Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLib2 hours ago
Anyone home?
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Just us so far!
AdLib2 hours ago
How are things with you?
AdLib2 hours ago
Things are pretty good. How about with you?
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
Yep. Me here. So be you.
2 hours ago
Where’s TW? He’s usually one of the first here.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I do not know how long I will be here…..long, long, long days.
2 hours ago
Hi all!
2 hours ago
Hey PPO, Hey CL and Hey Ad….
2 hours ago
Here we be.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – on Twitter I am reading some rather uplifting things about Kunce and moving ahead. Hope that’s true
2 hours ago
PPO – How is life “down under”?
2 hours ago
No sailing today – they’re playing the Grand Final in Aussie Rules, so a big bash at the club to wTCH, DRING AND Eat nibbles!
2 hours ago
Murph – I gave up active campaign work some years ago. It needs younger legs. So the fact you’re retired and STILL doing it leaves me in awe.
2 hours ago
WELL….y’a;; need to know that one of our number has moved into campaign consultancy for the Kunce effort…..could it be…the Ad Man? Yes it could. Ad did an analysis of the Kunce – Hawley debate that I passed on to some insiders…..hot hot hot!!!
2 hours ago
PPO – you are about to embark on my idea of a dream weekend.
2 hours ago
Heh! Thanks Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
Where did CL go?
2 hours ago
CL is here.
AdLib2 hours ago
That is superb collaboration among PPOV folks!
2 hours ago
I’m here, PPO.
2 hours ago
Kunce is an A+ candidate.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – he most certainly IS.
2 hours ago
Hi, I don’t see your avatar on the side. Sorry.
2 hours ago
So how are we all feeling about the election this week?
AdLib2 hours ago
PPO – I don’t think I have an avatar. I remain the ‘Gray Pawn” I started out to be years ago.
2 hours ago
Ad – cautiously optimistic.
2 hours ago
PPO – Sometimes thee’s a glitch and member icons don’t appear in the left hand window but we’re here.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad send me his analysis, lengthy and well documented……I gave it to one of the staff folk I know and before I knew it….it was making the rounds….AND I think I see changes in strategy, tone and verbiage that arose from it.
2 hours ago
All – I never bothered with an icon. Not sure why other than tech insufficiency.
2 hours ago
I must say I’m very hopeful, but GOTV is imperative.
2 hours ago
Murph – I am seeing more of Lucas on Twitter in ways that are seriously compelling. I hope it’s connecting w folks in MO.
2 hours ago
Cl, for sure, You’re no grey lady!
2 hours ago
PPO – Oh, dunno. Mama said there’d be days like that…
2 hours ago
When is the Awaiting sentence convicted felon due to be sentenced?
2 hours ago
CL – Right. I am not the type to ever get over-confident but I am “comfortable” with the position and lead Kamala has right now. The VP debate is next week and Walz should mop the floor with Vance. And apparently the 1/6 case will have Jack Smith’s filings with new and likely shocking details of Trump’s sedition in the next couple of weeks in the public. That’s a nice October surprise for Trump.
AdLib2 hours ago
One last thing…..I got a quick text from Lucas himself…..quote: “Hey Murph, hear you are doing good grassroots work. Thanx. And a special thanx for tapping into you “brain trust” to do an analysis of the debate. Your friend must have significant campaign chops. On target!
2 hours ago
Some endorsement, Murph and Ad. Well done.
2 hours ago
Murph – That’s quite cool to hear! He is in a tough race but he’s a winner. In any purple or blue state he’d win hands down.
AdLib2 hours ago
Are you serious, Murph?
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – When I think of the new 180-page indictment, I want to cue the evil laugh.
2 hours ago
Oh Ad and Murph – that is TOO COOL!
2 hours ago
CL, has it been published yet?
2 hours ago
Well As…..your thoughts pulled me into contact with the core folks and that appears to be something that will engage me more fully.
2 hours ago
I think not until it’s redacted, PPO. Then we can ‘fill in the blanks’. Hee hee!
2 hours ago
Ad…serious about what?
2 hours ago
Murph – we collaborate to make things stronger. This is too cool.
