Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

Well, Judge Chutkin is back in business now! I expect her and Jack Smith to get rolling pretty quickly against Trump.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad, I went ahead and order the box set of Philip K Dick’s books Looking forward to getting and reading some of his stories. Should be here in a couple of weeks It takes the Library of America a while to ship stuff for some reaso.


2 hours ago

Yeah I saw that today didn’t get a chance to read the full article but all I can say for Trump is: Her e comes the judge, here comes the judge.


2 hours ago

Very cool!!! If you aren’t satisfied, I’ll be happy to take them off your hands.

AdLib2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Murph is in the house Ad time to break out the good stuff.


an hour ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad for you it will only be double the cost.


an hour ago

TW – Yep, the 1/6 case is now officially back in Chutkin’s hands and I have no doubt she’s going to proceed full speed ahead.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…..Primary Tuesday in Mo. Kunce vs. May…both very competent. Kunce should win and then it is on to Hawley.


an hour ago

TW – No problem but just to let you know, I will be paying in Trump brand crypto.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph how are things going for you? Are the MAGA folks besides themselves now that Harris is in the race and looking like she will be leading Frump in the polls very soon?


an hour ago

Murph – Kunce will win, he’s a champ.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph Hawley is a dog that fleas won’t even bother with.


an hour ago

TW….that is a good summary…..Maga folks “besides themselves”….it is SO upsetting that a WOMAN, A BLACK WOMAN, AN INDIAN WOMAN, A LIBERAL WOMAN IS KICKING HIM IN THE COJONES…


an hour ago

Even Karl Rove said on Fox what we’ve been discussing, that in a few weeks, after the DNC, Kamala will move well ahead of Trump and likely win. I don’t see anything Trump can do to change the dynamics of this race and of course, he will be sentenced in the hush money/campaign fraud case in Sept as well.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…I think he is a Champ….and May will become a huge asset post Primary.


an hour ago

Ad, Trump money, I rather take monopoly money at least that sort of looks real


an hour ago

Ad…..and then we have the documents case in Florida….


an hour ago

Murph – And I’ll bet those MAGAs are groaning as she and her campaign call Trump “afraid” to face her in a debate. Trump is such a coward, as that image you sent lays out.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…..there is a lot of silence in the MAGA ranks or just outright Gibberish.


an hour ago

Murph she has Trump’s cojones and is squeezing ever so hard that his voice will forever be in a higher pitch.


an hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

New title for Judge Cannon, Former Judge Cannon


an hour ago

And I love how Harris and Biden are acting like a total team


an hour ago

Ad great picture


an hour ago

Murph – Indeed, i think Cannon gets shot out of a cannon by the 11th circuit and a real judge takes over.

AdLiban hour ago

TW I hope Harris is wearing surgical gloves when she squeezes


an hour ago



an hour ago

Let’s consider how Repubs and Trump are attacking Kamala. She laughs, she hugs, she is biracial so she’s not both races, she’s a DEI hire even though 80 million people voted for her…they’ve got nothing! Nothing! They see the jaws of defeat opening wide!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad,,,,I do hope the 11th acts quickly come November.


an hour ago

Kamala’s “apprenticeship” in the White House is clearly on display.


an hour ago

Ad as I like to say everyone who has a job is a DEI hire. They just don’t know it yet.


an hour ago

TW….good spin.


an hour ago

Murph – I think the 11th set a date this month for Smith to submit a brief but he hasn’t yet asked for an expedited hearing. Hope that happens, otherwise Trump’s team has about a month to respond then Smith has to respond to their brief. Unless expedited, it may come after Trump loses in Nov.

AdLiban hour ago

Biden has to be pleased….for himself too.


an hour ago

Murph – Biden will likely go down in history as one of the most important and pivotal presidents in our history. Kamala’s success and the preservation of our democracy all flows from Biden.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad….very well put. Flowing with Biden….better than Riding with…


an hour ago

A bit of reflection for me, I’ve grown up under 13 presidents, and I never thought I would see a Black Man as president, now I will get to see Multiracial Woman become president. That’s a lot to take in considering the times we’re living in. Love it.


