Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 days ago
Hey Ad – how are you?
2 days ago
Hi CL! Is Hubby home soon?
AdLib2 days ago
Doing okay, and you?
AdLib2 days ago
He’s being picked up even as we speak. Plane was about an hour late.
2 days ago
I’m OK. Be glad when he’s home! Flying just creeps me out these days. Less so IN CA, but if the nation shuts down, I am NOT flying to DC.
2 days ago
Hate delays when flying but he’s landed safe and sound, that’s all that counts.
AdLib2 days ago
Yes – and his bag appeared in world record time!!!
2 days ago
I hope all goes well for you next week. We only have to play dodgem cars. I don’t want the two of you to have to play dodgem planes!
2 days ago
I see TW waiting in the wings!
2 days ago
Hey TW – we seeeee you!
2 days ago

Good evening everyone. Well another eventful week comes to a close with the country’s number one major a-hole.
2 days ago
Tw – that seems to be our “new normal weekly wrap up”.
2 days ago

Yes it does, Trump never stops doing stupid stuff thinking he is the greatest President of all times.
2 days ago
I mentioned to my daughter that it may rain, she said her coach will decide if they fly up during the week. Soon as she lets me know if they cancel or not, will let you know.
AdLib2 days ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 days ago
Ad – thank you. Doesn’t look awful for Friday but might be on Saturday.
2 days ago
Tw – Trump is the greatest something of all time, but it’s not president.
2 days ago

Hey Ad, Well Musk had anothe ‘unschedel disassembly of his Star Ship not the mention the blow out he had with Rubio
2 days ago
Tw – missed the blow out with Rubio. What happened?
2 days ago

CL it’s why he has to have his diaper changed every half hour
2 days ago
Tw- if only. At the congressional whatever that was, as he walked past Amy Comey Barrett, she visible scrunched her nose and looked ill.
2 days ago

CL it seems they got into about what his people are doing overall I did read the whole article but it seems like it was a very tense situation and I think I’m being nice about it.
2 days ago
CL – My weather app says 50% chance of rain Friday but no rain on Saturday.
AdLib2 days ago
The amount he poops, you’d THINK he’d be thin.
2 days ago
TW – Yes, Musk is blowing up everything including Rubio’s reputation…whatever is left of it.
AdLib2 days ago
Oh, Ad that’s cool – earlier today they had both days with rain. But we will bring gear. Not to worry.
2 days ago

CL the only thing that is thining on him is his hair line
2 days ago
Rubio HAS a reputation? who knew?
2 days ago
Tw- he must be insane seeing himself balding.
2 days ago

Ad Rubio had a reputation???
2 days ago
Apparently Rubio was told he was not allowed to make any decisions on foreign policy. Kind of funny.
AdLib2 days ago
Who is Musk to say ANYTHING about that?
2 days ago
TW – Rubio has a reoutation, yes, but mostly for being thirsty.
AdLib2 days ago
I keep pointing out that Trump outed Musk as the leader of Doge. That’s now in a lawsuit. Trump may not be arrestable – Musk IS.
2 days ago
CL – Just hope winds blow the rain in earlier in the week, fingers crossed!
AdLib2 days ago
Ad – that would be nice. I have a slicker, hubs has a coat, we have umbrellas. All shall be well.
2 days ago
CL – Oh yeah, Musk is arrestable but any charges would be federal and Trump the criminal would surely pardon him.
AdLib2 days ago
That is as may be, but my understanding is he has to go through trial first.
2 days ago
2 days ago
CL – I think it will be very easy to prove that the woman they’re using as a stooge to cover Musk from his criminal acts is just a stooge who ordered nothing.
AdLib2 days ago
I will have to leave when hubs gets home. He hasn’t eaten in some time. Soup’s on. But he will need tending.
2 days ago
Ad – Trump outed Musk at the state of the disunion.
2 days ago
Lawyers already amended their suits to reflect Musk as the honcho.
2 days ago

Murph good to see yoiu
2 days ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 days ago
Hello to CL, to TW and to Ad
2 days ago
CL – Understood. If you can make it back after all is well please do.
AdLib2 days ago
Good to see you!
2 days ago

CL I saw that they didn’t waste any time getting that to the judge
2 days ago
Ad – I will. I already ate when I saw he’d be late.
2 days ago
CL – They did it the same night Trump declared to Congress that Musk was in charge. What a moron Trump really is, to make a confession while his DoJ is testifying that Musk isn’t in charge.
AdLib2 days ago
Sounds good CL!
AdLib2 days ago
Ad – that was a hilarious moment of ooops.
2 days ago

