Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the weeks events begins tonight at 7 PM PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib5 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey I hear early


an hour ago

Two minutes early. You get first dibs on the snacks.

AdLiban hour ago

The TexMex eggrolls are tasty.

AdLiban hour ago

Well what do you think of Merchan’s decision to push out sentenceing, Rove thinks its a good idea it doesn’t give Trump and October surprise.


an hour ago

Egg rolls


an hour ago

I love thos mini egg rolls


an hour ago

I’ve been reading a lot of opinions on Merchan’s ruling. Some say that it was smart because it prevents the SCOTUS from making a pro-Trump ruling before the election. Others claim that if Merchan is intending to sentence Trump to prison, this makes more sense and some say that he may intend to send him to prison immediately and appeal from prison but I doubt that. I read Merchan’s statement and while I found it reasonable, if it doesn’t result in a prison sentence, Merchan will have betrayed his position IMO.

AdLiban hour ago

What do you think?

AdLiban hour ago

Me too. First had TexMex eggrolls at Cheesecake Factory and have had them elsewhere too, damn tasty!

AdLiban hour ago

Honestly I don’t know what to think but I would like to read those opinions you just cited send me the links later so I can check them out.


an hour ago

Will do!

AdLiban hour ago

Evening, gentlemen!


an hour ago

CL is in the house


an hour ago

Hay, TW – Hi, AD!


an hour ago

CL good to see you as always


an hour ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Here’s one from a great source, Angry Staffer who is a professional staffer in DC:

AdLiban hour ago

That was “hey”, not “hay”. Sorry!


an hour ago

Andrew Weissmann:

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I follow Angry Staffer and saw that. I think it was wise, though some have said he should have sentenced and deferred showing up to Rikers. But keeping SCOTUS out of it is wise.


an hour ago

I saw Weissman and agree


an hour ago

Glenn Kirschner:

AdLiban hour ago

Agree with Kirschner, too.


an hour ago

Ad I know I want to see Trump in gray jump suit not orange because it would match his makeup but jumpsuit none the less with a number on it. But, if getting sentence would become fodder for people to vote for him maybe it makes sense so reading those other opinons will help. Are we talking the meidas touch site?


an hour ago

Anything that keeps Trump from promoting his victimhood is good now.


an hour ago

DID YOU SEE that he ADMITTED yesterday he lost the election! His closest followers – Nick Fuentes, Charlie Kirk – are FURIOUS.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, these propositions supporting Merchan’s delay make sense but I have to say, my expectation now is that he must sentence Trump to prison in Nov or it will be a huge betrayal of the public and justice. I think Merchan is principled so my bet is that he will do so. Far less happy with any house arrest sentence but incarceration is necessary or all of this is a farce.

AdLiban hour ago

The two I read seem to make sense,why give the Trump fools something to work with, let him stew for a little longer, he’s going to jail.


an hour ago

I don’t think he would have delayed if he was NOT sending Trump to prison.


an hour ago

Cl saw that why isn’t MSM playing that up?


an hour ago

TW – I read another legit Twitterer who said Merchan just robbed Trump of huge fundraising by delaying the sentence.

AdLiban hour ago

CL do you think his lawyers might be telling Trump that?


an hour ago

Now that Trump admitted in public he lost, the sentence is even more powerful. And despite everything, Judge Chutkan soldiers on. She rather acerbically told Trump’s attorneys she wasn’t interested in the election. Whooo – slice and dice.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, I saw that and chuckled at Fuentes throwing a tantrum over Trump admitting he lost! Pretty funny!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – yes, he certainly did lose on fund raising!


an hour ago

I doubt his attorney tell him anything, TW. I think he blurts the truth now and then, and we need to be there for it. MSM is NOT writing such things.


an hour ago

How about Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala? I despise the man but if Bernie AND Dick Cheney are supporting the Dem candidate, doesn’t that pretty much cement Kamala as the “Save America Candidate” vs. the “Destroy America Candidate”?

