Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Wow. It’s lonely here. Anybody home?


an hour ago

Hey Ad!!!


an hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

How are things with you today?

AdLiban hour ago

Today was kind of nuts as days are. Nothing serious. How about you?


an hour ago

Today was fine here too. Just impatient, I want the election to happen now.

AdLiban hour ago

Seriously! The tension is awful.


an hour ago

It is! The thing is, it’s so close and yet, I’m so sick of Trump and his evil campaign poisoning the country.

AdLiban hour ago

I feel forced to live in an insane asylum.

AdLiban hour ago

The ONE thing good is he’s growing increasingly bizarre, and I think he’s turning off people not infecting those not already poisoned.


an hour ago

Good image. I will be like the little lady who sits in the corner and crochets – until forced to poke some asshat in the eye with my crochet hook.


an hour ago

I can’t be held responsible for my actions. Trump said so.


an hour ago

Right, I don’t think anything he’s doing is helping him gain voters, just the opposite. But I also feel a lot of upset that this madman who tried to destroy our democracy and overthrow the last presidential election is free to be competing to take power as a dictator. It’s like a slow motion car crash, we know what the result would be and yet we have to watch it all happen right in front of us.\

AdLiban hour ago

CL –

AdLiban hour ago

Now I can get behind that!

AdLiban hour ago

True. Not disputing the ugliness of him, but I am seeing two cool thing: WE, the people, no matter who we are, are coming together as never before. AND the slightly older folks are telling the very much younger folks – get off your phone! Find your community! ACT! And that ain’t hay.


an hour ago

Next week will be a triple slam on Trump. The movie about him opens today, The Apprentice, and the NYT gave it a great review and tapped it for Oscar noms. Jack Smith’s addendum full of quotes, witnesses and specific testimony will go public next week, and Woodward’s book about Trump comes out. That’s my kind of dogpile on a real nasty dog.

AdLiban hour ago

Back to the insane asylum point. Never turn your back on the quiet old ladies.


an hour ago

CL – In any story, it’s the ones you least suspect who can surprise you!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Did you see that in Detroit he may have soiled himself onstage? Put that dogpile on him, and well…


an hour ago

Ad – nobody ever takes the Churchlady seriously. To their peril.


an hour ago

I have a crochet hook. I know how to use it…


an hour ago

Yes, I have never seen a presidential election with so many people and politicians from the other party crossing over so openly and vowing support for the opposing party. Registration is up, early voting is strong, Kamala and Tim have not made one mistake and are doing great as campaigners while Trump looks tired, confused, hateful and very old. We will win this but it is truly getting nasty and disgusting.

AdLiban hour ago

Harris got rousted for agreeing to go on Charlemagne’s radio show. Said he’d roast her. Well, she is me with the crochet hook. NOTHING flaps her. NOTHING.


an hour ago

Yes, what kind of idiot speaks at a Detroit economic forum then calls Detroit a piece of garbage? He has lost it.

AdLiban hour ago

Detroit is America’s “Comeback Kid” city. He will rue the day.


an hour ago

I dislike Charlemagne and think he is a self-important fool but I have complete confidence in Kamala managing any interviewer. How did that interview go?

AdLiban hour ago

When all is said and done, we will see that the Biden-Harris administration renewed HUGE portions of America for far better livability. That’s just amazing.


an hour ago

Yes, I think some voters especially in the business commun ity in Detroit are stepping away from considering Trump and moving into Kamala’s camp.

AdLiban hour ago

The interview is in a few days.


an hour ago

I can see Republicans in OH, FL, NC, TN, SC stepping away from Trump. Now business leaders as well in Detroit. What profiteth a man dissing his hosts? He’s an ass, and it will rebound on him.


an hour ago

It’s as I mentioned before, Trump has no legit “October Surprise” to spring on Kamala but a flurry of them keep falling on his head. Her lead is steady and movement towards Dems in Congress is showing. Rigged Repub polls are flooding the zone now to make it look like the race is neck and neck but that’s an illusion. I think Kamala wins by at least 5% and around 300 electoral votes.