Well the Jobs report was bad at all, but I believe we will see some major set backs as things move forward.
2 days ago
I think the powers that would be are going to fudge employment data and simply lie.
2 days ago
And how stupid and weak does Trump look starting sanctions twice then stopping them twice? That looks like competence or an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s doing?
AdLib2 days ago
TW – I think we’ll see that jobs report revised downward and the April report for March will be much worse. Even so, this jobs number was less than expected so it disappointed and didn’t boost the markets.
AdLib2 days ago
“First you say you do, then you don’t. Then you say you will, then you won’t…” He’s the “weathervane president” pivoting 180 degrees every five minutes.
2 days ago

How stupid and weak the the Repugs look when they stop holding town halls because they can’t stand the push back they are getting from those they are suppose to be working for
2 days ago
Tw – chickens all of them, but too gamy to eat.
2 days ago
CL – Yes, a Trump toadie already put out there that they may not include government data with commercial data on jobs, to skew the next jobs report to omit all the thousands of firings by Musk.
AdLib2 days ago

CL yes they are all going cluck cluck down the road
2 days ago
Ad – well, MTG said no government job was a “real” job, so you can see that. What the hell is HERS then?
2 days ago
CL – Trump is a baby with a machine gun, he fires his stupid ideas, causes harm, then declares he’ll stop firing. He’s an abject moron.
AdLib2 days ago
Tw- they are rancid.
2 days ago
Murph – what is the thought among the Ukrainians on this horrible threat to deport them?
2 days ago
CL…..tell me more.
2 days ago
CL – Exactly, the stupidity of MTG and Repubs is that they are attacking people who work for the government as worthless, lazy, untrustworthy…and they ARE the government right now. Wish the fools who voted for Trump but aren’t MAGAs would tune in just a little to the insanity. But probably not, they will have to have a recession damage their lives first.
AdLib2 days ago

CL MTG is so stupid ………. well I just leave at that the devil on the left wanted to say it and the angel on the right threaten me so I will just leave it with stupid but you know what I mean
2 days ago
I sent you the story – Trump is threatening to rescind every lawful status granted to the 240,000 Ukrainian refugees who fled at the time of the invasion. Then he will deport them ALL. Canada is making noises that they will accept them, but I’m not sure.
2 days ago
CL – I think Blue State Governors should offer all Ukrainian refugees, asylum in their states.
AdLib2 days ago
TW – Oh yes, I know what you mean.
AdLib2 days ago
CL – out of the loop on so much right now……
2 days ago
Ad – that won’t work. They have to get to Canada or risk being sent wherever the hell he sends them.
2 days ago
Murph – what’s going on?
2 days ago
Murph – I have tried to stay out of the loop but I get NYT notifications still and have been checking in on Bluesky a bit. But no way would I have watched Trump’s Festival of Lies to Congress. That would be masochistic.
AdLib2 days ago

CL so Frump wants to deport all the Unkainians what a jerk
2 days ago
It’s an 8 hour drive, St. Louis to Detroit. Longer if off interstates which I would. But FIRST we have to see if Canada really WILL take them.
2 days ago
CL – Blue states and Blue cities have provided amnesty for other immigrants, why wouldn’t it work for Ukrainians?
AdLib2 days ago
I mean “have provided asylum”.
AdLib2 days ago
They did not protect anyone targeted for deportation. The sanctuary cities simply won’t harass them or cooperate with ICE.
2 days ago
CL….I am doing a lot with the Ukrainian church….there has been a new influx of refugees.
2 days ago
Nobody targeted for deportation has been able to avoid it in any Blue state.
2 days ago
CL – But haven’t sanctuary cities prevented deportations by not cooperating and identifying and locating targeted people?
AdLib2 days ago
Murph – they must be panicked at this declaration. How awful for them.
2 days ago
Ad – they have delayed not stopped deportations. It’s CRITICAL we don’t rely on that.
2 days ago

Ad I watched so you didn’t have to. Wrote a piece on it, its in the queue for your review
2 days ago
Sounds like we need a new Underground Railroad for Ukrainians, Trans folks, women, Latinos…that’s going to be one huge railroad before Trump’s done.
AdLib2 days ago
Canada is the only true safety.
2 days ago
Canada is likely to have a major growth spurt.
2 days ago
CL – I know you know what you’re talking about on sanctuary cities so thanks for filling me in on that.
AdLib2 days ago
TW – Yes, I saw it and will publish it imminently but was struggling with a tech issue today.
AdLib2 days ago

