Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey JJ! SO great to see you!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey there.I Currentlyu watching the film Popey, with Robin Williams (songs by Harry Nilsson) Blow Me Down – Robin Williams as Popeye (composer Harry Millson)


3 hours ago

I saw that when it came out!

AdLib3 hours ago

As did I


3 hours ago

Was a big Robin Williams fan. And loved Popeye cartoons when I was a kid.

AdLib3 hours ago

If you hang out for a bit, around 7:00 PDT, several other members will be here and be thrilled to see you!

AdLib3 hours ago

Add Harry Nilsson writing the songs & we have a party.


3 hours ago

That was genius, Nilsson doing the music. And weirdly, Robert Altman directed it.

AdLib3 hours ago

Ever seen The World According to Garp?

AdLib2 hours ago

Williams reallky naile the Popeye character with the rowdy publi voisck, horrible pronunckiactions hand half whispered looney asides. Shelly Duval & Ray Walston were fun as Olive Oil and Poopdeck Pappy, respectively.


2 hours ago

Heh! “Pronunskiashuns”!

AdLib2 hours ago

And Shelley Duvall just passed away. She was perfect as Olive Oil.

AdLib2 hours ago

Yep, Ray ate up the scenery and that’s not easy to do opposite Robin Williams as Popeye.

AdLib2 hours ago

I did see The World According to Garp, a long time ago bareky remember it beyond the title. I liked Williams in The Fisher King, I think that was a Terry Gilliam.


2 hours ago

Yes, Rest In Peace to Shelly Duvall. Popey and The Shining aree the two films I know of, of the many that she was in.


2 hours ago

Yep, loved The Fisher King too and it was Gilliam with Jeff Bridges as he reluctant buddy.

AdLib2 hours ago

Indeed, she was amazing in The Shining and of course was in so many of Altman’s films and a memorable cameo in Annie Hall.

AdLib2 hours ago

Oh, and Time Bandits.

AdLib2 hours ago

Yeh, I loved the Fisher King. Must’ve been from the 80’s cause I never found a copy I could buy, neither vhs or dvd. Been a long time, but it left an impression.


2 hours ago

I think it was 90’s so should’ve been on DVDs I’d think.

AdLib2 hours ago

I didn’t have much money in the 80’s, & I missed a lot of Gilliams very early work.


2 hours ago

Just checked, used DVD on eBay for sale for $7.87 with free shipping. Not bad at all.

AdLib2 hours ago

Aside from Python films, I think his first film was Time Bandits, Financed by George Harrison and it was a surprise hit.

AdLib2 hours ago

The peoples of Sweethaven all hate the goverminks. They must all be anseskors of MAGA.


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

If Popey were the Presidinks, the mass media would be having a field day over his speech impedeminks & questioning his intelleginks.


2 hours ago

“Hmm, I guess they drained the swamp and sent all the critters to Sweethaven! Blow me down!”

AdLib2 hours ago

This stuff writes itself.


2 hours ago

Wimpy for President! I will gladly pay America Tuesday for a hamburger today.

AdLib2 hours ago

That would be Trump.


2 hours ago

Yep! That’s Trump all over. And he is wimpy too.

AdLib2 hours ago

Now if only Biden pulls out a can of spinach at the next presidential debate. “I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam!”

AdLib2 hours ago

Then no one will accuse him of being weak when he punches Trump through the roof.

AdLib2 hours ago

Are you familiar with the social media site, Counter.Social? I joined it last year, its rather left wing, highly moderated, no bots, pretty clean. Built by a hacker (for the good, not the criminal type) who goes by the handle Jocular.


2 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

Howdy, all! JJ! How nice to see you! Hi, Ad!


2 hours ago

BRB – our AC is set very high, and I need WATER.


2 hours ago

Hey CL!


2 hours ago

Yes, I’ve heard of Counter Social. I haven’t signed up there, signed up for Mastadon, BluSky, etc. but don’t really spend time at them.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

Once again, CL is “too cool”.

AdLib2 hours ago

You there, TW?

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey everyone sorry I’m late


2 hours ago

No worries, TW.

AdLib2 hours ago

Popeye: “Wrong is wrong, even when it helps ya!”


2 hours ago

Just need a sec to catch up


2 hours ago

So, what’s the over/under on Biden dropping out? He’s been targeted from all sides but it hasn’t worked so far, I think that window has closed up. What do you think?

AdLib2 hours ago

Popeye should’ve run for president.

AdLib2 hours ago

I am what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam .


2 hours ago

Hey TW!


