Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hello! Sorry I missed last week!
2 hours ago
Hey AD – how are you?
2 hours ago
No worries!
AdLib2 hours ago
Doing okay, how about you?
AdLib2 hours ago
It’s been a busy one, but glad it’s Friday. Glad even more I REMEMBERED it’s Friday!
2 hours ago
That’s a small victory!
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – the older you get the more it’s a MAJOR victory.
2 hours ago
All the little victories in hetting older.
AdLib2 hours ago
AdLib2 hours ago
Like not misspelling words?
AdLib2 hours ago
Whoever said these were the Golden Years really was an ass. You are kept busy trying to keep body and soul together, and that’s tarnish on the gold.
2 hours ago
Yeah – like that!
2 hours ago
More like the Rusty Years but better than no years.
AdLib2 hours ago
As they say, just so we’re on the right side of the dirt.
2 hours ago
AdLib2 hours ago
So Trump and Musk got slapped down a couple of times this week!
AdLib2 hours ago
So as we move into our older days, I suggest that one of the things we need to remember to do, Trump, Elon, etc. notwithstanding, is to LAUGH OUT LOUD. That keeps us going more than almost anything.
2 hours ago
Ad – THEY DID!!! We are not without power! Congress does its thing, courts do their thing, and we discover Trump folds easily. And Musk has no clue what he’s doing. Read today that all the Treasury records are in COBOL which nobody under our age knows. Hope that’s true. Old is beautiful if it barred the asshats from stealing our stuff.
2 hours ago
That’s good advice. The important thing is not to let the day after day torrent of insanity overwhelm us and drain us of resolve and strength. Hence, my tuning out a lot of the insanity to preserve my mental health and strength for when the country turns against them definitively and we can jump back in.
AdLib2 hours ago
Totally agree – filter the BS and pick your lane. I’ve already sent THREE messages to our members. Haven’t done that in years. NOBODY gets free of the wrath of our members!
2 hours ago
Love that COBOL thing, I had heard about it a while back and was shaking my head at government. Now, it looks brilliant!
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – someone pointed out it was the equivalent of trying to unpack an ancient text with writing and runes nobody is left to understand. I’m here for it!
2 hours ago
Like writing the Constitution in Latin?
AdLib2 hours ago
I could read it. Miss Pfotenhauer saw to that in my HS days. I can read Latin. Like to see a MuskBrat who can.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Hey TW! Glad you made it on!
AdLib2 hours ago
Saw you were trying to logon.
AdLib2 hours ago

Hey all just trying to catch up just saw headline Trump pulled Biden’s access to security briefings. what an ass.
2 hours ago
CL – Miss Pfotenhauer would be so thrilled that you remembered her.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad yeah cleared up cash and rebooted things ok now.
2 hours ago
TW – I saw that, the ass.
2 hours ago
TW – He’s just getting even as any deranged narcissist would.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – I never forgot her. And I remain eternally grateful for what she got me to do.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
TW- I unblocked you so you could log in, must have been a bad login at first.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – how are you and how are things?
2 hours ago

Ad I know but a grown up with figure things out but we know he’s not a grow up and since he likes headlines my prediction is he will be the only pesident that is impeached three times.
2 hours ago
CL – I have a few teachers I remember like that, special ones. Doubt they’re around but they made a big impression on me.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – I hope though that this time the Senate convicts not just him but JD.
2 hours ago

Ad ok, I did clear my cash
2 hours ago
TW – Trump has the mind of a five year old who has been dropped on his head multiple times. I don’t expect him to act any differently than that.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – Miss Pfotenhauer was kind of sad. She was the opposite of charismatic, but I think I really respected her because I freaking remember her quite well.
2 hours ago
CL….I am ok…..things? Still working on protecting our holdings. Your note of two days ago was helpful. We have discovered that there is very wealthy person in our area who sees him self as a land baron. It appears that he and his legal staff are our biggest obstacle.
2 hours ago
Ad – I think you’ve nailed Trump’s mental acuity .
2 hours ago

Hey Murph I Josh Howley was your only a-hole senator but it seems you have another one as well don’t remember his name but he seems to a real dosey.
2 hours ago
CL – You join TW in thinking Trump will be impeached? Assuming that’s after Dems take back The House in the midterms.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – do NOT let a predator stop you. It’s PRIVATE PROPERTY, the most sacred of RW passions, and you have the right to do with your land what you choose. If a local thinks he’s Musk, he really needs to be cut down a notch or two.
2 hours ago
TW….Eric Schmidt…yep, you provided Avery accurate title for the man.
2 hours ago
Ad – we hope we have midterms 2026. Yes.
2 hours ago

Ad I hate to say it but you’re giving Trump far too much credit of having a mind.
2 hours ago
CL – Mrs. Harper was my history teacher in HS and was a great storyteller that made history fascinating to me, I always felt indebted to her. Other (worse) teachers just made history class rote memorization of facts which are soon forgotten. But facts as part of storytelling about history, they stay in your memory.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad……I had such a teacher and I did my best to walk in his footsteps…with some success.
2 hours ago

