Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad and Murph! Cooool!


an hour ago

Hello. there!


an hour ago

Hello to you! How are things in MO especially with Lucas?


an hour ago

Lucas is holding his own but last week’s debate performance was certainly a hit……efforts to undermine his campaign via numerous false charges grow……and Hawley is playing the “ignore him as inconsequential” mode and that has some power.


an hour ago

Choice…what is your take on the debate.


an hour ago

My circle of informed folks is looking at this list for a replacement if necessary. VP Kamala Harris Mi Gov Gretchn Whitmer CA Gov Gavin Newsom Tr. Sec. Pete Buttigieg Penn Gov Josh Shapiro Il Gov. JB Pritzker Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Maryland Governor Wes Moore Senators Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock Michelle Obama


an hour ago

Hey hey!

AdLiban hour ago

The interview tonight was not stunning….no problems but little inspiration.


an hour ago

Murph – obviously the imagery wasn’t good, but Twitter analysts have gotten transcripts showing Biden SKUNKED Trump on all answers. I’ve been pushing: “Joe’s our Yoda, we’re his Jedi”, and it’s catching on. So he’s soft spoken and doesn’t handle bullies on short notice. So what? His RECORD is stellar, and today’s record-breaking stock market is proof.


an hour ago

I am increasingly angry at the unwillingness of popular media to hold Trump to same standards as they are applying to Biden.


an hour ago

Murph – not a problem. He was AMAZING in Wisconsin and at the 4th WH celebration! The problem isn’t Biden – it’s the media.


an hour ago

Agreed – a convicted felon w fascist predictions, and we can’t burn his ass?


an hour ago

Murph – Trump was offered a similar interview at ABC, he refused to be interviewed. So Biden had an interview that was fine but too many Dems want to throw Biden out by holding standards so high and have no standards about Trump to call on him to drop out.

AdLiban hour ago

I refused to watch the interview. I knew it would suck.


an hour ago

The media do seem suspiciously unwilling to treat the candidates in similar fashion.


an hour ago

Look – this has been a 50 year march to fascism starting we Reagan. Ending the fairness doctrine on, it was PLANNED. And now we reap the whirlwind.


an hour ago

I remember both IKE and Reagan in their last years, both younger than Biden. Others have similar memories.


an hour ago

Starting WITH Reagan…


an hour ago

Hello everyone sorry I’m late


an hour ago

Hey, TW!\


an hour ago

CL how are you


an hour ago

PPO!!! How are you?


an hour ago

Biden is looking weaker and more tired and the conversation among many in my circle is not about now but about a year from now….their concerns re. Biden are also expressed re. Trump but that conversation is not happening widely.


an hour ago

Hi all! Looking forward to seeing you soon.


an hour ago

TW – doing OK. Long week of doing CA ballot analyses that got screwed up from legislative ineptitude. But I’m done. Whew!


an hour ago

Hello PPO and TW


an hour ago

packing right now.


an hour ago

PPO – so sorry I can’t this year. I will miss you like crazy!


an hour ago

Murph, Kamala is there to take the reins if anything happens.


an hour ago

It is a feeding frenzy for many reasons. Here are what I think are a couple. The corporate owners of ALL MSM outlets are Republican and want Trump tax cuts. Many journalists feel they have power in this moment to push Biden off a cliff. The MSM wants the race to be competitive and are doing everything they can to outweigh a candidate having 34 criminal convictions and adjudicated a rapist by hammering down Biden and trying to hound him out of the race. Russian entities are turning armies of trolls against Biden to drown him in “resiegn” attacks because they want their candidate, Russian-owned Trump, in the WH.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey PO!

