Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hey CL! How are you doing/
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi – well, like with you, as well as can be expected given impending fascism, Depression, end of civilization as we know it. Nothing big…
2 hours ago
Hi glenn!
2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib2 hours ago
Good evening, Ad. How are you doing? I am still completely gobsmacked.
2 hours ago
CL – I know, I have stepped away for the time being from news and social media because the thought of drowning in the flood of madness is less than appealing right now.
AdLib2 hours ago
glenn – that’s the perfect word.
2 hours ago
Hey CL— Yes, I love that word
2 hours ago
TW shared an article with me that essentially said RW Media drives the narratives and corrupts the clueless voters who believe whatever they hear.
AdLib2 hours ago
Here is what I’ve been doing. First, re-read “Courageous Cooperation” by Jessica Gordon Nembhard about Black community coops during Jim Crow. I knew something of them. This is a very useful book on survival. Not a prepper’s manual (I have one of those) but a history of community strategies. Then I looked into how to keep chickens. I can do this.
2 hours ago

Good evening everyone
2 hours ago
Hey Tw!
AdLib2 hours ago
So I have a theory about why Democrats lost other than the fact, of course that more Republicans turned out to vote than Democrats. But I think one of the underlying currents is the misogyny in the United States. Notice the treasonous lying bully has only beat women. When he runs against a man, he loses. I believe that most white males are so afraid or opposed to a female president that they’ll vote for any male no matter how vile or despicable. Anyway, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
2 hours ago
Sigh – the title of the book is wrong – it’s “Collective Courage”. I keep getting it wrong.
2 hours ago

GlennI agree
2 hours ago
CL— why you could certainly get some tips from Murph about co-ops.
2 hours ago
glenn and all – that may well be, BUT the reports from Swing States on the numbers of missing or unread ballots is alarming.
2 hours ago
Hey, TW. How are you doing tonight?
2 hours ago
glenn – I buy your proposition which I’ve been addressing too but will add on the bigotry factor as well. Why this was a surprise is that “normal” voters would never speak about their misogyny or bigotry but will express it with their votes.
AdLib2 hours ago
CL— It may be alarming, But I’m not sure we should go down that path. It just reminds me so much of the trees and us flying bully.
2 hours ago
glenn – Ag coops are buyer coops. These are seller ones. There are similarities and differences. Worker owned coops, community owned ones are quite wonderful. The TOPS supermarket in Buffalo where the racist gunned down Black people came out of a community owned coop market project I started. Didn’t succeed – long story – but DID generate the community momentum that resulted in TOPS.
2 hours ago

Glenn like everyone down in the dumps about this election, I so wanted to Harris to win so my 18 year granddaugther could have a role model who looks like her.
2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
glenn – that is from DOJ and other intel operations to determine. It’s why I say it to people in confidence not storm the streets.
2 hours ago
What gets me is the stealth aspect of the election, who saw this coming as not only a Trump win but a Red Wave?
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph – hope you’re rested if not revived.
2 hours ago
AD— Yes, apparently the bigotry played a large part also. And I read an article that talked about fear and anger, and that most people would rather go with their fear and anger rather than hope. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but then again none of the people who vote for Trump make any sense to me.
2 hours ago
BTW – my Ex. Dir. and I are seeking to revive the Council and Impact. If not now, when? If not us, who?
2 hours ago
CL well good for you for trying to start a co-op In Buffalo. Each time I talk to you I discover more of what an amazing woman you are.
2 hours ago

