Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!

AdLiban hour ago

Helllooooo?? Anybody home?


an hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

Hey, Ad!


an hour ago

How are you doing today?

AdLiban hour ago

Exhausted. The rumors that you sleep less as you age are true. But 2.5 hours just is NOT cutting it.


an hour ago

No, that’s not enough.

AdLiban hour ago

Have you tried melatonin?

AdLiban hour ago

Some nights fine, others not. I FINALLY figured out last night around 5:30 am that I was COLD. It’s been so long I didn’t even recognize it. Mostly my feet, so I found the bed socks – with pink bunnies – and finally fell asleep.


an hour ago

Melatonin and I are very incompatible. Makes me nauseated.


an hour ago

Yes, bed socks come in very handy, especially on very cold nights.

AdLiban hour ago

That’s too bad.

AdLiban hour ago

I honestly have no answer. But now I remember it’s FALL and not 120 degrees out, and prepare accordingly, I should sleep better.


an hour ago

Anyway, how are you down there in La La land?


an hour ago

Yes, I turn the AC up a little at night when I can remember to do so and it does help me sleep better.\

AdLiban hour ago

Doing okay. Just trying to keep the stress at a manageable level until the 5th.

AdLiban hour ago

Well, we actually have the HEAT on – it’s getting down into the 40s at night. Not hot, but, well, it IS Fall.


an hour ago

I am finding much of this almost intolerable. But I’ve cleaned my follower list and don’t get a lot of RW garbage. That said, I still look at or read the news, and it’s anxiety producing.’


an hour ago

Despite my skepticism, I am a little stressed by the alleged polling showing it neck and neck even though intellectually I know it doesn’t line up with a preponderance of anecdotal evidence.

AdLiban hour ago

Have you heard there’s supposed to be a bombshell story coming out on Trump? Tomorrow or this weekend. I think it will be about treason, the only thing that hasn’t actually been publicly confirmed.


an hour ago

BTW, dropped off our votes today at a drop box! At least I hope it was a drop box!

AdLiban hour ago

Well, Marist has rather powerful BIG GAP polls for her in several swing states. That’s what makes this so frustrating – whom does one believe on polling? At the end of the day, if she has a blowout, the whole polling methodology needs a major do over.


an hour ago

Ad Yeah – but if if was a Library return, you’ll be fine. If it was a garbage bin? Not so much.


an hour ago

Yes, I’ve heard that about a bombshell story but I have doubts because I’ve seen different claims about what it is, one person said it’s video of Trump groping a donor’s daughter and there’s this one about a treason. I hope it’s going to happen but I do have doubts.

AdLiban hour ago

Did you see the NC dipshit who told his election board to just turn over the EC votes to Trump NOW before the election because…the hurricane. Are all GOP plum nuts?


an hour ago

The drop box did say “Salvation Army” on it but I assumed that was a rallying cry.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I agree. And I don’t care. Those who could be swayed at this point are few and far between.


an hour ago

I think your ballot is cooked. Might have to go provisional. Oh, well – you always can find a way to vote. That’s the joy of living in these times.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, I saw that and it was a Repub Rep from another state! Not even NC! They dishonestly whine about election fraud while they actually promote anti-democratic acts.

AdLiban hour ago

I used to think the saying, “Every accusation is a confession” was hyperbole – it’s NOT! They really ARE that craven!


an hour ago

Agreed, I don’t think there are many undecided and history proves that they’ll swing towards the “new” and “change” candidate which is Kamala.

AdLiban hour ago

All good. I’m here for it.


an hour ago

Trump was three hours late to his rally, wherever that was. You just can’t treat people that poorly and keep them.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, and they don’t seem to care about getting caught. Did you see about the thousands of registrations in Lancaster, MI that are fraudulent and appear tied to a well known Repub/MAGA operative?

