Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib an hour ago
Hi Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
A rare event….I am early!!!!!
an hour ago
Hey Ad and Murph. How are you all this evening?
an hour ago
There are still free appetizers!
AdLib an hour ago
Doing well glenn! And you?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–yum. Just had some leftover crab and shrimp dip for dinner. What’s on your appetizer menu?
an hour ago
Ad–doing well. SOS.
an hour ago
Hey Glenn….hey ad….just watching Lawrence O’Donnell Panel….it looks like the draft of trump letter giving reasons for firing comey stated that the russian investigation was key to the decision. That draft was set aside but it shows the mindset of all involved with it which includes Pence. He is now in legal and political jeopardy.
an hour ago
Digital spinich dip!
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – It sure sounds like a smoking gun for obstruction of justice.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–Who is in legal and political jeopardy? Pence or trump? Either one, what a shame (she said tongue in cheek).
an hour ago
Ad–I love digital spinach dip. Far fewer calories than anything else!
an hour ago
Pence needs to be outed as part of the obstruction of justice cabal.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – And you can use computer chips to dip!
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn. Trump clearly was from the start but Pence has pretended he knew nothing (like Sgt. Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes) and he knew everything.
an hour ago
Ad. Smoking gun….bellowing smoke!
an hour ago
Ad….President Ryan.
an hour ago
Murph and Ad–I’m coming to the conclusion that I don’t want to see trump impeached. I want to see him charged criminally and locked up. He will still be a martyr to his cult followers, but I believe that if he were to be impeached, he wouldn’t go quietly. The better way to get rid of him is to charge him with a crime, IMO.
an hour ago
What really encouraged me this week was Mueller’s working with Schneiderman. Leaves Trump’s pardon plan impotent.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–good one on the computer chips! Can we follow it up with “cookies”?
an hour ago
Murph – Smoking bazooka?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–yeah, I like Mueller working with Schneiderman. The man who sits in the oval office isn’t quite as smart as he thinks he is.
an hour ago
Murph – Ryan is despised even more than Trump by the public so if he stepped in, he’d never win re-election.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–ryan shouldn’t win re-election, should he become president. He is a wolf wrapped in what he thinks is a “pretty face”.
an hour ago
glenn – To criminally prosecute Trump, he needs to be remooved from office first. Not clear that a president can be convicted of a crime and imprisoned while in office, only impeached.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I agree…Ryan will try to do the job which will make him malleable but he will still fail (as he is doing as Speaker)
an hour ago
Smoking Bazooka!
an hour ago
glenn – Nice one!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–but the criminal charges have to be there for him to be impeached, right?
an hour ago
Murph – I think Ryan is losing his support to stay in as Speaker. As a Pres, he’d self-destruct, he has no spine or authority.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey PPO–how goes it?
an hour ago
Hi all~!
an hour ago
glenn – Yep, high crime or misdemeanor or abuse of the office.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–do you think there’s going to be a fight in the House regarding ryan’s speakership?
an hour ago
hey ad, glenn. Just catching up
an hour ago
glenn – I’m hoping Dems take back the House and the Speaker will be a Dem in the next Congress!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, glenn, I’m hearing very little down here aboout how Dems are going in leadups
an hour ago
Ad–IMO, trump abused his office when he pardoned arapaio. However, the repubs in Congress have to grow a spine to impeach trump over that. They may be saving their “ammo” for what Mueller comes up with. Then they can just add the abuse of power. Speaking of arapaio’s pardon, can the federal judge “vacate” the pardon?
an hour ago
I really can’t wait for Mueller to lay down the indictments! And je’s working with the IRS investigators now? They win 70% of the prosecutions they undertake. This will be epic!
AdLib an hour ago
PPO – Lots of blather about Dems not having a leader or issues to run on but 2018 is going to be like all other midterm elections, a referendum on the president and party in power. And Repubs can only lose.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Not sure the Dems can take back the House. I think they have more of a chance to take the Senate. But my question pertained to what happens when Congress reconvenes next week. If ryan can’t get tax reform passed in the House, do you think his speakership will be in jeopardy before the 2018 elections?
an hour ago

an hour ago
Agreed glenn, Trump’s pardon of Arpaio can be a cause for impeachment. But there are so many charges, if Dems win the House, no doubt they’ll pursue them!
