Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Hey PPO! How are things?

AdLib2 hours ago

Fine, Ad, too windy today for racing, so I am able to perticipate.


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

Well, that wind has blown you here.

AdLib2 hours ago

It really bewilders me to see people being conned into believing Trump’s spin. Surely the penny has dropped by now.


2 hours ago

I do think Trump’s con is stale to anyone not in the MAGA cult. Polling numbers show Kamala’s lead growing.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hi, Murph


2 hours ago

PPO……WoW! Great to see you.


2 hours ago

thanks, M good to be here.


2 hours ago

How are things going with and for you?


2 hours ago

I didn’t watch the ‘debate’. I read that Kamala bulldozed him. I loved that she baited him on crowd sizes and he bit


2 hours ago

You may not know that I am working with a long shot campaign here in Missouri that is trying to unseat an obnoxious U.S. Senator……Hawley. My man is Kunce.


2 hours ago

Going fine, Murph. Happy in my little condo, 2 mins from Supermarket, shops and chemists etc.


2 hours ago

PPO…where is the condo?


2 hours ago

Good for you! Hawley is a propoer dick. Hope your guy gets in.


2 hours ago

Kunce has the kind of bio that makes him a stellar nominee….Hawley has done little to justify his tenure but just being R may be enough to get him back in.


2 hours ago

It is in a Melbourne suburb called Brighton. Vey expensive, but close to my yacht club and as i said, shops etc.\


2 hours ago

Hey, sorry, I had to pop away for a moment!

AdLib2 hours ago

We’re edging into Spring here, which often means high winds.


2 hours ago

I will look it up…I have never been “down under” and I doubt I ever will get the chance to go but I have had the privilege and pleasure of getting to know some of those from “Oz”. and I, of course include you and your beloved in that cavalcade. I remain in awe at the grace you all displayed.


2 hours ago

Just to put things in perspective: Yep…

AdLib2 hours ago

I must say one Tweet made me laugh – it said Kamala’s baiting was like deeding gremlins after midnight. I brough out the manic orange bloc.


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

New polling today: Harris 50 – Trump 45 (+5) Morning Consult Harris 47 – Trump 42 (+5) Ipsos/Reuters Harris 49 – Trump 45 (+4) YouGov/Times (likely voters) Harris 50 – Trump 47 (+3) Leger/NYPost Harris 48 – Trump 45 (+3) SoCal

AdLib2 hours ago

It really shouldn’t be even that close!


2 hours ago

This was one of my favorite tweets about the debate:

AdLib2 hours ago

BTW….Ad….met the chairperson for Missouri Republicans for Harris yesterday.


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Ad…the Poll Meister!


2 hours ago

PPO – I don’t really think it is, I think Harris is closer to 7-8 points ahead but the polls are not capable of calculating that.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – Very cool! How was that conversation?

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – Just posting the data from someone else’s tweet.

AdLib2 hours ago

Oops – Murph has dropped out


2 hours ago

Looks like it. HELLLLO MURRPH!

AdLib2 hours ago

Youuuu Hoooo


2 hours ago

PPO – So what are folks your way thinking about the election here?

AdLib2 hours ago

The murdoch Media is spinning like a top trying to brainw – er- persuade us otherwise. But most of us see the trend to Dems all over. It really should be a blue tsunami this time.


2 hours ago

How is CL these days?


2 hours ago

Well I hope I am back…


2 hours ago

Yes, I think it will be a huge Blue Tsunami and it was announced today that a bipartisan group of House members including 6 Repubs have agreed to certify electors no matter what. That flatly ruins Trump’s main game plan of overthrowing the election in The House but I think he’ll still try in states.

AdLib2 hours ago

Yes, I see you


2 hours ago

PPO – CL is good, she should pop by shortly I hope.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – What happened?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad….I tried to look at your tweet recommendation and I got bounced.


2 hours ago

Murph – Oh! Try opening it in a different tab.

AdLib2 hours ago

So how about that debate?

AdLib2 hours ago

I closed it all down and started again. It took two tries.


2 hours ago

Murph – I think you have earned a new computer so you don’t have any more issues like that.

AdLib2 hours ago

I had no problem with it. Very funny. I see many Springfield pets are looking a bit scared right now.


2 hours ago

I have a concept of that debate!


2 hours ago

I saw a tweet with a terrified dog as the tv was playing the debate and one with a cat that literally pounced at Trump on the TV. Pets are smarter than MAGA!

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO – Heh!

AdLib2 hours ago

Most worms are smarter than MAGAs


2 hours ago

Ad….I met the man at a meeting of polling station volunteers….yeah I am doing that…..for a training session. During a break he and I had a chance to chat. A banker. Smart. Christian Conservative who has come to realize that his faith is being used against him and his church….and that led to a wider view and that led to his group……


2 hours ago

Murph. Good to hear that. Hopefully more will follow.