2 hours ago
Ad – BTW – now I’m done with a number of obligations, I will work on OUR CCC pages for you. I just haven’t had time. I am SUPPOSED to be ‘retired’ but like Murph, working more than when I was paid.
2 hours ago
I found Kamala truly compelling tonight…..so smart, so sincere, so wise, so balanced.
2 hours ago
Anybody you know effected by the Hurricane?
2 hours ago
CL – I can’t wait for Jack Smith’s filing to be made public, redactions and all. Trump is already upset, he made a comment on his Pravda (Truth in Russian) site that he really did try to send troops to protect the Capitol on 1/6 but “the Deep State” prevented him. Makes me think there is damning evidence of his protecting the assault of the Capitol in Smith’s filing/
AdLib2 hours ago
Thankfully, no.
an hour ago
Murph – there are things I wish she would say, e.g. the Haitians were brought to Ohio by TRUMP in 2019, but I have long ago given up nit picking anyone. She’s gold.
an hour ago
Murph – The text you received, that really happened? Wow!
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago
Goodevening everyone sorry for being late had to finish up a little kitchen duty.
an hour ago
Ad…it did happen…..Lucas is know for his personal touch…….he is a very hard worker.
an hour ago
Murph – I’m available to help further if you have anything for me with Kunce.
AdLiban hour ago
Oh….TW…go back and read about the Ad Lib Campaign Consultancy Inc…..a real help to my man, Lucas Kunce.
an hour ago
Ad – the reason he HATES General Milly is that the order was refused. It is IN the field manuals for everyone from grunt to general that you are REQUIRED to disobey illegal orders. I got this directly from a Brigadier General (USAF) and have seen it’s true. POST My Lai standards. No such thing as “just following orders”.
an hour ago
CL – Your colleague said the two of you would put any notes together for me to address, just let me know.
AdLiban hour ago
HEY TW ! Lovely to see you!
an hour ago
Hi, TW!
an hour ago
Ad….I will let his people know that…My impression is that they would gladly take the time to read other insights you might be able to offer.
an hour ago
Ad – I have dropped the ball on the CCC site. I will work on it this week.
an hour ago
I hope Harleigh is okay in FL. He should be, he’s on the east coast of FL.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I was thinking of Harleigh and hoped that was true. Now the crisis is NC and TN. Not sure where the torrential rains go from there.
an hour ago
TW – Sounds like you’re really cooking tonight. Hence, the kitchen clean up.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey PPO how you doing?
an hour ago
Haven’t hear fo Harleigh in ages. How is he, and Kalima?
an hour ago
Murph – That is incredibly cool for him to take out the time to personally thank you for all your great work and of course, I’m a happy camper to know that my thoughts were appreciated.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad no I don’t cook, just clean up no one in their right mind would eat anything I would cook not even me.
an hour ago
Fine, TW. October will be a sad month for me. But I’m buried in Club matters and hanging in.
an hour ago
Ad……my nod was an entry point to reach out to you and to shake your hand.
an hour ago
PPO Understood Heart with you my friend.
an hour ago
TW. those who clean up are the other side of the coin with chefs occupy side one.
an hour ago
CL – Gen Milley represents why I am not concerned that our military would go along with a Trump coup. They take an oath to protect the country from anyone and they take that oath seriously.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – October is for me, too, My ex died a year ago 10/29. Feels really sad. I can only imagine your emotions since you two were together since forever.
an hour ago
Murph well I can make a really mean ham & cheese
an hour ago
Murph, they also serve who only stand and wait – and do dishes.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Ad – Nobody NOW would abet Trump. But if he wins, he puts in all the purely rancid officers we all despise, incl. the Christian Nationalists in their ranks.
an hour ago
Murph – Be very happy to give feedback on any material or anything they’d let you run by me.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…I will put that forward….
an hour ago
PPO- those who only stand, wait, wash are the backbone of America.
an hour ago
CL – I have a friend in NC but he’s on the east coast and said they just had a bit of wind and rain, nothing serious. The western part of NC got hammered. Atlanta too.
AdLiban hour ago
Have any of you see the youtube video Unfit?
an hour ago
TW – I bet you can cook a mean plate of eggs!
