Voz Populi begins 7:00 PM PT. Hope to see you!

AdLib7 days ago

“All alone, am I, ever since you said “hi’….” Cue the Jeopardy music.


7 days ago

Hey CL!

AdLib7 days ago

Hey Ad!!!


7 days ago

How are things down there. We had to turn the heat on today.


7 days ago

Hey – TW!


7 days ago

I will be spotty for a few minutes as I get to my destination

AdLib7 days ago

That explains why your avatar is missing. But it’s OK – you’re on the way.


7 days ago

Hey everyone well the days are getting shorter soon the election will be here


7 days ago

Hey TW!

AdLib7 days ago

Ad I’m guessing you’re ‘on the road again’


7 days ago

Hey, TW – how are you? Yes, was just saying to Ad we had to turn the heat on this morning. In CA that’s the official equinox: heat on. Heat off.


7 days ago

CL – Warm today. Santa Ana’s came in.

AdLib7 days ago

Well, it’s starting to get cool here in New England so “winter is coming”


7 days ago

Ad – ugh. I hated that down there. That quintessential Raymond Chandler opening is too appropriate. Sets one’s teeth on edge.


7 days ago

TW – Yep!

AdLib7 days ago

TW – I remember from days of living in Lawrence then Pawtucket RI that Fall was pretty protracted. Here in N. CA it’s about a week.


7 days ago

CL been to both of those cities a number of times


7 days ago

Last week we had AC. Today – heat.


7 days ago

TW – I lived just over the line from Andover and loved it. Parts of Lawrence suck, but overall I like it. Same with Pawtucket. Happy memories.


7 days ago

TW – my ex was curator at the Slater Mill Historic Site. I worked there one summer, too. Was great then. I hear it’s not so great now.


7 days ago

CL my daugther lived in Pawtucket for a time, bit of a tough city just as Lawrence was


7 days ago

As w every city – it so depends on WHERE you are.


7 days ago

CL yes you’re correct on that.


7 days ago

What took her to Pawtucket?


7 days ago

When she got graduated from college and thought she could keep the same hours coming home. She stay in her old room to save up enough money to move out for some reason selected Pawtucket don’t know why I think because it was cheap rent. But after a couple of years found a place in MA.


7 days ago

So what did you think of the schooling Harris gave Bret


7 days ago

Tw – I loved it where I was, but anyone with any sense WOULD move to MA!!! It’s hard living there. It wasn’t for me since I had an anchor in the historic site w friends, but overall, it’s tired, it’s poor, the roads suck, and it grows angrier with every passing year. Best thing you can say about RI in general? Half the legislature is NOT under indictment.


7 days ago

I LOVED what Harris did – calm, steadfast, and relentless. She’s the boss!


7 days ago

CL the other half is on it’s way to jail


7 days ago

Yup. I have a friend out here who is Raymond Patriarca’s nephew. He’s a great guy, has incredibly funny stories about his Mob Uncle, but he couldn’t live there. He’s gay. And…


7 days ago

I see her getting stronger every day, she is going to be good. Folks who are underestimating here are doing so at their own peril


7 days ago

I was OK in RI, but looking back there was a lot of risk. Lots of corruption. Oh, well.


7 days ago

She IS – and she is actually doing better in polls than we are allowed to know. Trump has added first time polling companies HE contracted to do bent polls to skew the average. But he knows he’s losing. HE knows he cooked the books. He just wants the cult to think he’s strong.


7 days ago

He keeps acting as if HE will bring out the military and Guard. He can’t believe he’s not president. He is sick. REALLY sick.


7 days ago

Providence is nice. It’s funny, Worcester took some hints from Providence and began a major shall we say remodeling campaign making some major changes, along with making an offer the the Red Soxs minor leauge Baseball team to come to Worcest and built them a new ball park that isn’t that far from where I’m at here in Shrewsbury


7 days ago

I am SO PISSED about the farm team move – that was ours!!! Pawsox. Three bucks, bad seats, good hot dogs, and very cool baseball. Worcester has some nerve!