2 hours ago

8 years after Trump became president and promised a better health plan, while he tried to kill the ACA like 40 times, he still only has a concept of an idea of a proposition for a health care plan. It must be Infrastructure Week again too!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad….I think that my computer challenges here are the result of my being a Mac user and I think the platforms do not mesh as well as they should. My computer is only two years old….not stop of the line but a good one.


2 hours ago

Murph – So you’re saying they’re going to vote for Kamala?

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – I have a Mac too and have no trouble getting on or off the site. Maybe there’s something else going on. Do you use Safari? If so, try a different browswer like Firefox or Edge, that may solve it.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad, I get the impression that Reps will not vote for Kamala, but not for Mr. Blobby either.


2 hours ago

PPO – That works too.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad….the group is an interesting one….basically an association lay leaders from Christian Churches…..who feel they are being used by those who have misrepresented themselves….basically they have come to see themselves as “taken for granted suckers.”


2 hours ago

Ad…ah…I do use safari…..I will try out Firefox. I do not know Edge….You are so much more techy than I.


2 hours ago

Murph – That’s very good to hear and of course, they’re right. Trump is obviously not a Christian, knows nothing about the Bible or Jesus and just treats Christians like they’re saps he can easily con…and for the most part, he’s right.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph, Edge is Microsoft version of Google Chrome. Works fine.


2 hours ago

Murph – I’ve found that when certain sites don’t work well with one browser, I need to use a different one. But for the record, I’ve used Safari with this site and haven’t had issues.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad…I bow to your superior experience in these matters.


2 hours ago

Right, Chrome is another browser you could try. Always good to have at least 2 browsers on your computer, some sites don’t work as well on one or the other.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well, if they’re dumb enough to permit their ‘leaders’ to buy jets with their money, they are definitely gullibe suckers.


2 hours ago

Ad….apparently there was some kind of leadership gathering of leaders, both lay and minister, from these churches that invited the discussion.


2 hours ago

So Trump declared he won’t sell shares of his stock and the stock went up so some are saying if he does sell, he could be indicted for fraud and stock manipulation.

AdLib2 hours ago

So Ad, a worthless stock was made more worthy by the actions of a worthless jackass.


2 hours ago

PPO – No kidding! They see their “holy” men driving Porsches and living in massive mansions and yet they donate when he begs them to give all they can for God’s sake. Pretty disgusting.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – So there’s a bit of an awakening among some church leaders that they’ve been manipulated?

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – Well said!

AdLib2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Ad….I do not know…..we did not have a lot of time and both of us needed to move on once the meeting was done…..but we exchanged e mails. I am going to follow up.


2 hours ago

Trump has no doubt been drooling over selling that stock, now he’s painted himself into a corner. If he sells it now, many shareholders would be right to sue him for all of it.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey – the gang’s mostly all here. PPO!!!


2 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

HI there CL


2 hours ago

Hey Ad and Murph. Where’s TW? SO good to see PPO!


2 hours ago

Sorry I’m late. Got into a Twitter argument, and, well…


2 hours ago

Thanks, CL. Bad weather cancelled today’s racing so I am able to join in


2 hours ago

I now have Kamala gear….a hat, a couple of buttons, a yard sign, and a really neat banner….I will use them discretely but it will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me here that I am for the Woman who For the People.


2 hours ago

CL…twitter argument?


2 hours ago

Murph – good on you! I’m still looking for the PERFECT sign.


2 hours ago

Murph – What’s hard for me to understand is that Democrats preach love, compassion, morals, and ethics while Repubs shout they’re Christian yet practice traits that are just the opposite of Jesus’ and yet they support Repubs simply because they cloak themselves superficially in the claims of being Christian. I don’t fully understand the reasoning there.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – oh, some dork on immigrants. Was going OK until the idiot went off on me personally. Block.


2 hours ago

Murph, just don’t mention you had Fluffy for lunch with fava beans and a nice Chianti


2 hours ago

If you find one that you love….e mail me and give me the benefit of your great taste.


2 hours ago

PPO – Yeah. Taylor Swift would have AD for lunch if he ate Fluffy.


2 hours ago

PPO…..Busting a Gut! Good One.


2 hours ago

Well, I’m trying to find signs that pay into the campaign. Not that easy, actually.


2 hours ago

CL…I am sure you laid the dork low and then erased him/her


2 hours ago

I hope you all have seen the video of three Black teens rocking out – to a TAYLOR SWIFT SONG!!! Ad and I were howling about how great that is!