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – I don’t think Ryan would be replaced before the 2018 election. In the GOP, you just keep failing upward.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I just hope the Dems don’t blow this election by making it all about trump. It’s the same thing I’ve been saying for over a year now. Dems need to come up with some new ideas; some ideas as to how to fix Obamacare (other than single payer, because I don’t think the American public is ready for that yet), plus some progressive, comprehensive ideas on immigration, not just piecemeal “fixes”. I am encouraged by the number of Dems who are running for office in key states.
an hour ago
Ad, the Pres can pardon anyone without explanation, so I don’t think he can be impeached just because he pardoned a racist prick
an hour ago
Ad–ahh–the “Peter Principle” at its finest. “Rise to the level of your incompetence.”
an hour ago
good precis, glenn. Dems need to be seen to be proactive, no only negative about trump
an hour ago
Glenn….the trick is that a sitting president really cannot be charged with a crime….he has to be out of office first.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
an hour ago
BTW were any Planeteers affected by Harvey?
an hour ago
Ad…who is Speaker if the Dems win (or even want to win)…I think that Pelosi is an anchor around their necks.
an hour ago
Murph–so it’s a “catch-22” then. If trump is not impeached, then he can’t be charged with a crime. So, even if Mueller comes up with evidence that trump is guilty of a crime, what happens if he refuses to leave office, even if he is impeached?
an hour ago
Glenn…agreed there MUST be a clear, direct, widely applicable Democratic Platform…a Promise for Americans.
an hour ago
Glenn…if he is impeached and convicted…he is out and exposed to the law…
an hour ago
Ad–to piggyback on PPO’s question about Planeteers being affected by Harvey, I can’t remember her name, but we used to have a feisty Texas lady who joined us at VOX often. Do you know anything about her?
an hour ago
glenn – The party out of power almost always wins the midterm and all they need to do is run against the party in power. I prefer for Dems to run on policy tooo but it’s not required.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…my worry about the midterms is that the uber-gerrymandering plus external interference in polling processes make the climb steeper.
an hour ago
PPO – The Pres can pardon anyone but if anyone commits a crime in the process oof dooing something legal, it’s still a crime. Intent is critical, if a Pres is bribed to give a pardon, if he does so politically and abuses his power, he can be impeached.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I hope you’re right about the midterms, but the trump “effect” seems to throw all of the usual maxims out the window.
an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO – I have family in Houston, some had to evacuate and were flooded, most were okay.
AdLib an hour ago
Good to hear, Ad. Some storm, eh?
an hour ago
Murph–I know I should be more knowledgeable about this, but if I recall Bill Clinton was impeached, yet stayed in office. Was it because he wasn’t convicted in the Senate that he was able to stay in office? Hopefully, trump will have burned all of his bridges in the Senate by the time he is impeached, but you never know with these damn repubs.
an hour ago
I was at a meeting today of area Navigators for ACA…..Trump Admin has announced that it is only spending 10 percent of the budgeted monies for outreach during the open enrollment period; that the open enrollment period has been cut in half; and that navigators compensation group rates have been cut…now add in the uncertainty his admin has created leading to insurers bailing out…..it is looking very tough.
an hour ago
Murph–I agree. It is a steep climb, and we can’t be complacent. That’s how trump got into office!
an hour ago
Murph – Agreed, Pelosi would be a very self-destructive choice foor Speaker if Dems win. Like Hillary, she just has too much baggage and is too polarizing. A younger Dem in a minority caucus could be much more effective.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn….Impeachment is the process in which charges are made (by the House) and then there is the trial in the Senate. Clinton was not convicted in the Senate.
an hour ago
Murph–trump is doing everything he can to sabotage Obamacare. He’s such an asshole!
an hour ago
Ad…and she needs to take herself out of the running prior to the election. I agree with your thinking as to choice.