Glenn I’ve been reading how the Dems are infighting and blaming one another.From my view wrong thing to do. Yes they need to get it out their system but they also to start their planing for 26 and far smarter and not care about using some of the tatics the repugs have used but but the sweet smell of the Dem flare.
2 hours ago
I just stopped by. I really have nothing new to offer. I just thought I would say hello. Ask All I have to offer.
2 hours ago
TW— I believe your granddaughter has a great role model in you. But it would’ve been nice for her to have a female role model. I agree.
2 hours ago
glenn – my whole life has been starting projects I don’t necessarily finish but that galvanize others to do. I’m happy with the TOPS because the community is treating it as IF it were “Our Market’ the name of our plan. A community center not just a store.
2 hours ago
glenn – I understand that aspect or people being more manipulated by fear and hate but here’s the thing. When I watched Trump spew his hateful lies, I thought, “Thank goodness the public knows what a liar he is this time and how outrageous his lies are like eating cats and dogs. My conclusion is, I was naive about how incredibly stupid and devoid of critical thinking so many Americans are.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – we are so glad to see you. You are wrung out, and that’s OK. Healing needs to take place. You did an amazing job. MO is just effed up.
2 hours ago
CL – That’s good to hear about CCC and Impact, they’re more needed now than ever.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – Rick and I talked today. We are both energized. Off we go!
2 hours ago
I just do not have it in me to engage right now. Maybe some day.
2 hours ago
TW— I agree again. The fighting amongst the Dems must really stop. I think Charis ran a great campaign and a lot of political analyst say the same thing. I don’t know what went wrong, but Democrats do need to figure it out. I thought they had a good ground game on get out the vote, but apparently not, but you’re right we need to start planning for 2028.
2 hours ago
Murph – then just don’t. You can lurk. You can read and relax. You have SO earned that!
2 hours ago
Ihate to say it but this election has set back the possibility of women running for president for maybe a decade or more. Disgusting.
AdLiban hour ago
CL – So glad to hear that about you aqnd Rick!
AdLiban hour ago
glenn – the first planning is to assure there IS a 2028.
an hour ago
Hey Murph. Yes, it certainly has been a downer week.
an hour ago

Glenn appreicate you kind words.
an hour ago
TW – for you personally, for your granddaughter, I am incredibly saddened.
an hour ago
Murph – I’m with you. I have to step back from politics and news for a while, it’s all too overwhelming now, it will take some time to process what happened and will happen.
AdLiban hour ago
CL— Good on ya.
an hour ago
I will check in but it may be a while. Really appreciate you all. I have great affection for each of you.
an hour ago
I think we all need to be “preppers” for the next few years. Hubs and I along with the 3 homeless guys in the back, are looking at building a chicken coop, getting vaccinated chickens for daily eggs.
an hour ago

Murph you need some time to recharge I can only image there is a lot back slapping and grinning among the MAGAs you have to deal with. But as the saying goes they need to be careful of what they wish for it may not turn out the way they think it will
an hour ago
AD— Ain’t that the truth? How so many Americans are incredibly stupid and devoid of critical thinking skills. It still blows my mind.
an hour ago
glenn – What comes to mind for me is that this country was founded on the disrespect and oppression of black people and women and that is woven into the minds of too many Americans who weave it into the minds of the children they raise.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – we love you. Your exhaustion is existential not just momentary. Let yourself heal. WE are HERE always when you want us and need us.
an hour ago
Murph – Just a proposition, I have had to disengage right now but being with the community here is a salve. We don’t need to get into the weeds on things, just the solidarity feels like a helpful thing right now as we all try to process things.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – In fact that disrespect was highly variable. Women had many rights in colonial days that were stripped from them in the 19th C. Women voted in town meetings and had independent property. All that was lost to centralized gov’t and economy. And here we go again.
an hour ago
CL— oh, please don’t even say that. If the trees in this lying bully decides to cancel elections, I’m hoping that we have some kind of system to stop him. I know so far we haven’t, but I can’t believe that even Republicans would let that happen. I could be wrong though.
an hour ago
My heart and best wishes go out to each of you. I think I will say good night for now.
an hour ago
Free people of color in the north had rights. America has a richly diverse history we barely know.
an hour ago
Good night, Murph. We love you.
an hour ago