AdLiban hour ago
These states are lucky Biden is in charge – he was ready, presuming this path – before it even came ashore. He will deny help to NO one. We know if Trump is in, we can kiss our keesters good bye in CA.
an hour ago
Murph – Thank you so much!
AdLiban hour ago
CL, my bestie is a beef stew. Simple ingredients, but fab results
an hour ago
Tw – No! I did not know it was YouTube. I will look. I am scared if Trump comes I will have to leave. I’m already ON hit lists.
an hour ago
Ad I can even do and omlet if I have the right ingredients
an hour ago
TW…Unfit? Have a link?
an hour ago
PPO – maybe I can teach Greg to cook it. He has two things he makes well. It’s just that 1. he has no idea where I keep anything, and 2. when he’s done cooking, we call HazMat for clean up.
an hour ago
CL it’s pretty good lays out his psychosis worth watching.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Tw – I know Greg can cook omletts, scrambled eggs, but FIVE TIMES he left the burner on and set off the fire alarm. We now have frittatas he nukes. Safety issues first.
an hour ago
CL – Being cautious is smart but I am relatively confident that the momentum is all with Kamala, she’s in the lead with less than 40 days to go, Trump will be smacked down after the VP debate and the release of Jack Smith’s filing, then Election day is a couple of weeks later. No chance for Trump to drastically change the dynamics of the race…which is probably why his focus is on overthrowing the results.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph will have to get it.
an hour ago
TW – thanks for the Unfit rec. I’ll watch it.
an hour ago
Murph here is the link :
an hour ago
TW….I am sure I confined it…..OH….you are soooooo quick…thanks…
an hour ago
Murph just posted you should be able to see it now
an hour ago
The same people who did this have a new one out haven’t checke it out yet.
an hour ago
OK – my paranoid vision is: Russia is getting hurt badly v Ukraine. The “October Surprise” is a nuke launch on one or both coasts to show Biden is ‘weak’. It is MY understanding we are on full alert through the election for that reason. I don’t put anything past Trump and Vlad.
an hour ago
Thanks, TW. I will watch.
an hour ago
I actually ma a decent chef when I cook but I don’t cook often. I make a lot of breakfast, good with sandwiches, pasta, steam artichokes, but my wife is the real deal as a chef and she enjoys it.
AdLiban hour ago
CL well Trump is getting his Oct suprise with the ruling Chuckan made today regard Smith filing
an hour ago
Ad – a division of labor is always good.
an hour ago
TW – he sure did get “surprised”! But I think we have not yet seen what he has up HIS sleeve.
an hour ago
PPO how is the racing going?
an hour ago
I get the impression that Joe and Kamala are fully prepared to counter any civil unrest that Meal Team Sixpack may foment.
an hour ago
Did we lose Murph or just his avatar?
an hour ago
TW…watched it…WoW!
an hour ago
Just his avatar.
an hour ago
TW Last race was Wedneday. New Summer Season starts in a weeks time.
an hour ago
PPO I am not worried about Meal Team Six. Or Gravy Seals. I am the Tim McVeigh types.
an hour ago
CL – I recognize that as a legit concern but I find it completely unlikely. Only the threat of nukes is of any use to Putin, using them would unleash NATO on him and China and Iran would run away from them in fear. Read an article on this saying that very thing, China would abandon Putin if he used any kind of nuke.
AdLiban hour ago
CL based on what I read it looks like he is going to blow a gasket
an hour ago
Ad – that assessment makes me feel better.
an hour ago
I REALLY hope Trump doesn’t die. I want his fat ass hauled off to prison.
an hour ago
I be here…I was watching Unfit…..good, really good.
an hour ago
CL – I’ve been a real cookie chef though but my wife and daughter are as good or better.
