Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
I may be a few minutes late to Vox tonight, but I will be here so see you soon!
AdLib3 hours ago
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
I’m up in Sydney doing Race Management for the Disabled Sailing World Championships.
3 hours ago
It will happen over the next 8 days.
3 hours ago
Can you hang out a bit?
AdLib3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Excellent! I’ll be right back!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey PPO! So how crazy does the US look right now in your country?
AdLib3 hours ago
absolutely knackered! Can’t believe it is so disfuncional
2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hello to you PPO….so good to “see you”
2 hours ago
Hi Ad
2 hours ago
PPO – Trump and the oligarchs assumed peoplewould be frozen by their shock and awe with Project 2025 and they were unfortunately right.
AdLib2 hours ago
PPO…more proof that the Parliamentary Structure is really for the best. I have long argued that our Constitution is a Mine Field.
2 hours ago
Murph – Our Constitution now looks like a mine field where all the mines are exploding at once.
AdLib2 hours ago
I was at a rally today of farmers who are really pissed off and scared because it is clear that a lot of their crops and their livestock have lost their principal markets.
2 hours ago
Ad…you and I have had this conversation a number of times. The Constitution was created to serve the needs of the wealth and powerful (with a little mix-in of idealists)
2 hours ago
Murph – But those same farmers will keep voting for Trump and Repubs to steal their farms, won’t they?
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – Exactly. And the amendment process was put in to adapt and improve the faulty Constitution but the division seeded in this nation by the wealthy has made new amendments impossible.
AdLib2 hours ago
Sadly Ad that is true for many of them so far…buying the notion that somehow all of this Biden’s fault and screaming the Mantra “Imagine what things would be like if that woman had won.”
2 hours ago
Ad – even the admendment process was, of itself, riddled with traps and escape clauses.
2 hours ago
PPO…..how are our friends in Oz reacting to all of this.
2 hours ago
And Murph, did you see today that Trump’s Commerce Secretary said if SS payments were missed, only frauds would complain. It sounded like tipping his hand, that they’re planning on doing that. At this point, it sure seems from the angry Repub town halls, protests, Tesla smackdowns, that the public is getting very riled up against Trump and Musk. Let them try to halt SS payments, there will be a revolt like we’ve never seen, in the streets!
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad…..I have seen that clip a number of times. I have e mailed it to a number of my fellow SS payees….and asked how they will get buy without the monthly cash injection. So far crickets.
2 hours ago
Murph – Iwouldn’t expect any more brain activity than what you described from those farmers. Theirwhole lives are being destroyed by the people Dems warned them about and they will twist themselves into pretzels to justify their support of the man stomping them into the dirt.
AdLib2 hours ago
AD,,,,I didn’t know you were there…….
2 hours ago
Murph – SInce they think like cultists, even if Trump’s people stop the SS checks, they’ll just say, “It would be even worse if we elected that black woman!”
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – What do you mean?
AdLib2 hours ago
Sorry, interrupted. Aussies are appalled, worried and fearful of tariffs messing with our lives. The GOP equivalent Tories are fomenting fear , but we’re not biting.
2 hours ago
Ad….it would appear that you have been hiding out in my crowds….thus I did not know you were there. You nailed it.
2 hours ago
PPO…as you may recall I have a number of friends in the UK and they join with you in your reaction.
2 hours ago
Damn Roberts and his scurvy crew! When will SCOTUS grow some?
2 hours ago
So doesn’t it seem like there will be a trigger event sometime this year that ignites mass protests? Trump just revoked resident status from hundreds of thousands of Latin people including Cubans! It seems like the intent is to create an uprising to justify declaration of the Insurrection Act and martial law. But will that really work?
AdLib2 hours ago
PPO….roberts has shown some signs of life…..perhaps he is waking up to the possiblility of HIS court being blamed for the failure of the Madisonian Constitutional Design.
2 hours ago
Murph – Heh! I’ve seen numerous videos of Repub town halls and they are all getting out of control with anger. How much in denial can these Repub reps be while essentially telling their constituents who worry about putting bread on the table, “Let them eat cake.”
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago

Hey PPO hoow are you
2 hours ago

Hey Murph and Ad
2 hours ago
Hi TW! BTW, Ad, and CL Thurs July 9 for your calendar. TW about a week later!
2 hours ago

Well another round of fund in the the wonderful world of the Orange blob
2 hours ago
Ad….I had not thought of that angle …..a desire for a rebellion that he can put down.
2 hours ago

PPO ok!!
2 hours ago
Murph, yes, he’s to be the White Hat!
2 hours ago
Murph – Being an entitled partisan, Roberts only stepped in because he saw the steamroller coming for the SCOTUS. Yes, the morons who made Trump king are now worried by the threat of a criminal they made king coming for them.
AdLib2 hours ago
Just saw a blurb from Trump….canceling intelligence briefings from a huge number of past office holders….including Biden and Harris. What a sleep.
2 hours ago
PPO – Got it! 7/9!
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad….you read re. Roberts is quite likely on the mark.
2 hours ago
No point in briefings – he can’t read, cant comprehend and makes shit up as he goes.
2 hours ago
Murph – I have to say, Trump is not acting like he or the gOP will pay a price for his assault on millions of Americans. Makes one wonder if that is because he doesn’t expect elections to happen?
AdLib2 hours ago
Trump was kept in the Briefing circle even after he tried to overthrow the government.
2 hours ago
Biden did cancel Trump’s briefings too, he was a criminal!
AdLib2 hours ago
Convicted criminal!
AdLib2 hours ago
Well, Murph, SOMEONE has to try and keep normal wheels turning. Is there no way he can be thwarted?
2 hours ago

It just good ole fun time in
2 hours ago
Ad……Trump is delusional. He is uninformed. He is SO obvious but he has developed a base that seems him very differently. The stupid and prejudiced inheriting the earth.
2 hours ago

It’s just good old fun tiime in River City
2 hours ago
Ad that cancelation was post conviction I think.
2 hours ago
Trouble with a Capital T!
2 hours ago

Rump is on a mission from s
2 hours ago
What do folks here think? Is Trump just blind to how he is turning Americans and voters against him or has he been guided to do all this destruction because using martial law or the Insurrection Act will allow him to keep Repubs in power by cancelling elections?
AdLib2 hours ago

Sorry folks having trouble typing
2 hours ago
PPO….the someone’s you mention…..so far the stage is pretty empty.
2 hours ago
TW – That’s why I recommend not drinking grain alcohol before Vox.
AdLib2 hours ago
The latter, Ad. Doing Moscow’s work. Succeeding too.
2 hours ago
TW……uncooperative digits…..the bane of age.
2 hours ago

Trump is acting on his mission from the Dievil himself he is going to destroy democracy and set himself up as a dictator and for the moment there doesn’t seem there is anyone willing stop him,
2 hours ago
Ad, I’m sitting in an idyllic location looking a t yachts and downing cold beers, Paradise, if it weren’t for that knob in the Shite Souse.
2 hours ago
PPO – Definitely trying to please Putin, even has Putin operatives like Gabbard with her hands on our top secrets. I do think the overall plan though is to purposely outrage the public than crush them with armed attacks on protests and martial law to prevent any more of that troublesome “democracy” taking his or the GOPs power away.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – Is there no one to stop Trump? Well, there’s Schumer who has the brilliant plan of giving him everything he wants. Will that work?
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad….not so long ago I would have found the uprising scenario you lay out as fantasy…not any more.
2 hours ago

Ad, it’s the reason for drinking alcohol and I wish I was but sadly no, just fat fingers trying to type too fast. But I have to tell I would mind a good scotch right now.
2 hours ago
If it weren’t already blindingly obvious, Knob’s abandonment of Ukraine is the clincher. I had one MAGA-like fool tell me that Ukraine is at fault because Z suppressed the Russian language in the now occupied zones!
2 hours ago

Ad we’ve trodded that grain no use in bringing it up we know where the big Schum is at.
2 hours ago
Murph – I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. In this case though, something is not making sense. Destroying government and all the benefits most Americans get from them seems obvious to upset most Americans. If most Americans are angry at Trump and the GOP, how does he think they can retain power in the midterms and the next presidential election? Either they think people will just bow down and vote the way he wants or he isn’t worried about eections for some other reason. Which is the proposition I offered.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – Pour me a glass of scotch while you’re at it!
AdLib2 hours ago