AdLiban hour ago

The revelations of collusion between Eldon and Trump are going to explode. Did you see Elmo’s mom called him “developmentally disabled”?


an hour ago

Ad – may you be a prophet in your own country WITH honor!


an hour ago

CL – I think what Trump said in Detroit was the result of his dementia. He had Detroit on his mind but he’s used the mention of Detroit repeatedly as a tool to whip up racist hatred of cities with lots of black population. He couldn’t stop himself, that’s how mentally disabled he is.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I agree. He can’t think outside his racism, and it arose to haunt him today.


an hour ago

CL – I already thought Congress and the DoJ needed to investigate Elon for crimes in colluding with America’s enemies abroad, being a conduit for Russian propoganda and more but now, our next AG should fully investigate and prosecute this criminal. No wonder his mother is calling him disabled, that’s the only excuse he’ll have for why he shouldn’t be imprisoned for his crimes.

AdLiban hour ago

I observed that on every Twitter post by someone Black, they live OBVIOUSLY in nice homes with clean and tidy surroundings. Subliminally, I think this guts racists who make the assumption all Black people are in slums. Obviously since the 1960s, Black people have gotten education, good jobs, passed it on to their kids – and it’s intolerable to racists like Trump.


an hour ago

That collusion starts with Federal Elections Commission investigations. If the FEC shows crimes, then DOJ would move in, probably, but first they have to ascertain the proof.


an hour ago

Yes, to racists, wealth and success are a zero sum game. If someone black becomes wealthy or successful (like that Obama fella), in their minds, it is taking that away from them and other white people. MAGA keeps proving the utter stupidity and ignorance of this swath of America.

AdLiban hour ago

For me public exposure is important because this is a civil crime. If we can’t lock anyone up, let’s focus on what we CAN do!


an hour ago

I like the people who remind us that democracy and opportunity aren’t a pie w limited slices.


an hour ago

CL – But isn’t the FEC hobbled by equal Dems and Repubs on it, with Repubs always refusing to pursue any charges against Repubs? There must be a way around that.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – yes. But that’s who has jurisdiction, sad to say.


an hour ago

Not sure about how you’d bypass the commission w the power. But there probably will be a path.


an hour ago

CL – However, if they can prove Musk’s collaboration with Russia and other malign players, that is something where the DoJ can pursue criminal charges.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – that moves to national intel agencies to investigate. And they will find stuff to give to DOJ.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Hey everyone will be with you in a sec need to end this call.


an hour ago

How you doing, TW???


an hour ago

I think it’s all about DoJ finding a crime on the books that Elon’s conspiracy with Trump (and Russia) violates.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

TW – How dare someone call you during Vox! It’s an outrage!

AdLiban hour ago

It’s your counterpart and he is older than and me so respect is in order.


an hour ago

CL – So, what schemes do you think Trump will launch once it’s clear he’s losing the election and in the days that follow?

AdLiban hour ago

I don’t think DOJ needs to find a crime. That’s pretty clear. Nat’l security agencies need to PROVE it. Same w Trump and Putin – talking to a foreign leader (Hi9 – how’re the wife and kids) isn’t a violation of the Logan Act. So national security folks need to find out WHAT was said. Then – prosecute.


an hour ago

TW – Vox does not play favorites. It can seem cruel at time but it has a history.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – if I could suss out what Trump thinks, YOU wouldn’t want to know me!


an hour ago

Well I’m listening and typing so I can contribute. I was discussing Trump with him and he is no fan.


an hour ago

CL – It’s hard to imagine that the DoJ or CIA don’t have recordings of Trump’s calls with Putin and MBS.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Well, just as we have our intelligence folks using game theory to figure out what tyrants and terrorists will do next, it doesn’t mean they need to be as insane as them. They just ask themselves, “What would a madman do?”

