
I am an artist and have lived in Los Angeles all of my life, except for a brief hippie period when I lived in SF. I am currently (semi-unwillingly) retired, but have had several careers.

Talk Me Down!

Countdown is reporting that the new Senate bill CAPS insurance coverage. That there will be annual coverage limits.  BIG loophole. Insurance companies can determine if they've spent too  much...

Thoughts on the Bailout Reporting—FWIW Department

Obama made a big mistake during the very first days of his Presidency on this. But… I remember the panic in September 2008. I saw both Democrat and Republican Congress...

Don’t Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the OK: Vote Dem!

Over at that other site, I read too many posts from frustrated, angry Democrats. Hey, I get it. I am frustrated and angry with my Party too—frustrated with Obama...

INCREMENATALISM: Grown Up or Beaten Down?

INCREMENTALISM—Or, I’ve Either Grown Up or Have Been Beaten Down. During the past months of the health care reform debate, I have been on an emotional roller-coaster, sometimes at the...


Hi everyone! I am still trying to get the feel of this place and learn how to comment, reply and do that star thingy, so please be patient-- hard...

Bernanke Said What?!

Bernanke wants to cut WHAT!? Social Security and Medicare? Really?? I was so sick of hearing from the Right how we liberals are always looking for a government “handout” that...