2 hours ago

CL – Lots of bogus alleged campaign entities out there posing as legit and stealing money. I trust the links on the official websites and ActBlue.

AdLib2 hours ago

Link, please, CL


2 hours ago

CL – I shared the link tonight of the SImpsons mixed in with Trump’s “They’re eating the cats1 They’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the pets in Springfield!”

AdLib2 hours ago

Hope this works:


2 hours ago

Ad….I am a Christian…Episcopalian….and I am proud that my church community is a “thinking body”…….Episcopal Churches are places that welcome diversity and exploration of new ideas.


2 hours ago

Ad – that one is so FINE.


2 hours ago

Sadly…I do not do X.


2 hours ago

Brilliant! Thanks for that.


2 hours ago

Any more thoughts germinating from the debate?


2 hours ago

Murph – totally agree about those Episcopalians. I knew one of the early female priests, a Canon in the Buffalo cathedral. She served one Christmas midnight mass about 9 months pregnant. A lot of old folks gave her the eye but NOT in disapproval. She told me later she was scared she;d go into labor that night. I said, well, if she did, a whole NEW religion would be born.


2 hours ago

Murph – Neither do I, I still have the Twitter app on my iPad so I am not technically on X.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – I would not suggest joining now, but I’ve been on 15 years this week, crossed the 500,000th post today. I am the Queen of the Fast Block, and all is peaceful in my little land.


2 hours ago

CL…..my Church meets in a barn that we modified…..our numbers remain small but that is not surprising. But we are active and healthy.


2 hours ago

I still am on Twitter, and ignore the propaganda. I do not watch any mainstream news these days.


2 hours ago

I think she mopped the floor with Trump. Odd. I usually use a mop. But he can’t figure out how to deal with her.


2 hours ago

Murph – those are some of the best churches. Kind of the way the whole thing started.


2 hours ago

Murph – Well said about Episcopalians. I think spirituality works best when people feel free to think for themselves. It means the religion can grow and be vital as opposed to ones mired in the past that are intolerant of change and reason.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL – I am still floored by your Twitter post count!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad….and CL….we are on the same page…..


2 hours ago

I was a tangential member of St. Paul Cathedral in Buffalo. I loved it partly because it was so freaking gothic. When the organist hit the deep bass, the whole building vibrated. REALLY cool. Miss it. The cathedral here is too modern for my tastes. But a barn. Now that would do.


an hour ago

CL…HOW, given all you do, did you get to that number 500,000


an hour ago

Ad – I am pretty surprised. Had no idea I was that wordy.


an hour ago

Murph – I figured out today that if I just say “yes” or something, it counts as a post.


an hour ago

CL….now, that does not surprise me….you are a Word Maven!


an hour ago

Adn remember it’s over 15 YEARS.


an hour ago

PPO – I have essentially cut out MSM from my usual media diet. The slanted pile-on with Biden was the last straw for me, MSNBC was part of the problem too so I’ve crossed them all off in general. I record Maddow, occassionally watch Lawrence, but most days, no MSNBC, CNN, etc.

AdLiban hour ago

I do watch MSNBC, but only the folks I like.


an hour ago

Our priest, a married woman with a contractor husband and four kids in their pre teen and teen years, is amazing. She pastors wonderfully.


an hour ago

I have subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer, to the Beaver County Times (or some such) for regional info, and to the NYT puzzles. Not the paper but the word games. That’s it.


an hour ago

The Catholics better catch up with married priests or they’re toast.


an hour ago

I think Kamala broke Trump’s facade wide open. He looked deranged, old, hateful, and thanks to decent moderators, a total liar. Kamala looked professional, smart, and presidential. Trump’s act and this eating pets insanity just seems to have shattered his image with non-MAGAs.

AdLiban hour ago

Funnily enough, they have married priests in remote areas, but no in built up ones.


an hour ago

My history prof as an undergrad had been a Jesuit priest. He left the order and married a former nun. Two of the coolest people I ever knew. He was involved in CORPUS – Council of Reserved Priests US. He never did get called back. He has died. LOVED them.


an hour ago

The NYT is crap now, we have essentially a free subscription and it’s barely worth that but my wife relies on it for her job…not to mention the cooking sections.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – they do, and it’s ridiculous. They hold the fiction higher than the need.


an hour ago

Fergie1’s cousin, Timothy was a Trappist monk. He switched to Antiochian Orthodox and married with 3 children. Lovely guy.


an hour ago

I remember the day she won me over for good……she addressed the oft proclaimed tenet that “all things are in God’s hands….HE is in charge….and we are not”. Her response….if God is in charge of all that happens in this very messed up word then he or she or them is either an underachiever, or incompetent or vile…..” That create quite the tempest…..her position- Jesus was telling us the truth- this world is not his kingdom…if it were how could what happened to him have happened.


an hour ago

Ad – Greg does have a NYT subscription for work. I don’t use the cooking section since we have such a restricted food list. I have become a bad cook, so I stick to what I can do well. NYT wants too many exotic items, too. Just do NOT know where to get that lark’s tongue…


an hour ago

Nor would I want to.


an hour ago

However, The Pope came out this week condemning both Kamala and Trump without mentioning their names because of abortion. He told followers they’d have to vote for “the lesser of two evils”. Is it me or has Pope Francis been getting a bit more intolerant along the way?

