Vox Populi – AfterChat – 12-11-09
Vox Populi – 03-07-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 days ago
Hey Ad -...
Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi – 02-21-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
Well thanks to about 100 SOS emails from me to AdLib, I got my mojo back and it came with my Gravator too.
It’s almost my Sunday, hope that you all have a good Saturday.
Good night from a sleepy Tokyo.
It’s getting quiet, there seems to be an exodus, and I’ve got some offline writing to get back to. In any case, I ducked into two world stories (take a wild guess what on) quickly, but my absence here was not an indication that I wasn’t boycotting successfully. I’ve only messed up on that once when it honestly slipped my mind what day it was!
Cheers Khirad. I made a swift flyover there to drop a link then made it back here safe and sound.
As for the exodus, the intensity of the live chat does burn a lot of energy on a Friday Night so folks do tend to wind down after it.
Though, we do have our night owls who show up along the way too.
“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;”
“the stockings were hung by the chimney with care…”
and boomer is ~ 2 hours from Stupid O’Clock. Between the music, Vox Populi, and plain old family drama (seems to only show up around the holidays), I’m wound up tighter than Santa’s alarm clock.
LOL boomer, you will sleep like a log.
I was pondering staying up and nap all day today. After all, it’s now Saturday morning, still dark out, 22 degrees, and my furry critters are staring at me. I have them really confused.
Those days of staying up until the wee hours are long gone for me. I need at least 7 hours of sleep to function the next morning. With 16 cats always needing something, a nap is just a distant dream for me, plus napping gives me a headache. I’m usually in bed before midnight.
Awwww, I slept all day and now I’m completely full of beans…
Missed you at Vox Pepe….
I was sawing logs all day… They even got me a movie, but I fell asleep 10 minutes into it.
Well you have a nice stock of firewood then.
HA! Beans…
My kids were feeding the dogs and I asked them –
“What did you give the dogs that made them eat everything up so fast”
They replied….
“Oh, Beans, Mom, we used that can in the fridge….
and added it to their food.”
Thanks a lot, they have to have them sleep in my room.
Oh boy, that can has been there for over a week.
You know what we say about beans, right?
I hope that you had gas masks.
well this is beyond my bedtime so I bid you all a goodnight?
meds and bed for me.>>>>>>>>
Night bito! Sleep well!
Well darn it, I’ve missed you for the 3rd time this week. Good night bito. Take care and be safe.
Time for me to say good night to everyone…my eyes are starting to fail me, been a long day…had lots of fun.
Thanks again AdLib and everyone else here! Talk to you soon….
Night BDM! It was a lot of fun!
Goodnight folks. I may have overdid it a bit much but I missed my fellow planeteers. At least it’s time for the pain meds.
KQ, take care and don’t wear yourself out, pace yourself, pal!
Nite, KQ — it was good to see you. Rest and be well.
Thinking of you. Get well soon, we miss you dearly.
Missed you too, KQ. Get better soon!
KQ,Take care, guy. Heal up! you are missed.
Night. Be well.
Night KQ, take care of yourself, get better soon
Kalima, It was fun reading, but too fast for my input. Never did get a chance to say hello today. Good afternoon dear one.
Hello bito, a bit to fast for these eyes and fingers too. Good evening to you.
Morning Kalima, didn’t have time to say hi to you before, how are you and your furry friends?
Hello BDM, we are being driven potty by road construction noises and shakes. I keep popping out to ask if they are done yet, my outside cats are afraid to come back to our garage to eat.
How are you and yours?
Too bad for your little ones, my boys would be barking at them for making all that noise..
It’s very cold today, wind chill brings temp down to 6 degrees, the older one is stiff with arthritis, so I had to give him some aspirin.
Both right now are stretched out, butt to butt on my couch, oh excuse me, their couch…
Sounds just like my house! My livingroom looks like a greyhound slumber party. One grey on the couch, two on the floor, each with elegant doggie bed.
LOL…boy do I know how you feel, and Hubbsters says it’s because I bought the wrong ones.
I should have bought the one that look like couches, that have the back to them. Because that’s what they like…apparently he has had some heart to heart talks with the boys when I was not around.
E’cat, bought a pricey bed for one of my hounds. He would sleep on the hardwood floor an put his head on the bed. (if he couldn’t sneak on my bed)
We can ask people to type slower. 😉
Ok but what about my peepers?
Personally my cats and I just love the crazy popping sound.
Kalima..what happened to your avatar, too much popping going on?
Good Lord, I haven’t touched a thing I swear, what on earth?
