Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey Ad


2 hours ago

Hey Ad


2 hours ago

Hey hey!

AdLib2 hours ago

How are things your way?

AdLib2 hours ago

Sorry about the double hey guess I just glad to be here tonight.


2 hours ago

Things are fine


2 hours ago

That’s good, feeling all good?

AdLib2 hours ago

Haven’t watch a bit of news as I don’t need to buy a new tv.


2 hours ago

The dems have their bvd’s in a twist talking about having Uncle Joe drop out. Wimps.


2 hours ago

Same here! The MSM has proven how corrupt they are at heart. Best response is to stop watching them. CNN had to let 100 people go because viewers are fleeing in droves. MSNBC is next.

AdLib2 hours ago

Feeling better, but the wife asked me if I made an appointment with the Doc, I only get one of those so I need to do that next week.


2 hours ago

Only got one doc or one wife?

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey the wife rules what can I say.


2 hours ago

I wonder if that is Murp trying to sign in??\


2 hours ago

That’s all the law allows.

AdLib2 hours ago

Don’t know, guess we’ll find out who that was.

AdLib2 hours ago

Did you watch any of the RNC?

AdLib2 hours ago

I just glanced quickly at an article about Uncle Joe needing to win two states


2 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Muph is in the house break out the good stuff Ad


2 hours ago

TW – Joe only needs to win two out of MI, WI, PA, AZ, NV, and GA. He could sweep them all but doesn’t need to, when you add in the blue district in NE.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad no I didn’t watch any of the RNC if I to see fantisy I’ll watch the SiFi channel


2 hours ago

TW….under the weather


2 hours ago

SO…what do we think….


2 hours ago

Murph feeling better


2 hours ago

Sorry to hear that Murph. There’s a cold going around, strange in the SUmmer. Also COVID strains so be sure to test.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph meant to say I hope you’ll be feeling better.


2 hours ago

TW….good….I too am having some health issues……nothing big but as Ad suggests, likely cold…tested negative for COVID


2 hours ago

Murph – I think the Repubs and Trump slightly damaged themselves in the RNC and I think Comeback Joe and the Legit Dems (not the ones bowing to donors and calling for him to quit) will hit it out of the park after Repubs choked so badly.

AdLib2 hours ago

Look the Repugs are going to do what they are going to do. Their problem is they’re too damn stupid to realize Trump doesn’t give a damn about them and will never deliever anything he promised them.


2 hours ago

Murph – Glad to hear it’s not COVID but colds are no walk in the park/

AdLib2 hours ago

I did not watch a minute of the convention….not a minute…..I read through Trump self aggrandizing, “saved by Divine Intervention” diatribe, and then watched clips……awful…..


2 hours ago

Murph mine have been some stomach issues so I’m going to follow the wife’s order, I mean admission to call the doc and get checked


2 hours ago

TW….do not mess with the gut…..ya gotten give the gut its due.


2 hours ago

Why are so many of the American Public taken in by this clown??


2 hours ago

Hey CL…..


2 hours ago

CL is in the house


2 hours ago

TW – I think the ear bandage BS looked silly and along with the hateful, lies and freakish speakers, tanked any good will Trump and Repubs had. Meanwhile, I think the DNC will be a feel-good story for the country centered on the man who stood against the MSM, GOP and some Dems to run for the people and comeback for a big win. Haven’t seen polls out yet after the RNC but I predict next to zero bump.

AdLib2 hours ago

What I don’t get is why are dems getting upset


2 hours ago

Hi CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – That kind of crazy, along with his meandering and nutty acceptance speech hurt his cause.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hi all – good to see you. Glad you’re a bit better, TW. Hope everyone is well. Lots of creepie crawlies around. I’m masking again – COVID in waste water in San Jose is 99.99% NOT good.


2 hours ago

Ad the bandage was a prop and nothing more, He didn’t need one that big. Look the guy does know how to play to the crowd, I just really ticked that so many people buy his BS.


2 hours ago

92 minutes with only 25 or so following a coherent train of thought…Hail to Hannibal Lecter!. Good Lord…..and with the cooperation of media fellow travelers and of spoilers and he gets only a whiff of what Biden got. Trumps performance was miserable AND he had prepared text which he could have used but I think it bored him. Megalomania in an adrenaline storm.


2 hours ago

TW – With civics no longer taught in schools, so many voters think of a presidential election like a season of “America’s Got Talent” and think they’re supposed to vote for the most attention-getting candidate.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph you’re right about that.