2 hours ago

Hey CL


2 hours ago

I’m back


2 hours ago

So you are all discussing old movies I see


2 hours ago

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – I WISH I were “too cool”. It’s very hot out, our AC needs to be OFF until 8 pm and then, for us, ON if it’s under 100 outside. It labors too hard if it’s not. So right now it’s 85 inside despite the fans. Ugh.


2 hours ago

Yames yeah it would Ad that would find yams


2 hours ago

Biden isn’t dropping out, there’s no one to replace him. And he doesn’t lack for energy, he’s just old with a speech inpedemink.


2 hours ago

CL – Is that a rule up there, keeping the AC off during the day or keeping the electric bill down?

AdLib2 hours ago

There’s no one to take Biden’s place if her with draws.


2 hours ago

Jigravitas agree with you totally


2 hours ago

TW – I yam what I yam.

AdLib2 hours ago

JJ – You’re cracking me up!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I’m going to just leave that alone.


2 hours ago

With automatic AC the thermostat shuts off the AC after sundown as the temperature goes down. Upstairs rooms suffer.


2 hours ago

Ad – Biden is rising in ALL polls, especially the NPR/Marist that is an A+ rated poll. There is ZERO downside to his continuing as the candidate w Harris. Ask Black women. They know. They’re all in. He has the Black vote, Latino vote, labor, women, military, a lot of cops, and some farmers. He has some corporate types who are in manufacturing not finance. What’s NOT to like here?


2 hours ago

I see Rudy had his bankrupcy case thrown out. Couldn’t have happen to a more deserving person.


2 hours ago

JJ – Agreed, removing Biden is half of a thought for these people, they don’t consider the other half of the thought that creating a power vacuum woud create havoc at the convention, lots of ego-driven people wanting to steal the nom without having to run in the primary and even if Joe tapped Kamala, she’d be just as ruthlessly attacked and opposed by many Dems who will say, to hide their prejudices, “I don’t think she can beat Trump.”

AdLib2 hours ago

CL I beleive Biden give new meaning to the come back kid analogy


2 hours ago

Popeye – He Needs Me – Robin Williams Shelley Duvall —


2 hours ago

Ad – SMUD, the municipal power non profit that serves us, asks us to curtail energy use 4-8 pm. But it gets too hot for our crap AC by about 2 pm these days. So I inch it up until 4, then put it up higher to keep it from coming on until 8 IF it’s under 100. That part is because it’s a crap unit.


2 hours ago

TW – That’s Biden personified: the Comeback Kid.


2 hours ago

JJ – I have a Nest thermostat and one year I agreed to the Summer program then canceled it partway through. Now I won’t do it but we have solar so we generate as much electricity as we use in the Summer for the most part.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – we are looking into solar, but it won’t fix the stupid AC problem. We need a new unit, but it’s only 10 years old.


2 hours ago

CL – Excellent points! Not to mention how Dems would be upset and maybe not come out in Nov if their candidate who won the primary votes was kicked off the ticket and replaced by a handful of elitist white male Dems.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL Trump doesn’t want Biden to drop because he thinks he can beat him, as our parents use to say, ‘be careful what you ask for.’


2 hours ago

TW – Yep, when I sarcastically say, “Poor Rudy” I mean it both ways.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – I think Trump is not coming public because he sees two things: People HATE Project 2025. Biden isn’t the wimp Trump assumed. He may have wanted him, but now he’s not so sure.


2 hours ago

Ad – I love that “Poor Rudy” in all ways!


2 hours ago

TW – I do think America loves a comeback and Biden fighting back can win him a bigger victory than he might have had. Plus, lots of bad news for Trump coming up along the way to knock down his support.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I can’t help but wonder if Rudy has some cash stashed away in the Cam. Is. He’s worked around too many crooks not to have done that.


2 hours ago

Trump thought he could beat Biden in 2020, but Biden beat him soundly, without even making campaign stops or ralleys. Trump could never accept that, still think it was some kinda tricks. But it wasn’t.


2 hours ago

Ad if the American people are smart they will stick with the one that brong them to the dance.


2 hours ago

CL – Yes, you told me about your AC and that’s crazy it’s only 10 years old. Ours is still working and it’s got to be at least 24 years old. And I am a big fan of solar, it slashed our electric bill and the payments for them were very reasonable (after tax credits and all). Also, we’ve paid them off now so it’s free and clear savings year round.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well, if we do solar, it would be great for the bills, but the idiotic AC, top of the line piece of crap, still is a piece of crap.


2 hours ago

CL – That’s messed up. SMUD is a perfect sounding name for a public utility that can’t deliver what it’s supposed to.

AdLib2 hours ago

JJ Trump is I believe in far more decline than Biden


2 hours ago

jj – the idea that people who have integrity and ideas can win legitimately simply is too big for the Trumpian brain.


