AdLib : Thanks Choicelady, so glad you were here!
BigDogMom : Geez…there’s always some idiot that does that…..BOOM!
kesmarn : BDM, is that someone’s undies I see, near seat 7-C?
kesmarn : BDM…is that someone’s undies
choicelady : Thank you AdLib for doing such a great job. ‘Night all!
BigDogMom : Please remove all overhead luggage, oops, that’s right your not allowed to bring anything on the plane anymore…oh, well…close the door and shut off the lights when you leave.
choicelady : Goodnight my new and good friends. What a grand conversation!
AdLib : Thanks BDM, you and everyone else made it another rousing and enlightening discussion!
BigDogMom : Thanks Adlib…another good Friday night at the Planet
choicelady : Yes KQ – that came as a shock to me, too. But here in CA we turned all six Blue Dogs to supporting the public option, so public pressure CAN make a huge difference!
Scheherazade : I don’t have a “PRESS ID” card is the problem.
You have to wave that at people when you want special access.
kesmarn : It’s been fun as always. Nearly midnight here, so I must call it a wrap. Goodnight, friends!
Khirad : See you all for the post party. Who’s serving cocktails?
choicelady : But Sher – you’re our official press emissary! AdLib said so! We need a reporter, and you’re it. So if you have all of us behind you, and duded-up press creds, then you should do fine.
KQuark : The biggest thing I learned this year was how conservative Dems were in Congress to be honest. The real centrists did play ball but the conservadems stole the show.
Khirad : I do too BDM, but suspect security will be super tight on this. Fingers crossed here too.
Scheherazade : thanks BDM, I’ll keep my fingers crossed
BigDogMom : Sher I wish you well and that you get in
KQuark : Nothing big will happen this year except scrambling to create more jobs.
choicelady : Oy – I listened to it. His new finance director is a young woman I used to like. She’s risen rapidly and last year was the person who testified that even if he cut every other social program, people would still have food stamps! Hooray – let them eat Twinkies! I hate him. And I’ve lost my fondness for her, too.
BigDogMom : I think O’s loosing his patience with the right, I think things are going to change soon…his last TV appearence on the undie bomber he didn’t look too happy
Scheherazade : I’ll do my best to get in there. It depends on if they let the public in or if this will be official press only, which I don’t currently qualify as.
kesmarn : Cher, you were just saying bye to boomer, right?
Chernynkaya : :LOL: still here AdLib– I was belatedly saying Bye to boomer.
Khirad : Indeed KQ. Jobs. It may come down to the economy… unless the right can make it about something else… I see immigration making a comeback… along with everything else they can throw at the wall.
choicelady : Having Sher there as a reporter is the only way to get the truth. Wait for MSM to say something, and they’ll mull over how maybe it’s a good thing to have Roeder get off. I have a friend in Topeka who’s been fighting the Phelps family (the anti-gat zealots) but found the media was scared to death of them. So Scher you may be our only hope of getting the truth!
Scheherazade : I assume a few of your live in Cali.. so not sure if you saw this/are aware of it «link»
AdLib : Night Cher!
KQuark : All that’s going to matter for the Indies is jobs.
Chernynkaya : Bye, Boomer! and AdLib– I’m with you 100%. Know what else burns up the left/ That O was so conciliatory towards the grassleys, and other reptilians so far. The ones I know HATE that! after 8 years of simmering fury, the last thing they wanted to see was the hand of bipartisanship. That the hand was bitten repeatedly lowered O in many eyes.
KQuark : BDM not that’s just not fair.
Khirad : Yeah AdLib, we seriously need to turn up the heat that this is the moment, time will soon be running out on political capital. I still am also waiting to see what happens with the civil war on the right though. Biggest problem here is indies.
Scheherazade : All joking aside, I am going to go to the courthouse on Monday to see if I can sit with the journalists in their room to view the trial. They’re being put in a special room since no recording devices are allowed.
BigDogMom : KQ-many Jews in Nazi Germany were saved by forged documents, just think of it that way, you are saving someones life!
AdLib : Night Boomer!
choicelady : ‘Night boom!
kesmarn : Nite, boomer
Scheherazade : DONE! but he only pays in lip service… >.> hehehe
choicelady : KQ – it’s because you are our core, our wise man, the knowledgable one. We turn to you for everything, including forgeries. Hey – it’s a gift. Enjoy!
AdLib : Scheherazade: I hearby make you our official reporter for this case for PlanetPOV. And send your expense report to KQuark.
BigDogMom : Night Boom
KQuark : Ain’t gonna happen Adlib
Khirad : Later Boom!
Khirad : Remember to get it laminated! That’ll make all the difference!
Scheherazade : AdLib, you’d also have to say you recognize me as a “reporter.” In the mean time KQ has until Monday to email me the pass XD NOW GET TO WORK *cracks whip* hahhaha
choicelady : BDM – GREAT news! Glad to hear it!
boomer1949 : ‘kay everyone. I’m fried. see all y’all tomorrow when the sun comes up
kesmarn : c’lady…great minds…we both asked the same question.
KQuark : Huh how did I get roped in forging documents.
BigDogMom : C’Lady – Blumenthal is a good bet, 78% approval rating and climbing
AdLib : Khirad: I’m with you on that but the issue will be the enthusiasm factor. The GOP will have it and the Dems won’t, they’ll vote with far less enthusiasm…unl ess Obama GETS that he has one year left to do some big things…and The Dems realize that they need to go with the Nuke Option and get rid of the filibuster so they can make the kinds of changes Americans want (including a Public Option).
Scheherazade : i hope i’m right too KQ — now go make my PRESS PASS!
BigDogMom : Scher, by Nov you may be right
kesmarn : BDM, Blumenthal looks good in CT.
Khirad : I certainly do hope the economy improves. Hey, remember when every story was about the stock market falling and the GOP cheering? Not so much anymore, though they still jump on jobless claims… tax cuts™!
Scheherazade : AdLib – I’ll take you up on the KQ idea
hehe as for being “official” it’s not hard to do, but that would be something that you (you as in AdLib) would have to make official
choicelady : BigDobMom – what’s the feel there? Will the AG take over Dodd’s seat all right? I hear he’s well liked.
KQuark : I hope you are right Sche
BigDogMom : Here in CT they are starting a Dem get out the vote, targeting independents…1 /2 of state Indies
choicelady : kesmarn – yes, it certainly is.
kesmarn : c’lady, that is extremely depressing.
Scheherazade : FYI – I will go on record as saying the economy will be in better shape come election time. We’ll see if I’m wrong – wouldn’t be the first time, but my guess is that while it won’t be in AWESOME shape i expect people will be going back to work and jobless claims will continue to fall.
choicelady : kesmarn – they tell me they’re too good to vote. Luckily, most of them like the person in Congress, and maybe they’ll change their tune by 2012, but this is what got Reagan elected. That and his treasonous deal with Iran. Liberals sat it out.
boomer1949 : Scher, yes dear I hear you…
BigDogMom : I’m with Cher, we need to show them how deadly the Repuglies have been and will continue to be
AdLib : Scheh, KQ is a whiz at graphics, he could make you a nifty Planet Press Pass. Seriously, one day we should figure out how we can be recognized to get press passes.
Khirad : Yeah, AdLib, those are all the specific things of which I speak. But, I always think back to the alternative. It may be hard for idealists to swallow, but I stand by the lesser of evils argument.
