AdLib : Thanks for staying up so late kes!
boomer1949 : Night all…
AdLib : Ah, that’s a load o’ bunk!
Blues Tiger : If I ‘m not in my bunker that is
kesmarn : Good night to all…or, for us Ohioans, good morning. It’s 1 a.m. here!
Blues Tiger : Goodnigh everyone see you next week
PatsyT : Nighty night All
AdLib : Well, it is getting a bit late, probably time to wrap up Vox Populi for this week. We had a slow start tonight but it really snowballed into a great conversation. Thanks to everyone for joining in when they could and extra props to Blues Tiger for your patience with all of the technical issues and joining the chat! Night all!
Blues Tiger : I always enjoyed going to Ohio to visit
Blues Tiger : It is a pretty nice small town boomer
boomer1949 : BT – sorry there’s a Wellington school in Columbus and for a nanosecond it was the first thing that came to mind. But, Wellington OH is good too!
kesmarn : 4th time’s the charm.
Blues Tiger : Actually Kes your right… I am very lucky…
Blues Tiger : Wellington Ohio, South of Elyria about 30 miles
PatsyT : Boomer, in your recent travels what have your found peoples response to be to the OIL GREY SPILL ?
kesmarn : Oh, well, then… You’re with Ms Right now!
Blues Tiger : I am a hard man to live with it seems
boomer1949 : BT – Wellington as in Wellington School? Really?
Blues Tiger : only 4
kesmarn : Whoa, BT! ‘Fess up! How many?
Blues Tiger : My uhmmmm 3rd wife was from Wellington
kesmarn : Boomer, seriously, you have been a great mom and you have every reason to be proud and happy!
PatsyT : Boomer we are all rooting for wonderful weather for you… I was an Ohio gal myself
AdLib : You could wear sponges.
Blues Tiger : Hope ya’ll can read my typonese
boomer1949 : Anyway, I don’t want to be OT on your deep conversation, so I’m toast and I’ll see everyone when the sun rise Take care and thanks for letting me puff up a bit.
Blues Tiger : Well if just would have sam down to theat blowout preventer and fixed it then there wouldn’t be a chance of rain tommorow
kesmarn : Your daughter will be so proud of you sitting in the stands in your bikini with a bathing cap on. Won’t she?
AdLib : Heh! And don’t forget the bathing cap to keep the rain off your hair!
boomer1949 : kes,
and I wouldn’t doubt it.
PatsyT : AdLib LOL
AdLib : Bathing suit!
PatsyT : Boomer …. rain parka …
kesmarn : Then President Obama will instruct all the Buckeyes to walk calmly to their cars and will be blamed for “ruining graduation.”
AdLib : Boomer, I have one word of advice. Bring your iPod.
boomer1949 : But what if it rains?
AdLib : Congrats!!!
PatsyT : Three hours !! oh boy! You earned it Boomer!
kesmarn : boomer, my son is in Columbus for a wedding this weekend. Should I tell him to stop at your house?
AdLib : And of course, the coup de grace on all of this is that these same people who screamed at town hall meeting about “Keep your government hands off my Medicare!”, who snarl about government being to big and intruding in their life, want to use government to intrude about as personally as you can get into the lives of women and any who don’t share their religious beliefs…and use that power to stop them from exercising their free will.
boomer1949 : Go Bucks!!
Blues Tiger : Congarts Boomer
kesmarn : CONGRATULATIONS! ! to the daughter and the daughter’s mother!!
PatsyT : Hi Boomer Congrats !!
boomer1949 : Quick pop in to say hello to everyone. Drove to Lima OH right after work to see my kid receive a “Major Award” (academic honors, not the Frageelay type)from The Ohio State University; she gets her Master’s next weekend. It’s the biggy Spring commencement and kes, I get to sit in the ‘shoe for at least 3 hours.
PatsyT : It may sound bad but but how can a child like that ever be loved like they need to be?
kesmarn : Yes, Patsy, and the tacit message, of course, is: don’t you want to carry this baby to term? Or would you rather kill YOUR baby? That’s a load of guilt to dump on a victim!
Blues Tiger : It’s up to the Dr if that will be procedure so hopefully most will avoid that
AdLib : kes – Imagine being forced to have that wand inserted, having no say in the matter unless she agreed to having a baby through incest at 15.
PatsyT : kes way to true. So many of those kids have no idea of what is happening to them.
AdLib : BT – Imagine if for every alleged fathering of a child by a man who denied it, he had to have something inserted (I just bent over uncontrollably!) . Then, of course it being men who would be violated, that would be found unacceptably intrusive.
kesmarn : That ultrasound law is extremely disturbing. Imagine being 15, having been raped by your step father, and being forced to count “your baby’s” fingers and toes prior to an abortion.
Blues Tiger : To me the vaginal ultrasound Law is the one people should concentrate on
kesmarn : I wonder if anyone reads those emails, BT. Dear b’ito used to email her show with any number of issues and he used to joke that SOMEDAY, he would get an answer.