AdLiban hour ago

Fuentes was trying to rein it in at the end of the tirade. Too late.


an hour ago

Ad now I wondering if what the folks saying is a form of dealing with the grief on not seeing him walked out in cuffs to a jail are we in the bargining stage here?


an hour ago

TW – They do make sense even though I am disappointed that Trump isn’t sentenced before Election Day, I do appreciate the logic though.

AdLiban hour ago

Can’t tell you the name of the guy who just said it this afternoon that Obama said they were going to sit their “fat ass” plunk in the middle of some issues. And the commentators agreed that is what works., 100 CEOs of major companies endorsed Harris. This is big – she’s plunk in the middle which is the centerpoint from which things change.


an hour ago

Ad as said a sec ago, some of what I’m reading makes sense, I guess I’m just a bit disappointed he didn’t get hammered. But, what you and CL are pointing out maked sense, don’t give him anything he can use to rally his base and get him back behind the Resolute Desk.


an hour ago

TW – if we win WH and both houses, we can get things done including making sure the courts can lock him up.


an hour ago

CL I agree, it’s funny the idiot running the House thinks they will both the House and Senate.


an hour ago

Mike Johnson does not seem to realize his term ends Dec. 30. If Dems take the House, he’s out as Speaker. He can’t take that in.


an hour ago

CL – You point out a huge problem for Trump now. Jack Smith’s case is predicated on Trump knowing he lost the election, thus all his efforts to overturn the election were knowingly criminal acts. I have to think Smith is popping the champagne corks now, after revising his filing for Chutkin that will now be able to use Trump’s own admission that he knew he lost. Such a brief and fleeting statement could be a pivotal tool to lock Trump away for many years.

AdLiban hour ago

Yup – a lot of good comes from his lack of self control. He just handed Smith a HUGE bit of evidence.


an hour ago

Ad I hope they kept that clip. It seems to me that is clear proof he knew he lost even if it was by a whisker he admitted he lost.


an hour ago

TW – You have a great point there, I’ll bet a whole Trump-supporting industry was prepped and ready to launch on Trump being sentenced and now, Trump and his cult have to be perversely angered that he wasn’t sentenced to prison!

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Good point, those 100 CEOs coming out to back Kamala while Dick Cheney does on the same day is a real 1-2 punch into Trump’s distended gut.

AdLiban hour ago

The institutional Right (Heritage et al.) know Trump’s insane and not long for this world. They pushed him to pick JD who would shiv Trump in a nanosecond, invoke the 25th and implement P. 2025 fully. They know Trump falters, is declining in the polls, and this is where the Russian disinformation program is so important. AND Garland and DOJ just blew that up. Sites are coming down like dominoes. Everything they planned is failing. And I am here for it.


an hour ago

I am a little annoyed at Nate Silver’s propaganda project, as he works for Thiel, happily using RW phony polls so he can declare that Trump has stopped Kamala’s momentum and is ahead of her. Such prostitution should be illegal in politics.

AdLiban hour ago

People are paying less and less attention to polling because of such things. They see locally the disconnect between polls and outcomes. Silver shot his wad years ago. He’s often wrong. People don’t trust him anyway, and now being on a leash to Thiel, he has NO cred.


an hour ago

Trump is known for putting his own foot in his mouth because he doesn’t know when to shut his trap, he just keep talking and talking to bad for him good for us. Because I want believe Smith’s team had 57 copies of that video and will gladdly send 57 bottles of Heniz catsup to him to throw at the wall is Mar a Largo


an hour ago

TW – I am 100% certain that Smith who proves constantly how brilliant he is, has made multiple copies of Trump admitting he lost, there’s another clip from earlier in the year when he let it slip too and I’m sure Smith has that as well, and will crush Trump’s defense of ignorance with those and all of the texts and conversations he had that admitted this.