Murph take care
an hour ago
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – Just as an exercise, my wife and I discussed researching the requirements to gain citizenship in Canada or elsewhere. We are not planning now on leaving the country but my concern is that this country could become a tyrannical hellscape eventually and it would be smart to have options if it does.
AdLiban hour ago
CL— My post should say treasonous lying bully. I’m using talk to text and sometimes the translation gets lost.
an hour ago
Ad – i agree. We are doing the same. But for now, since we’re much older, we are staying put, hunkering down, protecting ourselves as best we can.
an hour ago
Good night, Murph
an hour ago
glenn – LOL! autocorrect is NOT our friend!
an hour ago
CL – Very interesting but it is true that women were always seen as inferior to men in society until at least the 1970s.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad what you and your wife are doing makes a lot of sense
an hour ago
Nope. Not in colonial times. ALL feminist scholarship has made that error. I’ve been into the handwritten manuscripts that they never touched. Women were NOT inferior then. That is a Victorian development.
an hour ago
AD and CL— I have thought about the same thing. But I am way too old and AD, After living in California for so long, are you sure you could take the weather in Canada?
an hour ago
All right, my friends. I’m done for the night. Just really too bummed to have a decent conversation. Y’all take care and I hope to see you next week. Good night.
an hour ago
TW – I remember many MAGAs moaning in 2020 that they would leave the country after Biden won. They were just throwing tantrums like the immature brats they are. On the other hand, I am going to do research and keep a close eye on what transpires here because I do want to have options if this country becomes gripped by a vicious dictatorship…which Project 2025 and Trump’s promises say it will.
AdLiban hour ago
glenn – that’s the problem, in part, for my hubs. Also CA raised. I am made of sterner stuff living in Chicago and Buffalo and Boston and Rhode Island. But he hasn’t.
an hour ago
Glad you dropped by glenn. I completely understand.
AdLiban hour ago
Good night, glenn!
an hour ago

Those folks who may be trying to play the stay in your place card to those who don’t look like them need to start checking current studies on the shifting demographics and birth rates
an hour ago
glenn – It would be a transition to move to Canada but there are many options, including moving into PPO’s neighborhood!
AdLiban hour ago

Ad to the land down under??
an hour ago
TW – CA is looking at what we can do to protect ourselves from Trump. Legislature called back Dec. 2. This will possibly be catastrophic nationally, but we will see what they say.
an hour ago
TW – The problem is, I think Trump and the Oligarchs will press states to adopt voter suppression and keep cheating with bomb threats and other cheating so that a majority can never elect a Dem again to the WH.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Yep! I could live with putting a shrimp on the barbie.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – some wag suggested CANADA could annex the west coast and WI, MN, MI to the NE states. Canada could come to US, not us to THEM. I live in Nova Scotia one summer. It’s quite doable.
an hour ago
Ad – very possible. All of it.
an hour ago
Only weird thing about living in Canada where my ex and I were teaching is not celebrating the 4th of July. Kind of odd, actually.
an hour ago

CL I would consider Montreal, it’s where I met my bride at a religious convention
an hour ago
CL – As an exercise before the election, I’ve discussed what I think would happen ifTrump won and it entails what you referred to, Blue states essentially doing what Abbott did in TX, simply refusing to follow laws and SCOTUS decrees that go against the Constitution and what America and freedom are all about. In essences, the same kind of cold civil war Red States have been participating in under Biden.
AdLiban hour ago
I LOVE Montreal!!!! But I do not speak French, and I detest Pierre. So I’d opt for Ottawa if I had to. I love it there.
an hour ago
CL – Very fun idea but a total fantasy that Canada could annex part of the US.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – hell to the YEAH. Good enough for Abbot? Good enough for CA.
an hour ago
Ad – I agree it’s a fantasy born of laziness. Don’t move. Just annex us and leave me be.
an hour ago
I speak a little French, Montreal could be a good choice but I do like Alberta and on the East Coast, Toronto.
AdLiban hour ago
CL – Heh! A Lazy Man’s Sedition Theory…let Canada do all the work.
AdLiban hour ago
BC would be better for Greg. Less cold. Nearer his daughter on the West Coast. His other daughter IS in NYC though.
an hour ago
an hour ago

CL for some reason I think the good people of Canada would nix that in hot second saying let the US solve it’s own problems they’re fools that elected that bum
an hour ago
Ad – Toronto is way cool. Alberta apparently has gone RW.
an hour ago
TW – we are asking Canada to take us, the NON idiots.
an hour ago
I do think blue states will be attacked in myriad ways by Trump and his Admin and that would definitely setup resistance by those states who could band together as Red States have to reject the tyranny coming from Trump.
AdLiban hour ago

an hour ago
In solidarity there is strength.
an hour ago
CL – That’s terribe to hear, that Alberta has gone RW. So beautiful there.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – it is. But their provincial government is worse than Ontario’s.
an hour ago