Ad I’m with CL on this if we have Midterms and they go the way we’ve discussed, yes I do believe he will impeached a thrid time and this time will be convicted because he will do something that even the Repugs who thinks he the second coming will not be able to forgive.
2 hours ago
Ad – I am in love with Mrs. Harper. History IS stories of people, wonderful people. Knowing that makes history worthwhile. Sure, a few key dates, but as “periodization” to see “colonial”, “early federal”, etc. but not more than that.
2 hours ago
CL – Trump will not be successful in any attempt to prevent elections. bsolutely not. There will be a massive revolt around the country that will scare that coward into the basement of the WH again.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – great teachers are always worth following. Mine were few and far between in HS, but in college there were great ones.
2 hours ago
TW – As Groucho would say, “Trump, you’ve got the mind of a five year old and I’ll bet he was glad to get rid of it.”
AdLib2 hours ago
CL…..I think that university profs have more room to develop a style that invites investment
2 hours ago
Murph – I had a feeling that you had a great history teacher that inspired you.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I loved history in HS but the history teach I had would never give a grade above and 85 I had confront her about it. I did it very gently and with respect. So when I asked what I had to do to get higher grade the look of fear she had on her face told me all I needed to know.
2 hours ago
Ad…I did indeed.
2 hours ago
While it’s not a great source, my MSN feed tonight stated that the GOP are FED UP with Trump and his insanity. He’s making them vulnerable and look like horse’s asses (which, of course, they are.) The bloom is off the rose since he let Elon do utterly illegal things. Turns out – you can’t declare yourself King and act like it. Takes a little validation from the allies. And they didn’t give it.
2 hours ago
TW – I wonder if states can prosecute Musk for the crimes he’s committing. The DoJ under Trump would never do that.
AdLib2 hours ago
TE…even as a teen….in love with learning.
2 hours ago
Murph – I was lucky to be part of a time and body of scholars who made history stunningly interesting. I am of the EP Thompson and Annales schools that just made it all come alive!
2 hours ago
CL – Yes, that was an important lesson I learned about education. Rote memorization is the lesson plan of lazy, untalented teachers. Students actually learn and remember when their teacher shares a passion for the subject they teach.
AdLib2 hours ago
CL…most fortunate. It would seem that passed their gifts on to some of their students…such as yourself.
2 hours ago
Ad – our AG and several others are hitting Musk on violating their citizens’ rights. And the courts are upholding the AG’s standing and smacking down Musk, Trump, all of them.’
2 hours ago
TW – That’s messed up, having a teacher like that. Sorry you had to deal with that as a young person.
AdLib2 hours ago

CL It will be interesting to see if the Repugs do start turning on Trump at the moment I believe the talk about him privately but in public they still sing his praises, but I would think at some point they’re going to have put up or just shut up. The dems need to keep the pressure up now that they seem to have gotten their heads out of their butts.
2 hours ago
The Shadow over all of the efforts to push back against Trump and his lackeys is the Supreme Court. I wonder what those justices are thinking about all of this.
2 hours ago
I had a mentor (with whom I sort of was in love) who made sure I got the access to info I needed. I had dinner with E P Thompson, sat next to him, and it was wonderful. I was part of a small group of faculty, the only grad student, on discussions. It was an amazing time, amazing experience. And every bit of it pertains to my views todays.’
2 hours ago

Ad part of life my friend part of life. It did turn me off from trying to become a history teacher, but hey I still love and and teach myself what I need to know.
2 hours ago
CL – I don’t know that the MSN article is as accurate, he’s getting Repubs to approve the most insane people for cabinet positions, if they truly were turning on him, they wouldn’t be supporting these maniacs to have such power.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – the point of the MSN article is that yes, they are voting for him, and NO they can’t stand him!
2 hours ago
The only thing that moves GOP Senators are threats to their hold on office. Nothing and No One matters more.
2 hours ago
CL – That’s fantastic to hear about our AG! And this slap down on Musk and Trump illegally trying to kill USAID could be a real gamechanger in turning many more AGs against this coup. Only Congress has the power to end the entities they fund, NOT a racist drug addict from South Africa.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – the calls to the Capitol switchboard are coming in at 1600 an hour v the usual 40. These voices are WAY more important than even money because they represent VOTES. Suddenly the House and Senate are facing a voter rebellion and damned well better listen.
2 hours ago

CL I’ve been reading some things that seem to give the impression Repugs are upset, but I don’t think they will do anything they’re still too scared of him and being challenged. But, maybe some will grow some courage and push back. But then I still hold up hopes I will be able fly like superman be faster than a speeding train and stop bullets with with my teeth.
2 hours ago
I know a farmer here who raises hens…..sells the eggs to local markets. He is very worried about Avian Flu….he points out that the excellent briefings that used to come at least once a month and far more often in a crisis are not coming….calls and e mails are not answered.
2 hours ago

CL I haven’t called but have written to both my Seantors and Congressional Rep so far only heard back from Markey,
2 hours ago
CL – I see no difference between Republicans in Congress who gossip about Trump behind his back but vote to rubber stamp everything he wants and those who just rubber stamp. Repubs are spineless. They will only split with him if they see the majority of Americans turning on him and fear losing re-election. Self-serving cowards.
AdLib2 hours ago
OK – here is my take on SCOTUS. First, they didn’t actually give the president immunity so much as they gave themselves the power to decide what is “official duty”. Second, except for Alito and Thomas who are hopeless, the remainder are “textualists”. They are hostile to many interpretations of the Constitution and statues, but they all are pretty devoted to the TEXTS. Trump is violating the actual TEXTUAL LAW, and they very much dislike that.
2 hours ago