AdLiban hour ago

Side bar to make a point: In Buffalo when I lived there, LOTS of things were done poorly. One pundit said, “Sooner or later every city shoots itself in the foot. Only Buffalo goes back and reloads.” That’s Trump – only HE has an AR-15.


an hour ago

Ad – those videos are the second and third rounds of Trump’s gun.


an hour ago

CL now you know why all my years of living in Syracuse I only visted Buffalo two times that I can remember.


an hour ago

The man cannot shut up, occasionally blurts the truth, and he is literally his own worst enemy EVEN if I’m alive. (h/t to Dorothy Parker)


an hour ago

TW – I get that. I love the city because I knew so many wonderful people. They are all gone now.


an hour ago

CL – I was about to mention that too, the Russian bribery and propaganda operation that DoJ just exposed could reach deeply into the GOP and is so incredibly damning of the whole party which has had both influencers and politicians singing from the same Putin handbook to sabotage America. I wonder if any GOP congresspeople are going to be nailed, perhaps after the election?

AdLiban hour ago

Murph is in the House break out the good stuff Ad


an hour ago

Ad – if Garland didn’t have the whole story, he would not have announced. But he will take it piece by piece. Gonna be fun. Get popcorn futures!


an hour ago

Better late than GOP….


an hour ago



an hour ago

TW….you are so kind….diitto for CL…..howdy AD!


an hour ago

CL – True about Silver but it really annoys me that so many truths are always disputed!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

So what is the hot topic here tonight….I just came from a Kunce meeting….I would so love for him to win but it is a long, long shot I fear.


an hour ago

Murph – You missed a lot of great stuff, scroll back and check some of it out!

AdLiban hour ago

Anyone think the Russian help that Trump asked for his what he is getting now with all these folks getting caught up doing the phony stuff to help is campaing?


an hour ago

Murph what do his numbers look like compared to Run-away Howley?


an hour ago

Ad…..I will look back later.


an hour ago

Tw…still down by 9


an hour ago

Is that your polling or being reported by the media?


an hour ago

TW….per the media…our internal polling is 7 or 8


an hour ago

TW – Yes on the ketchup tsunami at Mar-a-Lago! And let’s add to that, legal pundits confirming that Jack Smith’s filing to Judge Chutkin will be made public, will happen no later than October, and will be a damning indictment of Trump’s crimes in trying to overthrow the election and may reveal shocking new evidence to Americans. Trump is going down!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad what has Hawley delievered for your state and can the folks there identify anything he has done to improve things in your state?


an hour ago

TW…..Hawley is a first class loser whose laziness is epic only to be matched by his ego…..and yet he is GOP and that is all that really counts.


an hour ago

Murph – I am really horrified to hear that.


an hour ago

CL – You’re right, Garland is revealing the depth of the Russian scheme to pervert our democracy and elections and i bet some Repubs in Congress are wetting their diapers about now.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – indirectly Garland made clear that they had the goods from the Russian end of things, so yes, the traitors in Congress HAVE to suspect they’re fingered.


an hour ago

Murph so he doesn’t have to do anything for them but bash Dems and the folks in your state are hope and sleep soundly at night?


an hour ago

CL…horrified but not surprised…..I joined the campaign in no small part to let Kunce know that he had my support and that of people like me….he deserves our public acknowledgement.


an hour ago

TW…that pretty much sums it it up.


an hour ago

TW – Now, don’t dismiss the great contribution that Hawley the Wimp made in writing a book on “masculinity”. Even guys with “beards” can stand up for manly men.


an hour ago

Macho Hawlwy…a legend in his own mind but in our time.


an hour ago

Murph – Very disappointing to hear but…this is not an election where polling will be very accurate. I have seen numbers of young voters, women, PoC, etc. registering to vote in a way we’ve never seen before. And the discouragement factor that could lead MAGAs to give up on voting will be a factor. We don’t know exactly what the makeup of voters will be but from the registration numbers…and from various polls showing Kamala within a few points of Trump in FL and TX, we could see results that defy polling in a huge way.

AdLiban hour ago

Well, Murph, I should be the last one surprised. Grandfather, Purdue PhD candidate, English lit prof, well educated former farm boy from Gentry County was a raving racist and anti Semite. he was an America First person in the 1940s. So, sad to say, I get it.


an hour ago

CL I’m not going to comment on his supposed masculinity I’ve seem more maculitinity in a squashed ant that still wiggles around after stepped on several times.


an hour ago

CL – Some of said that the terrified influencers like Tim Pool are now panicked and ratting out everyone and anyone they can to stay out of prison. That could help the DoJ nail so much more of the GOP.

