Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi, Ad. see u soon

2 hours ago
See you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Merry Festivus to all!

2 hours ago
And a Happy Airing of Grievances to you!
AdLib 2 hours ago

2 hours ago
well, has the joint shut down yet?

2 hours ago
Just about!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Doing the last f my grocery shopping later today.

2 hours ago
I hear Trump may nominate Putin for Defense Secretary.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Christmas is-a-comin’!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I thought Assad was the shoo-in for that

2 hours ago

an hour ago
What’s happ’nin peeps?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Merry Whatever-you-celebrate to you

an hour ago
Erdogan has the inside track on permanent Chief of Staff.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey FD!
AdLib an hour ago
Happy Merry!
AdLib an hour ago
Bees Be With You!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ader of Hungary for Sec State

an hour ago
Guten haben!
AdLib an hour ago
Trump’s wondering why there’s not a painting of Hitler in the WH.
AdLib an hour ago
there is, in Donald’s Panic Room. Another in his tweeting throne room

an hour ago
Hey G! What’s up?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
I’d love it if Air Force 1 ‘broke down’ – all of them!

an hour ago
Hey glenn!!!
AdLib an hour ago
hiya glenn!

an hour ago

an hour ago
This is the painting that should be hanging in the Oval Office:

AdLib an hour ago
Hey FD, not much up with me. Finished all my Christmas shopping, sent all my cards (all 2 of them), received all of my packages, except the one coming tomorrow, so I’m ready for the great American, MAGA, Trump shutdown! How about you?

an hour ago
Big H! Waz up?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Dudes! and dudette… lol

an hour ago
glenn, you’re well organized!

an hour ago
Hey PPO, Harleigh, and Ad–how are you all tonight?

an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!!!
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph!

an hour ago
What’s up Murph?!
AdLib an hour ago
doing well glenn. Just harvested some sweet leaf, just in time for the Holidays!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
still to grocery shop, g, fresh stuffs

an hour ago
Hey Murph!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Hello all.

an hour ago
PPO–Thanks, not much organizing required any more.

an hour ago
And who owns the shutdown?
AdLib an hour ago
sweet leaf? Of the hash variety?

an hour ago
Yep! It’s yummy!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
anyone noticed that each week ends on a more demented note than the last?

an hour ago
FD–so it will be a Merry Christmas, huh?

an hour ago
Yes Mam! Highly spiritual!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Trump must have dementia. He has clean forgotten what he said to the USA last week with pelosi and schumer. I’d say sad, but…. it is Donald, after all.

an hour ago
Ad–let’s say it all together. Trump owns the shutdown!

an hour ago
So true H. But we do have a demented-in-chief, so there’s that!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Harleigh–yup. The lying bully is losing it big time!

an hour ago
Trump and Ryan and the rest of the no goodniks in Congress.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Thinking about the Pelosi meet. We should have realised that Donald LIES. All the time!

an hour ago
of course he’s demented. He also doesn’t think up most of his shit and his short term memory is about gone.

an hour ago
glenn – Trump said he owned it but he always lies…so I’m confused!
AdLib an hour ago
FD–There you go; we need some sweet spirits this time of year.

an hour ago
Trump wants to take food stamps from over halh a million people…just before Christmas. Who’s really waging that “War on Christmas?”
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ryan gone at last, but what a shambles of a legacy. Nasty piece of work. A blight on the Irish Diaspora

an hour ago
sure do glenn. The rest of the years, as well.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
So true, P.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
over 7,000 lies to date and accelerating

an hour ago
Harleigh – Can you imagine how exponentially crazy Trump will be in a few months with Pelosi in charge and Trump being charged by Mueller?
AdLib an hour ago
It’ll be quite ugly, ad! Ugly Ugly Ugly!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Any chance we can nobble McConnell now? He has single handedly destroyed the USA since President Obama was elected.

an hour ago
e can’t remember the nuke codes and we have to believe the SS won’t let him do it. He’s past being just Bachmann or Palin batshit crazy.