Murph wow, that’s real live news from and actual source about what Musk has done that is impacting him.
2 hours ago
CL – Great point, I have heard from Congresspeople and others about how calls to the Capitol have skyrocketed and many have full voicemail boxes, the system even crashed this week. Yes, LOTS of Americans are angry but the backlash hasn’t even started yet.
AdLiban hour ago
CL…a strong analysis…..I hope it is spot on.
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – ALL the info on health is DOA. I am so sorry for your friend. There are, on BlueSky some devoted health folks who are transmitting real data on bird flu and every other damned thing. Be aware – Kansas has a MAJOR outbreak of TB. And now it’s in Ohio. If you mask for ANYTHING, do it for that, too. I would urge you all to be active on BlueSky for info on health issues. I am Churchlady320. Find me, and I will connect you best I can.
an hour ago

Ad here is a copy of Markey’s response to meear Timothy: Thank you for contacting me about the so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter. On his first day in office, Donald Trump signed an executive order to establish DOGE within the Office of the President, putting Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, in charge. Since then, Musk and his henchmen have conducted an illegal government power grab, taking over sensitive data and payment systems that handle Americans’ Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits. This unauthorized access creates privacy, cybersecurity, and conflict of interest risks and enables Musk to serve himself at the public’s expense. It’s outrageous and dangerous. In response, I have demanded answers from agencies granting access to DOGE and filed a proposal to make it a violation of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act (P.L. 41-5
for an individual to gain unauthorized access to the central payment systems at the Treasury Department, which disburses trillions of dollars in congressionally approved funds each year. Make no mistake – DOGE will not lower costs for families, and it will only help the ultrawealthy in this country. Donald Trump wants to fill the pockets of Elon Musk and his wealthy tech billionaire friends at the expense of working Americans. Thank you again for contacting me about this issue. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Signature Edward J. Markey United States Senator
an hour ago
TW – I am in love with Markey! That is awesome!
an hour ago
Murph – I went to Costco this morning when it opened, knowing it would be mobbed by people buying as many cartons of eggs as they could. The sign said, only three cartons per person and the mob was not unpleasant but very determined to get their 3 cartons of eggs. Reminded me exactly of being there at the start of Covid when you had to get there when they opened to get water, paper towels and toilet paper or it would be gone. The panic is real and Avian Flu is spreading to cattle so meat will be shooting up in price and less available. How are non-MAGA Trump voters who voted for him to lower egg prices going to feel then?
AdLiban hour ago
TV. Fine letter from Markey’s office….his ideas I am certain.
an hour ago

CL I’m a bit disappointed in Warren, and McGovern sent them the same letter only Markey’s office responded.
an hour ago
Trump ignored COVID until it turn into rampage…..he is doing the same with avian flu.
an hour ago
CL – Good advice about Bluesky, I am on it several days during the week. But going for vital medical and disease updates is a very good reason to be on there.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Warren is and always will be for Warren. I do not like her at all.
an hour ago
I need some coaching about Bluesky.
an hour ago

CL she had me in her camp when she first ran, now, it’s shall we say I have a different view.
an hour ago
If you guys recommend it, I want to be on it.
an hour ago
TW – Nice reply from Markey. The real problem is that Trump and Musk are stealing the power of the Congress and the spineless Repubs are just sitting on their hands as they lose their power. They even blocked Dems’ efforts to bring Musk before them to get some answers and transparency.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I joined Bluesky a while back, the times I do go out and check it’s a relife in a number of ways
an hour ago
OK – about eggs. Get a crock or 5 gallon bucket w a lid. Get “pickling lime” from the canning section of your hardware store. Look online at “water glassing eggs” on how to submerge them in pickled water to keep for A YEAR or more. Fill the container IN the dark, cool spot and don’t carry it there. One crack in one egg, the whole thing degrades.
an hour ago

Ad that is what happens with an authortrian takes over the government, they representatives fall in line.
an hour ago
Murph – Yep, this is the reason he’s blocked the CDC from communicating with the public. Disease is spreading again across the country and he doesn’t want the people insisting the government spend money to stop it, all the money needs to go to the wealthy, not the people.
AdLiban hour ago
CL….well aren’t you a hot shot farmer lady!
an hour ago
Murph – Bluesky looks like Twitter, very easy to navigate and use if you used Twitter.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – just set up an account there w whatever name you with (MurphtheSurf3 is fine) then look for me, and I will help you from there. You can direct message me. I don’t actually LIKE it – lots of smug lefties there – but it’s not pernicious as Twitter/X has become.
an hour ago
Thanks Choice.
an hour ago
Murph – we are tearing up the backyard for a community garden for us and our homeless folks. If I can’t use my grandmother’s freaking cookbook and my mother’s ration cookbook, what is my purpose in life?
an hour ago
Ad, I may lean on you for some tutelage. I was never on twitter.
an hour ago
an hour ago
I have two MA degrees and passed my PhD orals with a standing ovation from the faculty. And here I am water glassing eggs. You do what life hands you.
an hour ago
CL – I’ll share that process to preserve eggs with my wife. As I’ve mentioned before, now I just go to Costco once a month at opening time, buy three cartons of eggs and other items that are in high demand and I’m set for more than a month. Then just rinse and repeat. At Costco, they only raised the price of eggs by a dollar or so, two dozen for $8. At the supermarket, you’re lucky to get one dozen for that price.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – you are a doll. You do know that one day soon I am coming to meet you. There you are.
an hour ago
CL….so you have earned Ph.D?
an hour ago
Murph – CL and I are happy to help you acclimate to Bluesky.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I will definitely get Costco eggs. At the moment it’s Sprouts that are the cheapest.
an hour ago
Thanks ad and cl
an hour ago
CL – How much are eggs at Sprouts?
AdLiban hour ago