Blues Tiger : AdLib this what the new info lAw says in section E. The Individual Abortion Form shall contain a notice containing an assurance that, in accordance with subsection F of Section 5 of this act, public reports based on the form submitted will not contain the name, address, hometown, county of residence, or any other identifying information of any individual female, that the State Department of Health will take care to ensure that none of the information included in its public reports could reasonably lead to the identification of any individual female about whom information is reported in accordance with the Statistical Abortion Reporting Act or of any physician providing information in accordance with the Statistical Abortion Reporting Act, and that such information is not subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
PatsyT : Don’t give up BT
Blues Tiger : Rachel doesn’t return my e-mails kes heh heh he h
AdLib : Patsy – Love that scene! Thanks!!!
kesmarn : BT, thanks for posting that link! I had no idea that info was out there. Yes, Rachel should address that, too.
AdLib : BT – Thanks for the link – just skimmed it and made me very upset, abortions being tracked like crimes. Horrible.
PatsyT : Pee Wee go get em «link»
kesmarn : Thanks, Patsy, in my totally non-biased, objective way, I agree!
PatsyT : kes Ahhh you have a treasure !
AdLib : And as we’ve mentioned, these hypocrites oppose HC for a child that has been born. For these types, The Right to Life ends at birth, then it’s all about self-sufficiency , telling babies, “Now that you’re born, get a damn job Pee-Wee!”
Blues Tiger : «link»
Blues Tiger : This is the PDF link Kes at bottom is zips
kesmarn : Thanks, Patsy. My son doesn’t want to become a father at 25 and he’s making sure that he doesn’t! He recognizes that other guys might want to take all that on, but he says he’s not ready yet.
PatsyT : that not the
PatsyT : Kes you said it best and I appreciate the coming from a mom of a young man. I have three girls!
kesmarn : Yes, Patsy, the anti-choice people act as though every pregnancy is a potential virgin birth. There’s no father involved. If abortion is a crime, isn’t the father an accessory? Where’s the jail time?
Blues Tiger : Kes I have tons of links to ther states abortion Stats… I was surprised that zips were published when I went to Ohios let me find the link
AdLib : BT – As I said, I strongly oppose OH for this oppressive law. It’s horrible to make it even a slight possibility that some woman could be harassed, stalked or shunned because they privately exercised their rights.
kesmarn : The weird thing is, BT, I live in Ohio and I didn’t know that.
PatsyT : I would love it if the pro lifers went on a educate the young men campaign.
Blues Tiger : Yes but Oklahoma isn’t publishing zip codes Ohio is
AdLib : BT – Well, I am. It shouldn’t be allowed constitutionally , we have a right to privacy. For those in a big city, they would not really have their privacy compromised though for victims of rape or incest, this would be cruel and inhumane treatment of a victim. In small towns though, where there are only a small amount of women in that zip code who could possibly fit that description, process of elimination won’t be hard and a woman could face terrible ramifications for making a choice about her own body.
Blues Tiger : AdLib it does’t give out the town or adress of the person just the county I believe
PatsyT : How about they educate the young men?
PatsyT : How about they put their money into education instead ?
kesmarn : Sorry BT, not yelling at you!
Blues Tiger : That would apply just about anywhere AdLib and nobody is freakin on other states
kesmarn : Women need privacy for starters!!
Blues Tiger : They claim it helps them understanding womens needs
AdLib : Bt – Here’s the huge problem with privacy and the law. If someone lives in a sparsely populated town in OK and as the provisions require in the law, the age of the female, the month of her pregnancy, the reason for the abortion, the number of prior abortions, what kind of insurance they have and complications they suffer then yes, some women who get abortions will be identifiable in their community and suffer for it.
PatsyT : Opps
PatsyT : Thanks kes I think the f
kesmarn : What possible interest could any state have in why a woman wanted an abortion or how it was paid for? Maybe I’m a little dim, but I don’t get it.
Blues Tiger : The ultrasound Law is an abomination but the rhetoric surrounding the info is ridiculous
Blues Tiger : Rachel went after Okla because we are an easy Target for he audience
Blues Tiger : Same for Washington State and many others
PatsyT : As a mom of three girls I would want them to have all choices and privacy
Blues Tiger : it has beenin place in Minnisota since 1998
Blues Tiger : Read that law
kesmarn : I’m being a bit fecetious. But maybe whatever info is gathered about the mother should also be gathered about the father…includi ng his reasons for wanting the abortion.