AdLiban hour ago
Thanks, Murph – I will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion, TW.
an hour ago
Unfit is blocked to Australia! Must be bad!
an hour ago
Murph It’s about an hour but man do really go into it.
an hour ago
Murph, can’t wait to see him introduced to Bubba and Skull!
an hour ago
PPO Bubba and Skull???
an hour ago
I have to say while I am not a fan of stars, I am saddened by the death of Maggie Smith today. I quite liked her! End of an era. So I went to Amazon Prime to watch “Tea with the Dames” and loved it.
an hour ago
What did you all think of the Zelensky show with Trump today.
an hour ago
Murph – Zelensky deserves awards and funding for being polite to that rancid pig.
an hour ago
Murph did not see that I though he was meeting with Lying Trump tomorrow?
an hour ago
Here are my concerns about both Election Day and after. Are the MAGA plotters going to call in bomb threats to Dem polling places? Will MAGAs show up armed and massed in front of polling stations in Dem precincts? Will they commit violence here and there at polling places in Dem districts to scare away Dem voters? And afterwards, will there be lone wolf violence in different parts of the country around places where votes are being counted? These things seem scarily possible to me.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – no. Today.
an hour ago
Maggie made the comment a while back that her great contribution to the world of acting is that she worked really hard to support, encourage, and praise young talent. “That is really our duty, you know”
an hour ago
CL, spent summer on the set of ‘Young Cassidy’ with Maggie, Rod Taylor and Julie Christie. Lovely people, no airs or graces. Working their craft.
an hour ago
CL – Maggie Smith was a bit of an acting legend, sorry to see her pass.
AdLiban hour ago
CL I’m going to hve to stop pulling all nighters.
an hour ago
Murph – They should relabel the Trump-Zelinsky press event as a hostage video.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad …frightening list…..I will pass it on….without your name….I know two people who might find it of reall value.
an hour ago
Spoiled Silver Spoon coward meets Plastic Spoon Hero!
an hour ago
Let me post here what we need to have BEFORE trouble starts. Every state has federal judicial districts that include courts AND the are US Attorneys, FBI, etc. You need to find yours. Murph – you need them all if there is more than one. Call them, get the number for the Election Day specialists because it’s the FASTEST way to get help. CA has 5 districts. MA has ONE. MO has TWO. Have those numbers on speed dial.
an hour ago
Who agrees that Trump appears to be getting more desperate and deranged lately? He’s been taking both sides of issues, promising every demographic ridiculous payoffs if they vote for him and he’s rambling incoherently more and more often.
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
Ad I believe we can and should expect something negative to happen.
an hour ago
Wanna Watch, anyone? Anyone?
an hour ago
Ad – he is demented. That’s WHY JD was shoved on him. Heritage wants him as a devoted supporter of P. 2025. He was picked to USE the 25th A, become Pres. for life, do very little work since Heritage henchmen will do it, and live in luxury forever on.
an hour ago
Murph – I’d add to that list, attacks on power stations, especially ones that may be providing power to polling places in Dem districts and to counting facilities, as a tactic to sabotage the vote count and certification.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad I’m thinking the wheels are starting to fall off the Trump campaign watching the boys over at Medias Touch talking about Melina getting paid big bucks by the Log Cabin Repubs but they don’t known anything about the 275K payment or so they say.
an hour ago
Thanks CL…I will pass your wisdom on to those I am working with now.
an hour ago
PPO – I thought of you when I read the news of her death and wondered if you knew her. What a lovely experience!
an hour ago
CL interesting theory re. Vance as an agent to pull the 25th trigger.
an hour ago
PPO – Sounds great to me!
AdLiban hour ago
Gang…I heading to bed…..very early morning canvassing………best to one and all.
an hour ago
Take care Murph
an hour ago
‘Night, Murph. Stay safe!
an hour ago
Good night, dear Murph. You are doing righteous work. Get rest! Hugs!
an hour ago
CL – It’s fortunate for us that Heritage is so extremist and deranged that they thought Vance would be a good candidate. He is weighing down the ticket and tying Trump in polls for being disliked. It’s kind of funny.
