Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Hi…just us….huh?


an hour ago

So far, should perk up shortly. After all, what an amazing week! Not even a week!

AdLiban hour ago

Have you been hearing anything interesting out your way about Kamala?

AdLiban hour ago

What do you mean? Has something happened?


an hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

Just the Earth changing its axis.

AdLiban hour ago

My GOP “friends” are SO PISSED.


an hour ago

Seriously, the world has changed.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Love it!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey all


an hour ago

I like what you said in your email, Murph! They’re angry that now they’re stuck with the old senile guy!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

As the world (or the stomach) turns.


an hour ago

Well it seems the Repugs are having a total meltdown now that Harris is in the race


an hour ago

Polls keep coming out showing Kamala ahead in MI, PA, and WI by a point or two but understanding the way polls under-represent Dems, that translates more like 4-5 points ahead.

AdLiban hour ago

There is definitely confusion in the ranks.


an hour ago

And JD is not “cushioning” the blow.

AdLiban hour ago

Yes she certainly has Trump and everyone in a spin


an hour ago

Vance provides no relief from the Trump that many dislike since he is so unlikeable.


an hour ago

Ad, I have a feeling that Frump will find some way to get him to drop out as more and more stuff keeps coming out about JD or whatever his real name is.


an hour ago

Overconfidence is a trap so not counting the electors quite yet but with all the energy and momentum and hope on our side, Trump’s out of time to boost his numbers while Kamala should get a nice boost after the DNC.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Good evening, gentlemen.


an hour ago

Hi CL.


an hour ago

Murph things that JD said some time back are coming out and they’re not making him look good at all.


an hour ago

Murph – I’m assuming you heard the meme about Vance and couches?

AdLiban hour ago

CL is in the house let’s get the party going.


an hour ago

All – someone on twitter said, to JD, every couch is a loveseat. Says it all.


an hour ago

Ad…I salute your caution (while still snickering in joy behind my napkin)


an hour ago

TW – I don’t think Trump will ever drop out, don’t forget, the only way he doesn’t go to prison is becoming president.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad JD brings no added value to the party at all.


an hour ago

Tw – I have wine and popcorn. Let the good times roll!


an hour ago

CL – Heh! Saw that! I made a pun above too!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad no Trump won’t but I think he will try to drop JD as JD making Trump look bad for picking him.


an hour ago

Ad – anything anyone can say about JD is fine with me. The grottier the better.


an hour ago

TW – Trump’s ego will prevent him from dropping Vance because doing so would be an admission of his being a fool and making the worst mistake in presidential election history.

AdLiban hour ago

Point of Interest my granddaughter and I had dinner with PPO it was good to see him.


44 minutes ago

Around here Vance was hailed as an appropriate backstop for Trump….a guy who have the T Man’s back….but even the most enthused are less than happy now.


44 minutes ago

One of our homeless guys in the back said tonight Trump is looking to drop JD. I have to brag – these guys, all 16 we’ve housed, are now (with the ones still alive) great analysts and advocates for justice. They weren’t. They heard hubs and me. Now they are.


44 minutes ago

Oh wow – TW, I’m so glad your granddaughter met PPO and you got to see him!!!


43 minutes ago

Ad That could be but that same ego could cause him to come up with a reason to replace him with someone else as JD keeps making Trump look like a fool for picking him in the first place. But, we’ll see.


43 minutes ago

Consider that historically, the last bump a candidate gets is their convention. Trump comes out of his attacking the wrong opponent, tapping the wrong man for his VP, and being contrasted with aq much younger, sharper, more likeable opponent. I know things could change but I can’t see how Trump gets a bump between now and the election. Kamala meanwhile had lots of room to grow, she’s only been a candidate for 5 days!

AdLib43 minutes ago

CL so am I


42 minutes ago

Murph – read a horrific story in MO of a girl who got raped in a town mid state, and the whole town turned on HER because the rapists were athletes. She moved to Albany, Gentry County – my grandfather’s birthplace – and they burned her house down. MO sucks.