Scheherazade : boomer – true, but you said daddy so i was being specific
kesmarn : c’lady do the limosine libs plan to not vote or do they have someone ELSE in mind to vote for?
boomer1949 : Scher — but BHO has smooth very smooth skin.
Khirad : It’s worth a try on the press pass! Exactly Boom!
AdLib : Khirad: Totally with you on this but trying to be realistic that though most Dems will vote Dem and for Obama in 2012, his policy in Afghanistan, his lack of support for a Public Option, his avoiding getting rid of DADT, his folding to Pharma and the banks, even having Rahm as his CoS, though I am still a strong supporter, I can understand how many feel that the big change that they had hoped for just isn’t going to happen.
Scheherazade : my daddy has rough whiskers >.> any boo boo kissing will make the boo boo worse
Chernynkaya : I know many here disagree, but I think O did represent himself as a Prog in many ways. it wasn’t our imagination nor only Leftist “racism.” Sorry, i believe that! if he doesn’t do something that progs can cheer, folks will stay home whether we agree witht heir assessments or not. We must at least convince them the the R’s are dangerous! I can’t believe some see no difference!!
boomer1949 : Khirad – he didn’t wave a magic wand and take all of us to Oz in the blink of an eye — it’s that instant gratification thing, or better yet, let daddy kiss the boo boo and make it better.
Scheherazade : ADLib I need you to get me a PRESS PASS >.> they won’t let me in the court room w/o one
hehe can you just do it in MS Paint and email it? XD I’m sure that’ll work! hehe
BigDogMom : Obama state of the union speach better be a good one and one that goes after the right
KQuark : Dems have to win the center to win elections and the problem the Dems will have in 2010 is with independents. The right wing base will always show up. The left base needs the perfect progressive to show up.
choicelady : I don’t even think they cared – they just like to bitch. There is something embedded in too many of my allies that whining is preferable to working hard. They are “too good” to vote for him or others in Congress. They have been out so long they don’t know how to be in. And they don’t want to – we discussed this before. They have no skin in the game because whatever happens largely does not affect them or their long-stemmed wine glasses.
Khirad : Yup choicelady, the fickle fairweather friends make me sick. It’s not even based on actual policy setbacks, but that he didn’t spread rainbows across the land in his first days in office.
kesmarn : Talked with a low-info potential voter earlier today and all she knows is “Obama stopped all COLA increases for Soc. Sec.” Argh! Where do you begin to argue?
BigDogMom : I’s seriously going to write a snail mail to the WH….maybe if we get enough people, he’ll listen
KQuark : Lose enthusiasm because they saw him as more progressive than he was.
choicelady : KQ – the left give me worse fits than the scared middle. They are smug and self-righteous – they’ve already washed their hands of Obama! I am just having FITS over this!
Khirad : Sure Obama has given us some reason to lose heart, but do yo give up on your team when it’s down after the first quarter?
BigDogMom : We need to get the focus off of Big Govt and place the blame where it belongs…Corp america/Lobbiest /Greed
boomer1949 : Cher-people see “no hope” because the MSM is beating them to the ground and offering no hope, nothing positive, yet there arepositive things happening. MSM just chooses not to report such things.
KQuark : choicelady the left are being just as reactionary as the right and cannot see the big picture.
Khirad : The right is more energized, but in how many directions? If they can focus that energy and capitalize on our ennui, I’ll be far more worried.
AdLib : Let’s be honest, Obama has given Progressives legitimate reasons to lose enthusiasm. I’m not agreeing with these chest-pounders who claim they’ll sit out 2010 and 2012 because of it but true liberals have legit complaints. Add to that the wolves in sheep’s clothing including the MSM (HuffPo included) stoking anti-Obama sentiment because they want him out and we’re looking at a dim Novemeber.
KQuark : Conservative business people where given the message to make Obama fail and they will comply. I just saw today head of Manpower talking about how business loved the status quo because they are getting more for less out of employees. Government cannot legislate this.
kesmarn : BDM, i think you’re right. A win on one big issue would help O and the Dems.
choicelady : KQ – the RW has committed conspiracies for several decades and gotten away with it. Phillips (forget his first name) says that while he was with Reagan he SAW that R. made a deal with Iran to hold the hostages longer – it was the foundation of Iran-Contra and NO ONE CARES. Now that IS treason! What is the matter with this nation? We whine about bad leaders but when one is shown to have done the foulest deed, we ignore it! I agree that corporate America is holding back to make this situation much worse. Scary!
boomer1949 : Scher – good. mayber ther’s hope.
boomer1949 : AdLib — leopards never change their spots dear.
BigDogMom : Obama needs to grab hold of one key issue, such as banking regs, he needs to make some enemies and embrace them, but do the right thing by us
Scheherazade : ima brb ^^
Chernynkaya : Adlib– i don;t think it’ll be about hurting/punishin g either party. i think it’s ennui, and apathy. people are outrage-overload ed and see no “change they can believe in.” I don;t feel that way, but I think many on the left do. The right is somewhat more energized.
Khirad : Yeah, choicelady, as it stands now, I see the usual trend for the party out of power, not ’94. Some of those seats were natural GOP anyway. More like the equilibrium correcting itself out of anti-Bush voting.
boomer1949 : AdLib – yeppers they will. They’d die first just so BHO fails, plus they’re all a bunch of racists to be perfectly frank.
Scheherazade : this is chatroom-like so i gotta get in that groove
Scheherazade : err… that was to boomer >..
Scheherazade : well they’re all wingers, but the one i wrote about on xmas is the most extreme of the bunch… Aldon is a winger but nicer than Dwayne
KQuark : Oh I don’t think Dems will lose either house I’m just talking about the makeup of the country and the political center.
kesmarn : Have a good friend–very savvy–fears a crazy third party. Possibly headed by a loony could pop up out of nowhere to derail Dems.
Khirad : The biggest threat to Dems right now is themselves. Let’s hope with November still awhile to go in election time, that we can get out of our bickering and disappointed malaise that Obama hasn’t created peace on earth and cured cancer?
BigDogMom : Cher-I think your spot on, we need to come together again
choicelady : KQ – I believe you’re right. I think on a one-to-one basis most white people are salt of the earth, but they are so afraid of what they hear. I think they can be persuaded to vote stupidly. Nate Silver though thinks NOT, and even Brooks thinks the loss will be “normal” mid term loss – keep control of the houses but lose seats. Then maybe the Senate will dump the 60-vote clutore rule? We can go back to democracy? Might be cool!
boomer1949 : Scher — sorry I just can’t forget your holiday fiasco. More than one brother in-law is a good thing right?
AdLib : I think the economy stumbles along, up and down, jobs don’t pick up. I don’t think we’re in a legit recovery. It will be a campaign issue for Repubs but voters will have a choice of Dem policies or gridlock. Will they really choose gridlock and hurt themselves just to slap at Dems?
KQuark : The recovery especially jobs recovery will be painfully slow. If you want to look at a real conspiracy. Conservatives are going to do all they can to hold back the Main Street recovery and I’m talking about business leaders.
boomer1949 : It’s hard to say AdLib – everone will conveniently forget that all of this began long before BHO was elected or sworn in to office. It’s the one thing that burns me up. All the evil-doers have disappeared, shirking responsibility, not being held accountable. All will be blamed on the President and we’ve enough ignorant and uninformed citizens who will fall for it hook, line, and sinker.
kesmarn : Hate to say it, but I think we may be in for a double-dip recession. Still no manufacturing jobs being created. No such thing as a “jobless recovery.”