AdLib43 minutes ago

TW – good analogy. Hawley seems very in the closet, and normally I’d not sneer at that, but when you vote for a party that wants to take rights away, well, I’d prefer the ant.


43 minutes ago

Thanks for the support guys…..I am not downhearted….he is worth fighting for because he speaks the truth and acts on principle…..we might see a wave break in our direction but the odds are not good.


43 minutes ago

Love to see it, Ad, but one of the big guys is telling everyone to speak to no one since you never know who’s narcing on them.’


42 minutes ago

Silence is good. I can live with their silence.


42 minutes ago

Murph don’t give up remember Doug Flute and his Hail Mary?


42 minutes ago

Murph – we know and very much respect fighting the good fight on principle. I was paid 9BADLY paid) staff for McGovern. I know the drill and the reasons why.


41 minutes ago

Murph – Your POV on Kunce is realistic and smart though I will be the voice of optimism that the surging registration numbers also support. I think there will be a far greater Blue Wave than most people anticipate right now. And we haven’t even had the impact of Kamala destroying Trump at the debate on Tuesday!

AdLib41 minutes ago

Oh……I am not giving up…I am just a realist….hardworking but realistic.


41 minutes ago

Choice….McGovern….now that fits.


40 minutes ago

Realism matters especially in the amount consumed in the ‘after’ parties.


40 minutes ago

I was 39th and 41st Assembly District coordinator for CA. We won our district. We lost the war.


40 minutes ago

Voter registration here is not running far ahead the norm….but GOP energy is definitely flagging.


40 minutes ago

Murph – wearing out the oppo is a GREAT tactic!


39 minutes ago

CL – Yes, I saw that MAGA fearfully telling MAGAs to keep their mouths shut with the FBI but they’ve got the goods already on so many MAGAs, they’re already talking because they’re all selfish and cowards deep down and none would go to prison to protect other Repubs.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad – my fave part of hate crimes and anti RW work is learning from undercover ops that they CANNOT SHUT UP about their past and planned exploits.


38 minutes ago

Murph – That’s odd to hear. In many red states, including TX, voter registration for Dem-type voters is on fire. You’re sure that’s not the case in MO?

AdLib38 minutes ago

RW extremists are Kevin McCarthy on steroids. They HAVE to brag. And it convicts them.


38 minutes ago

If Trump wins, I suspect that what we will get is maniacal chaos from which little in the way actual accomplishment will arise…..I think there will be a firestorm of resistance and dissension in the ranks.


37 minutes ago

Trump has turned the GOP into a criminal organizatio with him at the top and he is not at all a good criminal he doesn’t know how to keep his own mouth shut. So what shoud the folks under him. They don’t want go to jail for him.


37 minutes ago

CL – That’s actually kind of funny that these hateful types can’t shut themselves up, even when in the room with law enforcement! I’m confident that’s what’s happening now and as always, the M.O. is to corner the small fish and get them to flip on the big ones. I think that’s well underway now.

AdLib36 minutes ago

Ad. I have heard the same thing re. registration but contacts I have in two other very red states are saying much the same.


36 minutes ago

Ad the first one who talks gets the best deal.


35 minutes ago

Ad – that’s the entire post J6 routine. And by crackies, the perps deliver. They CANNOT STOP BRAGGING. Meal Team Six just thinks they walk on water.


34 minutes ago

Murph – I grew up partly in Wheaton, IL where Billy Graham went to college. In 1960 there were THREE “Teens for Kennedy”, and I was one of them. By the time of his death, almost everyone loved him. Things change. People stopped being afraid. Sometimes you lose the battle only to win the war.


33 minutes ago

One of the most interesting observations is how quiet the state GOP here is about the national ticket……it is as if their senses is that there is nothing to be gained by raising the MAGA banner.


