- Khirad : Alright, seriously, I’m off to the other side.
Khirad : Oh yeah my name, ??? ?????.
KQuark : I doubt wordpress would let me change
Khirad : Wouldn’t doubt it. Back to the oldies. I like it – now you mu.
AdLib : Nice KQ!
KQuark : I will now be referred to as KQµårk.
AdLib : Heh! Be prepared for Hannity to bring up Monica Lewinski next!
Khirad : See ya on the flip side!
Khirad : OMFG. Hannity is still talking about Ayers and Wright…
AdLib : Well, looks like we’re coming to the end of tonight’s edition of Vox Populi. Thanks all for the great discussion and a load of fun to wrap up the chat. The chat continues however at the companion post, click here to go there: «link»
Questinia : Yay! Im a troll!
Khirad : Yes you have!
Questinia : Have i sufficiently disrupted? OY!
Khirad : ????????? – fun times! – I’m playing now.
KQuark : Now this will never work.
AdLib : Q – You got it!
Khirad : That looks familiar, KQ.
Questinia : Nite Cher!
Khirad : Bye and ??? ????
Questinia : When he has problems performing AND needs to apologize
AdLib : Night Cher!
Chernynkaya : That’s it, deal me out. That was fun, all. See ya!
KQuark : Republican health care plan:?? ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› Poor people ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› Students ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› Middle class ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› Small business ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› People with pre-existing conditions. ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› People who max out their medical amounts ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› People who just received notices of higher premiums up to 60% ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› Amer
KQuark : I saw this on HP the other night.
Khirad : ??? ????
AdLib : I didn’t know that!
Khirad : Hey, unicode works here? ???????
Chernynkaya : OH god, KQ! That’s really something, even on a slow thread, let alone VP!
Questinia :
KQuark : ? Sanctus Obama Requiem?<br> ?Fucquis Chenem Dicquat? ?<br> ?<br> ?Sancti Sasha Requiem? ?<br> ?Fucquis Chenem Dicquat?<br> ?<br> ?Malia Sancti Michellicum?<br> ?Fucquis Chenem Dicquat?</p> <p>? Amen ? ? </p> Questinia
Chernynkaya : Thanks Khirad!
AdLib : Cacologize? Is that what a guy does with his girlfriend when he has trouble performing?
Questinia : Adlib
Khirad : Greek, for bad, evil, Cher. Opposite of eu, good.
Questinia : Cacolize? OMG
Chernynkaya : *cacologize *
Chernynkaya : Cacolize is anew one on me K.
Questinia : KQ! You are A GOD!
Questinia : Pastrami, Cheney’s funeral… them’s good eatin’
KQuark : I saved the original Q.
Khirad : How about one of those fake funerals, like in movies and sitcoms. Where he lies there and has to hear how we cacologize him?
Chernynkaya : How’d you know for sure Q?? He wasn’t always in GA.
AdLib : Q – So that glazed pastrami you sent me for Xmas that was shaped like a ham, what was that?
Questinia : Adlib… I think I gave it away. Is it too late? I’d be glad to render it unto POV.
Khirad : No doubt, KQ.
Chernynkaya : True. One looks pretty pporcine
Questinia : Cher, I know. But Adlib doesn’t know that!
KQuark : The msm would fuck up a dick cheney funeral anyway saying we need to be respectful.
Khirad : I kinda wished Latin had of been offered.
AdLib : Pastrami is not pork but if one eats enough of it…
Chernynkaya : No Q– pastrami can never be swine!
Khirad : OMG, where do I start. Too much wit at once!
Questinia : I thought the TM was enough!
Chernynkaya : KQ__ A prayer card! That’s excellent.
KQuark : Sounds familiar Cher.
Questinia : Only if the swine’s in brine then it can be pastrami
AdLib : Q – Did you try to copyright that?
KQuark : That was a good one. You must do a prayer card when the old buzzard finally goes.
Chernynkaya : I hate Latin. I was forced to take it in JR high and high school because– get this racism– They said I was too smart for Spanish.
AdLib : Can pig latin be Kosher?
Questinia : I got a lot of mileage out of Fucquis Chenem Dicquat. It’s my claim to immortality!
KQuark : Believe it or not my wife is a Latin expert like you Q. She always tells me how all the ancient classics sound much better in Latin.
Questinia : I never learned pig latin… too dyslexic. I’d end up saying it correctly
Chernynkaya : Khirad– it’s hilarious!
Khirad : That was porsinely cute, Q.
Chernynkaya : OK, but this is season 4. And the 1st episode was last Sunday. But it’s a long wat from finished.
Khirad : Yeah, I mean, I mean too. It’s just that I miss it and only last season really got into Mad Men after missing that.
AdLib : Q: Ohnay ayway!
AdLib : Cher – Not yet, the promos looked good.
Khirad : I watched it once, way depressing.
Questinia : Pig latin kills pigs
Chernynkaya : That reminds me, I am writitng a piece about breaking Bad. anyone watch it?
Khirad : And Greek suffixes.
AdLib : Drugs don’t kill people, latin kills people.
Questinia : I say necro you say narco. but it can be narconecrophilia . loving dead drug busters
Khirad : Jim Jones wafers?
Chernynkaya : Necro narco would be dead drugs, I think.
AdLib : Actually, its Necro Wafers.
Khirad : necro.
KQuark : or was it necro Q is the Latin expert.
AdLib : KQ
Khirad : How about TAB, with a tab, it will blow their mind. Make it diet, too, they could use losing some weight.
Questinia : KQ
Chernynkaya : Gee i thought it was a medicine cabinets’ turds.
KQuark :
AdLib : Thanks Q, left that out!
Questinia : A DEAD medicine cabinet!
Chernynkaya : ADLIB– you did not!
Questinia : Night kes
AdLib : Night Kes!
Questinia : Thanks Khirad!
Chernynkaya : Sleep well, dear kes!
KQuark : What did I say???
AdLib : Q – No, I would never have sex with a medicine cabinet.
Khirad : Night Kes.
KQuark : Sue I hardly knew ya, good night.
kesmarn : I’m afraid I have to call it a day, too. And I was going to get to bed early tonight. It’s been a great celebratory party for HCR. Oh, by the way, does it cover re-hab?
AdLib : KQ – Let the Baggers drink tea, I’m down with a little brown Tab and I’ll show them how to have a Tea Party.