an hour ago

Imagine the DNC, Biden has a speech on opening night then another speech in primetime on another night. Obama will no doubt have a powerful and emotional speech. Wouldn’t be surprised to see Hillary speak and build up the history Kamala could make as the first woman president then of course, Kamala will have a powerful and emotional speech. And far more people will be watching the DNC because of Kamala and all the excitement behind her. How can she not get a huge bump? And I think she rides that all the way to Election Day and kicks Trump’s ass!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – I like that too, Biden is the Obi Wan, the elder who guides the people to their better selves and better destinies.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad didn


an hour ago

Ad didn’t watch any of the RNC crap. but will be glued to the TV for the DNC it will be wild.


an hour ago

TW – And especially running against such a racist PoS like Trump, for Kamala to break that glass ceiling as a strong and smart biracial woman, will be so powerful.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad if Biden is Obi Wan who is Yoda?


an hour ago

Ad agree


an hour ago

TW – Same here, I couldn’t be bothered watching the RNC, what would be the point? I already knew they’d just be stoking fear and hatred with a flood of lies. Nothing to be gained. And viewership was down 25% for the RNC. So that along with Murph’s observations that MAGA flags are few and far between, the enthusiasm on their side is sagging and I think, once it becomes crystal clear that Kamala is too far ahead to lose, I think enthusiasm and turnout for Repubs tanks.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Obama is Yoda?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad Obama as Yoda that could work


an hour ago

On the phone. …primary business


an hour ago

Murph are you still on tap to attend?


an hour ago

Reading along


an hour ago

I am now a first alternate to attend….fingers and toes crossed…I WOULD LOVE TO BE THERE


an hour ago

I feel like my Obama Mojo is returning.


an hour ago

I like to think about news cycles too. The last two weeks have been dominated by Kamala. The beginning of next week, she announces her VP and again dominates that week. Two weeks later is the DNC and they dominate that week. The last week in August and first week in Sept, Kamala’s bounce and lead over Trump dominates. The following week, Trump’s motion to get rid of his criminal case is heard (and rejected) and bad news for Trump dominates that week. Two weeks later is the sentencing hearing for criminal Trump. Then the following week, his appeal of the half billion judgement will be heard and rejected. Only leaves a few weeks before election day but early voting will have already begun by then and lock in Kamala’s lead at the time. Trump is going down, to the poor house, and to prison!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad….brilliant, just brilliant


an hour ago

I like Bernie sanders as Yoda….just seems like a great fit.


an hour ago

Ad Happy times for one Donald Frump, Oh Happy times.


an hour ago

Murph – Obama Mojo was amazing but I think this enthusiasm is another level up from that. Kamala raised $350M in two weeks! Ll the thousands of volunteers, registrations to vote, the ongoing Zoom calls, her huge rally in Atlanta, this sure looks like a Blue Tsunami forming out there.

AdLiban hour ago

Thanks Murph! My crystal ball was a great investment!

AdLiban hour ago

Bernie Sanders could be C3PO?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I agree….I think the reason for this is that there was an air of desperation, of fear, of anger, wafting about the Democratic core….doom and gloom and then along came a wise Biden who passed the Torch to an inspiring woman of color and BOOM


an hour ago

Murph Berine is Statler


an hour ago

Ok…Sanders as C3PO….and Trump is Jabba the Hut……


an hour ago

Any thoughts on who Kamala will pick for her VP? IMO, any of them will be great and tower over JD “Loveseat” Vance.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – I like that casting, it’s perfect! Trump as Jabba!

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Or Bernie is George Costanza’s father.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I’m sticking with Mark Kelly, but if she goes with Waltz it’s still a plus for her


an hour ago

Murph – I completely agree, Dems being depressed and devastated then rescued by “hope and change” was such a powerful dynamic, like the pressure of a volcano finally being released and bursting higher and higher into the sky.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I can see Bernie as George Constanza father


an hour ago

TW – I’m great with any of them, my top three in no particular order are Kelly, Walz, and Beshear but will be happy with Shapiro or Buttegieg too.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I can see Bernie yelling, “Festivus, for the rest of us!”

AdLiban hour ago

Ad We’ll find out next week won’t we


an hour ago

Ad Festivus now and forever


an hour ago

Meanwhile, I think attacks on Vance would be sweetly ironic, to nail him on his many name changes and identities while accusing Kamala of not knowing her own identity.

