AdLib : Same here, this was a great edition tonight!
javaz : Fun times, and great broadening my thinking! Thank you!
PatsyT : Thanks AdLib
AdLib : Well…looks like it’s time to wrap Vox Populi for the night! The conversation continues at the AfterChat post, click here to go there: «link»
AdLib : Education, opportunity, a more equitable economy, the same things drive kids to gangs as drive kids to being terrorists.
javaz : They are having a civil war, and there’s nothing civil about it, in Mexico. And it is filtering over here, and we’ve got to somehow stop it, don’t you think? It’s a very dangerous game and it’s not like we don’t have enough to worry about, but they know that, and that’s why I so hope someone is on the ball.
PatsyT : Education could go a long way to combat the drug stuff
javaz : AdLib, yes, it’s for the money for either drugs or buying weapons.
AdLib : Night Boomer! And yum, pizza!
AdLib : javaz – Yes there are gangs and addressing gangs is a more complicated and systemic problem. But what allows them to grow and thrive is drug money. Cut that and you blunt their power and growth.
PatsyT : Boomer next time use a napkin
javaz : Good Night Boomer! It was so wonderful to see you again!
boomer1949 : Pizza is on me!
boomer1949 : Okay everyone, I turn into a pumpkin in less than ten minutes. I so dislike the differences in our time zones. Will see everyone tomorrow and for sure on Sunday.
PatsyT : Cages we don’t need no stinken cages !
javaz : AdLib, I so agree with you, but it goes even deeper than that. The criminal element kidnaps Mexican family members from here, be they legal or not, and it’s awful. Don’t you have that in California?
AdLib : Boomer – I see Obama as more of a moderate who was trying to work with corporations like Pharma and the Insurance Co.s instead of accepting that they are not good citizens who would ever work in good faith. I see corporations as wild animals that need to be caged to a degree or they will eventually devour you…and one shouldn’t take promises from wild animals as a reason to let them loose.
PatsyT : Javez That is so important to shine a light on Mexico –
AdLib : javaz – You are so right, Mexico is a powderkeg. As I’ve said before, the quickest and smartest thing we could do to instantly cut the finances sharply for the drug rings is legalize pot. SOmeone mentioned here at The Planet that it accounts for around 70% of their income. Without money, their power would be slashed.
boomer1949 : TRP — poof poof!
boomer1949 : I believe our President is and always has been a populist fighter. I’m not saying he wasn’t being courted to be otherwise, but I’m saying that maybe he listened to all of our ramblings and emails and noisemaking. You know? GWB was on autopilot with a puppet master up his ass. Mr. Obama has more brains, common sense, and a clue.
AdLib : Patsy – I think the banks holding back lending works for them in many ways, they can show higher assets to offset the losses they ahve and the losses they are no doubt continuing to hide. And it helps them keep the recovery from helping Americans and Obama, giving them more power.
PatsyT : Nighty Night TRP
KQuark : Adlib it never amazes me how short people’s memories are in this country.
javaz : KQ, another thing the Mexican drug cartels do is target homeowners of any race and creed that they know have guns. They break into homes and steal guns to sell on the black market, and seriously, Mexico is a problem that we are going to have to deal with. Cher did an article about it, but it’s the violence and inhumane treatment of their targets. We, the USA, we are going to have to somehow deal with that violence south of the border.
PatsyT : Hey AdLib how about the one that says – Banks are holding back funds to smaller banks to try to put Obama in bad shape – Said on the Ed Show this week
AdLib : Remember the simpler times when our biggest worries were whether our president lied about a blow job?
KQuark : Some sciency types are the funniest people I know. I’ll take a mad scientist over a bloody stiff suit banker any day.
TheRarestPatriot : ~poof~
AdLib : Thanks TRP! Have a nice evening!
TheRarestPatriot : Gonna take a powder all…need to rest for a bit…great Vox…thanks all
KQuark : javaz to me home invasion is the most abhorrent of crimes. We have that problem in the Atlanta area but thankfully not in my town.
boomer1949 : AdLib,
TheRarestPatriot : I’ve had WAY too much cough medicine…woooo ~~~~
boomer1949 : I have a friend whose brother is a DEA Agent on the border in Southern CA.
AdLib : SOmeone ridiculous posted on Huffy today, can’t remember but I thought it was absurd.
PatsyT : KQ no fair your math/science guys are not supposed to be so funny
javaz : KQ, you know what’s a shame about Mexico? It’s so beautiful and if it weren’t for all the drug cartels and gangs and corruption, that they could take advantage of that. It freaks me out, because we have lots of home invasions, they target Mexicans living here, but there are times that they get the wrong house.
KQuark : They all act like they are experts when they don’t know shit.
TheRarestPatriot : I don’t think alot of those A-listers have gotten it yet…
KQuark : Pet peeve all the fucking A-listers Aryanna let’s post on Huffy. Give me a break.
TheRarestPatriot : LMAO Adlib…
TheRarestPatriot : ..it was mine and I am ashamed…
AdLib : I have to admit, I do fantasize about punching Boehner in the kisser…and there being a white fist-shaped patch on his face while my fist is coated with a dark tan. Just a fantasy and a gag, I’m not a violent type but it would be a wish fulfillment to tag some of these guys.
KQuark : I don’t know which one was worse TRP.
TheRarestPatriot : oooooh…that was baaad~
TheRarestPatriot : Making Jewish jokes to his accountant?
KQuark : Screwing his nanny.
boomer1949 : TRP – where is Mel G. when you need him anyway?
PatsyT : TRP I know what you are saying I get so fired up
KQuark : javaz the border stuff scares me too, because Mexico can become a failed state.
TheRarestPatriot : I can barely even stand the site of Boehner…honest ly…he ranks up there with the one of 1st I’d like to …pinch….hard
AdLib : You know what I would like to see? A 2011 SOTU address by Obama coming down hard on corporate control of our democracy, economy and society and using the example of passing HCR and the banks destroying the economy to illustrate that and be a rallying cry. He should be the populist fighter against the interests that are working together to destroy his Presidency and the lives of the majority of Americans. If he’s unsure that he’ll get a 2nd term, make the 1st term catch fire and the 2nd term may follow.
PatsyT : Javez AZ freaks me out
TheRarestPatriot : The Boss can carry the flag…I’ll bash the skulls….
KQuark : I swear Boehner wants to BE Obama.
KQuark : The skinny bastard is tougher than he looks.
boomer1949 : TRP – Boehner is such a, a, faux tan dick. Plain and simple. I live in OH — thank God he isn’t my Congressional Rep., I think I would have done terrible things if he were. Not a threat, just a fantasy.