AdLiban hour ago
Night Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – it is Karma that the guy Heritage picked is destroying his leader’s chances.
an hour ago
TW – Here’s my yardstick, the more Trump keeps promoting coins, watches, monogrammed diapers, the more it communicates to me that all he has left are the final grifts he can use before he’s branded a two time loser and on his way to prison. What sane candidate would use the last several weeks in a presidential campaign to sell crappy watches?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – seriously! All he is selling the American public is that he’s a washed up carney barker desperate for money.
an hour ago
CL – It actually makes perfect sense that a deranged organization like Heritage would have no sense of what the majority would find attractive in a candidate. Their whole existence is about overthrowing the will of the majority, of course they’re completely out of touch with how sane people think.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – They really are their own worst enemy.
an hour ago
Ad agree, it also seems that they may be running out of money as they don’t have get out the vote offices open and paying his wife 200K+ for 10 min. speeechs and as you point out hawking stuff that is cost a fraction to make based on what he is charging like those watchest scam all the way.
an hour ago
OK, folks. Time to go. Lovely chatting as usual. Stay safe and healthy. And may the bird of Paradise fly up his addled nose!
an hour ago
Part of the loss of support for him is the numbers he already has scammed. The people who lost their life savings from unstoppable deductions from their accounts.’
an hour ago
PPO good to see you hear take care.
an hour ago
Good night PPO. LOVE having you here. Eat, drink, be merry!
an hour ago
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – Exactly! But think about it, we’re in the moment, in this hurricane of whrling madness around Trump but it is really insane that a presidential candidate is using up critical time to campaign with promoting crappy, rip off garbage. In the last 2 weeks he’s started pushing crypto, coins, watches, trading cards…I mean this creep has a neon sign he keeps turning on saying, “I AM A CON MAN!” and his brainless followers whine about the cost of eggs then buy his garbage watches for $100,000! Wait until any MAGAs try to sell their DJT stock.
AdLiban hour ago
He will take in thousands but lose millions in the process. I am here for it.
an hour ago
CL – Not to mention the tons of money MAGAs have lost on Trump’s stock. It’s down over 70%.
AdLiban hour ago
Read today that Nunes and other Truth Social staff are selling out. What amazes me is there is ANYONE out there buying it.
an hour ago
I know you “buy cheap, sell dear”, but that means some gullible jerks are buying something dirt cheap that will get only worthless.
an hour ago
CL – The only ones I can imagine are buying Trump’s doomed stock are Russians, Saudi Arabians, and any who are trying to buy favors from him if he wins. Otherwise, as soon as Trump loses on Nov 5, his stock will be a penny stock if that.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I guess they look on it as payment for favors, but when he loses, they lose it all.
an hour ago
Ad those watches will probably stop working inside of a week considering they are cheaply made and are outdated
an hour ago
And they aren’t GOLD. They are, at best, plated, but likely PAINTED. I have crud earrings like that. Make my ears itch like crazy.
an hour ago
It’s a meme stock, meaning, people only have bought the stock to bribe Trump legally or show their ignorant support. Remember we discussed the post from the elderly man who said he’s lost his nest egg by putting most of it in Trump’s stock and has to find a job now, he won’t ever be able to retire. Hey, FAFO as they say.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I would like to feel compassion for him. I guess I sort of do, but what did he THINK would happen?
an hour ago
CL – I imagine that the Russians, Saudis, etc. who bought Trump stock to get favors for him didn’t expect to get much back from it anyway. But the MAGA cultists who put their savings into it, how motivated are they going to be to vote for him when they see they’ve lost everything because of him?
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I hear China won’t make Trump’s watches because they want to protect their rep for “Made in China”.
AdLib44 minutes ago
Ad – it’s part of his dwindling support. Thousands feel ripped off already. Others read those stories and are fearful. I have never EVER been so wedded to another person in any realm but personal whom I would trust with my life earnings. Not even Biden and Obama. You need to be realistic.
43 minutes ago
Ad – who IS making the watches then?
43 minutes ago
Ad, not going to touch that one at all.
43 minutes ago
CL – I’ll bet Trump made a deal with a company that buys irradiated metal cheaply to use for his watches. “You’ll be glowing when you wear a Trump watch!”
AdLib43 minutes ago
OMG – I think you’re right.
42 minutes ago
At best your wrist will turn green. At worst it will rot and your hand will fall off.
41 minutes ago
CL – Same here, as much as I may support any Dem, I would never risk my life’s savings on them. Win or lose, you still got to pay the rent.
AdLib41 minutes ago
Ad – when did people get SO stupid they forgot that?
41 minutes ago
CL was watching a video yesterday he’s outsourching somewhere don’t where exactly but I was watching a video were two knowledgeable individuals who are not Trump supporters and are collector talking about it I wish I could remember their names.