AdLiban hour ago

Yes, I did see that MI report. And the guy in NY who stole a mailer and put in his own – not mailed – two postal felonies in one. And then he had the cojones to tell a reporter he didn’t appreciate “gotcha” questions. Who ARE these people?


an hour ago

CL – I saw video of that, MAGAs thoroughly discouraged and leaving early. I’m sorry, there is no logical argument for insisting that Trumpers are anywhere as enthusiastic as Kamala supporters. She’s filled a 30,000 seat stadium in Houston tonight! Doesn’t hurt that Beyonce is going to be there.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Yes, saw that video. It’s like a crime mob only thinly disguised as a political party.

AdLiban hour ago

Did you sign up with the state to get texts on the progress of your vote? I get texts when it’s been collected/received and when it’s been counted.

AdLiban hour ago

They are reprehensible! Never saw a thing like it, and I’m from Daley’s CHICAGO!


44 minutes ago

I have signed up. Not dropped the ballot yet – that’s tomorrow – but I love having the tracking.


44 minutes ago

I am happy for the energies that just radiate from the Harris-Walz campaign. It’s a new dawn, a new day. Could not be happier.


43 minutes ago

Polling is obsolete at this point in history. The science as it’s been takes the likely voter percentages from the last similar election, 2020 in this case, and does not include registration booms or political changes like Roe being killed and Trump declaring he’ll be a dictator.

AdLib42 minutes ago

Did you see Tyler Perry’s speech? He was great, but I went ballistic when he told the crowd that the Confederate fort near them was now HIS PROPERTY! Woo hoo!!!


41 minutes ago

Ad – I was talking w Greg about that. It’s as rocky a ‘science’ as 1948 and “Dewey beats Truman” due to using telephones when MOST of America still didn’t have them.


40 minutes ago

Yes, Harris-Walz are inspirational while the MSM, including WAPO’s cowardly refusal to issue an endorsement due to Bezos, have doen all they can to sanewash Trump while dissing and questioning Kamala’s cred.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Not every polling firm has cell phones that frankly are hard to access for ownership. They don’t keep up with new registrations, as you note. It’s all in flux, but they are NOT.


39 minutes ago

CL – Haven’t seen that Tyler Perry video yet but heard about it. Very nice! I even enjoyed Charlemagne’s spanking of CNN and Anderson Cooper.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Charlamagne tha God smacked down Cooper on CNN. New world, guys – you gotta keep up.


38 minutes ago

Yes!!! Just mentioned that!

AdLib38 minutes ago

I really did not know him, Charlamagne, but I loved his refusal to back down to Cooper. Cooper is pretty good, but he has hiccups in his courage. He just got owned on that.


37 minutes ago

What is extra scary to me is the coalescing of the most evil billionaires working with Russia to turn the US into a new Russia with them as oligarchs.

AdLib36 minutes ago

Yup. One commentator on Twitter said that the real problem is their coalescing of bitcoin to undermine US currency. Not sure how to stop that, but it needs to be addressed.


35 minutes ago

I find Cooper and all the MSM hosts as all lacking a piece of their spines because they know their owners are RW conservatives and that they only have so much leash to pull against. I don’t include Maddow or Lawrence in that.

AdLib35 minutes ago

CL – All this evil is coagulating around Trump. The fraud of Crypto, the rabid greed of sociopathic billionaires (many from apartheid South Africa), the neo Nazis, militias, religious extremists…it’s a hyper-toxic soup of the worst of humanity.

AdLib32 minutes ago

Ahh – reconnected. Whew. That was weird.


31 minutes ago

What happened?

AdLib30 minutes ago

I don’t know – all of a sudden I was “reconnecting” but nothing actually reconnected, and I couldn’t write. So I gave it a breather, and now it’s fine.


29 minutes ago

Weird! I just cleared the site’s cache in case that had something to do with it.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Who knows? Sunspots, black holes, cyberattacks, old computers. Anything is possible. I love the immediacy of computers but prefer the reliability of No. 2 pencils.


28 minutes ago

I am encouraged that the courts have for the most part protected voters against Repub lawsuits to oppress them. But the crazy 5th declared today that votes mailed in on election day or days before can’t be counted is they haven’t been received on election day.