TheRarestPatriot : Yes, ..my dad has propert in El Paso…scary stuff, javez
TheRarestPatriot : agreed…and I’d follow that man into battle myself….
KQuark : He’s the only Dem that can deliver a “Braveheart” speech.
TheRarestPatriot : …glaring at everyone and pointing his finger!
PatsyT : KQ Good Question
javaz : For anyone here living on the border of Mexico, does the drug wars freak you out? You know that they’re already here, right? There was the California fire started from a pot crop, right? And then there’s stories about Mexican cartels planting on state land – ours – such as in Yosemite? I want and am all for immigration, so this is not about that. This is about the violence down in Mexico, and at the border towns. These people are gruesome and worse than the Taliban and Al Qaida as they torture their victims first. Am I wrong in fearing that that violence is coming here?
KQuark : Can Obama be in the chamber during the vote?
AdLib : TRp – Gotcha!
TheRarestPatriot : …–see–…a.. .
TheRarestPatriot : I want to a fucking William Wallace Braveheart speech to the Dems to rally around for no other reason than to shame the GOP into fucking submission…
AdLib : As to Kucinich, I think his strategy was to hold out long enough to bring the kind of attention the conservatives got for holding out, to Progressive interests. I think he was prepared to pivot but wanted to be a loud voice for the policies and respect Progressives want.
PatsyT : AdLib I want to see the MSM called out for that especially FOX. How many other Presidents have had a 24/7 cable channel dedicated to their destruction ? I am amazed that Obama has held up so well and think he will triumph over all of this !
KQuark : Anyone notice how Stupak is the new darling of Faux News now.
TheRarestPatriot : Haha~..I know Adlib…I forgot my emoticon…LOL
TheRarestPatriot : Like I said,….balls.
AdLib : TRP – That UFO thing was a setup by the MSM to get rid of him. He isn’t a UFO nut at all, it was a tangential conversation. Just as the MSM trashed Howard Dean over a yell. A yell! This is one shallow populace to let such things decide the course of their nation.
KQuark : TRP Kucinich got it right. He sees the big picture with this vote and I commend him for it. I know it’s against some of his deepest principles but I think it takes more courage for what he’s doing now.
AdLib : Patsy – DOn’t forget that all the terrorists who are being held or have been convicted…all criminals and those in the military and Senior Citizens and disabled, etc. are getting socialized medical care. It’s really such a ridiculous lie to scream about government takeovers and socialism, the MSM are traitors to Americans by supporting these lies.
KQuark : I was not in school yet when Medicare and Medicaid passed. This is the biggest domestic program in my life so far. No matter what some Dems say this is the biggest liberal bill in decades. If it fails liberalism goes down with it. It does not matter if the bill is perfect or not this is a defining moment for the direction of the country.
TheRarestPatriot : I love Kucinich…he admits to viewing UFOs….balls.
PatsyT : Boehner spends too much time with the devil hence the tan
TheRarestPatriot : Well, I’ve never seen so many Dems turn into milquetoasts at the site of Boehner in my life….it’s embarrassing….
PatsyT : There are too many things that have not been emphasized- enough like health care in Iraq
javaz : AdLib, once the vote gets rolling, and it’s probably already a done deal because winning over Kucinich was a huge deal. I really seriously doubt that any Dems will vote NO, unless they are total assholes. And seriously, it really wouldn’t surprise me if a Republican or 2, votes YES.
AdLib : KQ – And America loves a winner. If Dems are the ones who won this tough of a fight against so many bad guys like insurance companies, that’s a big plus to campaign on.
KQuark : TRP and Adlib I think we all feel the same way on the vote. This vote defines whether you are a Dem or not.
TheRarestPatriot : That was great Patsy…1st time I’ve EVER heard anyone use the war as an example of wasted money…good stuff
PatsyT : Who saw the Rep from OHIO today that turned to Yes He said he had been in Iraq when they flew a Billion or some such amount to the people of Iraq so they would have health care – so why no us? I love that guy !
AdLib : If you play poker, you know the term, “betting into your hand”. Yes, there are possibilities that HCR doesn’t pass but with the hand we’re holding, I would press my bet big time. They have to pass this or it will be disaster for all Dems and Americans. And momentum is way in our favor now. I’m betting heavy on this and I don’t do that lightly.
KQuark : What I don’t understand is how Dems don’t realize if they ALL vote yes they ALL get political cover. The voters like a show of solidarity and strength in this country.
TheRarestPatriot : Right Adlib. I think to myself, Well…if you’re a Dem and trying to save your hide for THIS administration, what do they think is going to happen with the next…and the next…etc…The y either fight hard NOW on principle or lie down and blow away….I’d rather go down swingin’…
AdLib : What bewilders me is that any Dem holdouts will be assuring minority status within a couple of elections for the Dems. It’s no fun to be in the minority, as the behavior of the Repubs shows. They want to lose their control? And their seat as people turn to Repubs? It’s crazy to me, no vision at all.
KQuark : Tell be about it Patsy. I think I wrote my first article on HCR almost a year ago now.
javaz : Boomer! Me too. Never say never is my motto.
TheRarestPatriot : Ditto, KQuark
boomer1949 : AdLib, personally, I will be surprised if it doesn’t pass. However, I’ve been around long enough to never say never.
PatsyT : HITO All the Best
TheRarestPatriot : Agreed adlib, failure equals the end of the America i thought I might enjoy living in….
KQuark : I think there is still a decent chance it won’t pass and the odds for passage will go down a little before the vote.
javaz : Good night HITO, and don’t be a stranger.
AdLib : Night HITO, check in on Sunday, should be lively around here!
PatsyT : KQ This has been a journey I think back months to HP Wow look at how long this has been going on.
javaz : AdLib, I agree with you 100%.
TheRarestPatriot : I just wish someone would start taking the ‘pairs’ from the Rethugs
HITO : Good night kids. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself this evening. I love posting on the fly. Thanks everyone and see you soon…as soon as I can with all this shit to do. Yeah, X already moved out so the house sale is squarely on my shoulders.
AdLib : IMO, the Dem Party will have its back broken for a decade at least if this vote fails. The faith and confidence of Dems in their party and pols would be greatly damaged. Who here would not have to summon a great deal of energy to work as hard as they have been for the Dems if they prove that they just can’t come through on things. They HAVE to pass this and I strongly believe they will.
javaz : Does anyone else think that we are going to overturn Roe v Wade? For the first time, I think it’s very possible. What do you think?
boomer1949 : OH-IO up by 10 pts.
KQuark : javaz I wish Pelosi would give a pair to Reid.
TheRarestPatriot : I think there is a 65/35 split on passage…IMO
boomer1949 : AdLib, me too. “Off the table” really pissed me off.