40 minutes ago
Interesting, TW. I’d love to know more about them and what they think.
40 minutes ago
If he outsources to Bangladesh, won’t he have to slap a 200% tariff on his own stuff?
39 minutes ago
CL – It seems like the devolution of cultism. Being in a cult requires a mandatory abandoning of one’s ability to reason or use critical thinking. The Cult Leader says, “Give me your money” and they simply nod. These people are a drag on productive society and a threat to their own futures. Consider that all of Project 2025 would devastate MAGAs the most! And yet they’ll give away their life’s savings and their futures for him.
AdLib38 minutes ago
CL – I think in 2025, President Harris should slap a 200% tariff on all Trump merchandise.
AdLib37 minutes ago
CL the interesting thing they were saying about the watches is the one’s Trump is pushing are out-of-date fashion wise for men. And clearly are cheaply made production cost for the 500 – 700 about 30bucks
37 minutes ago
Did you see that today he reached peak “1984” telling people, “You see those people who are leaving are not really leaving at all.” The final directive from The Party: don’t believe your eyes and ears, only what the Party tells you.
37 minutes ago
Tw – well, he’s reached peak exploitation, too. Outsource, costs are $30, sales prices are in $1000s.
36 minutes ago
I can’t even get worried about what a new Trump presidency would look like, it’s too insane. The country would very quickly fall apart as he tried to act as a king, it would not be the cake walk he imagines. That said, he is not going to win.
AdLib36 minutes ago
Heritage believes that’s when JD comes to the fore: enact the 25th, he takes over, restores stability. AS IF!!!
35 minutes ago
CL yes and people seem willing to shell out their money for the junk he is hawking. And I believe they know it’s junk but for some reason they don’t seem to give a damn.
35 minutes ago
JD is as big a fraud as Trump.
35 minutes ago
Cults never need rational thinking, TW.
34 minutes ago
CL – Trump is in a vicious circle now. The only ones really listening to him and believing him are his MAGA cultists, most just tune him out and the more he tries to serve his faithful cult, the more other voters turn away from his insanity. He is trapped.
AdLib33 minutes ago
CL as you and Ad keep telling me. The need to belong to something.
33 minutes ago
Ad: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”
33 minutes ago
BRB – something crashed in my livingroom.
33 minutes ago
Ad you saw that Chuckan has given Trump’s lawyers a rather strick time line right?
31 minutes ago
CL – I sue hope Walz makes a big point in his debate about how voting for Trump means putting this messed up, inexperienced sociopath named Vance one heartbeat away from the presidency. He knows nothing and is possibly the least experienced person in living memory to run on a presidential ticket. And yes, that includes Sarah Palin, she was at least a governor.
AdLib31 minutes ago
TW – good attorneys could handle it. Trump attorneys will eat up the time whining.
31 minutes ago
I think we can trust Walz to stick the shiv where it hurts.
30 minutes ago
Ad – well, Trump was even LESS experienced 2016. And look how well THAT went.
29 minutes ago
TW – Yep, I believe Chutkin said Trump’s lawyers have until next week to make any objections to the filing and until the following week to object to exhibits. So by the week after that, third week in October, two weeks before the election, Trump should be crushed by the public release of the Jack Smith filings on 1/6.
AdLib29 minutes ago
Ad – this is going to be fun. Chutkan isn’t playing.
29 minutes ago
Ad yes she is not messing around
29 minutes ago
CL – All good there?
AdLib29 minutes ago
Cats. That is the untold side of being a childless cat lady. They do stuff, you never know what. I can’t find anything wrong. But there sure was a lot of noise over it.
28 minutes ago
CL – That’s true, Trump had zero credentials too. The Dumb and Dumber ticket.
AdLib28 minutes ago
SERIOUSLY!!! What is the matter with people who think having NO expertise in something is GOOD?
27 minutes ago
CL good question.