BigDogMom : AdLib, unless Obama can grab hold of something and really make a stand I see us giving up Dem control, people are scared, they are hunkering down
Scheherazade : c’lady, well if there’s some way for me to go to the hearing i will… i’m currently trying to hammer out the details of an interview with a local doctor about the health care bill for the website here… dude goes on vacation more than ANYONE I’VE EVER MET! @.@
Chernynkaya : Economy/jobs will improve slightly but not enough dso that peeps forget about them. Dems will lose seats in House and a couple in senate. Left will stay home unless something energizes them big time. fear of repubs wont do it because they stupidly believe O is no different. But Im pessimistic.
KQuark : BDM I agree to some extent.
Khirad : Oh lawd, now to get out my crystal ball and scrye teabaggers?
Scheherazade : she’s the baby
Scheherazade : lol no no boomer she has like 3 brothers this one is the youngest next to her
choicelady : Scher – no I live thousands of miles away. Met him during the siege of 2001. Good man, kind heart.
KQuark : Really we have to move the center of the country. Until fear no longer works. Not just with terror fear but with the white people are fearful they are losing control fear we will be a divided nation which favors conservatives.
BigDogMom : KQ, the south and west has become watered down, and I think the ones on the fence are getting tired of all the negative comments
boomer1949 : actually Scher – it’s none of my business, but I was just being nosy. Glad you’re here. Oooo, the evil brother in-k=law?
kesmarn : c’lady, you knew Tiller. Oh, I feel sympathy…I hear he was a nice guy.
Scheherazade : sorry that last one was for choicelady
Scheherazade : I’ll keep you posted as soon as I find out info. Do you live near me then? I’m in Wichita. The murder happened like 45 min away from where i live
Scheherazade : boomer, i’ve been having fun with my sweetie >.< selfish of me, but she’s been home for the past few days since the business her brother runs has been closed due to new years and such
choicelady : Scher – report back for me, will you? I knew Tiller. I’m in a rage!
Khirad : Live blogging for PPOV!
KQuark : You have not lived in the South for 18 years Adlib.
AdLib : Bye Sue!
BigDogMom : Thank AdLib and looking at most positive comments on other blogs makes me hopeful….we are not alone in this, we just got to get them here tooo
Scheherazade : I need to get a PRESS ID so I can go to the hearing on Monday in Wichita
then I can do live reporting hehe
boomer1949 : so scher, where the heck have you been?
choicelady : Night Sue – hope it rains, not fog, tomorrow for you!
boomer1949 : zzzzzzzzzzzzz Sue.
kesmarn : Hold that thought, AdLib
Khirad : Nighty night Sue.
BigDogMom : Night Sue
AdLib : KQ: SOme Americans are too selfish, agreed. A majority most likely but having read the thoughts of the people here, I am even more optimistic that there are enough caring and thoughtful folks in this country to stand up and make a difference.
Scheherazade : yeah sorry i been writing
boomer1949 : are we done or what?
choicelady : If you want to see the good ideas utterly co-opted, read “Crunchy Cons” by some twit who’s neo-con with Teva’s and organic food. Using the market principles, he still screws labor, still hikes prices to drive out the riff-raff. I bought the book on the recommendation of a clergy person who said it was the way left and right are coming together but all it said to me was NO WAY!
kesmarn : Are we done? Already?
Khirad : Hola Shahr, finally joining us?
SueInCa : well, good night all it was a good conversation.
Scheherazade : Okies I just posted my final article of the day. «link» Hehe. Trying to make up for lost time. T_T I been a slacker.
Khirad : I know. We all know all things Palin now. I just can’t for the life of me understand her enduring appeal after everything… Thing is, there are those who feel the same way about Obama. There’s this lady like that I know, but I found out her son is in the Air Force which protects Air Force One. Haha poetic justice!
KQuark : Choicelady sadly yes .
BigDogMom : I think most people, with all their blackberries and such are on the web now for news
boomer1949 : bdm – ‘kay so i’m out of touch…KQ, nope Bachman owns that one.
SueInCa : then we continue to set the topic adlib
BigDogMom : Teva’s, birkenstocks are too gay
KQuark : Palin is a great example of the craziest person rules the roost.
AdLib : The MSM may not be watched as much which is good, it has lead to sites such as The Planet, but they still set the topic of discussion and that is a huge problem.
SueInCa : I get my news on the web, with just a bit on tv. i yell at the tv and my hubbie cannot take it LOL
choicelady : KQ – americans are too selfish to be progressive! Looking out for one another, SHARING resources, caring about the common good – what WILL that do to my ability to upgrade my XBox…
boomer1949 : bdm – don’t forget the birkenstocks
BigDogMom : Crunchy Teva wearing Granola!
kesmarn : AdLib, I think a lot of the really ignorant never did watch news on MSM. And still don’t. And a lot of informed people already have alternate sources. So maybe their influence is already waning.
boomer1949 : bdm – a granola?
BigDogMom : AdLib – gotmy Husband even to stop watching MSM, not good for his digestion! Wants me to get Mother Jones now, what have I created!
choicelady : If I pay NO attention to O’Palin’s comments, I actually like her. She reminds me of a lot of women I like – sassy, friendly, family-oriented. Then she opens her mouth…
KQuark : Americans are too selfish to be populist Adlib.
SueInCa : I love it here, we have lived all over this great state and a few lost years in NV, totally lost years there
AdLib : BDM: I think we’re stuck with an anti-populist MSM for good. We just need to develop what we can on the web to counter it and stop watching and giving them ratings.
KQuark : Khirad that was typical of her
choicelady : SueinCA – very pretty area! I’d love to move up the mountains – Grass Valley, Nev.City or higher, but my job is here. Oh, well. I like Sacto – easy city to live in, at least for now.
SueInCa : I am telling you BDM we can do something here, Adlib?
KQuark : I get 100% of my news from the web. The TV media is a joke on the left or right.
Chernynkaya : I’ve gotten to the point that nothing will surprise me about the US electorate. I have become fatalistic about it. We’ll get what we deserve. On the Other hand, this cnty has always had it’s share of popular loonies and survived– but not w/24-7 news and the internet.
Khirad : How about that O’Biden thing? Lord, that is so indicative of just plain stubborn laziness than anything else. Even if it had been a legitimate tic, had she done time to prepare that could have been smoothed out… and still, her “rough” edges are what appealed to her fans? My lawd…
boomer1949 : bdb – ‘cept my dad didn’t want me marrying no Catholic white boy lol!
BigDogMom : We need to do something about MSM tabloid journalism and Sarah
SueInCa : we are in whitney ranch off 65
KQuark :
boomer1949 : AdLib – I no longer listen, read, or watch MSM. All a bunch of quacks trying to sell snake oil for ratings and tabloid “journalism”
SueInCa : omg you would be with a teabagger now if you had married white trash
choicelady : SueinCA – we’re neighbors! I’m in Midtown!
SueInCa : totally wise grandmother
Khirad : Yup KQ, there were even jokes about Alaska being the Socialist Republic of Alaska.
choicelady : BigDogMom – wise grandmother!
kesmarn : There are a lotta white, unemployed, disgruntled fundies around here who I think would vote for Sarah.
SueInCa : choice lady i live in rocklin
KQuark : BDM I agree with you I hope she does win the 2012 Repug nomination but she won’t.