PPO is your friend aware the folks in the Ukraine speak Russian as well since the have family members who live in Russia? It’s amazing what people will beleive
2 hours ago
Schumer is a Chamberlain, he needs to go!
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad there will always been of you a cold beer for PPO and for Murph any beverage of his choice.
2 hours ago
TW – Fantastic!
AdLib2 hours ago

Two years of Hell is what we are facing here in the States
2 hours ago
It also hasn’t occurred to folk that, if 37% voted for Trump, 63% didn’t! It is slowly dawning on Magas that they have been suckered into surrendering their entitlements to a con man, but can’t admit it within themselves.
2 hours ago
Ad – I know a lot of Maga Trumpets….and they live in a cloud of illusion and delusion created by the venom spewing from Trump and his Trumpets and Trumpets….and I think he believes it himself….I wonder if his delusion is so powerful to blind him.’
2 hours ago
So I ask the folks here, what is one prediction you’d make about what will happen this year as the economy sinks, freedoms keep being ripped up and citizens are made to feel they are the victims of Trump and his government?
AdLib2 hours ago
All I can say is that there are fewer Trump flags flying now than there were on Inauguration Day.
2 hours ago

PPO that’s is indeed the problem folks who been conned cry bloddy murder after they’ve lost everything the Con man has bee n long gone
2 hours ago
PPO – You’re right, MAGAs have completelybought into the Trump cult,there is no exit for them, they need to believe in him or they would have to face what horrible morons and fools they are.
AdLib2 hours ago
What are the odds that he won’t last 4 years?
2 hours ago
Murph – That’s my question. Is Trump thinking like the rapist he is, that the country will just have to lie back and “enjoy” his assault on them, is he blinded by hubris or have the Project 2025 people laid out the path to dictatorship for him as they have the destruction of norms and our government?
AdLib2 hours ago
Prediction: I think that things on many levels are going to get worse and worse….maggats and those who are fellow travelers will engage in denial and resist any alternative to their world view but with the power so obviously in their hands in Washington reality will begin to break through…..oddly among those most nervous/worried are those in red states like mine. They are very vulnerable and the promise of “great times” is fading quickly.
2 hours ago

Well PPO I figured he would be facing impeachment when the Dems took back the house in 27 but with what Schumer did he not only damaged the Senate but it will impact the House but I still have hope.
2 hours ago
PPO – Very possible Trump dies or has a serious medical issue while in office but on the other hand, bad people always seem to live long lives.
AdLib2 hours ago
Except for the Marie Antoinette form of regime change.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad…and his death….unless he wipes out the line of succession he has will not be the nation saver we might hope for.
2 hours ago
TW, I really hope he goes down just like the Tesla stock and trucks! HOw that SA gobshite continues is beyond me.
2 hours ago
TW , you are assuming there will be elections in ’27. that’s the terrifying scenario the whole world is facing.
2 hours ago

Murph very interesting view. Those in farm country such as you are will indeed get hurt badly with his dumbass traiff’s my guess is there still people in your state that have to recover from his last idotic traiffs
2 hours ago
Murph – Great prediction. Consider that rural MAGAs will be hit from many directions by their cult leader. Farms going under thanks to tariffs, education money slashed, Medicaid slashed, ability to call or deal with SS or Medicare greatly damaged or gone, tax money re-routed to the billionaires from the many government programs being torn down. Red states only function to the degree they do because they get more Fed tax money than they send. With all these massive cuts, I think Red states and their residents are in for a much worse time than follks in Blue states and cities.
AdLib2 hours ago