All is cool, read and follow my email, Kalima and it will magically return!
Famous last words to this technofart.
Explanatory email sent to you, don’t tase me Bro.
Heh! My taser is set on “fun”.
Ouch anyway!
That is odd. I saw it just a second ago, it seems.
I’m spinning out of orbit at the moment. Hang on.
Thanks AdLib –
Bdm, I liked you last line 😆
Which one…I’m still spinning in circles from the speed of this..LOL
BDM, was it not you who put in the airline announcement? It was a bit fast for this old fart. lol
You can go back and reread it now, I’ll leave it up then archive it.
Thanks…Did they remove all personal items? They did file out nicely this time though.
Someone left an albatross under their seat though. I hate when people just throw their used albatrosses wherever they please!
BigDogMom : Passengers please form a line, no pushing, please remove all personal belongings from your overhead compartment…th ank you for flying Planet POVx
Reminds me of the David Spade bit on SNL. Buh-bye, buh-bye, and buh-bye.
My pleasure! Thank you for being a part of it!
Fabulous feature of the Planet, AdLib. Next time I think I’ll bring a friend.
Thanks so much, nellie! Please do, the more the merrier!
Me too! Thanks AdLib.
I’m so pleased you and everyone else seems to enjoy it! Cheers!
I am exhausted..I am an Administrative Assistant and do this all day. Whew that was totally different. Loved it thoug.
Boomer, your family Sundays sound like absolute hell! I had a boyfriend like that. I would go to his house and his friends would come over and suddenly I’m surrounded by jerks spouting off the N word. It was a real shock to me and I ended up just slinking away to hide in the bedroom.
Yep, just imagine it went on until I got married and had kids. One day, and after much therapy, I told all of them they could do whatever they wanted in their own homes, EXCEPT when my kids were around OR in my home.
I’ve been the outsider ever since.
On the racism thing, I wrote this at ‘another site’ and kinda saved it:
So, I’m just gonna throw this out there. I know some see racism everywhere. I try to be circumspect about it. But here’s what I’ve been thinking.
Now, all their memes are vapid: teleprompter, mustard, ACORN, pronunciation of a certain South Asian country, and yes, Birthers, especially. But what I was rolling through my mind was this obsession with him golfing. Now, with some, I think they get a certain kick throwing back our stuff – though many seem genuinely thrown off by the fact that Bush was golfing away too – “now watch this drive”. Yet, with the mocking of him golfing, and I’m sorry to say this in the post-Tiger world (no not the current state of ‘affairs’), I sense a tinge of something else in the snide tone and the rapid spread with which it took hold (represented in monikers (t)here, for example). How many presidents have golfed? More than have used a teleprompter, that’s for sure. So what is the big fixation about him golfing really about? Seems like it should be, pardon this, par for the course. (If you’re Boehner though you always look like you missed par on a gimme putt.)
Am I unfairly reading too much into it?
Granted, I don’t have to be so coy with you guys, but what do you think?
No, you are correct, my husband also picked up on the snide tone….welcome to the Good Old White Boys Club….
It confirmed for me that it really is (with quite a few of them), about him being in the most exclusive clubhouse. Others, who are younger (remember that one case where the young Republican girl didn’t get the slave reference posted online?) may not get the undertones and really be so dense as to think it’s the criticism they purport it to be – of a man at play while shirking his duties (again, cf. Bush). But the others know full well the dog whistles they’re sending out there.
I worked at a private golf club for a couple of years, blacks where allowed but not encouraged to be members…they always found a way to deny them membership. All on the up and up though, {{wink}}, {{wink}}…
There are code words, some secret language that they have, winks, nods and so forth…
Skull and Bones?
You got it…the chosen ones, don’t you know THEIR supposed to lead our country…they know what’s best for us.
I remember this post, Khirad. I never watch Fox et al so I haven’t seen them making a big deal out of it. But my old dad was a huge golf fan and fond of the term “blackies” and, had he still been alive, he would have had a fit both at Tiger and Obama.
I had the sense long before golf. During the campaign for example…folks (and I’m being generous here) stood in line to see the McPalin KLAN. tHEY WERE HOLDING EVIL SIGNS, CARRYING SOCK MONKEYS, AND OVERWHELMINGly reminded me of my family (both sides)…a bunch of old, bigoted men and wome, with their adult children (who knew no better) in tow. It’s inbred. Period. If one is never exposed to anything different, one becomes a product of one’s environment.
It’s all that nature vs. nurture thing.
I loved the poetic use of ‘inbred’. 😉
Best analogy I could come up with.