AdLiban hour ago

Actually no – that’s a mistake everyone makes. They don’t have recordings until there’s a REASON to record.


an hour ago

Ok my full attention is here just let me say this my friend is all in the Harris camp and agrees Trump an idiot so we were discussing that along with some futurist stuff.


an hour ago

Ad – good point on being an observer and not getting sucked into the maw of the MAGA Land.


an hour ago

I think Trump/Stone/Flynn/etc. launch protests across swing states like in 2020 to demand the vote counting stop only this time, MAGAs on election boards may try to pour gas on the fire by claiming they personaly witnessed fraud from the inside and the election needs to be thrown out.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – this is why Mark Elias, DOJ, Eric Holder, NAACP LDF are all out there. They KNOW this shit is coming.


an hour ago

CL – Musk has provided Starlink to the Russians and cut it off for Ukrainians when they tried to use it to send drones to attack in Crimea, how much more evidence does the DoJ need to suspect his ties to Russia?

AdLiban hour ago

From what I’m getting the questions center aroud what will be done with Musk, along with Stone and company.


an hour ago

TW – Sounds like a great discussion!

AdLiban hour ago

That would come via DoD and State Department showing he collaborated. Just saying it isn’t yet proof.


an hour ago

TW – that IS the perfect discussion.


an hour ago

CL – I am a big fan of Marc Elias and trust him, Dems, and Kamala’s camp to be on top of this treason as it’s happening. I just hope Judge Chutkin tosses Trump’s bail as he tries to ochestrate this SECOND overthrow of our democracy for violating the terms of parole, which always include, not committing a crime while on parole.

AdLiban hour ago

I think Musk should be seen as any business that violated the Russian sanctions. If it crashes Twitter, well let’s see if we can revive it w other Capital – Mark Cuban et al.


an hour ago

I see where your state told Elon he can’t lanuch his rockets from the Airbase in Cal. If your state can tell him no I think the Harris government will be more than willing to yank him in.


an hour ago

CL – So what is the threshhold for tapping conversations between any American and Putin or his people? Isn’t that in itself enough?

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I have roots in the Vandenburg Launch community. My ex was an aeronautical engineer in the USAF. I feel VERY strongly Eldon has NO business on the property. Glad he’s been banned.


an hour ago

I will say I do worry about folks like Flynn and Stone who seem to want to redo the Civil War


an hour ago

CL – Well, Cuban said he would buy Twitter and frankly, anyone who does then restores it to what it was before Musk, will make a fortune.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I would worry about Flynn, less about Stone, and always about the white supremacists.


an hour ago

TW – But TX is so corrupt, they’re letting him destroy land and homes and just applaud him.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I DID NOT SEE that Cuban said he’d buy it!!! THAT is GREAT. By the time Eldon crashes and burns, he can get it fire sale.


an hour ago

CL yes Flynn bothers me because people like him have other military friends who have similiar tendencies that always seem to lean to some sort of military solution.


an hour ago

Ad – TX is in for an accounting. We have family there, and as conservative as three of them are, they’re pretty done w Abbott et al.


an hour ago

Ad Texas want his money that is all they care about


44 minutes ago

TW – I used to think Flynn was dangerous until I saw he surrounded himself w the religious right not the military.


44 minutes ago

CL – Yes, Cuban said he would buy Twitter so while we know the Saudis and Russian oligarchs invested in Musk’s purchase of it to use it for criminal propoganda purposes and not caring about profits, I think many other investors might be lured into selling to Cuban before Twitter goes belly up. Musk has warned that in December, he will be getting rid of the block function and everyone will be forced to see all the Russian/MAGA hate and lies without being able to do anything to stop it. That will kill what remains of Twitter. Maybe that was his plan all along?

AdLib42 minutes ago

Ad – I don’t read minds of people such as Musk. They connive, they don’t think. But if this is what Eldon wanted, he’s an ass.


41 minutes ago

CL a lot of the religous right are former military and high ranking officers. Remember when the religious right was pushing religion in the Military Academies espeically at the Air Force Academy? Jesus and John Wayne by Kirstin Kobes Du Mez goes into some in deptj detail around that.