PPO yes that is a big part of it and perhaps a major flaw.
2 hours ago
Ad…your response to my scenario fills out my vision very well indeed.
2 hours ago
TW – Impeachment should happen if Dems take the House back but there will never be a conviction in The Senate so in the end, it won’t change anything.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW….considering how many of my fellow Missourians depend on medical, medicaid, food stamps and other social programs…their maggot faith will fail them.
2 hours ago
Anyway, having cheered you all up, its time to say cheerio for now. Will try again next week. Will still be here with World Champs.
2 hours ago
Murph – True about succession but Trump commands the GOP, Vance doesn’t have that. I think there would be lots of division in the GOP with Trump gone as many try to steal his crown.
AdLib2 hours ago
PPOP…can we seek asylum down under? Got room?
2 hours ago
Ad…if Trump is still alive in three plus years, I expect him to claim the presidency as God’s anointed one.
2 hours ago
Murph – I think all you can do at this point is to try and enlighten decent people in your community about how they need to prepare for the tough times ahead. The MAGAs will never truly listen to such warnings so they are going down without a doubt.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I don’t know about that things go the way we’re talking about the senators will fill the heat regardless of the fact they have longer terms, but the major factor is will we still have a representative government at all if he does what I believe we all think he will do, is just declar himself dictator forl life and desolve the House and Senate.
2 hours ago

Take care PPO
2 hours ago
PPO….there was a time, no so long ago when I would have scoffed at your dissolve the Congress idea….not any more.
2 hours ago
Murph – I woudn’t be surprised by that but knowing how much Trump hates democracy and elections, I don’t think he’d want to leave anything to chance. It’s very hard for me to imagine a future scenarioof Trump not shutting down or corrupting elections like Putin, where he wins 97% of the “vote” or he cancels elections all together until “we are safe from domestic terrorism” Very Orwellian/1984.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad…..enlightening others, when they believe you are satan’s spawn, is not very workable. So, I will. stand by helping where I can, creating safe space for me and my friends and doing what I can while awaiting the melt down that I think is inevitable.
2 hours ago
TW – It’s possible but I’d suggest that the easiest path to dictatorship is keeping a puppet Repub Congress in power along with himself, by not having future elections as he’s already promised.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph In Trump Land 2+2= 5 Is my latest article
2 hours ago
Remember the film “Civil War” that was out a year plus ago? Seems less fictional today.
2 hours ago
Murph – That’s what I’m saying, these MAGAs are doomed and their closed minds are their worst enemies. They will be crushed by Trump but their cult mentality will keep them in denial, even as the heel of his shoe is crushing them into dust. Let them be destroyed, nothing any of us can say to them to help them anyway, energy should be focused on decent people and helping them prepare to survive what’s coming.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph check me on this, but are we not one or the only major nation that only had on major civil war?
2 hours ago
FYI …..Choice has been educating me about starting up a refuge for the homeless. I am working with two church leaders who are doing this now and it looks like my homestead could serve a very worthwhile purpose for them.
2 hours ago
Murph – I don’t think we’d actually have a literal Civil War as in the movie but I can definitely see a chunk of the country rebelling against Trump’s fascism and banding together to help each other and push back against him.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad…I agree with your perspective re. the mental/emotional makeup of the mega crowd and on an effective stance by the of us who are not them.
2 hours ago
Murph – We can see the destructive train coming down the tracks. Any savings should be in banks and not the stock market, growing your own food or storing what you can now as inflation explodes could be very helpful. Reducing expenses is important to help buffer the wild inflation coming and likely recession. LO\ots of other things people can do to prepare.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW….interesting question……I think that you are correct. There were a number of relatively minor splits in the unified from in the early years….1789-to the late 1860’s which then coalesced around the idea to two nations where there had been one. Since the war the iron control that the federal gov. had held things in place until the national economy matured which, unfortunately, allow white racism to spread widely and deeply throughout the land.
2 hours ago
Americans really didn’t know the crash of 1929 was coming, we have plenty of warnings now about the coming harm to our economy and democracy. So, we should act on that knowledge to our best abilities.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph that is what I thought. The latter part of your response ‘white racism’ is a centeral figure in what we are dealing now, as the population is changing and will hit it’s apex a few years from now and that firghtens a lot of people.
an hour ago
Good advice Ad……one caution….I do not think that banking money will help as the Great Depression proved the dollar is just a representation of how health the economy is or isn’t.
an hour ago
TW – I appreciate your endorsement of my understanding.
an hour ago
Murph and TW – In the past, I used to mention how we have never NOT been in a Civil War in the US. The country was founded to include an ongoing Civil War. The physical Civil War ended but the war continued through Reconstruction, through the 1960s, through our previous election. My proposition is that the US was founded and has always been plagued by a Civil War of one kind or another.
AdLiban hour ago