Ad I know about tech issues as you well know had one last night but got it fixed this morning. So I totally understand.
2 days ago
Tech is NOT our friend…
2 days ago
It’s a bit cold for me in the Winter but if I had to move to Canada to escape the Hunger Games here, there are far worse places to live.
AdLib2 days ago

As Syracuse
2 days ago
I know Ontario East and BC. NOBODY wants to live in the middle.
2 days ago

Ad Syracuse
2 days ago
TW – Glad you got it fixed. I need to figure out how many years of my life have been spent in total fixing tech problems.
AdLib2 days ago
TW – Heh!
AdLib2 days ago
Just reading along….a bit exhausted and certainly brain dead.
2 days ago
What about Buffalo?
AdLib2 days ago
Murph – What’s been going on out your way?
AdLib2 days ago
TW – Syracuse is not unlike Canada. I love it, and I lived in Nova Scotia one summer teaching on Cape Breton. It as great.
2 days ago

Ad usually has more snow and is colder
2 days ago
Buffalo is OK. But there’s no relief from fascists anywhere. Remember I had to flee Buffalo to escape them.
2 days ago
Ad…..still working at the Trust. Getting very engaged with the Ukrainians – a very blue collar crowd and utterly dismayed by what is happening.
2 days ago
I like western Canada and Eastern Canada but haven’t been central nor in Montreal. But if the US becomes Thunderdome, I’m open.
AdLib2 days ago
Murph – I so feel for them. No peace anywhere it seems.’
2 days ago
TW – That’s what I thought.
AdLib2 days ago

CL Syracuse does have its good points but I guess for me I needed to get away and when I got married that is what I did.
2 days ago
CL – Yes, I remember that story and glad you got out!
AdLib2 days ago
Unless you speak flawless French Ontario is difficult.
2 days ago
So many of these people have relatives at the point of the gun….and now they are fearing for their own fates as True and his minions attack cheering talk of their expulsion.
2 days ago
Ontario is very habitable, and Toronto is very easy to inhabit save for the downtown traffic and getting TO it.
2 days ago
Murph – I don’t blame the Ukrainians from feeling really worried. Their “friend”, the US, just turned around and is holding a knife to their throats to extort mineral rights and gains for Russia. As helpless as we feel to stop this madness, it’s so much worse for them.
AdLib2 days ago
Murph – they may have no alternative but Canada. I’d start talking to the consulate or Embassy ASAP.
2 days ago
CL – Even some Frnech people have difficulty with the Frnech Canadian dialect, not exactly the same.
AdLib2 days ago
My school chums from school days who are stunned at U.S. behavior I, in turn have told them how proud I am of my UK connections.
2 days ago
If they have passports, they could fly from St. Louis to Toronto. If they can’t afford that, a caravan on NON interstates.’
2 days ago
It’s insane, Murph. Absolutely insane.
2 days ago
Less than two months ago we had a functioning nation. Now – chaos and viciousness.
2 days ago
CL – I have been to Toronto and liked it and have been in the Alberta region on the west coast, where the Rockies are and it was gorgeous.
AdLib2 days ago
Ad – Alberta IS gorgeous but politically very RW.
2 days ago
Ooops – gotta go. Be back when I can!!!
2 days ago
CL – I mentioned this before but it’s so sad to consider that we used to see presidents as people who would work to bring out the best in the nation. Now we have a criminal, rapist, racist, fascist who is doing his best to bring out the worst in people,
AdLib2 days ago
Meanwhile, measles is spreading, bird flu is spreading, outbreaks of diseases in Africa are spreading and RFK Jr. is advising people to use leeches.
AdLib2 days ago

Murph I was just thinking about the Unkrainians coming the the US for saftey and now facing the possibility of being forced out, remindes me of the ship for of Jewish folks fleeing Germany and the US wouldn’t let them in.
2 days ago
Or Dr. Kennediy’s Cod Liver Oil, good for anything that ails you! Step right up suckers!
AdLib2 days ago
Ad…your observation linking the Jewish experience with the Ukrainian one is very apt.
2 days ago
Sorry, I misread Ad for TW….a bit bleary eyed right now.
2 days ago
TW – That is a very poignant and on target comparison. SHipping innocent people back to a war where at least some of them will surely die…just for the sake of bigotry in American politics.
AdLib2 days ago

Ad I think it’s going to be a contentest who Trump fires first, Musk, Kennedy or Rubio
2 days ago