2 hours ago

TW – I don’t know, I think Trump is still worried about Biden so he’s taking his team’s advice to keep quiet and hope Biden is shoved off the ticket.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL Trump has done nothing but cheat his entire life


2 hours ago

Tw – Biden is in NO decline in any way. He’s just old which isn’t a disease. He’s far healthier than Trump. It’s pretty clear Trump has serious dementia like his father.


2 hours ago

If Trump becomes POTUS he prop up fossil fuels and put a stranglehold on solar, putting us behind most of the developed world.


2 hours ago

TW – cheating is how ignorant people prosper. They haven’t the intelligence or self direction for anything else.


2 hours ago

jj – that is one of MANY things making me vote for Biden.


2 hours ago

TW – No doubt, like most criminals, Rudy has money hidden away. Do you think he hid it in jacket pockets in Bob Menendez’s closet?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – if Rudy hid money at Menendez’s, he can kiss it goodbye.


2 hours ago

Ad I’m guessing Rudy is trying to make a deal for some of Menendez’s gold


2 hours ago

JJ – I think Trump knew he was going to lose to Biden in 2020, the polls all showed it and Trump’s disastrous handling of COVID locked it down. That’s why he started questioning elections as maybe being fraudulent then and now.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – MRS. Menendez won’t share the gold.


2 hours ago

CL yes ignorant people will cheat no question about that.


2 hours ago

TW – Agreed, and I think most Americans are sticking with Biden despite the panicked and scheming voices coming from all directions to oust him.

AdLib2 hours ago

So I read that the MAGA folks are already positing that the election is rigged. Problem is, that dog won’t hunt TWICE.


2 hours ago

The bad news is that MAGA are vicious. The good news is that they are impossibly stupid.


2 hours ago

CL how are they saying that???


2 hours ago

CL – I think starting this year, the infrastructure laws’ tax credits for heat pumps opens up, they are great replacements for AC units and combined with those tax credits and the ones for solar, it will pay for itself pretty quickly.

AdLib2 hours ago

You mean MAGA saying it is rigged? They just SAY it like Comer says Biden has billions from China. Allegations are as good as proof with them.


2 hours ago

Ad – upon your past and current advice, we’re looking into it all.


2 hours ago

CL – If MAGAs are already claiming the election will be rigged, you know what that means, they think Biden and Dems will beat Trump and his lapdog party.

AdLib2 hours ago

Our house is small – 1270 sq ft. so we probably don’t need much. We will look into it. SMUD has a bunch of programs. Cool having a municipal utility.


2 hours ago

CL Commer one of the many stupidest Repugs in Congress up there with Gabby Bobert, BBBBB MTG and no tell Jim Jordan


2 hours ago

Ad – they are, and they have reason to be scared. The outpouring of support over the last week is AWESOME. Screw Clooney – 44,000 people donated last NIGHT and are keeping it going today.


2 hours ago

CL – As vicious as MAGAs are, they’re cowards like all bullies and their cowardly cult leader. The 1/6 prosecutions have worked well to deter further action and the delusions they had on 1/6 that they could somehow commit crimes to overthrow the country and get away with it.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – I am unaware of a surviving intelligent Republican in the house.


2 hours ago

CL – Yep, not counting on our AC to last much longer so just wanted to be able to stretch it out until that tax credit for heat pumps started up.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL smarts should up at the Repug side of the ailse and they just ran away screeming nooooooooo I don’t want any brains.


2 hours ago

Ad – cutting the head off the ground=game Hydra was very important. I get daily DOJ briefs, and almost once a week the FBI arrests some goober intent on slaughtering SOMEONE. They are not going unobserved.


2 hours ago

TW! Too funny!!!


2 hours ago

CL – Yes, it is much better to have a public utility but they need to have a bond passed or something to finance building out greater capacity.

AdLib2 hours ago

We do have SMUD board approval and some ballot measures for expansion.


an hour ago

CL – That inspired donating to Biden is music to my ears and probably sounds like losing an Oscar to Clooney.

AdLiban hour ago

Clooney lost a huge fan base this week. Dumb move.


an hour ago

CL – That’s great to hear. The FBI is at least acting like domestic terror is the number one threat, even if Congress hasn’t passed a bill to make it a specific crime.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Add to all that, Trump hasn’t been building a ground game. Biden has over 100 campaign offices around the country. At least up until recently, Trump had none.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – well, Greg and I work w a coalition (he heads it) to tackle hate crimes and anti everything extremists. I’ve worked w the CA office on terrorism, and he with the Joint Task Force on Terrorism. We are both members of the FBI Citizens Academy and the Regional Task Force on Hate Crimes. So we DO pay attention.


an hour ago

Ad – all of Trump’s donations go in his pocket or to his fines, penalties, and crap lawyers.


an hour ago

Congress doesn’t have to pass special laws against domestic terror, They just have to enforce the laws the DTs are already breaking.


an hour ago

He has NO state offices. NONE. He thinks he can win without them.


an hour ago

Ad does Trump even have money for a groud game? Everything that comes in goes into his grubby little hands I suppose to pay some of his lawyers.


an hour ago

CL – WOW! I am very impressed and proud of both of you standing up against hate and crime like that! You are continuosly surprising!