42 minutes ago

TW – Sounds like such a fun time, the three of you having dinner together. Very cool!

AdLib42 minutes ago

And….as you all may recall, I worked the Obama campaign in three states…..and a lot of what is happening feels very Obaman.


41 minutes ago

Cl…yes that story says a lot about the Show Me state…all bad.


41 minutes ago

Murph – Very interesting. So Vance appears to be rejected in a bipartisan way, from both Dems and Repubs! What an incredible accomplishment, it’s never happened before with a VP pick.

AdLib41 minutes ago

Ad but Trump didn’t get the traditional bump. But as you’re pointing out Frump’s ego causes him to do stupid stuff and if he keeps JD well let me say I will not cry for him with he looses


40 minutes ago

CL – And I assume they’re all registered to vote?

AdLib40 minutes ago

We all were in despair 9:30 CA time Sunday and exhilarated by 4pm same day. NEVER saw such turn around!


40 minutes ago

Murph so the folks in your state are moving toward Harris???


39 minutes ago

Cl times change…sometings very rapidly.


39 minutes ago

Ad – one of our ONLY rules is, you get your mail here, you register, you vote.


39 minutes ago

TW – If Trump does replace him, Kamala and the Dems will hammer into the ground for proving he has horrible judgement and can’t even get a VP pick right.

AdLib39 minutes ago

TW….my state does not move toward any Democrat now-a-days.


39 minutes ago

Murph – yup. Change on a dime, give you 9 cents change.


39 minutes ago

And demonstrates Trump’s lack of loyalty to those who support him…including voters.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Murph – I’m wondering how may will vote for Lucas without its registering a blip on polls.


38 minutes ago

CL – That is a terrifying story!

AdLib38 minutes ago

Ad and that would be a bad thing


37 minutes ago

Ad – Trump has horrible judgement, and picking the wrong guy isn’t easy to fix now the convention has ratified JD.


37 minutes ago

CL Lucas is still well behind Hawley but less so month by month. He is a long shot with a better chance now, but an unlikely winner.


37 minutes ago

Ad – yup. That is life in the backwoods of MO. My friend Murph helped me with is from Springfield. She was a racial justice activist and had skinheads at her door. Everyone says now nice Springfield is. No. It’s not. It’s vile.


36 minutes ago

Murph – That’s what it looks like to me. The joyful enthusiasm and confidence, all the volunteers signing up, over 100,000 new voters registered in 5 days, the record donations, this is a real and massive wave and it’s only growing. BTW, after all these Zoom meetings for different groups, there is a Zoom meeting for “White Guys for Kamala” on Monday which I will participate in.

AdLib35 minutes ago

Murph – I keep my fingers crossed, send money when I can. I REALLY want Hawley OUT, but…MO. I may have roots there. I have zero influence there.


35 minutes ago

CL And Springfield IS what passes for Nice/Enlightened/Open here in MO.


35 minutes ago

Murph – yes. It does. And that’s true. And that’s why it sucks.


34 minutes ago

CL – Never in my life have I had such a massive swing from despair to jubilation as we did on Sunday.

AdLib34 minutes ago

Ad – same here. I’m still reeling.


34 minutes ago

CL – That is a fantastic rule!

AdLib34 minutes ago

I was a bit giddy….and ever so proud of Joe Biden. Then and how his handing his job now.


33 minutes ago

CL if I had to guess, I would say this was the plan all along, but you know I’m just messing around


33 minutes ago

I am unmoveable – you use our address. You VOTE. I won’t say HOW, but I WILL say here are the issues, here are those pushing the issues.


33 minutes ago

Murph – I will hope that Kamala’s entry in the race could help bring out the women and black voters who could give Kunce the boost he needs.

AdLib33 minutes ago

Tw – we won’t really know for years what the truth is. Except, maybe, about the ‘assassination’. I think TRUMP hired the guy.