PatsyT : Something I love about Pelosi is that my girls get to see a Strong Woman in charge !
boomer1949 : HITO – kid check luv it. Remember those days well.
KQuark : Patsy I feel like I have not slept all week.
javaz : AdLib, Pelosi grew a pair, or so it seemed, since she might’ve had them all along. Oh, I could not stand her for the longest time, but I am very impressed with her now, and I like her. She finally grew a pair.
TheRarestPatriot : I am so on the fence about its passage….
KQuark : Night HITO don’t be a stranger.
HITO : TRP: Thanks! I only have to clean out every closet this weekend and clean every wall/window/surf ace for the great inspection of realtors next week. Sigh.
boomer1949 : Night bito. See you tomorrow!
KQuark : Bito take care!
AdLib : Does anyone here think HCR won’t pass on Sunday?
PatsyT : KQ I am with you !! This is making me crazy I have moved carpools to orchestra practice around and cleared the day !
KQuark : You know you’re my favorite boomer but don’t tell anyone else.
boomer1949 : My Congressman is a Repug and hopeless. All I’ve ever gotten from him in a reply is a regurgitation of the GOP Mantra. It’s hopless trying to appeal to him — Patrick Tiberi (R-OH). Clues?
javaz : Hah! HITO, you are poet and didn’t know it!
TheRarestPatriot : ooops…sorry wrong nite-nite…offe r always stands HITO
AdLib : Night bito! Feel good!
KQuark : I’m going to be a wreck by Sunday. I don’t know about anyone else. This is bigger than the election for me personally.
AdLib : javaz – I was upset at Pelosi in 2006 when the Dems won Congress and instantly declared impeachment was off the table, they couldn’t stop the Iraq war as promised and on and on with broken promises. As we headed into 2008, I put all that aside and in fact was very pleased at how strongly Pelosi was supporting Obama from the primary forward.
HITO : Good night Bito from Hito.
TheRarestPatriot : email if you’d like HITO…I like to chat
PatsyT : Night Bito
javaz : Good night, b’ito, and sweet dreams.
TheRarestPatriot : Good thinking, Adlib…that might just be the angle they’re going for…let the Right stab in the dark…
HITO : I’m here. Sorry kid check upstairs. I ran.
bitohistory : G’night Kids. Take care my friends. peace
TheRarestPatriot : I DO NOT know why I still have a weird feeling about Pelosi…I mean,….I dunno….maybe a personality thing…I bet she can get really….mean.. .Haha~
javaz : HITO? Are you still here?
AdLib : TRP – I think they’re pretty much there but if they’re smart, they won’t mention names or say who they may have so the Repubs and Insurance corps don’t know which few to pour all their resources on.
boomer1949 : KQ, yes we’re all here. Yes we are. However, I never would’ve known about the Planet had it not been for HITO. Once I came here, I saw all of the folks who I identified with “over there” and then suddenly disappeared. I’m glad I found everyone because I knew I wasn’t losing my old and feeble mind before its time.
PatsyT : AdLib and KQ Now your cooking with Crisco!
javaz : AdLib, and anyone else, but didn’t you hate Pelosi for awhile there in the beginning? I really like her now, do you? And I still like Harry Reid, even though no one else seems to like him. I think he’s sort of like a Jimmy Carter, and doesn’t get credit when credit is deserved.
AdLib : Patsy – KQ had the great suggestion that we embed a live feed in an article on Sunday so we can live blog and watch here.
KQuark : TRP their arms were hurting from being twisted. It’s hardball time. The smiles come later.
TheRarestPatriot : Adlib, agreed….I just thought we were around 208 or so….
PatsyT : Hey should we have a party of sorts during the vote ?
AdLib : TRP – I’d ignore any counts from anyone, especially Fox and CNN.
TheRarestPatriot : Jeebus, I thought we were closer than that…Now they’ve said that Pelosi just left a meeting with some pretty pissed looking pro-choice reps….hmmmmm
KQuark : TRP I heard they were at 200 the beginning of the week.
AdLib : javaz – Yes, I am as certain as one can be without something having happened yet, that HCR will pass on Sunday. I think Obama and Pelosi have made clear to Dems, this is do or die. If this bill fails, the Dems are failures, the Obama presidency will be a failure and they will definitely be the minority party again very soon because they would have no argument for being in power again. Obama wouldn’t stick his neck out like this if he wasn’t pretty certain.
javaz : Patsy, I know it, and hate the political drama. It really is bullshit.
bitohistory : j’avaz
PatsyT : This Drama keeps up the ratings. . .
KQuark : We’re all here not that’s the important thing.
javaz : I thought that someone posted earlier somewhere that FOX was reporting that they had the votes! If FOX reports it, you know, it has to be true, right? LMAO
HITO : Choice: Been there too. We have to support our younger women, they don’t always get that from their home environment, hence why the crisis occurred to begin with possibly.
TheRarestPatriot : CNN just announced that they’re at 200 YES…?….Does that sound right?
boomer1949 : And HITO – email is always open.
KQuark : Realistically I don’t think another big bill passes before the midterms. They are closer than people think.
boomer1949 : Sorry HITO, I disagree. You invited me and then you bailed. Jeeze sink or swim boom.
TheRarestPatriot : Financial reform will stymie both parties as they both have their hands in deep pockets with that…
javaz : AdLib, do you believe that HCR will pass?
KQuark : bito like you said one or two smaller jobs bills first then regulatory reform.
boomer1949 : OT USCB 17 OH-IO 30! Go Bucks!
AdLib : CL – I agree, the public would strongly support and approve of Dems going after serious reforms on the banks. That’s one of the things they’re really pissed off about…nothing fas changed! Banks can still do exactly what they did to destroy the economy AND they were given our tax money AND they use it to pay themselves bonuses and lobby our government to serve them instead of taxpayers. This is a hugely winning issue, only Repub pols have any sympathy for banks (who still aren’t really lending!).
bitohistory : What is the consensus here Next big bill is financial reform.
KQuark : javaz that is horrible.
HITO : Boomer, you cutie, I am not why you’re here…you are. You were ready to move on. And you did damn good.
javaz : HITO, I’ve missed everything that you’ve been saying, but from reading the comments back to you, you know me and you are my friend. You can get my email from Monk, and write me anytime, but trust me, girlfriend, I am crazy as the day is long!
boomer1949 : I’ve dumped my banks and gone to a prepay debit card. Keeps me out of trouble and the banks out of my wallet.
HITO : Javaz, shit that is one scary item. Making a note to google that later. What the fuck?
TheRarestPatriot : Right, HITO
choicelady : HITO – very solid policy. When I was taking women into clinics, we watched to make sure there was no coercion on any level. When women choose freely – even girls – they are healthier mentally and emotionally.