AdLiban hour ago

jj – you’re exactly correct. The laws are fine. The enforcement now is good. CA needs some beefing up of procedures, but we’re pretty OK, too.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, Trump’s funneling all that campaign cash to his lawyers and his own pockets because his greed won’t let him do anything else with it.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – well, it got me stalked by people shining rifle sights on me while I sat on the porch, but since the guys came to live in the back? No problems. They are my pit bulls.


an hour ago

CL you continue to amaze


an hour ago

JJ – You’re right about that but if Domestic Terrorism itself was a crime, it could be a real boon for law enforcement to go after more domestic terrorists who they can’t pin other crimes on.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – it is my understanding that Trump has NO ground game and thinks the fix is in on legislative blocks to the votes and fake electors – already openly in the works in a couple of Red states – so he doesn’t need it. WRONG.


an hour ago

Trump pays his lawyers? he must be paying one of them I guess. So many lawyers have walked out on Trump, he’s such an embarassmink.


an hour ago

Ad Domestic Terrorism IS a crime. And they are punishing it hard.


an hour ago

CL – I don’t know that Trump thinks he can win without campaign offices. I think he knows he’ll lose and is instead investing in election attorneys and thugs to try and overthrow the election that he suspects he’ll lose anyway.

AdLiban hour ago

jj – it’s our understanding that nobody would represent him without cash on the barrellhead.


an hour ago

CL if that is the case, then Trump far stupider than I thought.


an hour ago

Well, in 2020-21 he controlled the means of law enforcement. He doesn’t now. They can’t do J6 over again even though they THINK they can. That kind of stupid is awesome.


an hour ago

TW – Trump has plenty of money but instead of investing in a ground game, he pays his lawyers, pockets much of it then doles out a little to his post-election lawyers to try and overturn the election he expects to lose.

AdLiban hour ago

CL so Trump beleives he needs no ground game?


an hour ago

TW – he’s demented. He lives in fantasy. That’s my understanding – he has none. Nothing. Anywhere.


an hour ago

CL – The perfect example of one good turn deserves another. You’re so empathetic to help out the homeless people and they return the favor by just their presence deterring thugs.

AdLiban hour ago

CL so what the heck is Kelly Ann


an hour ago

The states where he has some possibility of a fraud are mostly Red.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Cl what is Kelly Ann Conway doing for him?? She must be going crazy with no ground game.


an hour ago

Ad – I am very fortunate that the guys in the back know what’s what and are totally on our side. Oh, they’re all anti Trump, too.


an hour ago

JJ – Trump has left so many lawyers unpaid that they now demand money up front “or no defensk works!”

AdLiban hour ago

TW – one never quite knows what KellyAnn’s job is.


an hour ago

jj – Kelly Ann doesn’t seem to HAVE a function. She just is there.


an hour ago

CL – I remember Wray being asked in a Congressional hearing if there was a domestic terrorism law and he said no then asked if it would help him and the FBI if there was and he said yes.

AdLiban hour ago

CL so what is there no reporting on this? One would think our so-called fearless press would be reporting the hell out this instead of going after Biden


an hour ago

TW – you’d think, yes. We are trying to take surveys of good media. So far it’s the Philadelphia Inquirer and Milwaukee Whatever it is. Otherwise there’s very poor reporting on those details. I get it from investigative blogs mostly. I can confirm most of it myself, so I know it’s true.


an hour ago

Think about this, Kelly Ann’s daughter despises her and she is openly vicious to her own daughter. Repubs display the most repellent attributes as human beings and yet that only helps them in that party.

AdLiban hour ago

KellyAnn is sick. George finally divorced her not because of politics but because she was vicious to their daughter.


an hour ago

CL that is a sad day when mother and daughter hate each other.


an hour ago

The Mass Media is all run by CEO’s who are covering Trump because he brings in viewers, like a train wreck. And they are hoping if Trump wins, he will cut their taxes & regulations.


an hour ago

CL – We can write off the NYT, WAPO, CNN, and MSNBC after this attempt to throw the winning Dem nom off the ticket. If it’s a silver lining, at least we see all of these Repub-owned media outlets for the corrupt entities they are.