Murph no problem I knew figured you meant that for me
2 days ago

Ad Trump would be sending them to their death.
2 days ago
Trump is exhibiting the worst traots in human beings, as he always has, and yet thanks to the corporate ownership of the media and the corruption of social media, most Americans still don’t regard him as the obvious monster that he is. Yet. They will, once all this destruction of our government and safety net services pounds them into the ground.
AdLib2 days ago
I was in my small town market this afternoon and an argument broke out among a group of women in what has started as good natured ribbing about “I didn’t vote for him” but it got very serious, very fast. Police called. This is a town that vote scarlet red and loves Trump.
2 days ago
TW – Really? I could see him firing Rubio but harder to imagine him turning against Musk or RFK Jr..
AdLib2 days ago
Murph – So the conflict was attacking women who didn’t vote for Trump?
AdLib2 days ago
It was not a clean or neat argument, a set of arguments with people coming and going and speaking to a wide range of things. General happiness, anger and fear directed in several elections.
2 days ago
Whether you describe them as cult members, which they are, or lemmings, which they are, they are unthinking slaves to Trump and will follow him off the edge of the cliff he is leading them to. I can’t find any sympathy for what they are going to go through when people like the Ukrainians are suffering under the cruelty of Trump.
AdLib2 days ago
Chaos is quickly becoming the norm
2 days ago

It is very difficult for me to understand how people can stand by Trump giving he is a total and complete fake. I have never been able to wrap my brain around that.
2 days ago
Murph – As I mentioned previously at Vox, the quote from The Joker in The Dark Knight, “nd you know the thing about chaos? It’s fear.”
AdLib2 days ago
TW – I can tell you why. As a good friend of mine said, “People Are Stupid”.
AdLib2 days ago
Fear, anger, anxiety, brokenness
2 days ago

Ad I like the one where Alfred said, ‘some men just like to see the world burn’
2 days ago

2 days ago
But here’s the simple fact that is unavoidable, this mission by Trump and Repubs to slash Medicaid, FEMA, The Dept. of Education, etc., will crush these MAGAs in rural areas far more than people living in cities. And they deserve what’s coming but so many good people in rural areas don’t deserve what’s coming.
AdLib2 days ago
TW – That Alfred quote is also from The Dark Knight, when they’re trying to understand The Joker’s madness.
AdLib2 days ago

Ad we, meaning us here in this session understand that, as you’ve pointed those folks don’t.
2 days ago

Ad Yes
2 days ago
Those “good people” are my neighbors…sadly they find it easy to hide behind simple minded but convenient excuses that promote ongoing loyalty to “real Americans” like Trump it. al.
2 days ago
I’m back. Hubs is fed and watered.
2 days ago
CL….you had the tv dinner ready to go? HaH!
2 days ago
BTW, the new season of Daredevil started and the storyline is, the master criminal The Kingpin, Wilson Fisk, is elected mayor despite being exposed, convicted, and imprisoned as a criminal. The allusions to Trump are not subtle.
AdLib2 days ago
Welcome back, CL!
AdLib2 days ago
Murph – homemade split pea soup and rolls with melted cheese and garlic butter.
2 days ago
CL…jealous am I! Sounds yummy.
2 days ago
Murph – As we know from history, willful ignorance protects no one from harm.
AdLib2 days ago
AdLib2 days ago
Seriously – split pea can’t be beat. It’s the thyme. Yum.
2 days ago
We are practicing Depression Dinners. Very little meat, lots of veg. So far, so good.
2 days ago

Murph how is it they see Trump as a real American, with all he has done to prove he is liar, cheat, rapist, adulterer and thief?
2 days ago
TW – because he hates the people they hate. They believe so many lies about everyone not just like themselves.
2 days ago
Haven’t had split pea soup for a while but I’ve always loved it. I’ve even been to Pea Soup Andersens.

AdLib2 days ago
When they say life was “better” under Trump it means no one had to look at Black people.
2 days ago
One of my. Brit friends has a town house in London. He is a barrister (an attorney who argues before “the bar” with a large practice. He went to Number 10 Downing to joint the crowd in support of Ukraine in the person of Zalensky. He said it remind him of stories his parents had told fromWWII.
2 days ago
Mine is better, Ad. I like theirs, but mine is full of better stuff.
2 days ago
CL – You nailed it!
AdLib2 days ago