2 hours ago

TW – well, I have an inside scoop on the problem. A friend is chair of the CA Dem Party Black Caucus. She said it comes down to Nancy Pelosi who dislikes Kamala and for whom Schiff is her fair haired boy, and it spills out from there. They use the debate as the evidence of Biden’s inability to win which is crap. So he’s old. So he’s slowed down. He’s our Yoda. We must be his Jedi. Easy as that. 90% of Dems per INTERNAL not hired polling do NOT want Biden to pull out. He is RISING in the good polls.


an hour ago

Ad yes the lack of civics and some damn common sense\


an hour ago

CL – That’s really bad! COVID isn’t going away but our vaccinations are protecting us. Can’t say the same for the dozen RFK Jr. supporters or MAGAs who went mental wearing masks but were excited to wear Maxi-Pads on their ears.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I know – they said masks make you look stupid. But pads on their ears? COOOOOL, Man.


an hour ago

CL thanks for your kind words. I was saying to Ad my wife asked if I called the doctor told her no, but I know what’s good for me so it will be the first thing on my list for Monday.


an hour ago

Ad Lib, no civics and for all practical. purposes no history, and without the benefit of well and often read newsapers, national news programming that was stringently monitored and an atmosphere of internet driven deception…..yeah…..


an hour ago

TW – listen to the ones who love you. I made hubs go to the doc when he didn’t want to. Saved his life.


an hour ago

Murph you’re righ about the history part.


an hour ago

All – this emphasis on “excitement” is so bogus. That’s for tween girls crushing on boy bands. I want someone I can trust and whom I admire. Excitement isn’t the issue.


an hour ago

CL yes we are a stubborn lot.


an hour ago

Murph – I think we’re seeing the results of a huge disconnect between the greedy, manipulative, and RW-owned MSM and the public. It seems clear that most people are just tuning out CNN, MSNBC, Anti-Biden Dems, etc. The polls, which aren’t reflecting any big movement away from Biden may not be very accurate but they don’t support the anti-Biden agenda or claims of him losing support.

AdLiban hour ago

I just wish the press would bit just a little bit honest in their reporting just a little bit.


an hour ago

TW – he had a doc appointment for the next Tuesday, the day he was having surgery since I made him go Friday. He would very likely NOT have survived another day.


an hour ago

Honesty in journalism is very rare.


an hour ago

Murph – Exactly, in exchange for civics textbooks, kids now have Tik Tok and Instagram.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…interesting insight….I talked through your media thesis with a fellow Kunce campaigner and she asked why the networks would be so biased…..I said the their existence depends on viewership and controversy and tension drives viewing.


an hour ago

CL I will be calling next Monday for sure.


an hour ago

Tw – good. It’s important.


an hour ago

CL – Exactly! But I think this focus by some voters on who is most entertaining as earning their vote can be outweighed by ads that educate them of the apocalypse that Trump wants to bring.

AdLiban hour ago

All 0- on Twitter my good companions have researched media ownership, and it’s appalling. Virtually NO major paper is free of corporate control, and it’s corporations that know nothing of journalism/


an hour ago

Murph now that is interesting, what the camaigner asked.


an hour ago

After all, what’s more entertaining than the hero triumphing over the apocalyptic villains?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I DO agree that being appalled by something balances out the need to be excited by something else.


an hour ago

Ad – that is a good point. David and Goliath.


an hour ago

CL are we going back to the old days of the Hearst empire?


an hour ago

TW – we have now made Hearst look reasonable and responsible.


an hour ago

You what remains puzzling? Trump flags, banners, buttons and signs remain scarce


an hour ago

When I think of Citizen Kane and “rosebud”, I wonder if there’s a single thing in Trump’s life he remembers with love.’


an hour ago

Murph, What?? I thought they were a main staple in your area? Are the folks starting to wise up?


an hour ago

Murph – Indeed! And the very simple fact that ALL MSM outlets are owned by conservative-run corporations whose fiducial responsibility is to simply make as much money as they can. Trump’s tax cuts is enough to move them all against Dems and Biden winning. Greed is the bottom line and leading the destruction of the news industry.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – that they do. Driving through upstate NY a month ago, not on expressways but on highways, I saw Trump signs ONCE between Albany and Buffalo and NONE in the Southern Tier.


an hour ago

CL the only thing he will remember with live is the damn oversize bandage on his ear.


an hour ago

TW….they were like wallpaper in the last campaign but this time there have been momentary blips…..not much energy this week at all. Odd.


