Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago



an hour ago

Hey TW! What’s up?

AdLiban hour ago

Just hanging around fired up and ready to go. Working on another article


an hour ago

Very nice. What’s the theme of the article?

AdLiban hour ago

There Is Evil! It’s from The Man In the High Castle


an hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

Of course, you knew I’d love that.

AdLiban hour ago

Should have it finished and proofed tonight will post to Medium then transfer it over to planet and my website. You’ll have I think five of my posts you can scedule out.


an hour ago

Damn! I will get them all scheduled! Sory for the delay!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey you’ve been busy I understand. It’s not like they’re going anywhere besides you schedule out the way see that makes sense it will feel like a series


an hour ago

Thanks so much for understanding. I should have more time this weekend to get this and other things taken care of.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey I understand.


an hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

One of the things I’ve be considering is a substack instead of my website but, still not sure how that works let alone how to montize it. I’m still not sure people will pay for what I write no matter how much I discount it. But I may try and see what happens but that is down the road a bit, I still have the family website that needs attention.


an hour ago

Haven’t be paying attention to news today busy trying to get the new piece done. But, I think is sinking his own ship with his comment that if he loses it will be the fault of the Jewish contingencey.


an hour ago

Trump is a complete dunderhead


an hour ago

Interesting, not familiar with how Substack works myself.

AdLiban hour ago

It seems to be the new thing


an hour ago

Today was a continued decline for Trump. His stock tanked into the 13s after Barron’s came out with a survey showing Kamala is likely to win. And everything from yesterday is still spilling over today. Trump looks like an old, demented loser desperate to avoid the impending loss and prison.

AdLiban hour ago

I am so happy to hear he is having a bad day. All most makes me what to grab a scotch to celebrate.


44 minutes ago

But I know it’s too early to do that.


43 minutes ago

Yep, I can’t wait for election day. But early voting started today in a few states including VA and there was huge turnout from very Dem looking people.

AdLib42 minutes ago

That stock isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. As we discuss there is nothing there at all


41 minutes ago

Early voting starts here in MA on Oct 19th


40 minutes ago

Rolls of toilet paper will sell for more than Trump stock after the election.

AdLib40 minutes ago

Nice! Will you vote early?

AdLib40 minutes ago

I’m considering it, have our red booklet with all the ballot questions reading through it since I don’t listen to the local news anymore. So I have a better understanding


38 minutes ago

Murph is in the House


36 minutes ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib36 minutes ago

Just popping in to say hello.


36 minutes ago

Lucas did well at the “debate” but given the format it was hard for anyone to really dominate and given the platform I wonder how many saw it or will see it. Thanks for the link Ad. Thoughtful of you.


35 minutes ago

Murph how is your guy doing?


35 minutes ago

Rallies have been positive although not huge….of course Hawley does not even bother.


34 minutes ago

The others in the race are spoilers.


34 minutes ago

So Hawley believes he has it in the bag???


33 minutes ago

Murph – I watched the entire debate, especially enjoying the Green Party comic relief guy. I have to say though, I was a little disappointed in Kunce’s performance, I don’t think whoever prepared him for the debate did the best job. I just sent you a kind of long email with some observations and thoughts on the debate, let me know what you think.

AdLib33 minutes ago

The thrust of my email, though I hope you read it all, is that Kunce should’ve looked at how Kamala handled her aggressively lying opponent and taken a similar approach. Aggressively gone after Hawley with specifics to prove he’s a massive liar while displaying his confidence and positivity in making life better for the people of MO.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Helpful Ad. I appreciate it and will pass it along…..Yeah, he was not at the top of his game. It may be that despite his claim that he was ready for Hawleys surprise appearance….he may not have been.


29 minutes ago

And prepped to deflect the ineviutable attacks over immigration, the economy, and energy policies.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph will there be another debate?


27 minutes ago

That’s how it came off to me, a lack of sufficient prep to take on Hawley. Hawley was well prepped to hammer Kunce with immigration and energy policy, Hawley turned every question into those two attacks and of course, who is Kunce voting for. Kunce’s evasion on that repeatedly didn’t make him look good.

AdLib27 minutes ago

That is, who is Kunce voting for to be president. Kunce needed a strong answer to that inevitable attack and he had none.

AdLib26 minutes ago

My guess is that Hawley will be satisfied with this debate and won’t debate again.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Ad…I think you are correct.


25 minutes ago

Much as I hate to say it, I think most viewers will see Hawley as the winner of the debate.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Hawley wanted to hand Kamala around Kunce’s neck and did.


25 minutes ago

Kunce sent out a blast to all of his supporters claiming that he was ready and that Hawley was not….I fear the reverse was true.


24 minutes ago

Murph – And Kunce’s people should’ve prepared him with how to respond to that and it looks like they didn’t. They really fell down on his debate prep. Not trying to disrespect the people you’re working with but I don’t think it benefits Kunce to soft pedal things he needs to address to turn things around.