AdLiban hour ago

CL, wanted to do the rhinoceros foot on toast, but ran out of bread.


an hour ago

Murph – wow. She would win me, too! GREAT commentary. Met a Black Presbyterian minister who noted, with NO pushback from the women’s group, that the crucifixion is not the point. It happened to tens of thousands. It’s the MESSAGE and the uplift not the suffering and fear that should matter to us.


an hour ago

PPO – Maybe it’s hemispheric? You have the rhino. We have the bread?


an hour ago

What the Pope has to say on matters like this means virtually nothing to me.


an hour ago

Murph – I really like him MOST of the time. But he can be an ass.


an hour ago

Murph – That is a very thoughtful and enlighted statement for a priest to make. But it isn’t incompatible with Christianity if one accepts that human beings are endowed with free will.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…Francis is likable but he exists in a structure that make hypocrisy sacred.


an hour ago

Ditto, Murph.


an hour ago

CL – “Lark’s tongue”! Heh! Well, I confess to texting her the recipe this week to Brownie Cookies.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – that’s a perfect analysis.


an hour ago

But leaving out the lark’s tongue and eye of newt.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – See? Can’t do wheat, can’t do sugar, can’t do chocolate, so all I get left with is butter for the pan and air.


an hour ago

The pastor also quote Woody Allen who once said….If GOD is in charge then someone should fire the SOB” then she laughed pointing out that Allen’s spin is one she appreciates even if the tone is a bit off.


an hour ago

So, putting aside the superstition of “jinxing” the election, does it feel to folks here that Trump is losing and will lose?

AdLiban hour ago

We are close to UCC, church of my familial origins. They quote Gracie Allen, “Don’t put a period where God only put a comma.” That is an OFFICIAL statement on their site. Or was.


an hour ago



an hour ago



an hour ago

CL – Sorry, I know you’re both on a specific diet. At Costco, we found sugar free chocolate chips and we have a sugar substitute so no sugar in the cookies she makes nowadays. I’m fine with that. But not being able to eat chocolate, no substitute for that.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – My doctor said I’m not getting enough grubs in my diet so thanks!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…the weakening of explicit support for Trump here is obvious. A friend in Indiana who is very astute sees no such pattern there. What does that say? Is Indiana more regressive and Mo more progressive? I often recall that Indiana was the home state for the KKK for nearly 50 years…so…


an hour ago

Pleasure, Ad. Now, I’m saying cheerio for this week. Hope to be back again soon. I feel that the Mid-USA is finally getting the message about Mr Blobby. Cheers!


an hour ago

Ad and PPO – I avoid grubs. Not enough fiber.


an hour ago

Wonderful to see you PPO.


an hour ago

Murph – Maybe some red states like Indiana are too brainwashed by Trump to shake themselves out of it and see all the signs that he’s losing but I think it’s also possible that many may be trying to keep a brave face on and pretend Trump is winning even though deep down they dread November.

AdLiban hour ago

The issue w chocolate is caffein. Greg can’t have any. Even carob is a problem, and it sucks anyway.


an hour ago

Ad…that is possible.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Good to see you, PPO! Thank the wind for me!

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Is there such a thing as decaf chocolate?

AdLiban hour ago

I see that Ad and CL are still here but I am not….HaH


an hour ago

Ad – not sure, but not that I’ve found.


an hour ago

I see you Murph! You’re in the left hand window on my screen.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…..but I am no longer in the list on my screen….and yet I can post….I am like the Holy Ghost.


an hour ago

We live without. We do OK with caramel and other flavors. But he’s going to a conference at the end of October, and i’m, buying a half gallon of Moose Tracks.


an hour ago

As for the election, I am quite pleased that Kamala looks very strong in NC, saw her rally there today and heard about tons of college students registering. She wins NC and Trump has no path to winning.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – I didn’t want to bring up your otherworldliness here. But now you mention it, it’s rather ephemeral, isn’t it?


an hour ago

I am SO in love with the Taylor Swift registrations – 400K in a day. SOMETHING VERY FINE IS HAPPENING TO AMERICA!