an hour ago

Tw – that’s pathetic. Fond memories of useless gauze?


an hour ago

Murph even an old dog knows when it’s time to come into the house


an hour ago

Ad…how does one deal with corporate bias in media.


an hour ago

TW…who are the old dogs?


an hour ago

You know who has me MOST upset? Obama. Joe took a HUGE professional risk as second man to the first Black president. And Obama can’t return the favor?


an hour ago

CL – Just mentioned the same things about media ownership. There are no liberals or progressives who run corporate media companies. None. They may pander for viewership with hosts like Maddow and Lawrence but NBC/MSNBC has almost all other hosting done by “moderate” Repubs or unprincipled “moderates”.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph it would seem a who lot of people writing telling them they’re bias but, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that.


an hour ago

CL I don’t get the Obama thing at all.


an hour ago

CL…I worked with the Obama campaign in the first round and one thing I know is that Barrack is very cautious…..


an hour ago

TW – there ARE a whole lot of people rising up against the oligarchs of the Dem party. Letters, Tweets, calls are ABOUNDING. And we are just getting started.


an hour ago

Murph – he doesn’t need to be now. He needs to remember even a Slow Joe can save America if his Jedi Knights have his back.


an hour ago

CL well that’s good news.


an hour ago

Murph – The ratings for the RNC this week were down 25% from 2016 (due to COVID, the 2020 ratings were low and affected). That’s a huge drop! No wonder the MAGA flags and bumper stickers are not as prominent. Same story. I think Trump loses bigger than we would guess.

AdLiban hour ago

BTW…Kamala Harris is very much impressing me right now.


an hour ago

Sloe Joe and the Jedis….sounds like a touring band.


an hour ago

My small field of angry Dems is on the warpath against traitors in our midst. No brokered convention has EVER produced a winning candidate. They are going to Chicago. They need to remember 1968 and NOT repeat it. Harrison and Jeffries are steadfast for Biden. That will help.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, I’ve said this before, the Biden Campaign would do itself a lot of favors to pick up the theme of David Vs. Goliath, Biden as the unlikely hero fighting valliantly against attackers on all sides. He looks like a hero, not Maxi-Pad head Trump.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – They play the Golden Oldies AND the Platinum Futures.


an hour ago

Look I think we all know that if that fat organe idiot gets back into the WH demorcay is over. There is no if and or buts about that. He has said as much and project 2025 is the proof.


an hour ago

Ad – one doesn’t need much of a comparison to know Joe delivers and his vision is excellent on all policies. But people like Newsom, god love him, and others need to pump for him and Kamala.


an hour ago

I know Adam Schiff who is the one vying to replace Biden. He’s not a nice person. He was a holdout against ACA back in 2010 and is a cowardly mod. Yeah – he was great in the impeachment speeches, but he’s not great as a person and not great as a visionary.


an hour ago

Do you all recall the Koch brothers and their sponsorship of the Aspen think tanks in response to Clinton’s win. The goal: a long range plan to ensure GOP/Conservative control of government. That plan has its newest incarnation in the Project 2025 blueprint.


an hour ago

Murph – I think the public is dealing very well with slanted corporate media, they’re walking away from it. I mentioned earlier, CNN’s ratings have crashed since the debate and they just laid off 100 people which is a lot indeed. They and MSNBC are paying the price for going down this corrupt road, who wants to watch these yahoos attack our choice for President so some Dem Elites and donors can handpick the Dem nom and shred 14 million ballots? We are walking away and I feel good about this.

AdLiban hour ago

CL it’s interesting when you see people’s true colors. Schiff is a big disappointment to me. It seems he wants to run for president instead of senate.


an hour ago

Ad….how are the conservative fronts in media doing?


an hour ago

CL – Obama’s errors in the WH were mostly due to his worries of failing. Constantly bowing to Repubs to get their votes, handing banks all the bailout money instead of the people, and now abandoning Joe. He seems to bend to caution and it hasn’t served him well in most cases.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph CL turned me on to Democray In Chains and theo Koch brothers are mentioned quite a bit in the book if you haven’t read it you should it’s an eye opener.


an hour ago

Murph – remember I recommended the book, “Democracy in Chains” by Nancy MacLean? Well, James M. Buchanan, an ultra right economist, crafted the long view of killing democracy. HE was sponsored by the Kochs AND they pushed his vision into Heritage and Trump lands to wind up as Project 2025. So you fingered the right dude.


an hour ago

CL great minds think alike I just mentioned it to Murph


an hour ago

CL – I think Dem voters, especially black women, are fired up to stand up for Joe and knock back the fearful and greedy Dems trying to kick him off the ticket. And I think that sense of purpose and duty is only growing among Dems.