AdLiban hour ago

I am back on….


an hour ago

Vance is the anchor that is going to allow the sharks to have a feast on Trump


an hour ago

I wonder if Trump will be desperate enough to debate Kamala as it is sinking in now that he’s behind and will lose with this trajectory? And will Vance ever debate Kamala’s VP? What do you guys think?

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Perfect about Vance as an anchor! Nailed it!

AdLiban hour ago

Vance is also a self digging shovel. “There is no bottom to a hole with a Vance Self-Digging Shovel!”

AdLiban hour ago

I have a neighbor…a few miles away……he is a Trump Loyalist through and through…..but a generally good guy……I saw him today at the hardware store…….he looked very down. I walked up and said: “Why so glum, chum?” He laughed and said: “I don’t know who I am most uncomfortable with the ex-prez or the wannabe vp


an hour ago

Ad I can picture it now Trump goes off on a tear when asked a question saying nothing but gibberish and Kamla calmly and cooly looks at Trump, and say, ‘what’s wrong did you lose your binky again?


an hour ago

I know that there are unknowns that could happen but at this point, I can’t see anything Trump can say or do to change the momentum of his decline and Kamala’s rise past him. Not that there couldn’t be something unexpected but no matter what Trump does or says, he can’t stop her.

AdLiban hour ago

Trump fears humiliation more than anything….it may become so painfully clear that Kamala has his number that he will not risk a televised shellacking.


an hour ago

Murph in all fairness to your friend it shouldn’t be much of a choice.


an hour ago

TW….”binky” Fabulous.


an hour ago

Hey guys…how about this business with the Egyptian Prez and the Bribery Scheme….where is that gonna go….and it hits the former AG


an hour ago

Murph – Wow! Both a sign of the sagging enthusiasm for Trump and a shocking acceptance of reality that we don’t often see from MAGAs. I saw some MAGA tool on Twitter saying that Kamala’s surge was all propaganda, her donations were just money laundered through fake people using Deep State money and there is no Kamala momentum. So deeply in denial, I don’t think even he believed his BS.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…my friend is a very simple guy…..despite his fondness for Trump at heart he is a good man…I wonder if there is the kind of clarity coming that shocks him t the core.


44 minutes ago

Ad….your contact with the insane Maggat is more common than mine with the bewildered disciple.


43 minutes ago

Murph I was reading the, but got side track but from what I read there is definitely something there and Barr is right in the middle of it. If Trump and Harris debate she should bring that up the way Trump brought Hillary’s emails. No mercy no quarter for Trump none at all.


43 minutes ago

TW – Funny! I could actually imagine Trump having a mental or physical breakdown as he realizes not only that he’s losing but that he’s not going to be able to pardon himself and he’s going to prison. But I don’t want him to have a heart attack or stroke, not until he loses at least. Don’t want him to be a martyr that MAGAs say “He would’ve won but Kamala poisoned him!”. For MAGA to be destroyed, he needs to be defeated.

AdLib43 minutes ago

TW…I keep wondering how the SCOTUS will play with all of this.


42 minutes ago

Murph – He does seem genuinely frightened of debating Kamala and she’s not holding back about that. I think the word “coward” needs to be nailed to Trump’s forehead, the one quality a cult leader and dictator-would-be can never survive.

AdLib41 minutes ago

Ad….your scenario is plausible.


41 minutes ago

Post Third Reich…the Nazis who fled to South America spoke reverently of the dear Leader and prayed for his reincarnation.


40 minutes ago

Ad…accurate read I think.


40 minutes ago

Murph – I don’t know that anyone is surprised that Barr acted criminally to cover up Trump’s crimes, after Mueller and all. But to cover up the bribing of a presidential candidate who may have won thanks to that $10M bribe coming just before the election when he was pretty much out of money? Jack Smith should drop down on Barr and Trump like Batman on a roof spotting the Joker and Riddler.

AdLib39 minutes ago

“Like Batman on the roof….” Isn’t the statute of limitations a problem in this?


38 minutes ago

What I read in that story before I got pulled away is Trump suddenly put $10 million into his campaign the same amount mention in the article. Hmmmm, coincidence I don’t think so.


