Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad. a good week?

2 hours ago
Considering Trump blew up himself three different ways after getting Barr to front his coverup…yeah.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I hope Roger Stone goes to jail where Barbara Bush was adored!’

2 hours ago
Yeah, Barr has dug a nice hole there, hasn’t he?

2 hours ago
Mr. Blobby must be shaking in his boots about the Tax files

2 hours ago
Stone’s Nixon tattoo is going to get punched in the face.
AdLib 2 hours ago
More South than that, AD!

2 hours ago
What’s been ridiculous is the pundit community giving Barr the “benefit of the doubt” when he clearly proved he was going to cover up for Trump with his unsolicited report. Now they’re shocked he’s covering it up?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Mueller’s staff are no longer bound to stay silent. This is going to get ‘interesting’

2 hours ago
I’ve heard that when Trump has the IR refuse to release his taxes, it will be a long fight to get them. I don’t see why, it’s a flat out law Congress can demand anyone’s tax returns, how long does it take to get courts to rule on a 100 year ol law?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Maybe we should exile the GOP to Wind Farms and let the cancers take their course.

2 hours ago
I’d hate to think what tattoo Stone has farther south…Trump’s face?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, right, The Laws are there. Have been and no one challenged to date, so, tough titties, BLob, hand ’em over.

2 hours ago
Ad, why has Bernie suddenly become shy about HIS?

2 hours ago
I like the idea that no matter how Trump and Barr try to cover up the report, Dems in The House can always call Mueller and his investigators to say what’s in the reports. And hopefully, in public hearings!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I thought Trump’s voice causes brain cancer.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Dementia, for sure, AD!

2 hours ago
Doesn’t Mueller already have extracts for the Hill?

2 hours ago
The law is very clear, no ambiguity, certain House Chairmen can ask and recieve anyone’s tax returns, including the president.
AdLib 2 hours ago
straight from the IRS, yes? No need to go via WH?

2 hours ago
Ad, MUST they be provided and what penalties of they don’t?

2 hours ago
Bernie is going to self-destruct I think and it sure seems like he wants to hide his tax returns. What could be in them???
AdLib 2 hours ago
Congress should investigate oranges.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yes, Mueller’s team wrote up summaries but they can’t release them to Congress…at least, not without a subpoena.
AdLib 2 hours ago
His millions might tarnish his ‘I’m one of you blue collar guys” image,not to mention where he gets payments from Lobbyists

2 hours ago
Ad, Subpoena? Hold My beer!

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Hey everyone! Made it more or less on time! How is everyone?

2 hours ago
Nope, Trump has no legal say over the IRS releasing his tax returns to Congress so the fact that he states he is the one refusing them, means he is adding another tearing up of the Constitution to his record.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO and AdLib! Lovely to see you. I’ll be glad to hold your beer, PPO!

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Ad – Trump can SAY he won’t release them. He doesn’t have to. The IRS does and SHALL (bless Nancy Pelosi).

2 hours ago
If Trump can pressure the IRS to break the law and refuse providing Trump’s taxes, once a court orders them to do so, if they refuse then, the court can find the IRS official(s) in contempt and jail them until the documents are provided.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad – that is exactly right. The law is clear. The IRS has NO grounds upon which to refuse.

2 hours ago
PPO – Trump’s cult members don’t care about anything but having him continue his hateful crusade in their name. Sick people.
AdLib 2 hours ago
LOVED the Pelosi retort: don’t need to ask him!

2 hours ago
PPO – yes. Nancy and her Spine of Steel!

2 hours ago
I keep asking, vainly it seems, is there any way of neutralizing McConnell?

2 hours ago
Ad – I think of Cornelius Vanderbilt when it comes to Trump; Vanderbilt once said, “Law? Law? What to I care about the law? H’ain’t I got the POWER?” That’s Trump’s operating standard.