32 minutes ago

Murph – I am confident Kamala will win, her path to 270 is far more likely and easier than Trump’s tortured one. But just for the sake of argument, in a parallel Earth where Trump was to win, I think Americans would begin a fierce and unending protest against Trump and everything he tries to do for all 4 years and the nation would become ungovernable for Trump despite all that he wants to do. We simply won’t go back and protests and civil disobedience along with states just refusing to follow any horrible decree from Trump or the SCOTUS would backstop that.

AdLib32 minutes ago

CL…good words….


32 minutes ago

Ad – I hope that would be true, but the police support for Trump could make protests and actions impossible, our lives dangerous. I’ve lived that. Murph lives that. I am not sure it can be sustainable.


31 minutes ago

I may just be exhausted after 50 years of fighting to prevent this very scenario. Not sure I have it in me to do much more. On the other hand, i do have a temper. And I hate injustice. So…


30 minutes ago

The irony is that if Kamala wins, as I think she will, there may be some random violence from lone wolf MAGAs but the phony bravery of calling for a civil war will prove meaningless. Consider how no MAGAs have turned out when Trump’s called on them to protest nationally when he was indicted and convicted. The irony is that Trump would have a kind of civil war on his hands if he won. The majority of Dems and Americans will never surrender to a dictator. Kind of funny the MAGAs make the empty threat that Dems would actually deliver.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad…your scenario is one that I would not argue with in blue states but here…..I just do not see it as plausible.


30 minutes ago

CL…you and I are on the same page.


29 minutes ago

Murph – if Trump wins, please move. We fear for you.


29 minutes ago

Murph – Which red states have you heard voter registration is not increased?

AdLib29 minutes ago

TW – Yep, you want to talk to the FBI while they still need your testimony, if you’re too late, you’re toast.

AdLib28 minutes ago

Ad…..Missouri, Kansas, and Indiana


28 minutes ago

Murph – after KS voted to keep abortion legal, I’m surprised registration isn’t doing better.


27 minutes ago

CL – Yep, the problem with being ignorant is that you’re not smart enough to know you’re ignorant. Look at Trump, he confessed that he knew he lost in 2020! He just convicted himself in the 1/6 case! What a moron!!!

AdLib26 minutes ago

I read that Louisiana is more Dem BY FAR than GOP, but people just don’t vote. That’s awful!


26 minutes ago

CL….yes, the surge associated with that vote created an uptick but there does. not appear to be a surge to follow up on it….again the numbers are hard to get.


26 minutes ago

Ad – SERIOUSLY! But he thinks he has immunity, and yet the argument is that elections are not official presidential acts after the courts have ruled. It’s self interest. And Smith will likely win that argument.


25 minutes ago

Murph – I’m hopeful that the lack of access to the numbers could mean more registrations than the powers that be can or will reveal.


24 minutes ago

CL…..let’s hope that the SCOTUS has stopped as low as it will go…but I have my worries.


24 minutes ago

CL – Imagine the BLM/George Floyd protests but much bigger, in many different forms, both aggressive and quiet, the more cops or the National Guard attacked the majority, the stronger the protests would grow.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Murph what I hear you saying and I think you’ve been saying all along is the folks in your state are Republicans through and through and believe their current Republican party is the Party of Lincoln and refuse to recognize and accept the fact it no longer holds the values of Linclon and are hoping that the person who is a Republican will restore the faith in what was once the part of Lincoln. But in reality they refuse to see the Dems are more like Lincoln then their believed Republican Party.


24 minutes ago

Murph – SCOTUS never upheld Trump’s PERSONAL issues. Not in 2021. Not in his demands for a sentencing delay, nothing.


24 minutes ago

TW…that is is a rather insightful summary.


23 minutes ago

The liberal side of my family were GOP until 1929. Then FDR all the way.


22 minutes ago

CL…and let us hope they have gone as low as they are willing to go.


22 minutes ago

Murph – Agreed, I am talking about blue and purple states refusing to participate or allow many Trump or SCOTUS dictatorial decrees. Abbott in TX is already doing that, defying the Feds and the SCOTUS so he can drown innocent immigrants with his razor wire. Imagine CA, NY, MA, etc. simply refusing to obey Trump or SCOTUS in the same way.