an hour ago
Paul Ryan will go down, undoubtedly, as one of the biggest failures in the House Speaker position. To end with a cowardly collusion in a shutdown? As some have described it, Ryan handed the power of the House to Trump, put it in his hands and told him to decide for them. How pathetic are Ryan and House Repubs?
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Well, I have to give the lying bully credit for one thing…Pelosi told him he didn’t have the votes in the House, but damned if he didn’t get lyin’Ryan out of his butt long enough to pull out that vote. Who knew?

an hour ago
P, Ryan is an Irish “landlord!”
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD, I’ll install a popcorn machine for that

an hour ago
FD–that’s not a war on Christmas…it’s a war on poor people.

an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD – I wonder if Congress can sue Trump for corrupting their decision on food stamps?
AdLib an hour ago
Sadly true glenn. Merry Christmas…..now STFU and eat your cat food.–Donald Trump
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – And who so the rural poor support? Trump, who’s cutting off their food stamps!
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Ryan’s legacy will always be that he tried to take away SS and Medicare from people. I hope that he chokes on one of his pension checks one of these years!

an hour ago
Gee ad, I have no idea.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
over 70 percent of the welfare is rural white people…. Spanky voters! HAHAHAHA

an hour ago
Ad sicc Notorious RBG on him!

an hour ago
Murph! Howya goin?

an hour ago
Ad–Ryan is pretty pathetic, that’s true. He’s also a piece of scum stuck to the bottom of the lying bully’s shoe…or maybe stuck to another part of his anatomy!

an hour ago
Murph – How are the Repubs you know reacting to Trump going mad, shutting down the country, not getting his wall and now calling it “steel slats” and Mattis having to resign? Are they chanting, “WINNING!”?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–well no one ever said the lying bully’s supporters were the brightest crayons in the box.

an hour ago
glenn – And Ryan’s legacy will be blowing up the national debt hugely.
AdLib an hour ago
Ryan sold his soul to Ayn Rand…….who herself received SS in her later years.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
PPO…just reading along. Had oral surgery yesterday. In recovery mde.

an hour ago
Well, we know who is running the USA – Fox

an hour ago
and Rush

an hour ago
got some good pain meds, Murph?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Hope you’re OK, friend

an hour ago
Harleigh – I’ve said before, his cult members are so clueless. They don’t know what happened to the Jim Jones cult who trusted him and drank his Kool Aid.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–yes, the late, “great” Ayn Rand…who didn’t even have the courage of her convictions to turn down her SS. Not to mention little liar Ryan who will take every bit of his Congressional pension that he never earned!

an hour ago
Human excrement, glenn.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
PPO–yup, Fox, Ann Coulter, Rush Limpdick, etc.

an hour ago
Fuzzy, Yes. Hydrocodone.

an hour ago
If I ever have the misfortune to be in the same airspace as Ryan, I’ll slp him silly, the bastard.

an hour ago

an hour ago
Sounds necessary Murph. They’re safe as long as used as directed!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
PPO – Yes and that movie about RBG is coming out too! There won’t ever be one about Scalia or Kavanaugh…other than “Snakes on a Plane”.
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Murph–ouch! Are those pain meds kicking in? Last time I had oral surgery, and they gave me those pain meds, I slept for 28 hours straight! It was many years ago, but that was some good stuff!

an hour ago
glenn – Ryan probably has a lobbying job set up, with the more evil entities no doubt. But his place in history will always be shameful.
AdLib an hour ago
I am sick of these muthafuckin snakes, on this muthafuckin plane!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
me too fuz

an hour ago
FD, fly them to gatwick!

an hour ago
Glenn. I slept for 12 hours last night….tonight cutting back a bit.

an hour ago
FD–that’s putting it politely. A pile of shit is more expressive.

an hour ago
Sorry you’re dealing with that pain, Murph. To be sympatico, I will now take some oxycontin…gulp!
AdLib an hour ago
Ha, P.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Murph, just make sure you’re careful, and do what the docs tell you!