So everyone, what are your thoughts on Trump saying he is going to take over the Gaza strip and move everyone back into th luxury homes he plans to build for them because it such great beach front property.
an hour ago
Murph – never finished the dissertation. Got very sick with hypothroidism that never got diagnosed or resolved in 7 years. Could NOT remember what my diss was about much less do it. I will never forgive those effing docs for blowing me off.
an hour ago
Ad – $3.99-4.99
an hour ago
What the best egg farmers I know are saying:
an hour ago
We’re going to get the packets of ground beef at Costco too which are already perfect for freezing. Have a feeling that’s going to start being harder to get at a good price. If you think people were annoyed at egg prices, wait until hamburgers cost double.
AdLiban hour ago
Store promptly in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 40° F or below. … Store eggs in their original carton and use them within 3 weeks for best quality. Use or eat hard-cooked eggs (in the shell or peeled) within 1 week after cooking. Use frozen eggs within 1 year.
an hour ago
I. go one step fa
an hour ago
I am gong to start attending the farmer’s market at 5:30 am Sunday morning to see if eggs are cheaper there.
an hour ago
I go one step further re eggs. Those I buy go into a cooler right away. Keep at 40 or below.
an hour ago
I shop Outlet Grocery – even their eggs suck on price. I am going to get the hamburger. We do have two freezers.
an hour ago
Murph – that’s the absolutely best thing. Cold, eggs don’t need to be water-glassed so much.
an hour ago
TW – From what I saw, even Trump’s staff was shocked by his BS about wanting to takeover Gaza. It’s total BS, he wants to own that beachfront property but never gonna happen. I think he’s trying to throw an elbow at Putin saying, “You just want Ukraine? Look at me, I want to get Gaza, Greenlanmd, Canada, and the Panama Canal! Who’s the powerful landgrabber imperialist now?”
AdLiban hour ago

Since it just the two of us a dozen eggs last us for a reasonable time, I’m not nor have been a big egg lover, but I know they have gone up in price as my wife has told me several times. As well as the price of beef among other things.
an hour ago
CL – Those are great prices, no need to go to Costco then. I appreciate Sprouts not exploiting the situation, same as Costco. But Ralphs/Kroger? Highway robbery is their business model.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Really? You can freeze eggs and they defrost just fine?
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I believe we are seeing more and more of Trump mental deterioation happening in real time. Just before I logged in say the headline he is denying Biden Security Briefs
an hour ago
I make my own Almond flour bread from a mix. I bought “egg replacer” and used it. Well…it’s OK. Normally w 3 eggs, the bread is only marginally higher than a bruschetta. With egg replacer, it’s even smaller. BUT – it is BREAD. Since we can’t eat wheat or rice or the usual stuff, almond flour is our own ‘staff of life’. Tiny bread beats NO bread.
an hour ago
CL – Good idea on the Farmer’s Market. I think I’ll check out ones near me and see what’s up.
AdLiban hour ago
I know the USDA agent for the area…..he is very worried….and he is largely cut off from the home office in DC. The statewide agents have created a network that passes along news, tips, how to dos and warnings.
an hour ago
Ad…40 degrees is not freezing. And yes they come out fine in wet that is 40 and down but not at freezing pint.
an hour ago
On BlueSky as on Twitter 2017 on, we have ‘Alt US Park Service” that led the way then and now with righteous info on everything. I can write to them asking for a kind of “Alt USDA” site and pass it on to you.
an hour ago
an hour ago
TW – I eat eggs most days as does my wife so we don’t go through two dozen superfast but they deplete. And don’t buy a lot of ground beef unless planning a meal with it but having it in the freezer is very handy, especially as prices rise each week.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph you’re getting firsthand news from those actually impacted the nonsense that Trump and Musk are pulling off. So, the question is how are the Farmers, who I’m guessing supporting Trump feel about him now that he is letting Musk dictate what informatio they get that helps them with their farms?
an hour ago
Murph – You said “Use frozen eggs within a year” which surprised me, I never heard of freezing eggs.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….by and large they are not making the connection you have. But they will.
an hour ago
TW – I can hardly watch any video of Trump at this point but I saw wone recent video and he looked terrible. Of course he is terrible but I meant health-wise too.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – we are encouraging the guys in the back to move mentally from meat to stews and soups in the coming months. We are talking hard core meat and potatoes guys SUDDENLY willing to _ gasp – eat veggies, too. I am growing potatoes in bags. (Google it.) I will have beans, tomatoes from my neighbors in our “commune”, lettuce, carrots, onions, green onions, chives, chard, zucchini. And we are making a little garden for the ‘critters’ – skunks, raccoons, etc. that come up from the river near us.
an hour ago