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, Alpha Bitch is down there but I believe she was out of town during the floods. Hope so, that was bad enough but this recovery period is loooking to get a bit rough too.
AdLib an hour ago
good idea about pelosi, murph, to show that the Old Guard are making way for new blood
an hour ago
Ad, Please send AB our regards if you can
an hour ago
You’re right Murph, Dems will need too have a much bigger margin to beat the gerrymandering but with the huge disapprovals and dislike of Trump, I think a wave election is most likely.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I agree about Pelosi. She needs to go. I’d like to see Tammy Duckworth as one choice.
an hour ago
Ad–Yes, that’s her name. Thanks. It’s hell to get old.
an hour ago
glenn. YES! Tammy for Speaker!
an hour ago
Murph–I thought that was the process of impeachment. Do you think the Senate will actually convict trump?
an hour ago
PPO – This Harvey storm was surreal, unimagineable to have over a trillion gallons of rainfall!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–and add my regards to PPO’s if you hear from AB.
an hour ago
Glenn and PPO…I luv your enthusiasm for Tammy….I worked for here Senate campaign…she would have to run for the House, a step down.
an hour ago
glenn, yep, impeachment is just the first step of a 2 step process. The House votes to impeach, which is like an indictment, and The Senate holds a hearing for removal from office. Clinton was impeached but not removed.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….the wave election will have to breach the levees erected by the GOP in its control of 2/3 of state governments.
an hour ago
Glenn……Ad’s explanation is mine. Impeachment/conviction.
an hour ago
Ad–It’s amazing the amount of rainfall Harvey has dumped. I really hope that the people in TX can get some help, and get through this. I am so pleased to see that many people are volunteering and sending donations. It’s encouraging to see Americans working together (mostly) for a change.
an hour ago
Murph, it will impact the ACA but I don’t think it will be devastating. The MSM can pick up the slack! They gave billions in free advertising to Trump, they can step up and publicize info on folks signing up for the ACA during the enrollment period.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–oops. I told you it’s hell to get old, and not remember if someone is a Senator or a Representative.
an hour ago
My sister is in Houston. She works with the M.D. Anderson Health System as a specialist in closed head injury…she has been very busy…her neighborhood was on high ground.
an hour ago
Murph – Yep, Pelosi has a massive ego though, hard to imagine her voluntarily stepping aside.
AdLib an hour ago
I’ll send everyone’s regards to AlphaBitch! Thanks!
AdLib an hour ago
I was very impressed by the 100 lifeguards from 9 colleges who answered the call to join teams of rescuers….they did a lot of good very quickly.
an hour ago
glenn – I woould be very cool with Tammy Duckworth! Maybe Castro? Ted Lieu?
AdLib an hour ago
BRB Fergie calls!
an hour ago
Ad–maybe Castro or Lieu. At least they’re Congressmen, and not Senators.
an hour ago
Murph – True but Trump is so massively motivating AND by 2018, I’ll bet indictments will have come down against him and his cronies which will make the margin for Dems even bigger.
AdLib an hour ago
How about Adam Schiff as Speaker?
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–So your sister came through the storm all right? That’s good news if she did.
an hour ago
Ad…MSM will not reach those who need to enroll….they are, as a group, not tied into the info-web- personal contact, direct point to point outreach are pivotal.
an hour ago
Ad…Tammy is in the Senate.
an hour ago
Ad–I love Schiff, too. He’s very outspoken, but well spoken.
an hour ago
Ad….I tend to agree….indictments of his posse and the impeachment of him and his VP.
an hour ago
glenn – I kept thinking that if only a rain collection system and pipeline could be built there, all the drought-potential states could have help while Houston floods less.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….like Adam a lot.
an hour ago
Glenn…she did….lots and lots of water but here subdivision is separately incorporated and the infrastructure worked for them.
an hour ago
Ad…there are so many things that good/solid/innovative infrastructure could do.
an hour ago
glenn – As I wrote in my article this week, I think the true nature of humanity really rises to the surface during adversity. I’m proud to be a human being when you see how noble and compassioonate so many have been in Houston.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Ad–I was thinking the other day, that as a nation committed to something, there’s nothing we can’t do. Problem is that we can’t even agree that health care is a necessity, and that the government should be involved in providing it. So I doubt that we could have the kind of infrastructure put into place, like you suggest. Also could you imagine, TX “helping” CA? Ha!
