Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Hello….ghost town…..


an hour ago

I think that’s TW!

AdLiban hour ago

Enjoy being the first Voxer, you get the choice seat!

AdLiban hour ago

Next to the keg.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

KEG…what Keg!


an hour ago

Just down your beer then fill it right back up!

AdLiban hour ago

Let the drunken brawl ensue


an hour ago

If you insist…

AdLiban hour ago

Hey TW! Had to unblock you! Keep that password handy!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey everyone interesting week


an hour ago

Have you heard that the word from Scotus is that if Trump wins then Alito and Thomas will resign shortly thereafter so he can appoint 30 or 40 year old versions of themselves. SCOTUS needs an overhaul….top to bottom.


an hour ago

Harris and Walz nailed the crappy CNN interview effortlessly. Trump was so depressed with nothing to attack them on, his comment was only, “Boring.” Heh!

AdLiban hour ago

TW….who are the sinister forces seeking to block you? to silence your voice?


an hour ago

Had to unblock me, must have been something I said about Trump that Vox didn’t feel was insulting enough.


an hour ago

Murph – Don’t buy that at all. Thomas and Alito are such narcissists, they will stay until the plug is pulled on them.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph who knows there are so many and so little time to worry about them so I will just keep doing what I need to do.


an hour ago

That interview impressed two “associates” i.e. two folks I get along with but whose welcome mat has a MAGA insignia…..well both were very impressed. Two business people.


an hour ago

TW – I warned you, our algorithm on Vox blocks anyone who doesn’t nail Trump enthusiastically.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I thought I was being very enthusiastic calling him an orange tard.


an hour ago

Ad and TW….there m just be standards.


an hour ago

CL is in the house let the part start.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Hi, good men! I will be on and off as I explained to AdLib – a plan we had to go for a week to Ashland OR was just gutted, and our four couples are trying to regroup.


an hour ago

Murph – Very encouraging to hear that! I think they were so effective in rising above the Trump slanders that the hack Bash thought was ‘journalism”. They stayed on message about being positive, optimistic and able to make life better for the middle class.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – you are a doll!


an hour ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey TW and Ad – good to see you, too. Murph – that was VERY good news about your neighbors.


an hour ago

BRB – messages on our crushed holiday…


an hour ago

I had an interesting encounter with a woman who just defeated a GOP stalwart and took his seat in the state legislature….she is definitely GOP BUT resembles the GOP that I grew up with in the South. She defeated the guy 70-30. Cecily Williams……..we happened to be sharing a waiting room and somehow the conversation got started.


an hour ago

And did you see that Trump has stooped even lower to trying to blame the Gold Star parents with him for the Arlington debacle. So funny that nearly everything he tries to manipulate the public with propaganda displays keep backfiring.

AdLiban hour ago

I know a Marine vet who took down his Mega flag over the graveside debacle.


an hour ago

Ad Trump will never accept responsibility for anything unless it involves money he gets and can lie about how he got it.


an hour ago

CL – I say both couples should sue the homeowner and use that money to pay for a free vacation…in Hawaii!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – veterans everywhere are disgusted w Trump’s antics.


an hour ago

Murph did you receive any sort of feedback on the Harris interview?


an hour ago

Murph – What else did Williams have to say about the GOP and MAGA?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – we’re figuring out what to do. Long story nobody needs. But why wait to the 10th hour to TELL us.


an hour ago

He took down his flag and replace it with a USMC “Remember” flag.


an hour ago

Murph – that is very cool


an hour ago

I don’t have a problem w old style GOP beating the stuffing out of fascists.


an hour ago

TW – Trump will never accept responsibility for any crime or act or mistake because malignant narcissists are incapable of that. Which is why his campaign is circling the drain right now. He can’t change who he is and who he is is finally sinking him.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…she regards them as radicals….and radicals, no matter their agenda, are temperamentally unfit to govern. That is her position.


an hour ago

Murph your Marine friend took down the MAGA flag replaced with USMC flag, I have to ask is that a begining of him seeing what Trump really is?


an hour ago

Murph – AMEN to Ms. Williams’ observations!!


an hour ago

BRB- planning


an hour ago

CL – I assume you booked through Air B&B or VRBo or whatever. They must have some kind of policy that punishes a homeowner and benefits you for a last minute cancellation, right?