Questinia : Adlib… you’d be a pharmacopeia
Khirad : Yes, you need to join us more often, Q.
Questinia : I can see I’ve been missing all the fun all this time!
AdLib : Night Sue!
Khirad : Naturally KQ.
Chernynkaya : See ya sue– good music tonightt!!
AdLib : Q – No but I will have to confiscate all substances in your possession which may make my Friday night even better.
KQuark : NIN I knew you would get it Khirad.
Khirad : Night Sue.
Khirad : Bad Q!
SueInCa : Good nite all I am getting sleepy
Chernynkaya : OK, Q you can talk like that to Khirad.
KQuark : I bet I took more drugs than all you today but alas most of the them are the sucky kind.
Khirad : Oh yeah, I got that Perfect Drug vis-à-vis absinthe ref, KQ, by the way.
Questinia : Mauvaise influence moi.
Questinia : Am I banned, adlib.
Chernynkaya : OH__Got it Kes!
Khirad : Who said we needed to spike Beck’s drinks assuming they weren’t drugging him already?
Questinia : Why KQ! Better living thru chemistry… YOU know!
KQuark : Oh you are getting ready for teabagger Woodstock huh?
AdLib : HEY KQ! I am so wasted! Mescaline, martinis, absinthe, I ‘m so out of my mind I could get a contract from Fox News right now!
Khirad : Yes, it was Q’s fault!
KQuark : Q I’m sure you are the perfect drug.
kesmarn : No, Cher, CHEAP cataracts. You can paint with the same colors as expensive Absinthe would induce, but at a fraction of the cost.
Questinia : ooh opaline!
Chernynkaya : Yeah the drink is green but the green fairie I think also refers to the haze. I might be wrong tho.
Khirad : The drink is green with the wormwood and other ingredients, but turns opaline after the spoon part.
Questinia : I came and turned it all into DRUGGZ
kesmarn : KQ! There’s absolutely no way to express what you missed…especia lly the last ten minutes.
Questinia : Isn’t it purple haze? i thoiught the drink was green from the wormwood.
Chernynkaya : Kes– Highly expensive cataracts?!
Khirad : The Van Gogh and absinthe and mescaline party.
KQuark : Hey what did I miss?
Khirad : We’re so off topic…
Questinia : Cher.
kesmarn : I wonder if that was the original color or have they aged oddly. Are we still on topic?
Khirad : I agree Cher, and Starry Night was way smaller than I thought! Kudos on fitting chartreuse in there. Perfect!
SueInCa : Prince is on an old Soul Train show, he was Young…..
Chernynkaya : If you see van gogh’s paintings in person they are a very wierd chartruese.
kesmarn : Or else Van Gogh had highly inexpensive cataracts.
AdLib : Q:
Chernynkaya : Well, Q, i once had an anxiety attack and called the pharmacist. he told me to take some vodka. That was 30 years aga and he’s still right!
Khirad : Actually, it may have affected Van Gogh’s paintings with a yellowish hue, as well…
kesmarn : We could call it Bull Sinthe.
Questinia : Oh yeah green!
AdLib : We should get our hands on some real Absinthe and spike Glenn Beck’s Red Bull and see if we can tell when he’s on it and when he’s not.
kesmarn : I gather there are about 57 steps in the production of genuine Absinthe.
Questinia : Adlibsinthe
Khirad : Yup, le fée verte.
Chernynkaya : But I thought they saw green/
Khirad : I have some Absinthe poems c. fin de siècle that would disagree.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, the real thing is rare and not the same as what most people may find available today.
Questinia : What happened with the Absinthe?
Chernynkaya : Yeah, I know, adlib. Too bad.
Questinia : I know someone who called poison control just to find out how much absinthe he needed to drink to see the purple.
Chernynkaya : Khriada, not really. It’s about drinking!
Khirad : Not at all the same.
kesmarn : Isn’t the genuine article (Absinthe) jaw-droppingly expensive?
AdLib : Cher – The Absinthe commonly available today is not the same.
Khirad : I saw Bourdain do it where Wilde stayed, with the whole ritual. Absinthe is all about the ritual.
Chernynkaya : And what Q?
Chernynkaya : Yep, LIB– I’ll testify to that.
Questinia : Cher. and?
AdLib : Absinthe is still around and as I hear, makes the heart grow fonder.
SueInCa : Hey I sat in back of Jerry Garcia at a Giants game once. WFB gave me their tickets
kesmarn : FAAAAAR OUT, Man!
Khirad : It never went away among some circles.
AdLib : Kes – Whoa!!! I can see what you’re thinking! Freaky!
Chernynkaya : Q– Anthony Bourdain says absinthe is making a comeback I had some at a club callled Edison in LA.
Khirad : Absinthe is legal, but not really real like in the Pernod days.
SueInCa : well why didn’t you say so? I thought acid heads here, oh noes.
Khirad : Ecstacy is so not worth it, just thought I’d get that out there, while we’re on the topic…
Questinia : Absinthe. Is it real anymore? Can we get the purple haze anymore?
AdLib : Sue – I took it after a Dead concert and I’m just coming down now. Fuck Nixon!
Chernynkaya : K es!!!!!!ROFLMAO.
kesmarn : What are these strange colorful glowy screens we’re looking at with OUR OWN THOUGHTS on them?
SueInCa : adlib, it took it tonite. no not since my teens
Khirad : Mescal, Sue.
Chernynkaya : Sue– Mescal– with a worm.
AdLib : Sue – No, I was just joking about the real thing.
Chernynkaya : AdLib– making me laugh! stop!
Khirad :
AdLib : Mmmm…Mojito me!
SueInCa : is there a liquor called mescaline?
Questinia : I did mescaline in a blizzard once, or was it peyote?
Chernynkaya : MOJITOS tonight.
AdLib : Sue – So…like you took it…um…last year? Dude, my phone has no cord on it and it’s working! Freaking me out!
Questinia : Ad… you’re in cali… make it MJA.
SueInCa : Tab of acid, tab of mescaline all over the fillmore
Chernynkaya : It’s just the mescaline thing and Sue telling adLIB about tit struck me funny. Also because i took so much I couldn;t feel my legs once.
kesmarn : I want a mushroom in mine.
Khirad : I think Cher may have taken some mescaline.
AdLib : Q – Okay, how about lime margaritas with mescaline AND instead of an olive, peyote?
kesmarn : Did someone make a funny….?