7 days ago

Well, CL, what can I say. I haven’t been to a game but when Granddaughter comes up next summer I think I will take one in with her.


7 days ago

This is a fun conversation!

AdLib7 days ago

I know Worcester well enough – my brother and sister in law are in Rutland. Brother taught for years at Assumption despite being an atheist. SIL is Jewish. But he survived. I am not close to them, but the area is much loved.


7 days ago



7 days ago

Hey Ad


7 days ago

Tw – I bet it’s not $3 to get in anymore!


7 days ago

Still about 10 minutes from settling I

AdLib7 days ago

Worcester in a way reminds me of my home town Syracuse, both are very hilly.


7 days ago

I got to see Mark Fydrich and Dave Righetti play off each other when both were down on injured reserve. You just don’t get that every day of the week. Amazing game.


7 days ago

Tw – all of the NE is beloved by me from Youngstown OH to Boston and wherever beyond. I miss it terribly.


7 days ago

My family friends who were my ‘second parents’ were from Syracuse. They retired back there, and had a lovely time. It’s a grand city!


7 days ago

Funny story about Fydrich, when I lived in Northborough I was accross the street from the house he grew up before he went to big leauges. He had an asphalt paving company I believe when he retired. Very tragic death.


7 days ago

CL I don’t know how anyone can consider Syracuse a lovely city.


7 days ago

It’s a funny thing about the places one grows up in. We tend not to see the beauty others do when they visit.


7 days ago

I will say, my nephew ran away once, bot to Albany to come see me when he met a LOVELY young woman fresh out of prison who talked him into going with her to Schenectady. We remind him when he had a chance to go ANYWHERE, he went THERE???


7 days ago

TW – they were south of the city in a pretty, more suburban area. What I know of Syracuse is the fat rendering plant on Rt. 5. Used to see if we could hold our breath going by.


7 days ago

I could think of worse places to go, like Watertown in December.


7 days ago

Talking baseball, I’m enjoying The Dodgers winning their way into the World Series.

AdLib7 days ago

Tw – well you have a point, but I was in BUFFALO in winter, so it wasn’t that different.


7 days ago

CL you remember that, yeah that was really bad.


7 days ago

Ad – how long has it been since the Dodgers went to the Series?


7 days ago

TW – WHO puts a fat rendering plant on a major US highway? GAG.


7 days ago

Ad the Dodgers are winning good for them. When they were the Brooklyn Dodgers they were my favorite team


7 days ago

CL well you had a lot of other stuff as well.


7 days ago

TW – my ex and I spent years documenting US industry in the northeast. My live has been atypical but fascinating. But I could cheerfully have skipped the rendering plant. Seriously did not add a thing.


7 days ago

Tw – Tom’s first solo documentation project was an update of historic sites along the Erie Canal. Syracuse figured into that. So when I drove him back – it was a multi trip job – I got to see all the grit, too.


7 days ago

CL few years back one of my clients had and associate architech who was from Syracuse, and decided to quite and move back to Syracuse, I asked her if she was feeling okay. But for her it was home.


7 days ago

Sorry about this but my plans got messed up and I need to get back on the road. Hope you have a nice rest of Vox. Night!

AdLib7 days ago

Ad do what you have to do


7 days ago

Bye, Ad!


7 days ago


AdLib7 days ago

Life is what happens while you’re making plans. So be it.


7 days ago

Well CL what is your take on Trump’s current situation?


7 days ago

TW – thank you for letting me talk about this. Tom died a year ago the 29th, and all of this brings back sweet memories. My husband, alive and well, shares tons of stuff w me, but not that. It’s nice to remember things that were good.


7 days ago

I think I am very frightened he is dying. And if he does before the election – what backup does the law have for going forward? I don’t think he will win, but if he loses THEN dies, what conspiracy crap will drive this country for the next generation or more? It’s creepy.