2 hours ago
PPO – define “neutralize”, and we can talk…

2 hours ago
Pelosi’s stating the law as it is. Trump should have no power, this is just between Congress and the IRS. But knowing Trump, he will threaten and twist arms with Mnuchin and the IRS to have them refuse. Then the courts will have to force them and when they refuse then, let’s see who wants to go to prison protecting the traitor.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad – spot ON. Looking at all the folks who, when confronted by Mueller and the spectre of prison, did a 180 and cooperated. Nothing cools extremist ardor quite as much as prison as their future.

2 hours ago
CL – Sadly, that is the case. Power and wealth is above the law in the U.S.. Trump is just expanding that sad truth.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, it’s been real since post Civil War, and we’ve successfully pushed it back time and again. I seriously think people such as Schiff and Pelosi plus all the other good Dems w legal knowlege, will be our salvation.

2 hours ago
HEre’s hoping, cl.

2 hours ago
The only way to stop McConnell is in the 2020 elections. Dems need to take The Senate then with a Dem President, stock up the judiciary with plenty of liberal judges to counterbalance this madness and knife in the heart of democracy McConnell has committed.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – the laws are far more complex and thus important than simpletons claim they are.

2 hours ago
Who’d like to see Mnuchin in Orage Jumpsuit? Me ME Me

2 hours ago
Someone is challenging Mitch for 2020. She’s a vet, very popular, and Mitch is trailing in the 30% range for support. I think he’s not going to survive.

2 hours ago
CL – What about Barr? How confident is he that covering up the Mueller Report and in the end, being proven to have hidden its truths about Trump, won’t land him in prison?
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – Same here. Mnuchin won’t look good in orange either.

2 hours ago
cl, pity he can wreack so much havoc between now and then.

2 hours ago
Barr shows cracks already. He did the cover up for Reagan on Iran Contra. He won’t survive this.

2 hours ago
PPO – That’s why I insist we should investigate the oranges.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – I know. And he will try. But we have to push as hard as we can for him to get scared.

2 hours ago
Hear, Hear, AD!

2 hours ago
Ad – I saw that – oragnes of law are very important here.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
CL – I have little faith in red state voters but do hope very much that McConnell can’t swindle a re-election when he claerly is the most despised politician in his state.
AdLib 2 hours ago
What about us Oragnes, then?????

2 hours ago
Oragnes are beloved. Oranges, not so much when it comes to presidential speechs and jumpsuits.

2 hours ago
Maybe we can get Tim Apple to investigate the oranges?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Maybe Trump’s dementia will take him out before the 2020 election does?
AdLib 2 hours ago
AdLib – KY is not, at the moment, as electorally corrupt as some other states. Never say never, but I think McC. is done.

2 hours ago
Ad – let us hope!

2 hours ago
Did I see a plaque on Obama’s bit of the Border, attributing it to Mr. Blobby?

2 hours ago
PPO – I totally missed that plaque issue. What happened?

2 hours ago
CL – I sure hope that’s the case, there’s no way McConnell should win re-election with polling in the 30s. Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell

AdLib 2 hours ago
CL, trying to drop it here:

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Odd how even KY voters who replaced a GREAT Dem gov with a wimpy GOP one are now totally off McC.

2 hours ago
One of the first things the new Dem Pres should do is have Trump’s plaque on Obama’s fence removed because it is an official fraud.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – it doesnt’ click open, so I’ll look at it later. Thanks.

2 hours ago
Ad – AMEN! No plaques for Donnie!

2 hours ago
OK, cl Google has heaps of images

2 hours ago
CL – People in KY have got to see what the rest of the country can see in McConnell sabotaging our democracy. Positions on issues aside, he’s destroyed the Senate.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Cool, PPO. Thanks!