CL there is not much one can say to that.
2 days ago
Murph – that’s exactly how I’m feeling – this is like WW II. I went online and listened to Vera Lynn sing. I needed her optimism that got so many through the blitz and WW II.
2 days ago
I cannot fathom how we can be on the wrong side.
2 days ago
Murph – We are in a new era now, one of tyrants and the people needing to be the ones to stand up. Dem politicians just wear pink when we need to be aggressively attacking a tyrant. The media rolls over becuse the billionaires who own it see a greater benefit to their greed to jump in bed with Trump. It’s going to be up to the people and I do believe we will prevail in the end.
AdLib2 days ago
CL – I wouldn’t doubt your pea soup being better than Andersens!
AdLib2 days ago
Ad,,,,I appreciate your optimism as it comforts….but, sadly, does not convince.
2 days ago
Ad – what you see on TV of the Dems is just one moment. All day, every day they are giving the GOP hell. And let me say, from someone who knows what he’s talking about, the few who voted to censure Green did it to SAVE him – the GOP demanded they have some votes or they’d strip him of his committee seats. THAT fact is not out there to anyone. I see them leading demonstrations, giving what for to committee GOP, out loud and proud everywhere, and not ONE WORD of that has emerged from the MSM.’
2 days ago
The Second Coming Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Tumblr View print mode Copy embed code Add this poem to an anthology W. B. Yeats 1865 – 1939 Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
2 days ago
I’ve said this before and the more each day of madness rolls out, the more convinced I am of this. The way Trump is knocked back begins with the many ignorant Americans out there suffering substantially under his tyranny and destruction of a government that works for the people. When they join the rest of us against Trump, when a solid majority is angry at him, he will panic and Repubs in Congress will fear for their re-election if they stay tied to the crashing Trump Train. When that happens, that is when Trump is thwarted and the majority pushes back on this insanity.
AdLib2 days ago
Ad…always a positive spin…admirable
2 days ago
Murph – what DOES convince are the courts. That and the LOUD voices across the nation berating Congress and besieging the WH are forcing Trump into the “weathervane” mode of on again, off again decisions. The more that happens, yes it’s chaos, but the weaker he is and the less certain he becomes. He’s BEGGING tens of thousands of fired employees to return. They are discovering from farmers to Red governors to corporate board rooms, NOTHING they have done is popular. The phones normally get 40 calls an hour – it’s over 2000 now. Musk is back peddling even as he loots all he can. I am not a Marxist and don’t actually think history really repeats itself, but I love his comment that it DOES, “the first time for tragedy, the second time for farce.” We are in the farce part. Doesn’t mean there’s nothing to worry about, but we have options to hit the soft underbelly of their chaos and stop a LOT of this.
2 days ago
CL…wise and broad perspective.
2 days ago
The key problem WE have is a media that report untruths. The Dems are a lot more aggressive than we are allowed to see. But voters made them basically powerless until now – they CAN stop the rancid cuts in the Senate.
2 days ago
CL – Here’s my problem with the Dems. They should have an overall strategy for confronting Trump and fighting against him. After Al Green stood up to declare that Trump did not have a mandate to slash Medicaid, a fact, Dems should have all gotten up and followed him out. Or after he was taken away, another Dem should have stood up then when they were ejected, another. This is not normal and the Dems should not be using normal tactics to confront a tyrant. They look weak and naive. And Dems are not supporting them because they want to see Dems as a group using strategic and BIG actions that prove we are not in normal times. Too few Dems in Congressd are acting like this is a crisis. Too much protocol and compromise and politeness. We need tough fighters fighting for democracy, not color coordination.
AdLib2 days ago
Ad,,,,ab accurate reading of the donkeys.
2 days ago
Friends,,,,,heading to bedding.
2 days ago

Well I believe we are going to have the opportunity to see if the Dems have fight in them as we’re getting ever so close to things shutting down
2 days ago
Ad – Dem bashing is not OK. They like the rest of us are trying to figure out a strategy. In 6 weeks, with NO power, they are not yet united. SIX WEEKS. NOBODY thought this would happen so fast and so deeply. NOBODY. You are dead wrong Dems aren’t acting like it’s a crisis – BlueSky is the ONLY place every day I see at least one loud and focused hitback and not just from Crockett. Green didn’t tell anyone he was going to do what he did – and it’s all hands on deck now. That’s what they’re talking about in terms of “decorum”. Not passivity – UNITY. Read my comment about the censure – that wasn’t how it was portrayed. Every speech both houses sounds the alarm. We just are being kept from it by MSM.
2 days ago