Ad Trump was crowing about turning the water on that he claimed was being held back and it turned out he has managed to put the farmers in jepordy because the water he ordered releases is for their crops during your summer what a idiot
an hour ago
Murph – That’s reassuring to hear about the local USDA agents. What do you think the intention is behind Musk and Trump trying to keep the public in the dark about food dangers and health risks? It’s not like there aren’t news entities to report on rising illnesses.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad he is deterioring in plain sight.
an hour ago
CL…..I am planning on restarting my truck garden come spring.
an hour ago
My understanding is that if you separate eggs, white from yolk, and freeze them in ice cube trays, they are find.
an hour ago
Hooray, Murph!!! You will be GOLDEN.
an hour ago
CL….tarnished a bit.
an hour ago

Murph good for you.
an hour ago
CL – I am so delighted to hear of your version of farm to table coming together! I feel inspired to do more with my garden, next month is my annual planting for Spring, going to see what else I can do!
AdLiban hour ago
Trump announced today that he has asked to make Education and the Military his next assignment.
an hour ago
TW – we are bereft at the loss of BILLIONS of gallons of water by Trump’s INSANE order! NO rivers flow north to south. THERE ARE MOUNTAINS between the two parts of CA. Trump is insane! And how we have way less water for REPUBLICAN farmers than we need.
an hour ago
TW – Yes, the water Trump ordered realeased, millions of gallons, simply flooded farmland in Northern California, never went into the water delivery systems in the state, and has emptied the reservoirs for the Summer for those farmers! All so he could smirk at Newsom.
AdLiban hour ago
There is a site on growing to donate to food banks.
Your food bank will ADORE YOU if you can provide this stuff.
an hour ago

CL Trump is dumber that rocks, and my apologies to rocks, but the man is stupid as horse dung. He brags about as if he saved the day, and just made things worse for the farmers in your state. And yet there are those who still think he some sort of genius.
an hour ago
Ad – My rage at Trump’s waste of summer water does not even have a word for it.
an hour ago
CL – Fantastic! We do get more of some fruits than we can eat, so much better for us to donate it then let it go bad on the trees.
AdLiban hour ago

CL can your state file a lawsuit aganist him for endengering the lives and livelyhood of those farmers who will be impacted by what he did, especially if you have a bad draught situation?
an hour ago
TW – I bother, time to time, to respond to asshats on MSN. But this water waste has no need of MY voice since everyone who knows what he did has weighed in. This is disastrous – and he thinks he’s a genius!’
an hour ago
TW – not sure what Bonta is doing, but if it CAN be done, it WILL be done.
an hour ago
That “grow to donate” will be part of our work, too.
an hour ago
CL – I am in a Zen-like place right now with the disasters Trump and Musk are creating. I can’t stop them, destruction has and will happen under them, all I can do is hope that enough people start suffering so much, they turn on him and it snowballs. Which is when I’ll be rested and ready to jump in and fight. So the Repub farmers up north who are now so screwed, their suffering is not preventable but it will have a constructive effect on turning them and more and more people strongly against Trump.
AdLiban hour ago

CL he needs to be told that he has no clothes on. — The Emperor New Clothes reference
an hour ago
Did any of you see this? “Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the $50 million special legislative “Trump-proofing” package which he proposed for Democrats to pass following President Donald Trump’s election. Newsom said the bill will “bolster funding for legal services programs that are vital to safeguarding the civil rights of California’s most vulnerable residents, including people with disabilities, youth who are homeless, victims of human trafficking and wage theft, people facing unlawful evictions, immigrants and more. “
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – all I can do is protect my little diverse community. We have a “commune” of three houses all growing for ourselves and others. Our immediate neighbors are non binary married folks, and the people beyond them are…I have no clue but they’re nice. We serve dozens of homeless people. We are shoring up survival as our issue. After that, we will see where we go.
an hour ago
Ad…sounds like a strong philosophic position from which to take in all that is washing over us.
an hour ago
Ad – I had NOT seen that from Newsom!!!’
an hour ago
I think many Dem states will be doing just the same as CA Dems have done in trying to “Trump-proof” their states. A kind of “civil war” but not a hostile one.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – the image of a naked Yam Man really is a turn off!!!
an hour ago
CL…so admirable.
an hour ago
Murph – I love these folks. Every last damned one of them.
an hour ago
CL – I brag about you to many other people I know. That is smart, practical and constructive, what you’re doing. And it’s your own version of “Trump-proofing” which I have been focused on instead of the news.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – thank you. What you admire others have informed me online is being a royal bitch. I’ll take either accolade. YOURS is much more appreciated!!!
an hour ago
CL…Trump Proofing one Commune at a Time
an hour ago