Blues Tiger : the commissioner shall prepare a reporting form for use by physicians or facilities performing abortions. A copy of this section shall be attached to the form. A physician or facility performing an abortion shall obtain a form from the commissioner. (b) The form shall require the following information: (1) the number of abortions performed by the physician in the previous calendar year, reported by month; (2) the method used for each abortion; (3) the approximate gestational age expressed in one of the following increments: (i) less than nine weeks; (ii) nine to ten weeks; (iii) 11 to 12 weeks; (iv) 13 to 15 weeks; (v) 16 to 20 weeks; (vi) 21 to 24 weeks; (vii) 25 to 30 weeks; (viii) 31 to 36 weeks; or (ix) 37 weeks to term; (4) the age of the woman at the time the abortion was performed; (5) the specific reason for the abortion, including, but not limited to, the following: (i) the pregnancy was a result of rape; (ii) the pregnancy was a result of incest; (iii) economic reasons; (iv) the woman does not want children at this time; (v) the woman’s emotional health is at stake; (vi) the woman’s physical health is at stake; (vii) the woman will suffer substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function if the pregnancy continues; (viii) the pregnancy resulted in fetal anomalies; or (ix) unknown or the woman refused to answer; (6) the number of prior induced abortions; (7) the number of prior spontaneous abortions; (8) whether the abortion was paid for by: (i) private coverage; (ii) public assistance health coverage; or (iii) self-pay; (9) whether coverage was under: (i) a fee-for-service plan; (ii) a capitated private plan; or (iii) other; (10) complications, if any, for each abortion and for the aftermath of each abortion. Space for a description of any complications shall be available on the form; and (11) the medical specialty of the physician performing the abortion. Subd. 2.Submission.A physician performing an abortion or a facility at which an abortion is performed shall complete and submit the form to the commissioner no later than April 1 for abortions performed in the previous calendar year. The annual report to the commissioner shall include the methods used to dispose of fetal tissue and remains. Subd. 3.Additional reporting.Nothin g in this section shall be construed to preclude the voluntary or required submission of other reports or forms regarding abortions.
AdLib : BT – But OK coming out against HCR means that those moms and babies will not have HC once they’re out of the hospital. It is a smokescreen.
PatsyT : BT I hope that works out for you and your state …. Kes, I like your approach post the father names
Blues Tiger : It doesn’t post any of that Kes
Blues Tiger : Ok the questionare is based on the same one Planned parenthoods former research arm uses
kesmarn : I think they might want to consider posting the father’s name and addresses online, then, too.
AdLib : choices
AdLib : This law is only meant to make it harder for women to exercise their coices over their own bodies.
AdLib : Just saw this: “Oklahoma lawmakers have won yet another face-off with pro-abortion Gov. Brad Henry, after the state Senate overrode the governor’s veto of an enhanced abortion statistics reporting law on Tuesday. The new law requires that abortionists fill out 37 questions reporting information on abortion procedures and medical safety protocols, and ask their clients for the reasons they are seeking abortion. The state health department would be tasked with deriving abortion statistics from the data, which could be publicly accessed through the Internet.
Blues Tiger : I think they hear the critisim
Blues Tiger : That is corect AdLib, but the legislature worked on caring for the moms and babies this year
AdLib : This is the infuriating hypocrisy of the RW. They claim to care about the unborn but one second after a baby’s born, they don’t want it to have health care.
Blues Tiger : The ultrasound Law is seperate from info Law
Blues Tiger : it is Law now just 3 or 4 different laws
Blues Tiger : Thats why they passed 3 or 4 seperate ones this year
AdLib : So, if it wasn’t for that technicality, this would have been law?
Blues Tiger : Because it had too many provisions as a Law and that is what violated our Constitution
kesmarn : BT, on the sparsely populated areas in Ohio? Yes, it would also apply. You’re right.
AdLib : Why was it struck down?
Blues Tiger : but it wasn’t sturck down because of the info AdLib
Blues Tiger : Same applies for Ohio
PatsyT : Hey, If they really want to take care of the children that are here today, then I might want to see their position. But they abandon them in so many ways and they forsake them. How can they call themselves prolife?
AdLib : BT – Here is what I was thinking of, the law was passed but overturned by a court: “Just this spring an Oklahoma County court overturned another anti-abortion bill that would have created a Web site that gathered personal information on women seeking an abortion. It was struck down on grounds that it violated the state constitution.”
kesmarn : BT, would the OK law publish # of abortions per zip code? In sparsely populated areas that might narrow down the list of “possibles” I imagine.
AdLib : The Oklahoma legislature approved a second law that prohibits women from seeking damages if a physician withholds information or provides inaccurate information about a pregnancy.
AdLib : Just found this in an NYT article: “But under a new law in Oklahoma, women like Casteix, who have been sexually assaulted, will be forced to undergo a second trauma. The law requires them to undergo a sonogram, and depending on the state of pregnancy, it could be a transvaginal one, which involves insertion of a wand. The doctor must then turn the screen towards her and describe fetal dimensions and details like the number of fingers and toes and heart activity. There are no exemptions for victims of rape and incest.”
Blues Tiger : Heck Ohio even published # of abortions in each zipcode
Blues Tiger : Cali
Blues Tiger : ali used to publish it but I can’t find records past 2005
Blues Tiger : That very same infor is on line in alot of states
Blues Tiger : doing that would be beyond stupid
Blues Tiger : No AdLib
AdLib : BT – Didn’t that OK law have a provision about making it public record?