AdLiban hour ago

I have told those I often speak with is that it is. Biden vs. Trump…..which means that it is good vs. evil at its heart.


an hour ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – totally agree on the good/evil dichotomy.


an hour ago

PPO how you doing?


an hour ago

The hysteria about Joe is 100% media hype


an hour ago

Fine TW. Hope we can share a beer again soon


an hour ago

AD…YOUR ANALYSIS…I agree. The forces pushing for a replacement.


an hour ago

Billionaires ought to think twice about becoming Putin oligarchs. Such folks tend to be defenestrated a lot if they peeve the dictator.


an hour ago

NOBODY can replace now – not enough time, NO money. Stupid discussion.


an hour ago

We may have to put up with this unrelenting attack on Biden as senile and needing to resign and give up the nom but my prediction is that when he gives his speech at the DNC convention, it will finally end this attack.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – some folks on Twitter note the American public could not care less about the debate.


an hour ago

I’m betting the US media will barely mention the rout of the RWNJs in Britain during the week. Or the Epstein files. Ot trump raping a 14 year old.


an hour ago

I made a list of 10 things that will happen to the large majority of Mo. voterss if Trump wins and his plans move forward….a horrific list that still does not impress those I know.


an hour ago

PPO – I am over the MOON at the rout in GB!! I looked him up – he’s a damned decent person. Good instincts.


an hour ago

Choice not many make reference to defenestration…toss another one out the window. Yeah!


an hour ago

PPO – Sad but true, agree that the MSM is knowingly and intentionally sidetracking reporting on Trump, Project 2025, and the defeat of the Tories by Labour in the UK. Trump called the MSM the enemy of the people and now, fearing he could win, they seem to be seeking to get in his good graces by actually becoming an enemy of the people.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – is it “it can’t happen here” mentality? Over the weekend, my VERY anti=Trump SIL still insisted Trump and Project 2025 are not the same.


an hour ago

Ad there is no doubt in my mind the MSM will be doing nothing by hit pieces on Biden. I didn’t watch the interview didn’t see the need.


an hour ago

Who is the person who is not Ad, Choice, Pink, or Me….Logo with no name. Hello whoever you are!


an hour ago

Murph – I don’t see a lurker, but I know they are often present.


an hour ago

Ah ….it was TW…


an hour ago

Well, Murph – TW is a good guy!


an hour ago

CL – I think many MAGAs are just narrow-minded and ignorant so their lack of understanding the ramifications of Trump’s promised actions in the WH and how it will hurt them isn’t even comprehensible to them. They just know that Trump has given them permission to hate and he’s sworn to harm their “enemies”. That’s all they care about, their minds go no farther than that.

AdLiban hour ago

All, just check the Jobs report rate at 4.1% the slight increase will get played out but means nothing, 206,000 jobs. That’s good but at some point it’s going to cool down but we’ll have to wait and see.


an hour ago

My considered opinion of the last SCOTUS round is that it empowers the president LESS than they empowered themselves.


an hour ago

As some of you might recall my roots are British and I am very pleased with the outcome in these elections….I point out again the value a parliamentary system where elections are not fixed dated events but rather responses to current conditions and trust in government.


an hour ago

CL inclined to agree with you regarding the SC.


an hour ago

TW – level headed economic analysts say that’s true, slower growth, but that it’s HEALTHY. Will THAT be said?


an hour ago

Murph – that’s a good point.


an hour ago

Trump is saying he knows zip about P2025. Rubbish! He’s a micromanager of evil.


an hour ago

PPO – several of his own staff are ON the Heritage committees drafting the plan.


an hour ago

CL if we had reporting that was focused on the overall economy instead of trying to out due their competition in who can write the most daming story about Biden.


an hour ago

TW – agreed.


an hour ago

Murph, note the smooth-ish handover of power the minute the UK results were listed. No attempted coup.


an hour ago

WTF is wrong with journalists in America today?


an hour ago

Just in case you missed this earlier posting…. My circle of informed folks is looking at this list for a replacement if necessary. VP Kamala Harris Mi Gov Gretchn Whitmer CA Gov Gavin Newsom Tr. Sec. Pete Buttigieg Penn Gov Josh Shapiro Il Gov. JB Pritzker Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Maryland Governor Wes Moore Senators Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock Michelle Obama


an hour ago

Murph – pretty much the logical group. NOBODY is going to replace Joe.


an hour ago

My biggest concern is not with Biden’s competency but with his aura…..he just seems listless and tired.


an hour ago

CL I wished I knew, but it seems they are bending over backward to try and show they’re not playing favorites when they are in not really reporting on Trump’s gaffs and he has made plenty of them.