CL one can see it in Trump’s face he is not well, he is forgetting stuff, he is incoherent and just plain stupid. Which makes him very dangerous. I do believe he will trun on Musk in the near furture. I don’t think he was happy the Musk got on the Time Cover sitting behind the Resolute Desk he didn’t look pleaed at that at all.
an hour ago
Murph – I came to my position out of trying to be realistic yet purposeful about doing what I can and seeing the big picture of what’s required to stop Trump and Musk. We can’t stop Trump and Musk from causing havoc and destruction, Dems have little power to do much. So the destruction is inevitable, the degree could be limited by the courts but it will happen to one degree or another. Since I believe that enough people NEED to suffer under Trump and Musk to turn against them, it isn’t ideal but we actually should look at people suffering from their acts as a step towards stopping Trump/Musk. So, a silver lining to disasters, if you will, the only way out of this dark place we find ourselves in…thanks to the idiots in this country.
AdLiban hour ago
Resistance lies in having as many localities refusing to comply as possible. We have an chance – brief chance – to unite w local cops. The national union TOOK BACK their endorsement of Trump over the pardon of the J6 police beaters. THEY ARE PISSED. Commiserating with them and offering to build solidarity may be on the table for a time. Let’s seize the moment. Then the local cops are far more inclined to see us in non hostile ways.
an hour ago
TW I think Trump is heading toward a Wilsonian president in which he is just the front piece for the machine that really runs the government.
44 minutes ago

CL anyone that lived in Buffalo is a strong sturdy individual.
44 minutes ago
CL – If you’re a royal pain to some, that’s because you’re a Queen!
AdLib44 minutes ago

Murph there is some merit to that.
43 minutes ago
Ad..nicely laid out strategy……sound and likely effective.
43 minutes ago
Tw…what is the merit?
42 minutes ago
CL – I do think there will be many disastrous decisions by Trump/Musk that cause suffering and resentment in groups that supported him and absolutely, we should take advantage of that to create unity behind stopping the madness of King Trump.
AdLib42 minutes ago

Ad you’re taking the right attiude to what is happening now, for me limitted access to news re-watching the game of thrones, writing reading, trying to improve me chess game.
42 minutes ago
TW….also wise…..I am choosing to read more than I watch…..more info delivered in a way that calls on one to really think and absorb.
40 minutes ago
Murph – well that was after his stroke when Edith took over. Here it’s freaking Musk.
39 minutes ago
CL…yes Edith and key members of staff.
38 minutes ago

Murph in the sense he is not running things, but others are that’s the only merit I see. But, there is the issue those who are running things are doing it to press their own agenda which is not one that is supporting democracy was we have known it and they way it should be. From my view, this has all the markings of a coup that hasn’t eruppted into volience yet, but there is still time for the volience to manisfest itself.
38 minutes ago
TW – I think about other societies of people trapped in a government that is destructive and oppressive and generally speaking, not always, but in most cases, when it drives people as far as they’re willing to go, they rise up to take back their country. In America, we do not have a historical social acceptance of dictatorship, it’s not in our DNA as a society so as this fascist insanity continues and people suffer, Americans are not going to just accept being dominated and crushed like this. So…many will first need to be crushed to build a large majority against Trump. But I do think it is inevitable.
AdLib37 minutes ago
Ad – Trump is demented and driven by his Id, not even his Ego. But getting rid of him means JD, and I’m not at all sure that’s good. I will say JD has NO power over anyone. The question is the billionaires, their threats, and who folds.
37 minutes ago
Ad … it is a cancer that is spreading throughout the body politic….if it is not addressed our democracy will die.
37 minutes ago
I would SO like to direct you all to Harvard scholar, Erica Chenoweth who has done the work of looking at EVERY social movement since 1900. She has found NON VIOLENT ones succeed way more often than violent ones. She also has books on things we should know, strategies we should take. We all need to read her. She’s onto something key here.’
36 minutes ago
CL – I think the danger of violence will be most worrisome when the majority of Americans turns against Trump, when protests build and the pitchforks and torches come out. I also think that if Trump declares the Insurrection Act to shoot citizens for protesting, it would not be surprising to me to see military leaders take him into custody.
AdLib35 minutes ago