Blues Tiger : No names, no addresses, no phone numbers
kesmarn : Yes, there’s more of an argument to be made for legal weed than for alcohol! It does far less damage to the human body and brain. I would vote to legalize. It frees up law enforcement for necessary stuff.
Blues Tiger : but none of what is being claimed is true
AdLib : BT – Not as ridiculous as you think. I know of people who simply speak out against the anti-abortion crowd and are stalked and harassed. Doctors are stalked, harassed and killed. I would not put it past them to harass women who are publicly known to have had an abortion.
Blues Tiger : She is saying that Okies will be able to figure it out… On one hand we are backward buffons one the other hand we are genuis’s
AdLib : kes – if the worst case abuse of a substance is passivity, that is not a substance that should be illegal. STraight up, whether one approves of something or not, if it’s not dangerous, then laws against it are unjustified. On the other hand, though I don’t agree in prohibition stopping anything, I could make a great case against alcohol and even cough syrup.
kesmarn : Is she saying that they’re releasing addresses and names and such? Haven’t watched TV in the evening for days now.
Blues Tiger : that is ridiculous
Blues Tiger : I just watched the Maddow clip again today where she implies the abortion data will lead to women being hunted down
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. I do see some negative consequences with weed in my work, but mostly just in a lack of motivation to mature and grow up…not in violence.
AdLib : Hey, look how we felt about Bush and Cheney as our leaders. WOuld it be fair to paint us with the same brush? I mean, that would be one tarred and disgusting brush.
Blues Tiger : When you are raised around them Kes you know that they are basiclly good like most people
AdLib : kes – how many cases of violence do we hear as “pot-related”? Alcohol-related, often. Drug related, as in meth, crack, etc., yes. But all you want to tear up when you’re high is a bag of Cheetos.
kesmarn : I don’t doubt that there are boatloads of frustrated AZ and OK citizens who are embarrassed by their leaders.
Blues Tiger : So true AdLib, but we had a very corrupt DEmocratic machine here forever it seems… When you hear about how rank in Education and such it can be traced directly back to them
AdLib : BT – It is typically the case that it is the leadership of a state/country that is despicable or corrupt, not the citizens. There are many states out there with horrible leadership.
PatsyT : Oh man in AZ they drive in droves to San Diego all summer long to get away from the heat …My brother used to call them Zonies and say …If you want to gawk get out and walk!
kesmarn : I think there’s much less domestic violence in households that use pot than in alcoholic households. Although there is always the option of sobriety around the kiddies, too….just a thought…
Blues Tiger : The people are basiclly good.. You might be suprised to learn that in terms of generosity OK ranks 4th outa 50
AdLib : BT – Slave labor indeed, there was news about a strike in one of their factories, workers wanted a raise and got it. Don’t remember the details but it was like .50 cents/hr to .80 cents/hr.
Blues Tiger : low cost of living, pretty decent weather
Blues Tiger : It really isn’t that bad ya know
PatsyT : I do have experience just not for a few decades
kesmarn : I’ve thought that AZ was well on its way to becoming a state that no rational person would want to live in…hope OK doesn’t go that route.
AdLib : Don’t Bogart that vote.
AdLib : BT – This is one aspect of the HCR that is unfair. By not having a national HC plan, those who want and need HCR but live in a RW state will be denied care by their own state! In the short term, what can one do? In the long run, there will be a huge brain drain as kids move out of state to go where life is better.
PatsyT : I will vote for the pot thing even though I never use the stuff.
kesmarn : Somehow the pot thing isn’t quite as terrifying to me. Wonder why?
Blues Tiger : China has a never ending supply of slave labor to keep economy afloat
kesmarn : AdLib, good to hear China’s not tanking…yet!
Blues Tiger : Ask Cali Kes they are the ones leading the way with challenging the Supremcy Stuff with their pot vote… heh heh heh
AdLib : Yes, China’s economy wasn’t hurt by the economic crisis, it is still exploding, wages there are on the rise and wealth is growing even more so. S. Korea may have N. Korea now to worry about but their economy is still pretty good.
kesmarn : Oh God, BT! What the hell is happening out west/
Blues Tiger : Most likley we will end up with GOP Gov and AG this time and become worse than AZ overnight
kesmarn : AdLib
You know Dubya!
Blues Tiger : If ya’ll haven’t heard Okla is going to vote on whether or not HCR mandates apply to us in Nov… If it passes it will become part of constitution
PatsyT : Kes LOL Let him eat oil
AdLib : “Heh! I kin make little oil snowmen today…this time I won’t use coal for eyes, dirty stuff and hard to see. Heh-heh! Laura, look at me? I’m making an oil angel!”
kesmarn : Is China really okay, though, AdLib? Aren’t they somewhat “exposed” by owning so much of our debt? And S. Korea has N. Korea to be concerned about. Sigh. I dunno.
kesmarn : AdLib, I like the Island of Oil solution. Has that King Midas quality to it. Let him eat oil.