AdLiban hour ago

Where the RNC went haywire was in letting LARA Trump, the co director, demand and get ALL donations go to Trump. There is nothing for downticket save from RNC’s congressional race.


an hour ago



an hour ago

JJ yes all big business wants is their tax cuts. Greedy SOB’s


an hour ago

TW – And her daughter despises her for the same reason most people do, that she is an unprincipled liar and seditionist.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph is in the House!!!


an hour ago

At last…long Kunce meeting tonight.


an hour ago

JJ – So true, the Repub owned media is showing its true stripes now and seeing NYT hastily run an article attacking Trump makes me think the subscription cancellations are hurting them.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad break out the good stuff


an hour ago

WHey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

MURPH”!!! Murph, I saw the KC Star said Lucas could WIN! That’s incredibly cool!


an hour ago

Long Kunce meetings are always a valid excuse for being a little late.

AdLiban hour ago

Gettin’ lively up in here.


an hour ago

TW – Whoops, I think I already drank the good stuff. How about some okay stuff?

AdLiban hour ago

Hawley is so thoroughly unlikeable Choice that this is so.


an hour ago

Tw – yes, Murph has EARNED it!


an hour ago

Murph Kunce going to kick butt and take names?


an hour ago

JJ – That’s why we keep the bar open late.

AdLiban hour ago

Hello JJ…long time….good to see you again.


an hour ago

Ad how many times do I have to tell you need save the good stuff?


an hour ago

Murph – Have you seen the continuing upswing for Biden in both polls and donations? Again, you know I’m skeptical of polls but it is undermining the BS that people trying to make Biden drop off have been spouting.

AdLiban hour ago

What is the concensus here tonight re. Biden…..?


an hour ago

TW – I know, I know but it’s been a helluva week over here, I need the good stuff.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I know that since at least 2018 that the polls have UNDERRATED Dems and overrated GOP. So if a polls shows some Dems rising and having a lead, you can PRETTY much count on that lead and that it’s bigger than reported.


an hour ago

Ad…what polls are you spotlighting?


an hour ago

Ad okay we’ll let it slip this time


an hour ago

Murph – FWIW, Biden is moving back ahead in 3 new polls and has had a boom in fundraising from grassroots Dems who are pissed off about so many trying to kick him off the ticket.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – NPR/Maris this morning. Overall Biden is up 2. Bloomberg so far is the only one on swing states, and Biden is up over Trump in MI and WI, tied in NV, gaining ground NC and GA.


an hour ago

Ad has more.


an hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

Whoops, here’s the text in that tweet: Polls this week, Biden-Trump. Trump’s lead appears to be gone: 50%-48% NPR/Marist 44%-42% GW/YouGov 47%-46% Split Ticket/DfP 47%-46% Clarity 50%-50% Emerson 46%-46% WaPo 42%-43% R & W 42%-43% Bendixen/Amandi 41%-42% Big Village 42%-44% Morning Consult 40%-43% Econ/YouGov

AdLiban hour ago

Why are as many Dems as there are who continue to beat the abandon ship snare drum.


an hour ago

Thanks for this info….


an hour ago

I’m not sure there are “so many” as much as “so loud”. There are 9 in the House who are, save for Raul Grijalva, unknown. This is their selfish desire to grab the limelight. It’s not working.


an hour ago

Murph – I think these anti-Biden people just got so full of themselves and think they’ll make history and prove how powerful they are by pushing for Biden to drop out, they can’t read the writing on the wall. We had a name for folks like this, oh yeah, “fools”.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey all have to clock early tonight not feeling so good. So have a good weekend.


an hour ago

All the biggest joke are Axelrod and Carville, old white guys bashing Biden for being an old white guy. Make that make sense?


an hour ago

Oh TW -take care of yourself. Hope all is OK. See you next week!


an hour ago

TW said this tonight but it bears repeating, America loves a comeback and they love to see David standing up against Goliath. I think this whole effort to muscle Biden out has only made voters support him more as he stands up to them.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…yes…not so much “so many” as why “as many”….you and ad bring clarity with the numbers….but I ask what is the motivation of the “quite towers”?


an hour ago

Murph – what are “quiet towers”? Never heard that term.


an hour ago

I was much impressed by bot Axelrod and Carville in the Obama years…….I question their motives……many who were close to the Obama campaign knew that many of those “wise men” looked down on Biden…is this leftover disdain?


an hour ago

I agree with you, CL, it’s about the ego of the Dems, journos, and celebrities who think they’ll look like righteous crusaders, get lots of publicity and think they’ll go down in history as the powerful people who ended a president’s re-election. Sure, some may still be in panic mode but I think much of that has worn off now.