I’ve know several people who have gon to Costa Rica they say it nice and not the expensive
an hour ago
Actually, it may get easier to move to other English-speaking countries if it becomes clear that the US has become an oppressive dictatorship.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – my objection to Costa Rica is twofold – too hot and humid. They expelled ALL their indigenous people in the 19th C., and I don’t want to live there.
an hour ago
TW – There are lots of good options for moving to another country. I just hate the idea that our long held plans to retire in our home here in LA would be derailed.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – Canada has an expedited entry though it’s mostly for critical workers. But self sufficient people seem to be OK.
an hour ago
That’s our concern – we would not want to give up our home.
an hour ago
CL – We have friends who are Canadian, maybe we could get gigs as critical workers if we needed to move?
AdLiban hour ago
That’s good to have an anchor.
an hour ago
Greg and I are just too old to pull that off.
an hour ago
I am going to have to have faith in our CA state government to come up with plans to protect everyone.
an hour ago
CL – In a scenario where we moved to another country, we would lease out our house, not get rid of it…in case another legit election could ever be held and the country could be righted somewhat.
AdLiban hour ago

CL age is my problem as well, so for the moment
an hour ago
Makes sense. We probably could do the same.
an hour ago

Cl to finish: we will be staying here in Shrewsbury
an hour ago
TW – have you heard the House is going to review SSA for people with other sources of income such as pensions? That is hubs.
an hour ago
CL – Yes, I do believe that Californians will expect and demand that our government stands strong against Trump and his tyranny. But it could get very ugly.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – it will. That’s why we are building a tiny commune in our yard.
an hour ago
CL – I can’t dwell on the madness coming along next year but I will bet there are many plans for cutting SS and Medicare that will be vicious.
AdLiban hour ago

CL I haven’t heard that but I’m not suprised. What makes those fools think older folks have alot of money. And let’s not forget just because someone has a pension doesn’t mean they’re rich
an hour ago

Ad what is the lates tally on the House Race do you know?
an hour ago
CL – That’s smart all around. I’ve told my daughter in the past that when we’re eventually gone and she inherits the house, never sell it. Live in it or lease it out but I think home ownership will be a shrinking possibility in this country as the oligarchs try to turn this into a renter’s nation.
AdLiban hour ago

Rent is too damn high!!!!
an hour ago
TW – No, I haven’t been following the House races, it will take a while for them to be sorted and right now I can’t stomach more stress and potential disappintment,
AdLiban hour ago
TW –
AdLiban hour ago
TW – rent IS too damned high!
an hour ago

Ad I understand I will take a look later I don’t think much as changed I’m just wondering if the Dems can hold it
an hour ago
Your daughter has to live in it to keep your property tax rate. If she leases it, she loses that. Not saying she couldn’t do that, but we passed that measure on inherited property two years ago. Just know the laws going in.
an hour ago
A felon/rapist/fraudster/Russian operative/fascist being elected president is beyond my ability to look at this country as anything but corrupted beyond retreival. At least for the foreseeable future.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – that’s partly true, and yet via Harris-Walz, we rebuilt community, found joy in diversity, and got GREAT recipe trades. Upon that renewed sense of face to face interaction, we have a powerful base to build upon.
an hour ago
CL – I don’t know anything about that law you’re mentioning about inheritance. It doesn’t make sense, why would a Prop 13 tax rate change because a house was inherited and leased?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – because the point of the tax is to afford ease in living within a home. Too many were making money FROM it at the low tax rate, and we passed a proposition – forget which one – two years ago that you have to LIVE in it not make money from it at that tax rate.
an hour ago
CL – I know that half this country is comprised of good and decent people. But really accepting that the other half are either hate-filled, authoritarians, and/or unreasoning morons does depress one’s opinion of this country.
AdLiban hour ago
I will look it up later. But voters passed it.
an hour ago
Ad – I lean to the unreasoning morons. Or “morans” as the MAGA folks spell it.
an hour ago