AdLib : Kes – China is in great shape, I think South Korea is okay, Germany was okay before having to bail out Greece. There are some but definitely a minority.
Blues Tiger : I thought Bush bought a place in Paraguay
PatsyT : I like that.
PatsyT : Ooooo BT you said Peace surges
AdLib : Send Dubya to live on an island made of oil in the Gulf.
AdLib : BT – For the most part, absolutely. EU countries are up to 25% of GDP in debt when they used to be around 8%. There will be and should be a reckoning, a “cram down” on money owed around the world and countries can start climbing back up economically. The banks may fight this as hard as they can but it is inevitable.
Blues Tiger : It does Patsy, but right after a War the economy slows for a coule of years… Once people settle into peacetime it surges..
kesmarn : BT, I’m trying to think of a country that’s in really good economic condition right now and I’m having a hard time…!
PatsyT : AdLib I think if you did the numbers Peace would come out on top for economic performance
kesmarn : I wish Dubya would leave the country and go to –say–Spain. About 50 years in a Spanish jail would do wonders for him
Blues Tiger : AdLib aren’t all Western Countries about borrowed out and deowning in debt?
AdLib : Patsy – You are a voice of clear reason. That simple statement explodes the BS of the war mongers.
PatsyT : Kes If I can find it I will link it
PatsyT : Why have we had so much economic growth in peace times?
AdLib : Bush said that about waterboarding KSM which is a war crime, he just admitted to it. Well??? Can anyone enforce against a war criminal?
kesmarn : Thanks, Patsy. Didn’t mean to trouble you with that!
Blues Tiger : GOP has being saying a good War is good for the economy for a long time
AdLib : There are the PIGS Euro countries, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain. All are teetering and really, only Germany has the GDP to help in the EU and they are strained. What happens next?
kesmarn : Bush also recently said that he had the terrorist whose name always escapes me Khalid (?) waterboarded and he would do it again…proudly! ? He admitted to torture — openly!
PatsyT : Kes I will look for link
AdLib : BT – That’s treason, Bush should have been impeached several times over. The lack of accountability hasn’t made things better for bipartisanship or the country so how about holding criminals guilty, especially when they are in the government?
kesmarn : Somehow, I wouldn’t be surprised at the 2011 prediction of further trouble. I didn’t see Biden on Rose’s show. What did he say?
Blues Tiger : I saw that AdLib
PatsyT : Kes I hope not and Biden seemed mighty confident on Charlie Rose the other night.
AdLib : BT – We wouldn’t be IN Iran though we would have already or been on the road to launching an attack against them. Did you see the news item that Bush had answered some foreign diplomat before the Iraq War that the way to grow the American economy has always been war?
Blues Tiger : Kes were are being warned with whats happening in Europe that it could all crash in 2011 sometime
kesmarn : Do you guys think we’re in for a double dip recession?
PatsyT : BT you have that right… multi plex wars just like the theaters
kesmarn : The people on CNBC really ticked me off. They had plenty of inside info and played dumb through the whole thing. I lost what little respect I had for any of them then. They have no credibility.
AdLib : Kes – Exactly, all they cared about was they had the keys to the treasury and they wanted to grab all they could while they had those keys.
AdLib : Patsy – I do think they assumed Hillary would be the nominee but they had an enormous amount of ammunition to fire at her and Bill. That’s part of why Obama won, they were too unprepared for him that they had to improvise, steal “candidate of change” (McCain actually ran on that too!) and go low brow attack (socialist, muslim, Nigerian, white-hater).
PatsyT : Palin empty vessel would be number two.
kesmarn : Patsy…I think they didn’t care who inherited the mess…although they would have preferred it to be Hillary. They were okay with throwing the maverick to the wolves, too.
Blues Tiger : We would already be in Iran, looking to invade N Korea you name it
kesmarn : Exactly, AdLib. That’s why I always pulled back from truly hoping Obama would lose. The stakes were too high.
AdLib : kes – But if Obama lost, we would have McCain and Palin and the Fox/Repub propaganda machine in charge of everything, pushing us so deep into a depression, we wouldn’t be out for a decade or more of severe damage.
PatsyT : Kes I was thinking they planned this for Hillary.
kesmarn : Agree, AdLib. Those high gas prices cut into people’s ability to pay mortgages and other bills and then it was the beginning of the end.
AdLib : kes – I think it sped up the crash but the crash would’ve hit just the same…but AFTER Obama was elected. They did steal so much from the economy that there was no buffer left for people when Lehman started the dominos tumbling.
kesmarn : Yes, there were any number who knew what was coming. And that oil company grab for the last consumer $$ was, ironically, one of the things that pushed consumers to the breaking point and precipitated the whole mess.
AdLib : BT – You’re right but the difference is, those who were driving the car off the cliff kept lying to the passengers that all was great and stay on for a better and better ride, as they were preparing to leap out to save themselves.