44 minutes ago
Ad….I meant to ask you to cross post that article at Yabberz. If you do, tell me and I will share it and sponsor it.
44 minutes ago
Murph – Glad your sister came through the flooding well. No doubt, she has had her hands full!
AdLib 43 minutes ago
Murph – Then that is a real issue. Do you think the bipartisan proposals to repair the ACA could succeed?
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Murph–This is not meant to sound “snarky”, but it is amazing what money can do, isn’t it? And, once again, we could afford to provide that infrastructure if we just set our minds to it. I certainly would rather my tax dollars go for infrastructure than war.
41 minutes ago
Murph – Yep, realized that after I had said that, glad Tammy is in the Senate!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Ad…..Congress is going to have govern without the President and with cooperating departments in the Executive Branch.
40 minutes ago
Glenn…and a piece of that is to have a fairer tax system overall.
40 minutes ago
glenn…. or a wall
40 minutes ago
Murph, aren’t they already trying to do that?
39 minutes ago
Murph–well, therein lies the problem. Congress, at least the majority of Congress as it stands right now, isn’t used to governing, only obstructing. In addition, right now, they’re actually trying to obstruct their own president!
39 minutes ago
PPO…they are but to be fully effective a bridge must be built between the parties.
39 minutes ago
Glenn….let me amend my reply to PPO….they will have to build bridges within the GOP and then to the Dems.
38 minutes ago
Murph–speaking of a fairer tax system, I’m beginning to believe that churches should no longer be tax exempt. We could probably wipe out our deficit right there.
38 minutes ago
hmm. well, if it gets the country going, then the Dems should put on the white hats and gallop into the fray
37 minutes ago
Murph – There could really be a rennaisance of infrastructure creation with Dems in power. Not just repairing existing infrastructure but building based on new concepts. Like my little pet project, accepting climate change will create more floods in parts oof the country, harness that and drain flooding with pipelines to drought states. A two-for-one that pays for itself as drought states buy that water.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Murph–your amendment is understood.
37 minutes ago
Ad–It’s a great idea! You should consider running for office to propose it.
36 minutes ago
Glenn…church tax exemption is based on the nation that taxation could interfere with freedom to practice AND that churches were by their nature largely charitable…both presumptions no longer hold.
35 minutes ago
PPO…I like the white hat posse idea.
35 minutes ago
Murph–exactly. So, if those presumptions no longer hold, then the tax exemption should no longer hold, either.
35 minutes ago
Ad…the dutch do as you suggest…including mounting water turbines in their flood control sluices.
35 minutes ago
glenn – It seems like inventiveness is what needs to be unleashed when it comes to infrastructure, not more tax cuts for corporations. So many infrastructure innovations that could make our country more productive, that’s the key to creating a booming economy with rising wages.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Make Osteen pay. He gives even Creflo A Dollar a bad name!
34 minutes ago
AD for WHATEVER! I would donate! And work for his candidacy!
34 minutes ago
And, at this point, I don’t see where paying taxes will prevent churches from doing what they’re already doing. I truly don’t see how churches paying taxes will change anything about the way they currently operate.
33 minutes ago
Glenn….churches, like individuals, could get credit for charitable work…..and that would open the door to shared funding for projects churches cannot do on their own.
33 minutes ago
Murph–ME TOO!
33 minutes ago
I agree glenn. Especially as many churches are Incorporated. Therefore they are businesses
32 minutes ago
Murph–there you go. Perhaps we should add that to Ad’s platform when he runs for office.