HITO : TRP: Agreed. Raging or being very vocal in groups gives them that feeling they are smart, even though they sound dumb as shit. I find it hard to be polite around that.
KQuark : Adlib I know completely. I just think raising taxes is so unpopular that you can’t put the genie all the way back in the bottle.
TheRarestPatriot : Agreed, CL.
boomer1949 : HITO -email is always open my dear. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here.
javaz : What does everyone think of Utah’s new law that makes miscarriages reviewed as possible crime? God help us. I feel some times like we’re in Saudi Arabia, and yes, I know that’s wrong as their laws when it comes to women are abhorrent, but do you know what I mean? Why is it in the 21st century in the United States of America, are women still fighting their rights?
PatsyT : Good to hear HITO
TheRarestPatriot : I just think people are more apt to rage and fury over anything, especially tea baggers, etc…it makes them feel that they’re PART of something and important. They can’t speak on quantum physics, yet taxes….oh boy you bet…everyone’ s an expert….
choicelady : Rarest – I think ordinary people can see it as a matter of economic justice. In the 30s there was huge rage against the banks for their insolvency. I think most ordinary people today really do care, especially if their banks act in harmful ways, but if their bank has a convenient ATM, that can and often does over-ride anything. We are awfully soft as a people.Still I think people want justice!
KQuark :
HITO : Patsy, no worries. 25 years with X, but I have amazing kids, that was the best part. Time for the next stage (3) for me. It’s kinda exciting.
AdLib : KQ – The top tax rates in the 1950’s was 91%. Isn’t that the era the Ooze-Beck-istani ans want to go back to? In the 60’s and 70’s it was 70%, in the 80’s it was 50% and then when Reagan got his bill passed, they were slashed to 28%. Coincidentally, that’s when our deficit exploded.
bitohistory : Smell like pure Rove to me KQ! Atwater lives!
PatsyT : KQ New Day – New Lie That should be their motto
KQuark : bito I don’t think people connect the bailouts with regulatory reform to be honest. I think Americans are just that dumb.
KQuark : What does everyone think about this bogus “doctor fix” memo?
bitohistory : TRP, not to sure about that many are riled about the bailouts. and if the R’ support them???
PatsyT : HITO sorry you have had a bad time Hope that is over for you
choicelady : javaz – I think it matter a whole lot WHERE one is, and that IS a fact! CA, MA, NY – states with embedded choice support are a far cry from the South or AZ or other RW states. I would NOT disagree there!
KQuark : TRP I agree regulatory reform is just not an issue that people are passionate about, save for some reactionary anger.
PatsyT : I don’t think they have made enough of how this bill is going to be a job creator
HITO : Patsy, agreed on the demmen control. My X was all about mind control unfortunately. AND I have raised my daughter to prevent the first mistake of getting pregnant until she is ready. But if it happens, she controls her body no one else.
choicelady : AdLib – could not agree more! People forget that in our most flush period from 1940-73, taxes WERE that high, and people and the nation prospered. We have seen that tax cuts produce no jobs or economic growth, only bigger purchases of fewer things when the rich have it all. Scripture handed me the best line: From those to whom much is given, much is required. I had one bozo say that’s just Marxism, leading me to point out that was written 4000 years before Marx, and who’da thunk the Bible was commie?
KQuark : javaz access to reproductive care is horrible and is only getting worse in this country.
TheRarestPatriot : People…the great unwashed…don’ t give a flip about regulatory reform..they just need to know that they keep the status quo….rock the fucking boat and you’re swimming…I swear
javaz : oops, meant off topic, but women’s rights are so very important to me and yeah, it’s personal.
boomer1949 : OH TRP – please don’t get me started on pay; a whole other can of worms.
KQuark : 50% sure. I don’t know about 70%.
javaz : ChoiceLady, we’re losing ground right and left when it comes to reproductive rights. They’ve limited abortion to such a point that it’s nearly impossible now. We’ll talk when we’re done here because I don’t want to go over topic too much, okay?
boomer1949 : Try to get that past the mods at HP…
HITO : Javaz, sorry, I was trying to be funny.
boomer1949 : Torll men, HITO are Stepford husbands.
KQuark : TRP that’s where I see the teabaggers and the GOP parting ways is on regulatory reform.
AdLib : CL – The Dems should help rescue the economy by raising income tax on the wealthiest hlaf a percent to 70% or more. I just read a stat that as of 2006, the CBO said that only .64% of Americans have a net worth over $1 million. 99.36% of Americans are not millionaires. So tax that fraction of people, the billionaires, bankers and hedge fund managers to repair the damage they did to our economy and use that as a way to help distribute the public’s money back to them.
choicelady : Rarest – the greatest gift women give men is to speak freely in front of them.
bitohistory : Agreed CL, the R’s are saying some stupid things about stopping the banksters. That will lose them a lot of votes if they stop that reform.
TheRarestPatriot : I have no male heirs…my family bloodline ENDS with me….cool, huh?
choicelady : javaz – I also am past the need but worked for 20 years for the right and for women. I escorted women in (and sometimes out) and care a lot. I think we are NOT losing here. I think we are actually slowly regaining ground we had lost under Bush. I am actually OK with the Hyde Amendment because it takes away tax martyrdom from the religious right and keeps choice personal and private. I do want the Capps or Nelson amendment and NOT Stupid – uh – Stupak’s which is horrid, but if we have that, we’ve regained ground.
boomer1949 : javax, I have two daughters and 3 granddaughters.. .I think I’ve said this before, but would I or could I for myself? I doubt it. However, it’s not my place to decide for someone else. That’s the way I’ve always framed it. Me is my choice; theirs is theirs.
TheRarestPatriot : How on earth women can still have any kind respect for men in this country when they still won’t even pay you equal pay is beyond me…it seems…Medieval
javaz : HITO, I do get your drift, but must say that I’ve been in an abusive relationship, 2 of them in fact, and I’m not proud of that – that I was so young and dumb and lacking in self-esteem that I allowed men to do that to me. My husband saved my life, and I mean that literally, so women’s issues are so very important to me.
KQuark : ChoiceLady I also think consumer protections are a base concern. This problem would not have been this bad if so many people were not talked into loans they could not afford.
HITO : I will restate: troll men want to control procreation, makes them feel more God like.
PatsyT : HITO Dem men are better at control – just saying
choicelady : bito and KQ – I do think financial reform is next. I think the pushback from the armchair liberals is that if we leave the hedge fund/derivative wheeler dealers out of it, we have sold our souls. All we really need are the missing firewalls we had under Glass-Steagall. So long as commercial, individual, and community banking is protected from their glomming onto our money and so long as they have to take their own risk and losses, we will have done the right thing. Then the high rollers can play, and we can ignore them. We cannot allow pension and other public interest funds to invest in those risky media, but why shouldn’t Paris Hilton play that game. Oh – there should be big taxes on winnings though…
AdLib : javaz, what’s needed is a pure pro-choice bill that counteracts the erosion of that right that’s taken place over the years and advanced by the HCR bill.
