
Real people. Real opinions.

That’s what PlanetPOV is all about.

The media and internet are brimming with talk show hosts, politicians, celebrities, lobbyists, journalists, etc. expressing their views and analysis on what’s happening in the world around us. However, all too often, their daily lives are quite removed from the real world they’re discussing.

The proposition behind PlanetPOV is that the opinions and perspectives of real people can be at least as (if not more) insightful on real issues as those from people who make a profession out of offering theirs. Considering how often the experts are wrong, beating their batting average may not be such a challenge.

Many sites offer visitors the opportunity to comment on the news stories and articles they present. Your opinion is an extra at those sites, at PlanetPOV, it’s the star of the show.

PlanetPOV was founded by bloggers for bloggers. Our combined experience on some of the web’s most popular blogs have given us a valuable perspective on creating a site that truly respects and values its members, promotes and encourages Freedom of Expression and is vigilant and prepared to keep trolls and disruptive types from interfering with thoughtful and entertaining discussions.

While this is a progressively-minded site, all perspectives from all parties and independent voters are desired and welcome. We want a full spectrum of healthy debates and discussions here on any and all issues of substance,  all we ask is that members give the same degree of respect to those they disagree with as they would like to receive themselves.

We are pleased to host innovative, creative and interactive features including:

  • Vox Populi – A live chat each Friday night on the week’s political events, open to all members.
  • Live Events – When an important live event takes place, we host live chats for members to share their perspectives on it as it’s happening.
  • Weekend Music Thread – A fun break from political discussions to share music videos with fellow members on the musical theme of the day.
  • Speakers’ Corner – A category to which any member can post any article with images and videos that could be selected to appear on the front page.

Once again, welcome to PlanetPOV, your world of opinion!