an hour ago

CL…Murph Ephemeral…..Catchy!


an hour ago

And not to mention Taylor Swift locking up the night for Kamala and over 400,000 using her links to register to vote.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – As you were saying, such a wide array of demographics coming together for Kamala and all Trump has are the Laura Loomers.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – don’t we have to call you Murph the Ephemeral to keep the classic phrasing? John the Baptist. Etheldred the Unready. That sort of thing.


an hour ago

I watched the entire rally in the heart of non-Democratic NC…….gosh she is fine…..she is lifting up political performance in the same way that Obama did….


an hour ago

Murph, the Ephemeral One….ok I would accept that title.


an hour ago

Murph – when she was here I KNOW the communities of color loved her. No doubt about it. With the rest of us, there was an edge. Black women need that. But i didn’t actually LIKE her. So after becoming VP, I think the Bidens let her be more gentle, softer, and more assured so that edge doesn’t need to be there. Doug didn’t hurt either! He is the perfect person for her.


an hour ago

I don’t think the election will be as close as the polls and MSM portray, I think Kamala is likely to win NC so she could already be essentially the winner even before the West Coast comes in.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….DOUG….he is to her as Michelle as to Barack.


an hour ago

Ad – I totally agree.


an hour ago

Murph – I agree. Doug has her back. When women find someone like that, it’s gold.


an hour ago

CL….I appreciate your analysis of Kamala before….and Kamala now….actually raises her further in my estimation,


an hour ago

Don’t tell anyone but I know someone who knows Doug.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – who, who? Or, never mind – what does he have to say?


an hour ago

He or she.


an hour ago

Just saying, Doug was a lawyer here in LA so many people out here would know him.

AdLiban hour ago

BTW…my British friends (chums)….LOVE Kamala….and tell me that the public in the UK is “over the moon” about her candidacy and are hoping that she emerges as the champion


an hour ago

Ad – that makes sense.


an hour ago

That’s really great to know, Murph!


an hour ago

CL – I think Kamala is more seasoned after being VP, the kind of “pushy” prosecutor demeanor seems to have evolved into the more thoughtful and strategic politician.

AdLiban hour ago

Of course the Brits got to know Donnie who had the temerity to walk in FRONT of the Queen, so we could send almost ANYONE else, and they’d be relieved.


an hour ago

Most Brits, and I think most Europeans, regard the U.S. role in leadership of NATO as indispensable. Trump scares the shit out of them.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Murph – if I were a democracy, Donald would scare the shit out of me.


an hour ago

Murph – I think anyone who appreciates smart, thoughtful, good humored human beings would love Harris even more than usual because of her standing in Trump’s path to dictatorship. Who around the world wouldn’t want someone as sharp and confident and compassionate to lead their country. Poor UK is stuck with Starmer.

AdLiban hour ago

We are in the new “Great Schism”. Fascism v democracy. We will see how it plays out, but I think democracy is going to win.


an hour ago

You know how dumb Trump is….and how brazen…..who does he cite as a role model…dictators….across the world. Yeah, the Brits hate him….I have several Dutch and Finnish friends and they REALLY despise him.


an hour ago

You know the statue of the little girl standing in front of the bull on Wall Street? I see Harris as the adult version of her.


an hour ago

Ad…the Brits have had a bad run in leadership of late……


an hour ago

CL…wonderful image


an hour ago

Murph – I spend quite some time in England and Wales and am pretty appalled at what’s happening to that lovely country.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, agreed, democracy vs. fascism and I was worried it would be a coin flip but Kamala’s rise has created a movement that has quickly captured the imagination of most Americans and given the fight against fascism the advantage by far.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – as you and I have discussed, this is damned near miraculous! It’s as if the nation was starving and someone provided a banquet.


an hour ago

Murph – Trump’s example of support in the debate was from Orban! So of course, no leaders in Europe or smart people in the US would look at that as a good thing.

AdLiban hour ago

We do need to remember Trump, slovenly jerk he is, is only a figurehead for forces we have only begun to see clearly. You and I were part of the Great Reveal in Palm Springs all those years ago. There is much to be done to the RW. But this is an essential start.


an hour ago

Murph – Labour in the UK is in the same rut as Dems used to be years ago, they don’t have exceptional people in their leadership so when Tories destroy the country as always and it’s their turn, they have mediocre to poor leadership.