7 days ago

CL it’s interesting how we can be in the same places and see them from a different point of view. Growing up in Syracuse, for me was interesting in many ways. But, I couldn’t wait to get out of there for some reason. But, I do joke about it a lot, but overall it really wasn’t that bad.


7 days ago

TW – I think that’s true for millions of us. Can’t wait to leave the hometown. Then, 20 years later have a kind of nostalgia for it. I think that’s just human!


7 days ago

I bet even young indigenous people from pre contact wanted to move on – see what’s “out there”. How we expanded our human presence. Just normal.


7 days ago

CL I agree Trump is looking sickly but, I contribute that to his poor eating habits and unwillingness to listen to doctors about it. Along with his secret-no-so-secret drug use. He has physcial and mental issues


7 days ago

He does, but for him to ADMIT today he was exhausted? That’s worrisome even as I detest him. Just don’t know what the protocol is for elections if the candidate dies beforehand.


7 days ago

I attribute any “energy” he has to Dr. Feel Good Jackson. Can’t be healthy.


7 days ago

It’s my understanding he only gets about four hours sleep. If his is still dinning on T-bones, McDonalds, and Burgers it’s not good. I have no doubt people have told him he needs to change up his diet but is too damn stubborned to do so. Not to menation his cognative decline is becoming more apparent


7 days ago

I think he will make it through the election.


7 days ago

Tw – that’s beyond question now. He’s in the last stages of dementia, and it won’t get better. I thought he’d get through the election, but today? Admitting he’s exhausted? I’m no longer so sure.


7 days ago

Hi father was 96 when he died. Not sure Donnie will make it that far.


7 days ago

His cognitive awareness is indeed declining and as you said his dementia is becoming more apparent it was on full display when he was talking the the econimist about his damn weave crap


7 days ago

That interview did him in. He looked like an ass. And he knows it. His exhaustion today suddenly rebounded. Ronny Jackson’s little pill farm came to the rescue. But that’s part of what’s killing him.


7 days ago

I’m guessing the assination attempt took it’s toll. He could be suffering from delayed shock.


7 days ago

I’d agree if I didn’t think it was a staged thing he set up.


7 days ago

I will admit up front, I’m on the fence about that. As I put nothing pass this man and the creeps he has around him.


7 days ago

The third guy in Coachella is a die-hard sovereign citizen fan of Trump. He wasn’t trying to hurt him but flout CA laws on firearms.


7 days ago

The second guy was a fan but shifted to Vivek who is in line to follow JD. Possibly as his VP. They are all from the same Thiel/Silicon Valley RW libertarian group.


7 days ago

Sovereign citizens give a brand new meaning to being nut jobs


7 days ago

We have fought them for years. I have been stalked by them, and threatened by them. They are seriously dangerous. But they also love Trump!


7 days ago

Sovereign Citizens flourish in the county south of me. Creeps me out.


7 days ago

Those like soverign citizens and others of that ilk see him as some sort of redeemer, then there are the folks like Theil, and Musk seem him as their ticket to becoming oligarchs.


7 days ago

I have a good friend in NM who lived next to one and boy does he have some stories.


7 days ago

Trump pretty clearly is the sled they ride in on. If, heaven forefend, he wins, JD will trigger the 25th, and he will become president for life with all the Silicon Valley nut jobs securely in place. Fascism will look benign compared to them.


7 days ago

I bet your friend does! They are Tim McVeigh folks. NOTHING is out of the question w them.


7 days ago

Yeah I read something along the lines of JD doing the 25th if they were to win


7 days ago

That would be why Thiel and Heritage pushed JD on Trump.


7 days ago

Then there’s Elon. Not totally sure how he ties in, but others studying them say he’s connected, too.


7 days ago

New kind of mob.