37 minutes ago

Murph – I think the SCOTUS SIX should start feeling a bit of fear. Biden and Dems have announced SCOTUS reform is at the top of their list, Kamala looks to be leading a Blue Tsunami that could hand Dems unitary control of government, would they really want Biden to test his immunity they gave him and help Trump try to overthrow the election? Well, just saying but Biden does have the phone number to Seal Team Six.

AdLib36 minutes ago

I had a cool conversation with a woman political activist who said, rather off-handedly that she will be happy that the first woman in the WH will be Harris and not Clinton. I want to ask her why.


36 minutes ago

Ad….would it not be “delicious”. if it turns out that the Justices cooked their own gooses.


35 minutes ago

Murph – You could be right but there is a question about when the SoL clock starts ticking, from the discovery of a crime or the date it was committed?

AdLib35 minutes ago

Murph to this day I still haven’t figured out why women hate Hillary, it can’t be because she said wasn’t going to stay home and back cookies.


34 minutes ago

Ad…yes, there is that….a purposeful coverup stops the clock I think. I think it is referred t as “tolling”


34 minutes ago

Murph – Don’t know why that activist said that but I would say that it is more exciting and remarkable to have someone who was not “entitled” to run as a presidential candidate as the first woman president. Hillary’s nomination was that old school, “Well, she’s next in line and highly connected thanks to Bill.”

AdLib33 minutes ago

TW….I think the many women found Hillary to be a bit fake….her laugh irritated so many BUT they thought she was an outstanding Sec of State….a job that may have fit her personality more closely.


33 minutes ago

Ad…good points….


33 minutes ago

Well even it Hillary didn’t make it she did set the path for someone else to come along and break through that glass ceiling


30 minutes ago

Murph – I think those morons on the SCOTUS were so focused about rescuing Trump from prosecutions, they were too tunnelvisioned to stop for a moment and consider that the sitting president, Biden, would be granted that immunity as well. They may have thought, “Well, Democrats aren’t evil bastards like Repubs so no worries,” but when it comes to Biden sitting on his hands and watching the SCOTUS overthrow the votes of tens of millions of Americans, I don’t see him doing that. He’s got nothing to lose at that point. Declare the Insurrection Act, arrest all those who are trying to overthrow the election (including Congresspeople and SCOTUS members, and let democracy rule if such a last resort was necessary. But no way Biden lets Trump and the ScoTUS Six steal the election.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph – Hillary was a poor campaigner. The forced laugh, the announcer-like style of speaking that never felt genuine and there was a degree of entitlement that rubbed people the wrong way. Not to mention the racism she and Bill leaked out in the primary against Obama and some of the dirty tactics she used and tried to use, like having Superdelegates steal the nom from Obama. And her PUMAs? Hillary never had the enthusiasm Kamala has and part of that were all those reasons. And she lied a bit too.

AdLib27 minutes ago

AD…or maybe send out your agents and let them share your scenario and encourage the rats to crawl back into their dens.o the


26 minutes ago

TW – Yes, Hillary did help plow a bit of ground for a woman president to prevail but I think Obama plowed more ground for Kamala, being an “unlikely type of candidate”, meaning not a white male, and proving to the fearful that someone of color or someone who’s not the same demographic of being a white male, doesn’t make a candidate less likely to be a competent and successful president.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad I won’t disagree about the SC repugs being morons. But I was reading something yesterday around the Loving v Virgnia that shed some light on what they are doing and we discussed briefly but it is very clear to me they are out to reverse all the decisions that the Warren court made under the stupid reasoning of originalism


23 minutes ago

Murph – That’s the best thing to do, fire a warning shot across the bow of these seditionists that if they try to proceed with overthrowing the votes of the American people, there will be a very severe price to pay.

AdLib23 minutes ago

TW – I don’t buy that any of the SCOTUS Six believe in Originalism, it’s just their wall to hide behind as they try to rewire the country into a theocracy. When originalism fails them, as in their decision to give a president immunity, they don’t hesitate to abandon Originalism.

AdLib20 minutes ago


AdLib20 minutes ago

Whoops! Just slapped a mosquito on my keyboard!

AdLib20 minutes ago

So a good question is, does Trump make it in one piece to Election Day? Or does he have a serious health problem as he dwells on losing and going to prison as a pauper?