KQuark : HITO you are on tonight.
TheRarestPatriot : Did it just get hot in here or is just HITO?
PatsyT : Javez I have three daughters and I want that right to be there no matter what.
KQuark : It always irks me that it’s mostly MEN that want to restrict a woman’s reproductive rights.
HITO : Javaz, I’ve never met a dem man that wanted to control my body … unless I asked him to control my body, if you get my drift.
boomer1949 : Ah yes HITO, but no chocolate tonight. Just the Merlot.
AdLib : What have the Dems got to lose at this point? The polls show them having a rough time in Nov either way, why not vote for the strongest provisions? That’s the only thing that can improve their chances, campaigning on being impotent ain’t a winning slogan.
TheRarestPatriot : Chocolate was my gateway drug…..
javaz : To whoever, but I feel, as a woman, that I’m giving up a lot my rights to choose, and I am an older woman and have no worries any longer in that department. But I was one of the very young women that worked so hard for the right to choose, and I just hate it that women are losing. Dammit. Why can’t men accept women and let women have control over their lives and bodies? This is the United States of America, and I want men to stay out of MY womb. God Bless America, and may God smite the MEN that want to control me.
KQuark : HITO
TheRarestPatriot : Adlib…could you imagine…I swear they’re slow enough to fall for it…lol
bitohistory : C’lady Good rundown in the wonk room on what’s next and votes.
HITO : Boomer, be careful, Chocolate and Merlot can spell migraine in my world.
choicelady : Oh wow – yes boomer. Wow.
TheRarestPatriot : Doesn’t some Merlot have a choco nose?
KQuark : Is gluten Latin for flavor?
AdLib : TRP, you just came up with a great idea! On the next big bill, Pelosi should declare it to be Opposite Day so a vote of “no” from Repubs means yes and if they vote “yes” campaign ads can be made to say they voted “yes” on a pro-choice bill!
choicelady : Patsy – chocolate cures all. Absolutely ALL.
boomer1949 : Chocolate & Merlot. What a combination.
KQuark : It also depends on what people think the future is next year is not the future to me. I’m looking 5-10-20 years down the road on HC.
PatsyT : Bito that is going to be epic
choicelady : We were on our way to my pre-birthday dinner of a gluten free pizza (actually delicious when you’re pizza deprived) and wondering since the reconciliation bill AND the amendment have not been voted on – what will prevail tomorrow and Sunday? This is so Byzantine I’m losing what’s left of my sanity!
boomer1949 : CL – Ever heard the phrase DeColores? I was hook, line, and sinker.
bitohistory : The R’s are lining up with the banksters so finacil reform may be the next BIG bill
PatsyT : I have great faith in Chocolate CL
KQuark :
I meant to address your comment Bito.
AdLib : Let’s not forget, there is already a provision, if it isn’t killed, by Bernie Sanders that Federally funds single payer or public options per state starting in 2017. So single payer is structured into this bill. Not to mention, if the current wording in the reconciliation bill survives starting a Public Option right away.
KQuark : Yeah I think that would be the next thing as well. I guess I just was thinking about larger bills.
choicelady : Boomer – nothing better than a recovered religious person. Now you can get down to the good stuff of faith, mysteries of life, and chocolate.
boomer1949 : TRP – yep Faith over Medicine. And it’s God’s will so many untreated believers died?
javaz : B’ito, good to see you, but I do believe that everyone and I mean every person in the entire world knows that the Republican Party for the next 3 years will vote NO on everything. I also have hope, yes, I do, and think that there might be some Republicans that start voting YES once HCR passes this Sunday! Yee-Haw!
TheRarestPatriot : Perhaps we can get Pelosi to enact a Deem and Pass rule to change ‘NO’ to YES and then the Repubs will pass everything…
choicelady : Hi Patsy!
KQuark : javaz look at S-CHIP in most states it went from 200% of the poverty line to over 350% in some states. The Feds can add the PO at any time they have the votes now, not a super majority 51 votes.
PatsyT : Hi CL !!
HITO : Adlib, loved that irony can be ironic take on the RWChristians. Very nice.
AdLib : I think the next bills are apparent, Financial reforms, immigration and more jobs legislation.
choicelady : A tie? Man are YOU living in the Dark Ages dear! Most of the folks I know go to church in jeans! I think it does not matter.
bitohistory : KQ, I think the next bills will be incremental jobs bills, make the R’s vote NAH.
choicelady : boomer – no need for sorry, though I may be dim, I can’t see a problem.
TheRarestPatriot : Hi CL…well now that you’re here, do I have to go put on a tie?…lol
boomer1949 : CL – only when I’m bored. It amazes me I used to follow that stuff.
KQuark : Boomer I have all those channels including the shopping channels off my list of favorites. Thank God for TiVo.
choicelady : Hey AdLib – you, too!
choicelady : TBN? You poor dear! At least it’s not CBN – that’s even worse.
TheRarestPatriot : AC 360 is discussing ‘Faith over Medicine’…may be that’s what the Right would like to implement…
AdLib : Hey Choicelady! Nice to see you!
boomer1949 : Yo CL – sorry.
javaz : KQ, and everyone, I haven’t wanted anything as badly as I’ve wanted this HCR to pass because it will truly make the GOP implode. And I do agree with those that say you’ve for pass something in order to make it better. Yee-Haw! – that was my Howard Dean yell! LMAO
KQuark : HITO I agree. They are so far in the minority now they will turn on each other.
AdLib : javaz – I remember a comedian joking that you will never hear RW Christians quote…Christ. They have to twist like pretzels to avoid discussing the person their religion is named after because he stood opposed to just about everything they stand for. SOmetimes irony can be pretty ironic.
boomer1949 : You CL!
boomer1949 : Sorry — Trinity Broadcast Network. The producers behind Jim and Tammy Faye Baker and PTL.
TheRarestPatriot : HITO- You can always email me if you need to talk…Our situation is so similar it seems…it’s eerie. «email»
choicelady : Hello all – sorry to be late. LOVE the topic because I think I continue to sense that we are so mired in anger and hate that no, very little credit will be given to Obama and Congress for a long time. And that, I fear, means the snotty armchair critics will sit it out come November.