Blues Tiger : AdLib we had been warned for years
Blues Tiger : It’s kinda ironic thatthe economy may be the least of his worries right now
AdLib : I have a relative in the financial industry, she knew a year and a half before the crash that it was coming, Goldman Sachs knew and all their guys were in the Bush Admin so Bush and Cheney knew. They were trying to time it out to blow up after they left office, stealing everything they could until the last minute. Remember gas prices skyrocketing the summer before the crash? The oil companies knew and decided they had to grab all they could from consumers before they lost their jobs and a new Depression hit.
kesmarn : I remember saying in darker moments that I almost hoped Obama would lose, cause whoever won was gonna have a pile of manure to shovel up.
Blues Tiger : Don’t count on the spill being over for awhile…
kesmarn : I think that was the plan, too. But the timer on the ticking bomb was a little off and it went off under Bush’s throne.
Blues Tiger : It’s all the unpredictable stuff that is piling on
PatsyT : Kes thats just it! What next Cheney… Where else did you hide the explosives ???
AdLib : Bush and Cheney did seem to be driving the car to the end of the cliff then bailing out before it went all the way over. I think that was the plan, that the economic crisis wouldn’t hit until Obama was president.
kesmarn : Patsy, makes you wonder what’s still lurking out there, unexploded.
PatsyT : BT I feel like Cheney left him with a mind field – you know like the old time WWII folks found in France or Italy Everywhere he walks BOOM another explosion.
AdLib : Soft Taconade for me, my friend here will have the crunchy Taconade and for my other friend, the Quesadilemonade.
kesmarn : BT, at least he can say: I tried to see things your way and look what happened. Now we play it my way!
Blues Tiger : He endorses offshore stuff then 3 weeks later POW!!!
Blues Tiger : He has had some bad luck too
kesmarn : Kasundheit!
AdLib :
Blues Tiger : is that soft or crispy Taconade
AdLib : BT – I was thinking of the same thing, what President has been hit with so many massive disasters in his first year and a half?
kesmarn : My car, Patsy? No.
PatsyT : But can you drive it ?
PatsyT : AdLib LOL Taconade !
kesmarn : Lemonachos.
AdLib : Taconade!
Blues Tiger : The man has a full plate and it keeps piling on
kesmarn : Mmmmmmm. Tacos and lemonade…
AdLib : Kes, I’ll bet your mechanic juices you though.
PatsyT : I have this power . What can I say?
Blues Tiger : I have been thinking all day about posting an article aboutall the Prez is dealing with titlled “It sucks to be you”
AdLib : Hey, is everyone reading my mind tonight? TACOS! There, you happy?!
kesmarn : AdLib, If my car surfed with enough sugar, it could make lemonade.
PatsyT : I would hold off on the iPad though until they let you have more then one window open.
kesmarn : Patsy, prom is as much as a wedding used to be!
AdLib : BT, one thing, I wouldn’t buy an iPad yet.
AdLib : Cool, your car can surf the internet?
Blues Tiger : I have been saving up for a few months
kesmarn : That’s my car, AdLib.
AdLib : I’ve got a Lemon.
PatsyT : Kes Whoa…. My oldest is going to the prom this weekend and talk about the $$$
kesmarn : Friends who have Apples say they love ’em.
Blues Tiger : I am hoping to dump this comp and finally get an Apple soon
kesmarn : Hey, BT! I’m using an open source thing called Fedora. It’s pretty good so far.
AdLib : Thanks anyway, I think there is an issue with IE, I’ll check it out.
kesmarn : Patsy, right! He’s freaking because his tux was $100 and the hotel room is $100. And that’s not counting a wedding gift!
Blues Tiger : helloooo kes
Blues Tiger : I have been having troubles with corrupted disk from a nast virus a couple of months ago
PatsyT : Hey Kes It’s the season !
Blues Tiger : but it may be my comp
Blues Tiger : Exploer 8 now
Blues Tiger : I came across one that I really like… «link»
kesmarn : Hey, all by myself this weekend. Son in Columbus as groomsman in a wedding.
AdLib : Hey BT, I still need to know so I can troubleshoot, which browser are you using?
PatsyT : Hi Kes I hope you can relax now
AdLib : Hey Kes!
AdLib :
kesmarn : Hi, all. Just got home. Was skimming the first hour to see whassup. So — is you in or is you out, BT?
PatsyT : Tacos
AdLib : What am I thinking now?
AdLib : Hey, I was just typing the exact same words BT. Literally!
Blues Tiger : Thanks for the link
PatsyT : I follow J street They make sense to me even though I am a Shiksa My Husband is Jewish and we have have many a discussion on this «link»
Blues Tiger : an Irish Ship flying a Cambodian Flag
AdLib : How will they justify stopping an Irish ship in international waters?
AdLib : This is a losing strategy now for Israel. How long do they continue, until the world collapses on them? And I am very supportive of the Israeli people, it’s their government that I can’t stand. Like when Bush was our government.