AdLiban hour ago

So..does any know how the right mean media fronts are doing with audiences.


an hour ago

There is another one I just finished Jesus and John Wayne explains the desire for a strong man.


an hour ago

TW – I saw! I think that is critical reading. My FAVE part is that Buchanan HATED the religious right, and most of the Kochs do, too. ALEC isn’t fond of them, and I see, soon, down the road a Great Schism between secular and religious fascists.


an hour ago

I think the letter from 1400 Black Women had a big impact on Jeffries and DNC.


an hour ago

CL…a schism would be nice.


an hour ago

Tw – who wrote that? Sounds like a good read.


an hour ago

CL I agree, what I see is similarities to what took place in Europe in the early days of Kings and Queens and the Popes. Lots of similary.


an hour ago

Murph – Bring on the RW Schism! I have popcorn! And margaritas!


an hour ago

CL – There are reasons to not be crazy about Newsom but I have to say, he has been unwavering and 100% behind Biden even though his name is around the top of the list for presidential noms. Just saw a tough post from him today, being adamant about Joe being the nom.

AdLiban hour ago

History doesn’t actually repeat itself, but human institutions have only a certain number of variables. Some are bound to be regurgitated if only for lack of creativity.


an hour ago

A key to GOP dominance that came out of Aspen was the determination that control of the Supreme Court was the one step that must be completed before any effort to initiate the great change is attempted…and here we are…..Cannon has now played the cards she was supposed to lay down.


an hour ago

Cl that’s an interesting thesis.


an hour ago

CL – Schiff is on my Schiff List now and in the future.

AdLiban hour ago

I have met and actually did a favor for Gavin. (He never thanked me…) I think he’s OK but not much more than that – until now. His loyalty is primo. He has risen in my respect.


an hour ago

Ad I have not liked schiff for years. Meeting him four years ago did not improve things.


an hour ago

Murph – COmpared to 106, Fox’s ratings have slid though part of that is from competition from more extremist lunatic-right entities like Newsmax.

AdLiban hour ago

My greatest worry is that Joe will have another health scare or two….I think each one lessons the fervor behind him…..


an hour ago

The ego of these politicians is outrageous.


an hour ago

Ad…thanks….makes sense.


an hour ago

TW – I am not a Marxist, but Marx did get one thing right: he said “History repeats itself, the first time for tragedy, the second time for farce.” We are in the farce phase.


an hour ago

CL…wonderful Marxian insight.


an hour ago

CL…and the third time to signal the apocalypse.


an hour ago

Murph – I take his doc report to heart. He has nothing wrong with him other than the resurgence of his stutter and general slowing down. But Gen Z LOVE him – how cool is THAT?


an hour ago

Murph – You’re right about conquering the courts being their key stage of a plutocratic takeover but Cannon has gone way too far and Smith will not only get her overturned but has the ammo now to throw her off the case.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – Marx never got that far. I think he believed The Revolution would take care of that.


an hour ago

CL well even the bad guys have some good quotes. I like what Genghis Khan said: I am the punishment of God if you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishent like me upon you.


an hour ago

Ad – I think it’s a stitch that Hunter Biden’s wife is appealing his conviction on the basis of Cannon’s assertion. Ooopsie.


an hour ago

TW – Damn. Kahn was not fooling around, was he? I’d never read that. Scary stuff.


an hour ago

CL I was wondering when that would happen.


an hour ago

CL no he wasn’t and he built and empire.


an hour ago

Loving every second of Karma we can get.


an hour ago

CL – Much as I’d like Newsom to be the complete package, he has many faults but he has made a lot of good decisions and I think his adamant support of Biden and not trying to exploit the attacks on Biden to try and grab the nom has helped him for 2028.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….I hope and pray that your reading of the tea leaves is on the mark. A Biden victory would elevate Harris and open the door to the woman as president, Hillary redux but with a different ending.


an hour ago

Murph – Biden never let Obama down. He never was in a position to help Hillary since Beau had died. But he’s never let Kamala down. Biden gets loyalty.


an hour ago

Murph in my opinion it’s the only way she gets another crack at the top job.


an hour ago

CL – I know you aren’t crazy about Schiff but this self-serving move of his has put him on my “Bye-Bye List” for next time around.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad what are his chances of winning the senate seat he is seeking?


an hour ago

Ad – Absolutely. He has behaved abominably for personal gain. He’s dead to me. As if he cares…


an hour ago

Ad…..so Cannon’s action is too far…the appellate court overturns her and then it goes to the Supreme Court which overturns the appelllate decision.


an hour ago

CL – Smart and funny that Hunter’s lawyers are using Cannon’s BS to undermine his prosecution.

