuffPo.
PatsyT : Just finished feeding the dogs and I am waiting for my burrito from Pedros
AdLib : Hey all!!! How is everyone?
kesmarn : Sooo hot, Patsy! Day after day…and humid!
kesmarn : Hi, Khirad!
PatsyT : Hey Kes, Still hot in Ohio?
kesmarn : OOps…meant IS that you…not IT… short sleep!
kesmarn : And it that you I see there, Patsy! YES!
PatsyT : Hi Guys
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib, how are you?
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