BigDogMom : Boomer, my Grandmother always told us it’s not the negros you have to worry about, they’re good people, it’s the white trash, don’t you be marrying no white trash boy!
choicelady : Lord help us all if Americans forget in two years what hell the Repubs wrought! Things are beginning to get better even in Sacramento, so I have hopes, but this is nuts – the indies trust the Repubs??? Why?
boomer1949 : bdm-Sister Sarah? anyone who isn’t white, doesn’t wear a flannel shirt, carry a 20 g shot gun and hunt from a helicopter. jeeze…
SueInCa : sister sarah and teabaggers are not a good combo, nor wld bachman be
AdLib : Soon, Teabaggers will be tearing the Hitler Moustache off of their Obama posters out of jealousy, “We’ve changed our minds, we like fashism (sic)!
KQuark : The funniest part is she was governor of a state that depends more on tax money than any other state.
kesmarn : S’arah plus teabaggers spells trouble to me!
BigDogMom : KQ it will be Sister Sarah’s downfall, majority of amer. are center and don’t like alot of hoopla
KQuark : No Dem can unite with a nihilistic party.
SueInCa : I have never had a problem but I bet you are right about the parents. I went to a jr high with 50 or more and met Hughie Newton during a time of riots.
Khirad : CPAC is to librul now!
Khirad : Canadians, with their bilingualism, what will we do?!
KQuark : How do people feel about Sister Sarah heading up the Teabagger convention?
choicelady : AdLib – I agree with you!
Chernynkaya : Obama will not unite the US no matter what happens. What WILL unite the Dems and centrists /Indies is the venality, stupidity and batshit crazy of the Reps. as Adlib said. want unity? let the R’s run a C streeter or a Palin.
boomer1949 : bdm – woolworth’s downtown columbus oh. my granmother had a housekeeper, Carrie was her name sweetest woman in the whole world. she was black and the family treated her like, well, a slave to be perfectly frank. I would’ve gone anywhere with that woman, she wasso kind an loving.
BigDogMom : Sue, I graduated from a HS that was 53% black, we had no problems as kids, it was the parents
KQuark : One of the reasons the US said they had to attack Canada in the movie was because they were Socialist.
SueInCa : sister sarah should bomb herself, but she would never bomb the real americans
choicelady : We will offer Pepe asylum! Or he’ll offer it to us – that way we’d get health care. Why would he want to come HERE?
AdLib : Choice: IMO, it is the MSM status quo whipping up Dems against Obama because they sure as hell don’t want any more change. And of course the Wicked Witch of the Web is handing out Facebook linked poison apples to put Progressives to sleep for 2010.
SueInCa : no she told me it was an unspoken thing
kesmarn : Poor Pepe! What’s going to happen to him if we declare war on Canada?
SueInCa : i hope you are right KQ
choicelady : SueinCA – even better!!! But how can you be old enough to have been in your 40s with segregated seating? You’d be – well – REALLY old!
BigDogMom : Who does Sister Sarah want to bomb? Maybe we should ask her.
boomer1949 : cl-those folks are nothing more than spoiled, i want it yesterday, instant gratification brats. overachieving and demanding children who jumped through hoops tomee the parents expectations. toss al the “things” into the mix and what do we have? spoiled brats!
KQuark : We just have the change the Helms amendment that says the US cannot attack Caucasian peoples.
Khirad : Common enemies can also be manipulated for authoritarianism , otherwise, I agree. Just a word of warning. Blame Canada!
KQuark : I saw Canadian Bacon yesterday so I pick Canada.
SueInCa : welll I was not a kid, prob 40 something, but i never saw a sign, she said it was an unspoken rule
KQuark : To right wingers the center of this country is a socialist position and they will keep losing with that attitude.
kesmarn : KQ, if only America knew its common enemy was Cheney and Co!
AdLib : Cher: Exactly, my POV is that whatever issues one may have with the Dems, the alternative are wild eyed racist glue-sniffers frothing with hate. WHo could only grind progress to a halt, they could never get any right wing lunacy passed and signed by Obama.
BigDogMom : KQ lets pick our common enemy – Corp/Banking America
choicelady : SueinCA – nothing like being a kid to do the RIGHT thing the WRONG way! Good for you!
SueInCa : He is a centrist and never claimed anything else, CL
Khirad : Sorry, BDM, I’m on John Oliver right now.
I do fear another McVeigh, the ground is fertile, pardon the pun.
KQuark : America works best with a common enemy doesn’t it?
boomer1949 : bdm — sure he does. he needs to listen to us and not his advisers.
choicelady : What is so sad, AdLib is that too many liberal white people are exhibiting a kind of snobby racism. They made O a saint, and he told us he was NOT, and now they feel justified in sneering at him. The decline in the polls is largely from THEM. I have NO idea what they want. They make me so sad.
KQuark : He did but many others did not.
BigDogMom : Everyone go to PBS.COm and watch tonights show….David Cohen really thinks that OBama needs something to get us all together again
SueInCa : KQ, Sanchex called him out and got an email from his handler pronto
Chernynkaya : what Kes said.
KQuark : I never had the allusion racism when anywhere even when it was underground.
boomer1949 : the press is at fault big time — Walter Cronkite has been spinning in his grave since he died. and what really honked me off were all the self-rightous, pompous “journalists” paying tribute to him. what hypocrits. sorry about the spelling…
SueInCa : hey mind was just about 12 years ago a little ole black woman told me i was sitting on the black side of the hamburger joint
kesmarn : Khirad, yep, suing. It’s crazy here.
choicelady : For Clinton it was the OK City bombing. Pray that’s not the thing for Obama! We have a ton of homegrown terrorists – we cannot afford to have them unleash on us, too!
kesmarn : I thought: “This is a huge step forward, but we aren’t there yet.”
Khirad : LOL kesmarn, suing each other! It’s nice to see normal left-wing fractional behavior in the right. I’m thinking Life of Brian right now, LOL!
BigDogMom : Boom/Sue, I remember the segregated water fountains in the South when I visisted my Grandmother
SueInCa : I was on the fence, but deep down i knew the pigs would come out of the trough
KQuark : Just like Miss Rudy’s lies about terror attacks the media let pass.
choicelady : Khirad – yes, if it’s in public, and it is intimidation, it’s a crime. Moral to the story, if you’re a chickenshit KKK, keep it on your own land.
AdLib : How many here thought election night, “Now we really begin to move past racism” and how many thought, “Racism is going to be a booming business now!”
BigDogMom : We have 10 mos. to get it right, Obama needs an Aha Moment, something that will garner support and get us all back together
Chernynkaya : Adlib– about 2010-2012 elections. If the press is allowing the lies of the right to go unchallenged– eg that there were no terr. attacks on Bush’s watch, and one on O’s then who can say? I don’t think voters are so stupid, but they are also captive to the corporate press– the Right-wing corporate press will do what they can to give the R’s a boost.
SueInCa : you are right boomer. I have lived here all my life so did not see any outright rascism, but i have been down south
boomer1949 : plus i lived it in my family with my father the biggest, bigotted offender.
kesmarn : The Repub party in my town is so fractured, two factions are suing each other over the use of the term “Republican.”
KQuark : The MSM meme including Huffy will be the Dems are in trouble and people are stupid lemmings. If people waited for the economy to turn around when FDR was president he would have been a one term.
choicelady : Hey boomer – I agree, but younger people also don’t experience racism the way our generation did. There is just a lot more freedom, inter-racial association, and that, in the long run, is superb!