an hour ago
Ad…glad for the company.

an hour ago
PPO..I will.

an hour ago
Ad–Ryan’s place in history will be rewritten by the repubs, just as his time in the House was written as being a “policy” guy. It wouldn’t surprise me to see him run for a higher office someday.

an hour ago
I’ll take another toke from my beautiful glass bong!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
ope you got enough to last thru the pain.

an hour ago
FD –
AdLib an hour ago
FD, Cheech impersonations now/

an hour ago
Hey man, it’s Dave!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
FD–tell us how you really feel. Maybe you need some of those “spirits” to mellow you out! Of course, I agree with you completely, so why should we mellow out, right?

an hour ago
dave’s not here!

an hour ago
KT’s just chillin’

AdLib an hour ago
Really glenn, what do we have to be a little uptight about?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago

an hour ago
I’m honored, ad!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Murph–hey, if you can, sleep as much as possible to let your body heal. There is nothing worse than mouth pain!

an hour ago
Well…i am falling asleep at the computer. Best to close down. See you all next week,

an hour ago
later Murph

an hour ago
Merry Christmas, Murph, Be well and take care.

an hour ago
sweet dreams, Murph!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – Repubs don’t write history books…they can’t even read them.
AdLib an hour ago
Night Murph! Take care, pal!
AdLib an hour ago
I think there will be plenty of those librul elite inalecchuls that will write quite unfavorably about Mr. Ryan.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
And the world is freaking out about Mattis quitting and his letter, basically saying Trump is a traitor to the US and our allies.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–true…we have an idiot who’s in charge of the nuclear codes; who thinks steel slats are “securing our borders; and who is the most incompetent person ever to hold the office he holds….what do we have to be uptight about?

an hour ago
well, deyre well edjamakated dat lot

an hour ago
So if we’re not at a point where the 25th Amendment needs to be used, what would that look like? Do we have to wait until he nukes Mexico?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–they can’t read them; that’s why they keep making shit up about history.

an hour ago
glenn, is that Donald’s new Porn name, Steel Slats? sounds so butch, dontcha think?

an hour ago
They think they know all they need to know, and larnin ain’t nesseesary!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
P, make “slats,” singular, and it’s brilliant.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – The good thing is that they’ve BSed so much and in light of Trump’s non-stop lying, no one except Trump cultists believe anything Repubs or Trump say anyore.
AdLib an hour ago
The codes, we hope that the SS stops him.

an hour ago
FD, right – de Gummint will take care of them with SS. None of yer Socialist BS there!

an hour ago
Mr. Tariff just wouldn’t work as well.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad–as soon as I read Mattis’ resignation letter, I wondered if repubs could rally around Mattis to begin 25thA proceedings.

an hour ago
Keep your gubmint hands off my SS!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Trump claims he did nothing wrong in paying off slats that he’s slept with.
AdLib an hour ago
Ohhh snap, ad.!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
at 130K per slat!

an hour ago
PPO–Oooh, that’s a good one, “Steel Slats”! For the man with the tiny hands!

an hour ago
Please, please wait a minute, mr Mueller

an hour ago
glenn – I kind of think Mattis intended his letter to plow the ground for using the 25th Amendment.
AdLib an hour ago
oops didnt work!

an hour ago
PPO–And his wife could be the Steel Slut!

an hour ago
It will fall on blind eyes, ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Trump is just an ignorant slat.
AdLib an hour ago
Melanis could adopt the name Gold Diggler!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
thank jebus malaria is the only first lady I’ve seen naked.

an hour ago
New diminutive for Donald (I know he hates being called Donald!) Tangerine Slat!

an hour ago
Ad–I agree. Hopefully, now that Mattis is out of office, he can rally the troops, so to speak! Can the 25th be invoked by no-longer Cabinet members?

an hour ago
FD – And when it comes to Melania’s feelings, I really don’t care, do you?
AdLib an hour ago
25 ain’t gonna happen

an hour ago
after the character Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Harleigh, I really think she looks better with clothes on, even with the new kidneys!