Blues Tiger : They usually don’t bluff
Blues Tiger : I really wonder if Israel is going to stop the Corrie
AdLib : Oops, left out the Teabaggers! ANd the Christian Extremists!
Blues Tiger : Turkey is looking for a fight
PatsyT : Cheney wants to go out in a bang
Blues Tiger : I am thinking all 3
AdLib : So, which WWIII? Due to Israel, N. Korea or BP?
PatsyT : Well BT what should I put in my bunker?
PatsyT : Happy Days are here again !
Blues Tiger : I wasn’t joking Patsy!!! heh heh heh
AdLib : YAY!!! I reset the program just before you showed up, don’t know if that helped but glad to see it’s working!
Blues Tiger : It’s working now
PatsyT : Its the mysterious BT
PatsyT : BT you are so funny !!
Blues Tiger : So you guys bunkers all stocked up for WW3?
PatsyT : Creative and inventive seem to go hand in hand
AdLib : That is terrible, I feel a kinship with your dad. Coming up with new and clever ideas and having them disrespected then stolen happens too often to the creative people in the world.
PatsyT : He made what we called a ‘trash smasher’ basicly a trash compactor and he built it and took it to GE and the rest is history – They said they had no need for that – We had way too much room for landfill- this was in the sixties- So it sat in our basement and I tumble toys in it. of course years later Ge and other came out with a Trash compactor
AdLib : Very cool! What areas did he focus on?
PatsyT : He was an inventor
AdLib : Mac too seems to work okay but it has its glitches at times. Linux is so consistent. Your dad is right on the money.
PatsyT : My dad was ok with Mac
AdLib : You notice how open source programs like linux and mozilla have no issues…only MS explorer!
PatsyT : So now we can blame bp and maybe microsoft?
PatsyT : My dad would have had this all figured out He was a linux guy A total purist He hated Bill Gates and Microsoft «link»
AdLib : Looks like I’ve got a new task at the top of my fix-it list.
AdLib : What browser are you using BT?
Blues Tiger : Nope for whatever reason when I send a message the page refreshes itself
AdLib : ???
PatsyT : I am on the side bar it works for me
AdLib : Can you see this, BT?
Blues Tiger : trying the side bar
PatsyT : Hi again BT I see you
PatsyT : I miss Bill Moyers
Blues Tiger : Ok this might work now
AdLib : Imagine how much better our society would be if the MSM ignored the bullshit that’s tossed at them instead of giving it its own specials. Killing Granny and death panels would have never influenced anyone and HCR would’ve passed with a PO.
AdLib : Ratings, ratings, ratings. Stories about the baggers, like stories about the PUMAs, exaggerate the influence and depth of these groups but is potent in whipping up both the right and the left.
PatsyT : Later Javez..
PatsyT : Sestak story is a dud Not on CNN much I am miffed at Chris Mathews for doing that TeaParty Special I mean Geez The Gulf Of Mexico is boiling over and again with the tea party
AdLib : Night javaz, have fun!
javaz : Oh! Our neighbors are here, so I have to go! Have a good night all!
javaz : I read media matters and they report mainly on FOX and they’re talking everything anti-Obama. Don’t know about any other media. The Kagan appointment should pick up again soon.
AdLib : I don’t think the rest of the MSM is bothering with Sestak anymore, are they? I watched a bit of MSNBC today, not one mention while I was watching.
AdLib :
My Pet Boat! Love it!
javaz : LOL, Patsy – My Pet Boat! Good one!
AdLib : Sorry BT – Just sent you an email in case you couldn’t read the responses here. I will try to fix this problem. What browser are you using? IE? If you could at least temporarily use Firefox, this should work fine until I fix this.
javaz : Yeah, that’s true, BT, but it seems like we’re in a constant continual election-mode process. They start campaigning immediately after taking office.
Blues Tiger : It’s an election year, everyone grasps at any straw they can
PatsyT : Sestak is keeping their mind off The Gulf of Disasterco
Blues Tiger : yes but it’s still messed up
AdLib : The idjits at Fox can whine about impeachment over Sestak all they want, it is a bogus issue that works to rile up their sheep and that’s it.
javaz : Hi BT! Can you read this?
PatsyT : Hi BT I hope this works for you
PatsyT : My Pet Boat
Blues Tiger : OK I will try again
PatsyT : Javez I know !! They are filling up the hours with the Sestak stuff and meanwhile the Gulf of Mexico is melting befor our eyes
javaz : I don’t know Obama can be expected to stop the humanitarian aid from other countries going into Gaza.
javaz : Oh, I haven’t heard him. We really don’t watch much news.
AdLib : Do any of these talking heads imagine what Bush would be doing if this was all happening while he was president? Reading “My Pet Oily Goat”.
PatsyT : Tony Hayward the CEO of bp
javaz : Hey BT! Can you read this?
javaz : And Obama’s even being blamed for the flotilla attack by Israel!
javaz : Patsy, I don’t know who Hayward is. Well, the cretins on FOX are talking impeachment over Sestak.
