
Love, Peace, and Happiness, these are matters of importance to me. My desire is that the Earth and all within her will eventually have the opportunity to enjoy these emotions incessantly.


In America, the USA, we are beginning the primaries that will help decide which candidate will run for the coveted office of President of the nation. It appears we will continue to be more divided than ever. How can we unite under one banner? How can we bring the citizens of this country into agreement?

Too Big To Fail Still Irks Me

Capitalism is apparently a continuous merry go round of bubbles and then burst where the economy is concerned, but the too big to fail are bailed out by the too poor and too insignificant to matter when it comes to returning the economy to its former self.


Education is a strange thing. It is not just putting together a few facts, learning the principles of mathematic equations or just simple math, stringing together a bit of his story and our story, something that often can’t be verified or understood but just taken for granted, dabbling in the sciences etc.

What Can We Actually Do to Stop The Conflict Between Police and Minorities?

Can we as citizens of this nation have an influence on policies that could help to alleviate some of the pain/strife that we see in this nation? Should we be trying to make this country/this world a better place or should we just be spectators?