an hour ago

I thought it inevitable – Ad can tell you – and wanted Pritzker. He told me to chill. I chilled. I’m fine w Biden now.


an hour ago

TW – We’ve seen the unequal attacks on Biden since he took office, being constantly attacked for the Afghanistan withdrawal that Trump forced the US to do and all that has happened since. The MSM is slanted heavily against Dems. They helped take out Hillary over “what about her emails” but are dead silent about Trump and his family and cronies using private emails and servers while in office. Trump refused to return classified, top secret files yet Hillary’s private server from which no secret documents were compromised, merited over 100 articles at the NYT from Haberman. This is insanity.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, not to mention the emoluments!


an hour ago

Ad you’re right about that. They always seem to go after the dems for what the Repugs have done.


an hour ago

Murph – he was boffo in WI today including at the airport. He called out how WRONG media have been 2018, 2020, 2022. They weren’t happy to have that in their faces, and he was STEADFAST.


an hour ago

The media conspiracy against liberal agendas is so obvious and so often unmentioned.


an hour ago

CL…did not see the WI event….but the interview has gotten lots of attention.


an hour ago

So my work is saying, even if he’s slowing down, so what? He is our YODA, we are his JEDI! It’s OK if he’s slower because he’s brilliant. WE will carry the message. I actually think that works – casting him as our very wisest elder.


an hour ago

The interview was dull because the questions were dull.


an hour ago

CL I did see something about the WI event for Frump but didn’t bother to read it.


an hour ago

S tephanopolus is past HIS prime.


44 minutes ago

TW – the WI rally was for BIDEN, and he was GREAT!


44 minutes ago

CL…your Jedi comparison is intriguing…Biden as Yoda…..hmmmm….not sure how that energizes but it might inspire.


44 minutes ago

CL I never liked Stephanopolus something about him, he seem overly slimly to me


44 minutes ago

It does grab the young, too. They KNOW Yoda and the Jedi.


43 minutes ago

Murph – The only way Biden gets replaced is if he chooses to step down, let the Dem party erupt into chaos and division, handing the presidency to the Criminal King. Not an option if they don’t want Trump elected. There is ZERO scenarios where starting a beauty contest for the Dem nom in smoke-filled rooms by Dem elitists, trashing the votes of tens of millions of people who voted for Biden, accomplishes anything other than hobbling the Dems and handing the election to Trump and Repubs. Zero.

AdLib43 minutes ago

TW – I never liked him either. There will be more interviews. But Biden’s rallies are SUPER.


43 minutes ago

CL…..actually many of the young re. the whole Star Wars universe as quaint .


43 minutes ago

Reading management-dictated crap from a teleprompter is NOT journalism, it is pure propaganda. More and more non-MAGAs are cathing on.


43 minutes ago

PPO – yes, they are seeing corporate media as the enemy. A major movement to attack them both electronic and print is afoot. The won’t know what hit them.


42 minutes ago

CL my mistake I thought it was Frump. They should love Uncle Joe in WI he got done what Frump promised and didn’t deliver on. Remember the millions, billions, trillions of jobs that were suppose to come WI via Foxcom that some how only turned out to be a handfull?


41 minutes ago

Murph – quaint isn’t bad. Wisdom is still something the young admire even if they don’t get it.


41 minutes ago

TW – Biden was HOT today both scripted and not.


41 minutes ago

Trump has no clue how to govern ANYTHING.


40 minutes ago

Ad…I agree with your analysis if Biden really is well and able….I hope he is but to date there is too evidence in support of your perspective. FDR was hidden from the public in his last term because. while he remained very able mentally that could not be easily demonstrated.


40 minutes ago

The incredible disconnect is that voters don’t seem that impacted by the debate but they seem to be impacted by the MSM and activist journalists chanting for Biden to go away.

AdLib40 minutes ago

Murph – we are FDR second term. Joe’s fine.


40 minutes ago

Well, I’m going to continue packing, so, See you next week, Ad and later, TW. Cheers to all for now. Sorry, CL that your mob screwed up your plans. Next year will be here before you know it!