SueInCa : That wing of the party who elected him is falling in to chaos, teabaggers, right wing evangelicals and some independants as well. there are not many true republicans anymore
boomer1949 : sorry… most younger foks…
Khirad : Yup, choicelady, that was pretty much my understanding. But, isn’t it also subject to interpretation if it is put somewhere public with the intention of intimidation?
boomer1949 : Ever since the campaign and the turn it took last summer and having been a kid and watched all the civil rights crap on television? the things I saw during the campaign and election were all those bigoted, racist things I experienced as a child. if you’ve seen it once, you never forget. younger folks don’t get it.
KQuark : Great point choice lady.
SueInCa : The MSM is doing its best to portray that, only correcting when they get absolutely ridiculous
kesmarn : Hard to imagine. But Bush got elected twice….
choicelady : Burning the cross is dependent on where. On your own land? Not a crime. (Well, air pollution maybe.) On the lawn of a Black person – definitely a crime.
AdLib : The GOP platform = “No!” and Hate Speech. And the Dems will lose against that platform in 2010?
choicelady : I think regulating the noose is less the issue than sticking to the conventional hate crimes evidence. When it comes to the Prez, a lot more will occur than if it happened to one of us. It’s probably better to err on the side of free speech. I do know what you all fear – I do, too, but if we give it up, then we already lost.
KQuark : Like I said I think you have to prove intent if there is a nose law it should not be indiscriminate.
Khirad : Hmm, rope? Well, what’s the law on a burning cross? Is it more property law, or is it more hate speech?
BigDogMom : AdLib I would feel threatened, and I would call the police
SueInCa : No, we know who the new sherriff in town is and it was never bush
kesmarn : All hat. No cattle. for that one
Chernynkaya : The game has changed now that O is Prez. Different mood, financial crisis, change freaks out many idjuts. i think the fact that there are 400x more threats makes a big differnece, and we need to take EVERY type of near threat seriously. That does not mean illegal, just followed up on.
boomer1949 : Sue–notice I said cowboy and not sherriff?
boomer1949 : Sue — Cowboy is a better description.
AdLib : Boomer: Heh!
BigDogMom : KQ, Yes, Obama has a good oportunity to bring the country together after 12/25, but I think he’s been beaten down by all the bad Press
SueInCa : Isn’t the SS talking to the lady?
AdLib : Choice: That is where I’m going with this. Should rope be regulated? It is a slippery slope and yet how threatened would any of us feel to come home and find a noose hanging from a tree in front of our house?
boomer1949 : Sue — you give Bush way too much credit.
choicelady : I read the threats are off the charts. I want to ask these bozos = what rights have you LOST? Nothing that’s happening is impeding anyone’s rights at all. I honestly do NOT get it. It’s like the people who believed Clinton was sending the Black helicopters. Didn’t happen. They still believe it.
SueInCa : Obama is a thinker, Bush was a idiot
KQuark : My big contention was that the Obama administration did not try to leverage hyper patriotism with any of these horrendous acts so I thought the post missed the target by bring up Bush doing it.
choicelady : KQ – you’re right. I imagine it is. There is a whole category of threats against the Prez, no matter who, that really is different from what exists “out here” with us.
SueInCa : You don’t know at what point it is inciting until it is too late
KQuark : It would still have been investigated by the Secret Service under Bush.
choicelady : Cher – that would just have made Bush a martyr and Cheney president. You’re waaaay too sensible for that!
kesmarn : That might be opening a can o’ worms, AdLib. Next electric chairs? gas chambers? Crosses?
SueInCa : I just would have tripped him Cher
Khirad : Yes, I did AdLib! Me and Abby were talking this morning about the Islam4UK situation. I don’t know English law, but that’s another wrinkle. Is wishing for more 9/11s and celebrating death of civilians free speech? At what point is it inciting?
Chernynkaya : AdlIb– yes the difference is that O is black. Makes a difference. ANd who’s to say there was no danger to bush/ I woulda shot him if I had the balls.
boomer1949 : actually anything speech or otherwise that demeans another person whether he be white, black arab jew or whatever could be and should be viewed as hate speech. it just isn’t right to be mean — free speech or otherwise.
choicelady : AdLib – I FEEL the same, but the strength of America is caution with respect to speech. What we do need is a decent media that will report these things fairly. That is not happening well enough.
AdLib : Would it be just to have a law that outlawed the display of nooses?
SueInCa : her point was that if you don’t tackle it head on before you know it, a madman has taken over and there is no out for the group they are targeting
kesmarn : All i can say is that if Repubs don’t see hanging the Prez in effigy as hate speech, they’re gonna have to shut up forever on flag burning.
BigDogMom : Sue I have read many books on Auschwitz and the Nazi party, I feel that if we let hate speach take over it will lead us to what happened in Germany 1930
choicelady : Hi-just joining. To be hate speech, it depends on who is doing it. Really! If it’s Black men or women, then no – attacks really do have to have a racial, religious, etc. assault on another person’s DIFFERENT characteristic. The noose moves it out of just opinion, but I think it will be difficult to prove it’s hate. And Obama likely won’t press the issue as he apparently warned the Secret Service to stand down on the gun toters. Watch, don’t arrest. Sometimes that’s better.
AdLib : KevenSeven took the position that Dems hung Bush in effigy, doing that is political protest. So, is it different because Bush was white?
Chernynkaya : Hanging the effigy of Sp on Halloween by the gay guy was wrong, and he should have been investigated just as the old lady who hung Obama. it’s not necessarily a crime, but should be followed up.
boomer1949 : hanging in effigy of a black man is hate speech. sorry, but it is. wouldn’t happen if BHO weren’t black. the bigots and racists are crawling out of the woodwork and have been for the last 28 months. where the hell were these people when the shrubster was in office for 8 years for gooness sake?
KQuark : I’m talked out on that one personally Adlib.
AdLib : Hey Khirad, it was your excellent suggestion. I clearly remember you ordering a terrorist appetizer with a main of hate speech.
SueInCa : If you go back I transcribed from a book I read about a doctor in Auschwitz. What she said about the hate thing and how it can explode really go to me.
KQuark : Great point kes. With the neocons it was they were just looking for the opportunity.
KQuark : Khirad in reality it was just image because it was an Arab country. If it was European or Asian even no one would have said anything.
Khirad : Ooh, now to the heavy stuff, eh AdLib?
boomer1949 : bdm – absolutely — what these folks are being asked to do is serious stuff and they should see it that way and should be treated like professionals.
kesmarn : KQ, I think that attack was in the works BEFORE 9/11
Chernynkaya : Oh– got it Sue! Duh– can’t type.
SueInCa : the thing about it was the hypocrisy. they scream terror all the time, then want to hand it over to Dubai. We have plenty of security corp in this country
KQuark : The part of the Iraq war thing that I thought would get legs was hours after 911 they talked about attacking Iraq.
BigDogMom : Boom – I think your right, they do it for border guards, police, etc – TSA needs be trained and thought of as real law enforcement profession
boomer1949 : did that make sense?
Khirad : The Dubai thing never got me super worried. Am I naïve? I think people freaked out over it being an Arab country. The hypocrisy from the Bushies, of course, is what had me fuming.
SueInCa : plain instead of plane?