CL just curious, does that mean if the value of the house goes up the owner only gets taxed at the rate when they origninally purchased it?
an hour ago
CL – Yes, I need to check our that law too for obvious reasons. I mean, at some point, if you inherited a house and lived in it for a while, you should have the same rights to lease it out as one’s parents did.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Yes, that’s what Prop 13 did. We are only taxed on the purchase price of our houses though the value does get bumped up a few percent each year.
AdLiban hour ago
Tw – back in 1980 we did clamp down on pinning property tax to market value. People WERE getting priced out of their homes w taxes. Prop. 98 slowed the growth of taxes keeping valuation tied to the ORIGINAL price. It’s not unlike the MA “Prop 2 1/2” around the same time that set the increase very low. But now next generations are getting that valuation from the 1970s but making money renting or leasing, and we ended that last election. You have to LIVE in the house to keep the old valuation. If you make money from it, it’s market valuation.
an hour ago

CL it there is one thing federal and state governments know how to do well is how get tax money.
an hour ago
CL – So if you stop leasing your house and occupy it again, would you be stuck with the full market valuebasis for tax?
AdLiban hour ago
Why? What CA has done is separate USE value and MARKET value. And we passed it, so you’re stuck, or your daughter is stuck, with it.
an hour ago
No – there are recalibrations for heirs returning to live in it.
an hour ago
CL – Good, that makes sense.
AdLib44 minutes ago
Tw – actually CA was very mingy on taxes with Prop 98 to save especially retirees from being forced out. CA has one of the lowest property tax bases in the nation. due to older homes being kept in the family.
43 minutes ago
So do we think they will cut SS for people already on it or those about to go on it?
AdLib42 minutes ago
Ad – Yup. That’s the plan right now. I am waiting for armies of protesters in wheelchairs and with walkers swarming the US Capitol on this.
42 minutes ago

They better keep the grubby paws off of my SS
41 minutes ago
The assholes are now moving to cut SSA for those w military retirement pensions. Step one. Then for those of us with ANY kind of pension. Step two.
41 minutes ago
TW – they willfully ignore that it’s OUR money in OUR accounts with OUR names on them. It’s not tax money. It’s OUR savings.
40 minutes ago
CL – So do you think they will need to rig or prevent elections after they cut SS? And will Trump order the National Guard to shoot the legs out of elderly using walkers in a mass protest?
AdLib40 minutes ago
I think we gray haird grannies should beat the crap out of Mike Johnson with our walking canes.
40 minutes ago
Ad – beats the heck out of me. They picked the absolutely worst policy to start with. Even MAGA folks will hate this!
39 minutes ago
CL – So have you heard that one of the first things they want to do is slash SS?
AdLib38 minutes ago

CL do the understand the backlash they are going to get from their own relatives who are on SS if they try that, for sure no drumstick at Thanksgiving
37 minutes ago
Absolutely! They hate it because they don’t understand it, want no companies to have to pay into it, and totally disregard that it’s deferred earnings in OUR OWN ACCOUNTS.
37 minutes ago
TW – no drumstick AND a lump of coal in the Christmas stocking. They ARE that dumb.
37 minutes ago
Maybe the thinking is that Americans just proved that they have no ability to remember anything by electing Trump so if they slash SS and Medicare now, voters will have forgotten by 2026 and 2028?
AdLib36 minutes ago
When you have a virtual king in command, even protests by SS recipients could turn into a shooting gallery.
AdLib35 minutes ago
Ad – that won’t fly. People depend on it. No, they aren’t kicking those of us on it off, but they are cutting and eliminating contributions meaning it has about 6 years to go before collapsing.
35 minutes ago
Ad – the first Guard who shoots Granny is going to turn the country against Trump. If he doesn’t get that, he’s an idiot.
34 minutes ago
Then add in skyrocketing prices from tariffs, and pretty quickly people will see the DEMS told the truth. HE lied.
34 minutes ago