AdLiban hour ago

Great reveal? Do tell!


an hour ago

Ad…good analysis.


an hour ago

CL – It is as close to a miracle as you could have in politics, like Lincoln being the president when he was, FDR, JFK (CRA only happened because of him, his death and LBJ’s morality). Kamala’s story joins theirs, coming just when America needed her to be there and against the odds.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad and I met in Palm Springs – we’d been talking here on PPOV. We picketed the Koch family annual meeting. From there we have chased the threads of the RW for years. Only now is all becoming clear. But we were in on the start with Common Cause whose head, Bob Edgar, was formerly the head of the National Council of Churches.


an hour ago

I stand in awe of both of you. I do.


an hour ago

Ad – that’s a very good summation of the thread of American politics. That’s all true.’


an hour ago

Well, we had a major blast in Palm Springs. Had an excellent dinner, too! It was both meaningful AND fun, and Ad and I have been bonded on issues ever since.


an hour ago

So true, CL. The plutocrats who have been reluctantly standing Trump up (they’d prefer a less toxic puppet who doesn’t lose as much) have been pushing for this moment for decades. Even now, Musk is licking his lips at having autocratic control over our government, a man who could never legally be president but sees himself as the power behind the Cheeto.

AdLiban hour ago

You guys certainly lighten and enlighten me.


an hour ago

One of the best parts of our work is that we never take it so seriously we can’t have fun! I think if you ever leave MO, that is what you need in a community.


an hour ago

Looks like TW is trying to get in!

AdLiban hour ago

AND if…..we somehow get out of this mess….a reformation of our governing system is required…..but how is that to be done?


an hour ago

CL – That was a very historic event and of course meeting you then was for me too! I remember Brietbart on rollerskates in front of the Koch event’s property, sneering at all of us protesters and ridiculing us. When he died, that was just fine with me.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…really? I will wait a bit longer.


44 minutes ago

I don’t know if TW is having trouble logging on or what.

AdLib44 minutes ago

Yeah – I remember the guy on roller skates, no CLUE it as Breitbart. Just thought he was an ass. Well, I was correct…


43 minutes ago

Murph – Are you referring to MO or the country when you talk about “this mess”?

AdLib43 minutes ago

Oh, that would be fine to have TW.


43 minutes ago

Both…..one a subset of the other.


42 minutes ago

CL – Yes, I recognized Breitbart from his media appearances and who could mistake that sneer. I imagined how fun it would be to watch him fall face first on his rollerskates (he had to have planned that and thought how clever he was to bring rollerskates). One down, many to go.

AdLib41 minutes ago

Murph – end the filibuster. I KNOW it’s useful to us when the GOP are in power, but not that useful. Reform SCOTUS. Take away the eternal “hold” Senators have on so many issues. Demand a CR when a budget isn’t in the offing. Make it harder for the Rw to control anything and everything.’


41 minutes ago

Ad – well, he’s DEAD now, so never mind the roller skates…


41 minutes ago

brb – cats demanding to be fed.


40 minutes ago

Here is an aside: a neighbor who is not a friend ran into me at our local grocer and asked if I was happy with the debate. I said I was at which point he said: “Well you know she cheated. Those talking heads from the network gave her a copy of their script along with a set of code words to use to shift the action during the debate.” How else could he and his ilk explain the night?


40 minutes ago

Murph – I do think if Dems can run the table in the election, that the filibuster will be tossed aside and big reforms and bills will be passed over the cries of unprincipled Repubs.

AdLib39 minutes ago

CL…I endorse your list of what is to be done.


39 minutes ago

CL – Do they allow rollerskates in Hell?

AdLib38 minutes ago

CL…that would be grand.


38 minutes ago

Well…the witching hour is upon me….so I need to go. As Always…what a fine way to spend a Friday Night!!!!!


37 minutes ago

Murph – Exactly. The moderators only disputed Trump’s many lies three times, how did that control his end of the debate? Kamala got checked once but Trump lied at least 33 times and Kamala was allegedly incorrect once. It’s like, “Red lights are rigged because I keep getting tickets but the people next to me who stop at the light haven’t gotten a single ticket!”

AdLib36 minutes ago

Ad….those conversation diversions also crossed my mind.


35 minutes ago

It is literally the reasoning of a 4 year old, these MAGAs who think that either their monster wins or the debate/election/guilty verdict is rigged.

AdLib35 minutes ago

Need to go…have a good night…..Murph


34 minutes ago

Night Murph!

AdLib34 minutes ago

It may be hard to believe but I think the end of the Trump/MAGA era is at hand and most of America and the world will breathe a big sigh of relief.

AdLib33 minutes ago

TW! You finally made it!

AdLib32 minutes ago

Yes, sitll working a certain issue


32 minutes ago


AdLib32 minutes ago

Murph was trying to stay until you got here but he ran out of gas.

AdLib32 minutes ago

It looks like every has retired for the night


32 minutes ago

CL went away for a bit to feed her cats but is coming back.