SueInCa : Well I took it, don’t tell LOL, in 1968
Chernynkaya : HAHAHAHA!!
AdLib : Sue – Wow, man, what year is this?
SueInCa : Look up the Criminal MInd, you will find republicans all over it
Khirad : That’s the tip-off, Kes. It’s groupthink derangement.
kesmarn : Oh…I thought you said something about masculine…
AdLib : Khirad – DOn’t know what the percentage is now but only 20% of voters identified themselves as Repubs last time I heard. If they go hard right as expected in 2012, that could be cemented. Let them think 80% of the nation are liberals, no one will care what they think then.
Questinia : Pomegranate?! Mescaline Martinis only go with guava!
Khirad : Yes, we know what mescaline is. I button my shirts with it.
kesmarn : Every psychotic I’ve ever known felt that he/she was normal and everyone else didn’t get it.
SueInCa : OMG Adlib mescaline was a drug in the 60’s similar to LSD
Khirad : I like the idea of them marginalizing themselves, thinking they represent the true “normal” America all the way down the drain! (a Sarah fan actually said they were the “normal” ones and we libs didn’t “get it” earlier today). I hope they keep thinking that!
AdLib : It’s a Xmas tradition but I could go for one now.
SueInCa : with or without the mescaline Kes?
kesmarn : Gosh, that actually sounds delicious. The martinis, I mean. Not the prospect of the 2012 GOP.
Chernynkaya : It’ll be terrifying until they lose badly. Then it’ll be hilarious.
SueInCa : my guess is terrifying
AdLib : Q – Pomegranate Martinis with a hint of mescaline.
SueInCa : I guess there is really no one and stop with the german luger jokes LOL
AdLib : Can you imagine how insane the 2012 Repub primary will be, with these more rampant right wing loonies pushing everyone to the right. I don’t know whether it will be hilarious or terrifying.
Questinia : Lib…what’d you put in these drinks?! :/
kesmarn : Was gonna make a joke about a Glock but I’m too tired!
AdLib : Exactly.
Khirad : A Nazi gun!!!
AdLib : kes – He’s named after a gun, of course Lugar is dangerous even when he’s at rest.
Khirad : I did not know that about Lugar. Besides, he was too cozy with Obama – there’s a conspiracy in that somewhere.
Questinia : Deliver the emotion with cool. I hope so Sue. If he does… he’ll win the hearts of many.
SueInCa : I think he will Questinia
Khirad : AdLib, I hope that would make them demoralized and depressed. They would move hard right, but maybe there would be a real split and a moderate party formed – nah, that’s what I said before, too…
kesmarn : Lugar seems to be much less reasonable than his bland appearance would indicate.
AdLib : Shorter campaigns and 100% publicly funded with limits. Need one more Dem on the SCOTUS to get any of that in place.
Chernynkaya : ADLIB- that’s what I can’t wait for!
SueInCa : How about Lugar?
Questinia : Oops! Obama is the conductor. All eyes are on him. he needs to deliver the emotion to the music of this nation. Repubs are good at that. it’s ALL about emotion.
kesmarn : George Voinovich? But do enough people even know he’s a senator?
Chernynkaya : Q– Maybe a littel as he’s been the last 2 weeks. But he’s done ok being cool–but not aloof.
AdLib : Cher – But if the GOP can be stymied this Nov, they will sink even lower and move even harder right, more towards minority status for a very long time. Not to mention all their racist members who are Seniors and dying off…and all the Latinos whose influence grows…and whom the Repubs continue to treat as enemies.
SueInCa : Newt is alignd with the Religious Right
Khirad : Newt just might work.
Questinia : Yes Drama-Obama.
kesmarn : I’d certainly go for shorter campaigns. A lot shorter.
Chernynkaya : Nope, Bus 1 7 2 are personae non grata with the right. Newt?
Khirad : Poppy Bush would be written off just like Colin was…
Questinia : Yes drama-Obama.
SueInCa : Khirad there is no one of standing in the GOP
Khirad : Some want shorter senate terms, I want longer Rep terms. Campaign finance wouldn’t solve that completely in this media age.
kesmarn : Yes, Khirad. It would almost have to come from–say–Poppy Bush.
Chernynkaya : I can;t wait for the Nov elections ot be over. These election cycles are getting too much! every 10 minutes it election season. No wonder we can’t ponder!
AdLib : I like that Obama has been speaking out more frankly about the GOP. He should keep it up.
Khirad : Who could deliver that message now, though, Kes? It would have to be a Republican of some standing themselves, I would think.
kesmarn : I long for a wake-up moment as in the McCarthy era. “At long last, sir…have you no decency.” Poof. Mystique gone.
Khirad : Ruh roh Cher, you’re just gonna feed the woo woos. I’m not sure I can back that. They’re insufferable and smug-pestery enough.
AdLib : Thinking positively, if the Dems come out of the Nov election well, losing some but not too many seats, the pendulum will be swinging their way. The GOP has their best shot this year because they can run on how horrible the Dems are…but if the economy turns around and people like the HCR benefits, 2012 will be about going back to the Bush era (via Romney?) or continuing with the President and Dem Party who’s making their lives better.
Questinia : Cher, i like the way you think!
SueInCa : Good one Cher and the /CIA does it best
kesmarn : A you are the cunning one, Cher…!
Chernynkaya : Hmm. I think the best thing that could happen as I said way back is for something bad but not fatal to happen. If I were CIA, I’d plant a domestic terrorist act and have the guy say Beck inspired him. Or Palin or Lipbaugh. But that’s me.
SueInCa : Turn america into pleasantville and they will be happy
Khirad : *are who*
Questinia : Things move too fast for them.
Khirad : I think the Waterloo strategy really is their Waterloo. They’ve proved – and announced – there will be no bipartisanship. So, no pretense anymore needed from us. Of course, they’re still deluded that we really kept them from the table – when they are you hurt and watered down the bill after Nelson and Baucus in the first place!
SueInCa : Beck has crossed the line too many times, Khirad Stewart was brilliant, especially with the conservative/lib ertarian thing he hd going
AdLib : Gulp!
Questinia : never mind….found them
kesmarn : Hey, Q! Yes, they act like caricatures and then are surprised when they’re caricaturized, huh?
Questinia : Hi! Where are the drinkie-poos?