AdLiban hour ago

Tw – he will win. We will vote for him because CA Dems are not stupid. But 6 years from now? Whole different story.


an hour ago

Ad – it will be fascinating to put SCOTUS in the wringer – is the special counsel legit or not? Wooo!


an hour ago

CL so in year four he will run for the top office??


an hour ago

Murph – I am not sure SCOTUS would uphold Cannon.


an hour ago



an hour ago

The SC is corrupt six ways from Sunday


an hour ago

Murph – If Biden wins, and I think he will, the Dem primary in 2028 will be filled with remarkable candidates. The Repub primary will look even more like a circus sideshow.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Schiff might run for prez, but two years later he’s up in the Senate, and we are all preparing to primary him.


an hour ago

TW and CL…that corruption is so evident.


an hour ago

Ad…I hope all your words are prophetic.


an hour ago

Ad Biden did mentioned adding judges to the SC along with a few other things.


an hour ago

TW – Schiff will win by a huge margin against neglectful father and pea-brained MAGA Steve Garvey. But the next primary for Schiff, I’m supporting his Dem opponent.

AdLiban hour ago

Back to Cannon….why would Scotus side with her over the appellate overturn?


an hour ago

SCOTUS on immunity put themselves as arbiters of what was “official”. They don’t, overall, like Trump. So they might not waive SC legitimacy and then Trump and Hunter are on equal footings as private citizens.


an hour ago

Ad Steve Garvey the Baseball palyer for the Dodgers right?


an hour ago

Murph – I don’t see SCOTUS siding w Cannon. She did her work very poorly, and they need more protective cover than her irresponsible dismissal for NO cause.


an hour ago

Murph – I don’t think that even this horribly corrupt SCOTUS supports Cannon on killing the Independent Counsel rule, only Thomas has ever taken that position.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…I see this court as the key agency for both the Aspen Plan and for Project 2025.


an hour ago

Murph = they ARE. But they’re very canny and want to appear consistent and ‘fair’.


an hour ago

CL – Yep, would the SCOTUS want to take away Hunter’s conviction by saying special counsel is illegal? Doubtful.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….I see them as judicial bulls in a fragile electoral environment.


an hour ago

If this were after the election and if they were completely sure Project 2025 would work, they might rule differently, but until then there will be some protective cover for them.


an hour ago

CL….what do they have to fear.


an hour ago

Ad agree with you on the Cannon issue, Thomas is way out of his lane on that dumbass opinion and I think he knows it.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, very pleased Biden is putting SCOTUS reform as a top priority. Most Americans support it but many feel it’s desperately needed, just look at the record high disapproval of this SCOTUS.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – now? A Biden win and enlargement of the court, imposition of ethics rules by which they could be removed. If Trump wins, well – not much.


an hour ago

CL expand on you thoughts about project 2025 actually working. What do you see?


an hour ago

TW – Yep, Garvey the ex-Dodger and brain the size of a baseball.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad Oh well everyone thinks they can be a politician


an hour ago

I just got an e mail from a GOP friend here in Mo. She is an old fashioned Republican and has been very unhappy with the party for many years. Still she persevered…donating, working campaigns. Her note: “Hey MurphMan, just back from Mil. I am done. On Monday I will see you at the Kunce organization meeting.Time for me to jump ship.”


an hour ago

TW – In the GOP, being a moron, a racist, or a convicted criminal is not a deficit, it seems to be a requirement to check one of those boxes if not all.

AdLiban hour ago

Even if we had the House and Senate, if Trump uses P.2025, he will replace top military down to probably major level; he will remove DOJ and other agencies from independence w his own folks. And once he does that – no matter what we say or do, it comes down to one issue: WHO WILL REMOVE HIM? By utterly ignoring the Constitution as he has pledged to do, HE becomes all powerful, is abetted by the kangaroo SCOTUS, and is immune from consequences due to control over all agencies of enforcement.


an hour ago

Bottom line – WHO WILL MAKE HIM GO?


an hour ago

Murph Wow! That is a major jump. Would be interesting to know what she saw that made her switch.


an hour ago

Murph – that’s amazing!