an hour ago
I don’t give a rodents rear, ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn – Nope, you need half of the current cabinet members for the 25th.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–or Steel Slat Hole…which fits either one..the lying bully or the slut.

an hour ago
Impeach the Orange Play Doh.

an hour ago
Steel Slot? Shame on me!!!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
yeah PPO…. those big upward pointing kidneys

an hour ago
Harleigh – You’re right, it’s a fatally flawed process, the 25th would never work. But impeachment can and Trump doesn’t realize that as he keeps making extremist decisions that cut against Repubs, he’s prepping them to vote to remove him in an impeachment.
AdLib an hour ago
I never knew kidneys had nipples!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Harleigh–yeah, I don’t think the 25th is going to happen either; repubs have no shame; no morals, and definitely no balls to call the lying bully out on his shit.

an hour ago
Probably just as plastic as the inserts.

an hour ago
FD – Doesn’t Victoria’s Secret make bras for kidneys?
AdLib an hour ago
No wings for MElanoma!

an hour ago
Call them right away, ad!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
lol nice tidneys!

an hour ago
Ad and Harleigh–a girl can hope…re the 25th. Personally, I don’t care how he’s removed from office; just so long as he’s removed.

an hour ago
LOL, h! Nipneys?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
high and proud nipneys

an hour ago
But as Trump spins out more lunacy, the economy slows or dips and prospects for 2020 get worse and worse, like rats, I can imagine them climbing over Trump to save themselves.
AdLib an hour ago
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
glenn, Mueller is the best bet. Congress hasn’t the gumption and Donald won’t simply resign, so what’s left? Maybe the Joint Chhiefs of Staff can oust him, like Tom Clancy’s guys!

an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–you know I saw those bras the other day in the Victoria’s Secret catalog. They are shaped a little funny, and it’s hard to snap them, but they’re available.

an hour ago
Ladies present, lads!

an hour ago
i’ve said that for a long time now ad. They’re extremely self serving scum, and they’ll ditch trump in a NY minute once he starts losing his base, and charges pile up.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
How did the Dow finish, Depression yet?

an hour ago
glenn – But do they have a matching corset for her hubby?
AdLib an hour ago
I don’t even want to think about where the snaps are.
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Spanx for Men!

an hour ago
his admin turnover is over 48 percent in just 2 years not to mention all the indictments and guilty pleas…. nobody that needs to work in the future will stay there. all the gains in stocks for the past few years are gone.

an hour ago
Ad–you know, I had a fairly rational conversation with a conservative a while ago on another website. I asked him why, with all that the lying bully is doing to undermine democracy, did intelligent people still support him. His answer? Because the stock market was soaring. Hopefully, then, when the lying bully crashes the economy, they will finally abandon him. You just have to hit them in the pockets, nothing else matters.

an hour ago
All that winning! glenn, the stock market is the hedge against the economy diving. Both are in jeopardy with the shutdown

an hour ago
Sorry, I just answered my door and there were a dozen little kids carolling! Aww…
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, Cuuuuute!

an hour ago
PPO–I agree. Mueller is still our best hope. The noose has been getting tighter and tighter, so the lying bully is just digging his hole deeper. As people keep saying, “elections have consequences.”

an hour ago
did you sic the dog on em?

an hour ago
glenn – Now, as the stock market and economy cool off and our enemies get bolder, all those selfish excuses Trump supporters made for supporting him will evaporate.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Awww, reminds you that kids are our future, and that it is Christmas, after all.

an hour ago
h, no point. He’d lick them to death!

an hour ago
Harleigh – Funny enough, I ctually brough my dog to the door…but she’s a Golden Retreiver and just wagged along.
AdLib an hour ago
lol, good doggie

an hour ago
Ad–hopefully. Also, Mueller’s report will soon come in and drive the final nail in his coffin.

an hour ago
glenn – Yes! This is the first time I’ve ever had carolers! And in LA! I’m still smiling!
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
back now…nature called!
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
Ad, can Mueller’s report insist Trump be arrested, or is it only a recommendation, i.e, has he the power to charge Trump?

an hour ago
Ad, CLimate Change! First time for a lot of things!

an hour ago
Ad–‘Tis the season. When I lived in the Keys, we had a deck overlooking our canal (the canal was our waterway to the ocean), and the carolers would canoe down the canals with their songs. It was magical!

an hour ago
would trump go before a grand jury?
Fuzzy Dunlop

an hour ago
I have no idea how he gets chrged or impeached from here.