Murph take care
2 days ago
Good night Murph!
2 days ago
Best to all y’all
2 days ago
Murph – Appreciate the Yeats quote, so appropriate. Now, let me ask you, what do you think the mood of the majority of this country will be towards Trump when the coming recession hammers them? When they lose their jobs, when inflation is soaring, when government programs they relied on don’t function anymore? When they lose their farms and homes and businesses? How do you think they will feel for the party and leaders who are overseeing this destruction? Would you agree that they would become upset about the people in power who are presiding over the suffering they’re enduring?
AdLib2 days ago
TW – everyone is worried because – and this is important – there IS NO GOOD ANSWER. Pass their horrid bill cuts, they are now legal. Let them shut it down, it may not reopen. And Dems have NO options to save a thing. VOTERS rendered them toothless.
2 days ago
Ad – to reply for what you said to Murph – Yes, eventually even MAGA will rebel, but if we don’t focus on the courts and what they do to uphold their own rulings, we miss the main chance.
2 days ago
CL – It isn’t Dem bashing to call out what’s actually happening. Dressing in pink? That was their “protest”. Holding up paddles? That was their protest. Jeffries has been on a book tour promoting his book and Schumer is just telling America, “If bad things happen, it’s Trump who’s to blame.” Dems have had 4 months to put a strategy together and they have nothing. Certain Dems are punching back on their own which I appreciate but the party is looking weak, divided, and uncertain. This is not what we need from the Dems.
AdLib2 days ago

Ok I’m back had to step away for a sec.
2 days ago
CL – Agreed that the courts are the only ones throwing roadblocks in the way of a Trump dictatorship. We love our principled judges. But what the Dem party is doing now is not enough. Let me ask you this, why haven’t the Dems in Congress simply refused to provide a quorum to block all COngressional action until Trump is reigned in? That could be a strategy. They did it once to prevent a Trump appointee but that was it. Dems can do more than they are but they seem too concerned about being seen as troublemakers.
AdLib2 days ago
Dems should be holding a massively long filibuster in The Senate to force attention on them as they talk about Trump as treasonous, as a tool of Russia, as a criminal pardoning more and more criminals, going after Trump with the gloves off but they aren’t.
AdLib2 days ago
See – Jeffries was NOT on a book tour. He wrote a book on democracy and took it to ONE inner city book store in Chicago so the folks there had a tool to use in organizing. I don’t know if they’re weak. I know they are NOT organized, how could they be? No – we did NOT have 4 months. This is the blitz – totally unexpected. NOBODY thought he’d do this in 6 WEEKS. NOBODY.
2 days ago
We need a unified and aggressive Dem Party right now because Trump is just steamrollering over the Constitution, Congress, and even the courts by not complying with orders. We need to savagely attack this monster and call him out as a traitor to his oath of office and the country. As a bigot who dehumanizes trans people, women, people of color, Ukrainians, college students, etc. We need a fighter right now and the Dem Party as a whole, exempting some great Dem fighters out there, are not acting in that role.
AdLib2 days ago