32 minutes ago
32 minutes ago
Murph – Great point, the dutch have had to be inventive to keep from flooding and the technology exists, it has foor some time. Imagine that instead of building oil sludge pipelines, we were building water pipelines to crisscross the country, redistributing water from flood states to drought states. Imagine the billions saved from reduced flood damage and wildfires.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
My pad is half the size of the ‘little’ 4-bed house to the right f the Pool.
31 minutes ago
Thanks glenn! I’m going to consult with my aides about that!
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Ad….my brother in law worked for Shell in land acquisition for new wells for many years and then Shell began to close down his division. Why? They were shifting resources to alternative energy initiatives.
28 minutes ago
Ad…form a committee…..to explore your options.
28 minutes ago
PPO – the house is obscene
28 minutes ago
Have they found out if Trump has actually donated the million, or just pledged it?
27 minutes ago
I still agree with separation of church and state but church isn’t cooperating on that anymore so that deal is null and void. They need to be taxed like everyone else, they use our public services, our roads and infrastructure, time to stop freeloading.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Agree Murph, and all funded by the gullible. Rather like Trump getting the Presidency, isn’t it?
27 minutes ago
Maybe he should change his name to Ostench?
AdLib 26 minutes ago
25 minutes ago
Joking Ostench
25 minutes ago
Os-tentayshus..! Good one.
25 minutes ago
PPO–that’s a good one!
25 minutes ago
PPO….that donation promise is being tracked by many…we will know soon.
25 minutes ago
#JokingOstench works for me!
24 minutes ago
That is my first hashtag! I am so out of date!
24 minutes ago
Murph – But as we know now, due to climate change, availability of potable water is projected to decline substantially. This could at least protect the US from that and maybe would inspire global versions to lessen droughts such as those in Africa.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Let ‘er rip, Murph!
24 minutes ago
Smirking Ostentayshus works for me. Can’t stand that man’s smirk!
24 minutes ago
PPO – 

AdLib 23 minutes ago
Murph–I’m not even on Twitter, so you are ahead of me with your first hashtag.
23 minutes ago
glenn, he studued at the Paul Ryan Institute for SMirks
23 minutes ago
Ad…completely agree…..real global leadership.
23 minutes ago
PPO–Yup. It’s an outreach program of trump university!
22 minutes ago

21 minutes ago
Murph–oh my! We can’t have global leadership. We have to have America first. What is wrong with you?
21 minutes ago
21 minutes ago
Murph – And it’s a profitable venture, money from both sides. From the areas that would benefit financially from reduced flooding and those benefiting from reduced droughts.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
Ad–I know Murph is an historian. Are you an engineer by trade, by any chance?
20 minutes ago
Global leadership? This looks like a job for post-presidency Obama! BTW, what happened to Obama and when is he going to step back into public view?
AdLib 20 minutes ago
One last thing from me…..Trump was in Mo. a couple of days back. He was in Springfield at the Loren Cook Ventilation Company at a closed, employee only meeting. I have friends in Springfield who knew people at the speech….a few months ago the event would have been a “hail the conquering here” moment, but in the here and now the response was largely “wait and see” bordering on skeptical.
19 minutes ago
Ad–seriously. You should discuss your idea with someone who can do something about it. It truly is an example of American ingenuity.
18 minutes ago
Ad Lib …. global economy to match the global leadership. Yes.
18 minutes ago
Glenn…clearly Trump wants to lead us straight in the 19th century.
18 minutes ago
Murph–yup. MAGA!
17 minutes ago
Ad…Obama is spending a lot of time attending world class programs, building up alliances, and laying the groundwork for a significant contribution in the future….including in 2018. I know this from an Obama insider.
16 minutes ago
Murph–from what I’ve been reading, although many of trump’s supporters are becoming disenchanted with him, it wouldn’t change their votes. That’s why it’s imperative for Dems to get someone with fresh, progressive ideas on the ballot both in 2018 and 2020.
16 minutes ago
Glenn…MAGAAA…Making Americans Gag Again and Again
16 minutes ago
glenn – I’m not an engineer. However, the technology is already invented as Murph mentioned, the Dutch use those pumps to keep from flooding. Just need to build pipelines that run from them to filtration plants in other areas. Would Houston agree to building a water drainage system that reduced flooding? Would Western states pay for water when they’re in drought or to store water for such times? The money would seem to make it viable…more viable than a border wall at least!