AdLib : Hey Q!
Questinia : “Those people” are used to being lampooned. that’s why they’re angry, in part.
AdLib : Cher – Gotcha. My feeling is, in for a penny, in for a pound. If they pursue anyone for violating the law by inciting violence, it will get out because trials are public. The response will be the same. I’m talking about the high profile people, it is a sticky situation but how far are Beck, Rush and Palin allowed to go in inciting people to become violent?
Khirad : SNL doesn’t do transgressive enough stuff, and even SNL is too librul for ’em. That’s the problem…
kesmarn : Maybe they don’t have to watch, come to think of it.
Chernynkaya : I seriously think obama got the message re: the Pugs and will only make the merest gestures of bipartisanship now.I think he’s about to get teh same AHA moment about domestic unrest– and will stop it even if quietly.
kesmarn : Stewart’s Beck impersonation was brilliant. Any very effective. But do “those people” watch?
Khirad : I would do a teabagger ObaHitler caricature skit or something, Stewartesque. A bumbling, ignorant character that resembles the baggers themselves.
AdLib : Sue – This was the point with Dems being afraid to vote for HCR, they were afraid it would hurt them in Nov. Yet, they would have been attacked just the same for being impotent at governing. You can’t win over people who already oppose you categorically. Forget about trying to convince them and do the right thing.
kesmarn : AdLib, they’ll spin it as a freedom of speech issue if there’s action taken against them now. Unfortunately, just as in child visitation situations, legal action gets taken AFTER someone gets hurt, I fear.
SueInCa : Knowing Obama, I think he is giving it some deep thought right about now
Chernynkaya : Adlib they definitely should enforce the laws! I thought I said that much earlier. I just think they should do it on the QT. I absolutely think the time is yesterday.
SueInCa : Spot on Adlib, the already call him Hitler
Chernynkaya : I have never seen O as effective as these last couple weeks!
SueInCa : I think Rove is looking for a new campaign
AdLib : Cher – I agree, as far as we’re concerned, we need to be constructive. My question is whether Obama and the govt should be enforcing the laws against inciting violence. They’re allowing this violation of the law to continue because, I assume, they feel acting will make things worse. DO you think they should act or not right now? If not now, what should be the last straw?
SueInCa : adlib he has to let the country know he knows what is going on, marvin gaye song aside…
kesmarn : If Rove thinks he has a chance of being elected to anything…hahah ahaha…
Chernynkaya : Rove didn’;t help the Pugs in 08, and it may not work in 10 either.
SueInCa : Rove disowned Cheney…..he is posturing for something
AdLib : Sue – That’s a great idea. It won’t change the minds of those who may plot against him and others but it would calm things down for any who have a shred of reason left.
Khirad : Seriously, this does smell so much like rove, their inversion tactics. Case in point, Cantor. Who is really behind this? Him, or some protégé in the bowels of the RNC?
kesmarn : That was the Spike Jones one, Cher? I didn’t get to watch them all. But, yeah, Hitler as a comic figure (a la Chaplin) really takes a lot of the menace out of the persona. I think that can make a real change.
Chernynkaya : I hear you, Adlib, they always lie and turn everything back on us. But I don’;t know how we overcome that except to try to get in front of it and hammer our message again and again. Right?
SueInCa : Be frank and honest and talk to truth
AdLib : Khirad – Humor is the one weapon we have that the GOP doesn’t, that’s why I think we should use it as much as possible. They have no response.
SueInCa : I think Obama needs to do a national talk. Talk to the nation like he did the racial talk during the campaign
AdLib : Cher – We’ve just seen the identical behavior in the Stimulus Bill, the HCR battle and with the bagger violence. The GOP uses the Rove tactic of turning a strength against the Dems. With a Stimulus bill helping Americans, they said it’s socialism and harming us all by putting us into debt. Same with HCR. With the violence, they trump up phony attacks and blame Dems. I don’t see it as trying to guess what they’ll do, they always do the same thing. They don’t take responsibility and always tr
Khirad : Humor is a weapon of it’s own.
Chernynkaya : Hey, Kes– i posted that tonite!
SueInCa : it is like that everywhere, we have tent cities along the capitol freeway up her in NorCal
kesmarn : So true, Sue.
Chernynkaya : Where’s KQ? I am starting to think like him!
kesmarn : Obama’s use of humor seems to work, too. During WWII that song about “Sieg Heil, right in der Fuhrer’s face” made a difference.
SueInCa : Ask Kes, people in Ohio are more worried about money food and shelter
Chernynkaya : The most frustrating thing is, we are now trying to second guess liars and idiots. They can say anything, but we have t trust that the majority is not THAT stupid, or we’re doomed!
SueInCa : I know see my last note, you ar eright
Khirad : Well said, Cher.
Chernynkaya : Adlib–n there’s no telling what liars will lie about. they are out of bounds all the time. at some point we tie ourselves in knots trying to anticipate what nuts will do. Maybe best to ignore (and WATCH!) AND DO OUT OWN THNG?
AdLib : Sue – We jsut discussed earlier that Americans are not holding the banks responsible for the recession anymore, they’re blaming government. The same thing can happen with domestic terrorist attacks.
SueInCa : How ccan they say that when they are the ones who are causing it? Never mind, you are probably right. My real thought is to start bringing them in for “terrorist talk” the shrub did it
kesmarn : Yes, Sue. A time out. I think it would communicate the childishness of what they’re doing and take away the “audience factor.”
SueInCa : Oh hell no adlib. I think people are generally smart enough to know the score
Khirad : Yeah, I see that too, AdLib. I’ve wrestled with this…
AdLib : Sue – There is good sense in what you say but if there’s an attack that takes one or more lives, the GOP might flip it around on Obama and say he didn’t keep us safe.
SueInCa : It it best, but god they piss me off
kesmarn : I just meant that in one case he was dealing with a rational person, and here he’s not.
Khirad : It turns off the moderates, and it’s what I was saying at the beginning of this discussion, Sue.
kesmarn : Oh, I didn’t think you were comparing Hillary to them, AdLib!
SueInCa : a time out there Kes? good one
Chernynkaya : I like that Sue!