39 minutes ago

CL Biden needs his staff to pick the places he needs to be and make sure he gets the rest he needs to do what he has to do, which means he has to delegate more if he isn’t already and the VP should be more involved in the bigh heavy stuff if she isn’t already.


39 minutes ago

I think I don’t know a lot of what’s out there since I no longer have ANY TV other than sling. Just watch nighttime MSNBC. So I’m probably missing the attempted assassination.


39 minutes ago

Hey PPO looking forward to seeing you.


39 minutes ago

TW – Ad said much the same. Make sure Biden EATS and gets rest.


38 minutes ago

TW agreed…re staff need to Marshall Biden’s energy.


38 minutes ago

Never underestimate the power of social media to push far better messages to the public.


37 minutes ago

Once again…I am aware of the impact of the dumbing down of the American Mind which plays swell into the atrocity that is our elector system.


37 minutes ago

I have a good friend who is the same age as Biden he is active but knows his limits.


37 minutes ago

TW – I’m not THAT far off Biden’s age, but I’m a damned sight stronger than TRUMP.


37 minutes ago

Is it wrong to hope for a medical issue for Trump?


36 minutes ago

Murph the dumbing down of the American populous is a significant problem from my point of view. Far too many caught up in what entertainment star is pissed off about nothing.


36 minutes ago

TW – I do think that has been true – but I think the reality of 2025 is growing. NEVER underestimate the power of Dobbs – women now poll 58% for Biden.


35 minutes ago

Murph – IMO, your informed circle is very poorly informed about what happens in presidential campaigns, historically, when there is conflict and division in the nomination process. LBJ not running, Humphrey running against Carter, Eagleton being pulled from the VP slot, all resulted in losses. Once again, the evidence is very clear that the express train to defeat is trying to remove Biden and start a massive internal fracture in the Dem party by trying to replace him with a wide array of candidates who will divide support and end up alienating all Dems who either wanted Biden or any of the potential replacements they liked who didn’t get the nom. This is so obvious and the intentional blindness seems a by-product of panic.

AdLib34 minutes ago

Stupid of Heritage to release P.2025 now. We can trash it.


34 minutes ago

CL well I just had a birthday and made it to 76 so I know what it’s like to want to do things like I was 26 but it’s not happening.


34 minutes ago

TW – we all get it. But we have OUR marbles, and so does Biden.


33 minutes ago

Biden is 81, Trump is 78….Trump appears healthy nd more vibrant and little is done to counter that.


33 minutes ago

Murph – I would counter that most people see Trump as fat, slow, slobby, and drugged. He doesn’t seem vibrant but Spandexed and hyped.


32 minutes ago

Ad – my circle named those who could be reasonable subs not whether they should do so. The Dem bench is deep, and the GOP is not.


32 minutes ago

Murph – You seem to be a proponent of replacing Biden. Is that correct? If so, how do you envision that process working in a way that doesn’t alienate or discourage Dems from voting for the replacement and handing the WH to Trump?

AdLib32 minutes ago

I can’t remember who was talking on MSNBC, but he said the positive side is there IS a bench w the Dems. There is NO ONE but Trump in the GOP.


31 minutes ago

Murph Trump isn’t that healthy. There is no way he is with all the Big Mac’s and diet cokes and steaks with captup and fries he eats. Not to mention the lack of sleep on his part. And there is no way he isn’t doing some level of steroids.


31 minutes ago

CL…I am often surprised at how few seem to see what you and I see.


31 minutes ago

CL…I agree…..The Dem bench is deep, and the GOP is not.


30 minutes ago

I do not doubt that Trump is physically and mentally unfit…but who is making this a point of contention.


29 minutes ago

CL P 2025 is definitely a plan to end democracy as we know it. And the people who are supporting Trump and think he cares about him are the same type of folks that let Hitler, Mussolini into power to there demise.


29 minutes ago

Murph – not my observation. Hundreds of people on Twitter representing thousands to millions more. I don’t think the women of America are going to vote Dem in Congress, Yes on propositions to save abortion rights, and NO on the man who agrees w them. They have come to despise Trump. More and more are ‘never Trumpers’. Men are as well.