AdLib 15 minutes ago

15 minutes ago
Glenn….the shift away from Trump has begun as the softening numbers show.
15 minutes ago
Ad….visionary thinking!
15 minutes ago
Murph – MAGGATS – Many American Goons and Gangsters Advocating Trump’s Sickness
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Great platform for someone to build a policial career on. Go for it, guys!
12 minutes ago
Well, my friends…this was grand….but this guy needs to call it a day….the morn comes early. I am having a very good year with my gardens. But that means that the harvest keeps coming and coming and that means lots of work. The restaurant supply house I sell to and the pantry that my surplus goes to say that it has been a good year overall here. We are fortunate.
11 minutes ago
Murph – That’s a promising sign, skepticism comes first then comes abandonment.
AdLib 11 minutes ago
Ad–you don’t have to sell your idea to me. I agree with it wholeheartedly. If we began taxing churches, we could pay for the initial cost of it, and then, as you say, it would pay for itself. I believe “water wars” are going to be the next “big” thing. Already, I know that CA and other western states are fighting against each other for water “rights”. Here in GA, there is an ongoing fight with FL over water rights on the border, also. We just have to have the will to do it. And someone in government has to propose it and sell it.
11 minutes ago
Glad you’ve had a great year, Murph! Hoping for more of the same!
AdLib 11 minutes ago
MAGGATS for Trump. Proud to be Pests.
11 minutes ago
Ad….I have neighbors who have scraped Trump/Pence stickers off bumpers and taken signs out of windows.
10 minutes ago
Murph–glad to hear your harvest is bountiful. Good night and good picking! 

10 minutes ago
Glenn…most churches are not like Joel’s…..most are truly charitable outfits..our net would catch the Godly Grifters.
9 minutes ago
Congrats on a good harvest, Murph. You’ve worked hard enough for it.
9 minutes ago
glenn – You’re up on the water rights issues! Yes, CA is in a war to keep draining the Colorado River and during the drought, when the river was running low, it was growing into a war. This could help!
AdLib 9 minutes ago
Ad–don’t know if PPO is coming back, but I’m calling it a night, also. Have to get up early for my kitchen contractor.
9 minutes ago
Thanks to Ad and Glenn for your good wishes…….I have several college guys who help out and they are heading back to school…..
9 minutes ago
Thanks PPO
8 minutes ago
‘night glenn!
8 minutes ago
Night glenn!
AdLib 8 minutes ago
Looks like a good time to say G’Night and Sweet Dreams of a Trumpless White House….bye Y’All.
8 minutes ago
Murph – Saw a piece on Vice News about teens picking corn in the summer.
AdLib 8 minutes ago
Well, better call it a day/night Cheers everyone
7 minutes ago
Corn tassels actually.
AdLib 7 minutes ago
Ad….my “guys” are female and male, average age is 21. I pay well.
7 minutes ago
Take care PPO!
AdLib 7 minutes ago
Murph–I understand what you’re saying about not all churches being rich. However, if taxes were based on income, then those without much income wouldn’t be paying much in taxes. I don’t like paying taxes any more than anyone else, but I consider it my duty as an American to support my government, and my fellow Americans. Churches, no matter how poor or rich, should do no less.
7 minutes ago
Murph – I would have assumed that! The tassle pickers got min wage.
AdLib 6 minutes ago
Corn tassels….I don’t do corn but I have been to detasseling contests.
6 minutes ago
Glenn…yes, your plan is reasonable…
6 minutes ago
They snap easily, I only grow a few stalks each seasoon, never snapped the tassels!
AdLib 6 minutes ago
Okay, I’m going now. G’night gents!
5 minutes ago
Seeya glenn!
AdLib 5 minutes ago
Me too. Night one and all.
5 minutes ago
Night all!
AdLib 5 minutes ago
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