32 minutes ago

I must admit that while I found the content of his Oval Office address re. his dropping out….the delivery reinforced my concerns about how age affects delivery.


32 minutes ago

Ad – I feel the same about women etc. and Lucas. He can ride coat tails of issues. I think people are SICK of Trump.


31 minutes ago

CL – It will take a long time to try and turn around these morality deserts in Red States after we beat Trump and pass voting reforms that take away corrupt districts and voter suppression but it can happen.

AdLib31 minutes ago

My stand is that if you vote Trump massive changes in every aspect of our lives will occur from troops in our streets rounding up neighbors to losses of our basic social supports. Elect Kamala? You get to go bowling, to work, grocery shopping, and brunch. Nothing much will change with HER. EVERY DAMNED THING WILL CHANGE W TRUMP.


30 minutes ago

CL…so simple, so clear.


29 minutes ago

CL as to the assassination attempt if that was planned and I’m inclined to agree and it comes out it was, then Trump is guilt of the ultimate crime.


29 minutes ago

Murph – Giddy here too. And from what I’m seeing, the Dem voters have become unified and Happy Warriors which can’t be beat against Hateful Trolls. Which will a majority of undecided voters choose, that’s not such a hard thing to figure out.

AdLib29 minutes ago

I hate to be a spoiler but I am exhausted…..all this Happy Warrioring! Early meeting. Long day today….part of the price to be paid for the energizing of the Dem base…


28 minutes ago

CL – I love it! You’re deomonstrating your social responsibility by having them there, the least they can do is demonstarte theirs.

AdLib28 minutes ago

Ad – if liberals want to change Red states, we need people such as I who lived there to go to church socials, take covered dishes, and remind people liberalism is kind. THAT is EXACTLY how LGBTQ people did it in CA’s Central Valley – door to door, via our churches, face to face. They showed they were good neighbors and good people. We haven’t done enough of that. We need to do more.


27 minutes ago

CL agree with you’re saying about the change that would take place if Trump was to win. Although it does seem more folks are waking up to what Project 2025 is all about.


27 minutes ago

Good night, Murph – absolutely get the rest you need. Hugs, dear friend.


26 minutes ago

CL – I have my doubts too about the assasination, many things don’t make sense. Many.

AdLib26 minutes ago

He Murph have a good night take care


26 minutes ago

Thanks all. Nice to be saying good night here on a positive note with a cheering outlook.


25 minutes ago

TW – stupidest thing Trump did is release Project 2025 NOW. It’s appalling, and it’s doing him great harm. HOORAY!!!!


25 minutes ago

Murph – I felt the same way, seeing Biden’s speech kind of confirmed, he wasn’t really able to turn the corner on his appearance of frailty

AdLib25 minutes ago



25 minutes ago

Ad – I will never forgive those people who emphasized his slowness v his brilliance, but we are where we are.


24 minutes ago

I think his last bout with COVID-19 drained him even more.


24 minutes ago

CL – It really is a choice between Hope and Hell. Undecided voters are moderates, if they weren’t, they would already have chosen a candidate. And choosing between Hope and Hell, kind of an advantage for Hope.

AdLib23 minutes ago

A friend, a medical specialist n the aging process, told me that he has confidence in Biden’s mental acuity and processing and that challenging in electro motor nerve control in speech is a common phenomenon. On top of his game in one way and falling behind in the other.


23 minutes ago

CL – I would write to President Harris to hire you to run the Red to Blue campaign!

AdLib22 minutes ago

Ad not that I pay much attention to polls but the ones I have seen show Harris only a point or 2 points behind Trump. And she has the convention which I have no doubt she will get a big bump whereas Trump got nothing which is a rarity as you know


21 minutes ago

Of note….I have been contacted by Obama fellow campaigners who are hoping to organize for Harris HERE!


21 minutes ago

Murph – that squares with my parents’ abilities. My father DID have Parkinson’s which is why I know Joe does not. But until he died, almost 90, he had all his marbles. Joe does, too, but is slower of speech, slower of gait. Trump is demented, physically impaired, living on speed, and mentally deficient since adolescence.