AdLiban hour ago

TW….I think he has hung up his MAGA hat….after stomping on it.


an hour ago

Ad yes we know that he is constant petulant child as you said will never accept responsibility for anything he has done that is wrong.


an hour ago

Ad – this is a private home we’ve had access to for years. Used to pay for it, very reasonable, then the owner gave it to us for just a cleaning fee IF we paid that much to OSF (he’s on the Board). No problem if they terminated letting us in – but not TWO WEEKS before we were to BE there.


an hour ago

Murph – That bodes well for the future and turning the page on MAGA. If Kamala and Dems win as big as I think they may, I hope that moniker of “Loser” is branded permanently on them and they are chased out of influence in the GOP for the foreseeabe future.

AdLiban hour ago

We already all shelled out about $500 per couple for the OSF membership. Gonna be tight having to pay more for another place.


an hour ago

Murph one MAGA at a time soon there will be many more.


an hour ago

CL…she is the co owner of vehicle repair business and a landscaping business WITH HER HUSBAND, who is a SeeBee…i.e. C.B. Construction Battalion.AND she is Mom to 7 kids all in public school


an hour ago

Murph – do know See Bees. And she’s solid middle class. She sounds GREAT.


an hour ago

CL – What is OSF?

AdLiban hour ago

ME TOO…..OSF…Order of St. Francis….?


an hour ago

Sorry – Oregon Shakespeare Festival.


an hour ago

It’s not ALL Shakespeare. Lots of new plays, fun things. No, I don’t think most Shakespeare is fun. Some. Not all.


an hour ago

CL – If he’s been renting to you at a deep discount, hard to come after him for that money but legally, since his condition on the rental was the couples buying the membership, he legally owes both couples their $500 back because it was de facto payment for the rental.’

AdLiban hour ago

CL….I AM A H…U….G….E fan of the bard……and used to go to every festival with 200 miles and then I moved to. Misery.


an hour ago

I’d settle for $500 less the ordinary $60 membership. I just think this is rude.


an hour ago

Ad…..are you an attorney?


an hour ago

Murph – you’ve lived in Misery long enough to write your own Cannon in Shakespearian mode.


an hour ago

CL…definitely a tragedy.


an hour ago

Most of what he wrote were tragedies. Fits. Some history. Fits. Comedies? Not so much.


an hour ago

CL – That sounds like a fun time! I remember now your telling me about the OSF!

AdLiban hour ago

We have gone for years. Last year they SAID they may stop doing it, but they let it to us this year AND we paid OSF as they requested. Now, two weeks before? They “need” the house for their daughter. Huh>


an hour ago

CL…recalll that comedy technically is identified by a “happy ending” with tragedy “ending badly and sadly”


an hour ago



an hour ago

I’m among Thesbians


an hour ago

Murph – if Lucas wins, you’re in for a comedy based on it. Hawley can be the ever-present buffoon.


an hour ago

TW – thespians or thebians? With Shakespeare, could be either one!


an hour ago

We Thespians gladly hoist your banner dear TW


an hour ago

Murph – I have had many legal situations and suits, I know contract law pretty well for a non-professional. When a contract is executed and consideration is paid according to the agreement, the other party is in default if they don’t perform their responsibility under the contract. Since they’ve had a close relationship, I don’t know that CL would want to take the case to small claims or whatever but the first step should be communicating with the owner that they paid OSF as agreed and were entitled to the rental. Since he can’t provide the rental, he is responsible to reimburse them for the fees they paid as directed by him to obtain the rental.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – that could be your whole third career – playwright of Middle Missouri Era. You could clean up. I’m pretty sure as plays go, OSF would stage it.


an hour ago

CL you’re right it should have thespian


an hour ago

Ad – we aren’t the ones doing the arrangement, so I’ve passed that on to them.


an hour ago

CL….we are working hard to elect Kunce…my new GOP friend told me that she is voting for Kunce because Hawley spends no time in the state and has blown off meeting after meeting with state legislators…OH….and she was disgusted by his antics on January 6


an hour ago

TW – I rather like the idea of being Thebian. Not a real clue what that would entail, but I always thought Thebes sounded cool.


an hour ago



an hour ago

CL – Much Ado About Nothing, Taming of the Shrew, and Midsummer Night’s Dream are all pleasant Shakespere comedies.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…thanks for the “legal brief” – you do have a sense for the law.


an hour ago

CL – Sounds good. You are on solid ground if he conditioned the price of the rental on buying the OSF memberships (and paying cleaning fees which of course would not be owed after a cancellation so you are absolutely not in default, he fully is).