44 minutes ago

Ad moron, racist , convicted criminal are features


44 minutes ago

CL your scenario is what leads to violence from all sides….when the instruments of governance are that corrupted, revolution is often the only route.


44 minutes ago

Anyone read that Grindr, the male gay dating site, crashed this week due to overuse in MILWAUKEE????


43 minutes ago

Murph – but Trump would have the military including active duty AND Guard, and he’d use the Insurrection Act against us.


42 minutes ago

Murph – That’s fantastic news! And I’m confident she’s not alone. Enthusiasm is clearly tanking for the GOP and Trump, ignoring the many flawed and biased polls. Look at real world things like the far fewer Trump flags and small crowds at Trump rallies. It’s hard to see what’s really happening when the MSM and social media are spraying a firehose of propaganda into our faces but the trick is, look at election results, symbols of declining enthusiasm like flags and rally attendence and put polls and MSM bufoons aside.

AdLib42 minutes ago

It seems to me all these Repugs gov’s are coming right up to the line regarding their 10th admendment rights sort of pushing to see how far they can go and get away with.


42 minutes ago

My friend has told me that while the party has taken the wrong path in the last 10 years….she believed there was a core that would work to restore it. I bet that in Mil she and other core believers saw an the face of the future in her party and are now abandoning ship.


42 minutes ago

TW…say more about the 10th.


41 minutes ago

Murph – makes sense. Our SIL in DC is an anti Trumper but cannot believe P.2025 really would do the harm we can see. I’m hoping she is reading up on it. The bottom line in replacing career folks w his own people AND ignoring the law and Constitution, the bottom line is – who’s gonna make me?


40 minutes ago

CL….yes….if Trump exercise control over the armed forces then we are at war…civil war.


39 minutes ago

CL – That is a scary but realistic future indeed if Trump was elected but I just don’t think it’s going to happen. I think the majority of undecided will end up seeing this is a battle for democracy or dictatorship and don’t forget, Biden has a huge warchest and offices in all battleground states but Trump does not. And the message of “Vote for Biden to save our democracy” will be playing non-stop up until election day.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Murph. Absolutely.


39 minutes ago

CL….I read today that organizations in several states are exploring secession…..and I do to think that is just mindless musing.


39 minutes ago

Murph the 10th gives states right that are not outline and the providence of the Federal part of the Constitution right? So it seems like they are doing things that would cause them to file things that would casue the federal to impose on them like what is going on in Texas with the border, and some of things the gov in FL is doing.


38 minutes ago

Ad – I think America has had a belly full of Trump. I’m listening to more and more GOP say they’d vote for Biden as a CORPSE over Trump.


38 minutes ago

CL now that’s interesting.


38 minutes ago

Murph – Very true, a Trump dictatorship would make future assassination attempts more likely as he crushes dissent and protest, there would be no relief valves for the surging anger among the public.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Dear guys – I got about 4 hours of sleep again last night and am blurring out on vision. So I fear, once again, I’m bidding a fond adieu. Any luck at all I’ll be much more chipper next week and can hang in longer then. Love you all. TW I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself. Hugs and best wishes. Good night all –


37 minutes ago

TW….your constitutional observations play into the idea of states exploring how they can realign with other states.


37 minutes ago

CL – Yes, saw that story about the RNC and Grindr, very funny how so many of them are in the closet and promoting hatred of LGBTQ to hide themselves.

AdLib37 minutes ago

CL….you are fantastic even when worn down.


36 minutes ago

CL thanks and take care.


36 minutes ago

Murph – As we’ve discussed, there is no mechanism for a state to secede and even if they could somehow do that, the loss of SS, Medicare, Military bases, upkeep on highways and roads, etc. would crash the state economies in a matter of months.

AdLib34 minutes ago

Murph I guess I would have to agree with you on that. Things they seem to be doing are essently challenging the governement. Baiting them so they can find some jusitification for whatever they think they can get away with. Just a thought.


34 minutes ago

TW – I think there is a big difference between actual secession attempts and states basically performing civil disobedience and only following the laws they choose to. The latter is what you’re describing with the 10th Amendment.

AdLib32 minutes ago

Ad agree with you on that, but, some of these gov and just plain stupid and actually believe they can get away with it.


32 minutes ago

A fellow academic from a an East Coast University….has suggested that Biden step aside and finish his term able to devote himself to his work and sending the VP into the fray with his support and endorsement and his involvement in the campaign. He tells me that there is a lot of pressure coming from Dems in the down ballot world who are seeing major problems with heir own elections support.