AdLib31 minutes ago

PPO was here for a little bit at the start. Winds were too strong to sail.

AdLib30 minutes ago

CL feeding her cats? Wow she clearly is on JD’s list and Trump’s


30 minutes ago

CL does qualify along with Taylor Swift as a childless cat lady.

AdLib30 minutes ago



30 minutes ago

Well, something tells me neither Trump or JD would be able to stand up to them


29 minutes ago

I would actually like to see CL and Taylor sing a duet about Trump.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Back with cats fed, homeless people donated to, pesky friends of homeless reminded NOT to yell down my drive. Life is an endless series of interruptions.


29 minutes ago

CL – Life is a better place to be for cats and many people thanks to you! How are things going with the suit against the lawyer?

AdLib28 minutes ago

Ad – I’d dampen her fan enthusiasm. But I do appreciate her!


28 minutes ago

Hey CL cats huh well you’re certainly are the Trump JD list.


28 minutes ago

Or…you could gain millions of fans!

AdLib28 minutes ago

In addition to us.

AdLib27 minutes ago

Ad – i sent off the certified letter to the attorney telling him to pay up. I hired a private eye to find him. Name of the firm, very good, is “Gotcha investigations”. And they did get him.


27 minutes ago

TW – GREAT to see you! I guess Murph had to get some sleep. So we’re doing this as the Moveable Feast talk to night.


26 minutes ago

I doubt an aging woman would add much to Taylor’s cachet.


26 minutes ago

I saw that all entities that aggregate polls to arrive at a likelihood of the election winner have Harris ahead by a healthy percentage…except Peter Thiel’s betting site repped by sellout Nate Silver. They put Trump ahead by like 3%. Bogus polls don’t change results.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Sorry I missed him wanted to ask him about his candidate seeming making a damn good race out the senate run


25 minutes ago

Ad – when you discover the ‘backstory’ to polls it takes the sparkle out of most of them.


25 minutes ago

CL – Love it! So he’s been in hiding to avoid your suit or other suits chasing him too?

AdLib25 minutes ago

Criminals can run but they can’t hide for very long


24 minutes ago

CL – Murph kept the seat warm for TW.

AdLib23 minutes ago

TW – here’s where MO is a crap shoot. It’s definitely backwoods in many areas. Home of the Assemblies of God. Lots of meth, lots of opioids, stupid shit people. But…you never know. Lucas is of there. Hawley isn’t even FROM there much less lives there. The polls being largely bent, I’m thinking Lucas has a shot.


23 minutes ago

Ad – very kind of Murph!


23 minutes ago

Tw – that’s a good point. Hawley is really corrupt, and maybe, just MAYBE, women will quietly vote Dems this year.


22 minutes ago

CL did a quick look up on Hawley and figure he is the entitled brat that thinks he is will let’s just leave it at brat


21 minutes ago

CL – Indeed. Not only are there plenty of polls that are intentionally political and wrong, intending to discourage the other side, but I think the science of polling is broken due to the complexities and the volitile nature of the public’s sensibilities. IMO, there is no way polling can pick up the Kamala enthusiasm, the bounce in voter registration, the continuing upset over Roe being overturned, the prominance of openly declaring a dictatorship and fascism if Trump wins, too many factors the science of polls can’t accommodate.

AdLib20 minutes ago

I knew the folks from MO are deeply religious or claim to be but did not know the other stuff.


20 minutes ago

TW – America has WAY too many entitled brats. People are tired of it. JD said of Swift that people wouldn’t be moved by a billionaire out of touch with them. And then someone posted a photo of Trump in his NY apartment, and JD went silent.


20 minutes ago

Tell me a bit more about the polls


20 minutes ago

I agree, I’m sort of addressing that in a new artilce I’m writing for Medium


19 minutes ago

CL – And the abortion rights proposition will be on the ballot in MO (and FL!) and that can bring in Dem and Dem leaning indie voters to vote for Kunce who polls can’t calculate into the mix.

AdLib19 minutes ago

I did not know the Hawley clerked for Roberts


18 minutes ago

CL – I think Vance will lose his re-election to the Senate (after losing with Trump) because the ads are already written, he has lied for political advantage and has turned his brought bomb threats and death threats to his own constituents. I just hope there’s no actual violence but if there is, the blood of his own constituents would be on his hands.

AdLib16 minutes ago

TW – I had a friend in Springfield MO who worked w the NAACP there. She riled up the skinheads who came to her house w guns only to be greeted by HER with a gun and four pits. She moved out of state shortly thereafter. Skinheads abound. Branson is white supremacy central. If you see the film, “Winter’s Bone”, it’s set in the MO Ozarks and tells the tale of the poverty and violence poverty generates. Ghastly stuff. MO is where my grandfather hailed from. My grandmother GG grandaughter of abolitionists married him not know what a racist, anti Semite he was . An English ;prof, he was an America First person in the 1940s. My grandmother left him over it. MO hate is to the bone.