29 minutes ago

TW – P2025 and Trump are catering to a diminishing cult.


28 minutes ago

Ad….I want Biden to be the nominee for many reasons but I do not see the tide turning in his favor.


28 minutes ago

My worry isn’t popular votes for Trump but corruption in swing states over that.


28 minutes ago

Murph – it already IS turning in his favor! Every vote for a Dem anywhere is a vote for him. Dems have won 71% of every election 2018 on. People aren’t going to do that and dump Biden.


27 minutes ago

CL….to me it seems very clear…..there are so many large interest groups that should have no doubt about Biden but they either appear to be waffling or confused.


27 minutes ago

What many are missing about this hostile effort to force Biden off the ticket is that the only way to actually strip Biden of the delegates already earned by him is if he voluntarily releases them before or at the convention. Thus, no amount of skullduggery by Dem Elites to replace Biden can happen. And if the convention spends the many days it will take to battle between support for one replacement candidate over another, it will never end pretty and will leave the dem electorate divided. Reminds me of the old Francis Bacon saying, the remedy is worse than the disease” (though I don’t see Biden as “the disease”).

AdLib26 minutes ago

Biden is doing the work needed to assure them.


26 minutes ago

CL…will the votes you skillfully lay out transfer to Biden…right now I do not see that trend.


26 minutes ago

Ad – that’s exactly correct.


26 minutes ago

Murph as to who is Trump’s healt a point of contention I cannot refute premise of your question, but only can say I believe when it does come up it gets ignored in favor of tearing down Biden. If the MSM would spend days reporting on a President’s Tan suit and the nominal time he spent playing golf and overlook Trump time on the golf course and his overall ignorance on just about everything, well what does one say?


26 minutes ago

Murph the first part of my response should haved read as to Trump’s health.


25 minutes ago

Murph – why would people NOT vote for Biden who voted Dem for unions, women’s rights, jobs, fair immigration. NOBODY is stupid enough to put a lying felon in that mix.


25 minutes ago

Ad,,,I agree that a Dem floor fight would be a Titanic Level disaster.


25 minutes ago

CL…I cannot explain why so many are either opposing their own interests, or, as bad, not working for them.


24 minutes ago

The latest Trump golfcart video showed he’s so spandexed he couldn’t even sit UP. Took him tons of time to actually BEND so he could drive the cart.


24 minutes ago

Murph – I seriously think your residence in MO is not the NATIONAL view.


23 minutes ago

Ad mentioning a Dem Floor fight at the convention, that would be shades of what happened the last time they held their coverntion in Chicago wouldn’t it?


23 minutes ago

TW – yes, and it won’t be allowed.


23 minutes ago

CL…hope you are correct but the numbers right now are not encouraging.


23 minutes ago

Murph – I am sad for your state, my grandfather’s birthplace. But it’s NOT the American norm. Even OHIO is more disposed to Biden these days.


22 minutes ago

CL…if Trump’s clearly unfit nature is not obvious to those who watch his golfing it is no surprise that his overwhelmingly reprehensible history, record, and views and promise fails to lead them to what is obvious.


21 minutes ago

Murph – the numbers have been WRONG on almost every poll. Look at Angela Alsobrook – she was consis tently DOWN 8% relative to her Dem opponent who was a creep. She WON by 18%. That’s bad polling. And bad polling is either deliberate or incompetent.


21 minutes ago

CL….I do not speak just from my experience in Mo……I am looking to national trends.


20 minutes ago

Murph – What “tide”? Of MSM entities piling on Biden? Because the public at large isn’t on board with this onslaught of attacks for Biden to go away. Did Repubs panic when Trump was convicted of 34 criminal counts? And adjudicated a rapist? Yet we should all give up on Biden because of one bad debate appearance? I am just not a fan of panic or viewing the future after one negative incident without recognizing that there can just as easily be a negative incident that turns against Trump whole Joe Biden could work hard to pull himself out of the hole he dug for himself. Is the continuation of events over now that the MSM has sunk its teeth into this incident? Nothing else can happen between now and Nov that is advantageous to Biden and detrimental to Trump?