AdLib23 minutes ago

I know immigration is and always has been an issue, but the Repugs have never done anything about since Regan


23 minutes ago



23 minutes ago

TW….and the GOP gets away with that hypocrisy election after election


22 minutes ago

Murph – It was. In life, preperation is everything. Why Kunce’s team didn’t work hard to prepare him for every inevitable attack, even if Hawley played the game of joining the debate at the last minute, I don’t know but it was a real mistake.

AdLib22 minutes ago



21 minutes ago

Murph how is the boarder issue in your state? And since your state does a lot of farming do the not need labor for that or is it all combine type?


21 minutes ago

His long shot got longer today.


21 minutes ago

TW….the border issues are rarely even brought up partly because of the nature of the farming and herding here.


19 minutes ago

Murph – That’s the frustrating thing, Kunce likely just wanted to talk about the actual issues honestly and thoughtfully. But in this MAGA era where lying blatantly is seen as always a valuable tool to Repubs, you always need an aggressive strategy to blunt the lies and put the Repub on the defensive. Kunce was the one on defense all night, Hawley was almost never put in a position to defend his being a liar. And you can’t just say generally, “He’s a liar.” You have to hammer truths into his heart.

AdLib19 minutes ago



18 minutes ago

Ad you’re assuming Hawley has a heart.


18 minutes ago

Hate to have to agree but I do, I think Kunce’s stock went down a bit tonight. But there are over 40 days left, it’s not over. But he needs to get aggressive and institute a real strategy and game plan now on how to attack Hawley and boost his image.

AdLib17 minutes ago

TW – Hawley was just plain nasty all night, another thing Kunce sould have nailed him on (in addition to his elitism, living outside the state, lying about issues so he never has to deliver for MO, etc.).

AdLib16 minutes ago

I have to agree.


16 minutes ago

I am afraid he has given away his momentum.


15 minutes ago

Yes, he looked a bit shaky. Hey, I would be nervous in the same situation, Kamala was at the start of her debate but once again, her secret was to get mad and once she did, and controlled and channeled that into righteous anger, she was in control.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Ad I just did a quick lookup bio on Kunce a reseve Lt. Marine Col and he let Hawely walk over him time for you can’t handle the truth Hawley


13 minutes ago

Ah well….heading to bed. Thanks for the isights.


13 minutes ago

I can’t imagine campaigning for Congress. Everything you have to be able to do at all times, it’s mind boggling. So much easier when you’re a narcissistic liar and sociopath like Hawley.

AdLib12 minutes ago

TW – I like that!

AdLib12 minutes ago

Ad I agree


12 minutes ago

Sorry Murph, didn’t mean to be a downer, just speaking frankly.

AdLib11 minutes ago

One last thought…a few weeks back Hawley bushwhacked Kunce at the state fair and challenged him to devbate then and there….Kunce came on tough and looked good. Why did his campaign fail to pick up on that and prep him for another ambush.


11 minutes ago

You are all are just saying what I was thinking.


10 minutes ago

Murph – That is a good question. A lack of imagination? Not recognizing the mentality of their opponent? That’s what Kamala’s team did well, recognize who their opponent was, what he was likely to say and how to get under his skin and put him on the defensive. MAGAs always attempt to put Dems on the defensive, how you beat them is turning the tables on them because like all bullies, they’re insecure cowards.

AdLib9 minutes ago

Anyway Murph, let me know what you think about my email.

AdLib8 minutes ago

Well…we shall see….one good is that I suspect the audience was small and clips do not bring out the interactions that well…..still…a missed opportunity.


8 minutes ago

Once a MAGA is on the defensive, they are so vulnerable to being taken down as we saw with the master of MAGAs, Trump.

AdLib7 minutes ago

You’re right Murph. This was not the war that was lost, just a battle, Kunce can still win the war.

AdLib7 minutes ago

But he and his team need to learn from this night and change to correct course.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Ad….a missed opportunity. And it could be fatal in that there may not be another one.


6 minutes ago

Murph someone needs to tell him he is still in the fight it ain’t over yet, tell the get it in gear Marine!!


6 minutes ago

Murph – I think a potential game plan now is for Kunce to take off the gloves and really go after Hawley while still promoting a positive agenda. Get under Hawley’s skin and maybe he’ll want another debate to take Kunce down but if Kunce is prepared next time, the results could be far different.

AdLib4 minutes ago

well I am not close to the leadership….so I suspect that my insights will carry little weight.


4 minutes ago

Right, I get it Murph. But just saying, after what happened tonight, the leadership had better seek other insights because they really dropped the ball.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Take care….I am off to bed….


3 minutes ago

Night Murph!

AdLib2 minutes ago

Hang in there! It’s not over.

AdLib2 minutes ago

Take care Murph


2 minutes ago

There are good days and bad days in campaigns.

AdLib2 minutes ago

Well it seems we closed the bar again tonight,


a minute ago

Hope I wasn’t too negative about Kunce. I just don’t think it’s as helpful when you’re not frank about things in a campaign.

AdLiba minute ago

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