44 minutes ago
glenn – The word now is that Mueller’s report may be out in Feb. That’s what I’ve been predicting, a month or so after the Dems hold The House and can impeach Trump. And hopefully, that could fall between Whitaker being yanked out by the courts of AG and before Barr can slime his way in…so Rosenstein would be in charge and could give the report to Pelosi and The House.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
H, would congress finally have the guts to act?

43 minutes ago
the dems definatly, the nazis mostly not

43 minutes ago
Well, Shopping and nature call! so I’ll sign off and wish you all and yours a very Merry Christmas. Take care and stay healthy

42 minutes ago
PPO – Mueller could indict Trump himself if the AG approved…or if he’s already had an indictment against Trump filed under seal and just waiting! Also, the SDNY can indict Trump too! Not to mention the state of NY and other states. And not to mention Trump’s slimy kids!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
nite PPO

42 minutes ago
Shop well, PPO! Have a great holiday!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Same to you, P!
Fuzzy Dunlop

41 minutes ago
goodie, Ad! as long as SOMETHING happens. Cheers

41 minutes ago
glenn – That sounds so cool!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
time for me to sign off, as well. good night folks, and Merry Christamas!
Fuzzy Dunlop

40 minutes ago
Spanky and his kids had to disolve his charity and not be on them ever again whatever that means.

40 minutes ago
Trump could indeed be called before a Grnad Jury if he refused an interview and Mueller subpoenaed him…but the SCOTUS would probably have to decide that first since Trump would file a case against having to testify.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Night FD! Merry Christmas!!!
AdLib 39 minutes ago
NITE FD right behind you

39 minutes ago
Nite Harleigh, have a wonderful holiday!
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Ad–The House may be able to impeach him, but I don’t think the Senate will convict him. However, it does depend on what Mueller’s report says….but even then, if Fox says he shouldn’t be convicted, then the cowards in the Senate won’t convict, IMO.

39 minutes ago
FD–Merry Christmas to you, too.

38 minutes ago
Oops, so sorry I missed PPO leaving; I didn’t get to wish him Merry Christmas.

38 minutes ago
Damn, missed Harleigh, too!

37 minutes ago
glenn – Agreed but if Mueller’s report exposes that Trump is indeed under Putin’s thumb and has comitted many criminal acts (as we know he has), maybe the GOP will see the polling crushing them and vote to remove him in The Senate as a desperate attempt to rescue their elections in 2020.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
So I guess it’s just me and you, Ad. Yeah, the carolers in the canal were very cool. We were usually in our hot tub when they came by, so it was warm and cool at the same time.

36 minutes ago
Wow! That’s amazing!
AdLib 35 minutes ago
I’ve never seen carolers in this neighborhood though. This was so unexpected!
AdLib 34 minutes ago
So sweet!
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Yes, that’s what I’m hoping too, Ad. That the Senate will have no choice but to convict. However…we are talking about republicans, who, for the life of me, I still cannot figure out why they support the lying bully.

33 minutes ago
What are you getting your granddaughter for Xmas?
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Ad–The unexpected can be so good sometimes, and, as I said before, remind you that some things transcend politics.

32 minutes ago
This is why I hope Mueller and SDNY are filing sealed indictments against Trump that can wait until he’s voted out then sprung on him.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Ad–are you ready for this? I got her a looped, wool blanket. Believe it or not, that’s what she wanted. Also got her a couple of bracelets she wanted. And, I bought my daughter monogrammed duck boots, because that’s what she wanted.

