

Some Not Very Strong Arguments Against Action in Libya

As I have been considering this "war" in Libya, I have been countering any number of arguments against the Admin's actions.    I would list them as such: 1)  The risk...

Nature of debate, Goodbye Christopher Hitchens

Hey guys, It has been quite a while since I have troubled you with my contrarian views.   Sorry to not have stirred things up for a while.   I feel it...

Duking it out!

Now some of you might like to think that I give you a hard time.   I think of Harry Truman, when people shouted at him "Give'em hell, Harry!" he...

Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar: Sparkman Committed Suicide

I freely admit that I was among the loudest accusing the reactionaries of colluding int the brutal murder of Federal employee and census worker, Bill Sparkman. I was wrong.   Sparkman...