KQuark : Business trolls would outsource their own mothers.
kesmarn : I’m pretty sure Bush could have gotten binLaden if he’d really wanted to…but friends in high places…
Chernynkaya : Sue, i don’t know what test u mean, sweetie.
SueInCa : like they did highway maintenance?
boomer1949 : hate to admit it, but i held a DOD TS Security Clearance for 6 years — basically signed my life away. However, it made the job real, and if the TSA folks went throught the same stringent requirements and training it might make the job more respected.
BigDogMom : The Dubai thing was just another outsourcing of America
SueInCa : yeah to feed his arab friends pockets, he was such a fraud
KQuark : Hell they fingerprint you to cash a check these days.
BigDogMom : I too have been fingerprinted and screened by the FBI, work thing
SueInCa : i have been fingerprinted as well, financial industry
kesmarn : Sue! I forgot about that Dubai thing!
boomer1949 : polygraph very intense – went to DC for it, can’t say where. couldn’t sweat, breathe deeply, stop breathing, fidget or wet my panties. all could be interrpreted as off the charts.
Khirad : Great point AdLib. *jinx* LOL at the El Al joke!
KQuark : Good point Adlib.
SueInCa : hell the shrub was going to give security at our ports to Dubai
Chernynkaya : Know what EL AL stands for though? Every Landing Always Late.
AdLib : Khirad: I think it’s a great question but to have such incredible emotional and mental conditioning may be less likely in the types that would volunteer to blow themselves up.
BigDogMom : Boomer – no
KQuark : What happened to using scanners at our ports I wonder.
kesmarn : boomer, was fingerprinted, but never polygraphed.
SueInCa : no polygraph, but in court lots of time testifying against criminals
Khirad : Hey AdLib, I don’t know. Merely posing the question I don’t know the answer to myself.
boomer1949 : has anyone besides myself ever had to take a polygraph?
KQuark : Since DeMint is holding up the TSA chief because of union questions boomer that makes your point even more.
kesmarn : Cher, no kidding! Nervousness can ground ya, huh?
KQuark : boomer yup. Technology is a big crutch for doing the right thing in this case.
SueInCa : was that a test Cher?
BigDogMom : Khirad, I saw that and was hoping MSM would pick that up, alas they didn’t, blamed Obama
AdLib : Khirad, if that was viable, why haven’t they been able to penetrate El Al screening?
Chernynkaya : kes– absolutely you wont get on the plain
Khirad : Yeah KQ, Cher pointed out all the other stuff they’re doing. It’s a “holistic approach”.
KQuark : BDM you sound like Tweety
boomer1949 : bottom line is — what the $12/hour TSA employees are being asked to do is more like aan Intelligence job = CIA, NSA, or any other SA you choose. TSA’s are regular people tyring to make a living and it sure beats cleaning motel rooms.
SueInCa : boomer, i can think of so many things to do to that man and I am one of the nicer people
Chernynkaya : Adlib– I think it’s possible. Cheny is an evil man. He has deep animus to Obama– I don’t be;ieve he hurt his back at inaug– I think he refused to stand! He has friend in intell and wants O to fail and is a traitor.
BigDogMom : I don’t wish Chaney any ill and I don’t wish him any good
KQuark : Good question Khirad but they have not been successful as of yet. It’s not just the questions either the people doing the screening are highly trained dedicated professionals.
Khirad : Cher, I had a little rant this morning on misspellings. Anyone who wants to know the vagaries of Arabic transliteration, talk to me later, hehe.
AdLib : But doing the “smart” thing, is too…intellectu al. WOuldn’t the Repubs howl that only by stripping Americans can you protect them from exposure?
kesmarn : Does Israel actually BAR people from the flight if they flunk the interview?
SueInCa : tell us how your really feel KQ LOL
SueInCa : they would get their hands on the questions, maybe not from israel but here, yes
boomer1949 : sue, i’d just like to have an opportunity to toss a lemon merangue pie in his face
BigDogMom : Yes, a lot of them are still hold overs from Bush I and II and loyal to Chainey
Chernynkaya : ADSlib, It’s not just sweat, and here’s where tricky. It could be the ticket, the age and look of a person, the cty of origin. all of those barring mispellings(!!!) are good clues to danger. But I’m sure trained eyes can catch a liar.
AdLib : Sue: Heh!
KQuark : I would not put it past him. Fuck Dick Cheney!!!
Khirad : Can’t you be trained for these control questions though? Not to mythologize them to evil villain proportions, but AQ & Co adapt.
boomer1949 : AdLib — TSA or anyone else need to be trained for what to look for. If no one shows them, what are they supposed to do. And…if the pay were higher well, the draw from which to choose would be higher as well.
kesmarn : Don’t know if I’d go that far. But he’s sinister.
KQuark : Cher El al also proved you can have zero attacks even in the worst environment.
SueInCa : adlib, is it cold in the us right now? LOL
AdLib : Anyone think Cheney may be working behind the scenes to encourage Repubs in intelligence not to cooperate?
kesmarn : Halliburton. Ready and waiting for eternal war.
SueInCa : Boomer I know, i swear if i see him on the street, i will stick my foot out
BigDogMom : Cheney & freinds are wishing for another attack, $$$$
SueInCa : NYPD also has forces stationed in other countries now
AdLib : Cher and Khirad: What would be more of a tip than the Midnight Express sweat dripping from a potential bomber as he’s questioned?
KQuark : Thanks for the insight I did not want to presume but that’s what I thought.
boomer1949 : Sue, couldn’t happen to a nicer man either.
SueInCa : oh they checked our bags pretty well, but never our shoes
KQuark : Cher I like that procedure but way too many people fly in this country and it would cause a fortune.
boomer1949 : Sue -lol!!!
BigDogMom : KQ – Yes, I am also part of the volunteers that go in if something happen and we have reverse 911
SueInCa : hopefully cheney is there when it happens, i h8 that man
Khirad : Yup, Cher, control questions. If you can’t answer the simplest ones, or hesitate, something may be wrong. SueinCa – Mexico doesn’t check anything!
boomer1949 : Cher – it isn’t hard if one is trained for it. it becomes hard when one doesn’t know what to look for besides knives, matches, lighters, and liquid. As GWB said and I hate to quote the man, but the eyes usually , well you know…
kesmarn : To go back to AdLibs ?, I think Cheney would actually be glad of another attack. Sick.
SueInCa : Mexico does not check shoes
BigDogMom : Sue they were trained by an Iraelie securiyt company I think
KQuark : BDM do your feel safer for it?
BigDogMom : I think the Israelies have the best security
SueInCa : NYC has it’s own pd terrorist squad trained overseas and by the FBI
Khirad : AdLib – yup that is right, and while they were afraid of the political cost, it comes back to bite us anyway. They always rub it in our faces now, perverse as it is.
KQuark : That’s a good question Adlib and I think they already answered yes.
BigDogMom : My cities Police force is really up on anti-terrorist stuff since we are so close to NYC and the ports…NYC has the best security of all now
Chernynkaya : When you fly El al, every passenger gets personally interviewd fr a few minutes at the airport. They ask obvious q’s but I am sure more than the Q’s they are sizing you up. It took us 10 minutes to be cleared. Why is that so hard?
SueInCa : can you imagine the outcry?
KQuark : And why did they compromise privacy. It’s not like these scanners were created just for this attack. They were coming anyway and far more liberal countries than the US will use them.