30 minutes ago
And the NY AG is going after Trump too, nothing in the Constitution that prevents states from indicting Trump (though nothing either preventing Mueller and SDNY).
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Aw…she’ll love all of that!!!
AdLib 29 minutes ago
She’s 16?
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Yeah, I hope that the NY AG has so many indictments against the lying bully that his head spins even more than it’s spinning now.

29 minutes ago
As you know, I not only want Trump behind bars, which may not be possible but I want him stripped of all he owns.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
Trump has to be the example that proves no one is above the law.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Not yet; she’ll be 16 next August. She’s 15 now, and has her learner’s permit. She’s doing very well with her driving, as am I. She tells me that she likes driving with me, because I don’t yell at her! I try to be my calmest when she’s driving.

27 minutes ago
I agree. I want to see him penniless, in jail, and with Don, Jr., Erick, and Ivanka penniless and in jail, too. Well

26 minutes ago
Oh, same age as my daughter! But she’s not 15 1/2 yet so she has a little way to go before her learner’s permit. I couldn’t wait to drive when I was that age.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Ad–yup. I’ve never understood that argument that the president can’t be indicted for a crime. If he broke the law, then he should pay the price.

25 minutes ago
Yes, I want to see those evil gremlins of his in jail too and losing their criminal wealth.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
It was Nixon’s and Clinton’s lawyers, two presidents worried about indictments, who wrote these policies about a president not being indicted by Feds.
AdLib 23 minutes ago
My granddaughter is the same way; she loves driving. She can’t wait to get her license so she can drive herself all the places she wants to go. I keep telling her that I’ll never see her when she does that, because my “job” now is to pick her up from most of her practices, after school activities, etc. If she starts driving herself to those places, I become superfluous and I’ll never see her!

23 minutes ago
Yep, as much as it’s a burden to drive them around, it is special time you get to spend with them…even though little gets discussed with my daughter, she’s not a big conversationalist, I appreciate her being there with me.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Ad–Yeah, I know the history of the policies; I just never liked them. I can somewhat understand the reasoning, especially in Clinton’s case. If any president was indicted, but not convicted of the crime for which he was indicted, but left office because of the indictment, then what was the point? That’s kind of convoluted, but I think you understand what I’m trying to say.

19 minutes ago
Agreed. My granddaughter is the same way. Every once in a while, though, I manage to ask the right question that gets her talking about something, and I love it. I am much more conscious of what I ask her now that she’s driving, because I want her to concentrate on her driving.

18 minutes ago
Yep, it’s a labored argument to claim that being held responsible for crimes would take up too much time and focus and prevent the president from doing his job. Trump has time to spend half of his time golfing and “executive time” watching tv for half the day. Not an excuse for Trump.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Good practice not to yell at her when she’s driving or talk to her too much! They don’t have our years of exerience behind the wheel and can get spooked.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
Because I am retired, I never saw it as a burden to pick her up; I always saw it as an opportunity to spend time with her. My daughter is always telling me how much she appreciates what I do for my granddaughter, and I tell her the same thing. I love getting to spend time with her, even if I only get one-word answers to my questions.

15 minutes ago
Yeah, well, when it comes to being “president” and crimes, the lying bully certainly is in a class of his own.

14 minutes ago
It’s a bit of a burden for me because she plays travel ball and for some periods during the year, that means a lot of driving and waking up very early sometimes to get to a field for warmup. But I do like it for the reasons you mentioned, even getting to watch her as she sleeps.
AdLib 13 minutes ago
Ad, it’s time for me to wish you a very Merry Christmas. May your day be merry and bright. Thanks for being such a voice of reason and such a good guy! Once again, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

13 minutes ago

12 minutes ago
I just worry that the bar has been lowered over the past 2 years so much that no one will try to remove Trump until after he’s done something horribly tragic.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Thank you so much, glenn! A very merry Christmas to you and your family!
AdLib 12 minutes ago

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