CL so to cut spending they want create a permenate class of poor people
33 minutes ago
Hey Murph – just stay by. We are here.
33 minutes ago
CL – Right, they won’t be kicking people off of it now but they can carve it down by 15% or so claiming it’s the only way to “save” SS.
AdLib33 minutes ago
TW – yup. They think their supporters will approve. Their supporters GET SSA and Medicare. Eldon and Trump think it’s OK. Woot! No way!
32 minutes ago
They always have a fantasy plan.
32 minutes ago
This is the future I’m concerned about, this is why we’re at least researching requirements to get citizenship in other countries. If Trump is crushing the lives of the 99% and there’s a revolt and national protests, he won’t hesitate now to turn the National Guard against them. This could turn the US into a nation with an insurgency that becomes violent to be able to push back, then it would be more tyranny for citizens by Trump and chaos in the streets.
AdLib30 minutes ago
We are paying off all our debt and even have an extended warranty on my car that is the nicer of the two. We are stockpiling non perishables. Then the chickens and garden. A tiny commune of five plus a few outliers. We will do what we can so we can keep protesting and fighting for justice.
30 minutes ago

CL someone needs to take Elon’s stash and hide it he has been smoking to much whacky tobacky
29 minutes ago
Well, many MAGAs only care about hurting their “enemies”, I could imagine these morons rationalizing their financial suffering if SS is cut as “worth it” because their enemies are hurt by it too.
AdLib29 minutes ago
CL – You’re the best!
AdLib28 minutes ago
He may discover the training – resist illegal orders – is deep in the souls of National Guard and military. There may – just saying – be a military coup from below. Not his Christofascist plants but rank and file. I seriously would not rule that out.
28 minutes ago
CL – No, I would not rule that out, especially when it comes to the military which he’s threatened to use against Americans…against Constitutional law but what does that matter, SCOTUS has made him a king.
AdLib27 minutes ago
TW – Elon’s own daughter hates him. We are enlisting her in a raid on his drugs. (Joking – don’t even know her.)
27 minutes ago

Elon has to be getting these ideas from some crazy game he is playing his uber rich friends that focuses on building a new modern society
26 minutes ago
CL – What is ironic is that it is the MAGAs who have kept threatening secession and civil war but if Trump does what he’s threatened to do, those things will become rallying cries and goals for Dems.
AdLib26 minutes ago
TW – Anyone who has seen a cybertruck should know without a doubt that anything designed under Musk will be nuts.
AdLib25 minutes ago

Ad has he sold any sizeable volume of those ugly things?
24 minutes ago
Another book I have to read and everyone should is unvailable, Mark Traugott’s “The Mobil Guard” about the equivalent of the National Guard in France, 1848. The young DID turn on their own fathers. Not sure that would happen here today.
23 minutes ago
TW – I see them far too often out here and constantly have to restrain myself from throwing paint on them.
AdLib22 minutes ago
TW – he has done less well than he imagined, AND he is apparently committing the crime of draining capital from Tesla to beef up X. That could destroy him legally from being able to run any company again.
22 minutes ago
CL – I don’t think the regulars in the NG would turn on Trump but I do think those in command could.
AdLib21 minutes ago
Ad – I think anyone in the Guard for more than a few months NOW could turn on Trump. These rules are to the BONE in our entire military. You do not shoot US Citizens EVER.
20 minutes ago

CL no doubt hopin Trump will bail him out if he does get charged
20 minutes ago
20 minutes ago
What I can say is that I am looking forward to Trump’s hubris and overstepping the people and there being national protests.
AdLib17 minutes ago

Ad I keep wondering if there are some repugs in the house who just might not go along with everything Trump wants to do
16 minutes ago
I think this will crash, we will struggle, and he may well be in deep shit for some time. The problem is JD. He is more resilient and far nastier.
16 minutes ago

Ad I think he is going to have physcial and mental problem not long after he takes the oath
15 minutes ago
TW – I think all Repubs would be petrified now of not staying lockstep with Trump.
AdLib15 minutes ago
Tw – that’s what the plan is. He is ousted on the 25th Amendment, JD takes over.
15 minutes ago
Ad – you have a VERY interesting point – Trump may become “Weekend at Bernie’s” to keep JD out. I would actually be OK with that.
14 minutes ago
CL – Maybe you’re right but I think JD is nothing without Trump by his side. He has no charisma, no following, is distasteful to both MAGAs and Dems.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Ad – is there a word for “anti charisma” Because that’s JD.
13 minutes ago