2 hours ago
PPO – To get an image to appear, the URL must end with a graphic type, like .jpg
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – the key for millions is the threat against health care. KY had a great program, KYnect, and it’s teetering on GOP threats. People are scared.

an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Oh, OK, Ad

an hour ago
Ad… Fee, Fi, FO Fum.

an hour ago
PPO – LOL!!!! Got it down, thank you!

an hour ago
CL – Healthcare does seem to be the magic bullet that Dems have to win elections. The Dem candidates for president who run on it will do very well.
AdLib an hour ago
But Trump said Republicans will be the party of healthcare…as they try to take it away from 25 million Americans.
AdLib an hour ago
As a longtime supporter of CA single payer, I now no longer am at the national level. Why? NOBODY has been willing to do the math needed to show at the micro level, costs and coverage. So promises of Medicare for All don’t thrill me. It would require a 40% cut across the board on everything. It’s not sustainable.

an hour ago
Ad, Healthcare is the key point, especially when the GOP have nothing in any pipeline.

an hour ago
And 2018 proved that the immigration terrorizing that Trump thinks is his golden ticket to re-election is a loser nationwide.
AdLib an hour ago
That said, anyone who promises to DO that research, find the best plan, and beef up ACA in the meantime will probably be carried into Rome on the shoulders of grateful people a la the Caesars of old.

an hour ago
Ad, I think that old GOP furphy: ‘Terrify ’em so they vote for us ‘ is long gone. It is now more like ‘We terrify them and they won’t vote for us. Bannon is missed in the halls of the GOP!!!

an hour ago
People have figured out that “they” are not coming, “they” aren’t doing the harm. It’s the GOP.

an hour ago
CL – I think it’s better to work towards a single payer system by phasing in Medicare buy-in for younger and younger people until it’s available to all. Then you just need to get rid of the payroll cap on paying into Medicare and taxing the wealthy as Warren has proposed and we can get there. Gradually though and always allowing people to purchase private plans if they want.
AdLib an hour ago
That MIGHT work, but if it requires a 40% cut to all payments including the orderlies and docs, it will NOT work. UC Davis pays internal med docs $127K per year. These are folks on the front lines, primary care. How can they exist on $80K especially with HUGE student debt? How could anyone take a 40-% pay cut? We need a commitment to “do the math” before we do anything.

an hour ago
Ad, yes, the panicked squealing by Fox and the like of ‘convoys of militant Muslims from the 3 Mexicos’ doesn’t resonate any more. people are more scared about home-grown White Supremacist terrorism than a few asylum seekers.

an hour ago
PPO – that’s the damned truth.

an hour ago
PPO – even cops are far more afraid of white terrorists now. Yikes.

an hour ago
CL – Yes, Job One should be fixing the ACA and bringing down prescription drug prices. Then opening up Medicare for people over 50 to buy in, then phase in younger and younger people until we have a universal plan that people can opt-in or out of.
AdLib an hour ago
That seems rational.

an hour ago
southern new police hound named ‘Rommel’, of all things, had his name changed after backlash about Nazis in the Cops.

an hour ago
PPO – People get immune to being terrified after fear has been pumped into them then proven false. Trump is the ass that cried wolf and too many recognize that to give him a majority in 2020.
AdLib an hour ago
Rommel???? WTF? These tiki torch Nazis need to be squashe and certainly eliminated from law enforcement. What the HELL was wrong w “Patton” for a name?

an hour ago
CL – The estimates about the 40% cuts is based on many assumptions, some of which I don’t think are accurate. Consider all the countries that have single payer, in most situations, the program pro-rata is sufficient to provide full health care at a rate that is less than what americans are already paying. It ay be higher than what optimists think but much lower than what pessimists think.
AdLib an hour ago
Someone mentioned why not Patton? Dumb is as dumb gets.

an hour ago
CL – Here are numbers from single-payer country Canada: Canadian doctors have an average annual income (before taxes) of a little more than $225,000. But, again, there is a range, from psychiatrists, the specialists who bill the least ($232,000 gross; $186,000 net), to ophthalmologists, who bill the most ($676,000 gross; $418,000 net).

