
Comments Posted By Mr. Hoodoo

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Huffington Post Goes NSA on Its Members

Hey, thanks, OR. I’ve bookmarked that link and will pass it on. I’m sure that would be of great interest to many people.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 8:14 pm

‘Eh, although I didn’t mean it that way I think my first reply sounded flip and perhaps even dismissive. On the contrary, you made some valid points. Thanks.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 7:46 pm

Major kudos to ya.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 7:44 pm

Oh well, now. I think I’ve finally exhausted this whole HPAOLFB topic.

Thanks again, AdLib for offering a serious forum to consider a number of things in connection with what at first glance to those unaware would seem to be a simple matter of a web site merely changing their subscription requirements.

And thanks to you and the other fine folks who’ve replied to my thoughts, such as they were.

Have a good rest of the evening,or whatever depending on location.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 7:37 pm

Mm,indeed. Scary stuff on a huge,HUGE,level.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 7:17 pm

Yes,in fact,you did. I just forgot that as I’d been ruminating on this in the back of my mind and only a little while ago did it really come to the fore.

Likely,in fact, that your post, even though read several days ago, is what finally forced these ruminations to the top to where I could really see the bigger picture. Well, remember, I did thank you for providing a bigger picture.

So I’m happy to give all due to you on this. Keep up the good work,that is to say, keep fighting The Good Fight.

And I’ll be there in the trenches with you.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 7:15 pm

Oh! And not just to “out” liberals to intimidate them at the work place, but also in other areas of life, their housing, healthcare, schools, and so many other areas of life.

As I said in a reply to AdLib down the way, I don’t think there’s room for emotion and sentiment regarding HP given the seriousness of what may be at the heart of this data mining venture of HPAOLFB and the right-wing, which Arianna is a part of.

I can see that many take umbrage with my views on those who remain. But truly, they are aiding and abetting the enemy, a genuine enemy.

And I’m ok if you and others want to call me a conspiracy crank over this. I stand by my assessment of those who choose to cave, aid and abet those who would crush We, The People.

The more I think about this, the more likely this is one of, if not THE, primary reasons for wanting to link up a huge all-encompassing data base that allows people to really get to know what a person is thinking and voting.

This has suddenly hit me so hard in the last few minutes while writing these last few posts that I now feel what I’ve rarely felt as an adult, fear. A real and genuine fear. I think this business with HP is far bigger and more nefarious than we can imagine

And, again, if anyone wishes to call me a crank for wondering any of this, then have at it. But, this type of thing wouldn’t be out of the realm of totalitarians at all. Just think of the Big Brother-like data machinery the likes of the Nazis and the soviets and communist China had. Think that little twerp dictator in North Korea.

Been a long time since I’ve felt a real twinge of fear regarding what’s happening with this nation of ours.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 7:10 pm

AdLib, please see my reply to CAdawn above, as well as my latest main post offering that might shed a little more light on why I’ve no truck with those who know better yet remain attached to HP.

I don’t think there’s room for emotion and sentiment regarding HP given the seriousness of what may be at the heart of this data mining venture of HPAOLFB and the right-wing, which Arianna is a part of.

I can see that many take umbrage with my views on those who remain. But truly, they are aiding and abetting the enemy, a genuine enemy.

And I’m ok if you and others want to call me a conspiracy crank over this. I stand by my assessment of those who choose to cave, aid and abet those who would crush We, The People.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 6:50 pm

AdLib and everyone else.

Virtually all the talk about HPAOLFB and data mining has focused on the advertising aspects. But this power grab of people’s data could serve an even worse end/result.

Consider. What if the even greater interest is beyond mere profiteering via advertising and selling of data to advertisers?

Something that’s been coming to the fore of my cranial goo over the last couple weeks is that another part of the agenda might be the “outing” of moderate to far-right liberals/Democrats using HP’s linkage to Facebook to allow employers and anyone else to suss out a given person’s political view points and voting habits and pressure, intimidate, people into voting a certain way or risk a near total lock out of employment in this country?.

This is a horrifying thought. But keep in mind in authoritarian/totalitarian societies that takes place all the time.

How scary is that, folks?

I mean, given how beat down the right has been over the last two national elections and in the Senate, how many billions they spent, especially the likes of a, say, Sheldon Adelson, who spent some $150 MILLION DOLLARS alone on the 2012 election cycle, and the vile Koch brothers who also spent mega millions in the last many elections cycles, and are set to continue doing so in future elections, why they want something for their money. They want to own full out our government and have tried outright to buy it with all that money, only to have lost out.