AdLib27 minutes ago

No. 2 pencils aren’t great at live chats when you’re not in the same room. And even then, they don’t make sense.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Ad – I saw that. The 5th is the black hole of justice. The Federalist Society view is that precedent, including fairly recent legislation, is of NO meaning anymore. The 5th C. has not a legal leg to stand on in this decision. Quite the opposite. And yet – here we are. Bet Mark Elias takes it directly to the 11th Appellate for reversal.


26 minutes ago

So now we have a district court deciding to suppress Americans’ right to vote.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Pencils are only as good as the hands behind them, that’s for sure.


25 minutes ago

How can Elias take a decision by the 5th Circuit to the 11th Circuit>

AdLib25 minutes ago

If it was based on LAW somehow, the 5th C would make sense, but it is a finding without ANY LAW AT ALL, and that’s the really scary part of this.


25 minutes ago

I think it’s the 5th Superior to the 11th Appellate. I get names confused. But the 5th circuit is where Cannon is. The 11th Appellate is over them.


24 minutes ago

CL – As we said, the RW is no longer a political party, they are a crime family that have no respect for the law.

AdLib24 minutes ago

That’s the part of this that really bothers me. The Leo Leonards and Federalist Society folks want to destroy precedent. Their FEEEEELINGS are what should, in their minds, drive decisions.


23 minutes ago

I thought they were all circuit courts that heard appeals, the 5th and 11th I thought were peers who only handled cases in their geographic areas?

AdLib22 minutes ago

I thought any appeals of the 5th Circuit would have to go to the SCOTUS?

AdLib21 minutes ago

I agree that Harris should be bipartisan. I know, without question, she doesn’t actually mean selling out to the extremists. GOP? Fine. MAGA/cristofascists? No. So I’d like to see some serious work done on undermining the power of the RW over the courts, the failure of religious institutions to uphold the non partisan status for their tax exemptions. GO AFTER THEM because they are breaking the law.’


21 minutes ago

Hey everyone sorry for being late but an ole friend from NM called


21 minutes ago

Hey TW!

AdLib21 minutes ago

TW!!! How are you, dear friend?


20 minutes ago

TW – what’s going on in NM?


20 minutes ago

Doing fine CL


20 minutes ago

Old friend called haven’t talked to him for a bit so just catching up


19 minutes ago

If it’s the 5th appellate it would, but I’m pretty sure it’s the 5th circuit that goes to the 11th Appellate then to SCOTUS.


19 minutes ago

No worries, TW.

AdLib19 minutes ago

Tw – that’s lovely! Where in NM is your friend?


19 minutes ago

We used to work at the same company many years ago


19 minutes ago

CL, here’s an article on it: “On Friday afternoon, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit handed down a shock decision declaring that states may not count ballots that are mailed by Election Day but received shortly thereafter. “


AdLib18 minutes ago

It’s nice to catch up. I’m starting to reconnect with people from my past. We still have the same interests and can talk.


18 minutes ago

Looks like I will have to catch the Harris speech later as I was in the middle of that when he called


18 minutes ago

Ad I saw that earlier that’s just for Mississippi right?


17 minutes ago

Oh – it’s the court of appeals already? Then yes, that goes to SCOTUS. I don’t think they will uphold that. It affects every vote, not just liberals, and they have ruled on similar things a couple of years ago asserting post marks are enough. We shall see just HOW corrupt they are.


17 minutes ago

CL yes it is, we used to close the local pub backi in the day.


16 minutes ago

TW – I think the 5th Circuit includes TX, MS, LA and a couple of other states.

AdLib16 minutes ago

If they say that, the DeJoy problem intensifies. Then we really DO need drop boxes.


15 minutes ago

CL – I have no faith in SCOTUS but pulling the rug out from under military members overseas like this would be an outrage.

AdLib15 minutes ago

Ad yes, but I was listening to that on Leagal Af at it was just for MS I believe I may be wrong on that but that is what I recall.


15 minutes ago

Ad – that’s why I don’t think it will be upheld. Roberts apparently is stunned at public opposition to what he’s done. We shall see.