www.theglobeandmail.com%2Flife%2Fhealth-and-fitness%2Fhealth%2Fhow-much-are-canadian-doctors-paid%2Farticle7750697%2F&usg=AOvVaw1IGv-tG_L-TNoKt49mJZOq” style=”word-wrap: break-word; overflow-wrap:break-word;”>https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjS9Z_kuLrhAhVNgK0KHZVdAjsQFjABegQIDBAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theglobeandmail.com%2Flife%2Fhealth-and-fitness%2Fhealth%2Fhow-much-are-canadian-doctors-paid%2Farticle7750697%2F&usg=AOvVaw1IGv-tG_L-TNoKt49mJZOq>
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – the 40% cut is built in to Medicare. That’s what they pay NOW. Taxing the rich would maybe help beef up reimbursement levels, but we want that money for every OTHER program, too. Nobody has done the deep dive into the sums we get from taxing the rich v all our spending wants.

an hour ago
CL – Medicare would have to be reformed to provide better pay for doctors if the country went single payer. Copying Canada, for example. Revenue would have to be built in through taxing wealth and unlimited taxing on payroll for Medicare.
AdLib an hour ago
CL – You are right though that the discounted pay that Medicare now provides doctors would have to be reformed.
AdLib an hour ago
The problem w comparing rates v Canada lies in Medicare as it is v Canada as it is. We don’t begin to pay our docs that MUCH now, and on Medicare, it is less. It’s a fantasy about the rich docs. Sure they’re middle and up, but they aren’t millionaires. More to the point, services cost money for all personnel, supplies, equipment, etc. and we HAVE to do the economics.

an hour ago
just read Mueller’s Grand Jury recovened Friday! 1st since Stone indictment in Jan

an hour ago
PPO – yup. Mueller ain’t done.

an hour ago
CL – Agreed, but considering how much more per capita Americans pay for health insurance and expenses, a reformed system could be designed to reduce prices while increasing pay to doctors.
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Just in from a meeting. How are you all! PPO! CHoice! aaannnndddd AD!

an hour ago
What’s cooking”

an hour ago
PPO – And prosecutors in the mystery company case said the Grand Jury is very busy on Mueller cases now!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – the US costs are not necessarily about the MED costs as much as the INSURANCE costs. That’s why this has to be unpacked.

an hour ago
What was the meeting, Murph?
AdLib an hour ago
CL….insurance and medicine as engines of profit!

an hour ago
Neighborhood “association”

an hour ago
There is a coalition of Mo. state legislatures that are trying to make it a requirement that all adults in the state be required to own a firearm.

an hour ago
OK – since in CA most of the hospitals are non profit or public, ‘profit’ is a weird word. Again – we need to do the match to figure out where surplus lies.

an hour ago
CL – Right but if the insurance companies are removed from the process, a ton of more money is freed up in a single payer system to increase payments to doctors while reducing costs to patients.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I heard it was a requirement that each of you had to have an AR-15. A mere rifle just won’t do! Is that accurate?

an hour ago
Having lived with the National Health Systems in both the UK and Canada I can attest to both giving greater value to far more people than anything in hte U.S.

an hour ago
Murph – I read about that insanity. Apparently, RW Repubs in MO think the Constitution only consists of the 2nd Amendment. They really think in a free country, you can force citizens to buy a dangerous product they don’t want? Like a gun? Or Trump?
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, oh for God’s sake, even after NZ?

an hour ago
CL…that is part of the language in one draft.

an hour ago
Ad – that’s not necessarily accurate. The amount we pay in insurance had, after ACA, only a 15% margin of profit for insurance companies. Take the base – it still may cost the same w only a 15% saving. That’s not much actually, to cover everyone.

an hour ago
Ad and CL and PPO….the NRA is deeply behind this…..trying to find something to reanimate their base, their general support and their lagging membership and coffers.

an hour ago
Harleigh….? here and gone and then here again.

an hour ago
hi kids

an hour ago
hi pops!

an hour ago
Murph – I don’t disagree w the principle of universal coverage only w the idea that is Medicare. And now, reports are that the Tories are penny pinching so that the most up to date drugs are NOT given to patients due to costs they cannot control. There are many glitches in any system. We need a due diligence exam of ALL of them.

an hour ago

an hour ago
lol yep 71 tuesday

an hour ago
hi hon!

an hour ago
Harleigh – you’re a young’un. Happy birthday!