So, we can be sure they’re looking for any means possible to counter We, The People and those whom we’ve chosen to counter them. And given Arianna’s generally accepted republicanism in the way she conducts her life, even if now and then she claims she’s a liberal and a Democrat, why her allowing her namesake rag to become part and parcel of the right-wing republican Dirty Tricks toolbox seems par for the course.

And in doing so, having HP and Facebook data at the republicans’ hands could mean seriously bad mojo for decent Americans just because they are liberal/Democrats.

Those folks could use that data to strong arm employers to fire en masse countless millions across the country if they don’t vote as told.

I seriously wonder if this is one of the prime components of their desire to get their hands on the millions of Americans’ FB and HP accounts.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 6:40 pm

Another thing that’s crossed my mind over the last week, OR, is that another part of the agenda might be the “outing” of moderate to far-right liberals/Democrats using HP’s linkage to Facebook to allow employers and anyone else to suss out a given person’s political view points and voting habits.

I mean, given how beat down the right has been over the last two national elections and in the Senate, how many billions they spent, especially the likes of a, say, Sheldon Adelson, who spent some $150 MILLION DOLLARS alone on the 2012 election cycle, and the vile Koch brothers who also spent mega millions in the last many elections cycles, and are set to continue doing so in future elections, why they want something for their money. They want to own full out our government and have tried outright to buy it with all that money, only to have lost out.

So, we can be sure they’re looking for any means possible to counter We, The People and those whom we’ve chosen to counter them. And given Arianna’s generally accepted republicanism in the way she conducts her life, even if now and then she claims she’s a liberal and a Democrat, why her allowing her namesake rag to become part and parcel of the right-wing republican Dirty Tricks toolbox seems par for the course.

And in doing so, having HP and Facebook data at the republicans’ hands could mean seriously bad mojo for decent Americans just because they are liberal/Democrats.

Those folks could use that data to strong arm employers to fire en masse countless millions across the country if they don’t vote as told.

I seriously wonder if this is one of the prime components of their desire to get their hands on the millions of Americans’ FB and HP accounts.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 6:33 pm

Huh. That was your trademark and I figured that was a given. How would your posting in all-caps hurt them?

Rhetorical question of course as the answer would be…not in the slightest. Just a way of tagging you.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 6:13 pm

Ha!…*wink wink*…gotchya! }; D

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 6:09 pm

CA, I’ve been giving a bit of thought over the afternoon (PST my time) about what you’ve said since I’d read your post.

Please forgive me if I bungle in saying this.

First, it isn’t sad you found good people to engage with at HP who helped you get through your difficult times. What is sad is your loss of your daughters. And for that please accept my heartfelt condolences, even though it’s been a few years.

It isn’t at all sad that you found an avenue (hopefully one of many, be it online and in your daily “real world” life) to reach out to others, share experiences, as I’m sure was done, which must certainly have helped you.

I’m finally commenting because I wonder that you may have read my posts just down the way and they may have been taken to suggest I was speaking about folks like yourself. On the contrary. I’m merely speaking about those who were at HP for many years like myself (signed in circa 2006) BEFORE the draconian totalitarianistic new sign-in requirements, threatened to leave but instead have chosen to remain and whine and cry on the now-hidden “Turning The Page On Anonymity” page in impotent rage, obvious futility and self-generated humiliation in begging them to change their multi-national, worldwide, corPirate octopus minds.

Not gonna happen. It’s over.

The thing we all had forgotten is the HP, like virtually all websites, if not all, are private entities who have every right to do as they see fit within the framework that the law allows, usually the laws they had they lobbyists grease the way into law via greasing the palms of countless politicians.

Huffington Post, for so many years, was taken for granted as a public square type place in which we all could forever say pretty much what we wanted to say. In some part of our minds we saw it as ours. It wasn’t. Not even close. They Big Brains of HPAOL, Facebook and whomever else was and is on what they doing and have planned for the future showed us in no uncertain terms whose site that is.

There’s no question that they way in which they did this latest assault on us “little people”, that is to say, We,The People, was as down and dirty as could be, clearly planned so as to freeze people out from posting the flood of posts like they saw in August. They wanted to minimize the amount of negative feedback so only had that page up for a short while, first on the Tech page, then on the main page for several days after the hammer fell, then on the Media page for couple more days, then…POOF!…no more. Went to out-of-sight of those who remained or any newbies signing on for the first time.