CL Musk is trying to destroy the democratic process, he is follower of Curtis Yarvin, and from what little reading I’ve done Yarvin he’s not a proponet for democratic governace.
35 minutes ago
This is certainly a sobering conversation.
34 minutes ago
CL – But consider this, Vance is no Trump. If Trump inspires a revolt from the majority of Americans, I would dare Vance to stand in front of the stampeding masses.
AdLib34 minutes ago
Ad – I think Trump really screwed up not making the military his first line of change. The people there are still the “establishment’, the Mark Milley types. And they will continue to be because he cannot figure out that screwing over people in housing and promotion and firings is BAD for loyalty. I am LESS worried about them than I was. THEY are pissed. Hitler did right by the German military. Trump isn’t. He has zero loyalty, and he will pay for that.
32 minutes ago
Ad – I do count on the fact JD is detested by everyone. Probably including his kids.
32 minutes ago
Well friends time for me to go….you all certainly take deep dives into the events of the day.
31 minutes ago
Murph – Agreed. But I would propose that in the environment of the US, no fascist government could exist for too long. Like certain plants and animals can only live in certain environments, America does not have an environment conducive to fascist dictatorships. If for instance, Trump declared no elections in 2026, I think he would see more pitchforks and torches than at a Frankenstein film festival.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Ad…I pray that you are correct in your observations and your conclusions.
30 minutes ago
TW – Yarvin is a psychopath. Musk is deteriorating before our eyes from ketamine. NIH reported that use of ketamine (it’s an animal anesthetic) shrinks the gray matter in the brain. Musk’s visible deterioration is due to that. He’s losing it daily.
30 minutes ago
Good night Ad, CL, and TW….you guys are the best!
30 minutes ago
Good night, Murph!
30 minutes ago
CL – Right with you on that. No matter which military leaders he replaces, our military is very deep with leadership that puts the Constitution first (as they have to swear to) than a president who becomes a fascist dictator. The military will not just go along with a coup. No way.
AdLib29 minutes ago
Love you, Murph – let me know what you need on the land issues. Remember – it’s YOUR property!
29 minutes ago
Musk and Ketamine…..wow.
29 minutes ago
Night Murph!
AdLib29 minutes ago

Night Murph
28 minutes ago
Murph – what if the salvation of America is that Trump and Musk and others “just said yes to drugs”. Irony, thy name is history.
28 minutes ago
So, do you think Trump will get tired of judges halting his dictatorship and just defy them in an Andrew Johnson way?
AdLib28 minutes ago
That’s when the big protests will start rolling.
AdLib27 minutes ago
Ad – I think Trump will always cave. Musk is too deteriorated to care about Trump. But Trump has the LEGAL authority and can’t stand up to anyone.
27 minutes ago

Ad I believe he will and the question will be what with the Repugs do.
27 minutes ago
TW – that is the key, yes. What will the Repugs do.
26 minutes ago
I think Trump and Musk are doomed. There is no way this can work out, even within a year. The ceiling is going to collapse on their heads because what they’re doing is destroying the country, the government, and the lives and futures of Americans.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad – totally agree. And JD is the dimmest of bulbs. I think the whole revolution will collapse by 2026.
25 minutes ago

Ad I believe that is the ultimate goal for Musk and his ilk. Trump just cares about how bigh his bank account will grow, and those who came up with project 2025 see it as their time to rule in the way they want and it won’t be pretty.
24 minutes ago
And the majority of voters, expecially the morons who believed all his BS, DIDN’T vote for him to have their country and lives ruined. Grocery prices alone will sour so many who voted for him but new pandemics that we won’t be warned about, the destruction of the social safety net, disabling the operation of government and people not getting their SS check or medical services, that’s not sustainable for Trump/Musk.
AdLib24 minutes ago
CL – Agreed, I think by the end of this year, a solid majority of Americans will oppose Trump and Musk and finally, in the 2026 elections, the Repubs should be routed out of Congress.
AdLib23 minutes ago

Ad to quot the line that cause me to write the article by the same title: There Is Evil. These men and women are evil and they want to rule in a way that benefits them and them only.
22 minutes ago
I hope the Dem party does not cave to the Right.
21 minutes ago
OR the rancid left!
21 minutes ago
TW – that is absolutely true.
21 minutes ago
TW – Yes, I think the hubris of Trump, Musk, the RW idealogues and plutocrats will be their destruction. They think they own the power they have now and can do whatever they want. There’s over 300 million of us and only a few of them, they are going to learn a rel lesson in math before next year.’
AdLib20 minutes ago

Ad I submit the decline has started the Jobs report is an indicator I use, only 143,000 new jobs expectation was 169,000. Unemployment rate dropped to 4% but you can bet it will start rise under the Musk/Trump administration
19 minutes ago
TW – You know I’m there with you. There is evil, indeed. There are evil human beings, indeed. No escaping that truth. That is what we’re confronting right now, evil won power over us to a degree last Nov but we are not prisoners of their evil. We just need patience, as gthe fools who elected Trump suffer, they will join us. Patience and preparation is what we need now, there will be cause and effect, payback that is, and it won’t be pleasant for those monsters.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Let me tell you that every “manor” the would-be manor lords have tried to create off the coasts of Honduras, El Salvador and elsewhere have FAILED brutally. Their dystopian fantasies come up against reality, and they are disasters. They can desire to BE doges, the Venetian rulers of old, but the rest of the world is, “Excuse me? Eff you.” They hate us, the poor and delusional middle class, but the reality is that liberalism works well enough to shore up people and keep them going. Tough if they and lefties don’t like it. IT FREAKING WORKS.
17 minutes ago
TW – I also saw that consumer sentiment has dropped to a 7 month low. That’s going to be turbo charged by Trump’s tariffs, all the firings in government, cutting out all that money in many progrms (BTW, USAID buys billions in crops to send to poorer countries, how do you think hobbling or killing USAID will affect those farmers?).
AdLib16 minutes ago
CL – Excellent point! Consider what happened in Kansas when they used it as a labratory for slashing taxes, “trickle-down” and small government. It imploded in their faces. This is just a far bigger version of that disaster.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Trump never once thinks of reciprocity. He wants what HE wants, and he doesn’t consider the people who give him that and what harm he does to them. FATAL flaw.
14 minutes ago