an hour ago
Murph, I think the Rank and File of the NRA are trying to get rid of the Manufacturers reps in the Association, the real Gun Runners and lobbyists.

an hour ago
CL….there are holes in every system and the Tories have decided to be Trumpsters in Parliamentary guise….

an hour ago
Happy Bidet, Harleigh!

an hour ago
CL – But something is not adding up. If Americans are paying double what most countries with single payer are paying, that 15% figure isn’t representative of the savings.
AdLib an hour ago
TY. at least i’m not demented like Spanky

an hour ago
Murph – the fact the Tories CAN do that shows a weakness we need to understand.

an hour ago
Harligh – could you sub in as president then? We’d support you!

an hour ago
PPO..the Manufacturers and Retailers backed a coup by ultras in the mid 1980’s and have exercised policy control ever since. The thing is the NRA are models of understanding when compared with the growing Gun Owners of America.

an hour ago
Ad, Obscene salaries and commissions paid out. That’s where the discrepancies go.

an hour ago

an hour ago
Ad- well, we WERE paying double (and may be again where ACA is eviscerated) but after ACA that wasn’t true.

an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!

AdLib an hour ago
Ooooh – yum!

an hour ago
Ad – that’s gluten free, right?

an hour ago
‘m licensed HC agent. a real cost line for single payer would be along the lines of a medicare plan G. that looks awesome!!!

an hour ago
Murph – Clearly, this is an NRA plot but it is plainly unconstitutional, just a good fundraiser.
AdLib an hour ago
ACA in my neck of the woods is shining brighter and brighter every day as the realization of what life without it is becoming clearer….esp. when even our dimmest bulbs are beginning to accept that the GOP not only does not have a plan but does not want a plan.

an hour ago
What’s a Medicare Plan G? I’m concerned NOT just about the cost to us, but to adequate reimbursements to docs, orderlies, nurses, etc.

an hour ago
Gluten-free, calorie-free and free-free.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad – We knew there were reasons we loved you. Thank you!

an hour ago
Ad…one of the stratagems being considered is tying home owner insurance rates to proof that the owner can defend his/her property.

an hour ago
Murph – I am so pissed it took all this to get your dim neighbors to wise up.

an hour ago
Murph and CL – Yes, there are holes in other single payer systems but no hole is as big as Americans paying double for less medical care and worse outcomes.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – what happens when a gun owning property owner gets that gun seized by the bad guys and used against him.her?

an hour ago
plan G is 100 percent coverage withe a annual 185 dollar deductible for between 90 – 150 depending on where you live

an hour ago
CL…now that the song is no longer covered by copyright…know that I am singing Happy Birthday to you right now.

an hour ago
Wow – never heard of that, Harleigh. Thanks!

an hour ago
CL….not really wised up, just less dumbed down.

an hour ago
Ad…agreed, the most money for an inferior product.

an hour ago
LOL – thank you, Murph! That’s a good way of describing your community. Sigh.

an hour ago
PPO – Great points. Only profits are limited for insurance companies. Expenses that would be eliminated would pour lots of money in to pay for coverage in a single payer system.
AdLib an hour ago
it’s medicare…. does not cover dental. vision. hearing or drugs.

an hour ago
Harleigh – nope. Never has.

an hour ago
CL…that property owner gets publicly castigated for a failure to have more guns to stop the taking of the one gun.

an hour ago
Murph – thought that would happen…

an hour ago
I sell all that nationwide all day. LOL

an hour ago
Murph – Er…so the state will dictate calculating risk to insurance companies? Um…what happened to the free market?
AdLib an hour ago
When I tell friends in the UK that our national medical system (medicare) does not cover dental, vision or hearing….their jaws drop.

an hour ago
Ad….what are you…..a…..a…..a…..SOCIALIST!

an hour ago
Ad – the fallacy is that it WOULD do what you say, shift spending from insurance to medical coverage but even Sheila Kuehl couldn’t actually work out the math to create a self sufficient system. And that indicates that we don’t actually know what we’re doing yet.