AdLiban hour ago

Sorry “quit towers” my fumbling fingers.


an hour ago

Murph – yes, I think you nailed it. It’s the “Cornell West” syndrome. Not center of Obama-Biden attention, so eff ’em and now kick him when he’s down. Well, nobody is paying them any mind. They came to this irrelevant and remain irrelevant. They’re on TV, but they look stupid.


an hour ago

Murph – Axelrod is a sellout, can’t remember which corp he sold out to but it wasn’t a good one. And he has always disliked Biden, he attacked him in 2020 saying he should have dropped out then too!

AdLiban hour ago

CL – I like what some have been saying on Twitter, warning not to vote against Dems in Nov who are pushing for Biden to quit but…remember all of them to primary them in 2026!

AdLiban hour ago

Too many are looking to be kingmakers – or kings – and have NOTHING to show for their time in office. They aren’t remotely known outside their districts or INSIDE either. They all look incredibly venal and stupid.


an hour ago

And they will ALL get primaried.


an hour ago

CL…Cornel West made it clear that he did not believe that he had been afforded the proper respect owed him by Obamans who had not “paid their dues.”


an hour ago

Yes – vote for them now, stick it to them 2026.


an hour ago

And if Biden wins as I think he will when all is said and done, just watch how these “principled” Dems and journalists act like they didn’t try their best to stab Biden in the back. But…too late by then for them.

AdLiban hour ago

As if trekking around America selling subprime loans with his buddy Tavis meant they’d paid their dues. West is an elite. Obama came up from South Chicago community organizing. HE paid his dues. Not West.


an hour ago

Neither Obama nor Biden is vindictive, but neither are they stupid. The naysayers will be frozen out.


an hour ago

Cornel West, like RFK Jr., Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, etc., are all egotistical and corrupt people who run 3rd party for the same reason people attack Biden, to see if they can have the power to change the election. But no, they won’t this year.

AdLiban hour ago

CL and Ad – good analysis all around.


an hour ago

Nope. They all have more baggage this time, too. Stein blew it defending Russian imperialism and ignoring climate issues. Not good in the Green Party.


an hour ago

Next program, “The Rutles – All You Need Is Cash,” the first mocumentary.


an hour ago

CL – Yep, Tavis and Cornell were the Spiteful Twins after Obama was elected, they looked so pathetic and were so wrapped up in themselves, never saw how small and petulant they looked to everyone else.

AdLiban hour ago

RFK, Jr. is now saddled with having eaten a dog. Today he was asked if there were other possible sex assault charges against him. He said “maybe”. That he wasn’t perfect. HELLO?????


an hour ago

jj – LOL!!!


an hour ago

JJ – Who’s your fave? Nasty?

AdLiban hour ago

BRB – it’s after 8 and below 100. I can turn the AC back on!!!


an hour ago

Ahhhh – only 7 degrees to go to comfort.


an hour ago

CL – It’s bad enough that Trump is running as an adjudicated rapist who is now proven to be Jeffrey Epstein’s wingman in pedophilia. But if that’s not too much for you, we have the BBQ-dog-eating sexual assulter who can’t say many others will accuse him of that and also has a work in his brain. Boy, this is such a tough decision on who to vote for.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I KNOW – which perv, which brain worm. Decisions, decisions…


an hour ago

I am now CAUGHT UP on the discussion.


an hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – it may be one of our odder ones.


an hour ago

CL – I feel so bad for you! Maybe get an affordable generator?

AdLiban hour ago

CL…odd discussion….how so?


an hour ago

Murph – perverts, lousy egos, and brain worms. I mean…that’s not your NORMAL set of election issues, now is it?


44 minutes ago

CL…got it….of course I live in Mo where low brow is good stuff.


43 minutes ago

Ad – It’s usually NOT this bad, but it hit 100 at 2 this afternoon. The problem isn’t the “low use” period, it’s our bad AC. It just labors terribly at 100 and above. Piece of crap.


43 minutes ago

I know someone who is a rabid RFK Jr. supporter and claims that he’s so brave because “they” want to kill him too. I asked her, “Who would want to kill him?” She said, “You know, the ones who killed his father and JFK.” Yes, she is a nutter.

AdLib43 minutes ago

Murph – well, compared to the white supremacists, stalkers, etc. you deal with, this is indeed not that bad.


43 minutes ago

CL do you have a heat pump?


42 minutes ago

Ad – just my observation that RFK, Jr. is associating with the people who killed his uncle and father. So there is that.


42 minutes ago

No, no heat pump, but we’re looking into it. The AC is so new it’s still under warranty, but it has conked out three times in the heat. I’m pretty sick of it, but we can’t afford to replace it for another several months.