40 minutes ago

CL – We could swiftly fix democracy in TX and it would turn purple quickly if we can retain The Senate, win The House as I think we will and of course Kamala takes the WH. Passing the John Lewis Voting Rights bill will end the gerrymandering and voter suppression that Repubs in TX and many other states rely on to retain power. There could be a rebirth of democracy if we can win that trifecta.

AdLib40 minutes ago

TW – I have supported the Military Religious Freedom Foundation for years. I detest the RW presence in command staff. We know a lot of military are religious – but Flynn is CATHOLIC and thus at odds with the fundamentalists. They pretend to cooperate. They hate each other. And that pleases me no end!


38 minutes ago

Ad if Musk keeps up his drug habit he just might find himself in some very serious medical trouble. Isn’t he doing ketamine on regular basis?


38 minutes ago

Tw – yes, you are correct, and this is dangerous. He may not believe it, but it could very well be the end of him.’


37 minutes ago

CL – As you mentioned, Elon’s own mother has announced that he’s mentally disabled. From what we’ve seen, she sure looks to be proven right. And such a messed up mind could be behind self-destructive schemes. He seems so ignorant of how everything he’s doing is destroying his image and businesses…and hopefully, will land him in a prison cell across from Trump’s. Oh yeah, Trump will be sentenced to prison by Judge Chutkin, count on that.

AdLib37 minutes ago

CL the Military Relitious Freedom Foundation I believe were instrumental in bringing to light what was taking placy at the AA.


36 minutes ago

No – she said DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED. Autistic most likely. She’s a nasty piece of work on her own.


36 minutes ago

TW – Yep, Musk has admittted regularly using Ketamine which has to be pickling his brain and I guarantee he’s using a variety of other drugs as well.

AdLib35 minutes ago

TW – that’s right. And my organization supports him. I have written things for them. Led to my being stalked for 5 years.


35 minutes ago

Ad and TW – ketamine can rot the liver and kidneys. let’s see how he does on dialysis.


34 minutes ago

Ad that’s not a good combination and I think we can be pretty sure his is a class a addict so who knows what will happen to him.


34 minutes ago

CL – What kind of mother would publicly shame their son being developmentally disabled, knowing he’s built his whole image on being a modern day Da Vinci/Einstein/Ford? She is a piece of work, posting that Repubs should commit election fraud and register 10 times to vote ten times for Trump. I hope someone tries to take her advice then sues her for every penny Musk has given her.

AdLib33 minutes ago

It seems like that entire Musk family is “bent”


33 minutes ago

Ad I would say not a very loving mother from our point of view. But from her warpped sense she no doubt considers herself very loving toward her sons.


31 minutes ago

TW – when you come out of money that is focused in some or many parts on white supremacy, you’re gonna be weird. It’s not sustainable. They keep calling US democracy an ‘experiment’. Well – we’ve outlasted EVERY dictator since we started. WE aren’t the experiment. THEY are. And they have failed.


30 minutes ago

The Musks are as screwed up as the Trumps and both Elon and Trump are openly madmen. We’ve tolerated that in this country long enough. If Trump loses as I think he will and once his treason has been defeated and he’s facing prison, we need to take down Musk’s power and do the same with all extremists who are trying to tear this country apart.

AdLib29 minutes ago

I am indeed in favor of cracking down on treachery. You diss the USA and its gov’t, you actively work against it? It’s not “another point of view”. It’s fucking treason.


28 minutes ago

Cl maybe they are thinking about what Plato said, dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty. It took me sec to look that up.


27 minutes ago

CL – I like your perspective on this. And yes, white supremacy and racism is deep in the heart of both the Trump and Musk families and fortunes. All legal and appropriate levers need to be pulled on them, hate groups, religious extremists, etc., to strip them of power and the freedom to blow up our nation’s government and society. This is an existential threat.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Look – I had to sign a loyalty oath every quarter to get my paycheck at UC Santa Cruz. I am sure they had to as well. Let’s make the 14th A mean something. You actively work to overthrow America? You’re toast. We cannot eject natural born or acquired citizens unless the citizenship itself was adopted by fraud. But we can imprison people and mist.