an hour ago
Harleigh – It’s a much better plan to have a low-cost single payer plan then allow people to buy supplemental plans for non-covered areas. Like Medicare Part B.
AdLib an hour ago
no cost regulation on drugs. get the same stuff in canada or mexico for 75-90 percent off, made in duhmurikkka.

an hour ago
Mruph – social democrat. Socialism’s med systems pretty much suck. Social democracies do a good job, and we can, too, IF we have someone do the deep dive into actual costs, coverage, etc. NOBODY but Sheila Kuehl has done that.

an hour ago
CL…our entire social safety neck needs to be reexamined and replumbed. No one has the capacity to do this.

an hour ago
Well, folks, I’m away. Fall back tonight! See you all next week. Happy Easter holidays to all.

an hour ago
Murph – Medicare Part B plans can indeed include dental, hearing and vision, Advantage plans can. The cost can be $135/mo and up, not terrible.
AdLib an hour ago
CL….yeah, you socialists always try to use word salad to hid the truth…..we Show Me staters with Show You.

an hour ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I’m with you 100%. I personally want a return to OEO programs that raised people out of poverty rather than sustained them through it. Disability sure. Support for homeless, sure, but finding ways to actually empower people? Priceless.

an hour ago
medicare by itself is a 80/20 plan with deductibles on parts a and b.

an hour ago
Ad…the basic plan makes those extras something my european friends cannot comprehend.

an hour ago
PPO – Happy weekend. Easter is what – two weeks off? Enjoy the holidays!

an hour ago
Murph – Exactly! Repubs attack Dems as socialists but openly support fascism, which mandating the purchase of guns would be.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – that’s the weakness in propagating the EXISTING system, and expanding it will cost more, of course. MATH, people! MATH! And at the MICRO not just macro levels.

an hour ago
Adlib – If they love fascism, I’m amazed they’d let someone like Murph HAVE a gun. Or me for that matter.

an hour ago
i’ve had guns since was 8. only have 2 pistols now, have not fired them in decades!!! lol

an hour ago
CL…and there you get to a reality….it is not clear who is really for economic empowerment. I live in inner city Chicago in the days of the Great Society and regard Head Start as a wonder until a local principal informed me that pre-k’s would be a far better idea as Head Start was nothing but a massive pork barrel boondoggle from the contractors who built crappy buildings to the directors who hired untrained friends to parents who just wanted a babysitters and did not give a damn about goals….shatter for liberal me.

an hour ago
CL – It’s pretty basic logic, we’re paying double per capita for worse health care than most of the rest of the world. Just pulling it all apart and understanding where the money is going will solve that issue. The net results prove the money’s sufficient.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, but under fascism the trains ran on time, and the leader nations got their pride back.

an hour ago
CL….shhhhhh….they have no idea how well armed I am.

an hour ago
Here is Mo. unseasonably cool, very wet, flooding all over the place….Easter?

44 minutes ago
Murph – I’d reject that assessment of Head Start. What might well be true for Chicago (I grew up there) wasn’t true elsewhere. the Great Society programs WORKED, and I was with many of them in Philadelphia, Indianapolis, etc. That’s why they came under fire. They actually elevated POC. and you can’t permit THAT in a white dominant conservative world.

44 minutes ago
Murph – we’re among friends who know these facts of you. This goes no further…

44 minutes ago
CL….Chicago may be its own case, but I look at the nationwide impact of the Great Society and finds its legacy disappointing at best.

43 minutes ago
if jebus sees his shadow on easter we get 6 more weeks of bad winter weathe.

43 minutes ago
Harleigh is that when he pops out of the tomb?

42 minutes ago
CL – So the path may be fixing the ACA while constructing a new financially viable system for single payer that utilizes the double cost we now pay to finance the system. Kuehl has tried but if she’s one person, others may need to figure it out but it can be done mathmatically.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Murph – I think he did that already, didn’t he?

42 minutes ago
yep and zombies out to the peeps….