CL I have to admit I do have a problem with what seem to me the passivity of the Dems in confronting the Repubs durining Trumps rambling on Wed. While I understand your points on the dems choices are limited but I don’t think they have the take path of least resistance. I believe they should hall walked out when Green was escourted out regardless of weather he told them his plans or not. Trump would have been talking to Republicans and those who are obligated not to take sides, meaning the SC and Military although I sure they vote Republican or Democrat. But I believe it is time for Dems to start realizing that peaceful demonstrations with this crop of Republicans is no longer effective. These Republicans want to tear democracy down believing it is the only way they will get what they want, and from my view it is no longer democracy.
2 days ago
CL – Have to disagree, Trump made very clear he would be a dictator on day one. He won the election in November 2024. It has been 4 months and the Dems have shown no organized, strategy to fight back against Trump. Why did many of us know he was going to do exactly what he promised but not the Dem Party?
AdLib2 days ago
Well before you decide to up the anger, remember that’s EXACTLY what Trump wants to generate and excuse for martial law. Read Erica Chenoweth on the success of revolutions and revolt violent v non violent. The NON violent win 3 times more. We do need strategies, but denying “peaceful protest” to let his new MERCENARIES loose on the land is absolutely foolhardy. YES the courts can help and ARE. Why do you think he’s backpeddling? It’s not just Jeff Bezos being cranky – it’s his realization that even if he can’t be immediately arrested, all his designated agents including Musk CAN BE.
2 days ago
CL – Even if the Dems refused to believe Trump would be an out of control monster after winning election again, which is kind of ignorant, why didn’t they have at least one strategy in place to rally the party against Trump? WHy were they empty handed after 4 months? Not even an initial strategy? Nothing.
AdLib2 days ago
Ad – we all knew WHAT he would do, and NOBODY knew he’d do it on his own as fast as he has, and don’t tell me we did. We didn’t.
2 days ago
Now how do you decide the people tasked w LAW MAKING (or obstructing) are also the people who should move the social movement? They aren’t the ones to do that – WE are. That is infinitely true. Leaders who are sitting officials NEVER are the leaders in the streets and local arenas. WE are.
2 days ago
CL – No one here is saying anything about advocating violence. We’retalking about being bold, being confrontational, being outspoken. Instead, Jeffries ordered the Dems NOT to protest against Trump at the speech to Congress. How did that work out to benefit Dems? That’s just so frustrating that our leaders are telling members to be quiet and not act like we’re in an emergency.
AdLib2 days ago
Social movement, social revolution is my field of study. I know what works and what doesn’t.
2 days ago
THEY ARE – you are just not SEEING IT. You bitch about the MSM but then act as if the absence of information is accurate. Watch committee hearings and BlueSky coverage of demonstrations, rallies, etc. It’s happening DAILY.
2 days ago
I would say the single biggest self deception is that we can trust the media are telling us the truth about what Dems are doing.
2 days ago
CL – I can tell you what “I’ll be a dictator on Day One” meant to me. I can’t help if Dem leaders didn’t understand simple English from a tyrant. That doesn’t excuse them from not having any strategy on Day One, when Trump vowed well ahead of time that he would act as a dictator.
AdLib2 days ago
That he would seat his Cabinet and they’d follow his orders irrespective of law and other branches of government. Not that a guy like Musk would burst into offices and FIRE everyone.
2 days ago

One of the things I know and sense is what we know as democracy is in danger. There is a party, mainly the MAGA’s who are bent of doing whatever it takes to move things in the direction they want. Which is not form of democracy we here believe in. These people are daman radicals just listen to what they talk about what they want how they want to get it. They are more than willing to let Trump become a dictator. I believe they are serious about making this a “Christian Country” and they clearly are frighten of the shifting population issue that will confront them as birth rates are down. They think they are fighting for their survival and more than willing to bring back the time long forgotten. Forgotten for a reason because they didn’t work.
2 days ago
He acted like a dictator in 2017. We all thought that’s how it would play out.
2 days ago
CL – And we all knew he would be implementing Project 2025, why didn’t the Dem leadership prepare for how they would push back to that? I’m sorry but all I’ve seen in the last 4 months is disarray, confusion, some bold Dems fighting on their own and some moderate Dems pushing for the Dem party to become GOP Lite.
AdLib2 days ago
We all thought HE would do it not Musk. And no one expected this wholesale dismantling of agencies like this. NO ONE.
2 days ago
CL – Agree with your description of MAGAs being happy to overthrow our democracy for a Trump dictatorship. Still don’t agree on the Dems being so unaware he would be a dictator on Day One. They had no strategy whether he was this bad or not. They had nothing in the past 4 months that resembles a strategy for the party. But I’m open, have you seen a strategy? What is it?
AdLib2 days ago
Some things cannot be anticipated or dealt with if they are. Dems in Congress have a job – WE are the leaders of the resistance. It’s on us, not them. They are overwhelmed w the work of legislation. WE need to be out there – attorneys, doctors, teachers, everyone – calling out the crap that’s descending. How can DEMS call out RFK, Jr better than doctors on the front lines? This is going better at the local levels but is rising to the top.
2 days ago
Ad – Trump was NOT a dictator Day 1. MUSK was. And don’t tell me you or anyone saw that coming. NOBODY did. We thought this would be done over time not all at once.
2 days ago
The people were prepared. Rapid Response teams in almost every state have disrupted ICE. THAT is what we need and how WE should be organizing.
2 days ago
WE need to harden our communities with community gardens, free clinics, and beefed up food banks. We need to make sure our councils and counties do NOT abet Trump. We need to set up radio stations to broadcast America Free news. We need people to jump on the Nat’l Police rejection of their endorsement after the J6 pardons and use that to build community policing. We need to get over OUR biases about with whom we work and start building collectives, worker owned or B corporations to thwart big business and moves toward economic collapse. We need propaganda wings – you’d be great at that – to tell OUR stories, DEM stories. That’s OUR work.
2 days ago
No, I’m not saying anyone anticipated Musk coming in as co-dictator and tearing apart our government and democracy. But the Dems have been squabbling internally over the direction of the party, should they move more to the right? Should they be loud or insist Dems keep their heads down and hope Trump implodes? A conference of some moderate Dems recommended that Dems distance themselves from the “far left” in cities and spend their energies in rural areas taking about family values, Christianity, and other Repub crap. The Dem party is a mess right now, they think this election proved they’re in trouble instead of coming together with the understanding that the American people can be very ignorant at times and make terrible decisions while being drowned in propaganda from MSM and social media.
AdLib2 days ago
That’s the political side of the DNC not the folks on the floor. We don’t get to hear from the floor much. The party is in fragments now, so why rely on them? Rely on us, the people. Read what I wrote about tactics.
2 days ago
I hate to tell the “cornfed” Dems that it’s the coastal Dems who have the march on faith messages. I’m seeing that from east and west, NOT from Omaha.
2 days ago
CL – I think that is smart and good work that we, the people can do. What I would like our Dems in Congress to do is to commit to a theme of stopping a criminal/rapist/tyrant from destroying our Constitution, our government, and our society and acting out in aggressive ways to platform how urgent these times are. And we the people need to do our part in many of the ways you suggest.
AdLib2 days ago
Well – I’m doing it. So there IS that. But we’re revamping things and standing up to the religious right, and anyone who thinks we should become born again can go eff themselves.
2 days ago
Ad – Dems in Congress are NOT the leaders. They are overwhelmed. The party is not one thing – and if we demand the legislative part is also the social movement part, we’re dead. Take a tip from the RW – they don’t DO that. Legislative MAGA don’t lead the people.
2 days ago
CL – I know very well that you are doing it. I know I could be doing more but I needed some distance from the insanity of Trump or his goal of making us feel defeated and helpless would be a daily battle for me. Instead, I have accepted in advance that he will do horrible things that only the courts could help blunt and as I re-engage, seeing Americans who voted for him but are suffering under his oppression and madness, will energize my resistence.
AdLib2 days ago
It is true, we are on our own as The People. The media has been co-opted by the billionaires, the Dem leadership in Congress is overwhelmed, fractured, and unaccustommed to a bare knuckles political brawl. We have the courts, thank goodness but otherwise, it’s up to us as citizens to navigate as you’ve described and come together to build a strong majority that pushes back and says “No!” to this madman and the insanity he is forcing on all of us.
AdLib2 days ago
No one is coming to save us, not this time. We need to come together and take the country back. And I am pretty sure that the suffering Trump is going to bring to a majority of Americans will be the driver of the wave of a majority to sweep him back from this kind of power.
AdLib2 days ago
TW, you still there?
AdLib2 days ago
AdLib2 days ago
I see CL and TW in the left panel but no commenting going on. Don’t know if there’s an issue with Vox or what. If you’re there, please say Hi.
AdLib2 days ago

