When the Democrats have to be told home truths by Pat Buchanan, you know something is not only rotten, it's shameful.
Earlier this week, in one of his many appearances...
The British have a great phrase for expressing the fact that someone is undergoing a particularly angering derangement syndrome. They simply say that someone "has a cob on." Well,...
The kindergarten of spoiled, affluent children pretending to  dabble in politics, otherwise known as Netroots Nation, hit a new low when the White House communications director, Dan Pfeiffer,...
OK, I wondered how long it would be before the media just couldn't resist the temptation to encourage the unthinking tranche of the Left (which I'm increasingly calling...
New Rule: If we stop treating politicians like the celebrities they're not, maybe then they'll act like responsible people we trust to represent us, instead of the celebrities they're...
Now, six years later, he's back and running again for the GOP nomination. It reveals a sad state of Republican affairs in the Commonwealth when Allen's opponents for the Republican nod are a Tea Partier and a State politician who advocates Virginia minting its own currency and who manages to make Pat Buchanan look like a Progressive. In the world of the Republican blind, the one-eyed George Allen is king, at least in Virginia.
She's a side show, a carnival barker, a hoyden of ignorance who's also skillful at subtlely reminding people of equal ignorance what differentiates between their real America and the Europhiliacs of coastal elitism, without offering any tangible solutions to these people's real problems
Word out today says Mitch Daniels doesn't plan to run for President in 2012. With Mike Huckabee and Haley Barbour deciding not to make a go of it, that...
Nowadays, with the internet and social networking sites, more and more self-appointed political pundits are using this media, in addition to more traditonal forms, to spread their opinions to a wider audience. Further still, many double as "political contributors" to the various 24/7 cable news outlets.
My father, a lifelong Democrat and a fervent union supporter, always maintained that even the Left had its limits.
"Go far enough to the Left in your opinions," he'd always...