31 minutes ago

Ad even with the civil disobedience part it’s push the envelope quite a bit.


31 minutes ago

Many Dem states declared themselves asyum states, refusing to follow the federal laws they found improper. So states on both sides have stood up at times to refuse to follow laws, it’s not a new thing. The question is how will the Fed government be used to punish states that refuse to follow federal law?

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad good point on the punishment side. Less funding would be one way.


29 minutes ago

Ad….while I do not agree that secession cannot happen I do agree that such an action would create a universe of problems for those states which would elevate the chaos.


29 minutes ago

TW – True, some of these GOP Govs like the politics of saying, “Screw the Feds!” and do things that are clearly unconstitutional, like Abbott and DeSantis. That’s still a far cry from secession and afte this election year, if Biden wins as I think he will, we may see a much tougher approach to rogue states.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph where are these folks coming from in that they are saying Biden should step down?


29 minutes ago

Ad let’s start with when Biden wins he will deal with fools. As Mr. T would say I pitty the poor fool


27 minutes ago

My friend, and fellow historian, works with two organizations that track down ballot candidates across the country. He tells me that the worries are largely in the toss up states.


27 minutes ago

Murph toss up states??


27 minutes ago

Murph if those are worries wouldn’t the DNC be putting money and people there?


26 minutes ago

Toss up…states where there is no clear front runner….in Mo. Trump WILL win. In Il. Biden WILL Win. In Wi. neither is clear. Toss up.


26 minutes ago

TW…..they are getting support but it is not offsetting their concerns.


25 minutes ago

And then there is a growing conversation about the impact of changing the landscape with Biden out and Harris in for the GOP. Without Biden as a target their strategy collapses. Not sure that is so but that is out there.


24 minutes ago

Murph then I have to ask, what are the candidates doing to ensure their victory? I mean it they are running for that particular office don’t they need to convice the people vote for them isn’t that their job?


24 minutes ago

Murph – Your academic friend is sharing a truth that donors are trying to leverage their support with Dem pols to push them to abandon Joe. That’s why I think most of the anti-Biden Dems are acting this way. But that means that a handful of big donors are deciding that their version of plutocracy should overcome democracy. And the problem with your friend’s assumptions, along with any who think Biden can be replaced, is that many of these same donors will extort Dem pols not to support Kamala out of fear that being black and a woman would make her lose. The convention would be a madhouse, leaving Dems with bloody wounds and vowing not to support whoever is chosen to replace Biden and Trump wins. These folks just don’t play out this situation fully, ending with a fantasyland where all Dems rally around Kamala. I guarantee you, they won’t and many donors won’t.

AdLib23 minutes ago

I will need to head to bed by 10:30. Saturdays are Kunce days.


23 minutes ago

Murph – Disagree with your scenario, with Kamala in, the GOP would rev up the racist and chauvinist attacks.

AdLib22 minutes ago

Ad and TW…good points…I will share them.


22 minutes ago

I mean, the whole MAGA movement has been built on white male supremacy. They’re drooling over Kamala being the target to energize their base.

AdLib20 minutes ago

All of this shows a pattern of rising disorder around the campaign….if that disorder becomes chaos with the party at odds with itself, the loss of the presidency might include the loss of the Senate and more GOP in the House.


20 minutes ago

Ad Magats would never vote for her…but would their prejudice infect the wider population……? I suggest it could.


19 minutes ago

Well….on these interesting, and unhappy thoughts will remain front and center for me.


19 minutes ago

The MAGAmovement is about dictatoship pure and simple and people need to realize that. If the orange blob gets back in it’s over. It won’t happen right away but it will happen. And people need to understand that.


18 minutes ago

TW….I certainly do.


18 minutes ago

Murph – I wholly agree with you on that, if it’s “Dems in Disarray” from a fractured and contested convention, they lose bigger in Congress and the WH. And if a Dem nom is changed in the convention, they will only have a month to campaign berfore early voting begins. That’s just suicide.

AdLib18 minutes ago

Murph you’re historian so I know you do. People fail to realize democracy is not a normal governing process.


17 minutes ago

TW…so very true.


17 minutes ago

Ad….I agree with your vision of the dem political landscape.


16 minutes ago

Murph – That’s definitely possible but I think the most likely scenario is that the MAGA base, formed out of white fear after Obama took the WH, will become super-energized to stop the black woman from “stealing their power”.