42 minutes ago
So what do we think about Joe Biden?
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Harleigh – Then you get a gun-rebate!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
he’s ok but way to early for me to find a fav yet

41 minutes ago
Ad – well, we all agreed that Sheila did great work, but the new DSoc bill was just shit. The macro analysis is very good. There is zero micro – don’t have a clue what it would cost each of us. They were too arrogant to USE her bill to build upon. And they screwed it up. Same with the federal bills. They suck.

40 minutes ago
Ad….Joe….luv the guy but he feels more and more antiquated…..as does Bernie…..the electorate seeking change tends to do things like choose an Obama after a Bush, or a Trump after a Obama….does Biden feel like change?

40 minutes ago
Ad – I’m OK with Biden or anyone but Bernie. I’m done w Bernie forever for his lazy ass policies and inherent elite racism. He’s going on FOX after pandering to Jerry Falwell Jr at Liberty U. NO WAY is he OK.

39 minutes ago
to me those guys look like old spice or aqua velva

39 minutes ago
Murph – right now all we can focus on is ending fascism. I will take ANYONE who can beat Trump.

39 minutes ago
CL…and Bernie did not do what needed to be done for Hillary either.

39 minutes ago
Murph – no he did not.

39 minutes ago
I have no preferences. Well I did – Sherrod Brown, but he’s not running. Everyone else will be fine if they can beat the Yam Man.

38 minutes ago
I’ve always seen Biden as a good guy but I think he is a man of the past. Today he pandered to union workers by dissing everyone who isn’t a blue collar worker, saying that they disrespect them and are elitists. He praised Mike Pence, attacked “new Dems” and dissed Progressives as “socialists”. Biden’s campaign looks to be divisive, attacking Dems and Progressives to pander to centrists and Trump voters. I think he will fizzle as he has in every other run for Pres. Plus his mouth always gets him into trouble.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Yes… even Bernie. But he’s as incompetent as Trump, so I’m not going there unless I must.

37 minutes ago
CL – with you re. Trump….but not just anyone can beat someone who fits so well into the needs of an angry, mean, unhappy, electorate….and knows how to use the most effective tactics in keeping them seething.

37 minutes ago
CL – That’s really helpful to know! Was that for a CA single payer bill?
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Murph – I do think Trump has burned his bridges with the majority of the country.

36 minutes ago
CL – I think Biden and Bernie are too flawed to win the primary. Who do you like? And multiple candidates are an acceptable answer.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Harleigh –
AdLib 35 minutes ago
CL…thank you for your assessment of Bernie. I often have said to his followers….so what has he actually DONE after his stint as the mayor of a midsized town? The comparison to Trump is well taken.

35 minutes ago
Spanky is totally demented and has been getting worse over the last 2.5 years. Raygun was in really bad shape the last 6 years of his Alzheimer’s admin but he was kept out of sight for the most part. I find this repube admin of Nazis very funny as they destroy this country. At least some of the press is starting to report on it. Too late.

34 minutes ago
Yes – DSoc via the CA Nurses wrote a stinko bill. Assembly Speaker gave it an extra year to be rewritten so it could pass. Michael Lighty, my peer in public policy, told me IN WRITING, that they were mad at Rendon for doing that because they wanted the Assembly NO votes 9against a crap bill) to be used to primary Assembly Dems. I have that IN WRITING. It was all political, not about health care.

34 minutes ago
CL – Considering how competitive the Dem primary will be, I think it will be self-evident that whoever can win the nom will be a strong candidate. The winner of the primary will have to beat strong candidates all across the spectrum.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Who do I like. My favorite wonk is Warren. My favorite voice is Castro. My favorite crowd pleaser is O’Rourke.

34 minutes ago
Harleigh – I do’t think it’s too late. I think maybe it’s right on time w the election coming up.

34 minutes ago
Murph – you slut.

33 minutes ago
Harleigh – When Trump declares war on oranges next week, I think it will be 25th Amendment time.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
CL. Slut? Moi!?

33 minutes ago
he’s past whackdoodle

32 minutes ago
Ad – LOL!! Well, you won’t get this Cabinet to declare him stark, raving mad since part of the evidence for that is this Cabinet.

32 minutes ago
AD….why would his cabinet have any interest in the 25th?