7 days ago

Yes. I was sure Trump was going to go with the gov from ND he was a far better fit and Trump wanted him but I was told his sons convinced to go with Vance and the money from Theil and Musk came flowing in


7 days ago

They are all rancid.


7 days ago

Yes they all think they know what is good for this country.


7 days ago

The nexus is Curtis Yarvin. If you don’t know him – nobody really does – look him up. He’s insane! And they dote on him. JD follows his every idea. So does Thiel. I can’t even explain it. It’s the “New Feudalism”.


7 days ago

Isn’t he the one that has a big stake in Tic Tok??


7 days ago

Corporations will be the new Manor Lords. I don’t know if he’s in TikTok, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Just bizarre.


7 days ago

There is a global group called “Praxis” that look to create a tech Eden for themselves with the rest of us as serfs. Scary as hell.


7 days ago

Just lookedup Yarvin he’s not the person I was thinking o. He’s a monarchists?


7 days ago

They have already tried their new Eden off the coast of, I think, Honduras or El Salvador. It’s failing, thank goodness.


7 days ago

Yarvin is a kind of monarchist but without government. It’s really feudal – manors based around corporations, with high tech surveillance of the serfs. Us.


7 days ago

There are a number of allies with slightly different views. One whose name I can’t remember wants to carve out a neighborhood from San Francisco for his. They’re NUTS!


7 days ago

Ok what I’m getting it Theil, Musk, Yarvin and others like them with money are attempting to come up with a form of governance that eliminates democracy and perhaps autoricy for some form of monarch rule without a monarch. They’ve been playing far too many video games.


7 days ago

There is a group of them that bought 80,000 acres in Fairfiled, CA, about 40 miles south of me. It’s right next to Travis AFB. This is for their Nirvana.


7 days ago

You are spot ON – it’s video games!!! But they have the money to make it happen.


7 days ago

Ok, I have respect for nerds, I’ve been called that. But I don’t play video games, plus I have a sense of reality and the BS they are trying to make into reality will never work no matter how much money they have.


7 days ago

They don’t even want autocracy nationally so much as these manors that are totally independent of all gov’t. The only use national gov’t has for them is to pave their way and oppress democracy 100%. Then they take over and rule their fiefdom.


7 days ago

Well, their experiments in Meso America have failed utterly. They can’t figure out why.


7 days ago

I’m laughing because what they are trying to do is contorl chaos


7 days ago

Oddly we peons just will NOT cooperate! Imagine that.


7 days ago

I have no problem if they find an island and do their thing. Just leave us the hell alone.


7 days ago

i really do fear the Fairfield development. That’s just creepy as hell.


7 days ago

I had this great poster hanging in my office at work till someone stoled it, it was a super hero raising his fist, the slogan said: Out of chaos comes a hero. These fools are no heros.


7 days ago

I hope nobody will work for them, build for them, etc. And then it will also fail.


7 days ago

No. They THINK they are. But they are not.


7 days ago

People will work for and build for them because they will offer great salaries.


7 days ago

But they will eventually turn on each other because one of them will try to be in charge


7 days ago

Tw – but if you short them, as Trump has done, and won’t let your cleaners come live there or get harassed as they go to work, people do quit.


7 days ago

Tw – that’s the MAIN glitch – power. Yup.


7 days ago

Far, far, too much happy juice and maryjane


7 days ago

Well, dear, TW – I have to go feed the cats, yes we have them, and since I did not get much sleep last night I intend to go to bed. I think I’m fading out here. You actually made me feel better about how dumb these people ARE. I appreciate the reality check. But I’m off to try to get some sleep. Hugs and best to you! See you next week? Hope so. Good night!


7 days ago

But they can be dangerous with the wealth they have


7 days ago

Oh, yes they CAN.


7 days ago

Good night!


7 days ago

You take care and have a good weekend.


7 days ago

Good night


7 days ago

You, too. Thanks!


7 days ago

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