AdLib18 minutes ago

Ad they have to have something that the believe the populous will buy and the Federalist fools can go out and sell, if they came right out with Theocracy there would be a mob with ropes outside the SC.


18 minutes ago

And I would love to see Trump desperately looking around for Putin, The Saudis, etc. to help him out and give him money but they turn their backs on him once they see he’s lost, is going to prison and will never be president again.

AdLib17 minutes ago

Ad I don’t think Putin is returning Trump’s calls since he closed a deal with Biden to get his hitman back.


16 minutes ago

TW – Right, the SCOTUS 6 are all perjurers and liars, they’re on the take from Harlan Crow and other billionaires, they are flat out criminals. And they operate like criminals, they hide their crimes and agenda. But if Dems win unified control, reform the SCOTUS and force ethics laws on them, they’ll run like the cockroaches they are.

AdLib15 minutes ago

Ad with the deal Biden made Trump lost another one of his favorite cards of saying how Putin will return the prisoners on day one.


14 minutes ago

TW – Yep, that’s what I want to see. All of the dictators that Trump thought would be his peers, turning their backs on him as a loser. That will devastate him and I’m here for that.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Yes, don’t you think that was a statement from Putin that he thinks Trump will lose and is worthless to him now?

AdLib13 minutes ago

Ad they all got permission yesterday.


13 minutes ago



13 minutes ago

Yep! I think the dictators will still be hoping Trump can pull it out but deep down, just like most of America right now, they know he’s toast.

AdLib12 minutes ago

The dictators we’re talking about are a 100 times smarter than Trump. They know his goose is cooked.


11 minutes ago

And Fox News is acting like they know Trump is going to lose. It’s kind of funny how frantic and desperate Repubs, RW media, etc. are as they flail around ridiculously hoping to throw something against the wall on Kamala that sticks but they’ve got nothing that will!

AdLib11 minutes ago

I think you’re right. As we’ve discussed, we shouldn’t get ahead of the game and overconfident but from the way things look now, Kamala is only rising and Trump is falling and nothing we can see right now on the horizon, with only 90-some days to go, looks like it can change that.

AdLib9 minutes ago

You’re right, but, it doesn’t mean they’re going to stop looking for something. I don’t put past them on making something up.


9 minutes ago

Right. But as we discussed, Kamala’s candidacy transcends her as an individual. It is a movement, a pro-woman, pro-equality, pro-democracy, pro-hope-for-the-future movement and personal attacks against her just can’t affect that.

AdLib8 minutes ago

These people will go all the way back to when she just stared walking and bring up something stupid just so they can defame her. They will find somebody to lie for them and make something about what she did in college.


7 minutes ago

They’re using all the old, bigoted attacks against her because that’s all they’ve got but none of that slows down a movement, it only feeds into it, demonstrating even more why we need to beat these hateful bigots who want to rule over us like kings.

AdLib6 minutes ago

You know the news media better than I do, but we both know the lie is half way around the world before truth gets its shoes on.


6 minutes ago

Even if they do, and I’m sure you’re right that they’ll try to find a “what about her emails?” or “isn’t he too old?” that they can hammer for week after week but my proposition is that the tactic of personal destruction doesn’t work when this whole movement is positioned to beat those who are all about destruction. Just more evidence of why Kamala needs to win.

AdLib4 minutes ago

True but as I say, Kamala is now more than just a woman running for president, she represents right vs. wrong, democracy vs. dictatorship, and hope and change vs. oppression and destruction. I don’t think personal attacks can hurt Kamala’s campaign, it will only whip up greater enthusiasm for her to knock down the haters. Including the media! Most folks see the NYT, CNN, etc. for the partisan, greedy entities they are. They won’t sway Kamala supporters.

AdLib2 minutes ago

Anyway, I think Murph may be on a call and had to head out. Want to chat?

AdLiba few seconds ago

I’m thinking this. When they come at her with something utterly ridiculous and fails in a big way, that wall comes crashing down on their heads and the entire game changes when it comes to will run for the President in the future their hold is broken the only thing they have left is open rebellion.


a few seconds ago

Yeah give me a minute


in a few seconds

I think Trump’s loss will bring that wall crashing down and their scheme to overthrow the election will be the rope that hangs them.

AdLibin a few seconds

Sounds good!

AdLibin a minute

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