My posts down the way are aimed at those oldsters who chose to cave to HPAOLFB’s demands, while still complaining on that page even up to today. Some got fake FB accounts under fake names using fake or one-time cell phone numbers, in some sort of idea of going back in “stealth” mode like some sort of commando force or something, thinking they were getting something over on HPAOLFB. But we can be assured they took that into account as well in the planning of this and as long as those folks have an FB account and can be counted for some clicks as well as being tallied as a “body” as it were on their paperwork, that’s all they care about.

Right now they’re letting people vent on that “Turning” page just as they did, and are still allowing (having sussed that fact out today out of curiosity) people to still vent on the “Why Conversations? page that’s been hidden now for some time because they know they’ve corralled people there and posting there is an effort in futility, even if the people posting there refuse to accept it.

The only thing anyone who was pre-HPAOLFB is doing by remaining on board there is to aid and abet HPAOLFB in standing their ground, gaining a few more clicks and adding a body count to their paperwork. So HPAOLFB wins that way. While the posters lose. They lose their dignity and self-respect for having caved and humiliating themselves in continuing to complain on that “Turning” page.

The ONLY thing that is a genuine good fight against the HPAOLFB monster is to just plain leave, never look back, and spread the word throughout the internet, friends and family that HP, AOL and FB are…the enemy. That’s the only way to fight back.

They’re enemies not because they shut us out, but because of the Big Brotherish/NSAish/Soviet-like authoritarian attempts to have us walk in lock-step and give up our due and legal rights to privacy and security.Just as the illegitimately ensconced bush/cheney regimes did exploiting September 11th, 2001, to ram through the evil “Patriot Act”, effectively creating a sudden, permanent and ever-increasing police state.

My gripe is only with those who aid and abet the police state in any way, be it Big Business, government or on their favorite posting site.

As I said, I don’t know whether you read my posts or not, but your comments did make me want to clarify my view a bit more if you had. And I do hope I have, verbose as I am (which I am almost always, unfortunately in the minds of others I guess, but there it is).

Again, as a parent myself, I express my deepest sympathies for your loss and hope life is treating you better these days. I’ve wondered many times how I’d react if one of mine were to pass on before me. Had a few scares, as most parents do, and just that alone was…too much. So, I can only imagine how your loss impacted you.

Regarding “it all” I would quote one of my favorite wise men, albeit a fictional one, the great Red Green, “remember, we’re all in this together.”

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 6:02 pm

Ha! Brilliant, AdLib! I’d swear to any fairy tale god you’d choose that came from an actual real event.


» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 5:16 pm

Couldn’t agree more. They purposely set the dogs on us.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 5:11 pm

There ya go. Can’t add any further to what we’ve said.

Thanks for your thoughts. }8 )

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 5:07 pm

Well, that’s my take anyway.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 1:05 pm

The only thing that comes to mind for what you described, Kimba, is…SMH.

To hell with ’em, ‘eh.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 1:02 pm

It’s the opinion of many including myself that that is indeed part of the scheme, the purging of people who claimed that site for themselves for so long and had opinions supported by facts that, I suspect, went counter to what Her Huffiness and those of the top tier at corPirate AOL and Facebook have.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 12:50 pm

I think, Kilgore, if HP was still ONLY a simple news aggregate serving just one website, and that primarily being the American demographic, if they pulled this stuff they’d either go under or swiftly backtrack.

But because they calculatedly branched themselves out worldwide and have joined forces with Facebook (including fiscal resources you can be sure of that) the largest non-governmental data base, that like other multi-national businesses like a Wal-Mart or McDonald’s for example, if one relatively small section protest, as we’ve seen done to both those over the years, they can survive easily via all their others sections around the globe.

In a corPirate sense they are “too big to fail” as they set themselves up to be so.

Like Rome, HP may never be what we once knew it to be. But it will survive, maybe morph into something more, I mean, really, the website is only one aspect of the Huffington Post Media Group.

It’s just one tentacle now. It still might be (might be as we really don’t know what else they have their nefarious hands into behind the scenes) the primary or one of the primary
aspects, but make no mistake, they planned this out by making sure they could withstand a heavy loss for a time in this one section.

It’d be cool if they failed. But they won’t. But, those of us against their media online Big Brother version of the Patriot Act can take our stand the only way we can, by not having an account on either HP or FB and not frequenting HP, while getting the world out and hopefully help minimize the amount of newbies signing up.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 12:47 pm

I agree with your overall sentiment and do indeed sympathize, or rather, empathize, with those who already left and want to “vent”, as I myself have done, and am doing here now.