AdLib : WHat do you think will happen if there is a terrorist attack while Obama is president? Will Repubs really take the side of the terrorists when the nation is reeling?
boomer1949 : KQ – you’re exactly right TSA folks are not treated like the professionals they’re expected to be. We’d be better served by having the Secret Service in the airports. However, I’d still like to be a TSA if the pay was better — I’d probably be better than most since I was a Psych Major. Not to toot my own horn or anything.
kesmarn : I think we’re not far behind when it comes to cameras everywhere.
Khirad : Yup, BDM, CTV has been a big issue there.
SueInCa : brits also have 100’s of thousand cameras all around the nation, they watch all the time
AdLib : KQ: You are sadly right, Dems helped pass the Patriot Act (almost half voted against it though) and they voted for the Iraq War. But they did so for the same reason you want these compromises of privacy, because of fear of what standing up for our rights would do to them politically. Following this path, our rights will soon be gone.
SueInCa : Exactly and it will happen again. Bush set us all up to be attacked. he created more terrorists than there were on 911
KQuark : boomer I agree they don’t treat it like a profession or pay like it.
Khirad : Boom, yeah those Border Cops are pretty good. They know what they’re looking for.
BigDogMom : Kes – The Brit always had that, we used to, we need to get it back
KQuark : No I think you can stop terror attacks on planes at least the big ones. There are much softer targets though.
boomer1949 : TSA is only as good at body language or anything else…as the training they receive and, I hate to say it, but the compensation.
kesmarn : Britain seems to have this “in your face” attitude about refusing to show fear.
SueInCa : But that was all part of the shock doctrine of the situation. they pulled it off but repugs are good at the slimy stuff
Chernynkaya : Boom/BDM– maybe air marshalls and not TSA, maybe another agency. TSA is not set up and is too low-level. I’m talking about real investment in intelligence. Have law enforcement at airports.
BigDogMom : Who’s on the National Security besides LIEberman & McCain?
KQuark : The Patriot Act and Iraq War would not be possible without Dems too.
boomer1949 : my friend’s brother is a Border Cop in the SW.
Khirad : Speaking of ‘boom’, hear Rachel saying Fruit of the Boom? Now, back to the serious discussion…
SueInCa : KQ, I really think it is a matter of time, don’t you?
KQuark : Not politically I don’t care about that. Dems and Reps will overreact AGAIN.
Chernynkaya : Boom, BDM
Khirad : Yeah BDM, body language is where it’s at. Border Security is good at it, is TSA?
kesmarn : I forgot that I had an apple and a plastic knife in my purse once. I nearly brought the entire midwest to an airport shutdown.
Chernynkaya : KQ– what happens politically? Disaster for Dems. For our nation, long term? Nothing. What happens to USA long term w/o privacy rights? Too slippery a slope for me.
boomer1949 : …and I couldn’t live on $12 bucks an hour.
AdLib : Cher: You are so on the money. Who is hated by these extremists more than America? Israel. And instead of panicking like the US, they have far more well thought out policies. Technology is not always the answer…with all the expensive No Fly lists and scanners…it was a passenger who stopped the bomber.
KQuark : My contention is our scared little country will blame Obama and in this case they have a point. Nobody is going to care about rights after the fact.
SueInCa : If it does, KQ, the pubs will have a field day. that is why we all need to stop being quiet
BigDogMom : Boom/Cher – this is why the TSA needs to be unionized, they should be trained just like any law enforment agent and paid well
boomer1949 : KQ-no crap. I worry every time, every time. If I told you what he does I’d have to shoot you.
Khirad : Speaking of El Al, rhey had a guy from the Tel Aviv airport on CNN who made a great case against profiling, too. Japanese Red Army.
KQuark : Again what happens if an attack is successful that could have been prevented with these scanners?
boomer1949 : Cher, I agree. But do you know how much TSA employees are paid for the work they do? $12 bucks an hour…now why would someone making $12 bucks an hour want to do anymore than the job description? I’d love to be a TSA, but it doesn’t pay well enough for what the job requires…
BigDogMom : FM I think is an Electrical Engineer
kesmarn : KQ, gotcha!
KQuark : FM is the engineer.
BigDogMom : Cher I read a small item today on the body language, looked interesting….
KQuark : No problem.
SueInCa : that is scary boomer
kesmarn : KQ, I stand corrected!
KQuark : That is scary boomer.
Chernynkaya : boomer, I think they’ve won because they bankrupted us via 2 stupid wars, creation of terror, Inc bureaucracy and loss of privacy rights. What i’d do? Invest in intelligence and smart profiling at airports. i’d secure ports, I’d spend on better people at airports who have experience in body language etc. El Al has never lost a plane.
KQuark : Organic Chemist.
SueInCa : LOL, i laughed as soon as sanchez told the story he got a email from gulianis handler LOL
KQuark : Picking holes in the best available technology does not prove your should not use it.
kesmarn : KQ, helps to have a chemical engineer in the room!
BigDogMom : Guiliani is a washed up dick head
Khirad : Night bito. LOL BDM! They can be nervous.
boomer1949 : my friend travels very weird places — concern every time he leaves the country. missed the bombing in Malaysia by two weeks, kinda’ a Mission Impossible kind of thing if you get my drift. Pretty scary
BigDogMom : Khirad, let’s hope he/she doesn’t grind his/her teeth, bah boom
SueInCa : what about guilani and his no terror on bush’s watch?
KQuark : Kes no unless they just wanted to blow of their own head.
AdLib : So, what if the next attempted bombing is by a woman with plastic explosives as breast implants?
kesmarn : Night b’ito, we’ll miss ya!
Khirad : Plastique dentures?
kesmarn : i don’t know much about explosives…cou ld a toothful do it?
BigDogMom : KQ, that’s how I feel, we need to do all we can and not let them get to us
KQuark : But we don’t stop using existing security just because there is always a possibility of an attack.
SueInCa : It is just like the financial fraud business, as soon as you catch up to the fraudsters, they find another angle
AdLib : Night bito!
bitohistory : G’night, kids.
KQuark : My other argument is what happens if an attack happens that can be prevented by these scanners.
Chernynkaya : Kes and KQ what about a tiny x-plosive in a tooth? Ther is no way to stop an indiv. w/money and the wish to die.
SueInCa : Khirad, they probab do, they are that ignorant
AdLib : But what are we becoming as a country when we keep “stripping” rights away year after year? Especially privacy rights, between the government wiretapping all of us under Bush and spying on our emails, now our private body must be presented to the government workers if we want to fly? Where will we be 10 years from now, what privacy rights will be left?
boomer1949 : cher, the terrorists only win if we let them for starters, but what would you do if you were in charge?
SueInCa : oh geez, now i will have to read that book, boomer. if just finished republican gommorah
kesmarn : The Bush family and the Saudi royal family go waaay back
Khirad : SueinCa – they probably thought the Muslim living next door was Latino.
BigDogMom : Oh great now our disabled will have to be dismantled before boarding
Khirad : bito: I can’t watch Wash Journal, some of them, both liberal, conservative, and most annoying, the “independents” can be really insane.
kesmarn : Next it’ll be the exploding artificial leg!
SueInCa : pubs want to profile all dark people who could be muslims
BigDogMom : For all we know this terror thing is to keep the MIC going for a long time…tooo woo woo?
KQuark : Precedent for all kinds of searches have been set. This new scanning type search is not taking away more rights. That’s my argument.