16 minutes ago

I’m sure you all covered Trump and his association with that spiteful woman he is hanging with right now that is make MTG very jealous.


15 minutes ago

I think Kamala will win NC but the real fun one, the real potential sleeper is FL. They are voting against De Santis’ hand picked nominees and I think authoritarian exhaustion has spread big there. And with the pro-choice proposition bringing out extra Dem voters, Kamala just might be able to squeak out a win there. I saw more and more pro-Kamala marches and golf cart rallies in The Villages! A usual Repub stronghold!

AdLib13 minutes ago

So in other words they never got over the Civil War


13 minutes ago

Ad – Remember in 2012 Obama won Ohio. DeWine really effed up East Palestine. While the GOP blame Biden, Ohioans KNOW it was DeWine who REFUSED federal help and let Norfolk Southern burn the chemicals that now impact everyone for miles around. The guy who cleaned out my ex’s house looks like someone from Duck Dynasty, but he’s actually pretty liberal, and he’s from that impacted area. No love spent on the GOP there. So who knows? I’m really sorry Tom died before he could vote for Kamala. Oh, well.


13 minutes ago

CL – You’ve mentioned that before but it’s still quite a stunning story.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Life is much more complex than one sees on the surface. I try to deep dive on people because nothing is ever quite what it seems.


11 minutes ago

TW – Well, we only barely mentioned Loomer but the fact that Trump is openly flirting with an avowed anti-semite and racist is reflective of how desperate he is, he knows he’s losing and needs worshippers around him to keep his spirits up.

AdLib11 minutes ago

Just to share with both of you, my son died just before Obama was sworn in but his daughter who be eightteen next month will get the see the first woman President


10 minutes ago

Every homeless person here who uses our address is never told HOW to vote only TO vote. Then I answer questions about who wants what. I now have a pack of Dems registered here.


10 minutes ago

Oh, TW I did not know that! I am SO sorry. It’s grand you have a granddaughter who is enlightened and can enjoy this election. I do think Kamala is going to win, and it’s amazing to me. I am very sorry for the loss of your son, though. That’s heartbreaking to read much less to experience.


9 minutes ago

AQd – Twitterverse thinks Loomer will produce at least one more Trump progeny. These people are ghastly.


8 minutes ago

Sorry you lost Tom, CL. As for his state, I don’t expect much this year but if Dems win control of Congress and the WH, if voting rights are passed and gerrymandering outlawed, OH could definitely be in line to be a swing state again.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad – that’s what I hope, but I will say the Dems in Ohio are really dumb and poorly organized. How Brown has held on is a testament to HIM, not the party.


6 minutes ago

And Texas! But not with the fascists there this year, I have little hope Dems can overpower the corruption and vote suppression Repubs use every election in TX.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Thank you for the kind words, he would have loved to see Obama take the oath not that he was political but just see someone like him as President. Now his daughter will get to see someone like her as she is like Kamala take the oath of office. Her winning will stem the tide for the moment and hopfully allow people to realize democracy is indeed what they want not what Trump is sell them.


6 minutes ago

CL – So true, the complexity of people.

AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad – I have never recovered from Paxton saying Biden would have won if he hadn’t held back 250,000 absentee ballots. And still he survives!


5 minutes ago

TW – I am so glad your granddaughter can be a voter in this amazing, historic moment!


4 minutes ago

TW very happy for your granddaughter to see someone like herself become the first and most powerful person in the world, and to get there from humble beginnings. As always though, very sorry about your son.

AdLib4 minutes ago

There are other Trump like people out there who are way smarter and far smoother than Trump who could if they were to win, move the country to an autocratic rule but if the Dems win it will be a while for that to happen, well, that is what I think for the moment.


3 minutes ago

CL – You don’t have to tell your tenants how to vote, they see and connect with your compassion and that’s a trait that only exists in one of the two parties.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Well, dear friends, I’m glad I stayed to see you, TW, and to have this wonderful conversation, but I’m up and off tomorrow to send postcards to people in a swing state. Got my day full with that! I will see you all in TWO weeks. We will be up in Ashland OR next week, but I will be here the following Friday. Have a good two weeks. May all be well and may the force be with us! Good night!


2 minutes ago

Well it looks like we still managed to close the bar together once again, will give you call in a moment.,


a minute ago

CL – If Loomer has Trump’s baby, I have an idea what it will look like.

AdLiba few seconds ago

Sounds good!

AdLibin a few seconds

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