AdLiban hour ago

Shakespeare was always an up hill battle for me never could master his writing


an hour ago

For some reason, the ONLY live Shakespeare I saw for DECADES was Midsummer’s Night. To say I now detest it is only “familiarity breeds boredom”. I do love the comedies, like the historical, and am very picky about the tragedies. But it was YEARS before I saw them. Go figure.


an hour ago

TW…the problem is that most people are forced to READ shakes and not experience it on stage. That medium carries the day for most who ten can pick up the script and walk with it.


an hour ago

OSF did Richard III in the MOST compelling performance I’ve ever seen of ANYTHING. They did Hamlet that absolutely sucked – Hamlet was NOT a narcissistic spoiled brat, but that’s how it was played. It’s all in the interpretation.


an hour ago

CL – Your favorite Shakespere tragedy is? For me, probably Macbeth.

AdLiban hour ago

As a British historian I am required to put Moses, Aristotle and Shakespeare in the same club.


an hour ago

I do love Macbeth. I became a fan of Richard III that may be historical but plays as a tragedy. OSF spoiled me for how great it was.


an hour ago

Murph I can get behind that. I did not have found memories of reading MacBeth in English class at all.


an hour ago

Murph – huh? That’s…odd.


an hour ago

What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘We few, we happy few, we band of brothers’?…Henry V on St. Crispans day.


an hour ago

So what Shakespere tragedy best suits Trump losing ebverything in Nov? King Lear?

AdLiban hour ago

CL…what is odd?


an hour ago

Ad….King Lear.


an hour ago

King Lear or Macbeth – greed, hubris, stupidity. Either one works.


an hour ago

That you put Moses, Aristotle, and Shakespeare all in the same pouch.


an hour ago

Othello might work too……but if he loses then this will be his future Shakespeare will be “Much ado about Nothing.”


an hour ago

Murph –


an hour ago

Murph –

AdLiban hour ago

Ad and I had the same reaction!


an hour ago

CL…my list was rather serendipitous ….


an hour ago

CL – I know! We posted the same thing at the same time!

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

We do that, Ad.


an hour ago

Yes we do!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – let’s hope the “Jinx” falls on TRUMP!


an hour ago

So is it risking hubris to ask, is Trump done?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I agree w Kamala and Tim: it’s not over yet. Work like hell. We can sleep when we’re dead.


an hour ago

Ad I wouldn’t say that just yet.


an hour ago

Trump done…..maybe if it all relied on him…but Trump is a figurehead for a sinister movement and they will do all they can to bring about his return to the WH


an hour ago

The polls are still sketchy – she is not yet consistently 7 points ahead. WHEN that happens, we can pause for five minutes to be happy, then keep working!


an hour ago

CL…like your plan, General.


an hour ago

Murph – THAT is what I fear. The cabal behind the Kook. They have been planning this for DECADES. It won’t be that easy to rid our nation of them.


an hour ago

CL….agreed….the rats remain on the ship of state.


an hour ago

If any of you have listened to the masterword that is msnbc.com/Ultra, both parts, you know that this goes back to the 1940s. And it moves forward. It is NOT going away.


an hour ago

66 days until the election, 9 weeks left, only nine news cycle weeks and Kamala continues dominating each week, aside from Trump beating down Arlington cemetary workers and breaking more federal laws. And out of those nine final opportunities, one week will beabout the debate or lack of debat if cowardly Trump bails. One week will be about Trump being criminally sentenced in the Merchan case. Another week will be hearing the appeal and having it decided on the half billion fraud trial. Just don’t see any opportunities for Trump to suddenly turn the table for enough weeks against Kamala to win.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

I laughed at one of my (distant) associates who told me that he could not respect Kamala because she had changed here position on so many things…….I asked if was aware of any Trump flips……as he defended those as changing positions in light of new info and experience…silence.