Ad I understand what you are saying. What bothers me is there are forces who believe they have a the green light to move in a certain direction and will attempt to do so, but, I do believe there are those who will not let that happen. So I’m not giving up hope but folks need wake up pay attention to what is goning on around them. Democracy is a fragile thing, it’s not a normal form of governance, history tells us that.
13 minutes ago
Ad – EXACTLY. Kansas was the model supply side economy and FAILED. BTW – Kansas is also the hub of the resurgence of TUBERCULOSIS which now has shown up in OHIO. WTF???
12 minutes ago
CL – Yes, that’s why my key word about all of this is “blowback”. The unanticipated consequences of actions. Trump and Musk have NO idea how the “little people” they see as weak and harmless will come together to dwarf their power after being beaten down. No idea. I want to see Musk in prison…next door to Trump.
AdLib12 minutes ago
TW – the RW will rise and – surprise – the Left are armed, too. We do not have guns in our house. We do have them in the backyard. Hubs doesn’t know. I do. So be it.
11 minutes ago

CL I been meaning to ask you what you’re thought are on the fact that Trump nullified EXO 11246 which I do not think many people know about and the impact it has had on the country and I also think now that it has been nullified there will a significant rise in racial discrimination and sexual harassment cases.
11 minutes ago
Ad – Amen and hallelujah! The PEOPLE, united, will never be defeated!
10 minutes ago
TW – I do think the malign plutocrats behind Trump will overreach in a big way, assuming they are the kings of the country and I wouldn’t be surprised if an anti-wealthy sentiment prevails among the public. I would love for Dems to come back, repair Repub damage to the country as they always do and pass anti-wealthy laws that tax the hell out of them.
AdLib9 minutes ago
TW – on Bluesky it is a huge issue. The problem for HIM is that it was a step, but legislation – textual law – followed. And he can nullify the EO but not the encoded laws that SCOTUS will uphold. Roberts is a lot of things, but on textual fidelity he’s quite good as are most of the others. Certainly the liberal, but also Barrett and often Kavanuagh.
8 minutes ago
CL – I don’t discount the threat of Trump-aligned militias and such to be activated by Trump to terrorize protesters and “enemies” but as you say, Dems have guns too and cops are not so sympathetic with violent criminals…especially the ones mass pardoned for 1/6 who beat and killed their comrades in DC.
AdLib8 minutes ago

Ad I agree a lot of over reaching is taking place, like the setting up a Soverign Fund. I would like to know how they plan on funding that when we as a country don’t have a surplus.
7 minutes ago
Ad – we know about the militias, but there actually aren’t very many in them. Given state Guards that governors will NOT allow to be federalized, the militias will thrive where no resistance is offered.
6 minutes ago
I don’t have the most faith in the corrupt SCOTUS but the Nasty 5 are narcissists and the idea of Trump declaring they are to be ignored like garbage won’t sit too well with them.
AdLib6 minutes ago

CL please provide my the blue sky group discussing that I would like to read what they are saying. As the to courts upholding things in that area, I at the moment have little faith in the SC, at the moment.
5 minutes ago
TW – Any fund set up is a slush fund they will bankrupt. That is a crime and when Dems take back power, it sure as hell better be prosecuted.
AdLib5 minutes ago
CL – But militias marching around Red states where they are safe won’t change a revolt by the majority against Trump.
AdLib4 minutes ago
I think the FIVE are the three women on our side plus Roberts and Barrett on textualism. Where that breaks down is on interpretive law such as marriage equality. Like Roe, it’s not set in text. We never had this problem before, but where Trump voids statute and Constitutional language (birthright citizenship), those 5 at least will uphold it.
3 minutes ago
Ad – that’s exactly right. Let the militias whoop and holler in ID. Everyone else will turn on Trump.
3 minutes ago

Ad I was watch a recap on that by Velshi and soverign funds are set up from surplus capital we run a defict so there is no money to place in a fund, sort lifts the veil on why Musk wants to cut funding the USDA and other organizations doesn’t it.
2 minutes ago
CL – I hope so but the corruption we’ve seen in the SCOTUS, perjuring themselves before The Senate, using a shadow docket to short circuit justice, creating laws with no Constitutional basis (like the immunity BS), I don’t trust a majority to agree that we have a right to breathe oxygen.
AdLiba minute ago
OK my dear friends, I am fading out. I will NOT be here next week. It’s our anniversary, and we are headed for Fort Bragg for 4 days of absolutely NO pressure. It’s supposed to rain, so we may not do much, but we will be lazy and recover our energies. Love to you both.’
a minute ago

CL Happy Anniversary in advance to you. Enjoy yourselves.
a few seconds ago
Ad – they perjured on INTERPREATIVE law. NOT on textual.
a few seconds ago
Thank you, TW. Love to you. See you in two weeks.
in a few seconds
TW – Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised that the goal in slashing necessary spending in government is a scheme for Musk to steal trillions from the government in a “soverign fund” that invests in his companies and crypto.
AdLibin a few seconds
Shall we chat?
AdLibin a minute

I will call you shortly
in a minute
AdLibin a minute
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