HITO : Adlib, you’re speaking to the progressive purists from FireDogLake? I think they will implode, no? Well at least look very foolish.
boomer1949 : AdLib, the Purists will have TBN. Have you ever watched TBN? I tend to float to it during PBS pledge week here in OH-IO — just for fun of course. If nothing else, it’s quite entertaining and only because I’ve been one of those sitting in the audience. The pink haired lady is over the top.
KQuark : The next step is immigration and regulatory reform. I fear a real energy policy this time around is too heavy a lift for now.
HITO : Mayber later on we could discuss the effects of blogging on our relationships? Is that an allowable topic?
AdLib : HITO – WHat I’m saying is that the Dem purists who have turned on Obama and HCR had that alone holding them together as a group, dividing them from other Dems. With that gone, what do they have to rally around to keep being purists?
TheRarestPatriot : Doughnuts for all!
javaz : AdLib, please tweet God and ask Him to do whatever He does and pass this bill. It is what His Son would have wanted, no?
KQuark : Gotcha Adlib and I agree about the sheep.
PatsyT : KQ My hubby and I are onliners as well but also have the TV on during the day I tune into MSNBC and get bothered by the so called bias that is not there.
HITO : Adlib: Jesus. Hope I read your purist remark correctly.
javaz : HITO, I’ll never forget the night that you said on here that you call your husband X. LMAO It still makes me laugh. God love you, for doing the right thing and getting the hell out.
TheRarestPatriot : HITO – Everyone here will tell you I’m right there with you…I’m sitting IN the house that’s up for sale…~blech~
KQuark : Adlib that’s also the argument people are making that legislation won’t get better over time. Well duh if you vote in these reactionary Party of No Republicans it won’t get better but progressive Dems need to look at this as an opportunity to mold Dems in office more.
AdLib : So, what will the purists have left to hold them together?
boomer1949 : HITO – been there done that and have a couple of those damn tee shirts. You have my email, I’m here with an ear.
AdLib : KQ – What I mean is that their sheep will stray away. Their crowds will not clamor for their rabble rousing. They may spout all kinds of reactionary crap but the majority will not pay much attention to it.
javaz : That’s my number reason for supporting this bill, AdLib, is that the Republican Party is toast and good riddance to them assholes.
HITO : Javaz, he’s not an X yet. Separation agreement ink still drying, not filed. House goes on market next week. And I am very OK…better than I’ve been in 10 years. Thanks Javaz.
bitohistory : Quite type AdLib
KQuark : HITO I get all my news online where you can chose what sources you trust, good idea.
PatsyT : HITO you are not missing much (TV)
AdLib : So, the GOP moves farther right, is the party of taking away healthcare, abortion and equal rights to gays. SOunds like a great recipe for growth. Once the recession is over and people go back to voting on policy instead of emotions, the GOP will be more minimized than ever.
javaz : HITO, are you okay? Does it have something to do with Mr. X?
bitohistory : I think it will also Patsy, my point is why/what is with the purists
TheRarestPatriot : Haha–What was the line from the Joker in Batman…”This town needs an enema!”…that ‘s what will happen to DC if this fails…
KQuark : Now Adlib I’m not sure about HP and Firebaggers going down but they will represent fewer numbers than it seems.
boomer1949 : HITO – at God’s fingertips as it were.
HITO : KQuark: I’m moving to an apartment in a month or two. I have already only made provisions there for tv hookups for my teenaged son and daughter. Internet access for me is priority one.
AdLib : Hey bito! Didn’t see you come in! Good to see ya!
PatsyT : Bito I meant this will pass
javaz : AdLib, okay, I missed that, but I was just saying! LMAO, I just love this site!
AdLib : KQ – I’m with you on that, the Dems will lose seats via the anti-incumbent fervor, the recession is still continuing and if you have no job, you’re still mad. But Repubs are incumbents too, they could trade seats with Dems too.
KQuark : HITO I banned most cable news and after I did I felt much better. The constant angst in the media is just useless.
PatsyT : Bito I think they will make it I see this happening
HITO : Bito: Then the revolution will start…just a matter of time. People cannot take more strife.
boomer1949 : HITO – if I watch anything it’s PBS and I listen to NPR daily. That’s it. Bring the leftover paper home from work and hang out here in the pm. Stewart & Colbert (although comedy oriented) are great sources. Actually get more newsiness from them than the “journalists”.
bitohistory : What happens to the Dems if it fails?
AdLib : Hito – Actually, my keyboard does go to God’s ears.
KQuark : Adlib if HCR passes I only see a positive dynamic from Dems like you do. But I would not ignore the anti-incumbency vibe from independents.
AdLib : javaz – I was quoting the editorial by those RW loons, those aren’t my words.
HITO : Adlib, from your keyboard to God’s ears…I hope so.
TheRarestPatriot : I bet if The Lion were still here, he’s be having more than back-room ‘negotiations’ …I’m ashamed FOR Ted.
AdLib : I think the Hamshers and Huffingtons of the Democratic Purity League will be on a fast slope downwards after HCR passes. They will look even moreso like small minded failures, losers who have no raison d’etre now. They will fade away I think and Dem solidarity will grow.
javaz : AdLib, not all seniors are against it. I think you may be wrong about that, as we get AARP and Retiree bulletins, and it’s a big thing for seniors. Because they are hurting, too, and they are going to see their prescription drug prices fall. Plus another thing, large corporations have cut back so much with what they cover and more of a burden is placed on retirees when they have to buy the supplemental insurance with their Medicare.
boomer1949 : See AdLib – Bachman and King would be a big STOP sign to me and I would read no further.
HITO : Boomer: MSNBC was pissing me off. I do miss Washington Journal in the morning though… so many asshole Repubs calling in at once.
PatsyT : AdLib they can’t lie forever and get away with it- That emperor has no clothes on!
AdLib : KQ – I think Dems will be very motivated to vote in Nov, 2012 and moving forward with the threat of the GOP killing HCR and the rest of Obama’s agenda. We’ve all been patiently waiting for HCR to pass so the many other important things can finally get focused on, we’re not giving that away!
bitohistory : We are on the same page KQ
boomer1949 : HITO – I don’t watch that much nor do I have cable. Caight it today on the web only because Khirad suggested. TV is a huge pain in the ass these days.
KQuark : Adlib I heard some of the same talking points from Hamster.
TheRarestPatriot : I swear I read somewhere that the numbers weren’t all that grim for November Dems…even in a worst case scenario it appeared that they would might still hold the majority…
KQuark : Bito don’t get me started they manipulate the facts just as badly as the right.
boomer1949 : TRP or conscience. The aholes actually sleep at night.
HITO : Boomer, I haven’t watched TV in 6 months. I read it or I’m ignorant.