AdLib22 minutes ago

TW – I agree w Murph. That’s very clear, thank you.


22 minutes ago

Murph it also seems they are baffled at the fact there is more humanity coming from the Dems than their current GOP.


22 minutes ago

Murph – Thanks for the info on the Red states. It kind of makes sense too because the big increases are black women, latinos, and young people. TX and FL has much bigger percentages of these folks in their states.

AdLib20 minutes ago

I may well be wrong, but even if Trump replaces ALL the top brass in the military, NO ONE in rank and file, raised up on obeying ONLY legal commands, will possibly rebel at corrupt leaders. Fragging may become a domestic thing.


20 minutes ago

Ad…spot on……still….I find shellack of energy around the GOP cause most curious.


20 minutes ago

Murph for the Show me state, its time for someone to show them that those who call themseleves Republicans are not adhering the to basic tenets of their party.


19 minutes ago

CL thank you.


19 minutes ago

CL – Louisiana right now had the biggest boom in Dem voter registration in the country. It still might not be big enough to counter the Repub advantage there but…you never know this time around.

AdLib19 minutes ago



19 minutes ago

Ad – in LA it will be mobilization of the longtime Dems who don’t vote. They VASTLY outnumber the GOP.


18 minutes ago

CL – I don’t think Trump really believes he has total immunity, he wants to repeat that Big Lie to get enough Americans to believe it that they vote for him and ignore his criminal indictments and convictions.

AdLib18 minutes ago

I so like Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny” and its directive: 1. Don’t obey in advance.


17 minutes ago

Friends…..I am on deck early tomorrow morning……Kunce for Senate. …..but before I go….ANY PREDICTIONS RE. THE DEBATE NEXT WEEK.


17 minutes ago

Most of what he’s charged with was before or after his term in office. I think he is mistaken about how much immunity he has.


17 minutes ago

Murph – only that Kamala for the win seems evident. Trump can’t help himself. He’s befuddled by her. So…?


16 minutes ago

Have a good day tomorrow, Murph. Thank you for all you do.


16 minutes ago

THANKS Choice….Kamala for the win…..I am sure she will….the question is will that win have an impact on those who need to be moved by it to act.


15 minutes ago

Murph I predict Trump will be so high on drugs he Klama will just let him talk and prove what an idiot he as that doesn’t mean she won’t answer questions she wil just turn his nonsensical blattering around on him and make him look like a fool.


15 minutes ago

CL – Excellent point, people in the military are all taught not to follow illegal orders. The majority would not follow any fascist orders to shoot and kill fellow citizens, they would be more likely to shoot MAGA generals ordering them to commit crimes against humanity.

AdLib15 minutes ago

TW…high on drugs….what drugs and why….


14 minutes ago

Murph – I think she is making inroad with the exhausted. It isn’t wrong to run on hope and joy. It’s a shot in the arm, and I think it really matters.


14 minutes ago

Murph Aderall anything he sons will give him.


13 minutes ago

Murph – Your witnessing of the pullback by MAGAs in MO sure seems to indicate that something big is being missed by the media and is happening with regards to MAGA coming apart.

AdLib13 minutes ago

I can hardly wait to see Walz v JD. JD is THE most vile but stupid person I’ve seen next to Trump. Walz will eat his lunch.


13 minutes ago

Ad…that is my hope…….


13 minutes ago

Murph, we love you – but go get sleep! Hugs!


12 minutes ago

Thanks…yes, I need to get some zzzzzzzzzz’s


12 minutes ago

Murph take care


11 minutes ago



11 minutes ago

My bet is that Trump is scared and nervous, not that he’ll show it during the debate, but his dementia will be exposed and Kamala will have brilliant comebacks to ridicule and spank Trump that will only make him grow angrier and more rambling.

AdLib11 minutes ago

Night Murph! Get some sleep!

AdLib11 minutes ago

Ad – why I think the wisest investment now is indeed popcorn futures.


11 minutes ago

Ad …..from you fertile mind to the the powers of be…..let it be so.