26 minutes ago



26 minutes ago

CL what I can’t wrap my mind around is that our democracy is working, yes it needs some tweking but it is working so why would they want to destroy and replace with authoritaranism which would lead to endless civil war.


25 minutes ago

Plato is wrong. In a nascent democracy that might well be true. But oddly enough, the forefathers actually did a great job of establishing guardrails and their successors did even more to protect our democratic republic. Plato may have had a sense of his time and the weakness of his democracy (since it was SO limited), but not now. It doesn’t apply anymore.


24 minutes ago

CL – Completely agree, a Dem Congress could put teeth into enforcing the 14th Amendment (sonce the SCOTUS crooks tried to shield Trump and Repubs from it) and they need to make the Logan Act have teeth and be aggressively enforced.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad Lib – agreed.


24 minutes ago

TW – Appreciate your point but the people who want a dictatorship envision it as benefiting them and oppressing their “enemies”. So of course they want it because they also know that the days of white domination of citizens and voters in the US is nearly at an end. You know the Repub/Trump belief on that, they are entitled to power and democracy that hands it to Dems makes democracy a fraud.

AdLib21 minutes ago

TW – those who would destroy it have been w us forever. They worship the Gilded Age of unlimited acquisition by the few, zero rights for the masses. They want that back. We have period of massive imperfection – that was one of them. But we aren’t going back (think someone said that… blush: and we CAN stand up to the tyrannical ones. We have the means to do that.


21 minutes ago

We have to double down on the law for the would-be ruling class monsters. No more free ride!


20 minutes ago

CL well you’re right, Athens version of democracy resulted in the Pelopation Wars and their being ruled by Sprata fo 30 years which was dictatorship for them. The founders use the Greeks as a model along with their own form of governance which makes ours unique with the distinct seperation of the branches. But the SC seem determine to mess with that which I think could be the chink in the armor.


20 minutes ago

TW – BTW, you’re absolutely right that the Trumpian vision of his having absolute power over the country is a delusion, there would be uprisings, protests, etc. across the country as he tries to act as dictator and push disgusting, oppressive, and racist agendas on the American people. There will be no peace in a scenario where Trump stole the WH successfully this year…but that’s not going to happen, he is going to lose and I think even he already knows it.

AdLib19 minutes ago

While the founders used ancient Greece for some, they ALSO used the Iroquois Confederation for other parts that worked FAR better than simple democracy. Division of labor and authority gave much broader sweep of authority. We have many strengths. We also can shore up our weaknesses.


18 minutes ago

Ad yes those who want a dictatorship always see it as a means to an end for them that’s why they support it. As we’ve discuss they don’t give a damn about the so-called ‘little’ people


18 minutes ago

TW – they also now have convinced some of the ‘little people” tyranny is good for them. Fewer and fewer believe it.


17 minutes ago

At the same time that the Founders divided power to help safeguard against a tyrant, think of how close we were in 2020 and how close we are right now to the overthrow of our democracy. Damn close but thankfully, not close enough for the tyrants.

AdLib16 minutes ago

CL and the Iroqoius Confederation seem to always be at war with each from time to time. Usually started by some upstart who thought they had a better way of running things.


15 minutes ago

Ad – those are the guardrails. And while they may need shoring up, they held.


15 minutes ago

Back to Musk for a moment, did you see the discussion he had where he says he knows he can’t “officially” be president but could be the unofficial president?

AdLib15 minutes ago

Elon Musk is ‘unofficial president’ of the US, Netanyahu says


AdLib13 minutes ago

Actually TW the Confederation ended those wars. it existed for many generations to create peace in the NE. Ben Franklin was very impressed. I am interested in the Central Plains and Northern traditions – men govern, but WOMEN are the ones who pick them. If the male leaders fail, their women relatives are the ones who upbraid them and remove them. THAT has worked for centuries.