14 minutes ago

Tw – I hope that’s true, but it’s a stupid ruling from the 5th.


14 minutes ago

CL – Another bewildering Biden mistake, not pressing the majority now on the Postal board that are Dems to kick out DeJoy. I mean, why? Why has he left him there? He has a majority to get rid of DeJoy and yet left him where he could sabotage the election.

AdLib14 minutes ago

We only JUST got enough Dems in place. Just a couple of months ago. Biden had no power over any of it.


13 minutes ago

TW – But until the SCOTUS weighs in, there will be lawsuits in every state Kamala wins stating that late votes have been counted according to the 5th Circuit.

AdLib13 minutes ago

Ad – it’s going to be a mess.


12 minutes ago

CL – I don’t know if I buy that article about Roberts being “shaken” by the public’s rejection of his making the president a king. But maybe taking the vote away from servicepeople is a bridge too far in his gradual overthrow of our democracy.

AdLib11 minutes ago

Seems like the Repugs are finding ways to muck of the works with all these law suits


10 minutes ago

CL – The excuse that Biden has no power is undermined by Trump commanding his board members to fire the existing Postmaster and putting DeJoy in.

AdLib10 minutes ago

That was one factor that Roberts was upset over, but he didn’t see our outrage at several other things, and he’s surprised. Surprise! WTF did he think would happen?


10 minutes ago

Ad – but Trump did it lawlessly. You KNOW there are double standards.


9 minutes ago

CL – That’s why we will need SCOTUS to weigh in on that decision in an emergency filing, we can’t go into election day with that poisonous ruling hanging over the country.

AdLib9 minutes ago

I think Elias is on this. Can’t keep up with all he’s doing.


8 minutes ago

Ad that’s the problem with a den of snakes they’re always slittering around waiting their turn to strick.


7 minutes ago

Tw – that’s a very apt analogy.


7 minutes ago

CL – If Biden called the board members as Trump did and demand they throw out DeJoy, it would be just as legit.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad repugs have had a lot of time to figure out how to gum up the works.


7 minutes ago

No – it’s NOT legit. That’s the whole limitation when you live by the rules.


6 minutes ago

TW – Isn’t there an island all those Repub snakes should be sent to?

AdLib6 minutes ago

Ad – if there isn’t such an island, there SHOULD be!


6 minutes ago

Ad yes there is


5 minutes ago

CL – I don’t want Dems to adopt lawlessness but I don’t see how it would be illegal for Biden to share his concerns over DeJoy with the board members. They still make the decision. And at the same time, it’s hard to win a fight when only one side is playing by the rules.

AdLib5 minutes ago

Tw – I was telling Ad that I got about 2-3 hours of sleep last night. I am definitely fading out. This ‘you don’t sleep as well as you age’ thingy is really annoying. I am starting to be blurry eyed, so I’m dropping off.


4 minutes ago

Ad doesn’t the board have the votes to kick him off?


4 minutes ago

Ilha da Queimada Grande, more commonly referred to as Snake Island, is an island off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. The island became famous for its abundant snakes, hence the name “Snake Island.”

AdLib4 minutes ago

CL I know what you mean.


3 minutes ago

Ad – Biden has NO authority on the Postal Commission, and the new Dem probably thinks, perhaps correctly, that replacing DeJoy now would be chaos. Ad – I love that as a place for MAGA pols to go!


3 minutes ago

TW – Yep, Biden has had a majority Dem board for months yet DeJoy, who sabotaged the 2020 election, has not been removed. Insanity.

AdLib3 minutes ago

I’m off to drink ice water and try to get to sleep soon. See you guys next week. Anyone else shows up – please tell them HI for me.’


2 minutes ago

Take care CL


2 minutes ago

Looks like it’s just us give you a call in 5?


a minute ago

CL – Getting rid of DeJoy would be getting rid of someone meddling with mail delivery. A temp postmaster could step in and nothing would be harmed. A lack of urgency and vision IMHO. DeJoy WILL contribute to chaos on election day. No excuse to keep him in.

AdLiba minute ago

Sounds good TW.

AdLiba minute ago

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