26 minutes ago
One guy on Twitter said there was no such thing as expertise. Anyone can learn anything in 2 hours. So I said, I hoped he was comfy with his brain surgeon boning up for the first time from a book. Oddly I didn’t get a reply…
25 minutes ago
I have not been disappointed once in predicting that Jack Smith and Judge Chutkin will do the smartest and most effective things each step of the way. Chutkin and Smith have to be outraged that the SCOTUS has interfered with seeing justice done and I think both of them know the best they can do to help protect democracy is to make sure the public has a lot more info on the traitor Trump before they vote. Of course doing so the proper way, as all cases should proceed. But Chutkin has no patience for any more delays, IMO.
AdLib25 minutes ago
CL – Cats do keep you on your toes.
AdLib24 minutes ago
CL the fact he said that tell me I wouldn’t want him helping anyone cross the street.
24 minutes ago
What I find fascinating is that i am ABSOLUTELY sure Chutkan and Smith have not once spoken to each other. What you have here are people who get the law and trust each other’s knowledge. Can’t do better than that.
24 minutes ago
Ad – I could live with a wee less excitement. Really could.
23 minutes ago
CL – It’s a period of The Know Nothings again. Trump is a walking commercial for succeeding by being an obnoxious idiot with an unjustifiably huge ego. That’s what they want to be.
AdLib23 minutes ago
Tw – yes, or even change my oil. That’s so dumb!
23 minutes ago
Know nothings and flat earthers
22 minutes ago
Ad – Know Nothings weren’t the “do over” I had expected now, but here we are.
22 minutes ago
Tw – I didn’t want them back either.
22 minutes ago
CL – Agreed, no way Smith would ever talk to Chutkin out of court or vice versa. They’re principled pros and they simply see it in each other. Just like I can guess what they’ll do because they are principled, they can guess the same about each other.
AdLib22 minutes ago
CL – That’s the thing about cats, they are unburdened by what you want.
AdLib21 minutes ago
Ad you said they both know the law and respect the law
21 minutes ago
Ad – in a world of competent law and adult practitioners, that’s how it’s supposed to work.
21 minutes ago
Ad – cats rule, no question about it.
21 minutes ago
Speaking of Law Rudy has been officially disbarred in Washington.
20 minutes ago
Alina Habba was whining on about something, and the logo under her picture was “Alina Habba: She will plead your traffic ticket down to Murder One.” That’s about right.
20 minutes ago
TW – That’s the way sane society works. We have reasonable expectations of what each other will do based upon basic traits like honesty, conscience, and respect. But MAGAs would be completely bewildered by that.
AdLib19 minutes ago
TW – YES!!!!! Could NOT be happier about Rudy!
19 minutes ago
CL – That’s funny about Habba!
AdLib19 minutes ago
Ad you are so right
19 minutes ago
Ad – MAGAs have no idea how things work. I’ve dealt w several pre-MAGA RW attorneys who are stupid beyond belief.
18 minutes ago
And let’s not forget this, it’s most likely that Jack Smith will drop his indictments of all the other unnamed conspirators in the 1/6 sedition after the election. So we’ve got that to look forward to and I sure hope it includes MTG and other Repub congresspeople.
AdLib17 minutes ago
Some of my best “dining out” stories are about the really stupid RW attorneys I’ve encountered. I was a witness in a long series of federal trials, and do I have stories! Some went to Regent University to teach, some were with ACLJ, the RW alternative to ACLU, and all were dumb as rocks.
17 minutes ago
CL – Yep and it’s a proliferation of the Dunning Krueger effect among MAGA lawyers and voters, the less they know, the more confident they are in what they think.
AdLib16 minutes ago
CL is that ACLJ what is that??
15 minutes ago
CL – I would love to hear some of those stories!
AdLib15 minutes ago
Ad – the order of march is to lay out enough about the conspiracy behind 1/6 to indict CO Conspirators. Until that foundation is laid, it’s almost impossible to go after the cohort around the actions. Todays’s brief m8igh just speed that right up!
15 minutes ago
It’s a Pat Robertson offshoot – American Center for Law and Justice. I have tangled with their top people on cases around violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances laws and related issues – and I won every time. ‘
14 minutes ago
Ad just have to hide the lemon juice from them
14 minutes ago
TW – missing the lemon juice reference
14 minutes ago
CL law and justice? I can’t stop laughing
13 minutes ago
CL – Thanks for the pointers on that! Yes, I would think Smith is going to use his smarts to tell the whole story with all the other MAGA co-conspirators in the Trump brief but just redact the names for now. Then, after the election, he can basically use the same doc to indict them.