I think it’s an open secret now, anyone who isn’t one of those exhibiting racism, veiled or not, knows what’s going on. As you say, how many Presidents have been criticized for speaking well? Black men aren’t supposed to speak well?
John McCain was born in Panama, anyone on the Right call him a Panamanian and question his citizenship?
Palin has had an exorcism. Anyone on the right question her character over having an actual witch doctor as a preacher?
It’s so damn obvious and it’s just a weak dance to deny it. Especially with all the home made racist artwork and songs that come from those assholes.
They know it, we know it and many in the MSM have no balls (though Jon Stewart, Colbert, KO and Rachel called it for what it is).
Well said.
Nailed it.
Edit – I would add that the attack on the Pakistan pronunciation is three-fold – elitism, ‘otherness’, and dovetailing with that last one, the secret Muslim thing.
What are the polls on that Muslim thing now, btw? Last time I checked it was ridiculous.
What was that thing on his pronunciation of Pakistan? I’ve heard it said many different ways by many different people.
Hell, some can’t even say Ameeeraka right.
I know a little Urdu. Obama says it right. I wouldn’t get uppity with you for saying it with the
Khirad, good link! I’m from Indiana and I still hear people from there saying warsh instead of wash. lol
My mom even does that. Can’t explain it. We’re all born and raised in Washington (the state) but she says Warshington – albeit with only a color ‘r’.
That’s a huge topic that is so barely addressed, the bubbling prejudice against Muslims.
I mean, in America, the idea that a President “might” be a Muslim is enough to derail his campaign.
Though Obama’s campaign worked hard to impress that he was not Muslim, they couldn’t come out too strongly to say, “So what if I was?” or Americans would turn on him.
Talk about letting the terrorists win, we’re giving them the whole Muslim religion?
I can’t remember how many times I pulled out the ‘there shall be no religious test’ clause. I remember when Powell came out and said it – I was like FINALLY. I was saying the same thing for the longest time. So what if he were? Of course, that’s idealistic. Evangelicals were concerned about a Mormon, and in America you have to at least pretend you’re Mainline, Evangelical or Jewish in 98% of districts to get elected. I still have my questions on Obama – not that he’s Muslim – but that he’s personally not an organized religion guy. His mom certainly wasn’t.
Regardless, the last line was perfect!
And yes, the bubbling comes to a full rolling boil real quick if you wade into the wrong parts of the internet.
You mentioned Jewish, even that’s not “kosher” for a candidate to be.
Remember snide references when Kerry was running that he might be part Jewish and his wife being Jewish seemed to be a negative.
There still is religious prejudice against a President being anything other than Christian.
That’s really messed up.
The only thing that made me say otherwise is that our congresswoman is Jewish and she got elected here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e9/AZ-08.gif
She doesn’t look “Jew-y” though, maybe they got tricked.
Heh! And Obama’s initial problem, according to the MSM was he might not be “black enough”.
Here in Cali, both of our Senators are Jewish, many reps are but I still don’t think, even after Obama, the majority in America is ready to elect a non-Christian, a Jew or a Muslim or whatever as president, no matter how little they looked “Jew-y” or “Muslim-y”.
I started calling people out “across the street” during the campaign and long before the election. If one has never seen the reality and true definition of racism, they only believe what they’ve been taught.
I said earlier…my family tossed the “n” word around at Sunday supper (in front of all the little kids) as if it were a football.
My grandma was from Savannah, and I didn’t know until I got older when my dad told me. She would never say anything blatantly racist, believed in live and let live, but the way he put it to me hypothetically: she and my grandpa would never be a part of a lynching mob, but if they saw one come down the street, they would look the other way, and say that that’s just the way things are. Probably did something to deserve it. She wouldn’t eat anything fixed by a black person, simply politely throw it away, and later I finally registered the uncomfortable looks she gave when we were up visiting and I was watching a Lenny Kravitz video – it wasn’t just the ‘Rock’ thing.
PS — Stewart, Colbert, KO, Rachel, PBS, and NPR — credible and all I listen to these days. Everyone else has been bought out.
This is why I say it makes people stupid.
Being on the receiving end of this attitude… People look like they’ve lost their minds. Seriously.
Another stimulating session.
Hi Kalima and hello all, that was a lot of fun!
I’m back, hope you all had a good time.
Hi Kalima! Totally good.
Hi boomer, that’s what we love to hear.
Another hit!
Not without you Kalima.
Too sweet my friend. 🙂
Isn’t it time for you to sleep before the nurses give you a spanking?
I never got that! Whats that take? 😀
You gotta be really bad!! 😆