Ad dems have to push back from the table and take in the whole picture. As both of you (and I believe I am as well) saying is 1. Repugs have a strategy and for the moment it is working. 2. Dems are blown away by Harris loss, because they believe in the rule of law and mistakenly thought the public wouldn’t put a criminal in office. 3. Dems still have their heads up their butts and need to get right, well that is what I got from CL and 4. Organize and put on their big boy paints because the Repugs are in this for the win, they want what they want and its not democracy as we know it.
2 days ago
Life cannot be the same ever again. Better maybe, but different. The ONLY thing the EmoProg left is doing is promoting themselves not helping the base of the party. They are trying to play out the KPD fantasy. The Dean Phillips part is trying to be MAGA light. The core of the party is trying to stave off fascism and not kill the other two parts of the party. This won’t get resolved soon or easily.
2 days ago
Agreed, I did not believe Kamala would lose nor did I really think a criminal/rapist/traitor could be elected over a good woman. I was completely surprised too.
AdLib2 days ago
CL – Very true, that division in the party will probably not be fully healed until we have a new standard bearer.
AdLib2 days ago
My money is on Pritzker who is adored by MANY factions except the sniffy “nobody with money is good” faux revolutionaries. He is solid. He’s CREATIVE which is like Obama and is a workhorse which is like Basic Biden. He is well liked by the Black community and most every other one. I REALLY wish he’d step up more nationally.
2 days ago
Yes, I like Pritzker a lot and would be very happy to see him step up as a national leader.
AdLib2 days ago
Well, I now need to go do the dishes. Hubs is beat. We ain’t the kids we used to be. Hope to see you next week, but if life intervenes, we will find a way. Good night dear friends!
2 days ago
Night CL!
AdLib2 days ago
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