If Donald Trump had nothing to hide about his and his staff’s contacts with the Ukraine, then why was there an immediate clamp-down on information, transcripts and tapes after the “whistle-blower” event? To hide something else bigger? Not likely! He may lose his office over this one. To frame Democrats for framing him (for trying to frame Joe Biden)? Still not likely, because it would be so pitifully obvious in the end that the whole scheme came from the deranged minds of Trump and Giuliani; when everyone, even Republican voters are fed up with constant lies and deceptions. The whole thing would be a lie to Congress. It would be an immense fraud against the Congress of the United States by the Republican Party.

And, for once, the lie just won’t stand that there is, “nothing to hide;” when we are being told at the same time that an important Defense Department official, privy to Trump’s conversation with Zelensky, was: “shaken” by what he heard.

Even if this was a deliberate deception by Democrats, we would still want to know everything discoverable. But, a Democratic plot is impossible, because there was no way to have predicted in advance what Trump’s reaction would be at any given point. It’s hard to deceive someone who has no idea what’s going on.

Trump wants to be the “Ultimate Fixer” for the world. But, that agenda is failing fast. Why did it take three meetings with Erdogan? Why was he denied at least six times by Ukraine? I don’t think that world leaders, especially the worst ones like Erdogan and Putin, trust Trump’s judgement; but even an intelligent psychopath or two have known better than to hitch their cart to his horse. He is unreliable. The legitimate Democratic leaders don’t want to have anything to do with him. They would not want to be seen as a fellow conspirator with Trump and his friends – his crooked friends.

Maybe if Trump had not lied to us so many times! (Who did he think he was; disrespecting us with all the secrecy, deception and lies – we are the voters, and we are ultimately his jury.) Maybe if he had ever trusted us – in anything – then we could trust his word. But, that opportunity is lost, and the time long past, when anyone will trust “president” Trump again.

President Donald J. Trump committed “Obstruction of Justice” officially, when he sealed all documents concerning a report of… what do we call it, “a lapse of reason” – on his own part.

Whether or not Trump actually believes that it is moral and ethical to interfere in the elections of foreign countries, or invite them to interfere in ours, it is a crime.

We watched Trump commit Obstruction of Justice. He dared us. What are we going to do about it?

You know the credo of the mobster: “No one can tell me what to do!”

Wanna bet?

White House official said Zelensky call was ‘crazy’ and ‘frightening’ in memo


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Air Force brat. My dad was shepherd to a bunch of B-52's; the GI's called that place "20 Minutes From Armageddon;" because a missile launched in East Germany would pop over our heads twenty minutes later. That put me in some of the best schools anywhere. I wrote in the Press Office of a powerful, charismatic Midwestern Governor. I dabble in graphic arts. My 50+ entertainment sites get a few million visits, and I have stopped counting the fans, likes, and shares, per year. I've rambled the world, hitched around the continent (counter-clockwise). Climbed a couple of teeners, been to a couple of thousand rock, blues, and jazz concerts. I was at a free concert on Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, CA with about 350,000 freaks and hippies; and other festivals. I won a writing contest when I was six. It was a Poe-like horror story taken from an account of a mining disaster. I had already been reading Edgar Allan Poe (which may explain a lot). I could read before I could talk. I implemented some of the first client/server, TCP-IP networks (the Internet) at many of the world's largest corporations. I know a half-dozen programming languages, and have implemented and administered many network operating systems. Right now I build ebikes, and lithium batteries from scratch. I was taught that race and ethnicity don't set us apart. I think that the best thing that could happen in this country would be if a woman were to be elected President of the United States. I admire President Obama more than any man in history, save one.

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Dahlia Swan
Dahlia Swan

I wouldn’t even call it a transcript that was released – it’s a white house memo. The fact alone that Trump was asking a foreign government to investigate an opponent in the 2020 election s/b a no-brainer of election interference. His comments to the Ukraine president was not just inappropriate but very dumb and dangerous as well. The real problem is we will have Pence as President who most likely just pardon Trump, if impeached.