AdLib : Here’s what you’ll hear from the RW loons after HCR passes. this is from an editorial today by Michelle Bachman and Steve King: By now, most Americans know the dirty details of Obamacare. It raises taxes. It will force Americans to pay for other people’s abortions. It will put the government in charge of more than 18 percent of our private sector economy. It may provide benefits to up to 6.1 million illegal immigrants. It diminishes liberty and gives government more power. In addition to these legal issues, one group will be hit especially hard – our senior citizens. Always the wisest folks, seniors have been against this bill from the beginning. And for good reason. Obamacare cuts a half-trillion dollars in health care for seniors to lay the foundation for socialized medicine. If this bill passes, health care will cost far more than it does now, or ever did in the past. It will be more expensive for individuals and more expensive for businesses — and it will provide less service. We can take this country on a path where entrepreneurship and investment flourish; where market-driven health care will provide more coverage to more Americans at a lower cost, and where new jobs that pay well are created by the private sector. Or we can follow the path of more government that gives Washington more control over our lives. Obamacare is just the first step down this road.
bitohistory : Hey Boomer! O-H-I-O !
javaz : I do not know what firebaggers are, but I’ll ask when on the Vox Populi thread once we’re done here.
KQuark : Adlib 2012 is still going to be tough on Dems but the loses will not be that high and most loses will be DINOs.
HITO : TRP, exactly.
boomer1949 : HI bito!
bitohistory : What about the firebaggers?
javaz : When the seniors start seeing their prescription drug prices going down, they are not going to complain.
boomer1949 : HITO – did you see The Daily Show last night? Jon Stewart took on Beck and his Socialism message.
KQuark : I understand completely HITO I lie in bright red Cobb county where Phil Gingrey is my bloody rep. But I know their are other parts of the country much different than where I live growing up in NJ.
TheRarestPatriot : Repubs would have absolutely no problem with undoing a law that would help so many…they have no souls
PatsyT : KQ now it will be the party poopers of Lets take your health care away!
AdLib : I mentioned in a comment, the gains that Americans realize from HCR will be huge for a minority and modest for a majority this year, they will mitigate some of the negativity towards Dems in Nov. But by 2012 and moving forward, the Dems will reap big rewards as the American people do from reform.
KQuark : GA is trying to do the same thing with their out of state insurance purchase. People will soon find the insurance the buy out of state is not worth the paper it’s printed on.
HITO : KQuark, I hope you’re correct. I live in a rural farm town and many repubs have that “socialism!” stance.
javaz : Oh, here’s another thing, in case no one follows the stock market, but my husband follows it, and insurance companies stock soared today. What does that tell us? It tells us that they are going to hit the jackpot getting 35 million or so people buying their insurance. But there’s really regulations on this HCR, and they could be better, but for right now, they are good enough, and that’s one of the major reasons I so want this to happen.
boomer1949 : OT – USCB 12 OH-IO 14
PatsyT : If they want to take it (HCR) away what will they replace it with? What can cover so many? Single Payer maybe? This is a chess game after all. I think some one this week got Shadegg to admit to liking the Public Option Chris Mathews maybe?
KQuark : The other thing HITO I don’t really care what Republicans say if this passes. They can’t deny what most people will realize. The Dems actually can accomplish big things, not perfect but big.
AdLib : javaz – Many of those people already suffering under AZ’s growing tyranny will see HCR as the last straw. When it’s a matter of life and death, their own and their family’s, I think they’ll move out. Red states are going to lose so much.
boomer1949 : Okay guys — what’s Intrade? Cher isn’t here to rag on me tonight – jeeze.
KQuark : Dems need to pound the Party of No message Patsy. That nihilistic approach is not sustainable.
javaz : You know what I am hoping for, and I know that I am naive, but I am so hoping that there will be a Republican or 2 that shock the socks right off us all and vote YES. It’d be the smart thing to do. Yeah, I know – smart and Republican don’t even belong in the same sentence.
boomer1949 : HITO – they will be no more desperate than before only make themselves look worse.
KQuark : Intrade is volatile too one day this week odds went from 70% to 35% which was the same thing that happened before Obama was elected. It was a few right wingers betting against the odds.
HITO : My local Obamians are having a meeting to make sure everyone gets it. They sent out a mass email to hundreds requesting we contact our congressman and 2 senators to say “do it” and “we’ll fix it later”.
AdLib : Yep, what a basic issue. Repubs want to take away the HC that 30 million Americans will get…and who may be motivated to vote for Dems to keep it. Not to mention all those with pre-existing conditions, who have lifetime or annually maxed out, etc. The Repubs want to be the party of bringing death and suffering to Americans, go to it idjits.
PatsyT : KQ I love the Make My Day Plan That is a winner !
KQuark : 220 at best methinks.
KQuark : Oh I know Adlib, there are some people betting on the other side with their fouled up little hearts not their minds.
javaz : Hi Patsy!
javaz : There’s no word of civil disobedience here in Arizona, AdLib, and you know we’re in the wild west of discrimination. Arizona’s legislature, governor, and Sheriff Joe and the Maricopa County AG are so freaking racist, and like B’ito has said, they hate poor people. No one wants to move here. People are leaving.
KQuark : HITO I say make my day. It’s a great campaign issue.
boomer1949 : Hi PT!
AdLib : KQ – You always have to allow for a possibility no matter how slight if you were to give honest odds. But remember,. Intrade’s odds are based on people betting, not on any political science.
boomer1949 : AdLib, yes it’s incredibly self-destructive , but also incredibly perceptive of our President. I’ve neve doubted for a minute that this man didn’t know what he was doing or didn’t have a clue.
bitohistory : My bet in the pool is still 223
KQuark : I agree Adlib that people, especially those running small businesses will migrate away from Southern states.
HITO : I wish I wasn’t so pessimistic, but even after it passes, I can see the Repubs doing everything and spending anything to stop it for getting the foundational start it needs.
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
TheRarestPatriot : Please tell me you all know I was referring to the Deem and Pass procedure…lol
KQuark : Adlib I go with the bettors who are usually right. Intrade has the odds now at 80% so it will likely pass, but 20% is not zero probability.
PatsyT : Hi Everyone
boomer1949 : Hillary is/was in Russia somewhere today I think.
AdLib : Here’s what’s interesting. If the red states fight HCR and encourage civil disobedience, they will decline more and more and become less populated, as people move to states where they can get health care. Their representation in the House and their economies will suffer greatly, corporations and small business will look elsewhere…it is so incredibly self-destructive . Not to mention all the tax money they’re sp[ending in a recession on ridiculous lawsuits!
javaz : Rush isn’t moving his lard butt, he’s just going to take advantage of socialized medicine in Costa Rice, and maybe he can pay for some, well, maybe he can get some and some oxycotin cheap while he’s there.
boomer1949 : Of course it would be better if I could spell…
HITO : Tony Weiner (Congressman, NY) wanted to curb the opt out not to allow states to do so for 8 years. Don’t know where that is now.
boomer1949 : If it passes,can we count on Rush Limo moving out of the countr? and no, I don’t ne Hiwaii.