AdLib20 minutes ago

No – look at VOTING and see the gap between polls and outcomes. Dems are sweeping the floor.


20 minutes ago

Every pundit admits Dems are “outperforming” in the voting. Whatever the hell THAT means.


19 minutes ago

TW – Yes, you’re right. Something about Chicago and Dems being divided at their convention that go together.

AdLib18 minutes ago

And even aging me is doing postcard writing and letter writing – and it is making a difference.


18 minutes ago

Ad – Not this time. Not my Chicago!


18 minutes ago

Folks…..I have been and still am a Biden fan but I am very aware of how shallow the contemporary voter is, how lazy, how willing to follow the media lead, and how uneducated….and that has me deeply concerned. The Dems need a backup plan based on the bench. Given his age, older now that either Reagan or Eisenhower when they left office, the issue of age and health is very real.I remember Biddens jogging from one side of a crowd to the other several times at his inauguration and that image was compelling. What is compelling now.


16 minutes ago

One message we need to push: Trump seized white ranchers’ land for the Wall, cutting off their grazing and water access without compensation. If he can do that to them, anything you own can be seized unconstitutionally. In OH, PA, OK – lots of lands w gas and oil are residential area properties. You think you are safe? What about the lot next door? Your property values will plummet no matter WHO you are. I saw this in Youngstown OH. People were screwed by fed permissions under Trump to drill in RESIDENTIAL areas.


15 minutes ago

CL – You and I are on the same page that the only accurate gauge of who voters are supporting are election results, not any polls. One can’t disparage polls then hold up ones they think support their personal views as evidence of anything. Polling has gone the way of horseless carriages, the science of it has not kept up with the complexity of society, the many issue-related motivations for voters, the unwillingness of middle-aged and younger Dem voters to participate in polls, and the fracturing of society via social media and technology. Polls are worthless, only election results represent voters’ sensibilities.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Ad – AMEN!!!!


14 minutes ago

Choice…true….but Trumpers are fact adverse and delusional. They will believe anything that improves their man’s profile and dismiss as a lie anything that does not.


13 minutes ago

CL – Agreed, there will not be a “Dems in Disarray” at the convention because this BS dogpile on Biden has already failed.

AdLib13 minutes ago

Murph the only problem I have with your statement is why is Biden’s age a problem and not Trump’s? There are more then enough instances when Trump was all over the place at a number of his outings and what did the press really do about it? Reported briefly then moved on to attacking Biden for making a mistake. Something is clearly rotten in Denmark.


13 minutes ago

Murph also, you are right about the lack of attention the voter has today.


12 minutes ago

TW….the truth is that few see Trump as old as they see Biden.


12 minutes ago

TW…his hair color, his stature, his facial affect, his makeup, his hair piece and great tailoring make him look a lot healthier than Biden


11 minutes ago

Murph – I’m not concerned about the cult. They will vote for Trump even if, like RFK, Jr., they know he’s eaten Rover. It’s the women, it’s working class men, whose jobs and prosperity are all due to Biden. Women trust his support for choice. They know if they’re in Red states, when hurricanes hit even TX tomorrow, Biden will send help. Things for THOSE folks are real, tangible, solid. Trump let them down and promises WORSE.


11 minutes ago

CL….then why is that confidence not showing up in the polling.


10 minutes ago

Murph – Agreed, facts will not change the minds of cultist MAGAs. But they aren’t the target demographic that Biden or Trump need to win the election, they need moderate and swing voters. Plenty of media people can howl about Biden and wave around polls but the real question that should be polled is, “Will Biden voters or those leaning Biden be willing to vote for someone they despise in Trump because of the age issue?”

AdLib10 minutes ago

Murph I cannot disagree with you on that statement, I can only say they are blind and pardon me for what I’m about to say, but damn F***ing stupid if they believe Trump give a damn about them and will do anything for them Those who far in your state will get nothing from him he doesn’t care. He will sell the country out for money he is a nothing but a two bit grifting con man.


9 minutes ago

Murph – You’re still regarding polling as accurate?