AdLib12 minutes ago
The ACLJ uses “Biblical principles” to make federal law arguments. You can rather imagine how well that works. They also don’t understand legal process. They are REALLY bad attorneys. But, as OUR attorneys said of even the guy who went to Harvard Law, “Somebody has to graduate at the BOTTOM of the class.”
11 minutes ago
CL – I’ve asked TW this and invite him to chime in but what do you think happens in the GOP after Trump loses as it looks like he will?
AdLib11 minutes ago
CL in reference to the Dunning Krueger there was this person who believe if he put lemon juice on his face it would make him invisible so he do so and went in to rob a bank and didn’t understand why he got caught because he had read lemon juice wold make ink invisible so that’s why he put it on his face.
11 minutes ago
Ad – I do think SCOTUS effed up on delay. Just made Smith FAR more determined to move to the whole group.
11 minutes ago
CL – How funny, they bring a bible to argue law?
AdLib10 minutes ago
TW – Once I stop laughing I will ponder how ANYONE COULD BE THAT STUPID!!!
10 minutes ago
TW – That is such a great MAGA analogy!
AdLib9 minutes ago
CL all th4e Trump Maga people
9 minutes ago
Ad – no, but their lead attorney went through law books and said, “Well, this is the precedent, but CLEARLY that’s wrong,…” and did that several times. The judge, a rather humorless man, looked at him as if he’d crawled out from under a rock. They did refer to the Bible now and then. Equally little weight given. They lost EVERY case. They tried to do me in time and again, and they never could. They were really dumb, and I am not.
8 minutes ago
As both of you have said these people are cult followers and Trump provides them what they need. Gives them the target to hate and they are too lazy to pick up a book and read. I think they are just scared of knowledge
8 minutes ago
CL – That’s what I was thinking too when they delayed 6 months then gave Trump the protections of a king. I thought, “If I am really pissed off at them trying to protect Trump from facing the consequences of his actions, Smith and Chutkin have to be pissed off far more than me.” I expected all that has transpired because I assumed they would make the smartest and most responsible choices. Haven’t been disappointed once and no way Chutkin doesn’t release Smith’s damning indictment of Trump in October. I trust both of them immensely based on their performance as pros.
AdLib6 minutes ago
I predated Trump by many years with these people which is why this is VERY old with me, and I’m SICK of it. Iv’e been fighting them since at least 1988. I really want them to go away.
6 minutes ago
CL – I will always co-sign on that, you’re one smart cookie!
AdLib6 minutes ago
TW – Yes, they are scared by knowledge because they aren’t smart and are intimidated by people who are obviously smarter than they are. If they demonize education, principles, and conscience, it means they are equals with the people they perceive as superior to them (not that anyone is actually superior to anyone else…except MAGAs, they are beneath decent society).
AdLib4 minutes ago
Thank you, dear friend. I hoisted them on their own petards several times. It was gratifying. Put two of them in federal prison. Equally gratifying.
3 minutes ago
I seriously could regale you all on these stories for a good hunk of a good dinner. We shall have to get together and try. And with that, the aforementioned cats that CAN tell time, inform me dinner is overdue. So I shall bid you both good night. See you next week!
2 minutes ago
CL – So do you think a Trump defeat will be a breaking point for this MAGA era? My thought is that the GOP will descend into a civil war, even though I think it won’t be on the surface because those Repubs wanting a more sane party are cowards and wouldn’t openly stand against Trump and MAGAs. But internally, I see battles for many years as the party disintegrates.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Ad I agree.
2 minutes ago
CL! Wow! You helped put them in prison! Amazing!
AdLiba minute ago
I think it’s true, but I honestly have no clue.
a minute ago
Night CL! Have a great weekend!
AdLiba few seconds ago
One – the brother of the man whose self promotion I sent you on DM yesterday – went for perjury. A woman went to Danbury for three months. Don’t eff with the Churchlady I always say.
a few seconds ago
Take care CL
a few seconds ago
Good night!
a few seconds ago
CL chews bubblegum and kicks ass…and she’s all out of bubblegum.
AdLibin a few seconds
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