an hour ago

Never underestimate a major crisis to undermine the incumbent and his Veep. I really fear for that.


an hour ago

Based on what I’m reading Trump just keeps digging and making the hole he is in bigger.


an hour ago

She said it out – she has changed details not principles. If you don’t learn to do that in office, you’re a hack.


an hour ago

tw – is it wrong to hope that hole is his grave?


an hour ago

I agree with both CL and Ad – both scenarios are possible.


an hour ago

CL…I want him to live for many years…..a Nixonian existence….but more painful with no relief.


an hour ago

Murph – I think what the hope is among the cabal that Trump crashes enough he still get elected, and JD pulls out the 25th Am. Then HE, the total toady to the RW, becomes president.


44 minutes ago

I think the expression if you’re explaining you’re losing, well he is trying to explain that what happened at Arlington wasn’t his fault claiming he wasn’t doing it for publicity, yeah right, anyone want to buy a toll booth or bridge I offer discounts if you by a dozen.


44 minutes ago

Murph – that scenario works for me. He doesn’t deserve a quiet end.


44 minutes ago

CL…..NIGTMARE without end.


44 minutes ago

Remember Richard Hofstadter’s 1964 piece, “Paranoid style in American Politics”? They have always been with us. Products of ignorance and much of the isolation of the frontier, it never went away. ‘


43 minutes ago

CL – Even so, I would argue that even a major global disaster or emergency wouldn’t push voters over to Trump. My proposition is, the Dem campaign may be led by Kamala but it is a movement, an “End MAGA and Save Democracy” movement and throwing mud at Kamala simply won’t change that. Trump used to be the leader of a movement but now he is a failing cult leader, what used to be a movement only looks like a deranged cult, even for Repubs like the one Murph mentioned, and as the god-like figurehead of it all, disgust and exhaustion with Trump pulls down enthusiasm for the GOP and him. We have to do the work and take nothing for granted but I am not afraid to say, as long as we keep doing the work, Trump is done.

AdLib43 minutes ago

Thoroughly thought out, Ad.


41 minutes ago

Ad – I would agree if the race were far more ahead for her. The key issue is “she’s a marxist” which means a lot of us have to remind people HOW THE HELL we got this nation settled. The Homestead Act of 1862. LOTS of America was settled w government aid. The NW Territory is NE Ohio, and it was a land grant to settlers. We have always had gov’t helping us. She is working in that same tradition.


40 minutes ago

Trump is so desperate at seeing Kamala is going to win, he tried to soften his anti-abortion position by saying he was undecided on the pro-choice proposition in FL then took so much fire from MAGA extremists, he flipped today to opposing the proposition. Trump is so done, his pandering even blows up in his face! Love it!

AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad – I do NOT disagree, but I sure would like to do a little education of the American public along the way. Rugged individualism never existed. It was always community.


39 minutes ago

I feel one of the major problems Trump supporters have with Harris is that are in disbelief that their mommas lied to them.


38 minutes ago

TW!!! You may have found the key!!!


38 minutes ago

CL I’m working on a piece that outlines that. Hope to have it done over the weekend or the middle of next week.


37 minutes ago

TW…I admire your dedication to putting your keen thoughts to paper.


36 minutes ago

TW – wonderful!!!


35 minutes ago

Murph thanks.


35 minutes ago

TW….Most welcome and thoroughly deserved.


35 minutes ago


34 minutes ago

That is MY thumb, not Trump’s.


34 minutes ago

He ruined everything, didn’t he?


34 minutes ago

Well….I need to leave….tomorrow is a full day of “Yes, Kunce Can!”


34 minutes ago

Murph – thank you for your work on this race. Have you been in any of the videos we’ve seen on Twitter? I’d sure like to know what you look like.


33 minutes ago

CL I got that


33 minutes ago

Stay safe and carry on!


33 minutes ago

Hey Murph you have a good day, you have a lot of work to do.


32 minutes ago

I’m going to drop off, too – more texts coming in about “next steps” for saving our holiday.