It’s the ones who knew better (not the newbies who signed-up post August and already bought into HP’s variation of the “Patriot Act) and still remain thinking they’re going to change HPAOLFB’s collective corPirate minds. Their constant posts of complaining, begging and pleading after having caved and went ahead and got themselves a Facebook account, giving away what ever data they did, simply aids and abets HPAOLFB via their clicks, how ever limited they might make them, as well as giving them an account to claim as part of their overall numbers worldwide, does nothing to protest against HPAOLFB, only help them.

See, like all other multi-national (worldwide) business, like a Wal-Mart, etc, that helps them off-set any decline in one area because of some small, relatively speaking, group “protesting”them. By combining forces and going worldwide they have created a virtually bullet-proof entity that can survive the withering of one tentacle until it grows back.

The ONLY way to truly do them damage is to completely break away and ignore them in toto.

Staying there out of some sentimental notions only helps them and adds to one’s frustration and sense of impotence.

I have empathy for those who left. Not those pre-FB Verification who remain and complain yet also humiliate themselves by begging, crying (some have actually said they’ve shed real, physical, tears over this!) for some morsel from HP, while also demanding those of us who had the intelligence to make the break to support them, enable them, in their humiliation and adding our “names”, be they our pseudonyms or our real names, to their begging, as I’ve seen many do, bringing others into it.

We’re gonna have to agree to disagree I suppose. But I stand by my thoughts.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 12:09 pm

Well, OR. It’s what makes sense of the whole situation. To me at least. And Arianna, AOL Zuckerberg/Facebook have proven themselves to not be above doing such things and worse.

These people/entities, being multi-national corPirate creatures in search of greater influence, power, and above all else, profits, see all the world and its people as resources to exploit for corPirate and especially personal gain.

So to them, the ends justify the means. Anything goes.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 11:49 am

Well, mad, while I agree with your assessment, which I think is stated so well in OperationResearch’s definition “* troll (n): Someone who posts deliberately inciting or incendiary comments, loaded with generalizations but devoid of real content, and who are impossible to initiate any meaningful, substantive discussion with”, I have observed countless people, on HP and all over the net, refer to others as trolls just because they simply didn’t agree with them. Not because the other person was even vehement in their disagreement, but simply because another didn’t agree with their view, their strongly held view, of this or that, so deemed them as a troll.

Same for the use of the word “hater”.

Too many people use those two words in order to demonize those who hold a different point of view.

I think the truer definition is what you describe. But are “trolls” always “drive-by” soundbiters? I don’t think so. That might be the more typical “troll”. But trolling can also comprise a lengthier set of comments as well. Trolling is, it seems to me, more of intent of the post than its length.

Still. I never saw trolls as a problem on the HP,or anywhere for that matter, as I would simply ignore them and they’d go away. The only time they might be a problem would be if they threatened someone. Otherwise, I just never saw them as a problem. They post to one’s post, so what? I and those who reply just ignore them. That is what they hate the most and makes them go away. Giving in to them by paying attention to them is what they crave.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 11:43 am

Just to add one more item to broaden the view of Arianna Huffington, there’s this as well:

“S.H.A.M.E. Project – Profile On Arianna Huffington”

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 10:28 am

KT. About four years ago or so the “predictor” badge I’d been awarded was taken away from me. When I asked around of some “moderator”, they said HP had done away with that business, yet I’d see other posters with badges.

I never knew the why of the whole badges thing until some many months ago, that it was some tool to cajole us into linking Facebook with HP.

But I’d gone into my settings a couple years ago and selected the “opt out” as badges didn’t mean anything tome anyway and decided against any possibility on being awarded one in the future (not knowing then what it was all about).

“Badges! We don’need no stinkin’ badges!”

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 10:18 am

I’ve come to believe HP created the “troll” and SPAMbot problem as well. Either by allowing them to post, while keeping most of “our” posts from being posted,and not removing them after “we” flagged them. Or, they actually did indeed have people of their own create accounts to do the trolling and spamming. Or…both.

In any case, I think, just as with the bush/cheney regime, they saw an opportunity to use the trolls and spammers as an excuse to install their own version of the odious “Patriot Act” in requiring anyone who wishes to post on their site to give up their anonymity, phone numbers, personal data and friends and family.

Talk about right-wing!

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 10:12 am

Hello, OR.

Maybe this article can offer some enlightenment on AH’s new agey sort of mindset (as well as on much else): “Arianna’s Virtual Candidate”

It’s a long read at something like 6 pages. But it offers great insight and well worth the read.