Man I’m having problems typing and spelling. Now I wish I did have a few it would give me something to blame it on.
an hour ago

Murph as I said before would have loved to have been in your history classes
an hour ago
Murph – The FDIC didn’t exist in the Great Depression. I know Trump is threatening to mess with the FDIC but banks will have federal insurance one way or another, the only way they could stay in business since international banks wouldn’t do business with them otherwise.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…I accept your understanding of a long time state of antagonism, and distain between those who stand in opposition to fundamental of American Life….with slavery vs non-slavery as one of the strongest. Another his the nativists vs. immigrants. Another is the western expansionists vs. tribal society
an hour ago
Murph – You do make a good point about the value of saved money being vulnerable to hyper-inflation, bringing the value of dollars way down but I doubt Musk would want to lose the value he’d lose of his billions if that happened so they probably won’t try to blow up the dollar.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad Trump wants to F*** with the FDIC? Is out of his mind!!!
an hour ago
Ad – good point re. the FDIC. but what is the backstop for the FDIC….?
an hour ago

Murph the safe in your house and hoping you remember where you buried the strong box.
an hour ago
Ad…agree re. Musk not wanting a melt down but things can get quickly out of control and the cascade effect flattens the safeguards that were supposedly in place.
an hour ago
Murph – And another is theocracy vs. democracy as well as fascism vs. democracy. But I do think the root issue is bigotry, whether starting the country as a partial slave nation, portraying immigrants and non-white people as “dangerous”, etc. Bigotry has protected this ongoing Cold Civil War continuing after the physical one ended.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….but what would be in the safe box? Gold? Hershey Bars? MacDonald’s Gift Cards?
an hour ago
TW – Yep, Trump said he wanted to get rid of the FDIC as an organization but I assume, roll its insuring banks into another department like Commerce.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph three magic beans I suppose.
an hour ago
Ad….yes, religious fervor is also fueling all of this.
an hour ago
Murph – Don’t know if FDIC insurance is co-insured but considering that the government can print money out of thin air, yes, it would cause inflation but people will still have their money.
AdLiban hour ago
Magic Beans. Thee ya go. Now, where in the heck did that Jack go?
an hour ago

Ad just when I think that a-hole can’t come up any more stupid ideas he goes off and proves me wrong this a-hole is unbelievable
an hour ago
TW – Have to admit, I am considering getting a safe to have a bit of cash handy in case things go really bad.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph didn’t run off with the sack of gold he stoled from the Orge
an hour ago
Well…gentlemen….I am dead on my feet but conversations like this one are vital sources of rewed life. So I thank you both and bid you a good night.
an hour ago
Murph – True, the damage being done to the US economy could definitely spin out of control from Trump’s and Musk’s hands. Not a great scenario to think about if you ever want to get to sleep again.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad it’s a good idea, beacuse if your town was to have a major power outage, ATMs don’t work.
an hour ago
Sounds good, Murph. Night!
AdLiban hour ago

Take care Murph
an hour ago
Good night….a very good night
an hour ago
TW – Exactly and if there is a financial crash, it could take a long time for the FDIC to provide people with their money after a bank fails.
AdLiban hour ago
Well, I’m on the road tonight for my daughter’s games so I have to run out to grab something to eat. Shall we chat next week?
AdLiban hour ago

Looks like well closed the bar again.
an hour ago
We usually do!
AdLiban hour ago

Not a problem, but I do have to ask what happen to my emoji I just realize its not there so how do I get it back?
an hour ago
Weird. If you still have the graphic, you can add it back in. Click on the three line icon to do that.
AdLiban hour ago
Then click on the existing thumbnail to replace it with yours.
AdLiban hour ago

I think I see how do it I just have to find the picuture I will try you take care of what you need to do it can wait the world is not ending yet.
an hour ago
Heh! Sure seems like the world we knew is ending but we’re not there yet.
AdLiban hour ago
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