32 minutes ago

CL – And here’s a big but…”but” we have learned that for the entire past 8 years, polls have consistently under-counted the advantage of Democrats over Repubs and in each and every year since 2016, Dems have always outperformed polls. Polls now showing Kamala ahead by an average of 4% or so, some showing 2-3 while others show 7%, are IMHO, under representing Kamala’s true lead over Trump right now by at least 2%-3%. That means I think Kamala is already at least 7% ahead right now. But that’s not an excuse to not work all out to elect her. I think a Blue Tsunami is coming. Look at the tens of thousands of crowds exploding out for Kamala at her rallies while Trump can barely bunch up a couple hundred supporters in front of the cameras to look more crowded than it is. As Murph says, the lack of Trump flags and banners, the tens of thousands of volunteers joining up for Kamala, the record half billion in contributions Kamala has generated in just a month. No, this is not a close race and my bet is it won’t be if we run our fastest through the finish line.

AdLib32 minutes ago

CL you take care


32 minutes ago

CL….I don’t think I have been in camera range…..as to my looks….ah well, some things one is just stuck with.


32 minutes ago

Ad – I absolutely agree, but i also know you can’t count on it. She changes hearts and minds wherever she and Tim go, but…you just can’t be sure. Good night all! Hugs to everyone.


31 minutes ago

Hope you have a nice holiday anyway, CK!

AdLib31 minutes ago


AdLib31 minutes ago

Ad….I read your excellent analysis with care….and….I begin….just barely…..to hope that you are spot-on.


29 minutes ago

As both of you know, my motto to backup my prediction that Trump is done is, “What can Trump say or do to convince a Kamala supporter who is excited about hope, change, joy, and a better tomorrow into supporting a racist, rapist, convicted criminal dictator?

AdLib29 minutes ago

Ad…strong words.


28 minutes ago

Ad you’re on to something I spent a good part of today watching some of the Medias Touch News and they are pretty bullish on Harris and Waltz along with a few others that are not falling for the BS the Trump folks are spewing. I’m getting the sense their is panic in the TRump ranks.


28 minutes ago

I just can’t imagine what could be said to those genuinely elated and excited Kamala supporters that would make them do a 180 and support fascist, hateful, racist Trump. It’s just chasing after the unobtainable.

AdLib27 minutes ago

TW…I see the panic around here in lost of desperate efforts to assembly a crowd/mob and the result is a lack lustre showing and zero enthusiasm.


26 minutes ago

TW – You bet there’s panic in Trump’s campaign, they physically attacked a staffer at Arlington Memorial Cemetery! Then slandered her and snidely declared she should be fired! Then Trump tried to blame the Gold Star parents who he pulled into the photo op for all the wrongdoing! Remember the old series, Everyone Hates Chris? Now it’s Everyone Hates Trump (except his small deranged cult).

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad those who are hanging with Trump are only the ones who believe they can extract their pound of flesh from him with time comes for all the money he put into his campaign, as to the others those down at the bottom well the may just vote for Harris how will anyone know if the don’t say or just lie and said they voted for Trump.


24 minutes ago

Everyone hates Orangeman……oh! Let it be!


23 minutes ago

Murph he has been like that all his life. You know that old song, back stabbers?


23 minutes ago

Murph – CL expressed her legit concern about a MAGA wave of violence after Trump loses. But I think you’re onto something, the disgust with Trump as MAGAs are finally seeing him as a desperate con man and loser, will throw a wet blanket on the dreams of violent overthrow by Trump, Bannon, Stone, Flynn, etc.

AdLib22 minutes ago

I have mentioned the “militia troop” that has met, planned and practiced on a large piece of land that is nearby…..the place used to be teeming with Trumpeters……not now…..


21 minutes ago

TW – I think there’s a lot of wishful thinking going on in the GOP and Trump camp. On one hand, they know deep down he’s losing but they’re so desperate to believe that one way or another, he can steal the election, that they just won’t let go or openly admit what they know inside, that Trump is bound right now for losing. But after Trump loses? Yes, many deluded Trump cultists will be furious and hysterical but I think the majority will feel beaten and just turn away from it all.

AdLib20 minutes ago

Well…I do need to go….best to you both…let’s hope for the Blue Wave that could hold out hope that we will be washed clean.


20 minutes ago

Thanks Murph! Have a great Labor Day weekend!

AdLib19 minutes ago

Murph have good holiday


19 minutes ago

Bye for now.


19 minutes ago

Ad will give you call in 5


18 minutes ago

Sounds good!

AdLib18 minutes ago

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