11 minutes ago

Walz will spike Vance in their debate like a deflated football!

AdLib11 minutes ago

CL popcorn always a good investment.


11 minutes ago

CL – Popcorn and Ketchup futures.

AdLib10 minutes ago

Absolutely. I’m not good in market predictions, but that one is easy.


10 minutes ago

Oh – good point, Ad! Ketchup! Heinz.


10 minutes ago

Good night for now……maybe we could think of getting together on Tuesday night post debate…even if briefly.


10 minutes ago

Heinz 57


9 minutes ago

Oh – good idea, Murph!


9 minutes ago

Would folks here like to have a live chat on debate night?

AdLib9 minutes ago

That sounds good


9 minutes ago

Sounds like we’re all in! Then it shall be so!

AdLib9 minutes ago

I will probably watch either w Greg here or the Black caucus somewhere. But I’d be up for a post debate chat if I’m home.


9 minutes ago

I would for sure……maybe log in and be present but keep comments to the most basic until it is done and then weigh in….


8 minutes ago

CL – You can always chat when possible on your phone during the debate.

AdLib8 minutes ago

I don’t get email on my phone. Don’t ask…


8 minutes ago

Yes, the chats during the debate are always brief since we’re all watching it.

AdLib8 minutes ago

Hey….Tuesday just got a lot better……


8 minutes ago

I DO however, as I think of it, get internet!


8 minutes ago

I will set it up!


8 minutes ago

CL – You have to trade in the rotary phone!

AdLib7 minutes ago

A post debate discussion would be a god way to process the experience.


7 minutes ago

Yeah, ad – the cord is a bummer.


7 minutes ago

We’ll have a during-debate chat that will continue on as a post debate chat.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Good night you champions of truth!


7 minutes ago

Sounds good!


6 minutes ago

Best wishes for tomorrow, Murph.


6 minutes ago

Short comments during, more or less, cheers and jeers at what happens then real commentary in the post-debate.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Take care Murph see you Tue


6 minutes ago


6 minutes ago

We are the Chmpions!

AdLib6 minutes ago


AdLib6 minutes ago

We are!


6 minutes ago

Maybe not in typing but in every other way!

AdLib5 minutes ago



5 minutes ago

Ok – we are the mushrooms isn’t quite what I thought you meant anyway!


5 minutes ago

The only thing that gets in the way of my typing is the keyboard


4 minutes ago

TW – damn right! If it wasn’t for keyboards, we’d be perfect!


4 minutes ago

Nous Sont Les Champignons, Mes Amis.

AdLib4 minutes ago

BTW – I checked on PPO who was in quite a windstorm earlier this week. All is well in Melbourne.


3 minutes ago

My High School French comes in handy once again!

AdLib3 minutes ago

Hooray for you! I can read it, not speak it.


3 minutes ago

CL – That’s good to hear. I gather it’s sailing season so we won’t see him here for a while.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Ad it’s a good thing you’re not in MS


2 minutes ago

True – but even the yacht club came through pretty much intact.


2 minutes ago

TW – Why’s that?

AdLib2 minutes ago

CL – That’s great to hear! Though imagine how fast they’d sail in a windstorm!

AdLib2 minutes ago

Ad it’s a good thing you’re not in MAGA land they tell you we only speak English.,


a minute ago

TW – Right! Maybe they at least understand pig latin in MS?

AdLiba minute ago

Well, I have to go clean up after dinner. Man works from sun to sun, but a woman’s work she pisses and moans about endlessly. Greg CAN cook two good things – I just have to call HazMat when he’s done. See you Tuesday if at ALL possible!


a minute ago

Ad the first part is what I mean about the keyboard getting in my way of typing.


a minute ago


AdLiba few seconds ago

You two are a hoot! Love you, guys!


a few seconds ago

Take care CL


a few seconds ago

Have a great weekend CL and say hi to hubby for me!

AdLiba few seconds ago

Up for a chat, TW?

AdLibin a few seconds

Yes give me a min. Just need to do a couple of things be back in 2


in a few seconds

Sounds good!

AdLibin a few second

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