21 minutes ago

CL – Right with you, we will elect all Dems as possible this year but starting in 2026, all those who disrespected and went after Joe and the Dem Party for that matter, will be voted against in primaries by me, you, and many other principled Dems.

AdLib21 minutes ago

CL….brilliant summary on both sides.


20 minutes ago

HOORAY, Murph – you the MAN!!! (Golf thing…)


20 minutes ago



20 minutes ago

CL….I suspect I will choose to fight for Harris by continuing to fight for Kunce.


19 minutes ago

My ex, who died last October, loved golf. I don’t, but I did pick up stuff along the way. That expression cracks me up. So I use it now and then.


19 minutes ago

Murph – That’s good to hear. I can sense Biden’s acumen when he speaks, what I feel is that he’s struggling with energy and his troublesome stutter and memory in the respect of pulling the correct words out when desired. Not senile at all but physically challenged.

AdLib19 minutes ago

Murph – fighting for Harris by fighting for Kunce is perfect. PERFECT.


18 minutes ago

Ad….I think your canary is spot on.


18 minutes ago

You guys really are marvelous…..oh, what the GOP quacks are missing.


17 minutes ago

All – I think my better side is disappearing as I hope, day in, day out, that the drugs Trump ingests will finally see him to his eternal rest.


17 minutes ago

CL….I goo wonder about the chemical crutches he is on.


16 minutes ago

I was watching a speech Jamie Rasking gave I think earlier this year and he made a point of how the Republicans always say the Republicans this the Democrats that, but he quoted how FDR would say The Democracy


16 minutes ago

Some is steroids – that’s how he ‘recovered’ after COVID. His docs said they could make him look energetic but would eventually kill him. He doesn’t believe that. GOOOOO steroids!


16 minutes ago

TW – Consider the bumps to her popularity laying ahead for Kamala. The DNC in which she will have a much larger audience than Trump at the DNC because she will announce her VP, Obama will deliver an amazing speech, Biden will deliver a tearful farewell and passion for Kamala’s victory and Kamala will kick ass. She gets the last set of big bumps, Trump has none ahead, just the opposite. His sentencing in the Bragg case, his appeal will be defeated in the Engoron case and Jack SMith may have a couple of victories in appealing Cannon and getting the 1/6 case underway. Not to mention the unending damage Vance is doing.

AdLib15 minutes ago

CL….Trump on SPEED….love it.


15 minutes ago

TW – yes. THE democracy.


15 minutes ago

Ad…..now that narrative is exciting . …Trumps descent into hell…well deserved.


13 minutes ago

CL – I definitely don’t want Trump to exit this plane of existence until he loses the election and is imprisoned. Then, he has my permission to go.

AdLib13 minutes ago

CL when you say it that way it places and entire differnt bent to the point one is making. Talking about the democracy of the country not political parties. Something to ponder I would think.


13 minutes ago

I. have one other piece of news. I MAY be going to the convention! I am an alternate…..on this list because they needed to fill slots but now there seems to be a desire to put activists on the floor. I guess I qualify.


12 minutes ago

Ad – I hope she picks wisely. I LOVE Mark Kelly BUT he voted against the PRO act, and that’s NOT recoverable. Labor needs someone squarely on their side. I am, from funny Twitter bits, leaning to Walz. He’s a stitch and a man of the people. I love Pete – but it would hurt Biden to lose him. Shapiro – Jewish. And in this world, that’s another side energy. Half my family is Jewish, and even they don’t dismiss the power of anti semitism. She needs the LIGHTEST baggage she can find.


12 minutes ago

Murph – And let me add one more problem for Trump, If Kamala gets the big bump expected from the DNC, Trump will be terrified that he could not only ose but go to prison which will make him frantic and I’d bet, say things that are even more crazy and his dementia issues could become much more pronounced.

AdLib11 minutes ago

CL….so sharp an analyst you are. Yes, Yoda is a Dem.