AdLib16 minutes ago

Murph I’m reading Plato’s Republic even that is about autocray eventually.


15 minutes ago

Ad…valid observation…..


15 minutes ago

TW – MAGA supports a dictatorship but that is not their purpose, that is their vehicle to oppress and attack women, PoC, LGBTQ, everyone who is not white and male. That is the agenda, dictatorship is their only path there.

AdLib15 minutes ago

Thanks Murph!

AdLib15 minutes ago

I will be sharing a lot of this with folks working in the Kunce campaign who are quite good at reading how the base is shifting.


14 minutes ago

Ad yes I agree, but they fail to realize it will turn on them eventually.


13 minutes ago

Or put better, dictatorship is merely the delivery system for oppression and subjagation of the non-white, non-male population.

AdLib13 minutes ago

Very cool, Murph!

AdLib13 minutes ago

Good night…..how will the Olympics affect all or any of this? Hmmm.


12 minutes ago

Ad a subjagation of the people in general race, and gender won’t matter to the one who wants total power they turn on their own.


12 minutes ago

And let’s not forget the 15% or so of the GOP who voted for Haley knowing she wasn’t running, that’s a huge amount of Repubs who don’t want Trump.

AdLib12 minutes ago

And it’s not the same on the Dem side, maybe a few percent of Dems won’t vote for Biden. I think this one reality insists that Biden will win by default in any case.

AdLib11 minutes ago

I just got a note that thew word is that there will be a huge effort to spotlight Trump’s clear cognitive shift and failing function is clear and must be put front and center.


11 minutes ago

Ad I beleive Trump will do something really stupid that will hurt him and he won’t be able to overcome it. He is far to full of himself right now. He will screw up and it will be noticable.


10 minutes ago

TW – That’s the sad fact that these cultist MAGAs are such morons, they don’t realize that there merely pawns for Trump and the plutocrats to steal the country’s power and once their plutocarcy is in place, they will turn their backs completely on the MAGAs.

AdLib10 minutes ago

Murph they should because he does have a problem.


10 minutes ago

BTW…..I re. the choice of Vance as a very poor move on Trump’s part. It does not widen his base but it does give him a quick witted attack dog.


9 minutes ago

Murph it may give him an attack dog, but how long will that play?


8 minutes ago

Murph – Did you see that George Conway started up PsychoPAC , a PAC dedicated to publicizing Trump’s mental illness.

AdLib8 minutes ago

PsychoPac…Love it. Is Conway still married to that hectoring witch.


7 minutes ago

Ad I didn’t know that. Hope that catches on


7 minutes ago

Murph not they got divorced.


7 minutes ago

TW……so sad….they were such a lovely couple….GAG!


6 minutes ago



6 minutes ago

On that note…..good night my friends and good fellows. M.


6 minutes ago

Take care Murph


5 minutes ago

TW – I don’t know, Trump has done enormously stupid things over the past 2 years and yet the MSM covers them up or ignores them. I don’t think that’s what sabotages Trump, the bar for him is under the ground at this point. I think it will be Biden’s campaign and other Dem PACs and all that hammer on the public that this man is insane and seeking to tear up our democracy if he wins. I think that is what will convince undecided voters to flock to Biden and hand him the win.

AdLib5 minutes ago

Night Murph!

AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad…hope your last observation if prophetic.


5 minutes ago

Thanks Murph, seems most likely to me.

AdLib4 minutes ago

Ad you may be right, which in my book means Biden needs to play things strategically and make sure he gets the rest he needs and pick his spots.


4 minutes ago

Undecided voters don’t support extremism and a Trump dictatorship is too extreme for them.

AdLib4 minutes ago

TW – My prediction is that Biden does well in his DNC speech, his bump pushes him ahead of Trump and following Trump’s sentencing in the Bragg case, Trump loses ground he never makes up.

AdLib2 minutes ago

And if Trump tries to lead another Jan 6, multiple judges in cases where he’s out on parole, compete for who will be the first to suspend parole and through him in prison awaiting trial.

AdLiba few seconds ago


AdLiba few seconds ago

Ad the Dems have always been crybabies and run around with their hair on fire so I think you point on the DNC convention is valid.


a few seconds ago

TW – Yep, that’s what I see as the cause of these traitorous Dems turning on Biden. Hair-on-fire-hysteria. And…donors with their hair on fire ordering the Dems they own to do what they want or they’ll be cut off.

AdLibin a few seconds

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