Also, as to HP going noticeably right-wing, consider that she was a (and really, still is) a typical craven, opportunistic, money-oriented republican, despite what she claims for PR purposes. She co-founded Huffington Post with, among others, the now deceased radical far-right conservative flamethrower Andrew Brietbart.

I knew about her leanings years ago from reading and hearing about her former husband’s attempt to buy his way upwards in politics. And between that stuff and her phony television persona on news shows I’ve never given her any credibility.

The National Enquirer-ization of Huffington Post to appeal to the widest audience, that is to say, the dumbed-down masses who want shiny baubles to gaze at, is highly profitable and that’s where, bottom line, Arianna, AOL and Facebook are at, mega profits.

Nonetheless, the site as it appears now is truly pathetic and sickening. As tabloid as anything out there, in print, on television and on-line.

Pretty stark, the fall from once, despite its namesake, being a high quality news aggregator to now being just another cheap, tawdry, checkout counter tabloid. It’s actually worse than the National Enquirer as it puts itself out there as a credible “NEWS” source, while the former makes no bones about being a tabloid.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 10:04 am

And let me reiterate, from my previous post of a few days back, that those who remain or have caved to HP’s demands, especially those who left in August and were cajoled back and still remain having caved, (some of those being some of the “icons” of the HP posting glitterati), yet are posting their whinings and pleas, literally begging HP, they are aiding and abetting Arianna, AOL and FB in standing their ground by still offering clicks(=$$$)with each post and page they glance at.

Do I judge them? Sure I do. That’s fair ground. I make no bones about it. Their hypocrisy is too glaring, their lack of credibility to apparent. All while begging (publicly even, albeit on a page that’s no longer on HP’s public pages) HP to change just so they can keep their beloved posting haven, well, how pathetic is that?

Frankly, I’m stunned at how so many have gone beyond the first week still wringing their electronic hands over this. I think it’s a testament to how far gone we as a society are that we let some net stuff make or break our real lives. It is, actually,quite shocking. No wonder politicians, economic top dogs and other power brokers have such an easy time doing what they want, too many people are getting all postified, Twittified, and otherwise distracted for all the “news” and posting online against them.

Basically, and note I included myself in the mix as well in my post, what we’ve been doing for too long is throwing posted shit against the wall thinking it means something. Even before HP’s recent lock-out and revision of its subscription requirements I was already one foot out the door having come to view the whole thing as just that, throwing posted shit against a wall.

They corralled people in these types of places allowing us tho delude ourselves that we were changing things, when in fact we were just put into electronic cordoned-off “protest sites” as it were, while the power brokers have done as they wished.

Maybe it’s time people put the net back on the shelf as the geegaw Rubik’s Cube it is to only once in a while take down to fiddle with for a few moments; to instead get back outside into the light of day and neath the moon to live real lives again.

I’ve come to the opinion the net is the shiny bauble, the mesmerizing crystal, that allows the power brokers to hypnotize us while they go about pillaging and plundering, raping and murdering We, The People, be it intellectually, spiritually, socially, politically or literally, for their own gain.

Of course, as noted, all of this is just my opinion.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 9:44 am

Mm,Julieanne. Indeed. I think too many people confuse opposition, especially strong opposition, with “trolls”, whore only out to chuck some incendiary bomb, sometimes in a “false flag op” manner, just to rile people.

One thing that a few have mentioned here and there is the the very likely possibility that HP itself created its own “trolls” and SPAMbots. Recall how right after the August fiasco when they first announced they wanted people to use FB, then so many left or protested, then they backed off, that from then on out we saw a flood of “troll” and SPAMbot posts. And we all noted how so many innocuous posts of ours would be held up for hours and even days, while “troll” and SPAM posts would be allowed and would remain, even after having been flagged by countless.

I think there’s some merit in this line of thinking as we certainly know those “moderators” were all over the threads and constantly keeping out posts of all kinds….except these “troll” and SPAM posts.

Either they created them themselves, or allowed them through or both. Either way, I’m leaning to the notion they facilitated the perception that “trolls” and spammers were on the increase and they had to do something drastic. When in fact, the moderation they already had in place easily dealt with it, until they decided to allow, use, or generate them themselves for their own needs.

» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 9:18 am

Please note these words: “I’m not making a judgement on any place I’ve visited since leaving HP, this place included.”

That was in reference to places outside of HP. Not about people.


» Posted By Mr. Hoodoo On December 17, 2013 @ 9:08 am

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