11 minutes ago

Ad I would think Harris could get a bump that Trump would be hard press to catch up to. Let’s not forget as much as people talk about Uncle Joe slowing down Trump is as well and he is ever prone to ramble about sharks windmills .


10 minutes ago

In 2016 Kaine was a nice guy but too laid back. Walz isn’t . NICE GUY but forceful I think I’m hoping that’s her pick


10 minutes ago

Murph – That would be amazing! I sure hope that happens and you’re at the DNC!

AdLib10 minutes ago

I never thought that Kaine was a good choice for Clinton….too passive which fed into all of those who thought of Clinton as a dominatrix.


9 minutes ago

Murph going to the DNC covention alright.


9 minutes ago

OK – everyone needs to listen to Maddow’s second season of msnbc.com/ultra. Especially over the willingness of the extreme RW to do dastardly things. They MAY have killed LaFollette. They cause the suicide of Hunt. We are NOT done w extremism yet. Not.


8 minutes ago

CL – If it’s not Kelly, and I wouldn’t count him out because he now says he’ll vote for the Pro Act and he does bring Gabby with him, I think Brashear and Buttigieg would be the top choices left. But whoever it is, she will have a great VP pick! All are great choices!

AdLib8 minutes ago

Love Maddow.


8 minutes ago

Ad – how can he vote on the ProAct since it’s not on the table? I am GLAD he said that, but will labor actually forgive him?


7 minutes ago

Murph – I do, too. She’s awesome!


7 minutes ago

Ad – I agree her choices are outstanding.


6 minutes ago

CL – Buttigieg actually is polling best out of all of them…for what polls are worth. And he is incredible in every single interview he does. But I think Kamala tipped her hand today, referring to wanting someone with executive experience. Sounds like a governor to me. Any of them would be fantastic.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Well….this time I really do need to get to bed….but you. guys are worth staying awake for.


6 minutes ago

Ad as much as I like Buttigieg I don’t see that happening. At the moment my money is on Kelly


6 minutes ago

Good night. More on the convention coming…I hope, maybe.


5 minutes ago

Murph – get rest. Your life is hectic, we none of us are young, so take care of YOU along the way. Hugs – ‘


5 minutes ago

Murph – Glad we could coax you to chat a little longer. Rest well and dream of butterflies and Pres. Kamala!

AdLib5 minutes ago

Murph rest up you’ll need it when you go to the convention.


5 minutes ago

Murh – With you on Kaine, terible choice, didn’t help Hillary one bit. Too bland and nothing and moderate. Like a piece of white bread dunked in milk.

AdLib4 minutes ago

Ad..what an image….a piece white bread dunked in milk! Brilliant.


3 minutes ago

Good night, Murph! Guys – I had my eye injection yesterday with a HORRIBLE reaction later. Huge pain, and exhaustion. I also need to boogie, not much sleep last night. All is well today, but I’m beat. Love to you all. SO GLAD you had dinner w PPO, TW. So GLAD you and I talked through last Sunday, Ad. Thank you both, all, love you! Good night!


3 minutes ago

CL – Kelley is making a cleanup on Aisle 1. He now says he’d vote for it to remove it as an argument against him but you’re right, kind of irrelevant now.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Good night CL…I will waltz out the door at your side.


2 minutes ago

CL take care.


2 minutes ago

See you later, CL! Rest and feel better!

AdLib2 minutes ago

Ad, back in the day, WELL before my time, we called that “milktoast”. Meant mediocre white people, too. Kaine is nice…but a nonentity.


2 minutes ago



a minute ago

TW – I doubt it will be Buttigieg but his polling numbers counter the concerns about him having a negative impact on the ticket. Even so, I think Brashear, Walz and Shapiro are the top contenders now, governors.

AdLiba few seconds ago

Up for a chat?

AdLibin a minute

TW, that is?

AdLibin a minute

Yeah give you a call in a bit


in a minute

AdLibin a minute

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