13 minutes ago

Netanyahu said the secret part out loud, Ad.


12 minutes ago

CL – The guardrails held just barely in 2020. Had JD Vance been VP instead of Pence, I think the nation would have fallen.

AdLib12 minutes ago

We don’t have “secret presidents”, and Musk is an ass if he thinks VANCE won’t have a thing or two to say.


11 minutes ago

Ad – maybe, but that shows us where we need work.


11 minutes ago

CL – Trump has pretty clearly already “sold” power of the presidency to Musk. He is quoted as saying, as is Musk, that if Trump won, Musk would have power over controlling, ending, or reshaping ALL federal agencies. That is presidential power.

AdLib10 minutes ago

Cl, your point on the woman how picked the new leaders, is excatly why Repug are scared to detath of Harris.


9 minutes ago

That’s my point – Heritage picked JD not Musk to do that. God forbid Trump wins, we will collapse from the weight of those two engaged in the Dual of the Titans. JD has the LEGAL power. Musk has power in his own mind – BUT I’m not sure Heritage WANTS him to.


9 minutes ago

“Trump says Elon Musk has agreed to lead proposed government efficiency commission as ex-president unveils new economic plans “

AdLib8 minutes ago

TW – exactly.


8 minutes ago

“At the suggestion of Elon Musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement … I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms,” Trump said in remarks at the Economic Club of New York. “We need to do it. Can’t go on the way we are now.”

AdLib8 minutes ago

Well, the it’s good thing my Granddaughter has job at McDonalds then.


7 minutes ago

If Trump is giving power to Eldon, there is ZERO legitimacy, and Vance is not about to give up his Golden Dream of being dictator for life. This will get VERY ugly very fast.


7 minutes ago

CL – Musk and Thiel both pressed Trump along with Heritage to make Vance his VP. Vance will bow to all of them.

AdLib7 minutes ago

TW – she can support you!


7 minutes ago

It might be so – as long as Vance has the symbolic position.


6 minutes ago

CL – What do you mean about legitimacy? Trump handed over presidential power to Jared without hesitation or disruption. Musk is backing him, he’ll hand it to Musk just the same.

AdLib6 minutes ago

CL there is hope for me yet.


5 minutes ago

Ad – Trump was in office w Jared. If Trump is removed a la the 25th and Vance becomes president, the fight for control between them will be legendary.


5 minutes ago

Trump is transactional, Musk no doubt made an agreement with him to provide financing and Twitter in exchange for a swath of presidential power and Trump has already agreed. This would absolutely happen if Trump won.

AdLib5 minutes ago

TW – use your resources! If it’s your salvation to live off McD’s, so be it.


4 minutes ago

Wel, dear friends, I am fading out. Going to do the last round of sending postcards and letters tomorrow. Need to get rest to be bright and beady at that task. See you next week! Hugs to both and to Murph is he gets time to drop by. Good night, dear ones.


3 minutes ago

CL not really a while back I had a health concern and the doctor told me the only thing I should do for McDonald was wave at it as I drove by.


3 minutes ago

CL – Personally, I don’t buy into the Vance/25th Amendment thing. That would require nearly the entire GOP in Congress and in his cabinet to stand up to Trump and betray him and we’ve already seen what spineless cowards they all are. That would never happen. Trump would stay in power as The Mad King until he died and all Repubs would remain afraid of being primaried or attacked by his cult if they tried to throw him out of office.

AdLib2 minutes ago

Harris wins there will be no need for the 25th


2 minutes ago

TW – In your honor, I will “pour out” a McDonalds shake.

AdLiba minute ago

Harris is winning and will win.

AdLiba minute ago


a minute ago

So phone??


in a few seconds

And when I’m as old as Jimmy Carter and leaving this plane of existence, I would prefer Death by Hamburger.

AdLibin a few seconds

Yep! Call me when you’re ready.

AdLibin a few seconds

If so give me five


in a few seconds

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