Chernynkaya : Boomer,I draw the line when they can see me under my clothes. I already think it’s gotten out of hand and the terrists won.
bitohistory : You can get card fro you MD for any metal implants now
boomer1949 : i’m reading “The bin Ladens” – scary stuff.
kesmarn : AdLib, you have a point! LOL! Bin Laden was behind derivatives…wo uldn’t surprise me!
SueInCa : the saudis held big stake in citi
boomer1949 : cher, I don’t necessarily agree with the body scan thing, but where does one draw the line? btw, the yahoo peaded “Not Guilty” go figure.
AdLib : kesmarn: How do we know Bin Laden was not a financial advisor for Wall Street? Because the attempt to destroy America worked.
Chernynkaya : Adlib– and Bushco fell right into OBL’s trap.As did Cong. and I fear it will be many years before any pol says ENOUGH!
KQuark : I don’t agree. They already search people in a number of ways including strip searches. I like indiscriminate searches rather than profiling too.
bitohistory : That is what PBL said in 2004, AdLib
SueInCa : But OBL is doing his share as well, do you know who were big shareholders in Citi?
AdLib : KQ: No, flying is not a right but what if all people with prosthetics will now be hassled and delayed? WHat about prejudices enforced against Muslims?
kesmarn : Wall street itself was much more successful at bankrupting us than bin Laden.
BigDogMom : Don’t worry about terrorist bringing down our economy, the banks and corps are doing a bang up job of that
Chernynkaya : KQ flying not a right, niether is getting into any Fed bldg? or any public place? Soon, there may be scans there too. eventually everything must become a right if all is too limited.
SueInCa : I think it is very much true, OBL said he would break the western world financially
bitohistory : Does anyone call washing journal on c-span?
kesmarn : How about sky marshalls on every flight?
boomer1949 : bdm-boom, boom thank God you didn’t tag me as bam bam!
AdLib : The theory of Al Qaeda as I’ve heard it is to tactically terrorize America into trying to keep every possible threat from happening that the country falls apart financially and morally. I would say they were very successful under Bush, this latest move worries me that they continue to succeed.
boomer1949 : I have a friend who travels every where, all the time, internationally. I’ve yet been able to discuss the full body scans with him, but I’m sure it will pose a problem for the work he does.
SueInCa : true KQ
KQuark : Flying is not a right.
SueInCa : BDM, write a blog about it here, that is shameful also on HP’s part
Chernynkaya : Bito if you get MSNBC, He’ll be back on 1/15
KQuark : I think they not only should but must be used.
bitohistory : Cher i don’t get him out here
BigDogMom : I’ve been banned from CNN and The Cafferty file, they won’t let me send anymore e-mails, will need to get an new address, I’ve sent so many…they piss me off so
SueInCa : I think it is playing in to their hands instead of tightening up our policies, immigration has always been a problem.
Chernynkaya : Me– invasion of privacy and mandatory. Ergo– I’ll fly only in emergencies.
kesmarn : I know I sound like a Puritan, but if women are scanning women and men, men, I think I could live with it
KQuark : I hate all over biased media I decided on the right or left.
AdLib : How many people here feel better that full body scans will be mandatory and how many object to losing their privacy?
SueInCa : cool, thanks
BigDogMom : Hey boom boom
SueInCa : I say we call them out and do a email blitz
Chernynkaya : Sue, 4PM eastern daily on MSNBC
AdLib : Boomer: Howdy ma’am!
BigDogMom : Push MSM – look at what happened to Jay Leno, they listen when no one watches
boomer1949 : AdLib — the sherriff!
bitohistory : Dylan’s show comes back on the 15th i think
kesmarn : Cher, thanks, I didn’t know about Dylan’s time change.
AdLib : Hey Boomer!
SueInCa : really? when?
boomer1949 : boomer here, might help if i was logged in. sorry i’m late — habit always late to class.
Chernynkaya : Cher here, Sue. Dylan has a later time slot. he’s doing well.
KQuark : Scanners are a done deal. I think they are better than some procedures they have now.
AdLib : Isn’t the MSM a lost cause? Bought up by the very people that would be most harmed by giving people the real news?
kesmarn : i think it was the latter, Sue
BigDogMom : I’m all for scanners if it keeps us safe, but I also think that the intel agencies need to be looked at
SueInCa : maybe dylan is on vacation or maybe he was just too real>
kesmarn : BDM, I saw that Moyers show too. It was excellent.
bitohistory : Get the media to cover give them alot of things to film
AdLib : And what about the result from this…taking away your privacy at airports to be Scanner Nude? Terrorists attack and that means we lose our rights?
KQuark : The right wing has an echo chamber the left wing has a whine machine. I never so so much reactionary trivial news in my life.
BigDogMom : After watching Bill Moyer tonight, I think we are all stuck in the Stockholm Sydrom of believing the crap that is fed us
kesmarn : Whatever happened to Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC? He just disappeared. He was a lefty.
SueInCa : Good idea big mom, maybe calling out their hypocrisies here is a good start, a section just for that adlib?
bitohistory : SDS–Yippies
SueInCa : msnbc cannot afford to look too one sided although fucks news can all the time, go figure. cnn is just a wash
BigDogMom : We the people need to go after MSM, barage them with e-mails on the Repug attitude
kesmarn : The ties between MSM and corporations are as bad as the Wall Street ties to D.C.
bitohistory : wish there rally was a liberal media
SueInCa : Emerald and I have plans LOL
AdLib : All this talk about how the Dems will have trouble in 2010, why isn’t there talk in the MSM about how insane and traitorous the GOP has become, alienating voters in the process?
SueInCa : ok bito what is that?
BigDogMom : Yes kes, I think they over played their hand on this one, and yes sue we need to make them look worse
bitohistory : They are good at street theater. all old SDSers
SueInCa : They need to be made to look far worse. They are a scourge on our country
kesmarn : Think they might be starting to overplay their hand? Every time they do this they look worse.
BigDogMom : Yes it would have been call treason in a Repugly admin, but it is being patriotic to go after a Dem Pres
AdLib : How do terrorist attacks justify a political party then attacking the country’s president…for not saying the word “terror” enough?
SueInCa : dems are too nice, ned more graysons and saunders
kesmarn : yessir
BigDogMom : Does anyone get Mother Jones mag., really thinking of subscribing?
bitohistory : No funny stuff,k’es
Kalima : Good evening everyone! I’m up to my eyes in work, forgive me. I just wanted to show my face.
kesmarn : I ran all the way. kesmarn here.
BigDogMom : Hey Sue, Bito
SueInCa : will check it out thanks
BigDogMom : PBS has a link for grass root orgs on doing something on financial reform
AdLib : Hi bito!
bitohistory : bito, here
AdLib : Hey BDM, I’m Tivoing him as I do every week.
SueInCa : Hey big mom
BigDogMom : Hey guys, just got done watching Bill Moyers, good show on the bank industry with David Cohen from Mother Jones.
AdLib : Just flew beck into L.A. saw some kind of fire just south of the airport, don’t know what it was.
SueInCa : good and u?
AdLib : Hey Sue! How are you doing tonight?
SueInCa : Hi there
AdLib : Hey! I just got back in town and was remiss in posting today that we were having our Vox Populi event tonight so it may be a small group. In any case, please say hi when you get here!
AdLib : Vox Populi will begin at 7:00 PM. See you then!
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