SueInCa : Keep a level head, let them go apeshit and televise televise televise their antics
AdLib : kes – I’m not comparing Hillary to these horrible people, just that my feelings about how he should deal with a confrontational situation was to be more aggressive. The proof is in the pudding, he won the primary by not returning aggression in kind and he won. I conceded, he was right to do so.
kesmarn : In Congress, I’d like to see all people who have outbursts promptly removed for the rest of the day. Don’t have to go the formal censure route, necessarily.
Chernynkaya : I guess I am just remembering how enraged I’;ve been at the Reps and Obama for not calling them out all these months and in the end he won again.
Chernynkaya : Best case scenario, what do y’all think the dems should do to fight this crap?
SueInCa : Cher and then blame dems for doing the same thing, the hypocrisy
Chernynkaya : Khirad– if no censure, these asshole should not be able to fundrais on their outbursts aftere they apologize
AdLib : Cher – That’s the rub. You have cynical MSM and GOP operatives claiming the government wants to control everyone and are rallying people to hate Obama and the government…the n if the govt cracks down on their illegal actions, they’ll trumpet how it’s all coming true. I know it’s tough but either way, there’s trouble so at least protect the American people and Dem politicians from further incitement to do them harm.
kesmarn : Kalima and I will have him join Joe Wilson in the closet. Plenty of duct tape to go around.
Khirad : That baby killer asshole needs consequences, though.
Chernynkaya : My hope is authorities are very quietly and very busily keeping tabs on all these groups.
Khirad : 100% with you Ad.
kesmarn : Hillary was different from these jerks. They are going to keep it up (and even ratchet it up) until they get smacked down. Like kids, they’re asking for it.
SueInCa : Adlib I did at first then I learned his habits and knew he would “checkmate” when it came down to it
Chernynkaya : To the Hatriots it does. but to the great middle it seems sensible. Question: Can we preserve the sane middle while cracking down on the loonies? Remember, they are programmed to think Obama is taking their freedom already.
AdLib : Obama has been right in being calmer, as in the primaries. I wanted him to come back at Hillary strongly and was frustrated with him being so gentle. He did win. Maybe he’s right in this case but I don’t feel comfortable about letting it get worse and worse.
SueInCa : Remember the ad taken out on President Kennedy in Dallas?
SueInCa : It is all fun and games until someone gets a finger in their eye
AdLib : Cher – COngress said they’re not going to take any action against the “Baby Killer” asshole. This strategy runs across all Dems and I think it comes off as weakness.
Khirad : But they’re just kidding, Sue!
kesmarn : Rep. Clyburn said the same thing. In effect: “Let it go. Turn the page.” That can only work so long. Then you have to act.
SueInCa : i know they are watching them. FBI is no joke, they are quiet but efficient. they are watching all the groups
Khirad : Well Cher, keeping it quiet would be the right way to handle it.
Chernynkaya : Absolutely Ad. And congress needs to censure outburst. everything needs to get tightened. way too much slack. Unless they consider it a pressure valve that they let release just enough.
AdLib : Cher – Heh, that’s just what I followed up with! The Obama Admin may feel it’s the high road and the less confrontational road will calm them down sooner, I think that concept belongs with the concept that bipartisanship can work.
SueInCa : see how close they come to sedition Khirad?
kesmarn : OMG, Sue. Do you think the Feds are getting ready to move on them?
SueInCa : Kes, they fall under(in their minds) no authority and they will act. one guy in TN or Ky rammed a car because they had an obama sticker and a child was on board
Khirad : I’m wrong. “A pig that needs to be shot and buried” – Rep. Broun referring to “ObamaCare”, with the witch on FUX right now.
AdLib : The law needs to be enforced and the fear of enforcing it does give people the encouragement to cross the line farther and farther. Oath Keepers need to be fired if they won’t fulfill their job requirements and Rush, Beck, Palin and any others putting crosshairs on human beings should be arrested.
Chernynkaya : Adlib, the authorities are not enforcing anti-sedition laws nor incitement–UNLE SS they are keeping it very quiet.
kesmarn : Can you explain more, Sue?
SueInCa : Don’t be surprised is the FBI comes up with some charges with this week, it takes them forever to work a case
kesmarn : That scares me. Xe could turn into a hostile shadow army.
SueInCa : you are right kes
Khirad : I know it, Sue. Yes, the Oath Keepers!
kesmarn : I think there’s one called “Oath Keepers”…orga nized…that will not support the Prez or any other official they deem “un-Godly.”
SueInCa : Khirad they will find another “hot topic” mark my words
AdLib : What about there being some application of existing laws on those who keep yelling fire in a theater? It is not legal to incite violence. However, if you’re a big celebrity on Fox, you can do it but if any of us as individuals did what they did, we would likely get a visit from the SS.
Khirad : OMG, what are those guys called again…
SueInCa : kes, the hate groups are thriving
Khirad : What Cher said!
SueInCa : I think it is already in the planning, just dont know who will be the target
kesmarn : Sue, did you come across law enforcement and military guys who are sworn NOT to enforce any law they see as unpatriotic? In your research?
Khirad : Agreed, Sue, and Beck is reliably, consistently insane. I was more talking the morning shows like with Dooshy and like. My bad.
AdLib : Sue – I think one is possible at any time but more so down the line, once lunatics have a chance to collaborate on a plot.
Chernynkaya : I actually kinda hope there is a non-fatal act of violence from a rightie, but I don’t think there will be. Or at least not one that can be tied unequivocally to Cong. leaders. I think the mob mentality will fade, but then maybe that awful lone wolf–who will be dismissed as a psycho– If Tiller’s murder didn;t tar O’rielly, nothing will.
SueInCa : Fox will pick another unreality to spew out
Khirad : With FOX now mostly ignoring HCR, will we see a correlated decrease in bagger behavior?
SueInCa : Does anyone think a tragedy is about to happen? i do
AdLib : I think many will cool down but some will stew over this and be egged on by Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and Fox…those types could be capable of some awful ideas.
kesmarn : I saw a figure that 76% of T-baggers vote Repub, so, like it or not they are gonna be held responsible.
Khirad : Don’t forget transference.
SueInCa : It is projection, deflection, parellel universe they live in
Khirad : It’s actually those that AREN’T calling congresspeople with threats that I’m most worried about…
Khirad : In the short term in could rise and temper down. On the other hand, who knows what militia-like plot is going on somewhere…
bitohistory : Thanks, all
SueInCa : will be thinking of you bito, i would never write anything bad about you
kesmarn : Hope all goes well, b’ito! We’ll be watching you on the Intertubes at the CC. You know, you can do that now!