AdLib9 minutes ago

Murph – he wears Spanx and invisible face lift tape in public. We need to counter that with derision. Biden today was energetic, looked WAY younger and more lively. Keep him off long haul flights, things will be good. It took me three weeks to recover from an 8 hour flight from Pittsburgh. 7 transatlantic flights did not help.


9 minutes ago

Ad…your proposed position makes sense and. I cannot imagine why it is not being reflected in the fact gathering available but Biden remains an underdog. Why?


9 minutes ago

Murph if the folks are buying into his makeup and crap well, what can one say.


8 minutes ago

TW..true….which only goes to increase my amazement at how stupid they are, lemmings marching to the sea.


8 minutes ago

Once again, Biden has already announced that he will not give into this organized attack on him. So that’s over. At the convention, I am confident Biden will make a powerful speech that shuts up the naysayers and fuels his momentum into winning the election.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad….polling is quantitive and until we have other measures that are the same, I need to give them their due.


7 minutes ago

Murph I guess God gave us lemmings so we would know how to make real lemonade.


6 minutes ago

Murph – says who? That’s the issue – who is saying he’s the underdog? Polling after the debate was POWERFUL for Biden on issues. People have to be reminded that bullying and lying are NOT “presidential”. Joe ramped up tough stuff on Trump today, and people FLOCKED to hear him! A couple undecided who were thinking he needed to drop out no longer DO. This will take some time – another couple of weeks – but he CAN pull it off.


6 minutes ago

TW..makeup, tailoring, hair pieces etc…..they are the front pieces to folks in all kinds of work. And they do work.


6 minutes ago

TW…lemmings and lemonade.


5 minutes ago

Murph – But scientific principle insists that if a previously accepted method is proven not to be consistently accurate, it cannot be relied upon and certainly is not an absolute. It does not support the proposition that something else has to come along to replace a faulty theory to prove it’s faulty.

AdLib5 minutes ago

Murph – I was polled by Rasmussen. I could see that, according to hoil, I’d been cut OUT. I don’t fit their matrix – older white woman but VERY liberal. They are not doing it scientifically or well. Whether it’s an accident or a plot, polls are NOT revealing the votes and haven’t for years.


5 minutes ago

Murph yes I like have a nice cold glass of lemonade while watch the damn fool lemming fall off the cliff.


4 minutes ago

CL….yes, I am stunned that anyone finds Trump appealing and I hope that those flocks continue to grow….


4 minutes ago



4 minutes ago

Political polling has been proven for 8 years straight to be inaccurate. So should polls be viewed as accurate?

AdLib3 minutes ago

Guys – I’ve been up since 5 putting the revisions on my evaluations of the CA ballot measures, and I’m fading out. Hugs to you all. Wish I could see PPO Tuesday, but tell him please I send my love. I’m just exhausted and need to go to sleep. Love to you all.


3 minutes ago

CL you take care.


3 minutes ago

Take care and get some rest CL!

AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph – i love that: Lemmingade!


3 minutes ago

Night all!


2 minutes ago

Murph Lemmingrade nice touch. Since you put grade in the mix I would give the Trump fools a Triple F—-


2 minutes ago

Ad,,,I cannot feel better re. the failure of polling…..when our entire constitutional structure is poisedon the edge of an abyss.


2 minutes ago

I have a long day of Kunce-ing ahead and will turn in to recharge. Best to all.


a few seconds ago

We shall see what transpires but I would suggest all these naysayers take Biden’s word for it, he’s not going anywhere nor releasing his delegates for someone else to be the nom. It’s not going to happen. So a more constructive focus should be on messaging to move the focus back on how Trump is unfit to be president and making the election about either voting for Trump and his overthrow of our democracy or voting against Trump and protecting our democracy.

AdLiba few seconds ago

When it comes to polling I have to admit I don’t put any stock in them at this stage.


a few seconds ago

Looks like it’s just us left


in a few seconds

TW – Right with you.

AdLibin a few seconds

Shall we?

AdLibin a few seconds

Will call in a sec.


in a few seconds


AdLibin a few seconds

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