Ad this sounds like something Shakespeare would write
12 minutes ago
TW and CL – I don’t think Trump is ever removed from the WH. If he continues becoming demented, he will be more dangerous if anyone tries to 25th him, he’ll call Seal Team Six in to kill those cabinet members.
AdLib12 minutes ago
TW – you have a REALLY good point. This is palace intrigue to the max.
12 minutes ago
Ad – well, it depends on how far gone he is, doesn’t it? I don’t think Seal Team Six would kill Cabinet Members and JD, but they might incarcerate them, yes. This is beyond our comprehension. All to stick it to the Libs.
11 minutes ago
As I’ve said, who has gotten rid of Putin? Who has gotten rid of Xi? Who has gotten rid of Orban? Dictators rarely get dethroned and when they do, it’s usually by a military coup.
AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad but Putin won’t go in building that have windows and more than one story
9 minutes ago
Well, I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist, but Putin isn’t…Putin. He was dying and then, voila! – he is fine. It’s a double. It’s a vicious nasty double but it’s NOT Vlad Putin.
9 minutes ago
CL – I went for the extreme example but as you say, whether its threatening death or incarceration, Trump will use his dictatorial power to crush anyone who looks sideways at him. There will never be a 25th Amendment attempt against him. For that, a Repub would need to have a spine and I haven’t seen one that has one left.
AdLib9 minutes ago
It would actually make me laugh if Donald ordered JD arrested for treason. The ENTIRE Tech Mogul plot rests on JD. This is delicious to contemplate.
8 minutes ago

Ad that means I’m in trouble, I’ve even flipped him the double bird
8 minutes ago
CL – I don’t know about that but my point is the same, even if Putin was dead and replaced by a look-alike, even in death, he would still be dictator in Russia.
AdLib8 minutes ago
TW – well, you’re on the list for sure.
8 minutes ago
Ad – yes, but I doubt Donald has a gross, fat, smelly double.
7 minutes ago

CL damn skippy and proud of it,
7 minutes ago
TW – Now that IS treason! as John Lewis might say, that’s “good treason”.
AdLib7 minutes ago
TW – way to GO, my friend. Way to GO.
7 minutes ago
CL – If the diaper fits.
AdLib6 minutes ago
Ad – I just don’t think the diaper fits ANYONE.
6 minutes ago

Ad you can’t aquit
6 minutes ago
TW –
6 minutes ago

6 minutes ago
CL – Trump has the large industrial size diapers for incontinent hippos.
AdLib5 minutes ago
TW –
AdLib5 minutes ago
Ad – don’t piss off the hippos by stealing their diapers. Has he not learned MORE people are killed by hippos than any other animal?
5 minutes ago
I would just say that being a dictator in a country with over 300 million guns in the hands of the public may not be the best concept.
AdLib4 minutes ago

Ad the hippos want them back, I’m talking about MTG or aka bleach blonde badly built butch body
4 minutes ago
Ad – well, that’s a point he has not considered.
4 minutes ago
TW – she definitely is up there with hippos in leathality.
4 minutes ago
CL – I’ll bet there are hippos that could run the country better than Trump, even if they did wear diapers.
AdLib3 minutes ago
Ad – no question about it.
3 minutes ago
CL – MAGAs always think that only they have guns. That is a huge mistake.
AdLib3 minutes ago
OK guys – I am fading even at this early hour. Love you both. I will see you next Friday if nothing intervenes between now and then to bring us together sooner. Hugs to you both.
2 minutes ago

CL take care stay safe
2 minutes ago
BTW, I am absolutely not advocating violence. Just saying that if Trump pursues open season on anyone not bowing to him, he may regret it.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Sounds good, CL! Have a nice weekend!
AdLiba minute ago
TW – and Ad – stay safe, both of you. ‘
a minute ago
Thanks CL!
AdLiba minute ago
Have a nice weekend TW, gonna call it a night.
AdLiba few seconds ago

you feel like talking?
a few seconds ago
Not tonight, been a long day. We’ll catch up soon.
AdLiba few seconds ago

Ok understood take care
a few seconds ago
Thanks TW! You too!
AdLibin a few seconds
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