AdLib : I’m pissed off at the Talking Heads on the MSM constantly trying to blame Obama, they’re sitting like vultures in a tree, waiting to have a perfect opportunity to blame him. I saw even Jonathan Alter with a Newsweek guy comparing Obama to…Jimmy Carter and the Iranian hostage crisis! WTF???
PatsyT : Does anyone think that english accents ‘ala Hayward’ will ever be as endearing as they were in the past?
PatsyT : Javez, I agree This has been ridiculous to blame Obama.
AdLib : Damn! I shouldn’t have signed that $50 waiver!
PatsyT : I think this qualifies as a ‘legitimate’ claim
javaz : I don’t understand why Obama’s being blamed for the Gulf spill. It’s mystifying.
AdLib : Firefox and IE work fine. Safari has worked fine, don’t know if some quirk is messing with it. And yes, I blame BP for this fully!
PatsyT : Lets blame bp
PatsyT : I had that trouble a while back and I tried another browser firefox and that worked for me
AdLib : Damn computas!
AdLib : It’s weird, I don’t know why his browser’s not working. We can see what he types, he can’t see the comments posted.
javaz : He vanished. Hope he tries again.
AdLib : Where’d he go?
PatsyT : I see you BT
AdLib : BT, can you read this?
javaz : I haven’t been to HP since joining here.
Blues Tiger : Ok lets see if this works
PatsyT : HP is billboard city
AdLib : Huffington Post is free and looks like an amusement park!
PatsyT : Chuckie Cheese is free, kinda
AdLib : Yes, there is leakage from most wells, most tanker ships and most ports where oil is off loaded.
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, there’s a multi-day pass that’s around $100. Last year Disneyland was like $70 something for an adult.
PatsyT : I think you have it right.
PatsyT : Javez,
javaz : Don’t all oil rigs leak some?
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, there was tar on the beach in L.A., not from the gulf spill but from some casual oil spill from points unknown.
PatsyT : AdLib areyouj talking about the two-fer?
PatsyT : Year long pass to Disney starts from about 150 and goes up.
AdLib : And then restart your browser.
AdLib : BT – Clear your cache, that should solve the problem.
javaz : Can’t you read anything, BT? We can see you.
AdLib : javaz – Buying a pass saves money for multi-day visits, which is probably what that amount is for.
javaz : Last time we went to Disneyland it was 28 dollars and we thought that was expensive then!
Blues Tiger : I can’t get this to work
PatsyT : Hey BT
javaz : Hiya BT!
AdLib : Blues Tiger! Missed you last week!
AdLib : javaz – Yes, Disneyland costs that much for non-residents, CA residents can get discounts sometimes but it is a serious investment to go to Disneyland.
javaz : If that’s true, I don’t know how anyone can afford to go there. Our neighbors are a family of four and they planned on going for 2 days but they said something about buying a pass which is cheaper, but still.
Blues Tiger : Helloooooooooooo oooo
PatsyT : AdLib Tar Balls on the beach here in LA?
AdLib : Holy Mackeral!
PatsyT : One daughter has prom another has history project and french and the other has something..
javaz : Not sure if I can stay long. Neighbors might drop by to pick up their key and show us vacation pics of Disneyland. Is it true that Disneyland charges 96 dollars per day/per person?
AdLib : Patsy, what are you up to this weekend?
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
AdLib : BTW, last week people showed up a bit late. With summer and the holiday weekend having hit, people are taking it easy.
javaz : Hi Patsy!
PatsyT : Hi Guys…
javaz : Have you heard about the mural in Prescott, AZ that they want the skin color lightened so that they appear brighter and happier? Pretty strange days in AZ.
AdLib : This beach is fine but a little rocky instead of sandy at the water. But tar can float around from far away to end up here.
javaz : Wow, where is everyone? Friday date night! Oh that’s too bad about the dog. Oregon has a nice beach that allows dogs and horses Cannon Beach and it’s clean
AdLib : We went to the beach last weekend, one of the few here in L.A. that allow dogs on the beach, we get home and find tar stuck all on and in her paws. And we’re in L.A. so this is from the “everyday” oil spills floating around in the ocean. Disgusting.
javaz : Yeah, but we had such a gorgeous spring and cooler than normal so can’t really complain
AdLib : Summer is here, indeed.
AdLib : Ouch!
javaz : Going to be 110 this weekend here and we plan on staying inside the air conditioned house!
AdLib : What are you and your husband up to this weekend?
AdLib : Pretty good. Nice warm day here in L.A., no big plans this weekend, a relaxing weekend in store (I hope!).
javaz : Great! How are you?
AdLib : Hey javaz! How are you this evening?
javaz : Hi!
AdLib : Vox Populi is about to begin! Please say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST. You can participate in this live chat about the week’s events in the sidebar of any page or at the Vox Populi page which you can go to by clicking this link: «link» See ya then!
Vox Populi – 6-4-2010
AdLib is online.
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