AdLib : Take care, bito, we’ll be thinking of you!
Chernynkaya : BEST of luck, Bito!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khirad : We’ll think of you Bito.
bitohistory : First i want to tell you guys that I will be starting Chemo Monday for 4 days straight so I may not be around much. The CC has WIFI so watch what you say about me. I may be watching. Nite , my friends. peace
kesmarn : My impairment is wearing off.
Khirad : Ha AdLib!
Khirad : Yours is better, Kes.
Chernynkaya : Sue, but I think most people –by far– see them as crazy.
AdLib : I do not like green dough and scams.
kesmarn : Stalking Holmes Sin Dome?
Khirad : Stockings Home Sin Dome?
SueInCa : I know but lunatics get the attention
Chernynkaya : If ever the term “Silent Majority” applied, it is now.
kesmarn : Dr. Suits on the Stockholm Syndrome in the American public re: the bankers!
AdLib : Sue – That is the problem with sanity. It’s much quieter than lunacy.
Khirad : Work on it AdLib!
SueInCa : because they make the noise, we are quiet.
AdLib : Khirad – Would take some time to figure out how to distill it down into a bumper sticker but it might make a good Dr. Suits story or another Planet Video…
Khirad : Who are ‘they’ again? I do think they’ve sold this as an assault on Capitalism and “success” and rugged individualism and freedom and liberty and all of that. The GOP itself has obfuscated the debate, not merely the baggers.
Chernynkaya : Then Sue and all, why do we focus on that small %.
kesmarn : Good night, b’ito. Sleep well.
Chernynkaya : ‘Night, bito.
kesmarn : Yes. People like Limbaugh convince them that they’re unpatriotic if they object to their own abuse at the hands of the banks.
SueInCa : nite bito
Chernynkaya : Kes, I don;t think so.i don;t think they are thinking at all.
AdLib : Night bito!
Khirad : Night Bito.
bitohistory : I am good to say good night now. Read a little and sleep.
SueInCa : not active but maybe sympathetic, prob 4-5% activr
Khirad : Good point Kes, we’re “punishing success”! (not my words)
Chernynkaya : OK sue, then a % of what– 30% at most? Do you think there are a significant # of them?
AdLib : bito – The baggers are Repubs first and many are racist. If Obama proposed everything they wanted, they’d still be carrying signs with him having a Hitler moustache.
kesmarn : Is there something frightening to people about going after these banks? Do they feel as though they’re attacking Holy Capitalism itself?
Khirad : Great analogy, AdLib. But, how to put it on a bumpersticker?
SueInCa : cher i think they have libertarians in ther etoo
bitohistory : Yeppers, Khirad!!
Chernynkaya : Well, said, adlib!
Khirad : Is that like Lamar Alexander’s line on student loans, Bito?
AdLib : How stupid though. A mugger robs you, you find out who he is, where he lives and can vent your anger and need for retribution at him but instead you put all your focus on how bad the cops are for not stopping the mugger from attacking you and let the mugger continue mugging? It’s insane!
Chernynkaya : Bito, I think we’ve allowed the baggers to hijack the debate. They are a % of 23%.
kesmarn : And of course, “How’d you let this happen?” is a valid question. To ask of GEORGE BUSH.
bitohistory : The R’s meme on FR is “Obama is taking over the banks” 60+% of baggers want reform
Chernynkaya : AdLib– the second. There is anger at banks, wall st, ins cos. the wars. but instead of demanding the govt rein in the pvt sector, the idjuts balem the govt. but to be fair, they may also be saying HOw’d you let this happen?” The public as an uninformed couch potato.
kesmarn : Right, Sue. As soon as the people’s attention was diverted to “socialism” they switched out the meltdown villains from the banks to the poor….as always!
Khirad : I think it is part of the GOP’s and MSM’s (not just FUX) doing, AdLib. Of course, they have Cher’s template to work from. Who understands the intricacies of banks and Wall Street? I’m over my head. gov’t is so much easier to envisage and target.
SueInCa : People started forgetting when the right got them riled up at HCR. in fact they never really took any action at wall street, it started with taxes. insurrectionists that the are
kesmarn : Couple of guests earlier, b’ito, but then…curfew?
AdLib : Cher – Is it that the govt is easier to target or that the propaganda machine of Wall Street and the GOP twisted the perception? Banks are easy to blame when they’re the ones taking your home away and firing you and not giving credit to your business.
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, Khirad.
bitohistory : no “guests” tonight? HCR over?
Khirad : And that it’s Democrats and all Fannie and Freddy’s fault.
Chernynkaya : Be back in a min!
SueInCa : thanks khirad
kesmarn : I think the right has convinced people that the meltdown happened because uppity, greedy people bought houses they knew they couldn’t afford. Lies.
Khirad : Sue: «link»
Chernynkaya : Me too, Bito.
bitohistory : Cher, not at all. It’s ours.
kesmarn : AFL-CIO gets it!
SueInCa : it is on my desktop Khirad
AdLib : It’s kind of upsetting that people have retreated back into their crumbling status quo and don’t seem to have retained their insights about how their nation and future and the futures of their children are being taken away from them by banks and corps.
bitohistory : AFL-CIO, blogs about Wall Sreet most days.
Chernynkaya : Bito-do you see ths as Javaz’s project mainly?
SueInCa : then we go ahead, we can handle it
Khirad : I remember that sign, Sue!
bitohistory : j’avaz is really busy for a while.
Chernynkaya : AdLIb– I think there is inchoate anger at so many parts of our system, the govt is easier to target. Bu the anger is an inch deep at govt.
SueInCa : I saw one good sign in those bailout marches, Jump You Fuckers in front of wall street
kesmarn : Have to admit I was disappointed when Obama said he didn’t begrudge the Wall St. guys their bonuses. I deeply begrudge them.
AdLib : FYI – At the beginning of the week, I will have the next key post up about moving forward with GROW.
Khirad : Oh AdLib, that is the irony and the twisted simplistic genius of the GOP and their media blowhards…
SueInCa : oh i realize that
AdLib : Watching “Capitalism” was a bit enlightening for a couple of reasons. Additionally, seeing the fury and outrage there was against the banks and corps, people in the streets protesting…tha t has dissolved away quite a bit. They’ve gone back to business as usual now and people just don’t seem angry at banks anymore…they’ re angry at government! The only entity that could protect them from the continuing slide in the quality of their lives!
kesmarn : I am not always impaired, K.