TheRarestPatriot : I just wish the MSM didn’t play this Demon Pass game…spelled correctly right?
javaz : Is Hillary in town? I want so much to know that her and Bill are there for this momentous occasion, along with Ted Kennedy’s widow.
KQuark : HITO they can spin it but they can’t deny success if the vote succeeds.
AdLib : KQ – I am usually very reserved about these kinds of things but I just can’t believe that Obama, Pelosi and the Dem Party would go out on this limb unless they were certain they could get the votes. They would be smart in not verifying that they already had the votes, even if they do.
KQuark : More money for Blue States. I’ll move out of GA if I have to.
HITO : There will still be a sentiment to make sure Obama fails and/or is discredited.
HITO : Big RNC dollars will go to the red states to opt out.
AdLib : Hito – Yes, I’m sure it will be on CSPAN. KQ suggested our creating an article with a live video feed of the vote while we comment, which is a great idea.
KQuark : Wow wow cool your jets. It has not been passed yet. I finally think it will probably pass but it’s far from a done deal. The next step may be trying to change HCR to get votes in future.
javaz : I think that the MSM will view Obama favorably, because they know the truth behind the polls and they know the general feeling of the country. Yes, they’ll keep giving time to the Republicans to make utter fools of themselves. But this thing is BIG, and everyone knows it.
HITO : Jeez I wish I boned up on how many Repub govs we have.
boomer1949 : I believe it will be the latter. None of the MSM can put anything in a positive light. Positive doesn’t generate ratings or $$$.
TheRarestPatriot : Boy, I think the Thugs will begin the law machine…
boomer1949 : AdLib,
KQuark : now I learned a new HTML limitation on Vox Populi chats.
HITO : Anyone know if CSPAN will air the vote?
boomer1949 : This time thing — I’m exhausted and it’s only been a week. Is it November yet>
boomer1949 : welcome!
TheRarestPatriot : Yes, boomer tyvm
KQuark : I might have to stay on my O<sub>2</sub> watching the vote this weekend.
boomer1949 : OT — TRP did you get the link I sent you?
javaz : Nice thing about us in the west is noon on Sunday for when the vote starts would be 9:00 here or would it be 10:00, does anyone know?
boomer1949 : KQ — I have to drive by a DD every day – ugh!
TheRarestPatriot : Hi HITO!
TheRarestPatriot : Hey all…living here in rural TN, I cant listen to NPR but i CAN listen to the religious stations all day…they say they want civil disobedience if the bill passes….
KQuark : Boomer they just put a new Dunkin’ Donuts down the street and I was doing so well.
AdLib : KQ – Absolutely, we can set up a live feed on an article and have a good ol’ time ON sUNDAY!
javaz : Oh, KQ, I love that idea, because we don’t have cable or satellite and by live feed you mean what we’re doing now, oh, that would be most excellent!
HITO : Thanks KQuark. And Hello to the rarest patriot. Nice to meet you.
boomer1949 : TRP – I know — now I need therapy!
TheRarestPatriot : Yeah, love songs…now I;m a snivelling mess
KQuark : Great to see your moniker again HITO!
javaz : Hey KQuark! Excellent music thread!
AdLib : HITO – There are always guests, usually members, I know one is tonight.
boomer1949 : AdLib – there’s a KrispyKreme right around the corner. If they’re closed does he like Dunkin?
TheRarestPatriot : Only when the hot now sign is lit, Adlib..who do you think lights that sign?
HITO : Adlib: LOL…I believe all deities enjoy the KrispieCreme.
KQuark : Hey Adlib are you going to be able to set up a live feed if they have the big vote on Sunday?
javaz : There’s a lot of things that I am very disappointed with the HRC bill, but I’ve changed my mind and now understand that if this doesn’t pass, that it means defeat for Democrats for a very long time. I do truly believe it’s going pass and AdLib, will you please tweet God and thank him for that?
AdLib : I think I may be able to coax God to post a comment after the vote on Sunday. He likes Krispy Kreme donuts, I know how to tempt him.
HITO : There are 2 guests…are they just reading?
TheRarestPatriot : Grrrr..my laptop screen is too small to show chat window and message window at same time….LOL
boomer1949 : Absolutely my dear. It’s Friday and payday and the sun was shining all day!
TheRarestPatriot : LOL…Merlot for you Boomer?
javaz : I love this daylight’s saving time for everyone else except Arizona, because now California is on our time, and this is perfect! Hiya TRP!
HITO : Reid’s statement that he will go for the Public Option add ins at a later vote came off a little weak, but you don’t want to scare off the blue dogs who seem to be waking up.
boomer1949 : TRP — you must be kidding eh?
AdLib : We’ll wait for a few more minutes until we officially begin, might be a couple more folks on their way.
TheRarestPatriot : Hi all…who brought the hot cocoa?
boomer1949 : AdLib — He better have something to add come Monday. :lol;
AdLib : I have a feeling that God will be very pleased on Sunday but he’s going to have to put a lot of Repubs on hold.
javaz : The Republicans set themselves up for failure on this one and they know it and that’s why they’re desperate
HITO : They are desparate…and there are no snow storms predicted in DC.
javaz : I am hoping HCR passes because that will be the end of the GOP and their scare tactics and trying to bring Obama down
AdLib : I can imagine the Repubs praying for salvation from socialism.
boomer1949 : AdLib, my God!
HITO : (bows to Adlib)due to Sunday remark
javaz : Don’t bet on it, boomer! lmao!
HITO : Based on the meltdown of Repubs, it’s going to happen and I’m glad it’s on a Sunday.
boomer1949 : javaz — pretty much — i’m acouple of hours ahead of you!
AdLib : Hey Boomer!
boomer1949 : HITO!!! Yea!!!
javaz : Hiya Boomer and high to the Merlot!
HITO : Hey Boomer!
HITO : It’s a start…needs to get better, but it’s a start.
AdLib : I can’t wait for SUnday, javaz. A huge historic day!
boomer1949 : Hey all, I’m here. Merlot and all!
AdLib : HITO!!! Great to see you!
javaz : Great and you? Am revved about Sunday’s vote! Hiya HITO!
HITO : Hi kids
AdLib : Hey javaz! How are you doing tonight?
javaz : Hi AdLib!
AdLib : Welcome to Vox Populi! Please say hi when you arrive
Vox Populi – 3-19-2010
AdLib is online.
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