41 minutes ago

CL – So true and sad. If RFK was alive today, he’d put Jr. over his knee and spank him from now until 2025.

AdLib40 minutes ago

CL…I highly recommend heat pump tech for both warming and cooling.


40 minutes ago

Nasty, played by Neil Innes. Neil and Eric started the Rutleson a show they had in England, Rutland Weekend Television, bringing aspects of it to America and SNL. The enthusiastic response led to the TV movie.


40 minutes ago

THE RUTLES – Piggy In The Middle (1967)


40 minutes ago

Ad – RFK is obviously deeply traumatized by his father’s death, but when I met him in 1973 it was a HUGE turn off. He was on heroin then, and it showed. He was awful.


39 minutes ago


39 minutes ago

Murph – The Infrastructure Act gives you a 30% tax credit up to $2,000 on buying a heat pump instead of a regular AC/Heater. That’s what I’ll replace my AC/Heater with when it finally dies.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad…..Jr. spent his entire life beneath the shadow of a man who is so much greater than he could ever be but is stuck bearing his name.


39 minutes ago

jj – I never heard of it, but I will check it out. My brother lives in Rutland MA, so I already feel an affinity.


39 minutes ago

JJ – Didn’t know that. But this will always be the greatest Beatles satire ever made. It’s brilliant and hilarious.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Ad – thanks for the tip on the tax credit!!!


38 minutes ago

Ad….that damn Biden…..enticing people to go with Heat Pump Tech.


38 minutes ago

murph – heat pumps are commie? Like…who knew?


37 minutes ago

CL – I understand RFK Jr. has lived a life corrupted by trauma but he knows what he’s doing right now and it is flat out evil.

AdLib37 minutes ago

CL….commie but not Russian because. Russian is good.


37 minutes ago

Ad – no argument from me on RFK, Jr.


36 minutes ago

Trump, picking a fight over has the best or worst mental competence, has got to be the most regarded POTUS campaign I’ve seen so far.


36 minutes ago

Murph – wait. Russia is now fully fascist. I’m getting very confused.


36 minutes ago

CL…Fascist and Czarist.


35 minutes ago

jj – only one candidate is fully rational, sane, intelligent, focused, visionary, competent. Biden. All the others including weird Dean are demented.


35 minutes ago

Murph – Vlad: The Man Who Would Be Czar.


35 minutes ago

Murph – But after pulling himself together a little, he did what the scion of a great figure should do, a socially responsible thing of protecting the environment. But it wasn’t earnest, it was just a stepping stone to the ego gratification he craves. Then he turned to destroying lives with his conspiracy theories and anti-vax lies, he is not a good person.

AdLib34 minutes ago

CL….he thinks he already is.


34 minutes ago

I have seen several examples of Newspeak a la “1984” operating in MAGA land.


34 minutes ago

Vlad the Impaler


34 minutes ago

Murph – And as you know, heat pumps save people money, another insidious Biden plot!

AdLib34 minutes ago

Murph – yes, he does. Now, my question is – is the man we have been seeing lately actually PUTIN or his body double? He was very sick then, miraculously, just fine.


33 minutes ago

Murph – different Vlad, still someone Putin would love to emulate.


33 minutes ago

JJ – Agreed and I wouldn’t bet against Trump having a mental breakdown at the RNC or after being criminally sentenced in the Bragg case.

AdLib33 minutes ago

Ad….it is helpful to look at the children of great men and women as those often cursed to wilt in the shadow of the great ones which is why John=John’s death is particularly sad.


32 minutes ago

Ad – I agree that Trump is too close to a total breakdown now not to be at risk of complete collapse.


32 minutes ago

Everyone still here?


31 minutes ago

YES! Can’t you see us?


31 minutes ago

Note…now little campaigning Trump is doing …..there are whispers about his being unable to do much more that chat on the green as he plays at golf.


30 minutes ago

“I’m a conservative, now which would be the best president for a conservative? The guy who tried to overthrow our government, stole government secrets, and committed election fraud or the guy with the worm in his brain who has sexually assaulted women and caused many people to die due to his claims that vaccines are dangerous? Hmm…tough one…”

AdLib30 minutes ago

JJ – Can you see this?

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph – I think despite his “great” performance in the debate (his view) he knows he can’t sustain a real one. He’s hiding.


29 minutes ago

Ad – real conservatives are fleeing Trump. The threat from Heritage “Nice little country you got here. Shame if anything happened to it.” did NOT sit well with anyone outside MAGA.