Just kiddin’
Chernynkaya : Sue, it is not Javaz’s sole responsibility. i think it’s all of ours. Do y’all agree?
SueInCa : be back in a minuto
Khirad : As always, Kes.
Chernynkaya : Adlib– the financial reform is important, but GROW more so, because of the momentum re SCOTUS!
SueInCa : and we need to go on facebook
SueInCa : We need to get Javaz going again now
SueInCa : That was exactly my thought Adlib
SueInCa : New World Order? LOL
kesmarn : Are you messin’ with me, just because I’m a little “impaired” tongiht, Khirad?
AdLib : Sue – Yes, I’m anxious to get GROW up and running…wanted to hold off so we couls focus on the passage of HCR first and not splinter our efforts.
Khirad : That’s what I was saying about Dodd, AdLib. I know, Cher.
bitohistory : K’es Pres ident and congress, mostly
Chernynkaya : Khirad–you bad!
SueInCa : Didn’t it make you want to get up and do something Adlib?
kesmarn : Dodd did look bad in “Capitalism.”
Khirad : Kes, the NWO would take care of that.
AdLib : Just watched Michael Moore’s “Capitalism, A Love Story” aqain and he has a section showing Dodd to be a total hypocrite, getting sweetheart loans from Countrywide then getting on his high horse in Senate hearings attacking banks for making improper loans. Dodd, like Edwards, is not the real deal.
SueInCa : see elliot spitzer to find out how shrub totally destroyed cons prot
kesmarn : This proposed consumer protection board–how would its members be selected?
SueInCa : Adlib alot of that was bcaus shrub helped to get rid of consumer protections they used to be tough auditors
Khirad : I hate to be cynical, and I know it *shouldn’t* matter, but the right would be intolerable with Dodd.
AdLib : The Fed and the SEC are totally corrupt with regards to protecting consumers. Did you see that author who wrote about how he tried to warn the SEC about the coming economic crash for 5 years and they shut him down while helping loosen restrictions as Wall Street would ask?
bitohistory : Bill Is out of committee, ready to be put on the floor. Dodd did not do a markup so that the R’s could try to add 300 amendments. Voted out –staright party.
SueInCa : I hear you Cher, he needs to go all out
kesmarn : I realized what a dumb question I’d asked as soon as I read my own query!
Chernynkaya : I am disappointed with Dodd.he’s retiring. He has cancer.Why not do the very best for the consumer?
AdLib : Bito – That would be great!
SueInCa : the fed used to do it when they were actually accountable
Khirad : Damn Sue, you’re right! Egads, I need to do some Nevadan homework..
AdLib : Kes – This would be an board that is a watchdog on what’s going on at Wall Street and in the economy. Like an economic Consumer Protection Agency. They could protect the people if independent and would be smothered into futility if located inside the Fed.
Khirad : I don’t think we’re in the purist phase yet. I reserve that for those in late stages who can’t face reality. We’re still formulating now, right?
SueInCa : wall street banks, they proved it
bitohistory : I will try to write something on the bill, there is alot there.
SueInCa : well they did have the abramoff scandal
Khirad : Good, Amerindians are Dem. Don’t know about Amerindian casino owners, though…
SueInCa : william bennett owed over 8mm at one time khirad
AdLib : Bito, who is the governing board of the Fed and whose interests come first to them, the people or Wall Street and banks?
kesmarn : To get back to financial reform. Is that consumer protection thing only for financial consumer protection or general?
SueInCa : they are losing in reno to the indian casinos
bitohistory : It would take 2/3 of the governing board to overrule any decicion they make, AdLib
Khirad : Sue, Nevada is a conundrum to me… Sure most of it is red, sure, rich casino owners bankroll candidates, but still – Vegas area and Reno are all that matter. Prostitution and gambling says GOP to me! …wait…
SueInCa : oh gotcha
kesmarn : The ones who had the compound where the women wore the long dresses…was it Warren Jeffers?
SueInCa : absolutely no power to the feds, they are the ones who turned their heads
SueInCa : kes, who?
SueInCa : kes I would go farther,, al Queda
kesmarn : That weird Mormon splinter group is more representative than I thought.
AdLib : Bito, that’s not fair to use “purist” on people who criticize Dem bills. We don’t want to be sheep like the GOP, agreed? It would kill a consumer protection agency to have it under the power of the Fed.
SueInCa : women are subserviant to them
kesmarn : American taliban!
bitohistory : They are killing women’s rights daily. Bare foot and pregnant is their motto
SueInCa : when will they learn gop is not the party of goldwater or eisenhower
kesmarn : How cold can people be? Denying health care to children?
SueInCa : Bito god help you all
Khirad : And, may we actually get a real discussion back in the media without them (I jest!)
AdLib : AZ killed its SCHIP program and 30,000 kids are now without health insurance. Along with 300,000 adults!
Chernynkaya : Khirad- the baggers will never learn anything. they will be marginalized into the hate group they are.
SueInCa : God help you all
SueInCa : I left nevada and now it is blue go figure. but i was born in Cali
kesmarn : Yes, Sue. I’d be running for my life…almost literally!
Khirad : So, bottom line, the baggers going back to their shadows is a good thing for everyone? Or are they viable without HCR. What will they get riled up about next? Will they figure out for real that their supposed ideals don’t mesh with GOP corporatocracy and split the right? Can they do this without actual FOX/GOP direction, etc…
bitohistory : AZ is not controlled by just R’s. We have the RR
kesmarn : I know it’s not popular to say it, but I think Geithner may have good ideas on this.
SueInCa : kes, it is called blue migration right out of those states
Chernynkaya : I think we are getting skewed view from the media. All we hear about are teabaggers and that’s a small group. The media is playing up their ctrazyness (good) but leaving out huge majorities from the conversation.
bitohistory : Don’t be a purist on that AdLib. Theres is a lot good in that bill.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. Things like closing parks, rest areas, cutting school funding, not even competing for Fed school aid…gonna make those red states horrible places to live.
SueInCa : good that volker is in there
AdLib : Khirad – After all the terrible stories I’ve learned about going on in AZ, who is going to save AZ from itself?