32 minutes ago

32 minutes ago
CL – I wonder if single payer may need to be national to work in a financially sensible way? Sometimes you need a bigger basis to make a program viable.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Murph – no standards of rigidity, all flexible and good feelings for anyone.

32 minutes ago
CL…Ad provided the standards and I rose to them.

31 minutes ago
Ad – that may well be true, but DO THE MATH.

31 minutes ago
ad 38 other countries have done it

31 minutes ago
Murph – or sank… I’m just like you. I like a lot of people for a lot of reasons.

31 minutes ago
Murph – Very good choices. I think Warren and Castro may see their stocks go up in debates due to presenting concrete, complete plans on issues. Beto is strong but with solid proposals, will be even stronger.
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Harleigh – no, only Canada, Ireland, Britain have single payer. All the others are UNIVERSAL but multi payer. That’s why we need the math. Germany was very much like ACA, the way it once was headed, and it’s a highly regulated multipayer plan. It works.

30 minutes ago
Just in case we think that our country is the world’s biggest mess…..let me say that the pained pleas for friends across the Pond int the current UK are very disheartening. The mother of Parliaments is quickly devolving into a mother-fucking parliament

30 minutes ago
fallin asleep folks…. time for beddy bye

30 minutes ago
CL – I don’t know, if Trump declares war on oranges, would the Repubs fear he’ll lose FL and want to get rid of him?
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Night Harleigh! Happy birthday, pal!
AdLib 29 minutes ago
ty… nite

28 minutes ago
I see great pain in my beloved UK. I see horrible things in my beloved Poland. I’m deeply worried about the sweep of the RW white supremacy movements and the influence of the new Quisling, Bannon. Russia is full tilt fascist, not commie, and they are effing dangerous that way.

28 minutes ago
Ad – you may be onto something with the new Orange War. Hmmm.

28 minutes ago
Good night, Harley!!!

28 minutes ago
Germany has an unusual system in so many ways…..a country where industries are required to have labor representation at all levels of decision making….which is easier when dealing with organized workers….so industry is for unions! OMG

28 minutes ago
CL – Right, do the math is the key. But paying double means the money’s there, it just needs some good mathematicians to suss it out!
AdLib 28 minutes ago
Murph – I like that about Germany.

28 minutes ago
Well again, we paid double BEFORE ACA, but not after. So we need a new calibration.

27 minutes ago
Nite H Man!

27 minutes ago
Well folks, I’m suffling off, too. I got rear ended Wed. at low speed thank goodness. Hit and run by a new, spiffy, gigantic maroon SUV. Not actually hurt, but I do have aches and pains and am tired. So I will also say g’night and wish you an excellent weekend and week. Murph, keep your powder dry for your flintlock, OK? Hugs to you both.

25 minutes ago
CL – The chaos in Europe is a massive reason that the US needs a new president to lead the world back to democracy and sanity. Trump has torn open a hole in the world that terrible forces are trying to fill. A new Dem president could repair that tear and use the U.S. to support democracies and attack populist hatred movements.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Thanks CL…hit and run…no one on the culprit list?

25 minutes ago
Ad – good point. VERY good point.

25 minutes ago
Murph – too rattled to get the license, so no.

24 minutes ago
Oh no, CL!!! So sorry to hear!!! You went to the doctor?
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Any street cameras or store cameras around there?
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad…to see the NATO Pres in a joint session did us all some good…..but then Trump refused to see him…grrrr.

24 minutes ago
No – chiropractor. I’m fine. Just still “feeling” it all in aches. Nothing serious.

24 minutes ago
Ad – no, that would be too easy!

23 minutes ago
Take care guys – loved talking w you both and PPO and Harleigh. Be well!

23 minutes ago
Well…this has been fun. More happened here in an hour than in two hours of my association meeting.

23 minutes ago
AdLib 23 minutes ago
Ad…..still working on Medium……good in some ways, awful in others…..don’t know where this is going.

22 minutes ago
Too bad it’s like that.
AdLib 22 minutes ago


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