There was a contest for the nomination of the Dem party.
The other major player in that contest was Hillary Clinton. Some of you liked her, I did not.
I think we can all agree that she is a woman who gets what she wants if she possibly can. She certainly is not readily dissuaded.
She knew of these allegations. She was going to let Obama deny her the nomination if he was not a natural born citizen? I don’t think so.
Then there was a competition of sorts for the election to the presidency. McCain wanted to be president. What Palin wanted I would not care to speculate. They knew of these allegations, and investigated them.
Somehow anyone can suggest that Palin would not have dragged this out, while she was talking about palling around with terrorists and not being a patriot?
Sorry. I don’t buy it. Not a chance. It does not compute.
The birther movement is you typical right wing hate machine in motion.
The Daily Telegraph came out with a story that the Secret Service is stretched because they receive 30 death threats a day against President Obama.
What this is all really about is racism. Dumb, angry, white people who are prejudiced can’t accept that a black man is president.
So they grasp for any straw that argues against the reality that tells them that just being white doesn’t make you special.
This is the end of the Hate Train and it’s heading for a wreck right in the middle of the GOP.