28 minutes ago

Murph – Yes, John Jr. seemed like a good guy. Not perfect but decent. Many Kennedys seem fine, Jr. is just a factory reject.

AdLib28 minutes ago

Ad – as the namesake, I think the pressure on RFK, Jr. was awful. That said, he made a lot of choices that were simply too vile for words.


27 minutes ago

Murph – You know how Trump always accuses others of what he does? His attacks on Biden for taking drugs before the debate made me think that he definitely took drugs before the debate, probably a ton of Adderall and more, so he wouldn’t look as deranged as usual.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Ad – I think that was true. But those in the know thought he was on speed because he never answered a single question just engaged in ‘gish gallop’ attacks. I think people’s saying Biden won the substance was too much for Trump even as they said he looked “presidential” whatever the hell THAT meant.


25 minutes ago

CL – I think you’re right and polling must be showing that Project 2025 is really registering with people and turning them against him, hence his lie about both knowing nothing about it but supporting some of it. Yeah, that’s what future generations will know as Trumpspeak.

AdLib25 minutes ago

CL – Maybe so but just having the Kennedy name is pressure. No one else in the family turned out to be so messed up. I don’t think it was just the name. I think he seems a little haywire upstairs to begin with.

AdLib23 minutes ago

Those who unearthed the fact that some 40-plus Trump staffers and close allies WROTE Project2025 was a great blow to his pretense that he’s his own man.


23 minutes ago

Ad – I could not disagree. RFK, Jr. was and is a right mess.


23 minutes ago

CL – Adderall is speed.

AdLib23 minutes ago

Well, that makes sense. I don’t know much about drugs, but that stands to reason.


22 minutes ago

CL – And you probably saw that people uncovered video of Trump saying Project 2025 was his agenda that he was going to accomplish. Is anyone surprised by his brash and obvious lies?

AdLib22 minutes ago

Dear friends, I need to go. The cats are demanding dinner, and like every other cat based home, “If the cats ain’t happy, NOBODY’s happy.” So I need to do the nightly rounds of food and water.


21 minutes ago

Yes, Ad I saw that. Good night to you both, and to JJ – see you next week I hope!


21 minutes ago

Okay CL, take care of them rowdy cats and have a great weekend!

AdLib21 minutes ago

Hey JJ, can you see us now?

AdLib21 minutes ago

Murph, you still here?

AdLib20 minutes ago

I had to close & restaret Cox Populi. I can see everyone now. (•_•)


19 minutes ago

I mean Vox Populi. Oops!


18 minutes ago

Oh! Sometimes there are cache issues in browsers that cause that, closing and reopening solves that as does clearing the cache.

AdLib18 minutes ago


AdLib18 minutes ago

“V” and “C” are right next to each other on the keyboard, no worries!

AdLib17 minutes ago

You watching The Rutles now?

AdLib17 minutes ago

And so you know, I always stay until the last Voxer signs off and I add a signoff so if it looks like everyone suddenly left, it’s a browser glitch.

AdLib16 minutes ago

AdLib15 minutes ago

Yep, about halfway through, doing Hold My Hand, still in the mop-top phase.


15 minutes ago

Cheese and Onions

AdLib15 minutes ago

Neil Innes was a genius.

AdLib14 minutes ago

I LOVE Cheese and Onions! Fun fact, it was animated by the same guys who animated yellow submarine. #:^)


13 minutes ago

Really? It’s just as clever if not a bit more cheeky.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Peter Max?

AdLib12 minutes ago

All those guys influenced each other back then.


11 minutes ago

Yep. I always thought it was cool that George Harrison became an investor in Python movies and Eric and Neil of course did this parody of The Beatles. I always saw Python as The Beatles of comedy. Even saw Python live at The Hollywood Bowl which of course they made into a film.

AdLib9 minutes ago

Previous to Python, starting in the late 60’s, the American Firesign Theatre were also known as the Beatles of comedy. Comedy groups were rare back then, especially ones with hit albums.


6 minutes ago

Yep, I listened to Firesign Theater’s albums. And Bill Cosby, George Carlin, Cheech and Chong (who technically were a group), etc., those comedy albums were big and classic back then.

AdLib4 minutes ago

Three of the Beatles were also Rutles fans, they got the parody (not Paul though). 🙂


2 minutes ago

All still classics.


a minute ago

I’m signing off. Have a good evening, Adlib.


a few seconds ago

Sometimes Paul could be a real downer. Did you watch the Peter Jackson documentary on them. It was fantastic, gave real insight to how Paul stepped up to be the band’s leader after the death of Brian Epstein but you could see how his attitude helped hasten the break up.

AdLibin a few seconds

Night JJ! Hope to see you here on Friday night Vox again soon!

AdLibin a few seconds

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