SueInCa : Sista Sarah is running a six pack short
Khirad : Oh, and AdLib, Sarah said that we need to reelect McGrumps to “save” Arizona. Save it from what? Who does she think has been in control????
bitohistory : Yes, k’es. and volcker, Dodd
AdLib : They just better not go with Dodd’s rigged bill to put the consumer protection agency inside the Fed.
SueInCa : cher legals he was refering to
AdLib : What’s interesting is that in red states like AZ, the Repubs are in control and going nuts disassembling their society, almost as if to spite Obama and the Dems being in power. If the red states opt out, they will all be on a downward slide.
kesmarn : Is Geithner heavily involved in the financial reform bill writing process?
Chernynkaya : Sue–illegals? There are that many and more legals
SueInCa : No, not keeping them in a frenzy, but opening dialogue yes
kesmarn : I have hope once more that the Dems actually might do better in Nov than anticipated!
Khirad : I’m not talking about legislation with immigration. I’m talking about keeping them in a frenzy. – though, this could be a really bad idea…
bitohistory : Financial bill is already out of committee. Gibbs and Axeelrod have both mentioned it.
SueInCa : heads will explode. George Lopezsaid the are 47mm latinos in the US
AdLib : It would be so sweet for the Dems to do better than is typical in off year elections for the party in power.
kesmarn : Yes, Cher, contagious enthusiasm, and, as O. joked: “The sun rose the next day and it was not armageddon.”
Chernynkaya : Oh- immigration, K. Yeah, I think he must convince Latinos to wait til after Nov.
Khirad : Yes, I can’t wait to split the teabaggers with financial regulation.
SueInCa : Khirad I am with you, it is the “stinger” needed for Nov
Chernynkaya : I also think everyones’s enthusiasm and excitement is contageous–peop le jumping on the badwagon
Khirad : Think of the signs, Cher. It will bring out their unabashed racism (beyond doubt) and energize the minority vote and registration. If teabaggers go back to their shadows, the GOP might regain some (very relative) respectability. Think of the Palin video where the lady said she wants Palin for “us” Americans, not “others”.
SueInCa : You can already see the approval numbers going up, people understand what they are getting better nw
bitohistory : I sill say the next big bill will be the Finical reform bill. It has already started to divide the R’s
kesmarn : Yes, agree, b’ito. Before there were stories on the left not being able to work together. Now there’s more about the split between the very right and the extremely far out right.
Chernynkaya : I think it will be a net win for the Dems. they will lose a few House seats, maybe a senate seat or 2 that’s all.
AdLib : I think by Nov. it will be taken for granted that HCR is in place. Who would want to vote for Repubs to, as Obama said, give everything back to the insurance corps. and give up all the consumer protections in took 100 years to pass?
SueInCa : bito, so have I they are the only ones living in a parallel universe
kesmarn : I’ve noticed Barack’s latest approach is gentle (or sometimes not) humor re: T bags.
Chernynkaya : I don;t get that Khirad. Explain?
SueInCa : The baggers and the tparty will cry until it comes time for them to reap the rewards then it is get your hands off my healthcare reform
Khirad : I’ve been harping on it for a long time. I think the Obama is trying to wield the teabaggers for their own purposes – see, immigration. It’s playing with fire, like the GOP, but barring violence, it will keep moderate Repubs wary enough to stay home in November?
bitohistory : I have been noticing a lot more stories on the fractionating of the Gop Jut Me?
kesmarn : I think I’m OK now. I put the bottle down as Khirad suggested and things are starting to come into focus…
Chernynkaya : Seriously, aside from blatant lies, they got nuthin. They will keep lying–they have to and scare people. I jhope by Nov. people are not so stupid.
SueInCa : Sorry Kes
AdLib : Kes, you may need to reload the page, it was a little funky at first for me but seems cool now.
kesmarn : My sidebar seemed to stop working after Sue said “I found it, Khirad.”
bitohistory : I think I’m still weepy over that song by Billie.
Khirad : Kes, put down the bottle. Or make sure a foot is on the floor – that helps me when the room spins.
Chernynkaya : I like the sidebar.
kesmarn : Vertigo….the room is spinning…
Chernynkaya : YES and I just spilled the Helper!!!
Khirad : Ooh, that worked. Still, I’m coming back to the main Vox page though. Kinda unwieldy.
kesmarn : Yes, Mr. Bito A. History?? What do you want?
Khirad : Testing sidebar from main page…
bitohistory : Hey Nurse!!
kesmarn : OK I’m here. Let me see if I can uncross my eyes. Oh! Hi, everyone.
bitohistory : I like the page more that the sidebar
AdLib : Kes, just join us on the regular Vox Populi page, click this link: «link»
Khirad : Crocker was okay for a Bush appointee. Just my opinion… carry on.
kesmarn : Oh, goddie, AdLib, I have to scroll opposite directions or something. I’d better wait until I’m functional to evaluate the sidebar thingy.
Khirad : You run us round round Cher.
AdLib : Cooking up that Hamburger Helper?
AdLib : No worries, Cher.
Khirad : Ooh, Iraqi election! Thanks Bito.
SueInCa : yes
Chernynkaya : Hello. I’m in and out for a while, if that’s ok.
AdLib : Is the sidebar working for you?
bitohistory : PBS then. The News Hour.
Khirad : So far the sidebar just took me to this page again.
kesmarn : Hoo-boy, 4 hours of sleep and something looks different. Now I’m hallucinating.
Khirad : What’s on the Yank Beeb? I only got basic in this room.
AdLib : Do we like the sidebar function?
Khirad : Okay, so the sidebar only takes you here. Not bad.. hehe.
AdLib : Since we’re trying this sidebar function, you might see a few hiccups, let me know. Otherwise, if there’s an issue on the Vox Populi page, try reloading it.
SueInCa : I found it Khirad
SueInCa : I could not see my comment, now it is working
bitohistory : BBC, Khirad
Khirad : Testing sidebar…
AdLib : What’s not working?
SueInCa : Hello, not working for me tonite?
Khirad : MSNBC went straight to doc bloc and I’m stuck with McGrumps and Sister Sarah on FUX… what else is on?
SueInCa : Hello, I never follow directions Adlib hehe
AdLib : Very funny!
Khirad : Or this? «link»
Khirad : Seen this? «link»
AdLib : hEY!
Khirad : Hi!
AdLib : Welcome to Vox Populi! Please say hi when you join in!
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